375 field communicator инструкция на русском

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Summary of Contents for Emerson 375

  • Page 1
    User s Manual ’…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    IELD OMMUNICATOR NOTICE Read this User’s Manual before working with the Model 375 Field Communicator. For personal and system safety, and for optimum product performance, thoroughly understand the contents before using or servicing this product. For equipment service needs, contact the nearest product representative.

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Using the Soft Input Panel (SIP) keyboard … 2-9 Viewing The 375 Main Menu ……2-9 Starting the HART application.

  • Page 6
    Running the Settings menu ……2-10 About 375 ……..2-10 Backlight .
  • Page 7
    Table of Contents TOC-3 Waste disposal ……..2-24 SECTION 3 HART Functionality Overview .
  • Page 8
    Interoperability ……..4-3 375 operation with other hosts……4-3 ST_REV.
  • Page 9
    Table of Contents TOC-5 Other Block List selections ……4-15 Detail Menu ……..4-15 Changing the I/O block schedule .
  • Page 10
    Table of Contents TOC-6 Connection Specifications……A-2 Battery Charger ……. . A-2 HART and Fieldbus Communication .
  • Page 11: Using This Manual

    OMMUNICATOR ECTION NTRODUCTION USING THIS The sections in this manual provide information on MANUAL connecting and operating the 375 Field Communicator. Section 2: Learning the Basics contains ® information on settings, types of storage, IrDA communication, using ScratchPad, maintenance, managing files and storage.

  • Page 12
  • Page 13: Learning The Basics

    Other warning messages can be found in the Troubleshooting section of this manual. IMPORTANT NOTICE Ensure the battery pack and the 375 Field Communicator are properly aligned during assembly to prevent damage to the connector pins. IMPORTANT NOTICE During assembly/disassembly: Do not pull up on the battery pack as this could damage the power supply connector.

  • Page 14: Installing The System Card And The Battery Pack

    Learning the Basics WARNING Contact with the touch screen should be made by blunt items only, preferably the stylus included with the 375 Field Communicator. The use of sharp instruments, such as screwdrivers, can cause failure of the touch screen interface. WARNING Initiating a Re-Flash initiates reinstallation of the system software from the System Card.

  • Page 15: Starting Up And Shutting Down

    A full charge is indicated by a solid green DOWN light on the charger/power supply. Charging may take up to two hours. The 375 Field Communicator may be used while charging. Before operating the 375 Field Communicator, ensure: • The 375 Field Communicator is not damaged.

  • Page 16
    While applications are open, the on/off key is disabled. You must exit to the 375 Main Menu before using the on/off key. To shut down the 375 Field Communicator press and hold the on/off key until the display turns off (approximately three…
  • Page 17: Basic Features And Functions

    Learning the Basics BASIC FEATURES FUNCTIONS Figure 2-2. 375 Field Communicator diagram IrDA interface (top) HART and fieldbus communication terminals (top) Stylus (back) Touch screen Expansion port display (side) Navigation keys Enter key (four arrow keys) Function key Tab key…

  • Page 18: Using The Keypad

    The on/off ( ) key is used to power on and off the 375 Field Communicator. You can also power the 375 Field Communicator off by simultaneously pressing the backlight adjustment key and the function key until the display turns off. This is a mechanism by which the…

  • Page 19: Alphanumeric Keypad

    ) key allows you to adjust the intensity of the display. There are four different settings. Intensity impacts the battery life of the 375 Field Communicator. Expect a shorter battery life for higher intensities; see “Backlight” on page 2-11 for settings.

  • Page 20: Function Key

    5 key (insert) will be activated in future releases of the 375 Field Communicator software. Multifunction LED The multifunction LED allows you to recognize when the 375 Field Communicator is in various states; see Table 2-1. Table 2-1. Multifunction LED Multifunction LED Processing indication Green The 375 Field Communicator is on.

  • Page 21: Using The Soft Input Panel (Sip) Keyboard

    The SIP keyboard detects when you need to enter characters and will appear automatically as required. VIEWING THE The 375 Main Menu allows you to run the HART 375 MAIN application, run the Settings menu, communicate MENU with a PC, and launch the ScratchPad application.

  • Page 22: Starting The Hart Application

    1. From the 375 Main Menu select Settings. 2. Select the desired setting from the Settings menu. About 375 About 375 allows you to view the software property revisions of your particular 375 Field Communicator. If you need to call technical support personnel, have the System Software…

  • Page 23: Backlight

    CANCEL to exit without changes. Clock The clock setting allows you to set the date and time on the 375 Field Communicator. Configure the date by using the drop down menu. To configure the time, highlight the appropriate time field and use the arrows to scroll through values until you find the correct time.

  • Page 24: Event Capture

    (.rec) files. An event capture is a log of communication, input, and screen output that occurs between the 375 Field Communicator and a device. 1. Activate event capture in the settings menu by tapping the desired radio button.

  • Page 25: License

    Learning the Basics 2-13 License Licensing can be viewed when you turn on the 375 Field Communicator and in the license settings menu. The license setting allows you to view the license on the System Card. The HART application license is standard in every 375 Field Communicator.

  • Page 26: Touch Screen Alignment

    Touch screen alignment will be retained upon start up. Exit to the 375 Main Menu Double-tap Exit to 375 Main Menu if you want to return to the 375 Main Menu. Communicating IrDA communication with PCs…

  • Page 27: Listen For Pc

    • 375 Field Communicator Easy Upgrade Programming Utility To enter Listen for PC: 1. From the 375 Main Menu, select Listen for PC. 2. Align the 375 Field Communicator IrDA interface with the PC IrDA interface. 3. Complete the necessary transfer(s) using the Programming Utility or AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager;…

  • Page 28: Transferring Hart Configurations Using Ams Suite: Intelligent Device Manager

    Suite: Intelligent Device Manager A Handheld Communicator Interface kit of the Intelligent Device Manager (version 6.2 or higher) option lets you use the 375 Field Communicator with AMS. 1. Align the 375 Field Communicator IrDA interface with the PC IrDA interface and then enter Listen for PC.

  • Page 29: Using The Scratchpad Application

    (.txt) documents. You are able to transfer .txt files between a PC and the 375 Field Communicator using the Programming Utility. ScratchPad only supports very basic formatting.

  • Page 30: Create A New Document

    2-18 Learning the Basics Create a new document From the Main Page in the ScratchPad application, tap the NEW button. An empty text window and SIP keypad will appear. You are now ready to enter text into your new document. A new document can also be created within ScratchPad by tapping the New ( ) icon in the…

  • Page 31: Cut Text

    Learning the Basics 2-19 Cut text 1. Select the text to be cut. 2. Tap Edit from the menu bar. 3. Tap Cut from the Edit menu. You can also cut text by selecting text and tapping the Cut ( ) icon in the toolbar.

  • Page 32: Save A Copy

    2-20 Learning the Basics Save a copy To save a copy of the current document under another name: 1. In your document, tap File from the menu bar. 2. Tap Save As… from the File menu. 3. Type the copy file name in the dialog box. Delete a document There are three options for deleting a ScratchPad document:…

  • Page 33: Managing Storage

    OUNDATION 3. RAM—32MB used only for program execution 4. Expansion Module (EM)— an optional removable memory card that snaps into the Expansion Port on the side of the 375 Field Communicator. The Configuration Expansion Module can store HART device configurations.

  • Page 34: Maintenance

    “Power” on page 2-13. You can also check the battery charge remaining before you insert a spare battery pack. 1. Remove the battery pack from the 375 Field Communicator; see “Removing the System Card and battery pack” on page 2-23.

  • Page 35: Charging The Battery

    Removing the System Card and battery pack Remove the System Card and battery pack: 1. Place the 375 Field Communicator face down on a level, secure surface. 2. Loosen the two battery pack retaining screws until the top of each screw is flush with the top of the battery pack.

  • Page 36: Running A Self Test

    Running a self There is no need, nor is it possible, to perform a test manual self test with the 375 Field Communicator. Testing features are done automatically. A warning message will occur if a fault condition is found during these tests.

  • Page 37: Overview

    HART F ECTION UNCTIONALITY OVERVIEW This section provides instruction on basic HART functionality of the Model 375 Field Communicator. As they become available, the HART Field Communicator menu trees will be located online at www.fieldcommunicator.com. SAFETY Procedures and instructions in this section may…

  • Page 38: Starting The Hart Application

    This is common when only static parameters are listed. STARTING To start the HART application: THE HART 1. Turn on the 375 Field Communicator. The 375 APPLICATION Main Menu is displayed with HART as the default application. 2. Double-tap HART Application. If a live HART…

  • Page 39: Setting Up Hot Key Options

    HART Functionality Setting up Hot The Hot Key menu is a user-definable menu that Key options can store shortcuts for up to 20 of your most frequently performed tasks. For example, if you change device tags and damping often, you can add options for these functions to the Hot Key menu.

  • Page 40: Executing Hot Key Options

    375 Field Communicator to a device. You can access the Hot Key menu from any online window. To use a Hot Key option: 1. Connect the 375 Field Communicator to a HART loop or device. 2. Tap the Hot Key. The Hot Key menu is displayed.

  • Page 41: Working Offline

    375 Field communicator from another program will be saved as a user configuration. Editing a device configuration within the 375 Field Communicator will change it to a user configuration. The concept of partial or standard configurations does not apply to the 375 Field Communicator. All configurations are full configurations.

  • Page 42
    HART Functionality 6. If a warning appears, thoroughly read the warning, tap CONT. to accept the warning and proceed, or tap EXIT to end creating a new user configuration. 7. Mark the configurable variables you want sent to the HART device. Double-tap Mark all > OK to have all variables marked.
  • Page 43: Opening Saved Configurations Offline

    HART Functionality Opening saved Once opened, a saved configuration allows you to configurations edit, copy to, send, delete, rename, and compare Offline to other saved configurations. To open a saved configuration: 1. From the HART Application main menu, double-tap Offline. 2.

  • Page 44: Edit A Saved Configuration Offline

    HART Functionality list configurations that have a tag or name that begins P- 0 and ends with a 7, set the filter to P — 0.7. The XPAND button allows you to view the tag, manufacturer, device type, descriptor, and the configuration type.

  • Page 45: Copy A Saved Configuration Offline

    Delete a saved configuration Offline Delete allows you to remove configurations one at a time. To delete a configuration from the 375 Field Communicator storage: 1. From the Saved Configuration menu, double-tap Delete.

  • Page 46: Rename A Saved Configuration Offline

    The 375 Field Communicator notifies you if this condition is not met. The format of data storage must match exactly. The 375 Field Communicator notifies you if this condition is not met. 1. From the Saved Configuration menu, double-tap Compare.

  • Page 47: Working Online

    Appendix B “Approval Information”. A HART configuration created from a connected HART device will initially be saved as a 375 device configuration. Editing a device configuration within the 375 Field Communicator will change it to a 375 user configuration.

  • Page 48
    3-12 HART Functionality There are three terminals on the top of the 375 Field Communicator. Two of them are red and one of them is black. Each red terminal is a positive connection for its protocol. The black terminal is a common shared by both protocols.
  • Page 49: Connecting To A Hart Loop

    HART Functionality 3-13 Figure 3-2 illustrates how to connect the 375 Field Communicator to a HART loop: Figure 3-2. Connecting to a HART loop HART compatible device RL 250 Power supply Current meter Figure 3-3 illustrates how to connect the 375 Field…

  • Page 50: Viewing The Online Menu

    3-14 HART Functionality The following diagram illustrates how to connect the optional 250-ohm resistor. Attaching a resistor is necessary if less than 250 ohms resistance is present in the HART loop. HART compatible device Power Supply – – Optional 250-Ohm Load Resistor To temporarily install the optional 250-ohm load resistor:…

  • Page 51
    1. Connect the 375 Field Communicator to a HART loop or directly to the device. 2. Push the on/off button to turn on the 375 Field Communicator. 3. Double tap HART Application. The Online main menu will be displayed automatically.
  • Page 52: Viewing The Device Setup Submenu

    3-16 HART Functionality Viewing the The Device Setup menu accesses every Device Setup configurable parameter of the connected device. submenu Double-tap Device setup to view the process variables, diagnostics and service, basic setup, detailed setup, and review: Process Variables (PV) The PV menu lists all process variables and their values.

  • Page 53: Basic Setup

    HART Functionality 3-17 Basic setup The Basic setup menu provides quick access to a number of configurable parameters including tag, unit, range values, and damping. The options available in the Basic setup menu are the most fundamental tasks that can be performed with a given device.

  • Page 54: Primary Variable (Pv)

    HART diagnostics. Configuring Changing the HART polling option the HART Use the HART polling option to configure your 375 application Field Communicator to automatically search for all or specific connected devices. Most HART device installations contain one device per loop and the device address equals zero.

  • Page 55
    HART Functionality 3-19 output of each device is fixed and no longer represents any variable. To change the polling option: 1. From the HART main menu, double-tap Utility. 2. Double-tap Configure HART Application. 3. Double-tap Polling. 4. Select one of the following polling options: •…
  • Page 56: Changing Ignored Status Messages

    3-20 HART Functionality Changing ignored status messages The 375 Field Communicator displays status messages from all connected HART devices. The Ignore Status option lets you specify the number of field device status messages that are ignored, extending the time between displayed messages.

  • Page 57: Viewing Available Device Descriptions

    HART Functionality 3-21 Viewing HART Device Descriptions enable the 375 Field available Communicator to recognize and configure specific Device HART-compatible devices. To view the currently Descriptions installed HART Device Descriptions: 1. From the HART main menu, double-tap Utility. 2. Double-tap Available Device Descriptions.

  • Page 58: Viewing Hart Diagnostics

    (This warning will not appear if your device is tested.) The online menu for the simulated device is displayed. You can now use the 375 Field Communicator as if it were connected to the selected device and perform any online task.

  • Page 59: Fieldbus Functionality

    Host System database. Ensure all safety precautions and work procedures have been followed. If this segment is connected to a Host System, the changes made with the 375 may not be recorded in the Host System’s permanent data base. Verify the changes in the database.

  • Page 60: Basic Features And Functions

    Scheduler Scheduler (LAS). The LAS operates as the bus (LAS) arbiter for the segment. The 375 Field Communicator is set up to always be the last node to become the LAS on a segment. The devices that are capable of becoming the LAS are called link master devices.

  • Page 61: Interoperability

    375 Field Communicator. If certification is not received, a warning message will display when you attempt to access an untested device. 375 operation When a 375 Field Communicator is connected to a with other live fieldbus segment and a host system, it joins hosts the fieldbus segment but not as the LAS.

  • Page 62: Modes

    In this mode, the output of the block can be manually overwritten for testing purposes. Other Types of Modes Other types of modes are Cas, RCas, ROut, IMan and LO. For more information; see the Emerson Process Management, Rosemount Division Function Block manual, document 00809-0100-4783.

  • Page 63: Locating Mode Parameters

    Fieldbus Functionality Locating Mode Parameters In the Resource and Transducer blocks, the mode parameters are normally found in the Process menu. In all other Function blocks, they are found in the Common Config. menu. The Mode parameters will also be included in the All parameter list;…

  • Page 64: Starting The Fieldbus Application

    FIELDBUS detected on the segment. Select YES to proceed APPLICATION to the live list, NO to return to the 375 Main Menu, or HELP to get more information on the warning. To start the fieldbus application: 1. Turn on the 375 Field Communicator. The 375 Main Menu is displayed;…

  • Page 65: Working Online

    Fieldbus Functionality To navigate back to the 375 Main Menu, press the back arrow button. From the Fieldbus Application main menu you can choose Online, Utility or Fieldbus Diagnostic functions. The rest of this section will guide you through the Fieldbus Application menus and functions.

  • Page 66
    Fieldbus Functionality There are three terminals on the top of the 375 Field Communicator. Two of them are red and one of them is black. Each red terminal is a positive connection for its protocol. The black terminal is a common shared by both protocols.
  • Page 67: Bench Hook-Up

    Fieldbus Functionality Bench hook-up The following diagram illustrates one method of connecting the 375 Field Communicator on a bench. For segments that are limited in size, the power conditioner and terminators can be contained in a single wiring block. Fieldbus…

  • Page 68: Field Hook-Up

    Fieldbus Functionality Field hook-up The following diagram illustrates one method of connecting the 375 Field Communicator to a fieldbus segment. The 375 Field Communicator can be connected at any convenient place along the bus (segment). In the field, this is typically done at the device or at the fieldbus junction box.

  • Page 69: Displaying The Live Device List

    To display the active devices on a Fieldbus Live Device segment (live list): List 1. Connect the 375 Field Communicator to a Fieldbus segment. 2. Turn on the 375 Field Communicator. 3. On the main menu, double tap F OUNDATION Fieldbus Application.

  • Page 70
    4-12 Fieldbus Functionality Displaying the The Block List view lists the block tag, block type, Block List and actual mode of the device blocks, as well as Schedule, Advanced, and Detail information contained in a particular device. Consult your device manual or the Fieldbus Foundation for more information on blocks.
  • Page 71: Displaying The Block List

    Block menus display block information for the fieldbus device to which you are connected. If the DD is not installed in your 375 Field Communicator a DD error will appear. New DDs will be made available on a regular basis; see “Easy Upgrade Programming Utility”…

  • Page 72: Changing And Sending Parameter Data

    4-14 Fieldbus Functionality Displaying block parameters for fieldbus devices To display the parameters for fieldbus devices: 1. Display the live list; see page 4-11. 2. Double tap a device on the live list to view the blocks in that device. 3.

  • Page 73: Running Methods

    Fieldbus Functionality 4-15 Running methods (e.g. calibrations, sensor trim, diagnostic etc.) Select submenu choices as appropriate. Different devices have different methods associated with them. The selections on these menus vary accordingly. 1. Display the live list; see page 4-11. 2. Double tap a device from the live list. 3.

  • Page 74: Changing The I/O Block Schedule

    The LAS automatically assigns an address to a device when it is connected to a segment. If an LAS other than the 375 Field Communicator is on the segment, changing the address could have unpredictable results. It is not recommended to change the address when the device is connected to a control system.

  • Page 75: Displaying Advanced Features

    V(NUN) is the number of node addresses not to poll. The addresses between V(FUN) and V(NUN) are polled. The DeltaV System checkbox instructs the 375 Field Communicator to use the same polling scheme as DeltaV. Enter the desired polling addresses in the appropriate field.

  • Page 76: Viewing Installed Fieldbus Device Descriptions

    Utility. 2. Select and double tap Device Descriptions List. Fieldbus device manufacturers installed on the 375 Field Communicator are listed. 3. Select and double tap the manufacturer of the device you want to view. The models available for the manufacturer are listed.

  • Page 77: Disconnecting From A Fieldbus Device

    Fieldbus Functionality 4-19 Figure 4-5. Fieldbus Diagnostics screen examples Disconnecting Prior to disconnecting or turning off the 375 Field from a Communicator be sure to check the following Fieldbus items: Device • Verify methods (e.g. calibration) are complete. • Resolve any un-sent data to the device.

  • Page 78
    4-20 Fieldbus Functionality…
  • Page 79: Troubleshooting Suggestions

    This section provides basic troubleshooting techniques for the Model 375 Field Communicator. Below are methods for troubleshooting HART Networks that are experiencing problems communicating between a field device and the 375 Field Communicator. Troubleshooting Answer the questions below and use the…

  • Page 80: Loops

    Almost all field devices need at least 4mA and 12VDC to operate properly. If there are multiple field devices on a multidrop loop then set the 375 Field Communicator to digital polling mode. Inspection of the loop wiring can often times reveal problems.

  • Page 81: Sample Values

    Troubleshooting Sample values Loop Current Flow Minimum voltage for 250 ohms. 4 ma 1 Volt 8 ma 2 Volts 12 ma 3 Volts 16 ma 4 Volts 20 ma 5 Volts If the voltage across the process-indicating device is greater than the value listed for a given current flow then the device has at least 250 of internal resistance.

  • Page 82
    Control system is HART communication Stop HART communications on the control communicating HART, but is being prevented by system and verify if communication between the 375 is not the control system. the field devices and the communicator is communicating properly. restored.
  • Page 83: Error And Status Messages

    Press OK to turn off. (Where x indicates the test that failed.) Battery power is less than 5%. You must recharge the 375 The power-up battery check detects battery, switch to a spare battery pack, or use external the battery charge is below five power.

  • Page 84
    Troubleshooting HART Error and Help Messages Description «Poll Using Long Tag» allows the user to enter the long tag This is a help message. of the device they want to connect to «Poll Using Tag» allows you to enter the tag of the device This is a help message.
  • Page 85
    Troubleshooting DD Error…»developed-to mismatch»…DD version This error message appears when <manufacture name, device name, dev. rev. #, and the DD was developed using a later DD rev. #>; HART application <version x.y>; HART app HART app revision. version x.y…Reinstall DD…See Programming Interface for details DD Error…»DD header file corrupted»…Reinstall Device This error message appears when…
  • Page 86
    Check connection to fieldbus devices on the segment. Press OK to return to the live list. devices. The 375 has been disconnected from the segment. Press Verify that the 375 lead set is still RETRY to attempt to reconnect to the segment.» Press securely connected to the FF CANCEL to return to the FF app main menu.
  • Page 87: Required Information For Technical Assistance

    • What is the message on the 375 Field Communicator when attempting to communicate with a field device (i.e., device not found)? • What is the serial number of the 375 having the communication issue? • Is the device in burst mode? •…

  • Page 88: Contacting Technical Support Personnel

    5-10 Troubleshooting • Does the Control system support HART communications? • If a HART multiplexer is being used, what is the manufacture and model? • What is the approximate Field Device loop length? (Length of the wire) • Are there any error messages being displayed? •…

  • Page 89: Appendix A Reference Information

    ’ ANUAL 00375-0047-0001, Rev. C 375 F February 2004 IELD OMMUNICATOR PPENDIX EFERENCE NFORMATION PROCESSOR AND MEMORY SPECIFICATIONS ® Microprocessor 133 Mhz Hitachi Memory Internal Flash 32 MB System Card 128 MB (or higher) Secure Digital card 32 MB Expansion Module…

  • Page 90: Keypad

    Reference Information Keypad Twenty-five keys including four action keys, twelve alphanumeric keys, four alternate functionality keys, on/off, and 4 navigation (arrow) keys; membrane design with tactile feedback POWER Power supply voltage SUPPLY 6.0 V SPECIFICATIONS Battery Five rechargeable NiMh AA batteries Not serviceable.

  • Page 91: Environmental Specifications

    Reference Information ENVIRONMENTAL Usage SPECIFICATIONS -10°C to +50°C (14°F to 122°F) 0% to 95%RH (non-condensing) for 0°C to +50°C (32°F to 122°F) Charge 0°C to +40°C (32°F to 104°F) Storage -20°C to +55°C (-4°F to 131°F) with batteries (less than one month) Storage without batteries -20°C to +60°C (-4°F to 140°F) Enclosure rating…

  • Page 92: Ordering Information

    Carrying case, Getting Started Guide, User’s Manual, 375 Resource CD, stylus and straps. (2) This option should only be considered if the user already has a 375 Power Supply/Charger. Note: Only 375 Power Supply/Chargers are to be used with the 375 battery pack.

  • Page 93: Spare Parts List

    00375-0047-0001 Resource CD 00375-0049-0001 (1) For use with AMS/375 Interface or 375 Programming Utility. (2) Includes unlimited upgrades to System Card for 3 year period. (3) Contains Programming Utility and System Software/DD database. This CD is updated on a quarterly basis.

  • Page 94
    Reference Information…
  • Page 95: Appendix B Approval Information

    CE Compliance per EN 50014, EN 50020, and EN 50284 Other important guidelines Only use new, original parts. Do not charge the battery in hazardous areas. Have repairs done only by qualified personnel. Only charge or power using the 375 Power Supply. www.fieldcommunicator.com…

  • Page 96: North American Certifications

    375 Field Communicators also have an (KL OPTION additional label opposite the main unit label; see ONLY) Figure B — 2. If the 375 Field Communicator does not contain this label (NA option) then it should be considered non-IS approved. North…

  • Page 97: European Certifications

    Approval Information European ATEX Intrinsic Safety Certifications Certification No.: DMT 03 ATEX E 031 II 2 G (1 GD) EEx ia IIC T4 (-10 °C +50 °C) 0158 HART Intrinsically Safe electrical parameters Input Parameters = 30 Volt DC = 200 mA = 1.0 Watt Output Parameters = 1.9 Volt DC…

  • Page 98: Label Drawings

    Approval Information LABEL DRAWINGS Figure B — 1. All 375 Field Communicators will have a similar label to the one below. Figure B — 2. Approval Ex label example (KL option only)

  • Page 99
    Approval Information Figure B — 3. Battery Pack Label example (all)
  • Page 100: Approval Drawing

    Approval Information APPROVAL This approval drawing can also be found on the DRAWING www.fieldcommunicator.com website.

  • Page 101
    Approval Information werden. werden. verwertet verwertet uchlich uchlich missbr missbr Weise Weise anderer anderer nicht nicht Dritte Dritte durch durch oder oder nger nger Empf Empf durch durch darf darf erdem erdem werden. werden. gemacht gemacht nglich nglich Dritte Dritte noch noch ltigt,…
  • Page 102
    Approval Information werden. werden. verwertet verwertet uchlich uchlich missbr missbr Weise Weise anderer anderer nicht nicht Dritte Dritte durch durch oder oder nger nger Empf Empf durch durch darf darf erdem erdem werden. werden. gemacht gemacht nglich nglich Dritte Dritte noch noch ltigt,…
  • Page 103
    Approval Information werden. werden. verwertet verwertet uchlich uchlich missbr missbr Weise Weise anderer anderer nicht nicht Dritte Dritte durch durch oder oder nger nger Empf Empf durch durch darf darf erdem erdem werden. werden. gemacht gemacht nglich nglich Dritte Dritte noch noch ltigt,…
  • Page 104
    Approval Information B-10…
  • Page 105: Glossary

    ’ ANUAL 00375-0047-0001, Rev. C 375 F February 2004 IELD OMMUNICATOR LOSSARY Alphanumeric A character set that contains both letters and digits and, usually, other characters, such as punctuation marks. AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager Software for remotely managing Smart field devices (offline or online) over existing HART or F fieldbus networks.

  • Page 106
    -compatible field devices. See also Device Description. Expansion Module (EM) An optional removable memory card that snaps into the Expansion Port on the side of the 375 Field Communicator. See ordering information for availability types. Field device Field devices may generate or receive an analog signal in addition to the HART digital communication signal.
  • Page 107
    Once instantiated, these function blocks operate like any other block in the device. The 375 Field Communicator does not currently support the command to instantiate function blocks in a fieldbus device.
  • Page 108
    G-iv Intrinsic Safety Circuits that are designed to limit the amount of energy consumed or provided to field devices to levels below those that are required to ignite specific types of hazardous materials under fault and no fault conditions. Also a method of providing safe operation of electronic process-control instrumentation in hazardous areas, such as flammable environments.
  • Page 109
    Device Descriptions. OUNDATION User data file A text (.TXT) file created by a user either on a PC or with the ScratchPad application on the 375. User data files can be transferred between the 375 Programming Utility and a 375.
  • Page 110
  • Page 111: Index

    Brightness, see Backlight .txt file G-v 2-11 .txt files 2-17 Button FILTR 3-7 Numerics Home 3-15 375 Main Menu 2-9 Hot Key 3-3 Terminate 2-9 XPAND 3-8 About 375 2-10 Address 4-16 Advanced features 4-17 Calibration 3-16 Alphanumeric keypad 2-5, 2-7, A-2…

  • Page 112
    Load resistor 3-14 HART configurations offline 3-8 Power supply/charger 2-5 Electro Magnetic Compatibility B-1 Specifications A-2 Enclosure rating A-3 Contrast 2-11 Enter key 2-5, 2-6 Copying Entering text 2-18 HART configurations offline 3-9 Environmental specifications A-3 Copying text 2-19 Equipment and componet directive B-1 Cutting text 2-19 Error messages 5-5 European…
  • Page 113
    Key 2-5, 2-8 Instantiation G-iii Functions 2-5 Internal Flash 3-20, A-1, G-iii Interoperability 4-3 Intrinsic Safety G-iv HART Introduction 1-1 Application 2-10, 3-14 IrDA 2-5, 2-14, 2-15, G-iv Comparing offline 3-10 Adapter 2-14 Copying offline 3-9 Deleting offline 3-9 Device G-iii Disconnecting 3-22 Alphanumeric keypad 2-5, 2-7, A-2 Editing offline 3-8…
  • Page 114
    Specifications A-1 Modes 4-5 Menu trees 3-1 Modified 4-13 Messages Parts 2-5 Error 5-5 Pasting text 2-19 Safety 2-1, 3-1, 4-1 Permitted Modes 4-5 Status messages 5-5 Personal Computer A-2, G-v Methods Physical device tag 4-15 Running 4-15 Physical specifications A-1 MODE_BLK.TARGET 4-5 Polarity 4-7 MODE_BLOCK.ACTUAL 4-5…
  • Page 115
    Selecting text 2-18 Starting up 2-3, 2-10 Self test 2-24 Status Sensor trim 3-16 Device 4-15 Settings Messages 3-1, 5-5 About 375 2-10 Number of Ignored 3-20 Backlight 2-11 Storage A-3 Clock 2-11 Cleanup 3-20 Contrast 2-11 Device configurations 2-21…
  • Page 116
    Deleting a document 2-20 Entering 2-18 Opening 2-20 Paste 2-19 Saving 2-19, 2-20 Selecting 2-18 Undoing 2-19 Time/Date 2-11 Touch screen Alignment 2-14 Display 2-5 Using 2-8 Transferring files 2-16 Trim D/A 3-16 Scaled D/A 3-16 Sensor 3-16 Troubleshooting 5-1 Undoing text 2-19 Upper range value 3-18 Usage A-3…
  • Page 118
    All rights reserved. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Company. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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8 Начальная установка с помощью других систем

VEGABAR 81 • HART и аккумуляторный блок



8 Начальная установка с помощью

других систем

8.1 Настроечные программы DD

Для устройства имеются описания устройств в виде Enhanced

Device Description (EDD) для настроечных программ DD,

например AMS™ и PDM.
Эти файлы можно загрузить с www.vega.com/downloads и


8.2 Field Communicator 375, 475

Для устройства имеются описания устройства в виде EDD

для параметрирования с помощью коммуникатора Field

Communicator 375 или 475.
Для интеграции EDD в Field Communicator 375 или 475 требуется

программное обеспечение «Easy Upgrade Utility», получаемое

от производителя. Это ПО обновляется через Интернет, и

новые EDD после их выпуска автоматически принимаются

изготовителем в каталог устройств этого ПО, после чего их

можно перенести на Field Communicator.

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Êîììóíèêàòîð 375 159

Полевой коммуниктормодели 375

Универсальная работа со всемиустройствами на базе цифровых протоколовHART и FOUNDATION FieldbusНаличие взрывозащищенного исполнения:F маркировка взрывозащиты 0ExiaIICT4Сенсорный экран большого размераАвтономный источник питания Fперезаряжаемый аккумуляторный блокАнтибликовое покрытие для работы приярком солнечном свете и многоуровневаявнутренняя подсветка для работы в местах снедостаточным уровнем освещенностиКоммуникатор не является средствомизмерений и не вносит дополнительнойпогрешности в аналоговый измерительныйсигналСертификат соответствия№РОСС US.ГБ05.В02019Разрешение на применение №РРС 00F28338

Полевой коммуникатор модели 375производства компании Emerson ProcessManagement � портативное микропроцессорноеустройство, предназначенное для считыванияинформации, настройки и конфигурированияинтеллектуальных полевых приборов,поддерживающих цифровые протоколы передачиданных HART и FOUNDATION Fieldbus.

Основные преимущества коммуникатора:� поддержка в полном объеме всех приборов,зарегистрированных в фондах Fieldbus и HART�коммуникаций;� возможность обновления базы данных ипрограммного обеспечения коммуникаторапользователем через Интернет;� возможность диагностики коммуникационныхлиний с цифровыми протоколами HART иFOUNDATION Fieldbus.

www.metran.ru Ðîññèÿ, 454138, ×åëÿáèíñê, Êîìñîìîëüñêèé ïðîñïåêò, 29, à/ÿ 11608ò.(351) 798-85-10, 247-1-555, 247-16-02; ô.247-16-67. [email protected]

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160 Êîììóíèêàòîð 375


Полевой коммуникатор модели 375 предназначен длявременного подключения к существующей цифровой сети сцелью обеспечения связи с HART или FOUNDATION Fieldbus�совместимыми микропроцессорными устройствами, а такжедля подключения к отдельным таким устройствам, неучаствующим в сети.

Коммуникатор модели 375 позволяет:� сохранять во встроенной памяти конфигурации любогоприбора для последующего автоматического восстановленияили переноса конфигурации в другие приборы данного типа;� сравнивать сохраненные конфигурации для выявленияизменений и поиска ошибок;� удаленно настраивать произвольные HART и FF приборы излюбой точки коммуникационной цепи;� записывать во внутреннюю память пользовательскуюинформацию, заметки и комментарии;� соединяться с ПК � для обновления встроенного ПО, а такжедля обмена информацией с программным комплексом AMSDevice Manager (при наличии в AMS Device Manager интерфейсас полевым коммуникатором).


Набор команд и управление режимами работыкоммуникатора осуществляется при помощи мембраннойклавиатуры или сенсорного экрана. Клавиатура состоит из 21клавиши, включая 12 алфавитно�цифровых клавиш, 4 клавишиуправления курсором, клавишу включения/выключения,клавишу подсветки и функциональную клавишу. На переднейпанели расположен светодиодный индикатор для обозначениярежима работы коммуникатора. Сенсорный экран позволяетвыбирать пункты меню и вводить текст с помощью касанийэкрана стилусом. Операционной системой коммуникатораявляется ОС Windows CE, работающая в режиме реальноговремени.

Для подключения к цифровой сети (или отдельнымприборам) используются разъемы, расположенные на верхнемторце коммуникатора и комплект проводов с универсальныминаконечниками. Разъемы оборудованы скользящейперегородкой, предназначенной для исключения возможностиодновременного подключения к выводам HART и FOUNDATIONFieldbus.

На верхней боковине коммуникатора находится такжеокно инфракрасного порта для связи с персональнымкомпьютером. Связь между коммуникатором и компьютеромобеспечивается с помощью технологии беспроводнойпередачи данных в инфракрасном диапазоне (IrDA).

На правой боковине коммуникатора расположенразъем для подключения модуля расширения конфигураций(для заказа данной опции при покупке коммуникатора в строкезаказа должна присутствовать буква C; если заказываетсяотдельно � код заказа � 00375�0043�0001). При отсутствиимодуля в разъеме обязательно должна присутствоватьзаглушка для выполнения требований по взрывозащите.

На задней стенке коммуникатора расположенаметаллическая откидывающаяся подставка, под которойрасположен съемный аккумуляторный блок. Аккумуляторныйблок крепится двумя винтами и имеет разъем для подключениязарядного устройства. На коммуникаторе свзрывозащищенным исполнением допускается заменааккумуляторного блока во взрывоопасной зоне. Полное времязарядки аккумуляторов составляет 2 часа.

Под аккумуляторным блоком расположена системнаякарта объемом 512 Мб или более, на ней хранятся файлы�описания для всех устройств, с которыми может работатькоммуникатор, внутреннее ПО коммуникатора, а такжеинформация о лицензированных опциях.

Коммуникатор модели 375 взаимодействует сустройствами HART или FOUNDATION Fieldbus в полном объемепри условии, что в коммуникаторе присутствует файл�описание(Device Description, DD) для этого устройства. Если этогоописания нет, то работа осуществляется через Generic Menuкоммуникатора (в объеме стандартных и общих команд). Дляприборов с протоколом FOUNDATION Fieldbus наличие файла�описания обязательно. Текущее исполнение коммуникатораподдерживает HART�устройства версий 6 и 7. В настоящеевремя коммуникатор поддерживает работу с 1200 приборамиHART и FOUNDATION Fieldbus от более 100 производителей.Пополнение базы данных приборов производитсяежеквартально (требуется наличие опции Easy Upgrade).

Опция Easy Upgrade позволяет пользователямсамостоятельно (без отправки коммуникатора в сервисныйцентр) производить обновление коммуникатора, включаязагрузку файлов�описаний для новых устройств и обновлениепрограммной части самого коммуникатора (для заказа даннойопции в строке заказа должна присутствовать буква U).

Коммуникатор имеет надежный и прочный корпус �для защиты от возможных ударных нагрузок. Массакоммуникатора распределена по всему объему прибора дляудобной работы одной рукой.

Последняя версия 2.0 программного обеспечениякоммуникатора предоставляет более наглядныйпользовательский интерфейс с помощью графическогоотображения данных (с использованием технологии EnhancedEDDL). Для заказа опции графического отображения данных встроке заказа должна присутствовать буква G.

Рис.1. Пример графического отображения данныхдля датчика диагностики машинного оборудования

CSI 9210 и бесконтактного уровнемера Rosemount 5400.

Диагностика приборов с FOUNDATION Fieldbusвключает в себя: измерение напряжения постоянного тока вкоммуникационной шине, измерение среднего уровнянизкочастотных шумов, измерение качества информационногосигнала в шине.

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Êîììóíèêàòîð 375 161

Для создания и для чтения файлов в формате TXT вкоммуникаторе имеется встроенное приложение ScratchPad.Данная программа позволяет создавать заметки иликомментарии во время работы с коммуникатором свозможностью последующей передачи их на настольныйкомпьютер (на ПК требуется установленное приложение 375Easy Upgrade Programming Utility).

Рис.2. Диагностика линий FOUNDATION Fieldbus. Рис.3. Приложение ScratchPad F для заметок икомментариев.


Процессор и память

Микропроцессор 80 МГц Hitachi SH3

Объем внутренней памяти (ROM) 32 Мб

Объем оперативной памяти (RAM) 32 Мб

Системная карта 512 Мб или более

Модуль расширения конфигураций 32 Мб или более

Физические характеристики

Масса ~0,95 кг (вместе с аккумулятором)

Тип дисплея монохромный, сенсорный, с антибликовым покрытием

Разрешение дисплея 240х320 пикселей (QVGA)

Размер дисплея 9,6 см по диагонали

Тип клавиатуры мембранная, с тактильной обратной связью

Источник питания

Аккумуляторный блок Перезаряжаемые NiMH аккумуляторы

Время работы от аккумулятора: � непрерывная работа � типовое использование � в режиме ожидания

9 ч20 ч40 ч

Входное напряжение зарядного устройства 85�240 В, 50/60 Гц


Зарядное устройство 4�контактный разъем Mini DIN

HART и FieldbusТри однополюсных штепселя 4 мм (один общий для HART иFOUNDATION fieldbus)

Инфракрасный порт (IrDA) � максимальная скорость передачи данных � максимальный угол от центральной линии (рекоменд.) � максимальное расстояние (рекоменд.)

115 кбит/с±15 градусов30 см

Требования к ПК

Системные требования к персональному компьютеру(для использования опции Easy Upgrade)

Доступ в ИнтернетДисковод компакт�дисковИнфракрасный порт или адаптерОС Windows XP

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162 Êîììóíèêàòîð 375


Температура окружающего воздуха �10…50°C

Относительная влажность до 95% (без конденсации) при температуре 0…50°C

Температура заряда аккумулятора 0…40°C

Температура хранения с аккумуляторами �20…55°C

Температура хранения без аккумуляторов �20…60°C

Степень защиты от пыли и воды по ГОСТ 14254 IP51 (фронтальная панель)


Для возможности обмена данными по протоколу HARTсопротивление контура должно быть не менее 250 Ом. Этимтребованием определяется способ подключениякоммуникатора к цепи. Если сопротивление проводов отисточника питания до точки подключения коммуникаторапревышает 250 Ом, то применения добавочных резисторов нетребуется, коммуникатор подключается параллельно датчикус HART�протоколом (рис.4).

Подключение коммуникатора к приборам спротоколом связи FOUNDATION Fieldbus производится либо враспределительной коробке сегмента, либо непосредственнона клеммах датчика (рис.7).

Рис.5. Подключение коммуникатора при Rл < 250 Ом.

Если сопротивления линии недостаточно (менее 250Ом), то требуется применение добавочного резистора 250 Ом(рис.5), который можно заказать дополнительно (код заказа �00275�0096�0001).

Для взрывоопасных зон схема подключенияпредставлена на рис.6. Если барьер искрозащиты пропускаетHART�сигнал, то подключение коммуникатора возможно добарьера, во взрывобезопасной зоне.

Рис.4. Подключение коммуникатора при Rл > 250 Ом.

Рис.6. Подключение коммуникатораво взрывоопасной зоне.

Рис.7. Подключение коммуникаторак сегменту FOUNDATION Fieldbus.

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Êîììóíèêàòîð 375 163


В комплекте с каждым коммуникатором (независимо от строки заказа) поставляется программа для модернизации, а такжедля связи с коммуникатором модели 375 � Easy Upgrade Programming Utility. Внешний вид программы представлен на рис.8.

Рис.8. Программа для обновления коммуникатора модели 375.

Программа предназначена для выполненияследующих функций:� загрузка из Интернета всех доступных обновлений, включая:описания новых устройств (Device Descriptions), новые версиипрограммной части коммуникатора, а также обновления самойсебя, то есть загрузка новых версий программы. Всеперечисленные обновления из Интернета накапливаются влокальной базе данных на компьютере с установленнойпрограммой 375 Easy Upgrade Programming Utility. Загрузкалюбых обновлений из Интернета может производиться безподключения коммуникатора к компьютеру. Возможностьзагрузки обновлений не зависит от модели приобретенногокоммуникатора;� модернизация коммуникаторов модели 375 с активнойопцией Easy Upgrade (в строке заказа должна присутствоватьбуква U). Включает в себя обновление системного ПО, а такжезагрузку в коммуникатор описаний устройств (Device Descrip�tions) для новых приборов, поддерживающих цифровыепротоколы связи HART или Foundation Fieldbus. Описанияустройств разрабатываются производителями конкретныхизмерительных приборов или другого интеллектуальногооборудования (например, позиционеров для клапанов). Приналичии такого файла�описания от производителя, можновручную импортировать данный файл в базу данных программыи записать его в коммуникатор;� обмен текстовых файлов между коммуникатором�компьютером и наоборот (могут участвовать любые файлыформата *.txt, с использованием латиницы);� считывание сервисных файлов с записями об обмене данныхпо HART протоколу; такая информация позволяет специалиступо сервисному обслуживанию проанализировать возможныенеполадки в сети с HART протоколом;� регистрация коммуникатора на сайте компании Emerson Pro�cess Management. Предоставляется возможностьзарегистрировать коммуникатор модели 375 через Интернет насайте производителя для того, чтобы в дальнейшем заказыватьи получать новые функциональные возможности для

коммуникатора по Интернету, не отправляя коммуникатор всервисный центр. Новые опции для коммуникаторапредставляют собой программные лицензии, которыедобавляются на системную карту.

Рассматриваемая программная утилита такжепозволяет просматривать всю информацию о коммуникаторе,а именно: версию ПО в коммуникаторе, версию программ дляработы по цифровым протоколам HART и Foundation Fieldbus,номер системной карты, лицензированные опции вкоммуникаторе, объем свободной памяти, а также списокприборов, которые поддерживаются конкретнымкоммуникатором (т.е. для которых установленысоответствующие Device Descriptions).

Для связи коммуникатора с компьютером необходиминфракрасный порт. Адаптер USB�IRDA можно заказатьдополнительно (код заказа 00375�0015�0002).

Актуальная версия программы в настоящее время �1.6.0, позволяет работать напрямую с системными картамичерез устройство чтения системных карт (код заказа � 00375�0018�0022). Применение устройства чтения системных карттребуется при передаче большого количества информации вкоммуникатор, например при обновлении ПО в коммуникаторедо версии 2.0. Данный способ передачи информациипредоставляет более высокую скорость, по сравнению синфракрасным портом.

Дополнительной опцией для коммуникатора модели375 является возможность подключения к программномукомплексу AMS Device Manager (рис.9). Данную опцию можнозаказать (при наличии ПО AMS Device Manager), указавсоответствующую строку заказа: AW7005HC00025 � интерфейсс коммуникатором для AMS Device Manager с размером базыданных 25 приборов; AW7005HC20000 � интерфейс скоммуникатором для AMS Device Manager с размером базыданных 100 и более приборов (в этом случае требуется наличиемодуля расширения конфигураций для коммуникатора, кодзаказа � 00375�0043�0001).

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164 Êîììóíèêàòîð 375

Рис.8. Программа для обновления коммуникатора модели 375.

Рис.9. Пример подключения коммуникатора в системе AMS Device Manager.

Использование интерфейса с программным пакетомAMS Device Manager позволяет синхронизироватьконфигурационные данные приборов с базой данных накомпьютере с помощью коммуникатора. Конфигурация еще неподключенного к цифровой сети прибора может быть заранеесоздана на компьютере, передана в коммуникатор и затемзаписана в прибор. Копирование конфигураций приборов изкоммуникатора в компьютер обеспечивает надежное их

хранение в базе данных AMS Device Manager и позволяетвыполнить на компьютере анализ параметрирования прибора,выявить возможные ошибки.

Для связи коммуникатора с программным пакетомAMS Device Manager необходимо наличие на компьютереинфракрасного порта. Адаптер USB�IRDA можно заказатьдополнительно (код заказа 00375�0015�0002).


1 Коммуникатор модели 375 1 шт. модель � согласно строке заказа

2 Перезаряжаемый NiMH аккумуляторный блок 1 шт. без дополнительного чехла

3 Системная карта 1 шт. позиция 00375�0042�00ХХ

4 Источник питания/зарядное устройство 1 шт. позиция 00375�0003�0011

5 Комплект соединительных проводов 1 шт. позиция 00375�0004�0001

6 Стилус (пишущий элемент для сенсорного экрана) 1 шт.

7 Кожаная сумка�чехол 1 шт. позиция 00375�0005�0003

8 Комплект ремней 1 шт. позиция 00375�0005�0002

9 Подставка 1 шт. позиция 00375�0044�0001

10 Заглушка для порта расширения 1 шт. позиция 00375�0035�0001

11 Компакт�диск с программным обеспечением 1 шт. позиция 00375�0049�0001

12 Руководство по началу работы 1 шт. позиция 00375�0045�0001

13 Руководство пользователя 1 шт. позиция 00375�0047�0001


Гарантийный период на коммуникатор модели 375 составляет 18 месяцев с даты изготовления или 12 месяцев с даты отгрузкиЗаказчику, в зависимости от того, какой период дольше.

Page 7: 375 Полевой коммуникатор

Êîììóíèêàòîð 375 165


Модель Описание изделия

375 Коммуникатор

Код Коммуникационный протокол



Код Батарея

R Перезаряжаемый NiMH аккумуляторный блок

Код Источник питания / Зарядное устройство

1Источник питания / зарядное устройство (100/240 В переменного тока, 50/60 Гц,в комплект входят разъемы для США/Великобритании/Европы)

2Источник питания / зарядное устройство (90/240 В переменного тока, 50/60 Гц,в комплект входят разъемы для США/Великобритании/Европы/Австралии)

9 Отсутствует

Код Язык

E Английский

Код Сертификаты

KLИскробезопасность в соответствии со стандартами CENELEC/ATEX, FM, CSA(включает при возможности применения концепцию FISCO), маркировка взрывозащиты 0ExiaIICT4

NA Без сертификации

Код Возможность модернизации

U Опция Easy Upgrade (в течение 3 лет)

9 Не включена

Код Дополнительное оборудование

B Запасной перезаряжаемый NiMH аккумуляторный блок

C Модуль расширения конфигураций

G Расширенные графические функции

Типовой код модели HART: 375 H R 1 E KL U G

Типовой код модели HART/Fieldbus: 375 F R 1 E KL U G

(1) Базовая модель 375 содержит в себе позиции согласно комплекту поставки.(2) При выборе данной позиции в коде заказа должна присутствовать опция Easy Upgrade (Код U).(3) Данная позиция может быть выбрана только в том случае, когда пользователь уже имеет блок питания/зарядное устройство для

коммуникатора модели 375. Примечание: С аккумуляторным блоком коммуникатора модели 375 должен использоваться только

блок питания/зарядное устройство от коммуникатора модели 375.(4) Функция Easy Upgrade позволяет пользователю обновлять системные приложения и файлы описания устройств (DD) в

коммуникаторе модели 375 в течение 3 лет. Для обновления коммуникатора, не имеющего данной функции, требуется отправка

системной карты в сервисный центр.(5) Полностью заряженный аккумуляторный блок способен обеспечивать питанием коммуникатор в течение 8 часов при типовом

использовании в полевых условиях. Если требуется использовать коммуникатор более длительное время, рекомендуется заказать

второй аккумуляторный блок.(6) Коммуникатор модели 375 способен хранить 25 конфигураций во внутренней памяти. Для увеличения емкости используйте

модуль расширения конфигураций, который способен хранить более 500 конфигураций различных устройств.(7) Расширенные графические функции позволяют пользователю получить доступ к дополнительным графическим возможностям

визуализации и диагностики при работе с устройствами HART или FOUNDATION fieldbus (данная возможность должна

поддерживается самим устройством тоже).

Масса при поставке в упаковке (зависит от опций):

3,2 кг (за основу принята модель 375HR1EKLUG)






(2) (7)


Page 8: 375 Полевой коммуникатор

166 Êîììóíèêàòîð 375

Описание Код заказа

Износостойкий нагрузочный резистор 250 Ом 00275�0096�0001

Перезаряжаемый NiMH аккумуляторный блок с чехлом для хранения и переноски 00375�0002�0011

Блок питания/зарядное устройство (100 � 240 В переменного тока, 50/60 Гц, в комплект входятразъемы для США/Великобритании/Европы)


Комплект соединительных проводов с разъемами 00375�0004�0001

Комплект запасных ремней 00375�0005�0002

Сумка (с ремнями) для хранения и переноски коммуникатора 00375�0005�0003

Чехол для аксессуаров (пристегивается к сумке) 00375�0005�0004

Стилус (комплект из 5 штук) 00375�0006�0001

Адаптер интерфейса IrDA для USB 00375�0015�0002

Устройство для чтения системных карт (с USB интерфейсом) 00375�0018�0022

Заглушка для порта расширения 00375�0035�0001

Системная карта � HART с опцией Easy Upgrade (в течение 3 лет) 00375�0042�0003

Системная карта � HART и FOUNDATION fieldbus с опцией Easy Upgrade (в течение 3 лет) 00375�0042�0004

Системная карта � HART с опцией Easy Upgrade (в течение 3 лет) и расширенными графическимифункциями


Системная карта � HART и FOUNDATION fieldbus с опцией Easy Upgrade (в течение 3 лет) ирасширенными графическими функциями


Модуль расширения конфигураций 00375�0043�0001

Подставка 00375�0044�0001

Руководство по началу работы 00375�0045�0001

Руководство пользователя 00375�0047�0001

Компакт�диск с программным обеспечением 00375�0049�0001

WebFлицензии (через Интернет)

Лицензия для поддержки приборов FOUNDATION fieldbus 00375�0142�0002

Лицензия для опции Easy Upgrade (новая) 00375�0142�0003

Лицензия для опции Easy Upgrade (продление) 00375�0142�2003

Лицензия для расширенных графических функций 00375�0142�0010

Интерфейс для работы с системой AMS Device Manager

Интерфейс коммуникатора модели 375 для AMS Device Manager (25 тегов) AW7005HC00025

Интерфейс коммуникатора модели 375 для AMS Device Manager (100 и более тегов) AW7005HC20000















(1) Используется для связи между полевым коммуникатором модели 375 и программной утилитой Easy Upgrade или системой AMSSuite: Intelligent Device Manager (с интерфейсом полевого коммуникатора)(2) По сравнению с инфракрасным портом, устройство чтения карт памяти SD является более быстрым способом для обновлениясистемной карты. Возможность подключения устройства чтения карт памяти поддерживается программной утилитой Easy Upgradeверсии 1.4.0 (или более поздней).(3) Функция Easy Upgrade позволяет пользователю обновлять системные приложения и файлы описания устройств (DD) в коммуникаторемодели 375 в течение 3 лет. Для обновления коммуникатора, не имеющего данной функции, требуется отправка системной карты всервисный центр.(4) Данная позиция используется при обновлении системной карты через Интернет самим пользователем в полевых условиях. Операциюобновления может выполнить инженер сервисного центра на предприятии Заказчика. По усмотрению сервисного специалиста зауслуги может взиматься дополнительная плата. В любом заказе на обновление коммуникатора должен указываться серийный номерсистемной карты, который можно узнать, установив связь между переносным коммуникатором модели 375 и программной утилитойEasy Upgrade версии 1.4.0 (или более поздней). Уведомление о новых лицензиях, доступных для загрузки может быть отправлено наэлектронный адрес, указанный в заказе.(5) Для системных карт с истекшим сроком действия опции Easy Upgrade, в течение 90 дней доступна возможность продления действияэтой опции на 3 года. Дату окончания действия лицензии можно узнать, установив связь между полевым коммуникатором модели 375и программной утилитой Easy Upgrade версии 1.4.0 (или более поздней).(6) Требуется программное обеспечение AMS Device Manager (версии 6.2 или более поздней).

Менеджер по поддержке продаж коммуникатора 375 и ПО AMS Device ManagerРаинчик Максим Сергеевич (351) 798F85F10 (доб. 195), [email protected]

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176 Phone 781-665-1400 Toll Free 1-800-517-8431 Visit us at www.TestEquipmentDepot.com Back to the Emerson 375 Product Info Page…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    IELD OMMUNICATOR NOTICE Read this User’s Manual before working with the 375 Field Communicator. For personal and system safety, and for optimum product performance, thoroughly understand the contents before using or servicing this product. For equipment service needs, contact the nearest product representative.

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    The 375 Main Menu ……..

  • Page 6
    Table of Contents TOC-2 SECTION 3 HART Functionality Overview ……….3-1 Safety Messages .
  • Page 7
    Table of Contents TOC-3 Starting the Fieldbus application ……4-4 Working Online ……… . . 4-5 Connecting to a Fieldbus loop.
  • Page 8
    Table of Contents TOC-4 APPENDIX B Product Certifications Overview ……….B-1 Approved Manufacturing Locations.
  • Page 9: Introduction

    NTRODUCTION USING THIS The sections in this manual provide the following MANUAL information on the 375 Field Communicator. Section 2: Learning the Basics contains information on settings, types of storage, IrDA® communication, card readers, ScratchPad, maintenance, and managing files and storage.

  • Page 10
  • Page 11: Learning The Basics

    See the Troubleshooting section for more warning messages. IMPORTANT NOTICE Ensure the battery pack and the 375 Field Communicator are properly aligned during assembly to prevent damage to the connector pins. IMPORTANT NOTICE Do not pull up on the battery pack as this could damage the power supply connector.

  • Page 12: Product Overview And Precautions

    375 Field Communicator. Using sharp instruments, such as screwdrivers, can cause failure of the touch-screen interface and void the warranty. Repair of the touch screen requires replacement of the entire 375 Field Communicator display assembly, which is possible only at an authorized service center.

  • Page 13
    • The infrared port and card reader provide methods for the 375 Field Communicator to interface with a PC. • Data is input into the 375 Field Communicator via the keypad or touch-screen interface. • An Expansion Module (EM) (labeled Expansion Module) is a removable memory card that snaps into the Expansion Port.
  • Page 14: Installing The System Card And The Battery Pack

    Learning the Basics INSTALLING 1. Place the 375 Field Communicator face down on a level, secure surface; see Figure 2-1. THE SYSTEM 2. Lock the stand into the hanger position. To pivot past CARD AND the stand position, squeeze the stand together near THE BATTERY the hinge.

  • Page 15: Starting Up And Shutting Down

    During start-up, the 375 Field Communicator will automatically install any software upgrades available on the System Card. Once the upgrade is complete, the 375 Main Menu will be displayed. After starting the 375 Field Communicator, you can: • Launch the HART or F…

  • Page 16: Entering Stand By

    Learning the Basics Entering The 375 Field Communicator can be put into stand by, which turns off the display and certain areas within the Stand By 375 Field Communicator. Use this option to save battery life or to reduce the boot-up time if you will be using the 375 Field Communicator intermittently.

  • Page 17: Basic Features And Functions

    Learning the Basics BASIC FEATURES FUNCTIONS Figure 2-2. 375 Field Communicator diagram IrDA interface (top) HART and fieldbus communication terminals (top) Stylus (back) Touch screen Expansion port display (side) Navigation keys Enter key (four arrow keys) Function key Tab key…

  • Page 18: Using The Keypad

    The on/off/stand by key ( ) is used to power on and off the 375 Field Communicator or to put it in stand by. If the on/off/stand by key is pressed when there is unsent data or a device method is running, a warning message will appear.

  • Page 19
    Soft Input Panel (SIP). Press the function key again to disable the functionality. The alternate function on the Tab and alphanumeric 5 key (insert) will be activated in future releases of the 375 Field Communicator software.
  • Page 20: Using The Touch Screen

    2-10 Learning the Basics Multifunction LED The multifunction LED lets you recognize when the 375 Field Communicator is in various states; see Table 2-1. Table 2-1. Multifunction LED Multifunction LED Processing indication Solid green The 375 Field Communicator is on.

  • Page 21: The 375 Main Menu

    Learning the Basics 2-11 THE 375 MAIN The 375 Main Menu lets you run the HART application, run the F Fieldbus application, run the MENU OUNDATION Settings menu, communicate with a PC, and launch the ScratchPad application. Figure 2-4. 375 Main Menu example…

  • Page 22
    Learning the Basics About 375 About 375 lets you view the software property revisions of your 375 Field Communicator. If you need to call technical support personnel, have the system software version, Communication and Diagnostic Circuitry (CDC) version, and the operating system version on hand.
  • Page 23
    Unlicensed features cannot be accessed. The License screen also displays the System Card Serial Number (SN) and the unit name of the 375 Field Communicator. A unit name can be assigned by using the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility. See the Programming Utility online Help for more details.
  • Page 24
    After the specified periods of inactivity, the stand by timer will put the 375 Field Communicator in stand by mode, or the auto-off timer will turn off the 375 Field Communicator. If set to short intervals, these timers will save battery power.
  • Page 25
    The backlight setting will also be restored. After the battery is fully discharged, do not use the 375 Field Communicator on battery power until it has been recharged to its full capacity. However, you can use the 375 Field Communicator while it is being charged.
  • Page 26
    See the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility online Help for details. 6. Send the event capture file to technical support personnel. Exit to 375 Main Menu Double-tap Exit to 375 Main Menu if you want to return to the 375 Main Menu.
  • Page 27: Communicating With A Pc

    The 375 Field Communicator can also communicate with PCs using a USB Secure Digital card reader. Insert the 375 System Card into a card reader, and system software upgrades and device descriptions can be sent to the System Card using the Easy Upgrade option.

  • Page 28
    The 375 Field Communicator must be in Listen For PC mode when communicating through IrDA. To enter Listen For PC: 1. From the 375 Main Menu, select Listen For PC. A warning message will appear if the 375 Field Communicator is running on battery power when you select Listen For PC.
  • Page 29: Using The Scratchpad Application

    (.txt) documents. You can transfer text files between a PC and the 375 Field Communicator using the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility. ScratchPad supports very basic formatting. You can also launch the ScratchPad…

  • Page 30
    2-20 Learning the Basics NOTE The on/off/stand by key, and the stand by and auto-off timers are disabled when the ScratchPad application is open. Figure 2-5. Open blank document in ScratchPad Once ScratchPad is launched, you can perform the following operations: Create a New Document From the Main Page in the ScratchPad application, tap the NEW button.
  • Page 31
    Learning the Basics 2-21 You can also open a document by selecting File | Open from the menu bar or by tapping the Open ( ) icon in the toolbar. Enter Text Using the stylus, tap the desired letters from the SIP keyboard.
  • Page 32
    2-22 Learning the Basics Save a Document 1. In your document, tap File | Save. 2. Type the file name in the dialog box if your document is new. 3. Tap OK. You can also save a document by tapping the Save ) icon in the toolbar.
  • Page 33: Managing Storage

    1. In your document, tap File | Exit. 2. Tap the EXIT button from the Main Page. MANAGING STORAGE Types of The 375 Field Communicator memory consists of four Storage components: 1. Internal Flash—32MB non-volatile RAM. The Internal Flash memory stores the operating system and system software.

  • Page 34: Maintenance

    “Power Status” on page 2-14. You can also check the battery charge remaining before you insert a spare battery pack. 1. Remove the battery pack from the 375 Field Communicator; see “Remove the System Card and Battery Pack” on page 2-26.

  • Page 35
    The battery can be charged separately or while attached to the 375 Field Communicator. The indication light on the charger will be green when fully charged, amber when charging, cycle between amber and green when pulse charging, and red if it is unable to charge.
  • Page 36: Running A Self Test

    Intrinsically Safe area while the 375 Field Communicator Safe (IS) area is still running. Calibrating It is not necessary or possible to calibrate the 375 Field Communicator. The 375 Field Communicator is a communication interface that communicates digitally with HART and F fieldbus devices.

  • Page 37: Waste Disposal

    375 Field Communicator. For customers in all other world areas, if it is necessary to discard any part(s) of the 375 Field Communicator, adhere to the waste-disposal regulations applicable in your locality. Hazardous…

  • Page 38
    2-28 Learning the Basics…
  • Page 39: Overview

    ECTION UNCTIONALITY OVERVIEW This section provides instruction on basic HART functionality in the 375 Field Communicator. It is based on the operation of the HART application version 3.0. SAFETY Procedures and instructions in this section may require special precautions to ensure the safety of the personnel MESSAGES performing the operation.

  • Page 40: Basic Features And Functions

    ) indicates the 375 Field Communicator is in shout/deaf mode, which helps the 375 communicate with a device when it is on a noisy loop. The HART logo is displayed when communication is not occurring. This is common when only static parameters are listed.

  • Page 41: Working Offline

    HART device that is online. A user configuration is a HART configuration that is created offline or that is transferred to a 375 Field Communicator from another program. Editing a device configuration within the 375 Field Communicator will change it to a user configuration.

  • Page 42: Opening Saved Configurations (Offline)

    HART Functionality a.Double-tap Edit individually to configure specific variables before sending them to a device. b.Scroll through the list of variables and select the variable you want to mark or edit. To change the value for the selected variable, tap EDIT, change the value, and tap ENTER.

  • Page 43
    HART Functionality When setting up a filter, you can use two special characters: the period (.) and the asterisk (*). The period replaces a single character of any value. The asterisk is used to represent a string of alphanumeric characters of any value. For example, if you want to list all configurations that have a tag or name of P — 001 to P — 300, enter “P — *”…
  • Page 44
    Delete a Saved Configuration (Offline) The Delete option lets you remove configurations one at a time. To delete a configuration from the 375 Field Communicator storage: 1. Open a saved configuration. 2. From the Saved Configuration menu, double-tap Delete.
  • Page 45
    The 375 Field Communicator notifies you if this condition is not met. The format of data storage must match exactly. The 375 Field Communicator notifies you if this condition is not met. 1. From the Saved Configuration menu, double-tap Compare.
  • Page 46: Working Online

    Dynamic variables shown while online represent the digital data being sent from the device. There are three terminals on the top of the 375 Field Communicator. Two are red and one is black. Each red terminal is a positive connection for its protocol. The black terminal is a common terminal shared by both protocols.

  • Page 47
    HART Functionality Figure 3-1. HART terminal access door HART Terminal Markings Figure 3-2 illustrates how to connect the 375 Field Communicator to a HART loop. Figure 3-2. Connecting to a HART loop HART compatible device RL≥250Ω Power supply Current meter…
  • Page 48
    3-10 HART Functionality Figure 3-3 illustrates how to connect the 375 Field Communicator directly to the terminals of a HART device. Figure 3-3. Connecting directly to a HART device HART compatible device RL≥250Ω Power supply Current meter Figure 3-4 illustrates how to connect the optional 250 ohm resistor.
  • Page 49: Displaying The Online Menu

    HART Functionality 3-11 Displaying the The Online menu is the first menu to appear when connecting to a HART compatible device. It is structured Online menu to provide important information about the connected device. This menu typically displays critical, up-to-date process information that is continuously updated, including device setup, primary variable (PV), analog output (AO), PV lower range value (LRV), and PV upper…

  • Page 50: Saving An Online Configuration

    Configuration To save the configuration in the connected device: 1. Connect the 375 Field Communicator to a HART loop or directly to the device and turn on the 375 Field Communicator. 2. Double-tap HART Application from the 375 Main Menu. The HART Online menu appears.

  • Page 51
    HART Functionality 3-13 Diagnostics and Service The Diagnostics and Service menu offers device and loop tests as well as calibration options. The diagnostics and service operations that are available vary widely from device to device and are defined in the device description.
  • Page 52: Displaying Graphics

    To view the graphical representations, you need a device with enhanced EDDL, a 375 Field Communicator with a Graphics license, and 375 system software version 2.0. Only devices with enhanced EDDL offer graphical representations of data.

  • Page 53: Using Hot Keys

    3. Tap ADD. 4. Tap ALL to add the Hot Key option for all devices supported by the 375 Field Communicator, or tap ONE to add the Hot Key option for only the device type to which you are currently connected.

  • Page 54: Executing Hot Key Options

    Key options access the Hot Key menu from any online window. To use a Hot Key option: 1. Connect the 375 Field Communicator to a HART loop or device. 2. Tap the Hot Key button. The Hot Key menu is displayed.

  • Page 55: Configuring The Hart Application

    3-17 CONFIGURING THE HART APPLICATION Changing the Use the HART polling option to configure your 375 Field Communicator to automatically search for all or specific HART Polling connected devices. Most HART device installations contain option one device per loop and the device address is zero.

  • Page 56: Changing Ignored Status Messages

    3-18 HART Functionality Changing The 375 Field Communicator displays status messages from the connected HART device. The Ignore Status Ignored Status option lets you specify the number of field device status Messages messages that are ignored, extending the time between displayed messages.

  • Page 57: Storage Cleanup

    375 Field Communicator. The device description can be used, but you may experience unexpected results. — An incompatible device description cannot be used with the system software version in the 375 Field Communicator.

  • Page 58: Simulating An Online Connection To A Hart Device

    Utility menu. (This warning will not appear if your device is tested.) The Online menu for the simulated device is displayed. You can now use the 375 Field Communicator as if it were connected to the selected device and perform any online task.

  • Page 59: Running Hart Diagnostics

    DC Voltage Measurement from the HART Diagnostics menu. Voltage measurements are for reference purposes only. DISCONNECTING Prior to disconnecting the 375 Field Communicator from FROM A HART a HART device, be sure to check the following items: DEVICE •…

  • Page 60
    3-22 HART Functionality 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176 Phone 781-665-1400 Toll Free 1-800-517-8431 Visit us at www.TestEquipmentDepot.com Back to the Emerson 375 Product Info Page…
  • Page 61: Overview

    WARNING If a segment is connected to a host system, the changes made with the 375 Field Communicator may not be recorded in the host system’s permanent database. Verify the changes in the database. Otherwise, this could cause unpredictable results and, depending upon your application, process disruption leading to property damage, serious injury, or death.

  • Page 62: Basic Features And Functions

    Fieldbus Functionality WARNING The 375 Field Communicator draws approximately 17 mA from the fieldbus segment. Be sure the power supply or barrier on the fieldbus segment has the capacity to provide this additional current. If a heavily loaded fieldbus segment is drawing near the capacity of the segment’s power supply, connecting the 375 Field Communicator may result in loss of communication.

  • Page 63: Device Interoperability

    LAS Hierarchy When a 375 Field Communicator is connected to a live fieldbus segment, it joins the fieldbus segment but not as the LAS. This means the 375 Field Communicator can…

  • Page 64: Starting The Fieldbus Application

    Fieldbus application when an LAS is detected on the segment. Select YES to go to the Live Device List, NO to FIELDBUS return to the 375 Main Menu, or HELP to get more APPLICATION information on the warning. To start the Fieldbus application: 1.

  • Page 65: Working Online

    This is influenced by the number of devices and the control methods in place. Connecting to Connect the 375 Field Communicator with the appropriate connectors in parallel with the instrument. a Fieldbus Due to measurement circuitry, the 375 Field…

  • Page 66
    Fieldbus Functionality There are three terminals on the top of the 375 Field Communicator. Two are red and one is black. Each red terminal is a positive connection for its protocol. The black terminal is a common terminal shared by both protocols.
  • Page 67
    Fieldbus Functionality Bench Hook-Up Figure 4-3 illustrates one method of connecting the 375 Field Communicator on a bench. For segments that are limited in size, the power conditioner and terminators can be contained in a single wiring block. Figure 4-3. Bench wiring diagram example…
  • Page 68
    Fieldbus Functionality Field Hook-Up Figure 4-4 illustrates one method of connecting the 375 Field Communicator to a fieldbus segment. The 375 Field Communicator can be connected at any convenient place along the bus (segment). In the field, this is typically done at the device or at the fieldbus junction box.
  • Page 69: Displaying The Live Device List

    If an existing host control system or a device capable of being the LAS is not connected, the 375 Field Communicator will act as a temporary LAS on the segment and produce a warning message. After reading and following the message instructions, tap OK to display the Live Device List.

  • Page 70: Displaying The Block List

    4-10 Fieldbus Functionality Displaying the The Block List view lists the block tag, block type, and actual mode of the device blocks, as well as Schedule, Block List Advanced, and Detail information contained in a particular device. Consult your device manual or the Fieldbus Foundation for more information on blocks.

  • Page 71: Modes

    Fieldbus Functionality 4-11 Modes The resource, transducer, and all function blocks in the device have modes of operation. These modes govern the operation of the block. Every block supports both automatic (AUTO) and out of service (OOS) modes. Other modes may also be supported. Types of Modes For the procedures described in this manual, it will be helpful to understand the following modes:…

  • Page 72
    4-12 Fieldbus Functionality Mode Parameters Mode parameters are used to change the block mode from one state to another. There are four types of mode parameters: Target, Actual, Permitted, and Normal. The Target mode is the mode the user assigned to a block.
  • Page 73
    Fieldbus Functionality 4-13 Change Modes Whenever you need to change the parameters or properties of a block, you need to change the mode. A warning message may appear whenever the mode of any block is included in a list of parameter changes to be sent to a device.
  • Page 74: Working With Device Blocks

    Device Blocks to which you are connected. If the device description is not installed in your 375 Field Communicator, an error message will appear. New device descriptions will be made available on a regular basis.

  • Page 75
    Fieldbus Functionality 4-15 Parameter Functionality Shaded areas indicate values that cannot be changed. In initial versions of the Fieldbus application, you are able to edit only the resource, transducer, and I/O blocks. You will be able to open and view all other blocks, however, you will not be able to edit them.
  • Page 76: Other Block List Selections

    Rosemount 3420, DeltaV, Ovation, Allen-Bradley, Honeywell Experion PKS, or Yokogawa Stardom. To change the device tag or address, use the host system or remove the device from the segment and connect it directly to the 375 Field Communicator.

  • Page 77
    • Addresses in the range 252 to 255 are reserved for visitors, such as the 375 Field Communicator. • Device ID is the unique number identifier for each device. It is set by the device manufacturer and cannot be changed.
  • Page 78
    Allen-Bradley, Honeywell Experion PKS, or Yokogawa Stardom. To schedule I/O blocks, use the host system or remove the device from the segment and connect it directly to the 375 Field Communicator. To change the schedule: 1. Display the Live Device List; see page 4-9.
  • Page 79
    Ovation, Allen-Bradley, Honeywell Experion PKS, or Yokogawa Stardom. To instantiate or delete blocks, use the host system or remove the device from the segment and connect it directly to the 375 Field Communicator. Delete Instantiated Blocks The Delete Block menu lets you delete instantiated blocks from a fieldbus device;…
  • Page 80: Displaying Graphics

    NOTE Some devices restart after a block has been instantiated or deleted, causing a loss in communication between the 375 Field Communicator and the device. Once the device and 375 Field Communicator resume communication, the Live List will be displayed.

  • Page 81: Configuring The Fieldbus Application

    375 Field Communicator Live Device List. It may be necessary to change the Slot Time to 16 in order to view older devices on the 375 Field Communicator Live Device List. For a list of the…

  • Page 82: Viewing Available Device Descriptions

    4-22 Fieldbus Functionality Viewing The Available Device Descriptions List menu lets you view all the device descriptions in the 375 Field Available Communicator. Fieldbus device descriptions enable the Device 375 Field Communicator to recognize and configure Descriptions fieldbus devices. To view the fieldbus device descriptions installed on the 375 Field Communicator: 1.

  • Page 83: Running Fieldbus Diagnostics

    Error — There is an error in the measurement or within the 375 Field Communicator. Signal Level The signal level test determines if a 375 Field Communicator can receive signals from nodes on a Measurement segment. To measure the fieldbus signal level, make sure an LAS is on the segment.

  • Page 84: Disconnecting From Afieldbus Device

    X — No signal responses from the node were received by the 375 Field Communicator. This may be caused by noise on the segment. Error — The measurement value is less 75 mV or there is an error within the 375 Field Communicator.

  • Page 85: Troubleshooting Suggestions

    375 Field Communicator. Below are methods for troubleshooting networks that are experiencing problems communicating between a field device and the 375 Field Communicator. Troubleshooting Answer the questions below and use the troubleshooting tables in this section before calling technical support Suggestions personnel.

  • Page 86
    12V DC to operate properly. If there are multiple field devices on a multidrop loop, set the 375 Field Communicator to digital polling mode. Inspection of the loop wiring can often reveal problems. The shield is normally grounded at one end only, which is usually the control system.
  • Page 87
    Troubleshooting Sample values Loop Current Flow Minimum voltage for 250 ohms. 4 mA 1 Volt 8 mA 2 Volts 12 mA 3 Volts 16 mA 4 Volts 20 mA 5 Volts If the voltage across the process-indicating device is greater than the value listed for a given current flow, the device has at least 250 ohms of internal resistance.
  • Page 88
    Control system is HART communication Stop HART communications on the control communicating HART, but is being prevented by system and verify if communication between the 375 is not the control system. the field devices and the communicator is communicating properly. restored.
  • Page 89
    Live Device List certain LAS-enabled device(s). By putting the 375 on first, it will remains blank (even the devices are attempting remain the LAS and control the 375 Field Communicator to run the segment.
  • Page 90: Error And Status Messages

    Battery power is less than 5%. You must recharge The power-up battery check detects the the 375 battery, switch to a spare battery pack, or battery charge is below five percent while on use external power. Press OK to turn off.

  • Page 91
    Troubleshooting HART Error and Help Messages Description «Poll Using Long Tag» allows the user to enter the This is a help message. long tag of the device they want to connect to. «Poll Using Tag» allows you to enter the tag of the This is a help message.
  • Page 92
    DD does not match with that rev. #, and described in the DD header file. This error DD rev. #>…See the Programming Interface for may be corrected by connecting the 375 details. Field Communicator to the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility and running a Refresh operation.
  • Page 93
    Press OK to return to the Live Device List. “The 375 has been disconnected from the Verify that the 375 lead set is still securely segment. Press RETRY to attempt to reconnect to connected to the FF Segment and press the segment.»…
  • Page 94: Required Information For Technical Assistance

    • Is the device in burst mode? • What is the loop impedance in the device loop? (resistance value) • Can the 375 Field Communicator talk to the field device? • Can AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager talk to the field device? •…

  • Page 95: Appendix A Reference Information

    ’ ANUAL 375 F IELD OMMUNICATOR March 2007 PPENDIX EFERENCE NFORMATION PROCESSOR AND MEMORY SPECIFICATIONS ® Microprocessor 80 MHz, max 133 MHz Hitachi Memory Internal Flash 32 MB System Card 128 MB (or higher) Secure Digital card 32 MB Expansion Module…

  • Page 96: Keypad

    Reference Information Keypad Twenty-five keys including four action keys, twelve alphanumeric keys, four alternate functionality keys, on/off/stand by key, and 4 navigation (arrow) keys; membrane design with tactile feedback POWER Power Supply Voltage SUPPLY 6.0 V SPECIFICATIONS Battery Five rechargeable NiMH AA batteries Not serviceable 4 pin mini din (female) jack Battery Operating Time…

  • Page 97: Connection Specifications

    Reference Information CONNECTION Battery Charger SPECIFICATIONS 4 pin mini din (male) plug HART and Fieldbus Communication Three 4mm banana plugs (one common terminal to both HART and F fieldbus.) OUNDATION Personal Computer IrDA port supporting up to 115 Kb/s ± 15 degrees recommended maximum angle from center line.

  • Page 98: Order Information

    Battery Pack. (4)The Easy Upgrade capability allows you to add new system application software and device descriptions (DDs) to the 375 for a period of 3 years. To upgrade without this feature, send the System Card to a Service Center.

  • Page 99: Spare Parts List

    AMS Suite:Intelligent Device Manager AW7005HC20000 Handheld Communicator Interface Kit (100 tags and above) (1) Used to support communication between the 375 Field Communicator and the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility or AMS Device Manager (with Handheld Communicator Interface kit). (2) The System Card (SD) reader provides a much faster alternative to upgrading a System Card using IrDA.

  • Page 100
    (3) The Easy Upgrade capability allows you to add new system application software and device descriptions to the 375 Field Communicator for a period of 3 years. To upgrade without this feature, the System Card would have to be sent to a Service Center.
  • Page 101: Appendix B Product Certifications

    All 375 Field Communicators come with the main unit label (see Figure B-1). Intrinsically Safe (KL option) 375 Field Communicators also have an additional label opposite the main unit label. If the 375 Field Communicator does not contain this label (NA option), then it is considered non-IS approved.

  • Page 102: Hazardous Locations Certifications (Kl Option Only)

    Product Certifications Other important guidelines Only use new, original parts. Do not recharge the battery in hazardous areas. Have repairs done only by qualified personnel. Only charge or power using the 375 Power Supply. HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS CERTIFICATIONS (KL OPTION ONLY)

  • Page 103: European Certifications

    Product Certifications European ATEX Intrinsic Safety Certifications Certification No.: BVS 03 ATEX E 347 II 2 G (1 GD) EEx ia IIC T4 (-10 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +50 °C) 1180 HART Intrinsically Safe electrical parameters Input Parameters = 30 Volt DC = 200 mA = 1.0 Watt Output Parameters…

  • Page 104: Charger / Power Supply Certification

    IMMUNITY EN 61204-3:2000 All conformity information for this product can be accessed at www.fieldcommunicator.com/techcert.htm LABEL DRAWINGS Figure B-1. All 375 Field Communicators will have a similar label to the one below. 44.0mm 375 Field Communicator Emerson Process Management Distribution Ltd…

  • Page 105
    Product Certifications Figure B-2. Approval Ex label example (KL option only) 44.0mm R = 1,5 mm II 2 G (1 GD) EEx ia IIC T4 BVS 03 ATEX E 347 IS for CL I, ZONE 0, AEx ia IIC T4 CL I, DIV 1, GP A, B, C, D APPRO VED APPRO VED…
  • Page 106
    Product Certifications Figure B-3. Battery Pack Label example (all) 375 Field Communicator Battery Pack Use only with 375 Field Communicator WARNING — BATTERIES MUST BE CHARGED IN A NONHAZARDOUS LOCATION ONLY WARNING — SUBSTITUTION OF COMPONENTS MAY IMPAIR INTRINSIC SAFETY Emerson Process Management Serial No.
  • Page 107: Approval Drawings

    Product Certifications APPROVAL This approval drawing can also be found on the www.fieldcommunicator.com website. DRAWINGS…

  • Page 108
    Product Certifications…
  • Page 109
    Product Certifications…
  • Page 110
    Product Certifications B-10…
  • Page 111: Appendix C Graphics Information

    To view the graphical representations, you need a device with enhanced EDDL, 375 system software version 2.0, and a 375 Field Communicator with a Graphics license, which can be enabled in your 375 Field Communicator from the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility. See the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility online Help for more information.

  • Page 112: Screen Layout

    Graphics Information SCREEN A 375 Field Communicator has four elements on a screen. The Command Bar is a row of icons on the top LAYOUT of the screen. The Tag Bar displays the device type and device tag of the connected device. The buttons let you modify the appearance of a screen by panning, zooming, or resetting the screen.

  • Page 113: Buttons

    Graphics Information BUTTONS Use the following buttons to modify the appearance of the graphs and charts on your screen: Pan — Tap this button, select a point in the chart, and drag to move the chart back and forth in the window.

  • Page 114: Graphics Options

    Graphics Information GRAPHICS OPTIONS Images An image is a full screen display of a device. Images can include logos and various graphics, such as tanks. To view the image, select the image label in the menu. The full screen image is shown. To return to the menu view, press any key or tap the touch screen.

  • Page 115: Charts

    • Gauge — Displays a gauge chart, similar to an analog car speedometer. NOTE If a chart is displayed for an extended time period, the 375 Field Communicator will have decreased response time due to the large number of data points in the chart.

  • Page 116
    Use the buttons to pan, zoom, and reset the chart. Use the left arrow button on the 375 Field Communicator or the back arrow icon on the screen to close the chart view and return to the previous menu.
  • Page 117
    Use the buttons to pan, zoom, and reset the chart. Use the left arrow button on the 375 Field Communicator or the back arrow icon on the screen to close the chart view and return to the previous menu.
  • Page 118
    Use the buttons to pan, zoom, and reset the chart. Use the left arrow button on the 375 Field Communicator or the back arrow icon on the screen to close the chart view and return to the previous menu.
  • Page 119
    Use the buttons to pan, zoom, and reset the chart. Use the left arrow button on the 375 Field Communicator or the back arrow icon on the screen to close the chart view and return to the previous menu.
  • Page 120: Graphs

    Use the buttons to pan, zoom, and reset the graph. Use the left arrow button on the 375 Field Communicator or the back arrow icon on the screen to close the view and return to the previous menu.

  • Page 121: Glossary

    Card Reader A USB device that is capable of reading the 375 System Card, which is located under the battery pack in the 375 Field Communicator. You can use a card reader to transfer system software and device descriptions to a 375 from the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility.

  • Page 122
    375 Field Communicator and can be played back. Event capture files can be useful in diagnosing problems. To create event capture files on a 375, you must turn on the Event Capture function from the Settings menu.
  • Page 123
    EDDL, a 375 Field Communicator with a Graphics license, and the 375 system software version 2.0. If the 375 Field Communicator does not have a Graphics license, enhanced DDs can still be used. However, the graphical representations will not be displayed.
  • Page 124
    Once instantiated, these blocks operate like any other block in the device. The 375 Field Communicator supports the commands to instantiate and to delete function and transducer blocks in a fieldbus device.
  • Page 125
    Communicator. You can order and download licenses for the F OUNDATION fieldbus application, Easy Upgrade option, and the Graphics option. The 375 Field Communicator must be licensed for the Easy Upgrade option before you can download licenses for the F…
  • Page 126
    Stand By A power option that turns off the screen display and parts of the 375 Field Communicator. Use this feature to save battery life or to reduce the boot-up time. The green, slowly flashing multifunction LED indicates the 375 Field Communicator is in stand by mode.
  • Page 127
    G-vii User Configuration A configuration that is created offline or that is transferred to a 375 Field Communicator from another program. Editing a device configuration within the 375 Field Communicator will change it to a user configuration. User data file A text (.TXT) file created by a user either on a PC or with the ScratchPad…
  • Page 128
  • Page 129: Index

    .rec files 2-16, G-ii Operating time A-2 .txt files 2-19, G-vii Pack 2-4, 2-7, 2-26 Reduced life 2-9, 2-15, 2-25 Numerics Retrain 2-15, 2-25 375 Main Menu 2-11 Specifications A-2 Bench wiring 4-7 Blocks About 375 2-12 Delete 4-19 Address 4-17…

  • Page 130
    Changing Power supply/charger 2-7 Device parameters 4-1 Specifications A-3 Fieldbus polling 4-21 Contrast 2-13 HART polling 3-17 Copying I/O Block Schedule 4-18 HART configurations offline 3-6 Ignored status messages 3-18 Text 2-21 Menu Title 3-18 Cutting text 2-21 Modes 4-13 Slot Time 4-21 D/A trim 3-13 Charge A-3…
  • Page 131
    Expansion port 2-7 Overview C-1 Graphs C-10 Factory Mutual B-2 Fast key 3-2 HART Features 3-2 Application 2-11 375 Basic 2-7 Comparing offline 3-7 Advanced 4-18 Copying offline 3-6 Fieldbus Basic 4-2 Deleting offline 3-6 HART Basic 3-2 Device G-iii…
  • Page 132
    New configuration 3-3 IrDA Offline 3-3 Adapter 2-17 Online 3-11 Association G-v Open configurations 3-4 Interface 2-7, 2-18 Polling 3-17 Protocol G-iv Renaming offline 3-7 Alphanumeric keypad 2-7, 2-9, A-2 Saving online configuration 3-12 Backlight 2-7, 2-9 Sending configurations 3-6 Enter 2-8 Short tag 3-18 Fast key sequences 3-2…
  • Page 133
    Menu HART 3-3 375 Main 2-11 On/Off/Stand By key 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, Block 4-14 2-10, 2-18, 2-20 Drop down menu C-3 Online Fieldbus Diagnostics 4-23 Fieldbus 4-5 Fieldbus Main 4-4, 4-21, 4-22 HART 3-8 Fieldbus Online 4-5, 4-20 Licensing 2-19, G-v…
  • Page 134
    Segment G-vi Usage A-3 Selecting text 2-21 Weight A-1 Self test 2-26 ST_REV 4-3 Sending HART configurations 3-6 Stand By G-vi Sensor trim 3-13 Enter 2-6 Settings Fieldbus application 2-6 About 375 2-12 HART application 2-6 Backlight 2-12 Leave 2-6…
  • Page 135
    Mode 2-6, 2-8, 2-10, 2-14 Selecting 2-21 Timer 2-6, 2-12, 2-14, 2-15, 2-18, Undoing 2-21 2-20, 2-25 Time/Date 2-13 Starting up 2-5, 2-11 Timers Status Auto-off 2-6, 2-12, 2-14, 2-15, 2-18, Device 4-16 2-20, 2-25 Messages 5-6 Backlight 2-12, 2-15, 2-25 Number of Ignored 3-1, 3-18 Stand By 2-6, 2-12, 2-18, 2-20, 2-25 Storage A-3…
  • Page 136
    Wiring Fieldbus 4-7, 4-8 HART 3-9 Troubleshooting 5-4 XPAND button 3-5 Zoom In button C-3 Zoom Out button C-3…
  • Page 137
    99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176 Phone 781-665-1400 Toll Free 1-800-517-8431 Visit us at www.TestEquipmentDepot.com Back to the Emerson 375 Product Info Page…
  • Page 138
    Emerson Process Management ©2007, Emerson Process Management. The contents of this publication are presented for Asset Optimization Division informational purposes only, and while every effort 12001 Technology Drive has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability.

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