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Aqua Cubic Multiplex


MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99



Summary of Contents for SIATA AQUA CUBIC MULTIPLEX

  • Page 1
    USE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL AQUA CUBIC MULTIPLEX Aqua Cubic Multiplex 1/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…
  • Page 2
    Via Virginio 370/372 50025 Montespertoli-Florence (ITALY) Declares that the following material: AC-MULT/05 Description AQUA CUBIC MULTIPLEX Conforms to the essential pre-requisites of the following DIRECTIVES: • Electromagnetic Compatibility 89/336/CEE, 93/68/CEE • Low Voltage 73/23/CEE, 93/68/CEE The fulfilment of the following regulations has been verified: EN 50081-1 General Regulation on Emissions –…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    6.4 – Programming of the reserve ………………….26 6.6 – Programming of the litre counter divider (prescaler) …………..27 6.7 – Calculation of the capacity of a system ………………. 28 6.8 – Putting into service ……………………… 28 Aqua Cubic Multiplex 3/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…

  • Page 4
    6.11 –Modifying the programming during service, the flag 2CP …………30 7 – What to do if … ………………………30 7.1 — … Aqua Cubic Multiplex does not come on ?……………… 30 7.2 — … the motors of the distributors do not stop ? …………….30 7.3 — …
  • Page 5: Introduction

    The regeneration may be immediate or deferred to a programmed time. Aqua Cubic Multiplex may be connected to a computer via RS232 using the cable cod. 881-1, so as to be able to acquire and then analyse the progress of the work parameters Aqua Cubic Multiplex is equipped with a buffer battery which allows for the work parameters to be retained in the memory should the electricity current fail.

  • Page 6: Technical Data

    Protection from disturbances ICE 65 Trial class 4 ( 3000 V ) Reading scale 0 – 999,999 Litres Container dimensions 240 mm x 185 mm x 115 mm Total weight 1.5 Kg Aqua Cubic Multiplex 6/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…

  • Page 7: Explanation Of The Leds And Of The Keys

    The column is in the stand-by phase after the regeneration. 1 C 2 0 The column is in regeneration. 0.0 0 0 The column has finished the volume programmed and is waiting to regenerate. Aqua Cubic Multiplex 7/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…

  • Page 8: General

    The box is covered by a certificate with the IP65 grade of protection, Aqua Cubic Multiplex is therefore protected against infiltration of dust and direct jets of water. This protection is valid when the cover is closed, and the wiring slots are of the correct size for the cables used and are correctly assembled.

  • Page 9: Instructions For Use

    If this simple rule is not respected, Aqua Cubic Multiplex cannot enter into service and access to the keypad will be limited after a few operations.

  • Page 10: Ppp0 — One Single Column

    6.2.1.a – Operative characteristics. This operative modality has been provided to resolve situations of emergency; Aqua Cubic Multiplex allows for the use of a distributor connected to a valve to ensure the supply of treated water to the utiliser when breakdowns of any degree of gravity do not allow the system to work fully and properly ( see par.

  • Page 11: B — Programming Of The Flags

    PROGRAM 2 d P 3 d P 0 FLAG not used PROGRAM 3 d P The rapid flashing of the display indicates that the values have been saved in PROGRAM the eeprom. Aqua Cubic Multiplex 11/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…

  • Page 12: C — List Of Codes To Be Programmed

    At the end of the programming the code 220 must always be keyed in (see par. 6.3) to initialise Aqua Cubic Multiplex with the new parameters. Note that the control on the reserve (flag 0dP) is automatically active and cannot be dis-activated.

  • Page 13
    The column which has the lowest volume out of the two starts in regeneration. If only one of the columns reaches the value of reserve, the regeneration does not start, even at the programmed time. Aqua Cubic Multiplex 13/33…
  • Page 14: B — Programming Of The Flags

    The rapid flashing of the display indicates that the values have been saved in the PROGRAM eeprom At the end of the programming the code 220 must always be keyed in (see par. 6.3) to initialise Aqua Cubic Multiplex with the new parameters. Aqua Cubic Multiplex 14/33 MAN0004 Rev.

  • Page 15: C — List Of Codes To Be Programmed

    Programming of the hardness value Initialisation of the system Remember that in order to use Aqua Cubic Multiplex as described in tab. 12, the flag 1CP must be programmed to 1. 6.2.3 – PPP2 – Two alternated single columns. 6.2.3.a – Operative characteristics.

  • Page 16
    The reg. does not start. The reg. does not start. Immediate start. The reg. does not start. The reg. does not start. The reg. does not start. Immediate start. The reg. does not start. Aqua Cubic Multiplex 16/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…
  • Page 17: B — Programming Of The Flags

    The rapid flashing of the display indicates that the values have been saved in the PROGRAM eeprom At the end of the programming the code 220 must always be keyed in (see par. 6.3) to initialise Aqua Cubic Multiplex with the new parameters. Aqua Cubic Multiplex 17/33 MAN0004 Rev.

  • Page 18: C — List Of Codes To Be Programmed

    Programming of the hardness value Initialisation of the system Remember that in order to use Aqua Cubic Multiplex as described in tab. 16, the flag 1CP must be programmed to 1. 6.2.4 – PPP4 – One duplex column. 6.2.4.a – Operative characteristics.

  • Page 19
    Immediate start. Immediate start. The reg. does not start. The reg. does not start. Immediate start. Immediate start. The reg. does not start. The reg. does not start. Immediate start. Immediate start. Aqua Cubic Multiplex 19/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…
  • Page 20: B — Programming Of The Flags

    The rapid flashing of the display indicates that the values have been saved in the PROGRAM eeprom At the end of the programming the code 220 must always be keyed in (see par. 6.3) to initialise Aqua Cubic Multiplex with the new parameters. Aqua Cubic Multiplex 20/33 MAN0004 Rev.

  • Page 21: C — List Of Codes To Be Programmed

    6.2.5 – PPPA – Two single columns in parallel 6.2.5.a – Operative characteristics. In this modality there are two distributors, each of which is connected to a SIATA valve. Both of the columns are in service.. It is not possible to have both of the columns in regeneration.

  • Page 22: B — Programming Of The Flags

    2 H P 3 H P 0 FLAG not used PROGRAM 3 H P 0 C P 0 Modality of the litre counter divider (0 = free see par. 6.6) PROGRAM 0 C P Aqua Cubic Multiplex 22/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…

  • Page 23: C — List Of Codes To Be Programmed

    The rapid flashing of the display indicates that the values have been saved in the PROGRAM eeprom At the end of the programming the code 220 must always be keyed in (see par. 6.3) to initialise Aqua Cubic Multiplex with the new parameters. 6.2.5.c – List of codes to be programmed For the programming and the meaning of the codes see par.

  • Page 24: Programming Codes

    Programming of the hardness value Initialisation of the system Remember that to use Aqua Cubic Multiplex as shown in tab. 23, the flag 1CP must be programmed to 1. 6.3 – Programming codes The work parameters necessary for Aqua Cubic Multiplex to work properly are set accesses them via the programming codes, under which the parameters inherent to a specific functionality of the controller are grouped together.

  • Page 25
    B; xx varies from 1 to 99 minutes P 1 1 1 * C x x PROGRAM stands for the phases 2, 3 and 4 of the regeneration cycle of the column B Aqua Cubic Multiplex 25/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…
  • Page 26: Programming Of The Reserve

    6.4 – Programming of the reserve Aqua Cubic Multiplex allows for the volume of treatable water to be controlled, putting it into ratio with a possible reserve value. This is programmed via the codes 100, 101 and 102 respectively for columns A, B and C, and expresses the percentage of the total volume available which must be held in reserve.

  • Page 27: Programming Of The Litre Counter Divider (Prescaler)

    3000 9999 The volume calculated by Aqua Cubic Multiplex can go from 0 to 999,999 litres. This value is optimised in order to be able to be visualised by the display of the controller which can show only four digits.

  • Page 28: Calculation Of The Capacity Of A System

    Regen), and that any unused limit switch entries are closed with a connector bridge. During the normal functioning of Aqua Cubic Multiplex, the leds A or B will be on to indicate which column is in service, while the leds A Service or B Service will indicate which column is visualised in that moment on the display.

  • Page 29: Management Of The Dimensions Of The Tanks

    6.10 – Management of the dimensions of the tanks Aqua Cubic Multiplex allows for plants with a maximum of three columns to be realised, that is with the use of as many as three distributors, each connected to a SIATA valve, and therefore to a tank containing the resins.

  • Page 30: Modifying The Programming During Service, The Flag 2Cp

    6.11 –Modifying the programming during service, the flag 2CP As already explained in par. 6.3, Aqua Cubic Multiplex calculates the volume of water which can be treated using the values of hardness of the water, the capacity of ionic exchange of the resins and the quantity of resin used. The calculation is carried out automatically at the end of the programming of the hardness (code 010), or otherwise may also be carried out keying in the code 211.

  • Page 31: Aqua Cubic Multiplex Works In An Irregular Way

    1. Check that the distributors are at the stroke end, that is that the motors are not in movement; 2. If using Aqua Cubic Multiplex with a single distributor, check that the limit switch entry not used is closed with a connector bridge;…

  • Page 32
    Appendix A Aqua Cubic Multiplex 32/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…
  • Page 33
    Appendix B Aqua Cubic Multiplex 33/33 MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99…

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Recommended Documentation:


  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 29/33 the terminals 29 and 30 for the column C, as shown in fig. 1. If the use of a single counter for all of the columns is required, simply connect the counter to the column A and connect with a connecting bridge the terminals 30 and 32 with

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 19/33 The key 2/+, which normally allows for the column visualised on the display to be changed, cannot be used until a regeneration starts. Normally the display shows the parameters of the column in service, indicating that they bel

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 23/33 2 / + 0 C P 0 C P 1 Modality of the litre counter divider (1 = pre-programmed see par. 6.6) PROGRAM 1 C P 1 C P 0 Same times of the regeneration cycle for the two columns A and B 2 / + 1 C P 1 C P 1 Different times of the regeneration cycle for the two columns A and B PROGRAM 2 C P 2 C P 0 The new p

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 13/33 programming the percentage of reserve at the minimum value of 10%. Tab. 9 – Consequences of the events on the working of the controller on the basis of the programming. Events Programming 0HP 1HP 2HP 0dP The reg. time is

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 3/33 Summary 1 – INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 2 – TECHNICAL DATA………………………………………………………………………………………………………6 3 – EXPLANATION OF

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 5/33 1 – INTRODUCTION Aqua Cubic Multiplex is a controller dedicated to the realisation of water softening systems working on the principle of the ionic exchange of the resins. The systems can be produced according to the following operative modalities: — one single column; — one duplex column; — two alternated single col

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 10/33 6.2.1 – PPP0 – One single column 6.2.1.a – Operative characteristics. This operative modality has been provided to resolve situations of emergency; Aqua Cubic Multiplex allows for the use of a distributor connected to a valve to ensure the supply of treated water to the utiliser when breakdowns of any degree of gravity do not

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 33/33 Appendix B

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 31/33 7.4 — … Aqua Cubic Multiplex works in an irregular way? 1. Check that the distributors are at the stroke end, that is that the motors are not in movement; 2. If using Aqua Cubic Multiplex with a single distributor, check that the limit switch entry not used is closed with a conn

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 9/33 6 – INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 6.1 – Turning on The appliance is turned on via the main switch ON (I) — OFF (0) situated on the front panel. This switch acts on both supply cables The supply voltage must be 24 Vac — 50 Hz. (on demand 24 vac – 50 Hz. )

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 21/33 6.2.4.c – List of codes to be programmed For the programming and the meaning of the codes see par. 6.3. In this modality, the programming of the following codes is recommended: Tab. 19 – Table of the codes recommended in the modality “one duplex column, PPP4” Code Meaning 0

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 8/33 5 – GENERAL The installation of the controller must be carried out by qualified personnel; the installation procedures must be carried out when the controller is disconnected from the electricity supply 5.1 – Packaging and storage Th

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 24/33 111 Programming of the regeneration cycle ( stop times ) of the column B 112 Programming of the regeneration cycle ( stop times ) of the column A 010 Programming of the hardness value 220 Initialisation of the system Remember that to use Aqua Cubic Multiplex as shown in tab. 23, the flag 1CP must be programmed to 1.

  • Aqua Cubic Multiplex — MAN0004 Rev. B 29.03.99 28/33 If using a pre-programmed prescaler, the volume calculated is optimised by rounding it off. Example: If the volume calculated is 15,435 litres and the prescaler is programmed with the type 1/10, the volume will be opt

Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:

You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of SIATA AQUA CUBIC MULTIPLEX device using right now.

170×85×220см (матовое стекло, белые задние стенки, гидромассаж спины – 6 самоочищающихся форсунок, поясничный масса на отдельной подушкеж – 4 форсунки, гидромассаж стоп, дозаторы для мыла, сенсорный пульт управления, вытяжка, радио, хромотерапия, декоративная подсветка “лунный свет” на задней панели, литое сиденье, слив-перелив, кран для наполнения ванны водой, ванна высотой 55см)

170×85×220см (черное стекло, черные задние стенки, гидромассаж спины – 6 самоочищающихся форсунок, поясничный масса на отдельной подушкеж – 4 форсунки, гидромассаж стоп, дозаторы для мыла, сенсорный пульт управления, вытяжка, радио, хромотерапия, декоративная подсветка “лунный свет” на задней панели, литое сиденье, слив-перелив, кран для наполнения ванны водой, ванна высотой 55см)

Душевые кабины AQUAQUBIC (Серия 78) стеклянная задняя стенка
Первая серия душевых кабин эконом-класса с хромотерапией (7 цветовых режимов)!
Соединение алюминиевых профилей без саморезов!
Толщина переднего стекла – 4мм, толщина стекла задней стенки – 4,5мм, толщина ABS на поддоне – 4мм
Оснащение (общее для всех кабин в этой группе): закаленное стекло (матовое, серое), задние стенки из закаленного стекла (белые, черные), верхние – усиленные поворотные двойные ролики, нижние – усиленные поворотные ролики с кнопкой, алюминиевая рама серебристо-матового цвета, полочка для шампуня, зеркало, верхний душ с противоизвестковой вставкой, ручной душ, поддон из ABS с усиленным каркасом и дополнительной ножкой по центру, задняя панель – крашеный ABS, гидрозатвор, гофра с выходом на 50мм, новая система крепления экрана к поддону на защелках.


Заказывал в данном салоне полностью все для ванной комнаты.Стеклянную дверь выбрал под заказ Rgw, ждал две недели и не пожалел что ждал, качество меня поразило,за 15 тыс шикарный вариант советую .В общем на 50 тыс.обставил и ванну и туалет,в соседним салоне этот товар намного дороже

Руслан В.

Покупали кабину маме, недорогую примерно за 17 000, но качественную, посоветовали фирмы Тритон и не прогадали, хотя маловатая ручная лейка, но это и не проблема,купили новую. Маме нравится, рекомендую

Маша Батрудинова

Я осталась довольна этим салоном!
Много товара,большой выбор,опытные консультанты.
Сделали 3D дизайн моей небольшой ванной комнаты Бесплатно👌,где все компактно поставили и душевой уголок и инсталляцию и раковину над стиральной машиной, видно,что подбирают с душой,ни так чтобы протулить товар,а именно,чтоб нам было комфортно и удобно,девчонки спросили про бюджет и ориентируясь по сумме все подобрали, ассортимент у них конечно на любой кошелек,чего только нет.👍
Советую зайти к ним, молодцы!


Покупаю в этом салоне не первый раз, в новый год попала на акцию купила со скидкой 30% мебель для ванной и кран на кухню. От смесителя в восторге за эти деньги отличное качество. Выбор большой, обслуживание хорошее

Маша Батрудинова



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