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- Manuals
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- Ariston Manuals
- Oven
- 7 Chefs Series
- Instructions for installation and use manual
Table of Contents
Quick Links
New oven «7 Chefs»
Instructions for installation and use
Related Manuals for Ariston 7 Chefs Series
Summary of Contents for Ariston 7 Chefs Series
Page 1
FB 82C AUS FB 82C IX AUS FB 86C AUS FB 86C IX AUS New oven “7 Chefs” Instructions for installation and use… -
Page 2: Close-Up View
Congratulations on choosing an Ariston appliance, which you will find is dependable and easy to use. We recommend that you read the instructions in this owner’s manual carefully before use for the best performance and to extend the life of your appliance, as it will provide you with all the instructions you require to ensure its safe installation, use and maintenance.
Page 3
minium foil, etc. etc.) on the grid provided with the appli- second from the bottom), please see the table entitled ance inserted especially along the oven guides. “Practical Cooking Advice”. Multi-cooking Mode Nota: Should the appliance be equipped with an electronic Position of thermostat knob “C”: between 60°C and Max. -
Page 4
ments through forced circulation of the air throughout the How to use the “Shelf-Stopper” Grid oven. This helps prevent food from burning on the sur- Slide the grids in from the back in the following order: face, allowing the heat to penetrate right into the food. •… -
Page 5: Electronic Cooking Programmer
Electronic Cooking Programmer The programmer makes it possible to preset the oven and the grill in terms of: • delay start with a preset length of time for cooking; When “auto” is lighted, it indicates that the length and end •…
Page 6: How To Keep Your Oven In Shape
How to Keep Your Oven in Shape • open the door fully; Before cleaning your oven, or performing maintenance, • lift up and turn the small levers situated on the two disconnect it from the power supply. hinges; To extend the life of your oven, it must be cleaned •…
Page 7
• The oven is fitted with 5 racks. During fan assisted Therefore the best results when using the grill modes cooking, use two of the three central racks; the lowest are obtained by placing the grid on the lower racks and highest racks receive the hot air directly and there- (see cooking table) then, to prevent fat and grease fore delicate foodstuffs could be burnt on these racks. -
Page 8: Safety Is A Good Habit To Get Into
Cooking Fish and Meat In general, the larger the roast, the lower the temperature When cooking white meat, fowl and fish, use temperature setting. Place the meat on the centre of the grid and place settings from 180 °C to 200 °C. the dripping pan beneath it to catch the fat.
Page 9
Setting made Type of food Weig- Position of Preheating Thermostat Cooking ht (in the rack from time (min.) setting time the oven (min.) bottom 1 Traditional Duck 65-75 Roast veal or beef 70-75 Pork roast 70-80 Biscuits (short pastry) 15-20 Tarts 30-35 2 Baking… -
Page 10
Instalation The appliance must be installed only by a qualified The panels of the adjacent cabinets must be made of heat- person in compliance with the instructions provided. resistant material. In particular, cabinets with a veneer ex- The manufacturer declines all responsibility for improper terior must be assembled with glues which can withstand installation which may harm persons and animals and temperatures of up to 100 °C. -
Page 11: Technical Specifications
Fitting on a Power Supply Cable The supply cable should be positioned so that it does not Opening the terminal board: reach a temperature of more than 50°C with respect to • Using a screwdriver, prise on the side tabs of the ter- the room temperature, anywhere along its length.
Page 12
viale Aristide Merloni, 47 — 60044 Fabriano tel. 0732/6611 — telex 560196 — fax 0732/662954 www.Merloni.com…
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