Авд 7000 окрасочный агрегат инструкция

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  3. WAGNER Manuals
  4. Pressure Washer
  5. Super Finish 7000
  6. Operating manual
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Airless – Hochdruck Spritzgerät

Airless high-pressure spraying unit

Appareil de pulvérisation à haute

pression Airless

Apparecchio di verniciatura a spruzzo

Airless ad alta pressione

Super Finish 7000


03 / 2011




Operating manual

Mode d’emploi

Istruzioni per l’uso






Related Manuals for WAGNER Super Finish 7000

Summary of Contents for WAGNER Super Finish 7000

  • Page 1: Super Finish

    Originalbetriebsanleitung Airless – Hochdruck Spritzgerät Betriebsanleitung Airless high-pressure spraying unit Operating manual Appareil de pulvérisation à haute Mode d‘emploi pression Airless Apparecchio di verniciatura a spruzzo Istruzioni per l‘uso Airless ad alta pressione Super Finish 7000 2306118 03 / 2011…

  • Page 2: Super Finish

    1. Faulty units may not be used. 2. Secure a Wagner spray gun with the securing lever at the trigger guard. 3. Ensure earthing. 4. Check the permissible operating pressure of the high-pressure hose and spray gun.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Transportation ______________________________ 39 Testing of the unit ________________________________ 61 Transport using a crane ______________________ 40 Important information on product liability_____________ 61 Technical data Super Finish 7000 _______________ 40 Note on disposal __________________________________ 61 StARtuP _________________________________ 41 Guarantee declaration _____________________________ 61…

  • Page 4: Safety Regulations For Airless Spraying

    Super Finish 7000 safety regulatIons SAFety ReGulAtIONS FOR dANGeR OF INjuRy FROM tHe SPRAy jet AIRleSS SPRAyING Attention, danger of injury by injection! Never point the spray gun at yourself, other persons or animals. The safety-specific requirements for Airless spraying are speci-…

  • Page 5: Prevention Of Occupational Illnesses

    Super Finish 7000 safety regulatIons 1.15 PReVeNtION OF OccuPAtIONAl IllNeSSeS SuctION INStAllAtIONS Protective clothing, gloves and possibly skin protection cream The are to be provided by the unit user in accordance with the are necessary for the protection of the skin.

  • Page 6: Setup On An Uneven Surface

    APPlIcAtION 2.2.1 cOAtING MAteRIAlS WItH SHARP-edGed Super Finish 7000 is an electric driven unit for the airless ato- AddItIONAl MAteRIAlS mization of different painting materials. Also it is able to feed the internal feeded paint roller, which is available as accesso- These particles have a strong wear and tear effect on valves and tips, but also on the heating hose and spray gun.

  • Page 7: Description Of Unit

    The main area of application are thick layers of highly viscous coating material. At the Super Finish 7000 unit a diaphragm pump takes in the coating materials and transports it via a high-pressure hose to the spray gun with the airless tip. Here the coating material atomizes since it is pressed through the tip core at a maximum pressure of 25 MPa (250 bar, 3625 psi).

  • Page 8: Explanatory Diagram

    Super Finish 7000 descrIptIon of unIt exPlANAtORy dIAGRAM Tip guard with airless tip Spray gun High-pressure hose Connection for high-pressure hose Pressure gauge Pressure control valve Pressure relief valve Symbols: Spraying Circulation ON / OFF switch Indicating lamp (green indicates presence of line voltage)

  • Page 9: Transport Using A Crane

    Super Finish 7000 descrIptIon of unIt tRANSPORt uSING A cRANe tecHNIcAl dAtA SuPeR FINISH 7000 For attaching points for the straps or rope (not wire cable) see Article no. basic unit 2305973 2306248 figure. Voltage : 230 Volt ~, 400 Volt ~,…

  • Page 10: Startup

    Super Finish 7000 startup HIGH PReSSuRe HOSe ANd SPRAy GuN StARtuP A special adapter is required for operation uNIt WItH SuctION SySteM with several guns (see accessories). Several adapters can be connected together, so that 1. Unscrew the dust protective cap (Item 1).

  • Page 11: Connection To The Mains Network

    Super Finish 7000 startup cONNectION tO tHe MAINS NetWORk Connection must always be carried out via an appropriately grounded safety outlet with residual-current-operated circuit-breaker. Before connecting the unit to the mains supply, ensure that the line voltage matches that specified on the unit’s rating plate.

  • Page 12: Taking The Unit Into Operation With Coating Material

    To achieve perfect surfaces at varnishing works, special acces- Longer hoses (30 m is optimal) reduce vibra- sories are available at Wagner, e.g. FineFinish tips or an AirCoat tions. gun set. Your Wagner dealer will advise you.

  • Page 13: Cleaning The Unit

    Super Finish 7000 dIsplays at the unIt / cleanIng the unIt cleANING tHe uNIt 13. Clean the suction tube about 3 minutes long. 14. Rinse in the circuit – Open relief valve valve position (circulation). A clean state is the best method of ensuring operation with- 15.

  • Page 14: Cleaning The Unit From The Outside

    Super Finish 7000 cleanIng the unIt The container must be earthed in case of device with flexible suction coating materials which contain solvents. system (accessory) 1. Unscrew the filter (Item 1) from the suction tube (2). 2. Disassemble filter by rotat- ing the base (3).

  • Page 15: Cleaning The Airless Spray Gun

    3. Clean the outside of the Airless spray gun thoroughly. You can servicing of the unit carried out by the Wagner Service. Favourable conditions can be agreed with a service agreement and/ or maintenance packages.

  • Page 16: Inlet Valve

    Super Finish 7000 repaIrs at the unIt 10.2 INlet VAlVe 1. Place the enclosed 30 mm wrench on the trigger housing (1). 2. Loosen the trigger housing (1) with light blows of a ham- mer on the end of the wrench.

  • Page 17: Pressure Control Valve

    Super Finish 7000 repaIrs at the unIt 10.4 PReSSuRe cONtROl VAlVe 1. Screw the trigger housing with inlet valve out of the paint section as described in Section 10.2 Inlet valve, Items 1 to Only have the pressure control valve (1) re- 3.

  • Page 18: Replacing The Power Cable

    Super Finish 7000 repaIrs at the unIt Before mounting the new diaphragm, clean the insert as well as the grooved surface at the pressure insert (2) and the paint section (3) and wipe off any oil. Mounting is carried out in the reverse order.

  • Page 19: Connection Diagram

    Super Finish 7000 repaIrs at the unIt 10.9 cONNectION dIAGRAM (230 VOlt VeRSION)

  • Page 20
    Super Finish 7000 repaIrs at the unIt cONNectION dIAGRAM (400 VOlt VeRSION)
  • Page 21: Remedy In Case Of Faults

    Super Finish 7000 repaIrs at the unIt 10.10 ReMedy IN cASe OF FAultS type of malfunctIon what else? possIble cause measures for elImInatIng the malfunctIon Unit does not start Motor switch can not No voltage applied Check voltage supply switched on…

  • Page 22: Spare Parts And Accessories

    Super Finish 7000 spare parts and accessorIes SPARe PARtS ANd AcceSSORIeS 11.1 SuPeR FINISH 7000 AcceSSORIeS Item desIgnatIon order no. Spray gun AG-14; 1/4“ 0502 166 (stainless steel) Spray gun AG-08; 1/4“ 0296 388 (aluminium made) Insert filter red, 1 pc. ; 180 MA 0034 383 Insert filter red, 10 pcs.

  • Page 23
    Super Finish 7000 spare parts and accessorIes Airless tip table Wagner without tip without tip Professional tip F thread (11/16 — 16 UN) G thread (7/8 — 14 UN) up to 270 bar for Wagner spray guns for Graco/Titan spray guns (27 MPa) Order no.
  • Page 24
    Super Finish 7000 spare parts and accessorIes 2Speedtip The innovative changeover nozzle from WAGNER combines two nozzle cores into one nozzle. 2 Speed Tip holder Order no. 0271065 tip table Object size Painting material lacquer (l) emulsion (d) Filler (S)
  • Page 25: Spare Parts List Pump Head

    Super Finish 7000 spare parts and accessorIes 11.2 SPARe PARtS lISt PuMP HeAd Item order-no desIgnatIon 0341 219 Pressure regulating knob* 0254 235 Paint head 0341 599 Label * When these parts are replaced the operating pressure has to 0254 232 Diaphragm assy.

  • Page 26: Spare Parts List Pump-Aggregate

    Super Finish 7000 spare parts and accessorIes 11.3 SPARe PARtS lISt PuMP-AGGReGAte Item ortder-no desIgnatIon 0254 335 Electric box 9900 249 Hex washer head screw 0254 221 Motor partition assembled 230V/50Hz M5x12 (4) (item. 1,3, 4) 2306 246 Motor partition assembled 400V/50Hz…

  • Page 27
    Super Finish 7000 spare parts and accessorIes Spare parts diagram pump-aggregate…
  • Page 28: Spare Parts List High-Pressure Filter

    Super Finish 7000 spare parts and accessorIes 11.4 11.5 SPARe PARtS lISt HIGH-PReSSuRe FIlteR SPARe PARtS lISt tROlley (AcceSSORy) Item order no. desIgnatIon Item order-no. desIgnatIon 0254 240 Trolley assy. 0097 121 High-pressure filter HF- 01 compl. 0348 349 Wheel (2)

  • Page 29: Spare Parts List Suction System (Rigid)

    Super Finish 7000 spare parts and accessorIes 11.6 11.7 SPARe PARtS lISt SuctION SySteM (RIGId) SPARe PARtS lISt HOPPeR Item order no. desIgnatIon Item order-no desIgnatIon 0341 263 Suction system compl. 0341 266 Upper hopper fittings, 20 litres 0341 435…

  • Page 30: Testing Of The Unit

    The guarantee certificate is valid as confirmation, as is the Wagner or one of our dealers will take back your used Wagner waste electrical or electronic equipment and will dispose of original purchase document that carries the date of the pur- it for you in an environmentally friendly way.

  • Page 31
    Wagner parts. for products to which modifications or additions have been carried out.
  • Page 32: Ce — Declaration

    Super Finish 7000 ce-erklärung/ ce declaratIon ce déclaratIon/ ce dIchIarazIone…

  • Page 33: European Service Network

    Super Finish 7000 servIcenetz In europa / european servIce network J. Wagner Ges.m.b.H. Wagner Spraytech Wagner Spraytech (UK) Limited Ottogasse 2/20 Scandinavia A/S The Coach House 2333 Leopoldsdorf Helgeshøj Allé 28 2 Main Road Österreich Middleton Cheney OX17 2ND 2630 Taastrup Tel.

Характеристики окрасочного оборудования Вагнер 7000


220 В

Подача краски

100 м

Мощность двигателя

2,2 кВт

Максимальное сопло на окрасочный пистолет

0,041 дюйм

Максимальное рабочее давление

250 Bar


75 кг


6 л/с

Устройство насоса


Комплектация окрасочного аппарата Вагнер 7000

Шланг окрасочный высокого давления 10м — гайка М16х1.5
— 345 бар

1 шт

Пистолет окрасочный высокого давления с фильтром

1 шт

Сопло окрасочное быстрозаменяемое

1 шт

Всасывающая система

1 шт

Мембрана Вагнер 7000

1 шт

Инструкция / Гарантия

1 шт


  АВД Вагнер 7000, широко распространён по всей территории нашей страны, ближнему зарубежью, а также странам Европы, все окрасочные аппараты высокого давления, сделанные в Евросоюзе, имеют в составе по несколько запчастей от АВД Вагнер 7000 (Всасывающий клапан, перепускной клапан, регулятор давления, нагнетательный клапан). Качество запчастей и расходных материалов окрасочного аппарата Вагнер 7000 позволяют говорить о его надежности и долговечности. Окрасочный аппарат АВД Вагнер 7000 с электродвигателем 220В более универсален по сравнению с Вагнер 7000 НА, его можно подключить в любую розетку. Все окрасочные аппараты АВД 7000 сертифицированы и на каждый окрасочный агрегат дается гарантия 12 месяцев. Что может окрасочный аппарат АВД Вагнер 7000 220В: окраска фасадов зданий, окраска подъездов многоэтажных жилых домов, окраска в коммунальном хозяйстве, окраска градирен, покраска вышек сотовой связи, покраска ЛЭП, окраска складов, окраска известью, побелка, покраска ЖД вагонов, окраска контейнеров, покраска металлоконструкций, применение в малярных цехах и т. п.


Окрасочный аппарат АВД 7000 (200В) (мембр.; 6л; 2,2 кВт)

500 р.

Цены уточняйте у менеджеров. Предложение не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 435 Гражданского кодекса РФ.

Внимание! Доставка товара со склада в Воронеже.

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  • Сервисное обслуживание
  • Мембранный окрасочный Агрегат Высокого Давления АВД — 7000 , является современным аналогом самого массового в СССР мембранного аппарата для покраски Вагнер 7000 1968 года (СОМ, Вильнюс). Окрасочный аппарат производства Россия выпускается по тем же технологиям, что и его Советский прообраз. Окрасочный аппарат выпускается с двумя различными лектрическими моторами на 220V и на 380 V. Окрасочные аппараты отличаются только двигателями,  по мощностям всасывания, дальности подачи краски, высоты подачи, вязкости распыляемых материалов аппараты идентичны.


    Мощность, кВт
    Напряжение, В
    Длина шланга max, м
    Производительность, л/мин
    Базовая единица
    Макс. рекомендованное сопло для распыления краски
    Вес, кг
    Давление, бар
    Количество постов
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16 июля

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