IFILE No. SERVICE MANUAL High-pressureSleamSlerilizer MODEL NO. Labo Autoclave MLS-37S1 Ll3781 L ~-- ITEM NAME PLATE • Model No.indication R""N,r:; LABEL +Model No. and rated power supply voltage are indicated here. Model No. Rated Voltage Plug Productcord No. MLS·3751L AC 120V 131699501 MLS·3751L AC230V 131699502 MLS·3781L AC230V 131699401 MLS·3781L AC230V 131699402 Photo: MLS-3751 L INDEX 1. Safety Precautions in Servicing Work .................................................... ·············1 2. Specifications ...................................................... ·········································2 3. Outside Dimensions ...............................•...........•...........•........................... 3"""4 4. Names of Parts and Operations ...................................................... ··············5-6 5. Construction and Functions ....................................................................... 7 . . . . . 10 6. Piping Diagram and Wiring Diagram ...........•...........•...........•.................. ·····11~12 7. Process Flow and Operations .................................................................. ··13~21 8. About Various Modes .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. ···· .. · .. · .... · .. · .. · .. ·· .. 22 . . . . . 27 9. Temperature and Pressure Adjustment and Checking .................................... ··28 . . . . . 32 10. Thermistor Temperature Characteristics / Altitude. Atmospheric Pressure and Boiling Point in Standard Atmosphere················ 33 11. Circuit Diagram ...................................................... ······································34 12. Troubleshooting ...................................................... ································35~44 13. Disassembling Procedure .............•...........•...........•...........•...................... ··45~50 14. Instruction Manual .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .... · .. · .. · .. ·· .. 51 . . . . . 63 15. Parts List .......................................................•...........•...................... ··64~71 16. Instruction Manual of Works for Optional Parts ··· .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .... · .. · .. · .. ·· .. 72 . . . . . 79 REFERENCE No. SM6610004 1. Safety Precautions in Servicing Work Please read the "Safety Precautions" section carefully to prevent any accidents during service repair and provide a safe product. • Loss or damage which may result from failing to heed these precautions and degree of their urgency, the precaution have been classified ioto the three categories &Danger &Warning &Caution This indication shows the content of the result in the death or serious injure of the operator or other persons. This iodicates a potentially hazardous sitoation arisiog from the mishandliog or mis-operation of the unit which, if not avoided, could result io the death orserious iojury of the operator or other persons. This iodicates a potentially hazardous sitoation arisiog from the mishandliog or mis-operation of the unit which, if not avoided, may result io mioor iojury of the operator or other persons and property damage . • The figure sign classifies the contents that must be heeded, and is explaioed. (The followiog sign is an example.) 6. 1bis symbol calls attention to a danger, warning or caution, so please take care. 0 This symbol calls attention to an action which the operator is prohibited from performiog, so take care . • This symbol calls attention to an action which must be performed or which the operator is iostructed to perform, so tske care. & Warning Always unplug thc;unit when carrying out inspection or repairs. C PI_pull 0lIl: a Pl""=' fUIlPly phi' • Always unplug the unit from. the outlet when assembling, disassembling. inspecting, or replacing parts.Failure to observe the above could lead to electric shock. or injury. 6) Always return the wiring to its original condition after carrying out inspection or repairs on the unit. & • Tighten the lead holden so that the lead wires do not touch revolving parts, high-temperature parts, high-pressure parts, or edges (sides) of parts. Contact could lead to ma1fimctions, electric shock, or tire. ~ Take sufficient care of electric shocks. c.utiowl of 1111 6) • Take sufficient care of electric shocks from the charged parts '" lead temllnals. electric: shock Always use specified parts when repairing. 0 0 • Parts marked with it are safety parts.These parts are important in maintaining safety. While replacing, always use the specified parts. 0 0 • Do not splice the power cord, plug it into an extension cord. or use it with multiple plugs in a single outlet. Failure to observe the above could result:in electric shocks, heating '" fue. • Always replace damaged or worn power cord or lead wires.Failure to observe the above could result in electric shock, beating or tire. • Confirm that there is no dust and that the plug is secure, inserting it all the way in. Dust or bad connection could result in electric shock or tire. Caution Beware of burns due to high _perature. • Take care, as after operation the chamber door, chamber, and piping sections are extremely hot. Always wear gloves when repejring or inspecting. & power cord, heating. or pulling it could result in damage. • When repajring, always use the part listed on service parts table for the appropriate model and appropriate tools. Also, under no circumstances are modifications to the unit to be carried out. Failun: to observe the above could result in electric shock, heating or fire. & @ _,_ • Do not damage or change the power cord .This may lead to electric shocks or fire.Placing heavy objects on the • Use gloves to avoid injury from. the edge ofmeta11ic surface. & & -1- • Measure the insulation resistance after repe:irs and con:fum that is at least 5M (1 . A problem in the insulation can lead to electronic shock. • Confirm that the position of attached parts, condition of the wiring, and soldering, or crimp connections are normal.An abnormality can lead to heating, :fire or electric shock. 2. Specifications Product Designation Labo Autoclave (High-pressure Steam Sterilizer) Model Designation MlS-3751/3751 l MlS-3781/3781l Power supply 120V unit: 120VAC ( 50/60Hz ), 15.BA 220V unit: 220VAC (50/60Hz), 9.1A 230V unit: 230VAC ( 50/60Hz ), B.7A 220V unit: 220VAC ( 50/60Hz), lB.2A 230V unit: 230VAC (50/60Hz), 17.4A Power Consumption 1.9kW ( 120V only), 2kW 4kW External Dimensions 47B(W) x 632(D) x 74B(H) mm 47B(W) x 632(D) x 965(H) mm Weight Approx. 61 kg Approx. 71 kg Internal Capacity 57l BOl Effective Internal Capacity 50l 75l Chamber Dimensions 370 (dia.) x 415(D) (Effective depth including cover: 463) mm 370 (dia.) x630(D) (Effective depth including cover: 6BB) mm Chamber Material SUS304 (Austenitic stainless steel) Sterilization Temperature 115°C - 135°C Melting Temperature 60°C - 114°C Heat-retention Temperature 45°C - 60°C Thermometer Thermistor, digital display (25°C - 141°C) Safety Valve Releasing Pressure 240kPa (34.Bpsi, 2.4bar) Pressure Gauge Range -0.1 - 0.4 MPa Timer Sterilization 1 min. - 5 hrs. Melting 1 min. - 5 hrs. Heat-retent Timer 72 hrs. fixed 1 week (Designation: Year, month, day, hour and minute) 2 liter Polyethylene tank Exhaust Tank Warning and Safety Functions Pressure safety valve, overheat prevention device, dry-scorch prevention, cover interlock, excessive pressure prevention, earth leakage breaker Max. 75dB (A) Sound Pressure level Stainless steel baskets - Large: 1, small: 1 Accessories Stainless steel baskets - Large: 2, small: 1 Drain hose: 1 Exhaust tank (1), exhaust tank at rear side (1), tank mounting bracket (1) and tip-resistant metals (2) Optional Accessories Object temperature sensor, external temperature sensor, printer, stainless steel basket (large), stainless steel basket (small), punching basket, sterilization can ·Please consult us about the model number, price, delivery date, etc. including other optional accessories than shown as above . • The specifications may be subject to change for improvement without prior notice. -2- I Front Side I Lateral Side • I eN -..j 0'1 <1~ oc:: en o 1 CD r 1 I I - ~ ~ c- r~ :a I 1 II 100 =W ~ 1159 420 678 = = = =. l:: II} g en 1 C/I en C/I c)" :::J ;..c:1 ---, . . · . ~ 426 607 673 689 766 :::J o CD :::J 9 '- 100 CD = = = = == == = = = = = = = ill ·· 1c::::::J1 D ~ r- ~J l 3 c: 1 I. o CD 3 1 I 75 t- en 0.. 632 ~ ...... ...... 1 478 oc ~ ~ '" "" "" g 71 66 ~ 3 3 ~ :::J I Front Side I Lateral Side I • w -4~ 1;-1 632 D = = = 1!1 ['II • 00 ...... r oc:: c: CD !if I I I 75 ..-- -..j g 3 CD ::::I CJl c)' ::::I CJl = = = = = = = == == = · · 1c:::::J1 r"" '--..J = = = =. ~~ . . · ~9 . ~ 426 607 673 689 766 171 66 o.n ..., ..., <=> ~ 4. Names of Parts and Operations » Rear.lde ~" ~ +-__~~ ~~=~~2r~~~~pno~'~U~~~~IW~~~+-______________________ Steam is discharged through this port if pressure in the chamber rises abnonnally. ••• • MOVIIbie handl. pulling toward you. ---=c-::::-----,I r Handle Use for opening/closing the cover. P.....UNa.ua. Indicates the pressure inside the chamber. Exhaust tank Exhaust tank ,---J~ on the rear side • • . . / - 1- -....._ _ _ _- . ~ I " ~j:-l::::;;:;;;::';'7V~/t11C;;;;;~;;;;;C~0YII~r;;;;;;;;,,"~ ~r-~~ ~ ~ C' 0 -l / ~ CQllllllr to shut the chamber tight. It is lined with silicon rubber pecking. ~ mn I~ ~! - @ II ~ G~p ... oH)~-~c-::~r'lch~ L rJ f-Co-nd-e-'n."e"."'."'tea=m"e"m"';H'-ed--+-J.~ .l;"",J] J from the chamber. ~ • Control panel Used for unlocking the cover. The covar can be unlock8d by pressing this handle down and ~ = '8 If ~v V • _ . .,... R""""" thO """,r to ",nnee! th. optional printer to the product. -••-......JI---C~~ Tankcua Encases the exhaust tank. • 'Ii C ••tar . Exhau.thOH Sends steam and air in the chamber to the exhaust tank. " : ~J-</ C==~~~==~--Rtfr~4 ~.~!.! Packing. Hose in tank ' Ii. f-::-------'====----c-+---t+ ,,"f+; p.f! Converts steam discharged from the chamber Into water. Exhu.t valve Manually opening/cloeing valve uaed for draining heating water from Ihe Ohamber. Drain outlet ~~ ~ -5- Heating water III drained from the Ohamber Ihrough this outlet. Connecl: the included drain hoee to drain heating water. Control panel Cover lock lamp II IndicaN hi _ tim., rem .... ing IndicaN hi nlu. of the currvnt proce. with • flitbring bar. tm., llerilizdon qd8, exhawt U~ "" wIIIIn opI~on.aart. with . . COlIer locked. !D, cautionary m~ .rror mMIIIIgIIl, dIIte IIIId voice ~id. Mltting. ,bulla" . WhIll1 the optlona' obfect tlImperlltUre .,".or I, In.lalled and thl' object templll'&lure button '- preMed, the I~ IIglU up and the llerlllzatlon tllTlllr II controlled by !he ~rature of Indicates Iha _18cIed lblrilizRliDn cycle with • Iii limp. I ...,.ratu. ., IndicaN hi currtlnt llerilizdon Nt I8mpendur., mIIlting MI temperature, IIIhBUII: IIIIrling templill1llUre, date, hourimllUlM and voice guide MIttIng. obfMD to be .....lIzed. ,lamp LIghts up wh8l'l the chamber 'Intemally undlr prusure. Thlllllmp Ilghtl up whln thll button '- pl'UMd. . IBBI ... IBBB I v-~ ~ ,- fo : lo, • ~- BAtI'tD ~~ ~~ ~ '''; .:-: Timer I s_ thallma untiliha liar! of operation. ' bUtton Indates changa 01 MIllIngs and MIllIngs 01 CUlTlll'lt op8l'llllDn on II1II digital dilplays'lnd II. lJMd Ibr IlItIIng and dlRnglng the sIIIr1llz1lllon tempM'atul1l, sItIr1llz1lllon 1m., nwllng I8mpllllLlure, rnellng Ima, hINt....ntion tamperw.tul'8, 1IIChI.u.t I8mperalure, sIIIrt timer and ..,.ust rate. Stop I Stope operdon and cancelli tilnllr Htting. and hINd-l'lMntion. lJMd In engage the cooling modi! clnlng IIXhaulilng. Start button StarIti opaIW.tlon and IIm.._ operation. Time I Current Ilmlli5 DlICUld on clgital dllplay I. Model No. SIIIIIca .ny 013 progran-.1IIId <4cydIII (toIII1 121111111c101ll). -6- r 5. Construction and Functions _Names of parts and functions are common to Series 3751 U3781 L. The photo shows Model MLS-3781 L. . Part name may be I I list when you place an order. 1 2 3 7 4 , No. Part Name 1 Pressure gauge 2 Tank 3 Front panel 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Richt side Danel Side panel. R Left side panel Side panel, L Safety valve cover Back side Danel Handle, frame Function Bourdon tube pressure gauge for displaying pressure in the chamber Tank for exhausting air in the chamber Front side frame constituting the appearance of the temperature detector Constitutina the richt side appearance of the unit cover Right side frame constituting the appearance of the unit Constitutin the left side appearance of the unit cover Left side frame constituting the appearance of the unit Plate to block steam blOW'ing out when the safety valve is actuated Richt side frame constitutina the appearance of the unit Handle for moving the unit -7- 1 13 12 14 2 15 11 16 17 Right Side No. 11 12 13 14 Part Name Valve assembly, 1/28 Fan motor Chamber set Chassis 15 Caster Function Manual valve for draining the water for heating the chamber inside Air blowin~ fan for coolina the chamber Chamber to seal UD steam and Derform sterilization Base plate to fIX the arrangement component parts and support them 16 Pressure sensor 17 Thermistor assembly Caster for moving the unit. 4 casters are used. Equipped with lock function Semiconductor sensor for detecting the pressure in the chamber Sensor for temperature detection -8- 20 21 18 22 19 23 24 25 26 (The operational unit body is in this unit.) i i II -9- 27 28 No. Part Name 27 Packina, chamber 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Lid set, chamber Heater cover Packing, panel Sheathed heater set Lock shaft. Panel Circuit breaker Function Fitted to the lid by sealine oackina for sealing the chamber Chamber see line lid which can be ooened and closed Quicklv stand on which sterilization object to be put In the chamber Is placed Packing to seal the gab between the dlamber and the panel Heat source heater to generate sterilizing steam Part for locking to seal and fix the chamber and the cover Panel to vertically oartition the chamber and the cover Electric pert to shut down the power supply circuit in case of an over-current in the unit -10 - 6. Piping Diagram and Wiring Diagram • Piping Diagram HOSE EXHAUST I JOIN'[ L R1I4 x G1I4 FLARED SAFETY VALVE AS~ (560) r::V~ PIPE HOSE TANK JOINT, ORIFICE ()1.8 / AS~ SAFETY VAlVE .~ HEATER AS~ ELECTROMAGNETIC VALVE NC PIPE, EXHAUST PIPE COOLING rs PIPE ASSf, PRESSURE GAUGE '" SENSOR, PRSSURE NSK -BAOI OB -092 HOSE, IN TANK PRESSUR GAUGE, 350P PIPE ASSf, PRESSURE SENSOR JOINT T VACUUM JOINT T CHAMBER TANK, MLS -3781 VALVE, VC12B1-F VALVE ASSY DRAIN 3781 PIPE ASSY,FREX .l250 - 11 - • Wiring Diagram 11iERMOSTAT HEATER (MANUAL RE1IIRN) = 51: Rl 16 C 3 P ---D 81: OJ 51:R2 81: Q2 J lIiERMO 1 HEATER PIISSURE 1 BREAKER 10 L,J 81 :Ql I - U=:::J L----D ltj I SW Q ,--------~ I PS 3 gmj un n;; lli®l:'":.ECT TEMP 81'~' ~ e! SENSOR 51:' 14 ~13 LCNlLJ LOOfiJ IDl'TIDNJ J.d 13 r!d 1 ~ 3 ~ 2 NC , 0--0 n- 51:W , 81: V CN9 ~ " I '~ RELAY ~ 7 5 ~ 8 3 4Wli B I U~1 auo32 I B.<m11Y FOR COCK I P.C.B.ASSY ,CONTROL CE ~l9~f+tirB:3t1fCN7 ~H 1 r g ~.-----,' CN5 A3781CE ~ ~ 1378ICE OPllONAL PRINTIR CONNECllON WR ~n , - , - - - - - H CN3 , 2 '=5 ~ ~ [iiiii] C-UD-:-~ F.~137~81~~~~tf~"l" INC, 1 5 HANDLE LOCK SOLENOID mt 1 NC §] EXHAUST VALVE n--------n1 ~SP LOCK SHMT cd S"""R C 51:Rl SClENDID CN201 Il=~SPPCB ,,JL,',f)"D7S1CE P,C.O. Am, DISPlAY 3781 aRCUIT 3 D DS -PCB OS CN103rl~~= CN10l DD DD TERM~L BLOCK "---_L--=~+I:TlI--t= L=h sLilllill I ~II I I 1 5 '~- '1Qj!J 3 , MU'ER ~D-,~+t~f2~~~~;;~~tt"~~~'·~·IT17~"~=r5F~3n;'C~E-rIl-----~ "", •• ,., ~c::Jl ~ 22OY: 8220 3781 ~vn llIANSFORMER ~ ., ~-~~ ~SA ~--~ COOLING FAN FQ l'1!.N:Bl2G 3751 22OY: IWG 3781 nov: Bl3Q 3781 I 51: P.C.8,ASSY, EM0l51 CE 81: P.C.8,ASSY, EMeJ781 CE 11OV: 03751 CE 11OV,13OV: N3781 CE 2A 37S1L(12OV),3781L(23OV ENTElA): I Cl7811N1RA one! MOOEl5: (3781 CE POWER TRANSFORMER * Note) 51 in the figure shows MLS-3751 L, and 81 shows MLS-3781 L - 12- 7. Process Flow and Operations (OOperations and displays IOperations and Process! Digital Display I Turn ON the power. STAND-BY I Digital Display II Bar display "- - -" is displayed for the Boiling point setting temperature is displayed for the first 4 sec. Thereafter, first 4 sec. Thereafter, the display the display changes to stand-by display. f - - changes to stand-by display. ~ Put sterilizing object and close the cover. Setting temperature is displayed. f-However, The temperature in the chamber is displayed by pressing the "... " + "T" buttons at the same time. If the temperature is lower than 25"C, "La" is disolaved. Setting time and cycle are displayed alternately. However, the water heating temperature is displayed by pressing the "..... + "..... buttons at the same time. If the temperature is lower than 25"C, "La" is disolaved. I Press the start button. "COVER LOCK " lights up and the process monitors flicker. Temparature in the chamber is f-displayed. However, if the temperature is lower than 25"C, "La" is displayed. HEAT f-- STERI (MELT ) r-- Temperature in the chamber is displayed. r-- r-- Temperature in the chamber is displayed. r-- Kemalnlng smnllzatlon orne IS CISPISyeC. However, I EXHAUST 1""--------- Nothing is displayed. However, the water heating temperature is displayed by pressing the ~ ... ~ + ".... buttons at the same tima. If the temperature is lower than 25"C. ·Lo~ is displayed. the water heating temperature is displayed by pressing the""'~ + ..... ~ buttons at the same time. NOlmng IS cisplaye~. nowever, me WSIer eaung temperature is displayed by pressing the" ..... + ....... buttons at the same time. _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._---- KEEP WARM Temperature in the chamber is displayed. f-- f-- Elapsed keep-warm time is displayed_ However, the water heating temperature is displayed by pressing the tt... w + ~ ...u buttons at the same time_ By pressing the ttRESERV" + ~ .... at the same Ume, the elapsed keep-warm time is displayed in minute_ STERI/KEEP WARM MELT/KEEP WARM ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMPLETE r-- Temperature in the chamber is displayed. However, if the temperature is lower than 25"C, "La" is displayed. I I pen me cover ana take out sterilized obiectCs). I STAND-BY ~ "COVER LOCK r-- Bar display" " is displayed. However, the water heating temperature is displayed by pressing the .... " + MT" buttons at the same time. If the temperature is lower than 25"C, "Le" is displayed. "goes out and the all process monitors light up and the "COMPLETE" flickers. Setting temperature is displayed_ However, the temperature in the chamber is displayed by pressing the ... " + MT" buttons at the same time. If the temperature is lower than 25"C, "Lo" is displayed. Setting time and cycle are displayed alternately_ However, the water heating temperature is displayed by pressing the ... + "T- buttons at the same time_ If the temperature is lower than 25"C, "Lo· is D f-- displayed. - 13- .....1 '0) • Liqyid Sterilization (]-1 1-2 and 1-3) Te "". -- ~ "",powLIW. '" IS.-- Sterilization settinlte~ Exhaustsettinlte~. - ~ ~ .... 'I 'I Lid !ION f------- - - - - - - - - - • ~ -. 'I ... ~ , Sterilization , Coolilll OFF at boiling r...J!.Ol!!!;+7'C __ ..... _ ~ --------- CD ---------t -=n --------1-_ , 0' :E n :::r .,II.... ~ --------~~ ~f----- • ••• Exhault valve (NO Handesolenoid (Unlocked bypower-ON) F~ Dilital c:isplay 1 Dilital c:isplay 2 Processmonitor ,- ..., ~.. ... ShortBeep ... ~ I" ~" I ~.,(1";m•• ; Rllmainilll starilizatian ,~ ! H..ti"lll H. .ting2 Exh.uat 1 Sterilization "" ,- ... Temp. in Chamber (Displayed lit hillher than 25'C) "',- n 1/1 1/1 Heater relay Speaker .,"tI o -to i .... ---__ i .' ----------, ,," ;, ." ..."..............-"- - - - - - - - - - - •• ~ , SteriliZlltionutl:imll - f----- --- --------- HeaterTriack 'I "',- Udapen ------ --- ------f----- --- --------- r-. ~ Corq,letion R""chi..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f - -Imin. --- 65"C- - - - - - - - - - - - - 0""'"- Heatilll Boiling point A BoilinlPoint- , Airpurp= Heatilll "',- i ! ~ Corq,Iet;ion > nStorilization/Koep Warm (2-1 2-2 and 2-3) Heatin 1 'I Temp. Lid OIOM • • , 'I Start • Sterilization 'I Reaohinl set. temp. Boilinl point Press. Sterilization settingtemp. --- --------------- Heatin • , • , , Cooli Compllftion Stand-by 'I , Lid open Ster1IIZ11tloneettlme --------------- ---------------- == • • • • • • • • • • • • . ~:~~• • • • • • • ·.~~==:7~'~h~,:.===!1- -___ i"---------I-ot.I'. --1------ __.+__ ~~ i ----~~ ....;........... i ._.L ""------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------i----"r-t-----'--+---1 ~ •• HeaterTriack / ,~ •••• i •••• Heater relay Exhaust valve (NO) Handesolenoid (Unlocked bypower-ON) Fon ___________~__.k_.'~~~~~~.i~~~i:~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~~~~k" Digital display 1 ,,- . nemaininl sterilization ...;.r-_"l Digital diSPlay21....._ _... ...;."~... Process monitor i"(1'''m~ It Stand-by > I...---... -"-....;.r=--;--'TV'-----"T"-----"T"---"T"--T .. ... ...;.-._;"_"' __ """._'~(D_;..i-'... ;...d_"_h.. ;;..._'_"_._"_25""..;.)...,-...,--------...,----~..T....----..;.-~" I Heatl1'll'2 Starlllzation Keep-wann elapsed time Exhaust 1 I" KellJlwann Stand-by Comph!ll:lon > • Melting/Keep Warm (3-1 3 - 2 and 3-3> When the mettlna: temp ....ture II Ht at hl&her than l05"C, flXhault. aperatlan II performed for 8 mlm..t boIllna: pHrt + 5"C .fter heatlna:. T. m,.-- pJr_. '" p~ ss.-- Meltingsettingtemp. -- Keep-wannsettingtime --- 0 .... -- • ""- He.tinl Meltinl ~lhina: '" .... 1 '1 Lid clo.. • Start • , • "',,- , • , 'I • ""- , ~ """"- > 72 hra. ". r------------_._-----_._-----_._-----_._--- "', ----------- •••••• -r- ------_._-----_._-----_._-- r------- -- ............... J-.-- Heater relay • Meltinl Ht time --------------- -------- ---_.- ----_._- ---_._-----_._-----_._-----_._--- Hem:erTrieck Completion Lid open ---------------- ------- ---------------- ----- --- Coolinl ••••• Exhaust valve (NO) Handesolenoid (Unlocked bypower-ON) Fon .... .~ Speaker Digital display 1 Digital display2 Proc8samonitor """"- I .... .... ~ ShortB.ep • ."dBo,P ~ lieP(lOtim..> T.....,. in Chaniler (Displayed at hilher then 25"C) RemIIininl meltina: time HtNrtina:l W Meltinl Koap-warrn elapsed time Elchauat 1 It "'''- W Completion > .Instrument Sterilization (4=1 4-2 and 4=3) T."" -Press. - - .,L a< -- lJd~ • :!.. • Heating Air pu .... 'I • , H..ti -. Sterilization 'I Boiling point • , • , 'I Udopen Reaohing ... Sterilizationsettingtemp. -- ---------------- ------- ---------------- --------------OFF::ilinr point +1"C • ~Ietion -- • , -- > Sterilization_time /i ---------.,.,li _________.... : BoilinSpont--- --------------- -------- )--------- .... / OM., ~ /' :' .... .... " .... -+---+-+--,--£'. ~~~. ;:--+---------------.. ."'!----+---.-I •• HeaterTriack Heater relay : Exhaust valve (NC) Handesolenoid (Unlocked bypower-ON) .. ~, Speaker Digital display 1 1'--~-;;;;;~-.;;;,r--'II'----...,-----...,--~T.~m~'.,;;;"~c~..~""~w~(D~;-;;;;~.~d~.~'~h;;"',W~"";;;;"~"~"~};..._...-----T"----,/T.......---;;;;;~-~--.>" I Digital display 2 Processmonitor ~.ep('Otim", 1'-----;-1- k : ,. . ,---_.1....-""''',',.... momalnlna: sten IlAtion St:.nd-by Heatinl' '] Heatinl 2 ~ Sterilization .. '] Exhaust , Exhaust 2 ~Ietion (3)Descriptions of process operation G)Set the exhaust tank to the unit. Fill the exhaust tank with water up to the "LOW" level and set the tank to the unit. ~Turn "ION" the power switch. For the first 4 sec., the boiling point setting temperatura is displayed on the IDigital Display II and the bar display "- - -" appears on the IDigital Display III ' and then the set temperature, set time or the cycle is displayed. Press down the handlij and pull the Imovable handleltoward you to open the cover. Fill the chamber with water until the end of the water level metal of the heater cover is immersed in the water. Put object(s) to be sterilized in the attached stainless-steel basket, set it in the chamber and close the cover. @Heating process (Process monitor lamp: "Heating" flickers.) After checking the detail of the cycle and settings, press the ISTART buttonl. Then, "Beep Beep" sound is heard and the power to the ~terilization heate~ is turned ON to heat the heating water and generate steam. At this time, the air in the chamber is driven out by steam. The steam at that time is discharged into the exhaust tank where it is condensed to water. Also, excess steam which could not be condensed enough flows into the back side exhaust tank at the back side of the unit. After the completion of air exhausting process, closing of the c-x-;h:-:a-us-:-;t-v-::a~lvCle fills the chamber with steam and raises the pressure. After starting, the COVER LOCK lam lights up and the cover can not be opened due to interlock function. @Sterilization process (Process monitor lamp: "Sterilization" flickers.) When the temperature in the chamber reaches the sterilization temperature, the Isterilization time~ starts working. During sterilization, the tern erature in the chamber is detected by the lateral thermistor (THI) and the power supply to the sterilization heate is controlled by microcomputer. The temperature can be set every i'C between 115'C and 135'C. When the set sterilization time elapses, the sterilization process ends and goes to the next exhaust process. @Melting process (Process monitor lamp: "Melting" flickers.) This process is for melting culture medium, etc. The temperature in the chamber is detected by the lateral thermistor (TH I) and the power supply to the ~terilization heate~ is controlled by microcomputer. The temperature can be set every I'C between 60·C and 114"C. @Exhaust process (Process monitor lamp: "Exhaust" flickers.) <For INSUMENT STERI> By shutting down the power supply to the ~terilization heate~ and opening the lexhaust valvij, steam in the chamber is discharged into the exhaust tank to perform cooling. This process is to be performed when the sterilization object is instrument, etc. <For other than INSUMENT STERI> Shut down the power supply to the ~terilization heate~ and keep the lexhaust valve ~Iosed so that the temperature in the chamber is cooled naturally. When the tern erature in the chamber lowers down to the preset exhaust temperature (initial value or boiling pint), th exhaust valv opens. This process is performed when the sterilization object is liquid such as culture medium, etc. The sterilization object is prevented from spilling out due to burst boiling. (l)Keep-warm process (Process monitor lamp: "Keep Work" flickers.) The temperature of sterilization object such as melted culture medium or sterilized culture medium can be set and maintained every I·C between 45"C and 60·C and the sterilization object can be kept warm for 72 hours. (The keep-warm process can be completed by pressing the !lTOP buttonl.) The temperature in the chamber is detected by the lateral thermistor (TH I) and the power supply to the Isterilization heate~ is controlled by microcomputer. @Completion process <LIQUID STERI cycle/INSTRUMENT STERI cycle> (Process monitor lamp: "Completion" flickers.) When the temperature in the chamber lowers down to a certain level, the buzzer sound "Beep" is issued ten times, and the bar display"- - -" appears on the IDigital Display III to inform the completion of operation. <Sterilization/Keep-warm cycle· Melting/Keep-warm cycle> (Process monitor lamp: "Completion" flickers.) After the completion of keep-warm cycle, the buzzer sound "Beep" is issued ten times, and the bar display "- - -" appears on thel Digital Display III to inform the completion of operation. - 18- (4)Descriptions of safety device actuation eCaution sions Caution Sian Lid Disolav Condition Cover is not closed comDletelv. When the START button is pressed, the Cause/Checkina/Remedv Press down the handle by force. Press the START button after the temperature in Hot temperature in the chamber is higher than the nreset temnerature. Due to bending or clogging of the exhaust hose, the chamber has lowered. HOSE abnormal pressure was detected more than 7 times durin" heatin" (j)Operation is started without opening the cover immediately after power-ON. ®Trouble with the lock shaft detection switch door Pull put the exhaust tank and correct the bending of hose. Check the exhaust circun for anv cloaaino. (j)()nce open the cover and start the operation. ®Replace the lock shaft detection switch. eError sians El Enror Sian Lateral thermistor (TH1) Open E2 Bottom thermistor (TH3) Open E3 Lateral thermistor (TH1) Abnormal temp. E4 Object temp. sensor Disolav Condition Lower than 21"C Smin. after the bottom thermistor becomes 90·C. Lower than 21'C for 2min. after starting and 2 min elapsing. Higher than 139'C Higher than 140'C (TH2) Abnormal temp. ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' Cause/CheckinaiRemedv Check the thermistor (TH1). Check the thermistor (TH1) connector. Check the thermistor (TH3). Check the thermistor (TH3) connector. Check the thermistor (TH1). Check the Triack. Check the thermistor (TH2). Check whether or not the tip of the object temp. sensor lips down into the heater unit. E5 Bottom thermistor (TH3) Abnonnal tamp • Higher than 110'C in heating I, keep-warm process. • Higher than 120'C in heating 2, exhaust process. E6 Unlocking of the movable handle is impossible. E7 Locking of the movable handle' cover is impossible. E8 Abnormally high pressure E9 Low pressure El0 EEPROM communication error • Higher than 140'C in heating 3, heating 4, sterilization process. • Or, higher than set temp.+30·C The detection switch is not turned OFF even when the power supply to the solenoid is turned ON and the solenoid is unlocked. • The detection switch is not turned ON even when the power supply to the solenoid is turned OFF and the solenoid is locked. • Lid detection switch is turned OFF during operation. • Lock shaft detection switch is turned OFF durina oDeration. • Pressure in the chamber is higher than about O.33MPa. • Pressure in the chamber is O.04MPa higher than the saturated steam pressure in the temperature of the lateral thermistor at heating 4 and sterilization processes. • Pressure in the chamber is O.04MPa lower than the saturated steam pressure in the temperature of the lateral thermistor at heating 3 ,heating 4 and sterilization processes. Nothing can be read out or written from or on EEPROM. - 19- • Check the thermistor (TH3). • Check whether or not the exhaust port is blocked with sterilization object. • Isn't the amount of heating water reduced and isn't the chamber is heated wnhout water? • Check for leakage of steam or water. • Doesn't the lock pin catch? • Check the cover swoch. • Doesn't the lock pin catch? • Check the cover swnch. • Check the lock shaft switch. • Sterilization object which makes the exhaust difficult. • Exhaust circuit is clogged. • Exhaust port is blocked with the sterilization bag. • Deep sterilization can is used. • Shortage of heating water. • Exhaust circuit is blocked. • Check and replace PCB. -Hard limiter When the temperature in the chamber which was detected by the lateral thermistor (TH1) rises to higher than 140'C, the Triack and the relay control circuit is controlled directly by TH1 temperature detection and the power supply to the heater is shut down. This circuit is not controlled via micro-computer and it is reset automatically when the temperature lowers. (Actuated in all processes.) - Pressure safety valve This valve opens to exhaust steam in the chamber and prevent abnormal pressure rise so that the pressure in the chamber should not exceed O.25MPa. (5) Functions of specific parts and cautions <Deaver interlock This is a safety device to prevent the user from opening the cover by mistake when the pressure in the chamber is higher than the atmospheric pressure. In order to check seating tightness between the lid and the chamber, micro-switches are mounted to their lock shafts. Also, 1 micro-switch is mounted for detection of the position of the solenoid for the movable handle lock and 2 micro-switches to the lid for detection of lid open/close status. -When the cover is closed, the 2 micro-switches mounted to the lock shaft and the lid detects that the solenoid is in the specified position, and "Beep" sound is issued and the operation turns to stand-by status. - When the START button is pressed, the live solenoid becomes non-live and the end of the solenoid enters the hole of the movable handle. By so doing, the movable handle is fixed and at the same time, the micro-switch is pushed by the end of the solenoid and the position of solenoid is detected to start the operation. (Cautions) If the START button is pressed with the cover lock being incomplete, the caution sign "Lid'" appears on the digital display of the control panel and the buzzer sounds. This is to inform that the lid is not closed up to the normal position. Therefore, the cover handle must be pushed down until the buzzer sound "Short Beep" is heard . • When the "Lid'" display appears, the following causes are taken account. • Handle is not pushed down completely. Since the temperature in the chamber is high, repulsive force (force to open the lid) of the chamber lid packing is too strong to push down the handle . • The chamber lid packing is removed and the lid bites a part of it. ®About the "door" display Lock shaft is closed when the cover is open (detection switch "ON"), the lock shaft opens once as the cover closes (detection switch "OFF"), and it closes again (detection switch "ON") when the cover closes. In order to detect adherence to ON of the lock shaft switch, it is checked by microcomputer that the lock shaft opens and then closes (detection switch turns OFF and ON.), and if it was not detected that the switch is OFF, "door" is displayed. (Cautions) If the START button is pressed without opening the lid immediately after the power is turned ON, the "door" display appears, but this is not due to any trouble. Close the cover once and then press the START button to start the operation. - 20- @Back side exhaust tank When the water temperature in the exhaust lank rises to make it impossible to condense steam to water, the steam is exhausted into the back side exhaust lank. It is the back side exhaust lank that recovers the steam. (Cautions) When connecting the exhaust hose to the back side exhaust lank, be sure to insert it so that its end reaches near the bottom of the back side exhaust lank. The water in the back side exhaust lank returns from the back side exhaust lank to the exhaust lank. In case of incomplete connection of hose, water remains in back side exhaust lank and the water may splash in all directions in the exhaust process. @Thermostat This is the final safety device to prevent abnormal temperature rise due to heating of empty chamber by heater. The power supply is shut down when this device works. The thermoslat is of manual reset type. The actuating temperature is 145°C±5°C. The thermoslat is mounted to the bottom of the chamber. To reset it, remove the unit side panel and the reset button must be pressed directly. (Caution) Since the thermoslat can not be rest at a high temperature, rest it when the chamber is cooled well. @Chamber lid packing Timing of the chamber lid packing replacement is 1 year as slandard. If deterioration of the edge, hardening, remarkable deformation or lowering of elasticity is found, it must be replaced. When replacing, tum OFF the power supply and then remove the chamber lid packing from the chamber lid. Make sure that no foreign matters such as dirt, etc. are sticking to the new lid packing and the lid before mounting the packing to the chamber lid. -21- 8. About Various Modes Models MLS-3751 U3781 L are equipped with the following modes. As for the detail, refer to the pages of respective modes. Setting mode: Display of processing frequency, history of errors, etc. and settings. etc. Test mode: Display of temperature and pressure in the chamber, adjustment of thermistors, pressure sensors, etc. Demonstration mode: Display of actual operation status and demonstration of operation, etc. -How to enter into the setting mode 1. Tum ON the power switch. 2. When the ".A. "+ "SET/CONFIRM" buttons are pressed for about 2 sec. while pressing the "START" button, "Short Beep x 3" sound is heard and at the same time the decimal point on sterilization the Digital Display I flickers. (See the right figure.) 3. After the status has become such as in 2, when the "START" button is pressed within 5 sec. while pressing the ".A."+ "T" buttons, "Beep· sound is heard, and at the same time the mode becomes the setting mode and model name and speech language are displayed. flicker "c 1- 1 -How to cancel the setting mode When the power switch is turned OFF, the setting mode is cancelled. Or, when the "STOP" button is pressed to enter into the test mode and the operation in the "How to cancel the test mode· is performed, the setting mode reset to the normal mode. -How to enter into the test mode Light-up Sterilization A. In stand-by display Enter into the setting mode according to the procedure in the Flicker 51e "How to enter into the setting mode" and press the "STOP" button. Then, "Beep" sound is heard and at the same the mode changes to the test mode. The difference from the normal mode is such that the decimal point on the Digital Display I lights up. (See the right figure.) B. In operation When the procedure in the "How to enter into the setting mode" is performed during operation, "Beep· sound is heard and at the same time the mode changes to the test mode. I .lizati~ 12 1 0:2'1 "c Time -How to cancel the test mode When the power switch is turned OFF, the test mode is cancelled. Or, when the "START" button is pressed for about 2 sac. while pressing the ".A."+ "SET/CONFIRM" buttons, "Short Beep X3" sound is heard and at the same time the test mode returns to the normal mode. -How to enter into the demonstration mode 1. Turn ON the power switch. 2. Start the reservation operation. 3. When the "Cycle selection" + "STOP" buttons is pressed within 5 sec. after starting the reservation operation, "Beep Beep Beep· sound is heard and at the same time the stand-by is displayed and the mode changes to the demonstration mode. -How to cancel the demonstration mode When the power switch is tumed OFF, the demonstration mode is cancelled. - 22- (1)About the setting mode In the selling mode, product infonmation, factory setting, processing frequency, history of errors, boiling point setting, exhaust setting, address, option I, option 2 and channel display frequency setting and checking can be perfonmed. II Mode II II Operation II I Display II 3 18 E n 9' (j)Product infonmation Preset model name and speech language is I""""--==--"""""-:=::::-idisplayed. (In factory. English has been sel for 3751 or 3781.) :::~[:::L~:~~r~:I'CLr" I~FactOry setting is displayed. o... @Processing frequency F'_',-,L""",-,L"""......,=alProcesSing frequency is displayed. '------"""" [email protected] of errors @Boiling point setting When the "SELECT" button is pressed, the mode progress (j)....~ ••• @)....(j). IE """~ I:!. 01 _ _ _- - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . bP 100 RPe; 8 1 SR [email protected] IClJAddress History of errors is displayed. Preset boiling point is displayed. (In factory, boiling point has been set at 100"(;.) Preset air purge time and heater OFF temperature are displayed. (In factory, they have been set 8 min. and 7"C, respectively.) 0 OP , 1FbO OP2 FFbO [email protected] 1 [email protected] [H @)CH display frequency Preset CH frequency is displayed. (In factory, he frequency has been set at 3000 imes.) 3000: - 23- (2) About sub-mode (j»roduct information Mode II II Operation II II Display II 3 18 IQ)Model name and speech language display II "3781" or "3751" is displayed. "JPn" or r .......E ...i-n """'"-_ g ~·Eng. is displayed. ! Time button Preparation date display (Note) ' 2001 "200703. 13" is displayed. (March 13, ~~~~"""'"--3~2007) or fen is ! Time button 3 ersion display (Note) O3• U":-I.-""E..' r f---.... ! operated. "VEr 1.19" is displayed. ,=-'-g=l (Version 1. 19) Time button "Model name can be changed by pressing the· ...·or "T" button during CD the model name and speech language display. "Speech language can be changed by pressing the ·SET/CONFIRM" button and the" ...·or "T" button during CD the model name and speech language display. When the "SET/CONFIRM" buttons are pressed again. the model name can be changed ... "When the ·START" button is pressed while pressing the ·SET/CONFIRM" button, the content of the change is written in non-volatile memory. "When the "TIME· button is pressed, the mode changes in the order CD-+®[email protected]+CD"". "When the "OBJECT TEMp· button is pressed during the product information display, all the LEOs are light up. «Note» ® Preparation date and @ Version display are altered depending on the specification charge. ~actory setting "When the "START" button is pressed while pressing the "SET/CONFIRM" button, the alarm sound ·Beep Beep Beep" is issued, and the setting is defaulted to the factory setting. When the "START" button is pressed again while pnessing "SET/CONFIRM" button, the setting is defaulted to factory setting. The following items ane subject to the factory setting: (1 )Setting values for each cycle (sterilization temperature, sterilization time, etc.) (2)Error information and frequency (3)processing fnequency (4)Boiling point and air purge settings (S)Address (6)CH display fnequency - 24- @Processing frequency Total frequency In the process frequency display, the total frequency of all cycles and the processing frequency of each cycle are displayed. • Each time when the "TIME" button is pressed, the processing frequency of each cycle are displayed. Processing frequency ··ALL" stands for the total frequency, and "cSl" for LlQUD STERI, "cS2" for STERI KEEP WARM, "cS3" for MERT/KEEP WARM and "cS4" for INSTRUMENT STERI, respectively. C cle-wise ·When the "START" button is pressed while pressing the "--r--I~Cycl~e---.J1 ·SET/CINFIRM" buttons, the total processing frequency and 1"""''--''......_..0.....,=1 operation frequency of each cycle are cleared. R S , C --=''-' 'O.....,H ~~c:~~ I L -_ _ _ @Hlstory of errors Error No., error code and error occurring process No. are displayed. The latest error data is displayed in the first place. • The error No. is changed by pressing the" ...·or .... " button and the history of errors can be checked. The error No. can be recorded for 8 in number at the maximum. If more than 9 errors occur, the oldest error is deleted and new error is recorded instead. ·When the "START" button is pressed while pressing the I Error code ·SET/CONFIRM" button, the error data is deleted. (Total errors are not deleted.) E t 2 +-t 6 04-- Error No. I Error occurring process No. I .Error Codes. 1 : Lateral thermistor (TH1) Open 6 : Movable handle Unlock impossible 2 : Bottom thermistor (TH3) Open 7 : Movable handle and lid Lock impossible 3: Lateral thermistor Abnormal temperature 8: Abnormally high pressure 4 : Object temperature sensor (TH2) Abnormal temperat 9: Low pressure 5: Bottom thermistor Abnormal temperatura 10: EEPROM communication error < Error occurring process Nos.> Description Process No Error Occurring Process Process No Error Occurring Process 0 Stand-by 6 Heating 4 1 Reservation SterilizationlMelting 2 Up to 90"C 3 Heating 1 Heating 2 7 8 From 90<>C to boiling poin1 9 Cooling 1 Cooling 2 4 Exhaust 10 Keep warm 11 Completion 5 Heating 3 THl temp. rises up to the preset temp. Description TH2 temp. rises up to the preset temp. Down to boiling point Before cooling point @Boiling Poing setting Change the boiling point temperature according to the altitude of the place for installation by pressing the" ...·or ..... button. ·When the 'START" button is pressed while pressing the ~OH Set temperature I ·SET/CONFIRM" button, the content of the change is written in the non-volatile memory. (The boiling temperature has been set at 100"C in the factory.) • When setting the boiling point, refer to the table (P__ ) of the altitude and atmospheric pressure in the standard atmosphere and the boiling point of water. bP , - 25- @Exhaust setting -Heater OFF temperature can be changed by pressing the" ." or "T" button. (Heater ON temperature is fixed at the boiling point temp.+1 "C.) -When the" ."or "T" button is pressed while pressing the "SET/CONFIRM" button, the exhaust time can be changed. -When the "START" button is pressed while pressing the "SET/CONFIRM" button, the content of the change is written in the non-volatile memory. RP[j1 B 1 <!lAddress -Address can be changed by pressing the" ."or "T" button. This address is used for connection of the MTR system. -When the "START" button is pressed while pressing the "SET/CONFIRM" button, the content of the change is written in the non-volatile memory. @Option 1 -Change bit is selected by pressing the" • "or "T" button. -Preset value can be changed by pressing the "TIMER" button -When the "START" button is pressed while pressing the "SET/CONFIRM" button, the content of the change is written in the non-volatile memory. SR i «Note» Do not set 9999. - 26- I Change bit I OP2 FFbO i I Preset value I @lCH display ferquency CH display frequency is set. (CH is displayed when the total processing frequency exceeds the CH display frequency.) 4 kinds of frequency of 1000 .. 2000 .. 3000 (Factory setting) .. 9999.4 can be selected. -When the "T" button is pressed, the frequency decreases and when the"." button is pressed, the frequency increases. -When the "START" button is pressed while pressing the "SET/CONFIRM" button, the content of the change is written in the non-volatile memory. o OP , lFbO I Preset value I @Optlon 2 -Change bit is selected by pressing the" • "or "T" button. -Preset value can be changed by pressing the "TIMER" button -When the "START" button is pressed while pressing the "SET/CONFIRM" button, the content of the change is written in the non-volatile memory. Heater OFF temp. 11..)-_---, IChange bit I [H 3000 (3) Functions of test mode 1. Minute temperature display When displaying the current temperature, the value after the decimal point is also displayed. 1Displays 112.3"C. 1- , L 12°31 I 2. Expansion of temperature setting range I Temperature can be set from 20"C to 150"C. Error is prohibited by the sterilization limiter. Set value can be changed even after heating process. 3. Remaining time display in exhaust process Exhaust remaining time is displayed on the Digital Display II. (in min.) 4. Pressure/Saturated steam pressure display By pressing the "TIMER" button, the current pressure is the Digital Display I. (in kPa) 5. Forced exhaust By pressing the "A" and 'STOP" buttons at the same time during stand-by, the exhaust valve opens. The forced exhaust can be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" button. 6. TImer 60-time speed operation While the "TIMER" and the "SET/CONFIRM" button at the same time, the reservation timer, process timer and sterilization timer operate in 60-time speed. (It is preferable to perfonn the exhaust fast.) 7. sterilization process starUcompletion signal output Buzzer sounds at the start and completion of the sterilization process. (4)Functions of demonstration mode 1. Power is not supplied to the heater. 2. Process timer and sterilization timer operate in 60-time speed. 3. When the power is supplied to the heater, the temperature on the Digital Display rises automatically. 4. When the power is not supplied to the heater, the temperature on the Digital Display lowers automatically. (For safety sake, however, the temperature does not lower than the actual temperature of TH1.) 5. Pressure Abnonnal is not detected. - 27- 9.Temperature and Pressure Adjustment and Checking (1)Adjustment of thermistors The temperatures of the lateral thermistor, object temperature sensor and botlom thermistor can be corrected manually. The temperature of the lateral thermistor has been corrected in the factory in advance. Use the displays if the correction of temperature is necessary for validation,etc. The correction of temperature is performed at 3 points, namely, 105"C, 121"C and 135"C. For prevention of heating without water, check the heating water amount. *Instrument to be prepared* Thermometer that has been calibrated by temperature recording meter, etc. Since the temperature is corrected on the basis of the temperature indicated by the thermometer, prepare an accurate thermometer. The correction of temperature is performed as minute as 0.1 OC. II Operation I Enter into the test mode. I + Select the instrument sterilization cycle and set the sterilization ISet the cycle, sterilization temp. land time. temp. to 105'C and set the sterilization time at 1 hour. t Press the START button Description I l :like~ in the normal operation, heating, and exhaust processes are rmed. I I I II ~ EXSmple of normal diliPlay1 NO" LEFT 0: ,yl I Release. ~ ISelect the thermistor you want to I ladjust. (See the right figure.) I r Press. TIMER IL button '-== .....1. Example of oom>cIIon The correction of temperature is + I tO 5EI~ Reaching 105'C and sterilization process displayed only while the TIMER I Display Lateral thermistor button is pressed. When the SELECT button is pressed while pressing it, the display changes in the order of -Lateral sensorObject temp. sensor-Bottom sensor-Press. sensor. Select the thermistor which you want to adjust. Obj ••, '.mp. sensor + Press the •......or· A" button while pressing the TIMER button, and adjust the temperature so I Adjust at 105"C. (Correction) that it becomes the same I NO" I wi SELECT button I to YBloc 001 TIMERI 3 temperature as the value indicated on the thennometer. + When the START button is pressed while pressing the TIMER button. the corrected Bottan thermistor Adjust at 105"C. (Writing-in) NO" ~ value is written in. I ~ SELECT button to 6 'Sloe 3) 001 EXHAUST: lateral thermistor TIMER: Object temp. sensor LEFT: Bottom thermistor - 28- I 3 : 105"c 4 : 121"c 5 : 135"c 1 Press the SETLCONF I RII button to set the sterilization temp. at 121''c. Set the sterilization temp. Example of the lateral thermistor correction display (in 121"C correction) Reaching 121 "C and sterilization process Perform the 121"C correction in the same manner as the correction at 105"C. Press the SETLCONF I RII button Adjust the temp. to 121 "C after going to the 121 etc sterilization. Set the sterilization temp. to set the sterilization temp. at 135"C. Reaching 135"C and sterilization process Perform the 1350C correction in the same manner as the correction at 105"C. Adjust the temp. to 135"C after going to the 135"C sterilization. - 29- NO" I [2 IEloc ""'""111 021 (2) Adjustment of pressure sensors Pressure correction of the pressure sensor can be performed manually. Pressure correction is performed at 2 points, namely, in the status with the lid being opened and at 135 DC. For prevention of heating without water, check the heating water amount. I Operation I I Enter into the test mode . I .. I Description II I I Display Fix the 2 shafts found at the back side of the cover by tape, etc. and set it to ON status. t Close the lid once and then open it. .. Press the START button with the cover being opened. For adjusting the pressure when the pressure is 0 (cover 'Open'). Normal display The correction of pressure is displayed only while the reservation button is oressed. When the cycle selection button is pressed while pressing it, the display changes in the order of -Lateral sensor-Object Selection of the pressure correction display (See the right figure.) Release. of ] Raserv. button Press. Example nannal display Cycle selection button temp. sensor-Bottom sensor- ~ Press. sensor. Select the pressure correction display. Lateral thermistor correction display ( Cycle selection button Press the ~or "a" button while pressing the reservation buttu I and adjust the pressure I Object temp. correction display Pressure adjustment (Correction) [ Cycle selection button so that the pressure display valu becomes 'P. 0'. When the START button is pressed while pressing the reservatm buttu i, the corrected value is written in. 1 J Bottom thermistor correction display Pressure adjustment Example of pressure correction display (Writing-in) '- e.1 rn (j Press the STOP butIpn and Cycle selection button ] remove the tape from the shaft. / Pressure display value - 30- Corrected value J Select the instrument sterilization cycle and set the sterilization temperature at 135'C and the sterilization time at 30 min. Close the cover and press the STRAT Set the cycle, sterilization temp. and time. ~. Reaching 135OC and sterilization process Nonmal display Release. Press the "V"or ",6." button while pressing the SETlCONFIRM button and adjust the pressure so that the pressure display becomes same as the value on the pressure gauge of the product. When the START button is pressed While pressing the SET /DISPLA Y button the corrected value is written in. SET/COFIRM Pressure adjustment (Correction) (See the Mght figure.) The pressure gauge of the product shows the pressure in MPa and the pressure display value in kPa. button Example of pressure correction display Pressure adjustment (WMting-in) Pressure I display value -31- Corrected value Press (3)01ecklna the safety valve operation 'Checking procedure of the safety velve operation I. Enter into the telt mo'" As for the .ntwirllllMlthod. _ ttl. PIIP d.scribirc th. wit mod •. 2. S.I.ct the in.tn.n.nt .t.iliution cycI.. ..t th • .twiliution w~nrtlnl .t 140"C .nd the .u.riliution tim. at 10 min . ..,d ltart th. opwGon. 3. Wh.n th ........It p___ is owr. th • ..r.ty wI¥. i••ctu.t.d at.bout l4O"C1O.2tlMP. to b.lch.w.m from *k th, IIidI. 4. Wh,n th, QOI'Ifimation if; cornplmd.•.t the ltlriliz.tion temp,r.tu ... at 135'C ..,d th, .t.ilization tim, .t 1 min. 5. Wh,n th, proeM, i. complil'tlld thelL,," the ,xhaLllt prac... IftIr ttl. complfiion of the ItlriliDiion pl'OCOlu. tum OFF th, ~ to oomplm the confimlltion. (4)Conformatlon of the THl and TH3 temperature. When the '''''and ..... butlDns 818 pnIIIslKI at the same time, the TH1 temperature ill displayed on the Digital Display I end the TH3temperature ill displayed on the Digital Display II. - 32- -~NOW 12 12 I I I I " 10. Thermistor Temperature Characteristics / Altitude,Atmospheric Pressure and Boiling Point in standard Atmosphere -Thermistor temperature characteristics Th1·Th3 Standard Temp. "C Resistance Standard "C Temp. Resistance Value M? -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Temp. "C Value k? 9.71 7.17 5.33 4.01 3.03 2.32 1.78 1.39 1085 854 676 539 433 349 283 231 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Standard Resistance Value k? Standard "C Temp. Resistance Value k? 189.2 155.9 129 107.3 89.57 75.12 63.26 53.48 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 45.3t 38.6f 33.04 28.34 24.35 21.0f 18.2 15.84 - Altitude, atmospheric pressure and The Boiling point of water in standard atmosphere Atmospheric Pressu .. Altitude (hPa) -382 -300 -200 -100 o 100 200 300 400 500 61 1060 1049.0 1037. 1025.2 1013. 1001.4 989.5 977.6 966. 954. 943. Altitude (nmHg) ( 795.0 786.7 777.8 768.9 760.0 751.1 742.2 733.3 724.6 716.1 707.5 "C) (m) 101.27 100.99 100.66 100.33 100.00 99.67 99.34 99.01 98.67 98.34 l8. Atmospheric Pressu.. (hPa) 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 (nmHg) 805.2 795.0 785.4 775.8 766.2 756.6 746.9 737. 728.5 719.3 7' MO ~. 603.9 596.3 589.1 581.9 574.7 567.5 560.2 553.3 546.4 539.5 532.' IBoil!n_!! Point ( "C) 93.72 93.39 93.06 92.73 92.40 92.07 91.74 91.41 91.08 90.75 5 320 825. 815. .5 l4.)5 4000 ,.4 47 . 46.. 46.. !7. • Environmental conditions for use of equipment Atmospheric pressure 701.1 - 1013.3hPa -As for the conversion of the atmospheric pressure(hPa(mba) and mmHg), see the following formula: 1mmHg=13.5951 X980.665X1 O"'hPa(mba) -As for the calculation of the boiling point, see the following formula: Boiling point =100+0.0367(P-760)-0.000023(P-760)2 P: mmHg - 33- CD ~ I ® nnnn _ ~ t~ = ® @ -*-iY I - ~o-- uuuu = -- :1 limiter I CD Power cord @Triac ® Tanninal block ® Power switch ® Power relay 0) Power transfonner ® Protective grounding tenninal @Coil ® I I I - EMCPCB Current fuaa x 2 '5OV SA ----j Ud switch Fan I AC power IlUpply ~ datecIIon circuit I ;M '!'i' "''''''>A ... Main relay control circuit MlcrocompulBr abno detection circuit 12V I all Hard limiter Fan control circuit I I IComm~onll h 5 pea Circuit Sound circuit I I III Sol~'" S<>Ieoo;d control circuit wlw control circuit 1 DC88V I 6: 120V 3: 110V 2: OV II T_ _ II To~"""~ d'cult circuit I Microcomputer & Control Section - 8:23OV 4 :22OV 3 :200V 2: OV TH3 I ILateral temp. II Low temp. sensor sensor L~ OV ~ I, . - =1 Co~=on ·" ·" kef' I CommutaUon circuit .- - ··, ··, ITriKk~""'" circuli DCpower E'! 5V IlUpply circuli -'!.5V I Ud_h I TH1 Heater detection circuit .- -- PCB --1 '-""<ow Voltage drop detection cirtlUit 7 •" •" I Display·Operation - 0)" 22OV123OV ,- I I 1Commutation 1ComrTMJtation circuit circuit I I Lid detection circuit l Control PCB I I SolenoKj I I ~:st I Commutation 1 circuit Printer 0 ptio n ~ I I PrMeurecircuit dIlecIion 11 Tamp. dllectlon circuit "'all, I '-""< SY!Ich delecllon '-""< "all, I I Psensor ....,.. I I Objed tomp_ sensor del8clion swim Option TH' 11.Citcuit Diagram Sterilization heater 1900W : 3751 L(12OV) 2000W : 3751,3751 L(230V) "~400OW:3781,3781L 12.Troubleshooting is not when the is turned ON. (1) main power billa• . If the breaker Is OFF, tum nON. (2) Check the power cord for any breakage. If broken, replace the power cord. Checking point by tea.., i the P0'NW5Upply. Tum OFF the main power supply and turn ON the power switch of the unit, and check the conductivity. If not conductive, replace tha power switch. (2) Check the lead wire for removal or looseness. (1) Check the conductivity ENTERA (or CE). F.... ; Check tha lead wire for breakaga. • od<el of housing set - 35- (2) iIIILid" appears on the dsplay and procesl doe. not start. 1) Check the 2 shafts mounted to the nd. Shafts 2) Check the position of the both lock shah. Lock shafts Push the shafts to make sure that they slide In and out smoothly. If the shafts do not slide smoothly, (1) Check the springs lItted to the shalls. (2) Apply grease to the shaft sliding perl When the cover is opened, (1) Check if the shalls are in due position On just about vertical position). (2) Check if the lock shafts open when pushlld outward and they retum to the original position by spring force when relaased. If they can not move normally, (1) Remove any foreign matter which is pinched and jams the .hall (2) Replace the spring, etc. If In trouble. (3) Apply grease to the shaft sliding perl - 36- i.,.,,;~ awIlch Is not conductive housing set M. ON, replace the Detection switch ; lead wire for breakage. Socket of the housing H1: replace the housing set OS. Between Black 1 and 2 Conductivity checking positions • Detection switch 1 Between Black 1 and 2 • Detection switch 2 Between While 1 and Black 3 • Wire Nos. are Indicated on the Between Black 3 and White 1 connectors. - 37- Check that the housings in the same color are connected. Check. the connection. (3) "___ ..,.,..,.. on the _ even when the cover Is closed. 1) Check the Items 2) and 3) of "L.Jd" appears on the display and does not start 2) Check. the conductivity the switch when the both lock shafts (5) _ is Correct Kif In trouble. Since the switch is turned OFF when the lock shafts open, the switch Is not conductive. If the switch is conductive, rwplace the housing set M. not .. "".... to tho twater. 1) Check the exhaust hose. 2) Check the hose in the exhaust tank. 3) Check if the exhaust hole i, blocked with any sterilization otfect or sterilization bag. Check. if the hose is bent or clogged in the product when exhaust 'lank Is Installed. Correct Kif bent or clogged. Check if the hose is bent or clogged. Correct Kif bent or clogged. Remove it if the exhaust hole is blocked. - 38- (1) Since does not operate in spite that the voltage is applied, replace the exhaust valve. If the voltage is OV, (1) Check the connection of the housing set W or V. (2) Replace the "PCB set, controlTH set". 7.6Qfor 3751 L (12OV), 13.2Qfor 3781L 26.5Qfor 3751L (230V) and 3751. If not, replace the heeler. Check the resistance value bet¥Men the terminal block 1 and relay- 6. .. (1) C;;eck.1~' ~)",;"g"' "'b'y I 3781 CE for connection and breakage. (2) Replace the relay. OV. '''''''' (1) Check the housing assemblyB120 3751 8230 3781 for conneclion or breakage. (2) Replace the Triac. (3) Replace the "PCB set, controlTH set". 1 and D. chamber. It can be restored If a "Click" sound Is heard. ,,-f- Press hera. (8) ''!me" "-""" on tho _ . Check the Item. 1) - "') of ·Power is not not .upplied to the heeler." If any trouble, correct it - 39- or 8220 3781 or (7) Steam leaks from the periphery of the chal'l"tter. 1) Check the chamber lid packing and the chamber hard top (1) Clean the contact pari of the packing and chambertop. (2) Clean the contact pari of the packing and chamber lid. (3) If the chamber lid packing Is deter1orated, replace It. (8) Steam leaks from pipe and joint. 1) Check the heater mounting pari (lower side of the chamber) for steam leakage. If nuts are Iooeened, retighten them. Checking positions 2) Check the pipe connection (1) If the connection Is loosened, retighten It. 2 If the hose band is loosened, lace it. (St) Open error (E1) occ...., at the lateral thermistor (TH1). Abnonnal tern erature rise of the lateral thermistor E3 occurs. 1) Check the connector connection 2) Check the resistance value of the lateral thermistor (THl) (1) Check if the socket is inserted completely. 2 Check the lead wire for brea 8. Remove the connectors from the "PCB _, control completion" and check the resistanoe value beiw8en the terminals of connector side. Resistance range (90 - Ilot):About SO.O- 41.60) Checking points bvtester 3 Trouble with the "PCB set, conIroI TH set. (10) Abnormal t. Re lace the "PCB aet, control TH set". .ratur. of the ob".ct t.m .rat..... s.nsor (TH2) (E4.occurs.) 1) Check the resistance value If the object temperature sensor Remove the connectors from the "PCB set, control completion" and check the resistance value between the terminals of connector side. Resistance range (90 - Ilot):About SO.O -41.60) Checking points bv ..... 2 Trouble with the "PCB set control TH set" Re ace the "PCB - 40- control TH set". (11) Abnonnal teQJerature of the bottom thennlstor (TH3) (E5 occurs.) 1 Check the heBlin water amount in the chamb... 2 Check. the nem of "steam leaks from I e and oint." If the heati Re water In the chamber is d .... Bled, re enish it Ir the steam leakl rl I .,....+- (1) Check connector insertion of the housing set X+ U(3751) or D + T(3781). If not completely Inserted, correct n. (2) Check the resistance value between the terminals of the solenoid. Range of resistance value: 160 - 1852 In cue of short-an::uit or breakage, replace the solenoid. (3) Check. If the lock pin Is caught. Apply grease. SolenoId incomplete connection. Housing set DS short-circuited with housing Detection switch Conductivity checking posilions • DetecUon switch 1 Between White 2 .oo 3 * Wire Nos. are indicated on the Between White 2 and 3 connectors. - 41 - set DS. lever being retumed, replace the Movable handle and lid lock is not r ; for engagement of the lid. If not caught, (1) Remove any foreign matter, which maybe sticking. (2) If the lock shall retum spring is weakened, replace it (3) If the lock shaft does not move smoothly, apply grease. Checking position is closed. If Check the condudivity of the switch when no conductivity, (1) Adjust the switch mounting poaition. (2) If no conductivity is found ever when the lever is pushed, replace the housing set M. Detecllon switch If no conductivity, (1) Adjust the switch mounting position. (2) If no conductivity Is found ever when the lever Is pushed, replace the housing set OS. Conductivity checking poanlons • Detection switch 1 Between Black 1 and 2 • Detection switch 2 Between WhKe 1 and Black 3 • Wire Nos. are Indicated on the BeIw'I!Ien White 1 and Black 3 connect0r5 - 42- 4) Check the housing Check the housing set Y(3751) or (3781), housing set X+U(3751) or D+T(3781) fo~ connection and breakage. If Incomplete connecUon or breaKaae Is found, correct n. Re ace the "PCB set, control TH set". Re lace the "PCB set, dis I aet. 5 Trouble with the "PCB set, conlrOl TH ser dis la e Trouble with the "PCB s ..nSOl'". '--+- Pressure sensor (15) Pressure is low. (E9 occurs.) I 1) Check the Items 2) and 3) of "Abnormally high pressure". I 1) Trouble with the "PCB set, conlrOl TH set. I If any trouble Is found, correct It. (18) Data can not be read from and written in memory. (E10 occurs.) I Replaoethe "PCB set, control TH set". which connects ,l,.....,.p,...+- Voltage (DC) incompl&la (2) Check the voltage between "+V" and of the power supply unit to make sure that about W is outputted. If not, raplace the po'W'8I" supply unn. Voltage (Ae) ,correct it. Checking point Checking point - 43- (18) No sound Is Issued. If it is set at sound waming mode, change the to ~Loud" or "Medium" to check that the sound 1) Check the lKlund setting. 2) Check the resistance value of the speaker. Checking point by tester 3) Check the housing set. 4) Trouble with the "PCB set, control TH set" lKlund volume is issued, and tell the customer that the sound Is not luued In sound warning mode duri normal 0 eration. Check that the resislance value at the both ends of connector isabout8Q. If short-circuit or wire breakage Is found, replace the speaker. Check the housing set X+U(3751) or D+T(3781) for incompleted connection and wire breakage. If any trouble is found, correct it. Replace the ~PCB set, control TH set". Date and time~a~re~re~.~e~t~.------I~Oal~~~r"~"'!"'!'"!'''hli'"'iiiOiiTW.Tci8diLl If lowar than Ie pushi ng the - 44- 13. Disassembling Procedure .. ThIo p/'IcIII)t 1n .... 1Igurw ..... ,iPIIf) .... MocIaI MLS-37B1L which may dif'fwtcrn .... Model MLS-3751Llnh m.mber~Ia'IMS. &'CAUTION 1M.... ..... ""-"",,,,,.L & WIwI , lie PIOM:t. De ..-e wunpkig the GOld hili . . will (1) ~ tM pacldnl; fIf the churDer ... _ ............... &'CAUTlON •. . ~ lie produr:t, ~ .I s OA. ncJt kl9111 ~ by ftrp ...... edgiI. w.r - Packi"g of CD IJiarnaurf: the paddng of .... chember. (~ .-1 ) .. &. CAUTION CheQ the coating of adhMiYe before mounting••pply adhutve (KE-44T) If ""'0'«1. Apply the adh..~ to all over the edge gf'OCMt. (See FiII.-2) (Drying time: 12 hou...l (J) DlIftIOIIItInc the PC-bovd uaentiy 101' control (Flg.-8) CD DIk:onnec:t .... connectors connedecllo l'Ie PC-boiIrd auembly for amtrd. I%l Dismount the board from the boerd mounting lpaoerl. (4) DI~tlna the PCB aneriJly for EYC (FiII.-6) CD DiK:onnect the connectonJ connllded to l'Ie PCB ....mbly for EMC. I%l DisIllOUli the board frtliTl the boerd mounting SpllCeri. - 45 - [~~5' (I) Dlsmol6ltln. the ct-ah valve auentlly (Flg •. -7 end-8) (]) Disconnect the connectors connected to the drain valve aaembly. ® I...oOIIIIn the hose band end disconnect it. <3l Remove the orifice 1.8 joint. ® Dismount the solenoid vai'M set together with the T chamber joinL (I) Dlsmol6ltlnc the . .athad hntar <D Tum the tube counl8rclockMae to move it. ® Remove the ~r winsa, loosen the mounting nutl end dismount the healer from the chember. (See Flgs.-9 and -10.) (7) Dlsmol6ltln. the lateral thennlrior (TH1)(Fig.-11) <D L.ooNn the thermistor mounting BCI'8WI and dismount the thermistor end rubber ring. (I) Dlsmol6ltln. the bottom thannlrior (THS)(Fig.-12) <D I...oOIIIIn the thermistor mounting nuls and di.mount the thermistor end rubber ring. (I) Dlsmol6ltlnc the SV camp. valve ....,-DIy (FIg.-13) ~~§: <D Loosen the mounting nut to dismount the SV compo valva assembly. - 46- ; I (10) Dismounting the pressure sensor (Fig-14) CD Cut off the binding band and dismount the connectors from the board. ® Loosen the mounting nut and dismount the pressure sensor. (11) Dlsmountln. the front panel (Fig.-15) CD Make sure that the chamber is not filled with water. (%l Tum the lever of the water drain to ·Open-. @ Remove the 8 front panel mounting screws. ® Dismount the front panel, paying attention to the switch cover. *·0· shows the saew position. (12) Dlsmountln. the lock shaft switch (M Housing assembly) (Figs.-16 and -17) CD Disconnect the connectors connected to the switch. (%) Remove each 1 saew which ftxes the switch. ;«CWhen dismounting the switch, pay attention not to allow a tool or finger(s) to hit the ectuator of the micro-switch. Otherwise, the (13) Dismounting the pressure gauge (Figs.-18 and -19) CD Remove the cap nut for piping of the pressure gauge. (%) Remove the saews (3 pes.) which fIX the pressure Cap nut gauge. * Pay attention not to lose the O-ring (P5) which is inserted between the pressure gauge and the pipe. Also, do not tighten the cap nut too much (14) Dismountin. the breaker (Fig.-20) CD Remove the 4 wires. (%) Remove the 2 breaker mounting screws. - 47- s....... (15) Dismounting the fan motor (Fig.-21) CD Remove the power supply connectors which are connected. (2) Remove the 2 motor mounting screws. (16) Dismounting the chllJTi)er cover plate (Figs.-22 and -23) CD Remove the 12 cover chamber lid mounting screws. (2 screws are found at the back side.) (17) Dismounting the ..,e.ke. (Figs.-24 and -25) <D Remove the 1 speaker cover plate mounting screw. (%) Remove the plastic lugs and dismount the speaker. Screw (18) Dlsmountlna: the top plate CD Remove the 6 mounting screws at the back side. (Fig.-26) (%) Remove the 4 screws at the both sides. (Fig.-27) (19) Dlsmountlna: the operation body CD Remove the 6 handle cover mounting screws. (Fig.-28) (%) Remove the 2 mounting screws at the back side. (Fig.-28) (The mounting screw at the right side is tightened together with the speaker.) @ Remove the 3 mounting screws at the screw position. top plate side. (Fig.-29) @ Since the wires are connected, tum them over on the top plate. @ Remove the connectors which are connected. * If the body is opened with the wires being connected to it. wires of the speaker. etc. may be broken. Pay attention to the - 48- ..... iIt) CD FWnove the 5 board coni. mounting sa'eWII. cover_ (FIg.-30) CZl RemCMil the 5 display P~aard • ...."bly mounting 8CI8W1I. (Fill.-31) (J) Remove the plastic lup. (FIII.-31) (21) R•• 1CMnc the braD ~ (J) RfImcwe the 2 tnb Igt*"*'ll- .-III cIiImounl the bi'ab upper I'iand bIwJtat. (Flg...32) !%l L.Doaen and nirT10Ye the 2 brake mounting Icrewt;. (n) (Flg...33) Rernr:mn. the rW1t and left t'*w;. IDf"Inp (J) RMIoYe the heIoagoIlIIlCI'WIIlI'I'IictI lad: Ow spdngL (See Aga.-34 .-III 35.) I%l RernCMiI!tIe" hind bracIwt iIPI1nII mounIIng right and IIrft ~. (J) Remove the I'eanhaft look ring. !&) Fully open IhIlkllUid pullout th.....1' ltuttt. (J) Remove !tie " top . . 1tIng .,.... mcu'ltftg ~ (F1g.-38) (2) PuI 0I.t the bush tom the ....... oedor. (Fig.-38) (Jl RfIrnoye the 2 look st.lllCllYale pl. mounting 8CI8WS. (FIII.-37) ® Mlllumly unlock the lock shaft and dismount theloc:k sl'lRl't actlYa pi... (FIQ.-37) ($) FWnove the " KI'8WS at the batI 8idee d !hi hIncII support plele ...mbt;. (Ag .-3B) - 49- ~ Ranowt the 04 .... Ibid Ib1I pate mounting....-. (Rg.-38) C%l RarrIclw.IM 2 solenoid mounIng a.cr-.. (Flg....tO) !II CUt 011' the binding bene!. (Flg.CO) !II: When dismounting the eoIenoid menuelly, p.y .tt.nUon not to allow tool and ftngar(l) Ie hit tha aoillnoid switch actuator. Otherwillll, tIMI ec:tJator may be 1WFTIOWd. (M) DbmcurtInI the .... Md twttch and lei twitch (Ie '-II,.. ..... 1') (Flg. .... 1) cr> Ranowt the 1 .... 00 IWIt!;h mounting 1ICI8W. (%l RemOlll'e the 2 aaews of each of the IWItch ftttIng plate. C!l Ramova aad11 lid switch mounting Icr.w. tal Cut orr 1M binding band. !II: 'It'hen diImounting the .... 00 awik::l'l a'ld lid bOik:h. ~ ata.ntIon not to allow 01 and tngar(1) to ~ the aoIenoid B'IIII'i1UI Jduator. othIII ...., the actuar may IM_nowel - 50-
MLS-3781L Instructions Manual — Medical
MLS-3781L Instructions Manual — Medical
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL High-pressure Steam Sterilizer Labo Autoclave Model Nos. <strong>MLS</strong>-3751 <strong>MLS</strong>-3781 Thank you for purchasing a Sanyo Autoclave. • Please read this instruction manual carefully before using the product. After reading this manual, store it in a readily accessible place along with the warranty card. • Please pay particular attention to the Safety Precautions section on page 1 to 6. Contents Page Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ~ 6 Precautions in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Before Using the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Names and Functions of Part . . . . . . . 9 ~ 10 Explanation of Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sterilization Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ~ 13 Model No. indication How to Use • Basic operating procedure . . . . . . 14 ~ 22 • For continuous use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 • To stop the operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 • For timer operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 On Power Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 On Voice Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ~ 28 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
- Page 2 and 3: Safety Precautions These precaution
- Page 4 and 5: Safety Precautions WARNING Do not s
- Page 6 and 7: Safety Precautions CAUTION Be caref
- Page 8 and 9: Precautions in Use Use purified or
- Page 10 and 11: Names and Functions of Parts Rear s
- Page 12 and 13: Explanation of Labels Rating label
- Page 14 and 15: Sterilization Objects Sterilization
- Page 16 and 17: How to Use 1. Install the exhaust t
- Page 18 and 19: How to Use 4. Pour the heating wate
- Page 20 and 21: How to Use 8. Change the settings
- Page 22 and 23: How to Use To stop operation See pa
- Page 24 and 25: How to Use To stop the operation 1)
- Page 26 and 27: On Voice Guide The voice guide of t
- Page 28 and 29: Troubleshooting If any trouble aris
- Page 30 and 31: Specifications Product Designation
- Page 32: 3RF6P10304500 SANYO Electric Co., L
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Labo Autoclave
MLS-37S1 Ll3781 L
Photo: MLS-3751 L
• Model No.indication
R»»N,r:; LABEL
+Model No. and rated power
supply voltage are indicated here.
Model No.
AC 120V
Productcord No.
1. Safety Precautions in Servicing Work ……………………………………………. ·············1
2. Specifications ……………………………………………… ·········································2
3. Outside Dimensions ………………………….•………..•………..•……………………… 3″»»4
4. Names of Parts and Operations ……………………………………………… ··············5-6
5. Construction and Functions …………………………………………………………….. 7 . . . . . . . . . . 10
6. Piping Diagram and Wiring Diagram ………..•………..•………..•………………
7. Process Flow and Operations …………………………………………………………
8. About Various Modes
.. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. ···· .. · .. · …. · .. · .. · .. ·· .. 22 . . . . . . . . . . 27
9. Temperature and Pressure Adjustment and Checking ……………………………… ··28 . . . . . . . . . . 32
10. Thermistor Temperature Characteristics /
Altitude. Atmospheric Pressure and Boiling Point in Standard Atmosphere················ 33
11. Circuit Diagram ……………………………………………… ······································34
12. Troubleshooting ………………………………………………
13. Disassembling Procedure ………….•………..•………..•………..•………………….
14. Instruction Manual .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · …. · .. · .. · .. ·· .. 51 . . . . . . . . . . 63
15. Parts List ……………………………………………….•………..•………………….
16. Instruction Manual of
for Optional Parts ··· .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. · …. · .. · .. · .. ·· .. 72 . . . . . . . . . . 79
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Описнание автоклава SANYO MLS-3781L (75 литров)
Автоклав с вертикальной загрузкой SANYO (Panasonic) MLS-3781L поставляется на территорию России компанией АналитПромПрибор. Автоклав является автономным устройством с простым управлением, которое обеспечивает надежую и безопасную стерилизацию паром под давлением. Этот надежный и экономичный автоклав подходит для использования в самых разных областях.
— Большая вместимость камеры.
— Удобный доступ к образцам.
— Микропроцессорный контроль.
— Надежный в эксплуатации.
— Компактный дизайн.
— Низкое потребление электроэнергии.
— Эргономичный дизайн.
Автоклавы MLS-3781L – это автоматические программируемые вертикальные автоклавы, оснащенные системой микропроцессорного контроля.
Микропроцессорное управление автоклава гарантирует точное поддержание заданной температуры, регулируемый температурный диапазон составляет от 105 °C до 135 °C.
В этом диапазоне точность контроля установленной температуры составляет +2°C/-0°C.
Автоклавы MLS-3781L удобно эксплуатировать, они занимают небольшую площадь в лаборатории, корзины для стерилизации удобно загружать и выгружать.
Камера автоклава имеет диаметр 370 мм и рассчитана на три корзины для стерилизации, при этом в одной корзине размещаются 4 колбы объемом 1000 мл.
В одной корзине также могут быть расположены два 50-местных штатива для пробирок.
Верхняя крышка на петлях откидывается вверх, упрощая доступ к камере и стерилизационным корзинам.
Для удобства работы оператора контрольная панель расположена сверху.
Резервуар для воды легко заполнять, сливной шланг оснащен защелкой.
Для стерилизации, а также приготовления и поддержания культуральных сред предусмотрены 4 основных программы (каждая программа имеет 3 разновидности):программа стерилизации жидкостей,программа плавления/поддержания в нагретом состоянии,программа стерилизации/поддержания в нагретом состоянии, программа стерилизации стекла и др. лабораторного оборудования.
Технические характеристики автоклава SANYO (Panasonic) MLS-3781L (75 литров):
Модель |
MLS 3781L |
Тип |
вертикальный, программируемый, автоматический |
Полезный объем, л |
75 |
Размеры камеры, мм |
370х630 |
Внешние размеры, мм |
478х632х965 |
Вес, кг |
71 |
Температура стерилизации |
От 105° до 135°C |
Температура плавления культуральных сред |
От 60° до 100°C |
Мощность, кВт |
4 |
Электроподключение |
230 В, 50 Гц |
Максимальное давление |
0,235 МПа |
Поддержание теплой температуры |
От 45° до 60°C |
Таймер стерилизации |
От 1 до 250 мин, программа стерилизации инструментов до 72 ч |
Таймер плавления |
От 0 до 250 мин, (расширение до 72 ч) |
Таймер поддержания температуры |
Задержка до 72 ч, автоматическое выключение |
Программный таймер |
От 1 до 99 ч |
Материал камеры |
нержавеющая сталь SUS404 |
Системы безопасности |
Клапан безопасности давления, предохраняющее от ожогов покрытие, защита от перегрева, ограничитель давления, дверной замок, плавкий предохранитель |
Аксессуары |
Корзины из нержавеющей стали, 3 шт. |
Автоклав с вертикальной загрузкой SANYO (Panasonic) MLS-3781L поставляется на территорию России компанией АналитПромПрибор. Автоклав является автономным устройством с простым управлением, которое обеспечивает надежую и безопасную стерилизацию паром под давлением. Этот надежный и экономичный автоклав подходит для использования в самых разных областях.
— Большая вместимость камеры.
— Удобный доступ к образцам.
— Микропроцессорный контроль.
— Надежный в эксплуатации.
— Компактный дизайн.
— Низкое потребление электроэнергии.
— Эргономичный дизайн.
Автоклавы MLS-3781L – это автоматические программируемые вертикальные автоклавы, оснащенные системой микропроцессорного контроля.
Микропроцессорное управление автоклава гарантирует точное поддержание заданной температуры, регулируемый температурный диапазон составляет от 105 °C до 135 °C.
В этом диапазоне точность контроля установленной температуры составляет +2°C/-0°C.
Автоклавы MLS-3781L удобно эксплуатировать, они занимают небольшую площадь в лаборатории, корзины для стерилизации удобно загружать и выгружать.
Камера автоклава имеет диаметр 370 мм и рассчитана на три корзины для стерилизации, при этом в одной корзине размещаются 4 колбы объемом 1000 мл.
В одной корзине также могут быть расположены два 50-местных штатива для пробирок.
Верхняя крышка на петлях откидывается вверх, упрощая доступ к камере и стерилизационным корзинам.
Для удобства работы оператора контрольная панель расположена сверху.
Резервуар для воды легко заполнять, сливной шланг оснащен защелкой.
Для стерилизации, а также приготовления и поддержания культуральных сред предусмотрены 4 основных программы (каждая программа имеет 3 разновидности):программа стерилизации жидкостей,программа плавления/поддержания в нагретом состоянии,программа стерилизации/поддержания в нагретом состоянии, программа стерилизации стекла и др. лабораторного оборудования.
Технические характеристики автоклава SANYO (Panasonic) MLS-3781L (75 литров):
Модель | MLS 3781L |
Тип | вертикальный, программируемый, автоматический |
Полезный объем, л | 75 |
Размеры камеры, мм | 370х630 |
Внешние размеры, мм | 478х632х965 |
Вес, кг | 71 |
Температура стерилизации | От 105° до 135°C |
Температура плавления культуральных сред | От 60° до 100°C |
Мощность, кВт | 4 |
Электроподключение | 230 В, 50 Гц |
Максимальное давление | 0,235 МПа |
Поддержание теплой температуры | От 45° до 60°C |
Таймер стерилизации | От 1 до 250 мин, программа стерилизации инструментов до 72 ч |
Таймер плавления | От 0 до 250 мин, (расширение до 72 ч) |
Таймер поддержания температуры | Задержка до 72 ч, автоматическое выключение |
Программный таймер | От 1 до 99 ч |
Материал камеры | нержавеющая сталь SUS404 |
Системы безопасности | Клапан безопасности давления, предохраняющее от ожогов покрытие, защита от перегрева, ограничитель давления, дверной замок, плавкий предохранитель |
Аксессуары | Корзины из нержавеющей стали, 3 шт. |
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