Biojoynt инструкция по применению на русском языке

Biojoynt Tablet is used for promoting cartilage and joint health. It is a cellulose-like product which contains naturally occurring building blocks that the body uses to make cartilage. It works by stimulating the production of cartilage, which in turn leads to joint repair.

You are advised to avoid using this medicine if you are allergic to it or if you are pregnant. It is important that your doctor knows if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any prescription or over the counter drugs, have any allergies to medicines or other substances, or if you suffer from arthritis or diabetes before prescribing you this medicine.

The dosing of Biojoynt Tablet depends on the use and the source of the product. If you miss a scheduled dose for more than a day, then there is no cause for concern. Consult your doctor and take it after his approval.

Some effects that you may experience on using this medicine are constipation, severe allergic reactions, diarrhoea, drowsiness, nausea, headache, heartburn, stomach upset and vomiting.

Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Rheumatologist before using this medicine.

Common side effects of this medicine includes:

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhoea

  • Abdominal Cramp

  • Heartburn

  • Is It safe with alcohol?

    Interaction with alcohol is unknown. Please consult your doctor.

  • Are there any pregnancy warnings?

    Unknown. Human and animal studies are not available. Please consult your doctor.

  • Are there any breast-feeding warnings?

    Unknown. Human and animal studies are not available. Please consult your doctor.

  • Is it safe to drive while on this medicine?

    Caution is advised when driving or operating machinery.

  • Does this affect kidney function?

    There is no data available. Please consult doctor before consuming the drug.

  • Does this affect liver function?

    There is no data available. Please consult doctor before consuming the drug.

  • Are there any overdose instructions?

    An overdosage could cause harmful effects on the body.

  • Are there any missed dose instructions?

    The missed dose should be taken as soon as possible.

Biojoynt Tablet is an amino sugar used for supplemental treatment of osteoarthritis. It is an important precursor in glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis. Glycosaminoglycans are a major component of joint cartilages, hence glucosamine as supplement can help rebuild cartilage and treat osteoarthritis.

FAQs about Biojoynt Tablet

Ques: What is Biojoynt Tablet?


Biojoynt Tablet is the active constituent, a salt that performs its action by helping in the formation of cartilage (the soft tissue that cushions the joints) and keeps the joints lubricated for better movement and flexibility. Biojoynt Tablet is used to treat conditions such as Osteoarthritis.

Ques: What are the uses of Biojoynt Tablet?


Biojoynt Tablet is a medication, which is used for the treatment and prevention of conditions such as Osteoarthritis. The patient should inform the doctor about any ongoing medications and treatment before using Biojoynt Tablet to avoid undesirable effects.

Ques: What are the Side Effects of Biojoynt Tablet?


Biojoynt Tablet is a medication that has some commonly reported side effects. These side effects may or may not occur always and some of them are rare but severe. This is not a complete list and if you experience any of the below-mentioned side effects, contact your doctor immediately. Here are some side effects of Biojoynt Tablet which are as follows: Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation, Heartburn, and Headache. It is a list of possible side-effects that may occur due to the constituting ingredients of Biojoynt Tablet.

Ques: What are the instructions for storage and disposal Biojoynt Tablet?


Biojoynt Tablet should be kept in a cool dry place and in its original packaging. Make sure this medication remains unreachable to children and pets. The patient should consult a doctor for its further uses and side effects and should inform the doctor about any ongoing medications and treatment before using to avoid undesirable effects. It is a prescribed medication.

Ques: Should I use Biojoynt Tablet empty stomach, before food or after food?


This medication is to be consumed orally. The salts involved in this medication react properly if it is taken after having food. If you take it on an empty stomach, it might upset your stomach. Please consult the doctor before using Biojoynt Tablet.

Ques: How long do I need to use Biojoynt Tablet before I see improvement of my conditions?


The time taken by this medication to improve your health is unknown. Thus it is advised to use this medication for the time period it is prescribed by your doctor. Using this medication longer than its prescribed time may cause some side effects to the patient. Please consult your doctor before using Biojoynt Tablet.

Ques: Is there any food or drink I need to avoid?


The diet should be normal, there is nothing as such to avoid. However, eating healthy, doing physical exercises, and avoiding any kind of harmful practices like smoking or drinking can uplift your health.

Ques: Will Biojoynt Tablet be more effective if taken in more than the recommended dose?


There is no need to take this medication more than its recommended doses. Taking over-dosage of this medication may trigger side effects. If the severity of the condition is not reducing with the recommended dosage of Biojoynt Tablet, then the doctor should be consulted for re-examining your condition.


  • Glucosamine-Drug Information Portal [Internet] 2022 [Cited 10 June 2022].Available from:

  • Glucosamine-DrugBank Online [Internet] 2022 [Cited 10 June 2022].Available from:

  • GLUCOSAMINE capsule,solution-DailyMed [Internet] 2022 [Cited 10 June 2022].Available from:

Disclaimer: The information produced here is best of our knowledge and experience and we have tried our best to make it as accurate and up-to-date as possible, but we would like to request that it should not be treated as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Lybrate is a medium to provide our audience with the common information on medicines and does not guarantee its accuracy or exhaustiveness. Even if there is no mention of a warning for any drug or combination, it never means that we are claiming that the drug or combination is safe for consumption without any proper consultation with an expert.

Lybrate does not take responsibility for any aspect of medicines or treatments. If you have any doubts about your medication, we strongly recommend you to see a doctor immediately.

Пробиотик для детей с первых дней жизни. Биогая способствует уменьшению интенсивности кишечных колик и длительности плача во время приступов кишечной колики у детей грудного возраста, а также частоты и продолжительности приступов.
Способен активизировать иммунную систему кишечника как первую линию защиты организма от инфекций.
L. reuteri Protectis являются естественными микроорганизмами, которые впервые были выделены из грудного молока и в норме присутствуют в организме человека на всей протяженности желудочно-кишечного тракта.
L. reuteri Protectis колонизируют эпителий и размножаются во всех отделах ЖКТ, начиная с ротовой полости.
L. reuteri устойчивы к действию желудочного сока, солей желчных кислот и ферментов верхнего отдела тонкого кишечника.
L. reuteri Protectis поддерживают и регулируют физиологическое равновесие микрофлоры кишечника и активно участвуют в процессах пищеварения.
L. reuteri Protectis синтезируют молочную, уксусную кислоты и специфические вещества для этого вида лактобактерий — реутерин и рейтероциклин, подавляющие рост патогенных и условно-патогенных микроорганизмов в пищеварительном тракте. Усиливая естественную защиту пищеварительной системы от патогенных микроорганизмов, создают благоприятные условия для формирования нормального микробиоценоза кишечника.
L. reuteri Protectis способствует уменьшению интенсивности кишечных колик и длительности плача во время приступов кишечной колики у детей грудного возраста, а также частоты и продолжительности приступов.
L. reuteri Protectis обладают антагонистической активностью против H.pylori, а также уменьшают побочные реакции антибактериальной терапии при язвенной болезни желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки.
Иммуностимулирующая активность L. reuteri Protectis связана с возможностью активизировать иммунную систему кишечника как первую линию защиты организма от инфекций за счет увеличения количества клеток CD4 + (специфическая подгруппа Т-лимфоцитов).

активный ингредиент: Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis (100 млн. КОЕ жизнеспособных бактерий в 5 каплях),
вспомогательные вещества: подсолнечное масло, триглицериды каприловые, агент антислеживающий: кремния диоксид.
Не содержит лактозу и белки молока.

БиоГая Пробиотик Детские капли рекомендуются в качестве дополнительного источника живых молочнокислых бактерий L. reuteri Protectis.

Перед каждым применением тщательно взболтать содержимое бутылочки в течение 10 секунд.
БиоГая капли дают в ложке, можно добавлять к молоку, воде, другой жидкости или к пище.
Внимание! Для разведения капель необходимо использовать питьевую воду гарантированной безопасности и качества. Недопустимо использование питьевой воды из колодцев и каптажных источников.
Не добавлять к горячему!
Не изменяют вкус напитков и еды.
Рекомендованная суточная доза:
Для детей с первых дней жизни — по 5 капель 1 раз в сутки.
Для взрослых — по 5 капель 1-2 раза в сутки.
Длительность применения зависит от причины заболевания и индивидуальных особенностей организма. Перед началом применения рекомендована консультация врача.

Повышенная чувствительность к составляющим компонентам.

Капли с дисковым влагопоглотителем и дозатором во флаконе из темного стекла по 5 мл вместе с листком-вкладышем в картонной коробке.

Хранить в упаковке производителя при температуре не выше 25ºС в сухом, защищенном от света и недоступном для детей месте.

24 месяца от даты производства.
После вскрытия флакона хранить в течение 3 месяцев при температуре не выше 25ºС.
Не является лекарственным средством.

Название и адрес производителя:
«ТуПек АБ», Винделваген 3, SЕ0-241 38 Эслев, Швеция для «БиоГая АБ», Кунгсброплан 3А, а/я 3242 SЕ-103 64, Стокгольм, Швеция тел.: +46(0)8-555-293-00,
Организация, принимающая претензии от потребителей в РФ:
Представительство АО Дельта Медикел Промоушнз АГ (Швейцария)
123001, Москва, Трехпрудный пер., д.4, стр.1.
Тел: +7 (495) 981-53-54, +7 (495) 504-36-82.

  • Overview
  • Uses
  • Side-effects
  • Precautions
  • Interactions
  • Contraindications


Biojoynt Tablet works by building the hard connective tissue located in the the bones; acting on interleukin-1 beta; binding to the receptor site and blocks the host and parasite interaction;

Detailed information related to Biojoynt Tablet’s uses, composition, dosage, side effects and reviews is listed below.



The following is a list of possible side-effects that may occur from all constituting ingredients of Biojoynt Tablet. This is not a comprehensive list. These side-effects are possible, but do not always occur. Some of the side-effects may be rare but serious. Consult your doctor if you observe any of the following side-effects, especially if they do not go away.

  • Nausea
  • Hives
  • Throat
  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loose motions
  • Constipation
  • Swelling on your face or lips
  • Diarrhea
  • Na
  • Biojoynt Tablet may also cause side-effects not listed here.

If you notice other side-effects not listed above, contact your doctor for medical advice. You may also report side-effects to your local food and drug administration authority.


Before using Biojoynt Tablet, inform your doctor about your current list of medications, over the counter products (e.g. vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions (e.g. pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.). Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side-effects of the drug. Take as directed by your doctor or follow the direction printed on the product insert. Dosage is based on your condition. Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens. Important counseling points are listed below.

  • Be careful if you having renal impairment
  • Consult your doctor if you are diabetic or taking heparin
  • Do not consume if allergic to the drug
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If you have history of high cholesterol or triglycerides, cancer, liver disease, asthma or breathing disorder
  • It shows maximal clinical effect after about 3 months
  • Monitor complete blood count, liver function, and urinalysis regularly while taking this medication
  • Patients with history of liver, kidney disease

Interactions with Biojoynt Tablet

If you use other drugs or over the counter products at the same time, the effects of Biojoynt Tablet may change. This may increase your risk for side-effects or cause your drug not to work properly. Tell your doctor about all the drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements you are using, so that you doctor can help you prevent or manage drug interactions. Biojoynt Tablet may interact with the following drugs and products:

  • Aluminium hydroxide
  • Anisindione
  • Dicumarol
  • Oxide
  • Psyllium husk
  • Warfarin

When not to use Biojoynt Tablet

Composition and Active Ingredients

Packages and Strengths

Biojoynt Tablet is available in the following packages and strengths

Biojoynt Tablet — Packages: 10 Tablet

Biojoynt Tablet — Strengths: 750MG+50MG+250MG

Frequently asked Questions

  • Is Biojoynt Tablet safe to use when pregnant?

    • Glucosamine: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
    • Diacerein: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
    • Msm: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
  • Is Biojoynt Tablet safe while breastfeeding?

    • Glucosamine: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
    • Diacerein: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
    • Msm: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
  • Can Biojoynt Tablet be used for osteoarthritis and joint pain due to arthritis?

    Yes, osteoarthritis and joint pain due to arthritis are among the most common reported uses for Biojoynt Tablet. Please do not use Biojoynt Tablet for osteoarthritis and joint pain due to arthritis without consulting first with your doctor. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as common uses for Biojoynt Tablet.

  • Is it safe to drive or operate heavy machinery when using this product?

    If you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as side-effects when using Biojoynt Tablet medicine then it may not be safe to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery. One should not drive a vehicle if using the medicine makes you drowsy, dizzy or lowers your blood-pressure extensively. Pharmacists also advise patients not to drink alcohol with medicines as alcohol intensifies drowsiness side-effects. Please check for these effects on your body when using Biojoynt Tablet. Always consult with your doctor for recommendations specific to your body and health conditions.

  • Is this medicine or product addictive or habit forming?

    Most medicines don’t come with a potential for addiction or abuse. Usually, the government’s categorizes medicines that can be addictive as controlled substances. Examples include schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US. Please consult the product package to make sure that the medicine does not belong to such special categorizations of medicines. Lastly, do not self-medicate and increase your body’s dependence to medicines without the advice of a doctor.

  • Can i stop using this product immediately or do I have to slowly wean off the use?

    Some medicines need to be tapered or cannot be stopped immediately because of rebound effects. Please consult with your doctor for recommendations specific to your body, health and other medications that you may be using.

Other important Information on Biojoynt Tablet

Missing a dose

In case you miss a dose, use it as soon as you notice. If it is close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your dosing schedule. Do not use extra dose to make up for a missed dose. If you are regularly missing doses, consider setting an alarm or asking a family member to remind you. Please consult your doctor to discuss changes in your dosing schedule or a new schedule to make up for missed doses, if you have missed too many doses recently.

Overdosage of Biojoynt Tablet

  • Do not use more than prescribed dose. Taking more medication will not improve your symptoms; rather they may cause poisoning or serious side-effects. If you suspect that you or anyone else who may have overdosed of Biojoynt Tablet, please go to the emergency department of the closest hospital or nursing home. Bring a medicine box, container, or label with you to help doctors with necessary information.
  • Do not give your medicines to other people even if you know that they have the same condition or it seems that they may have similar conditions. This may lead to overdosage.
  • Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for more information.

Storage of Biojoynt Tablet

  • Store medicines at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Do not freeze medicines unless required by package insert. Keep medicines away from children and pets.
  • Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into drainage unless instructed to do so. Medication discarded in this manner may contaminate the environment. Please consult your pharmacist or doctor for more details on how to safely discard Biojoynt Tablet.

Expired Biojoynt Tablet

  • Taking a single dose of expired Biojoynt Tablet is unlikely to produce an adverse event. However, please discuss with your primary health provider or pharmacist for proper advice or if you feel unwell or sick. Expired drug may become ineffective in treating your prescribed conditions. To be on the safe side, it is important not to use expired drugs. If you have a chronic illness that requires taking medicine constantly such as heart condition, seizures, and life-threatening allergies, you are much safer keeping in touch with your primary health care provider so that you can have a fresh supply of unexpired medications.

Dosage Information

Please consult your physician or pharmacist or refer to the product package.

Cite this page

Page URL


APA Style Citation

  • Biojoynt Tablet — Product — (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2023, from

MLA Style Citation

  • «Biojoynt Tablet — Product —» N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May. 2023.

Chicago Style Citation

  • «Biojoynt Tablet — Product —» Tabletwise. Accessed May 14, 2023.

More about Biojoynt Tablet

  • Uses
  • Reviews
  • What are the uses of Biojoynt Tablet?
  • What are the side-effects of Biojoynt Tablet?
  • What other medicines does Biojoynt Tablet interact with?
  • When should you not use Biojoynt Tablet?
  • What precautions should you take while using Biojoynt Tablet?

Last updated date

This page was last updated on 9/27/2020.

This page provides information for Biojoynt Tablet Product in English.

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Описание биологически активной добавки

Таблетки Джонтейс
(Jointace tablets)

Основано на официально утвержденных материалах и подготовлено для электронного издания справочника Видаль 2013 года, дата обновления: 2013.05.04

Владелец регистрационного удостоверения:

Контакты для обращений:


Лекарственная форма

БАД Таблетки Джонтейс


рег. №:У.2736.4.10
от 27.04.10
— Действующее

Форма выпуска, упаковка и состав
продукта Таблетки Джонтейс

Состав: глюкозамина сульфат калия хлорид, хондроитинсульфат натрия, альфа-токоферил ацетат, витамин Д, цианкобаламин, аскорбиновая кислота, фолиевая кислота, селенит натрия пентагидрат, цинка сульфат моногидрат, меди сульфат пентагидрат, марганца сульфат моногидрат, экстракт имбиря, дикальция фосфат, МКЦ, поливинилпирролидон, тальк очищенный, картофельный крахмал, стеарат магния, диоксид кремния.

Содержание биологически активных веществ на 1 таб.: глюкозамина сульфата — 330-420 мг, хондроитинсульфата — 180-200 мг, витаминов С — 27-39.6 мг, Е — 18-26.4 мг, Д — 4.5-8.25 мкг, В12 — 6-8.5 мкг, фолиевой кислоты — 180-572 мкг, цинка — 4.5 — 5.78 мг, меди — 0.45-0.58 мг, марганца — 1.8-2.2 мг, селена — 54-66 мкг.

Форма выпуска и упаковка


Область применения
продукта Таблетки Джонтейс

Рекомендован в качестве биологически активной добавки к пище — дополнительного источника витаминов С, Д, Е, В12, фолиевой кислоты и минеральных веществ (селен, цинк, марганец, медь), источника глюкозамин сульфата и хондроитин сульфата.

Рекомендации по применению

Взрослым по 1 таблетке в день во время еды. Продолжительность приема — 1 месяц. При необходимости прием можно повторить.

Не является лекарством.


Индивидуальная непереносимость компонентов, беременность, кормление грудью. Перед применением рекомендуется проконсультироваться с врачом.

Применение при беременности и в период лактации

Противопоказан при беременности, в период лактации.

Условия реализации

Реализация населению через аптечную сеть и специализированные магазины, отделы торговой сети.

Условия хранения продукта Таблетки Джонтейс

Хранить в сухом, защищенном от света и недоступном для детей месте при температуре не выше 25°С.

Срок годности продукта Таблетки Джонтейс

Biojoynt N Tablet

Curcumin, also known as diferuloylmethane, is an active component in the golden spice turmeric (Curcuma longa) and in Curcuma xanthorrhiza oil. It is a highly pleiotropic molecule that exhibits antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, wound-healing, and antimicrobial activities . Due to these properties, curcumin has been investigated for the treatment and supportive care of clinical conditions including proteinuria, breast cancer, multiple myeloma, depression, and Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Despite proven efficacy against numerous experimental models, poor bioavailability due to poor absorption, rapid metabolism, and rapid systemic elimination have been shown to limit the therapeutic efficacy of curcumin . Curcumin is under investigation for the treatment and supportive care of various clinical conditions including mucositis, rectal cancer, prostate cancer, chronic schizophrenia, and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) .

Intravenous application of 25 mg/kg bw curcumin to rats resulted in an increase in bile flow by 80 and 120% . In the rat model of inflammation, curcumin was shown to inhibit edema formation. In nude mouse that had been injected subcutaneously with prostate cancer cells, administration of curcumin caused a marked decrease in the extent of cell proliferation, a significant increase of apoptosis and micro-vessel density . Curcumin may exert choleretic effects by increasing biliary excretion of bile salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin, as well as increasing bile solubility . Curcumin inhibited arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation in vitro .

Glucosamine is an amino sugar and a prominent precursor in the biochemical synthesis of glycosylated proteins and lipids. Glucosamine stimulates the production of proteoglycans and increases sulfate uptake by articular cartilage.

The administration of glucosamine, in theory, provides a building block towards the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, slowing the progression of osteoarthritis and relieving symptoms of joint pain. Studies to this date examining the efficacy of glucosamine sulfate have been inconclusive. Glycosaminoglycans contribute to joint cartilage elasticity, strength, and flexibility. A systematic review of various studies and guidelines determined that modest improvements were reported for joint pain and function in patients taking glucosamine. A consistent joint space narrowing was observed, but with an unclear clinical significance.

Bioperine has been used in trials studying the treatment of Multiple Myeloma and Deglutition Disorders.

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No approved therapeutic indications.

Indicated for the treatment of osteoarthritis of knee, hip, spine, and other locations. Also used as dietary supplement

Biojoynt N is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Arthritis, Backache, Joint Pain, Osteoarthritis (OA), Osteoarthritis of the Knee

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How Biojoynt N works

Curcumin acts as a scavenger of oxygen species, such as hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, and singlet oxygen and inhibit lipid peroxidation as well as peroxide-induced DNA damage . Curcumin mediates potent anti-inflammatory agent and anti-carcinogenic actions via modulating various signalling molecules. It suppresses a number of key elements in cellular signal transduction pathways pertinent to growth, differentiation, and malignant transformation; it was demonstrated in vitro that curcumin inhibits protein kinases, c-Jun/AP-1 activation, prostaglandin biosynthesis, and the activity and expression of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 .

The mechanism of action of glucosamine in joint health is unclear, however there are several possible mechanisms that contribute to its therapeutic effects. Because glucosamine is a precursor for glycosaminoglycans, and glycosaminoglycans are a major component of joint cartilage, glucosamine supplements may help to rebuild cartilage and treat the symptoms of arthritis. Some in vitro studies show evidence that glucosamine reduces inflammation via inhibition of interferon gamma and Nuclear factor kappa B subunit 65 (NF-κB p65), improving the symptoms of arthritis and joint pain. Clinical relevance is unknown at this time.


Biojoynt N

Boswellin + Cissus Quadrangularis Extract + Curcumin + Glucosamine + Piperine Structure

Table Of contents

  • Biojoynt N
  • Uses
  • Dosage
  • Side Effect
  • Precautions
  • Interactions
  • Uses during Pregnancy
  • Uses during Breastfeeding
  • Accute Overdose
  • Food Interaction
  • Half Life
  • Volume of Distribution
  • Clearance
  • Interaction With other Medicine
  • Contradiction
  • Storage

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Biojoynt N dosage

500 mg tablet three times daily or as directed by the physician. A single dose of 1500 mg daily may also be effective. Obese individuals may need higher doses, based on body weight.

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Side Effects

Safety studies with Glucosamine show no demonstrable toxicity. Rarely occurring side effects like mild & reversible intestinal flatulence are almost like placebo.


In an acute oral toxicity study in mouse, LD50 was >2000 mg/kg . Single oral doses of curcumin at 1-5 g/kg bw induced no toxic effects in rats . There has been no cases of overdose reported .

The oral LD50 of glucosamine in rats is >5000 mg/kg. Symptoms of an overdose with glucosamine may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea (common side effects of this drug). Severe and life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions to glucosamine may occur in patients with a shellfish allergy or asthma.

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Diabetics are advised to monitor blood glucose levels regularly while taking Glucosamine. No special studies were formed in patients with renal and/or hepatic insufficiency. The toxicological and pharmacokinetic profile of the product does not indicate limitations for these patients. However, administration to these patients with severe hepatic or renal insufficiency should be under appropriate medical supervision.


There have been no reports of significant drug interactions ofGlucosamine with antibiotics, antidepressants, antihypertensives, nitrates, antiarrhythmics, anxiolytic, hypoglycaemic agents, anti-secretives.

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Volume of Distribution

Following oral administration of radio-labelled curcumin to rats, radioactivity was detected in the liver and kidneys .

Results of a pharmacokinetic study of 12 healthy volunteers receiving three daily consecutive oral administrations of glucosamine sulfate soluble powder demonstrated glucosamine distribution to extravascular compartments. Human pharmacokinetic data for glucosamine is limited in the literature, however, a large animal model study of horses revealed a mean apparent volume of distribution of 15.4 L/kg. Concentrations of glucosamine ranged from 9-15 microM after an intravenous dose, and 0.3-0.7 microM after nasogastric dosing. These concentrations remained in the range of 0.1-0.7 microM in the majority of horses 12 hours after dosing, suggesting effectiveness of a once-daily dose. In rats and dogs, radioactivity from a C-14 labeled dose of glucosamine is detected in the liver, kidneys, articular cartilage, and other areas.

Elimination Route

Curcumin displays poor absorption into the gastrointestinal tract. In a rat study, oral administration of a single dose of 2 g of curcumin resulted in a plasma concentration of less than 5 μg/mL, indicating poor absorption from the gut .

In a pharmacokinetic study, glucosamine was 88.7% absorption by the gastrointestinal tract. Absolute oral bioavailability was 44%, likely due to the hepatic first-pass effect. In a pharmacokinetic study of 12 healthy adults receiving oral crystalline glucosamine, plasma levels increased up to 30 times the baseline levels and Cmax was 10 microM with a 1,500 mg once-daily dose. Tmax was about 3 hours. AUC was 20,216 ± 5021 after a 15,000 mg dose.

Half Life

No pharmacokinetic data available.

The estimated half-life for glucosamine is 15 hours after an oral dose. After a bolus intravenous injection of 1005 mg crystalline glucosamine sulfate, the parent drug has an apparent half life of 1.11 hours.

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No pharmacokinetic data available.

Elimination Route

Following oral administration of curcumin to rats at a dose of 1 g/kg bw, about 75% of dose was excreted in the faeces and only traces of the compound was detected in the urine . When a single 400 mg dose of curcumin was administered orally to rats, about 60% was absorbed and 40% was excreted unchanged in the faeces over an period of 5 days . Intraperitoneal administration resulted in fecal excretion of 73% and biliary excretion of 11% .

Fecal excretion of glucosamine in a pharmacokinetic study was 11.3% within 120 hours after administration. Urinary elimination was found to be 1.19% within the first 8 hours post-administration.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

Women who are pregnant or who could become pregnant should not supplement with glucosamine. Glucosamine has not been studied enough to determine their effects on a developing fetus. And no studies have evaluated the use of Glucosamine during pregnancy or lactation. It should be taken with caution and medical advice during pregnancy and lactation.

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There are no known contraindications for Glucosamine. But proven hypersensitivity to Glucosamine is a contraindication.

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Storage Condition

Should be stored in cool and dry place.

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