Borderlands 3 редактор сохранений инструкция


Программа для редактирования файла сохранения персонажа. Позволяет изменять различные параметры персонажа.

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Инструкция по использованию:

  1. Откройте программу (BL3SaveEditor.exe),
  2. Далее нажмите (Open) для открытия файла сохранения персонажа
  3. Выберите файл с нужным для вас сохранением персонажа (лежит по адресу: «C:Users[имя пользователя]DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 3SavedSaveGames»)

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Borderlands обрушились на игровой мир как тонна кирпичей. Сочетая в себе простую механику стрельбы с бесконечно увлекательной работой для получения еще лучшего лута, Borderlands стал прототипом нового типа шутера — Loot Shooter. Теперь, более десяти лет спустя, Borderlands 3 вышла, и мы не можем насытиться ею. Это самая большая и крутая Borderlands на сегодняшний день, с большим количеством добычи, большим количеством персонажей, большими мирами и пр.

К сожалению, огромный размер Borderlands 3 означает, что ошибки неизбежны, а некоторые могут нарушить игру. Представьте, что вы часами создаете своего персонажа и фармите добычу, чтобы все это мгновенно потерять. По сути, это наш худший кошмар. Вы можете потратить последующие дни, недели и месяцы, молясь богам Gearbox об исправлении, которое вернет ваш файл сохранения из мертвых. Или вы можете взять дело в свои руки с помощью специальных инструментов сообщества, известных как «Редакторы сохранения».

Что такое редакторы сохранения?

Редакторы сохранений для Borderlands 3 были созданы, чтобы помочь игрокам восстановить своих потерянных героев без необходимости повторять потерянные часы. Это также может помочь вам справиться с критическими ошибками, из-за которых ваши миссии блокируются на месте, не позволяя продолжить игру/историю. Начиная с самой первой игры серии, люди изменяли свои предметы и персонажей. Многие частные серверы позволяют своим игрокам использовать редакторы сохранений. 

Сколько существует типов файлов сохранения?

Borderlands 3 имеет два разных типа файлов сохранения. Один — это файл сохранения профиля, а второй — файл сохранения персонажа. Разница между обоими типами файлов заключается в том, что файл профиля содержит данные, которые используются всеми вашими персонажами. И в файле символов есть данные, которые хранятся внутри этого конкретного символа.

Если вы планируете редактировать оба типа файлов, но не знаете, какой из них какой, я вам покажу. Чтобы определить различия между обоими типами файлов, все, на что вам нужно обратить внимание, — это имя файла. Для файлов сохранения профиля имя обычно — «profile.sav», тогда как файлы сохранения символов представляют собой строку чисел в формате, подобном «{строка чисел} .sav.»

Есть новый онлайн-редактор файлов сохранения, или вы можете скачать утилиту. Обязательно сделайте резервную копию своих файлов, прежде чем изменять их.

Примечание. Если вы используете Steam, обязательно отключите облачную синхронизацию, иначе Steam перезапишет ваши изменения с сохранением в облаке.


  1. Загрузите исполняемый файл, доступный в разделе «Releases»
  2. Запустите exe
  3. Нажмите Open и выберите свой profile.sav.
  4. Отредактируйте свой профиль так, как вам нравится
  5. Когда вы закончите редактирование, нажмите Save чтобы сохранить свой профиль. Не волнуйтесь, он создаст резервную копию на случай, если вы захотите вернуться.

Редактор сохраненных файлов Borderlands 3

Есть два редактора сохранения, которые, как известно, работают с файлами сохранения Borderlands 3. Он называется Borderlands 3 Save Editor ( редактор BL3) и Borderlands 3 Save Game Editor. Первая программа проста в использовании и может изменять бесконечный набор элементов по своему вкусу. Однако последняя программа перестала обновляться, поэтому было бы лучше использовать вместо нее программу Borderlands 3 Save Editor.

Доступна другая программа под названием Borderlands 3 Profile Editor, но она позволяет редактировать только файл сохранения вашего профиля.

Местоположение файла сохранения Borderlands 3 файлы сохранения

Поскольку создание редактора файлов сохранения занимает больше времени, чем предполагалось, я подумал, что поделюсь некоторыми файлами сохранения. Таким образом вы сможете быстро получить доступ к высокоуровневым персонажам.

Местоположение файла сохранения по умолчанию для Borderlands 3 на ПК:

C:Users»Your Profile»DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 3SavedSaveGames

Безопасны ли редакторы сохранения?

Все редакторы сохранений Borderlands 3 созданы сообществом и, следовательно, незаконны. Использование редактора на официальном сервере Borderlands может вызвать проблемы и привести к блокировке вашей учетной записи в игре. Лучше всего использовать эту программу на вашем собственном сервере в локальной сети или в одиночной кампании.

The first Borderlands hit the gaming world like a ton of bricks. Combining straightforward shooting mechanics with the endlessly addictive grind for ever-better loot, Borderlands had become the prototype for a new kind of shooter — the Loot Shooter. Now more than a decade later, Borderlands 3 is out, and we can’t get enough of it. This is the biggest and baddest Borderlands yet, with more loot, more characters, larger worlds, with the same grimy, over-the-top delivery we’ve come to know and love.

Unfortunately, the sheer size of Borderlands 3 means bugs are inevitable — some potentially game-breaking. Imagine spending hours building your character and farming for the hottest loot, only to have it all thrown away in an instant. That’s basically our worst nightmare. You could spend the subsequent days, weeks, and months praying to the Gearbox Gods for a fix that will bring your save file back from the dead. Or you can take matters into your own hands with special, community-made tools known as Save Editors.

What are save editors?

Save editors for Borderlands 3 were made to help players rebuild their lost heroes without having to replay those lost hours. It can also help you get through those game-breaking bugs that cause your missions to lock in place, unable to continue with the game/story.

Ever since the very first game in the series, people have been modifying their items and characters. Many private servers allow their players to utilize save editors. Players can show off their self-modified character concoctions without fear of the game’s devs hitting them with the ban hammer.

What can you do with save editors?

Every save editor is different, but most of the save editors that are released can:

  • Modify your Guardian Rank Data
  • Unlock all of the cosmetics
  • Add or decrease your Currencies
  • Change SDU levels
  • Customize your character’s Class, Levels, and Name
  • Edit the items
    • Create new items from scratch
    • Customize all of the parts of any item
    • Import items from a list of Borderlands 3 item codes
    • Filter the legit items found in the game

With all of these features, you can recreate your character right away.

How do Borderlands 3 save editors work?

The creators of these save editors do not explain how the technical sides work, like coding, programming, design, etc. But here is the gist of how these save editors work. The Borderlands 3 Save Editors access save files saved in a specific folder created by the game. Once the editor accesses a save file, it will show all of the features that the save editor contains.

Do Borderlands 3 save editors work for consoles?

Time to rip off the bandaid for consoles users. At this moment, there are not any save editors for the console versions of Borderlands 3 other than the PC version. So if you do lose your character or are locked in a mission on consoles, well, you might have to restart all over again.

Where are my Borderlands 3 save files located?

Since all of the save editors only work for the PC version of Borderlands 3, here is how you can find your save files:

  • For Windows: “C:Users<Username>DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 3SavedSaveGames<UUID>”
  • For Mac: “~/Library/Application Support/GearboxSoftware/OakGame/Saved/”

Once you locate those folders mentioned above, you can identify your save files.

How many save file types are there?

Borderlands 3 has two different types of save files. One is the Profile save file, and the second is the Character save file. The difference between both of the file types is that the Profile file contains data that is shared among all of your characters. And the Character file has data that is stored within that specific character.

If you plan to edit both of the file types but don’t know which one is which, I’ll show you. To identify the differences from both of the file types, all you need to pay attention to is the file name. For Profile save files, the name is usually “profile.sav,” whereas the Character save files are a string of numbers in a format like “{string of numbers}.sav.”

What can you change?

Because Borderlands 3 has two different save files stored locally, they both can be accessed using the Save Editors. Here’s what the Save Editors can do to both of the save files:

For the Profile save file: Profile.sav

  • Modify the Bank
  • Change the Guardian Rank
  • Unlock all of the customizations
  • Modify the Bank space and the lost SDU loot etc. found in the Profile

For the Character save file: {number}.sav

  • The character’s inventory
  • Increase or decrease your character’s levels
  • Modify weapon SDUs
  • Modify customizations
  • Change your class

How many Borderlands 3 save editors are there?

There are two save editors that are known to work with Borderlands 3 save files. It is called Borderlands 3 Save Editor (BL3 Editor) and Borderlands 3 Savegame Editor. The former program is simple to use and can modify an infinite array of items to your liking. However, the latter program has stopped updating, so it would be better to use the Borderlands 3 Save Editor program instead.

Another program called Borderlands 3 Profile Editor is available but only allows you to edit your Profile save file.

How do I use a Borderlands 3 save editor?

Using the Borderlands 3 Save Editor program is very simple. Just a few clicks and bam! You are ready to modify your Character(s) and Profile. Here is how to do it:

See also

  1. Open up BL3 Editor. (The website looks empty, white, and a few words. This is normal.)
  2. In the middle of the page, it should show a box where you must choose a file.
  3. Like what we stated before, you can upload either a Character file or a Profile file.
  4. Once you upload a file, just wait a moment for the website to use its skills.
    • If you uploaded a Character file, a page that has your save info and three different tabs (General, Character, Inventor) should appear.
      • The General tab only shows your save info (Save Slot number and Save Guid number)
      • The Character tab shows all of your characters appearances and traits you can modify (enable all weapon slots, ammo, SDUs, etc.)
      • The Inventory tab shows all of the equipped items in your inventory and items in your backpack.
    • If you uploaded the Profile .sav file, a page with everything you need to modify your Profile should show up.
      • The Profile tab should show up first. Within this tab, you can see all of the Guardian stats (Enforcer, Survivor, and Hunter) that can be modified. You can also change your guardian rank and the tokens you have available.
      • The second tab is the Bank. Here you can add or delete items you saved. To add an item, we will explain below.

How can I add items into my save files?

Within the Borderlands 3 Save Editor, you may find a box that says, “Add Item+”. If you click on the box, a whole new dropdown will show you what you can add. However, it is very tricky to use the buttons below, like the Balance, Inventory Data, Manufacturer, Level, Parts, etc. But what if I told you there is an easier way to add items into your backpack/bank? Use the BL3(serial) to generate an item from a string of code.

Where can I find an item using the BL3 (serial) bar?

Finding it on your own may be a tad annoying — each item has its own intricate code that you’ll have to figure out. Well, fret not. We have a solution to the problem.

Here is the link to a spreadsheet filled with strings of code for each item. It has everything you need to recreate your character (and, yes, in case you were wondering, that includes legendary weapons!).

How do I use the modified save file I exported from Borderlands 3 save editor?

Once you have modified your character or Profile, you have to go through another series of steps to make them work. Here is how to do it:

  1. Once you finished editing your character or profile file, a large blue button that says “Download Edited File” should be on the top right.
  2. Before you click that button, make sure the item you are editing will be exported to the correct version of the Borderlands 3 you have. (Check the SaveVersion beside the blue button)
  3. Once everything is correct, click the blue button, and a file should be downloaded to your PC.
    • The file should be called “{number}_edited.sav” if it is a Character file.
    • The file should be named “profile_edited.sav” if its a profile file.
  4. Once you have downloaded the file, erase the tag, “_edited” from the file name, and copy the renamed file to your Borderlands 3 saves folder.
  5. Click overwrite if you have another file of the same name inside the folder.
  6. Once that’s done, open Borderlands 3 and have fun with your new settings.

Are save editors safe?

Borderlands 3 save editors are all community-made and thus illegitimate. Using an editor on an official Borderlands server may cause problems and get your account banned from playing the game. It would be best to utilize this program on your own private LAN server or in a single-player campaign.

Welcome to the exciting world of gaming. Gaming has come a long way from the days of Pong and Space Invaders to the modern era of hyper-realistic graphics, immersive gameplay, and endless possibilities. The gaming industry has grown tremendously in recent years, and it shows no signs of slowing down. With the rise of online gaming, streaming platforms, and social media, gaming has become more than just a hobby; it has become a lifestyle. Borderlands 3 is a massively popular first-person shooter video game that has won the hearts of many gamers worldwide. 

It is a game that takes you on a wild ride, where you battle enemies and collect loot as you explore different planets. With the Borderlands 3 Save Editor, you can take your gaming experience to the next level. In this article, we will provide you with the ultimate guide on how to use the Borderlands 3 Save Editor.

What is the Borderlands 3 Save Editor?

The Borderlands 3 Save Editor is a powerful tool that allows players to modify their saved game files. This tool can be used to change character stats, skill trees, inventory, and more. This Borderlands 3 save editor is a popular tool among players who want to customize their gameplay experience and experiment with different builds.

How to Use the Borderlands 3 Save Editor?

Step 1: Download the Borderlands 3 Save Editor

The first step in using the Borderlands 3 Save Editor is to download it. You can find the Save Editor on various gaming forums and websites. It is important to make sure that you download the Save Editor from a reputable source to avoid downloading malware or other malicious software.

Step 2: Extract the Save Editor

Once you have downloaded the Save Editor, you need to extract the files to a folder on your computer. You can use a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the files.

Step 3: Backup your saved game

Before you start making changes to your saved game, it is essential to back up your original saved game. This will allow you to restore your game to its original state if something goes wrong.

Step 4: Open the Borderlands 3 Save Editor

Once you have extracted the files and backed up your saved game, you can open the Borderlands 3 Save Editor. The Save Editor has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate.

Step 5: Load your saved game

To start editing your saved game, you need to load it into the Save Editor. Click on the “Open” button and select your saved game file.

Step 6: Edit your saved game

Once you have loaded your saved game, you can start making changes. You can edit your character’s level, skill points, inventory, and more. The Save Editor allows you to modify almost every aspect of your saved game.

Step 7: Save your changes

Once you have made your changes, click on the “Save” button to save your modified saved game. You can then close the save editor and launch Borderlands 3 to play with your new modifications.

Benefits of using the Borderlands 3 Save Editor

The Borderlands 3 Save Editor offers players many benefits. One of the primary benefits is the ability to experiment with different builds and playstyles. With the Save Editor, you can create a character with unlimited skill points, making it possible to try out every skill in the game. Save Editor also allows you to create the perfect weapon for your play style. You can modify the stats of any weapon in the game, making it possible to create a weapon that suits your needs.

Another benefit of the Borderlands 3 Save Editor is that it allows you to skip parts of the game that you may find tedious. For example, you can use the Save Editor to jump straight to the final boss without having to play through the entire game.

Borderlands 3 Save Editor is a powerful tool that allows players to customize their gameplay experience. With the Save Editor, you can modify almost every aspect of your saved game, from character stats to inventory. The Save Editor also offers many benefits, including the ability to experiment with different builds and playstyles. If you’re a fan of Borderlands 3 and want to take your gaming experience to the next level, then the Borderlands 3 Save Editor is a must-have tool. However, it is important to use the Save Editor responsibly and remember to back up your saved game before making any changes. With the ultimate guide provided in this article, you should now have a good understanding of how to use the Borderlands 3 Save Editor to create the perfect gaming experience for yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Download the Save Editor and start experimenting with different builds and playstyles today.


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