Bosch wft 2830 инструкция на русском читать

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  • Марку и модель неисправной машинки.
  • Симптомы неисправного поведения. Например, стиральная машина не открывается, не включается или не забирает стиральный порошок из лотка для моющих средств.
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Если ваша стиральная машина Bosch WFT 2830 сломалась, не медлите с ее ремонтом! Чем скорее вы обратитесь к специалистам, тем выше шансы избежать более сложного и дорогого ремонта. В сервисном центре «РемБытТех» вашу заявку на ремонт примут и обработают уже в течение 24 часов после обращения. Наш мастер качественно отремонтирует стиральную машину любого года выпуска с гарантией до 2 лет на работы и новые установленные запчасти.

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Подробная инструкция стиральной машины марки BOSСH поможет вам решить вопросы с техническими характеристиками этой машины, какое количество белья можно загружать в эту стиральную машину, сколько и куда сыпать порошок для стирки, а также установки и подключение, а также как пользоваться модулем управления стиральной машины.

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Видео стиральной машины bosch wft 2830-  ремонт и ошибки

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  •— запчасти для стиральных машин

Здравствуйте, я Роман, мастер стиральных машин с опытом более 13 лет! Веду этот сайт, Делюсь опытом и помогаю советом. Если сайт был полезен, ваша лучшая благодарность ваш опыт в комментарии!

Стиральная машина Bosch WFT 2830 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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Здравствуйте, я Роман, мастер стиральных машин с опытом более 13 лет! Веду этот сайт, Делюсь опытом и помогаю советом. Если сайт был полезен, ваша лучшая благодарность ваш опыт в комментарии!


Стиральная машина Bosch WFT 2830 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

Вы можете скачать инструкцию к Bosch WFT 2830 по ссылке ниже, если не хотите ждать загрузки. Если остались вопросы, задайте их в комментариях после инструкции.

«Загружаем инструкцию», означает, что нужно подождать пока файл загрузится и можно будет его читать онлайн. Некоторые инструкции очень большие и время их появления зависит от вашей скорости интернета.

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Bosch WFT 2830 выпускалась в конце 90х начале 2000х в Германии. Без каких то преувеличений можно утверждать что это одна из лучших конструкций стиральных машин. Принципиальные плюсы это ТЭН с покрытием не допускающим известкового налёта (сейчас такие ТЭНЫ не устанавливают на стиральные машины Bosch) также подшипники внушительных размеров + размещенные не в баке а в крестовине(в них никогда не попадет вода) металлический бак, довольно надежный электронный модуль управления. И еще много чуть менее значительных плюсов, но в сумме всё это позволяет данным стиральным машинам и сегодня (спустя что то около 20 лет после производства) радовать своих владельцев исправной работой и качественной стиркой, кстати и сушкой. Часто владельцы не знают какой год выпуска у их стиральной машины. Это можно узнать по номеру FD на этой странице. Также часто инструкция часто утеряна. На этот случай выкладываю здесь фотокопию одной уцелевшей инструкции, которой любезно поделился один из владельцев такой машины.

Все статьи об этой стиральной машине

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Bosch Manuals
  4. Washer
  5. WFR 2830
  6. Instruction manual and installation instructions
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WFR 2830

en Instruction Manual

and Installation





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Summary of Contents for Bosch WFR 2830

  • Page 1
    WFR 2830 en Instruction Manual and Installation Instructions Internet: http://www.…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Disposal Information ….. . . Operating Disposing of the packaging ….Instructions Disposing of your old appliance .

  • Page 3
    During washing ……Reselecting a programme ….Topping up the washing/ Interrupting the programme .
  • Page 4
    Further information and a selection of our products can be found on our Internet page: Please read and observe these operating and installation instructions and all other information enclosed with the washing machine.
  • Page 5: Disposal Information

    Disposal Information The shipping package has protected your new Disposing of the appliance on its way to your home. All packaging packaging materials are environment friendly and recyclable. Please contribute to a better environment by disposing of packaging materials in an environmentally conscious manner.

  • Page 6: Environmental Protection / Conservation Issues

    Environmental Protection / Conservation Issues Your washing machine uses water, energy and detergent efficiently, thereby protecting the environment and reducing your household costs. See Page 58 for consumption values of your appliance. Hints and tips Using your washing machine in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner: q Do not exceed maximum load.

  • Page 7: General Safety Instructions

    General Safety Instructions Your washing machine is intended: — For domestic use only. — For washing machine washable fabrics in washing lye. — For operation with cold drinking water and commercially available detergents and cleaning products which are suitable for use in washing machines.

  • Page 8: Your New Washing Machine

    Your New Washing Machine Filling laundry detergent and/or additive dispensers Dispenser I: Detergent for prewash or starch. Dispenser II: Detergent for main wash, water softener, pre soaking agent, bleach and stain removal product. Dispenser 2: Additives, e.g. fabric softener or former.

  • Page 9: Control Panel

    Control panel Buttons for additional options Display field (in addition to the programme if required) Indicates the settings which have been Reduced Ironing»: Gentle spin selected or which are to be changed (e.g. spin speed, end time, prewash and childproof lock) Rinse Plus»: Extra rinse cycle as well as programme progress.

  • Page 10: Before Using Your Washing Machine For The First Time

    Before Using Your Washing Machine For the First Time Caution Preparing your The washing machine must have been installed and washing machine connected properly (refer to Page 60). Your appliance was tested before leaving the factory. To remove any water left over from testing procedures, the first washing cycle should be carried out without laundry in the machine.

  • Page 11: Selecting The Language

    Text in the display field can be displayed in a language Selecting the other than the preselected language. language i The programme selector must not be set to Off». i The language must be selected before a programme is started. q Simultaneously press the Menu»…

  • Page 12: Preparing, Sorting And Loading The Washing

    Preparing, sorting and loading the washing Caution Preparing Loose debris (e.g. coins, paper clips, needles, nails) the laundry can damage items of clothing as well as parts of the washing machine (e.g. drum). q Empty all pockets on items of clothing. q Brush out any sand from pockets and cuffs.

  • Page 13: Sorting The Laundry

    Caution Sorting the laundry Items of clothing can become discoloured. Never wash new multi coloured items together with other items. According to colour and degree of dirt White items may become grey. Always wash white and coloured items separately. Degrees of dirt Slight dirt No recognizable dirt or staining.

  • Page 14
    Intensive dirt Dirt and/or staining recognizable. — Kitchen hand towels that have been used for up to one week. — Fabric napkins. — Bibs. — Children’s outer clothing or football shirts and shorts with grass and soil stains. — Working clothes such as overalls or baker’s and butcher’s coats.
  • Page 15
    Sorting laundry Only wash laundry that is labelled with the following according to their care care symbols: label specifications 90 °C Cottons+Linens c b a 30, 40, 60 °C Cottons+Linens h g f 30, 40, 60 °C Easy Care l g k f 30 °C Delicates/Silk l g k f Hand and machine washable woollens cold, 30 °C…
  • Page 16: Loading The Laundry

    d Risk of explosion! Loading the laundry Items of clothing that have been pretreated with solvent based cleaning agents, e.g. stain remover and dry cleaning spirit, represent an explosion hazard once loaded into the washing machine. Therefore, these items must first be rinsed thoroughly by hand. Caution Loose debris in the washing machine drum can damage the laundry.

  • Page 17: Laundry Detergents And Additives

    Laundry Detergents and Additives d Risk of poisoning! Dispensing the Keep detergents and additives out of the reach correct amount of children. of detergent Dispense the detergent according to: q the water hardness. This information can be obtained from your local water authority. q the amount of laundry.

  • Page 18: Filling Laundry Detergent And/Or Additive Dispensers

    Filling laundry detergent and/or additive dispensers Dispenser I: Detergent for prewash or starch. Dispenser II Detergent for main wash, water softener, pre soaking agent, bleach and stain removal product. Dispenser 2 Additives, e.g. fabric softener or former (fill no higher than lower edge of insert 1).

  • Page 19: Programmes And Functions

    Programmes and functions Select the desired programme — see also the separate programme overview. For maximum spin speeds of the programmes see Page 28. 30, 40, 60 °C Cottons+Linens Programme selector For hard wearing textiles, e.g. cotton or linen. Maximum spin speeds. 60 °C Stains, Cottons+Linens For stained, heavily soiled textiles, e.g.

  • Page 20
    30 °C Delicates/Silk For delicate, washable textiles, e.g. silk, satin, synthetic materials or blended fabrics (e.g. curtains). Reduced spin speed. Delicates cycle at 30 °C for hand and machine washable silk. We do not recommend washing these textiles with other rougher textiles. No spinning between rinse cycles.
  • Page 21
    Maximum spin speeds of Type of laundry / Ex Revolutions per minute the programmes tra cycle 1400 Cottons+Linens Easy care Delicates/Silk Woollens 1200 Rinse Spin 4 1200 In the Cottons+Linens» programme the fabrics will be spun at the maximum possible spin speed. In the Easy care», Delicates/Silk», Mix»…
  • Page 22
    Display field The first line displays operating and programme progress text left justified and, if required, the current time right justified (if text is long, the time is masked out). The second line displays spin speeds and the expected end time of the programme as well as symbols for prewash, signal and childproof lock.
  • Page 23
    Option buttons Reduced Ironing Gentler spin with subsequent fluffing. After the spin cycle the washing is arranged loosely in the drum — creasing is reduced. Final spin speed for the Cottons+Linens» programmes: 800 r.p.m. Final spin speed for the Easy care», Delicates/Silk» and Mix»…
  • Page 24
    Indicator light in the The indicator light conveys the following information: Start/Pause» button Indicator light flashing red Programme can be started. Top up washing is possible. Indicator light glowing red Programme is running. Top up washing is possible. Indicator light flashing yellow Programme can be started.
  • Page 25
    Load adjust Load adjust» matches the water and power consumption to each programme — according to the amount of washing and type of textiles. Water and energy consumption is therefore reduced when washing small amounts of laundry. The flow sensor measures the water flow rate like an internal water gauge and meters the exact volume of water required by the amount of washing.
  • Page 26: Washing With Standard Settings

    Washing with standard settings The specified standard settings are optimally adjusted to the selected programme. These are: — Spin speed: maximum, according to the type of washing. — Prewash: no If you do not want to change these standard settings: q Turn the programme selector to the desired programme.

  • Page 27: Washing With Individual Settings

    Washing with individual settings You can adjust the settings to your requirements. First find a quick overview of the adjustable settings. The steps for changing the settings are described in detail overleaf. Quick overview Select programme with programme selector. Load the laundry and close the loading door. Press the Menu»…

  • Page 28: Spin Speed

    You can reduce the displayed spin speed. Spin speed The maximum displayed spin speed depends on the selected programme. See also information on Page 21. q Turn the programme selector to the desired programme. q Load the laundry and close the loading door. The Start/Pause»…

  • Page 29: Programme Finished At

    Make sure that the time has been set — see Set Programme clock», Page 36. finished at Before starting a programme, you can specify the time at which the programme ends. q Turn the programme selector to the desired programme. q Load the laundry and close the loading door.

  • Page 30
    Time delay» is indicated in the display field. i To save energy, all displays are switched off 30 seconds after the buttons were last pressed. If the Change» button is pressed, the displays are switched on again.
  • Page 31: Prewash

    For heavily soiled washing you can actuate Prewash Prewash». i «Prewash» is not possible in the Mix 30″, Woollens», Rinse», Spin 4″ and Drain» programmes. q Turn the programme selector to the desired programme. q Load the laundry and close the loading door. The Start/Pause»…

  • Page 32: Signal

    The acoustic signal indicates the start or end of the Signal programme, operating errors or malfunctions. You can specify the volume of the acoustic signal. q Turn the programme selector to the desired programme. q Load the laundry and close the loading door. The Start/Pause»…

  • Page 33: Child Lock

    You can secure your washing machine to prevent Child lock selected functions from being inadvertently changed. If the childproof lock has been selected: — No changes can be made while the programme is running, — Should the appliance be switched off and on while a programme is running the programme will continue at the point at which it was interrupted, — The door remains locked at the end of the…

  • Page 34
    q Press the Change» button until Child lock: ON» is displayed. i When the menu is left, the $» symbol is permanently displayed. i The childproof lock is not activated until the Start/Pause» button is pressed. The Start/Pause» indicator light is permanently illuminated (yellow).
  • Page 35: Winter Time/Summer Time

    You can switch from winter to summer time. Winter time/ q Turn the programme selector to the desired Summer time programme. q Load the laundry and close the loading door. The Start/Pause» indicator light flashes (red). Example: q Press the Menu» button until Winter time» or Summer time»…

  • Page 36: Set Clock

    You can set the current time. The settings are retained Set clock even if your washing machine is not used for up to 6 weeks. q Turn the programme selector to the desired programme. q Load the laundry and close the loading door. The Start/Pause»…

  • Page 37
    You can change other settings q Press the Start/Pause» button. The programme starts. The indicator light is on (red). i The individual programme steps are indicated in the display field.
  • Page 38: Resetting The Settings

    You can reset all changed settings to the standard Resetting the settings except the time and language. settings q Turn the programme selector to the desired programme. q Press the Change» button and hold down (3 seconds) until the second acoustic signal is emitted.

  • Page 39: During Washing

    During washing If you have accidentally selected the wrong Reselecting programme: a programme q If the childproof lock is active, temporarily deactivate; see Page 34. q Turn the programme selector to Off». q Turn the programme selector to a newly selected programme.

  • Page 40
    i If the Start/Pause» indicator light is on (yellow), the programme can be interrupted, however the door cannot be opened for reasons of safety (water level, temperature or speed too high). In the display field are indicated in succession: Pause», Door cannot be opened».
  • Page 41: Cancelling Active Programme

    If you would like to terminate a programme and Cancelling active remove the washing: programme q If the childproof lock is active, temporarily deactivate; see Page 34. q Turn the programme selector to Drain», Spin 4″ or Rinse». i If a programme is interrupted at a high temperature, Rinse»…

  • Page 42: After Washing

    After washing The Start/Pause» indicator light goes out. Display field: Remove washing». q Open the loading door. q Turn the programme selector to Off». Without final spin» preselected The Start/Pause» indicator light flashes. q If required, change the spin speed; see from Page 28.

  • Page 43: Child Lock: On» Preselected

    Child lock: ON» preselected The Start/Pause» indicator light is on (yellow). Display field: Remove washing». q Press and hold down the Start/Pause» button (5 seconds) until Pause» is displayed. The Start/Pause» indicator light flashes (red). q Open the loading door. q Turn the programme selector to Off».

  • Page 44: Emergency Lock Release

    Emergency lock release When the emergency lock release has been actuated, the loading door can be opened and the washing taken out of the drum. d Danger! Allow the hot washing solution to cool. Wait until the drum has come to a standstill. Caution The door can be unlocked at any time, even if the washing machine is full of water;…

  • Page 45: Special Applications

    Special Applications q Load laundry of the same colour. Pre soak q Add the presoak agent to chamber II according to the manufacturer’s specifications. q Turn the programme selector to 30 °C Cottons+Linens». The Start/Pause» indicator light flashes (red). q Press the Start/Pause» button. The programme starts.

  • Page 46: Dyeing

    q Set the spin speed (Without final spin» is also possible). q Press the Start/Pause» button. As soon as water starts to enter the machine: q Pull out the detergent dispenser slightly. q Add the starching solution to chamber I. q Close the detergent dispenser.

  • Page 47: Cleaning And Care

    Cleaning and Care d Risk of electric shock! Always disconnect the appliance from the mains before cleaning. Never clean the washing machine with a jet of water. d Risk of explosion! Never use solvents to clean the appliance. As required: Cleaning the q Use hot soapy water or a mild, non abrasive appliance housing…

  • Page 48: Cleaning The Detergent Dispenser

    In the event that residual detergents or additives have Cleaning the accumulated: detergent dispenser q Pull out the detergent dispenser up to the end stop, q Press down the insert and q Remove the detergent dispenser. q Pull out the insert. q Clean the detergent dispenser and insert under running water and dry.

  • Page 49: Cleaning The Drain Pump

    This is necessary if the washing solution has not been Cleaning the drain completely drained. The pump is blocked by either pump loose debris or fluff which accumulates if fluff giving fabrics are washed. Draining the washing (Up to 20 litres / 4.4 gal. Have a suitable container solution ready.) d Risk of scalding!

  • Page 50
    q Push up the closing cap (1st) and place the drain hose back in its holder (2nd). q Carefully remove the pump cap. A little residual water will flow out. q Remove any loose debris / fluff from inside the pump and clean the pump.
  • Page 51: Cleaning Water Inlet Strainers

    This is necessary if very little or no water flows into the Cleaning water inlet washing machine. strainers First release the water pressure in the supply hose: q Turn off the water tap. q Turn the programme selector to any programme (except Spin 4″…

  • Page 52: Troubleshooting Minor Faults

    Troubleshooting Minor Faults d Risk of electric shock! Repairs must only be carried out by our Customer Service or an authorized technician. If repairs are needed, and assuming that you cannot eliminate the fault yourself with the aid the following table: q Turn the programme selector to Off».

  • Page 53
    Fault Possible cause Action Childproof lock activated. Deactivate childproof lock, Door cannot be opened, see Page 34. even though the even though the appliance has been For reasons of safety the door has See Topping up the switched off and on been locked because the water level, washing/Interrupting the again.
  • Page 54
    Fault Possible cause Action Programme does not End time selected and activated. None. Appliance starts automatically. start. Time delay» is indicated in the display field. Clock cannot be set. Programme has already started; Wait until programme ends. when a programme has started, the clock cannot be set.
  • Page 55
    Fault Possible cause Action Clean and dry the detergent Detergent residue in the Detergent was damp or lumpy. dispenser; see Page 48. detergent dispenser. detergent dispenser. Use the dispensing aid for liquid detergents. Water tap not turned on. Turn on water tap. Water does enter the Programme continues.
  • Page 56
    Fault Possible cause Action The laundry was not Large items of clothing became Always load large and small items spun. entangled and could not be together into the drum. distributed evenly in the drum. For reasons of safety the high speed spin cycle was automatically suppressed.
  • Page 57: Fault Displays

    Fault displays Text in display field Possible cause Action Water tap not turned on. Turn on water tap. Water tap closed?» Programme continues. Supply hose kinked or trapped. Eliminate the cause. Strainer in supply hose clogged. Clean the filter; see Page 51. Water pressure too low.

  • Page 58: Consumption Rates

    Consumption Rates Additional option Load Load Consumption rates ** Programme Notes Electricity Water 60°C Stains, Cottons+Linens 5.0 kg * 0.95 kWh 39 l 40 °C Cottons+Linens Intensive Wash 5.0 kg * 0.5 kWh 49 l 60 °C Cottons+Linens Intensive Wash 5.0 kg 0.95 kWh 49 l…

  • Page 59: Customer Service

    Customer service Before calling the Customer Service, please make sure that you cannot eliminate the fault yourself (refer to Page 52). This is because consultation provided by our technicians, even within the warranty period, will lead to costs being incurred by yourself. Your nearest Customer Service centre can be found in the index supplied.

  • Page 60: Installation, Connection And Transport

    Installation, Connection and Transport d Risk of injury! Safety instructions The washing machine is very heavy. Take care when lifting it. Caution Frozen hoses can tear / burst. Do not install the washing machine outdoors or in an area prone to frost.

  • Page 61: Supplied Accessories

    On the rear of the appliance: Supplied — Water drainage hose. accessories — Water inlet hose. — Elbow for attaching the drain hose, e.g. into a wash basin. — Power cord with mains plug. Any dampness inside the drum is left over from final testing which every washing machine is subjected to before leaving the factory.

  • Page 62: Dimensions

    Dimensions a = 600 mm b = 590 mm c = 852 mm Weight approx. 69 kg Appliance stability is important so that the washing Installation area machine does not wander» during the spin cycles. The installation area must be solid and even. Soft floor surfaces, such as carpets or surfaces with foam backing, are not suitable.

  • Page 63: Removing The Transport Bolts

    d Caution Removing the The transport bolts must always be removed before transport bolts using the appliance for the first time. Before removing the q Take the hoses out of the holders. transport bolts q Detach the elbow. Removing the transport q Release screws 1, 2 and 3 using the SW 13 bolts wrench until they can be moved freely.

  • Page 64: Storing The Transport Bolts

    q Insert the covers. Storing the transport bolts Always keep the transport bolts for subsequent transportation of the appliance (e.g. when moving house). q Store transport bolts 1 and 2 (screw washer and bushing onto bolt).

  • Page 65: Hose And Cable Lengths

    Hose and cable lengths Left hand connection approx. 100 cm approx. 145 cm approx. 90 cm Right hand connection approx. 145 cm approx. 100 cm approx. 135 cm Aqua Stop extension hose Available in kit form from specialist outlets: — Connecting kit with plastic hose (approx. 2.50 m), order no.

  • Page 66: Water Connection

    d Risk of electric shock! Water connection Do not immerse Aqua Stop safety device in water (contains electrically operated valve). To prevent leaks or water damage, it is essential to follow the instructions in this chapter! Water supply Caution Operate the washing machine with cold drinking water only.

  • Page 67
    Water drainage Caution Do not bend or pull the water drainage hose. Height difference between the placement area and drainage point: maximum 100 cm. Drainage into a siphon: q Secure the connection point with a hose band clip of 24-40 mm diameter (from specialist stores). Drainage into a wash basin: Caution The plug must not block the drain of the wash basin.
  • Page 68: Levelling Procedure

    Align the washing machine with the aid of the four Levelling procedure height adjustable feet and a spirit level. q Loosen lock nut 1 in a clockwise direction with a spanner. q Adjust the height by rotating height adjustable foot 2. q Tighten lock nut 1 against the housing;…

  • Page 69: Electrical Connection

    Caution Electrical The washing machine must only be connected to connection alternating current and using a properly installed socket outlet with earthing contact. The mains voltage must correspond to the voltage specification on the washing machine (nameplate). Connection specifications as well as the required fuses are stipulated on the appliance nameplate.

  • Page 70: Transport, E.g. When Moving

    Before transporting the washing machine: Transport, — Turn off the water tap. e.g. when moving — Release the water pressure in the supply hose (refer to Page 51). — Drain any residual washing solution (refer to Page 49). — Disconnect the washing machine from the mains. — Detach the hoses.

  • Page 71: Aqua Stop Warranty

    In addition to warranty claims against the seller based Aqua Stop warranty on the sales contract and in addition to our appliance warranty we shall be liable for payment of damages under the following conditions: If damage caused by water is due to a fault in our Aqua Stop system, we shall compensate private users.

  • Page 72
    Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH Carl Wery Straße 34 1105 en 81739 München / DEUTSCHLAND 5500 008 669…


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