Canon h12272 инструкция по применению


Копир Сanon h12272 FC108

Производитель Canon Модель H 12272/ Персональный настольный портативный копировальный аппарат с ручкой для переноски Тип оборудования Копир/ Звоните с 14-00 до 23-00

Мы нашли это объявление 5 лет назад

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Вид электроники Оргтехника и расходники

Адрес (Кликните по адресу для показа карты)

Москва, Люблинско-Дмитровская линия, метро Борисово

Еще объявления

Продам принтер- сканер ,копир цветной,требует заправки картриджа,состояние нового Сanon PIXMA MG2540

Оргтехника и расходники

Принтер сканер копир бу Сanon pixma MG2540

10 месяцев назад


Струйный цветной МФУ в рабочем состоянии. Сканер и копир. Функция «Всё в одном» с поддержкой Wi-Fi. Покупали ребенку для школьных презентация, с этой функцией он справился. Поскольку у всех Сanon есть один большой минус- это стоимость катриджей или их заправки, купили другой МФУ. Установочного диска нет, поэтому отдаем под разбор на запчасти.

Оргтехника и расходники

Canon pixma MG3240

Копир Сanon ir-2016j в рабочем состоянии + 2 картриджа. Самовывоз.

Оргтехника и расходники

Копир canon ir-2016j

MФУ Сanon РIXMА МР180 Веcь функционaл рaботaет. Cocтояниe oтличнoe. Пpовода в кoмплeктe. Сканep тoлько чтo пpовeрил. Печать paбoтaлa, до тогo как закончилиcь картpиджи. Всё будет pабoтaть, пoсле зaмeны картpиджа. функции: принтеp, cканep, копир нaзнaчениe: для дома, небольшого офиса печать: 4-цветная термическая струйная скорость: 22 стр/мин (ч/б А4), 17 стр/мин (цветн. А4) макс. формат печати: А4 (210 × 297 мм) печать фотографий: да ЖК-панель: да интерфейсы: USВ и картридер для разных флеш карт

Оргтехника и расходники

Мфу Canon pixma MP180

Копировальные аппараты Два копира марки canon NP1215 — 1000 рублей за каждый Сanon 1550 — 2000 рублей Xerox workcentre 4118 — 5000 рублей Ко всем прилагаются провода, есть запчасти, валы, все в рабочем состоянии, но настроить все равно нужно будет. Забирать с 10-00 до 18-00 с Кронверкского проспекта 69, самовывоз и вынос.

Оргтехника и расходники

Копировальные аппараты А3

МФУ 3 В 1: принтеp, cкaнер, копир. Вcе функции pабoчиe. Пpодaю, тaк как oкaзaлcя нecовместим c мoим нoутом, ПК eгo не видит (см. фoтo 3). Этa ошибка зaфикcирована в официaльнoм Рукoвoдcтвe для пользoвaтeля, и тeоpeтичeски ее можнo ликвидиpовать. У пpедыдущего владельцa проблем с этим не было. Точнo подoйдёт тeм, у кого ранее уже была установлена такая модель или кому нужны именно сканер и копир — они сработали даже у меня 😁. В комплекте кабель и USВ-провод. Картриджи высохшие, надо менять или перезаправлять.

Оргтехника и расходники

Принтер/сканер/копир Сanon Pixma MG 2540S рабочий

Сanon FC200 б/у рабочий

Оргтехника и расходники

Копир Сanon FC200

Mожно зaказaть доставку через нaш сaйт Сanon PIХMA МG3640S Вlack cepийный номер: c/н: KLVT00349 ТRАDE-IN: Tоваp пpинят пo федеpaльной прoграммe Trаde-In в ceтяx: Нocима, РТK, Связнoй, MВМ и т.п. Данный тoвaр брaнеe был в испoльзoвании, прошел пpедпродaжную пoдготовку, предоставляется гарантия от магазина Комплектация: Принтер, кабель питания. Важно: без картриджей Гар. обсл. 3 мес. МФУ (принтер, сканер, копир) 4-цветная струйная печать макс. формат печати А4 (210 × 297 мм) макс. размер отпечатка: 216 × 356 мм печать фотографий двусторонняя печать печать с фотокамеры Wi-Fi Начислим КЕШБЭК 7% бонусными рублями! *на сумму от 5000р **не действует при покупке на сайте или заказе Можем оформить рассрочку или кредит. В НАЛИЧИИ: — ТДЦ СВЕРДЛОВСК ул.Героев России д.2 — рядом с спуском в подземный паркинг На часть товаров мы можем предоставить оптовую цену при покупке от 5шт.

Оргтехника и расходники

Canon pixma MG3640S Black

Можнo зaказать дocтавку через нaш сaйт Сanon PIХМA MG3640S Black cepийный номер: c/н: KLVL04177 BИТРИHHЫЙ: Tовap однoй из федерaльныx cетeй. Toвар уценен пo пpичине: стoял на витринe, испoльзoвaлcя как дeмo обрaзец, иcпoльзовался в подменном фoнде, утрaчена кoмплeктaция или ее часть, возврат от клиента, ранее проводилось сервисное обслуживание или ремонт. Комплектация: Принтер, кабель питания. Важно: Требуется замена катриждей Гар. обсл. 3 мес. МФУ (принтер, сканер, копир) 4-цветная струйная печать макс. формат печати А4 (210 × 297 мм) макс. размер отпечатка: 216 × 356 мм печать фотографий двусторонняя печать печать с фотокамеры Wi-Fi Начислим КЕШБЭК 7% бонусными рублями! *на сумму от 5000р **не действует при покупке на сайте или заказе Можем оформить рассрочку или кредит. В НАЛИЧИИ: — ТДЦ СВЕРДЛОВСК ул.Героев России д.2 — рядом с спуском в подземный паркинг На часть товаров мы можем предоставить оптовую цену при покупке от 5шт.

Оргтехника и расходники

Canon pixma MG3640S Black

Мoжно зaказaть дocтавку через нaш сaйт Сanon PIXМA MG3640S Black cepийный номер: c/н: KLVL41838 TRАDЕ-IN: Toвaр пpинят пo федeральной прогpaмме Tradе-In в сетях: Hoсима, PТК, Cвязной, MBM и т.п. Дaнный товap бранeе был в иcпoльзoвaнии, прoшел прeдпродажную подготoвку, пpeдоставляется гарантия от магазина Комплектация: Принтер, кабель питания. Важно: РIХМА МG3640S Вlасk/ царапины на крышке Гар. обсл. 3 мес. МФУ (принтер, сканер, копир) 4-цветная струйная печать макс. формат печати А4 (210 × 297 мм) макс. размер отпечатка: 216 × 356 мм печать фотографий двусторонняя печать печать с фотокамеры Wi-Fi Начислим КЕШБЭК 7% бонусными рублями! *на сумму от 5000р **не действует при покупке на сайте или заказе Можем оформить рассрочку или кредит. В НАЛИЧИИ: — ТДЦ СВЕРДЛОВСК ул.Героев России д.2 — рядом с спуском в подземный паркинг На часть товаров мы можем предоставить оптовую цену при покупке от 5шт.

Оргтехника и расходники

Canon pixma MG3640S Black

Старичок работает без нареканий. Чуть «полосит», но это картридж 🙂. Без торга .

Оргтехника и расходники

Копир Сanon FC 200

Продаю струйное многофункциональное устройство Сanon PIXMA MG5340 (принтер/сканер/копир). Отсутствует печатающая головка Комплектация: — сетевой шнур; — установочный диск

Оргтехника и расходники

Цветной принтер/сканер/копир Сanon pixma MG5340

Продается МФУ (принтер,сканер,копир),заправлен в отличном состоянии,все печатает. Доки,диск,провода все в комплекте. В ПОДАРОК отдам новый принтер (не использованный) в коробке СANON IP 2840.

Оргтехника и расходники

Принтер Mфу Canon 2540

C QOРP вы сoкратите расxоды нa обoрудoвaние дo 85% благoдapя нaшeму б/у oборудовaнию и гapантии от 1 дo 12 мec. —————————— В пpoдажe: Копир Сanon FC128  B нaличии: 9 шт Хaрактеpиcтики:  —  Выхoд пepвoй cтрaницы: 22 с — Mакc. pазрeшениe: 1200х600 dрi — Ч/б копиpованиe: 4 стр/мин —  Кoл-вo копий (макс): 9 стр/цикл —  Потребляемая мощность: 600 Вт — Габариты: 359х439х115 мм —————————— QОРР – Техника для Офиса и Дома Продажа и скупка – Офисной, Домашней, Серверной и прочей техники. —————————— — Отличные цены и качество — Большой ассортимент — Гарантия на всю продукцию — Помощь в подборе. — Постоянные акции и скидки. —————————— Доставка: по Санкт-Петербургу, России и СНГ. —————————— Оплата: Нал/Безнал/Электронные деньги —————————— Адрес: Складской проезд 4 —————————— График работы: Понедельник — Пятница с 09:00 до 19:00 Суббота – Воскресенье: По звонку.

Оргтехника и расходники

Копировальный аппарат Canon FC128

Копир Сanon FC 226. Не захватывает бумагу.

Оргтехника и расходники

Копир ксерокс Canon FC 226

Внимание! Festima.Ru является поисковиком по объявлениям с популярных площадок.
Мы не производим реализацию товара, не храним изображения и персональные данные.
Все изображения принадлежат их авторам
Отказ от ответственности

Копир Сanon, требует небольшоо ремонта- поправить пружину, а можно на запчасти продаю

Оргтехника и расходники


Копир Сanon FC 108 , рабочий .

Оргтехника и расходники

Копир Canon FC108

Копир Сanon IR1600 не использовался в промышленных целях, б/у мало, в рабочем состоянии. Торг

Оргтехника и расходники

Копир canon IR1600

Матричный принтер копир Сanon FC 108 в отличном состоянии, полностью рабочий, картридж практически новый. Цена принтера 14000

Оргтехника и расходники

Матричный принтер копир Canon FC 108

Продаётся принтер-сканер-копир цветной Сanon, возможна печать фотографий, струйный. Все работает, в отличном состоянии! Звоните-пишите!

Оргтехника и расходники

Принтер сканер копир

Ad 1 Canon 201 Руководство по эксплуатации 2 Canon 7580 Руководство по эксплуатации 3 Canon 800II Руководство по эксплуатации 4 Canon 220E Руководство по эксплуатации 5 Canon 220EP Руководство по эксплуатации 6 Canon Canoscan Color Image2925B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 7 Canon 9900F Руководство по эксплуатации 8 Canon ACK 800 Руководство по эксплуатации 9 Canon 4.1 Руководство по эксплуатации 10 Canon CanoScan LIDE 110 Flatbed4507B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 11 Canon Canoscan Color Image5600F Руководство по эксплуатации 12 Canon Canoscan Flatbed4507B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 13 Canon Canoscan FlatbedLide110 Руководство по эксплуатации 14 Canon Canoscan Flatbed4508B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 15 Canon Canoscan Mark Ii Flatbed6218B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 16 Canon CanoScan LiDE100 Color Image2923B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 17 Canon CanoScan LiDE200 Color Image2924B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 18 Canon Imageformula Dr-M160 5483B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 19 Canon Canoscan Mark Ii Flatbed9000F Руководство по эксплуатации 20 Canon Imageformula Dr-M140 Sheetfed5482B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 21 Canon DR-2510C Sheetfed2455B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 22 Canon DR-2010C Sheetfed2454B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 23 Canon Imageformula P-150 Portable4081B007 Руководство по эксплуатации 24 Canon imageFORMULA P-215 SheetfedP-215 Руководство по эксплуатации 25 Canon Imageformula P-215 Scan-Tini Personal Sheetfed5608B007 Руководство по эксплуатации 26 Canon Imageformula Dr-C125 5005B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 27 Canon imageFORMULA P-215 Sheetfed5608B007 Руководство по эксплуатации 28 Canon imageFORMULA DR-M160 Sheetfed5483B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 29 Canon Imageformula Scanfront 300p Cac/Piv Network4575B007 Руководство по эксплуатации 30 Canon 101 Руководство по эксплуатации 31 Canon 1670f Руководство по эксплуатации 32 Canon DR-2050C Руководство по эксплуатации 33 Canon DR-5060F Руководство по эксплуатации 34 Canon DR-3010C Руководство по эксплуатации 35 Canon iR3245 Руководство по эксплуатации 36 Canon DR-M160 Руководство по эксплуатации 37 Canon DR-C130 Руководство по эксплуатации 38 Canon DR-9080C Руководство по эксплуатации 39 Canon DR-G1130 Руководство по эксплуатации 40 Canon DR-G1100 Руководство по эксплуатации 41 Canon M111091 Руководство по эксплуатации 42 Canon LiDE 700F Руководство по эксплуатации 43 Canon QY8-13A9-000 Руководство по эксплуатации 44 Canon CanoScan 3200 Руководство по эксплуатации 45 Canon CanoScan F910114 Руководство по эксплуатации 46 Canon Canoscan 8800 Руководство по эксплуатации 47 Canon CANOSCAN D646U Руководство по эксплуатации 48 Canon CANOSCAN 9000F Руководство по эксплуатации 49 Canon CANOSCAN LIDE 600F Руководство по эксплуатации 50 Canon CanoScan F910111 Руководство по эксплуатации 51 Canon CanoScan 3200F Руководство по эксплуатации 52 Canon CANOSCAN N1240U Руководство по эксплуатации 53 Canon CanoScan LiDE60 Руководство по эксплуатации 54 Canon CANOSCAN LIDE 700F Руководство по эксплуатации 55 Canon CanoScan FB620U Руководство по эксплуатации 56 Canon CanoScan 8800F Руководство по эксплуатации 57 Canon CANOSCAN N676U Руководство по эксплуатации 58 Canon Capture Perfect 3.0 Руководство по эксплуатации 59 Canon CD-4070NW Руководство по эксплуатации 60 Canon CR-135I Руководство по эксплуатации 61 Canon D1230U/D2400U Руководство по эксплуатации 62 Canon CR-55 Руководство по эксплуатации 63 Canon CS-S 4.3 Руководство по эксплуатации 64 Canon D660U Руководство по эксплуатации 65 Canon DR-1210C Руководство по эксплуатации 66 Canon DR-2050C/SP Руководство по эксплуатации 67 Canon DR-2050C Руководство по эксплуатации 68 Canon DR-2080C Руководство по эксплуатации 69 Canon DR-2050SP Руководство по эксплуатации 70 Canon DR-3060 Руководство по эксплуатации 71 Canon DR-3080CII Руководство по эксплуатации 72 Canon DR-4080U Руководство по эксплуатации 73 Canon DR-4010C Руководство по эксплуатации 74 Canon DR-4580U Руководство по эксплуатации 75 Canon DR-5020 Руководство по эксплуатации 76 Canon DR-7580 Руководство по эксплуатации 77 Canon DR-6030C Руководство по эксплуатации 78 Canon DR-5080C Руководство по эксплуатации 79 Canon FB320P Руководство по эксплуатации 80 Canon DR-9080C Руководство по эксплуатации 81 Canon DR-7080C Руководство по эксплуатации 82 Canon DR-6080 Руководство по эксплуатации 83 Canon DR-M160 Руководство по эксплуатации 84 Canon FB330P/FB630P Руководство по эксплуатации 85 Canon FB630U Руководство по эксплуатации 86 Canon FB636U Руководство по эксплуатации 87 Canon FB630U/FB636U Руководство по эксплуатации 88 Canon FORMULA CR-50 Руководство по эксплуатации 89 Canon GM-1000 Руководство по эксплуатации 90 Canon GC-201 Руководство по эксплуатации 91 Canon Image Filing Systems DR-5010C Руководство по эксплуатации 92 Canon IMAGE FORMULA DR-2510C Руководство по эксплуатации 93 Canon IMAGE FORMULA DR-2010C Руководство по эксплуатации 94 Canon IMAGE FORMULA DR-6010C Руководство по эксплуатации 95 Canon FORMULA CR-80 Руководство по эксплуатации 96 Canon IMAGE FORMULA DR-7550C Руководство по эксплуатации 97 Canon IMAGE FORMULA DR-3010C Руководство по эксплуатации 98 Canon IMAGE FORMULA DR-6050C Руководство по эксплуатации 99 Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I Руководство по эксплуатации 100 Canon IMAGE FORMULA DR-C125 Руководство по эксплуатации 101 Canon IMAGEFORMULA DR-2010M Руководство по эксплуатации 102 Canon IMAGEFORMULA DR-2020U Руководство по эксплуатации 103 Canon IMAGEFORMULA CR-190I M111021 Руководство по эксплуатации 104 Canon IMAGEFORMULA DR-2510M Руководство по эксплуатации 105 Canon IMAGEFORMULA DR-7090C Руководство по эксплуатации 106 Canon K10294 Руководство по эксплуатации 107 Canon IMAGEFORMULA DR-X10C Руководство по эксплуатации 108 Canon IMAGEFORMULA P-150 Руководство по эксплуатации 109 Canon LiDE 35 Руководство по эксплуатации 110 Canon iR Series Руководство по эксплуатации 111 Canon LIDE 80 Руководство по эксплуатации 112 Canon M11037 Руководство по эксплуатации 113 Canon MF 3240 Series Руководство по эксплуатации 114 Canon MF6500 Руководство по эксплуатации 115 Canon MF4200 Руководство по эксплуатации 116 Canon MS-350 Руководство по эксплуатации 117 Canon DR-2580C Руководство по эксплуатации 118 Canon MS-500 Руководство по эксплуатации 119 Canon DR-5060F Руководство по эксплуатации 120 Canon PSC 300 Руководство по эксплуатации 121 Canon S 400 MS 500 Руководство по эксплуатации 122 Canon SCANFRONT 220P Руководство по эксплуатации 123 Canon P-150M Руководство по эксплуатации 124 Canon SCANFRONT 300 Руководство по эксплуатации 125 Canon PSC 60 Руководство по эксплуатации 126 Canon SCANFRONT 220 Руководство по эксплуатации 127 Canon SCANFRONT M11058 Руководство по эксплуатации 128 Canon Руководство по эксплуатации 129 Canon SCANFRONT 300P Руководство по эксплуатации 130 Canon XRD9829REF Руководство по эксплуатации 131 Canon SCANFRONT M11062 Руководство по эксплуатации 132 Canon XRD9827REF Руководство по эксплуатации 133 Canon Canoscan Lide 700f Color Image3297B002 Руководство по эксплуатации 134 Canon 101 Руководство по эксплуатации 135 Canon Imageformula Scanfront 300 Cac/Piv Network4574B007 Руководство по эксплуатации 136 Canon CANOSCAN N670U Руководство по эксплуатации 137 Canon P-150 Руководство по эксплуатации 138 Canon DR-3080C Руководство по эксплуатации 139 Canon FB620P Руководство по эксплуатации 140 Canon IMAGE FORMULA DR-9050C Руководство по эксплуатации 141 Canon M181011 Руководство по эксплуатации
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    F AX-L220/L295 User’ s Guide Canon[…]

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    ii Preface Copyright Copyright © 2003 by Cano n, Inc. All rig hts reserved. No part of this p ublication m ay be reproduced, transmitted, tran scribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any langu age or comp uter langu age in any form or by any m eans, el ectronic, mechanical, magnet ic, optical, chemical, manua l, or otherwise, wit[…]

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    iii Preface * Approxima tely three se conds per pa ge document tr ansmission time based on Can on FAX Standard Chart No. 1 (Standard Mode) at 33.6 Kbps modem speed. The Public Switched Telephon e Network (PSTN) cur rently suppo rts 28.8 Kbps mo dem speeds or lower , depending on telephone line conditions. Laser Safety Information Laser radiati on c[…]

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    iv Preface Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Type Conventions Used in Th is Guide ………………………… ………… ……………… . 12 Customer Support …………… …………….. …………. …………….. …………….. ………….. 13 Important Safety Instructions…… …………….. …………….. ….[…]

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    v Preface Chapter 5: Pape r Handling Paper Requirements ……….. …………….. …………. …………….. …………….. …………… 52 Printable Area …………………… …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …… 53 Selecting Paper for Your FAX ………… ……………… ……….[…]

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    vi Preface Chapter 8: Receiving F axes Receiving Methods ………………… …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …… 82 Receiving Faxes Automatically : FAX ONLY MODE ………………… ………. 82 Setting FAX ONLY MODE ……………… ………… …………….. ……………… . 82 Receiv[…]

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    vii Preface Chapter 10: Copying Documents You Can Copy …………. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. .. 102 Making Copies …… ……………… ………… ……………… …………….. …………….. ………. 102 Making a Quick Single Copy ………………….. …………. …………[…]

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    viii Preface Chapter 14: Summar y of Settings Understanding the Me nu System …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …… 142 Printing a List to Check the Current Settings………. …………….. …………. …… 142 Accessing the Menus……… …………….. …………….. …………….. ……[…]

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    11 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction ❏ Type Conventions Used in This Guide …………………. …………….. …………. .. 12 ❏ Customer Support ………… …………….. …………. …………….. …………….. ………. 13 ❏ Important Safety Instru ctions ……………….. ……[…]

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    12 Introduction Chapter 1 Type Conventions Us ed in This Guide Please read the list below of symbols, term s, and ab breviations used in this gui de. Cautions tell you how to avoid actions that could injure you or damage your FAX. In order to use your unit safely, always observe these cautions. Notes provide advice on using your FAX more effecti[…]

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    13 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction In addition, this guide uses distinctive ty pefaces to identify buttons and information in the LCD: • The buttons you press appear in this typeface: Sto p . • Information in the LCD appears in this typeface: USER SETTINGS . Customer Support Your FAX is designed with the latest tech nology to provide tr […]

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    14 Introduction Chapter 1 Important Safety Instructions Read these safety instructions th oroughly b efore using your FAX. ■ Handling and Maintena nce • Follow all warnings and inst ructions marked on the FAX. • Do not su bject the FAX to stron g physical s hocks or vi brations. • Always un plug the FAX before movin g or clean ing it. ?[…]

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    15 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction • Unplug the FAX from the wall outlet and contact your local authorised Canon dealer or the Canon help li ne in any of the follow ing cases: – When the po wer cord or plug is damaged or frayed. – If liquid has spilled into the u nit. – If the unit has been exposed to rain o r water. – If the unit […]

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    16 Introduction Chapter 1 • Do not st ack boxe s or furniture around th e power outle t. Keep the area free s o you can reac h the outlet quickly. If yo u notice anyt hing unusua l (smoke, st range odours, nois es) around the FAX, unplug the unit imme diately. Con tact your lo cal authorised Canon dealer or th e Canon help line. • Do not all[…]

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    21 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up ❏ Unpacking the FAX …………. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …… 22 • Removing Ship ping Materials …… …………….. …………….. …………….. …… 23 ❏ Assembling the FAX ………… …………….. ………….[…]

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    22 Setting Up Chapter 2 Unpacking the FAX Before unpacking your FAX, be sure to choose a suitable locatio n for it ( p. 15). Carefully remove all items from th e box. Yo u should have someo ne help you hold t he box while you lift o ut the FAX and its protective packaging. Sav e the carton and packaging in case yo u need to transport the FA X[…]

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    23 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up If any items are da maged or missin g, notify your l ocal authoris ed Canon deal er or the Canon help line immediately. Removing Shipping Material s Follow this procedure to remove the shipping materials. Keep them in case y ou need to transport the un it in the future. • Important! Save your sales receipt fo[…]

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    24 Setting Up Chapter 2 Assembling the FAX Follow this pro cedure to asse mble your FAX : For details on attaching the optional handset to your FAX, see Appendix C. 1 Attach the paper loading warning label to the left of the multi-purpose tray. 2 Insert the tabs on the paper rest into the slots on the unit. 3 Slide the multi- purpose tray cover […]

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    25 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up Making Connections Connecting the Telephone Li ne Cord and External Devices Your FAX has three jacks on the side for connection of the following : • T elephone line cord • Optional handset o r telephon e • Additional telephone, answerin g machine, or data modem If you only have one te lephone line and pla[…]

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    26 Setting Up Chapter 2 • Canon cannot guaran tee that all answering machines will be compatible with your unit, due to varying specifications. • If you have conne cted an external device to your FAX, be sure to set the correct receive mode ( Chapter 8). • To connect an additional telephone as well as an answering machine, connec t the add[…]

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    27 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up Connecting the Power C ord Before connecting the po wer cord, see Power Supply, p. 16. Follow this procedure to connect the power cord: The FAX has no power switch, so its power is on as lon g as it is plugged in. Once connected, though, the uni t still needs time to warm up befo re you can use it. Wait unti[…]

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    28 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting the Language and Country* When you conn ect the power c ord to an AC ou tlet for the first time, you need to select the language for the LCD display. For some countries, you also need to select the country where you are using the F AX machine. The FAX machin e automatically switches the selectable settings and the[…]

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    29 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up Once you have selected the language and co untry, these setting menus will not appear next time you connect the power c ord. 6 Press OK . The FAX ente rs stan dby mode. • To check the settings made by the country selection, you can print the USER’S DATA LIST ( p. 142). • You can change the language or […]

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    211 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up Operation Panel The langua ge used for the Operation Pan el varies depe nding on th e country of purchase. The following illustration sh ows the Operation Panel in En glish. Special Function Buttons 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Data Registration Delayed Transmission Memory Reference Receive Mode Polling Report S[…]

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    212 Setting Up Chapter 2 Installing the Toner Cartridge This section describes how to install the to ner cartridge in the FA X for the very first time. If you are replacing a us ed toner cartridge, see p. 126. Before installing the toner cartridge, be sure to read the following: • Use only FX3 toner ca rtridg es in your FA X. • Keep th[…]

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    213 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up Follow this procedure to install the to ner cartridge in the FAX: 1 Make sure the FAX is pl ugged in. 2 Lift the latch and open the front cover. 3 Remove the new FX3 toner c artridge from its protectiv e bag. • Save the protec tive bag in case yo u need to repack the toner cartridge at a later date. 4 Gen[…]

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    214 Setting Up Chapter 2 5 Place and su pport the toner ca rtridge on a flat, clean surfa ce, then gently pull on the plastic tab to remove the plastic seal. • Use a firm, even pull to avoid breaking the seal. 6 Hold the toner cartridge by its h andle and insert it into the FAX as far as it will go, making sure th at its tabs are aligned with […]

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    215 Setting Up Chapter 2 Setting Up Loading Paper This section explains how to lo ad plain paper in the multi purpose tray. For complete details on paper requirements a nd selecting paper for yo ur FAX, see Chapter 5. Before loading paper, be sure to read the follo wing: • Your FAX supports re gular copier paper, cott on bond pape r, and ty[…]

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    216 Setting Up Chapter 2 Follow this procedure to load a stack (max imum 10 mm stack heigh t) of A4size plain paper in the multipurpose tray: Your FAX is now ready to print. Testing the FAX Once you have as sembled the FAX, i nstalled the tone r cartridge, and loa ded paper, you can make sure the FA X is printing properly by making s evera[…]

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    31 Registering Information Chapter 3 Registering Information Chapter 3 Registering Information ❏ Guidelines for Entering Number s, Le tters, an d Symbols … …………. ………. 32 • Correcting a Mistake……………. ……………… …………….. …………….. ………. 34 ❏ Registering Sender Information ……..[…]

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    32 Registering Information Chapter 3 Guidelines for Entering Numbers, Letters, and Symbols When you come to a step that requires you to enter a name or number, refer to the table below to determine which nu meric bu tton to press for the character you wan t: If you pause for more than 60 seconds between entering data, the unit will automatically[…]

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    33 Registering Information Chapter 3 Registering Information ■ Changing Between Number and Letter Modes Press to select number mode ( :1 ), uppercase letter mode ( :A ), or lowercase letter mode ( :a ) ■ Entering Lett ers 1 Press to switch to up percase lette r mode ( :A ) or lowercase letter mode ( :a ). 2 Press the numeric button that cont[…]

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    34 Registering Information Chapter 3 ■ Entering Numb ers Correcting a Mist ake You can delete an entire entry by pressing C . Altern atively, fol low this pro cedure to correct individu al characters: 1 Press to switch to number mode ( :1 ). 2 Press the numeric bu tton that contains the number yo u want. • T o enter a space, press Function t[…]

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    35 Registering Information Chapter 3 Registering Information Registering Sender In formation What is Sender In formation? When you recei ve a fax, the name o f the person or comp any who sent yo u the fax, their fax/telephone number, and the date an d time o f transmissio n may be printed in small type at the top of each pa ge. Th is information[…]

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    36 Registering Information Chapter 3 Entering the Date and Time Follow this procedure to set the current d ate and time: Registering Your FAX Numb er and Name Follow this pro cedure to regis ter the fax/te lephone numbe r for your FAX , and your name or company name: 1 Press Functio n . 2 Press Da ta Reg istrat ion . 3 Press OK three times. • […]

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    37 Registering Information Chapter 3 Registering Information 4 Use or to select UNIT TELEPHONE # . 5 Press OK . 6 Use the numeric buttons to en ter your fax/telephon e number (max. 20 digits, including spaces). • To enter a space, pr ess Function then Space . Spaces are optional but make the nu mber ea sier to read. • To enter a plus sign (+[…]

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    38 Registering Information Chapter 3 Setting the Telephone Line Type Before using you r FAX, make s ure it is set for t he telephone li ne type of yo ur telephone syste m. If you are unsure of your telephone line type, check with your local telephone comp any. Follow this procedure if you need to change th e telephone line type setting: 1 Press […]

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    39 Registering Information Chapter 3 Registering Information Dialling Through a Switchboard A PBX (Private Branch Exchange ) is an onsite tele phone switc hboard. If your FA X is connected through a PBX or other telephone switching system, yo u have to dial the outside line access number first, and then the number of the party y ou are callin[…]

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    310 Registering Information Chapter 3 ■ If you selected HOOKING in step 8: 9 Press OK . 10 Press Stop to return to standby mode. ■ If you selected PREFIX in step 8: 9 Press OK . 10 Use the numeric buttons to en ter the outside line access nu mber (max. 19 digits). 11 Press Redi al/Pause to enter a pause. 12 Press OK . 13 Press Stop to return[…]

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    311 Registering Information Chapter 3 Registering Information Setting the Summer Time* Some countries adopt the su mmer time system that shifts the clock time ahead or back according to the change in season s. You can select if the time info rmation in your FAX changes to match your country’s summ er time system and set the day and time when t[…]

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    312 Registering Information Chapter 3 ■ If you selected ON in step 8: 9 Press OK three times. 10 Use or to select the month in which the summer time starts. 11 Press OK twice. 12 Use or to select the wee k in which the summer time starts. • You can select from the following: – FIRST WEEK – SECOND WEEK – THIRD WEEK – FOURTH WEEK – L[…]

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    313 Registering Information Chapter 3 Registering Information 17 Press OK three times. 18 Use or and OK to select the month, week, day of the week, and time when the summer time end s, as in steps 10 to 16 for the BEGIN DATE/TIME settings. (e.g. OCTOBER LAST WEEK , SUNDAY and 03:00 ) 19 Press OK . 20 Press Stop to return to standby mod e. END DA[…]

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    314 Registering Information Chapter 3[…]

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    41 Document Handling Chapter 4 Document Ha ndling Chapter 4 Document Handling ❏ Document Requirements ………. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. .. 42 • Scanned Area of a Document …………… …………….. …………….. …………. .. 42 ❏ Loading Docume nts …………. …………[…]

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    42 Document Handling Chapter 4 Document Requirements The docume nts you load in the ADF for sendin g and copying must meet the following requirements: ■ Problem Documen ts • To preven t documen t jams in the ADF, do not use any of t he followin g: • Remove all fasteners (staples , paper clips, etc.) before loading the docu ment in the ADF.[…]

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    43 Document Handling Chapter 4 Document Ha ndling Loading Documents Follow this procedure to load documents in th e ADF: The document is now read y for scanning. ■ Problems With Multipage Documents If you have trouble feeding multipage documents in the ADF, remo ve the stack and tap it on a flat surface to even the edges. The n “slant” the[…]

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    44 Document Handling Chapter 4 Adding Pages to the Do cument in the ADF If you need to add pages to your docu ment in the ADF, wait until the last page starts feeding, then load up to 30 additional p ages (10 legal size). The last and first page should overl ap by abo ut 2.5 cm. 2.5 cm[…]

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    51 Paper Handling Chapter 5 Paper Ha ndling Chapter 5 Paper Handling ❏ Paper Requirements …. …………. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. .. 52 • Printable Area ………….. ………… ……………… …………….. …………….. ………. 53 ❏ Selecting Paper for Your FAX …….[…]

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    52 Paper Handling Chapter 5 Paper Requirements You can load the follo wing paper in the multipu rpose tray: Once you h ave decided which pa per you wan t to load, be sure to do the followin g: • Check that your paper is comp atible with the FAX ( p. 53). • Check that the paper size setting of the mu ltipurpose tray is set for the pa[…]

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    53 Paper Handling Chapter 5 Paper Ha ndling Printable Area Selecting Paper for Your FAX Follow these guidelines when selecti ng paper: • To prevent paper jams in the multipurpos e tray, do no t use any of the foll owing: • T he following ty pes of paper do no t print well: • Make sure the paper is free from dust, lint, and oil stains. ?[…]

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    54 Paper Handling Chapter 5 Selecting Face-Up or Face-D own Paper Delivery ■ Paper Path Understanding how paper feeds thro ugh the FAX will help you determine which paper delive ry slot is a ppropriat e for the task yo u are performing. First, the paper travels to the toner cart ridge where a laser beam “draws” the print image on the drum,[…]

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    55 Paper Handling Chapter 5 Paper Ha ndling ■ Selecting Paper Deli very Before sele cting paper d elivery, be su re to take note of the fo llowing: • Always se t the paper delivery selector before printing ( below). • Changing paper delivery while the unit is printing will cause prob lems. Wait for the printout to exit t he unit completely[…]

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    56 Paper Handling Chapter 5 Changing the Paper Size Setting The multipurpose tray is factoryset for lo ading A 4size paper. If you want to lo ad a different paper size ( p. 52), follow this procedure to change the paper size setting: 1 Press Functio n . 2 Press Da ta Reg istrat ion . 3 Press OK . 4 Use ▼ or ▲ to s elect PRINTER S[…]

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    57 Paper Handling Chapter 5 Paper Ha ndling 10 Use or to select the cus tom paper size setting. • You can select from the following: – CUSTOM1/LONG (Default) – CUSTOM2/SHORT • For details on the paper sizes abov e, see p. 52. 11 Press OK . 12 Press Stop to return to standby mod e. ECONOMY PRT 15:00 FaxOnly Ex:[…]

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    58 Paper Handling Chapter 5 Adjusting the Toner Saver Setting By enabling the toner saver setting, you can reduce ton er consumption of the toner cartridge by approximately 30% to 40%. This will extend the toner cartridge life. Follow this procedure to enable or disable the toner saver setting: By enabling this setting, p rint quality w ill be r[…]

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    61 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling ❏ What is Speed Dialling?…………… ……………… …………….. …………….. ………. 62 • Speed Dialling Methods ………. ……………… …………….. ………… …………… 62 ❏ Registering OneTouch Speed Dialling ………..[…]

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    62 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 What is Speed Dialling? Instead of ha ving to dial a fax or tele phone numb er using regu lar dialling (i.e. with the numeric buttons), yo u can si mplify the d ialling proc edure by regi stering the fax/ telephone number for speed dialling. This will reduce the number of buttons yo u need to press to dial the fax/tel[…]

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    63 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Registering One-Touch Speed Dialling By registering a fax/telephone number un der a onetouch speed dialling button, yo u can simplify dialling of t hat number to the press of a single bu tton. When you register on etouch speed dialling, you will: – assign one of the 15 onetouch speed dialling[…]

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    64 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 7 Use the numeric buttons to en ter the fax/ telephone num ber you want to register (m ax. 120 digits, includi ng spaces and pau ses). • T o enter a space, press Function then Space . Spaces are optional and are ignored du ring dialling . • T o enter a pause, press Redial/Pause ( p. 92). • T o correct a mista[…]

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    65 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling 11 This completes the ba sic onetouch speed dialling settings. To continue re gistering ot her onetouch sp eed dialling buttons, pres s Function then Data Registration and repeat the procedure from step 5. or To end registering onetou ch speed dialling buttons, pres s Stop to return to st[…]

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    66 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 ■ If you selected PSWD/SUBADDRESS in step 15: The other party’s fax machin e may require an ITUT standard subaddress and /or password to re ceive faxe s. The suba ddress/pas sword you register he re must mat ch exactly t he one(s) re gistered on the other party’s fa x machine. Contact th e other pa rty to che[…]

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    67 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Registering Coded Speed Dialling By registeri ng a fax/telephone number under a coded sp eed dialling co de, you can simplify dialling of th at number to pressing Coded Dial and entering the registered twodigit code . When you register coded speed dialling , you will: – assign one o f the 10 0 code[…]

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    68 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 8 Press OK twice. 9 Use the numeric buttons to en ter the fax/ telephone num ber you want to register (m ax. 120 digits, includi ng spaces and pau ses). • T o enter a space, press Function then Space . Spaces are optional and are ignored du ring dialling . • T o enter a pause, press Redial/Pause ( p. 92). • T[…]

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    69 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling 12 Press OK . 13 This completes the basic coded speed dialling settings. To continue registerin g other coded sp eed dialling codes, p ress Function then Data Registration and repeat the procedure from step 7. or To end registering coded speed d ialling codes, press Stop to return to standby mod e[…]

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    610 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 ■ If you selected PSWD/SUBADDRESS in step 17: The other party’s fax machin e may require an ITUT standard subaddress and /or password to re ceive faxe s. The suba ddress/pas sword you register he re must mat ch exactly t he one(s) re gistered on the other party’s fa x machine. Contact th e other pa rty to ch[…]

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    611 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Registering Group Dialling If you frequen tly send d ocuments to th e same gro up of fax nu mbers, yo u can “g roup” these numbers under a onetouch speed dia lling button or coded speed dialling code. You can then send to all the fax n umbers in the group in one quick and simp le operation. When[…]

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    612 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 ❏ To registe r a group un der a cod ed speed dialling code: Press Coded Dial , then use the numeric buttons to e nter the co ded speed d ialling code ( 00 to 99 ) under which yo u want to register the group. • If a coded speed diallin g code has already been registered, CODED SPEED or GROUP DIAL appears. . 8 Pres[…]

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    613 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling • To add fax numb ers to a previou sly re gistered group, simply enter them as explained in this step. • If you enter the wro ng destinatio n, or if you want to de lete a destination already registered in a group, use or to select that entry, then press C . • To cancel group diallin g for the but[…]

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    614 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Using Speed Dialling Once you have registered fax/telep hone numbers for o netouch speed dialling ( p. 63), coded speed dialling ( p. 67), or group dialling ( p. 611), you can begin to send docu ments or make telephone calls with speed dialling. Sending a Docum ent With Speed Diall ing Follow this procedu[…]

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    615 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Making a Telepho ne Call With Speed D ialling Follow this pro cedure to dial a te lephone numb er registered for oneto uch or coded speed dialli ng on your FAX: 1 Make sure you have co nnected the optiona l handset or a telephone to the FAX ( p. 25). 2 Press Hook . • You can a lso lift the hand[…]

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    616 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Dialling with the Directory If you forget under which of the onetouch speed diallin g buttons, coded speed dialling codes, or groups that you registered a fax/telephone number, you can dial the correct number just knowing the ot her party’s name, using the direct ory function. Also, you ca n look up the fax/tele[…]

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    617 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling Printing Speed Dialling Lists To check the fax/telephone numbers and name s registered fo r speed dialling, you can print the speed dialling lists. You may want to keep these lists near your FAX to refer to them when dialling. Follow this procedure to p rint speed dialling lists: ■ If you selected GR[…]

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    618 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 ■ 1TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 1 ■ 1TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 2 (Detailed List) *********************************** *********************************** *** *** 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 1 NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID TX TYPE [ 01] 905 795 1111 Canon CANADA REGULAR TX [ 03] GROUP DIAL GROUP 2 [ 04] 2 50921 Canon IT ALIA R[…]

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    619 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 Speed Dialling ■ CODED SPEED DIAL LIST 1 ■ CODED SPEED DIAL LIST 2 (Detailed List) *********************************** *********************************** *** *** CODED SPEED DIAL LIST 1 NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID TX TYPE [* 00] 2131 1250 Canon DEUTSCH. REGULAR TX [* 01] 03 3758 2111 Canon T OKY O REGULAR T[…]

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    620 Speed Dialling Chapter 6 ■ GROUP DIAL LIST ★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★?[…]

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    71 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes ❏ Preparing to Send a Fax …………………… …………….. …………….. …………….. .. 72 • Documents You Can Fax ………….. …………….. …………….. …………. ………. 72 • Setting the Scanning Resolution ……….. ……….[…]

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    72 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Preparing to Send a Fax Documents You Can Fax For information on the type s of documents yo u can fax, their requiremen ts, and details on loading documents, see Chapter 4. Setting the Scann ing Resolution You can set the scan ning resolution of do cuments you send. The higher the resol ution the higher the output qual[…]

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    73 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes Setting the Scanning Contrast You can adju st the degree of cont rast at which your docu ment is scan ned for sending and copying . Adjust ac cording to how ligh t or how dark your docume nt is. Follow this procedure to set the scanni ng contrast for sendin g and copyin g: 1 Press Function . 2 Press Data […]

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    74 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Dialling Methods There are several wa ys of dialling the fax number(s) you want to se nd to. They are as follows: • Regular Dialling Dial a fax number by using the numeric buttons , similar to dialling a telephone number . • OneTouch Speed Diallin g Dial a fax number by pressing the onetouch speed dialling bu[…]

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    75 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes Sending Methods This section explains the two main sending methods: Memory sending and Manual sending via the hand set. Memory Sending Memory sending is a quick an d easy way to send a docume nt. As the FAX scans the first page of a multipage document into its memory, it b egins calling the other party an[…]

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    76 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Manual Sending Via the Handset Manual sending via the handset allows you to talk to the other p arty before sending a document. This method is u seful if the ot her party must manually activate their fax machine to re ceive a fax. Follow this pro cedure to send a do cument usin g manual sending vi a the handse t: 3 Pre[…]

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    77 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes ■ If you hea r a highpitc hed signal instead of a vo ice: ■ If you hear a voice: 4 Dial the othe r party’s fax/tele phone number. • For dialling me thods, see p. 74. • If you make a mistake during diallin g, press Hook or hang u p the hand set and start again from step 3. 5 Press Start/Cop[…]

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    78 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Cancelling Sending Follow this pro cedure if y ou want to s top sending a docume nt before tr ansmission is completed: ■ If you are sending a document using m anual sending via the handset: ■ If you are sending a docume nt using m emory sending: 1 Press Stop . • The transmission is cancelled. • The FAX prints a[…]

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    79 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes Redialling When the Line is Busy There are two methods of redialling: Manua l redialling and Automatic red ialling . This section explains thes e two methods. Manual Redialling Press Redi al/Pause to dial th e last numb er you dialled with the numeric buttons. (This starts redialling regardless of whet he[…]

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    710 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Setting the Options for Automa tic Redialling You can set the following o ptions for automatic redialling : • Whether the FAX redials automatically. • The number of times the FAX attempts to redial. • The time interval between redi alling attempts. Follow this procedure to adju st the automatic redialling option[…]

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    711 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes ■ If you selected OFF in step 8: ■ If you selected ON in step 8: 8 Use ▼ or ▲ to select the setting you want. • You can select from the following: –O N Enables automatic redialling. – OFF Disables automatic redialling. 9 Press OK . 10 Press Stop to return to standby mod e. 9 Press OK twice.[…]

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    712 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending the Same Document to Several Fax Numbers (Sequential Broadcasting) This featur e, also called Sequenti al Broadcasti ng , allows you to send the same documen t to sever al fax num bers in on e ope ration. Simply load the document, enter the fax numbers, an d the FAX will then sc an the document into its memory[…]

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    713 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes ❏ Regular dialling: Use the numeric buttons to enter the fax number you want , then press OK . • You can only ent er one fax number this way. ❏ Dialling with the directory: Look up th e other party’s name. • You can enter the fax numbers in any order. • If you enter a wrong destination, press[…]

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    714 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Delayed Sending Your FAX a llows you to scan a document into its memory and send it automatically to as many as 116 fax numbers at a preset tim e within the next 24 hours. This is called Delayed sending or Timer sen ding. By usin g this feature, you can ta ke advantage o f lower lo ng dista nce ra tes at night, for ex[…]

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    715 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes 7 Enter up to 116 fax nu mbers you wan t to send to using any of th e following meth ods: ❏ Onetouch spee d dialling: Press the one touch sp eed dialli ng button(s) yo u want. ❏ Coded speed dialling: Press Coded Dial , then use the numeric buttons to enter the twodigit code you want. Repeat […]

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    716 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Printing a Docum ent Set for Delayed Send ing Follow this pro cedure to pri nt a document sto red in memory fo r delayed sen ding: When you pr int a docu ment stored in memory for delayed s ending usin g the following procedure, the pri nt is reduced to 90% of the original. 1 Press Functio n . 2 Press De layed Trans m[…]

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    717 Sending Faxes Chapter 7 Sending Faxes Deleting a Docum ent Set for Delayed Send ing Follow this procedure to delete a document stor ed in memory for delayed s ending: 1 Press Function . 2 Press Delayed T ransmission . 3 Use or to select DELETE FILE . 4 Press OK . 5 Use or to select the transaction number ( TX/RX NO. ) of the do cument yo u w[…]

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    718 Sending Faxes Chapter 7[…]

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    81 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Faxes ❏ Receiving Methods ………. ………… ……………… …………….. ………… …………… 82 • Receiving Faxes Automatically: FAX ONL Y MODE …………………….. 82 Setting FAX ONLY MODE ………. …………….. …………….. ……[…]

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    82 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Methods The FAX provides you with several modes for receiv ing faxes. To determine w hich mode best suits your requirem ents, refer to the table below: Once you h ave decided which mo de is suitab le for your n eeds, set the mode as described i n this chapter. You can change th e mode at a ny time. Receivin[…]

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    83 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Faxes If FAX ONLY MODE does not appear in the LCD when you press Receive Mode , follow this procedure to set this mo de: The FAX treats all incoming calls as fax calls. It receives faxes aut omatically and disconnects any voic e calls. 1 Press Function . 2 Press Data Registr ation . 3 Press OK . 4 Use or to[…]

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    84 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Both F axes and Telephone Calls Automatically: Fax/Tel Mode Set this mode if you onl y have on e telephone line for fax and teleph one use a nd want your FAX to automatically switch between fax and voice calls. Setting Fax/Tel Mode Follow this procedure to se t the receive mode to FAX/TEL AUTO SW (Fax/ Tel […]

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    85 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Faxes Setting the Options for Fax/Tel Mode If you set Fax/Tel M ode, you ca n control precisel y how the FAX ha ndles incomin g calls by adjusting the following settings: – RING START TIME setting: Adjust the time the FAX takes to check whether a call is from a fax machine or from a telephone (default: 8 […]

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    86 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Follow this procedure to set the Fax/Tel Mode options: 1 Follow steps 1 to 9 on pa ge 84. 2 Press OK . 3 Use the numeric buttons to en ter the RING START TIME duration. • Yo u can select from 0 to 30 second s.* • See the previous page for details on this setting. 4 Press OK twice. 5 Use the numeric buttons to […]

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    87 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Faxes Receiving Faxes Manually: MANUAL M ODE Set this mode if yo u only ha ve one telephone line that you use mainly for voice calls, and only occasionally to rece ive faxes. For this mode, you will need to connect the o ptional handset or a telephone to your FAX to be able to receive voice calls and also t[…]

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    88 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 ■ If you hear a beep tone or silence: ■ If you hear a voice: 4 Someone is try ing to send y ou a fax. Press Start/Copy o n your FAX and han g up to begi n receiving th e documen t. • If yo u are using the telephone an d it is located awa y from your unit, dial 25 (the default remote recei ving ID) on you r tele[…]

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    89 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Faxes Receiving With an Answering Machine : ANS.MACHINE MODE Connecting an ans wering machine to the FA X allows you to receive faxes and telephone messages wh ile you are out. In ANS.MACHINE MODE, the FAX allows the answering machine to answer incoming calls, then listens for t he fax tone and automaticall[…]

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    810 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving While Performing Other Tasks The FAX is a multitasking device so it can receive faxes and voice calls while you are performing other tasks. If the FAX cannot prin t a received fax because it is performing another task that prevents it from doi ng so, it will receive the fax in memory. Then, as soon as it c[…]

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    811 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8 Receiving Faxes Cancelling Receiving Follow this procedure if you want to stop receiving a fax before reception is completed: 1 Press Stop . • The FAX asks you to confirm th at you want to cancel receiving. 2 Press to cancel receiving. • Receiving is not cancelled until yo u press . • If you change your mind a[…]

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    812 Receiving Faxes Chapter 8[…]

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    91 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features ❏ Special Dialling ……………….. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …… 92 • Entering Pauses in a Fax/Telephone Nu mber …………….. …………….. …… 92 • Switching Temporarily to Tone Dialling ………..[…]

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    92 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Dialling Entering Pauses in a Fax/Telephone Number You may need to enter pauses in a fax/tele phone num ber in the follow ing situations : – When you dial or register an o verseas n umber. The le ngth and p osition of t he pause dep ends on the telephon e syst em of your country. – When your FAX is conne[…]

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    93 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features Switching Tempor arily to Tone Dialling Many information services fo r banks, airline reservations , hotel reservations, etc., require tone dialling fo r their services. If your F AX is set for pulse dialling ( p. 38), follo w this procedure to set the unit temporarily for to ne dialling: Diallin[…]

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    94 Special Features Chapter 9 Documents Stored in Memory This section de scribes how to perform differe nt operations with documen ts stored i n memory. You will find instru ctions for prin ting a list o f documents in memory, as well as procedures for printi ng, sending, and deleting d ocuments store d in memory . Printing a List of Documents S[…]

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    95 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features Printing a Docume nt Stored in Memory Follow this procedure to p rint a document stored i n memory: When you print a document stored in memory using the following procedure, the print is reduced to 90% of the original. 1 Press Function . 2 Press Memory Referenc e . 3 Use or to select PRINT DOCUMENT […]

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    96 Special Features Chapter 9 Sending a Docum ent Stored in Memor y Follow this pro cedure to send a do cument rec eived in me mory: 1 Press Functio n . 2 Press Memory Reference . 3 Use or to select RESEND DOCUMENT . 4 Press OK . 5 Use or to select the transaction number ( TX/RX NO. ) of the doc ument you w ant to send. • If yo u are unsure of[…]

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    97 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features ❏ Regular dialling: Use the numeric buttons to enter the fax number you want , then press OK . • You can only enter on e fax number this way. • If you enter a wrong destination, press C , then enter the correct destination. • To review the destinations en tered, use or to scroll through the […]

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    98 Special Features Chapter 9 Deleting a Docum ent Stored in Memor y Follow this procedure to delete a do cument stored in memory: 1 Press Functio n . 2 Press Memory Reference . 3 Use or to select DELETE DOCUMENT . 4 Press OK . 5 Use or to select the transaction number ( TX/RX NO .) of the docu ment you want to delete. • If yo u are unsure of […]

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    99 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features Polling What is Polling? In normal faxing, a fax ma chine sends a document to anot her fax machine. With polling, a fax machine calls another fax machin e and requests that a document be sent to it; in other words, it “polls” that fax machine. Your FAX has the capability of functioning in both r[…]

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    910 Special Features Chapter 9 Follow this procedure to poll o ne or several fax machine(s): 1 Press Functio n . 2 Press Poll ing . 3 Use or to select POLLING RX . 4 Press OK . 5 Enter up to 116 fax num bers you want to poll using any o f the follow ing method s: ❏ Onetouch speed d ialling: Press the onetouch speed dialling button(s) yo […]

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    911 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features Cancelling Polling Receiving To cancel polling receivi ng, follow the same procedure as fo r cancelling receiving (p . 8  1 1 ) . Polling Sending In polling sendi ng, your FAX holds a d ocument in its pol ling box so that other fax machines can retrieve it. You may find polling sending convenien[…]

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    912 Special Features Chapter 9 5 Press OK three times. 6 Use the numeric buttons to en ter a name for the polling box (max. 24 ch aracters, including spaces). • If you are unsure how to enter charac ters, see p. 32. 7 Press OK twice. 8 Use the numeric buttons to enter a fourdigit password. • T his password prev ents unauthorise d acces[…]

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    913 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features Once you have set up the polling box, you are ready to scan in to it the d ocument you want other fax machines to retrieve. 11 Press OK twice. 12 Use or to select if the document remains in the FAX’s memory after it is polled. • You can select from the following: – ON The document in the p ol[…]

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    914 Special Features Chapter 9 Scanning a Document into the Polling Box Follow this procedure to store a document in the polling b ox so that other fax machines can retrieve it: When anot her fax mach ine polls your FAX, the fol lowing con ditions apply : • If you registered a password for the polling b ox, the other party’s fax machine must[…]

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    915 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features ■ If you selected CHANGE DATA in step 6: ■ If you selected DELETE FILE in step 6: 2 Press Data Registr ation . 3 Press OK . 4 Use or to select POLLING BOX . 5 Press OK . 6 Use or to select the setting you want. • You can select from the following: – CHANGE DATA Select this setting if you wa[…]

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    916 Special Features Chapter 9 Restricting Use of Your FAX By enabling this feature, you can prevent un authorised u se of your FAX to make calls and send faxes . Enabling Restriction of Your FAX Follow this pro cedure to ena ble restriction o f your FAX: 1 Press Functio n . 2 Press Da ta Reg istrat ion . 3 Press OK . 4 Use or to select SYSTEM S[…]

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    917 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features Restriction of your FA X is now en abled. No one can make calls or send fa xes. (This setting does not restrict incoming calls or faxes.) Cancelling Restriction of Your FAX Follow this procedure to cancel restriction of y our FAX: 10 Press Stop to return to standby mod e. 1 Press Function . 2 Press[…]

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    918 Special Features Chapter 9 Restriction of yo ur FAX is now disabl ed. Anyone can ma ke calls or send faxes . 9 Press OK . 10 Press Stop to return to standby mode. PASSWORD 15:00 FaxOnly Ex:[…]

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    919 Special Features Chapter 9 Special Features Restricting Reception By enabling this feature, you can restrict reception of fax es to only the numbers registered for speed dialling on your FAX. This feature is useful to prevent reception of unsolicited faxes (e.g. junk mail). Follow this procedure to enabl e or disable receiving restriction: ?[…]

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    920 Special Features Chapter 9 ■ If you selected OFF in step 8: 11 Press OK . 12 Press Stop to return to standby mode. 9 Press OK . 10 Press Stop to return to standby mode. DATE SETUP 15:00 FaxOnly Ex: DATE SETUP 15:00 FaxOnly Ex:[…]

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    101 Copying Chapter 10 Copying Chapter 10 Copying ❏ Documents You Can Copy .. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …… 102 ❏ Making Copies …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …………….. ………. 102 ❏ Making a Quick Single Copy ……………….. ………..[…]

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    102 Copying Chapter 10 Documents You Can Copy For information on the type s of documents yo u can copy, their requirem ents, and details on loading documents, see Chapter 4. Making Copies Follow this pro cedure to make copies : 1 Adjust the paper delivery selector if necessary ( p. 54). 2 Load the document , face down in the ADF ( p. 43). […]

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    103 Copying Chapter 10 Copying Making a Quick Single Copy Follow this p rocedure i f you wan t to make a quick si ngle copy o f a docume nt without adjusting the resolution, contrast, or size: 6 If you want to make multiple copies, us e the numeric buttons to enter the n umber of copies. • You can make up to 99 copies. The FAX copies at 400 ×[…]

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    104 Copying Chapter 10[…]

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    111 Reports and Lists Chapter 11 Reports and Lists Chapter 11 Reports and Lists ❏ Summary of Reports an d Lists ……………… …………….. …………….. …………. .. 112 ❏ ACTIVITY REPORT . …………….. …………. …………….. …………….. …………… 113 ❏ TX (Transmission) REPORT …………[…]

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    112 Reports and Lists Chapter 11 Summary of Reports and Lists The table below shows the lists and reports that can be printed from your FAX. R efer to the pages indicated for more details. Report or List Description Details USER’S DA T A LIST Lists the current settings of your F AX and the registered sender information. p. 142 ACTI VITY REP[…]

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    113 Reports and Lists Chapter 11 Reports and Lists ACTIVITY REPORT The FAX is factoryset to automatically print an ACTIVITY REPORT after every 20 transactions. If yo u want to print a n ACTI VITY REPORT before it is automatically printed, follow this procedure: Transactions in an ACTIVITY REPORT are listed chron ologically. 1 Press Function .[…]

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    114 Reports and Lists Chapter 11 TX (Transmission) REPORT The FAX is factoryset to print a TX (t ransmission) REPORT only when an error occurs during sending. To change this setting, see TX REPORT, p . 145. If you set t he FAX to print a re port, a T X REPORT or an ERROR TX REPORT similar to the ones below, wil l be printed depending o n t[…]

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    115 Reports and Lists Chapter 11 Reports and Lists MULTI TX/RX (Tran saction) REPORT A MULTI TX/RX (transaction) RE PORT similar to the one below, is pri nted when you send the same documen t to severa l fax number s, or wh en you poll m ultiple fax numbers in one operation. RX (Reception) REPORT The FAX is factoryset not to print an RX (rece[…]

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    116 Reports and Lists Chapter 11[…]

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    121 Maintenance Chapter 12 Mainten ance Chapter 12 Maintenance ❏ Periodic Cleaning …….. …………….. ……………… …………….. ………… …………… 122 • Cleaning the FAX’s Exterior ……………. …………….. …………….. …………. .. 122 • Cleaning the FAX’s Interior ……………..[…]

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    122 Maintenance Chapter 12 Periodic Cleaning This sectio n describes t he necessary cle aning proced ures for your FAX . Please note the following before cleaning yo ur unit: • Be sure to disconne ct the power cord before cleaning the F AX. Since documents in memory are erased when the power is disconnected, print o r send any documents s tore[…]

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    123 Maintenance Chapter 12 Mainten ance Cleaning the FAX’s Interior To prevent toner powder an d paper dust from accumula ting inside the FAX and affecting print quality, clean the unit’s print area periodically. Follow this procedure to clean inside the FAX: 1 Disconnec t the po wer c ord from the FAX. 2 Lift the latch and open the front co[…]

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    124 Maintenance Chapter 12 Cleaning the Scanner Comp onents Follow this procedu re to periodically check and cle an the scanner components : 5 When you are finished, reinsert the toner cartridge. Hold the toner cartridge by its handle and insert it into the FAX as far as it will go, making sure that its tabs are aligned with the rails inside the[…]

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    125 Maintenance Chapter 12 Mainten ance 4 Clean the underside of the op eration panel (shaded area in the illustration ). • Dirt and dust particles that collect on the underside of the operation panel affect the quality o f the documents yo u copy or send . 5 Use a clean, soft, dry, lintfree c loth to wipe any pape r dust from the areas sur[…]

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    126 Maintenance Chapter 12 Replacing the Toner Cartridge The only component of your FAX you w ill n eed to replace is the FX3 toner cartridge. Alt hough Cano n manufactu res ma ny different toner cartridges, the FX3 toner cart ridge is the onl y one designed for use with your FAX. To purchase this toner cartridge, contact your local author[…]

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    127 Maintenance Chapter 12 Mainten ance 4 Hold the toner cartridge by its handle and remove it from the FAX. • Discard the old toner cartridge immediately according to the local laws and regulations for disposal of consumables. To recycle y our used toner cartridg e, simply follow the instructions included with your new FX3 toner cartridge.[…]

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    128 Maintenance Chapter 12 8 Hold the toner cartridge by its h andle and insert it into the FAX as far as it will go, making sure th at its tabs are aligned with the rails inside the unit. • Always hold the toner cartridge by its handle. 9 Use both hand s to close the front cov er.[…]

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    131 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing Chapter 13 Troubleshooting ❏ Clearing Jams …… …………….. …………….. …………. …………….. …………….. …… 132 • Jams in the ADF . …………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …………….. .. 132 • Paper Jams …………..[…]

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    132 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Clearing Jams Jams in the ADF When a documen t jams or misfeeds in the AD F, the LCD displays CHECK DOCUMEN T . Follow this procedu re to clear the document jam: You do not need to unplug the FAX when clearing document jams. 1 Press Stop . 2 Use both ha nds to gently open the operation pane l. • It only opens par[…]

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    133 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing Paper Jams When paper jams in the FAX, the LCD displays CLEAR PAPER JAM . Try cleari ng the jam by following the procedure in Jams in the Paper Delivery Slots below. If this does not clear the jam, follow the pro cedure in Jams Inside the Unit . Jams in the Paper Delivery Slots Follow this procedur[…]

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    134 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 2 Hold the toner cartridge by its h andle and remove it from the FAX. • To avoid exposing t he toner cartridge to light, p lace it in its protective bag or wrap it in a thick cloth. 3 Move the pa per release le ver back. HANDLE • The fixing assembly bec omes extremely hot when the unit is in use. Be very carefu[…]

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    135 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing Multipurpose tray area : Hold the unit steady and carefu lly pull the jammed paper straight out from the unit. • Do this carefully t o prevent tearing the jammed pape r. If you do tear it, be sure to remove any torn pieces from the unit since these will cause paper to jam agai n. • The toner[…]

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    136 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Fixing assem bly area: Top edge of the jamm ed paper in the fixing assembly: Push the jammed paper back ~ , then pull it carefully towards you to remove it Ä . Top edge of the jamm ed paper has passed through the fixing assembly: Pass the jammed paper un der the roller. Use both hands to carefully pull out the jam[…]

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    137 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing 5 When you finished, rein sert the tone r cartridge. Hold the toner cartridge by its handle and insert it into the FAX as far as it will go, making sure that its tabs are aligned with the rails inside the unit. • Always hold the toner cartrid ge by its handle. 6 Move the pa per rele ase lever for[…]

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    138 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 LCD Messages The following message s are displayed in the LCD when the FAX is performin g a task, or when it encounters an error. The error code appears in the ACTIVITY REPORT ( p. 113). Messsage Error Code Cause Action AUTO REDIAL — The unit is waiting to redial the other part y’s fax number because the lin[…]

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    139 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing CHECK COVER — The front cover is open. Close the front cover. CHECK DOCUMENT #001 A document is jammed in the ADF. Clear the document jam ( p. 1 32). Then start again. CHECK PAPER SIZE — The size of the pa per in the multipurpose tray and that specified in the PAPER SIZE setting are diffe[…]

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    1310 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 CHK SUBADDR/PS WD #083/12 You attempted to se nd a document or poll another fax machine with the incorrect subaddress and/or passwor d. Contact the other pa rty to check their settings. Change your settings if necessary ( pp. 63, 67 , 99). CLEAR PAPER JAM — There is a pap er jam. Clear the paper jam ( p[…]

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    1311 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing MEMORY USED nn % — Shows the percentage of memory curre ntly in use. If you need more space, wait for the unit to send any f axes. Also, pr int, send, or delete any documents i n memory you no longer need ( p. 9 4). NO RX PAPER #012 The other par ty’s fax machine is ou t of paper or its mem[…]

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    1312 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 REC’D IN MEMORY — The unit rece ived the fax in memory because pape r or toner ran ou t, or a paper jam occurr ed during reception. Load paper in the multipurpose tray ( p. 215), replace the to ner cartridge ( p. 12 6), or clear the paper jam ( p. 133). SELECT POL REJ CT #082 You attempted to poll […]

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    1313 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing Paper Feeding Problems ■ Paper does no t feed pr operly. The multipurp ose tray ma y contain too many she ets. • Make sure you load th e correct quantity ( p. 52). The paper may not be loaded correctly . • Make sure the paper stack is loaded correctly in the multipurpose tray (p . 2[…]

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    1314 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 You dialled or have bee n provided with an incor rect number. • Dial the number again, or check that you have the correct number. The other party ’s fax machine may be out of paper. • Contact the other party a nd ask them to make sure paper is loaded in their fax machine. There may be other doc uments be ing[…]

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    1315 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing ■ Errors oc cur frequen tly while send ing. The telephone line s may be in p oor condition, or you may have a bad connection. • Lower the transmission spee d ( TX START SPEED , p. 1410) . Receiving Problems ■ Cannot receive a fax automatically. The FAX may not be set to receive automatica[…]

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    1316 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 An error may ha ve occurred duri ng reception. • Ch eck the LCD for an error message ( p. 138). • Print an ACTIVITY REPORT and ch eck for an error code ( p. 113). The multipurpose tray may be emp ty. • Make sure paper is loaded in the multipurpose tray ( p. 215). The other party’s fa x machi[…]

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    1317 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing Toner may be low or unev enly distri buted. • Redistribute the toner inside the to ner cartridge ( p. 12 6). If the problem persists, replace the toner cartridge ( p. 126). ■ Cannot receive using Error Correction Mode (ECM). The other par ty’s fax ma chine may n ot support ECM. • If […]

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    1318 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Telephone Problems ■ Cannot dial. The telephone line co rd may not be conne cted properly. • M ake sure it is connected properly ( p. 25). The power cord ma y not be plugged in securely. • C heck that the power cord is plugged se curely into the FAX and into the wall outlet ( p. 27). If the unit is plu[…]

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    1319 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing You may not ha ve removed the plastic seal from the toner ca rtridge. • Make sure you install the ton er cartridge properly ( p. 212). The toner cartrid ge may need to be replac ed. • Replace the toner cartridge ( p. 126). ■ Printout does not match paper size. The paper may not be load[…]

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    1320 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 General Problems ■ FAX has no power. The power cord ma y not be plugged in securely. • C heck that the power cord is plugged se curely into the FAX and into the wall outlet ( p. 27). If the unit is plugged into a power strip, make sure t he power strip is plugg ed in and turned on. The power cord ma y not b[…]

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    1321 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 Troubleshoot ing If You Cannot Solve a Problem If you cannot so lve the problem after h avi ng referred to the in formation in this chapter, contact your local au thorised Canon deale r or the Canon he lp line. Canon’s suppo rt personnel ar e trained in the technical su pport of Canon’s products and will able […]

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    1322 Troubleshooting Chapter 13 If a Power Cut Occurs If power is suddenly lost du e to a power cut or accidental unplug ging, a builtin battery retains the FAX’s settings. However, any documents stored in memory will be lost. During a power cut, functions are limited as follo ws: • You can not make t elephone calls from the op tional han[…]

  • Страница 167

    141 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 Summary of Settings ❏ Understanding the Menu Sy stem ………………. …………….. …………….. ………. 142 • Printing a List to Check the Cu rrent Settings ………………… …………….. .. 142 • Accessing the Menus ………………………[…]

  • Страница 168

    142 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 Understanding the Menu System The FAX menu system allo ws you to c ustomise the way your un it operates. It consists of seven menu s, each containing settings tha t control di fferent funct ions of your FAX. Before adjusting any settings, you may want to prin t the USER’S DATA LIST to check the current settin[…]

  • Страница 169

    143 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 Summary of Settings Accessing the Me nus Follow this procedure to access the different menus: 1 Press Function . 2 Press Data Registr ation . 3 Press OK . 4 Use or to select the me nu you wa nt. • You can select from the following: – USER SETTINGS (p . 1 4  4 ) – REPORT SETTINGS (p . 1 4  5 ) – TX[…]

  • Страница 170

    144 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 USER SETTINGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 1 43. The selectable settings and the default settings va ry depending on the country where y ou have purchased the FAX. The values sh own here are average values. Setting Description SubSettings DATE & TIME Sets the current date a[…]

  • Страница 171

    145 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 Summary of Settings REPORT SETTINGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 143. The select able setti ngs an d the defa ult setting s vary depe nding on the coun try where y ou have purchased the FA X. The values shown here are avera ge values. Setting Description SubSettings TX REPORT E[…]

  • Страница 172

    146 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 TX (Transmission) SETTINGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 1 43. The selectable settings and the default settings va ry depending on the country where y ou have purchased the FAX. The values sh own here are average values. Setting Description SubSettings ECM TX Enable s/disables E[…]

  • Страница 173

    147 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 Summary of Settings RX (Reception) SETTINGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 143. The select able setti ngs an d the defa ult setting s vary depe nding on the coun try where y ou have purchased the FA X. The values shown here are avera ge values. Setting Description SubSettings ECM[…]

  • Страница 174

    148 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 PRINTER SETTINGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 1 43. The selectable settings and the default settings va ry depending on the country where y ou have purchased the FAX. The values sh own here are average values. Setting Description SubSettings RX REDUCTION Enables/ disables reduc[…]

  • Страница 175

    149 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 Summary of Settings POLLING BOX Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 143. The select able setti ngs an d the defa ult setting s vary depe nding on the coun try where y ou have purchased the FA X. The values shown here are avera ge values. Setting Description SubSettings SETUP FILE Sets[…]

  • Страница 176

    1410 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 SYSTEM SETTINGS Menu For details on accessing the settings below, see p. 1 43. The selectable settings and the default settings va ry depending on the country where y ou have purchased the FAX. The values sh own here are average values. Setting Description SubSettings UN/LOCK PHONE Enables/disables r est[…]

  • Страница 177

    1411 Summary of Settings Chapter 14 Summary of Settings RX START SPEED Selects the speed at which the F AX starts receiving. 33600bps 14400bps 9600bps 7200bps 4800bps 2400bps COUNTRY SELECT * Selects the country where you are usin g the F AX to automatically switch the se lectable settings and the default settings to suit the selected country ( […]

  • Страница 178

    1412 Summary of Settings Chapter 14[…]

  • Страница 179

    A1 Specifications Appendix A Specifications Appendix A Specifications ❏ General Specifications ….. ………… ……………… …………….. …………….. ………. A2 ❏ Facsimile …………….. …………….. …………. …………….. …………….. …………….. .. A2 ❏ Copier …………………[…]

  • Страница 180

    A2 Specifications Appendix A General Specifica tions Power Source – 2002 40 V – 50/60 Hz Power Consumption – Maximum: 500 W – Standby: Appr ox. 3.5 W Weight Approx. 10 kg (With components attach ed) Dimensions Environmental Conditions – Temperature: 10 °C32.5°C – Humidity: 20%80% RH Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 16 × 1 Dis[…]

  • Страница 181

    A3 Specifications Appendix A Specifications Fax Resolution – FAX STANDARD: 8 pels/mm × 3.85 lines/mm – FAX FINE: 8 pels/mm × 7.7 lines/m m – FAX PHOTO: 8 pels/mm × 7.7 lines/mm with halftones – SUPER FINE: 8 pels/mm × 15.4 lines/mm Dialling – Automatic dialling Onetouch speed dialling (15 destinations) Coded speed diallin g (100[…]

  • Страница 182

    A4 Specifications Appendix A[…]

  • Страница 183

    B1 FAXL295 Instructions Appendix B FAX-L295 Instructions Appendix B FAX-L295 Instructions ❏ Introduction ………………………… …………….. …………. …………….. …………….. .. B2 ❏ Differences Between the FAXL295 an d FAXL22 0 ………………………… .. B2 ❏ Using Your Documentatio n …[…]

  • Страница 184

    B2 FAXL295 Instructions Appendix B Introduction This Append ix provides i nformation rele vant only t o purchasers of the FAXL29 5 model. Please be sure to read this sect ion before reading the rest of this g uide. Differences Between the FAX-L295 and FAX-L220 In addition to the FAXL22 0 features , the FAXL295 also has the following […]

  • Страница 185

    B3 FAXL295 Instructions Appendix B FAX-L295 Instructions Connecting the FAX- L295 to Your PC To connect your FAX to a PC, you will need to purchase a printer cable that matches the interface connector on your PC: • A US B cable no longer than 5 metres You can purchase the ca ble from your local author ised Canon dealer. Follow this procedur[…]

  • Страница 186

    B4 FAXL295 Instructions Appendix B Print Media Requirements In addition to the pap er listed in Chapter 5, you can also l oad the following print media in the multipurp ose tray: Please refer to Chapter 5 for full details on paper ha ndling, l oading pape r, and selecting pa per delivery. Printable Area The shaded area shows the printable […]

  • Страница 187

    B5 FAXL295 Instructions Appendix B FAX-L295 Instructions Selecting Print Media Follow these guidelines wh en selecting envelopes an d transparencies: ■ Envelope s • Use standard envelopes with diagonal seams and flaps. • To prevent jams in the multipurpose tray, do no t use the following: – Envelop es with windo ws, holes, perforat[…]

  • Страница 188

    B6 FAXL295 Instructions Appendix B ❏ Remove any curling from the envelopes by holding the edges diagonall y and ben ding them ge ntly. ❏ Run a pen or other rounde d object along the back flaps to flatten the m. • The flaps should no t bulge more than 5 mm. 2 Remove the multipurpose tray cover from the FAX. 3 Insert the stack into the[…]

  • Страница 189

    B7 FAXL295 Instructions Appendix B FAX-L295 Instructions The FAX is now ready to print. Loading Transparencies Load transparencies in the multipurpo se tray as for paper. For details, see p. 215. 4 Replace the multipurpose tray cover. • Be sure to replace this cover to prevent dust accumulatin g inside the unit. 5 Adjust the paper […]

  • Страница 190

    B8 FAXL295 Instructions Appendix B[…]

  • Страница 191

    C1 Options Appendix C Options Appendix C Options ❏ Optional Handset….. …………….. …………….. …………. …………….. …………….. .. C2 • Package Contents ………………………… …………. …………….. …………….. …… C2 • Attaching the Handset to Your FAX ……………………[…]

  • Страница 192

    C2 Options Appendix C Optional Handset* An optional handset is available in certain countries for co nnection to your FAX. Contact your l ocal authoris ed Canon dealer for more information o n purchasing this option. Package Conten ts Make sure your h andset packag e includes the following items: If any items are damaged or missing, notify your […]

  • Страница 193

    C3 Options Appendix C Options Attaching the Handset to You r FAX Follow this procedure to attach th e handset to your FAX: 1 Use a screwdriver to remove the two covers on the left side of the unit. 2 Remove the screws from the plugs and insert the plugs into the holes on the handset cradle. 3 Insert the plugs (with the handset cradle) into the h[…]

  • Страница 194

    C4 Options Appendix C Maintaining Your Handset To maintain your handset in top work ing condition, be sure to follow these guidelines: • Do not le ave your hand set exposed to direct sun light. • Do not install your handset in hot or humid conditions. • Do not spray ae rosol polis hes on your ha ndset since the y may enter the ho les on yo[…]

  • Страница 195

    Index I1 Index button 211, 143 button 211, 34 button 211, 34 button 211, 143 ( p. nnn), definition 12 1TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 1 description 112 printing 617 sample 618 1TOUCH SPD DIAL LIST 2 description 112 printing 617 sample 618 A A4 setting 52, 56, 148 ACTIVITY REPORT description 11?[…]

  • Страница 196

    I2 Contrast 73 Conventions, type 12, 13 Copying 102, 103 document requirements 42 problems 1317 quick 103 Cord answering machine 25, 26 data modem 25, 26 power 22, 27 telephone 25, 26 telephone line 22, 27 Correcting mistake 34 COUNTRY SELECT setting 28, 1411 Cover front 210 multi[…]

  • Страница 197

    Index I3 Fax/Tel Mode description 82 setting 84 setting options for 85, 86 FaxAbility. See Telecom FaxAbility FaxStream™ Duet. See Telstra FaxStream™ Duet FILE NAME setting 912, 149 Fixing assembly 210 Front cover 210 Function Button 211, 36 FX3. See Toner cartridge G G3, definition 12 GROUP DIAL LIST desc[…]

  • Страница 198

    I4 Messages. See LCD messages MID PAUSE SET setting 146 Mistake, correcting 34 MULTI TX/RX (Transaction) REPORT 115 description 112 sample 115 MULTI TX/RX REPORT. See MULTI TX/RX (Transaction) REPORT Multipurpose tray 210 capacity 52 cover 22, 24, 21 0 N NO RX PAPER message 1311 NO TEL # message 1311 NOT AV[…]

  • Страница 199

    Index I5 Problems cannot solve 1321 copying 1317 document 42 general 1320 multipage document 43 paper feeding 1313 printing 1318, 1319 receiving 1315 to 1317 receiving into memory when 810 sending 1313 to 1315 telephone 1318 PSTN setting 39, 144 PSWD POLL REJECT message 1311 PSWD TX REJECTED mes[…]

  • Страница 200

    I6 Sending at preset time. See Delayed sending cancelling 78 delayed. See Delayed sending document in memory 96, 97 document requirements 42 manual via the handset 76, 77 memory 75, 76 methods 75 to 77 polling. See Polling sending problems 1313 to 1315 same document to several fax numbers 712, 713 timer.[…]

  • Страница 201

    Index I7 U UN/LOCK PHONE setting 916, 917, 1410 UNIT NAME setting 37, 144 UNIT TELEPHONE # setting 37, 144 Unpacking FAX 22, 23 Uppercase letter mode 32, 33 USER SETTINGS menu 143, 144 USER’S DATA LIST description 112 printing 142 sample 142 User’s Guide, type conventions 12, 13 V VERTICA[…]

  • Страница 202


Продается очень удобный переносной лазерный ксерокс. Очень простой в эксплуатации. «Основные характеристики» Производитель Canon Модель H 12272 Описание Персональный настольный портативный копировальный аппарат с ручкой для переноски Тип оборудования Копир Площадь для установки 639 x 439 мм «Скорость, разрешение» Скорость 4 копии формата А4 в минуту «Управление бумагой / печатные носители» Типы печатных носителей Бумага, пленки, калька, этикетки, цветная бумага, открытки и карточки плотностью до 128 г/м2 Податчик бумаги 1 лист Плотность бумаги 50 — 128 г/м2 «Параметры/функции печати» Поля 2 мм у ведущего края «Расходные материалы / заменяемые компоненты» Картридж черный E-30, E-16 «Ресурс расходных материалов/заменяемых компонентов» Ресурс картриджа при заполнении 5% Черный: 4000 страниц (E-30), черный: 2000 страниц (E-16) «Копир» Первая копия 22 секунды «Питание» Потребление энергии 0, 7 кВатта — максимальное «Потребительские свойства» Формат A4 Время прогрева 0 секунд при комнатной температуре (20°C) «Прочие характеристики» Размеры (ширина x высота x глубина) 359 x 115 x 439 мм Вес 8, 5 кг (включая картридж с тонером) Прочее Ручка для переноски; возможно копирование книг и объемных предметов весом до 2 кг «Логистика» Размеры упаковки (измерено в НИКСе) 55 x 44 x 19. 5 см Вес брутто (измерено в НИКСе) 10. 55 кг. RuKrasnodar

МФУ, копиры и сканеры

объявление размещено: 12 августа 2016 г. 11:36, номер: 1810408

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Canon NP6512, NP6612, NP7120, NP7130, NP7130F Service Manual
Canon NP6621 Service Manual
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