Canon powershot sx100 is инструкция на русском

У вас уже есть продукция Canon? Зарегистрируйте свои продукты для доступа к программному обеспечению и обновлениям встроенного ПО, а также подпишитесь на рассылку, чтобы получать персонализированные советы и эксклюзивные предложения


Загружайте ПО, встроенное ПО и руководства, а также получите доступ к материалам поддержки для вашего продукта серии PowerShot.


Для выполнения подключения некоторых устройств к компьютеру может потребоваться драйвер. На этой вкладке вы найдете соответствующие драйверы для своего устройства или, в случае отсутствия драйверов, описание совместимости устройства с каждой операционной системой.

Полезная информация. Доступ к программному обеспечению, руководствам и другим материалам можно получить с помощью вкладок, расположенных выше.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение загружать необязательно, но оно обеспечивает дополнительные функции и позволяет максимально эффективно пользоваться возможностями устройства. На этой вкладке можно просмотреть и загрузить доступное программное обеспечение для вашего устройства.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение загружать необязательно, но оно обеспечивает дополнительные функции и позволяет максимально эффективно пользоваться возможностями устройства. На этой вкладке можно просмотреть и загрузить доступное программное обеспечение для вашего устройства.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Руководства пользователя

Руководства для вашего устройства или программного обеспечения перечислены ниже.

Приложения и функции

На этой вкладке можно посмотреть доступные приложения и функции, совместимые с вашим устройством.

Встроенное ПО

Встроенное ПО — это постоянное программное обеспечение, установленное на устройстве и обеспечивающее его корректную работу. Canon может периодически выпускать обновления для этого встроенного ПО, и если обновление доступно, его можно загрузить ниже.


На этой вкладке вы найдете ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы и другую полезную информацию, которая поможет вам в решении вопросов и проблем.

Важная информация

На этой вкладке вы найдете подборку часто задаваемых вопросов, которые, на наш взгляд, будут вам интересны.

Коды ошибок

Код ошибки или сообщение об ошибке может появиться на устройстве по различным причинам. С помощью поля поиска можно найти полезную информацию о конкретном коде ошибки, где будут указаны причина ошибки и необходимые действия по ее устранению.

Технические характеристики

Ниже приведены все технические характеристики данного продукта.

Полезные ссылки

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    Поиск центров по ремонту оборудования, полезная информация по процессу ремонта

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    Узнайте больше о программе утилизации картриджей Canon

  • Canon ID

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Canon PowerShot SX100 IS

Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для фотокамеры
Canon PowerShot SX100 IS
, описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.

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Canon PowerShot SX100 IS - руководство пользователяМодель: Компактная фотокамера Canon PowerShot SX100 IS
Год выпуска: 2007
Количество страниц: 214
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11 Mb

Canon PowerShot SX100 IS — идеальная камера для съёмки семейных торжеств и праздников и увековечения моментов, которые делают каждый день особенным. Богатый набор функций камеры, включая мощный зум, не даст упустить ни одной мелочи и поможет начинающим фотографам добиться наилучших результатов. Благодаря 10-кратному оптическому зум-объективу со стабилизатором изображения PowerShot SX100 IS позволяет делать отличные снимки с любого расстояния.


  • Начало работы.
    • Подготовка.
    • Съемка фотографий (режим AUTO).
    • Просмотр фотографий.
    • Съемка видеофильмов (Стандартный режим).
    • Просмотр видеофильмов.
    • Стирание.
    • Печать.
    • Загрузка изображений в компьютер.
    • Состав системы.
  • Дополнительные сведения.
    • Элементы камеры и их назначение.
      • Использование диска управления.
      • Кнопка Play.
      • Индикаторы.
      • Функция энергосбережения.
    • Основные операции.
      • Меню и настройки.
      • Меню и настройки по умолчанию.
      • Использование ЖК-монитора.
      • Яркость ЖК-монитора.
      • Информация, отображаемая на ЖК-мониторе.
      • Восстановление значений параметров по умолчанию.
      • Форматирование карт памяти.
    • Широко используемые функции съемки.
      • Съемка с оптическим зумом.
      • Цифровой зум/Цифровой телеконвертер.
      • Использование вспышки.
      • Съемка крупным планом (Макро).
      • Использование таймера автоспуска.
      • Изменение разрешения (Фотографии).
      • Изменение компрессии (Фотографии).
      • Задание режима открытки.
      • Включение даты в данные изображения.
      • Настройка функции стабилизации изображения.
    • Съемка с помощью диска установки режима.
      • Диск установки режима.
      • Режимы съемки для конкретных сюжетов.
      • Съемка видеофильмов.
      • Съемка панорам (Панорамный).
      • P. Программная AE.
      • Tv. Установка выдержки затвора.
      • Av. Установка величины диафрагмы.
      • M. Ручная установка выдержки затвора и диафрагмы.
    • Различные способы съемки.
      • Серийная съемка.
      • Установка функции уменьшения эффекта «красных глаз».
      • Установка функции синхронизации при длительной выдержке.
      • Проверка фокусировки и выражения лиц (Проверка фокусировки).
      • Переключение между режимами фокусировки.
      • Выбор режима рамки автофокусировки.
      • Выбор объекта для фокусировки (если выбран режим [Опред. лица]).
      • Съемка объектов, неподходящих для автофокусировки (фиксация фокусировки, фиксация автофокусировки, ручная фокусировка, безопасная ручная фокусировка).
      • Фиксация экспозиции (Фикс. AE).
      • Фиксация экспозиции при съемке со вспышкой (Фикс. FE).
      • ISO. Настройка числа ISO.
      • Уменьшение сотрясения камеры при съемке (Сдвиг авт. ISO).
      • Настройка компенсации экспозиции.
      • Переключение режимов замера экспозиции.
      • Настройка цветовых оттенков (Баланс белого).
      • Съемка в режиме «Мои цвета».
      • Переключение параметров настройки вспышки.
      • Настройка компенсации экспозиции при съемке со вспышкой.
      • Настройка мощности вспышки.
      • Настройка экспозиции для съемки со встроенной вспышкой (Безопасная FE).
      • Регистрация настройки для кнопки «Печать/загрузка».
      • Задание вспомогательных линий для кадрировки.
      • Установка функции автоповорота.
      • Создание папки для записи изображений (Папка).
      • Сброс номеров файлов.
    • Воспроизведение/стирание.
      • Увеличение изображений.
      • Одновременный просмотр девяти изображений (Индексный режим).
      • Проверка фокусировки и выражения лиц объектов (экран проверки фокусировки).
      • Переход между изображениями.
      • Просмотр видеофильмов (Панель управления воспроизведением видеофильма).
      • Поворот изображений на мониторе.
      • Воспроизведение с использованием эффектов перехода.
      • Автоматическое воспроизведение (Автопоказ).
      • Функция коррекции «красных глаз».
      • Изменение размера изображений.
      • Добавление звуковых комментариев к изображению.
      • Защита изображений.
      • Стирание всех изображений.
    • Параметры печати/передачи.
      • Задание установок печати DPOF.
      • Задание параметров передачи DPOF.
    • Подключение к телевизору.
      • Съемка/воспроизведение с помощью телевизора.
    • Устранение неполадок.
    • Список сообщений.
    • Приложение.
      • Меры безопасности.
      • Предотвращение неполадок.
      • Обращение с элементами питания.
      • Правила обращения с картами памяти.
      • Комплекты питания (продаются отдельно).
      • Использование внешней вспышки (продается отдельно).
      • Замена элемента питания календаря.
      • Уход за камерой.
      • Технические характеристики.
    • Алфавитный указатель.
    • Функции, доступные в различных режимах съемки.

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Canon POWERSHOT SX100 IS User Manual

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«Pow_,-$hot S XlO0 IN




User Guide




Components Guide

Basic Operations


Var!ous Sh°°ting Me!h°ds ……………….

Pr!n! Se!tin gs_


CQnnecting !0 a _



List of Messages

X ppendix




Related Manuals for Canon POWERSHOT SX100 IS

Summary of Contents for Canon POWERSHOT SX100 IS

  • Page 1
    ¢DI=E363 Canon «Pow_,-$hot S XlO0 IN Camera User Guide Components Guide Basic Operations CommonlyUsedShootingFunctions Var!ous Sh°°ting Me!h°ds ….Pr!n! Se!tin gs_ ..List of Messages X ppendix ……. CQnnecting !0 a _ Troubleshooting …….
  • Page 2
    • Connecting to a printer Connectthe camera Direct Print User • Connecting to a TV set Guide • Connecting to a computer Software Starter Guide ZoomBrowser ImageBrowser Software User Guide • PDF manuals available on the Canon website. jp/Imaging/information-e.html…
  • Page 3
    AA Alkaline Memory Card Batteries (x2) (16MB) Wrist Strap WS-20O Canon Digital Warranty Card Camera Solution Disk You may not be able to achieve the full performance of this camera w th the included memory card. You can use SD memory cards, SDHC (SD High…
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Shooting Using the Mode Dial Mode Dial ……..Shooting Modes for Specific Scenes ….=,_, Movie Shooting ……C_ Shooting Panoramic Images (Stitch Assist) ..Program AE …….. TV Setting the Shutter Speed ….. Av Setting the Aperture ……

  • Page 5
    TableofContents Adjusting the Tone (White Balance) ….Shooting in a My Colors Mode ….Switching between Flash Adjustment Settings ..Adjusting Flash Compensation Settings …. Setting the Flash Output ……Adjusting Exposure for Built-in Flash Shooting (Safety FE).. 124 Registering Settings to the Print/Share Button Setting the Display Overlays …..
  • Page 6
    Table of Contents • Symbol Conventions in this Guide Mode:Shooting([])/Playback ([]) _r_oxvr_y a:2) _nin _eLCD _, These modes are available These modes are not available » This mark denotes issues that may affect the camera’s operation. » This mark denotes additional topics that complement basic operating procedures.
  • Page 7
    Warning Against Copyright Infringement Please note that Canon digital cameras are intended for personal use and should never be used in a manner that infringes upon or contravenes international domestic copyright laws and regulations. Please be advised that in certain cases…
  • Page 8: Shooting Using The Mode Dial

    I 75 Shooting Using the Mode Dial _Mode Dial Creativezone __age zone Auto • Auto The camera automatically selects settings (p. 14). • Image zone When a shooting mode appropriate for the shooting conditions selected, the camera automatically adjusts settings for optimal shooting (p.

  • Page 9
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial I Shooting Modes for Specific Scenes See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). When a shooting mode appropriate for the shooting conditions selected, the camera automatically adjusts settings for optimal shooting. Portrait Produces a soft effect when photographing people. Landscape Optimized for shooting landscape scenes which contain both near and far subjects.
  • Page 10
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial | SCN (Special Scene) You can shoot with the most appropriate settings for the scene. Night Scene Allows you to capture people against the backdrop of an evening sky or night scene. The flash is directed at the person and the shutter speed is slow, so both the person and the background can be beautifully shot.
  • Page 11
    78 _ Shooting Using the Mode Dial Snow Shoots without a blue tinge and without making people appear dark against a snowy background. Beach Shoots without making people appear dark near water or sand where reflected sunlight is strong. Fireworks Captures fireworks in the sky sharply…
  • Page 12
    I 79 Shooting Using the Mode Dial Movie Shooting See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). The following movie modes are available. The recording time will vary according to the capacity of the memory card you use (p. 200). Standard You can select the recording pixels and record until the memory card is full (when a super high-speed memory card is used, such as the…
  • Page 13
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial Pressing the shutter button halfway automatically sets the exposure, focus and white balance settings. Pressing the shutter button fully starts recording video and sound simultaneously. During shooting, the recording time and [SRec] appear on the LCD monitor.
  • Page 14
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial | 81 movies. This is effective on ski slopes and the beach when • You can set the AE lock and exposure shift while shooting the contrast is too strong between the subject and background or where there are both light and dark areas in the scene and it is desirable to adjust the exposure.
  • Page 15
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial Changing Movie Recording Pixels You can change the recording pixels when the movie mode is set to (Standard) (frame rate is fixed). Select number recording pixels, 1. Press the _ button. 2. Use the ÷ or _ button to select and the _.
  • Page 16
    I 83 Shooting Using the Mode Dial Shooting Panoramic Images (Stitch Assist) [] See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Stitch Assist can be used to shoot overlapping images that can later be merged (stitched) to create one panoramic image on a computer. The overlapping seams of several…
  • Page 17
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial isequence. Compose second image so that it overlaps a portion of the first shoot. • You can press the _. or _ button to return to the previously recorded image to retake the shot. Minor discrepancies in the overlapping portions can be corrected when the images are stitched together.
  • Page 18
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial I 85 Program See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). The camera automatically sets the shutter speed and aperture value to match the brightness of the subject. You can freely configure such settings as the ISO speed, exposure compensation and white balance.
  • Page 19
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial Setting Shutter Speed See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). When you set the shutter speed, the camera automatically selects an aperture value to match the brightness of the subject. Faster shutter speeds allow you to catch an instantaneous image of a moving subject, while slower speeds create a flowing effect and allow you to shoot without a flash in dark areas.
  • Page 20
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial | • Theapern_U_etvaalU_oa[ldwSshutterspeedchange accordingto Aperture Shutter Speed Value (seconds) f/2.8 — 3.5 15- 1/1600 Maximum f/4.0 — 5.0 15 — 1/2000 Wide Angle f/5.6 — 8.0* 15 — 1/2500 Maximum f/4.3 — 5.6 15- 1/1600 Telephoto f/6.3 — 8.0* 15 — 112000…
  • Page 21
    I Shooting Using the Mode Dial I AV Setting Aperture See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). The aperture adjusts the amount of light entering through the lens. When you set the aperture value, the camera automatically selects a shutter speed to match the brightness.
  • Page 22
    Shooting Using the Mode Dial | seconds. Therefore, even if an aperture value is preset, the • The maximum shutter speed with synchronized flash is 1/500 aperture value may automatically be reset to match the synchronized flash speed. Aperture Value Display •…
  • Page 23
    _ Shooting Using the Mode Dial M Manually Setting Shutter Speed Aperture See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). You can manually set the shutter speed and aperture to shoot images..themodediai to M. ¸¸ setting, 1. Use the [] button to select shutter speed or aperture.
  • Page 24: Various Shooting Methods

    • _ (Large/Fine) mode. • This reflects standard shooting criteria established by Canon. Actual results may vary according to the subject and shooting conditions. • Even if continuous shooting suddenly stops, the memory card may not be full. Display on…

  • Page 25
    Various Shooting Methods To Cancel Continuous Shooting: Follow procedure 1 to display ill • [] is not displayed in [] mode ([] can be selected). • AF frame will be set to [Center] in [] mode (p. 98). • Rec. Review (p. 16) will not be displayed in [] and [] modes.
  • Page 26: Setting The Red-Eye Reduction Function

    Various Shooting Methods Red-Eye _ Setting Reduction Function See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222)……….. _ _ m _ …. scN_……….* Cannot be set in [] mode. This function reduces the red appearance of the eyes which results when the eyes reflect light back from the flash.

  • Page 27
    Various Shooting Methods I Setting Slow Synchro Function See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). You can shoot with the flash at slow shutter speeds. When shooting at night or under artificial indoor lighting, this function reduces the effect of background darkening when the flash fires.
  • Page 28: Expressions (Focus Check)

    Various Shooting Methods | 95 Checking Focus Peoples’ Expressions (Focus Check) See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Allows you to check the focus of an image taken. It is also easy to check peoples’ expressions and look for closed eyes because a frame the size of the face displays when AF frame mode is set to [Face Detect] to shoot.

  • Page 29
    Various Shooting Methods • The recorded image will be displayed. Frames are displayed as follows. Frame color Content Orange Displays the area of the image shown at the bottom right. White Displays at the focal point (AF frame). The orange frame can be shown at a Image Recorded different magnification,…
  • Page 30
    I 97 Various Shooting Methods _ Switching between Focus Settings See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). mode is available. * In only [Single] You can set the AF mode. The camera only focuses when the shutter button is pressed Single halfway, conserving battery power.
  • Page 31
    I Various Shooting Methods I Selecting an AF Frame Mode See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). * Cannot be set in [] mode. The AF frame indicates the area of the composition on which the camera focuses. You can set the AF frame in the following ways. You can have the camera automatically detect the position of a face and use this data to set the focus and exposure* while shooting.
  • Page 32
    Various Shooting Methods pressed halfway. he AF frame appears as follows when the shutter button is — Green — In focus — Yellow — Focusing difficulty ([Center] option) — No AF frame — Focusing difficulty ([Face Detect] option) Face Detect Feature •…
  • Page 33
    1001 Various Shooting Methods Changing AF Frame Size ([Center] selected) TvAvM You can change the AF frame size to match a subject. You reduce the area used to set the focus when you reduce the AF frame to match a small subject or to focus on a particular portion of a subject.
  • Page 34
    Various Shooting Methods | 101 Selecting a Subject to Focus (When [Face Detect] Is Selected) See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). * Cannot be set in [] mode. Once the focus is fixed to a subject’s face, the frame can be set to follow the subject (Face Select and Track).
  • Page 35
    Various Shooting Methods 3. Press the 2_ button again. • The camera exits face designation mode, and the face frame (_ _) of the main subject will change to white. The frame will continue to follow the subject within a certain range.
  • Page 36
    Various Shooting Methods 1103 _ Shooting Hard-to-Focus Subjects (Focus Lock, AF Lock, Manual Focus, Safety MF) See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Cannotbe used mode. It may be difficult to focus on the following types of subjects. •…
  • Page 37
    104 i Various Shooting Methods Shooting with the AF Lock * Not available in _ or _ mode. To Release the AF Lock: Press the [_ button and use the ÷ or «F button to select [] (Normal). so that the focus is on the target subject. •…
  • Page 38
    Various Shooting Methods | 105 Shooting in Manual Focus Mode The focus can be manually set. * Not available in _ or F_ mode. To Cancel the Manual Focus: Press the _ button and use the (. or ._ button to select [] (Normal).
  • Page 39
    106 _ Various Shooting Methods You cannot change the AF frame setting while focusing manually. Cancel the manual focus mode, then change the AF frame setting. Using the Manual Focus in Combination with the Auto Focus (Safety First, manual focus is used to roughly focus, then from that focus position the camera automatically focuses more accurately.
  • Page 40
    Various Shooting Methods 1107 Locking the Exposure Setting (AE Lock) See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). You can set the exposure and focus separately. This is effective when the contrast is too strong between the subject and background or when a subject is backlit.
  • Page 41
    1081 Various Shooting Methods Changing Shutter Speed Aperture Value Combination The automatically selected combinations of shutter speeds and aperture values can be freely changed without altering the exposure to shoot images (Program Shift). camera at the subject on which wish to lock exposure, Press…
  • Page 42
    Various Shooting Methods | 109 _ Locking Flash Exposure Setting Lock) See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). You can lock the flash exposure so that the exposure settings are correctly set regardless of the composition of your subject. 2_’nP model p,ess the_bu»o»…
  • Page 43
    1 1 0 1 Various Shooting Methods Adjusting ISO Speed See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Raise the ISO speed to use a fast shutter speed when you wish to reduce the effects of camera shake or avoid blurry subjects, or to turn a dark area.
  • Page 44
    Various Shooting Methods | 1 1 1 when you shoot at a high ISO speed. • The camera automatically applies noise reduction processing • If the camera is set at [] or [], the tSO speed automatically set by the camera will be displayed when pressing the shutter button halfway or in playback information.
  • Page 45
    Various Shooting Methods 1. Use the ÷ or ,_ button to select [finn button], [On] or [Off]. 2. Press the _ button. • Sheeting ([_¢_ button] is Selected) Press shutter button halfway. • When [] is displayed, the _¢_ button lights in blue. button halfway, then…
  • Page 46
    Various Shooting Methods 1113 • Shooting ([On] is Selected)
  • Page 47
    1141 Various Shooting Methods l_lAdjusting the Exposure Compensation See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Adjust the exposure compensation to a positive value to avoid making the subject too dark when it is backlit or shot against a bright background.
  • Page 48
    Various Shooting Methods 11 1 5 _Switching between Metering Modes See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Appropriate for standard shooting conditions, including backlit scenes. The camera divides images into several zones for metering. It evaluates complex lighting conditions, such as the position of the subject, the brightness, the direct light, and the backlighting, and adjusts Evaluative…
  • Page 49
    1161 V arious Shooting Methods IAdjusting Tone (White Balance) See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Normally, the [] (Auto) white balance setting selects an optimal white balance. When the [] setting cannot produce natural looking colors, change the white balance using a setting appropriate for the light source.
  • Page 50
    Various Shooting Methods | 117 Using the Custom White Balance Take a custom white balance [] (Custom) reading for the following situations that are difficult for the [] (Auto) setting to detect correctly. Shooting close-ups (Macro) Shooting subjects of monotone color (such as sky, sea or forest) Shooting with a particular source of light (such as a mercury-vapor lamp) Select 1.
  • Page 51
    1181 Various Shooting Methods the exposure compensation setting to [+0] before setting a • You are recommended to set the shooting mode to p and custom white balance. The correct white balance may not be obtained when the exposure setting is incorrect (image appears completely black or white).
  • Page 52
    Various Shooting Methods 11 1 9 _ Shooting in a My Colors Mode See Functions Avai/able in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). You can change the look of an image when it is shot. My Colors Off Records normally with this setting. Emphasizes the contrast and color saturation to Vivid record bold colors.
  • Page 53
    120 _ Various Shooting Methods [](Setting Custom Color Mode) 1. Press the {_} button. 2. Use the ÷ or 4, button to select [] and choose [] with the ÷ or ._ button. ¸¸ 1. Press the _ button. 2. Use the ,IF or 4, button to select [Contrast], [Sharpness] or [Saturation].
  • Page 54
    Various Shooting Methods | 121 Switching between Flash Adjustment Settings See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Although the built-in flash will fire with automatic flash adjustments, it is also )ossibIe to set it so that it fires without any adjustments. Select [Flash Adjust],…
  • Page 55
    1221 V arious Shooting Methods I Adjusting Flash Compensation Settings See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Flash exposure compensation can be adjusted in the range of-2 to +2 stops in 1/3-stop increments. You can combine the flash exposure compensation with the camera’s exposure compensation function for…
  • Page 56
    Various Shooting Methods 1123 _ Setting Flash Output See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). When shooting, the flash output can be controlled in three steps, up to FULL. In TV and AM shooting modes, please set [Flash Adjust] to [Manual]. 1.
  • Page 57
    124 _ Various Shooting Methods Adjusting Exposure for Built-in Flash Shooting (Safety See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). The camera automatically changes the shutter speed or aperture value when the flash fires to avoid overexposing and blowing out the highlights in the scene.
  • Page 58
    Various Shooting Methods | 125 Registering Settings to the Print/ Share Button See Functions Availab/e in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). You can register a function that you often use when shooting with the (Print/Share) button. The following functions can be registered. Menu Item Page Menu Item…
  • Page 59
    1261 V arious Shooting Methods To Cancel the Shortcut Button: Select [] in Step 2. Using the _ Button For [] and _’_J,each time that the _¢v button is pressed, the settings of the registered functions are switched. For _1_J, the corresponding setup screen is displayed.
  • Page 60
    Various Shooting Methods 1127 _ Setting Display Overlays See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Lines]can be set. * Only [Gdd You can display vertical and horizontal grid lines, a 3:2 print area guide, or both on the LCD monitor while shooting to help check the position of your subject.
  • Page 61
    1281 V arious Shooting Methods I Setting the Auto Rotate Function Fo-][] See Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). Your camera is equipped with an Intelligent Orientation sensor that detects the orientation of an image shot with the camera held vertically and automatically rotates it to the correct orientation when viewing it in the LCD monitor.
  • Page 62
    Various Shooting Methods | 129 Orientation sensor judges the upper end to be «up» and the When the camera is held vertically to shoot, the Intelligent lower end to be «down». tt then regulates the optimal white balance, exposure and focus for vertical photography. This function operates regardless of the on/off status of the Auto Rotate function.
  • Page 63
    Various Shooting Methods 1. Use the ÷ or ,_ button to check mark [Create New Folder]. 2. Press the _ button two times. • will be displayed on the LCD monitor when shooting. will disappear from the screen when a new folder is created. Setting Day or Time for Automatic…
  • Page 64
    Various Shooting Methods 1131 _ Resetting File Number See Functions Avai/ab/e in Each Shooting Mode (p. 222). images you shoot are automatically assigned file numbers. can select how the file number is assigned. A number one higher than the last one recorded is assigned to the next image.
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    1321 Various Shooting Methods File Folder Numbers Recorded images are assigned consecutive file numbers starting with 0001 and ranging up to 9999, while folders are assigned numbers starting with 100 and ranging up to 999. Up to 2000 images can be saved into a single folder.
  • Page 66
    Playback!Erasing 1133 In playback mode, you can select images with the control dial. Turning it counterclockwise selects the previous image while turning it clockwise selects the next image. Please also see Viewing Still Images (p. 17). I 0, Magnifying Images To Cancel the Magnified Display: Press the zoom lever toward _.
  • Page 67: Playback/Erasing

    134 _ Playback/Erasing Viewing Images in Sets of Nine (Index Playback) toward Up to nine images can be viewed at once in index playback. Use the «1_, 4!% ÷ or ,_ button to change the image selection. Movie To Return to Single Image Playback: Press the zoom lever toward 0,.

  • Page 68
    Playback!Erasing 1135 Check the Focus and Facial Expressions of Subjects (Focus Check Display) Focus Check display allows you to check the focus of images taken. Moreover, as you can change the display magnification and switch images, you can easily check facial expressions and whether a subject’s eyes are closed.
  • Page 69
    136 [ Playback/Erasing Changing Display Magnification toward Screen bottom right will be displayed prominently. Switching Frames When multiple faces are detected, pressing the r:_._button switches the position of the orange frame.
  • Page 70
    Playback!Erasing | 137 Changing Display Position Press zoom lever toward Screen bottom right will be displayed prominenfiy. ÷,*, ÷or, button to change display )osition. When multiple faces are detected, each press of the 2s_ button switches between the different positions of the orange frames. When only one face is detected, pressing the _£_ button will return the orange frame to its original position.
  • Page 71
    I Playback/Erasing Jumping Images When you have many images recorded onto a memory card, it is handy to use the five search keys below to jump over images to find the object of your search. Jumps to the first image of each shooting Jump Shot Date date.
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    Playback!Erasing 1139 Viewing Movies (Movie Replay Control Panel) Moyies cannot be played in the index P!ayback mode_…
  • Page 73
    1401 Playback/Erasing Operating Movie Control Panel Exit Ends playback and returns to single image playback. m Print An icon will display when a printer is connected. See the Direct Print User Guide for details. Play Play You can use the ÷ button to slow down or the «I, _]_ Slow Motion button to speed up playback.
  • Page 74: Rotating Images In The Display

    1141 Playback!Erasing _ Rotating Images in the Display Images can be rotated clockwise 90 ° or 270 ° in the display. Original 90 ° 270 ° When images are downloaded to a computer, the orientation of images rotated by the camera will depend upon the so.are used to download the images.

  • Page 75
    1421 P layback/Erasing I Playback with Transition Effects You can select the transition effect displayed when switching between images. No transition effect. IThe displayed image darkens and the next image gradually brightens until it is displayed. IF1 I Press the ÷ button to have the previous image display from the left _’_ I and the ._ button to have the next image display from the right.
  • Page 76: Automated Playback (Auto Play)

    1143 Playback!Erasing i Automated Playback (Auto Play) Use this feature to automatically play back all of the images in the memory card. The LCD monitor displays each image for approximately 3 seconds. appear between images. f Transition is selected (p. 142), the selected transition effects…

  • Page 77
    1441 P layback/Erasing I Red-Eye Correction Function You can correct red eyes in recorded images. Red eyes may not be automatically detected in some images or the result s may not turn out as you intended. Examples: — Faces near the screen edges or faces that appear extremely small, large, dark or bright in relation to the overall image.
  • Page 78
    _ras_ng 1145 Correc2.1″ select PressUse the t he[Start]t thei÷,Q ,k,mage» button. <» or ._ button to Save image. 1. Use the 4_ _1, 4. or ._ button to select [New File] or [Overwrite]. 2. Press the _ button. • [New File]: Saved as new file with a new name.
  • Page 79
    1461 Playback/Erasing red-eye correction cannot be performed. • When there is not enough space left on the memory card, • Although you can apply red-eye correction any number of times to an image, the image quality will gradually deteriorate with each application. •…
  • Page 80
    1147 Playback!Erasing following (refer to the image in step 2): TO correctly perform red-eye correction, take note of the — Adjust the correction frame size so that it only surrounds the red-eye portion to be corrected. — When there are several subjects with red-eye, be sure to add one correction frame per subject.
  • Page 81
    1481 P layback/Erasing Removing Correction Frames Select [Remove Frame], 1. Use the ,I,, _1,, ÷ or 4, button to select [Remove Frame]. 2. Press the _ button. Adjust position of the correction frame, 1. Use the ÷ or ._ button to select a frame to remove.
  • Page 82
    1149 Playback!Erasing I Resizing Images You can resave images that were recorded at high recording pixel settings at lower settings. 11600 x 1200 pixels 640 × 480 pixels 320 × 240 pixels Select [Resize]. 1. Press the _ button. 2. In the [] menu, use the ÷…
  • Page 83
    Playback/Erasing Save image, 1. Use the ÷ or ,_, button to select [OK]. 2. Press the @ button. The resized image will be saved in a new file. • tf you wish to continue resizing of another image, repeat operations from step 2. Display saved image.
  • Page 84
    Playback!Erasing 1151 1. Use the ÷ or «I’ button to select r_. 2. Press the @ button. The elapsed time and the remaining time display. Pressing the FUNC./SET button pauses the recording. Pressing it Sound Memo Panel again resumes recording. Elapsed Time/ Up to 1 minute of recordings can be…
  • Page 85
    152 _ Playback/Erasing I Protecting Images You can protect important images and movies from accidental erasure. 1. Press the _ button. 2. In the [] menu, use the ÷ or 41, button to select [[] Protect]. 3. Press the @_ button. 1.
  • Page 86
    Playback!Erasing | 153 I Erasing Images You can erase images from a memory card. • Note that erased images cannot be recovered. Exercise adequate Caution before erasing an image. • Protected images cannot be erased with this function.
  • Page 87

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