Canon sx500 is инструкция на русском

У вас уже есть продукция Canon? Зарегистрируйте свои продукты для доступа к программному обеспечению и обновлениям встроенного ПО, а также подпишитесь на рассылку, чтобы получать персонализированные советы и эксклюзивные предложения


Загружайте ПО, встроенное ПО и руководства, а также получите доступ к материалам поддержки для вашего продукта серии PowerShot.


Для выполнения подключения некоторых устройств к компьютеру может потребоваться драйвер. На этой вкладке вы найдете соответствующие драйверы для своего устройства или, в случае отсутствия драйверов, описание совместимости устройства с каждой операционной системой.

Полезная информация. Доступ к программному обеспечению, руководствам и другим материалам можно получить с помощью вкладок, расположенных выше.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение загружать необязательно, но оно обеспечивает дополнительные функции и позволяет максимально эффективно пользоваться возможностями устройства. На этой вкладке можно просмотреть и загрузить доступное программное обеспечение для вашего устройства.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение загружать необязательно, но оно обеспечивает дополнительные функции и позволяет максимально эффективно пользоваться возможностями устройства. На этой вкладке можно просмотреть и загрузить доступное программное обеспечение для вашего устройства.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Руководства пользователя

Руководства для вашего устройства или программного обеспечения перечислены ниже.

Приложения и функции

На этой вкладке можно посмотреть доступные приложения и функции, совместимые с вашим устройством.

Встроенное ПО

Встроенное ПО — это постоянное программное обеспечение, установленное на устройстве и обеспечивающее его корректную работу. Canon может периодически выпускать обновления для этого встроенного ПО, и если обновление доступно, его можно загрузить ниже.


На этой вкладке вы найдете ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы и другую полезную информацию, которая поможет вам в решении вопросов и проблем.

Важная информация

На этой вкладке вы найдете подборку часто задаваемых вопросов, которые, на наш взгляд, будут вам интересны.

Коды ошибок

Код ошибки или сообщение об ошибке может появиться на устройстве по различным причинам. С помощью поля поиска можно найти полезную информацию о конкретном коде ошибки, где будут указаны причина ошибки и необходимые действия по ее устранению.

Технические характеристики

Ниже приведены все технические характеристики данного продукта.

Полезные ссылки

  • Ремонт

    Поиск центров по ремонту оборудования, полезная информация по процессу ремонта

  • Переработка

    Узнайте больше о программе утилизации картриджей Canon

  • Canon ID

    Регистрация продукта и управление аккаунтом Canon ID

Много инструкций

Canon PowerShot SX500 IS

Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для фотокамеры
Canon PowerShot SX500 IS
, описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.

Производитель настойчиво рекомендует перед включением фотокамеры
внимательно изучить настоящую инструкцию.

Инструкция для фотокамеры
представлена в формате PDF. Все современные браузеры уже поддерживают данный формат и сложностей с открытием файла возникнуть не должно.

Но если открыть инструкцию все же не удается, то необходимо установить на компьютер программу для чтения PDF файлов, например, Acrobat Reader. Если у вас возникли сложности с открытием инструкции на смартфоне под управлением Android, нужно установить, например, Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Комментарии (0)

Комментарии про другие Фотокамеры

Другие Фотокамеры Canon

Раздел: Видео Аудио Фото Оборудование

Тип: Цифровой Фотоаппарат

Характеристики, спецификации

Общее число пикселов:

16.6 млн

Число эффективных пикселов:

16 млн

Максимальное разрешение:

4608 x 3456


80 — 1600 ISO, Auto ISO

Баланс белого:

автоматический, ручная установка, из списка


встроенная, до 5 м, подавление эффекта красных глаз

Стабилизатор изображения (фотосъемка):

оптический, подвижный элемент в объективе

Скорость съемки:

0.8 кадр./сек

Время работы таймера:

2, 10 c

Формат кадра (фотосъемка):

4:3, 3:2, 1:1, 16:9

Фокусное расстояние:

24 — 720 мм

Функция «Оптический Zoom»:


Число оптических элементов:


Число групп оптических элементов:


Особенности устройства:

асферические линзы, низкодисперсные линзы

Использование экрана в качестве видоискателя:


Жидко кристалический экран:

461000 точек, 3 дюйма

Ручная настройка выдержки и диафрагмы:


Автоматическая обработка экспозиции:

с приоритетом затвора, с приоритетом диафрагмы

Экспо коррекция:

+/- 2 EV с шагом 1/3 ступени

Замер экспозиции:

центровзвешенный, общий (Evaluative), точечный

Подсветка автофокуса:


Корректировка автофокуса:


Тип карт памяти:


Форматы изображения:



USB 2.0, видео, HDMI, аудио

Формат аккумуляторов:

свой собственный

Количество аккумуляторов:


Емкость аккумулятора:

195 фотографий

Запись видео роликов:


Максимальное разрешение видеороликов:


Максимальная частота кадров видеоролика:

30 кадров/с

Максимальная частота кадров при съемке HD видео:

25/30 кадров/с при разрешении 1280×720

Функция «Цифровой Zoom»:


Вес устройства:

341 г, с элементами питания

Инструкция к Цифровому Фотоаппарату Canon SX500 IS

Руководство пользователя камеры

Перед началом работы обязательно ознакомьтесь с данным

Руководством, включая меры предосторожности.

Ознакомление с данным Руководством поможет научиться

правильному обращению с камерой.

Храните это Руководство в надежном месте, чтобы его можно

было использовать в будущем.


Комплект поставки

Перед использованием проверьте наличие в комплекте поставки камеры перечисленных

ниже комплектующих.

Если что-либо отсутствует, обращайтесь по месту приобретения камеры.

Аккумулятор NB-6L

Зарядное устройство



(с крышкой клемм)

Интерфейсный кабель

Шейный ремень



Крышка объектива

(со шнурком)



Начало работы Гарантийный талон Canon

на русском языке

* Содержит программное обеспечение (=31).

• Карта памяти не входит в комплект поставки.

• Дополнения или исправления к

Руководству пользователя камеры

(при наличии) приводятся

в конце настоящего Руководства.


Поддерживаемые карты памяти

Могут использоваться указанные ниже карты памяти (продаются отдельно), независимо

от их емкости.

• Карты памяти SD*

• Карты памяти SDHC*

• Карты памяти SDXC*

• Карты Eye-Fi

* Соответствуют спецификациям SD. Однако работа с данной камерой проверена не для всех карт


О картах Eye-Fi

Это изделие может не поддерживать все функции карты Eye-Fi (в том числе беспро-

водную передачу). При возникновении проблем при работе с картой Eye-Fi, пожалуйста,

прокон сультируйтесь с производителем карты.

Также имейте в виду, что во многих странах и регионах для пользования картой Eye-Fi

требуется специальное разрешение, без которого ее применение запрещено. Для выяс-

нения того, разрешено ли применение данной карты в данном регионе, пожалуйста,

проконсультируйтесь с производителем карты.


Предварительные замечания и юридическая


• Сначала снимите и проверьте несколько тестовых снимков, чтобы убедиться в правиль-

ности их записи. Обратите внимание на то, что компания Canon Inc., ее филиалы

и дочерние компании, а также дистрибьюторы не несут никакой ответ ственности

за любой ущерб, обусловленный какой-либо неисправностью камеры и ее принад-

лежностей (включая карты памяти), приводящей к сбою в записи изображения или

к записи изображения не тем способом, на который рассчитан аппарат.

• Изображения, снятые камерой, предназначены для личного использования. Не произ-

водите несанкционированную съемку, нарушающую законы об охране авторских прав,

и обратите внимание, что фотосъемка даже для личного использования, произ води-

мая на представлениях и выставках, а также в некоторых коммерческих ситуациях,

может нарушать авторские права или другие юридические права.

• Условия гарантии на камеру см. в гарантийном талоне Canon на русском языке,

входящем в комплект поставки камеры.

Контактную информацию службы поддержки клиентов компании Canon см. в гаран-

тийном талоне Canon на русском языке.

• Хотя жидкокристаллический монитор изготавливается с использованием высоко-

преци зионных технологий, и более 99,99% пикселов соответствуют техническим

требованиям, в редких случаях отдельные пикселы могут иметь дефекты или отобра-

жаться в виде красных или черных точек. Это не свидетельствует о повреждении

камеры и не влияет на записываемые изображения.

• Для защиты от царапин во время транспортировки ЖК-монитор может быть закрыт

тонкой пластиковой пленкой. В таком случае перед началом использования камеры

удалите пленку.

• При длительном использовании камеры она может стать теплой. Это не является

признаком неисправности.


Структура Руководства пользователя камеры

В комплект поставки входят следующие Руководства, каждое из которых имеет собствен-

ное назначение.

Руководство по основным операциям (=17)

• Содержит основные инструкции, от первоначальной подготовки до съемки, воспро-

изведения и сохранения в компьютер.

Руководство по расширенным операциям (=41)

• Практическое руководство, в котором приводятся прочие основные сведения о камере

и рассматриваются параметры съемки и воспроизведения.


Названия компонентов и условные обозначения

Рычаг зумирования


Съемка: <i (положение телефото)>/


<j (широкоугольное положение)>

Кнопка < (Помощь в кадрировке –




<k (увеличение)>/<g (индекс)>


Кнопка спуска затвора

Штативное гнездо

Крепление ремня

Крышка адаптера постоянного тока

Диск установки режима

Крышка гнезда карты памяти/отсека

Кнопка ON/OFF


• Режимы съемки, а также значки и текст, отображаемые на экране, указываются

в скобках.


: Важные сведения, которые следует знать


: Примечания и советы для квалифицированного использования камеры

• =xx: Страницы со связанной информацией (в этом примере символы «xx» означают

номер страницы)

• Инструкции данного Руководства относятся к камере с настройками по умолчанию.

• Для удобства все поддерживаемые карты памяти обозначаются просто как «карта


• Вкладки над заголовками указывают, используется ли функция для фотографий,

для видеофильмов или как для фотографий, так и для видеофильмов.


: Указывает, что функция используется при съемке или просмотре



: Указывает, что функция используется при съемке или просмотре



Названия компонентов и условные обозначения

Экран (ЖК-монитор)

Кнопка <l (Индикация)>


Кнопка <n>


Кнопка < (Число ISO)>/


(Фильтрация изображений)>/

Кнопка <1 (Воспроизведение)>


Кнопка видеосъемки

Кнопка <e (Макро)>/<f (Ручная

Разъем AV OUT (Аудио/видеовыход)/




Диск управления

Разъем HDMI

Кнопка FUNC./SET

Кнопка <b (Компенсация экспозиции)>/

Кнопка <h (Вспышка)>/«Вправо»

<a (Стирание одного изображения)>

Кнопка <Q (Автоспуск)>/«Вниз»


Поворот диска управления – это один из спосо-

бов задания параметров, перехода между изо бра-

же ниями и выполнения прочих операций.

Большинство таких операций можно также выпол-

нить с помощью кнопок <o><p><q><r>.

• В данном Руководстве значки служат для обозначения кнопок и дисков камеры,

на которые эти значки нанесены или на которые они похожи.

• Значками обозначаются следующие кнопки и органы управления камеры.


Кнопка «Вверх» на задней панели


Кнопка «Вниз» на задней панели


Кнопка «Влево» на задней панели

<5> Диск управления на задней панели


Кнопка «Вправо» на задней панели



Комплект поставки ……………………………..2

Функции настройки изображения ………67

Поддерживаемые карты памяти …………..3

Полезные функции съемки ………………..72

Предварительные замечания

Настройка работы камеры ………………… 75

и юридическая информация ………………..4

3 Другие режимы съемки …………….77

Структура Руководства

пользователя камеры ………………………….5

Скрытный режим……………………………….78

Названия компонентов и условные

Настройка яркости/цвета

обозначения ……………………………………….6

(Непосредственный контроль) ……………79

Содержание ………………………………………. 8

Определенные сюжеты ……………………..80

Содержание: основные операции ……… 10

Эффекты изображения

Меры предосторожности ……………………12

(Творческие фильтры) ……………………….82

Специальные режимы для

Основные операции …………………… 17

других целей …………………………………….87

Съемка различных видеофильмов……..88

Начальная подготовка ……………………….18

Опробование камеры ………………………..26

4 Режим P …………………………………….91

Прилагаемое программное

обеспечение и руководства ………………. 31

Съемка в режиме программной

автоэкспозиции (режим <P>)……………..92

Принадлежности ………………………………. 39

Яркость изображения

(Компенсация экспозиции) ……………….. 93

Руководство по расширенным

Цвет и серийная съемка ……………………98

операциям ………………………………….. 41

Диапазон съемки и фокусировка …….. 103

Вспышка ………………………………………… 111

1 Основные сведения о камере …..41

Прочие настройки ……………………………114

Включение и выключение ………………….42

5 Режимы Tv, Av и M …………………..115

Кнопка спуска затвора ………………………43

Режимы съемки…………………………………44

Конкретные значения выдержки

Варианты индикации при съемке ……….45

затвора (режим <Tv>)………………………116

Меню FUNC. ……………………………………..46

Конкретные значения величины

Меню MENU ……………………………………..47

диафрагмы (режим <Av>) ………………..117

Индикатор ………………………………………..49

Конкретные значения выдержки

затвора и величины диафрагмы

Часы …………………………………………………49

(режим <M>)……………………………………118

2 Режим Smart Auto ……………………..51

6 Режим воспроизведения ………..121

Съемка (Smart Auto) ………………………….52

Просмотр ………………………………………..122

Часто используемые удобные

Обзор и фильтрация изображений ……126

функции …………………………………………..60



Варианты просмотра изображений …… 129

9 Приложение …………………………….195

Защита изображений ……………………… 132

Устранение неполадок ……………………. 196

Стирание изображений …………………… 136

Сообщения, выводимые на экран ……. 200

Поворот изображений ……………………..140

Информация, выводимая на экран ……202

Категории изображений ………………….. 142

Таблицы функций и меню ………………..206

Редактирование фотографий ………….. 146

Правила обращения ………………………..216

Редактирование видеофильмов ………. 153

Технические характеристики ……………217

Алфавитный указатель …………………….221

7 Меню настройки ……………………..155

Настройка основных функций

камеры …………………………………………..156

8 Принадлежности …………………….169

Рекомендации по использованию

прилагаемых принадлежностей ……….170

Дополнительно приобретаемые

принадлежности ……………………………..171

Использование дополнительно

приобретаемых принадлежностей ……. 173

Печать изображений ………………………. 179

Использование карты Eye-Fi …………….193


Содержание: основные операции

4 Съемка

Использование настроек, определенных камерой (режим «Авто») ……………………. 52

Качественная съемка людей




На снежном фоне





В соответствии с конкретными сюжетами


Недостаточная освещенность






Применение специальных эффектов

Яркие цвета

Эффект плаката

Эффект «Рыбий глаз»







Эффект миниатюры

Эффект игрушечной камеры








Там, где звуки и вспышка запрещены (Скрытный режим) ………………………………… 78

С настройкой параметров изображения (Непосредственный контроль) ……………. 79

Фокусировка на лица ………………………………………………………………………… 52, 80, 106

Включение себя в кадр (Автоспуск) …………………………………………………………… 62, 87

Добавление штампа даты ………………………………………………………………………………. 65


Содержание: основные операции

1 Просмотр

Просмотр изображений (режим воспроизведения) ………………………………………… 122

Автоматическое воспроизведение (Слайд-шоу) …………………………………………….. 130

На экране телевизора ………………………………………………………………………………….. 173

На экране компьютера …………………………………………………………………………………… 32

Быстрый обзор изображений ………………………………………………………………………… 126

Стирание изображений ………………………………………………………………………………… 136

E Съемка/просмотр видеозаписей

Съемка видеофильмов …………………………………………………………………………….. 52, 88

Просмотр видеофильмов (режим воспроизведения) ……………………………………… 122

c Печать

Печать изображений ……………………………………………………………………………………. 179


Сохранение изображений в компьютере …………………………………………………………. 32


Меры предосторожности

• Перед использованием камеры обязательно прочтите приведенные ниже правила

техники безопасности. Строго следите за соблюдением правил надлежащего обра-

щения с камерой.

• Рассматриваемые на последующих страницах меры предосторожности позволят

исключить нанесение травм Вам и другим людям, а также избежать повреждения


• Также обязательно изучите руководства, входящие в комплект поставки всех исполь-

зуемых Вами дополнительных принадлежностей.

Указывает на возможность серьезной травмы,


вплоть до смертельного исхода.

• Запрещается применять вспышку в непосредственной близости от глаз людей.

Воздействие света повышенной интенсивности, испускаемого вспышкой, может привести

к ухудшению зрения. В частности, при съемке детей минимально допустимое расстояние

до ребенка составляет 1 м.

• Оборудование следует хранить в местах, недоступных для детей и подростков.

Ремень: попадание ремня на шею ребенка может привести к удушению.

• Используйте только рекомендованные источники питания.

• Запрещается разбирать, модифицировать или нагревать изделие.

• Не допускайте падения изделия или сильных ударов по нему.

• Если изделие упало или каким-либо другим образом повреждено, во избежание

опасности получения травмы не дотрагивайтесь до его внутренних деталей.

• Если из изделия идет дым, ощущается посторонний запах или изделие работает

неправильно, немедленно прекратите использование изделия.

• Запрещается чистить изделие органическими растворителями, такими как спирт,

бензин или разбавитель для краски.

• Не допускайте контакта изделия с водой (например, морской) или другими


• Не допускайте попадания в камеру жидкостей или посторонних предметов.

Возможно поражение электрическим током или возгорание.

В случае попадания внутрь камеры жидкости или посторонних предметов немедленно

выключите камеру и извлеките из нее аккумулятор.

В случае намокания зарядного устройства отсоедините его от электрической розетки

и обратитесь к дистрибьютору камеры или в службу поддержки клиентов компании



Меры предосторожности

• Пользуйтесь только рекомендованным аккумулятором.

• Не оставляйте аккумулятор рядом с открытым огнем и не бросайте его в огонь.

• Регулярно отсоединяйте кабель питания и сухой тканью удаляйте пыль и загряз-

нения, скапливающиеся на вилке, внутренних поверхностях электрической розетки

и на окружающих областях.

• Не беритесь за кабель питания влажными руками.

• При использовании оборудования следите, чтобы его мощность не превышала

номинальной нагрузочной способности электрической розетки или соедини тель-

ных проводов. Не используйте оборудование с поврежденным кабелем или вилкой

питания, а также следите, чтобы вилка была полностью вставлена в розетку.

• Не допускайте соприкосновения металлических предметов (например, булавок

или ключей) с контактами или вилкой, а также загрязнения контактов или вилки.

Возможен взрыв или утечка электролита из аккумулятора и, как следствие, поражение

электрическим током или пожар. Это может привести к получению травмы и повреж де нию

окружающей обстановки. Если при протечке аккумулятора вытекший из него электролит

попал в глаза, в рот, на кожу или на одежду, немедленно смойте его водой.

• Выключайте камеру в местах, в которых ее использование запрещено.

Излучаемые камерой электромагнитные волны могут мешать работе электронных

приборов или других устройств. Соблюдайте необходимую осторожность при исполь-

зовании камеры в местах, в которых ограничено использование электронных устройств,

например в самолетах или в медицинских учреждениях.

• Не пытайтесь проигрывать прилагаемый компакт-диск (или диски) в проигрывателе,

не поддерживающем воспроизведение компакт-дисков с записанными данными.

При прослушивании через наушники громких звуков, возникающих при проигрывании

этих компакт-дисков в проигрывателях музыкальных компакт-дисков, возможно повреж-

дение слуха. Кроме того, это может привести к повреждению громкоговорителей.

Указывает на возможность травмы.


• Держа камеру за ремень, соблюдайте осторожность, чтобы не допускать ударов

по камере, не подвергать ее чрезмерным механическим нагрузкам и тряске,

а также не допускать зацепления ремня за другие предметы.

• Будьте осторожны, чтобы не допускать ударов или сильного нажатия на объектив.

Это может привести к травме или к поломке камеры.

• Будьте осторожны, чтобы не допускать сильных ударов по экрану.

Если экран треснет, осколки могут стать причиной травмы.


Меры предосторожности

• Следите, чтобы в процессе съемки не закрывать вспышку пальцами или одеждой.

Это может привести к ожогам или повреждению вспышки.

• Не используйте, не оставляйте и не храните изделие в следующих местах:

под яркими солнечными лучами;

при температуре выше 40 °C;

во влажных или пыльных местах.

В противном случае возможна протечка, перегрев или взрыв аккумулятора, и, в резуль-

тате, поражение электрическим током, возникновение пожара или причинение ожогов

и других травм.

Высокая температура может привести к деформации корпуса камеры или зарядного


• При длительном просмотре эффекты перехода между кадрами слайд-шоу

могут вызывать дискомфорт.

Указывает на возможность повреждения



• Не направляйте камеру на яркие источники света (например, на солнце в ясный


В противном случае возможно повреждение датчика изображения.

• При использовании камеры на пляже или в ветреных местах не допускайте

попадания внутрь камеры пыли или песка.

Это может привести к неполадкам в работе изделия.

• При обычном использовании от вспышки может идти небольшой дымок.

Это вызвано тем, что из-за высокой интенсивности вспышки сгорают пыль и другие

посторонние материалы, попавшие на линзу вспышки. Во избежание перегрева и

повреждения вспышки удаляйте с нее грязь, пыль и другие посторонние материалы

с помощью ватной палочки.

• Если камера не используется, извлеките из нее аккумулятор и уберите его

на хранение.

Если оставить аккумулятор в камере, он может протечь и повредить камеру.

• Перед тем как выбросить аккумулятор, закройте его клеммы лентой или другим

изоляционным материалом.

Контакт с другими металлическими предметами может привести к возгоранию или



Меры предосторожности

• Отключайте зарядное устройство от электрической розетки после завершения

зарядки или когда Вы не пользуетесь зарядным устройством.

• Во время зарядки не кладите на зарядное устройство никакие предметы, например


Если устройство длительное время остается подключенным к электрической розетке,

оно может перегреться и деформироваться, что, в свою очередь, может привести

к возгоранию.

• Не оставляйте аккумулятор в местах, доступных домашним животным.

Если животное укусит аккумулятор, возможна протечка, перегрев или взрыв аккуму-

лятора и, в результате, возникновение пожара или причинение ущерба.

• Убирая камеру в сумку, следите, чтобы твердые предметы не касались экрана


• Не закрепляйте на камере никакие твердые предметы.

В противном случае возможно возникновение неполадок или повреждение экрана.


Основные операции

Содержит основные инструкции, от первоначальной

подготовки до съемки, воспроизведения и сохранения

в компьютер.


Начальная подготовка

Выполните указанную ниже подготовку к съемке.

Закрепление ремня

1 Закрепите ремень.

Закрепите прилагаемый ремень на камере, как

показано на рисунке.

На другой стороне камеры закрепите ремень

аналогичным образом.

2 Закрепите крышку объектива на ремне.

Снимите с камеры крышку объектива и закрепите

шнурок крышки объектива на ремне.

Перед включением камеры обязательно снимайте

крышку объектива.

Когда камера не используется, устанавливайте

крышку объектива на объектив.

Как правильно держать камеру

Наденьте ремень на шею.

Во время съемки прижмите локти к туловищу

и надежно держите камеру, чтобы исключить

ее перемещение. Если Вы подняли вспышку,

не кладите на нее пальцы.


Начальная подготовка

Зарядка аккумулятора

Перед использованием зарядите аккумулятор с помощью прилагаемого зарядного

устройства. Обязательно сначала зарядите аккумулятор, так как камера продается

с незаряженным аккумулятором.

1 Снимите крышку отсека аккумулятора

и установите аккумулятор в зарядное


Снимите крышку с аккумулятора, совместите

метки на аккумуляторе и зарядном устрой-

стве и установите аккумулятор, нажав на него

внутрь (

) и опустив ( ).

2 Зарядите аккумулятор.

CB-2LY: откройте контакты вилки ( ) и подклю-

чите зарядное устройство к электри ческой

розетке (



CB-2LYE: подключите кабель питания к заряд-

ному устройству, затем подключите другой

конец кабеля к электрической розетке.

Индикатор зарядки загорается оранжевым

цветом, и начинается зарядка.

После завершения зарядки цвет индикатора


изменяется на зеленый.

3 Извлеките аккумулятор.

Отсоединив зарядное устройство от сети,

извлеките аккумулятор, нажав на него внутрь


) и вверх ( ).

• Для защиты аккумулятора и поддержания его оптимального состояния дли тель-

ность непрерывной зарядки не должна превышать 24 ч.

• В случае зарядных устройств, в которых используется кабель питания, запре-

щается подключать зарядное устройство или кабель питания к посторонним

предметам. Несоблюдение этого требования может привести к неполадкам

или повреждению изделия.


Начальная подготовка

• Подробные сведения о времени зарядки, а также о количестве кадров и времени съемки

с полностью заряженным аккумулятором см. в разделе «Технические характеристики»



Установка аккумулятора и карты памяти

Установите прилагаемый аккумулятор и карту памяти (продается отдельно).

Обратите внимание, что перед использованием новой карты памяти (или карты памяти,

отформатированной в другом устройстве) необходимо отформатировать эту карту памяти

в данной камере (=


1 Проверьте положение язычка защиты

от записи на карте памяти.

Запись на карты памяти с язычком защиты

от записи невозможна, если язычок находится

в положении блокировки (опущен вниз). Сдвиньте

язычок вверх до переключения со щелчком

в разблокированное положение.

2 Откройте крышку.

Сдвиньте крышку ( ) и откройте ее ( ).

3 Вставьте аккумулятор.

Нажимая на фиксатор аккумулятора в направ-

лении стрелки, вставьте аккумулятор в показан-

ной ориентации и нажмите на него до фиксации

со щелчком.

Аккумулятор, вставленный в неправильной ориен-

тации, не фиксируется в правильном положении.

При установке аккумулятора обязательно прове-

ряйте правильность его ориентации и надежность

Контакты Аккумулятор




Аннотация для Цифрового Фотоаппарата Canon SX500 IS в формате PDF

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Canon PowerShot SX500 IS User Manual

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Camera User Guide

• Make sure you read this guide, including the «Safety

Precautions» section, before using the camera.

• Reading this guide will help you learn to use the camera


• Store this guide safely so that you can use it in the future.



Related Manuals for Canon PowerShot SX500 IS

Summary of Contents for Canon PowerShot SX500 IS

  • Page 1
    Camera User Guide • Make sure you read this guide, including the “Safety Precautions” section, before using the camera. • Reading this guide will help you learn to use the camera properly. • Store this guide safely so that you can use it in the future. ENGLISH…
  • Page 2: Package Contents

    Package Contents Before use, make sure the following items are included in the package. If anything is missing, contact your camera dealer. Battery Charger Battery Pack NB-6L CB-2LY/CB-2LYE (with terminal cover) Camera Interface Cable Neck Strap IFC-400PCU NS-DC11 Lens Cap (with cord) DIGITAL CAMERA Warranty Card Getting Started Solution Disk* (CD-ROM) * Contains software and PDF manuals (= 3 1). • A memory card is not included. • Any supplements or revisions to the Camera User Guide are included at the end of this guide.

  • Page 3: Compatible Memory Cards

    Compatible Memory Cards The following memory cards (sold separately) can be used, regardless of capacity. • SD memory cards* • SDHC memory cards* • SDXC memory cards* • Eye-Fi cards * Conforms to SD specifications. However, not all memory cards have been verified to work with the camera. About Eye-Fi Cards This product is not guaranteed to support Eye-Fi card functions (including wireless transfer). In case of an issue with an Eye-Fi card, please check with the card manufacturer. Also note that an approval is required to use Eye-Fi cards in many countries or regions. Without approval, use of the card is not permitted. If it is unclear whether the card has been approved for use in the area, please check with the card manufacturer.

  • Page 4: Preliminary Notes And Legal Information

    Preliminary Notes and Legal Information • Take and review some test shots initially to make sure the images were recorded correctly. Please note that Canon Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates, and its distributors are not liable for any consequential damages arising from any malfunction of a camera or accessory, including memory cards, that results in the failure of an image to be recorded or to be recorded in a way that is machine readable. • Images recorded by the camera are intended for personal use. Refrain from unauthorized recording that infringes on copyright law, and note that even for personal use, photography may contravene copyright or other legal rights at some performances or exhibitions, or in some commercial settings. • The camera warranty is valid only in the area of purchase. In case of camera problems while abroad, return to the area of purchase before contacting a Canon Customer Support Help Desk. • Although the LCD monitor is produced under extremely high-precision manufacturing conditions and more than 99.99% of the pixels meet design specifications, in rare cases some pixels may be defective or may appear as red or black dots. This does not indicate camera damage or affect recorded images. • The LCD monitor may be covered with a thin plastic film for protection against scratches during shipment. If covered, remove the film before using the camera. • When the camera is used over an extended period, it may become warm. This does not indicate damage.

  • Page 5: Organization Of Camera User Guide

    Organization of Camera User Guide The following guides are included, each used for different purposes. Basic Guide (= 1 7) • Gives basic instructions, from initial preparations to shooting, playback, and saving on a computer Advanced Guide (= 4 1) • Practical guide that introduces other camera basics and describes shooting and playback options…

  • Page 6: Part Names And Conventions In This Guide

    Part Names and Conventions in This Guide Zoom lever Flash Shooting: <i (telephoto)> / Lamp <j (wide angle)> < (Framing Assist – Seek)> Playback: <k (magnify)> / button <g (index)> Lens Shutter button Tripod socket Strap mount DC coupler terminal cover Mode dial Memory card/battery cover Power button • Shooting modes and on-screen icons and text are indicated in brackets. : Important information you should know • : Notes and tips for expert camera use • • =xx: Pages with related information (in this example, “xx” represents a page number) • Instructions in this guide apply to the camera under default settings. • For convenience, all supported memory cards are simply referred to as “the memory card”. • The tabs shown above titles indicate whether the function is used for still images, movies, or both.

  • Page 7
    Part Names and Conventions in This Guide Screen (LCD monitor) <l (Display)> button Microphone <n> button Speaker < (ISO speed)> / < (Filter image display)> / <1 (Playback)> button Up button Movie button <e (Macro)> / <f (Manual AV OUT (Audio/video output) / focus)> / Left button DIGITAL terminal Control dial HDMI terminal FUNC./SET button <b (Exposure compensation)> / <h (Flash)> / Right button <a (Single image erase)> button <Q (Self-timer)> / Down button Indicator Turning the control dial is one way to choose setting items, switch images, and perform other operations. Most of these operations are also possible with the <o><p><q><r> buttons. • In this guide, icons are used to represent the corresponding camera buttons and dials on which they appear or which they resemble. • The following camera buttons and controls are represented by icons. <o> Up button on back <p> Down button on back <q> Left button on back <5> Control dial on back <r> Right button on back…
  • Page 8: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Package Contents ……2 Helpful Shooting Features …72 Compatible Memory Cards ….3 Customizing Camera Operation ……..75 Preliminary Notes and Legal Information ……..4 Other Shooting Modes ..77 Organization of Camera User Guide ……..5 Discreet Mode ……78 Part Names and Conventions in Brightness/Color Customization This Guide……..6 (Live View Control) …….79 Table of Contents ……8 Specific Scenes ……80 Contents: Basic Operations ..10 Image Effects (Creative Filters) …82 Safety Precautions …….12 Special Modes for Other Purposes ……..87 Basic Guide ….

  • Page 9
    Table of Contents Appendix ……195 Image Viewing Options ….129 Protecting Images ……132 Troubleshooting ……196 Erasing Images ……136 On-Screen Messages ….200 Rotating Images ……140 On-Screen Information ….202 Image Categories ……142 Functions and Menu Tables ..206 Editing Still Images ….146 Handling Precautions ….216 Editing Movies……153 Specifications ……217 Index ……….221 Setting Menu ……155 Adjusting Basic Camera Functions ……..156 Accessories …….169 Tips on Using Included Accessories……..170 Optional Accessories ….171 Using Optional Accessories ..173 Printing Images ……179 Using an Eye-Fi Card….193…
  • Page 10: Contents: Basic Operations

    Contents: Basic Operations Shoot Use camera-determined settings (Auto Mode) ……..52 Shooting people well Portraits Against Snow (= 8 0) (= 8 1) Matching specific scenes Low Light Fireworks (= 8 0) (= 8 1) Applying special effects Vivid Colors Poster Effect Fish-Eye Effect (= 8 2) (= 8 2) (= 8 3) Miniature Effect Toy Camera Effect…

  • Page 11
    Contents: Basic Operations 1 View View images (Playback Mode) …………122 Automatic playback (Slideshow) …………130 On a TV ………………..173 On a computer ………………32 Browse through images quickly …………126 Erase images ………………136 E Shoot/View Movies Shoot movies …………….. 52, 88 View movies (Playback Mode) …………122 c Print Print pictures ………………179 Save Save images to a computer …………..32…
  • Page 12: Safety Precautions

    • Be sure to also check the guides included with any separately sold accessories you use. Warning Denotes the possibility of serious injury or death. • Do not trigger the flash in close proximity to people’s eyes. Exposure to the intense light produced by the flash could damage eyesight. In particular, remain at least 1 meter (39 inches) away from infants when using the flash. • Store this equipment out of the reach of children and infants. Strap: Putting the strap around a child’s neck could result in asphyxiation. • Use only recommended power sources. • Do not attempt to disassemble, alter or apply heat to the product. • Avoid dropping or subjecting the product to severe impacts. • To avoid the risk of injury, do not touch the interior of the product if it has been dropped or otherwise damaged. • Stop using the product immediately if it emits smoke, a strange smell, or otherwise behaves abnormally. • Do not use organic solvents such as alcohol, benzine, or thinner to clean the product. • Do not let the product come into contact with water (e.g. sea water) or other liquids. • Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to enter the camera. This could result in electrical shock or fire. If liquids or foreign objects come into contact with the camera interior, immediately turn the camera off and remove the battery. If the battery charger becomes wet, unplug it from the outlet and consult your camera distributor or a Canon Customer Support Help Desk.

  • Page 13
    Safety Precautions • Use only the recommended battery. • Do not place the battery near or in direct flame. • Unplug the power cord periodically, and using a dry cloth, wipe away any dust and dirt that has collected on the plug, the exterior of the power outlet, and the surrounding area. • Do not handle the power cord with wet hands. • Do not use the equipment in a manner that exceeds the rated capacity of the electrical outlet or wiring accessories. Do not use if the power cord or plug are damaged, or not fully plugged into the outlet. • Do not allow dirt or metal objects (such as pins or keys) to contact the terminals or plug. The battery may explode or leak, resulting in electrical shock or fire. This could cause injury and damage the surroundings. In the event that a battery leaks and the battery electrolyte contacts eyes, mouth, skin or clothing, immediately flush with water. • Turn the camera off in places where camera use is prohibited. The electromagnetic waves emitted by the camera may interfere with the operation of electronic instruments and other devices. Exercise adequate caution when using the camera in places where use of electronic devices is restricted, such as inside airplanes and medical facilities. • Do not play the supplied CD-ROM(s) in any CD player that does not support data CD-ROMs. It is possible to suffer hearing loss from listening with headphones to the loud sounds of a CD-ROM played on an audio CD player (music player). Additionally, this could damage the speakers. Caution Denotes the possibility of injury. • When holding the camera by the strap, be careful not to bang it, subject it to strong impacts or shocks, or let it get caught on other objects.
  • Page 14
    Safety Precautions • When using the flash, be careful not to cover it with your fingers or clothing. This could result in burns or damage to the flash. • Avoid using, placing or storing the product in the following places: — Places subject to strong sunlight — Places subject to temperatures above 40 °C (104 °F) — Humid or dusty areas These could cause leakage, overheating or an explosion of the battery, resulting in electrical shock, fire, burns or other injuries. High temperatures may cause deformation of the camera or battery charger casing. • The slideshow transition effects may cause discomfort when viewed for prolonged periods. Caution Denotes the possibility of damage to the equipment. • Do not aim the camera at bright light sources (such as the sun on a clear day). Doing so may damage the image sensor. • When using the camera on a beach or at a windy location, be careful not to allow dust or sand to enter the camera. This may cause the product to malfunction. • In regular use, small amounts of smoke may be emitted from the flash. This is due to the high intensity of the flash burning dust and foreign materials stuck to the front of the unit. Please use a cotton swab to remove dirt, dust or other foreign matter from the flash to prevent heat build-up and damage to the unit. • Remove and store the battery when you are not using the camera. If the battery is left inside the camera, damage caused by leakage may occur. • Before you discard the battery, cover the terminals with tape or other insulators.
  • Page 15
    Safety Precautions • Unplug the battery charger from the power outlet after charging is complete, or when you are not using it. • Do not place anything, such as cloth, on top of the battery charger while it is charging. Leaving the unit plugged in for a long period of time may cause it to overheat and distort, resulting in fire. • Do not place the battery near pets. Pets biting the battery could cause leakage, overheating or explosion, resulting in fire or damage. • When putting the camera in your bag, ensure that hard objects do not come into contact with the screen. • Do not attach any hard objects to the camera. Doing so may cause malfunctions or damage the screen.
  • Page 17: Basic Guide

    Basic Guide Gives basic instructions, from initial preparations to shooting, playback, and saving on a computer…

  • Page 18: Initial Preparations

    Initial Preparations Prepare for shooting as follows. Attaching the Strap Attach the strap. Attach the included strap to the camera as shown. On the other side of the camera, attach the strap the same way. Attach the lens cap to the strap. Remove the lens cap from the camera and attach the lens cap cord to the strap. Always remove the lens cap before turning the camera on. Keep the lens cap on the lens when the camera is not in use. Holding the Camera Place the strap around your neck. When shooting, keep your arms close to your body and hold the camera securely to prevent it from moving. If you have raised the flash, do not rest your fingers on it.

  • Page 19: Charging The Battery

    Initial Preparations Charging the Battery Before use, charge the battery with the included charger. Be sure to charge the battery initially, because the camera is not sold with the battery charged. Remove the battery cover and insert the battery in the charger. Remove the cover from the battery, align the p marks on the battery and charger, and insert the battery by pushing it in ( ) and down ( ). Charge the battery. CB-2LY: Flip out the plug ( ) and plug the charger into a power outlet ( ). CB-2LYE: Plug the power cord into the charger, then plug the other end into a CB-2LY power outlet. The charging lamp turns orange and charging begins. When the charging is finished, the lamp turns green. CB-2LYE Remove the battery. After unplugging the battery charger, remove the battery by pushing it in ( ) and up ( ). • To protect the battery and keep it in optimal condition, do not charge it continuously for more than 24 hours. • For battery chargers that use a power cord, do not attach the charger or cord to other objects. Doing so could result in malfunction or damage to the product.

  • Page 20: Inserting The Battery And Memory Card

    Initial Preparations • For details on charging time and the number of shots and recording time possible with a fully charged battery, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Inserting the Battery and Memory Card Insert the included battery and a memory card (sold separately). Note that before using a new memory card (or a memory card formatted in another device), you should format the memory card with this camera (= 1 60). Check the card’s write-protect tab. Recording is not possible on memory cards with a write-protect tab when the tab is in the locked (downward) position. Slide the tab up until it clicks into the unlocked position. Open the cover. Slide the cover ( ) and open it ( ). Insert the battery. While pressing the battery lock in the direction of the arrow, insert the battery as shown and push it in until it clicks into the locked position. If you insert the battery facing the wrong way, it cannot be locked into the correct position. Always confirm that the battery is facing the right way and locks when inserted.

  • Page 21
    Initial Preparations Insert the memory card. Insert the memory card facing as shown until it clicks into the locked position. Make sure the memory card is facing the right way when you insert it. Inserting memory cards facing the wrong way may damage the camera. Label Close the cover. Lower the cover ( ) and hold it down as you slide it, until it clicks into the closed position ( ). • For guidelines on how many shots or hours of recording can be saved on one memory card, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Removing the Battery and Memory Card Remove the battery. Open the cover and press the battery lock in the direction of the arrow. The battery will pop up.
  • Page 22: Setting The Date And Time

    Initial Preparations Remove the memory card. Push the memory card in until it clicks, and then slowly release it. The memory card will pop up. Setting the Date and Time Set the current date and time correctly as follows if the [Date/Time] screen is displayed when you turn the camera on. Information you specify this way is recorded in image properties when you shoot, and it is used when you manage images by shooting date or print images showing the date. You can also add a date stamp to shots, if you wish (= 6 5). Turn the camera on. Press the power button. The [Date/Time] screen is displayed. Set the date and time. Press the <q><r> buttons to choose an option. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to specify the date and time. When finished, press the <m> button.

  • Page 23
    Initial Preparations Set the home time zone. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose your home time zone. Finish the setup process. Press the <m> button to complete the setting. The setting screen is no longer displayed. To turn off the camera, press the power button. • Unless you set the date, time, and home time zone, the [Date/ Time] screen will be displayed each time you turn the camera on. Specify the correct information. • To set daylight saving time (1 hour ahead), choose [ ] in step 2 and then choose [ ] by pressing the <o><p> buttons or turning the <5> dial. Changing the Date and Time Adjust the date and time as follows. Access the camera menu. Press the <n> button.
  • Page 24
    Initial Preparations Choose [Date/Time]. Move the zoom lever to choose the [3] tab. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Date/Time], and then press the <m> button. Change the date and time. Follow step 2 on = 2 2 to adjust the settings. Press the <n> button to close the menu. • Date/time settings can be retained for about 3 weeks by the camera’s built-in date/time battery (backup battery) after the battery pack is removed. • The date/time battery will be charged in about 4 hours once you insert a charged battery or connect the camera to an AC adapter kit (sold separately, = 1 71), even if the camera is left off. • Once the date/time battery is depleted, the [Date/Time] screen will be displayed when you turn the camera on. Follow the steps on = 2 2 to set the date and time.
  • Page 25: Display Language

    Initial Preparations Display Language The display language can be changed as needed. Enter Playback mode. Press the <1> button. Access the setting screen. Press and hold the <m> button, and then immediately press the <n> button. Set the display language. Press the <o><p><q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose a language, and then press the <m> button. Once the display language has been set, the setting screen is no longer displayed. • The current time is displayed if you wait too long in step 2 after pressing the < m > button before you press the <n> button. In this case, press the < m > button to dismiss the time display and repeat step 2. • You can also change the display language by pressing the <n> button and choosing [Language ] on the [3] tab.

  • Page 26: Trying The Camera Out

    Still Images Movies Trying the Camera Out Follow these instructions to turn the camera on, shoot still images or movies, and then view them. Shooting (Smart Auto) For fully automatic selection of the optimal settings for specific scenes, simply let the camera determine the subject and shooting conditions. Turn the camera on. Press the power button. The startup screen is displayed. Enter <A> mode. Set the mode dial to <A>. Aim the camera at the subject. The camera will make a slight clicking noise as it determines the scene. Icons representing the scene and image stabilization mode are displayed in the upper right of the screen. Frames displayed around any detected subjects indicate that they are in focus. Compose the shot. To zoom in and enlarge the subject, move the zoom lever toward <i> (telephoto), and to zoom away from the subject, move it toward <j> (wide angle).

  • Page 27
    Trying the Camera Out Shoot. Shooting Still Images Focus. Press the shutter button lightly, halfway down. The camera beeps twice after focusing, and green frames are displayed to indicate image areas in focus. If [Raise the flash] is displayed, lift the flash with your finger to prepare it for use. If you prefer not to use the flash, push it down with your finger, into the camera. Shoot. Press the shutter button all the way down. As the camera shoots, a shutter sound is played, and in low-light conditions when you have raised the flash, it fires automatically. Keep the camera still until the shutter sound ends. Your shot remains displayed on the screen for about two seconds. Even while the shot is displayed, you can take another shot by pressing the shutter button again.
  • Page 28
    Trying the Camera Out Shooting Movies Start shooting. Press the movie button. The camera beeps once as recording begins, and [ Rec] is displayed with the elapsed time. Elapsed Time Black bars displayed on the top and bottom edges of the screen indicate image areas not recorded. Frames displayed around any detected faces indicate that they are in focus. Once recording begins, you can take your finger off the movie button. Finish shooting. Press the movie button again to stop shooting. The camera beeps twice as recording stops.
  • Page 29
    Trying the Camera Out Viewing After shooting images or movies, you can view them on the screen as follows. Enter Playback mode. Press the <1> button. Your last shot is displayed. Browse through your images. To view the previous image, press the <q> button or turn the <5> dial counterclockwise. To view the next image, press the <r> button or turn the <5> dial clockwise. Press and hold the <q><r> buttons to browse through images quickly. Images appear grainy at this time. To access Scroll Display mode, turn the < 5 > dial rapidly. In this mode, turn the < 5 > dial to browse through images. To return to single-image display, press the <m> button. Movies are identified by a [ ] icon. To play movies, go to step 3.
  • Page 30
    Trying the Camera Out Play movies. Press the <m> button to access the movie control panel, choose [ ] (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button again. Playback now begins, and after the movie Volume is finished, [ ] is displayed. To adjust the volume, press the <o><p> buttons. • To switch to Shooting mode from Playback mode, press the shutter button halfway. Erasing the Images You can choose and erase unneeded images one by one. Be careful when erasing images, because they cannot be recovered. Choose an image to erase. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image. Erase the image. Press the <a> button. After [Erase?] is displayed, press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Erase], and then press the <m> button. The current image is now erased. To cancel erasure, press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Cancel], and then press the <m> button. • You can also erase all images at once (= 1 37).
  • Page 31: Included Software, Pdf Manuals

    Included Software, PDF Manuals The software and PDF manuals on the included DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk (CD-ROM) (= 2 ) are introduced below, with instructions for installation, and saving images to a computer. Software After installing the software on the CD-ROM, you can do the following things on your computer. CameraWindow Import images and change camera settings ImageBrowser EX Manage images: view, search, and organize Print and edit images Auto Update Function Using the included software, you can update to the latest version, and download new functions via the Internet (some software excluded). Be sure to install the software on a computer with an Internet connection so you can use this function. • Internet access is required to use this function, and any ISP account charges and access fees must be paid separately. PDF Manuals Camera User Guide Refer to this guide for a more in-depth understanding of camera operation. Software Guide Refer to this guide when using the included software. The guide can be accessed from the help system of included software (some software excluded).

  • Page 32: System Requirements

    System Windows Vista SP2 Mac OS X 10.6 – 10.7 Windows XP SP3 Computers running one of the above operating systems Computer (preinstalled), with an included USB port and Internet connection* Still images Mac OS X 10.7: 1.6 GHz or higher Core 2 Duo or higher Processor Movies Mac OS X 10.6: Core 2 Duo 1.66 GHz or higher Core Duo 1.83 GHz or higher Still images Windows 7 (64 bit): 2 GB or more Windows 7 (32 bit), Vista: Mac OS X 10.7: 2 GB or more 1 GB or more Mac OS X 10.6: 1 GB or more Windows XP: 512 MB or more Movies 1 GB or more Interfaces Free Hard Disk 440 MB or more* 550 MB or more Space Display 1024 x 768 resolution or higher * Silverlight 4 or later (max. 100 MB) must be installed, and in Windows XP, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 or later (max. 500 MB) must be installed. Installation may take some time, depending on computer performance. • Check the Canon website for the latest system requirements, including supported OS versions.

  • Page 33: Installing The Software

    Included Software, PDF Manuals Installing the Software Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 are used here for the sake of illustration. Using the software auto update function, you can update to the latest version and download new functions via the Internet (some software excluded), so be sure to install the software on a computer with an Internet connection. Insert the CD-ROM in the computer’s CD-ROM drive. Insert the included CD-ROM (DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk) (= 2 ) in the computer’s CD-ROM drive. On a Macintosh computer, after inserting the disc, double-click the desktop disc icon to open it, and then double-click the ] icon displayed. Begin the installation. Click [Easy Installation] and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

  • Page 34
    Included Software, PDF Manuals When a message is displayed prompting you to connect the camera, connect it to a computer. With the camera turned off, open the cover ( ). With the smaller plug of the included interface cable (= 2 ) in the orientation shown, insert the plug fully into the camera terminal ( ). Insert the larger plug of the interface cable in the computer’s USB port. For details about USB connections on the computer, refer to the computer user manual. Install the files. Turn the camera on, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. The software will connect to the Internet to update to the latest version and download new functions. Installation may take some time, depending on computer performance and the Internet connection. Click [Finish] or [Restart] on the screen after installation and remove the CD- ROM when the desktop is displayed. Turn the camera off and disconnect the cable.
  • Page 35
    Included Software, PDF Manuals • When not connected to the Internet, there are the following limitations. — The screen in step 3 will not be displayed. — Some functions may not be installed. • The first time you connect the camera to the computer, drivers will be installed, so it may take a few minutes until camera images are accessible. • If you have several cameras that were bundled with ImageBrowser EX on the included CD-ROMs, be sure to use each camera with their included CD- ROM and follow the on-screen installation instructions for each. Doing so will ensure that each camera will receive the correct updates and new functions via the auto update function.
  • Page 36: Saving Images To A Computer

    Included Software, PDF Manuals Saving Images to a Computer Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 are used here for the sake of illustration. Connect the camera to the computer. Follow step 3 on = 3 4 to connect the camera to a computer. Turn the camera on to access CameraWindow. Press the <1> button to turn the camera On a Macintosh computer, CameraWindow is displayed when a connection is established between the camera and computer. For Windows, follow the steps introduced below. In the screen that displays, click the [ link to modify the program. Choose [Downloads Images From Canon Camera using Canon CameraWindow] and then click [OK]. Double click […

  • Page 37
    Included Software, PDF Manuals Save the images to the CameraWindow computer. Click [Import Images from Camera], and then click [Import Untransferred Images]. Images are now saved to the Pictures folder on the computer, in separate folders named by date. After images are saved, close CameraWindow, press the <1> button to turn the camera off, and unplug the cable. For instructions on viewing images on a computer, refer to the Software Guide (= 3 1).
  • Page 38
    Included Software, PDF Manuals • In Windows 7, if the screen in step 2 is not displayed, click the [ ] icon in the taskbar. • To start CameraWindow in Windows Vista or XP, click [Downloads Images From Canon Camera using Canon CameraWindow] on the screen displayed when you turn the camera on in step 2. If CameraWindow is not displayed, click the [Start] menu and choose [All Programs] ► [Canon Utilities] ► [CameraWindow] ► [CameraWindow]. • On a Macintosh computer, if CameraWindow is not displayed after step 2, click the [CameraWindow] icon in the Dock (the bar at the bottom of the desktop). • Although you can save images to a computer simply by connecting your camera to the computer without using the included software, the following limitations apply. — It may take a few minutes after you connect the camera to the computer until camera images are accessible. — Images shot in vertical orientation may be saved in horizontal orientation. — Image protection settings may be cleared from images saved to a computer. — Some problems may occur when saving images or image information, depending on the operating system version, the software in use, or image file sizes. — Some functions provided by the included software may not be available, such as editing movies or returning images to the camera. Using the PDF Manuals Camera User Guide Access this guide by double-clicking the desktop shortcut icon. Software Guide The guide can be accessed from the help system of included software (some software excluded). • It may not be possible to install the PDF manuals on computers that do not meet the system requirements (= 3 2). However, you can view the…
  • Page 39: Accessories

    Battery Pack Charger NS-DC11 CAMERA (with cord) NB-6L* CB-2LY/ Solution Disk (with terminal CB-2LYE* cover) Interface Cable IFC-400PCU* Memory Card Card Reader Power Windows/ Macintosh Cable Computer HDMI Cable HTC-100 AC Adapter Kit TV/Video ACK-DC40 System Stereo AV Cable AVC-DC400ST Flash Unit Canon PictBridge-Compatible Printers High-Power Flash HF-DC2 * Also available for purchase separately. Use of genuine Canon accessories is recommended. This product is designed to achieve excellent performance when used with genuine Canon accessories. Canon shall not be liable for any damage to this product and/or accidents such as fire, etc., caused by the malfunction of non-genuine Canon accessories (e.g., a leakage and/or explosion of a battery pack). Please note that this warranty does not apply to repairs arising out of the malfunction of non-genuine Canon accessories, although you may request such repairs on a chargeable basis.

  • Page 41: Advanced Guide

    Advanced Guide Camera Basics Practical guide that introduces other camera basics and describes shooting and playback options…

  • Page 42: On/Off

    On/Off Shooting Mode Press the power button to turn the camera on and prepare for shooting. To turn the camera off, press the power button again. Playback Mode Press the <1> button to turn the camera on and view your shots. To turn the camera off, press the <1> button again. • To switch to Playback mode from Shooting mode, press the <1> button. • To switch to Shooting mode from Playback mode, press the shutter button halfway (= 4 3). • The lens will be retracted after about one minute once the camera is in Playback mode. You can turn the camera off when the lens is retracted by pressing the <1> button. Power-Saving Features (Auto Power Down) As a way to conserve battery power, the camera automatically deactivates the screen (Display Off) and then turns itself off after a specific period of inactivity. Power Saving in Shooting Mode The screen is automatically deactivated after about one minute of inactivity. In about two more minutes, the lens is retracted and the camera turns itself off. To activate the screen and prepare for shooting when the screen is off but the lens is still out, press the shutter button halfway (= 4 3). Power Saving in Playback Mode The camera turns itself off automatically after about five minutes of inactivity.

  • Page 43: Shutter Button

    Shutter Button To ensure your shots are in focus, always press the shutter button lightly (halfway) initially. Once the subject is in focus, press the button all the way down to shoot. In this manual, shutter button operations are described as pressing the button halfway or all the way down. Press halfway. (Press lightly to focus.) Press the shutter button halfway. The camera beeps twice, and AF frames are displayed around image areas in focus. Press all the way down. (From the halfway position, press fully to shoot.) The camera shoots, as a shutter sound is played. Keep the camera still until the shutter sound ends. • Images may be out of focus if you shoot without initially pressing the shutter button halfway. • Length of shutter sound playback varies depending on the time required for the shot. It may take longer in some shooting scenes, and images will be blurry if you move the camera (or the subject moves) before the shutter sound ends.

  • Page 44: Shooting Modes

    Shooting Modes Use the mode dial to access each shooting mode. P, Tv, Av, and M Modes Take a variety of shots using your preferred settings (= 9 1, 115). Movie Mode Live View Control Mode For shooting movies Customize image brightness or (= 8 8). colors when shooting (= 7 9). You can also shoot movies when the mode dial is not set to Movie mode, simply by pressing the movie Auto Mode button. Fully automatic shooting, with camera-determined settings Discreet Mode (= 2 6, 52). Shoot without the flash or camera sounds (= 7 8). Scene Mode Shoot with optimal settings for specific scenes (= 8 0).

  • Page 45: Shooting Display Options

    Shooting Display Options Press the <l> button to view other information on the screen, or to hide the information. For details on the information displayed, see = 2 02. Information is displayed No information is displayed • Screen brightness is automatically increased by the night display function when you are shooting under low light, making it easier to check how shots are composed. However, on-screen image brightness may not match the brightness of your shots. Note that any on-screen image distortion or jerky subject motion will not affect recorded images. • For playback display options, see = 1 24.

  • Page 46: Func. Menu

    FUNC. Menu Configure commonly used shooting functions through the FUNC. menu as follows. Note that menu items and options vary depending on the shooting mode (= 2 08 – 209). Access the FUNC. menu. Press the <m> button. Choose a menu item. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose a menu item. Available options are shown at the bottom of the screen. Options Menu Items Choose an option. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an option. Options labeled with a [ ] icon can be configured by pressing the <l> button. To return to the menu items, press the <l> button. Finish the setup process. Press the <m> button. The screen before you pressed the <m> button in step 1 is displayed again, showing the option you configured. • To undo any accidental setting changes, you can restore the camera’s default settings (= 1 67).

  • Page 47: Menu Menu

    MENU Menu Configure a variety of camera functions through other menus as follows. Menu items are grouped by purpose on tabs, such as shooting [4], playback [1], and so on. Note that available settings vary depending on the selected shooting or playback mode (= 2 10 – 215). Access the menu. Press the <n> button. Choose a tab. Move the zoom lever to choose a tab. After you have pressed the <o><p> buttons to choose a tab initially, you can switch between tabs by pressing the <q><r> buttons. Choose a setting. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose a setting. To choose settings with options not shown, first press the <m> or <r> button to switch screens, and then either press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to select the setting. To return to the previous screen, press the <n> button.

  • Page 48
    MENU Menu Choose an option. Press the <q><r> buttons to choose an option. Finish the setup process. Press the <n> button to return to the screen displayed before you pressed the <n> button in step 1. • To undo any accidental setting changes, you can restore the camera’s default settings (= 1 67).
  • Page 49: Indicator Display

    Indicator Display The indicator on the back of the camera (= 7 ) lights up or blinks depending on the camera status. Indicator Color Camera Status Status Connected to a computer (= 3 6), or display off (= 4 2, 163) Green Blinking Starting up, recording/reading/transmitting images • When the indicator blinks green, never turn the camera off, open the memory card/battery cover, or shake or jolt the camera, which may corrupt images or damage the camera or memory card. Clock You can check the current time. Press and hold the <m> button. The current time appears. If you hold the camera vertically while using the clock function, it will switch to vertical display. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to change the display color. Press the <m> button again to cancel the clock display. • When the camera is off, press and hold the <m> button, then press the power button to display the clock.

  • Page 51: Smart Auto Mode

    Smart Auto Mode Convenient mode for easy shots with greater control over shooting…

  • Page 52: Shooting (Smart Auto)

    Still Images Movies Shooting (Smart Auto) For fully automatic selection at optimal settings for specific scenes, simply let the camera determine the subject and shooting conditions. Turn the camera on. Press the power button. The startup screen is displayed. Enter <A> mode. Set the mode dial to <A>. Aim the camera at the subject. The camera will make a slight clicking noise as it determines the scene. Icons representing the scene and image stabilization mode are displayed in the upper right of the screen (= 5 7, 58). Frames displayed around any detected subjects indicate that they are in focus. Compose the shot. To zoom in and enlarge the subject, move the zoom lever toward <i> (telephoto), and to zoom away from the subject, move it toward <j> (wide angle). (A zoom bar Zoom Bar showing the zoom position is displayed.) To zoom in or out quickly, move the zoom lever all the way toward <i> (telephoto) or <j> (wide angle), and to zoom in Focus Range (approx.) or out slowly, move it just a little in the desired direction.

  • Page 53
    Shooting (Smart Auto) Shoot. Shooting Still Images Focus. Press the shutter button halfway. The camera beeps twice after focusing, and green frames are displayed to indicate image areas in focus. Several green frames are displayed when multiple areas are in focus. If [Raise the flash] is displayed, lift the flash with your finger to prepare it for use. If you prefer not to use the flash, push it down with your finger, into the camera. Shoot. Press the shutter button all the way down. As the camera shoots, a shutter sound is played, and in low-light conditions when you have raised the flash, it fires automatically. Keep the camera still until the shutter sound ends. Your shot remains displayed on the screen for about two seconds. Even while the shot is displayed, you can take another shot by pressing the shutter button again.
  • Page 54
    Shooting (Smart Auto) Shooting Movies Start shooting. Press the movie button. The camera beeps once as recording begins, and [ Rec] is displayed with the elapsed time. Elapsed Time Black bars displayed on the top and bottom edges of the screen indicate image areas not recorded. Frames displayed around any detected faces indicate that they are in focus. Once recording begins, you can take your finger off the movie button. R esize the subject and recompose the shot as needed. To resize the subject, do the same thing as in step 3 on = 5 2. However, note that the sound of camera operations will be recorded, and movies shot at zoom factors shown in blue will look grainy. When you recompose shots, the focus, brightness, and colors will be automatically adjusted. Finish shooting. Press the movie button again to stop shooting. The camera beeps twice as recording stops. Recording will stop automatically when the memory card becomes full.
  • Page 55
    Shooting (Smart Auto) Still Images/Movies • To restore camera sound if you have accidentally deactivated it (by holding the <l> button down while turning the camera on), press the <n> button and choose [Mute] on the [3] tab, and then press the <q><r> buttons to choose [Off]. Still Images • A flashing [ ] icon warns that images are more likely to be blurred by camera shake. In this case, mount the camera on a tripod or take other measures to keep it still. • If your shots are dark despite the flash firing, move closer to the subject. For details on the flash range, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). • The subject may be too close if the camera only beeps once when you press the shutter button halfway. For details on the focusing range (shooting range), see “Specifications” (= 2 17). • To reduce red-eye and to assist in focusing, the lamp may be activated when shooting in low-light conditions. • A blinking [h] icon displayed when you attempt to shoot indicates that shooting is not possible until the flash has finished recharging. Shooting can resume as soon as the flash is ready, so either press the shutter button all the way down and wait, or release it and press it again.
  • Page 56
    Shooting (Smart Auto) Movies • Before shooting a movie, lower the Microphone flash with your finger. Be careful not to touch the microphone when shooting a movie. Leaving the flash raised, or blocking the microphone may prevent audio from being recorded or may cause the recording to sound muffled. • Avoid touching camera controls other than the movie button when shooting movies, because sounds made by the camera will be recorded. • Audio is recorded in stereo.
  • Page 57: Scene Icons

    Shooting (Smart Auto) Still Images Movies Scene Icons In <A> mode, shooting scenes determined by the camera are indicated by the icon displayed, and corresponding settings are automatically selected for optimal focusing, subject brightness, and color. People Other Subjects Subject Icon Background Shadows At Close Color Motion* on Face* Motion* Range Background Bright Gray Backlit – With Blue Sky Light Blue Backlit – Sunsets – – Orange Spotlights Dark Dark Blue Tripod – – Used *1 Not displayed for movies.

  • Page 58: Image Stabilization Icons

    Shooting (Smart Auto) Still Images Movies Image Stabilization Icons Optimal image stabilization for the shooting conditions is automatically applied (Intelligent IS). Additionally, the following icons are displayed in <A> mode. Image stabilization for movies, Image stabilization for still reducing strong camera shake, images as when shooting while walking (Dynamic IS) Image stabilization for slow Image stabilization for still camera shake, such as when images, when panning* shooting movies at telephoto (Powered IS) No image stabilization, because Image stabilization for macro the camera is mounted on shots (Hybrid IS) a tripod or held still by other means * Displayed when you pan, following moving subjects with the camera. When you follow subjects moving horizontally, image stabilization only counteracts vertical camera shake, and horizontal stabilization stops. Similarly, when you follow subjects moving vertically, image stabilization only counteracts horizontal camera shake. • To cancel image stabilization, set [IS Mode] to [Off] (= 1 14). In this case, an IS icon is not displayed.

  • Page 59
    Shooting (Smart Auto) Still Images Movies On-Screen Frames A variety of frames are displayed once the camera detects subjects you are aiming the camera at. • A white frame is displayed around the subject (or person’s face) determined by the camera to be the main subject, and gray frames are displayed around other detected faces. Frames follow moving subjects within a certain range to keep them in focus. However, if the camera detects subject movement, only the white frame will remain on the screen. • When you are pressing the shutter button halfway and the camera detects subject movement, a blue frame is displayed, and the focus and image brightness are constantly adjusted (Servo AF). • Try shooting in <G> mode (= 9 1) if no frames are displayed, if frames are not displayed around desired subjects, or if frames are displayed on the background or similar areas.
  • Page 60: Common, Convenient Features

    Common, Convenient Features Still Images Movies Zooming In Closer on Subjects (Digital Zoom) When distant subjects are too far away to enlarge using the optical zoom, use digital zoom for up to about 120x enlargement. Move the zoom lever toward <i>. Hold the lever until zooming stops. Zooming stops at the largest possible zoom factor (before the image becomes noticeably grainy), which is then indicated on the screen. Move the zoom lever toward Zoom Factor <i> again. The camera zooms in even closer on the subject, using digital zoom. • Moving the zoom lever will display the zoom bar (which indicates the zoom position). The color of the zoom bar will change depending on the zoom range. — White range: optical zoom range where the image will not appear grainy. — Yellow range: digital zoom range where the image is not noticeably grainy (ZoomPlus). — Blue range: digital zoom range where the image will appear grainy. Because the blue range will not be available at some resolution settings (= 6 8) the maximum zoom factor can be achieved by following step 1.

  • Page 61: Reacquiring Subjects Lost After Zooming

    Common, Convenient Features • Focal length when optical and digital zoom are combined is as follows (35mm film equivalent). 24 – 2880 mm (24 – 720 mm with optical zoom alone) • To deactivate digital zoom, press the <n> button, choose [Digital Zoom] on the [4] tab, and then choose [Off]. Still Images Movies Reacquiring Subjects Lost After Zooming (Framing Assist – Seek) If you lose track of a subject while zooming in, you can find it more easily by temporarily zooming out. Look for the lost subject. Press and hold the < > button. The camera zooms out and displays a white frame around the area previously shown (before you pressed the < > button). Reacquire the subject. Aim the camera so that the subject in the white frame, and then release the < > button. The previous magnification is now restored, so that the area outlined in white fills the screen again.

  • Page 62: Using The Self-Timer

    Common, Convenient Features • Some shooting information is not displayed while the camera is zoomed out. • During movie shooting, the white frame is not displayed if you press the < > button. Also note that camera operating sounds such as zooming will be recorded. • If you prefer to shoot at the zoom factor of the screen in step 1, press the shutter button all the way down. • You can adjust the zoom factor that the camera will revert to after Zoom Framing Assist (when you release the < > button) by moving the zoom lever as you hold the < > button to resize the white frame. • To adjust how much the camera zooms out when the < > button is pressed, press the <n> button and choose one of the three levels in Display Area] on the [4] tab. • The zoom factor cannot be changed with the < > button after you press the shutter button all the way down in self-timer mode (see below). Still Images Movies Using the Self-Timer With the self-timer, you can include yourself in group photos or other timed shots. The camera will shoot about 10 seconds after you press the shutter button. Configure the setting. Press the <p> button, choose []] (either press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button. Once the setting is complete, []] is displayed.

  • Page 63
    Common, Convenient Features Shoot. For Still Images: Press the shutter button halfway to focus on the subject, and then press it all the way down. For Movies: Press the movie button. Once you start the self-timer, the lamp will blink and the camera will play a self- timer sound. Two seconds before the shot, the blinking and sound will speed up. (The lamp will remain lit in case the flash fires.) To cancel shooting after you have triggered the self-timer, press the <n> button. To restore the original setting, choose [ in step 1. Still Images Movies Using the Self-Timer to Avoid Camera Shake This option delays shutter release until about two seconds after you have pressed the shutter button. If the camera is unsteady while you are pressing the shutter button, it will not affect your shot. Configure the setting. Follow step 1 on = 6 2 and choose [[]. Once the setting is complete, [[] is displayed. Follow step 2 on = 6 3 to shoot.
  • Page 64
    Common, Convenient Features Still Images Movies Customizing the Self-Timer You can specify the delay (0 – 30 seconds) and number of shots (1 – 10). Choose [$]. Following step 1 on = 6 2, choose [$] and press the <n> button immediately. Configure the setting. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose [Delay] or [Shots]. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose a value, and then press the <m> button. Once the setting is complete, [$] is displayed. Follow step 2 on = 6 3 to shoot. • For movies shot using the self-timer, [Delay] represents the delay before recording begins, but the [Shots] setting has no effect. • When you specify multiple shots, image brightness and white balance are determined by the first shot. More time is required between shots when the flash fires or when you have specified to take many shots. Shooting will stop automatically when the memory card becomes full. • When a delay longer than two seconds is specified, two seconds before the shot, the lamp blinking and self-timer sound will speed up. (The lamp will remain lit in case the flash fires.)
  • Page 65: Adding A Date Stamp

    Common, Convenient Features Still Images Adding a Date Stamp The camera can add the shooting date to images, in the lower-right corner. However, note that date stamps cannot be edited or removed, so confirm beforehand that the date and time are correct (= 2 2). Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [Date Stamp] on the [4] tab, and then choose the desired option (= 4 7). Once the setting is complete, [DATE] is displayed. Shoot. As you take shots, the camera adds the shooting date or time to the lower-right corner of images. To restore the original setting, choose [Off] in step 1. • Date stamps cannot be edited or removed. • Shots taken without adding a date stamp can be printed with one as follows. However, adding a date stamp this way to images that already have one may cause it to be printed twice. — Use the included software to print For details, refer to the Software Guide (= 3 1). — Print using printer functions (= 1 79) — Use camera DPOF print settings (= 1 86) to print…

  • Page 66
    Common, Convenient Features Still Images Choosing Subjects to Focus On (Tracking AF) Shoot after choosing a subject to focus on as follows. Specify Tracking AF. Press the <o> button. ] is displayed in the center of the screen. Choose a subject to focus on. Aim the camera so that [ ] is on the desired subject, and then press the shutter button halfway. A blue frame is displayed, and the camera will keep the subject in focus and image brightness adjusted (Servo AF). Shoot. Press the shutter button all the way down to shoot. Press the <o> button to cancel Tracking • Tracking may not be possible when subjects are too small or move too rapidly, or when subject color or brightness matches that of the background too closely.
  • Page 67: Image Customization Features

    Image Customization Features Still Images Changing the Aspect Ratio Change the image aspect ratio (ratio of width to height) as follows. Configure the setting. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and choose the desired option (= 4 6). Once the setting is complete, the screen aspect ratio will be updated. To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [ Used for display on widescreen HDTVs or similar display devices. Same aspect ratio as 35mm film, used for printing images at 5 x 7-inch or postcard sizes. Native aspect ratio of the camera screen, also used for display on standard- definition televisions or similar display devices, or for printing images at 3.5 x 5-inch or A-series sizes. Square aspect ratio.

  • Page 68
    Image Customization Features Still Images Changing Image Resolution (Size) Choose from 4 levels of image resolution, as follows. For guidelines on how many shots at each resolution setting can fit on a memory card, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Configure the setting. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and choose the desired option (= 4 6). The option you configured is now displayed. To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [ Guidelines for Choosing Resolution Based on Paper Size (for 4:3 Images) A2 (16.5 x 23.4 in.) ]: For e-mailing images. A3 – A5 (11.7 x 16.5 – 5.8 x 8.3 in.) 5 x 7 in. Postcard 3.5 x 5 in.
  • Page 69
    Image Customization Features Still Images Red-Eye Correction Red-eye that occurs in the flash photography can be automatically corrected as follows. Access the [Flash Settings] screen. Press the <n> button, choose [Flash Settings] on the [4] tab, and then press the <m> button (= 4 7). Configure the setting. Choose [Red-Eye Corr.], and then choose [On] (= 4 7). Once the setting is complete, [R] is displayed. To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [Off]. • Red-eye correction may be applied to image areas other than eyes (if the camera misinterprets red eye makeup as red pupils, for example). • You can also correct existing images (= 1 51). • You can also access the screen in step 2 when the flash is up by pressing the <r> button and immediately pressing the <n> button.
  • Page 70: Changing Movie Image Quality

    Image Customization Features Movies Changing Movie Image Quality 2 image quality settings are available. For guidelines on the maximum movie length at each level of image quality that will fit on a memory card, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Configure the setting. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and choose the desired option (= 4 6). The option you configured is now displayed. To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [ Image Resolution Frame Rate Details Quality 1280 x 720 25 fps* For shooting in HD For shooting in standard 640 x 480 30 fps definition * [ ] movies are played back at 30 fps. • In [ ] mode, black bars displayed on the top and bottom edges of the screen indicate image areas not recorded.

  • Page 71: Using The Wind Filter

    Image Customization Features Movies Using the Wind Filter Distorted audio caused by recording when the wind is strong can be reduced. However, the recording may sound unnatural when this option is used when there is no wind. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [Wind Filter] on the [4] tab, and then choose [On] (= 4 7). To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [Off].

  • Page 72: Helpful Shooting Features

    Helpful Shooting Features Still Images Movies Displaying Grid Lines Grid lines can be displayed on the screen for vertical and horizontal reference while shooting. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [Grid Lines] on the [4] tab, and then choose [On] (= 4 7). Once the setting is complete, grid lines are displayed on the screen. To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [Off]. • Grid lines are not recorded in your shots. Still Images Magnifying the Area in Focus You can check the focus by pressing the shutter button halfway, which will enlarge the portion of the image in focus in the AF frame. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [AF- Point Zoom] on the [4] tab, and then choose [On] (= 4 7).

  • Page 73
    Helpful Shooting Features Check the focus. Press the shutter button halfway. The face detected as the main subject is now magnified. To restore the original setting, choose [Off] in step 1. • The area in focus will not be magnified when you press the shutter button halfway if a face was not detected, if the person is too close to the camera and their face is too large for the screen, or if the camera detects subject movement. • The display will not magnify when using the digital zoom (= 6 0) or Tracking AF (= 1 07).
  • Page 74: Checking For Closed Eyes

    Helpful Shooting Features Still Images Checking for Closed Eyes ] is displayed when the camera detects that people may have closed their eyes. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [Blink Detection] on the [4] tab, and then choose [On] (= 4 7). Shoot. A frame, accompanied by [ ], is displayed when the camera detects a person whose eyes are closed. To restore the original setting, choose [Off] in step 1. • When you have specified multiple shots in [$] mode, this function is only available for the final shot. • The frame is not displayed when [Review] is set to [Quick] (= 7 6).

  • Page 75: Customizing Camera Operation

    Customizing Camera Operation Customize shooting functions on the [4] tab of the menu as follows. For instructions on menu functions, see “n Menu” (= 4 7). Still Images Deactivating the AF Assist Beam You can deactivate the lamp that normally lights up to help you focus when you press the shutter button halfway in low-light conditions. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [AF- assist Beam] on the [4] tab, and then choose [Off] (= 4 7). To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [On]. Still Images Deactivating the Red-Eye Reduction Lamp You can deactivate the red-eye reduction lamp that lights up to reduce red- eye when the flash is used in low-light shots. Access the [Flash Settings] screen. Press the <n> button, choose [Flash Settings] on the [4] tab, and then press the <m> button (= 4 7). Configure the setting.

  • Page 76: Changing The Image Display Style After Shots

    Customizing Camera Operation Still Images Changing the Image Display Period After Shots Change how long images are displayed after shots as follows. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [Review] on the [4] tab, and then choose the desired option (= 4 7). To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [2 sec.]. Quick Displays images only until you can shoot again. 2 – 10 sec. Displays images for the specified time. Hold Displays images until you press the shutter button halfway. No image display after shots. Still Images Changing the Image Display Style After Shots Change the way images are displayed after shots as follows. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [Review Info] on the [4] tab, and then choose the desired option (= 4 7). To restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose [Off].

  • Page 77: Other Shooting Modes

    Other Shooting Modes Shoot more effectively in various scenes, and take shots enhanced with unique image effects or captured using special functions…

  • Page 78: Discreet Mode

    Still Images Movies Discreet Mode Shoot without activating camera sounds, the flash, or lamp as follows. Use this mode where camera sounds, the flash, and lights are prohibited. Enter < > mode. Set the mode dial to < >. Shoot. • In < > mode, even playback sounds are muted. Sounds of camera operations are muted, and movie audio is also muted.

  • Page 79: Brightness/Color Customization (Live View Control)

    Still Images Movies Brightness/Color Customization (Live View Control) Image brightness or colors when shooting can be easily customized as follows. Enter < > mode. Set the mode dial to < >. Configure the setting. Press the <m> button to access the setting screen. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose a setting item, and then press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to adjust the value as you watch the screen. Press the <m> button. Shoot. For brighter images, adjust the level to the right, and for darker Brightness images, adjust it to the left. For more vivid images, adjust the level to the right, and for more Color subdued images, adjust it to the left. For a warm, reddish tone, adjust the level to the right, and for a cool, Tone bluish tone, adjust it to the left.

  • Page 80: Specific Scenes

    Specific Scenes Choose a mode matching the shooting scene, and the camera will automatically configure the settings for optimal shots. Enter <K> mode. Set the mode dial to <K>. Choose a shooting mode. Press the <m> button, choose [I] in the menu, and then choose a shooting mode (= 4 6). Shoot. Still Images Movies I Shoot portraits (Portrait) Take shots of people with a softening effect. Still Images Shoot under low light (Low Light) Shoot with minimal camera shake and subject blur even in low-light conditions.

  • Page 81
    Specific Scenes Still Images Movies PShoot with snowy backgrounds (Snow) Bright, natural-colored shots of people against snowy backgrounds. Still Images Movies tShoot fireworks (Fireworks) Vivid shots of fireworks. • In [t] mode, mount the camera on a tripod or take other measures to keep it still and prevent camera shake. Additionally, you should set [IS Mode] to [Off] when using a tripod or other means to hold the camera still (= 1 14). • ] mode resolution is [ ] (2304 x 1728) and cannot be changed.
  • Page 82: Image Effects (Creative Filters)

    Image Effects (Creative Filters) Add a variety of effects to images when shooting. Enter < > mode. Set the mode dial to < >. Choose a shooting mode. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and then choose a shooting mode (= 4 6). Shoot. Still Images Movies Shoot in vivid colors (Super Vivid) Shots in rich, vivid colors. Still Images Movies Posterized shots (Poster Effect) Shots that resemble an old poster or illustration. • In [ ] and [ ] modes, try taking some test shots first, to make sure you obtain the desired results.

  • Page 83: Miniature Effect

    Image Effects (Creative Filters) Still Images Shooting with a Fish-Eye Lens Effect (Fish-eye Effect) Shoot with the distorting effect of a fish-eye lens. Choose [ ]. Follow steps 1 – 2 on = 8 2 and choose [ Choose an effect level. Press the <l> button, choose an effect level (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <l> button again. A preview is shown of how your shot will look with the effect applied. Shoot. • Try taking some test shots first, to make sure you obtain the desired results. Still Images Movies Shots Resembling Miniature Models (Miniature Effect) Creates the effect of a miniature model, by blurring image areas above and below your selected area. You can also make movies that look like scenes in miniature models by choosing the playback speed before the movie is recorded. People and objects in the scene will move quickly during playback. Note that sound is not recorded.

  • Page 84
    Image Effects (Creative Filters) Choose the area to keep in focus. Press the <l> button. Move the zoom lever to resize the frame, and press the <o><p> buttons to move For movies, choose the movie playback speed. Press the <n> button, and then choose the speed by pressing the <q><r> buttons or turning the <5> dial. Return to the shooting screen and shoot. Press the <n> button to return to the shooting screen, and then shoot. Playback Speed and Estimated Playback Time (for One-Minute Clips) Speed Playback Time Approx. 12 sec. Approx. 6 sec. Approx. 3 sec. • The zoom is not available when shooting movies. Be sure to set the zoom before shooting. • Try taking some test shots first, to make sure you obtain the desired results.
  • Page 85: Toy Camera Effect

    Image Effects (Creative Filters) • To switch the orientation of the frame (from horizontal to vertical or vice- versa), press the <m> button in step 2. You can move the frame in vertical orientation by pressing the <q><r> buttons. • Holding the camera vertically will change the orientation of the frame. • Movie image quality is [ ] at an aspect ratio of [ ] and [ ] at an aspect ratio of [ ] (= 6 7). These quality settings cannot be changed. • The zoom factor cannot be changed with the < > button on the screens in steps 2 and 3, or while shooting movies. Still Images Shooting with a Toy Camera Effect (Toy Camera Effect) This effect makes images resemble shots from a toy camera by vignetting (darker, blurred image corners) and changing the overall color. Choose [ ]. Follow steps 1 – 2 on = 8 2 and choose [ Choose a color tone.

  • Page 86: Shooting In Monochrome

    Image Effects (Creative Filters) Still Images Movies Shooting in Monochrome Shoot images in black and white, sepia, or blue and white. Choose [ ]. Follow steps 1 – 2 on = 8 2 and choose [ Choose a color tone. Press the <l> button, choose a color tone (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <l> button again. A preview is shown of how your shot will look with the effect applied. Shoot. Black and white shots. Sepia Sepia tone shots. Blue Blue and white shots.

  • Page 87: Special Modes For Other Purposes

    Special Modes for Other Purposes Still Images Using the Face Self-Timer The camera will shoot about two seconds after detecting that the face of another person (such as the photographer) has entered the shooting area (= 1 06). This is useful when including yourself in group photos or similar shots. Choose [ ]. Follow steps 1 – 2 on = 8 0 and choose [ Compose the shot and press the shutter button halfway. Make sure a green frame is displayed around the face you focus on and white frames around other faces. Press the shutter button all the way down. The camera now enters shooting standby mode, and [Look straight at camera to start count down] is displayed. The lamp blinks and the self-timer sound is played. Join the subjects in the shooting area and look at the camera. After the camera detects a new face, the lamp blinking and self-timer sound will speed up. (When the flash fires, the lamp will remain lit.) About two seconds later,…

  • Page 88: Shooting Various Movies

    Shooting Various Movies • Even if your face is not detected after you join the others in the shooting area, the camera will shoot about 15 seconds later. • To change the number of shots, after choosing [ ] in steps 1 – 2 on = 8 0, press the <l> button, and then either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose a value, and then press the <l> button again. • The zoom factor cannot be changed with the < > button after you press the shutter button all the way down. Movies Shooting Various Movies Movies Shooting Movies in <E> Mode Enter <E> mode. Set the mode dial to <E>. Black bars displayed on the top and bottom edges of the screen indicate image areas not recorded. Configure the settings to suit the movie (= 2 06 – 213). Shoot. Press the movie button. To stop movie recording, press the movie button again.

  • Page 89: Shooting Iframe Movies

    Shooting Various Movies Movies Locking or Changing Image Brightness Before Shooting Before shooting, you can lock the exposure or change it in 1/3-stop increments within a range of –2 to +2. Lock the exposure. Press the <o> button to lock the exposure. The exposure shift bar is displayed. To unlock the exposure, press the <o> button again. Adjust the exposure. Turn the <5> dial to adjust the exposure, as you watch the screen. Shoot (= 8 8). Movies Shooting iFrame Movies Shoot movies that can be edited with iFrame-compatible software or devices. You can quickly edit, save, and manage iFrame movies using the included software (= 3 1). Choose [ ]. Set the mode dial to <E>. Press the <m> button, choose [E] in the menu, and then choose [ (= 4 6). Black bars displayed on the top and bottom edges of the screen indicate image areas not recorded. Shoot (= 8 8). •…

  • Page 91: P Mode

    P mode More discerning shots, in your preferred shooting style • Instructions in this chapter apply to the camera with the mode dial set to <G> mode. • <G>: Program AE; AE: Auto Exposure • Before using a function introduced in this chapter in modes other than <G>, make sure the function is available in that mode (= 2 06 – 213).

  • Page 92: Shooting In Program Ae Mode (


    Still Images Movies Shooting in Program AE Mode (<P> Mode) You can customize many function settings to suit your preferred shooting style. Enter <G> mode. Set the mode dial to <G>. Customize the settings as desired (= 9 3 – 114), and then shoot. • If adequate exposure cannot be obtained when you press the shutter button halfway, shutter speeds and aperture values are displayed in orange. To obtain adequate exposure, try adjusting the following settings. — Activate the flash (= 1 11) — Change the ISO speed (= 9 6) • Movies can be recorded in <G> mode as well, by pressing the movie button. However, some FUNC. (= 4 6) and Menu (= 4 7) settings may be automatically adjusted for movie recording.

  • Page 93: Image Brightness (Exposure Compensation)

    Image Brightness (Exposure Compensation) Still Images Adjusting Image Brightness (Exposure Compensation) The standard exposure set by the camera can be adjusted in 1/3-stop increments, in a range of –2 to +2. Press the <b> button. As you watch the screen, turn the <5> dial to adjust brightness, and then press the <b> button again when finished. The correction level you specified is now displayed.

  • Page 94
    Image Brightness (Exposure Compensation) Still Images Locking Image Brightness/Exposure (AE Lock) Before shooting, you can lock the exposure, or you can specify focus and exposure separately. Lock the exposure. Aim the camera at the subject to shoot with the exposure locked. With the shutter button pressed halfway, press the <b> button. ] is displayed, and the exposure is locked. To unlock AE, release the shutter button and press the <b> button again. In this case, [ ] is no longer displayed. Compose the shot and shoot. After one shot, AE is unlocked and [ ] is no longer displayed. • AE: Auto Exposure • After the exposure is locked, you can adjust the combination of shutter speed and aperture value by turning the <5> dial (Program Shift).
  • Page 95: Changing The Metering Method

    Image Brightness (Exposure Compensation) Still Images Changing the Metering Method Adjust the metering method (how brightness is measured) to suit shooting conditions as follows. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and choose the desired option (= 4 6). The option you configured is now displayed. For typical shooting conditions, including backlit shots. Evaluative Automatically adjusts exposure to match the shooting conditions. Determines the average brightness of light across the entire Center image area, calculated by treating brightness in the central area Weighted Avg. as more important. Metering restricted to within the [ ] (Spot AE Point frame), Spot displayed in the center of the screen.

  • Page 96: Changing The Iso Speed

    Image Brightness (Exposure Compensation) Still Images Changing the ISO Speed Press the <o> button, choose an option (either press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button. The option you configured is now displayed. Automatically adjusts the ISO speed to suit the shooting mode and conditions. For shooting outdoors in fair weather. For shooting in cloudy conditions, or at twilight. High For shooting night scenes, or in dark rooms. • To view the automatically set ISO speed when the camera is set to [ press the shutter button halfway. • Although choosing a lower ISO speed may reduce image graininess, there may be a greater risk of subject blurriness in some shooting conditions. • Choosing a higher ISO speed will increase shutter speed, which may reduce subject blurriness and increase the flash range. However, shots may look grainy.

  • Page 97
    Image Brightness (Exposure Compensation) Still Images Correcting Image Brightness (i-Contrast) Before shooting, excessively bright or dark image areas (such as faces or backgrounds) can be detected and automatically adjusted to the optimal brightness. Insufficient overall image contrast can also be automatically corrected before shooting to make subjects stand out better. Press the <n> button, choose [i-Contrast] on the [4] tab, and then choose [Auto] (= 4 7). Once the setting is complete, [@] is displayed. • Under some shooting conditions, correction may be inaccurate or may cause images to appear grainy. • You can also correct existing images (= 1 50).
  • Page 98: Color And Continuous Shooting

    Color and Continuous Shooting Still Images Movies Adjusting White Balance By adjusting white balance (WB), you can make image colors look more natural for the scene you are shooting. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and choose the desired option (= 4 6). The option you configured is now displayed. Automatically sets the optimal white balance for the shooting Auto conditions. Day Light For shooting outdoors in fair weather. Cloudy For shooting in cloudy conditions, in the shade, or at twilight. For shooting under ordinary incandescent (tungsten) lighting Tungsten and similarly colored fluorescent lighting. For shooting under warm-white (or similarly colored) or cool- Fluorescent white fluorescent lighting. For shooting under daylight fluorescent and similarly colored Fluorescent H fluorescent lighting. Custom For manually setting a custom white balance (= 9 9).

  • Page 99
    Color and Continuous Shooting Still Images Movies Custom White Balance For image colors that look natural under the light in your shot, adjust white balance to suit the light source where you are shooting. Set the white balance under the same light source that will illuminate your shot. Follow the steps on = 9 8 to choose Aim the camera at a plain white subject, so that the entire screen is white. Press the <l> button. The tint of the screen changes once the white balance data has been recorded. • Colors may look unnatural if you change camera settings after recording white balance data.
  • Page 100
    Color and Continuous Shooting Still Images Movies Changing Image Color Tones (My Colors) Change image color tones as desired, such as converting images to sepia or black and white. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and choose the desired option (= 4 6). The option you configured is now displayed. My Colors Off – Emphasizes contrast and color saturation, making images Vivid sharper. Tones down contrast and color saturation for subdued Neutral images. Sepia Creates sepia tone images. Creates black and white images. Combines the effects of Vivid Blue, Vivid Green, and Positive Film Vivid Red to produce intense yet natural-looking colors resembling images on positive film. Lighter Skin Tone Lightens skin tones. Darker Skin Tone Darkens skin tones. Emphasizes blues in images. Makes the sky, ocean, and Vivid Blue other blue subjects more vivid.
  • Page 101
    Color and Continuous Shooting • White balance (= 9 8) cannot be set in [ ] or [ ] modes. • With [ ] and [ ] modes, colors other than people’s skin tone may be modified. These settings may not produce the expected results with some skin tones. Still Images Movies Custom Color Choose the desired level of image contrast, sharpness, color saturation, red, green, blue, and skin tones in a range of 1 – 5. Access the setting screen. Follow the steps on = 1 00 to choose [ and then press the <l> button. Configure the setting. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose an option, and then specify the value by pressing the <q><r> buttons or turning the <5> dial. For stronger/more intense effects (or darker skin tones), adjust the value to the right, and for weaker/lighter effects (or lighter skin tones), adjust the value to the left. Press the <l> button to complete the setting.
  • Page 102: Continuous Shooting

    Color and Continuous Shooting Still Images Continuous Shooting Hold the shutter button all the way down to shoot continuously. For details on the continuous shooting speed, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Configure the setting. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and choose the desired option (= 4 6). The option you configured is now displayed. Shoot. Hold the shutter button all the way down to shoot continuously. Mode Description Continuous shooting, with the focus and exposure determined W Continuous when you press the shutter button halfway. Continuous Continuous shooting and focusing. Shooting AF [AF Frame] is set to [Center] and cannot be changed. Continuous Continuous shooting, with the focus fixed at the position determined Shooting LV* in manual focusing. In [t] mode, focus is determined by the first shot. * In [t] mode (= 8 1), AF lock (= 1 10), or manual focus mode (= 1 03), [ ] is changed to [ * For details on the continuous shooting speed in each mode, see, “Specifications”…

  • Page 103: Shooting Range And Focusing

    Shooting Range and Focusing Still Images Shooting Close-ups (Macro) To restrict the focus to subjects at close range, set the camera to [e]. For details on the focusing range, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Press the <q> button, choose [e] (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button. Once the setting is complete, [e] is displayed. • In the yellow bar display area below the zoom bar, [e] will turn gray and the camera will not focus. • To prevent camera shake, try mounting the camera on a tripod and shooting with the camera set to [[] (= 6 3). Still Images Movies Shooting in Manual Focus Mode When focusing is not possible in AF mode, use manual focus. You can specify the general focal position and then press the shutter button halfway to have the camera determine the optimal focal position near the position you specified. For details on the focusing range, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Choose [f].

  • Page 104
    Shooting Range and Focusing Specify the general focal position. Referring to the on-screen MF indicator bar (which shows the distance and focal position) and the magnified display area, press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to specify the general focal position. MF Indicator Fine-tune the focus. Press the shutter button halfway to have the camera fine-tune the focal position (Safety MF). • AF frame mode or size cannot be changed while focusing manually (= 1 05). If you want to change the AF frame mode or size, cancel manual focus mode first. • Focusing is possible when using the digital zoom (= 6 0) or digital tele-converter (= 1 05), but the magnified display will not appear. • To focus more accurately, try attaching the camera to a tripod to stabilize it. • To hide the magnified display area, press the <n> button and set [MF- Point Zoom] on the [4] tab to [Off] (= 4 7). • To deactivate automatic focus fine-tuning when the shutter button is pressed halfway, press the <n> button and set [Safety MF] on the [4] tab to [Off] (= 4 7).
  • Page 105: Changing The Af Frame Mode

    Shooting Range and Focusing Still Images Movies Digital Tele-Converter The focal length of the lens can be increased by approximately 1.6x or 2.0x. This can reduce camera shake because the shutter speed is faster than it would be if you zoomed (including using digital zoom) in to the same zoom factor. Press the <n> button, choose [Digital Zoom] on the [4] tab, and then choose the desired option (= 4 7). The view is enlarged and the zoom factor is displayed on the screen. • The digital tele-converter cannot be used with digital zoom (= 6 0) and AF-point zoom (= 7 2). • The respective focal lengths when using [1.6x] and [2.0x] are 38.4 – 1152 mm and 48 – 1440 mm (35mm film equivalent). • The shutter speed may be equivalent when you move the zoom lever all the way toward <i> for maximum telephoto, and when you zoom in to enlarge the subject to the same size following step 2 on = 6 0. Still Images Movies Changing the AF Frame Mode Change the AF (auto focus) frame mode to suit the shooting conditions as follows.

  • Page 106
    Shooting Range and Focusing Still Images Movies Center One AF frame is displayed in the center. Effective for reliable focusing. • A yellow AF frame is displayed with [ ] if the camera cannot focus when you press the shutter button halfway. Note that AF- point zooming (= 7 2) is not possible. • To reduce the AF frame size, press the <n> button and set [AF Frame Size] on the [4] tab to [Small] (= 4 7). • The AF frame size is set to [Normal] when you use the digital zoom (= 6 0) or digital tele-converter (= 1 05), and in manual focus mode (= 1 03). • To compose shots so that subjects are positioned at the edge or in a corner, first aim the camera to capture the subject in an AF frame, and then hold the shutter button halfway down. As you continue to hold the shutter button halfway, recompose the shot as desired, and then press the shutter button all the way down (Focus Lock). Still Images Movies Face Detect •…
  • Page 107
    Shooting Range and Focusing • If faces are not detected, or when only gray frames are displayed (without a white frame), an AF frame is displayed in the center of the screen when you press the shutter button halfway. • If faces are not detected when Servo AF (= 1 09) is set to [On], the AF frame is displayed in the center of the screen when you press the shutter button halfway. • Examples of faces that cannot be detected: — Subjects that are distant or extremely close — Subjects that are dark or light — Faces in profile, at an angle, or partly hidden • The camera may misinterpret non-human subjects as faces. • No AF frames are displayed if the camera cannot focus when you press the shutter button halfway. Still Images Choosing Subjects to Focus On (Tracking AF) Shoot after choosing a subject to focus on as follows. Choose [Tracking AF]. Follow the steps on = 1 05 to choose [Tracking AF]. ] is displayed in the center of the screen. Choose a subject to focus on. Aim the camera so that [ ] is on the desired subject, and then press the <q> button.
  • Page 108
    Shooting Range and Focusing When the subject is detected, the camera beeps and [ ] is displayed. Even if the subject moves, the camera will continue to track the subject within a certain range. If no subject is detected, [ ] is displayed. To cancel tracking, press the <q> button again. Shoot. Press the shutter button halfway. [ changes to a blue [ ], which follows the subject as the camera continues to adjust the focus and exposure (Servo AF) (= 1 09). Press the shutter button all the way down to shoot. Even after your shot, [ ] is still displayed and the camera continues to track the subject. • [Servo AF] (= 1 09) is set to [On] and cannot be changed. • Tracking may not be possible when subjects are too small or move too rapidly, or when subject color or brightness matches that of the background too closely. • [AF-Point Zoom] on the [4] tab is not available. • [e] is not available. •…
  • Page 109
    Shooting Range and Focusing Still Images Shooting with Servo AF This mode helps avoid missing shots of subjects in motion, because the camera continues to focus on the subject and adjust the exposure as long as you press the shutter button halfway. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [Servo AF] on the [4] tab, and then choose [On] (= 4 7). Focus. The focus and exposure are maintained where the blue AF frame is displayed while you are pressing the shutter button halfway. • Focusing may not be possible in some shooting conditions. • In low-light conditions, Servo AF may not be activated (AF frames may not turn blue) when you press the shutter button halfway. In this case, the focus and exposure are set according to the specified AF frame mode. • If adequate exposure cannot be obtained, shutter speeds and aperture values are displayed in orange. Release the shutter button, and then press it halfway again. • AF lock shooting is not available. • [AF-Point Zoom] on the [4] tab is not available. • Not available when using the self-timer (= 6 2).
  • Page 110: Changing The Focus Setting

    Shooting Range and Focusing Still Images Changing the Focus Setting You can change default camera operation of constantly focusing on subjects it is aimed at, even when the shutter button is not pressed. Instead, you can limit camera focusing to the moment you press the shutter button halfway. Press the <n> button, choose [Continuous AF] on the [4] tab, and then choose [Off] (= 4 7). Helps avoid missing sudden photo opportunities, because the camera constantly focuses on subjects until you press the shutter button halfway. Conserves battery power, because the camera does not focus constantly. Still Images Movies Shooting with the AF Lock The focus can be locked. After you lock the focus, the focal position will not change even when you release your finger from the shutter button. Lock the focus. With the shutter button pressed halfway, press the <q> button. The focus is now locked, and [f] and the MF indicator are displayed. To cancel AF lock, release the shutter button, hold the shutter button halfway down again, and press the <q> button. Compose the shot and shoot.

  • Page 111: Flash

    Flash Still Images Activating Flash You can have the flash fire for each shot. For details on the flash range, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Lift the flash. Configure the setting. Press the <r> button, choose [h] (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button. Once the setting is complete, [h] is displayed. • The setting screen cannot be accessed by pressing the <r> button when the flash is lowered. Lift the flash with your finger in advance. Still Images Shooting with Slow Synchro With this option, the flash fires to increase the brightness of the main subject (such as people) while the camera shoots at a slow shutter speed to increase the brightness of the background that is out of the flash range. For details on the flash range, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Lift the flash. Configure the setting. Press the <r> button, choose [Z] (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button. Once the setting is complete, [Z] is displayed.

  • Page 112: Adjusting The Flash Exposure Compensation

    Flash Shoot. Even after the flash fires, ensure that the main subject does not move until the shutter sound is finished playing. • Mount the camera on a tripod or take other measures to keep it still and prevent camera shake. Additionally, you should set [IS Mode] to [Off] when using a tripod or other means to hold the camera still (= 1 14). • The setting screen cannot be accessed by pressing the <r> button when the flash is lowered. Lift the flash with your finger in advance. Still Images Adjusting the Flash Exposure Compensation Just as with regular exposure compensation (= 9 3), you can adjust the flash exposure from –2 to +2 stops, in 1/3-stop increments. Press the <m> button, choose [X] in the menu, and adjust the setting by either pressing the <q><r> buttons or turning the <5> dial (= 4 6). Once the setting is complete, [X] is displayed. • When there is a risk of overexposure, the camera automatically adjusts the shutter speed or aperture value during the flash shots to reduce washed- out highlights and shoot at optimal exposure. However, you can deactivate automatic adjustment of the shutter speed and aperture value by accessing <n> (= 4 7) and setting [Safety FE] in [Flash Settings] on the [4]…

  • Page 113: Shooting With The Fe Lock

    Flash Still Images Shooting with the FE Lock Just as with the AE lock (= 9 4), you can lock the exposure for the flash shots. Lift the flash and set the flash to [h] (= 1 11). Lock the flash exposure. Aim the camera at the subject to shoot with the exposure locked. With the shutter button pressed halfway, press the <b> button. The flash fires, and when [ ] is displayed, the flash output level is retained. To unlock FE, release the shutter button and press the <b> button again. In this case, [ ] is no longer displayed. Compose the shot and shoot. After one shot, FE is unlocked and [ ] is no longer displayed. • FE: Flash Exposure…

  • Page 114: Other Settings

    Other Settings Still Images Changing the Compression Ratio (Image Quality) Choose from two compression ratios, as follows: [ ] (Super Fine), ] (Fine). For guidelines on how many shots at each compression ratio can fit on a memory card, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Configure the setting. Press the <m> button, choose [ ] in the menu, and choose the desired option (= 4 6). Still Images Movies Changing the IS Mode Settings Press the <n> button, choose [IS Mode] on the [4] tab, and then press the <q><r> buttons to choose the desired option (= 4 7). Optimal image stabilization for the shooting conditions is Continuous automatically applied (Intelligent IS) (= 5 8).

  • Page 115: Tv, Av, And M Mode

    Tv, Av, and M Mode Take smarter, more sophisticated shots • Instructions in this chapter apply to the camera as set to the respective mode.

  • Page 116: Specific Shutter Speeds ( Mode)

    Still Images Specific Shutter Speeds (<Tv> Mode) Set your preferred shutter speed before shooting as follows. The camera automatically adjusts the aperture value to suit your shutter speed. For details on available shutter speeds, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Enter <M> mode. Set the mode dial to <M>. Set the shutter speed. Turn the <5> dial to set the shutter speed. • With shutter speeds of 1.3 seconds or slower, there will be a delay before you can shoot again, as images are processed to remove noise. • When shooting at low shutter speeds on a tripod, you should set [IS Mode] to [Off] (= 1 14). • Orange display of aperture values when you press the shutter button halfway indicates that the settings deviate from standard exposure. Adjust the shutter speed until the aperture value is displayed in white, or use safety shift (= 1 17). • <M>: Time value…

  • Page 117: Specific Aperture Values ( Mode)

    Still Images Specific Aperture Values (<Av> Mode) Set your preferred aperture value before shooting as follows. The camera automatically adjusts the shutter speed to suit your aperture value. For details on available aperture values, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Enter <B> mode. Set the mode dial to <B>. Set the aperture value. Turn the <5> dial to set the aperture value. • Orange display of shutter speeds when you press the shutter button halfway indicates that the settings deviate from standard exposure. Adjust the aperture value until the shutter speed is displayed in white, or use safety shift (see below). • <B>: Aperture value (size of the opening made by the iris in the lens) • To avoid exposure problems in <M> and <B> modes, you can have the camera automatically adjust the shutter speed or aperture value, even when standard exposure cannot otherwise be obtained. Press the <n> button and set [Safety Shift] on the [4] tab to [On] (= 4 7). However, safety shift is disabled when the flash fires.

  • Page 118: Specific Shutter Speeds And Aperture Values ( Mode)

    Still Images Specific Shutter Speeds and Aperture Values (<M> Mode) Follow these steps before shooting to set your preferred shutter speed and aperture value to obtain the desired exposure. For details on available shutter speeds and aperture values, see “Specifications” (= 2 17). Enter <D> mode. Set the mode dial to <D>. Configure the setting. Press the <b> button, choose adjustment of shutter speed or aperture value, and turn the <5> dial to specify a value. An exposure level mark based on your specified value is shown on the exposure Aperture level indicator for comparison to the Value standard exposure level. Shutter Speed The exposure level mark is shown Standard in orange when the difference from Exposure standard exposure exceeds 2 stops. “–2” Level or “+2” is displayed in orange in the lower Exposure Level right when you press the shutter button Mark halfway.

  • Page 119: Adjusting The Flash Output

    Specific Shutter Speeds and Aperture Values (<M> Mode) • <D>: Manual • Calculation of standard exposure is based on the specified metering method (= 9 5). Still Images Adjusting the Flash Output Choose from the three flash levels in <D> mode. Enter <D> mode. Set the mode dial to <D>. Configure the setting. Press the <m> button, choose [X] in the menu, and adjust the setting by either pressing the <q><r> buttons or turning the < 5 > dial (= 4 6). Once the setting is complete, [X] is displayed. • You can also set the flash level by accessing <n> (= 4 7) and choosing [Flash Output] in [Flash Settings] on the [4] tab. • You can set the flash level in <M> or <B> mode by accessing <n> (= 4 7), choosing [Flash Settings] on the [4] tab, and then setting [Flash Mode] to [Manual].

  • Page 121: Playback Mode

    Playback Mode Have fun reviewing your shots, and browse or edit them in many ways • To prepare the camera for these operations, press the <1> button to enter Playback mode. • It may not be possible to play back or edit images that were renamed or already edited on a computer, or images from other cameras.

  • Page 122: Viewing

    Still Images Movies Viewing After shooting images or movies, you can view them on the screen as follows. Enter Playback mode. Press the <1> button. Your last shot is displayed. Browse through your images. To view the previous image, press the <q> button or turn the <5> dial counterclockwise. To view the next image, press the <r> button or turn the <5> dial clockwise. Press and hold the <q><r> buttons to browse through images quickly. Images appear grainy at this time. To access Scroll Display mode, turn the < 5 > dial rapidly. In this mode, turn the < 5 > dial to browse through images. To return to single-image display, press the <m> button. To browse images grouped by shooting date, press the <o><p> buttons in Scroll Display mode. Movies are identified by a [ ] icon. To play movies, go to step 3.

  • Page 123
    Viewing Play movies. To start playback, press the <m> button to access the movie control panel, choose [ ] (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button again. Adjust the volume. Volume Press the <o><p> buttons to adjust the volume. Pause playback. To pause or resume playback, press the <m> button. After the movie is finished, [ ] is displayed. • To switch to Shooting mode from Playback mode, press the shutter button halfway. • To deactivate Scroll Display, press the <n> button, choose [Scroll Display] on the [1] tab, and then choose [Off]. • If you prefer to have the most recent shot displayed when you enter playback mode, press the <n> button, and on the [1] tab, choose [Resume] and then [Last shot]. • To change the transition shown between images, press the <n> button, choose [Transition] on the [1] tab, and then press the <q><r> buttons to choose the effect.
  • Page 124: Switching Display Modes

    Viewing Still Images Movies Switching Display Modes Press the <l> button to view other information on the screen, or to hide the information. For details on the information displayed, see = 2 02. No information is Simple Information Detailed Enables you to displayed Display Information Display check the focus (= 1 25)* *Not shown for movies. • Switching display modes by pressing the <l> button is also possible immediately after you shoot, while your shot is displayed. However, simple information display is not available. To change the initial display mode, press the <n> button and choose [Review Info] on the [4] tab (= 7 6). Still Images Movies Overexposure Warning (for Image Highlights) Washed-out highlights in the image flash on the screen in detailed information display. Still Images Movies Histogram The graph in detailed information display High is a histogram showing the distribution of…

  • Page 125: Checking The Focus

    Viewing Still Images Checking the Focus To check the focus of your shots, you can magnify the area of the image that was in the AF frame at the time of shooting. Access Focus Check. Press the <l> button (= 1 24). A white frame is displayed where the AF frame was when the focus was set. Gray frames are displayed over faces detected later, in Playback mode. The portion of the image in the orange frame is magnified. Switch frames. Move the zoom lever toward <k> once. The screen at left is displayed. To switch to a different frame when there are multiple frames, press the <m> button. Zoom in or out, or view other image areas. As you examine the focus, use the zoom lever to zoom in or out. Press the <o><p><q><r> buttons to adjust the display position. Press the <n> button to restore the original display in step 1.

  • Page 126: Browsing And Filtering Images

    Browsing and Filtering Images Still Images Movies Navigating Through Images in an Index By displaying multiple images in an index, you can quickly find the images you are looking for. Display images in an index. Move the zoom lever toward <g> to display images in an index. Moving the lever again will increase the number of images shown. To display fewer images, move the zoom lever toward <k>. Fewer images are shown each time you move the lever. Choose an image. Turn the <5> dial to scroll through the images. Press the <o><p><q><r> buttons to choose an image. An orange frame is displayed around the selected image. Press the <m> button to view the selected image in single-image display.

  • Page 127: Finding Images Matching Specified Conditions

    Browsing and Filtering Images Still Images Movies Finding Images Matching Specified Conditions Find desired images quickly on a memory card full of images by filtering image display according to your specified conditions. You can also protect (= 1 32) or delete (= 1 36) these images all at once. Favorites Displays images tagged as favorites (= 1 42). Shot Date Displays the images shot on a specific date. Displays the images of a specific category ; My Category (= 1 43). Still image/Movie Displays only still images or movies. Still Images Movies Choose the first condition for image display or navigation. In single-image display, press the <o> button, and then press the <o><p> buttons to choose a display filter. When [ ] is selected, you can view only images matching this condition by…

  • Page 128
    Browsing and Filtering Images View the filtered images. Images matching your conditions are displayed in yellow frames. To view only these images, press the <q><r> buttons, or turn the <5> dial. To exit filtered image display, press the <o> button, and after [Image search canceled] is displayed, press the <m> button. • When the camera has found no corresponding images for some conditions, those conditions will not be available. • To show or hide information, press the <l> button in step 2. • Options for viewing the images found (in step 3) include “Navigating Through Images in an Index” (= 1 26), “Viewing Slideshows” (= 1 30), and “Magnifying Images” (= 1 29). You can protect, erase, or print all images found or add them to a photobook by choosing [Select All Images in Search] in “Protecting Images” (= 1 32), “Erasing All Images” (= 1 37), “Adding Images to the Print List (DPOF)” (= 1 86), or “Adding Images to a Photobook” (= 1 90).
  • Page 129: Image Viewing Options

    Image Viewing Options Still Images Magnifying Images Magnify an image. Moving the zoom lever toward <k> will zoom in and magnify the image. You can magnify images up to about 10x by continuing to hold the zoom lever. To zoom out, move the zoom lever toward <g>. You can return to single- image display by continuing to hold it. Move the display position and switch images as needed. To move the display position, press the Approximate Position of <o><p><q><r> buttons. Displayed Area To switch to other images while zoomed, turn the <5> dial. • You can return to single-image display from magnified display by pressing the <n> button.

  • Page 130: Viewing Slideshows

    Image Viewing Options Still Images Movies Viewing Slideshows Automatically play back images from a memory card as follows. Access the setting screen. Press the <n> button, and then choose [Slideshow] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Configure the setting. Choose a menu item to configure, and then choose the desired option (= 4 7). Start automatic playback. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Start], and then press the <m> button. The slideshow will start a few seconds after [Loading image…] is displayed. Press the <n> button to stop the slideshow. • The camera’s power-saving functions (= 4 2) are deactivated during slideshows. • To pause or resume slideshows, press the <m> button. • You can switch to other images during playback by pressing the <q><r> buttons or turning the <5> dial. For fast-forward or fast-rewind, hold the <q><r> buttons down. • [Play Time] cannot be modified when [Bubble] is chosen in [Effect].

  • Page 131: Smart Shuffle

    Image Viewing Options Still Images Auto Playback of Similar Images (Smart Shuffle) Based on the current image, the camera offers four images similar to it that you may wish to view. After you choose to view one of those images, the camera offers four more images. This is an enjoyable way to play back images in an unexpected order. Try this feature after you have taken many shots, in many kinds of scenes. Choose Smart Shuffle. Press the <n> button, choose [Smart Shuffle] on the [1] tab, and then press the <m> button (= 4 7). Four candidate images are displayed. Choose an image. Press the <o><p><q><r> buttons to choose the image you want to view next. Your chosen image is displayed in the center, surrounded by the next four candidate images. For full-screen display of the center image, press the <m> button. To restore the original display, press the <m> button again. Press the <n> button to restore single-image display. • Only still images shot with this camera are played back using Smart Shuffle. • [Smart Shuffle] is not available in the following cases: — There are less than 50 shots taken with this camera — An unsupported image is currently displayed — Images are shown in filtered display (= 1 27)

  • Page 132: Protecting Images

    Still Images Movies Protecting Images Protect important images to prevent accidental erasure by the camera (= 1 36, 137). Choosing a Selection Method Access the setting screen. Press the <n> button and choose [Protect] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose a selection method. Choose a menu item and a setting as desired (= 4 7). To return to the menu screen, press the <n> button. • Protected images on a memory card will be erased if you format the card (= 1 60, 161). • Protected images cannot be erased using the camera’s erasure function. To erase them this way, first cancel protection.

  • Page 133: Choosing Images Individually

    Protecting Images Choosing Images Individually Choose [Select]. Following step 2 on = 1 32, choose [Select] and press the <m> button. Choose the images. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button. [ ] is displayed. To cancel protection, press the <m> button again. [ ] is no longer displayed. Repeat this process to specify other images. Protect the image. Press the <n> button. A confirmation message is displayed. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button. • Images will not be protected if you switch to Shooting mode or turn the camera off before finishing the setup process in step 3.

  • Page 134: Selecting A Range

    Protecting Images Selecting a Range Choose [Select Range]. Following step 2 on = 1 32, choose [Select Range] and press the <m> button. Choose a starting image. Press the <m> button. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button. Choose an ending image. Press the <r> button to choose [Last image], and then press the <m> button. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button. Images before the first image cannot be selected as the last image.

  • Page 135: Specifying All Images At Once

    Protecting Images Protect the images. Press the <p> button to choose [Protect], and then press the <m> button. • You can also choose the first or last image by turning the <5> dial when the top screen in steps 2 and 3 is displayed. Specifying All Images at Once Choose [Select All Images]. Following step 2 on = 1 32, choose [Select All Images] and press the <m> button. Protect the images. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Protect], and then press the <m> button. • To cancel protection for groups of images, choose [Unlock] in step 4 of “Selecting a Range” or in step 2 of “Specifying All Images at Once”.

  • Page 136: Erasing Images

    Still Images Movies Erasing Images You can choose and erase unneeded images one by one. Be careful when erasing images, because they cannot be recovered. However, protected images (= 1 32) cannot be erased. Choose an image to erase. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image. Erase the image. Press the <a> button. After [Erase?] is displayed, press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Erase], and then press the <m> button. The current image is now erased. To cancel erasure, press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Cancel], and then press the <m> button.

  • Page 137: Erasing All Images

    Erasing Images Erasing All Images You can erase all images at once. Be careful when erasing images, because they cannot be recovered. However, protected images (= 1 32) cannot be erased. Choosing a Selection Method Access the setting screen. Press the <n> button, and then choose [Erase] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose a selection method. Choose a menu item and a setting as desired (= 4 7). To return to the menu screen, press the <n> button. Choosing Images Individually Choose [Select]. Following step 2 above, choose [Select] and press the <m> button. Choose an image. Once you follow step 2 on = 1 33 to choose an image, [ ] is displayed. To cancel erasure, press the <m> button again. [ ] is no longer displayed. Repeat this process to specify other images.

  • Page 138
    Erasing Images Erase the image. Press the <n> button. A confirmation message is displayed. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button. Selecting a Range Choose [Select Range]. Following step 2 in “Choosing a Selection Method” (= 1 37), choose [Select Range] and press the <m> button. Choose images. Follow steps 2 – 3 on = 1 34 to specify images. Erase the images. Press the <p> button to choose [Erase], and then press the <m> button.
  • Page 139
    Erasing Images Specifying All Images at Once Choose [Select All Images]. Following step 2 in “Choosing a Selection Method” (= 1 37), choose [Select All Images] and press the <m> button. Erase the images. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button.
  • Page 140: Rotating Images

    Still Images Movies Rotating Images Change the orientation of images and save them as follows. Choose [Rotate]. Press the <n> button and choose [Rotate] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Rotate the image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image. The image is rotated 90° each time you press the <m> button. To return to the menu screen, press the <n> button. • Movies with an image quality of [ ] cannot be rotated. • Rotation is not possible when [Auto Rotate] is set to [Off] (= 1 41).

  • Page 141: Deactivating Auto Rotation

    Rotating Images Deactivating Auto Rotation Follow these steps to deactivate automatic rotation by the camera, which rotates images shot in vertical orientation so they are displayed vertically on the camera. Press the <n> button, choose [Auto Rotate] on the [1] tab, and then choose [Off] (= 4 7). • Images cannot be rotated (= 1 40) when you set [Auto Rotate] to [Off]. Additionally, images already rotated will be displayed in the original orientation. • In Smart Shuffle (= 1 31) mode, even if [Auto Rotate] is set to [Off], images shot vertically will be displayed vertically, and rotated images will be displayed in the rotated orientation.

  • Page 142: Image Categories

    Image Categories You can tag images as favorites or assign them to My Category (= 1 43) groups. By choosing a category in filtered playback, you can restrict the following operations to all of those images. • Viewing (= 1 22), Viewing Slideshows (= 1 30), Protecting Images (= 1 32), Erasing Images (= 1 36), Adding Images to the Print List (DPOF) (= 1 86), Adding Images to a Photobook (= 1 90) Still Images Movies Tagging Images as Favorites Choose [Favorites]. Press the <n> button and choose [Favorites] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose an image.

  • Page 143
    Image Categories • Favorite images will have a three-star rating ( ) when transferred to computers running Windows 7 or Windows Vista. (Does not apply to movies.) Still Images Movies Organizing Images by Category (My Category) You can organize images into categories. Note that images are automatically categorized at the time of shooting, according to shooting conditions. : I mages with detected faces, or images shot in [I] mode. : I mages detected as [ ], [ ], or [ ] in <A> mode. : Images shot in [P] or [t] mode. Choosing a Selection Method Access the setting screen. Press the <n> button, and then choose [My Category] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose a selection method. Choose a menu item and a setting as desired (= 4 7).
  • Page 144
    Image Categories Choosing Images Individually Choose [Select]. Following step 2 on = 1 43, choose [Select] and press the <m> button. Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image. Choose a category. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose a category and then press the <m> button. [ ] is displayed. To cancel selection, press the <m> button again. [ ] is no longer displayed. Repeat this process to choose additional images. Finish the setup process. Press the <n> button. A confirmation message is displayed. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button. • Images will not be assigned to a category if you switch to Shooting mode or turn the camera off before finishing the setup process in step 4.
  • Page 145
    Image Categories Selecting a Range Choose [Select Range]. Following step 2 on = 1 43, choose [Select Range] and press the <m> button. Choose images. Follow steps 2 – 3 on = 1 34 to specify images. Choose a category. Press the <p> button to choose the type of image, and then press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose a category. Finish the setup process. Press the <p> button to choose [Select], and then press the <m> button. • You can clear the selection of all images in the [Select Range] category by choosing [Deselect] in step 4.
  • Page 146: Editing Still Images

    Editing Still Images • Image editing (= 1 46 – 151) is only available when the memory card has sufficient free space. Still Images Resizing Images Save a copy of images at a lower resolution. Choose [Resize]. Press the <n> button and choose [Resize] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button. Choose an image size. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose the size, and then press the <m> button. [Save new image?] is displayed. Save the new image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button. The image is now saved as a new file.

  • Page 147
    Editing Still Images Review the new image. Press the <n> button. [Display new image?] is displayed. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Yes], and then press the <m> button. The saved image is now displayed. • Editing is not possible for images saved as [ ] in step 3. • Images cannot be resized to a higher resolution. Still Images Cropping You can specify a portion of an image to save as a separate image file. Choose [Cropping]. Press the <n> button, and then choose [Cropping] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button.
  • Page 148
    Editing Still Images Adjust the cropping area. Cropping Area A frame is displayed around the portion of the image to be cropped. The original image is shown in the upper left, and a preview of the image as cropped is shown in the lower right. To resize the frame, move the zoom lever. To move the frame, press the Preview of Image After Cropping <o><p><q><r> buttons. To change the frame orientation, press Resolution After Cropping the <l> button. Faces detected in the image are enclosed in gray frames in the upper-left image. To crop the image based on this frame, turn the <5> dial to switch to the other frame. Press the <m> button. Save as a new image and review. Follow steps 4 – 5 on = 1 46 – 147. • Editing is not possible for images shot at a resolution of [ (= 6 8) or resized to [ ] (= 1 46). • Images supported for cropping will have the same aspect ratio after cropping.
  • Page 149
    Editing Still Images Still Images Changing Image Color Tones (My Colors) You can adjust image colors and then save the edited image as a separate file. For details on each option, see = 1 00. Choose [My Colors]. Press the <n> button, and then choose [My Colors] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button. Choose an option. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an option, and then press the <m> button. Save as a new image and review. Follow steps 4 – 5 on = 1 46 – 147. • Image quality of pictures you repeatedly edit this way will be a little lower each time, and you may not be able to obtain the desired color. • The color of images edited using this function may vary slightly from the color of images shot using My Colors (= 1 00).
  • Page 150
    Editing Still Images Still Images Correcting Image Brightness (i-Contrast) Excessively dark image areas (such as faces or backgrounds) can be detected and automatically adjusted to the optimal brightness. Insufficient overall image contrast is also automatically corrected, to make subjects stand out better. Choose from four correction levels, and then save the image as a separate file. Choose [i-Contrast]. Press the <n> button, and then choose [i-Contrast] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button. Choose an option. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an option, and then press the <m> button. Save as a new image and review. Follow steps 4 – 5 on = 1 46 – 147. • For some images, correction may be inaccurate or may cause images to appear grainy. • Images may look grainy after repeated editing using this function. • If [Auto] does not produce the expected results, try correcting images using [Low], [Medium], or [High].
  • Page 151: Correcting Red-Eye

    Editing Still Images Still Images Correcting Red-Eye Automatically corrects images affected by red-eye. You can save the corrected image as a separate file. Choose [Red-Eye Correction]. Press the <n> button, and then choose [Red-Eye Correction] on the [1] tab (= 4 7). Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image. Correct the image. Press the <m> button. Red-eye detected by the camera is now corrected, and frames are displayed around corrected image areas. Enlarge or reduce images as needed. Follow the steps in = 1 29. Save as a new image and review. Press the <o><p><q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [New File], and then press the <m> button. The image is now saved as a new file. Follow step 5 on = 1 47.

  • Page 152
    Editing Still Images • Some images may not be corrected accurately. • To overwrite the original image with the corrected image, choose [Overwrite] in step 4. In this case, the original image will be erased. • Protected images cannot be overwritten.
  • Page 153: Editing Movies

    Movies Editing Movies You can cut movies to remove unneeded portions at the beginning or end. Choose [*]. Following steps 1 – 5 on = 1 22 – 123, choose [*] and press the <m> button. The movie editing panel and editing bar are now displayed. Specify portions to cut. Movie Editing Panel Press the <o><p> buttons to choose ] or [ To view the portions you can cut (identified by [ ] on the screen), press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to move [ ]. Cut the beginning of the movie (from [ ]) by choosing [ ], and cut the end of the movie by choosing Movie Editing Bar Even if you move [ ] to a position other than a [ ] mark, choosing [ ] will only cut the portion from the nearest [ ] to the left, and choosing [ ] will cut the portion from the nearest [ ] to the right. Review the edited movie. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose ], and then press the <m> button.

  • Page 154
    Editing Movies Save the edited movie. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose ], and then press the <m> button. Press the <o><p><q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [New File], and then press the <m> button. The movie is now saved as a new file. • To overwrite the original movie with the cut one, choose [Overwrite] in step 4. In this case, the original movie will be erased. • [Overwrite] is only available when memory cards lack sufficient free space. • Movies may not be saved if the battery runs out while saving is in progress. • When editing movies, you should use a fully charged battery or an AC adapter kit (sold separately, = 1 71).
  • Page 155: Setting Menu

    Setting Menu Customize or adjust basic camera functions for greater convenience…

  • Page 156: Adjusting Basic Camera Functions

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Functions can be configured on the [3] tab. Customize commonly used functions as desired, for greater convenience (= 4 7). Silencing Camera Operations Silence camera sounds and movies as follows. Choose [Mute], and then choose [On]. • Operation can also be silenced by holding down the <l> button as you turn the camera on. • Sound is not played during movies if you mute camera sounds (= 1 22). To restore sound during movies, press the <o> button. Adjust volume with the <o><p> buttons, as needed. • Sound settings cannot be changed in [ ] mode (= 7 8). Adjusting the Volume Adjust the volume of individual camera sounds as follows. Choose [Volume], and then press the <m> button. Choose an item, and then press the <q><r> buttons to adjust the volume.

  • Page 157: Hiding Hints And Tips

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Customizing Sounds Customize camera operating sounds as follows. Choose [Sound Options], and then press the <m> button. Choose an item, and then press the <q><r> buttons to choose an option. Preset sounds (cannot be modified) Preset sounds Can be changed by using the included software. • Sound settings cannot be changed in [ ] mode (= 7 8). Hiding Hints and Tips Hints and tips are normally shown when you choose FUNC. menu (= 4 6) or Menu (= 4 7) items. If you prefer, you can deactivate this information. Choose [Hints & Tips], and then choose [Off].

  • Page 158: Screen Brightness

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Screen Brightness Adjust screen brightness as follows. Choose [LCD Brightness], and then press the <q><r> buttons to adjust the brightness. • For maximum brightness, press and hold the <l> button for at least one second when the shooting screen is displayed or when in single-image display. (This will override the [LCD Brightness] setting on the [3] tab.) To restore the original brightness, press and hold the <l> button again for at least one second or restart the camera. Start-up Screen Customize the start-up screen shown after you turn the camera on as follows. Choose [Start-up Image], and then press the <m> button. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an option. No start-up image Preset image (cannot be modified) Preset image Assign a desired shot, or use the included software to change the image.

  • Page 159
    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Customizing the Start-up Screen Access the [Start-up Image] screen in Playback mode. Press the <1> button. Following the previous procedure, choose [2] and press the <m> button. Choose one of your shots. Choose an image and press the <m> button. After [Register?] is displayed, choose [OK] (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button. • The previous start-up setting is overwritten when you assign a new start-up image. • You can assign the operating sounds and start-up image for your camera from the included software. Refer to the Software Guide (= 3 1) for details.
  • Page 160: Formatting Memory Cards

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Formatting Memory Cards Before using a new memory card or a card formatted in another device, you should format the card with this camera. Formatting erases all data on a memory card. Before formatting, copy images on the memory card to a computer, or take other steps to back them An Eye-Fi card (= 1 93) contains software on the card itself. Before formatting an Eye-Fi card, install the software on a computer. Access the [Format] screen. Choose [Format], and then press the <m> button. Choose [OK]. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose [Cancel], choose [OK] (either press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial), and then press the <m> button. Format the memory card. To begin the formatting process, press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button. When formatting is finished, [Memory card formatting complete] is displayed. Press the <m> button. • Formatting or erasing data on a memory card only changes file management information on the card and does not erase the data completely. When transferring or disposing of memory cards, take steps to protect personal information if necessary, as by physically destroying cards. • The total card capacity indicated on the formatting screen may be less than the advertised capacity.

  • Page 161
    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Low-Level Formatting Perform low-level formatting in these cases: [Memory card error] is displayed, the camera is not working correctly, card image reading/writing is slower, continuous shooting is slower, or movie recording suddenly stops. Low-level formatting erases all data on a memory card. Before low-level formatting, copy images on the memory card to a computer, or take other steps to back them up. Perform low-level formatting. On the screen in step 2 on = 1 60, press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Low Level Format], and then select this option (mark with a ]) by pressing the <q><r> buttons. Follow steps 2 – 3 on = 1 60 to continue with the formatting process. • Low-level formatting takes longer than “Formatting Memory Cards” (= 1 60), because data is erased from all storage regions of the memory card. • You can cancel low-level formatting in progress by choosing [Stop]. In this case, all data will be erased, but the memory card can be used normally.
  • Page 162: File Numbering

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions File Numbering Your shots are automatically numbered in sequential order (0001 – 9999) and saved in folders that store up to 2,000 images each. You can change how the camera assigns file numbers. Choose [File Numbering], and then choose an option. Images are numbered consecutively (until the 9999th Continuous shot is taken/saved) even if you switch memory cards. Image numbering is reset to 0001 if you switch memory Auto Reset cards, or when a new folder is created. • Regardless of the option selected in this setting, shots may be numbered consecutively after the last number of existing images on newly inserted memory cards. To start saving shots from 0001, use an empty (or formatted (= 1 60)) memory card. • Refer to the Software Guide (= 3 1) for information on the card folder structure and image formats. Date-Based Image Storage Instead of saving images in folders created each month, you can have the camera create folders each day you shoot to store shots taken that day. Choose [Create Folder], and then choose [Daily]. Images will now be saved in folders created on the shooting date.

  • Page 163: Lens Retraction Timing

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Lens Retraction Timing The lens is normally retracted for safety about one minute after you press the <1> button in Shooting mode (= 4 2). To have the lens retracted immediately after you press the <1> button, set the retraction timing to [0 sec.]. Choose [Lens Retract], and then choose [0 sec.]. Power-Saving Adjustment Adjust the timing of automatic camera and screen deactivation (Auto Power Down and Display Off, respectively) as needed (= 4 2). Access the [Power Saving] screen. Choose [Power Saving], and then press the <m> button. Configure the settings. After choosing an item, press the <q><r> buttons to adjust it as needed. • To conserve battery power, you should normally choose [On] for [Auto Power Down] and [1 min.] or less for [Display Off]. • The [Display Off] setting is applied even if you set [Auto Power Down] to [Off].

  • Page 164: World Clock

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions World Clock To ensure that your shots will have the correct local date and time when you travel abroad, simply register the destination in advance and switch to that time zone. This convenient feature eliminates the need to change the Date/ Time setting manually. Before using the world clock, be sure to set the date and time in “Setting the Date and Time” (= 2 2) and your home time zone. Specify your destination. Choose [Time Zone], and then press the <m> button. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [ World], and then press the <m> button. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose the destination. To set daylight saving time (1 hour ahead), press the <o><p> buttons to choose [ Press the <m> button. Switch to the destination time zone. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [ World], and then press the <n> button. ] is now shown on the shooting screen (= 2 02). • Adjusting the date or time while in [ ] mode (= 2 3) will automatically update your [ Home] time and date.

  • Page 165: Date And Time

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Date and Time Adjust the date and time as follows. Access the [Date/Time] screen. Choose [Date/Time], and then press the <m> button. Configure the setting. Press the <q><r> buttons to choose an item, and then adjust the setting, either by pressing the <o><p> buttons or turning the <5> dial. Metric/Non-Metric Display Change the unit of measurement shown in the MF indicator (= 1 04) and zoom bar (= 5 2) from m/cm to ft/in as needed. Choose [Units], and then choose [ft/in].

  • Page 166: Adjusting Other Settings

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Checking Certification Logos Some logos for certification requirements met by the camera can be viewed on the screen. Other certification logos are printed in this guide, on the camera packaging, or on the camera body. Choose [Certification Logo Display], and then press the <m> button. Display Language Change the display language as needed. Access the [Language] screen. Choose [Language ], and then press the <m> button. Configure the setting. Press the <o><p><q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose a language, and then press the <m> button. • You can also access the [Language] screen in Playback mode by pressing and holding the <m> button and immediately pressing the <n> button. Adjusting Other Settings The following settings can also be adjusted on the [3] tab. • [Video System] (= 1 76) • [Ctrl via HDMI] (= 1 74) • [Eye-Fi Settings] (= 1 93)

  • Page 167: Restoring Defaults

    Adjusting Basic Camera Functions Restoring Defaults If you accidentally change a setting, you can restore default camera settings. Access the [Reset All] screen. Choose [Reset All], and then press the <m> button. Restore default settings. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button. Default settings are now restored. • The following functions are not restored to default settings. — [3] tab settings [Date/Time] (= 2 2), [Language ] (= 2 5), [Time Zone] (= 1 64), [Video System] (= 1 76), and the image assigned to [Start-up Image] (= 1 58) — Custom white balance data you have recorded (= 9 9) — Shooting mode chosen in <K> (= 8 0) or < > (= 8 2) mode — The movie mode (= 8 8)

  • Page 169: Accessories

    Accessories Use included accessories effectively and enjoy the camera in more ways with optional Canon accessories and other compatible accessories sold separately…

  • Page 170: Tips On Using Included Accessories

    Tips on Using Included Accessories Effective Battery and Charger Use • Charge the battery on (or immediately before) the day of use Charged batteries gradually lose their charge, even when they are not used. You can easily check the charge state of the battery by attaching the cover so that p is visible on a charged battery, and attaching it so that p is not visible on an uncharged battery. • Long-term battery storage After using up all remaining battery power, remove the battery from the camera. Store the battery with the cover attached. Storing a partially charged battery over extended periods (about a year) may shorten its life or affect performance. • Using the battery charger abroad The charger can be used in areas with 100 – 240 V AC power (50/60 Hz). For power outlets in a different format, use a commercially available adapter for the plug. Never use an electrical transformer designed for traveling, which may damage the battery.

  • Page 171: Optional Accessories

    Optional Accessories The following camera accessories are sold separately. Note that availability varies by area, and some accessories may no longer be available. Power Supplies Battery Pack NB-6L Rechargeable lithium-ion battery Battery Charger CB-2LY/CB-2LYE Charger for Battery Pack NB-6L AC Adapter Kit ACK-DC40 For powering the camera using household power. Recommended when using the camera over extended periods, or when connecting the camera to a printer or computer. Cannot be used to charge the camera battery. • The battery charger and AC adapter kit can be used in areas with 100 – 240 V AC power (50/60 Hz). • For power outlets in a different format, use a commercially available adapter for the plug. Never use an electrical transformer designed for traveling, which may damage the battery. Flash Unit High-Power Flash HF-DC2 External flash for illuminating subjects that are out of range of the built-in flash.

  • Page 172: Other Accessories

    Optional Accessories Other Accessories Stereo AV Cable AVC-DC400ST Connect the camera to a TV to enjoy playback on the larger TV screen. HDMI Cable HTC-100 For connecting the camera to an HDMI input of a high-definition TV. Printers Canon PictBridge-Compatible Printers Printing images without a computer is possible by connecting the camera to a Canon PictBridge-compatible printer. For details, visit your nearest Canon dealer.

  • Page 173: Using Optional Accessories

    Still Images Movies Using Optional Accessories Still Images Movies Playback on a TV By connecting the camera to a TV, you can view your shots on the larger screen of the TV. For details on connection or how to switch inputs, refer to the TV manual. • Some information may not be displayed on the TV (= 2 04). Still Images Movies Playback on a High-Definition TV Connecting the camera to an HDTV with the HDMI Cable HTC-100 (sold separately) enables you to view your shots on the larger screen of the TV. Movies shot at a resolution of [ ] can be viewed in high-definition. Make sure the camera and TV are off. Connect the camera to the TV. On the TV, insert the cable plug fully into the HDMI input as shown. On the camera, open the terminal cover and insert the cable plug fully into the camera terminal.

  • Page 174
    Using Optional Accessories Turn the TV on and switch to video input. Switch the TV input to the video input you connected the cable to in step 2. Turn the camera on. Press the <1> button to turn the camera Images from the camera are now displayed on the TV. (Nothing is displayed on the camera screen.) When finished, turn off the camera and TV before disconnecting the cable. • Camera operating sounds are not played while the camera is connected to an HDTV. Still Images Movies Controlling the Camera with a TV Remote Connecting the camera to an HDMI CEC-compatible TV enables playback (including slideshow playback) using the TV remote control. In this case, you will need to adjust some TV settings. For details, refer to the TV user manual. Configure the setting. Press the <n> button, choose [Ctrl via HDMI] on the [3] tab, and then choose [Enable] (= 4 7). Connect the camera to the TV. Follow steps 1 – 2 on = 1 73 to connect the camera to the TV.
  • Page 175
    Using Optional Accessories Display images. Turn on the TV. On the camera, press the <1> button. Images from the camera are now displayed on the TV. (Nothing is displayed on the camera screen.) Control the camera with the TV remote. Press the <q><r> buttons on the remote to browse images. To display the camera control panel, press the OK/Select button. Select control panel items by pressing the <q><r> buttons to choose an item, and then pressing the OK/Select button again. Camera Control Panel Options Shown on the TV Return Closes the menu. Starts movie playback. (Only displayed when a movie Play Movie is selected.) Starts slideshow playback. To switch images during Slideshow playback, press the <q><r> buttons on the remote control. Index Playback Displays multiple images in an index. Change Display Switches display modes (= 4 5). • Pressing the <n> button on the camera will switch control to the camera itself, which will prevent remote control until you return to single- image display. • Moving the zoom lever on the camera will switch control to the camera itself, which will prevent remote control until you return to single-image display. •…
  • Page 176
    Using Optional Accessories Still Images Movies Playback on a Standard-Definition TV Connecting the camera to a TV with the Stereo AV Cable AVC-DC400ST (sold separately) enables you to view your shots on the larger screen of the TV as you control the camera. Make sure the camera and TV are off. Connect the camera to the TV. White Yellow On the TV, insert the cable plugs fully into Yellow the video inputs as shown. White On the camera, open the terminal cover and insert the cable plug fully into the camera terminal. Display images. Follow steps 3 – 4 on = 1 74 to display images. • Correct display is not possible unless the camera video output format (NTSC or PAL) matches the TV format. To change the video output format, press the <n> button and choose [Video System] on the [3] tab.
  • Page 177: Powering The Camera With Household Power

    Using Optional Accessories • When the camera and TV are connected, you can also shoot while previewing shots on the larger screen of the TV. To shoot, follow the same steps as when using the camera screen. However, AF-Point Zoom (= 7 2) and MF-Point Zoom (= 1 03) are not available. Still Images Movies Powering the Camera with Household Power Powering the camera with AC Adapter Kit ACK-DC40 (sold separately) eliminates the need to monitor the remaining battery level. Make sure the camera is off. Insert the coupler. Follow step 2 on = 2 0 to open the cover. Insert the coupler facing the direction shown, just as you would a battery (following step 3 on = 2 0). Follow step 5 on = 2 1 to close the cover. Terminals Connect the adapter to the coupler.

  • Page 178
    Using Optional Accessories • Do not disconnect the adapter or unplug the power cord while the camera is still on. This may erase your shots or damage the camera. • Do not attach the adapter or adapter cord to other objects. Doing so could result in malfunction or damage to the product.
  • Page 179: Printing Images

    Still Images Movies Printing Images Your shots can easily be printed by connecting the camera to a printer. On the camera, you can specify images to set up batch printing, prepare orders for photo development services, and prepare orders or print images for photobooks. A Canon SELPHY CP series compact photo printer is used here for the sake of illustration. Screens displayed and available functions vary by printer. Also refer to the printer manual for additional information. Still Images Easy Print Easily print your shots by connecting the camera to a PictBridge-compatible printer (sold separately) with the included interface cable (= 2 ). Make sure the camera and printer are off. Connect the camera to the printer. Open the cover. Holding the smaller cable plug in the orientation shown, insert the plug fully into the camera terminal. Connect the larger cable plug to the printer. For other connection details, refer to the printer manual. Turn the printer on. Turn the camera on. Press the <1> button to turn the camera…

  • Page 180
    Printing Images ] is displayed. Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image. Access the printing screen. Press the <m> button. Print the image. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [Print], and then press the <m> button. Printing now begins. To print other images, repeat steps 5 – 7 after printing is finished. When you are finished printing, turn the camera and printer off and disconnect the interface cable. • For Canon PictBridge-compatible printers (sold separately), see = 1 72.
  • Page 181: Configuring Print Settings

    Printing Images Still Images Configuring Print Settings Access the printing screen. Follow steps 1 – 6 on = 1 79 – 180 to access the screen at left. Configure the settings. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an item, and then choose an option by pressing the <q><r> buttons. Default Matches current printer settings. Date Prints images with the date added. File No. Prints images with the file number added. Both Prints images with both the date and file number added. – Default Matches current printer settings. – Uses information from the time of shooting to print under optimal settings. Red-Eye 1 Corrects red-eye. No. of Copies Choose the number of copies to print. – Cropping Specify a desired image area to print (= 1 82). Paper Specify the paper size, layout, and other details –…

  • Page 182
    Printing Images Still Images Cropping Images Before Printing (Cropping) By cropping images before printing, you can print a desired image area instead of the entire image. Choose [Cropping]. After following step 1 on = 1 81 to access the printing screen, choose [Cropping] and press the <m> button. A cropping frame is now displayed, indicating the image area to print. Adjust the cropping frame as needed. To resize the frame, move the zoom lever or turn the <5> dial. To move the frame, press the <o><p><q><r> buttons. To rotate the frame, press the <l> button. When finished, press the <m> button. Print the image. Follow step 7 on = 1 80 to print. • Cropping may not be possible at small image sizes, or at some aspect ratios. • Dates may not be printed correctly if you crop images shot with [Date Stamp] selected.
  • Page 183
    Printing Images Still Images Choosing Paper Size and Layout Before Printing Choose [Paper Settings]. After following step 1 on = 1 81 to access the printing screen, choose [Paper Settings] and press the <m> button. Choose a paper size. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an option, and then press the <m> button. Choose a type of paper. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an option, and then press the <m> button. Choose a layout. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an option. When choosing [N-up], press the <q><r> buttons to specify the number of images per sheet. Press the <m> button. Print the image.
  • Page 184
    Printing Images Available Layout Options Default Matches current printer settings. Bordered Prints with blank space around the image. Borderless Borderless, edge-to-edge printing. N-up Choose how many images to print per sheet. Prints images for identification purposes. ID Photo Only available for images with a resolution of L and an aspect ratio of 4:3. Choose the print size. Fixed Size Choose from 3.5 x 5 in., postcard, or wide-format prints. Still Images Printing ID Photos Choose [ID Photo]. Following steps 1 – 4 on = 1 83, choose [ID Photo] and press the <m> button. Choose the long and short side length. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an item. Choose the length by pressing the <q><r> buttons, and then press the <m> button. Choose the printing area. Follow step 2 on = 1 82 to choose the printing area. Print the image.
  • Page 185: Printing Movie Scenes

    Printing Images Movies Printing Movie Scenes Access the printing screen. Follow steps 1 – 5 on = 1 79 – 180 to choose a movie, and then press the <m> button. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [c], and then press the <m> button. The screen at left is displayed. Choose a printing method. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [ ], and then press the <q><r> buttons to choose the printing method. Print the image. Movie Printing Options Single Prints the current scene as a still image. Prints a series of scenes, a certain interval apart, on a single sheet of Sequence paper. You can also print the folder number, file number, and elapsed time for the frame by setting [Caption] to [On]. • To cancel printing in progress, press the <m> button. • [ID Photo] and [Sequence] cannot be chosen on Canon PictBridge- compatible printers from CP720/CP730 and earlier models.

  • Page 186
    Printing Images Still Images Adding Images to the Print List (DPOF) Batch printing (= 1 90) and ordering prints from a photo development service can be set up on the camera. Choose up to 998 images on a memory card and configure relevant settings, such as the number of copies, as follows. The printing information you prepare this way will conform DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) standards. Still Images Configuring Print Settings Specify the printing format, whether to add the date or file number, and other settings as follows. These settings apply to all images in the print list. Press the <n> button, and then choose [Print Settings] on the [2] tab. Choose and configure settings as desired (= 4 7). Standard One image is printed per sheet. Smaller versions of multiple images are printed Print Type Index per sheet. Both Both standard and index formats are printed. Images are printed with the shooting date. Date – Images are printed with the file number. File No.
  • Page 187
    • Not all of your DPOF settings may be applied in printing by the printer or photo development service, in some cases. • ] may be displayed on the camera to warn you that the memory card has print settings that were configured on another camera. Changing the print settings using this camera may overwrite all previous settings. • Setting [Date] to [On] may cause some printers to print the date twice. • Specifying [Index] will prevent you from choosing [On] for both [Date] and [File No.] at the same time. • The date is printed in a format matching setting details in [Date/Time] on the [3] tab, accessible by pressing the <n> button (= 2 2). • Index printing is not available on some Canon PictBridge-compatible printers (sold separately). Still Images Setting Up Printing for Individual Images Choose [Select Images & Qty.]. Press the <n> button, choose [Select Images & Qty.] on the [2] tab, and then press the <m> button. Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button. You can now specify the number of copies. If you specify index printing for the image, it is labeled with a [ ] icon. To cancel index printing for the image, press the <m> button again. [ ] is no longer displayed.
  • Page 188
    Printing Images Specify the number of prints. Press the <o><p> buttons or turn the <5> dial to specify the number of prints (up to 99). To set up printing for other images and specify the number of prints, repeat steps 2 – 3. Printing quantity cannot be specified for index prints. You can only choose which images to print, by following step 2. When finished, press the <n> button to return to the menu screen. Still Images Setting Up Printing for a Range of Images Choose [Select Range]. Following step 1 on = 1 87, choose [Select Range] and press the <m> button. Choose images. Follow steps 2 – 3 on = 1 34 to specify images. Configure the print settings. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose [Order], and then press the <m> button.
  • Page 189
    Printing Images Still Images Setting Up Printing for All Images Choose [Select All Images]. Following step 1 on = 1 87, choose [Select All Images] and press the <m> button. Configure the print settings. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button. Still Images Clearing All Images from the Print List Choose [Clear All Selections]. Following step 1 on = 1 87, choose [Clear All Selections] and press the <m> button. Confirm clearing the print list. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button.
  • Page 190: Adding Images To A Photobook

    Printing Images Still Images Printing Images Added to the Print List (DPOF) When images have been added to the print list (= 1 86 – 189), the screen at left is displayed after you connect the camera to a PictBridge-compatible printer. Press the <o><p> buttons to choose [Print now], and then simply press the <m> button to print the images in the print list. Any DPOF print job that you temporarily stop will be resumed from the next image. Still Images Adding Images to a Photobook Photobooks can be set up on the camera by choosing up to 998 images on a memory card and importing them into the included software on your computer, where they are stored in their own folder. This is convenient when ordering printed photobooks online or printing photobooks with your own printer. Choosing a Selection Method Press the <n> button, choose [Photobook Set-up] on the [1] tab, and then choose how you will select images. • ] may be displayed on the camera to warn you that the memory card has print settings that were configured on another camera. Changing the print settings using this camera may overwrite all previous settings.

  • Page 191
    Printing Images • After importing images to your computer, also refer to the Software Guide (= 3 1) and the printer manual for further information. Still Images Adding Images Individually Choose [Select]. Following the procedure on = 1 90, choose [Select] and press the <m> button. Choose an image. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose an image, and then press the <m> button. ] is displayed. To remove the image from the photobook, press the <m> button again. [ ] is no longer displayed. Repeat this process to specify other images. When finished, press the <n> button to return to the menu screen.
  • Page 192
    Printing Images Still Images Adding All Images to a Photobook Choose [Select All Images]. Following the procedure on = 1 90, choose [Select All Images] and press the <m> button. Configure the print settings. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button. Still Images Removing All Images from a Photobook Choose [Clear All Selections]. Following the procedure on = 1 90, choose [Clear All Selections] and press the <m> button. Confirm clearing the photobook. Press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial to choose [OK], and then press the <m> button.
  • Page 193: Using An Eye-Fi Card

    Still Images Movies Using an Eye-Fi Card Before using an Eye-Fi card, always confirm that local use is permitted (= 3 ). Inserting a prepared Eye-Fi card enables automatic wireless transfer of images to a computer or uploading to a photo-sharing website. Images are transferred by the Eye-Fi card. Refer to the card’s user manual or contact the manufacturer for instructions on preparing and using cards or resolving transfer problems. • When using an Eye-Fi card, keep the following points in mind. — Cards may continue to transmit radio waves even when [Eye- Fi trans.] is set to [Disable] (= 1 94). Remove the Eye-Fi card before entering hospitals, aircraft, or other areas where transmission is prohibited. — When troubleshooting image transfer issues, check the card and computer settings. For details, refer to the card’s user manual. — Poor Eye-Fi connections may cause image transfer to take a long time, and transfer may be interrupted in some cases. — Eye-Fi cards may become hot, due to their transfer functions. — Battery power will be consumed faster than in normal use. — Camera operation may become sluggish. To resolve this, try setting [Eye-Fi trans.] to [Disable]. Connection status of Eye-Fi cards in the camera can be checked on the shooting screen (in regular information display mode) or playback screen (in simple information display mode). (Gray) Not connected Interrupted (Blinking white) Connecting Not communicating Error acquiring Eye-Fi card…

  • Page 194: Checking Connection Information

    Using an Eye-Fi Card Checking Connection Information Check the access point SSID used by the Eye-Fi card or the connection status, as needed. Press the <n> button, choose [Eye-Fi Settings] on the [3] tab, and then press the <m> button. Choose [Connection info], and then press the <m> button. The connection information screen is displayed. Disabling Eye-Fi Transfer Configure the setting as follows to disable Eye-Fi transfer by the card, if necessary. Choose [Disable] in [Eye-Fi trans.]. Press the <n> button, choose [Eye-Fi Settings] on the [3] tab, and then press the <m> button. Choose [Eye-Fi trans.], and then choose [Disable]. • [Eye-Fi Settings] is not shown unless an Eye-Fi card is in the camera with its write-protect tab in the unlocked position. For this reason, you cannot change settings for an inserted Eye-Fi card if the write-protect tab is in the locked position.

  • Page 195: Appendix

    Appendix Helpful information when using the camera…

  • Page 196: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting If you think there is a problem with the camera, first check the following. If the items below do not solve your problem, contact a Canon Customer Support Help Desk. Power Nothing happens when the power button is pressed. • Confirm that the battery is charged (= 1 9). • Confirm that the battery is inserted facing the correct way (= 2 0). • Confirm that the memory card/battery cover is fully closed (= 2 1). • Dirty battery terminals reduce battery performance. Try cleaning the terminals with a cotton swab and reinserting the battery a few times. The battery is depleted quickly. • Battery performance decreases at low temperatures. Try warming the battery a little by putting it in your pocket, for example, with the terminal cover on. • If these measures do not help and the battery is still depleted soon after charging, it has reached the end of its life. Purchase a new battery. The lens is not retracted. • Do not open the memory card/battery cover while the camera is on. Close the cover, turn the camera on, and then turn it off again (= 2 1). The battery is swollen. •…

  • Page 197
    Troubleshooting No date stamp is added to images. • Configure the [Date Stamp] setting (= 6 5). Note that date stamps are not added to images automatically, merely because you have configured the [Date/Time] setting (= 2 2). • Date stamps are not added in shooting modes (= 2 12) in which this setting cannot be configured (= 6 5). [h] flashes on the screen when the shutter button is pressed, and shooting is not possible (= 5 5). ] is displayed when the shutter button is pressed halfway. • Set [IS Mode] to [Continuous] (= 1 14). • Raise the flash and set the flash mode to [h] (= 1 11). • Increase the ISO speed (= 9 6). •…
  • Page 198: Shooting Movies

    Troubleshooting Shots look too dark despite the flash firing (= 5 5). • Shoot within flash range (= 2 17). • Adjust brightness by using flash exposure compensation or changing the flash output level (= 1 12). • Increase the ISO speed (= 9 6). Subjects in flash shots look too bright, highlights are washed-out. • Shoot within flash range (= 2 17). • Lower the flash and set the flash mode to [!] (= 2 7). • Adjust brightness by using flash exposure compensation or changing the flash output level (= 1 12). White dots or similar image artifacts appear in flash shots. • This is caused by light from the flash reflecting off dust or airborne particles.

  • Page 199: Memory Card

    Troubleshooting Zooming is not possible. • Zooming is not possible when shooting movies in [ ] mode. Playback Playback is not possible. • Image or movie playback may not be possible if a computer is used to rename files or alter the folder structure. Refer to the Software Guide (= 3 1) for details on folder structure and file names. Playback stops, or audio skips. • Switch to a memory card that you have performed low-level formatting on with the camera (= 1 61). • There may be brief interruptions when playing movies copied to memory cards that have slow read speeds. • When movies are played on a computer, frames may be dropped and audio may skip if computer performance is inadequate. Sound is not played during movies. • Adjust the volume (= 3 0, 123) if you have activated [Mute] (= 1 56) or the sound in the movie is faint. • No sound is played for movies shot in [ ] (= 8 3) mode because audio is not recorded in this mode.

  • Page 200: On-Screen Messages

    2 0). Cannot record! • Shooting was attempted without a memory card in the camera. To shoot, insert a memory card facing the correct way (= 2 1). Memory card error (= 1 61) • If the same error message is displayed even when you have inserted a formatted memory card facing the correct way, contact a Canon Customer Support Help Desk (= 2 1). Insufficient space on card • There is not enough free space on the memory card to shoot (= 5 1, 77, 91, 115) or edit images (= 1 46 – 151). Either erase unneeded images (= 1 36, 137) or insert a memory card with enough free space (= 2 0). Charge the battery (= 2 0) No Image.

  • Page 201
    Naming error! • The folder could not be created or images could not be recorded, because the highest supported folder number (999) for storing images on the card has been reached and the highest supported image number (9999) for images in folders has been reached. In the [3] menu, change [File Numbering] to [Auto Reset] (= 1 62), or format the memory card (= 1 60). Lens Error • This error may occur if the lens is held while it is moving, or when the camera is used in dusty or sandy locations. • Frequent display of this error message may indicate camera damage. In this case, contact a Canon Customer Support Help Desk. A camera error was detected (error number) • If this error message is displayed immediately after a shot, the image may not have been saved. Switch to Playback mode to check for the image. • Frequent display of this error message may indicate camera damage. In this case, write down the error number (Exx) and contact a Canon Customer Support Help Desk. File Error • Correct printing (= 1 79) may not be possible for photos from other cameras or images that have been altered using computer software, even if the camera is connected to the printer. Print error •…
  • Page 202: On-Screen Information

    On-Screen Information Shooting (Information Display) Battery level (= 2 03) Focusing range Exposure compensation (= 1 03) level (= 9 3) Camera orientation* Flash mode (= 1 11) i-Contrast (= 9 7) White balance (= 9 8) Red-eye correction Zoom bar (= 5 2) My Colors (= 1 00) (= 6 9) AF lock (= 1 10), Drive mode (= 1 02)

  • Page 203
    On-Screen Information : Regular orientation, : Held vertically The camera detects the shooting orientation and adjusts settings for optimal shots. Orientation is also detected during playback, and in either orientation, the camera automatically rotates images as needed. However, the orientation may not be detected correctly when the camera is pointed straight up or down. Battery Level An on-screen icon or message indicates the battery charge level. Display Details Sufficient charge Slightly depleted, but sufficient (Blinking red) Nearly depleted – charge the battery soon [Charge the battery] Depleted – charge the battery immediately…
  • Page 204
    On-Screen Information Playback (Detailed Information Display) Movies (= 5 2, 122) Transferred via Eye-Fi Flash (= 1 11), Flash (= 1 93) exposure compensation My Category (= 1 43) (= 1 12) Battery level (= 2 03) Shooting mode Focusing range (= 2 06) Metering method (= 1 03) (= 9 5) ISO speed (= 9 6), File size…
  • Page 205
    On-Screen Information Summary of Movie Control Panel in “Viewing” (= 1 22) Exit Play Slow Motion (To adjust the playback speed, press the <q><r> buttons or turn the <5> dial. No sound is played.) Skip Backward* (To continue skipping backward, keep holding down the <m> button.) Previous Frame (For fast-rewind, keep holding down the <m> button.) Next Frame (For fast-forward, keep holding down the <m> button.) Skip Forward* (To continue skipping forward, keep holding down the <m> button.) Edit (= 1 53) Shown when the camera is connected to a PictBridge-compatible printer (= 1 79). * Displays the frame approx. 4 sec. before or after the current frame. • To skip forward or back during movie playback, press the <q><r> buttons.
  • Page 206: Functions And Menu Tables

    Functions and Menu Tables Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode Shooting Mode Function – Exposure Compensation (= 9 3) – ISO Speed (= 9 6) – Self-Timer (= 6 2) ] [ $ Delay* Self-Timer Settings (= 6 4) Shots* – – – Flash (= 1 11) –…

  • Page 207
    Functions and Menu Tables – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –…
  • Page 208
    Functions and Menu Tables FUNC. Menu Shooting Mode Function White Balance (= 9 8) – My Colors (= 1 00) – – Drive Mode (= 1 02) – – – Flash Exposure Compensation (= 1 12) – – Flash Output Level ( = 1 19 – Metering Method (= 9 5) – –…
  • Page 209
    Functions and Menu Tables – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –…
  • Page 210: Shooting Menu

    Functions and Menu Tables 4 Shooting Menu Shooting Mode Function Face Detect AF Frame (= 1 05) Tracking AF Center Normal AF Frame Size = 1 06 Small Standard Digital Zoom (= 6 0) Digital Tele-converter (1.6x/2.0x) AF-Point Zoom (= 7 2) Servo AF (= 1 09) Continuous AF (= 1 10) AF-assist Beam (= 7 5) MF-Point Zoom…

  • Page 211
    Functions and Menu Tables – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –…
  • Page 212
    Functions and Menu Tables Shooting Mode Function – Auto Flash Mode – – Manual – Red-Eye Corr. Flash Settings (= 6 9, Red-Eye Lamp On/Off 75, 112, 119) – – Flash Exp. Comp – – Flash Output – Safety FE – Auto i-Contrast (= 9 7) – – – Safety Shift (= 1 17) Wind Filter (= 7 1) On/Off Off/Quick/2 – 10 sec./Hold Review (= 7 6)
  • Page 213
    Functions and Menu Tables – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –…
  • Page 214: Set Up Menu

    Functions and Menu Tables 3 Set up Menu Item Ref. Page Item Ref. Page Mute = 1 56 Create Folder = 1 62 Volume = 1 56 Lens Retract = 1 63 Sound Options = 1 57 Power Saving = 4 2, 163 Hints & Tips = 1 57 Units = 1 65…

  • Page 215: Playback Menu

    Functions and Menu Tables 1 Playback Menu Item Ref. Page Item Ref. Page Smart Shuffle = 1 31 Red-Eye Correction = 1 51 Slideshow = 1 30 Cropping = 1 47 Erase = 1 36 Resize = 1 46 Protect = 1 32 My Colors = 1 49 Rotate…

  • Page 216: Handling Precautions

    Handling Precautions • The camera is a high-precision electronic device. Avoid dropping it or subjecting it to strong impact. • Never bring the camera near magnets, motors, or other devices that generate strong electromagnetic fields, which may cause malfunction or erase image data. • If water droplets or dirt adheres to the camera or screen, wipe with a dry soft cloth, such as an eyeglass cloth. Do not rub hard or apply force. • Never use cleaners containing organic solvents to clean the camera or screen. • Use a blower brush to remove dust from the lens. If cleaning is difficult, contact a Canon Customer Support Help Desk. • To prevent condensation from forming on the camera after sudden temperature changes (when the camera is transferred from cold to warm environments), put the camera in an airtight, resealable plastic bag and let it gradually adjust to the temperature before removing it from the bag. • If condensation does form on the camera, stop using it immediately. Continuing to use the camera in this state may damage it. Remove the battery and memory card, and wait until the moisture has evaporated before resuming use.

  • Page 217: Specifications

    Specifications Camera Effective Approx. 16 million pixels Pixels (Max.) 30x zoom: 4.3 (W) – 129.0 (T) mm Lens Focal Length (35mm film equivalent: 24 (W) – 720 (T) mm) 3.0 type color TFT LCD LCD Monitor Effective Pixels: Approx. 461,000 dots Design rule for Camera File system, DPOF (version 1.1) File Format compliant Still Images: Exif 2.3 (JPEG) Data Type Movies: MOV (Image data: H.264; Audio data: Linear PCM (stereo)) Hi-speed USB HDMI output Interface Analog audio output (stereo) Analog video output (NTSC/PAL) Battery Pack NB-6L Power Source AC Adapter Kit ACK-DC40 Dimensions (Based 104.0 x 69.5 x 80.2 mm (4.09 x 2.74 x 3.16 in.) on CIPA Guidelines) Approx. 341 g (approx. 12.0 oz.; including the battery and Weight (Based on memory card) CIPA Guidelines) Approx. 318 g (approx. 11.2 oz.; camera body only) Number of Shots/Recording Time, Playback Time Number of Shots Approx. 195 Movie Recording Time* Approx. 50 min. Continuous Approx. 1 hr. 30 min. Shooting* Playback Time Approx. 4 hr.

  • Page 218
    9094 (Medium 1) 8M/3264×2448 3721 15020 7442 30040 (Medium 2) 2M/1600×1200 12927 52176 27291 110150 (Small) 0.3M/640×480 40937 165225 • The values in the table are measured according to Canon standards and may change depending on the subject, memory card and camera settings. • The values in the table are based on 4:3 aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio is changed (= 6 7), more images can be shot because the data size per image will be smaller than with 4:3 images. However, since [ ] 16:9 images have a setting of 1920 x 1080 pixels, their data size will be larger than 4:3 images. Recording Time per Memory Card Recording Time per Memory Card Image Quality 8 GB 32 GB 49 min. 18 sec.* 3 hr. 19 min. 03 sec.* 1 hr. 28 min. 59 sec. 5 hr. 59 min. 10 sec. *1 27 min. 28 sec. for iFrame movies (= 8 9).
  • Page 219
    Specifications Flash Range 50 cm – 5.0 m (1.6 – 16 ft.) Maximum wide angle (j) 1.4 – 3.0 m (4.6 – 9.8 ft.) Maximum telephoto (i) Shooting Range Focusing Maximum Wide Angle Maximum Telephoto Shooting Mode Range – 0 cm (0 in.) – infinity 1.4 m (4.6 ft.) – infinity 5 cm (2.0 in.) – infinity 1.4 m (4.6 ft.) – infinity Other modes – 0 – 50 cm (0 – 1.6 ft.) 0 cm (0 in.) – infinity 1.4 m (4.6 ft.) – infinity * Not available in some shooting modes. Continuous Shooting Speed Shooting Mode Continuous Shooting Mode Speed Approx. 0.8 shots/sec. Approx. 0.5 shots/sec. Approx. 0.6 shots/sec. – Approx. 2.8 shots/sec. Shutter Speed <A> mode, automatically set range 1 – 1/1600 sec. Range in all shooting modes 15 – 1/1600 sec. 15, 13, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3.2, 2.5, 2, 1.6, 1.3, 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/13, <M> mode available values (sec.) 1/15, 1/20, 1/25, 1/30, 1/40, 1/50, 1/60, 1/80, 1/100, 1/125, 1/160, 1/200, 1/250, 1/320, 1/400, 1/500, 1/640, 1/800, 1/1000, 1/1250, 1/1600…
  • Page 220
    Specifications Battery Pack NB-6L Type: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery Rated Voltage: 3.7 V DC Rated Capacity: 1000 mAh Charging Cycles: Approx. 300 times Operating Temperature: 0 – 40 °C (32 – 104 °F) Dimensions: 34.4 x 41.8 x 6.9 mm (1.35 x 1.65 x 0.27 in.) Weight: Approx. 21 g (approx. 0.74 oz.) Battery Charger CB-2LY/CB-2LYE Rated Input: 1 00 – 240 V AC (50/60 Hz), 0.085 A (100 V) – 0.05 A (240 V) Rated Output: 4.2 V DC, 0.7 A Charging Time: Approx. 1 hour 55 min. (when using NB-6L) Charge Indicator: Charging: orange / Fully charged: green (two-indicator system) Operating Temperature: 0 – 40 °C (32 – 104 °F) Dimensions: 58.6 x 86.4 x 24.1 mm (2.31 x 3.40 x 0.95 in.) Weight: C B-2LY: Approx. 70 g (approx. 2.47 oz.) CB-2LYE: A pprox. 61 g (approx. 2.15 oz.) (excluding power cord) • All data is based on tests by Canon. • Camera specifications or appearance are subject to change without notice.
  • Page 221: Index

    Index World clock ……..164 DC coupler……… 177 AC adapter kit ……171, 177 Defaults  Reset all Accessories ……..171 DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk … 2 AE lock ……….94 Digital tele-converter……105 AF frames ……27, 53, 105 Digital zoom ……… 60 AF lock……….110 Discreet mode (shooting mode) ..78 Aspect ratio………. 67 Display language ……… 25 AUTO mode DPOF ……….186 (shooting mode)…….

  • Page 222
    Index Slow synchro …….. 111 Focus check ……..125 Macro (focus mode)……103 Focusing Magnified display ……. 129 AF frames ……..105 Manual focus (focus mode) ….103 AF lock ………110 Memory cards ……..3 AF-point zoom ……. 72 Menu Servo AF ……..109 Basic operations ……47 Focusing range Table ……….206 Macro ……….
  • Page 223
    Index Traveling with the camera ..164, 170 Troubleshooting ……… 196 Red-eye correction …… 69, 151 TV display ………. 173 Reset all……….167 Tv (shooting mode)……116 Resizing images …….. 146 Resolution (image size) ……. 68 Rotating ……….140 Viewing ……….29 Image search ……127 Index display ……. 126 Screen Magnified display ……129 Display language ……25 Slideshow ……..130 Icons ……..202, 204 Smart Shuffle ……
  • Page 224
  • Page 225
    CAUTION RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO LOCAL REGULATION. Battery Charger CB-2LY IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS- SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. DANGER-TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, CAREFULLY FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. For connection to a supply not in the U.S.A., use an attachment plug adapter of the proper configuration for the power outlet, if needed. USA and Canada only: The Lithium ion/polymer battery that powers the product is recyclable. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for information on how to recycle this battery.
  • Page 226
    FCC Notice (Digital Camera, Model PC1818 systems) This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions; (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital devices, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. The cable with the ferrite core provided with the digital camera must be used with this equipment in order to comply with Class B limits in Subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC rules. Do not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless otherwise specified in the manual. If such changes or modifications should be made, you could be required to stop operation of the equipment. Canon U.S.A., Inc. One Canon Plaza, Lake Success, NY 11042, U.S.A. Tel No. (516) 328-5600 Canadian Radio Interference Regulations This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. For CA, USA only Included lithium battery contains Perchlorate Material — special handling may apply. See for details.
  • Page 227
    Trademark Acknowledgments • The SDXC logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC. • This device incorporates exFAT technology licensed from Microsoft. • HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. • The iFrame logo and the iFrame symbol are trademarks of Apple Inc. About MPEG-4 Licensing This product is licensed under AT&T patents for the MPEG-4 standard and may be used for encoding MPEG-4 compliant video and/or decoding MPEG-4 compliant video that was encoded only (1) for a personal and non-commercial purpose or (2) by a video provider licensed under the AT&T patents to provide MPEG-4 compliant video. No license is granted or implied for any other use for MPEG-4 standard. * Notice displayed in English as required. Disclaimer • Reprinting, transmitting, or storing in a retrieval system any part of this guide without the permission of Canon is prohibited. • Canon reserves the right to change the contents of this guide at any time without prior notice. • Illustrations and screenshots in this guide may differ slightly from the actual equipment. • The above items notwithstanding, Canon accepts no liability for damages due to mistaken operation of the products.
  • Page 228
    CDD-E493-010 ©CANON INC. 2012…

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Canon PowerShot SX500 IS инструкция по эксплуатации
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    This file is an electronic guide (PDF file) for the PowerShot SX500 IS.











На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Canon PowerShot SX500 IS. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Canon PowerShot SX500 IS. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Canon PowerShot SX500 IS, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

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