Caso coffee taste style инструкция

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    Инструкция по эксплуатации кофеварки Caso Coffee Taste & Style.

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    инструкцияCaso Coffee Taste & Style



    Elektrische Kaffeemaschine

    Coffee Taste & Style

    Artikel-Nr. 1846

    Посмотреть инструкция для Caso Coffee Taste & Style бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории кофеварки, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Caso Coffee Taste & Style или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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    Elektrische Kaffeemaschine

    Coffee Taste & Style

    Artikel-Nr. 1846



    Related Manuals for Caso Coffee Taste & Style 1846

    • Coffee Maker Caso Coffee Compact Original Operating Manual

    Summary of Contents for Caso Coffee Taste & Style 1846

    • Page 1
      Original- Bedienungsanleitung Elektrische Kaffeemaschine Coffee Taste & Style Artikel-Nr. 1846…
    • Page 2: Table Of Contents

      Tel.: +49 (0) 29 32 / 80 55 4 – 99 Fax: +49 (0) 29 32 / 80 55 4 – 77 eMail: Internet: Dokument-Nr.: 1846 09-12-2019 Druck- und Satzfehler vorbehalten. Bildabweichungen zur Originalware sind technisch bedingt möglich.

    • Page 3
      Typenschild ………………..16 Bedienung und Betrieb ………………17 Display ………………….17 Vor dem ersten Gebrauch des Gerätes …………17 Uhrzeit einstellen ………………17 Kaffeekochen ………………..18 4.4.1 Vorbereitungen ………………..18 4.4.2 Auswahl der Aromastärke …………….18 4.4.3 Schnellstart ………………… 18 4.4.4 TIMER-Betrieb ………………..
    • Page 4
      12.6 Electrical connection ………………30 12.7 Warning notices ……………….. 31 12.8 Rating plate ………………..31 Operation and Handing………………31 13.1 Display ………………….31 13.2 Before using your device for the first time ……….32 13.3 Setting the clock ………………. 32 13.4 Making Coffee ………………..
    • Page 5
      20.4 Elimination des emballages …………….. 44 20.5 Exigences pour l’emplacement d’utilisation……….45 20.6 Raccordement électrique …………….45 20.7 Avertissements ………………… 46 20.8 Plaque signalétique ………………46 Commande et fonctionnement …………….46 21.1 Affichage ………………….. 46 21.2 Avant la première utilisation de l’appareil ……….47 Réglage de l’heure ………………
    • Page 6
      29.2 Insieme della fornitura ed ispezione trasporto ………. 59 29.3 Disimballaggio ………………..59 Smaltimento dell’involucro …………….59 29.4 29.5 Requisiti del luogo di posizionamento …………60 29.6 Connessione elettrica………………. 60 29.7 Segnalazione d’avviso ……………… 61 29.8 Targhetta di omologazione …………….61 Utilizzo e funzionamento ………………
    • Page 7
      38.1.3 Gevaar door elektrische stroom …………..72 Ingebruikname ………………… 73 39.1 Veiligheidsvoorschriften …………….73 39.2 Leveringsomvang en transportinspectie ………… 73 39.3 Uitpakken ………………….. 73 39.4 Verwijderen van de verpakking …………..74 39.5 Eisen aan de plek van plaatsing …………..74 39.6 Elektrische aansluiting ……………..
    • Page 8
      47.3 Fuentes de peligro ………………87 47.3.1 Peligro de quemaduras ………………. 87 47.3.2 Peligro de lesiones físicas …………….87 47.3.3 Peligro de electrocución……………… 87 Puesta en marcha ………………..88 48.1 Instrucciones de seguridad …………….. 88 48.2 Ámbito de suministro e inspección de transporte ……..88 48.3 Desembalaje ………………..
    • Page 9: Bedienungsanleitung

      1 Bedienungsanleitung 1.1 Allgemeines Lesen Sie die hier enthaltenen Informationen, damit Sie mit Ihrem Gerät schnell vertraut werden und seine Funktionen in vollem Umfang nutzen können. Ihre Coffee Taste & Style dient Ihnen viele Jahre lang, wenn Sie sie sachgerecht behandeln und pflegen.

    • Page 10: Haftungsbeschränkung

      Ein Hinweis kennzeichnet zusätzliche Informationen, die den Umgang mit der Maschine erleichtern. 1.4 Haftungsbeschränkung Alle in dieser Anleitung enthaltenen technischen Informationen, Daten und Hinweise für die Installation, Betrieb und Pflege entsprechen dem letzten Stand bei Drucklegung und erfolgen unter Berücksichtigung unserer bisherigen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse nach bestem Wissen.

    • Page 11: Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise

      • von Kunden in Hotels, Motels und anderen Wohneinrichtungen; • in Frühstückspensionen. Eine andere oder darüber hinausgehende Benutzung gilt als nicht bestimmungsgemäß. Gefahr durch nicht bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung! Von dem Gerät können bei nicht bestimmungsgemäßer Verwendung und/oder andersartiger Nutzung Gefahren ausgehen. ►…

    • Page 12
      ► Kontrollieren Sie das Gerät vor der Verwendung auf äußere sichtbare Schäden. Nehmen Sie ein beschädigtes Gerät nicht in Betrieb. ► Bei Beschädigung der Anschlussleitung oder des Steckers, müssen diese durch den Hersteller oder dessen Servicebeauftragten ersetzt werden, um Gefahren vorzubeugen.
    • Page 13: Gefahrenquellen

      ► Der Deckel des Gerätes muss bei Betrieb immer geschlossen sein. ► Benutzen Sie die Kaffeekanne niemals ohne Deckel. ► Eine Reparatur des Gerätes darf nur von einem vom Hersteller autorisierten Kundendienst vorgenommen werden, sonst besteht bei nachfolgenden Schäden kein Garantieanspruch mehr.

    • Page 14: Verletzungsgefahr

      2.3.2 Verletzungsgefahr Es kann Verletzungsgefahr entstehen. ► Die Kaffeekanne besteht aus Glas. Bei Glasbruch können scharfe und spitze Kanten entstehen. Es besteht Verletzungsgefahr. ► Verwenden Sie die Kaffeekanne nicht, wenn diese beschädigt ist. 2.3.3 Gefahr durch elektrischen Strom Lebensgefahr durch elektrischen Strom! Beim Kontakt mit unter Spannung stehenden Leitungen oder Bauteilen besteht Lebensgefahr! Beachten Sie die folgenden Sicherheitshinweise um eine…

    • Page 15: Inbetriebnahme

      3 Inbetriebnahme In diesem Kapitel erhalten Sie wichtige Hinweise zur Inbetriebnahme des Gerätes. Beachten Sie die Hinweise, um Gefahren und Beschädigungen zu vermeiden. 3.1 Sicherheitshinweise ► Verpackungsmaterialien dürfen nicht zum Spielen verwendet werden. Es besteht Erstickungsgefahr. 3.2 Lieferumfang und Transportinspektion Das Gerät wird standardmäßig mit folgenden Komponenten geliefert: •…

    • Page 16: Elektrischer Anschluss

      • Wählen Sie den Aufstellort so, dass Kinder nicht an heiße Oberflächen des Gerätes gelangen können. • Gerät nicht unter empfindlichen Möbeln betreiben, der austretende Wasserdampf könnte diese beschädigen. • Stellen Sie das Gerät nicht in einer heißen, nassen oder sehr feuchten Umgebung oder in der Nähe von brennbarem Material auf.

    • Page 17: Bedienung Und Betrieb

      4 Bedienung und Betrieb In diesem Kapitel erhalten Sie wichtige Hinweise zur Bedienung des Gerätes. Beachten Sie die Hinweise um Gefahren und Beschädigungen zu vermeiden. ► Das Gerät während des Betriebes nicht unbeaufsichtigt lassen, um bei Gefahren schnell eingreifen zu können. ►…

    • Page 18: Kaffeekochen

      4.4 Kaffeekochen ► Warnsymbol: heißer Dampf. ► Achtung beim Gerät kann heißer Dampf austreten. Vorsicht Verbrennungsgefahr! 4.4.1 Vorbereitungen Füllen Sie die gewünschte Wassermenge in den Wassertank ein. Prüfen Sie, dass der Filterhalter eingesetzt ist. Setzen Sie den Permanent-Filter in den Filterhalter ein oder falten Sie die untere Falz eines Papierfilter (Größe 1×4) und setzen Sie diesen in den Filterhalter ein.

    • Page 19: Timer-Betrieb

      ► Während des Warmhaltens ist die Warmhalteplatte heiß. Verbrennungsgefahr. ► Schalten Sie das Gerät aus, wenn Sie den letzten Kaffee aus der Kanne entnommen haben. Stellen Sie die leere Kanne nicht auf die heiße Warmhalteplatte. 4.4.4 TIMER-Betrieb Schließen Sie die „Vorbereitungen“ ab. Drücken Sie zwei mal die Prog Taste bis TIMER aufleuchtet.

    • Page 20: Reinigung

      5.2 Reinigung Entfernen Sie den Kaffeesatz aus dem Permanent-Filter bzw. werfen Sie den Papierfilter mit Kaffeesatz weg. Spülen Sie den Permanent-Filter und Filterhalter gründlich unter fließendem Wasser ab. Spülen Sie die Kaffeekanne aus. Das Gerät kann mit einem angefeuchten Tuch abgewischt werden. Trocken Sie alle Teile gründlich ab.

    • Page 21: Störungsursachen Und -Behebung

      6.1 Störungsursachen und –behebung Problem Mögliche Ursache Mögliche Lösung Der Kaffee brüht zu Gerät ist verkalkt Entkalken Sie das Gerät langsam (mehr als 10 regelmäßig, siehe Kapitel Minuten) oder ist nicht Entkalkung. heiß genug. Kaffeesatz in der Gerät muss gereinigt werden. Reinigen Sie das Gerät Kaffeekanne.

    • Page 22: Garantie

      ► Nutzen Sie die von Ihrem Wohnort eingerichtete Sammelstelle zur Rückgabe und Verwertung elektrischer und elektronischer Altgeräte. Informieren Sie sich gegebenenfalls bei Ihrem Rathaus, Ihrer Müllabfuhr oder bei Ihrem Händler. ► Sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihr Altgerät bis zum Abtransport kindersicher aufbewahrt wird. 8 Garantie Für dieses Produkt übernehmen wir beginnend vom Verkaufsdatum 24 Monate Garantie für Mängel, die auf Fertigungs- oder Werkstofffehler zurückzuführen sind.

    • Page 23
      Original Operating Manual Electric coffee machine Coffee Taste & Style Item No. 1846…
    • Page 24: Operating Manual

      10 Operating Manual 10.1 General Please read the information contained herein so that you can become familiar with your device quickly and take advantage of the full scope of its functions. Your Coffee Taste & Style will serve you for many years if you handle it and care for it properly.

    • Page 25: Limitation Of Liability

      10.4 Limitation of liability All the technical information, data and notices with regard to the installation, operation and care are completely up-to-date at the time of printing and are compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief, taking our past experience and findings into consideration. No claims can be derived from the information provided, the illustrations or descriptions in this manual.

    • Page 26: General Safety Information

      Warning Danger due to unintended use! Dangers can emanate from the device if it is used for an unintended use and/or a different kind of use. ► Use the device exclusively for its intended use. ► Observe the procedural methods described in this Operating Manual. Claims of all kinds due to damages resulting from unintended uses are excluded.

    • Page 27
      Please note ► Do not operate the device if it is empty. This could damage the device. ► Never fill the water tank beyond max-marking. ► Use the device exclusively for cooking coffee. Do not fill any other liquids (as water) or foods in the device. ►…
    • Page 28: Sources Of Danger

      11.3 Sources of danger 11.3.1 Danger of burns Warning The water, heated in this coffee maker, the water tank as well as the warming plate, become very hot. Please observe the following safety notices in order not to burn or scald yourself or others. ►…

    • Page 29: Commissioning

      DANGER ► Do not open the housing on the device under any circumstances. There is a danger of an electrical shock if live connections are touched and the electrical or mechanical structure is altered. In addition, functional faults on the device can also occur.

    • Page 30: Setup Location Requirements

      Returning the packaging back to the material loop saves raw materials and reduces the quantities of accumulated waste. Take any packaging materials that are no longer required to “Green Dot” recycling collection points for disposal. Please note ► If possible, keep the original packaging for the device for the duration of the guarantee period of the device, in order that the device can be re-packaged properly in the event of a guarantee claim.

    • Page 31: Warning Notices

      12.7 Warning notices Attention Danger due to hot surface! ► Do not touch the hot surfaces of the device. Danger of burns! ► Do not set or lay any items on the device. 12.8 Rating plate The rating plate with the connection and performance data can be founded on the bottom of the unit.

    • Page 32: Before Using Your Device For The First Time

      13.2 Before using your device for the first time Operate the device with only 1,5 litres of water (without paper filter and without coffee ground), as described in “quick start”. Clean the device afterwards. 13.3 Setting the clock Plug in the device. Press Prog button and CLOCK lights up. Use the H button to set the hours and the Min button to set the minutes.

    • Page 33: Timer Mode

      Please note ► The amount of brewed coffee may differ from the amount of water as coffee ground absorbs different amount of water depending on the amount and degree of grinding of the coffee ground ► The device is equipped with a drip stop system which enables you to serve coffee before all the water has dripped through.

    • Page 34: Cleaning

      Attention ► The water tank, coffee pot and filter holder with filter are hot after their use. There is a danger of burns! Wait until the device has cooled down. ► Do not use any aggressive or abrasive cleaning agents or solvents. ►…

    • Page 35: Causes And Rectification Of Faults

      14.1 Causes and rectification of faults Problem Possible cause Possible solution Coffee brews too Gerät ist verkalkt Descale the device regularly, look slowly (more than 10 at chapter descaling. minutes) or is not hot enough There is coffee Device needs to be Clean the device (esepcially the grounds in the coffee cleaned.

    • Page 36: Guarantee

      16 Guarantee We provide a 24 month guarantee for this product, commencing from the date of sale, for faults which are attributable to production or material faults. Your legal guarantee entitlements in accordance with § 439 ff. BGB-E remain unaffected by this.

    • Page 37
      Mode d’emploi Original Machine à café électrique Coffee Taste & Style N° d’article 1846…
    • Page 38: Mode D´emploi

      18 Mode d´emploi 18.1 Généralités Veuillez lire les indications de ce manuel afin de vous familiariser rapidement avec l’appareil et afin de pouvoir utiliser l’ensemble de ses fonctions. Votre Coffee Taste & Style vous sera fidèle de nombreuses années si vous l’utilisez et l’entretenez conformément. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de plaisir lors de son utilisation.

    • Page 39: Limite De Responsabilités

      Remarque Cette indication est accompagnée d’informations complémentaires pour faciliter l’utilisation de l’appareil. 18.4 Limite de responsabilités Tous les renseignements techniques, données et instructions d’installation, de fonctionnement et d’entretien contenus dans ce manuel sont parfaitement actuels au moment de la publication et tiennent compte de notre expérience réalisée jusqu’ici et de nos connaissances actuelles en toute bonne foi.

    • Page 40: Utilisation Conforme

      19.1 Utilisation conforme Cet appareil est conçu uniquement pour une utilisation ménagère à l’intérieur de locaux, afin de préparer du café. Cet appareil est destiné à être utilisé dans un cadre domestique et dans des utilisations similaires, comme par exemple : •…

    • Page 41
      Remarque ► L’appareil peut être utilisé par des personnes dont les capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales sont amoindries ou manquant d’expérience et/ou de connaissance si elles sont surveillées ou ont été informées de la manière d’utiliser l’appareil en sécurité et ont compris les risques en résultant.
    • Page 42: Sources De Danger

      Remarque ► Ne posez pas la cafetière sur une flamme à l’air libre ou une plaque de cuisson électrique. ► Ne rajoutez jamais d’eau dans l’appareil quand il est encore chaud. ► Le couvercle de l’appareil doit toujours être fermé pendant qu’il fonctionne.

    • Page 43: Risque De Blessure

      19.3.2 Risque de blessure Attention Il existe un risque de blessure. ► La cafetière est en verre. Des bords tranchants et pointus peuvent apparaître si le verre est brisé. Il y a un risque de blessure. ► Ne pas utiliser la cafetière si elle est endommagé. 19.3.3 Dangers du courant électrique Danger Danger de mort par électrocution !

    • Page 44: Consignes De Sécurité

      20.1 Consignes de sécurité Attention ► Ne pas utiliser les matériaux d’emballage pour jouer. Danger d’étouffement. 20.2 Inventaire et contrôle de transport La Coffee Taste & Style est livré de façon standard avec les composants suivants : • Coffee Taste & Style •…

    • Page 45: Exigences Pour L’emplacement D’utilisation

      20.5 Exigences pour l’emplacement d’utilisation Pour un fonctionnement sûr et sans problème de l’appareil, son emplacement d’utilisation doit être choisi selon les critères suivants : • Cette machine à café doit être posée sur une surface plane, stable et résistant à la chaleur et être protégée des éclaboussures et de toutes les sources de chaleur éventuelles.

    • Page 46: Avertissements

      20.7 Avertissements Prudence Danger, surfaces très chaudes ! ► Ne pas toucher la surface chaude de l’appareil. Risque de brulure ! ► Ne pas disposer ou ranger des objets sur l’appareil. 20.8 Plaque signalétique La plaque signalétique indiquant les données de raccordement et de puissance se trouve à…

    • Page 47: Avant La Première Utilisation De L’appareil

      21.2 Avant la première utilisation de l’appareil N’utilisez l’appareil qu’avec 1,5 litre d’eau (sans filtre en papier et sans café), comme décrit sous «Démarrage rapide». Nettoyez ensuite l’appareil. 21.3 Réglage de l’heure Branchez la fiche secteur. Appuyez sur la touche Prog et CLOCK s’allume. Utilisez la touche H pour régler les heures et la touche Min pour régler les minutes.

    • Page 48: Fonctionnement Du Timer

      REMARQUE ► L’appareil s’arrête lorsque ni la LED rouge ni la LED blanche ne sont allumées. ► La quantité de café fini peut différer de la quantité d’eau versée, car la quantité d’eau absorbée par la poudre de café varie en fonction de la quantité et du degré de mouture. ►…

    • Page 49: Nettoyage

      Prudence ► Mettez l’appareil hors circuit avant le nettoyage et retirer la prise de courant de la théière de l’alimentation en courant. ► Le réservoir d’eau, le récipient de filtre avec filtre et la cafetière sont chaudes après utilisation ! Il y a un risque de brûlures. Attendez jusqu’à ce que l’appareil soit refroidi. ►…

    • Page 50: Origine Et Remède Des Incidents

      Prudence ► Les réparations sur les appareils électriques doivent être effectuées uniquement par des spécialistes agréés par le constructeur. ► Les réparations non professionnelles peuvent provoquer de graves dangers pour l’utilisateur et des dégâts sur l’appareil. 23.1 Origine et remède des incidents Problème Cause possible Solution possible…

    • Page 51: Garantie

      Ces derniers peuvent être nocifs pour les personnes ou pour l’environnement en cas d’élimination dans les ordures ménagères ou de traitement incorrect. Ne jamais jeter les anciens appareils avec les ordures ménagères. Remarque Portez les vieux appareils électriques et électroniques dans les points de collecte et de ►…

    • Page 52
      Istruzioni d’uso Originali Macchina da caffè elettrica Coffee Taste & Style N° d’article 1846…
    • Page 53: Istruzione D´uso

      27 Istruzione d´uso 27.1 In generale Legga le informazioni qui contenute, affinché acquisti rapidamente familiarità con il suo apparecchio e affinché possa utilizzare appieno le sue funzioni. Il Suo apparecchio le renderà un buon servizio per molti anni, se lo tratterà e lo curerà in modo adeguato.

    • Page 54: Limitazione Della Responsabilità

      Attenzione Un’indicazione d’avvertimento di questo livello di pericolo contrassegna una situazione di pericolo potenziale. Se tale situazione pericolosa non viene evitata, le conseguenze potranno essere lesioni leggere o di media entità. ► Osservare le indicazioni in queste avvertenze, per evitare il lesioni di persone. Indicazione Un indicazione contrassegna inoltre delle informazioni, che facilitano l’utilizzo della macchina.

    • Page 55: Utilizzo Conforme Alle Disposizioni

      Un altro utilizzo o un utilizzo che vada oltre a ciò è da considerarsi inadeguato. Avviso Pericolo per un utilizzo non conforme alle disposizioni! Dall’apparecchio possono derivare pericoli, nel caso di un utilizzo non conforme alle disposizioni e/o nel caso di un utilizzo differente. ► Utilizzare l’apparecchio esclusivamente in conformità alle disposizioni.

    • Page 56
      ► Controlli prima dell’utilizzo, che l’apparecchio non presenti danni esterni. Non metta in funzione un apparecchio danneggiato. ► Nel caso il cavo elettrico o la spina sono stati danneggiati, questi vanno sostituiti solo dal fabbricante oppure dal suo incaricato al Servizio, per evitare pericoli.
    • Page 57: Fonti Di Pericolo

      Indicazione ► Mai rabboccare dell’acqua nell’apparecchio quando questo è ancora caldo. ► Durante il funzionamento, tenere sempre chiuso il coperchio dell’apparecchio. ► Mai utilizzare la caffettiera senza coperchio. ► Una riparazione dell’apparecchio dovrà essere effettuata soltanto da un servizio Clienti autorizzato dal produttore, altrimenti decade ogni diritto di garanzia per danni che ne conseguono.

    • Page 58: Pericolo Di Lesioni

      Di seguito osservi le indicazioni di sicurezza per evitare il pericolo dovuto alla corrente elettrica: ► Nel caso il cavo elettrico o la spina sono stati danneggiati, questi vanno sostituiti solo dal fabbricante oppure dal suo incaricato al Servizio, per evitare pericoli.

    • Page 59: Messa In Funzione

      29 Messa in funzione In questo capitolo riceverà indicazioni importanti sulla messa in funzione dell’apparecchio. Osservi le indicazioni per evitare pericoli e danni. 29.1 Indicazioni di sicurezza Avviso ► Materiali d’imballaggio non dovranno essere utilizzati come giocattoli. Sussiste il pericolo di soffocamento. 29.2 Insieme della fornitura ed ispezione trasporto Coffee Taste &…

    • Page 60: Requisiti Del Luogo Di Posizionamento

      • La spina dovrà essere assicurata mediante un interruttore di protezione 16°. • La sicurezza elettrica dell’apparecchio viene garantita solo se ci si connette ad un conduttore di terra installato in conformità alle disposizioni. In caso di dubbio, faccia controllare l’installazione di casa mediante un tecnico elettricista specializzato.

    • Page 61: Segnalazione D’avviso

      In questo capitolo riceverà indicazioni importanti sull’utilizzo dell’apparecchio. Osservi le indicazioni per evitare pericoli e danni. Avviso ► Non lasci l’apparecchio incustodito durante il suo funzionamento, per poter agire rapidamente, in caso di pericoli. ► Fare funzionare l’apparecchio solo con porta-filtro inserito. 30.1 Display H: Impostazione delle ore Min: : Impostazione dei minuti On/Off: Avvia / arrestata la bollitura, cambia al modalità…

    • Page 62: Prima Di Usare La Prima Volta L’apparecchio

      30.2 Prima di usare la prima volta l’apparecchio Fare funzionare l’apparecchio solo con 1,5 litri di acqua (senza filtro di carta e senza caffè), così come descritto alla voce «Start rapido». Dopodiché pulire l’apparecchio. 30.3 Impostazione orario Inserire la spina. Premere il tasto Prog e si accende CLOCK. Con il tasto H impostare le ore e con il tasto Min i minuti.

    • Page 63: Funzionamento Timer

      Indicazione ► Questa caffettiera è dotata di un sistema antigocciolamento. Questo vi permette, di servire il caffè ancora prima che tutta l’acqua sia completamente defluita. Rimettere velocemente la caffettiera indietro, per evitare un troppo-pieno. ► Non riempire acqua calda nel serbatoio d’acqua. ►…

    • Page 64: Pulizia

      31.2 Pulizia Togliere i fondi di caffè dal filtro permanente o gettare via il filtro di carta con i fondi di caffè. Sciacquare accuratamente il filtro permanente e il porta-filtro sotto acqua corrente. Sciacquare la caffettiera. L’apparecchio può essere pulito con un panno inumidito. Asciugare accuratamente tutti i componenti.

    • Page 65: Cause Malfunzionamenti E Risoluzione

      Essi contengono però anche sostanze nocive, che erano necessarie per il loro funzionamento e la loro sicurezza. Questi possono nuocere alla salute umana o all’ambiente se vengono gettati tra i rifiuti non riciclabili o in caso di un trattamento errato.

    • Page 66: Garanzia

      Non è previsto per un uso che vada oltre questo tipo di utilizzo commerciale. In caso di reclami giustificati, saremo liberi di scegliere se riparare l’apparecchio o se è il caso di sostituirlo con uno privo di malfunzionamenti. Malfunzionamenti aperti dovranno essere comunicati entro 14 giorni dalla fornitura.

    • Page 67
      Originele Gebruiksaanwijzing Elektrische koffiemachine Coffee Taste & Style Artikelnummer 1846…
    • Page 68: Gebruiksaanwijzing

      36 Gebruiksaanwijzing 36.1 Algemeen Lees de hier vermelde informatie, zodat u snel vertrouwd raakt met uw apparaat en al zijn functies in volle omvang kunt gebruiken. U heeft jaren lang plezier van uw Coffee Taste & Style als u hem vakkundig behandelt en onderhoudt. Wij wensen u veel plezier met het gebruik.

    • Page 69: Aansprakelijkheid

      36.4 Aansprakelijkheid Alle in deze gebruiksaanwijzing aanwezige technische informatie, gegevens en instructies voor installatie, ingebruikname en onderhoud beantwoorden aan de laatste stand bij het in druk gaan en vinden plaats met inachtneming van onze tot nu toe opgedane ervaringen en kennis naar eer en geweten.

    • Page 70: Algemene Veiligheidsinstructies

      37.2 Algemene veiligheidsinstructies Houdt u zich voor een veilige omgang met het apparaat aan de volgende algemene veiligheidsinstructies: ► Vóór het gebruik van het apparaat moeten de gebruiksaanwijzingen zorgvuldig worden gelezen. ► Dit apparaat mag worden gebruikt door kinderen van 8 jaar en ouder, mits ze onder toezicht staan of wanneer hun de veilige gebruik van het apparaat is uitgelegd en ze de mogelijke gevaren hebben begrepen.

    • Page 71
      ► Het apparaat alleen gebruiken voor koffie zetten. Doe geen andere vloeistof (behalve water) of voedingsmiddel in de apparaat. ► Let erop dat de netkabel niet hangt in de omgeving van kinderen. ► De netkabel mag niet in contact of in de omgeving van hete onderdelen van het apparaat, een warmtebron of een scherpe rand worden gebracht.
    • Page 72: Bronnen Van Gevaar

      38 Bronnen van gevaar 38.1.1 Verbrandingsgevaar Waarschuwing Het in dit apparaat verwarmde water, de gebruike koffiepot en de verwarmingsplaat van het apparaat, kunnen heel heet worden. Houdt u zich alstublieft aan de volgende veiligheidsvoorschriften zodat u zichzelf niet verbrandt of anderen zich verbranden.

    • Page 73: Ingebruikname

      Gevaar ► Het apparaat mag niet in gebruik worden genomen, als de aansluiting of de stekker beschadigd is, als het niet volgens de voorschriften werkt, op de grond is gevallen of beschadigd is. Indien de aansluiting of de stekker beschadigd is, moet deze door de fabrikant of servicepersoneel dat daar opdracht toe heeft van de fabrikant worden vervangen om gevaren te voorkomen.

    • Page 74: Verwijderen Van De Verpakking

      39.4 Verwijderen van de verpakking De verpakking beschermt het apparaat tegen transportschade. De verpakkingsmaterialen zijn uitgezocht vanuit milieuvriendelijke en verwijderingtechnische gezichtspunten en daarom recyclebaar. Het terugbrengen van de verpakking in de materiaalkringloop bespaart grondstoffen en verkleint de afvalhoop. Lever niet meer benodigd verpakkingsmateriaal in bij een afvalbrengstation, dat zorgdraagt voor de recycling.

    • Page 75: Waarschuwingsinstructies Op Apparaat

      • Bij gebruik van een verlengsnoer mag voor aansluiting van het apparaat op het stroomnet alleen een uitgerold verlengsnoer van maximaal 3 meter lengte en een doorsnede van 1,5 mm² gebruikt worden. Het gebruik van een stekker of stekkerdoos met meerdere aansluitingen is vanwege het daarmee verbonden brandgevaar verboden.

    • Page 76: Display

      40.1 Display H: Instelling van de uren Min: Instelling van de minuten On/Off: Starten / stoppen van het koffiezetten, wissel naar TIMER-bediening 1 x On/Off knop drukken: Apparaat wordt ingeschakeld en begint koffie te zetten, de rode LED brandt. 2 x On/Off knop drukken: Het apparaat wisselt naar de TIMER-stand, de witte LED brandt en het apparaat begint op de geprogrammeerde tijd met koffiezetten 3 x On/Off knop drukken: Apparaat stopt, rode en witte LED gaan uit.

    • Page 77: Voorbereidingen

      40.4.1 Voorbereidingen Vul het waterreservoir met de gewenste hoeveelheid water. Controleer dat de filterhouder is geplaatst. Plaats het permanente filter in de filterhoudder of vouw de onderste vouw van een papieren filter (grootte 1×4) en zet deze in de filterhouder. Doe de gewenste hoeveelheid koffiepoeder in het filter.

    • Page 78: Timer-Stand

      40.4.4 TIMER-stand Sluit de „Voorbereidingen“ af. Druk 2 keer op de Prog-knop tot TIMER brandt. Stel met de H knop de uren en met deMin-knop de minuten voor de gewenste starttijd van het koffiezetten in. Druk dan twee keer op de On/Off-knop. De witte LED brandt en de TIMER-stand is geactiveerd.

    • Page 79: Ontkalken

      41.3 Ontkalken Afhankelijk van de hartegraad van het water moet u het apparaat iedere maand een keer ontkalken. ► Indien nodig ook het permanente filter ontkalken. Vul het waterreservoir met een kwart witte azijn en drie kwart water. Steek de stekker in het stopcontact en druk op de On/Off-knop. Laat het mengsel helemaal doorlopen en giet het vervolgens weg.

    • Page 80: Afvoer Van Het Oude Apparaat

      Teveel koffiepoeder Gebruik minder koffiepoeder. gebruikt. In het filter zit koffie en De pot stond tijdens het Trek de stekker uit het de koffiedik is koffiezetten te lang niet stopcontact. overgelopen. op de verwarmingsplaat Zet de pot op de zodat het filter niet verwarmingsplaat, zodat het geleegd kon worden.

    • Page 81: Technische Gegevens

      Verder zijn aan slijtage onderhevige onderdelen, transportschade zo lang wij deze niet te verantwoorden hebben, als ook schaden, die door niet door ons verrichtte reparaties ontstaan zijn, uitgesloten van aanspraak op garantieclaim. Dit apparaat is vervaardigd voor huishoudelijk gebruik (kleinverbruik) en voorzien van een overeenkomstig vermogen. Een eventueel gebruik voor bedrijfsdoeleinden valt alleen onder de garantie, als de mate van gebruik te vergelijken is met het gebruik in een particulier kleinhuishouden.

    • Page 82
      Manual del usuario Cafetera eléctrica Coffee Taste & Style Ref. 1846…
    • Page 83: Manual Del Usuario

      46 Manual del usuario 46.1 Generalidades Lea atentamente la información contenida en este manual para familiarizarse rápidamente con el aparato y poder utilizar sus funciones en toda su capacidad. Su Coffee Taste & Style le servirá durante muchos años si lo trata y conserva adecuadamente.

    • Page 84: Limitación De Responsabilidad

      46.4 Limitación de responsabilidad La información técnica contenida, datos e indicaciones contenidos en el presente manual para la instalación, operación y conservación se corresponden con los últimos avances técnicos en el momento de la impresión y se publican teniendo en cuenta nuestra experiencia y conocimientos hasta ese momento.

    • Page 85: Instrucciones Generales De Seguridad

      Advertencia Peligro ante el uso no conforme a lo previsto. El uso indebido del aparato o cualquier uso distinto al uso previsto puede entrañar peligro. ► Utilice el aparato exclusivamente para su uso previsto ► Los procedimientos descritos en el manual de instrucciones deben obedecerse. Queda excluida cualquier reclamación de garantía debido a daños derivados del uso no conforme a lo previsto.

    • Page 86
      Nunca utilice la cafetera sin tapa. ► La reparación del aparato sólo debe ser realizada por el servicio técnico autorizado por el fabricante. De lo contrario, la garantía quedará anulada en caso de sufrir daños. Las reparaciones incorrectas pueden causar riesgos significativos para el usuario.
    • Page 87: Fuentes De Peligro

      47.3 Fuentes de peligro 47.3.1 Peligro de quemaduras Advertencia Tanto el agua, la jarra cafetera como la placa de calentamiento del aparato pueden estar muy calientes. Tenga en cuenta las siguientes advertencias de seguridad para evitar quemaduras a usted o a personas a su alrededor: ►…

    • Page 88: Puesta En Marcha

      Peligro ► Nunca abra la carcasa del aparato. Si toca cualquier conexión energizada y cambia la disposición del cableado eléctrico o el diseño mecánico existe peligro de electrocución. Además, pueden producirse fallos de funcionamiento en el aparato. ► Nunca sumerja el aparato, el cable de alimentación o el enchufe en agua u otros líquidos.

    • Page 89: Requisitos Que Debe Reunir El Lugar De Montaje

      «punto verde”. Nota ► Si fuera posible, conserve el embalaje original durante el periodo de garantía para poder embalar el aparato adecuadamente en caso de que requiera hacer uso de la garantía. 48.5 Requisitos que debe reunir el lugar de montaje Para garantizar el funcionamiento seguro y correcto del aparato, el lugar de colocación…

    • Page 90: Precaución Con El Aparato

      • La seguridad eléctrica del aparato solo se asegurará si se conecta un sistema de protección frente a sobrecargas. En caso de duda, avise al electricista autorizado para que revise la instalación doméstica. El fabricante no se hace responsable de los daños ocasionados por falta de protección o protección interrumpida.

    • Page 91: Display

      49.1 Display H: Ajuste de las horas Min: Ajuste de los minutos On/Off: Iniciar / detener el proceso de preparación, cambiar a modo TIMER Pulsar 1 vez el botón ON/OFF: El aparato se enciende e inicia de inmediato el proceso de preparación, el piloto rojo se ilumina.

    • Page 92: Preparación De Café

      49.4 Preparación de café Advertencia ► Símbolo de advertencia: vapor caliente. ► Atención: puede salir aire caliente del aparato. Precaución: peligro de sufrir quemaduras. 49.4.1 Preparativos Rellene la cantidad de agua deseada en el depósito de agua. Asegúrese de que el portafiltro está colocado. Coloque el filtro permanente en el portafiltro o pliegue el doblez inferior de un filtro de papel (tamaño 1×4) e introdúzcalo en el portafiltro.

    • Page 93: Modo Timer

      Nota ► Nunca llene el depósito de agua por encima de la marca MAX. ► Espere unos minutos antes de volver a preparar el próximo café. Advertencia ► Mientras la función de mantenimiento del calor está activada, la placa permanece caliente.

    • Page 94: Limpieza

      50.2 Limpieza Retire los posos de café del filtro permanente o bien, tire el filtro de papel con los posos de café. Enjuague el filtro permanente y el portafiltro a fondo bajo el agua corriente. Enjuague la jarra cafetera. El aparato puede limpiarse utilizando un paño humedecido. Seque a fondo todos los componentes.

    • Page 95: Problemas, Causas Y Remedios

      En la basura doméstica, o ante la manipulación indebida, puede ponerse en peligro la salud humana y el medio ambiente. Por tanto, no debe depositar su aparato usado en ningún caso junto con la basura doméstica.

    • Page 96: Garantía

      El aparato no está previsto para el uso industrial. En caso de reclamaciones legítimas, enviaremos el aparato defectuoso, a nuestra discreción, a reparar o a sustituir por un aparato sin defecto.

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    Page: 1

    Operating Manual
    Electric coffee machine
    Coffee Taste & Style
    Item No. 1846

    Page: 2

    10 Operating Manual
    10.1 General
    Please read the information contained herein so that you can become familiar with your
    device quickly and take advantage of the full scope of its functions.
    Your Coffee Taste & Style will serve you for many years if you handle it and care for it
    We wish you a lot of pleasure in using it!
    10.2 Information on this manual
    These Operating Instructions are a component of the Coffee Taste & Style (referred to
    hereafter as the device) and provide you with important information for the initial
    commissioning, safety, intended use and care of the device. The Operating Instructions
    must be available at all times at the device. This Operating Manual must be read and
    applied by every person who is instructed to work with the device:
    • Commissioning • Operation • Troubleshooting and/or • Cleaning
    Keep the Operating Manual in a safe place and pass it on to the subsequent owner along
    with the device.
    10.3 Warning notices
    The following warning notices are used in the Operating Manual concerned here.
    A warning notice of this level of danger indicates a potentially dangerous situation.
    If the dangerous situation is not avoided, this can lead to death or serious injuries.
    ► Observe the instructions in this warning notice in order to avoid the danger of death or
    serious personal injuries.
    A warning notice of this level of danger indicates a possible dangerous situation.
    If the dangerous situation is not avoided, this can lead to serious injuries.
    ► Observe the instructions in this warning notice in order to avoid the personal injuries.
    A warning notice of this level of danger indicates a possible dangerous situation.
    If the dangerous situation is not avoided, this can lead to slight or moderate injuries.
    ► Observe the instructions in this warning notice in order to avoid the personal injuries.
    A notice of this kind indicates additional information, which will simplify the handling of the

    Page: 3

    10.4 Limitation of liability
    All the technical information, data and notices with regard to the installation, operation and
    care are completely up-to-date at the time of printing and are compiled to the best of our
    knowledge and belief, taking our past experience and findings into consideration.
    No claims can be derived from the information provided, the illustrations or descriptions in
    this manual. The manufacturer does not assume any liability for damages arising as a
    result of the following:
    • Non-observance of the manual
    • Uses for non-intended purposes
    • Improper repairs
    • Technical alterations, modifications of the device
    • Use of unauthorized spare parts
    Modifications of the device are not recommended and are not covered by the guarantee.
    All translations are carried out to the best of our knowledge. We do not assume any liability
    for translation errors, not even if the translation was carried out by us or on our
    instructions. The original German text remains solely binding.
    10.5 Copyright protection
    This document is copyright protected.
    Braukmann GmbH reserves all the rights, including those for photomechanical
    reproduction, duplication and distribution using special processes (e.g. data processing,
    data carriers, data networks), even partially.
    Subject to content and technical changes.
    This chapter provides you with important safety notices when handling the device.
    The device corresponds with the required safety regulations. Improper use can result in
    personal or property damages.
    11.1 Intended use
    This device is only intended for use in households in enclosed spaces for
    cooking/brewing of coffee. This device is intended for use in the household and for similar
    applications such as:
     in kitchens for employees in shops, offices, and other commercial areas;  in B&Bs,
     in agricultural estates;
    • by customers in hotels, motels and other residential establishments.
    Uses for a different purpose or for a purpose which exceeds this description are
    considered incompatible with the intended or designated use.

    Page: 4

    Danger due to unintended use! Dangers can emanate from the device if it is used for an
    unintended use and/or a different kind of use.
    ► Use the device exclusively for its intended use.
    ► Observe the procedural methods described in this Operating Manual.
    Claims of all kinds due to damages resulting from unintended uses are excluded.
    The User bears the sole risk.
    11.2General Safety information
    Please note
    Please observe the following general safety notices with
    regard to the safe handling of the device.
    ► Read all these instructions before using the device.
    ► This device may be used by children aged 8 and above, if
    they are supervised or have been instructed at to the safe use
    of the device and have understood the resulting hazards.
    ► Children are not allowed to play with the device. The device
    and its connecting cable must be kept away from children
    who are less than 8 years old.
    ► The device may be used by individuals with reduced
    physical, sensory or mental capabilities or a lack of
    experience and / or knowledge of their use if they are
    supervised or have been instructed at to the safe use of the
    device and have understood the resulting hazards.
    ► Cleaning and maintenance by the user must not be
    performed by children unless they are at least 8 years old and
    are supervised.
    ► Examine the device for any visible external damages prior to
    using it. Never put a damaged device into operation.
    ► If the power cable or plug are damaged, then they must be
    replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent in order to
    avoid a hazard.
    ► Do not leave the device unsupervised when it is in operation.

    Page: 5

    Please note
    ► Do not operate the device if it is empty. This could damage
    the device.
    ► Never fill the water tank beyond max-marking.
    ► Use the device exclusively for cooking coffee. Do not fill any
    other liquids (as water) or foods in the device.
    ► Unplug your device as soon as you stop using it or to clean
    ► Do not leave the power cord hanging within children’s reach.
    ► The power cord must never be near or in contact with the hot
    parts of the machine, near a source of heat or over a sharp
    ► For your own safety, only use manufacturer accessories and
    spare parts suited to your machine.
    ► Do not disconnect the plug from the socket by pulling on the
    ► Do not use the coffeepot on an open flame or on electric
    cooker plates.
    ► Do not add water in the device if it is still hot.
    ► Always keep the lid closed when the coffee maker is
    ► Never use the coffeepot without the lid.
    ► Only customer service departments authorized by the
    manufacturer may carry out repairs on the device, as
    otherwise the guarantee entitlements will be null and void in
    the event of any subsequent damages. Improperly performed
    repairs can cause considerable dangers for the user.
    ► Defective components must always be replaced with original
    replacement parts. Only such parts will guarantee that the
    safety requirements are fulfilled.

    Page: 6

    11.3Sources of danger
    11.3.1 Danger of burns
    The water, heated in this coffee maker, the water tank as
    well as the warming plate, become very hot.
    Please observe the following safety notices in order not to burn
    or scald yourself or others.
    ► During brewing of coffee the water tank, warming plate,
    coffeepot and filterholder with filter will become hot!
    ► Please always test the temperature of the coffee, before
    ► The lid must always remain closed during brewing of coffee.
    11.3.2Risk of injury
    There may be a risk of injury.
    ► The coffeepot is made of glass. Glass breakage can result in
    sharp and fierce edges. There is a risk of injury.
    ► Do not use the coffee pot if it is damaged.
    11.3.3 Dangers due to electrical power
    Mortal danger due to electrical power!
    Mortal danger exists when coming into contact with live wires or
    subassemblies! Observe the following safety notices to avoid
    dangers due to electrical power:
    ► Do not operate this device if it has a damaged cable or
    plug, if it is not working properly or if it has been damaged or
    dropped. If the power cable or plug are damaged, then they
    must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent in
    order to avoid a hazard.

    Page: 7

    ► Do not open the housing on the device under any
    circumstances. There is a danger of an electrical shock if live
    connections are touched and the electrical or mechanical
    structure is altered. In addition, functional faults on the device
    can also occur.
    ► Do not put the machine, power cord or plug in water or any
    other liquid.
    ► Be careful and avoid water spillage on the plug.
    This chapter provides you with important safety notices during the initial commissioning of
    the device. Observe the following notices to avoid dangers and damages:
    12.1 Safety information
    ► Packaging materials may not be used for playing. There is a danger of suffocation.
    12.2 Delivery scope and transport inspection
    As a rule, the device is delivered with the following components:
    • Coffee Taste & Style • Coffee pot • Filterholder with permanent filter
    • Coffee spoon • Operating Instructions
    Please note
    ► Examine the shipment for its completeness and for any visible damages.
    ► Immediately notify the carrier, the insurance and the supplier about any incomplete
    shipment or damages as a result of inadequate packaging or due to transportation.
    12.3 Unpacking
    To unpack the device, proceed as follows:
    • Remove the device out of the carton and remove the packaging material.
    12.4 Disposal of the packaging
    The packaging protects the device against damages during transit. The packaging
    materials are selected in accordance with environmentally compatible and recycling-
    related points of view and can therefore be recycled.

    Page: 8

    Returning the packaging back to the material loop saves raw materials and reduces the
    quantities of accumulated waste. Take any packaging materials that are no longer required
    to “Green Dot” recycling collection points for disposal.
    Please note
    ► If possible, keep the original packaging for the device for the duration of the guarantee
    period of the device, in order that the device can be re-packaged properly in the event
    of a guarantee claim.
    12.5 Setup location requirements:
    In order to ensure the safe and trouble-free operation of the device, the setup location
    must fulfil the following prerequisites:
    • Only use this coffee maker on a flat, stable, heat-resistant surface away from water
    splashes and any heat sources.
    • Choose the setup location in such a way that children cannot reach any hot surfaces on
    the device.
    • Do not operate the device under delicate furniture as the escaping steam could damage
    • Do not set up the device in a hot, wet or extremely damp environment or near
    flammable material.
    • The electrical socket must be easily accessible so that the power lead can be
    disconnected easily, in the case of an emergency.
    • The installation and assembly of this device in non-stationary setup locations (e.g. on
    ships) must be carried out by specialist companies / electricians, provided they
    guarantee the prerequisites for the safe use of this device.
    12.6 Electrical connection
    In order to ensure the safe and trouble-free operation of the device, the following
    instructions must be observed for the electrical connection:
    • Before connecting the device, compare the connection data (voltage and frequency) on
    the rating plate with those of your electrical network. This data must agree in order that
    no damages occur in the device. If in doubt, ask your qualified electrician.
    • The connection between the device and the electrical network may employ a 3 meter
    long (max.) extension cable with a cross-section of 1.5 mm². The use of multiple plugs
    or gangs is prohibited because of the danger of fire that is involved with this.
    • Make sure that the power cable is undamaged and has not been installed under the
    device or over hot or sharp surfaces.
    • The electrical outlet must be protected by a 16A safety cut-out switch.
    • The electrical safety of the device is only guaranteed if the device is connected to a
    properly installed protective conductor system. If in doubt, have the house installation
    checked over by a qualified electrician. The manufacturer cannot be made responsible
    for damages that are caused by a missing or damaged protective conductor.

    Page: 9

    12.7 Warning notices
    Danger due to hot surface!
    ► Do not touch the hot surfaces of the device. Danger of burns!
    ► Do not set or lay any items on the device.
    12.8 Rating plate
    The rating plate with the connection and performance data can be founded on the bottom
    of the unit.
    13 Operation and Handing
    This chapter provides you with important notices with regard to operating the device.
    Observe the following notices to avoid dangers and damages:
    ► Do not leave the device unsupervised when it is in operation, so that you can intervene
    quickly in the event of dangers.
    ► Operate the device only with placed filterholder.
    13.1 Display
    H: Setting the hours
    Min: Setting the minutes
    On/Off: Start/Stop of brewing process, switching to TIMER mode
    Press On/Off button once: The device will be switched on and the brewing process is
    started. The red LED lights up
    Press On/Off button twice: The device switches to TIMER mode, the white Led lights up
    and the device will start brewing process once programed time is reached.
    Press On/Off button three times: Process will be stopped, red and white LED turn off.
    Prog: Setting the clock and TIMER
    Press Prog button once: Set the clock with H and Min
    Press Prog button twice: Set the Timer with H and Min
    Mode: Setting of the strength of the flavour of the brewed coffee ( mild, medium

    Page: 10

    13.2 Before using your device for the first time
    Operate the device with only 1,5 litres of water (without paper filter and without coffee
    ground), as described in “quick start”. Clean the device afterwards.
    13.3 Setting the clock
    Plug in the device. Press Prog button and CLOCK lights up.
    Use the H button to set the hours and the Min button to set the minutes.
    The setting is validated automatically.
    13.4 Making Coffee
    ► Warning symbol: hot steam.
    ► Caution hot steam can escape at device. Risk of burns.
    13.4.1 Preparations
    Fill desired quantity of water into the watertank.
    Check that filterholder is placed.
    Insert the permanent filter into the filterholder or fold the bottom of a paper filter with 1×4
    size and insert it into the filter holder. Fill desired amount of ground coffee into the filter.
    Please note
    ► Do not fill to much ground coffee into the filter,otherwise the coffee grounds could
    Close the lid of the device. Place the coffee pot on the warming plate below the drip stop.
    Plug in the mains plug.
    13.4.2 Selection of strength of flavour
    With Mode button you can select desired strength of flavour of the brewed coffee ( mild,
    medium, strong). The flavour depends on the swelling time of the coffee
    ground. The selected strength of flavour will be saved.
    13.4.3 Quick start
    Finish the „preparations“.
    Press On/Off button, the red LED lights up and the device starts the brewing process with
    already selected strength of flavour.
    The device keeps the coffee warm for 35 minutes after brewing and switches off
    afterwards. The red LED lights up during keep warm. If you want to stop the keep warm
    function then press On/Off button until the red and white LED will switch off.
    Please note
    ► The device is stopped when neither the red nor the white LED light up.

    Page: 11

    Please note
    ► The amount of brewed coffee may differ from the amount of water as coffee ground
    absorbs different amount of water depending on the amount and degree of grinding of
    the coffee ground
    ► The device is equipped with a drip stop system which enables you to serve coffee
    before all the water has dripped through. Quickly put the coffee pot back in place to
    avoid any overflowing.
    ► Do not fill hot water into the watertank.
    ► Never fill the water tank beyond max-marking.
    ► Wait a few minutes before making another pot of coffee.
    ► The warming plate is hot during keep warm. Danger of burns.
    ► Switch the device off when you have removed the last coffee from the coffee pot. Do not
    place empty coffee pot on the warming plate.
    13.5 TIMER mode
    Finish the „preparations“. Press Prog button twice until TMER lights up.
    Use the H button to set the hours and the Min button to set the minutes for desired start
    time of brewing process.
    After this press On/Off button twice until white LED lights up, then the TIMER mode is
    The device will start brewing process automatically when the programmed time for the
    TIMER is reached. Then the white LED turns off and the red LED lights up.
    Please note
    ► You can cancel the TIMER mode by pressing On/Off buton. The device is stopped
    when neither the red nor the white LED light up.
    13.6 Cleaning and Maintenance
    This chapter provides you with important notices with regard to cleaning and maintaining
    the device. Please observe the notices to prevent damages due to cleaning the device
    incorrectly and to ensure trouble-free operation.
    13.7 Safety information
    Please observe the following safety notices, before you commence with cleaning the
    ► The device must be cleaned at regular intervals and limescale should be removed.
    ► Switch the device off prior to cleaning it and unplug the plug from the wall power outlet.

    Page: 12

    ► The water tank, coffee pot and filter holder with filter are hot after their use. There is a
    danger of burns! Wait until the device has cooled down.
    ► Do not use any aggressive or abrasive cleaning agents or solvents.
    ► Do not scrape off stubborn dirt with hard items.
    13.8 Cleaning
    Remove the coffee grounds from permanent filter or discard the paper filter with coffee
    grounds. Thoroughly rinse the permanent filter and filter holder under running water. Rinse
    the coffee pot. The device can be wiped with a damp cloth.
    Dry all parts thoroughly.
    ► Do not clean the device when it is hot.
    ► Never put the device in water or under running water.
    ► Be sure to unplug the device before cleaning. To protect against electrical shock do not
    immerse cord, plug or device in water or liquid.
    13.9 Descaling
    Depending on the hardness of water you should descale the device once every month.
    Please note
    ► If needed descale also the permant filter.
    Fill the water tank with one quarter of white vinegar and three quarters of water.
    Plug in the mainsplug and press On/Off button. Brew the mixture completey and then
    pour it away. Repeat the process until no limesale is left.
    Then brew 1-2 times 1,5 liters of water and repeat the process if necessary until there is
    no noticeable odor of vinegar. Pour away the water.
    Please note
    ► Regularly decalcifying of your device will reduce the electricity used and prolong the life
    of the device.
    ► The guarantee excludes devices which have stopped working or do not work properly
    due to lack of descaling.
    14 Troubleshooting
    This chapter provides you with important notices with regard to operating the device.
    Observe the following notices to avoid dangers and damages:
    ► Only qualified electricians, who have been trained by the manufacturer, may carry out
    any repairs on electrical equipment.
    ► Improperly performed repairs can cause considerable dangers for the user and
    damages to the device.

    Page: 13

    14.1 Causes and rectification of faults
    Problem Possible cause Possible solution
    Coffee brews too
    slowly (more than 10
    minutes) or is not hot
    Gerät ist verkalkt Descale the device regularly, look
    at chapter descaling.
    There is coffee
    grounds in the coffee
    Device needs to be
    The paper filter is too small.
    Too much coffee ground is
    Clean the device (esepcially the
    drip-stop valve).
    Us the permanent filter or paper
    filter in size 1×4.
    Use lee coffee ground.
    Coffee has
    accumulated in the
    filter and coffee
    grounds overflowed.
    The coffee pot was not
    placed on the warming plate
    for too long time during the
    brewing process, so that the
    filter could not empty.
    Too much coffee ground is
    Unplug the mains plug.
    Place the coffee pot on the
    warming plate so that the filter can
    Clean the device.
    Use lee coffee ground.
    The drip-stop does not
    Residues of coffee at drip-
    Clean the valve (at the bottom of
    the filter holder) under running
    water and press carefully the drip
    stop several times.
    Water leaks from the
    bottom of the device.
    Device is defective. Unplug the mains plug.
    Do not use the device anymore.
    Contact the customer service.
    Please note
    ► If you are unable to solve the problem with the steps shown above, please contact
    Customer Service.
    15Disposal of the Old Device
    Old electric and electronic devices frequently still contain valuable materials.
    However, they also contain damaging substances, which were necessary for
    their functionality and safety. If these were put in the non-recyclable waste or
    were handled incorrectly, they could be detrimental to human health and the environment.
    Therefore, do not put your old device into the non-recyclable waste under any
    Please note
    ► Utilise the collection point, established in your town, to return and recycle old electric
    and electronic devices. If necessary, contact your town hall, local refuse collection
    service or your dealer for information.
    ► Ensure that your old device is stored safely away from children until it is taken away.

    Page: 14

    16 Guarantee
    We provide a 24 month guarantee for this product, commencing from the date of sale, for
    faults which are attributable to production or material faults.
    Your legal guarantee entitlements in accordance with § 439 ff. BGB-E remain unaffected
    by this. The guarantee does not include damages, which were incurred as a result of
    improper handling or use, as well as malfunctions which only have a minor effect on the
    function or the value of the device. Consumables, transit damages, inasmuch as we are
    not responsible for these, as well as damages, which were incurred as a result of any
    repairs that were not performed by us, are also excluded from the guarantee entitlements.
    This device is designed for use in domestic situations and has the appropriate
    performance levels. Any use in commercial situations is only covered under the guarantee
    to the extent that it would be comparable with the stresses of being used in a domestic
    situation. It is not intended for any additional, commercial use.
    In the event of justified complaints, we will repair the faulty device at our discretion or
    replace it with a trouble-free device. Any pending faults must be reported within 14 days of
    delivery. All further claims are excluded. To enforce a guarantee claim, please contact us
    prior to returning the device (always provide us with proof of purchase).
    17 Technical Data
    Device Electric coffee machine
    Name Coffee Taste & Style
    Item No.: 1846
    Mains data 220-240V~,50/60Hz
    Power consumption 900W
    External measurements 17 x 32,5 x 24,5 cm
    Capacity 1,5 L
    Net weight 2,41 kg

    coffee makers
    Coffee Taste & Style
    Available languages:
    Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian

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    (Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Caso Coffee Taste & Style 1846 Document (Main Content), UPD: 08 January 2023)

    • 16, 16 • Wählen Sie den Aufstellort so, dass Kinder nicht an heiße Oberflächen des Gerätes gelangen können. • Gerät nicht unter empfindlichen Möbeln betreiben, der austretende Wasserdampf könnte diese beschädigen. • Stellen Sie das Gerät nicht in einer heißen, nassen oder sehr feuch…

    • 94, 94 50.2 Limpieza Retire los posos de café del filtro permanente o bien, tire el filtro de papel con los posos de café. Enjuague el filtro permanente y el portafiltro a fondo bajo el agua corriente. Enjuague la jarra cafetera. El aparato puede limpiarse utilizando un paño humedecido. Seque a fondo …

    • 92, 92 49.4 Preparación de café Advertencia ► Símbolo de advertencia: vapor caliente. ► Atención: puede salir aire caliente del aparato. Precaución: peligro de sufrir quemaduras. 49.4.1 Preparativos Rellene la cantidad de agua deseada en el depósito de agua. Asegúrese de que el po…

    • 6, Caso Coffee Taste & Style 1846 6 29.2 Insieme della fornitura ed ispezione trasporto …………………………………… 59 29.3 Disimballaggio …………………………………………………………………………………. 59 29.4 Smaltimento dell’involucro ……………………………………………

    • 95, Caso Coffee Taste & Style 1846 95 51.2 Problemas, causas y remedios Problema Posible causa Posible solución El café tarda mucho en prepararse (más de 10 minutos) o no está suficientemente caliente. Hay acumulación de cal en el aparato Elimine la cal periódicamente, véase capítulo Eliminación de …

    • 27, 27 Please note ► Do not operate the device if it is empty. This could damage the device. ► Never fill the water tank beyond max-marking. ► Use the device exclusively for cooking coffee. Do not fill any other liquids (as water) or foods in the device. ► Unplug your device as soon as you …

    • 80, 80 Teveel koffiepoeder gebruikt. Gebruik minder koffiepoeder. In het filter zit koffie en de koffiedik is overgelopen. De pot stond tijdens het koffiezetten te lang niet op de verwarmingsplaat zodat het filter niet geleegd kon worden. Teveel koffiepoeder gebruikt. Trek de s…

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