Ceramic pro top coat инструкция по применению

Ceramic Pro ION is the newest and most advanced surface protection system from Nanoshine Group Corp. It features Ion Exchange technology that takes surface protection nano ceramic coatings to a brand-new level. It consists of two products: ION Base Coat and ION Top Coat. Both elements must be applied to activate all features of the system and ensure maximum protection.


Car paint, glass, plastic, metal, rubber, polished and chrome surfaces, and non-absorbing textiles.


1ml per 30x30cm (12×12”)

On average, a standard bottle of ION Base Coat (50ml) is sufficient for two complete layers on a medium-sized sedan.


• Store at 5-25°C (41-77°F). Do not freeze! Keep away from heat, direct sunlight, and sources of fire.

• Store the product in the upright position, do not turn it upside down. The shelf life of sealed products is 2 years.

• Once opened for the first time, make sure to securely close the bottle to prevent air from getting inside. It is advised to finish an opened bottle as soon as possible if only 50% or less of the product remains.



Ceramic Pro ION application should take place indoors at 25°C (77°F), 60-70% humidity in a clean, dustless, well-ventilated room with good illumination. Usage of air conditioning and air filtering systems is highly advised to ensure an ideal environment for the application.


Ceramic Pro ION is not a hazardous material; however, it is recommended to wear protective gloves, goggles, and a respirator during the application process. Make sure to have easy access to clean tap water.


Depending on an application method, you will need the following tools: Ceramic Pro Cleaner, Ceramic Pro Nano-Primer, buffing pads, polishing machine, application pad or spray gun, IR curing lamp, fresh regular microfiber towels for cleaning, fresh blue microfiber towels for application, fresh orange microfiber towels for wiping, automotive masking tape, stopwatch, and a flashlight. For your convenience and to avoid accidental damage to car surfaces, keep all your tools and working materials on a tool trolley.



Surface preparation is a mandatory step prior to the coating application! Most types of surfaces require only cleaning, but car paint also needs the application of Ceramic Pro Nano-Primer to improve the results.`


• The surface must be free of defects and thoroughly washed and cleaned using Ceramic Pro Cleaner or a solvent-based product to remove all contaminants such as dirt, bugs, tree sap, tar, water spots, fingerprints, etc.

• Ceramic Pro Cleaner is more suitable for use because Isopropyl alcohol will NOT be able to thoroughly remove all oils or polish residues.

• Apply Ceramic Pro Cleaner on microfiber towels instead of directly on the surface. Always use fresh clean microfiber towels for cleaning and wiping.

• After washing and cleaning, make sure that the surface is completely dry.

Nano-Primer application

• Right before the usage, actively shake the bottle for at least 10-15 seconds.

• Apply a few drops of Nano-Primer on a soft buffing pad of the polishing machine.

• Start working on a small area (≤1 sq. m.) by spreading the product on the surface at low speeds (600-1000 RPM). Do NOT apply pressure or allow heating of the surface.

• Once finished buffing, immediately remove any residue on the surface with a regular clean microfiber towel.

• Let the Nano-Primer sit for about an hour and start the application of Ceramic Pro ION.

Note: Application of Nano-Primer is only required when working with painted surfaces of a vehicle.



The main idea behind the application of Ceramic Pro ION is to create a thick layer of coating on the surface. As thick as possible. All methods, tools, and materials for the application used are specifically developed and chosen to maximize the chances of achieving this goal.


Applicator pad

• This method is recommended if you are only starting to work with Ceramic Pro ION.

• Pour about 20 drops of the product on the applicator pad.

• Apply the product with circular movements in a zigzag pattern. Do not apply pressure.

• Work with small segments (around 60 x 60 cm), especially if you are not yet experienced with Ceramic Pro ION.

• Be careful not to miss any spots.

Spray gun

• This method requires special skills and experience with Ceramic Pro ION, it is more suitable for high-level specialists.

• Pour enough product into the spray gun’s cup.

• Apply the product in a cross-hatch pattern making sure that the segments overlap.

• Be careful not to miss any spots.


• Proceed to wipe after 30-60 seconds following the application, using the BLUE microfiber towel. (If the ambient temperature is above 25°C, start wiping immediately after application.)

• Start working with quick intensive circular motions. Do NOT apply pressure. Finish wiping with wider movements extending from side to side of the coated segment.

• Repeat the procedure with the same side of the microfiber until all residue is fully removed.

• Use the ORANGE microfiber towel for the final finish. Slightly wipe the surface until it becomes perfectly glossy. Use the flashlight to check the surface for roughness, swirls, and blurred parts. Repeat the process if required.


Unlike the 9H generation, Ceramic Pro ION Base Coat allows adding layers when it is fully dried. To be more precise, application on a fully dried layer is the proper working method because in this condition ION Base Coat forms special connector-shaped structures out of particles that allow the next layer to merge with the existing one.

This feature brings flexibility to the application process. You can apply a layer of ION Base coat, leave it and come back to apply the next one at a convenient time, making sure that the previous layer has fully dried. You can speed up the process as curing with IR lamps is highly recommended while working with Ceramic Pro ION.


When the application and wiping of the coating are complete, it is time to cure the coating with IR lamps. It is not mandatory, but this will greatly improve the efficiency of the application and help save time.

• Heat the surface to 40°C and cure for 30 minutes. This will be enough to finish the process. After that, you can proceed to the next layer of the ION Base Coat.

• If you don’t use IR lamps, drying at 25°C will take 45-50 minutes. Drying at lower temperatures will take even longer, 60+ minutes at 10°C.

• Once the application of the final layer of ION Base Coat is complete allow it to dry for 2 hours at 20-30°C. Alternatively, use IR lamps to heat the surface to 60°C and finish curing within an hour.


Application of ION Top Coat is necessary to activate the ion exchange reaction and activate the maximum potential of Ceramic Pro ION.

• Apply ION Top Coat using the same method as ION Base Coat.

• Once the application is complete, the surface must be heated to 60°C for two hours. After that, the surface has to naturally cool down to ambient temperature.

• Alternatively, the curing at 25-30°C will take up to 8-10 hours.

Suggested combinations (packages)

2 layers of ION Base Coat + 1 layer of ION Top Coat

4 layers of ION Base Coat + 1 layer of ION Top Coat


Once the curing of the ION Top Coat is complete, the coating needs an additional 72 hours for chemical processes to be finished and reach the fully-cured state. During this time any contact with water and liquids must be avoided at all costs. Any water droplets will turn into water spots that can only be removed by hard polishing and re-application of Ceramic Pro ION.



To maintain the top performance of the coating, it should be serviced every 2-3 months. The application of Ceramic Pro Care or Care+ to mend any damage to the hydrophobic layer should be sufficient in most cases.

Basic maintenance (restoration of the hydrophobic layer)

• Spray Ceramic Pro Care+ on a damp microfiber towel. 2-3 portions should be sufficient.

• Apply evenly. Make sure not to miss any spots.

• Keep the treated surfaces away from contact with water for 8 hours after application.

Removal of slight contaminations (soap and water)

• Clean the surfaces of a vehicle with water and PH-neutral washing products.

• Dry the vehicle.

• Apply Ceramic Pro Care+.

Removal of average contamination

• Slightly polish the stained area with Ceramic Pro Nano-Primer.

• Re-apply one layer of Ceramic Pro ION Top Coat to restore the hydrophobic effect.

Removal of extreme contaminations

This type of contamination is commonly caused by time and elements and the lack of timely maintenance.

• Remove the coating by machine-polishing. The use of abrasive compounds may be necessary due to the high resistance of the coating to abrasive damage.

• Clean the surface.

• Prepare the surface with Nano-Primer.

• Re-apply all layers of the coating.


• This product is not harmful to the skin. If the product comes in contact with your skin, clean it off with water.

• If the products come into contact with your eyes, please wash your eyes with large amounts of water. If discomfort remains, seek medical help immediately.

• This product is not edible. Keep away from children’s reach.

• Do not wash the vehicle at automatic car washes.

• Do not use wax after the coating, it contains abrasive micro-particles that will interfere with the proper functioning of the coating. Not to mention that it would be completely pointless.

Tips and tricks

• If you need more time to apply and wipe the coating, lower temperatures (below 25°C) will provide such a possibility. Low temperatures give you more time to smooth out the surface of the coating. You can also store ION in a refrigerator to achieve the same effect. BUT do not store it in a freezer or environment below 5°C.

• To check the result of the application properly, we recommend visual inspection using white light, yellow light, refracted light, and LED light. Each of these may reveal a possible imperfection, that can later be corrected.

• The BLUE microfiber towel is specialized for the application of a thick layer. It is more suitable for this goal because it has low absorption properties, which means that it will not remove the coating off the surface.

• The ORANGE microfiber towel on the other hand absorbs liquids much better, with is a beneficial property when leveling and removing excess residues.

• Make sure to use the microfiber towels as instructed to improve the results and make the application process easier.

• Unlike ION Base Coat, Ceramic Pro ION Top Coat can serve as a stand-alone product. However, only the combination of both products will activate the process of ion exchange and unleash the full potential of the coating.

• Ceramic Pro ION, once fully dry, can not be removed with chemicals. It can only be removed by machine polishing.

Новосибирск, ул. Большевистская, 125/9
Красноярск, ул.Ястынская, 1г
Куйбышев, ул.Володарского 31 к.2, место №40
Новокузнецк, ул. Кольцевая, 15, к.4, п.2


Томск, ул. Алтайская, 3/2
Кемерово ул. Свободы, 6/1, корпус 1
Барнаул, ул. Попова 204/2
Москва, ул. Дунаевского, 4

8(800) 550‒62‒95

  • Жидкое стекло Ceramic Pro Top Coat 50 мл

Артикул: 018230

Под заказ (от 2х дней)

Розничная цена:
8 233 руб. руб.

Производитель: Ceramic Pro


  • Описание
  • Характеристики

ТOP COAT — это новый нанокерамический защитный состав для ЛКП автомобиля соответствующий современным потребительским запросам. Плюсом нового покрытия являются знаменитая долговечность составов Ceramic Pro и невысокая стоимость.

Ceramic Pro Top Coat — это новейший современный защитный состав, который пришел на смену легендарному Ceramic Pro Light, который в середине 2019 года снят с производства!

Преимущество для партнеров: 

* Легкость в нанесении (простое обучение)
* Время нанесения 2 часа
* Долговечность покрытия — 3 года
* Доступная цена состава
* Высокая доходность услуг
* Известность бренда Ceramic Pro 

Защитные свойства:

* обеспечивает эффект «высокого глянца»
* увеличивает глубину и насыщенность цвета
* супергидрофобный (грязе- и водоотталкивающий) эффект
* самоочищение поверхности
* устойчивость к воздействию ультрафиолета препятствует выгоранию поверхности
* превосходная атмосферостойкость
* бережет поверхность и предупреждает коррозию
* сияние и новый внешний вид автомобиля
* облегчение очистки и ухода за поверхностью
* формирование длительной защиты до 3-х лет 

Защитный состав наносится в 2 слоя:

* 1 слой -основной ( расход 15 мл )
* 2 слой фиксирующий ( расход 15 мл)

  • Артикул: 018230
  • Базовая единица: шт
  • Производитель: Ceramic Pro
  • Модель производителя: Top Coat
  • Количество компонентов защитного состава: 1
  • Срок действия защиты, мес.: 12

Производитель оставляет за собой право на изменение внешнего вида, комплектации и технических характеристик товара Жидкое стекло Ceramic Pro Top Coat 50 мл без уведомления дилеров. Указанная информация не является публичной офертой.

В каталог







Набор для обработки кузова автомобиля составом Ceramic Pro Top Coat, в состав которого входит гидрофобное покрытие Ceramic Pro Sport для продления свойств нанокерамических покрытий.

В состав набора входит:

  • Nano-Primer 50 мл х 1шт
  • Ceramic Pro Top Coat 50 мл х 1шт
  • Ceramic Pro Care 300 мл х 1шт
  • Аппликатор для нанесения х 2шт

Click to order






город, улица, номер дома

Способ доставки

СамовывозДоставка курьером СДЭК.


Payment method

Оплата наличными при получении ( Москва / Санкт-Петербург ) Безналичная оплата

ТOP COAT — это новый нанокерамический защитный состав для ЛКП автомобиля соответствующий современным потребительским запросам. Плюсом нового покрытия являются знаменитая долговечность составов Ceramic Pro и невысокая стоимость.

Ceramic Pro Top Coat — это новейший современный защитный состав, который пришел на смену легендарному Ceramic Pro Light, который в середине 2019 года снят с производства!

Преимущество для партнеров:
* Легкость в нанесении (простое обучение)
* Время нанесения 2 часа
* Долговечность покрытия — 3 года
* Доступная цена состава
* Высокая доходность услуг
* Известность бренда Ceramic Pro
Защитные свойства:
* обеспечивает эффект «высокого глянца»
* увеличивает глубину и насыщенность цвета
* супергидрофобный (грязе- и водоотталкивающий) эффект
* самоочищение поверхности
* устойчивость к воздействию ультрафиолета препятствует выгоранию поверхности
* превосходная атмосферостойкость
* бережет поверхность и предупреждает коррозию
* сияние и новый внешний вид автомобиля
* облегчение очистки и ухода за поверхностью
* формирование длительной защиты до 3-х лет
Защитный состав наносится в 2 слоя:
* 1 слой -основной ( расход 15 мл )
* 2 слой фиксирующий ( расход 15 мл)

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