Citizen w770 инструкция на русском


Thank you for your purchase of this Citizen watch.

Before using the watch, read this instruction manual carefully to ensure correct

use. After reading the manual, store it in a safe place for future reference.

Be sure to visit the Citizen website at Here you

will find a variety of information such as electronic setting guides, answers to

frequently asked questions, Eco-Drive recharging information, and more.

Refer to precautions before using the watch.

For full instruction manual and further details on watch operation not provided

by this manual, please visit

• iPhone, iOS, and FaceTime are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S.

and other countries.

• Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

• The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by

Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

• Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

• TWITTER, TWEET and the Bird Logo are trademarks of Twitter, Inc. or its


Dedicated App

In order for some of the features of the watch to work,

it must be paired with a smartphone that is running

«CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch (PROXIMITY)» app.

The latest version of the app can be found by searching

either the Apple iTunes store, the Google Play store, or by

clicking on the links below.

Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology

Before Use

Use of the Bluetooth Communication technology is not permitted in some

countries or regions. Visit our website below to confirm the list of countries

where Bluetooth is legally available.

• Using this watch in a country not on the list may be punished under its law.

• Communication using Bluetooth may be monitored intentionally or

accidentally. Do not use this watch for important communication or any one

involving human live.


For further help and clarification on watch concerns, please try one of the listed

options below.

• The full instruction manual available at

• FAQ on commonly known and addressed issues

• CITIZEN support service website at

CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual


Bluetooth watch


Before using this watch ……………………………………………………………………………………….2

Operation through the dedicated app ……………………………………………………………………….2

Protective stickers…………………………………………………………………………………………………2

Component Identification ……………………………………………………………………………………2

Hands and Buttons ………………………………………………………………………………………………..2

Indication ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………2

Changing the mode ……………………………………………………………………………………………2

Checking the power reserve………………………………………………………………………………….2

Before connecting with a smartphone ……………………………………………………………………2

Compatible smartphones ……………………………………………………………………………………….2

Pairing watch and smartphone ……………………………………………………………………………..3

Choosing the destination to save registration information …………………………………………….3

Registering a smartphone ………………………………………………………………………………………3

Connecting/disconnecting the smartphone ……………………………………………………………..3

Checking connection Status …………………………………………………………………………………….3

Disconnecting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………3

Connecting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3

Choosing a smartphone and connecting to it ……………………………………………………………4

Removing pairing (registration) information ……………………………………………………………4

To remove the registration information on the watch ……………………………………………………4

Removing registration information on the smartphone ………………………………………………..4

Allowing permissions on app ………………………………………………………………………………..4

Smartphone Notification Access ……………………………………………………………………………….4

Bluetooth access …………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

Contact access………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Location access …………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

Firmware update ……………………………………………………………………………………………….5

Updating firmware………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Menus ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Additional help menu …………………………………………………………………………………………….5

Home screen overview ………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Real time light level indicator ………………………………………………………………………………….5

Messages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5

Local Time …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Alarm …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

Light Level …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Notifications ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Settings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Help …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Local Time ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Local Time screen ………………………………………………………………………………………………….6

Uploading local time into watch ………………………………………………………………………………6

Alarm ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6

Alarm screen ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Uploading alarm into watch ……………………………………………………………………………………6

Light Level ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

Day ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7

Week ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

Month ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7

Extended connection time ………………………………………………………………………………………7

Notifications …………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

Notifications indication on the watch ………………………………………………………………………..7

Sound and vibration strength ………………………………………………………………………………….7

Testing watches sound …………………………………………………………………………………………..7

Testing watches vibration ……………………………………………………………………………………….7

Canceling the notification indication…………………………………………………………………………8

Enabling notifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………8

Notify slider …………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Sound and vibration ………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Help symbol …………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Filters ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

Settings …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

Pairing Information ………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Time Sync ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Disconnection Time Manager …………………………………………………………………………………..8

Find My Smartphone ……………………………………………………………………………………………..8

Help ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

Instruction manuals ………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Official Website …………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

FAQ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

Firmware Update ………………………………………………………………………………………………….8



Расчленёнки не будет. Еще два года действительна гарантия.

После долгих поисков и приобретения неудачных часов пришлось раскошелиться на данную модель.
Сочетание массивности, механизма Eco-Drive и разных плюшек на циферблате вкупе с Bluetooth далеко не каждому придется по вкусу.

Мы все разные и вкусы тоже разные, так что постараюсь без эмоций, только факты.

Цена: $325 (год назад)
Купон: $20
Доставка: платная, самая дешёвая $47,44. Выбирала доставку в Россию.

Упаковка: безупречная. Изобилие макулатуры всегда оказывает магическое действие на покупателя. В наборе был и купон на следующую покупку, и визитки магазина. Но всё это барахло растащили по углам дети.

Хочу заметить, что все фото часов сделаны недавно, то есть им на фото больше года.
Диаметр 46 мм, толщина 15 мм. Вес часов 163 г (убраны несколько звеньев).

Заводная головка и две кнопки:

Задняя крышка. Долго и упорно я ее фотографировала, фотографировала, да не выфотографировала.

Аккумулятор с литиевым элементом.
Стекло: минеральное

4 стрелки показывают время: 24-часовая, часовая, минутная и секундная.
Показывает также дату и день недели.
Ширина 25 мм, длина 20 см

Механизм: Citizen Caliber Eco-Drive W770. Производитель в своей 11-страничной инструкции (тыц) на английском языке допускает нормальную работу устройства при температуре:

  • от +5°C до +35 °C — отставание ±15 секунд в месяц;
  • от -10°C до +60°C — диапазон рабочих температур.

После полной зарядки часы работают (при включённой на 7,5 часов в день функции энергосбережения)

  • 9 месяцев при использовании со смартфоном;
  • 1,5 года без смартфона;
  • примерно 4 года при включенной постоянно функции энергосбережения.

Запас энергии 10 дней при недостаточной зарядке.

Дополнительные функции:

  • заряжаются от солнечного света
  • функция предотвращения перезарядки
  • функция предупреждения о недостаточном заряде
  • индикация запаса хода (4 деления)
  • функция энергосбережения
  • индикация подключения смартфона (ON/OFF — статус подключения; ACT — индикация текущей обработки связи; CALL/INFO/LL — индикация уведомлений)
  • функция автоматического приема информации о времени
  • вибрация
  • будильник (ALM ON/OFF)
  • хронограф (до 60 минут с шагом в одну секунду)
  • местное время
  • календарь до 28 февраля 2100
  • функция обнаружения удара

Настроить часы можно как с помощью смартфона (для начала установить приложение CITIZEN Bluetooth watch), так и без него.
Если используете приложение, то для него подойдут смартфоны с Android 5.1 и больше, iOS 9.3 и больше (оптимизировано для Iphone 5 и выше). В инструкции еще есть небольшое предупреждение: в самолетах или в других местах, где есть ограничения на использование электронных устройств, рекомендуется завершить соединение часов с телефоном и перевести их в режим часов.

Не мое видео про часы. Возможности приложения раскрыты в видео. Можно смело смотреть и не бояться)))

Вердикт мужа: часы тяжелые, непривычно большие, так что он частенько задевал ими мебель или стену. Bluetooth соединение плохо функционирует: при потере связи автоматически ничего не соединяется. И новые версии прошивки данной проблемы не устранили.

Before using this watch

This watch has a rechargeable cell which is charged by exposing

the dial to light.

Expose the dial to direct sunlight regularly to charge the watch.

After opening the package, confirm power reserve of the watch referring to the

provided Instruction Manual. Start connection to your smartphone after that.

Operation through the dedicated app

Some functions of this watch can be controlled through the dedicated app.

The icon on the side of section titles means that functions which can

also be controlled through the app are introduced in the section.

Protective stickers

Be sure to remove any protective stickers that may be on your watch (case

back, band, clasp, etc.). Otherwise, perspiration or moisture may enter the gaps

between the protective stickers and the parts, which may result in a skin rash

and/or corrosion of the metal parts.

Hands and buttons

• The illustrations in this instruction manual may differ from the actual

appearance of your watch.

Hour hand

24-hour hand

Second hand


• A solar cell is under the dial.





This watch features four different modes (functions).

Crown positions

Function hand

Pressing button A changes

Crown positions are the different lengths the crown can be pulled away from the

indication when the mode

watch case. An audible click can be heard at every position change.

is [TME] or [L-TM] and the

• Position 0 is when the crown is pushed flush against the case.

position of the crown is 0 .

• Position 1 is when the crown has been pulled out once.

• Position 2 is when the crown has been pulled out twice.

Button B

Note: Be careful to pull the crown out straight and to not use excessive force.

If the crown is pulled past position 2, it may become damaged and lead to

Minute hand

further damage to the watch damage.


Checking the power reserve

Date indication

For details of charging and checking power reserve levels, see

«CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 Instruction manual».

Button A

Mode hand

Before connecting with a smartphone

This watch communicates with smartphones through

Bluetooth Low Energy power-saving communication


Indications of the

You must install the dedicated app «CITIZEN

Bluetooth Watch» on your smartphone and start it to

fuction hand

make pairing (registration) between the phone and

Power Reserve

the watch to connect them.

The flow of connection is as follows.

Day of week

Connection status

Compatible smartphones


You can see information about compatible smartphones (running Android OS

Alarm settings

5.1/ Apple iOS 9.3 or later) and the dedicated app on the website below:


• This watch can somewhat be operated through the dedicated app and it is

Date indication

equipped with functions available only through the app.


In places with restriction on the use of electronic devices such as in an

airplane, terminate connection with your smartphone and change the mode

of the watch to [CHR].

CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual

Changing the mode


Shows ordinary time.


Shows different time and calendar than of [TME] mode.


Mode for using the chronograph.


Mode for setting the alarm.


Pull the crown out to position 1 .

The second hand points to the 30-second indice and stops.


Rotate the crown to change the mode.

• Turn the crown so that the mode hand points to the marker

of the desired mode securely.


Push the crown in to position 0 to finish the procedure.

The watch changes indication according to the selected mode.

• It may take a moment for the watch to complete changing


Install the dedicated app

Start up the app

Pairing (registration)





814/814177-w770.pdf file (08 Mar 2023)

Accompanying Data:

Citizen W770 Watch PDF Instruction Manual (Updated: Wednesday 8th of March 2023 10:09:27 AM)

Rating: 4.4 (rated by 68 users)

Compatible devices: 942, Nighthawk BJ7000-52E, 0910, 6810, A010, NB0 SERIES, CAL. C400, 41 series.

Recommended Documentation:

Text Version of Instruction Manual

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Citizen W770 Document (Main Content), UPD: 08 March 2023)

  • 4, Citizen W770 4/9 Choosing a smartphone and connecting to it Change the mode to [TME] (page 2) and pull the crown out to position 2 . 1 e second hand points the (saving destination of) registra- tion information currently chosen and the function hand indicates connection status (ON/OFF). Rotate the crown to ch…

  • 9, 9/9 Troubleshooting If the time, calendar, or function hands are not shown correctly even aer proper reception of the time info, check whether the reference position is correct. • It the hands and indication do not reect the correct reference position, the time and calendar will not be indicated accurately …

  • 1, 1/9 Before using this watch ……………………………………………………………………………………….2 Operation through the dedicated app ……………………………………………………………………….2 Protective stickers………………………..…

  • 5, Citizen W770 5/9 Firmware update Firmware updates for the watch may be release through the app whenever a new update has been made available. Be sure to check and update the app regularly all on paired smartphone devices. • Updating the app and rmware will help to alleviate any problems that may be occurring…

  • 7, 7/9 Light Level e Light Level section records and tracks the watches power generation. e watch has a solar cell under the dial and stores the power generated by the cell in its built-in rechargeable cell. e cell is charged by exposing the dial to any light such as sunlight or uorescent lamps. • e …

  • 8, 8/9 Link Loss Phone/Facetime SMS/Messages Mail Inbox by Gmail Gmail Calendar Reminders Twitter Facebook Messenger (Facebook) Hangouts Instagram LINE Linkedin Skype Snapchat Uber Viber WeChat Weibo WhatsApp Android P F* F P P F** P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P Apple P F F F P P P P F P P P P P P P P P P P P P F = Fi…

  • Citizen W770 User Manual

  • Citizen W770 User Guide

  • Citizen W770 PDF Manual

  • Citizen W770 Owner’s Manuals

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CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction | Manualzz

CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Thank you for your purchase of this Citizen watch.
Before using the watch, read this instruction manual carefully to ensure correct
use. After reading the manual, store it in a safe place for future reference.
Be sure to visit the Citizen website at Here you
will find a variety of information such as electronic setting guides, answers to
frequently asked questions, Eco-Drive recharging information, and more.
Refer to precautions before using the watch.
For full instruction manual and further details on watch operation not provided
by this manual, please visit
• iPhone, iOS, and FaceTime are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S.
and other countries.
• Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
• The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by
Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
• Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.
• TWITTER, TWEET and the Bird Logo are trademarks of Twitter, Inc. or its
Dedicated App
In order for some of the features of the watch to work,
it must be paired with a smartphone that is running
"CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch (PROXIMITY)" app.
The latest version of the app can be found by searching
either the Apple iTunes store, the Google Play store, or by
clicking on the links below.
Before using this watch.....................................................................................................2
Operation through the dedicated app...................................................................................2
Protective stickers...............................................................................................................2
Component Identification.................................................................................................2
Hands and Buttons...............................................................................................................2
Changing the mode..........................................................................................................2
Checking the power reserve..............................................................................................2
Before connecting with a smartphone...............................................................................2
Compatible smartphones.....................................................................................................2
Pairing watch and smartphone..........................................................................................3
Choosing the destination to save registration information.....................................................3
Registering a smartphone....................................................................................................3
Connecting/disconnecting the smartphone........................................................................3
Checking connection Status..................................................................................................3
Choosing a smartphone and connecting to it......................................................................4
Removing pairing (registration) information......................................................................4
To remove the registration information on the watch.............................................................4
Removing registration information on the smartphone.........................................................4
Allowing permissions on app.............................................................................................4
Smartphone Notification Access............................................................................................4
Bluetooth access..................................................................................................................4
Contact access.....................................................................................................................4
Location access....................................................................................................................4
Firmware update..............................................................................................................5
Updating firmware..............................................................................................................5
Additional help menu...........................................................................................................5
Home screen overview......................................................................................................5
Bluetooth watch
Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology
Before Use
Use of the Bluetooth Communication technology is not permitted in some
countries or regions. Visit our website below to confirm the list of countries
where Bluetooth is legally available.
• Using this watch in a country not on the list may be punished under its law.
• Communication using Bluetooth may be monitored intentionally or
accidentally. Do not use this watch for important communication or any one
involving human live.
For further help and clarification on watch concerns, please try one of the listed
options below.
• The full instruction manual available at
• FAQ on commonly known and addressed issues
• CITIZEN support service website at
Real time light level indicator...............................................................................................5
Local Time...........................................................................................................................5
Light Level...........................................................................................................................5
Local Time........................................................................................................................6
Local Time screen.................................................................................................................6
Uploading local time into watch...........................................................................................6
Alarm screen........................................................................................................................6
Uploading alarm into watch.................................................................................................6
Light Level.......................................................................................................................7
Extended connection time....................................................................................................7
Notifications indication on the watch....................................................................................7
Sound and vibration strength...............................................................................................7
Testing watches sound.........................................................................................................7
Testing watches vibration.....................................................................................................7
Canceling the notification indication....................................................................................8
Enabling notifications..........................................................................................................8
Notify slider.........................................................................................................................8
Sound and vibration.............................................................................................................8
Help symbol.........................................................................................................................8
Pairing Information.............................................................................................................8
Time Sync............................................................................................................................8
Disconnection Time Manager................................................................................................8
Find My Smartphone............................................................................................................8
Instruction manuals.............................................................................................................8
Official Website....................................................................................................................8
Firmware Update.................................................................................................................8
CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Changing the mode
Before using this watch
This watch features four different modes (functions).
This watch has a rechargeable cell which is charged by exposing
the dial to light.
Expose the dial to direct sunlight regularly to charge the watch.
After opening the package, confirm power reserve of the watch referring to the
provided Instruction Manual. Start connection to your smartphone after that.
Shows ordinary time.
Shows different time and calendar than of [TME] mode.
Mode for using the chronograph.
Mode for setting the alarm.
Operation through the dedicated app
1 Pull the crown out to position 1 .
Some functions of this watch can be controlled through the dedicated app.
The second hand points to the 30-second indice and stops.
The icon on the side of section titles means that functions which can
also be controlled through the app are introduced in the section.
Protective stickers
Be sure to remove any protective stickers that may be on your watch (case
back, band, clasp, etc.). Otherwise, perspiration or moisture may enter the gaps
between the protective stickers and the parts, which may result in a skin rash
and/or corrosion of the metal parts.
2 Rotate the crown to change the mode.
•Turn the crown so that the mode hand points to the marker
of the desired mode securely.
Component identification
3 Push the crown in to position 0 to finish the procedure.
Hands and buttons
•The illustrations in this instruction manual may differ from the actual
appearance of your watch.
Function hand
Hour hand
Pressing button A changes
indication when the mode
is [TME] or [L-TM] and the
position of the crown is 0 .
Button B
Minute hand
24-hour hand
Date indication
Second hand
Button A
Mode hand
Crown positions
Crown positions are the different lengths the crown can be pulled away from the
watch case. An audible click can be heard at every position change.
•Position 0 is when the crown is pushed flush against the case.
•Position 1 is when the crown has been pulled out once.
•Position 2 is when the crown has been pulled out twice.
Note: Be careful to pull the crown out straight and to not use excessive force.
If the crown is pulled past position 2, it may become damaged and lead to
further damage to the watch damage.
Checking the power reserve
For details of charging and checking power reserve levels, see
"CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 Instruction manual".
Before connecting with a smartphone
This watch communicates with smartphones through
Bluetooth Low Energy power-saving communication
•A solar cell is under the dial.
The watch changes indication according to the selected mode.
•It may take a moment for the watch to complete changing
Indications of the
fuction hand
Power Reserve
You must install the dedicated app "CITIZEN
Bluetooth Watch" on your smartphone and start it to
make pairing (registration) between the phone and
the watch to connect them.
Day of week
The flow of connection is as follows.
Install the dedicated app
Start up the app
Pairing (registration)
Connection status
Alarm settings
Date indication
Compatible smartphones
You can see information about compatible smartphones (running Android OS
5.1/ Apple iOS 9.3 or later) and the dedicated app on the website below:
•This watch can somewhat be operated through the dedicated app and it is
equipped with functions available only through the app.
In places with restriction on the use of electronic devices such as in an
airplane, terminate connection with your smartphone and change the mode
of the watch to [CHR].
CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Pairing watch and smartphone
Before registration
• Information for registration is saved on both the watch and smartphone.
• Up to three smartphone devices registrations can be saved on watch. Only
one registration can be chosen at a time. The app can show saved registration
information and display the name of the smartphone device associated with
each of the three saved locations.
• When you have two or more registered smartphones, you can switch between
saved locations to allow connection/disconnection of devices.
• New registration information cannot be saved on top of an existing registration location without first deleting existing information.
Choosing the destination to save registration information
1 Change the mode to [TME] (page 2) and pull the crown
out to position 2 .
The second hand points the (saving destination of) registration information currently chosen and the function hand
indicates connection status (ON/OFF).
2 Rotate the crown to choose the destination to save
registration information.
Saving destination of registration information 1
When registration is successful
The function hand of the watch will point "ON" of the connection status and the
second hand returns to indicate the seconds.
Pairing (registering) the smartphone
In the cases below, registration is not successful:
• The second hand of the watch points to "LL (45-second position)".
• The second hand of the watch points to "ACT (40-second position)" and
returns indicate the seconds and the function hand does not point to "ON" of
the connection status.
Connecting/disconnecting the smartphone
Checking connection status
1 Change the mode to [TME] or [L-TM] and push the crown in
to position 0 .
2 Press and release the lower right button
A repeatedly until
the function hand indicates connection status (ON/OFF).
Saving destination of registration information 2
Saving destination of registration information 3
3 Push the crown in to position 0 to finish the procedure.
The second and function hands return to normal.
Registering a smartphone
• For registration, you have to operate both the watch and the smartphone.
• Be sure both the watch and smartphone are sufficiently charged. It is
especially important to check power reserve of the watch, and charge it before
registration, if the power reserve level is "1" or "0".
• Registration operation on the watch must be completed within a certain
period of time. If about 30 seconds have elapsed before finishing operation, the
will watch return to normal movement.
<Operation on the smartphone>
1 Download and install the dedicated app "CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch (Proximity)" from the appropriate app store.
2 Start the dedicated app.
• Keep the app showing on the smartphone screen.
• Agree when the dialog appears to request your permission
to use the Bluetooth connection.
Note: If other permissions are requested by the app, accept
and allow to enable full functionality of the watch.
<Operation on the watch>
3 Change the mode to [TME] or [L-TM] and push the crown
in to position 0 .
4 Press and release the upper right button B .
The second hand points "ACT
(40-second position)" and registration
• If the smartphone as been registered
before, it will attempt to connect
<Operation on the smartphone>
5 If the dialog option "Pair" appears on the screen of the
app, select it to allow Bluetooth connection.
Connection status indication
The function hand automatically indicates connection status (ON/OFF) as the
connection status between the watch and the smartphone changes.
• Cancel the information indication of the second hand before disconnecting.
1 While connected, change the mode to [TME] or [L-TM] and
push the crown in to position 0 .
2 Press and hold the upper right button
B for 4 seconds.
The second hand points "ACT (40-second position)" and,
after disconnection, the function hand points "OFF" of
connection status.
• You can reconnect the watch to a disconnected smartphone.
• The watch cannot be connected with a non-registered smartphone.
1 While disconnected, change the mode to [TME] or [L-TM]
and push the crown in to position 0 .
2 Press and release the upper right button
B .
The second hand points "ACT (40-second position)"
and, after connection, the function hand points "ON" of
connection status.
• It may take about 20 - 30 seconds to finish registration.
The watch and smartphone are connected as registration is
CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Choosing a smartphone and connecting to it
Choose from one of the three saving destinations that stores registration
information of a smartphone and connect the watch to it.
• The watch cannot be connected with two or more smartphones at the same time.
1 Change the mode to [TME] (page 2) and pull the crown
out to position 2 .
The second hand points the (saving destination of) registration information currently chosen and the function hand
indicates connection status (ON/OFF).
2 Rotate the crown to choose the destination to save
registration information.
Saving destination of registration information 1
Saving destination of registration information 2
Saving destination of registration information 3
3 Push the crown in to position 0 to finish the procedure.
The second and function hands return to normal.
B .
The second hand points "ACT (40-second position)"
and, after connection, the function hand points "ON" of
connection status.
4 Press and release the upper right button
Allowing permissions on app
When first starting the app, pop up notifications will ask for permissions for
various aspects of the watch functionality.
When prompted to do so, select "Allow" or "OK" to provide the watch to access
the smartphone.
Note: Turning off or denying any of the permissions may limit functions and
capabilities of the watch.
Smartphone notification access
The app needs to have access to notifications that the smartphone receives in
order to communicate properly with the watch.
Depending on the smartphone OS, the access may either be turned on automatically through the permissions or manually selected by the user in the smartphone settings.
For Apple
The app will prompt the message:
"CITIZEN Would Like to Send You Notifications. Notifications may include alerts, sounds, and
icon badges. These can be configured in Settings."
• Select "OK".
For Android
The app will prompt the message
"Give permission of [Notification access] to use the notification function."
• Select "Settings".
• Swipe the toggle for "CITIZEN" from "OFF" to "ON".
• Upon receiving pop up, select "OK".
• Tap the "back" button to return to app main menu.
Bluetooth access
If Bluetooth feature is not activated on smartphone, the app will request that it
be turned on.
Removing pairing (registration) information
After pairing (registration), the watch and the smartphone store registration
information of each other.
You must remove the registration information from both the watch hand the
smartphone in the flowing cases:
• When registration information is lost either on the watch or the smartphone.
• When you want to save registration information on the smartphone on
another save destination.
• When the app has been updated or reinstalled.
• When you cannot reconnect the watch and smartphone after registration even
after following the correct steps.
To remove the registration information on the watch
1 Change the mode to [TME] (page 2) and pull the crown
out to position 2 .
The second hand points the (saving destination of) registration information currently chosen and the function hand
indicates connection status (ON/OFF).
2 Rotate the crown to choose the registration information
to remove.
3 Press and hold the upper right button
for about 7
The second hand turns around fully and removing is finished.
4 Push the crown in to position 0 to finish the procedure.
The second and function hands return to normal.
Removing registration information on the smartphone
1 Remove "Eco-Drive W770" from the list of registered
Bluetooth devices on the smartphone.
For the method to remove, refer to your smartphone
• When "Eco-Drive W770" cannot be seen, it has already
been deleted.
For Apple
The app will prompt the message:
"Turn On Bluetooth to Allow CITIZEN to Connect to Accessories."
• Select "OK".
• Close the app and open Setting
• Select the Bluetooth section and enable by swiping the toggle on.
• Return to CITIZEN app.
For Android
The app will prompt the message
"Application is requesting permission to turn on Bluetooth. Allow?"
• Select "YES".
If Bluetooth feature is disabled while the app is activated, the app will request
that it be turned back on. Follow previous steps to re-enable Bluetooth.
Contact access
On Android smartphones, when selecting the "Notification" tab, the "Phone" and
"SMS" section will request access. This access enables the selection of contacts to
be filtered.
• For all request, select "ALLOW".
Note: Turning off or denying any of the permissions will disable the use of the
filter function. To access the permissions again, close and open the selection to
have the message reappear.
Location access
Location access is used for the app to find the location of the smartphone when
using the [L-TM] or Local Time. The app will decide the correct time selection
based on the smartphones time zone location.
• If requested, select "ALLOW".
Note: Turning off or denying any of the permissions will disable the use of the
location function on the Local Time selection. To access the permissions again,
close and open the selection to have the message reappear.
CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Firmware update
Home screen overview
Firmware updates for the watch may be release through the app whenever a new
update has been made available. Be sure to check and update the app regularly
all on paired smartphone devices.
• Updating the app and firmware will help to alleviate any problems that may be
occurring and improve performance. Ignoring updates may lead to the watch
and app running at less then optimal performance.
• Whenever the app has the ability to update the firmware of a paired watch,
a notification at the top of the screen will appear. Additionally, in the "Help"
section of the app, the "Firmware update" tab will become accessible.
• When a watch has been updated with the latest firmware, the app will have the
"Firmware update" tab greyed out and inaccessible.
Updating firmware
The different selections at the bottom of the screen can be swiped left or right to
show additional options.
Real time light level indicator
• The orb in the middle of the screen indicates the amount of light the watch is
receiving, in real time.
• When the watch is under any kind of light sufficient for charging, the orb will
respond to the intensity of the light.
• Under low light or dark conditions, the orb will be small and a light blue color.
• Under a strong intense light (such as direct sun light), the orb will become
large and a bright red/purple. Charging levels are recorded and can be viewed
in the Light Level sections of the app.
<Operation on the smartphone>
• Messages prompted by the app will
be displayed near the top of the
• Messages will not be removed until
the conditions of their prompt have
been met.
1 Select either the notification at the top of
the screen or the "Firmware update" tab
in the "Help" section
Local Time
• An easy way to see the time of a
second time zone, anywhere in the
• Updates daylight saving time regions
2 A pop-up tab will prompt a confirmation
• Select "Ok".
• A percentage will be displayed, showing the
progress of the update.
Note: Do not disconnect or clear app while
update is occurring.
• Sounds onces every 24 hour at the
time set.
• Specific days of the week can be set
through the app.
• Up to 6 alarm information by be
saved on the app. Only one may used
at a time.
3 Repair watch and app
• Once firmware update is complete, the watch
and app will disconnect and request to pair
• After a successful update, the "Firmware
update" notification and tab will become
greyed out and no longer active.
Additional selections can be accessed whenever in a selection.
• Tapping on the button on the top right of the screen will bring up a menu of
the available selections.
• Alternative selections may be switched two without having to exit back to the
main screen.
Note: Current and closed selection will be grayed out.
Light Level
• The watches power generation progress is saved and displayed by day, week,
and month.
• Extended connection time can be accessed and selected through the "Month"
• Notifications sent from the smartphone to the watch are selected and
controlled here.
• Sound and vibration options can be chosen per each type of notification.
• Filtering options can be applied to certain notifications
Controls and options for:
• Pairing Information
• Time Sync
• Disconnection time manager
• Find my smartphone controls
Access and links to:
• Instruction manuals
• Official website
• Firmware update
• Legal Disclaimers
• App version number
Additional help menu
Additional help menus may be found in sections to provide more details.
• Tapping on a ? symbol will open a help menu.
• Tapping on an X symbol will close a help menu.
Note: All other buttons will not be accessible while a help menu is open.
CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Local Time
An alternative time that can differ from that in the [TME] mode.
• Local time can either be set through the app or manually on the watch.
• Indication of date and day of week changes corresponding to local time set.
• Local time can be set on the app within a range of +14:00 and -12:00 hours
from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
• Regions that experience daylight saving time automatically adjust.
Note: Local time is based on the a difference from the main time. When
changing time zones, make sure to update and correct as local time will change.
Local Time screen
Initially, the app will display the UTC
at ±0:00. The time of a selected region
will be displayed under the "Local
time" title.
• Local time is displayed in a 24-hour
• The UTC difference can also be
selected by tapping the ± amount on
the upper right section of the screen.
• Tapping a city will select it and show
the local time at that location.
• At the bottom left is a location icon
that will (with GPS enabled) locate
the smartphones current position on
the map.
• Next to the location icon is an hour
glass icon that will allow users to
search through a list of available
• Pinching the screen zooms in on the
map, showing additional cities.
• Sliding the screen left and right will
continue to show the remainder of
the map
Uploading local time into watch
The upload icon will change from gray to blue once a location
alternative to the last know local time location has been chosen.
1 Select the Local Time section on the app.
The 24-hour alarm can be set or checked while the watch is in[ALM] mode.
Alternatively, the app can also set the alarm.
• The alarm sounds, on the watch, for 15 seconds once every 24 hours
(depending on settings).
• Specific days of the week can be selected through the app.
• Up to 6 alarms information may be saved by the app. Only one may be used at
any given time.
Alarm screen
Initially, the app will display the Alarm
off and the menu will be a light gray.
• Sliding the toggle will change the
alarm from off to on, or reverse.
• Alarm time is displayed in a 24-hour
• Tapping the time will open an
additional menu for alarm editing.
• Tapping the icon on the bottom
right will open a list of previously set
• When setting an alarm, scroll
through the hour and minute to
choose the time to be set.
• Tapping on the days of the week will
toggle the selected day on or off.
Light gray color indicate that the day
is off while black is on.
• When ready, the "Set" icon will make
information available for upload.
• Up to 6 alarm information can be
stored. Saving additional alarms will
erase the oldest information set.
Uploading alarm into watch
The Alarm menu will become active once the slider bar has been swiped
to the right.
The upload icon will change from gray to blue once an alternative alarm
time setting from the last know setting has been chosen.
• The watch must be in either [TME] or [L-TM] mode with the
crown fully push in.
1 Select the Alarm section on the app.
• Either tap on an available city on the map or adjusting the UTC
time difference.
Note: The local time must be different from previously selected
local time.
2 Swipe the slider bar to the right.
2 Select a local time.
3 Tap the upload icon.
• A loading circle will be displayed while upload occurs.
• When complete, the loading circle will disappear and the
upload icon will return to a gray color.
• If the watch is in [L-TM] mode, the hour and minute hands
will adjust accordingly.
Note: Selecting an alternative local time but not uploading
the information will cause the watch to remain at the last local
time in memory.
• The watch must be in [TME], [L-TM], or [ALM] mode with
the crown fully push in.
• Sliding the toggle bar will change the alarm between off (left)
and on (right).
3 Tap the time or clock image at the lower right corner.
• Tapping the time in the center of the screen will bring
up the hour, minute, and day of the week alarm time options.
• Tapping the clock image will show any previously used alarm
times. Up to 6 alarms will be saved, and additional alarms will
be take the place of the oldest. To see all, slide the page down.
4 Select an Alarm time and/or days of the week.
• Scroll through the hour and minute wheels until the correct
time has been chosen.
• The days of the week may be toggle on or off by tapping on the
day. Light gray color is off and black is on.
Note: Selecting the days of the week may only be preformed
on the app. When an alarm is manually set on the watch, all
days are on by default.
5 Tap "Set".
6 Tap the upload icon.
• A loading circle will be displayed while upload occurs.
• When complete, the loading circle will disappear and the
upload icon will return to a gray color.
• If the watch is in [ALM] mode, the hour and minute hands
will adjust accordingly.
Note: Selecting an alarm time but not uploading the
information will cause the watch to remain at the last alarm
setting in memory.
CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Light Level
The Light Level section records and tracks the watches power generation.
The watch has a solar cell under the dial and stores the power generated by the
cell in its built-in rechargeable cell.
The cell is charged by exposing the dial to any light such as sunlight or
fluorescent lamps.
• The Light Level section has three tracking options: Day, Week, and Month.
• Sliding the yellow dot below the tracking options changes screens.
• Within the Month screen, the extended connection time options are available
Notification sound and vibration can be activated by using [Notification]
settings on the app in addition to the indication of the second hand.
• Notification by sound or vibration will occur even when the second hand
cannot indicate notification. In addition, notification sound and vibration
occurs again with notification indication by the second hand when the hand
indication was postponed.
• Sound and vibration options can be chosen per each type of notification.
• Filtering options can be applied to certain notifications
Notification indication on the watch
The second hand points the notification indication corresponding to the type of
received notification.
Notification indication by the second hand
The intensity level of light gathered by the watch is displayed at every hour.
• The intensity of the light level directly relates to the amount of power the
watch generates.
Previous days light levels can be displayed for up to seven days.
• Sliding the yellow dot below the numbered dates changes the display to the
previous days.
The horizontal axis of the graph tracks the average power generation of a day.
• The average light levels for a week are displayed by a white background.
• Sliding the graph vertically will show additional days stored in memory.
• Once the average light levels for a previous week has risen past a specific
amount, extended connection time options will become available.
Extended connection time
When the average weekly light levels of a previous week exceeds the +2/+4/+6
lines, you can tap on the extended time symbols to increase the watch and
smartphones connection for the current week.
• The default connection time is 6 hours.
• After total connection time has run out, the watch and smartphone will
automatically disconnect.
Note: Current power generation does not affect the extended connection time
for the same week.
No extended connection time.
• When the previous weekly power generation falls
below the required amount, the watch and smartphone connection time will
be at the default level.
+2 extended connection time.
• When the previous weekly power generation is past the
first line, connection time of an additional 2 hours will be available.
• Total connection time 8 hours.
+4 extended connection time.
• When the previous weekly power generation is past the
second line, connection time of an additional 4 hours will be available.
• Total connection time is 10 hours.
+6 extended connection time.
• When the previous weekly power generation is past the
second line, connection time of an additional 6 hours will be available.
• Total connection time is 12 hours.
Note: If the extended connection time options are available but the user does
not select an option, the connection time will be at the default level.
55 second Incoming phone calls
50 second Various info notification
Disconnection notification
45 second (Link Loss)
Receiving time info for
40 second
connecting (activation)
• The notification indication by the second hand is shown only when the mode
of the watch is [TME] or [L-TM] and the position of the crown is 0 . When
the watch receives notification in statuses other than above, notification
indication is postponed until its status changes to any one above.
• When the watch receives a new notification while it indicates a notification,
the old one is canceled and the new one is indicated.
Sound and vibration strength
Prior to receiving notifications, the user may want better understand the
intensity of the watches sound and vibration.
Note: Testing the watches sound and vibration must be done manually and
cannot be done through the app. The intensity of the sound and vibration
cannot be changed.
Testing watches sound
The notification sound feature can be checked.
• You cannot test while the power reserve level is at "0".
1 Change the mode to [ALM] (page 2) and pull the crown out
to position 2 .
• The current alarm time will be displayed and the function hand
will show the alarm setting (ALM ON/OFF).
2 Press and hold the upper right button B .
• The alarm will sound and repeat for as long as the button is
3 Change the mode to [TME] and push the crown in to position
0 to finish procedure.
The second hand and function hands returns to normal.
Testing watches vibration
The notification vibration feature can be checked.
• You cannot test while the power reserve level is at "0".
1 Change the mode to [ALM] (page 4) and pull the crown in to
• The current alarm time will be displayed and the function hand
will show the alarm setting (ALM ON/OFF).
2 Press and release the upper right button B .
The watch starts vibrating.
• Notification vibration is repeated five times.
3 Change the mode to [TME] and push the crown in to position
0 to finish procedure.
The second hand and function hands returns to normal.
CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Canceling the notification indication
The second hand showing notification indication does not return to indicate the
seconds until the indication is canceled.
• Once manually canceled, notification indication cannot be shown again.
1 Press and hold the lower right button A or the upper right
button B for 1 second while notification is indicated.
The notification indication is canceled and the second hand
returns to indicate the seconds.
• Changing the position of the crown also cancels the
notification indication.
Enabling notifications
The Notification section controls notification indications of varying options.
• The following is a list of options that can be edited individually.
Android Apple
Within each option may be one of the
Link Loss
Phone/Facetime F*
Notify slider
slider bar that enables or disables
Inbox by Gmail
Sound and vibration
A bell icon that represents sound and
vibration added to a notification.
• Tapping the icon changes through the
different options.
Help symbol
The "question mark" symbol at the bottom
right of the screen opens a new menu to
better explain the possible options for
sound and vibration.
• Tapping the "X" icon returns the previous
P F = Filter Available
P F* = Phone only, FaceTime not available
P F** = Filters coming soon
Certain options have filter capabilities. Filters allow the user to choose contacts
that will be the only recognized notification for a specific option.
All Button
An "All" button will act as if the filter is off and all incoming notifications will be
allowed through.
Select Button
The "select" button opens a list of available filter choices. Different options filters
will pull from different lists associated with the smartphone.
• Phone, FaceTime, and Messages filters will pull from the users contact list.
Note: Up to 32 filters may be applied on Apple devices. FaceTime only
available on Apple devices.
• Mail filters for Apple pull from the users contact that have email accounts.
• Gmail filters for Android pull from the users email accounts directly.
• Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter filters pull from associated
Once filter options are available, tapping on the contact will select that contact as
a chosen filter by the representation of a check mark.
Check Mark Button
Selecting and deselecting the check mark button enables and disables the whole
list of contacts at one time.
• When the check mark is tapped and becomes a light blue color, the entire list
of contacts will be chosen and be considered filtered items.
• When the check mark is tapped and becomes a light gray color, the entire list
of contacts will be deselected.
Note: Enabling all contacts will act the same as selecting the "All" button.
Deselecting all contacts will be the same as turning off the notification.
Uploading information
Certain options will need to be uploaded to the watch in order for
the notification options to apply.
• Tapping the upload icon will bring up a loading circle. Once complete, the app
will return to previous options.
Note: Not uploading information will cause the watch to
remain at the state in memory.
The Settings section stores interactions between the watch and smartphone.
Pairing Information
The watch can save up to 3 paired saving destinations.
This option will display the name of the smartphone that corresponds
to the each save destination.
• The devices name will be based on what the smartphone calls itself
within its own settings .
Time Sync
A toggle switch controls if the watch will automatically update the
time, based on the time of the smartphone, whenever paired.
Disconnection Time Manager
The app will disconnect with the watch once every date a specific time
regardless of connection time.
The user may choose when the disconnection will occur by altering the
rotating hour and minute dials.
• The default disconnection time is 12:00 am (midnight).
• The disconnection time manager is displayed on a 24-hour format
Find My Smartphone
A toggle switch controls if the watch will be able to contact the
smartphone through the "Find my smartphone" feature.
• For Android devices, smartphone will need to have sound enabled
and not be in silent mode to properly operate this feature.
• To dismiss "Find my smartphone" alarm, make sure the app is open
and follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: Toggle switches that are:
blue (right) are ON
light gray (left) are OFF.
The Help section stores instructions and additional information to aid users
operate features of the watch.
At the bottom of the section the current version of the app.
• It is recommended that the user keeps the app updated with the latest version
for optimal performance.
Instruction manuals
Digital, PDF, full and abbreviated instruction manuals are available to
download and view through this option.
The instructions have been made available in English, Japanese, French,
Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese (traditional and simplified).
• Select the desired language to access the instructions for that language.
Official Website
Access to the official Citizen global website is available through this
link. For access to a regional Citizen site, click on the "Select Region"
pull down bar at the top right corner of the page.
• For regional support, please contact the correct listed location.
A list of frequently asked questions is available through this link.
Firmware Update
Firmware updates are enabled through this option.
• When available, the words "Firmware update" will become dark and
a triangle with an exclamation mark
will be present.
• For more details on updating firmware, see page 5.
CITIZEN Bluetooth Watch W770 App Instruction manual
Checking and correcting the reference position
Connection breaks
unintentionally cont.
Pairing additional
Symptoms and Remedies
Connection problems
Connection is
• If the remedies
on the right do
not solve the
problems, consult
an authorized
service center.
The smartphone
cannot be registered.
Notifications not
Connection breaks
Check the power reserve
Check the mode and position of the crown
of the watch.
Make sure the dedicated app is running.
Turn off other smartphones that also have
the dedicated app.
Make sure that the save location is correct.
Connection problems cont.
If the time, calendar, or function hands are not shown correctly even after proper
reception of the time info, check whether the reference position is correct.
• It the hands and indication do not reflect the correct reference position, the
time and calendar will not be indicated accurately even if the time info is
To correct or check reference position, refer to the full instruction manual by
visiting the following website:
save location
Extended connection time may have run
Disconnection time may have occurred.
Up to three smartphone pairing
information can be stored on the watch.
Make sure to the choose a clear and
available save location. Change save
location if needed.
Check the mode and position of the crown
of the watch.
Follow steps for registering a new device.
The watch can not display if a save location
has pairing information actively stored.
The app's Setting section has a "Pairing
information" tab that displays registered
device saved with the watch.
Features not working
Time is not
updating when
Check to see if watch and smartphone are
successfully connected.
Make sure the dedicated app is running.
Check settings of the app.
App must be running in background.
Check the mode and position of the crown
of the watch.
Make sure that the save location is correct.
Check the Bluetooth settings of your
Remove registration information on your
watch and smartphone Bluetooth settings
and register again.
Check and try another saving destination.
Remove registration information on your
watch and smartphone Bluetooth settings
and register again.
Check to connection status (ON/OFF)
If watch is in power saving mode, update
will occur when power saving mode is
disabled and previous steps are complete.
Check power reserve.
App must be running in background.
Check the mode and position of the crown
of the watch.
Check the mode and position of the crown
of the watch.
Check the notification settings of the app.
Make sure firmware is updated to latest
Check to see if watch and smartphone are
successfully connected.
Disconnect and reconnect watch and
Make sure the smartphone is not in silent
or vibrate mode.
Check power reserve.
Remove registration information on your
watch and smartphone Bluetooth settings
and register again.
Check the mode and position of the crown
of the watch.
Avoid anything that will block out or
disrupt radio waves.
Pressing the lower right button changes the
multifunction hand indication.
Make sure the dedicated app is running.
Check settings of the app.
When connected to app, the multifunction
hand will change to the Bluetooth ON/OFF
option. Other options are still available for
selection by repeating last step.
Check whether the smartphone exists
within the connectible range (about 10
meters or 33 feet).
Check power reserve.
Avoid anything that will block out or
disrupt radio waves.
Check the mode and position of the crown
of the watch.
Clear notifications if present.
Remove registration information on your
watch and smartphone Bluetooth settings
and register again.
Check and correct reference position.
See full instruction manual.
Time is not
updating at 3am
when disconnected.
Cannot make
the Find My
Smartphone feature
emit sound.
Reading 2 o'clock
sub dial options.
Second hand not

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