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Screw compressor

L37S — 75

L37S — 75

Issue December 2000 Ident. no.: 100 00 2288 / 00

Issue December 2000 Ident. no.: 100 00 2288 / 00

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Related Manuals for CompAir L37S-75

Summary of Contents for CompAir L37S-75

  • Page 1
    Umschlag ein Umschlag aus Operating instructions Operating instructions Screw compressor Screw compressor L37S — 75 L37S — 75 Issue December 2000 Ident. no.: 100 00 2288 / 00 Issue December 2000 Ident. no.: 100 00 2288 / 00…
  • Page 3: Foreword

    The compressor and its accessories as supplied by use. The manufacturer/supplier cannot be held respon- CompAir conform to the basic safety and health requi- sible for damage resulting from such use. The risk of rements included in the EC Machinery Directive 98/37/ such misuse lies solely with the user.

  • Page 4
    Warranty claims will not be accepted in the case of • Operating errors • Incorrect maintenance • Wrong auxiliary materials • Use of spare parts other than CompAir original spare parts • Modifications and changes to the installation The warranty and liability conditions of the general terms and conditions of CompAir Drucklufttechnik will not be extended by the notes above.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    2. Table of contents Foreword ……………………………. 3 Notes on the compressor ……………………..3 Intended use …………………………3 Maintenance …………………………3 Notes …………………………..4 Table of contents …………………………5 Safety regulations …………………………6 Identification of safety guidelines ……………………6 General safety instructions ……………………..6 Changes and modifications to the machine ………………..

  • Page 6: Maintenance

    Identification of safety guidelines General safety instructions Organizational measures CompAir is not liable for any damage or injury result- ing from the non-observance of these safety instruc- The operating instructions must always be at hand at tions or negligence of the usual care and attention…

  • Page 7: Changes And Modifications To The Machine

    3. Safety regulations Limit values (pressures, time settings, etc.) have to be chanism is to be used, which meets the local safety re- permanently identified ! gulations. All loose or slewable parts must be safely fi- xed before the machine can be lifted. It is strictly prohi- bited to stay in the danger zone of a lifted load.

  • Page 8
    3. Safety regulations corresponding pressure safeguarding feature (safety • all wires are connected correctly and are in good valve or similar) must be provided taking into account condition, the weakest pressurized component. • all safety valves and other pressure relief mecha- The min.
  • Page 9: Special Work/Maintenance

    3. Safety regulations Maintenance/rectification of faults Special work/maintenance The employer has to inform the employee of the dan- Carefulness gers possibly arising during the repair and mainte- Observe the adjusting, maintenance and inspection nance of the machine/unit as well as on how to avoid activities and intervals set out in the operating instruc- them;…

  • Page 10: Warning Of Special Dangers

    3. Safety regulations ously touched by the personnel, must not be removed 3.6 Warning of special dangers before these parts have cooled down to room tempera- ture. Electric energy Check the accuracy of pressure and temperature indi- Use only original fuses with the specified current ra- cators at regular intervals.

  • Page 11: Storage Of Compressors

    3. Safety regulations for the assemblies concerned before carrying out any Rooms subject to explosion hazards repair work. Danger. Hydraulic and compressed-air lines must be laid and fitted properly. Ensure that no connections are ex- Compressor units must never be operated in areas changed.

  • Page 12: Symbols And Explanations

    3. Safety regulations Symbols and explanations Carefully read the operating manual before commissioning or servicing this compressor. Never operate the machine without protective equipment fitted. Never breath in compressed air from this system.

  • Page 13
    3. Safety regulations Warning: Never operate the unit with open doors or loose access panels. Warning: Hot surface Warning: Pressurized part or system…
  • Page 14
    3. Safety regulations Warning: This system can start up by means of a remote control or automatically after a power failure. Warning: The system continues to run for 30 seconds after pressing the O-key. Warning: Danger of electric shock…
  • Page 15
    3. Safety regulations Lifting point Attention: Replace oil filter cartridge after approximately 100 operating hours. For further details, see the operating instructions. Attention: Check and, if required, re-tighten connection terminals. For further details, see the operating instructions.
  • Page 16
    3. Safety regulations Attention: Only lubricate the system while the motor is running. For further details, see the operating instructions…
  • Page 17: Design And Functioning

    4. Design and functioning Design of the air-cooled unit 11 1 Fig. 3 Pressure reservoir El. motor Oil filter Air filter Oil cooler Cooling air ventilator Pressure holding and check valve Support frame Operating panel control Panel Screw compressor Switch cabinet Air cooler…

  • Page 18: Design Of The Water-Cooled Unit

    4. Design and functioning Design of the water-cooled unit Fig. 4 Pressure reservoir 10 Pressure pipe to the mains Oil filter 11 Support frame Oil cooler 12 Cooling water outlet Pressure holding and check valve 13 Cooling water inlet Operating panel control 14 Electric motor Screw compressor 15 Air filter…

  • Page 19: Schematic Diagram

    4. Design and functioning Schematic diagram L37-75 Fig. 5 Intake filter Pressure holding + S3 Pressure monitor 27. Dirt trap (WS only) check valve Intake regulator S5 Differential pressure 28. Cooling water solenoid 16. Air cooler oil filter* 2.1 Actuating cylinder valve (WS only) S6 Differential pressure 2.2 Pressure control valve…

  • Page 20: Oil Circuit

    4. Design and functioning • The delivery of compressed air into the consumer Oil circuit network starts. The required oil is drawn from the pressure reservoir-6-, passes through the oil thermostat -21- (closes the by- Automatic operation pass line of the oil cooler -12- and opens the passage to (open/close operation) the oil cooler at an oil temperature >…

  • Page 21
    4. Design and functioning Stopping of the system • After pressing the OFF-key on the operating panel, the solenoid valves -19 + 20- are de-energized. • The pressure control valve -2.2- in the intake regu- lator -2- closes and the system is relieved. •…
  • Page 22: Transport And Installation

    5. Transport and installation Weights (with electric motor IP 55) Transport The values listed below are approximate values, they refer to a screw compressor unit including oil fill : Version: CompAir L34S approx. 1165 approx. 1260 approx. 1370 approx. 1460 Installation Fig.

  • Page 23
    Cooling air outlet SAE 2″ se contact your technical adviser. CompAir screw compressors are rated for ambi- ent temperatures and cooling air temperatures of +1 °C to +40 °C. In the case of temperatures other than the above limiting values, please consult your technical adviser.
  • Page 24
    6. Preparations for commissioning Fig. 10a water-cooled unit Figure 10a : 1 Compressed air outlet DN 50, PN 16 DIN 2566 /SAE 16 bar porting pattern 3000 PSI The screw compressor is completely assembled in the factory. The compressed air mains is connected to the tap- ping flange of the screw compressor.
  • Page 25: Water Connection For W-Version

    6. Preparations for commissioning Water connection for W-version Fig. 12 Figure 12 : Fig. 11 1 bleed screw Figure 11 : The cooling water circuit is completely assembled and fitted in the screw compressor unit. 1 Cooling water intake 2 Cooling water outlet The water connections of L37S-L75 are as follows: Important L37S-L75W…

  • Page 26: Electrical Connection

    6. Preparations for commissioning Electrical connection Recommended supply line cross-sections and fuses Installed Nominal Fuse protection Wire 380 V/50 Hz nominal motor power (slow-blow cross-section motor power ventilator A (W) fuse) at 30 °C [kW] [kW] L37S 1,1 (0,37) 3 x 35 /PE 16 3 x 25 /PE 16 1,1 (0,37) 3 x 50 /PE 25…

  • Page 27
    6. Preparations for commissioning Checking the setting of the control-power Start-up of the unit after connection to the transformer electric network/Checking the direction of rotation The control-power transformer is factory-preset to the rated voltage. However, practice has shown that the ac- After connection to the electric network the unit can be tual supply voltage often differs from this value.
  • Page 28: Oil Level Check

    6. Preparations for commissioning Oil level check Sound pressure level Sound pressure level measured to DIN 45 635 under Danger. full load at a distance of 1 m dB(A): Only check the oil level when the screw compres- air-cooled water-cooled sor unit is out of operation and depressurized ! The pressure reservoir can be under pressure and the oil hot.

  • Page 29: Commissioning

    (danger of burning and scalding). Routine commissioning Important Although every CompAir screw compressor has been subjected to a test run at the factory and has again been thoroughly inspected before shipment, damage during shipment cannot be excluded. For…

  • Page 30: Commissioning After Malfunction

    7. Commissioning • Actuate main switch. Setting of the operating pressure • Check the safety valve at operating pressure. Danger. • For testing purposes, all LEDs and all segments on the operating panel light up. The operating pressure must be set by a specialist •…

  • Page 31: Servicing And Maintenance

    • Press the OFF-key on the control panel and wait the screw compressor unit comprises the «Maintenance until the screw compressor unit has come to rest; and inspection manual for CompAir compressors, in • the screw compressor unit is depressurized, which you can list your performed maintenance work at •…

  • Page 32
    Minimum oil change = 1 x year (visual inspection only) Oil change when the CompAir special oil «Blue Energy» (option) is used, W 7 Check / retighten connecting terminals in the 1st oil change after 5000 h, later in accordance…
  • Page 33: Oil Change

    8. Servicing and maintenance Oil change Fig. 21 Fig. 20 Note Danger. When changing the oil, the waste oil is to be drained The oil must only be changed, when the screw completely, if possible, since used oil reduces the ser- compressor is out of operation and depressurized ! vice life of the new oil fill considerably.

  • Page 34: Change Of The Oil Filter Cartridge

    8. Servicing and maintenance Change of the oil filter cartridge Change of the oil fine separator Fig. 22 Fig. 23 Danger. Danger. Only replace the oil filter cartridge, when the screw The pressure reservoir is under pressure ! Only compressor unit is out of operation and depressuri- work on the screw compressor unit, when it is out of zed ! Be careful with hot oil : Danger of scalding ! operation and depressurized !

  • Page 35: Air Filter Change/Check

    8. Servicing and maintenance Changing intervals of oil fine separators Intermediate cleaning of the air filter The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures), Note the operating modes and the quality of the intake air (e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter Intermediate cleaning can be done no more than five such as SO , solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong influ-…

  • Page 36: Safety Valve

    8. Servicing and maintenance Intermediate cleaning of the air filter by Safety valve blowing through with compressed air Danger. When blowing through an air filter, observe the follo- wing : • Wear protective goggles and a breathing mask • The pressure of the compressed air must not ex- ceed 5 bar •…

  • Page 37: Connecting Terminals In The Switch Cabinet

    8. Servicing and maintenance Important The replacement of a single V-belt is not permit- ted, always replace a complete V-belt set. During the entire service life of the V-belt set, no readjustment of the automatic V-belt tensioning system will be necessary. operating position Fig.

  • Page 38: Lubrication Of Electric Motors

    8. Servicing and maintenance For lubrication, use lithium-saponified roller bearing Note grease that meets the following requirements: Before first commissioning or re-commissioning — after • Consistence class (NLGI): maintenance — of water-cooled units, bleed the air cool- • Worked penetration: 220 — 250 er through the bleed screw.

  • Page 39: Maintenance Instructions And Lubricant Recommendations For Stationary Compressors

    8.3 (maintenance schedule) shorten by 50 %. The oil change intervals should be determined ac- cording to actual operating conditions and with the help of oil analyses. You should use the following oil types: a) CompAir «4000“ b) CompAir «Blue Energy“ Bild 24 motor lubrication points…

  • Page 40: Trouble-Shooting

    9. Trouble-shooting Malfunction Possible cause Remedy Unit cannot be started 1. No operating or control voltage 1. Check fuses, main switch and supply line 2. Malfunction not acknowledged 2. Acknowledge fault message 3. Pressure reservoir not depressurized 3. Wait until depressurized, the reservoir pressure must be <0.8 bar for a start 4.

  • Page 41
    9. Trouble-shooting Malfunction Possible cause Remedy Unit switches off 1. Ambient temperature too high 1. Ventilate compressor room 2. Ventilator defective 2. Check el. motor and protective motor switch 3. >>E<< appears on the pressure or 3. Check sensors, connections and lines temperature displays 4.
  • Page 44
    CompAir UK Ltd. High Wycombe CompAir UK Ltd. High Wycombe Hughenden Avenue Hughenden Avenue High Wycombe High Wycombe Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire HP13 5SF HP13 5SF United Kingdom United Kingdom Tel. ++ 44 (01) 1494 605-0 Tel. ++ 44 (01) 1494 605-0…

CompAir L07 User Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

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User Manual

Screw Air Compressor





Id. Nr. 100013552 / 00 — Dezember 2007


Related Manuals for CompAir L07

Summary of Contents for CompAir L07

  • Page 1
    User Manual Screw Air Compressor L07-L22 ● ● ● Id. Nr. 100013552 / 00 — Dezember 2007…
  • Page 3
    Genuine CompAir parts will be used. Warranty The conditions of the CompAir Warranty are set out in the Company’s standard Conditions of Sale available from the CompAir Company or Distributor supplying the machine. USE ONLY COMPAIR GENUINE PARTS. YOUR WARRANTY COULD BE AFFECTED IF A SERVICE OR REPAIR IS CARRIED OUT USING NON-GENUINE PARTS.
  • Page 4
    Data sheet for users *) The values on the type plate are maximum values. Your CompAir distributor Name: Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: Fax: Contact: Spare Parts: Service:…
  • Page 5: Foreword

    1. Foreword For ew or d In addition, Notes on the compressor • relevant accident prevention regulations, CompAir screw compressors are the result of many • generally recognized safety regulations and years of research and development. These • national regulations…

  • Page 6: Notes

    • Modifications and changes to the installation The warranty and liability conditions of the general terms and conditions of CompAir will not be extended by the notes above. Any unauthorized change to the compressor unit/ station, or the installation of components not accepted by the manufacturer (e.g.

  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    3.8 Symbols and explanations ……………………….16 4 Design and functioning …………………………20 4.1 Design of the unit………………………….. 20 4.1.1 Design of the unit L07-L11 ……………………..20 4.1.2 Design of the unit L15-L22 ……………………..21 4.2 Schematic diagram…………………………22 4.2.1 Schematic diagram L07-L11 …………………….. 22 4.2.2 Schematic diagram L15-L22 ……………………..

  • Page 8
    9.14 Maintenance information and lubricant recommendations for stationary compressors ……… 46 10 Trouble-shooting…………………………..47 11 Annex ………………………………49 11.1 Technical data EUROPE version L07-L22 50 Hz………………… 49 11.2 Technical data EUROPE version L07-L22 60 Hz………………… 50 11.3 Layout plan L07-L11…………………………51…
  • Page 9: Safety Regulations

    General safety instructions Identification of safety guidelines Organizational measures CompAir is not liable for any damage or injury resulting from the non-observance of these safety instructions or The operating instructions must always be at hand at negligence of the usual care and attention required…

  • Page 10: Changes And Modifications To The Machine

    3. Safety regulations For the execution of maintenance work, tools and The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting workshop equipment adapted to the task on hand are from the use of non-original parts or special accessories. This applies also to the installation and absolutely indispensable.

  • Page 11
    3. Safety regulations If a remote control is used, the system must carry a If the room temperature can fall below zero, the clearly visible sign with the following note: Attention! condensation drain system must be protected from This installation is operated by remote control and can freezing, e.g.
  • Page 12: Special Work/Maintenance

    3. Safety regulations Before blowing through a hose or an air pipe ensure Brief the operating personnel prior to starting special that the open end is positively held. A free end whips operations or maintenance work! Appoint a person to and can cause injuries.

  • Page 13
    3. Safety regulations Maintenance/rectification of faults Avoid damage to the safety valves and other pressure reducing components. Check in particular for clogging The employer has to inform the employee of the caused by paint, oil carbon or the accumulation of dust, dangers possibly arising during the repair and which could deteriorate the effectiveness of these maintenance of the machine/unit as well as on how to…
  • Page 14: Warning Of Special Dangers

    3. Safety regulations If the set-up, maintenance or repair require the Observe any existing national regulations if work is to demounting of safety equipment, this equipment has to be carried out in small rooms. be remounted and checked immediately after these activities.

  • Page 15: Storage Of Compressors

    3. Safety regulations • Above 105 dB(A): special ear protectors, which are Storage of compressors suitable for the noise level and the spectral composition of the noise must be available. A All compressors are protected against corrosion at the corresponding warning sign must be fixed to each factory for transport and for brief storage before entrance door.

  • Page 16: Symbols And Explanations

    3. Safety regulations Symbols and explanations Carefully read the operating manual before commissioning or servicing this compressor. Never breathe in compressed air from this system. Never operate the unit with open doors or loose access panels.

  • Page 17
    3. Safety regulations Warning: Hot surface Warning: Pressurized part or system Warning: This system can start up by means of a remote control or automatically after a power failure.
  • Page 18
    3. Safety regulations Warning: The system continues to run for 30 seconds after pressing the O-key Warning: Danger of electric shock Attention: Lifting point…
  • Page 19
    3. Safety regulations Attention: Check and, if required, re-tighten connection terminals. For further details, see the operating instructions. Attention: Electric motor fasteners Electric motor fasteners used for securing the unit during transportation have to be removed prior to commissioning (see also chapter 6.4).
  • Page 20: Design And Functioning

    4. Design and functioning Desig n a n d f un cti oni ng Design of the unit 4.1.1 Design of the unit L07-L11 Fig. 3 a L07-L11 1 Intake filter 12 Oil cooler 23 Control keypad 2 Intake regulator…

  • Page 21: Design Of The Unit L15-L22

    4. Design and functioning 4.1.2 Design of the unit L15-L22 Fig. 3 b L15-L22 1 Intake filter 12 Oil cooler 23 Control keypad 2 Intake regulator 13 Safety valve 24 EMERGENCY OFF push-button 3 Electric motor 14 Pressure holding and check valve 25 Control cabinet 4 Screw compressor 15 Air cooler…

  • Page 22: Schematic Diagram

    4. Design and functioning Schematic diagram 4.2.1 Schematic diagram L07-L11 Residual pressure 2 bar Opening pressure 4.5 bar Opening temp. 55 °C Fig. 4 a L07-L11 1 Intake filter 11 Oil filter B1 Network pressure sensor 2 Intake regulator 12 Oil cooler B2 Final compression pressure 2.1 Actuator…

  • Page 23: Schematic Diagram L15-L22

    4. Design and functioning 4.2.2 Schematic diagram L15-L22 Residual pressure 1,5 bar Opening pressure 4,5 bar Opening temperature 55 °C Fig. 4 b 1 Intake filter 11 Oil filter B1 Network pressure sensor 2 Intake regulator 12 Oil cooler B2 Final compression pressure 2.1 Actuator 13 Safety valve sensor…

  • Page 24: Oil Circuit

    • When the system is at rest the intake regulator (- 2 — Fig. 5a) is opened. Excess pressure of approx. 2 bar/ 29 PSI (L07-L11 residual pressure) or 1.5 bar/22 PSI (L15-L22 residual • The solenoid valve (Y1 Fig. 5a) is de-energised.

  • Page 25: System Control L15-L22

    4. Design and functioning Automatic operation (open-close operation) Standstill of the system • • When the pressure reaches the upper switching When the system is at rest the intake regulator point set on the network pressure sensor (-7 — Fig. (- 2 — Fig.

  • Page 26: Hood (Opening/Closing)

    4. Design and functioning Hood (opening/closing) The compressor is provided with a detachable plastic hood that allows easy access to all parts that are subject to servicing. Opening / closing the hood (Fig. 6) • Open the lock ( — 1 — Fig. 6) •…

  • Page 27: Transport And Installation

    5. Transport and installation Tr ans por t an d i ns tall ati on Installation Transport A = 0.5 m B = 0.8 m Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Note Danger • Before transporting the unit, remove the doors. The weight carrying capacity of the foundation has to be taken into account when installing the Danger compressor.

  • Page 28: Preparations For Commissioning

    CompAir screw compressors are rated for ambient temperatures and cooling temperatures of +1°C/ 33.8°F to +45°C/113°F. In the case of temperatures other than the above limiting values, please consult your technical adviser.

  • Page 29: Electrical Connection

    6. Preparations for commissioning Electrical connection Recommended supply cable cross-sections and fuses Installed nominal Fuse protection Line cross section Compressor type Supply voltage motor power (slow-blow fuse) at 30°C [kW] [AgL] 50-Hz-Compressors 4G2,5 11,0 4G10 11,0 15,0 4G16 15,0 18,5 4G25 18,5 4G10…

  • Page 30
    6. Preparations for commissioning The electrical connection and protective measures Checking the setting of the control-power have to be installed in accordance with VDE, BS or transformer local regulations. As a rule, additional instructions The control-power transformer is factory-preset to the of the relevant power supplier have also to be rated voltage.
  • Page 31: Electric Motor Fasteners For Secure Transportation

    6. Preparations for commissioning Electric motor fasteners for secure Oil level check transportation Danger Fasteners used for securing the electric motor (- 1 — Fig. Only check the oil level when the screw 13) during transportation must be removed prior to compressor unit is out of operation and commissioning.

  • Page 32: Sound Pressure Level

    6. Preparations for commissioning Sound pressure level Sound pressure level measured in dB(A) according to PN8NTC 2.2 under full load at a distance of 1 m (tolerance: ± 3 dB(A)): 50 Hz compressors dB(A) 60 Hz compressors dB(A) Subject to technical revision.

  • Page 33: Commissioning

    The access panels may temporarily be opened for Important checking the direction of rotation (wear ear protectors). Although every CompAir screw compressor has been subjected to a test run at the factory and has Danger again been thoroughly inspected before shipment, damage during shipment cannot be excluded.

  • Page 34: Routine Commissioning

    7. Commissioning Routine commissioning Commissioning after malfunction Danger Important Make sure before commissioning that nobody is in Do not switch the screw compressor on repeatedly the danger zone of the motor/screw compressor. without having rectified the malfunction, since this may cause considerable damage to the machine. After completion of work: Verify that all safety devices have been refitted and that all tools have Re-start after an automatic shutdown due to a…

  • Page 35: Control System

    8. Control system Contr ol s yst em Status indicator (display / light General signals) This chapter is used to quickly commission the unit. The control system is explained in detail in the separate The control system is fitted with a three-row display. DELCOS Pro operating instructions.

  • Page 36: Displaying / Changing Values

    8. Control system Displaying / changing values Default settings 8.4.1 Selecting values Danger You can display values, e.g. total hours, and set the When programming in standby, the machine may control system, e.g. cut-in and cut-out times, in the sub- start up at any time.

  • Page 37: Setting Time/Date (Timer)

    8. Control system 8.5.3 Setting time/date (timer) Emergency off button The DELCOS Pro accumulator can bridge a loss of The emergency off button is located above the power lasting between around two to three weeks. If DELCOS Pro . It is used to immediately shut down the power is lost for longer periods, the timer’s time and unit.

  • Page 38: Menu Structure (Values Are Examples)

    8. Control system 8.10 Menu structure (values are examples)    +  TOTAL RUNNING 12345h [MAINTENANCE SCHED.] LOADED HOURS 10987h    +   AIR FILTER IN 2000h   OIL FILTER IN 2000h   …

  • Page 39: Service And Maintenance

    In order to facilitate this task, the scope of supply of the out when the following points are observed: screw compressor unit comprises the “Maintenance and inspection manual for CompAir compressors”, in which • Press the STOP button on the control panel and…

  • Page 40
    V-belt set (recommendation) Maintenance items W1 European-version W7 Checking/tightening of connecting terminals in Oil change (CompAir — 4000 hours oil) the switch cabinet/ and checking of the Valid for normal industrial environments (when in “control transformer” setting doubt, check the oil change intervals by carrying…
  • Page 41: Oil Change

    4 Max. oil level 5 Min. oil level • Fill in oil up to the marking “maximum oil level” 6 Oil drain R1/2″ (- 4 — Fig. 17) (L07-L11 approx. 5 litres, L15-L22 approx. 6 litres) Danger • Close the oil filler cap Only change the oil when the screw compressor •…

  • Page 42: Change Of Oil Filter Cartridge

    9. Service and maintenance • Check oil level (see chapter 6.5) Change of oil filter cartridge • If required, top up oil. Changing intervals for oil filter cartridge The operating conditions (e.g. coolant temperatures), the operating modes and the quality of the intake air (e.g.

  • Page 43: Change Of Air Intake Filter

    (e.g. content of dust, content of gaseous foreign matter 9.7.1 Change of air intake filter L07-L11 such as SO , solvent vapours, etc.) have a strong influence on the service life of the filters (air filters, oil filters, fine separators).

  • Page 44: Changing Of Air Intake Filter L15-L22

    9. Service and maintenance 9.7.2 Changing of air intake filter L15-L22 Safety valve Fig. 22 L15-L22 Fig. 21 1 Safety valve 1 Air filter housing cover 2 Air filter housing 3 Air filter element Testing the safety valve 4 Fixing clip The valve should be tested on a separate compressed air line in accordance with local legislation.

  • Page 45: Changing V-Belts/Automatic Tensioning System

    9. Service and maintenance Changing the V-belt is carried out as follows: Changing V-belts/automatic • tensioning system Remove the panel (- 5 — Fig. 23) by loosening the capscrews (- 6 — fig. 34) Danger • Remove the cover cap ( — 1 — Fig. 23) from the Only perform checks and carry out work when the access panel screw compressor unit is out of operation and…

  • Page 46: General Maintenance And Cleaning

    3 Bottom access panel accurately in accordance with the actual operating conditions by analyzing the oil. Danger Only perform filter mat change after the Use the following oil type: compressor system has been shut down and depressurized! European version CompAir „4000“…

  • Page 47: Trouble-Shooting

    10. Trouble-shooting Tr ou ble -s ho oti ng Malfunction Possible cause Remedy Unit cannot be started No operating or control voltage Check fuses, main switch and supply line Malfunction not acknowledged Acknowledge fault message Pressure reservoir not depressurized Wait until depressurized Electric motor defective Check connections, winding, etc.

  • Page 48
    10. Trouble-shooting Malfunction Possible cause Remedy Unit switches off Ambient temperature too high Ventilate compressor room Electric motor defective Check electric motor and thermistor Fan defective Check/replace fan Cross section of the electric supply Measure power requirement, lines too small if necessary, replace lines Power requirement too high Oil fine separator clogged,…
  • Page 49: Annex

    11. Annex Ann ex 11.1 Technical data EUROPE version L07-L22 50 Hz Technical Data L07-L11 50Hz Maximum operating pressure Minimum operating pressure Ambient temperature °C + 1 / + 45 Flow /min 1,14 0,93 0,69 1,68 1,41 1,14 Final compression temperature above ambient temp.

  • Page 50: Technical Data Europe Version L07-L22 60 Hz

    11. Annex 11.2 Technical data EUROPE version L07-L22 60 Hz Technical Data L07-11 ; 60 Hz Maximum operating pressure Minimum operating pressure Ambient temperature °C + 1 / + 45 Flow /min 1,15 1,00 0,69 1,61 1,53 1,14 Final compression temperature above ambient temp.

  • Page 51: Layout Plan L07-L11

    11. Annex 11.3 Layout plan L07-L11 FRONT VIEW REMOVABLE HOOD Compressed air connection R3/4“ Electrical connection View “X” Air inlet Cooling-air outlet Access panel Service aperture (V-belt relief) Oil drain R1/2“ Fig. 25…

  • Page 52: Layout Plan L15-L22

    11. Annex 11.4 Layout plan L15-L22 FRONT VIEW REMOVABLE HOOD Compressed air connection R1“ (1“ NPT/USA) Electrical connection View “X” Air inlet Cooling-air outlet Access panel Service aperture (V-belt relief) Oil drain R1/2“ Fig. 26…

  • Page 56
    CompAir Drucklufttechnik GmbH Argenthaler Str. 11 55469 Simmern Deutschland Tel. ++49 (0)6761 832-0 Fax ++49 (0)6761 832-409 w w e-mail:…

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    1.Read all manuals includedwith this product carefully.Be thoroughly familiarwith the controls and theproper use of the equipment.2. Follow all local electrical and safetycodes as well as in the US, NationalElectrical Codes (NEC) and OccupationalSafety and Health Act (OSHA).Do not operateunit if damagedduring ship …

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    SAC3203B3PH 6

  • Craftsman


    Owner’s ManualCAUTION:Before using this product,read this manual and followall its Safety Rules andOperating Instructions.Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.www.craftsman.com5/7/2010Part No. 200-2794AIR COMPRESSOR Oil LubricatedSingle StageBelt Drive, Electric60 Gallon Vertic …

    921.16476 40

Similar Air Compressor Devices: OL50135W, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 230, 919.727570

В данном разделе мы публикуем перечень моделей компрессорного оборудования CompAir, для которых есть техническая документация. К сожалению, опубликовать инструкции по эксплуатации и другую информацию не представляется возможным из-за ограниченного свободного места на сайте.

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С уважением,

Константин Широких

Инструкции по эксплуатации для компрессоров CompAir

Инструкция CompAir L02 | L03 | L04 | L05 начиная c 2009.10.01

Инструкция CompAir L02 | L03 | L04 | L05 начиная c 2014.07.01

Инструкция CompAir L02FS | L03FS | L04FS | L05FS начиная c 2009.06.16

Инструкция CompAir L02FS | L03FS | L04FS | L05FS начиная c 2011.07.27

Инструкция CompAir L07 | L11 | L07RS | L11RS | L07FS | L11FS | L07FS-RS | L11FS-RS начиная с 2015.09.01

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