Топ 20 лекарств с такими-же компонентами:
Топ 20 лекарств с таким-же применением:
Предоставленная в разделе Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
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Предоставленная в разделе Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
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Терапевтические показания
Предоставленная в разделе Терапевтические показания Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
Раствор для инъекций; Драже
Стенокардия напряжения, прогрессирующая стенокардия, безболевая ишемия миокарда, артериальная гипертония, аритмии, гипертрофическая кардиомиопатия, нейроциркуляторная дистония, дигиталисная интоксикация, тиреотоксикоз, мигрень, эссенциальный семейный тремор.
артериальная гипертензия;
стенокардия напряжения, нестабильная стенокардия;
синусовая тахикардия (в т.ч. при гипертиреозе);
наджелудочковая тахикардия;
тахисистолическая форма мерцания предсердий;
наджелудочковая и желудочковая экстрасистолия;
эссенциальный тремор;
симпатоадреналовые кризы на фоне диэнцефального синдрома;
сердечно-сосудистые нарушения при диффузном токсическим зобе;
предоперационная подготовка больных тиреотоксическом зобом, не переносящих тиреостатические ЛС;
профилактика приступов мигрени.
Гипертония, стенокардия.
Аритмии, артериальная гипертензия, ишемическая болезнь сердца, гипертрофическая кардиомиопатия, миокардиодистрофия, нейроциркуляторная дистония, тиреотоксикоз, цирроз печени, абстинентный синдром, мигрень (профилактика), слабость родовой деятельности.
Способ применения и дозы
Предоставленная в разделе Способ применения и дозы Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
Раствор для инъекций; Драже
Капсулы ретард; Таблетки, покрытые оболочкой
При гипертензии — по 40 мг 2 раза в день. При необходимости дозу можно увеличивать в течение 2–4 нед до 80–160 мг 2 раза в день. При стенокардии, мигрени, эссенциальном треморе — по 20 мг 2–3 раза в день. Дозу можно увеличить в течение 1 нед до 40 мг 4 раза в день или до 80 мг 2–3 раза в день. Максимальная суточная доза — 240 мг при мигрени и 480 мг при стенокардии. При аритмии, гипертрофической кардиомиопатии, тиреотоксикозе — по 10–40 мг 3–4 раза в день (до 240 мг/сут).
Капсулы: гипертония — 80–160 мг 1 раз в день утром, при необходимости — 320 мг; заболевания венечных сосудов сердца — 80–160 мг утром или вечером. Таблетки: гиперкинетический сердечный синдром — 10–40 мг 3 раза в сутки, тремор, индуцированный нейролептическими средствами — 10–40 мг 2–3 раза в сутки; гипертиреоз — 10–40 мг 3–4 раза в сутки.
Внутрь (независимо от времени приема пищи). При артериальной гипертензии — по 40 мг 2 раза в сутки; при недостаточной выраженности гипотензивного эффекта дозу увеличивают до 40 мг 3 раза или по 80 мг 2 раза в сутки. Максимальная суточная доза — 320 мг (в исключительных случаях — 640 мг).
При стенокардии, нарушениях сердечного ритма — в начальной дозе 20 мг 3 раза в сутки; затем дозу постепенно увеличивают до 80–120 мг за 2–3 приема; максимальная суточная доза — 240 мг.
Для профилактики мигрени, а также при эссенциальном треморе — в начальной дозе 40 мг 2–3 раза в сутки; при необходимости дозу постепенно увеличивают до 160 мг/сут.
Внутрь по 1 капс. 1–2 раза в день.
Внутрь, при гипертензии — 40 мг 2 раза в день, постепенно повышая дозу до 160–480 мг в 2 приема; при стенокардии и мигрени — 20 мг 4 раза в день, затем — до 40 мг на прием; при аритмиях, кардиомиопатии, тиреотоксикозе — по 10–40 мг 3–4 раза в день.
Предоставленная в разделе Противопоказания Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
внимательны и обязательно уточняйте информацию по разделу Противопоказания
в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
Раствор для инъекций; Драже
Гиперчувствительность, AV-блокада II-III степени, выраженная брадикардия, гипотония, обструктивные заболевания дыхательных путей; относительные противопоказания — сахарный диабет в стадии суб- и декомпенсации, псориаз в стадии обострения.
AV-блокада II–III ст.;
синоатриальная блокада;
синусовая брадикардия (ЧСС <55 уд./мин);
синдром слабости синусного узла;
артериальная гипотензия;
сердечная недостаточность II Б–III ст.;
острая сердечная недостаточность;
острый инфаркт миокарда;
вазомоторный ринит;
облитерирующие заболевания артерий (в т.ч. болезнь Рейно);
метаболический ацидоз;
бронхиальная астма;
склонность к бронхоспастическим реакциям;
сахарный диабет;
Гиперчувствительность, брадикардия, кардиогенный шок, гипотония, метаболический ацидоз, периферические циркуляторные артериальные нарушения, атриовентрикулярная блокада II-III степени, синдром слабости синусового узла, нелеченная феохромоцитома, декомпенсированная сердечная недостаточность, стенокардия Принцметала, бронхиальная астма и бронхоспазм в анамнезе, беременность, лактация, детский возраст.
Некомпенсированная сердечная недостаточность, бронхиальная астма, брадикардия, гипотония, расстройства периферического кровообращения, болезнь Рейно, инсулинотерапия, лечение ингибиторами МАО.
Побочные эффекты
Предоставленная в разделе Побочные эффекты Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
Раствор для инъекций; Драже
Слабость, головокружение, головная боль, парестезии, похолодание конечностей, диспептические расстройства, конъюнктивит, кожные высыпания, зуд.
Иногда возможны: брадикардия, AV блокада, бронхоспазм, сердечная недостаточность, мышечная слабость, повышенная утомляемость, боли в эпигастральной области.
Редко — головная боль, бессонница, кошмарные сновидения, астенический синдром, снижение способности к быстрым психическим и двигательным реакциям, возбуждение, депрессия, парестезии, похолодание конечностей, тошнота, диарея, запор, кожные аллергические реакции, обострение псориаза, гипогликемия (у больных с инсулинозависимым сахарным диабетом), гипергликемия (у больных с инсулинонезависимым сахарным диабетом), нарушение зрения, спазм периферических артерий.
Брадикардия, психозы, галлюцинации, тромбоцитопения, зрительные расстройства, синдром отмены, сердечная недостаточность, ухудшение проводимости, ортостатическая гипотензия, похолодание конечностей, перемежающаяся хромота, синдром Рейно, головокружение, нарушение сна, гипогликемия, диспептические расстройства, псориаз, парестезия, бронхоспазм, алопеция.
Слабость, головокружение, диспепсия, бронхоспазм, брадикардия, AV блокада, сердечная недостаточность, спазм периферических артерий, кожный зуд.
Предоставленная в разделе Передозировка Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
Характеризуется брадикардией, гипотензией, потерей сознания, могут развиться судороги. Лечение: терапия дыхательной недостаточности, атропин в/в (1–3 мг), бета-адреномиметики (изопреналин, добутамин), электростимуляция при тяжелой брадикардии.
Предоставленная в разделе Фармакодинамика Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
Уменьшает автоматизм синусового узла, возбудимость миокарда, возникновение эктопических очагов возбуждения; оказывает мембраностабилизирующий эффект, урежает ЧСС, замедляет AV проводимость, снижает сократимость миокарда и потребность миокарда в кислороде.
Оказывает гипотензивный эффект, который стабилизируется к концу 2-й недели курсового назначения. Снижает активность ренин-ангиотензиновой системы. Повышает атерогенные свойства крови.
Усиливает сокращения матки (спонтанные и вызванные средствами, стимулирующими миометрий), что способствует уменьшению кровотечения при родах и в послеоперационный период.
Повышает тонус бронхов, в больших дозах вызывает седативный эффект.
Снижает внутриглазное давление за счет угнетения продукции водянистой влаги в камере глаза, не влияет на размеры зрачка и аккомодацию.
Предоставленная в разделе Фармакокинетика Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
Быстро всасывается при приеме внутрь и относительно быстро выводится из организма. Сmах в плазме крови достигается через 1–1,5 ч. Биодоступность после перорального приема — 30% (эффект «первого прохождения» через печень, микросомальное окисление), возрастает после приема после еды. Т1/2 — 2–3 ч. Связывание с белками плазмы крови — 90–95%. Проникает через плацентарный барьер. Экскреция почками — 90%, в неизмененном виде — менее 1%.
Фармокологическая группа
Предоставленная в разделе Фармокологическая группа Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
внимательны и обязательно уточняйте информацию по разделу Фармокологическая группа
в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
- Бета-адреноблокаторы
Предоставленная в разделе Взаимодействие Dideralинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Dideral. Будьте
внимательны и обязательно уточняйте информацию по разделу Взаимодействие
в инструкции к лекарству Dideral непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.
Раствор для инъекций; Драже
Барбитураты, никотин повышают эффект, циметидин — ослабляет; усиливает отрицательное инотропное действие антагонистов кальция, отрицательное дромотропное — сердечных гликозидов, гипотензивное — антигипертензивных средств, антиаритмическое — лидокаина. Увеличивает вероятность развития гипогликемии на фоне инсулина.
Несовместим с антипсихотическими средствами и анксиолитиками.
За несколько дней перед проведением наркоза хлороформом или эфиром необходимо прекратить прием препарата.
На фоне лечения пропранололом следует избегать в/в введения верапамила, дилтиазема.
Гипотензивный эффект Dideralа усиливается при сочетании с гидрохлоротиазидом, резерпином, гидралазином и другими гипотензивными ЛС, а также этанолом.
Усиливает действие тиреостатических и утеротонизирующих препаратов; снижает действие антигистаминных средств.
С осторожностью назначать совместно с гипогликемическими средствами.
Несовместим со средствами для наркоза и ингибиторами МАО.
Dideral цена
У нас нет точных данных по стоимости лекарства.
Однако мы предоставим данные по каждому действующему веществу
Средняя стоимость Propranolol 40 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 0.22$ до 0.73$, за упаковку от 17$ до 54$.
Средняя стоимость Propranolol 10 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 0.2$ до 0.75$, за упаковку от 15$ до 112$.
Средняя стоимость Propranolol 20 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 0.18$ до 2.5$, за упаковку от 16$ до 98$.
Средняя стоимость Propranolol 80 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 0.25$ до 0.98$, за упаковку от 21$ до 98$.
Средняя стоимость Propranolol 120 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 0.46$ до 0.46$, за упаковку от 46$ до 46$.
Средняя стоимость Propranolol 160 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 0.89$ до 0.89$, за упаковку от 25$ до 25$.
- https://www.drugs.com/search.php?searchterm=dideral
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=dideral
Доступно в странах
Найти в стране:
Основное функциональное вещество — пропранолола гидрохлорид.
Прочие компоненты: гипромеллоза, моногидрат лактозы, стеарат магния, кукурузный крахмал, полисорбат, стеариновая кислота, кармозин E122, диоксид титана E171 и красный оксид железа E172.
Форма выпуска
Медикамент имеет форму таблеток, поставляется в упаковках по 30 штук в каждой.
Фармакологическое действие
Пропранолол — неселективный β-блокатор, он компетентно блокирует как β1-, так и β2-рецепторы. Кроме того, он проявляет хинидиноподобную активность, в небольшой степени вызывая стабилизацию клеточных мембран.
Блокада рецепторов β1 ответственна за невозможность присоединить к ним такие молекулы, как норадреналин и адреналин. Эффект от этого действия — падение артериального давления и воздействие на сердечную мышцу, что проявляется действием:
- хронотропный отрицательный (снижение ЧСС);
- дромотропный отрицательный (снижение атриовентрикулярной проводимости);
- отрицательный инотропный (снижение сократимости желудочковой мышцы).
Благодаря продлению фазы расслабления сердечной мышцы улучшается питание сердечных клеток и снижается потребность в кислороде.
Пропранолол хорошо всасывается из ЖКТ. Пища улучшает биодоступность препарата, не ускоряя его абсорбцию. Максимальная концентрация после приема внутрь достигается примерно через два часа, в зависимости от индивидуальных особенностей.
Пропранолол присутствует в комбинации с альбумином плазмы на уровне от 80% до 96%. Препарат быстро распределяется в ткани легких, сердца, клеток печени и почек.
Метаболизируется в печени с образованием 4-гидроксипропранолола, который является его основным метаболитом после перорального приема.
Часть используемой дозы конъюгирована с глюкуроновой кислотой с образованием глюкуронида пропранолола. Период полувыведения составляет от трех до шести часов.
Метаболиты выводятся с мочой.
Показания к применению
Пропранолол — это неселективный β-блокатор, который использовался при лечении сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, таких как:
- стенокардия;
- обструктивная кардиомиопатия;
- гипертония;
- аритмии желудочкового и наджелудочкового типа.
Кроме того, Пропранолол используется с профилактической целью у пациентов, склонных к мигрени, после инфаркта миокарда и кровотечений из верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта у пациентов с варикозным расширением вен пищевода.
Препарат также используется при лечении гипертиреоза и криза щитовидной железы, в сочетании с альфа-адреноблокаторами при лечении феохромоцитомы. Пропранолол также используется для лечения генерализованного беспокойства и идиопатического мышечного тремора.
Показания к применению Пропранолола не по назначению также включают:
- сердечная недостаточность у людей до восемнадцати лет;
- плоские и кавернозные гемангиомы;
- профилактика аноксемических припадков у людей до восемнадцати лет.
Повышенная чувствительность к составляющим веществам является ограничением к применению Пропранолола. Препарат также не следует применять при сопутствующей бронхиальной астме из-за риска опасного для здоровья бронхоспазма.
Медикамент также противопоказан если присутствует:
- низкое кровяное давление;
- замедление пульса (брадикардия);
- стенокардия (стенокардия Принцметала);
- декомпенсированная сердечная недостаточность, кардиогенный шок, блокада сердца второй и третьей степени;
- метаболический ацидоз;
- тяжелое недоедание, гипогликемия (падение уровня глюкозы в крови), сахарный диабет;
- нарушения периферического кровообращения, нелеченная феохромоцитома, синдром слабости синусового узла.
Побочные действия
При приеме медикамента наиболее часто могут возникать: медленное сердцебиение, онемение и судороги в пальцах, за которыми следует тепло и боль (синдром Рейно), нарушения сна / кошмары, усталость, одышка, тошнота, рвота, понос.
Совместимость с другими медикаментами
Препарат нельзя принимать одновременно с:
- антагонистами кальция с отрицательным инотропным действием;
- нифедипином;
- низолдипином;
- никардипином;
- исрадипином;
- лацидипином;
- лидокаином;
- дизопирамидом;
- хинидином;
- амиодароном;
- пропафеноном;
- гликозидами наперстянки;
- адреналином;
- ибупрофеном;
- индометацином;
- эрготамином;
- дигидроэрготамином;
- ризатриптаном;
- хлорпромазином;
- тиоридазином;
- циметидином;
- рифампицином;
- теофиллином;
- варфарином;
- финголимодом;
- флувоксамином;
- барбитуратами;
- ингибиторами МАО;
- клонидином;
- алкоголем.
Применение и дозы
Суточная доза зависит в первую очередь от присутствующего заболевания, а также от веса, возраста и сопутствующих заболеваний пациента.
Лечение артериальной гипертензии Пропранололом предполагает использование суточных доз от 160 мг до даже 320 мг активного вещества. Дозу можно увеличивать с интервалом в одну неделю.
Пропранолол используется для предотвращения повторного сердечного приступа. Суточная доза обычно составляет 160 мг, и лечение можно начинать как минимум через пять дней после инфаркта миокарда и длится до трех дней.
Для лечения стенокардии обычная доза составляет от 120 до 240 мг в день.
Профилактика приступов мигрени предполагает использование доз от 80 мг до 160 мг активного вещества в сутки.
Пропранолол также использовался при лечении панического расстройства и генерализованного тревожного расстройства, суточные дозы, используемые в этом случае, варьируются от 80 мг до 120 мг в день.
Использование препарата для лечения синдрома гипертрофической кардиомиопатии и аритмий включает использование доз от 30 до 120 мг в день.
Также лекарство применяют за 3 дня до операции, если имеется феохромоцитома надпочечника. Используемая доза составляет 60 мг в день в сочетании с альфа-адреноблокатором.
Дозировка у пожилых и детей всегда должна определяться индивидуально.
Передозировка может привести к замедлению сердечных сокращений (брадикардия), внезапному бронхоспазму, острой сердечной недостаточности.
В некоторых случаях передозировки сообщалось о атриовентрикулярных блоках, аритмиях, обмороках и кардиогенном шоке. Также могут возникать симптомы со стороны центральной нервной системы:
- судороги;
- сонливость, кома;
- галлюцинации и спутанность сознания.
Особые указания
Лечение Пропранололом не следует прекращать резко, и лечение следует прекращать постепенно в течение периода до четырнадцати дней. Если человеку, принимающему препарат, требуется операция, может потребоваться временное прекращение лечения.
Действующее вещество следует с осторожностью применять пациентам, склонным к тяжелым аллергическим реакциям. Ситуация анафилактического шока особенно опасна из-за риска отсутствия реакции на введенный адреналин.
Применение при беременности и кормлении грудью
Пропранолол не является тератогенным. Однако применение препарата при беременности возможно только в обоснованных случаях и под строгим врачебным контролем.
Использование медикамента во время грудного вскармливания не рекомендуется из-за его способности проникать в грудное молоко.
Влияние на способность к вождению автотранспорта и управлению механизмами
Особые меры предосторожности не требуются.
Условия продажи
По назначению доктора.
Условия хранения
В сухом, прохладном месте с ограниченным доступом для детей.
Dideral as with other beta-blockers:
— although contraindicated in uncontrolled heart failure , may be used in patients whose signs of heart failure have been controlled. Caution must be exercised in patients whose cardiac reserve is poor.
— should not be used in combination with calcium channel blockers with negative inotropic effects (e.g. verapamil, diltiazem), as it can lead to an exaggeration of these effects particularly in patients with impaired ventricular function and/or SA or AV conduction abnormalities. This may result in severe hypotension, bradycardia and cardiac failure. Neither the beta-blocker nor the calcium channel blocker should be administered intravenously within 48 hours of discontinuing the other.
— although contraindicated in severe peripheral arterial circulatory disturbances , may also aggravate less severe peripheral arterial circulatory disturbances.
— due to its negative effect on conduction time, caution must be exercised if it is given to patients with first degree heart block.
— may block/modify the signs and symptoms of the hypoglycaemia (especially tachycardia). Dideral occasionally causes hypoglycaemia, even in non-diabetic patients, e.g. neonates, infants, children, elderly patients, patients on haemodialysis or patients suffering from chronic liver disease and patients suffering from overdose. Severe hypoglycaemia associated with Dideral has rarely presented with seizures and/or coma in isolated patients. Caution must be exercised in the concurrent use of Dideral and hypoglycaemic therapy in diabetic patients. Dideral may prolong the hypoglycaemic response to insulin.
— may mask the signs of thyrotoxicosis.
— should not be used in untreated phaeochromocytoma. However, in patients with phaeochromocytoma, an alpha-blocker may be given concomitantly.
— will reduce heart rate as a result of its pharmacological action. In the rare instances when a treated patient develops symptoms which may be attributable to a slow heart rate, the dose may be reduced.
— may cause a more severe reaction to a variety of allergens when given to patients with a history of anaphylactic reaction to such allergens. Such patients may be unresponsive to the usual doses of adrenaline used to treat the allergic reactions.
Abrupt withdrawal of beta-blockers is to be avoided. The dosage should be withdrawn gradually over a period of 7 to 14 days. Patients should be followed during withdrawal especially those with ischaemic heart disease.
When a patient is scheduled for surgery and a decision is made to discontinue beta-blocker therapy, this should be done at least 48 hours prior to the procedure. The risk/benefit of stopping beta blockade should be made for each patient.
Since the half-life may be increased in patients with significant hepatic or renal impairment, caution must be exercised when starting treatment and selecting the initial dose.
Dideral must be used with caution in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. In patients with portal hypertension, liver function may deteriorate and hepatic encephalopathy may develop. There have been reports suggesting that treatment with Dideral may increase the risk of developing hepatic encephalopathy.
In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, non-selective beta blockers such as Dideral may aggravate the obstructive condition. Therefore Dideral should not be used in this condition.
Bronchospasm can usually be reversed by beta2 agonist bronchodilators such as salbutamol. Large doses of the beta bronchodilator may be required to overcome the beta blockade produced by Dideral and the dose should be titrated according to the clinical response; both intravenous and inhalational administration should be considered. The use of intravenous aminophylline and/or the use of ipratropium (given by nebuliser) may also be considered. Glucagon (1 to 2 mg given intravenously) has also been reported to produce a bronchodilator effect in asthmatic patients. Oxygen or artificial ventilation may be required in severe cases.
Isolated reports of myasthenia gravis like syndrome or exacerbation of myasthenia gravis have been reported in patients administered Dideral.
Interference with laboratory tests:
Dideral has been reported to interfere with the estimation of serum bilirubin by the diazo method and with the determination of catecholamines by methods using fluorescence.
This medicine contains lactose. Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine.
Propranolol hydrochloride (Dideral® (propranolol) )
Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, have been associated with the administration of propranolol and hydrochlorothiazide (see «ADVERSE REACTIONS»).
Cardiac Failure: Sympathetic stimulation is a vital component supporting circulatory function in congestive heart failure, and inhibition with beta blockade always carries the potential hazard of further depressing myocardial contractility and precipitating cardiac failure. Propranolol acts selectively without abolishing the inotropic action of digitalis on the heart muscle (i.e., that of supporting the strength of myocardial contractions). In patients already receiving digitalis, the positive inotropic action of digitalis may be reduced by propranolol’s negative inotropic effect.
Patients Without a History of Heart Failure: Continued depression of the myocardium over a period of time can, in some cases, lead to cardiac failure. In rare instances, this has been observed during propranolol therapy. Therefore, at the first sign or symptom of impending cardiac failure, patients should be fully digitalized and/or given additional diuretic, and the response observed closely: a) if cardiac failure continues, despite adequate digitalization and diuretic therapy, propranolol therapy should be withdrawn (gradually, if possible); b) if tachyarrhythmia is being controlled, patients should be maintained on combined therapy and the patient closely followed until threat of cardiac failure is over.
Angina Pectoris: There have been reports of exacerbation of angina and, in some cases, myocardial infarction following abrupt discontinuation of propranolol therapy. Therefore, when discontinuance of propranolol is planned, the dosage should be gradually reduced and the patient should be carefully monitored. In addition, when propranolol is prescribed for angina pectoris, the patient should be cautioned against interruption or cessation of therapy without the physician’s advice. If propranolol therapy is interrupted and exacerbation of angina occurs, it usually is advisable to reinstitute propranolol therapy and take other measures appropriate for the management of unstable angina pectoris. Since coronary artery disease may be unrecognized, it may be prudent to follow the above advice in patients considered at risk of having occult atherosclerotic heart disease, who are given propranolol for other indications.
Nonallergic Bronchospasm (e.g., chronic bronchitis, emphysema): PATIENTS WITH BRONCHOSPASTIC DISEASES SHOULD, IN GENERAL, NOT RECEIVE BETA BLOCKERS. Propranolol should be administered with caution since it may block bronchodilation produced by endogenous and exogenous catecholamine stimulation of beta receptors.
Major Surgery: Chronically administered beta-blocking therapy should not be routinely withdrawn prior to major surgery, however the impaired ability of the heart to respond to reflex adrenergic stimuli may augment the risks of general anesthesia and surgical procedures.
Diabetes and Hypoglycemia: Beta-adrenergic blockade may prevent the appearance of certain premonitory signs and symptoms (pulse rate and pressure changes) of acute hypoglycemia in labile insulin-dependent diabetes. In these patients, it may be more difficult to adjust the dosage of insulin. Hypoglycemic attack may be accompanied by a precipitous elevation of blood pressure in patients on propranolol.
Propranolol therapy, particularly in infants and children, diabetic or not, has been associated with hypoglycemia especially during fasting as in preparation for surgery. Hypoglycemia also has been found after this type of drug therapy and prolonged physical exertion and has occurred in renal insufficiency, both during dialysis and sporadically, in patients on propranolol.
Acute increases in blood pressure have occurred after insulin-induced hypoglycemia in patients on propranolol.
Thyrotoxicosis: Beta blockade may mask certain clinical signs of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, abrupt withdrawal of propranolol may be followed by an exacerbation of symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including thyroid storm. Propranolol may change thyroid-function tests, increasing T4 and reverse T3, and decreasing T3.
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: Several cases have been reported in which, after propranolol, the tachycardia was replaced by a severe bradycardia requiring a demand pacemaker. In one case this resulted after an initial dose of 5 mg propranolol.
Skin Reactions: Cutaneous reactions, including Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, exfoliative dermatitis, erythema multiforme, and urticaria, have been reported with use of propranolol (see «ADVERSE REACTIONS»).
Thiazides should be used with caution in severe renal disease. In patients with renal disease, thiazides may precipitate azotemia. In patients with impaired renal function, cumulative effects of the drug may develop.
Thiazides should also be used with caution in patients with impaired hepatic function or progressive liver disease, since minor alterations of fluid and electrolyte balance may precipitate hepatic coma.
Thiazides may add to or potentiate the action of other antihypertensive drugs. Potentiation occurs with ganglionic or peripheral adrenergic-blocking drugs.
Sensitivity reactions may occur in patients with a history of allergy or bronchial asthma. The possibility of exacerbation or activation of systemic lupus erythematosus has been reported.
Acute Myopia and Secondary Angle-closure Glaucoma
Hydrochlorothiazide, a sulfonamide, can cause an idiosyncratic reaction, resulting in acute transient myopia and acute angle-closure glaucoma. Symptoms include acute onset of decreased visual acuity or ocular pain and typically occur within hours to weeks of drug initiation. Untreated acute angle-closure glaucoma can lead to permanent vision loss. The primary treatment is to discontinue hydrochlorothiazide as rapidly as possible. Prompt medical or surgical treatments may need to be considered if the intraocular pressure remains uncontrolled. Risk factors for developing acute angle-closure glaucoma may include a history of sulfonamide or penicillin allergy.
Propranolol hvdrochloride (Dideral®)
Propranolol should be used with caution in patients with impaired hepatic or renal function. Inderide is not indicated for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies.
Risk of anaphylactic reaction. While taking beta blockers, patients with a history of severe anaphylactic reaction to a variety of allergens may be more reactive to repeated challenge, either accidental, diagnostic, or therapeutic. Such patients may be unresponsive to the usual doses of epinephrine used to treat allergic reaction.
All patients receiving thiazide therapy should be observed for clinical signs of fluid or electrolyte imbalance, namely hyponatremia, hypochloremic alkalosis, and hypokalemia. Serum and urine electrolyte determinations are particularly important when the patient is vomiting excessively or receiving parenteral fluids. Medication such as digitalis may also influence serum electrolytes. Warning signs, irrespective of cause, are: dryness of mouth, thirst, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, restlessness, muscle pains or cramps, muscular fatigue, hypotension, oliguria, tachycardia, and gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea and vomiting.
Hypokalemia may develop, especially with brisk diuresis or when severe cirrhosis is present.
Interference with adequate oral electrolyte intake will also contribute to hypokalemia. Hypokalemia can sensitize or exaggerate the response of the heart to the toxic effects of digitalis (e.g., increased ventricular irritability).
Hypokalemia may be avoided or treated by use of potassium supplements or foods with a high potassium content.
Any chloride deficit is generally mild, and usually does not require specific treatment except under extraordinary circumstances (as in liver or renal disease). Dilutional hyponatremia may occur in edematous patients in hot weather; appropriate therapy is water restriction rather than administration of salt, except in rare instances when the hyponatremia is life-threatening. In actual salt depletion, appropriate replacement is the therapy of choice.
Hyperuricemia may occur or frank gout may be precipitated in certain patients receiving thiazide therapy.
Diabetes mellitus which has been latent may become manifest during thiazide administration. The antihypertensive effects of the drug may be enhanced in the postsympathectomy patient.
If progressive renal impairment becomes evident, consider withholding or discontinuing diuretic therapy.
Calcium excretion is decreased by thiazides. Pathologic changes in the parathyroid gland with hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia have been observed in a few patients on prolonged thiazide therapy. The common complications of hyperparathyroidism, such as renal lithiasis, bone resorption, and peptic ulceration, have not been seen.
Laboratory Tests
Propranolol hvdrochloride (Dideral® (propranolol) )
Elevated blood urea levels in patients with severe heart disease, elevated serum transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase.
Periodic determination of serum electrolytes to detect possible electrolyte imbalance should be performed at appropriate intervals.
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
Combinations of propranolol and hydrochlorothiazide have not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or for potential to adversely affect fertility.
Propranolol hydrochloride (Dideral® (propranolol) )
In dietary administration studies in which mice and rats were treated with propranolol for up to 18 months at doses of up to 150 mg/kg/day, there was no evidence of drug-related tumorigenesis.
In a study in which both male and female rats were exposed to propranolol in their diets at concentrations of up to 0.05%, from 60 days prior to mating and throughout pregnancy and lactation for two generations, there were no effects on fertility. Based on differing results from Ames Tests performed by different laboratories, there is equivocal evidence for a genotoxic effect of propranolol in bacteria (S.typhimurium strain TA 1538).
Two-year feeding studies in mice and rats conducted under the auspices of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) uncovered no evidence of a carcinogenic potential of hydrochlorothiazide in female mice (at doses of up to approximately 600 mg/kg/day) or in male and female rats (at doses of up to approximately 100 mg/kg/day). The NTP, however, found equivocal evidence for hepatocarcinogenicity in male mice.
Hydrochlorothiazide was not genotoxic in vitro in the Ames bacterial mutagen assay (S.typhimurium strains TA 98, TA 100, TA 1535, TA 1537 and TA 1538) or in the Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) test for chromosomal aberrations. Nor was it genotoxic in vivo in assays using mouse germinal cell chromosomes, Chinese hamster bone marrow chromosomes, and the Drosophila sex-linked recessive lethal trait gene. Positive test results were obtained in the in vitro CHO Sister Chromatid Exchange (clastogenicity), Mouse Lymphoma Cell (mutagenicity) and Aspergillus nidulans non-disjunction assays.
Hydrochlorothiazide had no adverse effects on the fertility of mice and rats of either sex in studies wherein these species were exposed, via their diet, to doses of up to 100 mg/kg and 4 mg/kg, respectively, prior to mating and throughout gestation.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy Category C
Combinations of propranolol and hydrochlorothiazide have not been evaluated for effects on pregnancy in animals. Nor are there adequate and well-controlled studies of propranolol, hydrochlorothiazide, or Inderide in pregnant women. Inderide should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
Propranolol hydrochloride (Dideral® (propranolol) )
In a series of reproduction and developmental toxicology studies, propranolol was given to ratsby gavage or in the diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. At doses of 150 mg/kg/day ( > 30 times the dose of propranolol contained in the maximum recommended human daily dose of Inderide), but not at doses of 80 mg/kg/day, treatment was associated with embryotoxicity (reduced litter size and increased resorption sites) as well as neonatal toxicity (deaths). Propranolol also was administered (in the feed) to rabbits (throughout pregnancy and lactation) at doses as high as 150 mg/kg/day ( > 45 times the dose of propranolol contained in the maximum recommended daily human dose of Inderide). No evidence of embryo or neonatal toxicity was noted.
Intrauterine growth retardation, small placentas, and congenital abnormalities have been reported in human neonates whose mothers received propranolol during pregnancy. Neonates whose mothers received propranolol at parturition have exhibited bradycardia, hypoglycemia and/or respiratory depression. Adequate facilities for monitoring these infants at birth should be available.
Studies in which hydrochlorothiazide was orally administered to pregnant mice and rats at doses of up to 3000 and 1000 mg/kg/day, respectively, provided no evidence of harm to the fetus.
Thiazides cross the placental barrier and appear in cord blood. The use of thiazides in pregnant women requires that the anticipated benefit be weighed against possible hazards to the fetus. These hazards include fetal or neonatal jaundice, thrombocytopenia, and possibly other adverse reactions that have occurred in the adult.
Nursing Mothers
Propranolol hydrochloride (Dideral®)
Propranolol is excreted in human milk. Caution should be exercised when Inderide is administered to a nursing woman.
Thiazides appear in breast milk. If the use of drug is deemed essential, the patient should stop nursing.
Pediatric Use
Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.
Geriatric Use
Clinical studies of Inderide did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients.
In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.
Angina Pectoris
There have been reports of exacerbation of angina and, in some cases, myocardial infarction, following abrupt discontinuance of propranolol therapy. Therefore, when discontinuance of propranolol is planned, the dosage should be gradually reduced over at least a few weeks, and the patient should be cautioned against interruption or cessation of therapy without the physician’s advice. If propranolol therapy is interrupted and exacerbation of angina occurs, it usually is advisable to reinstitute propranolol therapy and take other measures appropriate for the management of unstable angina pectoris. Since coronary artery disease may be unrecognized, it may be prudent to follow the above advice in patients considered at risk of having occultatheros clerotic heart disease who are given propranolol for other indications.
Hypersensitivity And Skin Reactions
Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, have been associated with the administration of propranolol (see ADVERSE REACTIONS).
Cutaneous reactions, including Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, exfoliative dermatitis, erythema multiforme, and urticaria, have been reported with use of propranolol (see ADVERSE REACTIONS).
Cardiac Failure
Sympathetic stimulation may be a vital component supporting circulatory function in patients with congestive heart failure, and its inhibition by beta blockade may precipitate more severe failure. Although beta-blockers should be avoided in overt congestive heart failure, some have been shown to be highly beneficial when used with close follow-up in patients with a history of failure who are well compensated and are receiving diuretics as needed. Beta-adrenergic blocking agents do not abolish the inotropic action of digitalis on heart muscle.
In Patients without a History of Heart Failure, continued use of beta-blockers can, in some cases, lead to cardiac failure.
Nonallergic Bronchospasm (e.g., Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema)
In general, patients with bronchospastic lung disease should not receive beta-blockers. Propranolol should be administered with caution in this setting since it may provoke a bronchial asthmatic attack by blocking bronchodilation produced by endogenous and exogenous catecholamine stimulation of betareceptors.
Major Surgery
Chronically administered beta-blocking therapy should not be routinely withdrawn prior to major surgery, however the impaired ability of the heart to respond to reflex adrenergic stimuli may augment the risks of general anesthesia and surgical procedures.
Diabetes And Hypoglycemia
Beta-adrenergic blockade may prevent the appearance of certain premonitory signs and symptoms (pulse rate and pressure changes) of acute hypoglycemia, especially in labile insulin-dependent diabetics. In these patients, it may be more difficult to adjust the dosage of insulin.
Propranolol therapy, particularly when given to infants and children, diabetic or not, has been associated with hypoglycemia especially during fasting as in preparation for surgery. Hypoglycemia has been reported in patients taking propranolol after prolonged physical exertion and in patients with renal insufficiency.
Beta-adrenergic blockade may mask certain clinical signs of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, abrupt withdrawal of propranolol may be followed by an exacerbation of symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including thyroid storm. Propranolol may change thyroid-function tests, increasing T4 and reverse T3, and decreasing T3.
Wolff-Parkins On-White Syndrome
Beta-adrenergic blockade in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and tachycardia has been associated with severe bradycardia requiring treatment with a pacemaker. In one case, this result was reported after an initial dose of 5 mg propranolol.
Propranolol should be used with caution in patients with impaired hepatic or renal function. Dideral is not indicated for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies.
Beta-adrenergic receptor blockade can cause reduction of intraocular pressure. Patients should be told that Dideral may interfere with the glaucoma screening test. Withdrawal may lead to a return of increased intraocular pressure.
While taking beta-blockers, patients with a history of severe anaphylactic reaction to a variety of allergens may be more reactive to repeated challenge, either accidental, diagnostic, or therapeutic. Such patients may be unresponsive to the usual doses of epinephrine used to treat allergic reaction.
Clinical Laboratory Tests
In patients with hypertension, use of propranolol has been associated with elevated levels of serum potassium, serum transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase. In severe heart failure, the use of propranolol has been associated with increases in Blood Urea Nitrogen.
Cardiovascular Drugs
Propafenone has negative inotropic and beta-blocking properties that can be additive to those of propranolol.
Quinidine increases the concentration of propranolol and produces greater degrees of clinical betablockade and may cause postural hypotension.
Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic agent with negative chronotropic properties that may be additive to those seen with β-blockers such as propranolol.
The clearance of lidocaine is reduced with administration of propranolol. Lidocaine toxicity has been reported following co-administration with propranolol.
Caution should be exercised when administering Dideral with drugs that slow A-V nodal conduction, e.g., lidocaine and calcium channel blockers.
Digitalis Glycosides
Both digitalis glycosides and beta-blockers slow atrioventricular conduction and decrease heart rate. Concomitant use can increase the risk of bradycardia.
Calcium Channel Blockers
Caution should be exercised when patients receiving a beta-blocker are administered a calciumchannel- blocking drug with negative inotropic and/or chronotropic effects. Both agents may depress myocardial contractility or atrioventricular conduction.
There have been reports of significant bradycardia, heart failure, and cardiovascular collapse with concurrent use of verapamil and beta-blockers.
Co-administration of propranolol and diltiazem in patients with cardiac disease has been associated with bradycardia, hypotension, high degree heart block, and heart failure.
ACE Inhibitors
When combined with beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors can cause hypotension, particularly in the setting of acute myocardial infarction.
The antihypertensive effects of clonidine may be antagonized by beta-blockers. Dideral should be administered cautiously to patients withdrawing from clonidine.
Alpha Blockers
Prazosin has been associated with prolongation of first dose hypotension in the presence of betablockers.
Postural hypotension has been reported in patients taking both beta-blockers and terazosin or doxazosin.
Patients receiving catecholamine-depleting drugs, such as reserpine should be closely observed for excessive reduction of resting sympathetic nervous activity, which may result in hypotension, marked bradycardia, vertigo, syncopal attacks, or orthostatic hypotension.
Inotropic Agents
Patients on long-term therapy with propranolol may experience uncontrolled hypertension if administered epinephrine as a consequence of unopposed alpha-receptor stimulation. Epinephrine is therefore not indicated in the treatment of propranolol overdose (see OVERDOSE).
Isoproterenol And Dobutamine
Propranolol is a competitive inhibitor of beta-receptor agonists, and its effects can be reversed by administration of such agents, e.g., dobutamine or isoproterenol. Also, propranolol may reduce sensitivity to dobutamine stress echocardiography in patients undergoing evaluation for myocardial ischemia.
Non-Cardiovascular Drugs
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been reported to blunt the antihypertensive effect of beta-adrenoreceptor blocking agents.
Administration of indomethacin with propranolol may reduce the efficacy of propranolol in reducing blood pressure and heart rate.
The hypotensive effects of MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants may be exacerbated when administered with beta-blockers by interfering with the beta-blocking activity of propranolol.
Anesthetic Agents
Methoxyflurane and trichloroethylene may depress myocardial contractility when administered with propranolol.
Propranolol when administered with warfarin increases the concentration of warfarin. Prothrombin time, therefore, should be monitored.
Neuroleptic Drugs
Hypotension and cardiac arrest have been reported with the concomitant use of propranolol and haloperidol.
Thyroxine may result in a lower than expected T concentration when used concomitantly with propranolol.
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment Of Fertility
In dietary administration studies in which mice and rats were treated with propranolol hydrochloride for up to 18 months at doses of up to 150 mg/kg/day, there was no evidence of drug-related tumorigenesis. On a body surface area basis, this dose in the mouse and rat is, respectively, about equal to and about twice the maximum recommended human oral daily dose (MRHD) of 640 mg propranolol hydrochloride. In a study in which both male and female rats were exposed to propranolol hydrochloride in their diets at concentrations of up to 0.05% (about 50 mg/kg body weight and less than the MRHD), from 60 days prior to mating and throughout pregnancy and lactation for two generations, there were no effects on fertility. Based on differing results from Ames Tests performed by different laboratories, there is equivocal evidence for a genotoxic effect of propranolol in bacteria (S. typhimurium strain TA 1538).
Pregnancy Category C
In a series of reproductive and developmental toxicology studies, propranolol was given to rats by gavage or in the diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. At doses of 150 mg/kg/day, but not at doses of 80 mg/kg/day (equivalent to the MRHD on a body surface area basis), treatment was associated with embryotoxicity (reduced litter size and increased resorption rates) as well as neonatal toxicity (deaths). Propranolol hydrochloride also was administered (in the feed) to rabbits (throughout pregnancy and lactation) at doses as high as 150 mg/kg/day (about 5 times the maximum recommended human oral daily dose). No evidence of embryo or neonatal toxicity was noted.
There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Intrauterine growth retardation, small placentas, and congenital abnormalities have been reported in neonates whose mothers received propranolol during pregnancy. Neonates whose mothers are receiving propranolol at parturition have exhibited bradycardia, hypoglycemia and/or respiratory depression. Adequate facilities for monitoring such infants at birth should be available. Dideral should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
Nursing Mothers
Propranolol is excreted in human milk. Caution should be exercised when Dideral is administered to a nursing woman.
Pediatric Use
Safety and effectiveness of propranolol in pediatric patients have not been established. Bronchospasm and congestive heart failure have been reported coincident with the administration of propranolol therapy in pediatric patients.
Geriatric Use
Clinical studies of Dideral did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of the decreased hepatic, renal or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.
Cardiac Failure
Sympathetic stimulation may be a vital component supporting circulatory function in patients with congestive heart failure, and its inhibition by beta blockade may precipitate more severe failure. Although beta-blockers should be avoided in overt congestive heart failure, some have been shown to be highly beneficial when used with close follow-up in patients with a history of failure who are well compensated and are receiving additional therapies, including diuretics as needed. Beta-adrenergic blocking agents do not abolish the inotropic action of digitalis on heart muscle.
Nonallergic Bronchospasm (e.g., Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema)
In general, patients with bronchospastic lung disease should not receive beta blockers. Propranolol should be administered with caution in this setting since it may block bronchodilation produced by endogenous and exogenous catecholamine stimulation of beta-receptors.
Major Surgery
The necessity or desirability of withdrawal of beta-blocking therapy prior to major surgery is controversial. It should be noted, however, that the impaired ability of the heart to respond to reflex adrenergic stimuli in propranolol-treated patients might augment the risks of general anesthesia and surgical procedures.
Propranolol is a competitive inhibitor of beta-receptor agonists, and its effects can be reversed by administration of such agents, e.g., dobutamine or isoproterenol. However, such patients may be subject to protracted severe hypotension.
Diabetes and Hypoglycemia
Beta-adrenergic blockade may prevent the appearance of certain premonitory signs and symptoms (pulse rate and pressure changes) of acute hypoglycemia, especially in labile insulin-dependent diabetics. In these patients, it may be more difficult to adjust the dosage of insulin.
Propranolol therapy, particularly in infants and children, diabetic or not, has been associated with hypoglycemia especially during fasting, as in preparation for surgery. Hypoglycemia has been reported after prolonged physical exertion and in patients with renal insufficiency.
Beta-adrenergic blockade may mask certain clinical signs of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, abrupt withdrawal of propranolol may be followed by an exacerbation of symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including thyroid storm. Propranolol may change thyroid-function tests, increasing T4 and reverse T3, and decreasing T3.
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Beta-adrenergic blockade in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and tachycardia has been associated with severe bradycardia requiring treatment with a pacemaker. In one case this resulted after an initial 5 mg dose of intravenous propranolol.
Propranolol should be used with caution in patients with impaired hepatic or renal function. Propranolol is not indicated for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies.
Beta-adrenergic receptor blockade can cause reduction of intraocular pressure. Patients should be told that propranolol might interfere with the glaucoma screening test. Withdrawal may lead to a return of elevated intraocular pressure.
Risk of anaphylactic reaction. While taking beta blockers, patients with a history of severe anaphylactic reaction to a variety of allergens may be more reactive to repeated challenge, either accidental, diagnostic, or therapeutic. Such patients may be unresponsive to the usual doses of epinephrine used to treat allergic reaction.
Angina Pectoris
There have been reports of exacerbation of angina and, in some cases, myocardial infarction, following abrupt discontinuance of propranolol therapy. Therefore, when discontinuance of propranolol is planned, the dosage should be gradually reduced over at least a few weeks, and the patient should be cautioned against interruption or cessation of therapy without a physician’s advice. If propranolol therapy is interrupted and exacerbation of angina occurs, it is usually advisable to reinstitute propranolol therapy and take other measures appropriate for the management of angina pectoris. Since coronary artery disease may be unrecognized, it may be prudent to follow the above advice in patients considered at risk of having occult atherosclerotic heart disease who are given propranolol for other indications.
Clinical Laboratory Tests
In patients with hypertension, use of propranolol has been associated with elevated levels of serum potassium, serum transaminases and alkaline phosphatase. In severe heart failure, the use of propranolol has been associated with increases in Blood Urea Nitrogen.
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
In dietary administration studies in which mice and rats were treated with Dideral for up to 18 months at doses of up to 150 mg/kg/day, there was no evidence of drug-related tumorigenesis. On a body surface area basis, this dose in the mouse and rat is, respectively, about equal to and about twice the maximum recommended human oral daily dose (MRHD) of 640 mg propranolol hydrochloride. In a study in which both male and female rats were exposed to Dideral in their diets at concentrations of up to 0.05% (about 50 mg/kg body weight and less than the MRHD), from 60 days prior to mating and throughout pregnancy and lactation for two generations, there were no effects on fertility. Based on differing results from Ames Tests performed by different laboratories, there is equivocal evidence for a genotoxic effect of propranolol hydrochloride in bacteria (S. typhimurium strain TA 1538).
Pregnancy Category C
In a series of reproductive and developmental toxicology studies, Dideral was given to rats by gavage or in the diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. At doses of 150 mg/kg/day, but not at doses of 80 mg/kg/day (equivalent to the MRHD on a body surface area basis), treatment was associated with embryotoxicity (reduced litter size and increased resorption rates) as well as neonatal toxicity (deaths). Dideral also was administered (in the feed) to rabbits (throughout pregnancy and lactation) at doses as high as 150 mg/kg/day (about 5 times the maximum recommended human oral daily dose). No evidence of embryo or neonatal toxicity was noted.
There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Intrauterine growth retardation has been reported for neonates whose mothers received propranolol hydrochloride during pregnancy. Neonates whose mothers received propranolol hydrochloride at parturition have exhibited bradycardia, hypoglycemia, and respiratory depression. Adequate facilities for monitoring such infants at birth should be available. Propranolol should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
Nursing Mothers
Propranolol is excreted in human milk. Caution should be exercised when propranolol is administered to a nursing woman.
Pediatric Use
Safety and effectiveness of propranolol in pediatric patients have not been established.
Geriatric Use
Clinical studies of intravenous propranolol did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Elderly subjects have decreased clearance and a longer mean elimination half-life. These findings suggest that dose adjustment of propranolol injection may be required for elderly patients (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Special Populations, Geriatric). In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of the decreased hepatic, renal or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.
Hepatic Insufficiency
Propranolol is extensively metabolized by the liver. Compared to normal subjects, patients with chronic liver disease have decreased clearance of propranolol, increased volume of distribution, decreased protein-binding and considerable variation in half life. Consideration should be given to lowering the dose of intravenously administered propranolol in patients with hepatic insufficiency.
Dideral is a non-cardioselective β-blocker that competitively blocks β1- and β2-receptors resulting in decreased heart rate, myocardial contractility, BP and myocardial oxygen demand. It has membrane-stabilising properties.
Dideral is a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist used to treat hypertension. Dideral has a long duration of action as it is given once or twice daily depending on the indication. When patients abruptly stop taking propranolol, they may experience exacerbations of angina and myocardial infarctions.
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Dideral is used for:
- essential and renal hypertension
- angina pectoris
- long term prophylaxis after recovery from acyte myocardial infarction
- cardiac dysrhythmia
- prophylaxis of migraine
- essential tremor
- anxiety and anxiety tachycardia
- adjunctive management of thyrotoxicosis and thyrotoxic crisis
- hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
- phaeochromocytoma (with α-blocker)
Dideral is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Akathisia caused by antipsychotic use, Angina Pectoris, Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiovascular Mortality, Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage prophylaxis, Hemangiomas, High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Migraine, Myocardial Infarction, Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Performance Anxiety, Pheochromocytomas, Proliferating Infantile Hemangioma, Supraventricular Arrhythmias, Tachyarrhythmia caused by Digitalis intoxication, Tachyarrhythmia caused by catecholamine excess, Thyroid Crisis, Thyrotoxicosis, Tremor caused by lithium, Tremor, Essential, Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)
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How Dideral works
Dideral is a nonselective β-adrenergic receptor antagonist. Blocking of these receptors leads to vasoconstriction, inhibition of angiogenic factors like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic growth factor of fibroblasts (bFGF), induction of apoptosis of endothelial cells, as well as down regulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Trade Name | Dideral |
Availability | Prescription only |
Generic | Propranolol |
Propranolol Other Names | beta-Propranolol, Propanalol, Propanolol, Propranolol, Propranololo, Propranololum |
Related Drugs | amlodipine, aspirin, lisinopril, metoprolol, losartan, furosemide, carvedilol, hydrochlorothiazide, Xarelto, clopidogrel |
Type | |
Formula | C16H21NO2 |
Weight | Average: 259.3434 Monoisotopic: 259.157228921 |
Protein binding |
Approximately 90% of propranolol is protein bound in plasma. Other studies have reported ranges of 85-96%. |
Groups | Approved, Investigational |
Therapeutic Class | Beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs, Beta-blockers |
Manufacturer | |
Available Country | Turkey |
Last Updated: | June 22, 2022 at 11:59 pm |
Table Of contents
- Dideral
- Uses
- Dosage
- Side Effect
- Precautions
- Interactions
- Uses during Pregnancy
- Uses during Breastfeeding
- Accute Overdose
- Food Interaction
- Half Life
- Volume of Distribution
- Clearance
- Interaction With other Medicine
- Contradiction
- Storage
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Dideral dosage
- Hypertension: A starting dose of 80 mg twice a day may increased at weekly intervals according to response. The usual dose range is 160-320 mg per day. With concurrent diuretic or other antihypertensive drugs a further reduction of blood pressure is obtained.
- Angina, anxiety, migraine and essential tremor: A staring dose of 40 mg two or three times daily may be increased by the same amount at weekly intervals according to patients response. An adequate response in anxiety, migraine and essential tremor is usually seen in the range 80-160 mg/day and an angina in the range 120-240 mg/day.
- Situational and generalized anxiety: A dose of 40 mg daily may provide short term relief of acute situational anxiety. Generalized anxiety require long term therapy, usually responds adequately to 40 mg twice daily which ,which individual cases, may be increased to 40 mg three times daily. Treatment should be continued according to responses. Patients should reviewed after 6 to 12 months treatment.
- Dysrhythmias, anxiety tachycardia, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and thyrotoxicosis: A dosage range of 10-40 mg three or four times a day usually achieves the required response.
- Post myocardial infarction: Treatment should be started between days 5 and after 21 after myocardial infarction, with an initial dose of 40 mg four times a day for 2 or 3 days. In order to improve compliance the total daily doses three after be given as 80 mg twice a day. Phaeochromocytoma (Used only with an alpha receptor blocking drug).
- Pre-operative: 60 mg daily for three days.
- Non-operable malignant cases: 30 mg daily.
- Migraine: Under 12 years: 20 mg two or three times daily. Over 12 years : The adult dose.
- Sysrhythmias, Phaeochromocytoma, Thyrotoxicisis: Dosage should be individually determined and the following is only a guide 0.25-0.5 mg/kg three or four times daily as required.
Sustained Release Capsule:
- Hypertension: The usual initial dose is 80mg Dideral SR once daily, whether used alone or added to a diuretic. The usual maintenance dosage is 120 to 160 mg once daily.
- Angina pectoris: Starting with 80mg Dideral SR once daily, dosage should be gradually increased three to seven day intervals until optimum response is obtained.
- Migraine: The initial oral dose is 80 mg Dideral SR once daily. T he usual effective dose range is 160 to 240 mg once daily. It may be advisable to withdraw the drug gradually over a period of several weeks.
- Hypertrophic subaortic stenosis: 80 mg Dideral SR once daily
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
The usual dose is 1 to 3 mg administered under careful monitoring, such as electrocardiography and central venous pressure. The rate of administration should not exceed 1 mg (1 mL) per minute to diminish the possibility of lowering blood pressure and causing cardiac standstill.
Sufficient time should be allowed for the drug to reach the site of action even when a slow circulation is present. If necessary, a second dose may be given after two minutes. Thereafter, additional drug should not be given in less than four hours. Additional propranolol hydrochloride should not be given when the desired alteration in rate or rhythm is achieved.
Transfer to oral therapy as soon as possible.
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Side Effects
Dideral is usually well tolerated. Minor side effects such as cold extremities, nausea, diarrhea, sleep disturbances and lassitude are often transient. There have been reports of skin rashes and/or dry eyes associated with the use of beta-adrenergic blocking drugs.
Symptoms of overdose include hypotension, hypoglycemic seizure, restlessness, euphoria, insomnia. Patients with asthma may develop bronchospasm. In case of overdose, monitor vital signs, mental status, and blood glucose. Treat hypotension with intravenous fluids, bradycardia with atropine, and isoproterenol and aminophylline for bronchospasm. If patients do not respond to intravenous fluids, follow up with glucagon 50-150µg/kg intravenously, then 1-5mg/hour, followed by catecholamines. Dialysis will not be useful as propranolol is highly protein bound.
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Beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs should be avoided in over heart failure. Dideral modifies the tachycardia of hypoglycaemic therapy in diabetic patients. Dideral may prolong the hypoglycaemic response to insulin.
Beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs interact with clonidine.If beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs and clonidine are given concurrently, clonidine should be discontinued until several days after withdrawal of beta-adrenoceptor blocking drug. Care should be taken in prescribing a beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs with class 1 antidysrhythmic agents (disopyramide).Beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs should be used with caution in combination with verapamil in patients with impaired ventricular function.
Food Interaction
- Avoid alcohol. Alcohol increases propranolol plasma concentrations.
- Avoid natural licorice. Natural licorice inhibits the metabolism of propranolol, increasing drug exposure.
- Take with food.
[Moderate] ADJUST DOSING INTERVAL: The bioavailability of propranolol may be enhanced by food.
MANAGEMENT: Patients may be instructed to take propranolol at the same time each day, preferably with or immediately following meals.
Dideral Alcohol interaction
Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation.
Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.
Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents.
Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs.
Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.
Dideral Cholesterol interaction
[Moderate] Beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agents (aka beta-blockers) may alter serum lipid profiles.
Increases in serum VLDL and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as decreases in HDL cholesterol, have been reported with some beta-blockers.
Patients with preexisting hyperlipidemia may require closer monitoring during beta-blocker therapy, and adjustments made accordingly in their lipid-lowering regimen.
Dideral multivitamins interaction
[Moderate] ADJUST DOSING INTERVAL: Concurrent administration with calcium salts may decrease the oral bioavailability of atenolol and possibly other beta-blockers.
The exact mechanism of interaction is unknown.
In six healthy subjects, calcium 500 mg (as lactate, carbonate, and gluconate) reduced the mean peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of atenolol (100 mg) by 51% and 32%, respectively.
The elimination half-life increased by 44%.
Twelve hours after the combination, beta-blocking activity (as indicated by inhibition of exercise tachycardia) was reduced compared to that with atenolol alone.
However, during a 4-week treatment in six hypertensive patients, there was no difference in blood pressure values between treatments.
The investigators suggest that prolongation of the elimination half-life induced by calcium coadministration may have led to atenolol cumulation during long-term dosing, which compensated for the reduced bioavailability.
It may help to separate the administration times of beta-blockers and calcium products by at least 2 hours.
Patients should be monitored for potentially diminished beta-blocking effects following the addition of calcium therapy.
Dideral Drug Interaction
Moderate: aripiprazole, diphenhydramine, duloxetine, clonazepam, fluoxetine, quetiapine, alprazolam, sertraline
Minor: levothyroxine, ascorbic acid
Unknown: amphetamine / dextroamphetamine, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, lamotrigine, escitalopram, pregabalin, topiramate, cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, lisdexamfetamine, cetirizine
Dideral Disease Interaction
Major: bradyarrhythmia/AV block, cardiogenic shock/hypotension, CHF, diabetes, hypersensitivity, ischemic heart disease, PVD, asthma/COPD, liver disease
Moderate: cerebrovascular insufficiency, glaucoma, hyperlipidemia, hyperthyroidism, hyperthyroidism PKs, myasthenia gravis, pheochromocytoma, psoriasis, tachycardia, Prinzmetal’s variant angina, renal impairment
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Volume of Distribution
The volume of distribution of propranolol is approximately 4L/kg or 320L.
Elimination Route
Patients taking doses of 40mg, 80mg, 160mg, and 320mg daily experienced Cmax values of 18±15ng/mL, 52±51ng/mL, 121±98ng/mL, and 245±110ng/mL respectively. Dideral has a Tmax of approximately 2 hours, though this can range from 1 to 4 hours in fasting patients. Taking propranolol with food does not increase Tmax but does increase bioavailability.
Half Life
The elimination half life of propranolol is approximately 8 hours. The plasma half life of propranolol is 3 to 6 hours.
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The clearance of propranolol is 2.7±0.03L/h/kg in infants 90 days. Dideral clearance increases linearly with hepatic blood flow. Propanolol has a clearance in hypertensive adults of 810mL/min.
Elimination Route
91% of an oral dose of propranolol is recovered as 12 metabolites in the urine.
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use
There are no adequate and controlled studies in pregnant women. Dideral is excreted in human milk. Caution should be exercised when propranolol is administered to a nursing mother.
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Dideral Hydrochloride is contraindicated in patients with known Hypersensitivity to any component of the formulation. If there is a history of bronchial asthma of bronchospasm.
Acute Overdose
The symptoms of over dosage may include bradycardia, hypotension, acute cardiac insufficiency and bronchospasm. Treatment of over dosage include close supervision, treatment in an intensive care ward, he use of gastric lavage, activated charcoal and a laxative to prevent absorption of any drug still present in the gastrointestinal tract, the use of plasma or plasma substitutes to treat hypotension and shock.
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Storage Condition
Store in a cool dry place. Protect from light.
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You find simplified version here Dideral
What is Dideral usually prescribed for?
Dideral usually prescribed for high blood pressure and other heart problems, but it can also help with the physical signs of anxiety, like sweating and shaking.Dideral slows down your heart rate and makes it easier for your heart to pump blood around your body.
Is Dideral good for anxiety?
Dideral blocks the physical effects of anxiety, meaning you won’t experience an increased heart rate, sweating and shakiness when you feel nervous. By blocking the physical symptoms of anxiety, propranolol can help you feel calmer, less nervous and more composed.
When should not I take Dideral?
You should not use Dideral if you are allergic to it, or if you have:
- asthma;
- very slow heart beats that have caused you to faint; or.
- a serious heart condition such as «sick sinus syndrome» or «AV block» (unless you have a pacemaker).
Can I take Dideral every day?
Dideral can be used daily for migraine prevention. It’s only approved for prevention and shouldn’t be used to stop a migraine that’s already started. A common starting dose for migraine prevention is 80 mg per day, broken up into smaller, equal size doses throughout the day.
What time of day should I take Dideral?
Dideral extended release capsules should be taken at bedtime (10 pm). This medicine may be taken with or without food. However, you should take it the same way each time.
Does Dideral help me sleep?
Brand as well as other beta blockers, has been shown in some studies to reduce your body’s secretion of melatonin an important hormone for optimal sleep. For a small percentage of propranolol users, this can lead to difficulties falling and staying asleep.
What are the worst side effects of Dideral?
Serious side effects of Dideral:
- Hallucinations.
- Cold hands or feet.
- Muscle weakness.
- Muscle cramps.
- Shortness of breath.
- Memory loss.
- Fluid retention.
- Blood sugar changes.
What can’t I take with Dideral?
Some products that may interact with this drug include: alpha blockers (e.g., prazosin), aluminum hydroxide, anticholinergics (e.g., atropine, scopolamine), chlorpromazine, drugs affecting liver enzymes that remove Dideral from your body such as cimetidine, St.
What should be checked before giving Dideral?
Before administering Dideral, the nurse should always assess the patient’s blood pressure and apical pulse.
Can Dideral harm for me?
Dideral may cause heart failure in some patients. Check with your doctor right away if you are having chest pain or discomfort, dilated neck veins, extreme fatigue, irregular breathing, an irregular heartbeat, swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or lower legs, or weight gain.
Can Dideral cause stroke?
Dideral will comes with serious risks if you don’t take it as prescribed. If you don’t take it at all: Your condition will get worse and you may be at risk of serious heart problems, such as heart attack or stroke.
Does Dideral affect breathing?
Dideral has a «nonselective» action. This means that it also blocks beta-2 receptors in the bronchioles, which can cause a narrowing of the bronchioles which may cause breathing difficulties in people with pre-existing lung disease.
Does Dideral cause hair loss?
Dideral is one of several beta blockers that can cause hair loss. The hair loss from Dideral is not permanent and is typically a result of the medication causing some hair follicles to enter their shedding phase prematurely.
Can I drink alcohol with Dideral?
Mixing Dideral and alcohol is generally not advised by doctors or medical experts. This is because beta-blockers like Dideral lower your blood pressure by slowing your heart rate and reducing the force of each beat. Alcohol can also lower your blood pressure.
How many hours does Dideral last?
Dideral is usually taken once a day, and the effects last for 24 hours.
Is Dideral addictive?
Dideral is not a physically addictive, habit-forming medication.
What foods interact with Dideral?
Caffeine-containing food items and beverages when taken along with Dideral may decrease the effectiveness of the drug. It is better to avoid tea or coffee while taking Dideral.
How much does Dideral lower pulse?
The effects of oral Dideral were evaluated in 10 normal volunteers. The resting heart rate decreased from the mean control value of 68 plus or minus 3.3 (SE) to 56 plus or minus 2.8 beats per minute (bpm) on Dideral (p smaller than 0.001, paired test).
What is the antidote for Dideral?
Isoprenaline proved to be the best antidote for the treatment of Dideral intoxication antagonizing the bradycardia by 76% and the hypotension completely.
What is Dideral used for in mental health?
Dideral has been used for many years to treat high blood pressure and heart disease, and has been found useful in treating anxiety states such as social phobia and migraine.
Dideral for the Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder.
Can I Dideral if I have asthma?
Despite safety concerns, Dideral is still prescribed to some people with asthma and anxiety. Brand exposure is associated with an increased risk of asthma hospitalisation in susceptible people which appears to vary by dose and duration of exposure.
Can Dideral disturb sleep?
For a small percentage of Dideral users, this can lead to difficulties falling and staying asleep. Dideral is also linked to other sleep related issues, including nightmares and drowsiness. Like fatigue, sleep issues from Dideral are most common shortly after you start to use the medication.
Can Dideral cause permanent damage?
If it continues for a long time, the heart and arteries may not function properly. This can damage the blood vessels of the brain, heart, and kidneys, resulting in a stroke, heart failure, or kidney failure.
Does Dideral affect appetite?
Dideral does effected depression,confusion, hallucinations; liver problems—nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, tired feeling, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);
Can Dideral cause death?
We report on an 18-year-old man who ingested a massive dose of Dideral HCl in a suicide attempt. The patient was brought to the hospital in an unresponsive state within 30 minutes of ingestion. He was initially stabilized but subsequently died nine hours after the drug was ingested.
Can Dideral damage my heart?
Brand may cause heart failure in some patients. Check with your doctor right away if you are having chest pain or discomfort, dilated neck veins, extreme fatigue, irregular breathing, an irregular heartbeat, swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or lower legs, or weight gain.
Can Dideral affect my eyesight?
This Dideral can cause certain eye problems. If left untreated, this can lead to lasting eyesight loss. If eye problems happen, signs like change in eyesight or eye pain most often happen within hours to weeks of starting Dideral and hydrochlorothiazide. Call your doctor right away if you have these signs
What happens if I stop taking Dideral suddenly?
While stopping any beta-blocker may cause a mild response, abruptly stopping Dideral may lead to a withdrawal syndrome. Beta-blocker withdrawal can result in a rise in blood pressure, and in patients with heart disease, chest pain, heart attack, and even sudden death.
Is Dideral bad for my kidneys?
Dideral types of beta-blockers may reduce cardiac output and subsequently renal perfusion pressure, thereby exacerbating renal dysfunction.
Is Dideral safe during pregnancy?
Dideral has been used safely to treat a variety of conditions during pregnancy, including hypertension and pheochromocytoma in the mother, and tachyarrhythmias in both the mother and fetus. There are a number of abnormalities associated with the use of Dideral during pregnancy, but many of these may be attributable to underlying diseases. These abnormalities include some signs of beta-blockade, such as bradycardia, hypoglycemia, and respiratory depression. Other abnormalities that may be due to Dideral include intrauterine growth retardation, small placentas, polycythemia, thrombocytopenia, and hypocalcemia.
Is Dideral to safe during breastfeeding?
Dideral is not recommended for mothers who are breastfeeding because it could potentially cause the baby’s heart rate to slow down or its blood sugar to fall.
Сидерал – биологически активная добавка к пище, разработанная на основе Липофера (Lipofer), который представляет собой инновационный легкоусвояемый источник железа. Сидерал содержит пирофосфат железа в липосомах, а также витамин С и витамин В.
Липосомы – фосфолипидные микросферы, служащие для полноценного усвоения железа, которое всасывается напрямую из кишечника, не повреждая желудок и слизистую кишечника. Новая запатентованная липосомная технология позволяет избежать побочных эффектов, распространенных при приеме препаратов железа: изжоги, раздражения кишечника, расстройства стула (запор, понос), окрашивания слизистой оболочки ротовой полости и эмали зубов.
Железо – это минерал, необходимый для синтеза белка гемоглобина, который содержится внутри красных кровяных телец (эритроцитов) и является основным переносчиком кислорода во все клетки человеческого организма.
Железо также присутствует в миоглобине и дыхательных ферментах.
Нехватка железа приводит к развитию железодефицитной анемии, вызванной недостатком гемоглобина и снижением его содержания в эритроцитах.
Дефицит железа препятствует нормальному обогащению крови кислородом и способствует появлению таких симптомов, как усталость, апатия, тусклость волос, ломкость ногтей, сонливость, затрудненное дыхание и других.
При хронической потере железа из организма развитие железодефицитной анемии происходит тогда, когда запасы железа уже истощены и нарушен эритропоэз (процесс образования эритроцитов). Обычно этому предшествует длительный период латентного (бессимптомного) железодефицита, когда большинство лабораторных показателей остаются нормальными, а запас железа уже истощен.
Витамины обеспечивают дополнительное положительное воздействие на организм.
Витамин С обладает антиоксидантными свойствами, защищает клетки и ткани от повреждающего действия свободных радикалов, препятствует окислению жирных кислот, увеличивает усвоение железа, играет важную роль в синтезе коллагена и укреплении иммунитета, способствует активированию фолиевой кислоты.
Витамин В12 участвует в синтезе эритроцитов и повышает способность тканей к регенерации.