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mit Rumpfaufbau / with fuselage / avec fuselage / met romp
No. 002655
RC Elektro-Helikopter RTF
mit 2,4 GHz 6-Kanal Fernsteuersender
Electric RC Helicopter RTF
with 2.4-GHz 6-channel remote-control transmitter
Hélicoptère électrique RC prêt à voler
avec radiocommande de 2,4 GHz à 6 voies
RC elektro helikopter RTF
met 2,4 GHz 6-kanaal remote stuurzender
BELT-CP V2 2,4 GHz
mit Trainerhaube / with canopy / avec cabine / met trainerkap
No. 000014
Operating Instructions
Notice d´Utilisation
RC Elektro-Helikopter RTF
mit 2,4 GHz 6-Kanal Fernsteuersender
Electric RC Helicopter RTF
with 2.4-GHz 6-channel remote-control
Hélicoptère électrique RC prêt à voler
avec radiocommande de 2,4 GHz
à 6 voies
RC elektro helikopter RTF
met 2,4 GHz 6-kanaal remote
Summary of Contents for esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2,4 GHz
Specifications:1089/1089929-beltcp_v2_cx_24_ghz.pdf file (26 Jun 2023) |
Accompanying Data:
esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 Toy PDF Operating Instructions Manual (Updated: Monday 26th of June 2023 05:14:13 PM)
Rating: 4.8 (rated by 15 users)
Compatible devices: Belt CP, Hello Kitty SUV, Honey Bee King II, Movin’ Lips Mr.Potato Head, Honey Bee King II EK1H-E016, H6, EK1H-E026, E-smart EK5H-E001.
Recommended Documentation:
Text Version of Operating Instructions Manual
(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 Document (Main Content), UPD: 26 June 2023)
23, 04/10 23 Mise en service de l’émetteur Ingebruikname van de zender Allumer / arrêter l’émetteur Allumez l’émetteur en activant le commutateur de foncti- onnement. Sur l’affichage par barre DEL (6) il est possible de lire l’état de tension de l’émetteur. Dès que les voyan…
12, 04/10 12 Sicherheitshinweise Safety instructions ACHTUNG! Schalten Sie nur im Flug, aus der Mittel- bis Vollgasstellung des Gas/Pitch-He- bels in den 3D-Modus um! Halten Sie immer direkten Sichtkontakt zum Modell! Wenn Sie auf einem Modellflugplatz fliegen, beachten Sie die Auflagen und …
46, 04/10 46 Flugvorbereitung Flight preparation Eintrimmen des Helikopters Entfernen Sie sich mindestens 2 m von dem Modell, das Heck zeigt in Ihre Richtung. Bewegen Sie den Gas/Pitch-Hebel (den linken Fernsteuer- hebel) langsam nach vorne, bis das Kufenlandegestell nur noch leicht den Boden berührt. Kur…
17, esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 04/10 17 Consignes de sécurité Veiligheidsaanwijzingen que la durée de service de l’émetteur est bien plus longue que celle de l’hélicoptère. L’utilisation d’accus peut causer une diminution de la por- tée. Quand vous placez les piles dans la télécommande, nous vous re…
73, 04/10 73 No. Bezeichnung Description Maße Dimensions St. Pcs 088 Heckservohalter Tail servo control set 2 089 Heckrohr Tail boom 1 090 Halter Seitenflosse Horizontal fin set holder 1 091 Heckrotorgehäuse rechts Right tail gear holder 1 092 Heckrotorantriebswelle Tail cross shaft set 1 093 Riemenrad Belt wheel…
22, esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 04/10 22 Inbetriebnahme des Senders Getting started with the transmitter Ein-/Ausschalten des Senders Schalten Sie den Sender mit Hilfe des Funktionsschalters ein. An der LED-Balkenanzeige (6) kann jetzt der Span- nungszustand des Senders abgelesen werden. Sobald die grünen LEDs erlöschen, sollt…
esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 User Manual
esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 User Guide
esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 PDF Manual
esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 Owner’s Manuals
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Viessmann Vollmer 45131
DE: Modellbauartikel, kein Spielzeug! Vor Gebrauch die Sicherheitshinweise und Anleitung genau lesen und beachten. Dieser Artikel ist ein Modellbauartikel für anspruchsvolle Modellbauer und Sammler. Aufgrund maßstabs- und vorbildgetreuer bzw. funktionsbedingter Gestaltung sind Spitzen, Kanten und f …
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Описание: • Вертолет E-sky Belt-CP СX RTF, поставляется в полном сборе и готов к полету • 120 град. Радиоуправляемый вертолет E-sky Honey Bee V2 RTF. Пульт ДУ. R/C Heli Esky Belt CP Hueyby MrLTSkull 98,976 views · 3:46. Собранный вертолет, пульт радиоуправления и шестиканальный передатчик, сетевой адаптер и зарядка, аккумулятор емкостью 1800 mAh, инструкция. Шестигранный ключ. Инструкции. В комплекте: • Вертолет Esky 2.4 GHZ Belt-CP CX 6CH R/C • Передатчик 6 Ch • Аккумулятор 11.1V 1000 Lithium Polymer • Зарядное устройство • Инструкция • Холдер лопастей радиоуправляемого вертолета Esky Belt CP CX 2. Комплектация E-sky Belt CP CX. 6-ти канальный 2.4 ГГц. Ремень и фиксатор лопастей для транспортировки. Вертолет E-Sky Belt-CP CX. деревянные лопасти; 3. Комплектность E-sky Belt CP CX 2.4 Ghz. Радиоуправляемые вертолеты серии BELT-CP CX от компании E-Sky представляют собой модернизированную версию известного профессионального вертолета BELT CP 3D. Аккумулятор и зарядное устройство к нему; 5. Производитель. Холдер лопастей. Крепеж (стяжки, липучки).E-sky Belt-CP CX – абсолютная новинка. Спасобен выполнять фигуры 3D пилотажа. Пульт управления. Конструкция ротора гарантирует быструю реакцию и идеальную управляемость. Инструкция по Вес. Характеристики E-sky Belt CP CX. Пульт дистанционного управления на 2.4 ГГц; 4. E-sky, КНР. Аккумулятор 1800 мАч 11,1В. 670 грамм. Эта эксклюзивная модель предназначена строго для полётов на открытой местности, так как имеет внушительные размеры, сильную Покупка в один клик Что такое гироскоп? Инструкции. от vilusik вПродам запчасти e sky belt cp v2 вертолет Сообщений: 331 май 2013Вертолет E-Sky D700 3DСообщений: 4019 мар 2013Кто юзал модель вертолёта Esky Belt CP CX-450Сообщений Радиоуправляемая модель вертолёта классической схемы 450-го класса, предназначенная для полетов на улице. Инструкция. E-sky вертолет Belt CP CX 2.4G — новый вертолет с системой авторотации, предназначенный для 3D пилотажа. y
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Table of Contents for esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2:
04/10 28 Inbetriebnahme des Modells Getting started with the model (spätestens nach 360 Minuten) am Ladegerät, beginnt eine Erhaltungsladung. Sinkt die Akkuspannung durch Selbstentladung auf 4,15 V, beginnt der Ladevorgang erneut, so dass der Akku nicht tiefentladen werden kann. Der Akku darf nach dem Ladevorgang erst dann wieder verwendet werden, wenn er abgekühlt ist. Wenn der Flugakku leer ist, warten Sie mit dem nächsten Flug mindestens 10 Minuten, bis sich auch der Antrieb und die Elektr
Notice d´Utilisation Gebruiksaanwijzing Bedienungsanleitung Operating Instructions BELT-CP V2 CX 2,4 GHz mit Rumpfaufbau / with fuselage / avec fuselage / met romp No. 002655 BELT-CP V2 2,4 GHz mit Trainerhaube / with canopy / avec cabine / met trainerkap No. 000014 RC Elektro-Helikopter RTF mit 2,4 GHz 6-Kanal Fernsteuersender Electric RC Helicopter RTF with 2.4-GHz 6-channel remote-control transmitter Hélicoptère électrique RC prêt à voler avec radiocommande de 2,4 GHz à 6 voies RC elektro helikopter RTF met 2,4 GHz
04/10 29 Mise en service du modèle Ingebruikname van het model U mag de accu na het opladen pas gebruiken als hij afgekoeld is. Wanneer de vliegaccu leeg is wacht u met de volgende vlucht tenminste 10 minuten tot ook de aandrijving en de elektronica van de helikop — ter afgekoeld zijn. Anders kan het door overver — hitting tot een beschadiging van de aandrijving en de elektronica komen. Laat de accu niet op de helikopter steken wanneer u hem niet gebr
04/10 47 Préparation au vol Voorbereiding van de vlucht Trimmer l’hélicoptère Eloignez vous au moins de 2 m du modèle, la queue orien- tée dans votre direction. Actionnez le levier Gaz/Pas (le levier de commande de gauche) lentement vers l’avant, jusqu’à ce que les pa- tins d’atterrissage touchent à peine le sol. Juste avant que l’hélicoptère ne commence à s’élever, vous po
04/10 48 Flugvorbereitung Flight preparation Wenn Sie das Modell hinter Ihrem Rücken fliegen lassen, könnten Sie die Orientierung und damit die Kontrolle über den Heli verlieren. ACHTUNG! Wenn Sie nach einigen Minuten merken, dass die Motorleistung Ihres Elektrohelikopters nachlässt, so stellen Sie den Betrieb unverzüg- lich ein, lassen den Flugakku auskühlen und laden ihn dann wieder nach. Vermeiden Sie in je
04/10 2 Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung ………………………………….4 Konformitätserklärung 4 Produktbeschreibung ……………………………………………………..4 Steuerung 4 Antrieb 4 Fernsteueranlage 6 Technische Daten 6 Lieferumfang 8 Sicherheitshinweise ………………………………………………………..8 Allgemeines 8 Funkfernsteuerung 8 Vor dem Starten 1 0 Flugbetrieb 1
04/10 57 Réglages individuels Individuele instellingen Changer l’occupation des leviers de commande sur l’émetteur A la livraison de l’émetteur, les fonctions Gaz/Pas (Gas/Pitch) et Arrière se situent sur le levier de télécommande de gauche, les fonctions Nick et Roulis sur le levier de droite. En fonction de vos besoins, la localisation des fonctions Roulis et Arrière, puis des fonctions Gaz/Pas et Nick peut être inversée en actionnant les deux commutateurs DIP (30). Comme le levier
04/10 8 Produktbeschreibung Product description Lieferumfang Flugfertig aufgebauter Elektro-Helikopter 6-Kanal Fernsteuersender Lithium Polymer Flugakku Ladegerät für Flugakku (Steckernetzteil und zusätzlicher Ladeadapter / Balancer) Bedienungsanleitung Sicherheitshinweise Allgemeines Diese Sicherheitshinweise dienen nicht nur zum Schutz des Produkts, sondern auch zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit und der anderer Personen. Lesen Sie sich deshalb dieses Kapitel sehr aufmerksam dur
04/10 50 Feinabstimmung des Modells Fine tuning of the model helicopter Einstellen des Spurlaufes Für ein präzises Steuer- und Flugverhalten des Helikopters muss sichergestellt sein, dass beide Rotorblätter exakt in einer Ebene laufen. Lassen Sie den Rotor drehen, während das Modell am Bo- den steht. Betrachten Sie die Blattspitzen in Richtung der Rotations- ebene. An Hand der farbigen Markierungen an den Blattspitzen können Sie erkennen, ob sich beide Blätter am selben Umlaufpunkt in gleicher Höhe bef
04/10 32 Inbetriebnahme des Modells Getting started with the model Abnehmen der Trainerhaube Ziehen Sie dazu die beiden Gummiösen von den Haltestiften rechts und links unterhalb des Rotorkopfes. Ziehen Sie die Trainerhaube nach vorne ab. Einsetzen des Flugakkus Schieben Sie den geladenen Flugakku zwischen Landegestell und Motor in den Akkuschacht (16). Die Anschlusskabel müssen in Flugrichtung vorn nach links weisen, um verspannungsfrei mit dem
04/10 30 Inbetriebnahme des Modells Getting started with the model Reihenschaltung einzelner Zellen innerhalb eines Akkupacks beim Laden keine schädlichen Spannungsüberhöhungen von mehr als 4,2 V/Zelle auftreten können, müssen folgende elek- tronische Hilfsmittel eingesetzt werden: Verwendung eines Balancers Ein Balancer überwacht die Ladespannung jeder einzelnen Zelle (bei mehrzelligen LiPo-A
04/10 60 Wartung / Entsorgung Maintenance / disposal Hauptrotor Überprüfen Sie die Hauptrotorblätter auf Beschädigungen. Beschädigte Rotorblätter führen zu Unwucht und schlimms- tenfalls zu einem Kontrollverlust. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Rotorblätter ausgewuchtet sind. Prüfen Sie den Spurlauf. Kontrollieren Sie auch die Halteschrauben an den Rotorblät- tern. Diese dürfen nur so fest angezogen werden, dass die Rotorblätter noch in der Lage sind, sich w
Ersatzteile Spare Parts Pièces de rechange Onderdelen Pièces de rechange Onderdelen 04/10 77 000203 Trainingslandegestell Training set 000332 Steuerpaddel weiss Paddle set white 002659 Heckrohr schwarz Tail boom black 002709 Rumpf rot Fuselage red 002708 Rumpf blau Fuselage blue 002697 Landekufen schwarz Skid set black 002661 Anlenkhebel Heckservo Tail servo control push rod set 002658 Rumpfbefestigung Canopy support set 002657 Rumpfbefestigung Canopy support set 001468 Rotorblatt weiss Wooden blade white 000512 Steckernetzteil Power
04/10 19 Mise en service de l’émetteur Ingebruikname van de zender Glissez le couvercle du logement pour piles dans ses rails et poussez le jusqu’à ce qu’il s’encliquète (3). Recharger les accus dans l’émetteur L’émetteur est équipé d’une douille de charge pour charger les accus insérés (4). ATTENTION! Le bloc d’alimentation contenu dans la livraison N’est PAS adapté pour rechar — ger les accus dans l’émet
04/10 68 No. Bezeichnung Description Maße Dimensions St. Pcs 044 Verbindungsstift Rotorblatt Cross shaft 4 045 Paddelstangenbefestigung Paddle fixed shaft 2 046 Paddel Paddle 2 047 Rotorkopfabdeckung Rotor head cover 1 048 Kreuzschlitzschraube Cruciform slotted screw M2x4 2 049 Kabinenhalter Canopy supporter 2 050 Chassis rechts Right frame 1 051 Kreuzschlitzschraube Cross recess head screw ST2x6 8 052 Taumelscheibenführung Cross guide board 1 053 E-Ring E shape clasper
04/10 34 Inbetriebnahme des Modells Getting started with the model Wenn sich das Heck absenkt, verschieben Sie den Flugakku nach vorne, um den Schwerpunkt einzustellen. Sichern Sie den Flugakku, wenn Sie die optimale Schwer- punktlage ermittelt haben. Seitliches Ausbalancieren Unterstützen Sie den Helikopter am Ende des Heckausle- gers und so weit wie möglich vorne, an der Längsachse. Der Heli darf nicht nach einer Seite kippen, egal in welcher Position sich die Hauptrotorblätter befin
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You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of esky BELT-CP V2 CX 2 device using right now.
HELICOPTER SYSTEM 2.946 000014 55 Ва Вст В 6 25 Е) о В Е Я, 18 4 X fx 6e & À À. Note: Different versions, different equipment! INSTRUCTION I Spceification: length: Height: 650mm 230mm Main blade diameter: 680mm Tail blade diameter: 130mm Motor gear: 101 Main driven gear: 140T Tail driven gear: 110T Gearrate: 14:1:5 Weight: About670g(Including Battery) Asscmblage component: Motor: 450 brushless motor ESC: 25A Gyro: head lock gyro Servo: digital servo*4Pcs Transmitter: 6-channel or above 6channel(helicopter system) Rcceiver: 6-channel or above 6channel Battery: Li-poly Battery 1800mAH,11.1V,20C MNAE EL: WE: nes: ЕЛЕ fe: FEE В 1: OA 5%: E ADE: FEA) Ev: LEE: ENE: AEX MI: ix: TER: PERAL: (a) AR 25: 25: 12 TH: FE ith: 650mm 230mm 680mm 130mm 10T 140T 110T 14:1:5 ZA] 670(=1800mAH,11.1VEE EB ith) 450 FC ix 25A DUE PEARY MEAR 35 "4 GIBÉROBEU EHMAK) 61M ELO EL E 11.1V,1800mAh,20C1% fi $ E jth * ИНАЯ ПЖ НН М 5), E ITEM, ESKYA 28 16 PL IX. % Changes in product specifications may be effected without notice. В = Catalogue 1 ER CAO OQUÉ RAN 2 2. 8191 Brief INtfOdUCtION.....….................cssssssssssssesasrrrrarrrarananaananannaaaaaaaaa ane 3 3. Z +1 EIN safety precautions....................... ne Re scan 3 CU sian i i TA ee ABR ARE 4-5 5: Em ®E Pad chatk em msmmmnunasssss ies ahs sass 6 6. Bit AT Charging The Battery.......ccooeeeeieeeeeeee eee eee 7 7. FEEFESEIN Charging precautions...............................eeeeee e 8 8. XI TZ Introduction of Transmitter.............................. EEE 9 92 AGE SA ANI mA NN 10-11 Regulation and operating procedure of 2.4G RC System 10. B55 Hoc TRE IDEL UP SWIM. cummins smnismimsammmssisms 12 11. 78145245 Electronic components connection. 13 12. ie € TEFIY PrOCESS. . uveitis cease eset sees setae seats eee setae esate senna eae 14 13. 255k KC 11 Ma Safy molesendef Mak. pas 15 14. EHH M2 AI Blade tacking adjustment……………….…….…..….….…reees 16 15. ВЕНУ 1939 Gyro adjustment.............................. eee A 17 16. BR {FBR 25 618 Adjustment of tail servo...............................ee nee 18 17. RE ZE Belt tightness adjustment.......................e....0.0 eee 19 18. EFE 110 Basic knowledge of helicopter.................................—.—.— 20-22 19. Mao: A] Three CheckmMCe= === IN 23 20. HERE: HIEÑE Elevator Checking ......................... 0 24 21. ME: HZ Cycle pitch Checking............................ e 24 22. MINE: AlZ — Aileron Checking.......................000 0000 e 25 23. EIA: HE Rudder Checking............................ es 25 24. EME 204251 Assembly process of main rotor blade......................... 26-27 25. 37 328 4E 25 Assembly process clamp..................e....eeemece0eee 28 26. TEE = 2445 Assembly process of paddies.........................eeeeeeeeeveeees 29 27. 2220 204€ +53 Assembly process of main frame set..........................e.... 30 28. (FIAR 25284545 JR Assembly of Servo......................... 00 Re 31 29. E 14628425 Assembly of main gear set........................vvee 32 30. FEMELA A 445 Assembly process of tail boom set... 33 31. FEhE= 24525 Assembly process of tail rotor blades................................ 34-35 32. 27 AMA 425 IR Assembly process of power system.....................—...——.. 36 33. 77M ElExplosion picture......——-—-. === === weee se asa oan ee ana a cacao ae ceaaran manco NACCa 37 Bq. Fk UPA cur CE NINO 38 35. A((4EÆ]Spare parts part list...................e22.eee RI RR eee 39-42 E 7) Brief introduction ВО Е EE SKY mm, А ГНОЯ ГЕН ЛМ, FEFHB RIE BP, ARBHITHEMBREIFREAN. HIEEBZEWNREFEBPE, AUEXE HAT IAE NÉE FES 5. IREFAVEZHESKYB ITH ARC Mm, ANNÉE Ag Ta FE AIR. Thank you for choosing ESKYproducts. Please read the manual carefully before assembling and operating the helicopter. Be sure to keep the manual properly for future reference of adjustment or maintenance. This helicopter is a new product designed and developed by ESKY. It would be your best choice, no matter you Z ¡12 2 safety notes ETRE REMA! | It” s not a toy! ERRE, DA. ENAS-— EMI, ~~ й =) ERITREA ERR SHB ER ERE, А С`- EE LERBRARA BOR TEER, AAA TL tw) SAHNE! - Arm EXER. METAL, RIEBEF-EMEZEAIIRE. BEZE, SWEATER RENEFAN LRFEH, ROA TRF REKEN SEN EINFERTIEMNAE MIME. BRERA SHEETS, REMFE. KEE KIT. BRE, ENTRÉ SIE MED Se, X BRTESHFACE, FERERMEFTHURER RITES, NE ARETE ESBAGSIEERE, AATF LEHI LR FRHFITREN ERMA © R/C helicopters, including the ESKY Helicopter are not toys. R/C helicopters utilize various high-tech products and technologies to provide superior performance. The rotating blades on the model spin at high speed and can cause potential risk or injury if used improperly. It is mandatory that you observe all R/C safety rules and adhere to local laws as applicable. We recommend that you contact your local hobby store and inquire about safety rules, regulations and local laws and statutes regarding R/C model operation in your area. Please make sure to be conscious of your own personal safety and the safety of others and your environment when operating all ESKY products. When used properly, ESKY R/C products will provide years of R/C entertainment. We recommend that you obtain the assistance of an experienced pilot before attempting to fly our products for the first time. A local expert is the best way to properly assemble ,set up, and fly your model for first time. The HONEYBEE KING3 requires a certain degree of skill to operate, and is a consumer item. Any damage or dissatisfaction as a result of accidents of modifications are not coved by any warrantee and can not be returned for repair or replacement. Please contact our distributors for free technical consultation and parts at discounted rates when you experience problems during operation or maintenance. It is not the policy or practice of ESKY HOBBY to exchange or return parts after the package has been opened. In case you discover any parts that might be defective or missing, please contact the retailer who sold you the product. Get their signature on your Customer's Card and contact ESKY HOBBY with a description of the problem parts. E E warning 5 —= REF SAR AMA Emi, ART ARA ah ALE MRR! The sign indicates the important matter that you and others should Wat rni in gs pay attention to specially, for avoiding any of accident and damage. и + ry zk IS RR EEE ARZT NA IEMEZ RA META | ws The sign indicates the unallowed actions that may cause incident or Prohibition | damage. | ЖЕ ERA NENA | It” s not a toy! Warning Model are not toys! — fo ERE NENA, Creta AZ HL, ALAS A | Co. =) HERI. ВАННЫ РНЕ МЫ КИНА не. E thE RIE 1 RG Incorrect operation may cause serious injury or damage! Not suitable for the player under 14 years. The helicopter should not be operated by Children. 44 E TES EBL! Prohibition EER A AS IE REA GE BAIE HE, Tht BE ВОЕН, IESEMA, MZ 300 ENE A Do not fly the helicopter near roads, railways or ascetical lines. O 2% IF ZAR! Prohibition || Keep away from persons 4 KEEP CUTE E AMES AJES, ESF EN, {В EL HERAS EEN, ЯК АГ ВЕ оо Е 62, РТ АЗЫ В ЗЕЕ ТЕ ЛО ВЕКА 25 НО НВ X ET! During the operation of the helicopter, the main rotor and tail rotor will be spinning at a an rate of speed. The blades are capable of inflicting series bodily injury and damage to environment. Be conscious of your actions, and careful to keep your face, eyes, hands, and loose clothing away from the blades. Always fly the model a safe distance from yourself and others, as well as surrounding objects. Never take e eyes off the model or leave it unattended while it is turned on. Immediately turn off the model and transmitter when you have landed the model. Keep away from high voltage cable. IA Z | E | FERNANDA, ETA ETS |! Prohibition || Do not fly near house, trees and crowd. обе TRIE XITHRIDEE AGE, REMFLEAEERX. HK. ERY MIT KIT, 19 A REE MIE PTE AE mp0 71 ABE! R/C helicopter fly at high speed. Thus posing a certain degree of potential danger. Choose an appropriate flying site consisting of flat, smooth ground, a clear open field, or a large open room, such as gymnasium or warehouse without obstacles. Do not fly near buildings, high voltage cables, or trees to oo ooo a a pong ссора oo daa li Poca Y о 19 во |-- ensure the safety of yourself, others, and your model. = y or y = y В яр. Ds ME | 597 NE €47 Do not operate or 7 e Prohibition || eXpose to rain or moisture weather. ~~ ERBEN AH IFA, FER TELE BEIT, FEARS TB SR To HB RG TH. AL | и R/C models are composed of many precision electrical components it is critical to keep model and associated equipment away from moisture and other contaminants. The introduction or exposure to water or moisture in any foam can cause the model to malfunction resulting in loss of use, or crash.. 4 E 5 warning | #1 | Re VE Prohibition || Do not touch any parts of helicopter when the main blades on rotating. | gy SEAN AMAIA, PER. EMI, Bi, a. — 4 RA HANSEN, Enz RP AE FIRE. During the operation of the helicopter, the main rotor and tail rotor will be spinning at a high rate of speed. The blades are capable of inflicting series bodily injury and damage to environment. ES | EEE! Warning || Keep away from heat BEER AZ UPVCHBEZ HAT EME, EREABME, BREST | He FN im 28 ВХ, 35 ЛАВКА АЕ ТЕ ЗЫ ВЛ 3х | R/C models are composed of many precision electrical components. And frame made up various forms of plastic. Make sure not store the model Ses near any source of heat such as an oven, or heater. It is best to store the model indoors, in a climate-controlled, room temperature environment. Warning || Do not fly the helicopter without experienced pilot if you are first time flying model. EERE REE —ERME, MEREREIERRIE, EXERT HAITI, IE AAN TREE, AJA DIFS A SERIA =! We recommend that you obtain the assistance of an experienced pilot | e J before attempting to fly our products for the first time. A local expert is the best way to properly assemble ,set up, and fly your model for first time. EL | EE EREA UTE FE! Warning || Please have more practice with our simulator or training set. TENES AAA, BATA FREE KEEN, MIFE то М ВН НО AJ, TARA MES FUERA JNE (> NM) , ANAL ELENA IAA In order to prevent the damage of crash, please be sure that you have enough practice and read all cautionary items, and confirm that the model can be operated safety. Please enjoy operating your model responsibly. NAY SHE Part check TAREA, AARMENSWMESTE, CAMPERA, SENASA A, NATA IMA (CEE ETAGE. Please confirm that all parts are included as listed on the parts list before starting. In case you discover any parts that might be defective or missing, please contact the retailer who sold you the product 000014 NZ ELUI4RTF Contents 1. ÉFHHLAMEX 1 6. ЕЯ тр X 1 Belt-cp x 1 Bettery band x 1 2. ESKYAThROIB IBER Хх 1 7. 1. 5V/AA FB: X 4 ESKY new version of 6 channel transmitter X 1 1.5V/ "AA" Battery x 4 3. AC110/220V4DC12V3 Æ 88 X 1 8. 11. 1V/1500mAhtE 2 5 Fe ¿th X | Switching adapter x 1 11.1V 1500mAh 20C Li-poly battery x1 4. DCI2VÉ Bt №5 3k X 1 9. 8 2 THRE XI DC12V crocodile clip of storage battery x 1 Mounting Accessories, Screwdriver & Wrench Set x 1 о. 203SFERE BT OIE FE FE REX 10. (EPIA FE XI Balancer charger for 2-3 cells li-poly battery x 1 Manual x 1 Bit BY FEB AX Charging The Battery 1 EFBIFEREAR Battery charging method DC12VÉ Bit Ai fs À SE NUEZ DC12V crocodile clip extra order is required of storage battery 2х РАСТ 10/220} BE DC12VE Ha jth Z= FADC12VE Fh LIF FE AC110/220V switching adapter DC 12V storage battery DC 12V USB-CIG 2. ER HAY FT BNF The charging step of Li-poly battery 2. Ромег Power light BF RSA , ESC Connetor A. 2. Charger kT AH charge indicator | flash = ; LENTE a BE те | Connect the battery to the arge connetor balance connector on the charger 1. JBADIVEDE — Connect power supply 1.457€ E5512VEBREE, PowekT5 FE ith FE RER =F LT AT, ET BEE, Battery oh charging Connect the charger with power supply, the power light As of should now be bright red, and the charger indicator light 2 | TA should be off. Which indicates the power connection is charge iniicalor flash correct. 2.EMELEMT, AENA EL Hifi. - _5:h000_ : LT ПРЕ Always use the charge and balance connector on the da os battery when charging, do not use the discharge =— = connector to charge the battery! 3.18 SEAL, LXE Charger КВА, ЖИВ. Connect the battery to the balance connector on the charger. The charge indicator light will turn to green, indicating that the battery is on charging. 4.39 В EA, Charger Ak, ATS ARE, ZT. When the battery is fully charged, the charge indicator light will turn flash to steady. Remove the battery from the charger at this time and disconnect the charger from its power source. #1 E Power XTTE ZE Power light bright steady “EEE Charging perecautions 1. LE SEICI2VER, #1 Роме В ЯНКИ RARE, RTEEAR, BE 12VEIFERIER OIE, RENTES, BENE Wi After connected with power supply, then the power light should be bright red, otherwise, it indicates that power connection goes wrong, please reconnected until the power light bright red. ‚SEHE ERA, MRE HPower EXT 54 HIChar gentE TXT [E] ASADORES) ih, Mr Aa, HS. After connected with power supply, if the power light and charge indicator light flash simultaneously. It indicates something wrong with battery, please check the battery's condition. JE LA Hb A AN RER E WIChar ger 3ERXI 25 (821 6 APower ER KITE AA AJA, MNAE MIA, | EX IEDV12VE JE 23 —5 A ENEE. After connected with power supply, if the charge indicator light off and the power light flashing, it indicates that the charger is under protection process. Please disconnect the DV12V power supply and reconnect again after 3-5 seconds. . AEB TEM ARE AChargen TE, MRENIZERE AA, ZAS AZ) Ma, AMES ERE VE, RARAMENTE, E : ` о ‘ == #9 — Хол, LEE AE. When the battery is full charged, the charge indicator light will turn steady green. The battery will self discharge if the battery not disconnect from the charger. The charger will restart to charge the battery when the single cell's voltage is lower than 4.15V. this process will repeat and repeat if still connect the battery with charger after its full charged. IBRERSYEANEAN LIF TRBREITRE, ROLLER CARE |! Do not charge on a carpet, cluttered workbench, paper, plastic, vinyl, leather, wood, and inside an R/C model. ACERA Mi EN SABER EEN, ТЕ ВХ 22 МАЙ Аа © Do not charge the battery under the sunshine, near the heat and combustibles Materials. ‚ATEM, RÍE MJESKY/R] В Аа НО 7Ь 85, (EA>KIS 1 RAAIZE ES 1A] BEF ELFEN. zZ! Only use ESKY original Li-poly charger, never use unknown charger to avoid the damage or burn. ER SMEB REBT, VMBANESIA, EA “ENZAR, LF, Nu RIK FR EIR, BI Py ARERZIMR, В АК К вай К BRINK, HATE AE Do not leave that charger and battery unattended while charging. Disconnect the battery and remove input power from the charger immediately if either becomes hot! And move them to a fireproof location. However it is normal for the charger and battery to get warm. % EN TZ Introduction of Transmitter PERAL ENTE FA GYRO.SW El EA IDEL ВЕЕР ТТ АЕ (РА У HOV.PIT FEERGE (HIT) Elevator trimmer(mode 1) ЖА) (F132) Throttle trimmer(mode 2) | HIER FT AREA CEL) | Elevator(mode 1)/rudder stick ЖИ] & 75 19) Неее СВ 5К2) Throttle(mode 2)/rudder stick E" r ESHY HOBSY Ke Antenna LEDER LED Voltage indicator MAA Trainer switch Ch5 Gyro gain ET DARLE CIT Throttle trimmer(mode 1) HABEN CITC2) Elevator trimmer(mode 2) i a 3. Ra RENE CENA) . Throttle(mode 1)/Aileron stick HPER ENSERES CEITL2) Elevator(mode 2)/Aileron stick 7 [0] ÑE 1018 oT BTE! = FOSTER Rudder trimmer adic = en] SE 11 Aileron trimmer f=) AR ES 16) E 7 SE FF 2 E 477 ALA Servo reversing switches MIE, ln Model € Mode? difference ES TR Sli nf eve PSE des Г ESHY HOBZY FL Charge Push the power switch to the upper position to turn on the power. LR EX IE IX FL Trainer Plug BF Handle Fa E va i FETO > Battery cover 2.4GE AMA LIE A Regulation and operating procedure of 2.4G RC System U ZWESMF EAU, A A Ma. Binding for RC System of each model has been completed in factory, without needing to debug again. ESTHER: Normal operation manifested as below: УТУ Зе НБ, НЗ) АЛ 2. 4615 БВ АЛИК, ТАКИ тет ESHA A AE MADAME, SH 152. AGXKASIE TXT EIA ENT 4 XA E AA BiB AOS — RA, METAS —2. 4606 5187XT AKA (EX, RTC ME BEM ALU ET. Power on the transmitter, the indicator of 2.4G transmitter will twinkle for 3 seconds, which indicates that transmitter is sending code binding information. After 3 seconds, the twinkling 2.4G transmitter Indicator becomes solid, indicating that sending the channel data; Then connect the receiver or 4 in 1 mix controller, observe the receiver or 4 in 1 mix controller, 2.4G transmitter indicator twinkles two times and gets solid, which indicates that the reception of the channel data is successful and are ready to fly. FAA, EEE, EU EOS — 155SIERKTIANAR AR LANE ZT AM LIE, TEA. Turn on the transmitter and power on the helicopter. LED indicator of receiver or 4 in 1 mix controller go out after twinkling two times, indicating that binding is failing and need to unbind firstly and rebind. 1. UNÍA): A3 How to unbind? SIRIA] | БОННЕ Sas SHH], EERIE EIR, State indicator Bind keystoke ERAT SiR BEF KX Eiri 1-277, EEUTANLEDAT = [RIK [AHR AS LE ет METER CNAE) . Turn off the transmitter, Connecting the battery to receiver, Press the bind keystoke for 1 or 2 seconds LED indicator of Receiver will twinkle constantly, which indicates that unbinding has completed. (As shown in the right picture) 2. EH mAH x] 5 Rebind EMANADOS — E, ABE AOS — BR, ESTO ERIEMINE ENS, ZETA EE, EHS SHE RAT BIRT hi А, ARE, RR. GEB: RSH REETF ESHER ЖЕ, WRIPEEKHIEE RINE, EEFITHFESNEE. ) Firstly disconnect the receiver and 4 in 1 mix controller, then connect the receiver or 4 in 1 mix controller to the power, the state indicator twinkles slowly, which indicates that receiver is receiving signal. Then Power on the transmitter, if the indicator of RX display from slow twinkling to rapid twinkling, then solid, which indicate the binding is successful.(Note: transmitter just will transmit code in first 3 seconds, if receiver can not receive code within 3 seconds, please turn on the transmitter again.) 10 “TE EJ Remarks: 1. FAZ BA AZ 5TH 5 S18 TR XTER39 PARDO 7) 46692 AE, ADA RIETATIEZ CES: Eid, MEN — EA, ART HAN DA) > Power on the transmitter, indicator twinkles 50times within 3 seconds of binding period, the indicator get solid after the binding.(Please note that in the process of binding, first connect the receiver or 4 in 1 Mix controller before powering on the transmitter) 2. ТЕ Ян ОХА A AI, ENANA — AMES TATIANA BRIER. If binding is not successful, the indicator of receiver or 4 in 1 mix controller will twinkle two times then go out. 3. F&F Zea NOME. MES AENA, RADA, Alo oh 7 m HARE, PTU ARÉE HE — mE AZ. Since different manufacturers have different frequency band, channel and different coding and decoding method, so different products are incompatible, all RC system should be under the original trademark. 4. EP ATEN IAS ENS ASA EDRITA + Do turn on the transmitter once again in each binding. 14 HR H XD RÉ IDEL UP Switch ESKY GEA AM AER NEAR EZ, TAX, SAA NU HE FF ATARI. The ESKY 6channel transmitter included with your Belt-cp к features a Flight Mode switch. This switch TFBAR IA A IDEL UP / ON === - =. allows the pilot to toggle between the “Normal” and ™ aerobatic /Idle Up™ (1) flight modes during flight. — RRR TV — A&E Normal (IDEL UP / OFF) — BR, AITRETFRRESETME, EEER%. When the Flight Mode switch is toggled toward the rear of the transmitter (position 0), the Belt-cp will be in the Normal (NORM) flight mode. In this flight mode, the throttle curve is linear from 0% to 100%, with a pitch range of approximately O degrees (50%) to +7 degrees (100%). This is the preferred flight mode for general hovering and basic (non-aerobatic) flight. ¡A & Throttle Curve LE ES A e ON ; 100% i +7” eee fraaaaaaa aa] 50% pF eed 0 0% T JÉE HEAT 5 ES HEAT = Bottom throttle rocker high Bottom throttle rocker high HI Normal (IDEL UP / ON) REX, ARMES RS SRE 100), HA O-TEIERE, ATHUTE CEH. When the Flight Mode switch is toggled toward the front of the transmitter, the 3D helicopter will be in the aerobatic /Idle Up (aerobatic) flight mode. In this flight mode, the throttle curve is" V "shaped from 100% to 100% with throttle Stick at bottom-up, with a pitch range of -7 (0%) to +7 degrees(100%). This is the preferred flight mode for most Forward/backward, aerobatic and 3D flying. SAT] AE Throttle Curve 17 76 A 2 Pitch Curve 100% ' +7° ee Manaannnencen 150 SE a 0% ' -7° 1H 1] #2 #T = JE ЖЖ = A Bottom throttle rocker high Bottom throttle rocker hi 12 В FR 55H 7 Electronic components connection CARD e 1 AA BN RAH [email protected] reall : = “ ji CH® AIL AH FH IS) BEA ‹ ы A ) „PO a Xl 3% e Y ER Brushless Motor > ‚A SS Ч J SH © E »” A HEN <= Receiver E eo a Tc 1 28 Electronic speed “CH” AM EBEN controller “CH” means the channel on the receiver EICHE Recveiver connection 54% BRL + FR Ek — Semaphore Power” +” Power” -” CH6-— 58) (PIT) CH5-— ИЕРОНИМ E FH (For Head lock Gyro) CH4—— PERZ1U (Gyro) CH3-— RIRE Brushless speed controller) СН2—— ГБ У 19) в СЕКЕУ Ch-— ВБ ВА) В на (AIL) NENA AE Gyro connection EX (CAES) CHS Gyro gain E de JAY РР ura AE 3 77 E) NE ÍA) BR 65164 АЕ Rudder servo pulg ERY Feeding CÉIE4) CH4 Rudder Channel 13 XT EFly process вы 4 "= = BREET RABE TEL, КРОВИ ЛЕ. RUBE. an EE. Remove the canopy and slide the Use Double Faced Adhesive Tape to Please fix the antenna of receiver with battery into the front of the battery hold the battery into the tray. frame like above picture. tray as show above. mi 2 Mode? | pe ri - e ]‘hı FAR, AI SAN, FALK. Turn on the transmitter using the throttle stick as above. Ensure that throttle stick and trimmer on the bottom, and the other stick and trimmer should be located at center. 6 RATE MONTE, TRA, PERLA E LJ, DAX HBi.Bi.Bi. BEE, НОВ ЗА Ж[5) Е. VENIDAS, za AT FIRE | Please refer to the above the pitch curve setting Power on the helicopter, the motor will tong with Bi should be centered, the IDEL UP switch should Bi Bi, which indicates ready to fly. be off and the gyro switch should be up. 14 m | A ДИ y A BAER The direction of steering gear returns to the neutral point DR AE E UE Aa JH rE Ba M NES IA HE mk AE Rh 7 [0] fa) ARERR EARLE ZF A a] BE) FH! LEDIA A B= LED twinkles and then No-flashing E RODA IA SR | Gyro Initialization, Response Test and Adjustment Your Belt-cp model is equipped with an ESKY 0704B Micro Heading Lock Gyro. This gyro offers an e xcellent blend of size, weight, features and performance. Initialization and Response Test The following checklist includes the steps you must follow to ensure proper initialization and operation of the gyro: After connecting the flight battery to the ESC, be sure that you do not move or sway the helicopter. Allow it to remain motionless until the red LED on the gyro illuminates solidly, indicating that the gyro has initialized properly and is ready for use. Note: It is extremely important that you do not move or sway the helicopter after powering it on and before the gyro initializes. The gyro must be allowed adequate time to record the neutral position in order to initialize for proper Operation. If you accidentally move the helicopter after powering it on and before the gyro initializes, power the helicopter off (by disconnecting the flight battery from the ESC) then repeat the process to power the helicopter on and to initialize the gyro properly. Before making your first flight, it will be necessary to confirm that the gyro is responding properly to the movements of the helicopter and providing proper inputs to the tail servo in order to counteract any unwanted changes in yaw. To do this, view the servo arm (from the top of the servo) and note the direction the arm rotates when you give a right rudder input on the transmitter (while the model remains motionless). In the case of the servo installed on your Belt-cp model, the servo arm should rotate toward the front of the helicopter. Then, yaw the nose of the helicopter quickly to the left, while again noting the direction the tail servo arm rotates. The arm should rotate in the same direction as it did for a right rudder command (toward the front of the helicopter). If the servo arm rotates in the opposite direction, switch the position of the Reverse switch located on the side of the gyro. The switch should be set to the Normal (NOR) position. Then, repeat the steps above to confirm that the gyro is now providing proper inputs to the tail servo. ER KITE EE Safty notes end of flight Step 1 Step 2 ESKY HOBBY 25: 6-CHANNEL = - ВТР а УСМ EA XH RSH EE EX Ch REO Disconnect battery Turn off the transmitter Take out the battery 15 HAH XZ 898% Blade tacking adjustment Caution: Be sure to maintain a safe distance from the Leo (1015 feet) when tracking the main rotor ades. EAN EÑRARME, 4AXLIMENAEZ ANAL RAMAS, ARE DER EA CATE — YA E, AEREAS. —E HAINE, ÉHMASHAH ÉLUS. ERP—-XZ ТЕ ЛЕВЕЛА ЖЕЛЕ Ао, ВЕ WER Е ЛЕВЕЛ. Blade tracking is a critical element to the flight performance of just about any helicopter, including the honeybee king3. Main rotor blades that are out of track may cause vibration, instability, and loss of power due to increased drag. Although the main rotor blades of each honeybee king3 model are tracked at the factory, minor adjustments to blade tracking may be required after blade changes, linkage adjustments or repairs. The main rotor blades have been brought up to speed, note which blade is running low and which blade is running high (by the colored tracking tape) as shown as left picture. Teis colored tracking tape pu VEE CEM Adjust the long ot linkag PA E E + fa) — 9176 E 8% 7T A Two main rotors are adjusted on the same trajectory _ a EERE, URFICSHERERELT HER — in. KARA, SM TA, À ТВ 5 НОЗЕ ЛЕВ НЕРВ A), ADELE, FR РИМЕ ТЦ. After confirming which blade is running low and which blade is running high, power down the helicopter in order to make any necessary adjustments to the linkages. You can increase the pitch of the low blade by shortening the ™ mixing arm to inner swashplate linkage.” This is accomplished by turning one of the Ball Link ends in by one-half to one full turn at a time. Or, you can decrease the pitch of the high blade by | engthening the same linkage. iR ICs EEK, Met AS YA AU LEITER INA, EAT EAR CH RT KETTE ЛИН Я). НР NIE —E, BEA, HEIE MER AUX [8] — 2% E NL. Note: The blade you choose to raise or lower when making tracking adjustments will depend on the pitch of each blade. Because both rotor blades should be as close to 0 degrees as possible when Throttle Hold is activated (DO NOT attempt to check for O pitch in the Normal or Stunt/IdleUp flight modes) and the throttle/collective stick is in the middle position, you can easily identify which rotor blade to adjust. If one blade is " lower “ than O degrees, raise it to match the other blade. If one blade is " higher “ than O degrees, lower it to match the other blade. ХУЖЕ СЕ РЕНО ТЕЛЕ, ОТЕЛЕЙ ЕВЕ BIE — EL, SANA TEENS MRE A, URBE AN ==, Mb] В Ява 9 2 EEE BYE, PERICAAIE DI MICItiE E Ho Typically, not much adjustment should be necessary to properly track the main rotor blades. If significant adjustments are required, be sure to double-check the length of both mixing arm to inner swashplate linkages ( they should be close to the same length). You should also check the blades for any warps or twists. In most cases, you should be able to get both blades tracking perfectly in the same plane. However, due to slight variations in the ball links and threaded linkage rods/pushrods it may not always be possible to achieve absolutely perfect blade tracking. Don't worry, as the helicopter should still perform well as long as the blade tracking is adjusted as closely as possible. 16 PER 91 Gyro adjustment AN ETS ECAJ PERRI Z2ESKY EATIÉ H AISE NCAA, EAfAS MRAIA CDE REFUR, FAR AE, JEMEN, KEINE. Your BELT-CP model is equipped with an ESKY new version of Micro Heading Lock Gyro. This gyro offers an excellent blend of heading lock, normal and gain adjustment. EX 7% E a] JE AA AL: Adjustable knob as below: Limit: JAZ A Act BYEZ TERR Limited: rudder trim Delay:18 EE 16 1E 115 4997 FE Delay: sign trim NOR/REV: 3% BE M2 4 18 1E 7 [0] NOR/REV: direction reverse WM E= TIRE BENET, RIESTEM KE! The above three functions have been adjusted and tested correctly at factory, please do not change any thing if not necessary. PERRA IE EEE x Direction Reversing MEAN KA BINNER ITEMS, 2 bEZ1NUMEIEZF [6 ER, 1545/01 AJNOR/REVIF 116 BN AJ. It indicates that the direction reverse if the helicopter always turn around the ground after you power up the helicopter. please check the NOR/REV switch and change it to the other side, until your helicopter flight properly. NOR/REV MIER HERE AXE IAA УЕ ЛО ВЕЛЕЛ E E ue Gain Down(-) Gain Down(+) ENE EER, AREfkd | SEA FH О ЛЕЛЕЖС Я, MEERE, Zr | AA MET, MARIAH FERNSEH, ¡SIE | LEN, MEEILMICiaE ME {PEAR ELE - LM, AR BEATS IE A ZH = = 164 - It indicates that need to decrease Rk, TRIBE. the gain of gyro if your helicopter's || |t indicates that need to increase mate à tail always wobbling left-right the gain of gyro if your helicopter ESKYATAROIBIB1é15 65, FIFA LF | violently when hovering. can not located with your direction MESH AJ E TEE18 9028 al 7D PE EL E after you operated the rudder stick. Gain trimmer: ESKY new version of 6channel transmitter offers a Gain Adjustment feature with the gain trim on the right shoulder as shown above picture. This gain trimmer allows you to adjusting gain values directly. 17 Æ 7) AR 25 BY A EE Adjustment of tail servo Нал БВК. EEE, в 5 MR A RÉ SIC AV (O) —1Uhets. AIUASFLUIT AE ix, RER HERE, ENEE Rr HUET IT. SEAT RSH, BREAN НОВ. 7 R18 ASHLEY 77 BREF FRA EB (EB) RIFE FPR =F EERSES ER (2), 52 6727)/€ falAR 25 [E] 7E PA HIER, FREEEBIES (KAEEHmAI3/14) (3), ERFERFFIZBRIFIOELA (B4) As the helicopter is high precision model, several circumstances may cause the helicopter rotates toward left or right, you can debug as below: Please disconnect brushless motor and ESC In orde to avoid accident, turn on the transmitter and power on the helicopters. Then set rudder stick and trim centered (picture), keep tail servo link rod and tail tube vertical (picture2), then adjust the tail servo mount and the distance to tail blade shaft (approximately in 1/3 position of the cross shaft)(picture3),make the tail servo and servo horn ata 90° angle of attack(picture4) AFH] Right hand throttle | LT J RSF - 10 НВ Set the rudder stick ATTE in the center x À [6144 4 Æ FF Put the rudder trim in the center M ESKY HOBZY #2 FLG2 #3 FLG3 [#4 FLG4 18 Rn EAE Belt tightness adjustment ER KE HE AMERES, ВЕ ОГ ВЕЖЫНХ ЗОВ FTIR, EB AJR RE FIRENIEMK MEAN CEPA: HEMER, ARE, HZ EERTHNEE, AHA, ESA. AZENEMAES HZ EN 2R-E APRO RL When taking off, the helicopter may occur that it can't lock the tail well. Besides the reason for unlocked well gyro, the other reason is that the belt has been loose. Adjustment method as above: Loose the nail of locking the tail tube of main frame, then pull the tube into the tail. At the same time, please attention to the degree of tightness. No more loose or tight. On top of not loosing the tail tube, lock the four nails of the main frame. 19 EHH 844110 Basic knowledge of helicopter EAN ERE, HXAFERD, MIFEIZ DEJENERS ESE) —AÉ. FREER FEDERER ANAIS E, ES RE 1845. 7 EXA) AE) —EEZit BX REE AMENMENRAE. AEREA EME EME A, MEA UTE ZU A, A FOME E MAUR, FAXE MIA AER, HEHRKET RED. Helicopter fixed with a pair of main rotating blades, the main blades, generate lift when rotating, similar to the thrust force generated by the spiral propeller. The rotating main blades also introduce torque force to the fuselage to make the fuselage twist to opposite direction. Thrust force of the tail boom also should be calculated when generating this torque force. For the coaxial rotor helicopter, the two pairs of rotor blades. Spinning in opposite directions automatically counteract this torque. 1) ZEN HIRE Basic operating braking of Transmitter and Helicopter LiCETLEMENEAN, RECAM ÁTEZ AE EV, MUA 1TDMERNDE—KEA. AENA Те) ВО ЕЕ 2х (8 Я 11777 MIT Both types of helicopter with main & tail blades structure and coaxial-rotor structure have the same performance, but the transmitter has two mode based on different countries all over the world. 2) #1 (AF;H17) Mode 1(Right throttle) SHARE LÉ, EHALEA, SERENO MEE, EAN NIE. When the throttle stick is pushed forward,the When the throttle stick is pushed downward,the helicopter lifts up. helicopter descends. SEE RENO, AAN EXA, SEE REO AE, AAN KAI. When the aileron stick is moved to the left, When the aileron stick is moved to the right, the helicopter moves to the left. the helicopter moves to the right. 20 = HERE 0) CIEN, EA RUE. ABEREN O MEDIA, EAN EA E. When the elevator stick is pushed forward,the When the elevator stick is pushed downward,the helicopter flies forward. helicopter flies backward. LF ERIE mA HEE, EAN KE ALLE, LH ERE BAER, EAN DA, When the rudder stick is moved to the left, When the rudder stick is moved to the right, the head of helicopter moves to the left. the head of helicopter moves to the right. 3) #2 (ÆFHI]) Mode 2(Left throttle) SERES. CEA, EAN EH, SERENO PIEZA, EA TIE. When the throttle stick is pushed forward,the When the throttle stick is pushed downward,the helicopter lifts up. helicopter descends. SEE EEN OZ, EAN KO, SERENO DA, EAT EAA. When the aileron stick is moved to the left, When the aileron stick is moved to the right, the helicopter moves to the left. the helicopter moves to the right. 21 AEREOS CEA, EA ORT E. When the elevator stick is pushed forward,the helicopter flies forward. AEREO NÉEZIA, E ABLA E. When the elevator stick is pushed downward,the helicopter flies backward. 4H SES AE, ВОЛН 0745, When the rudder stick is moved to the left, the head of helicopter moves to the left. LH ERIE RAE, BAM OA, When the rudder stick is moved to the rightt, the head of helicopter moves to the right. 22 MEE E: JAN Throttle Checking 14781 272 AE C46, BF OLESEN A], FIND kL #781 Mode #2 Mode2 AA, MER ENE | A EN]! ME DR 14444 AB 1/54k, GAS RIRES, FIRE SENASA AMAS! | Servo performance checking: Put the throttle stick a little up until the main blade to spin up. Ensure that the main blade spin in clockwise. Do not put the throttle above 20%,otherwise will caused a damage or injury. DIA ARTE Motor should spin counter clockwise FEE AA] + 4% Rotor blades should Spin clockwise AAA iaa, ARA =<ia%%, MEREHAZK т 5], 1Н19 50 5 FR (ES) ZEN, KK Hm FRI, ANDA EME 7 (6). Once you have placed the helicopter in a safe area, free of obstructions, and are clear of the rotor blades, you can safely begin to power up the model to confirm proper operation and operating direction of the motor and rotor blades. Advance the throttle stick slowly, just until the motor and rotor blades begin to spin. Note the direction that the main and tail rotor blades ESC spin. The main rotor blades should spin clockwise when viewed from the top, and the tail rotor blades should spin clockwise when viewed from the right-hand side of the helicopter. If both sets of rotor blades ATV SIA AJ AGE are operating in the wrong direction, power down the helicopter, unplug Reverse the position of the flight battery, then simply reverse the position of any two motor any two motor wire lead wire lead connections to the ESC. connections to the ESC. 1 4 412€ 05 IE = 4M | Always disconnect the motor and ESC end of your flight. BRAS EX KIT, GMA NAT EIRE NIET TES, FA +5752 AE NETAS 2h DE 5 Bi RY ERE ZIL RR CERA ZREDAD , ABE DIA SINE Ao ! Always disconnect the motor and ESC when you maintain or adjust your helicopter. to avoid a damage or injury. 23 [email protected]®E: FPFEHe Elevator Checking [ES 0 MES SRV o oa Tu FAR Tee (Y ul Mode? HR: HATE CH 144€ TD) Cyclic piten Checking (IDEL UP/ON) ZEN 24 MEE: EE Aileron Checking MEEZA Swash Left/Right 25 + dE = 3k 24 4 45 E Assembly process of main rotor blade CAUTION ZE Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts,the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture. AURA ES DES EH Л) ВО АГ. MXN ARES SAA N. Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when fixing a metal part. FLPMA ERE IBERSEITI3 (RLF) Please confirm that the screw 1s fastened tightly before use. ERAT. PA ERAS. 4 > © |= + HET LEE ( M2*6mm)xd Cruciform slotted screw © 0 $4.08 3k( $4 0x3mmj)x4 4.0 Ball head “e r A S © |» + FH FLL ( ST1.7"4mm)x2 Cruciform slotted screw © ® +A EARL ST1.7*4mm)x2 Cruciform slotted screw © № M3 EFL M3x3mm)x2 M3 Kimi screw Ne 7 No. |Code No. Name Specification | Quantity] 001 | 0401 | EMP Flybar central holder 1 002 | 0429 | EMESES Center hub set 1 003 | 0446 | += MEF<L48£ Cruciform slotted screw ST1.7%3 2 004 0406 | #8 Bearing +3" 4625 4 005 0429 | $F Bolt $ 1.618.5 2 006 | 0422 | Ч # Flybar Ф2.0*220 1 007 | 0403 | BAR Kimi screw M3x3 2 008 | 0403 | НЫЙ Paddle control arm 2 009 0405 P4.05k3 4.0 Ball head 44.0 4 010 | 0405 | + FR FE4482 Cruciform slotted screw] M2*6 4 011 0430 | #8 Bearing $25 [5% 2 012 | 0406 | ПЖ Bell control arm set 2 013 | 0406 | + FIS E AE £ Cross recess head screw | ST1.7°4 2 001 HE BARE AA i, DEAN ENE 03 Assemble the flybar central holder to the center hub set firstly when assemble the bearing. (004 002 } 26 No. Code No Name Specification | Quantity 014 |0432 | MEM Forficiform arm Po 015 |0407 | ME Copper sheath $5" $6*10 016 |0432 | ATA 9E 2 innerhexagonal chess head screw M2*8 017 |0407 | BEER Center holder block 15 018 |0432 fT Bolt $ 1.5"8 019 10432 | SHE Rotor head control arm set 020 |0432 AE Copper sheath 1.5% 2.574 021 |0432 | HE Copper sheath $2.0" $3.4"1.1 022 |0431 | МЕНЕЕ ТН Swash plate fixed bolt +2.0*14 023 [0431 | MEN Swash plate 024 | 0431 FRM Ball head screw Sb 4 7.5 009 |0405 | b4.05k4 4.0 ball head 64.0 010 |0405 | + Cruciform slotted serew | М2*6 011 |0430 | SK Bearing ф2* ф5*2 025 |0538 EM Main shafts $5122 026 | 0403 = Flanged ball head $4"5 027 |0403 | FEE ESP Cruciform slotted serew | M2*8 028 |0429 | MIME Locknut M2.0 029 |0412 | HKERKEE Porlat spheriod head holder bd 030 | 0427 #1#F Push bar M1.6°45 031 0429 AA EE SA 88 dé cruciform head inner hexagon screw | M2*12 B= JM | + ROS | |5 [ | |E + | | | [5 | |= ISO | 032 |0413 | MFLHEFH#T Diplopore oval push bar A CA ÓNTA3 Apply a little T43 = AA EIA M28mm)x2 Inner hexagonal chess head screw © Ju ARA (M2*12mm) 4c. TEE TEN) chess head screw A © U $4.0 EB d$4.0x4.75mm)x2 Flanged ball head (I PAOBRIMELE( M2"3) [ P4.0x7.5mm)x4 Ball head screw © U 4 0FkL( dd 4.0x3mm)x5 Ball head screw и ANUN ¡E E Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts,the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture. MELLA ERE CERA EE ¡E 487 EN A. mid ABH AF EE FEET EE. A Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when Cruciform slotted screw fixing a metal part. © | нана BATA EEEERERNTIS (BLE) FBT ABLE M2*6mm)x5 Please confirm that the screw is fastened Cruciform slotted screw tightly before use, IERIE, EARL ALT SUE RTS, 9 _ J Г N ©) [ов FTP MZ*Bmm)x2 27 KR KIA Assembly of propeller clamp EXE (Axa Ball head push bar(short) Push bar 7 $4.0FK5( d4.0*3mm)x4 JE SEPIA Thrust ue O EH( $5" 48*0.41mm)x2 Spacer A В! 7 4.0 ball head ||| OBO + 3" + 8*3.2mm)x2 | © ak ( +3*45.5%0.55mm)x2 Step washer OBE Ф2.9° ф O ring No. Code No Name Specification | Quantity 033 |0429 | BEEZ Fixed plug 1 034 |0407 ERE Main blade clamp 2 035 |0402 | EH Spacer $5* +8*0.2 2 IT 036 10500 | ЕЯ ЖЖ Thrust bearing F3-8M 2 037 |0404 | BYE Locknut M3 2 ¡E HF x2 ( A) di. 6* 10m 038 |0429 | OR: Oring $29" $63 2 039 |0402 ER Spacer $ 3.1" $ 5.6"0.1 2 040 |0531 | SMA Step washer 13.1" 45.50.55 2 041 10402 | HE Copper sheath +3* h4*2.2 2 E 042 |0427 | EHF Screw rod M1.6*10 2 043 [0411 TK #1#F Ball head push bar(short) 4 © pu 044 |0404 Ba Cross shaft 4 + ER M2*6mm)x4 004 |0509 | #8 Bearing $3" $62.5 4 Fucker sated sew 009 |0402 | 44.053 4.0 ball head $4.0 2 010 0402 | +E FEL Cruciform slotted screw | M2*6 2 6*3mm)x2 ГВ 5 M3.OPfÈIRE x2 Locknut 009 Notice the direction of the clamp ¡EXA E [5) 034 EJES A: iE BAYER apply a little lubrication on the thrust bearing Tr Smaller bore thrust bearing HERA larger bore Ed main blade clamp | AN x 8 Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture. LN AEREAS IEEE Л) ВО АГ. MAA ee = SBE FBR. fixing a metal part, Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when MEGAN EEFEERESNTI (FL) tightly before use. tE FAA, Please confirm that the screw is fastened THER IAR EEA THIER. 28 a RA Assembly process of paddles Mo, Code No. Name Specification | Quantity 045 | 0414 ЧЕН Paddle fixed shaft 2 046 | 0414 | FRE Paddle 2 047 | 0409 MIZERE — Braking vane 1 048 |0409 + EEE Cruciform slotted screw] M2x4 2 007 |0414 | ЕЖЕЙ Kimi screw M3x3 2 ix Lis MAIT43 Apply à little amount of T43 screw glue | CAUTION I = a) __ a Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts,the redundant torque can cause HERE M224mmix2 the screw to strip or fracture. Cruciform slotted screw ALA DEERE 0 EEE SH Л ВО АГ. MARE ARES SEA UA. Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when fixing a metal part. © m a REA TE HAE ME MENTAS (HRS) — Please confirm that the screw is fastened M3 BABE M3x3mm)x2 tightly before use. Find ue ERAT. IER LES FH BARS. RS EMPFANECET Make sure both sidew are equal in length 29 #122 2H 28 45 4 Assembly process of main frame set © um © № Cruciform slotted screw © um Cruciform round screw Ne ur, + FET EFRLE( ST2*6mm)x6 Cross recess head screw + FH FERRE ST1.7"4mm)x2 + Fil E LBL ( ST1.7 *9mm)x17 / © U + 4.0 ball head © jam Cruciform round screw > E $b 4.08kk( db 4.0*3mm)x4 TER M2*6mm)x4 J ERASE. No. Code No. Name Specification | Quantity No. Code No. Name Specification | Quantity 065 |0416 | ¡BRA Skid tube strut 2 049 (0428 HAS EE Canopy supporter 2 066 [0415 | /BIR{RIPE Skid protection cannula 4 050 |0523 HI Right frame 1 067 [0416 | A Skid_gasket 4 051 |0531 += E AIR ÉL Cross recess head serew | ST2*6 6 068 |0415 | ¡BRIT Skid bar 2 052 0525 +FE SIR Cross guide board 1 069 [0416 | THE FRE Cruciform slotted screw | ST1.7*4 2 053 |0542 EZ/#H _E shape clasper $25 1 004 |0542 | 4% Bearing $3" $6*2.5 2 054 |0542 ED Tail gear cover 1 009 |0402 | P4.0Fk4 44.0 ball head $4.0 1 055 [0503 | RENE Tail belt 1 010 | 0402 | + FI8 FLERE Cruciform slotted screw | M26 1 056 |0542 BESET Tail gear 13T 1 057 |0542 | #9 Copper sheath $3" $4*9.6 1 058 |0542 RM ENEHE Tail driven gear 22T 1 059 |0542 | ¿8% Copper sheath $3 b4*3 2 060 | 0550 HR Bearing $5" $ 10"3 3 061 | 0549 ik Bearing $5 682.5 2 062 |0526 HE Control arm 1 063 |0523 | +FiEELEL Cruciform round screw | ST1.7*9 17 064 |0523 ZW Left frame 1 (051) 053) 049) ©52) (59) CAUTION ¡E В Fit on the tail boom first, them tighten the screws ENABLE FI E E Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts,the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture. 98 ЕЕ ВЛ ЛОТЕ ВЕРЕН А 35 РНЕ 8 3 4 7) ВО АТ. MANE ARE FAN. fixing a metal part, Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when META EME REE NTA3 (ETT) tightly before use. Please confirm that the screw is fastened EMR, REAR TF BRAS. 30 {5] BR 25 2H 2% # Assembly of servo No. [Code No Name Specification| Quantity ( > ( X 070 |0526 #115 Turn arm 1 J © pu 071 [0527 LEE Lshape control arm 2 072 |0527 4 Bearing $2 $5*2.5 4 PAOERE( d4.0*3mmjx4 A MEF LME £( M27mm)x1 073 losas $4 4F Push link $ 1.460 2 4.0 ball head Inner hexagonal chess head screw 074 #30128 Single control arm 9 ® Damm © Ente, 075 |0548 | #4 Pushlink Ф1.4*26 2 076 | 0508 MEHL Servo 3 + FEE SE M2 6mm)x4 P75 ft TF SLE M2*12mm)x1 077 — EE _- shape control arm 1 Cruciform slotted screw Inner hexagonal chess head screw 078 10526 Fa 7c f 80 F 55 88 Sinner hexagonal chess head screw | M2*7 1 x ий A 009 |0405 | +4.0EK3k 4.0 ball head +40 10 010 |0405 NE +7 dé Cruciform slotted screw | M2*6 10 fo 013 |0531 + F #8 Е 5) 8 £ Cross recess head screw | ST1.7"4 6 029 |0412 + ER 4 PEPorlat spheriod head holder 8 + FREE ET ELE ST1.7°4mm)x6 031 |0527 Но ANT 88 #inner hexagonal chess head screw | M2*12 2 Cross recess head screw > A TL Control arm is vertical with the servo.And for the enough distance and reactive rate the sphere head is advised to set as the chart below. Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts,the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture. ERSRIER. ATLTRAEGHESE WU e ARETES A 08 44 9 À VAR ERY 1 5 SE ES IE 24 4 BOAT ) Ti A AH ES SET OEL. —12.5~13.0mm æ : 15 Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when fixing a metal part, META EME REE NTA3 (ETT) ~~ Please confirm that the screw is fastened tightly before use. EMR, REAR TF BRAS. 31 + 5% ZA ZE Assembly of main gear set Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts, the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture. UR LL EVA BERTA DEE SEHR. MARE AREA SEA HA. Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when fixing a metal part. EE EEE REE NTA3 CELE) Мо. Code No| Name Specification Quantity 079 | 0510 НЕ- 0712 # Ш Ж Oneway bearing ф6* ф 10*12 1 080 |0534 {5% Main gear 140T 1 081 | 0534 BEE Auxiliary gear 1107 1 082 |0534 EME Oneway auto-driven shaft $5" 4821 1 083 |0538 ELIE Collar 1 084 | 0548 HI4F Push link $1.4*20 1 085 0548 SH Push link $ 1.432 1 007 |0538 Mis Kimi screw M3x3 1 028 | 0538 MEME Locknut M2.0 1 029 |0412 E ER 4 EEPorlat spheriod head holder hd 6 031 0538 E 7 ARF 8 Einner hexagonal chess head screw | M2712 1 075 0548 HIF Push link $ 1.426 1 Please confirm that the screw is fastened tightly before use. ERA, ¡EMBA SEAN FRE. © M3 SEEN MIx3mm)}x2 Kimi screw © A MEF IAE M21 2mm) Inner hexagonal chess head screw № ÿ © М2 ОБЖ ВЕ х! Locknut Е Uy a NS qi mono iL 82 i iE НО 7078 4 Apply a little lubrication lg i; q Mii EA Ural = If у AUTANT ni N ||| 7 Е ill my Е / ra Ls TT (7 т п-т = 1 HF e E y № и es " || == 7 TH == LIGA) T43 Apply a little T43 32 E YE LE - EE HE ZE 2H 2% +5 INAssembly process of tail bbom set No. [Code No, Name Specification [Quantity 086 |0528 | +FHEEXEE Cruciform round screw | M2*14 2 [rer 087 ¡0424 EHE Tail push-rod control set 2 i A 8e Drive belt illustration 088 [0421 RENEE = — = - 2 RR FRE E = dale dal TR eT 1.Check to rotate the belt 90 degrees when 089 [0423 | №® Tail boom 1 | > assembling == = i 2 Belt tension:Recommend to lightly tighten 090 |0418 EEE EE Horizontal fin set holder 1 the drive belt after assembling fit boom 091 |0528 EHE Right tail gear holder 1 to avoid vibration belt friction and rotation , slip 092 |0417 Е #8 Tail cross shaft set 1 1 SRE EHR AMO, 093 |0528 BEES Belt wheel 1 2.6 E: EA ETA AA 094 10417 | E61 Cap of belt pulley 2 HE, BRED EAST 095 [0531 #H Washer d 2* 4 5°0.5 2 096 0528 EHRE Lefttail gear holder 1 097 0531 PA fa [El inner hexagonal round head screw M3*10 1 098 10420 ER Tail rotor blade 1 004 (0509 BA Bearing +3*+6*2.5 2 063 0528 +e ESLER EE Cruciform round screw | ST1.7*9 3 = | A Aim the opening of tail boom st the convex of the case and insert BRR AEFI, JEAN] Please insert the opening of tail boom into the convex. ЕВ ОЕ ЛЕН. Л EEEFEN After assembling the tail boom, please check if it is firmly tighten, ABER. rl 1 i | = ANTE xi BE Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts,the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture. a ee gh CONE PERA STE iE HA HET]. mid Ae DA EES FEET BE. Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when fixing a metal part. BEGAN EAFREREEMNTA (FLEE) Please confirm that the screw is fastened tightly before use. ERA, AMAIA MELON ENTERAS. и © | 1H (42 $5*0.5»2 Washer e + PEF ET AANEZE( M2*14mm)x2 Inner hexagonal chess head screw a % ©) (мы [E] Sk 75 4B 2 (M3* 10mm)x1 Cruciform round screw @ fw [E+ HERE (ST1.7 *6mm)x3 Cruciform round screw 33 JE he € 28 4 4 Assembly process of tail rotor blades Mo. Code Mo. Name Specification | Quantity 099 0408 EEES Tal controlling rod head 2 4 в 4 X © Fr 100 | 0551 MK Bearing +4*b7"2.5 2 [] 101 0425 EMER Washer +2*44504| 1 PARAIT Lit ( M2*6mm)x1 102 | 0425 | ¿ME Copper sheath ф2* ф4.0*5 | 1 14.0ER3( $4.0*3mm)x4 Inner hexagonal chess head screw 103 | 0425 | REMESAS Tail rotor blade control arm 1 Eee Bano 104 0425 F175 MEH TSR 0 BE inner hexagonal chess head serew | М2*14 1 © 105 | 0420 | EREM Tail rotor blade 2 © Eo AA MEF LIZ ( M210mm)x2 106 | 0408 REIS ISA E Tail controlling bearing holder 1 + EME SM M2EmM)XA Inner hexagonal chess head screw 107 | 0508 MK Bearing $2" $63 1 Cruciform slotted screw Sueno. 108 | 0410 | IMEF SABE ner hexagonal chess head screw | M2*10 2 Sa ай © 109 | 0410 REIL Tail blade clamp 2 A INF LME LE ( M2*14mm)x 1 110 | 0409 | ЛЕЖИТ Tail blade T set 1 Inner hexagonal chess head screw i 111 0408 FETE! $= al 55 $8 ÉT shape control copper sheathj_P 3" 4 59.7 1 112 | 0408 | ETA T shape tail controlling arm 1 007 | 0409 | ЖЕ Kimi screw M3x3 1 009 | 0405 | $4.05% 4.0 ball head $4.0 4 010 | 0405 | FTP Cruciform slotted screw | M2*6 4 018 0408 HF Bolt $ 1.5"8 2 072 | 0425 Mik Bearing $2" $5*2.5 2 FA AT inner hexagonal chess head screw | M2*7 2 Ze ON | EE | Proper torque is fine when locking screw into BBE 42 b4*0.45mmx1 plastic parts, the redundant torque can cause Washer the screw to strip or fracture. WAREN EST. © № Mi XNA RES SEUR FAT. Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when fixing a metal part. WMEFAERHBEREEMNTIS (BER) Please confirm that the screw is fastened tightly before use. TEMA IERIE THRE. M3 BE KIBEE( M3x3Imm)x2 Kimi screw > 34 ( > © OU $40 E À [| +4,0*3mm}x4 4.0 ball head For the enough distance and reactive rate, The sphere head 1s advised to be set as the chart. ATRESESITESEEREE. HARTE. + ETE ARE ( M2*6mmjixa Cruciform sletted screw F8a.5-8.0mm No. Code No. Name Specification Quantity 113 0424 PIF FT 3k A E£inner hexagonal ches head screw M2°6 2 114 0541 EEE Tail sustain se 2 115 0541 В НЗ: А Connector oftail sustaining 2 116 0418 +8 EB) BE Cross recess head screw 572*8 6 117 0419 XEM Horizontal fin set 1 118 0418 AAA SP EE inner hexagonal chess head screv M216 1 119 0533 Rial Tail controlling rod 1 0533 REES Tall controlling rod head 2 EHLERS Servo control arm 1 0541 EEMBELB Connector of tail sustaining 2 0418 MEE Locknur M2.0 1 0446 + E MA CEE AE ÉS Cross recess head screw STZ*6 2 + E MATE ED £ ( ST2*6mm)x2 Cross recess head screw © um FFM EE) REE [ ST28mm)x6 Cross recess head screw Ye и SATION MTL MEL ( M2*6mm)x2 НЕ = Inner hexagonal chess head screw Proper torque is fine when locking screw into plastic parts, the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture. © Swi BRE ETERNAS EEE EN. MAR er SEB FHL. RN tn Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when Inner hexagonal chess head screw fixing a metal part. WU HASBABERERNT (BL) H Please confirm that the screw is fastened tightly before use. names x1 ocknut CERA. ARANA FEA. 35 2) 7) 7 Y 84€ + [RAssembly process of power system No. |Соде № Мате Specification | Quantity 123 0424 M75 Fa [El 3k 3B ££ inner hexagonal round head screw] M3"8 2 124 0446 P75 FHF 88 H inner hexagonal chess head screw] M316 2 125 0532 P75 TE 3k 98 ZE inner hexagonal Mat head serew| ST2.6%12 4 126 | 0532 | Е рН Cone washer ф2.6* ф5*1.2 | 4 127 | 0005 | Bi Brushless motor 450L 1 128 | 0352 Ei Motor gear 10T 1 129 | 0532 | SiAÆ Motor mount set 1 130 + Main fine 1% 037 | 0446 | БОЖЕ Locknut M3 2 a E AAA SAME M3 16mm)X1 Inner hexagonal round head screwl M3.0BHk32 E x2 Locknut N wi ( > ©) (jw A7 MEL ( M378)x2 Inner hexagonal round head screwl ORL BART EE M2.612)x4 Inner hexagonal flat head screwl J AE E XK Proper torque 1s fine when locking screw into plastic parts,the redundant torque can cause the screw to strip or fracture, MEPAZRGHIFF LET SSH. Нек” MO AN TES FER FIRE. Vo Apply a little amount of T43 screw glue when LAI {J fixing a metal part. QT cf MEL AS AIRE RER ÉIT43 (47 LE RE) Please confirm that the screw is fastened tightly before use. TERN, REAR 0h FH RUES, 36 m 9 & 5 ko <2 < с сэ Oo == O y CRB ENT VEL у e y “ : e y (an [ AN À 37 E145 Parts List | No. Quantity| | No. Code No. Name Specification Code No. Name Specification | Quantity 001 | 0401 E MEE Flybar central holder 1 067 | 0416 ВНЕ Skid gasket 4 002|0429 ЗЕ № Center hub set 1 068 | 0415 8184 Skid bar 2 003 | 0446 + FAL 88 #4 Cruciform slotted screw |ST1.7*3 2 069|0416 + FHF £88 Cruciform slotted screw] ST1.7*4 2 004|0509,0406,0542 #7 Bearing ф3* ф6*2.5 10 070| 0526 AB Turn arm 1 005 | 0429 #F Bolt $1.6'18.5 2 071] 0527 LEIA Lshape control arm 2 006 | 0422 EMBA Flybar ih 2.07220 1 072|0506,0527,0425 MK Bearing ф2* ф5*2.5 4 007|0403,0414,0409,0446 | XK 47 £ Kimi screw M3x3 6 073|0548 $747 Push link d1.4*60 2 008|0403 FRRIZH HE Paddle control arm 2 074 SIE Single control arm 2 009 | 0405,0402,0410 44.0155. & 4.0 ball head +40 26 075/0548 174 Push link $ 1.4*26 3 010|0405,0402,0410 + F8 FL 4 &Cruciform slotted screw|M2*6 26 076|0508 MEN Servo 3 011 | 0430 4% Bearing $b 2* à 5*2 6 077 — EE - shape control arm 1 012|0406 A REGIA Bell control arm set 2 078|0526,0409 A AT #inner hexagonal chess head screw M2*7 3 013|0406,0446 += 4 45 4E 5) 45 ééCross recess head scremST1.7*4 8 079/0510 HF- 0712 16 [6] $ /ROneway auto-driven shafif- + 6* $ 10*12 1 014 | 0432 BEE Forficiformarm 2 080|0534 EH Main gear 1407 1 015| 0407 ME Coppersheath $5" 46*10 1 081/0534 №] #5 # Auxiliary gear 1107 1 016 | 0432 PA A FR Socket head screw |M2*8 2 082|0534 В HAE Oneway auto-driven shaft | $5* $8*21 1 017 | 0407 Aa Ei Center holder block 1 083 | 0538 EI Collar 1 018|0432,0408 HF _ Bolt $1.5"8 4 084|0548 $47 Push link $ 1.4*20 1 019|0432 HERE Rotor head control arm set 2 085|0548 #14 Pushlink b 1.4*32 1 020| 0432 HE Copper sheath $15" 42,54 2 086 | 0528 + 5 #8 [B 3k 88 £ Cruciform round screw | M2*14 2 021 | 0432 HE Copper sheath ф2.0* Ф3.4"1.1 2 087 | 0424 E#fi#ffE EE Tail push-rod control set 2 022/0431 WARE EM Swash plate fixed bolt |4+2.0*14 1 088| 0421 ERBE Tail servo control set 2 023|0431 Mi Swashplate 1 089| 0423 RE Tail boom 1 024 | 0431 KA Ball head screw S$4*7.5 4 090|0418 EEE EE Horizontal fin set holder 1 025|0538 EM Main shaft $ 5*122 1 091 | 0528 EHE Right tail gear holder 1 026|0403 ER Flanged ball head фа*5 2 092/0417 В #8 Tail cross shaft set 1 027|0403 + FE 448 £ Cruciform slotted screw [M2*8 2 093 | 0528 BES Belt wheel 1 028|0429,0418 M5 Locknut M2.0 3 094| 0417 #47 Cap of belt pulley 2 02910412 HIS Porlat spheriod head holder |d4 18 095 | 0531 1 H Washer $2" $5"0.5 2 030| 0427 #14 Push bar M1.6*45 2 096 | 0528 REX Lefttail gear holder 1 031 |0429,0527,0446 75 FFF So E Cruciform head inner hexagon screw |M2*12 5 097 | 0531 FA 6 35 97 Sinner hexagonal round head sercw M3"10 1 032|0413 3. FL HE Mé $ 4T Diplopore oval push bar 2 098 | 0420 ER Vertical Fin Set 1 033|0429 HE Fixedplug 1 099| 0408 E #2 ENE HF Tail controlling rod head 2 034/0402 ERE Mainblade clamp 2 100| 0551 MI Bearing 4* 4 7*2.5 2 035| 0402 8H Spacer $ 5" $ 80.2 2 101| 0425 EMS Washer P2 ha 5"04| 1 036 | 0500 IEEE Thrust bearing F3-8M 2 102| 0425 ME Copper sheath ф2* ф4.0*5 1 037 | 0404,0446 Hi Locknut M3 4 103| 0425 BEBE PE Tail rotor blade control arm 1 038|0429 ОЖ O shape ring 2.9" +63 2 104| 0425 (9 #4 At F 4 4 Et inner hexagonal chess head screw M2*14 1 039| 0402 5 Washer $3.1" 4 5.6"0.1 2 105| 0420 ЕЖЕ Tail rotor blade 2 040/0531 ВМ ® Е Stepweasher 43.1 65.50.55) 2 106| 0408 Ed HAT BE Tail controlling bearing hoder 1 041|0402 SE Copper sheath PI ph 472.2 2 107| 0508 ES Bearing ih 2% 673 1 042| 0427 347 Screwrod M1.6*10 2 108| 0410 FI At F inner hexagonal chess head screw M2*10 2 043| 0411 5 Ek SHH Ball head push bar(short) 4 109| 0410 В 3 Tail blade clamp 2 044 | 0404 B® Cross shaft 4 110 | 0409 FE RE ETH EE Tail blade T set 1 045/0414 EME EE Paddlle fixed shaft 2 111 | 0408 ETE T shape control copper sheath | d 3 459.7 1 046| 0414 ESE Paddle 2 112 | 0408 ETE Tshape tail controlling arm 1 047 | 0409 EEE Braking vane 1 113 | 0424 F7 A 18 F 398 Sinner hexagonal chess head screw] M2%6 2 048 | 0409 + SF 1 E 447 £ Cruciform slotted serew |M2x4 2 114| 0541 EX Tail sustain set 2 049| 0428 #15 BE Canopy supporter 2 115| 0541 RHE LA Connector of tail sustaining 2 050/0523 EM Right frame 1 116| 0418 += 18 46 € 5) 48 # Cross recess head screw] ST2*8 6 051|0531,0446 + E 5 € A ME ££ Cross recess head screw|S T2"%6 8 117| 0419 KER Horizontal fin set 1 052 |0525 FSI Cross guide board 1 118| 0418 FA MBF SME inner hexagonal chess head screw | M2*16 1 053|0542 EX #0 E shape clasper 2.5 1 119| 0533 FE E HT Tail controlling rod 1 054|0542 Ef Tail gear cover 1 120| 0533 Fede eE AF Tail controlling rod head 2 055|0503 ER Tail belt 1 121 MEXTIE RE Servo control arm 1 056| 0542 Ef Tail gear 13T 1 122| 0541 FE e 19 24% SB Connector of tail sustaining 2 057 | 0542 19 Coppersheath $3 $4*9.6 1 123| 0424 A 7 4 El 94% ££ inner hexagonal round head screw | M3*8 2 058|0542 EA Tail driven gear 227 1 124| 0446 PI 75 £1 #8 TF 3k 98 ££ inner hexagonal chess head serew) M3“16 2 059/0542 HE Coppersheath $3" 4*3 2 125| 0532 A 7 A E LA E inner hexagonal Mat head serewl | ST2.6*10 4 060| 0550 48 Ж Bearing $5" $ 10*3 3 126| 0532 MEANÍA H Cone washer ф2.6* Ф5*1.2| 4 061 | 0549 A Bearing $5" $ 8*2.5 2 127| 0005 ZW Sik Brushless motor 450L 1 062|0526 ## Control arm 1 128| 0352 Hi Motor gear 10T 1 063|0523,0528,0446 + EEES Cruciform round screw|ST1.7*9 20 129| 0532 [email protected] Motor mount set 1 064| 0523 2 MAR Left frame 1 130 ER Мат бт 13 065|0416 ¡REX Skid tube strut 2 131 M4 Canopy 1 066/0415 HR Skid protection cannula 4 132 1H Spacer $0.3% $24 2 38 BC 4 :5 $ Spare parts list aa бой CONE уча 000204 000318 000319 000320 TRE DIAWSEO T Ne 10 T БАЛ т Allen Key Brushless motor gear ~~ Brushless motor gear ~~ Brushless motor gear федя Wd CC 5—=— 3 rar : = METI LLE e © 9 ¿1008 1 | a soeces 009617) 010 0607 605 626 027) 000665 000666 000667 000668 AE] E REZA FERIA FEF ESA 1: 4H2H Balancing pole mounting Main blade clamp set flybar control arm set Feathering shaft set ALAN ame ©: ey a atatateta: aml» eo + ” 009010 0181099 409 40911012) 000669 000670 000671 000672 ESB RES ZE 1H1 REZA Fiz HIE 4H Ball End set Bell control arm set plastic bolt set Tail rotor blade control arm set ma e Id sss 444480 488% 63 4441 28841 00707819 000673 000674 000675 000676 RE RTA MA ER KIA AE FIAT SKB KH KH main blade T hold set Tail blade clamp set short push-rod head set long push-rod head set 8 > as: — D e Em с @ Guo 659 65 000677 000678 000679 000680 WALES THREE) TAKE) ¡AE A(2RE) Ring-link push-rod paddle Set(green) paddle Set(Blue) Skid set(green) 39 A - Ena 1 066) 068 (5) 063 667 059 TD 009 028054 050057059059 | 028 090418 418 000681 000682 000365 000683 BREE R) TERS IRA FE 1 2) 4€ ZE K FEE [E] E PE Skid set(Blue) Skid bar Tail driven gear set Horizontal fin set holder 08 (17 008 (117 000684 000685 000686 000687 EEHKFRAZRE) ÉEXxTÉA(HE) EE (RE) RE(E®) Vertical & horizontal tail blade set((Green) Vertical & horizontal Tail rotor blade (Green) Tail rotor blade (Blue) tail blade set(Blue) i a 089116 089 089 687113) 000688 000690 000691 000692 EEE ER (RE) ZE (E) HEME Tail servo mount Tail boom(Green) Tail boom(Blue) push-rod fixed bush eo | Cea Oma 4 — | == | ee о * os el”) A 0 à 465 028 0724040 103104 029030042043 049657) 002005) 028 030035038 047) 000693 000696 000697 000698 EI ELA FLAT ZE Azar E het AA tail L control arm set Push rod set Canopy shoring center hub and spindle set 20 00 mani 000 e808 oo o o> © 01) 022023024 01)01901901901902002) 000699 000700 000701 000321 ЧН 11 2H HRTF EH ЧЕН 7) НК Bearing 2*5*2.0 Swashplate set Control arm set Balance trust bearing 40 88088 > еее ¿seee 2*5*2.5mm 2*6*3mm 004 3*6*2.5mm 000330 000324 000327 000329 Ds ЧН 47 47 Belt Bearing Bearing Bearing ® > | = | vi al 000331 000344 000346 000347 EA [a] 31 7 45H FE SiR Fa 45 EN LE Oneway bearing Main Frame set Swashplate guide plate Elevator Controlling set Moov’ «o И ОТО NY mat 2 ® a + о bod 64 Jb Io ор e A - 1 na | es FA 000088 114141 60961061) 63) 655672 663 693683 698.697 007 063082 6100541) 23025428029 000348 000349 000352 000353 EAE EEE Rishi Re БАНЕ ЛЕВ L&R Controlling Arm Set Tail driven set Screws standby Motor Mount set = _ ©) @& zz — и т == == = = 2. 1 eo, - a 059079028/031082081 080 | | 007025028 031083 059019015022) 000354 000355 000359 000362 ERITH EMA + wit ЗЕНА EE X IFR Tail servo control push- Main gear set Main shaft set Tail driven pedestal set rod set — «= -— > pes EUR 092094 084 061 5*8*2.5mm 060 5*10*3mm 000363 000369 000370 000371 FRE FH {9 НВ 88 КЕЙТ ЧН HATE Servo Linkage Rod Bearing Bearing Tail blade main shaft set 41 6 > au > —2ía | | y Se ec a |. — — 4*7*2.5mm 000372 003002 001469 001470 НК it gh A * N % Bearing Battery band Wooden blade Wooden blade Model 1|Model 2 2.4GHz] 001727 | 000989 11.1V 1800mAh 20C 002646 000731 002647 2.4GHz 6 ¡BIE % $1) Th SAR EE 2.4G Receiver(w/o crystal) PRE 2.4GHz Transmitter 6CH Brushless motor esc 2.4G#EUW#l 6CH (Bp) Lithium Battery 000155 000855 000152 001134 {al AR 8% PERRA TEBA Tell Bik Servo Gyro Charger Brushless motor extra SHOR rer e q урн _ В В ВЕ рен >» — iis O— 605 ©) o 000689 000695 000694 000203 E AH MES (ZE) NES (ZE) | 5 Flybar Canopy(Red) Canopy(green) Training sets E A 002947 THEE LTE Switching wire with T shape/ Banana Connector ES: ВСТЕ В РР НМ) 8 5 7) ЗЕЗ Л 2 #8 € 4x) ВО ЗЕ НВА ЯВ 5 Note: please find the item number of the spare parts in the exploded view on page 37. 42 Ari: RYIHERXIDH EN —F 16 5 26 de 77 7k X 44% 228% №14: 86-0755-81728009 E-mail: [email protected] 17H: 86-0755-29759716 Address: 28 Building North Yongfa Industrial Park,JinXiu Road, HeyiVillage,Shajing Town,Bao An district, ShenZhen, China Tel: 86-0755-81728009 E-mail:[email protected] Fax: 86-0755-29759716