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132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 67 UvaΩaemaå pokupatelwnica, uvaΩaemyj pokupatelw, Pered ustanovkoj i na©alom ispolwzovaniå maßiny izu©ite vnimatelwno naßi rekomendacii. Ih soblædenie obespe©ivaet nadeΩnuæ rabotu maßiny. Vse polwzovateli maßiny dolΩny znatw pravila ee ™kspluatacii. Sohranite
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 68 SoderΩanie Ukazaniå po bezopasnoj ™kspluatacii maßiny Uhod za maßinoj i ©istka 88-89 69 Obxaå bezopasnostw Ustanovka 69 Èkspluataciå 69 Bezopasnostw detej 70 Utilizaciå Upakovo©nye materialy Opisanie maßiny 71 Èkspluataciå 72 Panelw upravleniå Svedeniå o
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 69 Ukazaniå po bezopasnoj ™kspluatacii maßiny Obxaå bezopasnostw Èkspluataciå • Pri obnaruΩenii nepoladki ne pytajtesw ispravitw ee samostoåtelwno. Remont, vypolnennyj nekvalificirovannym specialistom, moΩet statw pri©inoj uxerba. • Esli trebuetså remont,
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 70 Bezopasnostw detej • Hranite vse moæxie sredstva v bezopasnyh mestah, nedostupnyh dlå detej. • Dlå utilizacii maßiny vynwte vilku iz rozetki i perereΩwte kabelw podklæ©eniå bliΩe k korpusu maßiny. Vyvedite iz stroå zamok zagruzo©nogo læka, ©toby v maßine ne
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 71 Vaßa novaå stiralwnaå maßina Vaßa novaå stiralwnaå maßina udovletvorået vsem sovremennym trebovaniåm nailu©ßej stirki belwå s naimenwßim rashodom vody, ™lektro™nergii i moæxih sredstv. • S pomoxwæ selektora programm legko vybratw programmu, v kotoroj
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 72 Èkspluataciå Panelw upravleniå 1 Programmnaå karto©ka 3 Knopka “Vybor otΩima” Programmnaå karto©ka na russkom åzyke nahoditså v pakete vmeste s instrukciej po ™kspluatacii. NaΩav na ™tu knopku moΩno snizitw avtomati©eski vvedønnuæ v stiralwnuæ maßinu
3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 73 4 Knopki dopolnitelwnyh funkcij Sliv vody Voda budet slita iz maßiny, esli Vy vyberete s pomoxwæ selektora programm funkciæ sliv vody i naΩmete knopku puska. Pri neobhodimosti moΩno vybratw dopolnitelwnye funkcii. Èto nuΩno sdelatw posle vybora osnovnoj programmy i do
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 74 Povernite selektor programm v poloΩenie 0, vyberite programmu i naΩmite knopku Pusk/pauza. 6 Displej vypolneniå programmy Pri vybore programmy zagoråtså lampy, sootvetstvuæxie vhodåxim v ™tu programmu operaciåm. Posle na©ala raboty programmy gorit signalwnaå
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 75 Rekomendacii dlå stirki Sortirovka belwå pomnitw, ©to dlå stirki nelwzå ispolwzovatw oby©nyj stiralwnyj poroßok, poskolwku on ne rastvoråetså v holodnoj vode, osobenno zimoj. Pri stirke v holodnoj vode sleduet ispolwzovatw Ωidkie moæxie sredstva. • Belwe ne
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 76 Moæxie sredstva i dobavki Ëidkie moæxie sredstva Horoßie rezulwtaty stirki zavisåt v tom ©isle i ot vybora moæxego sredstva i ego dozirovki. Suxestvuæt specialwnye moæxie sredstva dlå cvetnogo belwå, tonkih tkanej i ßersti. Ispolwzujte tolwko pervoklassnye
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 77 Zagruzka maßiny i zapusk programmy 4. Vklæ©enie maßiny Povernite selektor programm tak, ©toby on ukazyval na nuΩnuæ Vam programmu, pri ™tom vklæ©aetså ™lektropitanie maßiny. Maßinu moΩno otklæ©itw, povernuv selektor programm v poloΩenie 0. è‰ ‚˚ÔÓÎÌÂÌËÂÏ
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 78 7. Vybor neobhodimoj funkcii 10. Otmena programmy NaΩmite odnu ili neskolwko neobhodimyh vam funkcij, posle ©ego zagoråtså sootvetstvuæxie im lampy. Esli Vy hotite otmenitw tekuxuæ programmu, ustanovite selektor programm v poloΩenie 0. Posle ™togo Vy moΩete
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 79 Ètiketki na belwe s ukazaniåmi po stirke O©enw ©asto na belwe estw ™tiketki s ukazaniåmi po stirke. STIRKA 95 60 40 30 Stirka pri 95° Stirka pri 60° Stirka pri 40° Stirka pri 30° 60 BEREËNAÅ STIRKA OTBELIVANIE GLAËENIE HIMÂISTKA 40 40 Ru©naå stirka 30 MoΩno
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 80 Tablica programm Programmy stirki dlå hlop©atobumaΩnyh tkanej Sektor Programma/ temperatura Tkanw VozmoΩnye dopolwnitelwnye funkcii Opisanie programmy + 95° Osnovnaå stirka ÅÂÎÓ ·Âθfi 95°C 3 poloskaniå oby©nyj otΩim 60° Osnovnaå stirka 60°C 3 poloskaniå
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 81 Tablica programm Prgorammy stirki dlå sinteti©eskih tkanej ru©noj stirki , ßersti áÂÎfiÌ˚È áÂÎfiÌ˚È áÂÎfiÌ˚È Programma/ temperatura 60° Tkanw éÒÌӂ̇fl ÒÚË͇ 60° ë 3 ÔÓÎÓÒ͇ÌËfl äÓÓÚÍËÈ ÓÚÊËÏ + éÒÌӂ̇fl ÒÚË͇ 40° ë 3 ÔÓÎÓÒ͇ÌËfl äÓÓÚÍËÈ ÓÚÊËÏ + + ëËÌÚÂÚË͇
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 82 Tablica programm Specialwnye rogrammy PoloΩenie selektora programm Programma Poloskanie belwå, Poloskanie vyatirannogo vry©nuæ Opisanie programmy 3 poloskaniå, dopolnitelwnye poloskaniå pri Ωelanii, korotkij otΩim na maksimalwnoj skorosti Skiv vody posle
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 83 Uhod za maßinoj i ©istka 1. Âistka korpusa maßiny Korpus maßiny sleduet mytw rastvorom, prednazna©ennym dlå ru©nogo mytwå posudy. Posle mytwå korpusa ™tim neagressivnym rastvorom promojte ego exe raz ©istoj vodoj i vytrite. VaΩno: Ne ispolwzujte nikakih
132989740•rus ● 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 84 Ç˚̸Ú ÔÓÒÚÓÓÌÌË Ô‰ÏÂÚ˚ ËÁ ÙËθڇ, ÔÓ‚Ó‡˜Ë‚‡fl „Ó, Í‡Í ÔÓ͇Á‡ÌÓ Ì‡ ËÒÛÌÍÂ; ● ● ● ● ● ÇÒÚ‡‚¸Ú ÔÓ·ÍÛ ‚ ÒÎË‚ÌÛ˛ ÚÛ·ÍÛ Ë ‚ÒÚ‡‚¸Ú Â ‚ Ò‚Ó „ÌÂÁ‰Ó. ‚˚ÔÓÎÌfl·Ҹ ÔÓ„‡Ïχ Ò ÚÂÏÔ‡ÚÛÓÈ ‚Ó‰˚ 60°C ËÎË ‚˚¯Â); ÓÚÍÓÈÚ ‰‚ÂˆÛ ÒÎË‚ÌÓ„Ó ÙËθڇ; ‚ÓÁ¸ÏËÚÂ
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 85 Esli maßina ne rabotaet Ç ÒÎÛ˜‡Â ӷ̇ÛÊÂÌËfl ÌÂËÒÔ‡‚ÌÓÒÚÂÈ, ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ Ç‡Ï ‚ÌËχÚÂθÌÓ ËÁÛ˜ËÚ¸ Ú‡·ÎËˆÛ Ô‰ ÚÂÏ, Í‡Í Ó·‡ÚËÚ¸Òfl ‚ ë‚ËÒÌ˚È ˆÂÌÚ. ÇÓ ‚ÂÏfl ‡·ÓÚ˚ χ¯ËÌ˚ Ò˄̇θ̇fl ·ÏÔ‡ ÓÍÓ̘‡ÌËfl ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ̇˜ÌfiÚ ÏË„‡Ú¸: 1 ÏË„‡ÌËÂ: ÌÂËÒÔ‡‚ÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓ‰‡˜Ë
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 86 • VozmoΩnaå neispravnostw • éÚÊËÏ Ì‡˜Ë̇ÂÚÒfl Ò Á‡‰ÂÊÍÓÈ, ËÎË Ê ·Âθfi ÔÎÓıÓ ÓÚʇÚÓ ‚ ÍÓ̈ ˆËÍ·: • Veroåtnaå pri©ina • 凯Ë̇ ËÁ‰‡fiÚ ÌÂÔË‚˚˜Ì˚È ¯ÛÏ: • 凯Ë̇ Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡Ì‡ ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎÂÏ Ò ÍÓÎÎÂÍÚÓÓÏ, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ËÁ‰‡fiÚ ¯ÛÏ, ÓÚ΢‡˛˘ËÈÒfl ÓÚ ¯Ûχ Ó·˚˜Ì˚ı ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎÂÈ.
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 87 Tehni©eskoe obsluΩivanie i zapasnye ©asti Esli vy ne moΩete opredelitw ili ustranitw neispravnostw, obratitesw v avtorizovannyj izgotovitelem Servisnyj centr. Zapißite nomer modeli, zavodskoj nomer i serijnyj nomer izdeliå maßiny, tak kak ™ti svedeniå
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 88 Ustanovka 6. èÓÒÚ‡‚¸Ú χ¯ËÌÛ ‚ ‚ÂÚË͇θÌÓ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËÂ, ÓÚ‚ËÌÚËÚÂ Ë Û‰‡ÎËÚ ÓÒÚ‡‚¯ËÈÒfl ‚ÂıÌËÈ ·ÓÎÚ. Ç˚̸Ú Ô·ÒÚχÒÒÓ‚Û˛ ¯ÔËθÍÛ ËÁ ÓÚ‚ÂÒÚËfl, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓ ·˚Î Á‡‚Ë̘ÂÌ ·ÓÎÚ. 7. á‡ÍÓÈÚ ӷ‡ÁÓ‚‡‚¯ËÂÒfl ÓÚ‚ÂÒÚËfl Ô·ÒÚËÍÓ‚˚ÏË Á‡„Îۯ͇ÏË, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ̇ıÓ‰flÚÒfl ‚
3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 89 èÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌË χ¯ËÌ˚ Í ‚Ó‰ÓÔÓ‚Ó‰Û äÓ̈ ÒÎË‚ÌÓ„Ó ¯Î‡Ì„‡ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ‚Ò„‰‡ ‚ÂÌÚËÎËÓ‚‡Ú¸Òfl, ÚÓ ÂÒÚ¸ ‚ÌÛÚÂÌÌËÈ ‰Ë‡ÏÂÚ ÚÛ·˚ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ·˚Ú¸ ¯Ë ̇ÛÊÌÓ„Ó ‰Ë‡ÏÂÚ‡ ÒÎË‚ÌÓ„Ó ¯Î‡Ì„‡. çÂθÁfl Ô„˷‡Ú¸ ÒÎË‚ÌÓÈ ¯Î‡Ì„. èÓ‰Íβ˜ËÚ ̇ÎË‚ÌÓÈ ¯Î‡Ì„ Í ‚Ó‰ÓÔÓ‚Ó‰ÌÓÏÛ Í‡ÌÛ Ò ÂÁ¸·ÓÈ 3/4”.
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 90
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 91
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 92 From the Electrolux Group. The world’s No.1 choice. The Electrolux Group is the world’s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, vacuum
132989740 copertina 29-04-2004 16:30 Pagina 1
S T I R A L W N A Å M A fi I N A
E W F 9 0 0
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 67
UvaΩaemaå pokupatelwnica, uvaΩaemyj pokupatelw,
Pered ustanovkoj i na©alom ispolwzovaniå maßiny izu©ite vnimatelwno naßi rekomendacii. Ih soblædenie obespe©ivaet nadeΩnuæ rabotu maßiny. Vse polwzovateli maßiny dolΩny znatw pravila ee ™kspluatacii. Sohranite ™tu instrukciæ na slu©aj, esli maßinu pridetså perevozitw na novoe mesto ili prodatw. Tot, kto posle Vas budet eæ polwzovatwså, dolΩen imetw vozmoΩnostw oznakomitwså s maßinoj i ee funkciåmi, a takΩe s ukazaniåmi po ee bezopasnoj ™kspluatacii.
PovreΩdeniå, polu©ennye pri transportirovke
Udalåå upakovku, sleduet ubeditwså, ©to maßina ne polu©ila povreΩdenij pri transportirovke.
VNIMANIE! Esli maßina povreΩdena, to ob ™tom sleduet nezamedlitelwno soobxitw prodavcu.
Nekotorye paragrafy dannogo rukovodstva pome©eny simvolami, imeæximi sleduæxee zna©enie:
Zdesw Vy najdøte vaΩnye svedeniå po ™kspluatacii Vaßej stiralwnoj maßiny. Nesoblædenie dannyh trebovanij moΩet privesti k naneseniæ uxerba lædåm i imuxestvu.
Obozna©aet informaciæ dlå pravilwnoj ™kspluatacii maßiny i dlå dostiΩeniå lu©ßih rezulwtatov.
Obozna©aet vaΩnuæ informaciæ po ohrane prirody.
Naß vklad v zaxitu okruΩaæxej sredy: my ispolwzuem tolwko bumagu iz vtorsyrwå.
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 68
Ukazaniå po bezopasnoj |
69 |
Uhod za maßinoj i ©istka 88-89 |
™kspluatacii maßiny |
Âistka korpusa maßiny |
88 |
Obxaå bezopasnostw |
Âistka dozatora stiralwnogo poroßka |
88 |
Ustanovka |
69 |
Âistka filwtra nalivnogo ßlanga |
88 |
Èkspluataciå |
69 |
Âistka filwtra slivnogo ßlanga |
88 |
Bezopasnostw detej |
70 |
Utilizaciå |
70 |
Esli maßina ne rabotaet |
90-91 |
Upakovo©nye materialy |
70 |
Tehni©eskie dannye |
92 |
Rekomendacii po ohrane |
Ustanovka |
93-94 |
okruΩaæxej sredy |
70 |
Opisanie maßiny |
71 |
Èkspluataciå |
72 |
Panelw upravleniå |
72-74 |
Svedeniå o programmah |
74 |
Rekomendacii dlå stirki |
75 |
Sortirovka belwå |
79 |
Temperatura |
79 |
Maksimalwnaå zagruzka stiralwnoj maßiny 79 |
Pered zagruzkoj belwå v maßinu |
79 |
Moæxie sredstva i dobavki |
79 |
Stiralwnye poroßki |
80 |
Koncentrirovannye moæxie sredstva |
80 |
Ëidkie moæxie sredstva |
80 |
Ëidkie dobavki |
80 |
Zagruzka maßiny i zapusk programmy |
81-83 |
Ètiketki na belwe s |
84 |
ukazaniåmi po stirke |
Tablica programm |
85-87 |
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 69
Ukazaniå po bezopasnoj ™kspluatacii maßiny
Pered ustanovkoj i na©alom ispolwzovaniå maßiny izu©ite vnimatelwno naßi rekomendacii. Ih soblædenie obespe©ivaet nadeΩnuæ i bezopasnuæ rabotu maßiny.
Obxaå bezopasnostw
•Pri obnaruΩenii nepoladki ne pytajtesw ispravitw ee samostoåtelwno. Remont, vypolnennyj nekvalificirovannym specialistom, moΩet statw pri©inoj uxerba.
•Esli trebuetså remont, svåΩitesw s avtorizovannym servisnym centrom. Vsegda trebujte ustanovki firmennyh zapasnyh ©astej.
•Polwzovatwså stiralwnoj maßinoj mogut tolwko vzroslye. Ne pozvolåjte detåm trogatw pereklæ©ateli programm ili igratw s maßinoj.
•Vo vremå nagreva vody steklo læka moΩet silwno nagrevatwså. Ne kasajtesw ego.
•Ne na©inajte zagruzku belwå i ne podklæ©ajte maßinu, ne ubedivßisw, ©to baraban pust.
•Vse detali upakovki sleduet udalitw do na©ala ™kspluatacii maßiny. Maßina ili mebelw, nahodåxaåså vozle nee, mogut bytw serwezno povreΩdeny, esli ne udalitw krepleniå, ustanavlivaemye na vremå transportirovki, ili esli oni udaleny ne polnostwæ.
•Vse raboty po ustanovke moΩet proizvoditw tolwko kvalificirovannyj specialist. Ustanovka, vypolnennaå nespecialistom, moΩet uhudßitw ka©estvo raboty pribora ili vyzvatw uxerb lædåm ili imuxestvu.
•Ubeditesw, ©to maßina ne stoit na ßlangah, a nalivnoj i slivnoj ßlangi maßiny ne peregibaætså i ne pereΩaty.
•Esli maßina ustanavlivaetså na kovrovoe pokrytie, to ubeditesw, ©to vozduh moΩet svobodno cirkulirovatw meΩdu polom i reguliruemymi noΩkami.
•Maßina prednazna©ena isklæ©itelwno dlå stirki belwå v normalwnyh domaßnih usloviåh, v sootvetstvii s nastoåxim rukovodstvom po ™kspluatacii. Maßinu nelwzå ispolwzovatw dlå drugih celej, krome teh, dlå kotoryh ona prednazna©ena.
•Stirajte tolwko belwe, prednazna©ennoe dlå maßinnoj stirki. Sledujte instrukciåm na ™tiketke kaΩdoj vexi.
•Ne peregruΩajte maßinu. Sledujte sovetam rukovodstva po ™kspluatacii.
•Pered zagruzkoj v maßinu proverwte, pusty li vse karmany. Melkie otdelwnye predmety, takie kak monety, bulavki, igolki i ßurupy mogut statw pri©inoj serweznyh polomok maßiny.
•Ne stirajte v maßine odeΩdu, ispa©kannuæ benzinom, metilovym spirtom, trihlor™tilenom i dr. Esli ™ti vexestva ispolwzovalisw dlå udaleniå påten pered stirkoj, to sleduet podoΩdatw, poka oni ne isparåtså polnostwæ do togo, kak vexi budut zagruΩeny v maßinu.
•Ne stirajte v maßine obuvw i odeΩdu s neudalennymi komwåmi gråzi i peskom. Èto moΩet privesti k preΩdevremennomu iznosu maßiny.
•Melkie predmety odeΩdy, takie kak ©ulki, poåsa i t.d. stirajte v specialwnom meßo©ke ili navolo©ke, dlå togo ©toby predotvratitw ih zastrevanie meΩdu barabanom i bakom.
•Sleduete instrukciåm po dozirovaniæ opolaskivatelå. Slißkom bolwßaå doza moΩet statw pri©inoj povreΩdeniå belwå.
•Kogda maßina ne ispolwzuetså, ee zagruzo©nyj læk dolΩen bytw priotkrytym. Èto pozvolået sohranitw ™lasti©nostw uplotnitelå i predotvratitw obrazovanie nepriåtnogo zapaha.
•Pered otkrytiem zagruzo©nogo læka neobhodimo kaΩdyj raz proveråtw otsutstvie vody v barabane. Esli voda ne slilasw, to sledujte ukazaniåm rukovodstva po ™kspluatacii.
•Posle okon©aniå stirki vynwte ßtepselwnuæ vilku iz rozetki i perekrojte vodoprovodnyj kran.
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 70
Bezopasnostw detej
•Za©astuæ deti ne osoznaæt opasnosti ™lektropriborov. Vo vremå raboty maßiny neobhodimo sleditw za detwmi i ne pozvolåtw im igratw s neæ.
•Upakovo©nye materialy (takie kak poli™tilenovaå plenka, penoplast) åvlåætså opasnymi i mogut statw pri©inoj udußwå. DerΩite ih v mestah, nedostupnyh dlå detej.
•Hranite vse moæxie sredstva v bezopasnyh mestah, nedostupnyh dlå detej.
•Dlå utilizacii maßiny vynwte vilku iz rozetki i perereΩwte kabelw podklæ©eniå bliΩe k korpusu maßiny. Vyvedite iz stroå zamok zagruzo©nogo læka, ©toby v maßine ne mogli zakrytwså deti.
Upakovo©nye materialy
Materialy, obozna©ennye simvolom mogut ispolwzovatwså povtorno.
>RE< = poli™tilen >RS< = polistirol >RR< = polipropilen
Dlå utilizacii ™tih materialov neobhodimo ukladyvatw ih v specialwnye mesta (ili kontejnery).
Dlå pravilwnoj utilizacii maßiny neobhodimo obratitwså za spravkoj v mestnyj municipalitet. Pomogite sohranitw svoæ stranu v ©istote!
Rekomendacii po ohrane okruΩaæxej sredy
Dlå ™konomii potrebleniå vody i ™lektro™nergii, a takΩe dlå ohrany okruΩaæxej sredy, rekomenduem vam priderΩivatwså sleduæxih rekomendacij:
•V celåh ™konomii moæxih sredstv, vody i ™lektro™nergii ne silwno zagråznennoe belwe moΩno stiratw bez predvaritelwnoj stirki (tem samym Vy sposobstvuete ohrane okruΩaæxej sredy).
•Ispolwzujte maßinu pri polnoj zagruzke.
•Dlå nebolwßoj stirki ispolwzujte tolwko polovinu ili 2/3 ot rekomenduemogo koli©estva moæxego sredstva.
•Obrabatyvajte påtna na belwe do stirki, togda temperaturu stirki moΩno umenwßitw.
•Dozirujte moæxie sredstva v sootvetstvii s Ωestkostwæ vody, stepenwæ zagråznennosti i koli©estvom stiraemogo belwå.
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 71
Vaßa novaå stiralwnaå maßina
Vaßa novaå stiralwnaå maßina udovletvorået vsem sovremennym trebovaniåm nailu©ßej stirki belwå s naimenwßim rashodom vody, ™lektro™nergii i moæxih sredstv.
•S pomoxwæ selektora programm legko vybratw programmu, v kotoroj u©ityvaætså svojstva tkani, i naibolee podhodåxij sposob stirki.
•Displej vypolneniå programmy pokazyvaet ™tap stirki, kotoryj vypolnået maßina.
•Avtomati©eskoe ohlaΩdenie vody do 60°S pered slivom pri ispolwzovanii programmy 95°S. Èto småg©aet reakciæ odeΩdy na temperaturu i pozvolået umenwßitw sminanie.
•Specialwnaå programma dlå ßersti vystiraet Vaßi vexi s osobennoj ostoroΩnostwæ.
Opisanie maßiny
1 Dozator moæxego sredstva
2 Panelw upravleniå
3 êÛ˜Ía β͇
4 Filwtr slivnogo ßlanga
5 Reguliruemye noΩki
Dozator moæxego sredstva
otdelenie dlå dozirovki poroßka predvaritelwnoj stirki
otdelenie dlå dozirovki poroßka osnovnoj stirki
otdelenie dlå dozirovki dobavok, ispolwzuemyh pri poloskanii
•Sistema ravnomernogo raspredeleniå belwå popytaetså ustranitw neravnomernoe raspredelenie belwå, esli takoe slu©itså. Èta sistema obespe©ivaet ustoj©ivostw maßiny vo vremå otΩima.
•дО‡Ф‡М щдйзйеаь иУБ‚УОflВЪ П‡¯ЛМВ ФУОМУТЪ¸˛ ЛТФУО¸БУ‚‡Ъ¸
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 72
Panelw upravleniå
1 Programmnaå karto©ka |
3 Knopka “Vybor otΩima” |
Programmnaå karto©ka na russkom åzyke nahoditså v pakete vmeste s instrukciej po ™kspluatacii.
2 Selektor programm
Selektor razdeløn na 3 sektora:
•Hlopok/løn (goluboj sektor)
•Sintetika (zelønyj sektor)
•Tonkie tkani, ßerstw , ru©naå stirka
, poloskanie, sliv, otΩim i korotkij otΩim
PoloΩenie E 60° ozna©aet «™nergosberegaæxaå programma» dlå belogo i cvetnogo belwå,
PoloΩenie O ozna©aet vozmoΩnostw vybora novoj programmy ili otklæ©enie ™lektropitaniå.
Po okon©anii programmy selektor sleduet povernutw v poloΩenie O, ©toby otklæ©itw ™lektropitanie maßiny.
NaΩav na ™tu knopku moΩno snizitw avtomati©eski vvedønnuæ v stiralwnuæ maßinu maksimalwnuæ skorostw otΩima v zavisimosti ot tipa tkani, ili Ωe moΩno vybratw funkciæ (otklæ©enie otΩima). Zagoritså lampa, sootvetstvurxaå vybrannoj pozicii.
Maksimalwnaå skorostw otΩima zavisit ot tipa tkani.
•Hlopok/løn: 900 ob/min
•Sintetika, ßerstw, ru©naå stirka: 900 ob/min
•Tonkie tkani: 700 ob/min
Ostanovka s vodoj v bake (anti-sminanie belwå)
Pri vybore ™toj opcii stiralwnaå maßina ne solwøt vodu poslednego poloskaniå, predotvraxaå sminanie belwå.
V konce programmy læk zablokirovan, signalwnaå lampa knopki PUSK/PAUZA pogasnet,
budut goretw, ©to ozna©aet neobhodimostw sliva vody.
Dlå sliva vody suxestvuæt 2 sposoba:
•Vyberite programmu “Sliv”. Stiralwnaå maßina solwøt vodu bez otΩima.
•NaΩmite knopku PUSK/PAUZA : stiralwnaå maßina slivaet vodu i otΩimaet v zavisimosti ot tipa tkani.
•Vyberite programmu ili
. Vyberite knopkoj neobhodimuæ
skorostw otΩima i naΩmite knopku PUSK/PAUZA .
Vnimanie: pered vyborom programmy ,
selektor programm sleduet perevesti v poloΩenie O (otmena).
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 73
4 Knopki dopolnitelwnyh funkcij
Pri neobhodimosti moΩno vybratw dopolnitelwnye funkcii. Èto nuΩno sdelatw posle vybora osnovnoj programmy i do naΩatiå knopki PUSK/PAUZA. Pri naΩatii knopki dopolnitelwnoj funkcii zagoraetså sootvetstvurxij indikator. Pri povtornom naΩatii indikator gasnet.
Esli belwø o©enw gråznoe, to moΩno vybratw programmu s predvaritelwnoj stirkoj.
Pered osnovnoj stirkoj stiralwnaå maßina vypolnået predvaritelwnuæ stirku pri maksimalwnoj temperature 30°S.
Predvaritelwnaå stirka ne rabotaet v programme dlå ßersti i ru©noj stirki.
Predvaritelwnaå stirka zaverßaetså korotkim otΩimom so skorostwæ 650 ob/min dlå hlopka i sintetiki. Pri stirke tonkih tkanej voda slivaetså bez otΩima.
Programmu bystroj stirki rekomenduetså ispolwzovatw dlå nesilwno zagråznennogo belogo i cvetnogo belwå, sintetiki i tonkih tkanej. Vremå stirki sokraxaetså v sootvetstvii s tipom tkani i vybrannoj temperaturoj.
MoΩet ispolwzovatwså so vsemi programmami, krome ßersti i ru©noj stirki. Stiralwnaå maßina vypolnit 2 dopolnitelwnyh poloskaniå dlå hlop©atobumaΩnyh tkanej i 1 dopolnitelwnoe poloskanie dlå sinteti©eskih i tonkih tkanej, ßølka.
Rekomenduetså dlå lædej s ©uvstvitelwnoj koΩej ili Ωe v zonah s o©enw mågkoj vodoj.
Esli vy vyberete ™tu funkciæ, voda iz maßiny ne budet slita posle poslednego poloskaniå, ©toby predotvratitw sminanie belwå.
Poskolwku otklæ©eny vse ™tapy otΩima, to ™ta programma stirki rabotaet o©enw tiho. Ona moΩet ispolwzovatwså v no©noe vremå, kogda ispolwzovanie ™lektro™nergii åvlåetså bolee deßevym. Pri ™tom v programmah stirki belogo i cvetnogo belwå i sintetiki dlå poloskaniå ispolwzuetså vody bolwße, ©em oby©no.
Sliv vody
Voda budet slita iz maßiny, esli Vy vyberete s pomoxwæ selektora programm funkciæ sliv vody i naΩmete knopku puska.
Belwe budet otΩato, esli Vy vyberete funkciæ otΩim ili korotkij otΩim
. Vyberite koli©estvo oborotov pri otΩime pri pomoxi knopki
i naΩmite knopku puska.
Pered vyborom funkcii (sliv vody) ili
(otΩim) /
(korotkij otΩim) perevedite selektor programm v poloΩenie O (vyklæ©eno).
ЕхлнкДь лнакдД МВ ПУКВЪ ·˚Ъ¸ ‚˚· ‡М‡ ‚ПВТЪВ Т Ф У„ ‡ПП‡ПЛ Ц 60° л, Ц 40° л, 40° ДД, 60°
Ë 40°
5 Knopka “PUSK/PAUZA”
Knopka pusk/pauza vypolnået dve funkcii:
•Pusk: kogda vybrana Ωelaemaå programma i dopolnitelwnye funkcii, vklæ©ite maßinu, naΩav ™tu knopku. Signalwnaå lampo©ka, raspoloΩennaå rådom s knopkoj, perestanet migatw i na©net goretw rovno.
•Pauza: Esli Vy naΩmete ™tu knopku snova, to programma budet priostanovlena. Signalwnaå lampo©ka rådom s knopkoj na©net migatw. Zapustitw programmu vnovw moΩno, naΩav knopku snova.
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 74
6 Displej vypolneniå programmy
Pri vybore programmy zagoråtså lampy, sootvetstvuæxie vhodåxim v ™tu programmu operaciåm.
Posle na©ala raboty programmy gorit signalwnaå lampa tekuxego ™tapa programmy. Kogda programma zakan©ivaetså, zagoraetså signalwnaå lampa okon©aniå programmy .
ã‡ÏÔ‡ ÓÍÓ̘‡ÌËfl Ô Ó„ ‡ÏÏ˚ ÏË„‡ÂÚ, ÂÒÎË
1 ÏË„‡ÌË = ÒÚË ‡Î¸Ì‡fl χ¯Ë̇ Ì Á‡ÎË‚‡ÂÚ ‚Ó‰Û
2 ÏË„‡ÌËfl = ÒÚË ‡Î¸Ì‡fl χ¯Ë̇ Ì ÒÎË‚‡ÂÚ ‚Ó‰Û 4 ÏË„‡ÌËfl = Î˛Í ÔÎÓıÓ Á‡Í ˚Ú
Svedeniå o programmah
Pri pomoxi dannoj programmy moΩno ne tolwko vystiratw ßerstånoe belwø s pometkoj “©istaå ßerstw, prigodnaå dlå maßinnoj stirki”, no i izdeliå iz ßersti, kotorye, kak pravilo, sleduet stiratw vru©nuæ, a takΩe vse ostalwnye tkani s pometkoj “stiratw vru©nuæ”.
Èto otdelwnaå programma, pozvolåæxaå poloskatw i otΩimatw vystirannoe vru©nuæ belwø. Stiralwnaå maßina vypolnået 3 poloskaniå i okon©atelwnyj otΩim na maksimalwnoj skorosti. Skorostw otΩima moΩno umenwßitw pri pomoxi knopki .
Okon©atelwnyj otΩim predusmotren tolwko v programmah stirki belogo i cvetnogo belwå i v programme otΩima.
Sliv vody vypolnåetså posle poslednego poloskaniå v programmah, soderΩaxih funkciæ predotvraxeniå sminaniå ЛОЛ ФУТОВ МУ˜МУИ Ф У„ ‡ПП˚
Povernite selektor programm v poloΩenie 0, vyberite programmu i naΩmite knopku Pusk/pauza.
Èta programma vypolnået otΩim vystirannogo vru©nuæ belwå s maksimalwnoj skorostwæ. Programmu sleduet ispolwzovatw dlå otΩima hlop©atobumaΩnyh tkanej. Skorostw otΩima v zavisimosti ot tipa belwå moΩno pomenåtw s pomoxwæ knopki .
Korotkij otΩim
Èta programma vypolnået korotkij otΩim belwå, vystirannogo vru©nuæ, s maksimalwnoj skorostwæ, podhodåxej dlå kaΩdogo tipa belwå. Korotkij otΩim primenåetså dlå sintetiki, delikatnyh tkanej, ßersti, takΩe tkanej, prednazna©ennyh dlå ru©noj stirki, i ßelka. Skorostw otΩima moΩno umenwßitw v zavisimosti ot materiala pri pomoxi knopki .
O = Otmena
Dlå otmeny programmy perevedite selektor programm v poloΩenie O. Teperw moΩno vybratw druguæ programmu.
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132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 67 UvaΩaemaå pokupatelwnica, uvaΩaemyj pokupatelw, Pered ustanovkoj i na©alom ispolwzovaniå maßiny izu©ite vnimatelwno naßi rekomendacii. Ih soblædenie obespe©ivaet nadeΩnuæ rabotu maßiny. Vse polwzovateli maßiny dolΩny znatw pravila ee ™kspluatacii. Sohranite - Страница 3 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 68 SoderΩanie Ukazaniå po bezopasnoj ™kspluatacii maßiny Uhod za maßinoj i ©istka 88-89 69 Âistka korpusa maßiny Ustanovka Èkspluataciå Bezopasnostw detej 88 Âistka filwtra slivnogo ßlanga 69 88 Âistka filwtra nalivnogo ßlanga 69 88 Âistka dozatora stiralwnogo - Страница 4 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 69 Ukazaniå po bezopasnoj ™kspluatacii maßiny Pered ustanovkoj i na©alom ispolwzovaniå maßiny izu©ite vnimatelwno naßi rekomendacii. Ih soblædenie obespe©ivaet nadeΩnuæ i bezopasnuæ rabotu maßiny. Èkspluataciå • Pri obnaruΩenii nepoladki ne pytajtesw ispravitw - Страница 5 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 70 • Hranite vse moæxie sredstva v bezopasnyh mestah, nedostupnyh dlå detej. • Dlå utilizacii maßiny vynwte vilku iz rozetki i perereΩwte kabelw podklæ©eniå bliΩe k korpusu maßiny. Vyvedite iz stroå zamok zagruzo©nogo læka, ©toby v maßine ne mogli zakrytwså - Страница 6 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 71 Vaßa novaå stiralwnaå maßina Vaßa novaå stiralwnaå maßina udovletvorået vsem sovremennym trebovaniåm nailu©ßej stirki belwå s naimenwßim rashodom vody, ™lektro™nergii i moæxih sredstv. • Sistema ravnomernogo raspredeleniå belwå popytaetså ustranitw - Страница 7 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 72 Èkspluataciå Panelw upravleniå 1 Programmnaå karto©ka 3 Knopka “Vybor otΩima” Programmnaå karto©ka na russkom åzyke nahoditså v pakete vmeste s instrukciej po ™kspluatacii. NaΩav na ™tu knopku moΩno snizitw avtomati©eski vvedønnuæ v stiralwnuæ maßinu - Страница 8 из 28
3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 73 4 Knopki dopolnitelwnyh funkcij Sliv vody Voda budet slita iz maßiny, esli Vy vyberete s pomoxwæ selektora programm funkciæ sliv vody i naΩmete knopku puska. Pri neobhodimosti moΩno vybratw dopolnitelwnye funkcii. Èto nuΩno sdelatw posle vybora osnovnoj programmy i do - Страница 9 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 74 Povernite selektor programm v poloΩenie 0, vyberite programmu i naΩmite knopku Pusk/pauza. 6 Displej vypolneniå programmy Pri vybore programmy zagoråtså lampy, sootvetstvuæxie vhodåxim v ™tu programmu operaciåm. Posle na©ala raboty programmy gorit signalwnaå - Страница 10 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 75 Rekomendacii dlå stirki Sortirovka belwå pomnitw, ©to dlå stirki nelwzå ispolwzovatw oby©nyj stiralwnyj poroßok, poskolwku on ne rastvoråetså v holodnoj vode, osobenno zimoj. Pri stirke v holodnoj vode sleduet ispolwzovatw Ωidkie moæxie sredstva. • Belwe ne - Страница 11 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:46 Pagina 76 Moæxie sredstva i dobavki Ëidkie moæxie sredstva Horoßie rezulwtaty stirki zavisåt v tom ©isle i ot vybora moæxego sredstva i ego dozirovki. Suxestvuæt specialwnye moæxie sredstva dlå cvetnogo belwå, tonkih tkanej i ßersti. Ispolwzujte tolwko pervoklassnye - Страница 12 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 77 Zagruzka maßiny i zapusk programmy 4. Vklæ©enie maßiny Povernite selektor programm tak, ©toby on ukazyval na nuΩnuæ Vam programmu, pri ™tom vklæ©aetså ™lektropitanie maßiny. Maßinu moΩno otklæ©itw, povernuv selektor programm v poloΩenie 0. è‰ ‚˚ÔÓÎÌÂÌËÂÏ - Страница 13 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 78 7. Vybor neobhodimoj funkcii 10. Otmena programmy NaΩmite odnu ili neskolwko neobhodimyh vam funkcij, posle ©ego zagoråtså sootvetstvuæxie im lampy. Esli Vy hotite otmenitw tekuxuæ programmu, ustanovite selektor programm v poloΩenie 0. Posle ™togo Vy moΩete - Страница 14 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 79 Ètiketki na belwe s ukazaniåmi po stirke O©enw ©asto na belwe estw ™tiketki s ukazaniåmi po stirke. STIRKA 95 60 40 30 Stirka pri 95° Stirka pri 60° Stirka pri 40° Stirka pri 30° 60 BEREËNAÅ STIRKA OTBELIVANIE 40 40 Ru©naå stirka 30 MoΩno otbelivatw v - Страница 15 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 80 Tablica programm Programmy stirki dlå hlop©atobumaΩnyh tkanej Sektor Programma/ temperatura Tkanw VozmoΩnye dopolwnitelwnye funkcii Opisanie programmy 95° ÉÓÎÛ·ÓÈ 60° ÅÂÎÓÂ Ë ÒÚÓÈÍÓ ·Âθfi Osnovnaå stirka 60°C 3 poloskaniå oby©nyj otΩim ÉÓÎÛ·ÓÈ 60° ** ECO - Страница 16 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 81 Tablica programm Prgorammy stirki dlå sinteti©eskih tkanej ru©noj stirki , ßersti áÂÎfiÌ˚È áÂÎfiÌ˚È áÂÎfiÌ˚È Programma/ temperatura 60° Tkanw éÒÌӂ̇fl ÒÚË͇ 60° ë 3 ÔÓÎÓÒ͇ÌËfl äÓÓÚÍËÈ ÓÚÊËÏ éÒÌӂ̇fl ÒÚË͇ 40° ë 3 ÔÓÎÓÒ͇ÌËfl äÓÓÚÍËÈ ÓÚÊËÏ -30° + ëËÌÚÂÚË͇ + - Страница 17 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 82 Tablica programm Specialwnye rogrammy PoloΩenie selektora programm Programma Poloskanie belwå, Poloskanie vyatirannogo vry©nuæ Opisanie programmy 3 poloskaniå, dopolnitelwnye poloskaniå pri Ωelanii, korotkij otΩim na maksimalwnoj skorosti OtΩim Korotkij otΩim - Страница 18 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 83 Uhod za maßinoj i ©istka 1. Âistka korpusa maßiny Korpus maßiny sleduet mytw rastvorom, prednazna©ennym dlå ru©nogo mytwå posudy. Posle mytwå korpusa ™tim neagressivnym rastvorom promojte ego exe raz ©istoj vodoj i vytrite. VaΩno: Ne ispolwzujte nikakih - Страница 19 из 28
132989740•rus ● 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 84 Ç˚̸Ú ÔÓÒÚÓÓÌÌË Ô‰ÏÂÚ˚ ËÁ ÙËθڇ, ÔÓ‚Ó‡˜Ë‚‡fl „Ó, Í‡Í ÔÓ͇Á‡ÌÓ Ì‡ ËÒÛÌÍÂ; ● ● ● ● ● ÇÒÚ‡‚¸Ú ÔÓ·ÍÛ ‚ ÒÎË‚ÌÛ˛ ÚÛ·ÍÛ Ë ‚ÒÚ‡‚¸Ú Â ‚ Ò‚Ó „ÌÂÁ‰Ó. ‚˚ÔÓÎÌfl·Ҹ ÔÓ„‡Ïχ Ò ÚÂÏÔ‡ÚÛÓÈ ‚Ó‰˚ 60°C ËÎË ‚˚¯Â); ÓÚÍÓÈÚ ‰‚ÂˆÛ ÒÎË‚ÌÓ„Ó ÙËθڇ; ‚ÓÁ¸ÏËÚ - Страница 20 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 85 Esli maßina ne rabotaet Ç ÒÎÛ˜‡Â ӷ̇ÛÊÂÌËfl ÌÂËÒÔ‡‚ÌÓÒÚÂÈ, ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ Ç‡Ï ‚ÌËχÚÂθÌÓ ËÁÛ˜ËÚ¸ Ú‡·ÎËˆÛ Ô‰ ÚÂÏ, Í‡Í Ó·‡ÚËÚ¸Òfl ‚ ë‚ËÒÌ˚È ˆÂÌÚ. ÇÓ ‚ÂÏfl ‡·ÓÚ˚ χ¯ËÌ˚ Ò˄̇θ̇fl ·ÏÔ‡ ÓÍÓ̘‡ÌËfl ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ̇˜ÌfiÚ ÏË„‡Ú¸: 1 ÏË„‡ÌËÂ: ÌÂËÒÔ‡‚ÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓ‰‡˜Ë - Страница 21 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 86 • VozmoΩnaå neispravnostw • éÚÊËÏ Ì‡˜Ë̇ÂÚÒfl Ò Á‡‰ÂÊÍÓÈ, ËÎË Ê ·Âθfi ÔÎÓıÓ ÓÚʇÚÓ ‚ ÍÓ̈ ˆËÍ·: • Veroåtnaå pri©ina • 凯Ë̇ ËÁ‰‡fiÚ ÌÂÔË‚˚˜Ì˚È ¯ÛÏ: • 凯Ë̇ Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡Ì‡ ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎÂÏ Ò ÍÓÎÎÂÍÚÓÓÏ, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ËÁ‰‡fiÚ ¯ÛÏ, ÓÚ΢‡˛˘ËÈÒfl ÓÚ ¯Ûχ Ó·˚˜Ì˚ı ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎÂÈ. - Страница 22 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 87 Tehni©eskoe obsluΩivanie i zapasnye ©asti Esli vy ne moΩete opredelitw ili ustranitw neispravnostw, obratitesw v avtorizovannyj izgotovitelem Servisnyj centr. Zapißite nomer modeli, zavodskoj nomer i serijnyj nomer izdeliå maßiny, tak kak ™ti svedeniå - Страница 23 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 88 Ustanovka 6. èÓÒÚ‡‚¸Ú χ¯ËÌÛ ‚ ‚ÂÚË͇θÌÓ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËÂ, ÓÚ‚ËÌÚËÚÂ Ë Û‰‡ÎËÚ ÓÒÚ‡‚¯ËÈÒfl ‚ÂıÌËÈ ·ÓÎÚ. Ç˚̸Ú Ô·ÒÚχÒÒÓ‚Û˛ ¯ÔËθÍÛ ËÁ ÓÚ‚ÂÒÚËfl, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓ ·˚Î Á‡‚Ë̘ÂÌ ·ÓÎÚ. 7. á‡ÍÓÈÚ ӷ‡ÁÓ‚‡‚¯ËÂÒfl ÓÚ‚ÂÒÚËfl Ô·ÒÚËÍÓ‚˚ÏË Á‡„Îۯ͇ÏË, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ̇ıÓ‰flÚÒfl ‚ - Страница 24 из 28
3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 89 èÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌË χ¯ËÌ˚ Í ‚Ó‰ÓÔÓ‚Ó‰Û äÓ̈ ÒÎË‚ÌÓ„Ó ¯Î‡Ì„‡ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ‚Ò„‰‡ ‚ÂÌÚËÎËÓ‚‡Ú¸Òfl, ÚÓ ÂÒÚ¸ ‚ÌÛÚÂÌÌËÈ ‰Ë‡ÏÂÚ ÚÛ·˚ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ·˚Ú¸ ¯Ë ̇ÛÊÌÓ„Ó ‰Ë‡ÏÂÚ‡ ÒÎË‚ÌÓ„Ó ¯Î‡Ì„‡. çÂθÁfl Ô„˷‡Ú¸ ÒÎË‚ÌÓÈ ¯Î‡Ì„. èÓ‰Íβ˜ËÚ ̇ÎË‚ÌÓÈ ¯Î‡Ì„ Í ‚Ó‰ÓÔÓ‚Ó‰ÌÓÏÛ Í‡ÌÛ Ò ÂÁ¸·ÓÈ 3/4”. - Страница 25 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 90 - Страница 26 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 91 - Страница 27 из 28
132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 92 From the Electrolux Group. The world’s No.1 choice. The Electrolux Group is the world’s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, vacuum - Страница 28 из 28
132989740 copertina 29-04-2004 16:30 Pagina 1 WASHING MACHINE TVÄTTMASKIN PYYKINPESUKONE STIRALWNAÅ MAfiINA INSTRUCTION BOOKLET BRUKSANVISNING KÄYTTÖOHJE RUKOVODSTVO PO ÈKSPLUATACII EWF 900 GB S FIN 132 989 740 RU S 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.22 Pagina 2 Dear customer, Transport damages Please read these operating instructions carefully and pay particular attention to the safety notes indicated in the first pages. We recommend that you keep this instruction booklet for future reference and pass it on to any future owners. When unpacking the appliance, check that it is not damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the Service Centre. The symbols you will see on some paragraphs of this booklet have the following meaning: The warning triangle and/or the key words (Warning!, Caution!) emphasize information that is particularly important for your safety or correct functioning of the appliance. The information marked with this symbol provides additional instructions and practical tips on the use of the appliance. Tips and information about economical and ecological use of the machine are marked with this symbol. Our contribution to the protection of the environment: we use environmentally friendly paper. Contents Warnings 3-4 Disposal 4 Tips for environmental protection 4 Technical specifications 4 Installation 5 Unpacking 5 Positioning 5 Water inlet 5 Water drainage 6 Electrical connection 6 Your new washing machine 7 Description of the appliance 7 Detergent dispenser drawer Use Control panel Controls Programme information Washing hints Sorting the laundry Temperatures Before loading the laundry Maximum loads Laundry weights Removing stains Detergents and additives International wash code symbols Operating sequence Washing programmes Maintenance Door seal Bodywork Detergent dispenser drawer Drain pump Water inlet filter Emergency emptying out Frost precautions 7 8 8 8-10 Something not working? 2 10 11-12 11 11 11 11 11 11-12 12 13 14-15 16-18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21-22 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.22 Pagina 3 The following warnings are provided in the interests of overall safety. You must read them carefully before installing or using the appliance. Installation • Leave the porthole door slightly ajar when the appliance is not in use. This preserves the door seal and prevents the formation of musty smells. • Always check that water has emptied out before opening the door. If not, drain the water following the instructions in the instruction book. • Always unplug the appliance and shut the water tap after use. • All internal packing must be removed before using the appliance. Serious damage may be caused to the machine or adjacent furniture if the protective transit devices are not removed or are not completely removed. Refer to the relevant paragraph in the instruction book. • Any electrical work required to install this appliance must be carried out by a qualified electrician. • Any plumbing work required to install this appliance must be carried out by a qualified plumber. • After having installed the machine, check that it is not standing on its electrical supply cable. • If the appliance is placed on a carpeted floor, ensure that air can circulate freely between the feet and the floor. General safety • Repairs to the machine must be carried out only by qualified personnel. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons could cause serious danger. Contact your local Service Centre. • Never pull the power supply cable to remove the plug from the socket; always take hold of the plug itself. Use • During high temperature wash programmes the door glass may get hot. Do not touch it! • This appliance is designed for domestic use. It must not be used for purposes other than those for which it was designed. • Only wash fabrics which are designed to be machine washed. Follow the instructions on each garment label. • Do not overload the appliance. Follow the instructions in the instruction book. • Make sure that all pockets are empty. Objects such as coins, safety pins, pins and screws can cause extensive damage. • Do not machine wash garments saturated with petroleum, methylated spirits, trichlorethylene, etc. If such fluids have been used to remove stains prior to washing, wait until they have completely evaporated from the fabric before placing garments in the appliance. • Place small items such as socks, belts, etc. in a cloth bag or pillowcase to prevent them getting trapped between the drum and the tub. • Use only the recommended quantities of fabric softener. An excessive amount could damage the laundry. Child safety • Children are often not aware of how dangerous electrical appliances can be. When the machine is working, children should be carefully supervised and not be allowed to play with the appliance. • The packaging components (e.g. plastic film, polystyrene) can be dangerous to children danger of suffocation! Keep them out of children’s reach. • Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children’s reach. • When the appliance is to be scrapped, cut off the electrical supply cable and destroy the plug with the remaining cable. Disable the door catch in order to prevent children from becoming trapped inside while playing. 3 ENGLISH Warnings 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.22 Pagina 4 Disposal Packaging materials The materials marked with the symbol recyclable. Machine are Use authorised disposal sites for your old appliance. Help to keep your country tidy! >PE<=polyethylene >PS<=polystyrene >PP<=polypropylene This means that they can be recycled by disposing of them properly in appropriate collection containers. Tips for environmental protection To save water, energy and to help protect the environment, we recommend that you follow these tips: • With adequate pre-treatment, stains and limited soiling can be removed; the laundry can then be washed at a lower temperature. • Normally soiled laundry may be washed without prewashing in order to save detergent, water and time (the environment is protected too!). • Measure out detergent according to the water hardness, the degree of soiling and the quantity of laundry being washed. • The machine works more economically if it is fully loaded. Technical specifications DIMENSIONS Height Width Depth 85 cm 60 cm 59 cm MAXIMUM LOAD Cotton Synthetics Delicates Woollens Hand wash 5 kg 2.5 kg 2.5 kg 2 kg 2 kg SPIN SPEED 900 rpm max POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE/FREQUENCY TOTAL POWER ABSORBED MINIMUM FUSE PROTECTION 220-230 V/50 Hz 2200 W 10 A WATER PRESSURE Minimum Maximum This appliance complies with the following EEC Directives: 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 relating to low voltage 89/336/EEC of 03/05/89 relating to electromagnetic compatibility. 4 500 kPa 800 kPa 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.22 Pagina 5 7. Plug all the holes with the plugs which you will find in the envelope containing the instruction booklet. Unpacking All transit bolts and packing must be removed before using the appliance. You are advised to keep all transit devices so that they can be refitted if the machine ever has to be transported again. 1. Using a spanner, unscrew and remove the two rear bottom screws. Slide out the two plastic pins. P1128 P0002 Positioning Install the machine on a flat hard floor. Make sure that air circulation around the machine is not impeded by carpets, rugs etc. Check that the machine does not touch the wall or other kitchen units. Carefully level by screwing the adjustable feet in or out. Never place cardboard, wood or similar materials under the machine to compensate for any unevenness in the floor. P0001 P1129 2. Lay the machine on its back, taking care not to squash the hoses. This can be avoided by placing one of the corner packing pieces between the machine and the floor. 3. Remove the polystyrene block from the bottom of the machine and release the two plastic bags. 1 2 3 P1051 Water inlet P1124 Connect the water inlet hose to a tap with a 3/4" thread. 4. Very carefully slide out the left polythene bag, removing it towards the right and then downwards. Do not use already employed hoses for water connection. 5. Very carefully slide out the right polythene bag, removing it towards the left and then upwards. P1088 P1126 P1127 Important! 6. Set the machine upright and remove the remaining rear screw. Slide out the relevant pin. Before connecting up the machine to new pipework or to pipework that has not been used for some time, run off a reasonable amount of water to flush out any debris that may have collected in the pipes. 5 ENGLISH Installation 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.22 Pagina 6 The other end of the inlet hose which connects to the machine can be turned in any direction. Simply loosen the fitting, rotate the hose and retighten the fitting, making sure there are no water leaks The drain hose must not be kinked. P1118 For a correct functioning of the machine the drain hose must remain hooked on the proper support piece situated on the top part of the back side of the appliance. P0021 The inlet hose must not be lengthened. If it is too short and you do not wish to move the tap, you will have to purchase a new, longer hose specially designed for this type of use. Electrical connection This machine is designed to operate on a 220-230 V, single-phase, 50 Hz supply. Water drainage Check that your domestic electrical installation can take the maximum load required (2.2 kW), also taking into account any other appliances in use. The end of the drain hose can be positioned in three ways: Connect the machine to an earthed socket. Hooked over the edge of a sink using the plastic hose guide supplied with the machine. In this case, make sure the end cannot come unhooked when the machine is emptying. This could be done by tying it to the tap with a piece of string or attaching it to the wall. The manufacturer declines any responsibility for damage or injury through failure to comply with the above safety precaution. Should the appliance power supply cable need to be replaced, this should be carried out by our Service Centre. Please ensure that when the appliance is installed the power supply cable is easily accessible. P0022 In a sink drain pipe branch. This branch must be above the trap so that the bend is at least 60 cm above the ground. Directly into a drain pipe at a height of not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm. The end of the drain hose must always be ventilated, i.e. the inside diameter of the drain pipe must be larger than the outside diameter of the drain hose. 6 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.22 Pagina 7 This new machine meets all modern requirements for effective treatment of laundry with low water, energy and detergent consumption. • The automatic cooling of the washing water from 95° to 60°C before draining will prevent old drain pipes from being deformed. • The special wool programme with its new delicate wash system treats your woolens with extreme care. • The unbalance detection device prevents vibration during spinning. • The ECO valve allows total use of detergent and reduces water consumption so saving energy. • The programme selector dial combines the function of programme and temperature selection, making it easier to set the programme. Description of the appliance 1 Detergent dispenser drawer 2 1 2 Control panel 3 Door handle 4 Drain pump 95° 60° E60° 60° E40° 40° 5 Adjustable feet 900 700 600 500 + 40°AA 30° 30° 40° 30° PROGRAM 40° 30° 40°- 60° FUNCTION START/PAUSE EWF 900 3 4 5 Detergent dispenser drawer Prewash Main wash Fabric softener, starch P1190 7 ENGLISH Your new washing machine 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.22 Pagina 8 Use Control panel 95° 900 60° E60° 700 60° 600 E40° 500 40° + 40°AA 30° 30° 40° 30° PROGRAM 1 40° 30° 2 40°- 60° FUNCTION 3 START/PAUSE 4 A programme chart is in the interior part of the detergent dispenser drawer or together with the instruction booklet. Rinse hold position : When you choose this option, the machine will not drain the water of the last rinse, so as not to wrinkle the laundry. 2 Programme selector dial At the end of the programme the door is locked, the light of the START/PAUSE button goes off, the pilot lights and remain lit, to indicate that the water must be drained. To empty out water there are 2 possibilities: The selector dial is divided into following sections: • Cotton, linen (blue section) • Synthetics (green section) • Delicates, wool, handwash, rinses, drain, spin and delicate spin (grey section) • Select programme • Select programme or . Select the spin speed by means of the relevant button and then depress the START/PAUSE button. The water is emptied out and the laundry is spun at the selected spin speed. E40° 40° 40°AA 30° 30° 40° 40° 30° 40°- (draining): The water is emptied out without spinning. 60° E60° 60° 30° 5 6 • for cotton: 900 rpm; • for synthetic, wool, and fabrics to be handwashed: 900 rpm • for delicates:0700 rpm 1 Programme chart 95° EWF 900 60° Attention! Before selecting programme , the selector dial has to be positioned on 0 (cancelling). The selector dial can be turned either clockwise or anticlockwise. or 4 Programme option buttons Position E corresponds to the ENERGY SAVING programme for cotton and position O to Reset programme/Switching OFF of the machine. At the end of the programme the selector dial must be turned to position O, to switch the machine OFF. corresponds to cold wash. Depending on the program, different functions can be combined. These must be selected after choosing the desired program and before depressing the START/PAUSE button. When these buttons are pressed, the corresponding pilot lights come on. When they are pressed again, the pilot lights go out. Press these buttons to select the following options: 3 Spin Speed button Press this button repeatedly to change the spin speed, if you want your laundry to be spun at a speed different from the one proposed by the washing machine. The relevant light will light up. Maximum speeds are: PREWASH: select this option if you wish your laundry to be prewashed before the main wash (not available for wool and handwash cycle). The Prewash ends with a short spin at 650 rpm in programmes for cotton and synthetic fabrics, whereas in the program for delicate fabrics the water is only drained. 8 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 9 5 START/PAUSE button QUICK WASH: this option can be used for lightly soiled (not for wool, hand wash) in order to obtain a good washing program in a short time. The washing time will be reduced according to the type of fabric and the selected temperature. Quick wash cannot be used with E 60°C, E 40°C, 40°AA, 60° and 40° . EXTRA RINSE: this option can be selected with all programmes, except the wool program and handwash. The machine will add 2 rinses to the selected programme. This option is recommended for people who are allergic to detergents, and in areas where the water is very soft. This button has two functions: Start - Pause. • Start: After having selected the required programme, press this button to start the machine; the corresponding pilot light stops flashing. NIGHT WASH: when you choose this option, the machine will not drain the water of the last rinse, so as not to wrinkle the laundry. As all spinning phases are suppressed, this washing cycle is very noiseless and it can be selectionned at night or in times with a more economical power rate. On cotton and synthetic programmes the rinses will be performed with more water. To complete the cycle, choose one of the following programmes: • Pause To interrupt a programme which is running, depress the Start/Pause button: the corresponding pilot light starts start to flash. To restart the programme from the point at which it was interrupted, press the START/PAUSE button again. 6 Programme progress display Drain To drain the water select Drain programme by means of the selector dial, then press the START button. By selecting the wash programme, the pilot lights corresponding to the various phases making up the programme come on. Spin After the machine has started, only the running phase pilot light stays on. When the programme has finished, the End pilot light comes on. To spin the laundry choose spin or delicate spin programme by means of the selector dial; select spin speed by means of button and then press the START/PAUSE button. Important! Before choosing the programme (Drain), (Spin) or (Delicate Spin) the selector dial has to be positioned on «0» (OFF). SOAK : select this option if you wish to perform a soak of about 30 minutes at 30°C to your laundry before the main wash. This function is not available for wool and handwash cycle. The soak ends with a short spin at 650 rpm in programmes for cotton and synthetic fabrics, whereas in the programme for delicate fabrics the water is only drained. The END pilot light flashes in the event of operating problems. 4 flashes = the door has not been closed 2 flashes = the machine does not empty 1 flash = the machine does not fill To eliminate the problem, see paragraph "Something not working". 9 ENGLISH 132989740 GB.qxd 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 10 Programme information Rinses With this programme it is possible to rinse and spin cotton garments which have been washed by hand. The machine performs 3 rinses, followed by a final spin at maximum speed. The spin speed can be reduced by depressing button . The final spin is foreseen only for cotton items as in the spin programme. Drain For emptying out the water of the last rinse in programmes with the Rinse hold or Night wash . Turn first the programme selector dial to O, then select programme and depress the START/PAUSE button. Spin Separate long spin at max.speed for hand washed garments. It has to be used for cotton items. You can reduce the speed by means of button to adapt it to the fabrics to be spun. Delicate Spin Separate short spin at 700 rpm for hand washed garments. It has to be used for synthetic, delicate, wool/handwashed, silk items. You can reduce the speed by means of button to adapt it to the fabrics to be spun. O = Cancelling/OFF To reset a programme and to switch off the machine turn the selector dial to O. Now can a new programme be selected. 10 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 11 Laundry weights Washing hints The following weights are indicative: bathrobe Sorting the laundry Follow the wash code symbols on each garment label and the manufacturer’s washing instructions. Sort the laundry as follows: whites, coloureds, synthetics, delicates, woollens. 1200 g napkin 100 g quilt cover 700 g sheet 500 g pillow case 200 g tablecloth 250 g Temperatures towelling towel 200 g 95° tea cloth 100 g night dress 200 g ladies’ briefs 100 g man’s work shirt 600 g man’s shirt 200 g man’s pyjamas 500 g blouse 100 g men’s underpants 100 g 60° for normally soiled white cottons and linen (e.g. tea cloths, towels, tablecloths, sheets...) for normally soiled, colour fast garments (e.g. shirts, night dresses, pyjamas....) in linen, cotton or synthetic fibres and for lightly soiled white cotton (e.g. underwear). (cold) for delicate items (e.g. net curtains), mixed 30°-40° laundry including synthetic fibres and woollens. Removing stains Before loading the laundry Stubborn stains may not be removed by just water and detergent. It is therefore advisable to treat them prior to washing. Never wash whites and coloureds together. Whites may lose their “whiteness” in the wash. Blood: treat fresh stains with cold water. For dried stains, soak overnight in water with a special detergent then rub in the soap and water. New coloured items may run in the first wash; they should therefore be washed separately the first time. Make sure that no metal objects are left in the laundry (e.g. hair clips, safety pins, pins). Oil based paint: moisten with benzine stain remover, lay the garment on a soft cloth and dab the stain; treat several times. Button up pillowcases, close zip fasteners, hooks and poppers. Tie any belts or long tapes. Dried grease stains: moisten with turpentine, lay the garment on a soft surface and dab the stain with the fingertips and a cotton cloth. Remove persistent stains before washing. Rub particularly soiled areas with a special detergent or detergent paste. Maximum loads Rust: oxalic acid dissolved in hot water or a rust removing product used cold. Be careful with rust stains which are not recent since the cellulose structure will already have been damaged and the fabric tends to hole. Recommended loads are indicated in the programme charts. Mould stains: treat with bleach, rinse well (whites and fast coloureds only). General rules: Grass: soap lightly and treat with bleach (whites and fast coloureds only). Treat curtains with special care. Remove hooks or tie them up in a bag or net. Cotton, linen: drum full but not too tightly packed; Ball point pen and glue: moisten with acetone (*), lay the garment on a soft cloth and dab the stain. Synthetics: drum no more than half full; Delicate fabrics and woollens: drum no more than one third full. Lipstick: moisten with acetone as above, then treat stains with methylated spirits. Remove any residual marks from white fabrics with bleach. Washing a maximum load makes the most efficient use of water and energy. Red wine: soak in water and detergent, rinse and treat with acetic or citric acid, then rinse. Treat any residual marks with bleach. For heavily soiled laundry, reduce the load size. 11 ENGLISH 132989740 GB.qxd 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 12 Ink: depending on the type of ink, moisten the fabric first with acetone (*), then with acetic acid; treat any residual marks on white fabrics with bleach and then rinse thoroughly. Quantity of detergent to be used The type and quantity of detergent will depend on the type of fabric, load size, degree of soiling and hardness of the water used. Tar stains: first treat with stain remover, methylated spirits or benzine, then rub with detergent paste. (*) do not use acetone on artificial silk. Water hardness is classified in so-called “degrees” of hardness. Information on hardness of the water in your area can be obtained from the relevant water supply company, or from your local authority. Detergents and additives Follow the product manufacturers’ instructions on quantities to use. Good washing results also depend on the choice of detergent and use of the correct quantities to avoid waste and protect the environment. Although biodegradable, detergents contain substances which, in large quantities, can upset the delicate balance of nature. Use less detergent if: – you are washing a small load, – the laundry is lightly soiled, – large amounts of foam form during washing. The choice of detergent will depend on the type of fabric (delicates, woollens, cottons, etc.), the colour, washing temperature and degree of soiling. All commonly available washing machine detergents may be used in this appliance: – powder detergents for all types of fabric, – powder detergents for delicate fabrics (60°C max) and woollens, – liquid detergents, preferably for low temperature wash programmes (60°C max) for all types of fabric, or special for woollens only. The detergent and any additives must be placed in the appropriate compartments of the dispenser drawer before starting the wash programme. If using concentrated powder or liquid detergents, a programme without prewash must be selected. The washing machine incorporates a recirculation system which allows an optimal use of the concentrated detergent. Pour liquid detergent into the dispenser drawer compartment marked just before starting the programme. Any fabric softener or starching additives must be poured into the compartment marked before starting the wash programme. Follow the product manufacturer’s recommendations on quantities to use and do not exceed the «MAX» mark in the detergent dispenser drawer. 12 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 13 International wash code symbols These symbols appear on fabric labels, in order to help you choose the best way to treat your laundry. Energetic wash 95 60 40 30 Max. wash temperature 95°C Max. wash temperature 60°C Max. wash temperature 40°C Max. wash temperature 30°C Delicate wash 60 Bleaching Bleach in cold water 40 Hand wash 30 40 Do not wash at all Do not bleach Ironing Hot iron max 200°C Warm iron max 150°C Lukewarm iron max 110°C Do not iron Dry cleaning Dry cleaning in all solvents Dry cleaning in perchlorethylene, petrol, pure alcohol, R 111 & R 113 Dry cleaning in petrol, pure alcohol and R 113 Do not dry clean high temperature low temperature Drying Flat On the line On clothes hanger 13 Tumble dry Do not tumble dry ENGLISH 132989740 GB.qxd 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 14 4. Switch the machine ON Operating sequence Turn the selector dial to the desired programme to switch the appliance on. To switch the appliance off turn it to «0». Before the first wash we recommend that you pour 2 litres of water into the main wash compartment of the detergent drawer in order to activate the ECO valve. Then run a cotton cycle at 60°C, with the machine empty, in order to remove any manufacturing residue from the drum and tub. Pour half a measure of detergent into the main wash compartment and start up the machine. 95° 60° E60° 60° E40° 40° 40°AA 30° 30° 40° 30° 40° 30° 40°- 60° 1. Place the laundry in the drum 5. Select the desired programme Open the door. Place the laundry in the drum, one item at a time, shaking them out as much as possible. Turn the selector dial to the desired position: the lights corresponding to the different phases making up the selected programme light on. Close the door. 95° 60° E60° 60° E40° 40° 40°AA 30° 30° 40° 30° 40° 30° 40°- 60° P0004 6. Select the Spin Speed Rinse Hold option. 2. Measure out the detergent Pull out the dispenser drawer until it stops. Measure out the amount of detergent recommended by the manufacturer in a graduated cup and pour it into the main wash compartment . Press the SPIN SPEED button repeatedly, in order to select the desired spin speed or the Rinse Hold option. The relevant light will light up. If you select the Rinse Hold option, the machine will stop at the end of the programme with the water still in the tub. If you have selected the prewash or soak function, pour detergent into the appropriate compartment marked . 900 3. Measure out the additive 700 600 If required, pour fabric softener into the compartment marked , without exceeding the «MAX» mark. P1194 or the 500 P1195 14 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 15 7. Select the desired options 12. How to open the door after the programme has started The light corresponding to the depressed button illuminates. First set the machine to PAUSE by pressing the START/PAUSE button. If the door does not open, this means that the machine is already heating, that the water level is above the bottom edge of the door or that the drum is turning. If you cannot open the door but you need to open it you have to switch the machine off turning the selector dial to O. After about 3 minutes the door can be opened (pay attention to the water level and temperature!). To restart the programme switch on the machine and select again the desired programme and options. + 8. Start the programme Press the START/PAUSE button . The relevant light will stop flashing. and only the light relevant to the phase that is in progress will remain lit. 13. At the end of the programme 9. Altering a programme The washing machine stops automatically. You can alter the programme before it starts. When the programme has started, you can only reset it by turning the programme selector dial to O and then you can select the new programme. Start it by depressing the START/PAUSE button . If the Rinse hold option or Night wash has been selected, the door is locked, the light of the START/PAUSE button goes off, or and remain lit, to indicate that the water must be drained before opening the door. Turn the programme selector dial to Reset O to switch the machine off. Remove the laundry from the drum and carefully check that the drum is empty so as to avoid any forgotten items being damaged in a subsequent wash (e.g. shrinking) or their colour running into a load of whites. If you do not intend to carry out another wash, close the water tap. Leave the door open to prevent the formation of mildew and unpleasant smells. 10. Interrupting a programme Depress the START/PAUSE button to interrupt a programme which is running, the corresponding light starts to flash. Depress the same button again to restart the programme. 11. Cancelling a programme Turn the selector dial to O to cancel a programme which is running. Now you can select a new programme. 15 ENGLISH 132989740 GB.qxd 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 16 Washing programmes Washing Programmes for cottons and linen Section Temp./ Progr. blue 95° White cotton Wash at 95°C 3 rinses Long spin blue 60° Whites and fast coloureds blue 60° ** ECO Whites and fast coloureds Economy blue 60° blue 40° ECO blue 40° blue blue Type of fabric Programme description Additional functions Max. load Consumption* Energy kWh Water lt. Time min. 5 kg 2.0 53 145 Wash at 60°C 3 rinses Long spin 5 kg 1.2 49 120 Wash at 60°C 3 rinses Long spin 5 kg 0.85 49 136 Lightly soiled Wash at 60°C 3 rinses whites and Long spin fast coloureds Daily 5 kg 1.1 49 105 Non-fast coloureds Economy Wash at 40°C 3 rinses Long spin 5 kg 0.95 49 140 Lightly soiled Wash at 40°C non-fast 3 rinses coloureds Long spin Daily 5 kg 0.6 49 90 Wash at 40°AA 3 rinses Long spin 5 kg 0.95 49 140 Wash at -30°C 3 rinses Long spin 5 kg 0.4 49 110 40°AA Cotton 40°AA *** -30° Non-fast coloureds * The consumption data shown on this chart is to be considered purely indicative, as it may vary depending on the quantity and type of laundry, on the inlet water temperature and on the ambient temperature. It refers to the highest temperature for each wash programme and to a wash load of 5 kg for cotton. ** In compliance with EC directive 92/75, the consumption figures indicated on the energy label refer to the E60°C wash programme for cotton with a wash load of 5 kg. ***Fabrics washed with this programme have a washing efficiency result of AA. 16 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 17 Washing programmes for synthetics Section Temp./ Progr. green 60° green 40° Type of fabric , delicates Programme description Additional functions , handwash Max. load ENGLISH Washing programmes and wool Consumption* Energy kWh Water lt. Time min. Synthetics Wash at 60°C 3 rinses Short spin 2.5 kg 0.9 54 90 Synthetics Wash at 40°C 2.5 kg 0.4 50 75 2.5 kg 0.3 54 70 2.5 kg 0.5 55 60 2 kg 0.35 55 55 2 kg 0.23 55 50 Easy Iron 3 rinses Short spin green grey grey grey -30° Synthetics 30°-40° Delicates Wash at -30°C 3 rinses Short spin Wash at 30°40°C 3 rinses Short spin -30°Wool 40° Wash at -30°40°C 3 rinses Short spin 30° Wash at 30° 3 rinses Short spin Handwash * The consumption data shown on this chart is to be considered purely indicative, as it may vary depending on the quantity and type of laundry and on the ambient temperature. 17 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 18 Washing programmes Special Programmes Programme selector dial position For rinsing items 3 rinses with liquid additive, if required. Long spin at max. speed 5 kg 0.05 52 45 For empting out the water of the last rinses of programmes with option or Water draining / - - 2 Separate spin for cottons Drain and long spin at the max. speed 5 kg - - 10 5 kg - - 6 / - - - Spin Delicate Spin O Reset/Off * Consumption* Programme Rinses Drain Wash load max. Programme description Separate spin for Drain and synthetics, delicates, delicate spin wool/hanwash For cancelling the programme which is running or to switch the machine off. Addictional functions Energy Water kWh litres Time min. The consumption data shown on this chart is to be considered purely indicative, as it may vary depending on the quantity and type of laundry, on the inlet water temperature and on the ambient temperature. 18 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 19 Detergent can also accumulate inside the drawer recess: clean it with an old toothbrush. Refit the drawer after cleaning. Bodywork Clean the outside of the machine with soap and water only. Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth. Important: do not use methylated spirits, solvents or similar products to clean the bodywork. Door seal Check from time to time the door seal and eliminate eventual possible objects that could be trapped in the fold. P0038 Drain pump The pump should be inspected if • the machine does not empty and/or spin • the machine makes an unusual noise during draining due to objects such as safety pins, coins etc. blocking the pump. Proceed as follows: P1050 • Disconnect the appliance. • If necessary wait until the water has cooled down. • Open the pump door. Detergent dispenser drawer After a while, detergents and fabric softeners leave deposits in the drawer. Clean the drawer from time to time by rinsing it under a running tap. To remove the drawer from the machine, press the button in the rear left-hand corner. To facilitate cleaning, the top part of the additive compartments can be removed. P1114 P1191 P1192 P1193 P1086 • Place a container close to the pump to collect any spillage. • Release the emergency emptying hose, place it in the container and remove its cap. • When no more water comes out, unscrew the pump cover and remove the pump. Always keep a rag nearby to dry up spillage of water when removing the pump. P1115 19 ENGLISH Maintenance 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 20 Emergency emptying out • Remove any objects from the pump impeller by rotating it. If the water is not discharged, proceed as follows to empty out the machine: • pull out the plug from the power socket; • close the water tap; • if necessary, wait until the water has cooled down; • open the pump door; • place a bowl on the floor and place the end of the emergency emptying hose into the bowl. Remove its cap. The water should drain by gravity into the bowl. Whe the bowl is full, put the cap back on the hose. Empty the bowl. Repeat the procedure until water stops flowing out; • Put the cap back on the emergency emptying hose and place the latter back in its seat. • clean the pump if necessary as previously described; • replace the emergency emptying hose in its seat after having plugged it; • screw the pump cover again and close the door. P1117 Frost precautions • Screw the pump cover fully in. • Close the pump door. If the machine is installed in a place where the temperature could drop below 0°C, proceed as follows: • Turn the programme selector dial to O. Water inlet filter • Remove the plug from the socket. If you notice that the machine is taking longer to fill, check that the filter in the water inlet hose is not blocked. • Close the water tap and unscrew the water inlet hose from the tap. • Place the end of the emergency emptying hose and that of the inlet hose in a bowl placed on the floor and let water drain out. Turn off the water tap. Unscrew the hose from the tap. Clean the filter with a stiff brush. • Screw the water inlet hose back on and reposition the emergency emptying hose after having put the cap on again. Screw the hose back onto the tap. By doing this, any water remaining in the machine is removed, avoiding the formation of ice and, consequently, breakage of the affected parts. When you use the machine again, make sure that the ambient temperature is above 0°C. Important! Every time you drain the water through the emergency emptying hose you must pour 2 litres of water into the main wash compartment of the detergent drawer and then run the drain programme. This will activate the ECO VALVE device avoiding that part of the detergent remains unused at next washing. P1090 20 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 21 Problems which you can resolve yourself. During machine operation it is possible that the light ENGLISH Something not working? starts to flash: 4 flashes: door open 2 flashes: problem with water draining 1 flash: problem with the water supply Once the problem has been eliminated, press the START/PAUSE button all checks, the problem persists, contact your local Service Centre. Problem to restart the programme. If after Possible cause • The machine does not start up: • The door is not firmly closed. • The machine is not plugged in or there is no power at the socket. • The main fuse has blown. • The programme selector dial is not positioned correctly. • The START/PAUSE button has not been depressed. • The machine does not fill: • • • • • The machine fills then empties immediately: • The end of the drain hose is too low. Refer to relevant paragraph in “water drainage” section. • The machine does not empty and/or does not spin: • The drain hose is squashed or kinked. • The option or has been selected. • The drain filter is clogged. • There is water on the floor: • Too much detergent or unsuitable detergent (creates too much foam) has been used. • Check whether there are any leaks from one of the inlet hose fittings. It is not always easy to see this as the water runs down the hose; check to see if it is damp. • The drain hose is damaged. • Unsatisfactory washing results: • Too little detergent or unsuitable detergent has been used. • Stubborn stains have not been treated prior to washing. • The correct temperature was not selected. • Excessive laundry load. • The machine vibrates or is noisy: • The transit bolts and packing have not been removed. • The support feet have not been adjusted. • The laundry is not evenly distributed in the drum. • Maybe there is very little laundry in the drum. • The door will not open: • • • • 21 The water tap is closed. The inlet hose is squashed or kinked. The filter in the inlet hose is blocked. The door is not properly closed. The programme is still running. The door lock has not yet released. The water level is above the bottom edge of the door. The machine is heating the water. 132989740 GB.qxd 28/04/2004 11.23 Pagina 22 Problem Possible cause • Spinning starts late or the laundry is not spun enough: • The electronic unbalance detection device has cut in because the laundry is not evenly distributed in the drum. The laundry is redistributed by reverse rotation of the drum. This may happen several times before the unbalance disappears and normal spinning can resume. If, after 6 minutes, the laundry is still not evenly distributed in the drum, the machine will spin at a lower speed or will not spin. If at the end of the programme the laundry is not spun enough, redistribute the load manually and select the spin programme. • Water is not visible in the machine: • The machine, which is the result of modern technology, runs in a very economical way with low water consumption. Performance is nevertheless excellent. • The machine makes an unusual noise: • The machine is fitted with a commutator motor which improves machine performance. . Ser . No . ..... .... Mo Pro d. ..... d. No ..... . ..... ..... If you are unable to identify or solve the problem, contact our service centre. Before telephoning, make a note of the model, serial number and purchase date of your machine: the Service Centre will require this information. Mod. .......... Prod. No. ........... P0042 BD 22 Ser. No. ......... 132989740•rus 3-05-2004 14:47 Pagina 92 From the Electrolux Group. The world’s No.1 choice. The Electrolux Group is the world’s largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold each year to a value of approx.14 billion USD in more than 150 countries around the world. MADE IN EEC