Table of Contents
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How to use the Epson
A4 scanner
User guide
Related Manuals for Epson Perfection 4490 Photo
Summary of Contents for Epson Perfection 4490 Photo
Page 1
How to use the Epson A4 scanner User guide… -
Page 2
Contents 1. Scanning images and documents……… page 3-7 2. Scanning direct to PDF……………………. page 8-14 3. Scanning and editing text………………… page 15-19 4. Troubleshooting………………………….. …. page 20-21… -
Page 3
Scanning images and documents 1. Open ‘Epson Scan’ by Double left clicking on desktop icon If this error message appears, make sure scanner is switched on. To switch on scanner follow troubleshooting instructions on page 20, then left click on ‘No’ and repeat step 1… -
Page 4
Check that you are in ‘Professional Mode’ by using the ‘Mode’ drop down window 2. Left click on ‘Scan’… -
Page 5
3. Choose your ‘File Save Settings’ by: a.) Selecting ‘Location’ of scanned files (you can scan direct to a USB device by clicking on ‘Browse’) b.) Creating a ‘File Name’ c.) Selecting an ‘Image Format’ (recommend JPEG) save direct to PDF Scanning Note: You can format. -
Page 6
A ‘Progress’ window will appear while your image/ document is being scanned… -
Page 7
Note: If you this you may need to refresh it see your saved files pressing F5 on keyboard To scan more images/ documents, repeat steps 2-4 5. Once you have finished scanning, close ‘Epson Scan’… -
Page 8
Scanning images and documents direct to 1. Follow ‘Scanning images/ documents’ section steps 1 – 2 on pages 3 — 4 2. Choose your ‘File Save Settings’ by: d.) Selecting ‘Location’ of scanned files (you can scan direct to a USB device by clicking on ‘Browse’) e.) Creating a ‘File Name’… -
Page 9
3. Select PDF (*.pdf) ‘Image Format’ using the drop down 4. Left click on ‘Options’… -
Page 10
6. Make sure ‘Paper Size’ is set to A4 (you can change paper size using drop down tab) 7. Select desired ‘Orientation’ 8. Left click on ‘OK’ 9. Left click on ‘OK’ again (‘File Save Settings’ window) -
Page 11
A ‘Progress’ window will appear while your image/ document is being scanned… -
Page 12
Once scanning is complete an ‘Epson Scan’ window will appear giving you three options Option 1: Saving your file a) Left click on ‘Save File’ Option 2: Adding more scanned pages a) Left click on ‘Add Page’ b) Left click on ‘Scan’… -
Page 13
Option 3: Editing your scanned page/s In this edit mode, you can either rotate or delete pages To rotate a page: a) Highlight page you want to edit by left clicking on it b) Left click on green arrow icons To delete a page: a) Highlight page you want to edit by left clicking on it b) Left click on rubbish bin icon… -
Page 14
Once you have saved your scanned pages the file save location folder will automatically appear already have window open Note: If you this you may need to refresh it see your saved files pressing F5 on keyboard 1. Once you have finished scanning, close ‘Epson Scan’… -
Page 15
Scanning and editing text 1. Open Abbyy FineReader by left clicking on ‘Start’ – ‘Programs’ – ‘Abbyy FineReader’ – Abbyy FineReader’ If this error message appears, make sure scanner is switched on. To switch on scanner follow troubleshooting instructions on page 20, then left click on ‘No’… -
Page 16
If ‘Abbyy FineReader’ ‘Improved recognition accuracy’ window appears, close it by left clicking on ‘Cancel’ 2. Left Click on ‘Scan & Read’ Check that you are in ‘Professional Mode’ by using the ‘Mode’ drop down window 3. Left Click on ‘Scan’… -
Page 17
A ‘Progress’ window will appear while your text is being scanned… -
Page 18
Once progress is complete you will see your text displayed in both Image (left) and text (right) format 4. Left click on ‘Save’ and select ‘Send to Microsoft Word’ 5. Left click on ‘OK’… -
Page 19
Microsoft Word will automatically launch (Note: There will be varying degrees of success with regard to formatting) 6. Use Microsoft Word to edit text and adjust formatting 7. Once you have finished editing your scanned text, Save your file 8. Close Abbyy FineReader… -
Page 20: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting If this error message appears, make sure scanner is switched on by: 1. Switching on power button at side of scanner…
Page 21
2. Waiting for scanner power (green) light to change from flashing to steady 3. Left clicking on ‘No’ to close error message window…
Краткое содержание страницы № 1
Start Here
PERF4490SH.FM A2 size
Start Here
Connect and turn on
® ®
Epson Perfection 4490 Photo
Connect the cover cable.
Note: Do not connect the USB cable yet.
Connect the AC adapter and power cable.
Film holders AC adapter and power cord
Install software
Turn on the scanner using the power switch.
Insert the scanner software CD.
Connect the USB cable.
Windows : The installer starts automatically.
Macintosh OS X: Double-click the CD-ROM icon on the desktop.
Click Ins
Краткое содержание страницы № 2
R4CG080 Start Here PERF4490SH.FM A2 size 4/26/05 Start Here Connect and turn on ® ® Epson Perfection 4490 Photo Unpack Connect the cover cable. Note: Do not connect the USB cable yet. Connect the AC adapter and power cable. Film holders AC adapter and power cord Install software Turn on the scanner using the power switch. Insert the scanner software CD. Connect the USB cable. ® Windows : The installer starts automatically. ® Macintosh OS X: Double-click the CD-ROM icon on the desktop. Click Ins
Краткое содержание страницы № 3
R4CG080 Start Here PERF4490SH.FM A2 size 4/26/05 Do more Place film or slides Restore color Place film 35 mm film Medium format film ™ ™ Remove dust or scratch marks using Digital ICE or Digital ICE Lite Note: Digital ICE is for color film/slides scanned in Home or Professional Mode. 35 mm film Medium format film View the on-screen User’s Guide for instructions. Help User’s Guide Place slides Double-click the PERF4490P User’s Guide icon on your desktop. Scanner software help Click the Help or
Краткое содержание страницы № 4
R4CG080 Start Here PERF4490SH.FM A2 size 4/26/05 Do more Place film or slides Restore color Place film 35 mm film Medium format film ™ ™ Remove dust or scratch marks using Digital ICE or Digital ICE Lite Note: Digital ICE is for color film/slides scanned in Home or Professional Mode. 35 mm film Medium format film View the on-screen User’s Guide for instructions. Help User’s Guide Place slides Double-click the PERF4490P User’s Guide icon on your desktop. Scanner software help Click the Help or
Start Here
A2 size
Start Here
4490 Photo
Do not connect the USB cable yet.
Film holders
AC adapter and power cord
Install software
Insert the scanner software CD.
: The installer starts automatically.
OS X: Double-click the CD-ROM icon on the desktop.
Click Install and follow the on-screen instructions. At the end, remove the CD.
Insert the Adobe
Elements CD and follow the on-screen instructions.
Unlock the scanner.
Unlock the transparency unit transportation lock.
Connect and turn on
Connect the cover cable.
Connect the AC adapter and power cable.
Connect the USB cable.
Turn on the scanner using the power switch.
Place a document or photo
Дата: 23 августа 2005 года | Язык: RU | Размер: 2.37 Mb
Интерактивное руководство, в котором в доступной форме изложены основные характеристики устройства и правила его эксплуатации
Дата: 23 августа 2005 года | Язык: EN | Размер: 2.35 Mb
Интерактивное руководство, в котором в доступной форме изложены основные характеристики устройства и правила его эксплуатации
Дата: 23 августа 2005 года | Язык: RU
Интерактивное руководство, в котором в доступной форме изложены основные характеристики устройства и правила его эксплуатации
Дата: 23 августа 2005 года | Язык: EN
Интерактивное руководство, в котором в доступной форме изложены основные характеристики устройства и правила его эксплуатации
инструкцияEpson PERFECTION 4490 PHOTO
Start Here
PERF4490SH.FM A2 size
Start Here
4490 Photo
Note: Do not connect the USB cable yet.
Film holders AC adapter and power cord
Install software
Insert the scanner software CD.
: The installer starts automatically.
OS X: Double-click the CD-ROM icon on the desktop.
Click Install and follow the on-screen instructions. At the end, remove the CD.
Insert the Adobe
Elements CD and follow the on-screen instructions.
Unlock the scanner. Unlock the transparency unit transportation lock.
Connect and turn on
Connect the cover cable.
Connect the AC adapter and power cable.
Connect the USB cable.
Turn on the scanner using the power switch.
Place a document or photo
Посмотреть инструкция для Epson PERFECTION 4490 PHOTO бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории сканеры, 3 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 9.1. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Epson PERFECTION 4490 PHOTO или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
- Unpack
- Install software
- Unlock
- Connect and turn on
- Place a document or photo
- Place film or slides
- Scan
- Do more
- Help
Epson | |
PERFECTION 4490 PHOTO | B11B176022 | |
сканер | |
8715946276649 | |
английский | |
Руководство пользователя (PDF) |
Прочие свойства
Порты ввода/вывода | 1x USB B |
Размеры (ШхГхВ) | 272 x 475 x 113 mm |
Требования к питанию | 220 — 240V 50 — 60Hz |
Максимальный рабочий диапазон температур (Т-Т) | 5 — 35 °C |
Тип пленки | 35 мм |
Цветное сканирование | Да |
Скорость планшетного сканирования (ч/б, A4) | 3.5 с/стор |
Глубина входного цвета | 48 бит |
Сканирование плёнок (негативов) | Да |
Системные требования
Совместимые операционные системы | Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XPnMac OS X 10.2.7 |
Совместимость с Mac | Да |
Порты и интерфейсы
Стандартные интерфейсы | USB 2.0 |
USB порт | Да |
Версия USB | 2.0 |
Вес и размеры
Условия эксплуатации
Диапазон температур при хранении | 10 — 32 °C |
Диапазон относительной влажности при эксплуатации | 10 — 80 % |
Диапазон температур при эксплуатации | 5 — 35 °C |
Тип сканера | Планшетный сканер |
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