Epson perfection v550 photo инструкция

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Epson Perfection V550 Photo User Manual

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Perfection V550 Photo User’s Guide


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Summary of Contents for Epson Perfection V550 Photo

  • Page 1
    Perfection V550 Photo User’s Guide…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Starting a Scan……………………… 28 Starting a Scan from a Scanner Button………………28 Changing Default Scan Button Settings ………………30 Starting a Scan Using the Epson Scan Icon ……………… 31 Starting a Scan from a Scanning Program………………32 Selecting Epson Scan Settings ………………….34 Scan Modes………………………

  • Page 4
    Saving Scanned Images to a Folder ………………74 EPSON JPEG File Settings …………………. 75 EPSON TIFF and Multi-TIFF File Settings …………….75 Restoring Photo Colors as You Scan ……………….. 76 Removing Dust and Scratch Marks Using DIGITAL ICE Technology ……….77 DIGITAL ICE Technology Specifications ………………
  • Page 5
    Scanner Does Not Turn On or Turns Off Unexpectedly…………..99 Scanner Buttons Do Not Work as Expected ……………… 99 Scanning Software Does Not Operate Correctly …………….99 Cannot Start Epson Scan ………………….100 Scanning is Slow ……………………. 101 Solving Scanned Image Quality Problems ………………101 Image Consists of a Few Dots Only…………………
  • Page 6
    Safety and Approvals Specifications ………………..113 Notices …………………………114 Important Safety Instructions………………….114 Restrictions on Copying ……………………115 Default Delay Times for Power Management for Epson Products………… 116 Trademarks ……………………….116 Copyright Notice……………………..117 libTIFF Software Acknowledgment………………..117 A Note Concerning Responsible Use of Copyrighted Materials……….. 118…
  • Page 7: Perfection V550 Photo User’s Guide

    Perfection V550 Photo User’s Guide Welcome to the Perfection V550 Photo User’s Guide. For a printable PDF copy of this guide, click here.

  • Page 8: Scanner Basics

    Scanner Basics See these sections to learn about the basic features of your scanner. Scanner Parts Locations Changing the Power Off Timer Setting Scanner Parts Locations See these sections to identify the parts on your scanner. Scanner Parts Scanner Buttons and Lights Parent topic: Scanner Basics Scanner Parts…

  • Page 9
    Document mat Scanner glass Carriage (beneath scanner glass)
  • Page 10
    power button DC inlet Transportation lock USB port…
  • Page 11
    Transparency unit window (behind document mat) Parent topic: Scanner Parts Locations…
  • Page 12: Scanner Buttons And Lights

    Scanner Buttons and Lights Buttons email copy start Lights Ready Error…

  • Page 13: Changing The Power Off Timer Setting

    Scanner Parts Locations Changing the Power Off Timer Setting You can use the Epson Scan Settings software to change the time period before the scanner turns off automatically. 1. Do one of the following to access the Epson Scan Settings program: •…

  • Page 14
    2. Click Power Off Timer. 3. Enter the time period you want before the scanner turns off automatically as the Power Off Timer setting. (To disable the Power Off Timer setting, enter 0 (zero).) 4. Click OK. Parent topic: Scanner Basics…
  • Page 15: Placing Originals On The Scanner

    Placing Originals on the Scanner Follow the instructions here to place your originals on the scanner. Caution: Do not place anything on top of your scanner or use its cover as a writing surface to avoid damaging it. Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass Placing Film or Slides on the Scanner Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass You can place originals directly on the scanner glass.

  • Page 16
    3. Place your original facedown on the scanner glass with the top edge facing as shown. Slide the original to the edges of the indicated corner. Note: You can place multiple originals on the scanner glass. Make sure they are at least 0.8 inch (20 mm) away from each other.
  • Page 17: Placing Film Or Slides On The Scanner

    Parent topic: Placing Originals on the Scanner Placing Film or Slides on the Scanner Follow the instructions here to place your original film or slides on the scanner. Removing the Document Mat Placing 35 mm Film Strips on the Scanner Placing Medium Format Film on the Scanner Placing 35 mm Slides on the Scanner Replacing the Document Mat…

  • Page 18
    2. Slide the document mat out from inside the scanner cover.
  • Page 19: Placing 35 Mm Film Strips On The Scanner

    3. Clean the transparency unit window and the scanner glass before placing your film or slides. Parent topic: Placing Film or Slides on the Scanner Related tasks Cleaning Your Scanner Placing 35 mm Film Strips on the Scanner You can place 35 mm film strips on the scanner using the 35 mm film strip holder.

  • Page 20
    Caution: Hold only the edges of the film strips or use gloves, or you may damage the film. Make sure the white areas on the back of the holder are not scratched, dirty, or covered in any way or the scanner may not correctly detect the holder during scanning.
  • Page 21
    3. Close the holder cover and press it down until it clicks into place. Also press down all the edges of the cover to secure it. 4. Open the scanner cover. 5. Remove the document mat from the scanner cover, if necessary. 6.
  • Page 22: Placing Medium Format Film On The Scanner

    Placing Medium Format Film on the Scanner You can place medium format film on the scanner using the medium format film holder. Caution: Hold only the edges of the film strips or use gloves, or you may damage the film. Make sure the white areas on the back of the holder are not scratched, dirty, or covered in any way or the scanner may not correctly detect the holder during scanning.

  • Page 23
    • If the edges of the film curl down, place the support sheet on top of the film with the glossy side facing down. Caution: Make sure only the glossy side of the support sheet touches the film surface. If you place the support sheet upside-down, it may damage the film.
  • Page 24
    3. Close the film holder cover and press it down until it clicks into place. Also press down all the edges of the cover to secure it. 4. Open the scanner cover. 5. Remove the document mat from the scanner cover, if necessary. 6.
  • Page 25: Placing 35 Mm Slides On The Scanner

    Placing 35 mm Slides on the Scanner You can place 35 mm slides on the scanner using the slide portion of the 35 mm film strip holder. Caution: Hold only the edges of the film strips or use gloves, or you may damage the film. Make sure the white areas on the back of the holder are not scratched, dirty, or covered in any way or the scanner may not correctly detect the holder during scanning.

  • Page 26: Replacing The Document Mat

    4. Place up to four slides into the film holder with the shiny sides facing down in the direction shown. Note: The images and any wording on the slides should appear backward. Do not cover any of the small holes in the film holder. 5.

  • Page 27
    2. Slide the document mat into the notches on the scanner cover with the white surface facing out. Parent topic: Placing Film or Slides on the Scanner…
  • Page 28: Scanning

    After placing your original documents or photos on your product for scanning, start scanning using one of these methods. Starting a Scan from a Scanner Button Starting a Scan Using the Epson Scan Icon Starting a Scan from a Scanning Program Parent topic:…

  • Page 29
    PDF button starts the Scan to PDF utility so you can scan multiple originals directly to a PDF file email button starts Epson Scan, scans your original to a JPG file, and opens your email program so you can send it as an attachment…
  • Page 30: Changing Default Scan Button Settings

    Start > All Programs or Programs > Epson Software > Event Manager. • Mac OS X: Open the Applications folder, click Epson Software, and click Event Manager. You see a window like this: 2. Change the program and action performed by each button as necessary.

  • Page 31: Starting A Scan Using The Epson Scan Icon

    Starting a Scan from a Scanner Button Starting a Scan Using the Epson Scan Icon You can start the Epson Scan program to select scan settings, scan, and save the scanned image to a file. • Windows: Double-click the EPSON Scan icon on your computer desktop.

  • Page 32: Starting A Scan From A Scanning Program

    Starting a Scan Starting a Scan from a Scanning Program You can start Epson Scan from a scanning program to select scan settings, scan, and open the scanned image in the program. Note: With Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, or 10.8, in addition to scanning with Image Capture, you can download and install Epson Scan scanning software.

  • Page 33
    ABBYY FineReader. To download Epson Scan, visit Epson’s driver download site (U.S. downloads Canadian downloads). 1. Open your scanning program and select its scanning option. (See your scanning program help for instructions.) 2. Select your product.
  • Page 34: Selecting Epson Scan Settings

    Note: In certain programs, you may see the program’s scan window instead of the Epson Scan window. Select scanning options as necessary. Parent topic: Starting a Scan Selecting Epson Scan Settings After starting Epson Scan, you can select settings in various modes to customize your scan.

  • Page 35: Scan Modes

    Scanning in Full Auto Mode Scanning in Home Mode Scanning in Office Mode Scanning in Professional Mode Selecting the Scan Mode Select the Epson Scan mode you want to use from the Mode box in the upper right corner of the Epson Scan window:…

  • Page 36: Scanning In Full Auto Mode

    Scanning in Full Auto Mode When you scan in Full Auto Mode, Epson Scan automatically saves your scanned file in JPEG format in your operating system’s Pictures or My Pictures folder, or opens it in your scanning program. You can change the scanned file settings and select various image adjustment options before you scan, if necessary.

  • Page 38
    3. Click Scan. Epson Scan scans your original, and saves the file in the selected folder or opens it in your scanning program. If the file was saved directly to your computer, you see the file in the Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder, where you can view and print the image, if desired.
  • Page 39: Available Image Adjustments — Full Auto Mode

    Scanning in Full Auto Mode Scanning in Home Mode When you scan in Home Mode, Epson Scan automatically saves your scanned file in JPEG format in your operating system’s Pictures or My Pictures folder, or opens it in your scanning program. You can select settings, preview, and change the scanned file settings as necessary.

  • Page 40
    2. Select the Document Type setting that matches your original, such as Photograph or Text/Line Art. 3. Select the Image Type setting that matches your original.
  • Page 41: Selecting A Scan Area — Home Mode

    11. Change any of the necessary file save settings and click OK. Epson Scan scans your original, and saves the file in the selected folder or opens it in your scanning program. If the file was saved directly to your computer, you see the file in the Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder, where you can view and print the image, if desired.

  • Page 42
    You can also use the scan area to select specific Image Adjustments settings for a scanned image. Just be sure to click inside the scan area before selecting the settings. 1. Do one of the following to select your scan area in the Preview image: •…
  • Page 43
    2. Do the following, as necessary, to work with the selected scan area: • If the marquee is correct, continue with the next step. • To move the marquee, click inside the scan area and drag the marquee where you want it. •…
  • Page 44: Available Image Adjustments — Home Mode

    Otherwise, only the area inside the currently selected marquee will be scanned. • To delete a marquee, click the marquee, then click the Delete Marquee icon. 3. Click inside the scan area and make any necessary settings in the Epson Scan window. Parent topic: Scanning in Home Mode Available Image Adjustments — Home Mode You can select these Image Adjustments options in Epson Scan Home Mode.

  • Page 45: Scanning In Office Mode

    Removing Dust and Scratch Marks Using DIGITAL ICE Technology Scanning in Office Mode When you scan in Office Mode, Epson Scan automatically saves your scanned file in JPEG format in your operating system’s Pictures or My Pictures folder, or opens it in your scanning program. You can select settings, preview, and change the scanned file settings as necessary.

  • Page 46
    2. Select the Image Type setting that matches your original. 3. Select the Document Source setting indicating where you placed your original. 4. Select the Size and Orientation settings that match your original. 5. Select the Resolution setting you want to use for your scan. 6.
  • Page 47: Selecting A Scan Area — Office Mode

    11. Change any of the necessary file save settings and click OK. Epson Scan scans your original, and saves the file in the selected folder or opens it in your scanning program. If the file was saved directly to your computer, you see the file in the Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder, where you can view and print the image, if desired.

  • Page 48
    1. In the Preview window, click the Auto Locate icon to create a marquee (dotted line) on the preview image. 2. Do the following, as necessary, to work with the selected scan area: • If the marquee is correct, continue with the next step. •…
  • Page 49: Available Image Adjustments — Office Mode

    Otherwise, only the area inside the currently selected marquee will be scanned. • To delete a marquee, click the marquee, then click the Delete Marquee icon. 3. Click inside each scan area and make any necessary settings in the Epson Scan window. Parent topic: Scanning in Office Mode Available Image Adjustments — Office Mode You can select these Image Adjustments options in Epson Scan Office Mode.

  • Page 50: Scanning In Professional Mode

    Convert Scanned Documents to Editable Text (OCR) Scanning in Professional Mode When you scan in Professional Mode, Epson Scan automatically saves your scanned file in JPEG format in your operating system’s Pictures or My Pictures folder, or opens it in your scanning program.

  • Page 52: Available Image Types — Professional Mode

    12. Change any of the necessary file save settings and click OK. Epson Scan scans your original, and saves the file in the selected folder or opens it in your scanning program. If the file was saved directly to your computer, you see the file in the Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder, where you can view and print the image, if desired.

  • Page 53: Available Image Adjustments — Professional Mode

    Parent topic: Scanning in Professional Mode Available Image Adjustments — Professional Mode You can select these Adjustments options in Epson Scan Professional Mode. Note: Not all adjustment settings may be available, depending on the Image Type setting. Click the image adjustment icon to access additional settings.

  • Page 54
    Click the + (Windows) or (Mac OS X) icon next to a setting to change the level of adjustment. Unsharp Mask Makes the edges of certain image areas clearer. Turn off this option to leave softer edges. Descreening Removes the ripple pattern that might appear in subtly shaded image areas, such as skin tones. This option improves results when scanning magazines or newspapers.
  • Page 55: Selecting A Scan Size — Professional Mode

    1. Click the Preview button to preview your image. 2. In the Epson Scan window, select the size you want your scanned image to be from the Target Size list.

  • Page 56
    A marquee (dotted line) appears on your preview image proportioned for the size you selected. 3. Do the following, as necessary, to work with the selected scan area: • To move the marquee, click inside the scan area and drag the marquee where you want it. •…
  • Page 57
    4. To create a scanned image size that is not available in the Target Size list, click the Customize option. 5. Name the custom size, enter the size, click Save, and click OK. Then create a scan area on the preview image.
  • Page 58: Image Preview Guidelines

    • You will enlarge the image as you scan it. If you will enlarge the image using Epson Scan’s Target Size setting (Home and Professional modes only), you do not need to increase the Resolution setting.

  • Page 59: Selecting Scan File Settings

    Selecting Scan File Settings You can select the location, name, and format of your scan file on the File Save Settings window. You can also select various optional settings that control how Epson Scan behaves when you scan and save files.

  • Page 60: Available Scanned File Types And Optional Settings

    The File Save Settings window may appear after you click Scan on the Epson Scan window. You may also be able to access the window by clicking the icon on the Epson Scan window. 1. Do one of the following to select the folder in which you want to save your scanned image: •…

  • Page 61: Scanning Special Projects

    A standard image file format for most Mac OS X programs. PRINT Image Matching II (*.jpg or *.tif) File formats that include Epson PRINT Image Matching II data for enhanced quality and a wider color range (does not affect the way the image displays on the screen).

  • Page 62: Scanning To Facebook And Other Destinations

    Starting a Scan Using Easy Photo Scan You can use Epson Easy Photo Scan software to easily scan your originals using Epson Scan, edit the scanned images, and share them using Facebook or other photo sharing sites on the web.

  • Page 63
    3. Click the Scan button. Epson Scan launches. 4. Click Scan on the Epson Scan window to scan your original. The scanned image is displayed in the Easy Photo Scan window with an automatically generated name. You can edit the name of the file by selecting the image thumbnail at the bottom of the screen and clicking the icon.
  • Page 64: Uploading Scanned Images To Facebook

    Parent topic: Scanning to Facebook and Other Destinations Related tasks Uploading Scanned Images to Facebook Uploading Scanned Images to Picasa Uploading Scanned Images to Evernote Uploading Scanned Images to SugarSync Uploading Scanned Images to a Web Folder Uploading Scanned Images to Email Saving Scanned Images to a Folder Uploading Scanned Images to Facebook Note: If you have already configured a Facebook account in Easy Photo Scan, you can select a saved…

  • Page 65
    2. Click the Login button. If you have previously configured Easy Photo Scan to use a Facebook account and saved your settings, make sure you select the entry in the Setting Name list. 3. On the Application Authentication screen, log in to your Facebook account. Note: Make sure Keep account logged in is selected to enable automatic uploading of images.
  • Page 66: Uploading Scanned Images To Picasa

    Parent topic: Scanning to Facebook and Other Destinations Related references EPSON JPEG File Settings Uploading Scanned Images to Picasa Note: If you have already configured a Picasa account in Easy Photo Scan, you can select a saved setting and click Send to upload your pictures.

  • Page 67
    2. Click the Login button. If you have previously configured Easy Photo Scan to use a Picasa account and saved your settings, make sure you select the entry in the Setting Name list. 3. On the Application Authentication screen, log in to your Google account. 4.
  • Page 68: Uploading Scanned Images To Evernote

    Parent topic: Scanning to Facebook and Other Destinations Related references EPSON JPEG File Settings Uploading Scanned Images to Evernote Note: If you have already configured an Evernote account in Easy Photo Scan, you can select the saved setting and click Send to upload your pictures.

  • Page 69
    2. Select a notebook using the Notebook drop-down list. If you want to create a new notebook, you must create it directly in Evernote. 3. Select the image format for the uploaded files using the File selector. If there are options for the selected file format, click the Options button.
  • Page 70: Uploading Scanned Images To Sugarsync

    Related references EPSON JPEG File Settings Uploading Scanned Images to SugarSync Note: If you have already configured a SugarSync account in Easy Photo Scan, you can select the Setting Name for the account and click Send to upload your pictures.

  • Page 71: Uploading Scanned Images To A Web Folder

    Parent topic: Scanning to Facebook and Other Destinations Related references EPSON JPEG File Settings EPSON TIFF and Multi-TIFF File Settings Uploading Scanned Images to a Web Folder To upload your scanned images to a Web Folder (WebDAV): 1. Click the icon.

  • Page 72
    The Transfer Settings dialog opens: 2. Enter the Web Folder URL in the Address field. 3. Enter the login information in the User Name and Password fields. If you have previously configured Easy Photo Scan with a Web Folder destination and saved your settings, make sure you select the entry in the Setting Name list.
  • Page 73: Uploading Scanned Images To Email

    Scanning to Facebook and Other Destinations Related references EPSON JPEG File Settings EPSON TIFF and Multi-TIFF File Settings Uploading Scanned Images to Email Note: The following email software is supported by Easy Photo Scan. • Microsoft Outlook 2000/2002/2003/2007/2010 (x86)/2013 (x86) •…

  • Page 74: Saving Scanned Images To A Folder

    Parent topic: Scanning to Facebook and Other Destinations Related references EPSON JPEG File Settings EPSON TIFF and Multi-TIFF File Settings Saving Scanned Images to a Folder To save your scanned images to a local network folder: 1. Click the icon.

  • Page 75: Epson Jpeg File Settings

    Related references EPSON JPEG File Settings EPSON TIFF and Multi-TIFF File Settings EPSON JPEG File Settings You can select from the following optional settings on the EPSON JPEG Plug-in Settings window in Easy Photo Scan. Setting Description Image Quality Options Specifies the compression level for JPEG images.

  • Page 76: Restoring Photo Colors As You Scan

    Scanning to Facebook and Other Destinations Restoring Photo Colors as You Scan You can restore the colors in faded photos as you scan them using Epson Scan’s Color Restoration setting. You can select this setting in any of the available scan modes.

  • Page 77: Removing Dust And Scratch Marks Using Digital Ice Technology

    9. Click Close to exit the Epson Scan window, if necessary. Epson Scan scans your original, and saves the color-restored file in the selected folder or opens it in your scanning program. If the file was saved directly to your computer, you see the file in the Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder, where you can view and print the image, if desired.

  • Page 78: Digital Ice Technology Specifications

    10. Click Close to exit the Epson Scan window, if necessary. Epson Scan scans your original, and saves the scanned file in the selected folder or opens it in your scanning program. If the file was saved directly to your computer, you see the file in the Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder, where you can view and print the image, if desired.

  • Page 79: Scanning To A Pdf File

    Removing Dust and Scratch Marks Using DIGITAL ICE Technology Scanning to a PDF File Using Epson Scan, you can scan a multi-page document and save it in one PDF (Portable Document Format) file on your computer. 1. Place your original on your product for scanning.

  • Page 80
    7. Select PDF as the Type setting. 8. Select any other settings you want to use on the File Save Settings window. Click the Options button to access additional settings. 9. Click OK. Epson Scan scans your document and you see this window:…
  • Page 81: Scanning To A Pdf File Using A Scanner Button

    11. Click Close to exit the Epson Scan window, if necessary. Epson Scan scans your original, and saves the PDF file in the selected folder or opens it in your scanning program. If the file was saved directly to your computer, you see the file in the Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder, where you can view and print the document, if desired.

  • Page 82
    You can select the following options as you scan to PDF: • Scan multiple pages to one PDF file • Scan multiple pages to multiple PDF files • Create a searchable PDF file (available only if ABBYY FineReader is installed) 1.
  • Page 83
    4. Select the Image Type setting for the type of original you are scanning. 5. Select Document Table as the Document Source setting. 6. Select the Size, Orientation, and Resolution settings for your scan. 7. Make sure Speed Priority Scanning is selected for faster scans. 8.
  • Page 84
    9. Click File save settings. You see this window: 10. To change any of the displayed PDF Image Format settings, click the Options button. You see this window:…
  • Page 85
    11. Select one of the following options on the General tab to indicate the number of PDF files you want to create: • To create one PDF file of all the scanned pages, select Create file with all pages. • To create multiple PDF files of groups of scanned pages, select Select number to make file. Enter the number of pages you want in each file in the number field.
  • Page 86: Available Image Adjustments — Scan To Pdf Settings

    • If you need to scan additional pages in a document, place additional pages on the product for scanning, click Scan, and repeat until you have scanned all the pages. When you are finished, click Finish. Epson Scan saves the files in the selected folder. Available Image Adjustments — Scan to PDF Settings Parent topic:…

  • Page 87: Convert Scanned Documents To Editable Text (Ocr)

    Note: With Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, or 10.8, in addition to scanning with Image Capture, you can download and install Epson Scan scanning software. Epson Scan provides additional image adjustment and photo correction features for enhancing scanned images, and provides an interface for TWAIN-compliant OCR scanning software, such as ABBYY FineReader.

  • Page 88
    • Windows (other versions): Click or Start > All Programs or Programs > ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Sprint > ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Sprint. You see this window: 3. Select the language used in the document you are going to scan as the Document Language setting.
  • Page 89: Scanning Using Ocr — Mac Os X

    Note: With Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, or 10.8, in addition to scanning with Image Capture, you can download and install Epson Scan scanning software. Epson Scan provides additional image adjustment and photo correction features for enhancing scanned images, and provides an interface for TWAIN-compliant OCR scanning software, such as ABBYY FineReader.

  • Page 90
    Epson Scan starts in the last scan mode you used. 6. Select your scan settings and click Scan. Your document is scanned and you see the Epson Scan window while your document is converted to editable text. 7. Click Close to close the Epson Scan window and Preview window, if necessary.
  • Page 91: Using The Scanner As A Copier — Copy Utility

    • Windows (other versions): Click or Start, select All Programs or Programs, select Epson Software, and select Copy Utility. • Mac OS X: Open the Applications folder, select the Epson Software folder, and select Copy Utility. You see this window:…

  • Page 92
    5. Click the Output Paper box, select the type and size of paper you loaded in your printer, and click Note: When printing from certain Epson printers, you may see the printer settings window. See your printer documentation for instructions on selecting settings.
  • Page 93: Source Type Settings — Copy Utility

    9. Do one of the following to start copying: • Click the Copy button. • To preview your scan before printing or select additional copy settings, click Preview/Custom. (Click the Help button for instructions on selecting custom copy settings.) Source Type Settings — Copy Utility Parent topic: Scanning Special Projects Source Type Settings — Copy Utility…

  • Page 94
    Epson Scan starts in Full Auto Mode, scans your original, and saves it as a JPEG file. You see the Send File Via Email window. Note: To select different scan settings, or a different Epson Scan mode, click the Pause button displayed on the screen.
  • Page 95: Cleaning And Transporting Your Scanner

    Cleaning and Transporting Your Scanner See these sections if you need to clean or transport your scanner. Cleaning Your Scanner Transporting Your Scanner Cleaning Your Scanner To keep your product working at its best, you should clean it several times a year. 1.

  • Page 96
    4. Slide the transportation lock to the locked position to secure the scanner carriage. 5. Place the scanner in its original packing materials if possible, or use equivalent materials with cushioning around the scanner. Parent topic: Cleaning and Transporting Your Scanner…
  • Page 97: Solving Problems

    Solving Problems Check these sections for solutions to problems you may have using your product. Scanner Light Status Solving Scanning Problems Solving Scanned Image Quality Problems When to Uninstall Your Scanner Software Where to Get Help Scanner Light Status You can often diagnose problems with your scanner by checking its lights.

  • Page 98: Solving Scanning Problems

    • If the Error light is still flashing, turn off the scanner, then turn it on again. If the error continues, the scanner may be malfunctioning. Contact Epson for support. All scanner lights are off The scanner is turned off.

  • Page 99: Scanner Does Not Turn On Or Turns Off Unexpectedly

    If the scanner buttons do not start the correct program or perform the correct action, try these solutions: • Make sure Epson Scan is installed correctly. If necessary, uninstall and reinstall it. • Check the default settings assigned to the scanner buttons in Event Manager and change them, if necessary.

  • Page 100: Cannot Start Epson Scan

    • If you upgraded your operating system but did not reinstall Epson Scan, try reinstalling it. • If you cannot start Epson Scan in Full Auto Mode, your original may have a very dark or bright background, or be very large. Try scanning in another Epson Scan mode instead.

  • Page 101: Scanning Is Slow

    Scanning is Slow If scanning becomes slow, try these solutions: • Scan your original at a lower resolution, if possible. • Make sure your system meets the requirements for your operating system. If you are scanning a high- resolution image, you may need more than the minimum requirements, such as a Hi-Speed USB port. If necessary, increase your system’s memory.

  • Page 102: Image Consists Of A Few Dots Only

    If your scanned image consists only of a few dots, try these solutions: • Make sure you placed your original for scanning facing the correct way. • If you are scanning using the Epson Scan Black & White setting, adjust the Threshold setting and scan again.

  • Page 103: Image Is Distorted Or Blurry

    • Your product will not operate properly while tilted at an angle. Place it on a flat, stable surface that extends beyond the base of the product in all directions. • Adjust these Epson Scan settings (if available) and try scanning again: • Select the Unsharp Mask setting.

  • Page 104: Ripple Patterns Appear In An Image

    Check the color matching and color management capabilities of your computer, display adapter, and the software you are using to see if they are affecting the palette of colors you see on your screen. To adjust the colors in your scanned image, adjust these Epson Scan settings (if available) and try scanning again: •…

  • Page 105: Scan Area Is Not Adjustable In Thumbnail Preview

    Scan Area is Not Adjustable in Thumbnail Preview If you cannot adjust the scan area while viewing a Thumbnail preview in Epson Scan, try these solutions: • Create a scan area by drawing a marquee on your preview image and adjusting it as necessary.

  • Page 106: Negative Film Preview Image Looks Incorrect

    Negative Film Preview Image Looks Incorrect If a preview image from a negative film original looks incorrect, try these solutions: • Make sure the Epson Scan Document Type setting (Home Mode) or Film Type setting (Professional Mode) is set correctly.

  • Page 107: Uninstalling Scanner Software — Mac Os X

    Select the scanner software program and click Change/Remove. 4. Restart your computer, then see the Start Here sheet to re-install your software. Note: If you find that re-installing your scanner software does not solve a problem, contact Epson. Parent topic:…

  • Page 108: Where To Get Help

    Purchase Supplies and Accessories You can purchase genuine Epson accessories at (U.S. sales) or (Canadian sales). You can also purchase accessories from an Epson authorized reseller. To find the nearest one, call 800- GO-EPSON (800-463-7766). Parent topic: Solving Problems…

  • Page 109: Technical Specifications

    Technical Specifications These sections list the technical specifications for your scanner. Note: Epson offers a recycling program for end of life products. Please go to information on how to return your products for proper disposal. Windows System Requirements Mac System Requirements…

  • Page 110: General Specifications

    Color monitor with 1024 × 768 resolution or higher and support for millions of colors Note: Epson Scan does not support the UNIX File System (UFS) for Mac OS X. Install Epson Scan on a disk or in a partition that does not use UFS.

  • Page 111: Dimension Specifications

    Dimension Specifications Height 4.6 inches (118 mm) Width 11.0 inches (280 mm) Depth 19.1 inches (485 mm) Weight 9.0 lb (4.1 kg) (without AC adapter) Parent topic: Technical Specifications Electrical Specifications Scanner Note: Check the label on the scanner and the AC adapter for voltage information. Power consumption varies depending on operating conditions or whether an option is installed.

  • Page 112: Environmental Specifications

    Rated input current 100 to 120 V model: 1.0 A 220 to 240 V model: 0.5 A Rated input frequency 50 to 60 Hz Rated output voltage DC 24 V Rated output current 1.3 A Parent topic: Technical Specifications Environmental Specifications Temperature Operating: 50 to 95 °F (10 to 35 °C) Storage: –13 to 140 °F (–25 to 60 °C)

  • Page 113: Safety And Approvals Specifications

    Safety and Approvals Specifications Scanner United States EMC: FCC part 15 Subpart B class B Canada EMC: CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC CISPR 22 Class B AC Adapter United States Safety: UL60950-1 EMC: FCC part 15 Subpart B class B Canada Safety: CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1 EMC: CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC CISPR 22 Class B Parent topic: Technical Specifications…

  • Page 114: Notices

    Notices Check these sections for important notices about your scanner. Note: Epson offers a recycling program for end of life products. Please go to information on how to return your products for proper disposal. Important Safety Instructions Restrictions on Copying…

  • Page 115: Restrictions On Copying

    • Use only the type of power source indicated on the AC adapter’s label, and always supply power directly from a standard domestic electrical outlet with the AC adapter that meets the relevant local safety standards. • When connecting this product to a computer or other device with a cable, ensure the correct orientation of the connectors.

  • Page 116: Default Delay Times For Power Management For Epson Products

    Macintosh, Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks. Parent topic:…

  • Page 117: Copyright Notice

    Seiko Epson Corporation. The information contained herein is designed only for use with this Epson product. Epson is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to other products.

  • Page 118: A Note Concerning Responsible Use Of Copyrighted Materials

    Copyright Notice A Note Concerning Responsible Use of Copyrighted Materials Epson encourages each user to be responsible and respectful of the copyright laws when using any Epson product. While some countries’ laws permit limited copying or reuse of copyrighted material in certain circumstances, those circumstances may not be as broad as some people assume.



  • Top FAQs

  • Image Quality or Appearance
  • Maintenance
  • Print Quality or Appearance
  • Scan
  • Software
  • Software or Setup
  • Other

Top FAQs

Select the questions to view the answers

  • How do I install the software for my product if I don’t have the CD?

  • I can’t start Epson Scan in Windows or on my Mac. What should I do?

  • How do I install the latest scanner driver on my Mac?

  • My computer doesn’t recognize the product. What should I do?

  • How do I scan a document so I can edit the text in a word processing program?

  • Can I use Epson Scan with my Mac?

  • How do I install the latest OS X 10.5 scanner driver?

  • What applications are compatible with Easy Photo Scan?

  • How can I remove dust marks from my originals as I scan them?

  • What do my product’s lights indicate?

Image Quality or Appearance

Select the questions to view the answers

  • How can I remove shadows from photos that have too much background light as I scan them?

  • How can I remove dust marks from my originals as I scan them?

  • When I scan to PDF using Epson Scan, my image is cropped or not the right size. What should I do?

  • I want to enlarge an image that I’m scanning with Epson Scan. How do I obtain the best quality?

  • How do I restore the colors in faded photos?

  • The quality of a scanned image with Epson Scan is poor. What should I do?

  • Only part of my document scans. What should I do?

  • The product is not recognizing characters well when using Epson Scan. What should I do?

  • The scanned colors differ from the original colors when using Epson Scan. What should I do?

  • The colors of my scanned image don’t match my original’s colors when I use Epson Scan. What should I do?

  • When I scan film or slides, striped rings appear on the scanned images. What should I do?


Select the questions to view the answers

  • How can I upload scanned images to Facebook with Epson Easy Photo Scan software?

  • How can I upload scanned images to my Email with Epson Easy Photo Scan software?

  • How can I upload scanned images to Evernote with Epson Easy Photo Scan software?

  • How can I upload scanned images to Google Photo with Epson Easy Photo Scan software?

  • How can I upload scanned images to SugarSync with Epson Easy Photo Scan software?

  • How can I upload scanned images to Web Folder (WebDAV) with Epson Easy Photo Scan software?

Software or Setup

Select the questions to view the answers

  • What applications are compatible with Easy Photo Scan?

  • Can my product be networked?

  • How do I install the latest OS X 10.5 scanner driver?

  • Who do I contact for support on the software that came with my product?

  • How do I install the software for my product if I don’t have the CD?

  • After I updated to Windows 8, my product’s software is missing. What should I do?

  • How do I uninstall the product software?

  • How do I decide which resolution to select when scanning from Epson Scan?

  • How do I scan a document so I can edit the text in a word processing program?

  • Can I use Epson Scan with my Mac?

  • I can’t start Epson Scan in Windows or on my Mac. What should I do?

  • My computer doesn’t recognize the product. What should I do?

  • How do I install the latest scanner driver on my Mac?

  • I was able to scan before, but now my system doesn’t recognize the scanner.  What should I do?

  • My Microsoft Office 2013 applications crash in Windows after I installed my Epson product software. What should I do?

  • How do I obtain the latest product software for Windows or my Mac?

  • I see the message Image size is too large. What should I do?

  • How do I get a replacement CD for my product?

  • The Correct Document Skew setting is disabled in the Epson Scan software. What should I do?


Select the questions to view the answers

Manuals and Warranty

Start Here

This document contains quick setup instructions for this product.

User’s Guide

This document contains an overview of the product, specifications, basic and in-depth usage instructions, and information on using options.

Notices and Warranty

This document contains compliance statements, specifications, and your product’s limited warranty

Product Specifications

This document provides technical specifications for this product.


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Epson America, Inc.
3131 Katela Ave
Los Alamitos CA 90720

Epson Perfection V550 Photo - интерактивное руководство пользователяМодель: Сканер Epson Perfection V550 Photo
Год выпуска: 2013
Язык: русский
Формат: html
Размер: 1,7 Mb


Инновационный фото сканер Epson Perfection V550 Photo не только сканирует и восстанавливает поврежденные пленки, но и способен размещать фотографии непосредственно в социальные сети, фотосайты и облачные хранилища данных. Помимо этого он оснащен специальным программным обеспечением, которое помогает мгновенно приступить к работе и сканировать фотографии.


  • Обзор функций сканера. С помощью этих функций вы сможете выполнить максимально эффективное сканирование любых фотографий.
  • Детали сканера. В этом разделе описаны элементы сканера.
  • Размещение оригиналов на сканере. В данном разделе описывается, как разместить оригинальные документы или фотографии на планшете сканера.
  • Сканирование оригиналов. В данном разделе описаны подробные пошаговые процедуры сканирования документов или фотографий.
  • Сканирование с использованием специальных возможностей сканера и ПО. Следуйте инструкциям в данном разделе, чтобы выполнять сканирование, используя специальные возможности устройства и программного обеспечения.
  • Обслуживание. В этом разделе содержится информация об обслуживании и транспортировке сканера.
  • Решение проблем. Если при сканировании возникают различные проблемы, обратитесь к этому разделу за инструкциями по устранению неполадок.
  • Технические характеристики. В этом разделе содержатся сведения о технических характеристиках сканера.

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