Controller Instruction
General information
Printed Matter Number
Applicable to
Preliminary Operations:
Safety Instructions
Persons Required
Special Tools
Document Overview
This document describes the following:
General information………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Document Overview ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
General description ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Automatic control of the compressor ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Protecting the compressor …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Shut-down ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Shut-down warning ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Service warning………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Automatic restart after voltage failure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Detailed description of the control panel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Icons used …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Status icons …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Main screen ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Shut-down warning ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Description …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Compressor element outlet temperature …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Dewpoint temperature ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Shut-down …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Description …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Compressor element outlet temperature …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Motor overload ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Service warning …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
PM 2946 7002 09
2946 7002 09
MB compressors
Page 1 of 39
Controller Instruction 1 General information ES 4000 STANDARD Printed Matter Number : 2946 7002 09 Applicable to : MB compressors Preliminary Operations: : – Safety Instructions : General Persons Required : 1 Special Tools : – Consumables : – 2 Document Overview This document describes the following: 1 General information............................................................................................................................................................ 1 2 Document Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 3 General description ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Automatic control of the compressor ............................................................................................................................ 4 3.3 Protecting the compressor ........................................................................................................................................... 4 3.3.1 Shut-down ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.3.2 Shut-down warning .............................................................................................................................................. 5 3.4 Service warning............................................................................................................................................................ 5 3.5 Automatic restart after voltage failure........................................................................................................................... 5 4 Detailed description of the control panel ............................................................................................................................ 6 5 Icons used.......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Status icons ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 6 Main screen ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 7 Shut-down warning .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 8 9 7.1 Description ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 7.2 Compressor element outlet temperature .................................................................................................................... 10 7.3 Dewpoint temperature ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Shut-down ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12 8.1 Description ................................................................................................................................................................. 12 8.2 Compressor element outlet temperature .................................................................................................................... 12 8.3 Motor overload ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 Service warning ............................................................................................................................................................... 14 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 1 of 39 1 9.1 10 Description ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Scrolling through all screens ...................................................................................................................................... 15 10.1 Description ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 10.2 Overview of the screens ........................................................................................................................................ 15 10.2.1 Overview of the Digital input screens ................................................................................................................ 15 10.2.2 Overview of the Parameter screens .................................................................................................................. 15 10.2.3 Overview of the Protections screens ................................................................................................................. 16 10.2.4 Overview of the Test screens ............................................................................................................................ 16 10.3 Menu flow .............................................................................................................................................................. 17 11 Calling up outlet and dewpoint temperatures ............................................................................................................. 19 12 Calling up running hours ............................................................................................................................................ 20 13 Calling up motor starts ............................................................................................................................................... 20 14 Calling up module hours ............................................................................................................................................ 21 15 Calling up loading hours............................................................................................................................................. 21 16 Calling up load relay................................................................................................................................................... 22 17 Calling up/resetting the service timer ......................................................................................................................... 23 17.1 Calling up the service timer ................................................................................................................................... 23 17.2 Resetting the service timer .................................................................................................................................... 23 18 Selection between local, remote or LAN control......................................................................................................... 24 19 Calling up/modifying CAN address control ................................................................................................................. 25 19.1 Calling up............................................................................................................................................................... 25 19.2 Modifying the Node ID ........................................................................................................................................... 26 20 Calling up/modifying IP, Gateway and Subnetmask................................................................................................... 27 20.1 Calling up............................................................................................................................................................... 27 20.2 Modification............................................................................................................................................................ 28 21 Calling up/modifying pressure band settings.............................................................................................................. 29 21.1 Calling up the settings ........................................................................................................................................... 29 21.2 Modification............................................................................................................................................................ 30 22 Modifying the pressure band selection ....................................................................................................................... 30 23 Calling up/modifying service timer settings ................................................................................................................ 30 24 Calling up/modifying the unit of temperature .............................................................................................................. 31 25 Calling up/modifying unit of pressure ......................................................................................................................... 31 26 Activating automatic restart after voltage failure ........................................................................................................ 32 27 Selection between Y-D or DOL starting ..................................................................................................................... 32 28 Calling up modifying load delay time .......................................................................................................................... 33 29 Calling up modifying minimum stop time .................................................................................................................... 33 30 Activating password protection................................................................................................................................... 34 31 Activate load/unload remote pressure sensing........................................................................................................... 35 32 Calling up/modifying protection settings ..................................................................................................................... 35 32.1 Available protections.............................................................................................................................................. 35 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 2 of 39 1 32.2 Example of protection screens............................................................................................................................... 36 32.3 Changing the settings ............................................................................................................................................ 36 33 Test screens............................................................................................................................................................... 37 33.1 Display test ............................................................................................................................................................ 37 33.2 Safety valve test .................................................................................................................................................... 37 33.3 Production test ....................................................................................................................................................... 37 34 Programmable settings .............................................................................................................................................. 38 34.1 Parameters: unloading/loading pressures ............................................................................................................. 38 34.2 Parameters fix speed drive .................................................................................................................................... 38 34.3 Protections ............................................................................................................................................................. 38 34.4 Service plan ........................................................................................................................................................... 38 34.5 Terminology ........................................................................................................................................................... 39 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 3 of 39 1 3 General description View of the ES 4000 Standard controller 3.1 Introduction The electronic controller has following functions: • Controlling the compressor • Protecting the compressor • Monitoring components subject to service • Automatic restart after voltage failure 3.2 Automatic control of the compressor The controller maintains the net pressure between programmable limits by automatically loading and unloading the compressor. A number of programmable settings, e.g. the unloading and loading pressures, the minimum stop time and the maximum number of motor starts are taken into account. The controller stops the compressor whenever possible to reduce the power consumption and restarts it automatically when the net pressure decreases. If the expected unloading period is to short, the compressor is kept running to prevent too short stand-still periods. 3.3 3.3.1 Protecting the compressor Shut-down If the compressor element outlet temperature exceeds the programmed shut-down level, the compressor will be stopped. This will be indicated on the display of the controller. The compressor will also be stopped in case of overload of the drive motor. Air-cooled compressors will also be stopped in the event of overload of the fan motor. Before remedying, consult the Safety precautions in the Instruction book. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 4 of 39 1 3.3.2 Shut-down warning A shut-down warning level is a programmable level below the shut-down level. If one of the measurements exceeds the programmed shut-down warning level, this will also be indicated to warn the operator before the shut-down level is reached. 3.4 Service warning If the service timer exceeds a programmed value, this will be indicated on the display to warn the operator to carry out some service actions. 3.5 Automatic restart after voltage failure The controller has a built-in function to automatically restart the compressor when the voltage is restored after voltage failure. Provided the controller is in the automatic operation mode, the compressor will automatically restart when the supply voltage to the module is restored. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 5 of 39 1 4 Detailed description of the control panel Function keys of the controller Ref. Designation Function 1 Display Shows icons and operating conditions. 2 Automatic operation symbol 3 LED, Automatic operation 4 Warning symbol 5 LED, Warning 6 Voltage symbol 7 LED, Voltage on 8 Service symbol 9 LED, Service Is lit when service is needed. 10 Start button This button starts the compressor. Automatic operation LED (3) lights up. The Elektronikon is operative. 11 Stop button This button is used to stop the compressor. Automatic operation LED (3) goes out. 12 Scroll buttons Use these buttons to scroll through the menu. 13 Enter button Use this button to confirm the last action. 14 Escape button Use this button to go to previous screen or to end the current action. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Indicates that the regulator is automatically controlling the compressor: the compressor is loaded, unloaded, stopped and restarted depending on the air consumption and the limitations programmed in the regulator. Is lit if a warning condition exists. Indicates that the voltage is switched on. Page 6 of 39 1 5 Icons used 5.1 Status icons Name Compressor status Icon Description When the compressor is stopped, the icon stands still. When the compressor is running, the icon is rotating. Motor stopped Running unloaded Running loaded Machine control mode Remote start / stop LAN control Automatic restart after voltage failure Automatic restart after voltage failure is active Timer Active protection functions Emergency stop Service Service required Units Pressure unit (Mega Pascal) Pressure unit (pounds per square inch) Pressure unit (bar) Temperature unit 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 7 of 39 1 Name Icon Description Temperature unit Hours (always shown together with seconds) Percent The value shown must be multiplied by 10 to get the actual value The value shown must be multiplied by 100 to get the actual value The value shown must be multiplied by 1000 to get the actual value Motor (overload) Element outlet temperature Filter Drain Energy saving (dryer) Ambient temperature Dewpoint temperature 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 8 of 39 1 6 Main screen When the voltage is switched on, the first screen is a test screen. The next screen is the Main screen, shown automatically. The Main screen shows: • The compressor status by means of pictographs • The air outlet pressure Always consult your supplier if the pressure on the display is preceded by a "t". 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 9 of 39 1 7 7.1 Shut-down warning Description A shut-down warning will appear in the event of: • Too high a temperature at the outlet of the compressor element. • Too high a dewpoint temperature (Full-Feature compressors). 7.2 Compressor element outlet temperature If the outlet temperature of the compressor element exceeds the shut-down warning level (see section Programmable settings), warning LED (5) starts blinking. 1. Press the Scroll down button. The screen shows the temperature at the compressor element outlet. The screen shows that the temperature at the element outlet is 122 °C It remains possible to scroll through other screens, using the Scroll buttons up and down (12) to check the actual status of other parameters. 2. Press button (11) to stop the compressor and wait until the compressor has stopped. 3. Switch off the voltage, inspect the compressor and remedy. The warning message will disappear as soon if the warning condition disappears. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 10 of 39 1 7.3 Dewpoint temperature On compressors with integrated dryer, alarm LED (5) will light up and the related pictograph will appear flashing if the dewpoint temperature exceeds the warning level (programmable). Main screen with the dewpoint temperature warning The related pictograph will appear flashing: 1. Press the Scroll button (12) until the actual dewpoint temperature appears. Warning screen, dewpoint temperature The screen shows that the dewpoint temperature is 9 ˚C. It remains possible to scroll through other screens (using Scroll buttons 12) to check the actual status of other parameters. 2. Press button (11) to stop the compressor. Wait until the compressor has stopped. 3. Switch off the voltage, inspect the compressor and remedy. The warning message will disappear as soon as the warning condition disappears. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 11 of 39 1 8 8.1 Shut-down Description The compressor will be shut down: • In case the temperature at the outlet of the compressor element exceeds the shut-down level. • In case of error of the outlet pressure sensor. • In case of overload of the drive motor. • In case of overload of the fan motor on air-cooled compressors. 8.2 Compressor element outlet temperature If the outlet temperature of the compressor element exceeds the shut-down level (factory setting 120 °C/248 °F, programmable) the compressor will be shut-down, alarm LED (5) will flash, automatic operation LED (3) will go out and the following screen will appear. Main screen with shut-down indication, element outlet temperature The related pictograph will appear flashing: 1. Press the Scroll button (12) until the actual compressor element temperature appears. Shut-down screen, element outlet temperature The screen shows that the temperature at the outlet of the compressor element is 122 °C. 2. Switch off the voltage. 3. Remedy the trouble. 4. After remedying and when the shut-down condition has disappeared, switch on the voltage. 5. Restart the compressor. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 12 of 39 1 8.3 Motor overload In the event of motor overload, the compressor will be shut-down, alarm LED (5) will flash, automatic operation LED (3) will go out and the following screen will appear. Main screen with shut-down indication, motor overload 1. Switch off the voltage. 2. Remedy the trouble. 3. After remedying and when the shut-down condition has disappeared, switch on the voltage. 4. Restart the compressor. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 13 of 39 1 9 9.1 Service warning Description A service warning will appear when the service timer has reached the programmed time interval. If the service timer exceeds the programmed time interval, alarm LED (5) will light up. 1. Press Scroll buttons (12) to scroll to <d.6>. The service symbol is shown. 2. Press button (13). The actual reading of the service timer appears and is shown in <hrs> or <x1000 hrs> (if the service timer value is higher than 9999). Example of service timer screen The screen shows that the reading of the service timer is 4002. 3. Press Scroll button (12) to scroll to <d.1>. The running hours symbol is shown. 4. Press button (13). The actual reading of the service timer appears and is shown in <hrs> or <x1000 hrs> (if the service timer value is higher than 9999). Example of running hours screen The longer interval service actions must also include the shorter interval actions. In the example above, carry out all service operations belonging to the 8000 running hours interval as well as those belonging to the 4000 running hours interval. The setting of the service timer can be changed in function of the operating conditions See section Preventive maintenance schedule. 5. After servicing, reset the service timer. See section Calling up/resetting the service timer. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 14 of 39 1 10 Scrolling through all screens 10.1 Description Scroll buttons (12) can be used to scroll through all screens. The screens are divided into register screens, measured data screens, digital input screens (numbered as <>, <d.1>, ...), parameter screens (numbered as <P.01>, <P.02>, ...), protections screens (numbered as <Pr.01>,...) and test screens (numbered as <t.01>,...). During scrolling, the numbers of the screens appear consecutively. For most screens, the unit of measurement and the related pictograph are shown together with the screen number. Example The screen shows the screen number <d.1>, the unit used <hrs> and the related symbol for running hours. Press Enter key (13) to call up the actual running hours. 10.2 Overview of the screens 10.2.1 Overview of the Digital input screens Digital input screens Designation Related topic <> Digital input status <d.1> Running hours (hrs or x 1000 hrs) See section Calling up running hours <d.2> Motor starts (x 1 or x 1000) See section Calling up motor starts <d.3> Module hours (hrs or x 1000 hrs) See section Calling up module hours <d.4> Loading hours (hrs or x1000 hrs) See section Calling up loading hours <d.5> Load relay (x1 or x 1000) See section Calling up load relay <d.6> Service timer reading (hrs or x 1000 hrs) See section Calling up/resetting the service timer <d.7> Actual program version 10.2.2 Overview of the Parameter screens Parameter screens Designation Related topic <P.01> Selection between local, remote or LAN control See section Selection between local, remote or LAN control <P.02> Setting a node ID for LAN control and the channels for Mk 4 and Mk 5 See section Calling up/modifying CAN address control <P.03> Settings for IP, gateway and Subnet mask See section Calling up/modifying IP, Gateway and Subnetmask 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 15 of 39 1 Parameter screens Designation Related topic <P.04> Pressure band settings See section Calling up/modifying pressure band settings <P.05> Setting a pressure band selection See section Modifying the pressure band selection <P.06> Modifying a service timer See section Calling up/modifying service timer settings <P.07> Setting of unit for temperature See section Calling up/modifying the unit of temperature <P.08> Setting of unit for pressure See section Calling up/modifying unit of pressure <P.09> Selection for function: Automatic restart after voltage failure See section Activating automatic restart after voltage failure <P.10> Selection between Y-D or DOL starting See section Selection between Y-D or DOL starting <P.11> Setting of load delay time See section Calling up modifying load delay time <P.12> Setting of minimum stop time See section Calling up modifying minimum stop time <P.13> Setting a password See section Activating password protection <P.14> Remote pressure sensing See section Activate load/unload remote pressure sensing 10.2.3 Overview of the Protections screens Protections screens Designation Related topic <Pr.01> Protections screens See section Calling up/modifying protection settings <Pr.02> <Pr.03> 10.2.4 Overview of the Test screens Test screens Designation Related topic <t.01> Display test See section Test screens <t.02> Safe valve test See section Test screens <t.03> Production test See section Test screens 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 16 of 39 1 10.3 Menu flow Simplified menu flow 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 17 of 39 1 (1) Compressor outlet pressure (16) Pressure band setting (2) Compressor outlet temperature (17) Service timer settings (3) Dewpoint temperature (18) Temperature unit (4) Digital input status (19) Unit pressure (5) Running hours (20) Auto restart (6) Motor starts (21) Selection Y-D/DOL (7) Module hours (22) Load delay time (8) Loading hours (23) Minimum stop time (9) Load relay (24) Password settings (10) Service timer reading (25) Remote pressure sensing (11) Actual program version (26) Protections (12) LAN selection (27) Display test (13) Settings node ID (28) Safety valve test (14) IP settings (29) Production test (15) Pressure band selection 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 18 of 39 1 11 Calling up outlet and dewpoint temperatures Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12). The outlet temperature will be shown. The screen shows that the outlet temperature is 82 ˚C. For Full-Feature compressors: 1. Press Scroll button (12). The dewpoint temperature will be shown: The screen shows that the dewpoint temperature is 3 ˚C. 2. Press Scroll button (12) to scroll downwards or upwards through the screens. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 19 of 39 1 12 Calling up running hours Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.1> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The screen shows the unit used (x1000 hrs) and the value (11.25): the running hours of the compressor are 11250 hours. 13 Calling up motor starts Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.2> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). A screen similar to the following appears This screen shows the number of motor starts (x 1 or - if <x1000> lights up - x 1000). In the above example, the number of motor starts is 10100. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 20 of 39 1 14 Calling up module hours Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.3> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). A screen similar to the following appears The screen shows the unit used (hrs) and the value (5000): the regulator module has been in service during 5000 hours. 15 Calling up loading hours Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.4> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). A screen similar to the following appears The screen shows the unit used <hrs> (or <x1000 hrs>) and the value <1755>: the compressor has been running loaded during 1755 hours. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 21 of 39 1 16 Calling up load relay Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.5> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). This screen shows the number of unload to load actions (x 1 or - if <x1000> lights up - x 1000). In the above example, the number of unload to load actions is 10100. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 22 of 39 1 17 Calling up/resetting the service timer 17.1 Calling up the service timer Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.6> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). This screen shows the unit used <hrs> (or <x1000 hrs>) and the value <1191>. In the example shown, the compressor has run 1191 hours since the previous service. 17.2 Resetting the service timer After servicing, see section Service warning, the timer has to be reset: 1. Scroll to register screen <d.6>. 2. Press Enter button (13). The reading (e.g. 4000) will appear. 3. Press Enter button (13). 4. If a password is set, enter the password. The icon will flash (indicating that resetting is possible). 5. Press Enter button (13) to reset the timer to <0.000> or press the Escape button (14) to cancel the operation. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 23 of 39 1 18 Selection between local, remote or LAN control Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.01> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The actually selected control mode is shown: • <LOC> for local control • <rE> for remote control • <LAn> for LAN control To change: 1. Press Enter button (13) 2. If necessary - enter the password (see section Activating password protection). The actually selected control mode is blinking. 3. Use Scroll button (12) to change the control mode. 4. Press Enter button (13) to program the new control mode or press Escape button (14) to cancel. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 24 of 39 1 19 Calling up/modifying CAN address control 19.1 Calling up Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.02> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). 3. If necessary enter the password. The next screen shows that the function is ON or OFF. 4. Press the Enter button (13) to change this mode. 5. Use the Scroll buttons (12) to select <ON> or <OFF>. 6. Press Enter to program. 7. When this function is ON, use the Scroll buttons up or down (12) to see the node ID. 8. If desired the user can change this ID., by pressing the Enter button (13). The node ID value starts blinking. 9. Use the Scroll buttons (12) to change the node ID. 10. Press the Enter button (13) to program the new node ID or press the Escape button (14) to leave this screen or to cancel this operation. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 25 of 39 1 19.2 Modifying the Node ID The Node ID can be changed; use a value between 1 and 31. When the function is ON, the parameters cannot be modified. Change the function to OFF to change the node ID. It is also possible to change the channels. The controller has 4 channels. When changing the channels, the controller can act as a Mk IV controller (a previous version of the controller). To set the channels, go to the screen where the node ID is visible. 1. Press the Scroll button down (12). The following screen appears. 2. Press the Enter button (13) to modify the setting. The utmost left value will blink. 3. Change this value by using the Scroll buttons (12). 4. Press the Enter button (13) to confirm. 5. Change the other values in the same way, as required. After modifying the settings, the screen may look as follows: 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 26 of 39 1 20 Calling up/modifying IP, Gateway and Subnetmask 20.1 Calling up Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.03> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The next screen shows that the function is ON or OFF. 3. If ON, press the Enter button (13) to modify it to OFF. 4. Use the Scroll buttons Up or Down (12) to scroll between the items in this list: • <IP> for IP address • <Sub> for Subnetmask • <GAtE> for Gateway 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 27 of 39 1 20.2 Modification 1. Press the Enter button (13). 2. If necessary enter the password. The first digits are blinking. 3. Use the Scroll buttons Up or Down (12) to modify the settings. 4. Press Enter (13) to confirm. 5. Modify the next digits the same way. The standard IP address is set as 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 28 of 39 1 21 Calling up/modifying pressure band settings 21.1 Calling up the settings Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.04> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). Pressure band 1 (<Pb.1>) is shown on the display. Button (12) can be used to scroll to pressure band 2 (<Pb.2>). 3. Press the Enter button (13) on the desired pressure band. The load level of the selected pressure band appears. Button (12) can be used to scroll to the unload level. Loading pressure Unloading pressure 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 29 of 39 1 21.2 Modification 1. Press Enter button (13) to modify the load level (value starts blinking). A password may be required. 2. Use Scroll buttons (12) to change the loading pressure. 3. Press Enter button (13) to program the new values or press the Escape button (14) to cancel. 22 Modifying the pressure band selection Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.05> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The active pressure band 1 (<Pb.1>) is shown on the display. 3. Press Enter button (13) to modify the pressure band selection (a password may be required). The active pressure band <Pb.1> starts blinking. 4. Press Scroll button (12) to modify the active pressure band. 5. Press Enter button (13) to confirm or the Escape button (14) to cancel. 23 Calling up/modifying service timer settings Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.06> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13): the setting of the service timer is shown in <hrs> (hours) or <x1000 hrs> (hours x 1000). Example: <4000 hrs> means the timer is set at 4000 running hours. 3. Press Enter button (13) to modify this value (a password may be required). The value starts blinking. 4. Use the Scroll buttons (12) to modify the setting. 5. Press Enter button (13) to program the new value. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 30 of 39 1 24 Calling up/modifying the unit of temperature Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.07> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The actually used unit is shown. Possible settings are <˚C> and <˚F>. 3. Press Enter button (13) Unit starts blinking. 4. Use the Scroll buttons (12) to select another unit of temperature. 5. Press Enter button (13) to program the new unit or press Escape button (14) to return to the parameter screen without changes. 25 Calling up/modifying unit of pressure Starting from the Main screen: 1. 2. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.08> and the possible settings are shown: • <Mpa> • <psi> • <bar> Press Enter button (13). The actually used unit is shown. 3. Press Enter button (13) Unit starts blinking. 4. Use the Scroll buttons (12) to select another unit of pressure. 5. Press Enter button (13) to program the new unit of pressure. 6. Press Escape button (14) to return to the parameter screens. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 31 of 39 1 26 Activating automatic restart after voltage failure This function allows the compressor to restart automatically after a power failure. This parameter, accessible in screen <P.09>, can only be modified after entering a code. Consult your supplier if this function is to be activated. 27 Selection between Y-D or DOL starting Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.10> and the motor pictograph is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The actually used starting mode is shown: • <Y-D> (star-delta) • <doL> (Direct-On Line) This parameter can only be modified after entering a code. Consult your supplier if the parameter is to be changed. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 32 of 39 1 28 Calling up modifying load delay time Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.11> and the compressor load pictograph is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). This screen shows the load delay time (10) and the unit <s> seconds. 3. To modify this value press the Enter button (13) (a password may be required). The value starts blinking. 4. Use the Scroll buttons (12) to modify the value. 5. Press the Enter button (13) to program the new value. The minimum and maximum value depends on the parameters. 29 Calling up modifying minimum stop time Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.12> and the motor pictograph is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). This screen shows the minimum stop time (20) and the unit <s> seconds. 3. To modify this value press the Enter button (13). The value starts blinking. 4. Use the Scroll buttons (12) to modify the value. 5. Press the Enter button (13) to program the new value. The minimum and maximum value depends on the parameters. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 33 of 39 1 30 Activating password protection Important settings such as the setting of the service timer, pressure band setting, control mode settings,... can be protected by a password. Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.13> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). Password (<PASS>) appears on the screen. 3. Press the Enter button (13). The screen shows the password status: ON (<On>) • OFF (<OFF>) • 4. Press Enter button (13) to modify. 5. Change the value with Scroll buttons (12). 6. Select <On>. 7. Press Enter button (13). 8. Enter the new password. 9. Press Enter button (13) to confirm. 10. Enter the password again. 11. Press Enter button (13) to confirm. <On> appears on the display. 12. Press Reset key to return to the parameter screen. Note: Lost passwords cannot be recovered. Save the password carefully. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 34 of 39 1 31 Activate load/unload remote pressure sensing Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.14> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The function of this screen is to activate the remote load/unload relay. To be able to activate this remote Load/Unload functionality, a physical digital input with function Load/Unload is required. Once this parameter is activated, the physical digital input can be used to switch the compressor between Load and Unload. 32 Calling up/modifying protection settings 32.1 Available protections A number of protection settings are provided. The protection screens are labelled <Pr.>. The pictograph shown with the protection screen indicates the purpose of the protection. Possible combinations are <Pr.> followed by a number and one of the next pictographs: Pictograph Designation <Pr.> shown with the pressure pictograph shows the pressure protections. <Pr.> shown with the element outlet temperature pictograph shows the element outlet temperature protections. <Pr.> shown with the dewpoint temperature pictograph shows the dewpoint temperature protections. <Pr.> shown with the ambient temperature pictograph shows the ambient temperature protections. Following protection settings are available: • A low warning level, shown on the display as <AL-L>. • A high warning level, shown on the display as <AL-H>. • A low shut-down level, shown on the display as <Sd-L>. • A high shut-down level, shown on the display as <Sd-H>. • Service level shown on the display as <SE-L>. • Service level shown on the display as <SE-H>. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 35 of 39 1 32.2 Example of protection screens Protection setting element outlet temperature Warning alarm high element outlet temperature 32.3 Changing the settings Starting from the Main screen (the example given describes the protection of the element outlet temperatures). 1. Press Scroll buttons (12) until <Pr.> followed by a number and the element outlet temperature pictograph is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The warning level for the high temperature warning level <AL-H> and the high temperature shut-down level <Sd-H> become visible. 3. Use Scroll keys (12) to move between the warning level (<AL>) and the shut-down level (<Sd>). 4. Press the Enter button (13) to modify the value. An optional password may be required. The value starts blinking. 5. Use the Scroll buttons (12) to modify the value. 6. Press the Enter button (13) to program the new value. Note: Programmable settings can only be modified within allowed limits. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 36 of 39 1 33 Test screens 33.1 Display test Starting from the Main screen. 1. Press Scroll buttons (12) until <t.01> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The display now shows all icons that can be displayed. 33.2 Safety valve test In the test screen <t.02>, a safety valve test is provided. The safety valves can only be tested after entering a code. Consult your supplier if the safety valves are to be tested. 33.3 Production test Test screen <t.03> is only intended for production test. If the Main screen shows following screen, the controller is in production test mode. How to solve? 1. Use the Scroll buttons (12) and scroll to menu <t.03>. The screen shows: 2. Press the Enter button (13). The text starts blinking. 3. Press Enter button (13). The menu disappears. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 37 of 39 1 34 Programmable settings 34.1 Parameters: unloading/loading pressures Unloading/loading pressures Minimum setting Factory setting Maximum setting see Compressor data see Compressor data see Compressor data 34.2 Parameters fix speed drive Minimum setting Factory setting Maximum setting Motor running time in star sec 5 10 10 Load delay time (star-delta) sec 0 0 10 Number of motor starts starts/day 0 240 480 Minimum stop time sec 10 20 30 Programmed stop time sec Power recovery time (ARAVF) sec 15 15 3600 Restart delay sec 0 0 1200 Communication time-out sec 10 30 60 34.3 Protections Minimum setting Compressor element outlet temperature (shut-down warning level) Compressor element outlet temperature (shut-down level) Factory setting Maximum setting ˚C 50 113 119 ˚F 122 235 246 ˚C 111 120 120 ˚F 232 248 248 34.4 Service plan The built-in service timer will give a Service warning message after a pre-programmed time interval has elapsed. Also see section Maintenance schedule in the Instruction book. Consult your supplier if a timer setting has to be changed. See section Calling up/modifying service timer settings. The intervals must not exceed the nominal intervals and must coincide logically. 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 38 of 39 1 34.5 Terminology Term Explanation ARAVF Activating automatic restart after voltage failure. Power recovery time Is the period within which the voltage must be restored to have an automatic restart. Is accessible if the automatic restart is activated. To activate the automatic restart function, consult your supplier. Restart delay This parameter allows to program that not all compressors are restarted at the same time after a power failure (ARAVF active). Compressor element outlet The regulator does not accept inconsistent settings, e.g. if the warning level is programmed at 95 ˚C (203 ˚F), the minimum limit for the shut-down level changes to 96 ˚C (204 ˚F). The recommended difference between the warning level and shut-down level is 10 ˚C (18 ˚F). Delay at shut- down signal Is the time for which the signal must exist before the compressor is shut down. If it is required to program this setting to another value, consult your supplier. Minimum stop time Once the compressor has automatically stopped, it will remain stopped for the minimum stop time, whatever happens with the net air pressure. Consult your supplier if a setting lower than 20 seconds is required. Unloading/ Loading pressure The regulator does not accept illogical settings, e.g. if the unloading pressure is programmed at 7.0 bar(e) (101 psi(g)), the maximum limit for the loading pressure changes to 6.9 bar(e) (100 psi(g)). The recommended minimum pressure difference between loading and unloading is 0.6 bar (9 psi(g)). 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 39 of 39
Specifications:1457/1457697-es_4000_standard.pdf file (11 Dec 2022) |
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Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD Controller PDF Instruction (Updated: Sunday 11th of December 2022 04:58:29 AM)
Rating: 4.8 (rated by 51 users)
Compatible devices: RampMaster II, MCS-805 Series, CP90600, HGM7100N Series, Intelligent Mediator, AXB-EM232, RM-MC1L, IWB-PC02.
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Text Version of Manual, Instruction
(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD Document (Main Content), UPD: 11 December 2022)
30, 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 30 of 39 21.2 Modification 1. Press Enter button (13) to modify the load level (value starts blinking). A password may be required. 2. Use Scroll buttons (12) to change the loading pressure. 3. Press Enter button (13) to program the new values or press the…
38, Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 38 of 39 34 Programmable settings 34.1 Parameters: unloading/loading pressures Minimum setting Factory setting Maximum setting Unloading/loading pressures see Compressor data see Compressor data see Compressor data 34.2 Parameters fix speed drive Minimum settin…
26, 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 26 of 39 19.2 Modifying the Node ID The Node ID can be changed; use a value between 1 and 31. When the function is ON, the parameters cannot be modified. Change the function to OFF to change the node ID. It is also possible to change the channels. The co…
33, Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 33 of 39 28 Calling up modifying load delay time Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.11> and the compressor load pictograph is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). This screen shows the load delay time (10) and the unit <s> second…
37, 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 37 of 39 33 Test screens 33.1 Display test Starting from the Main screen. 1. Press Scroll buttons (12) until <t.01> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The display now shows all icons that can be displayed. 33.2 Safety valve test In the test screen <t.…
6, Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 6 of 39 4 Detailed description of the control panel Function keys of the controller Ref. Designation Function 1 Display Shows icons and operating conditions. 2 Automatic operation symbol 3 LED, Automatic operation Indicates that the regulator…
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Additional Information:
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Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:
Example of protection screens………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36
Changing the settings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
Test screens…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
Display test ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
Safety valve test …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
Production test ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
Programmable settings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 38
Parameters fix speed drive …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38
Protections …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 38
Service plan ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 38
Terminology ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39
PM 2946 7002 09
Page 3 of 39
[Page 1] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 1 of 39 Controller Instruction 1 General information ES 4000 STANDARD Printed Matter Number : 2946 7002 09 Applicable to : MB compressors Preliminary Operations: : – Safety Instructions : Gener… |
[Page 2] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 2 of 39 9.1 Description …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 10 Scrolling through … |
[Page 3] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 3 of 39 32.2 Example of protection screens………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36 32.3 Changing the settings …………. |
[Page 4] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 4 of 39 3 General description View of the ES 4000 Standard controller 3.1 Introduction The electronic controller has following functions: • Controlling the compressor • Protecting the compressor �… |
[Page 5] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 5 of 39 3.3.2 Shut-down warning A shut-down warning level is a programmable level below the shut-down level. If one of the measurements exceeds the programmed shut-down warning level, this will also be indicate… |
[Page 6] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 6 of 39 4 Detailed description of the control panel Function keys of the controller Ref. Designation Function 1 Display Shows icons and operating conditions. 2 Automatic operation symbol 3 LE… |
[Page 7] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 7 of 39 5 Icons used 5.1 Status icons Name Icon Description Compressor status When the compressor is stopped, the icon stands still. When the compressor is running, the icon is rotating. Motor stopp… |
[Page 8] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 8 of 39 Name Icon Description Temperature unit Hours (always shown together with seconds) Percent The value shown must be multiplied by 10 to get the actual value The value shown must be multipl… |
[Page 9] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 9 of 39 6 Main screen When the voltage is switched on, the first screen is a test screen. The next screen is the Main screen, shown automatically. The Main screen shows: • The compressor status by means… |
[Page 10] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 10 of 39 7 Shut-down warning 7.1 Description A shut-down warning will appear in the event of: • Too high a temperature at the outlet of the compressor element. • Too high a dewpoint temperature (Full-F… |
[Page 11] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 11 of 39 7.3 Dewpoint temperature On compressors with integrated dryer, alarm LED (5) will light up and the related pictograph will appear flashing if the dewpoint temperature exceeds the warning level (program… |
[Page 12] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 12 of 39 8 Shut-down 8.1 Description The compressor will be shut down: • In case the temperature at the outlet of the compressor element exceeds the shut-down level. • In case of error of the outlet pr… |
[Page 13] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 13 of 39 8.3 Motor overload In the event of motor overload, the compressor will be shut-down, alarm LED (5) will flash, automatic operation LED (3) will go out and the following screen will appear. Main scre… |
[Page 14] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 14 of 39 9 Service warning 9.1 Description A service warning will appear when the service timer has reached the programmed time interval. If the service timer exceeds the programmed time interval, alarm LED (… |
[Page 15] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 15 of 39 10 Scrolling through all screens 10.1 Description Scroll buttons (12) can be used to scroll through all screens. The screens are divided into register screens, measured data screens, digital input sc… |
[Page 16] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 16 of 39 Parameter screens Designation Related topic <P.04> Pressure band settings See section Calling up/modifying pressure band settings <P.05> Setting a pressure band selection See section M… |
[Page 17] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 17 of 39 10.3 Menu flow Simplified menu flow 1 |
[Page 18] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 18 of 39 (1) Compressor outlet pressure (16) Pressure band setting (2) Compressor outlet temperature (17) Service timer settings (3) Dewpoint temperature (18) Temperature unit (4) Digital input stat… |
[Page 19] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 19 of 39 11 Calling up outlet and dewpoint temperatures Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12). The outlet temperature will be shown. The screen shows that the outlet temperature i… |
[Page 20] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 20 of 39 12 Calling up running hours Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.1> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The screen shows the unit used (x1000 hrs) and the… |
[Page 21] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 21 of 39 14 Calling up module hours Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.3> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). A screen similar to the following appears The scre… |
[Page 22] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 22 of 39 16 Calling up load relay Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.5> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). This screen shows the number of unload to load acti… |
[Page 23] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 23 of 39 17 Calling up/resetting the service timer 17.1 Calling up the service timer Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <d.6> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). … |
[Page 24] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 24 of 39 18 Selection between local, remote or LAN control Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.01> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The actually selected control… |
[Page 25] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 25 of 39 19 Calling up/modifying CAN address control 19.1 Calling up Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.02> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). 3. If necessary en… |
[Page 26] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 26 of 39 19.2 Modifying the Node ID The Node ID can be changed; use a value between 1 and 31. When the function is ON, the parameters cannot be modified. Change the function to OFF to change the node ID. … |
[Page 27] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 27 of 39 20 Calling up/modifying IP, Gateway and Subnetmask 20.1 Calling up Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.03> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The next scr… |
[Page 28] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 28 of 39 20.2 Modification 1. Press the Enter button (13). 2. If necessary enter the password. The first digits are blinking. 3. Use the Scroll buttons Up or Down (12) to modify the settings. 4. Press … |
[Page 29] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 29 of 39 21 Calling up/modifying pressure band settings 21.1 Calling up the settings Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.04> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). … |
[Page 30] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 30 of 39 21.2 Modification 1. Press Enter button (13) to modify the load level (value starts blinking). A password may be required. 2. Use Scroll buttons (12) to change the loading pressure. 3. Press Ent… |
[Page 31] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 31 of 39 24 Calling up/modifying the unit of temperature Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.07> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The actually used unit is shown… |
[Page 32] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 32 of 39 26 Activating automatic restart after voltage failure This function allows the compressor to restart automatically after a power failure. This parameter, accessible in screen <P.09>, can only b… |
[Page 33] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 33 of 39 28 Calling up modifying load delay time Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.11> and the compressor load pictograph is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). Th… |
[Page 34] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 34 of 39 30 Activating password protection Important settings such as the setting of the service timer, pressure band setting, control mode settings,… can be protected by a password. Starting from the Main… |
[Page 35] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 35 of 39 31 Activate load/unload remote pressure sensing Starting from the Main screen: 1. Press Scroll button (12) until <P.14> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The function of this screen i… |
[Page 36] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 36 of 39 32.2 Example of protection screens Protection setting element outlet temperature Warning alarm high element outlet temperature 32.3 Changing the settings Starting from the Main screen (the e… |
[Page 37] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 37 of 39 33 Test screens 33.1 Display test Starting from the Main screen. 1. Press Scroll buttons (12) until <t.01> is shown. 2. Press Enter button (13). The display now shows all icons that can be… |
[Page 38] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 38 of 39 34 Programmable settings 34.1 Parameters: unloading/loading pressures Minimum setting Factory setting Maximum setting Unloading/loading pressures see Compressor data see Compressor data see Co… |
[Page 39] Chicago Pneumatic ES 4000 STANDARD 02/04/2013 PM 2946 7002 09 Page 39 of 39 34.5 Terminology Term Explanation ARAVF Activating automatic restart after voltage failure. Power recovery time Is the period within which the voltage must be restored to have an automatic restart…. |