Esky hobby et4 transmitter инструкция на русском




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Отправлено 14 апр. 2014 — 16:03

Подскажите пожалуйста , как управлять пультом модели E-sky honee bee cpx?

Меня интересует , как должны размешаться рычежки после надписи Transmitter , там вверх/вниз  AIL , ELE , THR , RUD(rev,nor)

и что за рычежки сверху по бокам пульта? IDLE UP — это слева пульта , TRN — это справа

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Отправлено 14 апр. 2014 — 21:15

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Отправлено 14 апр. 2014 — 22:06

С права режим тренер. Слева 3d режим должен быть. Только его включайте после взлета. Про тумблеры внизу. Там реверсы право лево, вперед назад, вокруг оси. И реверс двигателя.экспериментируете. Только двигатель отсоедените но не обязательно. реверс двигателя. При опущеном стике поймет как максимальный газ и запустит. И если 3д включите при опущенном стике. Крутанет на максимуме. Срезав шестерню. В лучшем случаи. На e sky belt cp так было.

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Отправлено 14 апр. 2014 — 22:36

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Передатчик от Lama v3, дополненный до 6 каналов по местным инструкциям.
Приёмник от Big Lama EK2-0424.

Нашёл и перевёл инструкцию:

Binding for RC System of each model has been completed in factory, without needing to debug again.
Все комплекты РУ были привязаны друг к другу на заводе, и нет необходимости это делать заново.

Normal operation manifested as below:
Нормальная работа устройства:
Power on the transmitter, the indicator of transmitter will twinkle for 3 seconds, which indicates that transmitter is sending code binding information. After 3 seconds, the twinkling transmitter Indicator becomes solid. Then connect the receiver, observe the receiver, transmitter indicator twinkles two times and gets solid, which indicates that the reception of the channel data is successful and are ready to fly.
Включите передатчик. Индикатор передатчика будет мигать в течении трёх секунд, подтверждая отправку кодов, необходимых для привязывания устройств. Через три секунды индикатор передатчика будет гореть постоянно. Включите приемник — индикатор передатчика мигнёт два раза и будет гореть постоянно, что свидетельствует о том, что устройства связаны и готовы к полету.

Turn on the transmitter and power on the receiver. LED indicator of receiver go out after twinkling two times, indicating that binding is failing and need to unbind firstly and rebind.
Включите передатчик и приемник. Если индикатор приемника два раза мигает и гаснет, значит связь между устройствами не установилась, и необходимо заново спарить приёмник и передатчик. Для этого надо сначала «отвязать» приёмник, а потом спарить заново.

  1. How to unbind?
    Как отвязать?
    Turn off the transmitter. Connecting the battery to receiver. Press the bind keystoke for 1 or 2 seconds LED indicator of Receiver will twinkle constantly, which that unbinding has completed.
    Выключите передатчик. Подключите батарею к приемнику. Нажмите кнопку спаривания на 1-2 секунды — индикатор приемника начнёт быстро мигать, что подтвердит, что он отвязан.

  2. Rebind:
    Firstly disconnect the receiver, then connect the receiver to the power, the state indicator twinkles slowly, which indicates that receiver is receiving signal. Then Power on the transmitter, if the indicator of receiver display from slow twinkling to rapid twinkling, then solid, which indicate the binding is successful. (Note: transmitter just will transmit code in first 3 seconds, if receiver can’t receive code within 3 seconds, please turn on the transmitter again).
    Отключите приемник, а затем включите снова, индикатор состояния медленно мигает, что означает, что приемник готов к приёму сигнала. Теперь включите передатчик, если индикатор приёмника перейдёт от медленного мигания к быстрому, и затем загорится постоянно – значит привязка прошла успешно. (Примечание: передатчик передаёт код для привязывания только в течении первых 3х секунд, если приёмник не может получить код в течение 3 секунд, пожалуйста, выключите и включите передатчик снова).

Мой приёмник только мигнёт разок при включении и гаснет. Отвязывается без проблем — то есть при нажатии и удержании кномпочки “bind” — начинает бодро мигать оранжевым светодиодом. Потом делаю выкл/вкл приёмнику — он медленно мигает — всё, как положено. Включаю передатчик — в момент мигания светодиода на передатчике (то есть пока отправляются коды привязки) — на приёмнике светодиод начинает мигать быстро — значит видит передатчик и его сигналы. Но после того, как передатчик заканчивает передавать коды привязки — приёмник мигает разок “длинным” и гаснет. То есть привязка так и не происходит…

Может кто знает “куда копать”?


Тут давным давно проскакивало о хрени с привязкой у ESky, вроде народ тогда вылечил толи привязкой к другому передатчику, толи в присутствии другого передатчика ESky, уж не помнится, либо ройте поиском по форуму, либо эксперементируйте. Кстати, тут народа с ESky гораздо менее, чем в верталетной ветке скорее всего.

Traxxas Пульт 2222 + Приемник 2216 Продам аппаратуру Traxxas TQ 2.4Ghz для радиоуправляемых моделей пульт Traxxas 27 Mhz AM digital proportional 2-4 channel radio system — 2-ch передатчик TRA 2222, AM 27MHz TRAXXAS TQ — 4-ch микро приемник TRAXXAS 2216, AM 27MHz для автомоделей Идеальное и новое состояние. (TRAXXAS 2222 + TRAXXAS 2216): 1.800 рублей вместе. Возможна авито доставка, либо отправка Boxberry, сдэк по предоплате. Для поиска; возможно подойдет ; радиоуправляемых модель, mamba monster, axial, Химото, himoto, hsp, arrma, traxxas, траксас, maverick, vrx racing, rally, slash, gen’s, team orion, fox, msd, Summit, racing, bsd racing, esky, baja, Kyosho, velineon, Hpi, e revo, summit, team associated, savage, thunder tiger, mugen, tekno, arrma, talion, kraton, Спур, castle, слики, rc, rtr, ру модель, бк система, gmade, rc4wd, team magic, WLТоys, Оfnа, Durаtrах, 1:8, 1:10, 1/8, 1/10, Nitrо, Нитро, Нитрометан, ДВС, модель 10 масштаба, mta4, futaba, sanwa, Вrоntоsаurus, Nаndа, автомодель, Химото, Спур пиньон himoto, Lipo аккумулятор, Imax, слики, rc, rtr, шорт-корс, short-cors, chort course, аппа, Е4D, 2.4ghz, 2,4ghz, nimh, scx10, липо, li-po, xo-1, esc, слеш, slash, саваж, x-Maxx, e-maxx, e-revo, t-maxx, revo3.3, Trx-4, Stаmреd, Rаlly, savage, proline, rpm, bullet Tamiya, тамия, tt-01, HSP, OTA, FG, МСD, e10, pro-d, BSD Racing, HobbyWing, Team Magic, Team Losi, Apex Hobby, Iron Track, Kyosho, FlySky, Vrx Racing, MST, Associated, Pilotage, Remo Hobby, RGT Hobby, краулер, Crawler King, Машина радио, машина на радиоуправлении, машинка на пульте.

27 Responses to “Manuals & Downloads (41)”

  1. Grobro Says:

    April 2, 2010 at 8:54 am | Reply

    Hoi Eric,

    Ben op je site terecht gekomen via my-rcguides en heb zojuist wat manuals van je gedownload. Bedankt daarvoor!



    • Eric Says:

      April 2, 2010 at 9:26 am | Reply

      Hey Grobo,

      Leuk dat je een berichtje hebt achter gelaten!
      Succes met de manuals.
      Ik had je net gemist in de chat, sorry 🙂

  2. Grobro Says:

    April 2, 2010 at 10:27 am | Reply

    Is OK.
    Mooie site heb je trouwens. Gefeliciteerd!
    Ik heb op het my-rcguides forum een paar vragen achter gelaten over mijn nieuwe HoneyBee. Volgens mij ben jij HoneyBee expert, zou je me misschien een antwoord kunnen geven?
    Alvast bedankt.


    • Eric Says:

      April 2, 2010 at 10:57 am | Reply

      Hey John,

      Bedankt voor je compliment, stimuleerd me weer om mijn best te blijven doen!

      Heb je vragen zo goed mogelijk beantwoord. Mocht ik iets vergeten zijn te beantwoorden of onduidelijk zijn geweest, laat het dan maar weten.


  3. Grobro Says:

    April 2, 2010 at 11:14 am | Reply

    Bedankt! Kan d’r goed mee vooruit.
    Baal wel dat mijn nieuwe accu stuk is want nu kan ik hem niet uitproberen.



  4. TONY Says:

    May 28, 2010 at 8:18 am | Reply

    Wow, cool site!!!

    I have seen your website flashing by on rcguides website, but never checked it out!

    Will you be putting up more info/flights of you copter X and HK450 pro TT????

    • Eric Says:

      May 28, 2010 at 9:02 am | Reply

      Hi Tony,
      Thanks for visiting my website (finally), and thanks for leaving a message!
      I always like that very much.

      To answer your question short and simple: Yes I will 🙂

      See ya on My Rc Guide Forum,

  5. Arief Says:

    June 28, 2010 at 1:10 pm | Reply

    Hi Eric, this is a good and useful website.

    I’m, from Indonesia and downloading bcpv2 manual from your website,
    I just addicted by rc heli, learn from a friend who offered a mini coax rc heli months ago then 450size coax rc heli and just purchased bcpv2.

    by today i just can fly my bcpv2 for 2 meters height, and only hover, not turn around.

    i hope that i could find many tips from you as an experienced pilot 🙂


    • Eric Says:

      June 28, 2010 at 6:26 pm | Reply

      Hi AKauts!
      Very nice to visit my website and for letting me know you were here.
      I have almost no coax experience myself and a 450 size coax sound really great.
      Do you have an url which leads to such big coax machines?

      Just take it easy with your practise, be patience and take very small steps. Only move to next small step until your mastered your current practise.
      Thats the most common learning strategy there is for human beings.

      By time you will learn to control your Belt easier. It took me 60 days for a good tail in hover 😀 with my HBFP V2.
      In that time you learn to set up it better to, so your progress can double 🙂

      You can find me on too. I visit there chat too. Can be lots of fun 2.

      If you have questions? Just ask.

  6. akauts Says:

    June 29, 2010 at 5:09 am | Reply

    you may see the 450 – (same/quite smaller than 450) thru this link (my website)
    at the bottom folder named Other and Hobby_RC_Heli. i put some pics there

    You’re right, im crazying to learn to make my bcpv2 hover for only 3 feet… very difficult… and got crashed twice.
    i dont know what i did wrong on my bcpv2, i will be happy if you have some advice, i put a video here


    • Eric Says:

      June 29, 2010 at 2:54 pm | Reply

      Nice video 🙂

      If you can go outside and find yourself more space. Imagine your heli flying in your TV. Thats no fun at all.
      Below 3ft your heli will encounter tremendous wake aka rotor wash. Also your heli has the tendency to drift left and sometimes backwards. Hovering in rotor wash is good to train reflexes. And hovering a little higher makes life easier. Getting of the ground to slow can cause mega drift to. I am sure you encountered it already.

      Also make sure no kids/wife or animals can enter the room while you are flying! This can become a serious mesh in only a few seconds!

      Just keep on practicing and before you know it things get easier
      So if you can go outside, find a open place with no people or dogs, etc and get the machine a little higher.

  7. PaulRB-Doha Says:

    July 29, 2010 at 7:32 am | Reply

    Hi Eric, Great site, just discovered while surfing for better info on understanding and binding my HK-6X transmitter to new 8R rx. I have 2 of these now, one on HK450MT and other on HK250GT but cant work out how to store both on the tx without rebinding each time. Preparing for a busy weekend of frustration. Great that we share similar equipment. HK450 is nice bird, easy to assemble and fly. 250 (I have 2, one for spares) is difficult for big hands to build but great for indoors (its summer here in Doha at the moment, day temperatures outside mid 40’s C so outside flying is not very nice). 250 tail is rubbish, am waiting for delivery of a MicroHeli tail, which should fix the problem. Have made all the suggested mods, Trex CF blades, belt and feathering shafts etc. Fully Loctite and CNA all screws. HXT900 servos, Turnigy DS 480 on the tail with Telebee and HK401B gyros. Also have a Walkera CB100 which is a bundle of fun. Keep up the good work, Cheers until next time, Paul.

    • Eric Says:

      July 29, 2010 at 7:59 am | Reply

      Hi Paul,

      Thank you very much for visiting my website and leaving a great message. I really appriciate it!

      What motor do you ave running in the MT?

      About the TX and storing more then one settings is quite easy. Let me try to explain.

      Our Tx has a 5 model memory so we are gonna use that feature for it. Before you power up the TX push and keep pushed the two small buttons on the left near the display. Then power the TX and then let go of the 2 buttons. Now we are in the model selection menu. N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 are model channels to use. Use the right two buttons to go to lets say N2. When you power the tx off and on it will start up in N2. Also check if channel to is the heli mode with Ccpm mixing. Check manual for that.
      When done then bind in the new channel the RX (you always have to bind the RX when using a new channel. Switch TX off and on after binding and channel 2 has his own binding and is ready for setting up.

      Chancing from N1 to N2 is done like this. Power up TX and push the two left buttons at the same time. Go to N2 and you are happy to go.

      If I was not clear or you need some extra help just let me know!
      HBFP NL | Eric

  8. PaulRB-Doha Says:

    July 30, 2010 at 2:15 pm | Reply

    Hi Eric,

    Many thanks for your reply, it was a great help and much clearer than what it says in the manual. I am slightly disappointed that you have to bind each time you change from one heli to another but at least the settings stay set. I now have the 250 set as n1 and the 450 as n2. For the 450 the specs are:

    Turnigy (gold) X500-4000K Heli Motor, 11 T pinion
    ZIPPY Flightmax 2200mAh 3S1P 20C
    TURNIGY Plush 40amp Speed Controller
    3 x HXT900 servos on swash
    Turnigy DS480 on tail
    HK-401B gyro

    Your build and video on the HK450 TT Pro are excellent – I have this on my wish list but will probably go for the GAUI 200V2 first as I have a leaning towards the smaller indoor helis.

    Keep up the great posts, you have a good thing going here. Regards, Paul.

    • Eric Says:

      July 30, 2010 at 6:06 pm | Reply

      Hi Paul,
      Thanks for coming back with some feedback. Sorry for not being as clear to you as I wished to be.

      Once a channel is binded with the RX it is okee. You just have to switch from channel after that without any new bindings.

      What I meant is that when you open a new channel for a new bird, new settings etc, you have to bind the TX and RX. Just one time for each channel.

      After that, switch from channel to channel. All will be working fine.

      And please check if it works before you take off. I do not like hearing you crashed because of my bad English 🙂

      If you have more question or some other things you wanna share feel free to do!

      Happy weekend and Happy Flying

      BTW a very nice setup! And I am sure you will love building and flying the HK450 Pro TT. It is such a lovely piece of clone art.

  9. Melinda Says:

    September 14, 2011 at 7:15 pm | Reply

    looking for help on my esky et4 4 channel transmitter. Its not working or doesnt pick up on my laptop.
    what can I do? how can I learn how to fly my helicopter if I cant even figure out how to use the remote control???

    • Eric Says:

      September 14, 2011 at 8:04 pm | Reply

      What do you mean by doesn’t pick up on my Laptop?

      Maybe I can help and I will need more info around your problem.
      Mode 1 or 2?
      And whats the exact problem, more specific.

      • Richard Reid Says:

        April 28, 2012 at 9:01 pm

        Hi Eric, I googled the same problem and ended up on this Blog, I have plugged my 4 channel Esky Hobby Controller into my LapTop and it shows USB device not recognised, The disc I received with my Lama V4 Heli is cracked and also wont load, is there some device drivers I can load for this, I tried the Update Drivers but it just sits searching and never stops,?

      • Eric Says:

        April 29, 2012 at 10:03 am

        Hi Richard,
        Thanks for your comment. The flight sim that comes with ESKY is called FMS and is downloadable at many places online. So just look online for a good copy of FMS which will be free to download. I remember Vista had some problems with FMS. WHen you installed FMS you will also have the drivers for your TX. AT least thats how it worked in my case.
        I hope my answer was of any help 😀

  10. Veste Moncler Says:

    October 10, 2011 at 11:01 am | Reply

    Hello there! Brilliant blog page!

  11. Waldemar «Grumpyy» Muller Says:

    November 19, 2011 at 9:44 pm | Reply

    Hi eric,

    IMAX-9xTurnigy 9X User Manual ???
    Zijn dit de synoniemen voor de Turnigy 9X?


    • Eric Says:

      November 20, 2011 at 10:23 am | Reply

      Ja zijn in feite de zelfde apparaten 🙂

  12. Esky manual | Trd4runner Says:

    September 16, 2012 at 3:20 pm | Reply

    […] Manuals & Downloads (40) « HAPPY FLYINGIf the manual does not open in your browser, use your right mouse button and save target. – ESky Honey Bee FP V2 User Manual – ESky Honey Bee CT User … […]

  13. Sanjay Says:

    October 20, 2012 at 8:39 am | Reply

    Thank you for this kind service to the RC Fraternity!

  14. Les Says:

    January 20, 2013 at 4:14 am | Reply

    Eric, Very nice site. It’s been very helpful. I got myself an Esky Big Lama a couple weeks ago.
    Your site has helped a lot. I haven’t even tried to fly it yet. I want to use the FMS program over the winter so I’ll be somewhat ready in the spring to try it. For some reason FMS reads my rudder as channel 6 which seems strange as the heli only comes with a 4 channel transmitter??? As expected I had a heck of a time getting FMS to work at all, I’m running it on a Windows 7 pro laptop but I almost have it sorted out,, :). On the way to this point I messed with the servo reversing switches in the botton right corner of the tx. I think I have it right now with the left 2 up and the right 2 down.
    Anyway, thank you for this site I will be visiting it often and let you know how I make out.
    The only heli I’ve flown before this was a micro 3 channel which is a lot of fun. This huge heli is a total nother world. At 64 my learning curve has slowed WWWWaaaaaayyyyyy down. LOL
    Thanks again,

    • Eric Says:

      January 20, 2013 at 2:19 pm | Reply

      Hi Les
      Thanks for your great comment! And congratulations with being the owner of Big Lama.Using a sim is great for orientation practice. I saves money too. I learned the hard way without and I wish I had used a sim. Learning to fly a helicopter takes time. Our brain needs to make new connections for the new wanted skills. This just takes time. And maybe a little more when being 64. Just make your hours on the SIM. When you get bored of FMS, just try to find an other sim.

      When you take the Lama out, let some one film it! You can learn very much by just looking at your own flying. And other love to watch the first steps too 😀

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    проблема с пультом ESKY HOBBY 2.4ghz

проблема с пультом ESKY HOBBY 2.4ghz

проблема с пультом ESKY HOBBY 2.4ghz

пульт ESKY HOBBY 2.4ghz 6каналов.проблема такая: каналы газа, элеронов и элеватора влияют друг на друга. То есть допустим прибавляю газ, а у меня элероны дают крен и элеватор задирает вверх. Убавляю газ на левом джойстике и тоже одновременно получаю реакцию на все оси правого джойстика, хотя его не двигаю. Тоже самое происходит и при симуляции полёта — летать практически не возможно.

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Re: проблема с пультом ESKY HOBBY 2.4ghz

Скорее всего включены вертолетные настройки. Как отключить — не подскажу, с ESKY HOBBY 2.4ghz дела не имел. sad

Администратор отключил публичную отправку сообщений

Re: проблема с пультом ESKY HOBBY 2.4ghz

Нашёл как Очень просто. Открываешь батарейный отсек, вынимаешь батарейки и слева видишь окошко, а в нём — два переключателя. Верхний ставишь в крайнее правое положение (OFF), нижний — в крайнее левое (ON).     подсказали

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