Контроллер для холодильных систем три реле, два датчика, цифровой вход. Используется для холодильного оборудования с активным охлаждением (вентилятор испарителя).
Контроллер для холодильных систем одно реле, один датчик. Режим оттайки по времени, используется для холодильного оборудования с пассивным охлаждением (без вентилятора).
Контроллер для холодильных систем два реле, два датчика. Используется для холодильного оборудования с активным охлаждением (вентилятор испарителя). Работа вентилятора контроллером не программируется.
Контроллер для холодильных систем три реле, два датчика, цифровой вход. Используется для холодильного оборудования с активным охлаждением (вентилятор испарителя).
Контроллер для холодильных систем одно реле, один датчик один цифровой вход или два датчика (один вспомогательный). Режим оттайки по времени, используется для холодильного оборудования с пассивным охлаждением (без вентилятора).
Контроллер для холодильных систем одно реле, один датчик один цифровой вход или два датчика (один вспомогательный). Режим оттайки по времени, используется для холодильного оборудования с пассивным охлаждением (без вентилятора).
Контроллер для холодильных систем три реле, два датчика, цифровой вход. Используется для холодильного оборудования с активным охлаждением (вентилятор испарителя).
Контроллер для холодильных систем три реле, два датчика. Используется для холодильного оборудования с активным охлаждением (вентилятор испарителя).
EV6221 Цифровой терморегулятор для холодильных установок со статическим охлаждением. Крепление на динрейку
EV6223 Цифровой терморегулятор для вентилируемых холодильных установок. Крепление на динрейку
EVK204-EVK214 Цифровой контроллер для вентилируемых холодильных установок, с функциями Энергосбережения и НАССР.
EVK203, EVK213, EVK223, EVK233, EVK253 Цифровые термостаты для вентилируемых холодильных установок.
Контроллер для холодильных систем одно реле, один датчик один цифровой вход или два датчика (один вспомогательный). Режим оттайки по времени, используется для холодильного оборудования с пассивным охлаждением (без вентилятора).
EVK422 Цифровой терморегулятор для холодильных установок, предназначенных для хранения молока.
EVKB21 и EVKB31 Цифровой стабилизатор температуры для установок со статическим видом охлаждения.
EVK002 цифровой стабилизатор температуры для установок со статическим видом охлаждения, со вспомогательным выходом. Вспомогательный выход всегда работает для нагрева. Его действия в основном зависят от параметров SP2 и r13. • реле контроля компрессора: 16 A / 250 VAC (переключающийся контакт) • вспомогательное реле: 8 А / 250 VАС (переключающий контакт)
Процессор EVK042P7 для шкафов исполнения зима-лето. 2 цифровых выхода (реле): • реле контроля компрессора: 16 A / 250 VAC (переключающийся контакт) • вспомогательное реле: 8 А / 250 VАС (переключающий контакт)
EV3 — это новое поколение цифровых контроллеров EVCO. Стильный дизайн, сенсорные кнопки, функции охлаждение/нагрев, встроенная функция энергосбережения. Модель EV3X21N7 — это базовый контроллер линейки EV3, предназначенный для управления как холодильной установкой со статическим испарителем, так и тепловыми одноступенчатыми установками, при использовании функции «нагрев». Оснащён 1 аналоговым входом для датчика NTC/PTC, вспомогательным универсальным (цифровым/аналоговым) входом, 1 управляющим реле 16А @ 250 VAC, а так же портом копирования параметров. В режиме охлаждения оттайка производится как по времени, так и по температуре путём простого отключения компрессора. По заказу контроллеры могут быть исполнены с индикацией температуры красного, голубого, зелёного или бело-лунного цвета. Стандартно же позиции поставляются с индикацией температуры красного цвета. Настройку контроллера можно осуществить как при помощи кнопок, так посредством программного обеспечения Parameters Manager и ключа программирования EV3KEY компании EVCO. Программный продукт позволяет наглядно отобразить на дисплее Вашего PC полный список параметров с описанием их назначения, а также выбрать необходимые значения для записи на контроллер. Ключ EV3KEY можно использовать как сомостоятельное устройство для копирования параметров с одного контроллера на другой. Это позволяет значительно сэкономить время в условиях промышленного производства или серийной сборки типовых изделий. Все модели имеют цифровой многофункциональный вход, сиситему тревог, блокировку кнопок, стандартный корпус исполнения «в панель», 3-х цветный Led-дисплей. По заказу контроллеры могут быть оснащены серийным портом TTL (протокол ModBus) для подключения к системам мониторинга и удалённого управления.
Линейка контроллеров состоит из мделей EVKB61 и EVKB71 и имеет уникальную запатентованную технологию, разработанную компанией EVCO, позволяющую максимально защитить компрессор от пониженного или повышенного напряжения. Контроллеры имеют возможность работать в режиме «Нагрев», а модели EVKB71 оснащены усиленным реле компрессора, способным выдержать пусковой ток до 30А@250В, что позволяет использовать контроллер без применения электромагнитного пускателя. Все модели имеют цифровой многофункциональный вход, сиситему тревог, блокировку кнопок, стандартный корпус исполнения «в панель», 3-х цветный Led-дисплей. По заказу контроллеры могут быть оснащены серийным портом TTL (протокол ModBus) для подключения к системам мониторинга и удалённого управления.
Контроллеры EVKB22 и EVKB32 оснащены вторым универсальным входом, который может быть сконфигурирован как цифровой (многофункциональный) или аналоговый (датчик испарителя). Два релейных выхода позволяет управлять компрессором и процессом оттайки. Контроллеры выпускаются в стандартном корпусе размерами 74 x 32мм со светодиодным дисплей высотой 13 мм с высоким разрешением,с десятичной точкой и многофункциональными светодиодными индикаторами и тремя кнопками управления (настройка +включение/ режим ожидания, вверх и вниз). Легкость монтажа в панель обеспечивается при помощи клипс, входящих в комплект поставки. Перенос и загрузка параметров конфигурации контроллеров осуществляется при помощи ключа программирова-ния EVKEY (заказывается дополнительно), выполнение данной операции возможно при условии, что модели оснащены серийным портом (по заказу)
Линейка контроллеров EVKB для управления статическими холодильными установками включает пять моделей: EVKB21/EVKB31, EVKB22/EVKB32, EVKB51.Модели отличаются друг от друга по характеристикам реле компрессора, а также количеством входов и цифровых выходов. Модели EVKB21, EVKB31 и EVKB51 обеспечивают работу холодильной установки по времени, оттайка производится за счет остановки работы компрессора. Контроллеры EVKB22 и EVKB32 оснащены вторым релей-ным выходом для управления процессом оттайки.Контроллеры выпускаются в стандартном корпусе размерами 74 x 32мм со светодиодным дисплей высотой 13 мм с высоким разрешением,с десятичной точкой и многофункциональными светодиодными индикаторами и тремя кнопками управления (настройка +включение/ режим ожидания, вверх и вниз). Легкость монтажа в панель обеспечивается при помощи клипс, входящих в комплект поставки. Перенос и загрузка параметров конфигурации контроллеров осуществляется при помощи ключа программирова-ния EVKEY (заказывается дополнительно), выполнение данной операции возможно при условии, что модели оснащены серийным портом (по заказу)
Контроллеры EVCO серии EVK — это линейка оборудования, разработанного для слежения за работой статических холодильных установок путем управления компрессором.Оттайка осуществляется по времени. Трехцветные многофункциональные светодиодные индикаторы позволяют быстро определить статус работы холодильного агрегата;кроме того,дисплей позволяет отображать десятичное значение температуры ниже -100С. Управление процессом оттайки осуществляется путем отключения компрессора по времени (за исключением моделей EVK202 и EVK212, где управление процессом оттайки осуществляется в зависимости от температуры или времени). Благодаря использованию в контроллерах EVK241 и EVK251 функции контроля температуры конденсатора, обслуживающий персонал своевременно оповещается о необходимости проведения обслуживания установки или же осуществляется остановка системы в целях предотвращения поломки компрессора. Кроме того, модель контроллера EVK242 с двумя независимыми датчиками температуры охлаждаемого объема обеспечивает управление работой двумя раздельными компрессорами (в двух разных шкафах). По желанию заказчика, модельный ряд EVK (за исключением контроллера EVK201) может поставляться с серийным портом для подключения к системе удалённого доступа и контроля RICS по протоколу связи ModBus. Загрузки параметров конфигурации могут осуществляться при помощи ключа программирования EVKEY. Возможны опции звукового сигнала тревоги и подключения дополнительного удаленного индикатора температуры (последняя опциядоступна только для моделей EVK211, EVK221, EVK241, EVK202,EVK212 , EVK242).
Модель EVS 202/212 — это контроллеры EVCO для статических холодильных установок, управляющие работой компрессора и оттайкой по времени, с функцией HACCP. Приборы оснащены дополнительным конфигурируемым выходом для управления освещением шкафа, подогревом стекла витрины или он может применяться, как вспомогательный выход.Релейные и электрические контактные группы контроллера позволяют подключать нагрузку непосредственно к прибору, это обеспечивает работу установки без применения дополнительных внешних силовых блоков и контактов. По заказу модель оснащается серийным портом с протоколом связи ModBus для подключения к системе удаленного доступа и управления RICS и для быстрого переноса параметров при помощи ключа EVKEY. Контроллер может комплектоваться коммуникационным портом для подключения дополнительного удаленного индикатора температуры.
Цифровой регулятор температуры для установок со статическим испарением, со вспомогательным выходом и защитой компрессора по перегреву (контроль температуры конденсатора).
EV3 — это новое поколение цифровых контроллеров EVCO. Стильный дизайн, сенсорные кнопки, функции охлаждение/нагрев, встроенная функция энергосбережения. Модель EV3B23N7 — это контроллер линейки EV3, предназначенный для управления холодильной установкой с вентилируемым испарителем. Оснащён 2 аналоговыми входами для датчиков NTC/PTC (датчик объёма, датчик испарителя/конденсатора), 1 многофункциональным цифровым входом, 3 управляющими реле (16А @ 250 VAC компрессор / 8А @ 250 VAC оттайка, 5А @ вентилятор испартеля). Контроллеры могут быть исполнены с индикацией температуры красного, голубого, зелёного или бело-лунного цвета. Стандартно же позиции поставляются с индикацией температуры красного цвета. Настройку контроллера можно осуществить как при помощи кнопок, так посредством программного обеспечения Parametrs Manager и ключа программирования EV3KEY компании EVCO. Программный продукт позволяет наглядно отобразить на дисплее Вашего PC полный список параметров с описанием их назначения, а также выбрать необходимые значения для записи на контроллер. Ключ EV3KEY можно использовать как сомостоятельное устройство для копирования параметров с одного контроллера на другой. Это позволяет значительно сэкономить время в условиях промышленного производства или серийной сборки типовых изделий. Цифровые входы: 1 многофункциональный для NO/NC контакта Рабочая температура: от 0 до +55.0°C Температура хранения: от -25 до +70.0°C Диапазон регулирования: от -40 до +99.0°C Разрешающая способность: 0.1°С/ 1°F Выходы реле: реле компрессора: 16 A @ 250 VAC (SPST контакт) реле оттайки: 8 A @ 250 VAC (SPST контакт) реле вентилятора испарителя: 5 A @ 250 VAC (перекидывающийся контакт) Максимально допустимый ток нагрузки 10 А. Фронтальная защита: IP65
Линейка контроллеров состоит из мделей EVKB63 и EVKB73 и имеет уникальную запатентованную технологию, разработанную компанией EVCO, позволяющую максимально защитить оборудование от пониженного или повышенного напряжения. Модели EVKB73 оснащены усиленным реле компрессора, способным выдержать пусковой ток до 30А@250В, что позволяет использовать контроллер без применения электромагнитного пускателя. Все модели имеют цифровой многофункциональный вход, сиситему тревог, блокировку кнопок, стандартный корпус исполнения «в панель», 3-х цветный Led-дисплей. По заказу контроллеры могут быть оснащены серийным портом TTL (протокол ModBus) для подключения к системам мониторинга и удалённого управления.
Основная область применения контроллеров серии EVK404 – холодильное, тепловое, вентиляционное, климатическое, а также другое общепромышленное оборудование. Все модели данной серии оснащены двумя универсальными аналоговыми входами под измерительные преобразователи (датчики NTC / PTC / PT1000 / 4-20 mA / 0-10V), двумя цифровыми входами (свободный контакт), а также четырьмя электромеханическими реле (16А-8А-8А-8А). По заказу контроллеры могут быть оснащены звуковым сигналом тревоги, серийным портом TTL/ModBus, а также дополнительным выходом под выносной дисплей или индикатор температуры.
Модель EVS 204/214 — это контроллер для вентилируемых холодильных установок, управляющих работой компрессора, оттайкой (в зависимости от температуры и времени), а также вентилятором испарителя, с функцией HACCP.Прибор оснащен четвертым конфигурируемым реле для управления освещением шкафа, системой подогрева стекол при запотевании или как в качестве вспомогательного выхода.Релейные и электрические контактные группы контроллера позволяют подключать нагрузку непосредственно к прибору, это обеспечивает работу установки без применения дополнительных внешних силовых блоков.Модель оснащена серийным портом с протоколом связи ModBus для использования ключа копирования EVKEY.
EVX203 и EVX214 — цифровые контроллеры бескорпусного исполнения, предназначены для монтажа под декоративную панель вентилируемого холодильного шкафа. Модель выпускается в виде открытой платы с табло 4-х разрядного дисплея (с десятичной точкой и трехцветной многофункциональной светодиодной индикацией) и шестью кнопками (установка, вверх, вниз, оттайка, дополнительный режим и режим включения/ожидания). Модели ряда отличаются друг от друга наличием количеством входов и выходов, а также некоторыми функциями (наличие встроенного таймера, режим энергосбережения , сигнализация температуры перегрева конденсатора). Наряду с управлением температурой охлаждаемого объёма, модели EVX 203 и EVX 214 осуществляют процесс оттайки электричеством или горячим газом, управляют работой вентилятора испарителя, вспомогательными системами (освещение холодильной камеры, система подогрева стекол при запотевании, дополнительный выход, система тревоги, обогрев дверного контура), а также поддерживают функцию HACCP с полной регистрацией параметров. Приборы оснащены двумя температурными датчиками (охлаждаемого объёма и испарителя, для модели EVX 214 имеет возможность подключения датчика конденсатора), цифровым входом (для модели EVX 214-два цифровых входа). Модели могут комплектоваться серийным портом с протоколом связи ModBus для подключения к системе удаленного доступа и управления RICS и для ключа программирования EVKEY.
Модель EC6-295 — цифровой контроллер для вентилируемых холодильных установок, управляющий работой компрессора, оттайкой (в зависимости от температуры и времени), вентилятором испарителя, освещением холодильного шкафа; пятый выход может быть сконфигурирован (в зависимости от выбранного режима) для трех различных функций (дополнительный, оттайка 2-го испарителя, тревога).Контроллеры имеют три аналоговых и три дополнительных входа (многофункциональный, блокировка двери камеры, тепловая защита). Встроенные функции RTC и энергосбережения позволяют определять ежедневный график оттайки (до 6 точек), а также изменять температурные уставки холодильной камеры. Контроллеры могут быть соединены в линию «ведущий-ведомый».
Программируемые контроллеры c-pro nano RACK и c-pro micro RACK нового инновационного типа, разработаны с применением последних технологий, и способны обеспечить полное управление современными одноконтурными компрессорными станциями с количеством компрессоров до двух. Технические параметры контроллеров типа c-pro nano и micro RACK, а также компактность, значительное количество входов и выходов и ценовое соотношение, позволяют применять данные программируемые устройства в одноконтурных компрессорных станциях с двумя компрессорами, где до сегодняшнего дня было возможно использование только параметрических контроллеров с жестко заданными параметрами. Контроллеры отличаются легкостью монтажа: для модели c-pro nano предусмотрен монтаж в панель, c-pro micro крепится на DIN-рейку .При помощи ключа программирования EVKEY обеспечивается лёгкость загрузки и выгрузки параметров конфигурации; кроме того, возможность подключение контроллеров к системе управления и мониторинга RICS.
Модель EC 6-708 — цифровой контроллер для управления одноконтурными компрессорными станциями (до восьми компрессоров) различной мощности. Каждый релейный выход может быть использоваться для управления работой компрессора, клапаном соленоида или вентилятором конденсора. Прибор оснащен двумя выходами реле защиты (для сигнализации и блокировки), а также одним аналоговым выходом 0-10 В или 4-20 мA (в зависимости от модели).
Модели c-pro giga RACK — программируемые контроллеры, разработанные с применением модульной технологии — способны обеспечить полное управление современными одноконтурными и двухконтурными компрессорными станциями с количеством компрессоров от 6 до12. Рассматриваемая модель — наиболее мощная из данного семейства программируемых контроллеров. Значительное количество входов и выходов, возможности передачи и обмена информацией по протоколам CANbus или Modbus, а также возможности по конфигурированию приборов, обеспечивают решения всех сложнейших задач управления компрессорными станциями. Для визуализации происходящих процессов в данных изделиях применяется 4-строчный, 20-символьный, алфавитно-цифровой жидкокристаллический дисплей, встроенный в контроллер. Контроллеры легко монтируются на DIN-рейку. При помощи серийного порта обеспечивается возможность подключения контроллеров к системе удалённого доступа и мониторинга RICS или к внешним сетям передачи данных.
C-PRO NANO CHIL – новая гибкая инновационная модульная серия свободно программируемых контроллеров, способная охватить все применения по техническим и ценовым показателям всех современных одно или двухконтурных чиллеров с компрессорами мощностью от 4 до 450 кВт и количеством до 6 компрессоров. Характеристики контроллеров C-PRO NANO CHIL (маленькие размеры, наличие I/O, цена и т.д.) впервые позволяют использовать свободно программируемый контроллеры в установках низкой сложности одноконтурных чиллеров – тепловых насосов с числом компрессоров до 3-х и мощностью от 4 to 80 кВт, т.е. там, где до сегодняшнего дня использовались стандартные параметризированные контроллеры. С помощью соединения к C-PRO NANO CHIL расширителя входов/выходов C-PRO EXP MICRO, можно управлять установками различной сложности вплоть до двухконтурной с 6-тью компрессорами мощностью 450 кВт. Визуализация работы контроллера осуществляется с помощью встроенного 4-х цифрового LED дисплея с иконками состояний.
Контроллер EVK 802 характеризуется компактными размерами и лёгкостью установки. Контроллер обеспечивает управление циклами быстрого охлаждения (+3°C) и замораживания (-18°C) в зависимости от времени или внутренней температуры продукта, а также обеспечивает управление работой холодильной камеры во время хранения продукции. Два цифровых выхода предназначены для управления работой компрессора, вентилятором испарителя или оттайкой (по заданному алгоритму). Контроллер EVK 802 имеет два аналоговых входа для подключения датчиков PTC или NTC (датчик охлаждаемого объема и игольчатый датчик), а также один цифровой вход (многофункциональный или дверной выключатель). Трёхцветные светодиодные индикаторы и звуковой сигнал позволяют быстро освоить особенности настройки циклов замораживания и статус работы. По желанию пользователя можно заказать опцию серийного порта с протоколом связи ModBus для подключения к системе удалённого доступа RICS или к ключу программирования EVKEY.
Изобилие контроллеров Evco предполагает наличие необходимой инструкции по эксплуатации. Чем большей разновидной модельных вариаций у какой-либо установки, тем сложнее с ней взаимодействовать или настроить на максимальную производительность и эффективность, потому как у каждой из них есть свои особенности. Скачать бесплатно инструкцию по эксплуатации можно на большинстве специализированных ресурсов, предварительно поинтересовавшись моделью установки, потому как инструкционные алгоритмы могут в корне отличаться в зависимости от аппарата. Любой мануал можно получить на русском языке в формате pdf, это обеспечить максимальную простоту в его протении.
EVCO S.p.A. | EV3B23/EV3B33 | Data sheet ver. 1.0 | Code 1043B33E103 | Page 1 of 2 | PT 43/14
Basic controllers for low temperature bottle coolers, refrigerated cabinets, tables and pizza counters, with energy saving strategies
Read this document thoroughly before installation and before use of the device and follow all recommendations; keep this
document with the device for future consultation.
Only use the device in the way described in this document; do not use the same as a safety device.
The device must be disposed of in compliance with local standards regarding the collection of electric and electronic
Dimensions are expressed in mm (in).
Compressor operation hours
To show the compressor operation hours:
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Hold the
key for 4 s: the display will show the
first label available.
Press and release the
key to select
Press and release the
To exit the procedure:
Press and release the
key or do not operate for
60 s.
Press and release the
To cancel the compressor operation hours:
From step 3. press and release the
key to select “rCH”.
Press and release the
Press and release the
key within 15 s
to set “149”.
10. Press and release the
key or do not operate for
15 s: the display will show a flashing “— — —” for 4 s, after
which the device will exit the procedure.
Defrost manual activation
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Keep the
key pressed for 4 s.
If the evaporator probe functions as a defrost probe (that is to
say, if the P4 parameter is set to 1) and when the defrost
starts the evaporator temperature exceeds the value set with
the d2 parameter, the defrost shall not be activated.
Keyboard locking/unlocking
To lock the keyboard proceed as follows:
Make sure no procedure is in progress.
Do not operate for 30 s: the display will show the mes-
sage “Loc” for 1 s and the keybord shall lock automati-
To unlock the keyboard:
Hold a key for 4 s: the display will show the message
“UnL” for 4 s.
Setting the working setpoint
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Press and release the
key: the LED
will flash.
Press and release the
key within 15
s; see also r1 and r2 parameters.
Press and release the
key or do not operate for
15 s: the LED
will switch off after which, the device will
exit the procedure.
To exit the procedure before the operation is complete:
Do not operate for 15 s (any changes will be saved).
The working setpoint can also be set via SP parameter.
Setting the configuration parameters
To access the procedure:
Make sure no procedure is in progress.
Hold the
key for 4 s: the display will show “PA”.
Press and release the
Press and release the
key within 15 s
to set the value determined with the “PAS” parameter
(the parameter is set at “-19” by default).
Press and release the
or do not operate for 15 s:
the display will show “SP”.
To select a parameter:
Press and release the
To set a parameter:
Press and release the
Press and release the
key within 15 s.
Press and release the
key or do not operate for
15 s.
To exit the procedure:
10. Hold the
key for 4 s or do not operate for 60 s
(any changes will be saved).
After setting the parameters, suspend power supply flow to
the device.
Manufacturer’s settings
To access the procedure:
Make sure no procedure is in progress.
Hold the
key for 4 s: the display will show “PA”.
Press and release the
To restore the manufacturer’s settings:
Press and release the
key within 15 s
to set “149”.
Press and release the
key or do not operate for
15 s: the display will show “dEF”.
Press and release the
Press and release the
key within 15 s
to set “4”.
Press and release the
key or do not operate for
15 s: the display will show a flashing “— — —” for 4 s, after
which the device will exit the procedure.
Panel installation with snap-in brackets.
Installation warnings
the thickness of the panel on which the devise is to be
installed must be between 0.8 and 2.0 mm (0.031 and
0.078 in)
make sure that the device work conditions (tempera-
ture of use, humidity, etc.) lie within the limits indi-
cated; see chapter 8
do not install the device near to any heat sources
(heating elements, hot air ducts etc.), equipment con-
taining powerful magnets (large diffusers, etc.), areas
affected by direct sunlight, rain, humidity, excessive
dust, mechanical vibrations or shocks
in compliance with safety standards, the device must
be installed correctly and in a way to protect against
any contact with electric parts; all parts that ensure
protection must be fixed in a way that they cannot be
removed without the use of tools.
Electric connection
Warnings for the electric connection
do not use electric or pneumatic screwdrivers on the
device terminal board
if the device has been taken from a cold to hot place,
humidity could condense inside; wait about 1 hour
before powering it
check that the power supply voltage, mains frequency
and electric power fall within the set limits; see chap-
ter 8
Cut the device power supply off.
Make sure that the manufacturer’s settings are appropriate;
see chapter 9.
To store customized settings as manufacturer’s:
10. Set the configuration parameters (with the procedure
described in paragraph 4.2).
11. From step 4. press and release the
key within 15 s to set “161”.
12. Press and release the
key or do not operate for
15 s: the display will show “MAP”.
13. Repeat steps 6. 7. 8. and 9.
To exit the procedure in advance:
14. Hold the
key for 4 s during the procedure (i.e.
before setting “4”: Restore will not be performed).
Compressor LED
If the LED is on, the compressor is on
If the LED is flashing:
the working setpoint is in the process of being
set (via the procedure described in paragraph
a compressor protection will be in progress
Defrost LED
If the LED is on, defrost is in progress
If the LED is flashing:
defrost will be requested but a compressor pro-
tection will be in progress
dripping will be in progress
defrost will be requested but a compressor mini-
mum switch-on shall be in progress
Evaporator fan LED
If the LED is on the evaporator fan will be on
If the LED is flashing evaporator fan standstill will be
in progress
Energy saving LED
If the LED is on and the display is switched on, the
“energy saving” function is in progress
If the LED is on and the display is switched off, the
«low consumption» function is in progress; press a
key to restore normal display
Celsius degrees LED
If the LED is on, the unit of measurement for tem-
perature is Celsius degrees
Fahrenheit degrees LED
If the LED is on, the unit of measurement for tem-
perature is Fahrenheit degrees
LED on/stand-by
If the LED is on, the device is switched off
Code Meaning
the keyboard is blocked; see paragraph 3.7
— — —
the operation requested is not available
Code Meaning
Minimum temperature alarm
check the room temperature; see A1 parameter
Main consequences:
the device will continue to operate normally
Maximum temperature alarm
check the room temperature; see A4 parameter
Main consequences:
the device will continue to operate normally
Door switch input alarm
check the causes of the activation of the input;
see i0 and i1 parameters
Main consequences:
the effect established with the i0 parameter
Multifunction input alarm or pressure switch alarm
check the causes of the activation of the input;
see i0 and i1 parameters
Main consequences:
the effect established with the i0 parameter
COH Condenser overheated alarm
check the condenser temperature; see C6 pa-
Main consequences:
the device will continue to operate normally
Compressor shut down alarm
check the condenser temperature; see C7 pa-
switch the device off and back on again: if
when the device is switched back on, the tem-
perature of the condenser is still higher than
that established in C7 parameter, disconnect
the power supply and clean the condenser
Main consequences:
the compressor will be switched off
Defrost alarm switched off because maximum time
has been reached
check the integrity of the evaporator probe; see
d2, d3 and d11 parameters
press a key to restore normal display
Main consequences:
the device will continue to operate normally
When the cause of the alarm disappears, the device restores
normal operation, except for the following alarms:
compressor shut down alarm (code “CSd”) which re-
quires the switching off of the device or the temporary
suspension of the power supply
defrost alarm switched off because maximum time has
been reached (code “dFd”) which requires the pressing
of a key.
Code Meaning
Room temperature probe error
check that the probe is the PTC or NTC type;
see P0 parameter
check the device-probe connection
check room temperature
Main consequences:
compressor activity will depend on C4 and C5
the defrost will not be activated
Evaporator probe or condenser probe error
the same as in the previous example, but with
regard to the evaporator probe or the condenser
Main consequences:
if P4 parameter is set at 1, the defrost interval
will last for the amount of time set with d3
if P4 parameter is set at 1 and d8 parameter is
set at 2 or to 3, the device will operate as if d8
parameter were set at 0
if P4 parameter is set at 1 or 2 and F0 param-
eter is set at 3 to 4, the device will operate as if
parameter were set at 2
if P4 parameter is set at 3, the condenser over-
heated alarm (code “COH”) will never be acti-
if P4 parameter is set at 3, the compressor shut
down alarm (code “CSd”) will never be acti-
When the cause of the error disappears, the device restores
normal operation.
Technical data
Purpose of the command device: operating command
Construction of the command device: built-in electronic
Container: grey self-extinguishing.
Heat and fire protection class: D.
Dimensions: according to model:
75.0 x 33.0 x 59.0 mm (2.952 x 1.299 x 2.322 in; L x H
x P) with fixed screw connection terminal blocks
75.0 x 33.0 x 81.5 mm (2.952 x 1.299 x 3.208 in; L x H
x P) with removable screw connection terminal blocks.
Method of mounting the command device: on panel,
with snap-in brackets.
Shell protection rating: IP65 (the front one).
Connection method: according to model:
fixed screw connection terminal blocks for wires up to 2.5
mm² (0.0038 in²): power supply, analog inputs, digital
inputs and digital outputs
removable screw connection terminal blocks for wires up
to 2.5 mm² (0.0038 in²): power supply, analog inputs,
digital inputs and digital outputs.
The maximum lengths of the connection cables are:
power supply: 100 m (328 ft)
analog inputs: 100 m (328 ft)
digital inputs: 100 m (328 ft)
digital outputs: 100 m (328 ft).
Operating temperature: from 0 to 55 °C (from 32 to 131
Storage temperature: from -25 to 70 °C (from -13 to
158 °F).
Humidity for use: from 10 to 90 % relative humidity
without condensate.
Command device pollution situation: 2.
Environmental standards:
RoHS 2011/65/CE
WEEE 2012/19/EU
REACH (CE) regulation n. 1907/2006.
EMC standards:
EN 60730-1
IEC 60730-1.
Power supply: 230 VAC (±10 %), 50… 60 Hz (±3 Hz), 1
VA max., supplied by a class 2 circuit.
Control device grounding method: none.
Rated impulse voltage: 4 KV.
Overvoltage category: III.
Class and structure of software: A.
Analog inputs: 2 inputs (room temperature probe and
evaporator probe or condenser probe) configurable via con-
figuration parameter for PTC or NTC probes.
Analog inputs PTC (990 Ω @ 25 °C, 77 °F)
Type of sensor:
KTY 81-121.
Measurement field:
from -50 to 150 °C (from -58
to 302 °F).
±0,5 % of scale end.
0,1 °C (1 °F).
Conversion time:
100 ms.
Analog inputs NTC (10 KΩ @ 25 °C, 77 °F)
Type of sensor:
Measurement field:
from -50 to 120 °C (from -58
to 248 °F).
±0,5 % of scale end.
0,1 °C (1 °F).
Conversion time:
100 ms.
Digital inputs: 1 input (door switch input or multifunction
Digital inputs (free of voltage contact 5 VDC 2 mA)
Power supply:
Displays: 3 digit custom display, with function icons.
Digital outputs:
1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 16 A res.
@ 250 VAC) for compressor management in model
1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 30 A res.
@ 250 VAC) for compressor management in model
1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 8 A res. @
250 VAC) for defrost management
1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 5 A res. @
250 VAC) for evaporator fan management.
The maximum allowable current on the loads in 10 A.
The device guarantees double insulation between each
connector of the digital outputs and the other parts of the
Type 1 or Type 2 actions: type 1.
Complementary features of Type 1 or Type 2 actions:
59.0 (2.322) is the depth with fixed screw connection terminal blocks; 81.5 (3.208) is the depth with removable screw
connection terminal blocks.
disconnect the device power supply before proceeding
with any type of maintenance
position the power cables as far away as possible from
the signal cables
for repairs and information regarding the device, contact
the EVCO sales network.
Preliminary notes
Operating statuses:
“on” status (the device is powered and is on; utilities
may be on
stand-by” status (the device is powered but is switched
off via software; utilities are off
the “off” status: the device is not powered; utilities are
Hereafter, if the POF parameter is set to 0, with the word
“switch-on” means the passage from “off” status to “on”
status; the word “switch-off” means the passage from “on”
status to “off” status.
If the POF parameter is set to 1, with the word “switch-on”
means the passage from “stand-by” status to “on” status; the
word “switch-off” means the passage from “on” status to
“stand-by” status.
When the power is switched back on, the device displays the
status that it was in at the time it was disconnected.
Device switch-on/off
If the POF parameter is set to 0:
Connect/disconnect the device power supply.
If the POF parameter is set to 1:
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Hold the
key for 4 s: the
LED will flash, after
which it will turn off/on.
The display
If the device is switched on, during normal operation, the
display will show the magnitude established with P5, except
during defrost, when the device will show the temperature
established with d6 parameter.
If the device is switched off, the display will be switched off;
LED shall be on.
If the device is in «low consumption» mode, the display will be
switched off and the LED shall be on.
Temperature display as detected by the probes
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Hold the
key for 4 s: the display will show the
first label available.
Press and release the
key to select a
Press and release the
The following table shows the correspondence between the
labels and the temperature displayed.
Label Displayed temperature
room temperature
if the P4 parameter is set to 1 or 2, evaporator
if the P4 parameter is set to 3, condenser tempera-
To exit the procedure:
Press and release the
key or do not operate for
60 s.
Press and release the
If the second analog input is absent (that is to say, if the P4
parameter is set to 0), the “Pb2” label shall not be displayed.
EVCO S.p.A. | EV3B23/EV3B33 | Data sheet ver. 1.0 | Code 1043B33E103 | Page 1 of 2 | PT 43/14
Read this document thoroughly before installation and before use of the device and follow all recommendations; keep this
document with the device for future consultation.
Only use the device in the way described in this document; do not use the same as a safety device.
The device must be disposed of in compliance with local standards regarding the collection of electric and electronic
Dimensions are expressed in mm (in).
59.0 (2.322) is the depth with fixed screw connection terminal blocks; 81.5 (3.208) is the depth with removable screw
connection terminal blocks.
disconnect the device power supply before proceeding
Panel installation with snap-in brackets.
with any type of maintenance
position the power cables as far away as possible from
the signal cables
for repairs and information regarding the device, contact
the EVCO sales network.
Preliminary notes
Operating statuses:
«on» status (the device is powered and is on; utilities
may be on
stand-by» status (the device is powered but is switched
Installation warnings
off via software; utilities are off
the thickness of the panel on which the devise is to be
the «off» status: the device is not powered; utilities are
installed must be between 0.8 and 2.0 mm (0.031 and
0.078 in)
Hereafter, if the POF parameter is set to 0, with the word
make sure that the device work conditions (tempera-
«switch-on» means the passage from «off» status to «on»
ture of use, humidity, etc.) lie within the limits indi-
status; the word «switch-off» means the passage from «on»
cated; see chapter 8
status to «off» status.
do not install the device near to any heat sources
If the POF parameter is set to 1, with the word «switch-on»
(heating elements, hot air ducts etc.), equipment con-
means the passage from «stand-by» status to «on» status; the
taining powerful magnets (large diffusers, etc.), areas
word «switch-off» means the passage from «on» status to
affected by direct sunlight, rain, humidity, excessive
«stand-by» status.
dust, mechanical vibrations or shocks
When the power is switched back on, the device displays the
in compliance with safety standards, the device must
status that it was in at the time it was disconnected.
be installed correctly and in a way to protect against
Device switch-on/off
any contact with electric parts; all parts that ensure
If the POF parameter is set to 0:
protection must be fixed in a way that they cannot be
Connect/disconnect the device power supply.
removed without the use of tools.
If the POF parameter is set to 1:
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Electric connection
Touch the
which it will turn off/on.
The display
If the device is switched on, during normal operation, the
display will show the magnitude established with P5, except
during defrost, when the device will show the temperature
established with d6 parameter.
If the device is switched off, the display will be switched off;
LED shall be on.
If the device is in «low consumption» mode, the display will be
switched off and the
Temperature display as detected by the probes
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Touch the
first label available.
Touch the
Touch the
The following table shows the correspondence between the
labels and the temperature displayed.
Label Displayed temperature
room temperature
if the P4 parameter is set to 1 or 2, evaporator
if the P4 parameter is set to 3, condenser tempera-
Warnings for the electric connection
do not use electric or pneumatic screwdrivers on the
device terminal board
To exit the procedure:
if the device has been taken from a cold to hot place,
Touch the
humidity could condense inside; wait about 1 hour
Touch the
before powering it
If the second analog input is absent (that is to say, if the P4
check that the power supply voltage, mains frequency
parameter is set to 0), the «Pb2» label shall not be displayed.
and electric power fall within the set limits; see chap-
ter 8
Basic controllers for low temperature bottle coolers, refrigerated cabinets, tables and pizza counters, with energy saving strategies
Compressor operation hours
To show the compressor operation hours:
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Touch the
first label available.
Touch the
Touch the
To exit the procedure:
Touch the
Touch the
To cancel the compressor operation hours:
From step 3. touch the
Touch the
Touch the
10. Touch the
display will show a flashing «- — -» for 4 s, after which the
device will exit the procedure.
Defrost manual activation
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Touch the
If the evaporator probe functions as a defrost probe (that is to
say, if the P4 parameter is set to 1) and when the defrost
starts the evaporator temperature exceeds the value set with
the d2 parameter, the defrost shall not be activated.
Keyboard locking/unlocking
To lock the keyboard proceed as follows:
Make sure no procedure is in progress.
Do not operate for 30 s: the display will show the mes-
sage «Loc» for 1 s and the keybord shall lock automati-
To unlock the keyboard:
Touch a key for 1 s: the display will show the message
«UnL» for 1 s.
Setting the working setpoint
Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no
procedure is in progress.
Touch the
Touch the
and r2 parameters.
Touch the
key or do not operate for 15 s: the LED
will switch off after which, the device will exit the
To exit the procedure before the operation is complete:
Touch the
The working setpoint can also be set via SP parameter.
Setting the configuration parameters
To access the procedure:
Make sure no procedure is in progress.
Touch the
Touch the
Touch the
key for 4 s: the
LED will flash, after
value determined with the «PAS» parameter (the pa-
rameter is set at «-19» by default).
Touch the
will show «SP».
To select a parameter:
Touch the
To set a parameter:
Touch the
Touch the
Touch the
LED shall be on.
To exit the procedure:
10. Touch the
(any changes will be saved).
After setting the parameters, suspend power supply flow to
key for 4 s: the display will show the
the device.
Manufacturer’s settings
key to select a label.
To access the procedure:
Make sure no procedure is in progress.
Touch the
Touch the
To restore the manufacturer’s settings:
Touch the
Touch the
display will show «dEF».
Touch the
Touch the
Touch the
key or do not operate for 60 s.
display will show a flashing «- — -» for 4 s, after which the
device will exit the procedure.
Cut the device power supply off.
Make sure that the manufacturer’s settings are appropriate;
see chapter 9.
To store customized settings as manufacturer’s:
10. Set the configuration parameters (with the procedure
described in paragraph 4.2).
11. From step 4. touch the
key for 4 s: the display will show the
s to set «161».
12. Touch the
key or do not operate for 15 s: the
key to select «CH».
display will show «MAP».
13. Repeat steps 6. 7. 8. and 9.
To exit the procedure in advance:
key or do not operate for 60 s.
14. Touch the
key for 4 s during the procedure (i.e.
before setting «4»: Restore will not be performed).
key to select
key within 15 s to set
Compressor LED
If the LED is on, the compressor is on
key or do not operate for 15 s: the
If the LED is flashing:
the working setpoint is in the process of being
set (via the procedure described in paragraph
a compressor protection will be in progress
Defrost LED
key for 4 s.
If the LED is on, defrost is in progress
If the LED is flashing:
defrost will be requested but a compressor pro-
tection will be in progress
dripping will be in progress
defrost will be requested but a compressor mini-
mum switch-on shall be in progress
Evaporator fan LED
If the LED is on the evaporator fan will be on
If the LED is flashing evaporator fan standstill will be
in progress
Energy saving LED
If the LED is on and the display is switched on, the
«energy saving» function is in progress
If the LED is on and the display is switched off, the
«low consumption» function is in progress; touch a
key to restore normal display
Celsius degrees LED
If the LED is on, the unit of measurement for tem-
key: the LED
will flash.
perature is Celsius degrees
key within 15 s; see also r1
Fahrenheit degrees LED
If the LED is on, the unit of measurement for tem-
perature is Fahrenheit degrees
LED on/stand-by
If the LED is on, the device is switched off
(any changes will not be saved).
Code Meaning
the keyboard is blocked; see paragraph 3.7
— — —
the operation requested is not available
key for 4 s: the display will show «PA».
key within 15 s to set the
Code Meaning
Minimum temperature alarm
or do not operate for 15 s: the display
check the room temperature; see A1 parameter
Main consequences:
the device will continue to operate normally
Maximum temperature alarm
check the room temperature; see A4 parameter
key within 15 s.
Main consequences:
key or do not operate for 15 s.
the device will continue to operate normally
Door switch input alarm
key for 4 s or do not operate for 60 s
check the causes of the activation of the input;
see i0 and i1 parameters
Main consequences:
the effect established with the i0 parameter
Multifunction input alarm or pressure switch alarm
key for 4 s: the display will show «PA».
check the causes of the activation of the input;
see i0 and i1 parameters
Main consequences:
key within 15 s to set
the effect established with the i0 parameter
Condenser overheated alarm
key or do not operate for 15 s: the
check the condenser temperature; see C6 pa-
key within 15 s to set «4».
Main consequences:
key or do not operate for 15 s: the
the device will continue to operate normally
Compressor shut down alarm
check the condenser temperature; see C7 pa-
key within 15
switch the device off and back on again: if
when the device is switched back on, the tem-
perature of the condenser is still higher than
that established in C7 parameter, disconnect
the power supply and clean the condenser
Main consequences:
the compressor will be switched off
Defrost alarm switched off because maximum time
has been reached
check the integrity of the evaporator probe; see
d2, d3 and d11 parameters
touch a key to restore normal display
Main consequences:
the device will continue to operate normally
When the cause of the alarm disappears, the device restores
normal operation, except for the following alarms:
compressor shut down alarm (code «CSd») which re-
quires the switching off of the device or the temporary
suspension of the power supply
defrost alarm switched off because maximum time has
been reached (code «dFd») which requires the touching
of a key.
Code Meaning
Room temperature probe error
check that the probe is the PTC or NTC type;
see P0 parameter
check the device-probe connection
check room temperature
Main consequences:
compressor activity will depend on C4 and C5
the defrost will not be activated
Evaporator probe or condenser probe error
the same as in the previous example, but with
regard to the evaporator probe or the condenser
Main consequences:
if P4 parameter is set at 1, the defrost interval
will last for the amount of time set with d3
if P4 parameter is set at 1 and d8 parameter is
set at 2 or to 3, the device will operate as if d8
parameter were set at 0
if P4 parameter is set at 1 or 2 and F0 param-
eter is set at 3 to 4, the device will operate as if
parameter were set at 2
if P4 parameter is set at 3, the condenser over-
heated alarm (code «COH») will never be acti-
if P4 parameter is set at 3, the compressor shut
down alarm (code «CSd») will never be acti-
When the cause of the error disappears, the device restores
normal operation.
Technical data
Purpose of the command device: operating command
Construction of the command device: built-in electronic
Container: grey self-extinguishing.
Heat and fire protection class: D.
Dimensions: according to model:
75.0 x 33.0 x 59.0 mm (2.952 x 1.299 x 2.322 in; L x H
x P) with fixed screw connection terminal blocks
75.0 x 33.0 x 81.5 mm (2.952 x 1.299 x 3.208 in; L x H
x P) with removable screw connection terminal blocks.
Method of mounting the command device: on panel,
with snap-in brackets.
Shell protection rating: IP65 (the front one).
Connection method: according to model:
fixed screw connection terminal blocks for wires up to 2.5
mm² (0.0038 in²): power supply, analog inputs, digital
inputs and digital outputs
removable screw connection terminal blocks for wires up
to 2.5 mm² (0.0038 in²): power supply, analog inputs,
digital inputs and digital outputs.
The maximum lengths of the connection cables are:
power supply: 10 m (32.8 ft)
analog inputs: 10 m (32.8 ft)
digital inputs: 10 m (32.8 ft)
digital outputs: 10 m (32.8 ft).
Operating temperature: from 0 to 55 °C (from 32 to 131
Storage temperature: from -25 to 70 °C (from -13 to
158 °F).
Humidity for use: from 10 to 90 % relative humidity
without condensate.
Command device pollution situation: 2.
Environmental standards:
RoHS 2011/65/CE
WEEE 2012/19/EU
REACH (CE) regulation n. 1907/2006.
EMC standards:
EN 60730-1
IEC 60730-1.
Power supply: 230 VAC (+10 % -15%), 50… 60 Hz
(±3 Hz), 2 VA.
Control device grounding method: none.
Rated impulse voltage: 4 KV.
Overvoltage category: III.
Class and structure of software: A.
Analog inputs: 2 inputs (room temperature probe and
evaporator probe or condenser probe) configurable via con-
figuration parameter for PTC or NTC probes.
Analog inputs PTC (990 Ω @ 25 °C, 77 °F)
Type of sensor:
KTY 81-121.
Measurement field:
from -50 to 150 °C (from -58
to 302 °F).
0,1 °C (1 °F).
Analog inputs NTC (10 KΩ @ 25 °C, 77 °F)
Type of sensor:
Measurement field:
from -40 to 105 °C (from -40
to 221 °F).
0,1 °C (1 °F).
Digital inputs: 1 input (door switch input or multifunction
Digital inputs (free of voltage contact 5 VDC 1.5 mA)
Displays: 3 digit custom display, with function icons.
Digital outputs:
1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 16 A res.
@ 250 VAC) for compressor management in model
1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 30 A res.
@ 250 VAC) for compressor management in model
1 output (SPDT electromechanical relay with 8 A res.
@ 250 VAC) for defrost management
1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 5 A res. @
250 VAC) for evaporator fan management.
The maximum allowable current on the loads in 10 A.
Classification of the command device according to
protection against electric shock: class II, according
to the EMC standard EN 60730-1 §2.7.5.
Type 1 or Type 2 actions: type 1.
Complementary features of Type 1 or Type 2 actions:
EVCO S.p.A. | EV3B23/EV3B33 | Data sheet ver. 1.0 | Code 1043B33E103 | Page 1 of 2 | PT 43/14 EV3B23/EV3B33 Basic controllers for low temperature bottle coolers, refrigerated cabinets, tables and pizza counters, with energy saving strategies GB ENGLISH IMPORTANT Read this document thoroughly before installation and before use of the device and follow all recommendations; keep this document with the device for future consultation. Only use the device in the way described in this document; do not use the same as a safety device. The device must be disposed of in compliance with local standards regarding the collection of electric and electronic equipment. 1 DIMENSIONS AND INSTALLATION 1.1 Dimensions Dimensions are expressed in mm (in). 59.0 (2.322) is the depth with fixed screw connection terminal blocks; 81.5 (3.208) is the depth with removable screw connection terminal blocks. 1.2 Installation Panel installation with snap-in brackets. - 1.3 Installation warnings the thickness of the panel on which the devise is to be installed must be between 0.8 and 2.0 mm (0.031 and 0.078 in) make sure that the device work conditions (temperature of use, humidity, etc.) lie within the limits indicated; see chapter 8 do not install the device near to any heat sources (heating elements, hot air ducts etc.), equipment containing powerful magnets (large diffusers, etc.), areas affected by direct sunlight, rain, humidity, excessive dust, mechanical vibrations or shocks in compliance with safety standards, the device must be installed correctly and in a way to protect against any contact with electric parts; all parts that ensure protection must be fixed in a way that they cannot be removed without the use of tools. 2 2.1 ELECTRIC CONNECTION Electric connection 2.2 Warnings for the electric connection do not use electric or pneumatic screwdrivers on the device terminal board if the device has been taken from a cold to hot place, humidity could condense inside; wait about 1 hour before powering it check that the power supply voltage, mains frequency and electric power fall within the set limits; see chapter 8 disconnect the device power supply before proceeding with any type of maintenance position the power cables as far away as possible from the signal cables for repairs and information regarding the device, contact the EVCO sales network. 3 USER INTERFACE 3.1 Preliminary notes Operating statuses: “on” status (the device is powered and is on; utilities may be on stand-by” status (the device is powered but is switched off via software; utilities are off the “off” status: the device is not powered; utilities are off. Hereafter, if the POF parameter is set to 0, with the word “switch-on” means the passage from “off” status to “on” status; the word “switch-off” means the passage from “on” status to “off” status. If the POF parameter is set to 1, with the word “switch-on” means the passage from “stand-by” status to “on” status; the word “switch-off” means the passage from “on” status to “stand-by” status. When the power is switched back on, the device displays the status that it was in at the time it was disconnected. 3.2 Device switch-on/off If the POF parameter is set to 0: 1. Connect/disconnect the device power supply. If the POF parameter is set to 1: 2. Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no procedure is in progress. key for 4 s: the LED will flash, after 3. Touch the which it will turn off/on. 3.3 The display If the device is switched on, during normal operation, the display will show the magnitude established with P5, except during defrost, when the device will show the temperature established with d6 parameter. If the device is switched off, the display will be switched off; the LED shall be on. If the device is in "low consumption" mode, the display will be switched off and the LED shall be on. 3.4 Temperature display as detected by the probes 1. Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no procedure is in progress. 2. Touch the key for 4 s: the display will show the first label available. 3. Touch the or key to select a label. 4. Touch the key. The following table shows the correspondence between the labels and the temperature displayed. Label Displayed temperature Pb1 room temperature Pb2 if the P4 parameter is set to 1 or 2, evaporator temperature if the P4 parameter is set to 3, condenser temperature To exit the procedure: 5. Touch the key or do not operate for 60 s. 6. Touch the key. If the second analog input is absent (that is to say, if the P4 parameter is set to 0), the “Pb2” label shall not be displayed. 3.5 Compressor operation hours To show the compressor operation hours: 1. Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no procedure is in progress. 2. Touch the key for 4 s: the display will show the first label available. 3. Touch the or key to select “CH”. 4. Touch the key. To exit the procedure: 5. Touch the key or do not operate for 60 s. 6. Touch the key. To cancel the compressor operation hours: 7. From step 3. touch the or key to select “rCH”. 8. Touch the key. 9. Touch the or key within 15 s to set “149”. 10. Touch the key or do not operate for 15 s: the display will show a flashing “- - -” for 4 s, after which the device will exit the procedure. 3.6 Defrost manual activation 1. Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no procedure is in progress. 2. Touch the key for 4 s. If the evaporator probe functions as a defrost probe (that is to say, if the P4 parameter is set to 1) and when the defrost starts the evaporator temperature exceeds the value set with the d2 parameter, the defrost shall not be activated. 3.7 Keyboard locking/unlocking To lock the keyboard proceed as follows: 1. Make sure no procedure is in progress. 2. Do not operate for 30 s: the display will show the message “Loc” for 1 s and the keybord shall lock automatically. To unlock the keyboard: 3. Touch a key for 1 s: the display will show the message “UnL” for 1 s. 4 SETTINGS 4.1 Setting the working setpoint 1. Make sure that the keyboard is not locked and that no procedure is in progress. 2. Touch the key: the LED will flash. 3. Touch the or key within 15 s; see also r1 and r2 parameters. 4. Touch the key or do not operate for 15 s: the LED will switch off after which, the device will exit the procedure. To exit the procedure before the operation is complete: 5. Touch the (any changes will not be saved). The working setpoint can also be set via SP parameter. 4.2 Setting the configuration parameters To access the procedure: 1. Make sure no procedure is in progress. 2. Touch the key for 4 s: the display will show “PA”. 3. Touch the key. 4. Touch the or key within 15 s to set the value determined with the “PAS” parameter (the parameter is set at “-19” by default). 5. Touch the or do not operate for 15 s: the display will show “SP”. To select a parameter: 6. Touch the or key. To set a parameter: 7. Touch the key. 8. Touch the or key within 15 s. 9. Touch the key or do not operate for 15 s. To exit the procedure: 10. Touch the key for 4 s or do not operate for 60 s (any changes will be saved). After setting the parameters, suspend power supply flow to the device. 4.3 Manufacturer’s settings To access the procedure: 1. Make sure no procedure is in progress. 2. Touch the key for 4 s: the display will show “PA”. 3. Touch the key. To restore the manufacturer’s settings: 4. Touch the or key within 15 s to set “149”. 5. Touch the key or do not operate for 15 s: the display will show “dEF”. 6. Touch the key. 7. Touch the or key within 15 s to set “4”. 8. Touch the key or do not operate for 15 s: the display will show a flashing “- - -” for 4 s, after which the device will exit the procedure. 9. Cut the device power supply off. Make sure that the manufacturer’s settings are appropriate; see chapter 9. To store customized settings as manufacturer’s: 10. Set the configuration parameters (with the procedure described in paragraph 4.2). or key within 15 11. From step 4. touch the s to set “161”. 12. Touch the key or do not operate for 15 s: the display will show “MAP”. 13. Repeat steps 6. 7. 8. and 9. To exit the procedure in advance: 14. Touch the key for 4 s during the procedure (i.e. before setting “4”: Restore will not be performed). CSd dFd 5 5.1 LED °C °F WARNING LIGHTS AND DIRECTIONS Signals Meaning Compressor LED If the LED is on, the compressor is on If the LED is flashing: the working setpoint is in the process of being set (via the procedure described in paragraph 4.1) a compressor protection will be in progress Defrost LED If the LED is on, defrost is in progress If the LED is flashing: defrost will be requested but a compressor protection will be in progress dripping will be in progress defrost will be requested but a compressor minimum switch-on shall be in progress Evaporator fan LED If the LED is on the evaporator fan will be on If the LED is flashing evaporator fan standstill will be in progress Energy saving LED If the LED is on and the display is switched on, the “energy saving” function is in progress If the LED is on and the display is switched off, the "low consumption" function is in progress; touch a key to restore normal display Celsius degrees LED If the LED is on, the unit of measurement for temperature is Celsius degrees Fahrenheit degrees LED If the LED is on, the unit of measurement for temperature is Fahrenheit degrees LED on/stand-by If the LED is on, the device is switched off 5.2 Code Loc - - - Signals Meaning the keyboard is blocked; see paragraph 3.7 the operation requested is not available 6 6.1 Code AL ALARMS Alarms Meaning Minimum temperature alarm Solutions: check the room temperature; see A1 parameter Main consequences: the device will continue to operate normally Maximum temperature alarm Solutions: check the room temperature; see A4 parameter Main consequences: the device will continue to operate normally Door switch input alarm Solutions: check the causes of the activation of the input; see i0 and i1 parameters Main consequences: the effect established with the i0 parameter Multifunction input alarm or pressure switch alarm Solutions: check the causes of the activation of the input; see i0 and i1 parameters Main consequences: the effect established with the i0 parameter Condenser overheated alarm Solutions: check the condenser temperature; see C6 parameter Main consequences: the device will continue to operate normally AH id iA COH Compressor shut down alarm Solutions: check the condenser temperature; see C7 parameter switch the device off and back on again: if when the device is switched back on, the temperature of the condenser is still higher than that established in C7 parameter, disconnect the power supply and clean the condenser Main consequences: the compressor will be switched off Defrost alarm switched off because maximum time has been reached Solutions: check the integrity of the evaporator probe; see d2, d3 and d11 parameters touch a key to restore normal display Main consequences: the device will continue to operate normally When the cause of the alarm disappears, the device restores normal operation, except for the following alarms: compressor shut down alarm (code “CSd”) which requires the switching off of the device or the temporary suspension of the power supply defrost alarm switched off because maximum time has been reached (code “dFd”) which requires the touching of a key. 7 7.1 Code Pr1 Pr2 ERRORS Errors Meaning Room temperature probe error Solutions: check that the probe is the PTC or NTC type; see P0 parameter check the device-probe connection check room temperature Main consequences: compressor activity will depend on C4 and C5 parameters the defrost will not be activated Evaporator probe or condenser probe error Solutions: the same as in the previous example, but with regard to the evaporator probe or the condenser probe Main consequences: if P4 parameter is set at 1, the defrost interval will last for the amount of time set with d3 parameter if P4 parameter is set at 1 and d8 parameter is set at 2 or to 3, the device will operate as if d8 parameter were set at 0 if P4 parameter is set at 1 or 2 and F0 parameter is set at 3 to 4, the device will operate as if parameter were set at 2 if P4 parameter is set at 3, the condenser overheated alarm (code “COH”) will never be activated if P4 parameter is set at 3, the compressor shut down alarm (code “CSd”) will never be activated When the cause of the error disappears, the device restores normal operation. 8 TECHNICAL DATA 8.1 Technical data Purpose of the command device: operating command device. Construction of the command device: built-in electronic device. Container: grey self-extinguishing. Heat and fire protection class: D. Dimensions: according to model: 75.0 x 33.0 x 59.0 mm (2.952 x 1.299 x 2.322 in; L x H x P) with fixed screw connection terminal blocks 75.0 x 33.0 x 81.5 mm (2.952 x 1.299 x 3.208 in; L x H x P) with removable screw connection terminal blocks. Method of mounting the command device: on panel, with snap-in brackets. Shell protection rating: IP65 (the front one). Connection method: according to model: fixed screw connection terminal blocks for wires up to 2.5 mm² (0.0038 in²): power supply, analog inputs, digital inputs and digital outputs removable screw connection terminal blocks for wires up to 2.5 mm² (0.0038 in²): power supply, analog inputs, digital inputs and digital outputs. The maximum lengths of the connection cables are: power supply: 10 m (32.8 ft) analog inputs: 10 m (32.8 ft) digital inputs: 10 m (32.8 ft) digital outputs: 10 m (32.8 ft). Operating temperature: from 0 to 55 °C (from 32 to 131 °F). Storage temperature: from -25 to 70 °C (from -13 to 158 °F). Humidity for use: from 10 to 90 % relative humidity without condensate. Command device pollution situation: 2. Environmental standards: RoHS 2011/65/CE WEEE 2012/19/EU REACH (CE) regulation n. 1907/2006. EMC standards: EN 60730-1 IEC 60730-1. Power supply: 230 VAC (+10 % -15%), 50... 60 Hz (±3 Hz), 2 VA. Control device grounding method: none. Rated impulse voltage: 4 KV. Overvoltage category: III. Class and structure of software: A. Analog inputs: 2 inputs (room temperature probe and evaporator probe or condenser probe) configurable via configuration parameter for PTC or NTC probes. Analog inputs PTC (990 Ω @ 25 °C, 77 °F) Type of sensor: KTY 81-121. Measurement field: from -50 to 150 °C (from -58 to 302 °F). Resolution: 0,1 °C (1 °F). Analog inputs NTC (10 KΩ @ 25 °C, 77 °F) Type of sensor: ß3435. Measurement field: from -40 to 105 °C (from -40 to 221 °F). Resolution: 0,1 °C (1 °F). Digital inputs: 1 input (door switch input or multifunction input) Digital inputs (free of voltage contact 5 VDC 1.5 mA) Displays: 3 digit custom display, with function icons. Digital outputs: 1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 16 A res. @ 250 VAC) for compressor management in model EV3B23 1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 30 A res. @ 250 VAC) for compressor management in model EV3B33 1 output (SPDT electromechanical relay with 8 A res. @ 250 VAC) for defrost management 1 output (SPST electromechanical relay with 5 A res. @ 250 VAC) for evaporator fan management. The maximum allowable current on the loads in 10 A. Classification of the command device according to protection against electric shock: class II, according to the EMC standard EN 60730-1 §2.7.5. Type 1 or Type 2 actions: type 1. Complementary features of Type 1 or Type 2 actions: C. EVCO S.p.A. | EV3B23/EV3B33 | Instructions sheet vers. 1.0 | Code 1043B33I103 | Page 2 of 2 | PT 43/14 9 9.1 WORKING SETPOINT AND CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS Working Setpoint MIN. MAX. U.M. DEF. WORKING SETPOINT r1 r2 °C/°F (1) 0,0 working setpoint; see also r0 and r12 d7 0 15 min 2 d8 0 3 - - - 0 9.2 Parametri di configurazione PARAM. MIN. MAX. U.M. DEF. SP r1 r2 °C/°F (1) 0,0 PARAM. MIN. MAX. U.M. DEF. CA1 -25 25,0 °C/°F (1) 0,0 CA2 -25 25,0 °C/°F (1) 0,0 P0 P1 0 0 P2 0 P4 P5 0 0 P8 PARAM. r0 r1 r2 r4 0 MIN. 0,1 -99 r1 0,0 r5 0 r12 0 PARAM. C0 C2 C3 C4 MIN. 0 0 0 0 C5 0 C6 0,0 C7 0,0 C8 PARAM. d0 0 MIN. 0 d1 0 d2 d3 -99 0 d4 0 d5 0 d6 0 WORKING SETPOINT working setpoint; see also r0 and r12 ANALOG INPUTS room probe offset if P4 = 1 or 2, evaporator probe offset if P4 = 3, condenser probe offset 1 - - 1 probe type (0 = PTC; 1 = NTC) 1 - - 1 degree Celsius decimal point (during normal operation) 1 = YES 1 - - 0 unit of measurement for temperature (2) 0 = °C (Celsius degree; resolution depends on P1 parameter) 1 = °F (Fahrenheit degree; resolution is 1 °F) 3 - - 1 second analog input function 0 = absent 1 = evaporator probe (defrost probe and probe determining the activity of the evaporator fan) 2 = evaporator probe (probe determining the activity of the evaporator fan) 3 = condenser probe 2 - - 0 magnitude displayed during normal operation 0 = room temperature 1 = working setpoint 2 = if P4 = 0, “- - -” if P4 = 1 or 2, evaporator temperature if P4 = 3, condenser temperature 250 0,1 s 5 delayed display of temperature changes as detected by the probes MAX. U.M. DEF. MAIN REGULATOR 15,0 °C/°F (1) 2,0 working setpoint differential; see also r12 r2 °C/°F (1) -40 minimum working setpoint 199,0 °C/°F (1) 50,0 maximum working setpoint 99,0 °C/°F (1) 0,0 working setpoint increase during the “energy saving" function; see also i0, i10 and HE2 1 - - 0 cooling or heating operation (3) 0 = cooling 1 = heating 1 - - 1 working setpoint differential type 0 = asymmetric 1 = symmetric MAX. U.M. DEF. COMPRESSOR PROTECTION SYSTEM 240 min 0 delay in switching on of compressor after the device switches on (4) 240 min 3 minimum compressor switch-off duration (5) 240 s 0 minimum duration of compressor switch on time 240 min 0 duration of compressor switch off time during a room temperature probe error (code “Pr1”); see also C5 240 min 10 duration of compressor switch on time during a room temperature probe error (code “Pr1”); see also C4 199 °C/°F (1) 80,0 condenser temperature is higher than that at which the condenser overheating alarm is activated (code “COH”) (6) 199 °C/°F (1) 90,0 condenser temperature above which the compressor shut down alarm is activated (code “CSd”) 15 min 1 compressor shut down alarm delay (code “CSd”) (7) MAX. U.M. DEF. DEFROST 99 h 8 if d8 = 0, 1 or 2, defrost interval 0 = interval defrost will never be activated if d8 = 3, maximum defrost interval 2 - - 0 type of defrost ELECTRIC - during defrost the compressor will remain off and the 0 = defrost output will be activated; evaporator fan activity will depend on F2 parameter 1 = BY HOT GAS - during defrost the compressor will be switched on and the defrost output will be activated; evaporator fan activity will depend on F2 parameter 2 = VIA STOPPING OF COMPRESSOR - during defrost the compressor will remain switched off and the defrost output will remain deactivated; evaporator fan activity will depend on F2 parameter 99,0 °C/°F (1) 2,0 evaporator temperature at end of defrost; see also d3 99 min 30 if P4 = 0, 2 or 3, defrost duration if P4 = 1, maximum defrost duration; see also d2 0 = defrost will not be activated 1 - - 0 defrost when device is switched on (4) 1 = YES 99 min 0 if d4 = 0, minimum time between switching on of device and activation of defrost (4) if d4 = 1, delay in activation of defrost after device is switched on (4) 2 - - 1 temperature displayed during defrost (only if P5 = 0) 0 = room temperature 1 = if on activation of defrost, the room temperature is below the “work setpoint + + ∆t”, at maximum “ work setpoint + ∆t”; if on activation of defrost, the room temperature is above “work setpoint + ∆t”, at maximum the room temperature on activation of defrost (8) (9) 2 = label “dEF” EVCO S.p.A. Via Feltre 81, 32036 Sedico (BL) ITALY phone +39 0437 8422 | fax +39 0437 83648 email [email protected] | web www.evco.it d9 -99 99,0 °C/°F (1) 0,0 d11 0 1 - - - 0 d15 0 99 min 0 d18 0 999 min 40 d19 0,0 40,0 °C/°F (1) 3,0 d20 0 999 min 180 d22 0,0 19,9 °C/°F (1) 2,0 PARAM. A1 MIN. 0,0 MAX. 99,0 U.M. °C/°F (1) DEF. 10,0 A4 0,0 99,0 °C/°F (1) 10,0 A6 0 99 10 min 12 A7 0 240 min 15 A8 0 240 min 15 A9 0 240 min 15 A11 PARAM. F0 0,1 MIN. 0 15,0 MAX. 4 °C/°F (1) U.M. - - - 2,0 DEF. 3 F1 -99 99,0 °C/°F (1) -1,0 F2 0 2 - - - 0 F3 0 15 min 2 F4 0 240 10 s 30 F5 0 240 10 s 30 PARAM. i0 MIN. 0 MAX. 5 U.M. - - - DEF. 1 dripping duration (during dripping the compressor will remain switched off and the defrost output will remain deactivated; evaporator fan activity will depend on F2 parameter) defrost activation methods 0 = AT INTERVALS - FOR TIME - defrost will be activated once the device has altogether been running for time d0 AT INTERVALS - FOR COMPRESSOR SWITCH-ON - defrost will be acti1 = vated once the compressor has altogether been switched on for time d0 2 = AT INTERVALS - FOR EVAPORATOR TEMPERATURE - defrost will be activated when the evaporator temperature has remained below the temperature d9 for a total time of d0 (10) ADAPTIVE - defrost will be activated at intervals, whose duration will 3 = each time depend on the duration of compressor switch-ons, the evaporator temperature and the door switch input activation; see also d18, d19, d20, d22, i13 and i14 (10) evaporator temperature is higher than that at which the defrost interval counter is suspended (only if d8 = 2) defrost alarm switches off once maximum time limit has been reached (code “dFd”; only if P4 = 1 and in absence of evaporator probe error (code “Pr2”) 1 = YES minimum time that the compressor must be switched on before defrost can be activated (only if d1 = 1) (11) defrost interval (defrost will be activated when the compressor has been on totally, with the evaporator temperature below that of d22, for time d18; only if d8 = 3) 0 = defrost will never be activated due to the effect of this condition evaporator temperature below which the defrost is activated (relative to the evaporator temperatures average, or “evaporator temperatures average - d19”; only if d8 = 3) minimum consecutive time the compressor must be switched on such as to provoke the defrost activation 0 = defrost will never be activated due to the effect of this condition evaporator temperature above which the defrost interval count shall be suspended (relating to the average of evaporator temperatures, that is to say, "evaporator temperatures average + d22”; only if d8 = 3); see also d18 TEMPERATURE ALARMS room temperature below which the minimum temperature alarm is triggered (code "AL"; it concerns the working setpoint, that is to say, "working setpoint A1"); see also A11 0 = alarm absent room temperature above which the maximum temperature alarm is triggered (code “AH”; it concerns the working setpoint, that is to say, "working setpoint + A4”); see also A11 0 = alarm absent delay in maximum temperature alarm (code “AH”) after the device is switched on (4) minimum temperature alarm delay (code "AL") and maximum temperature alarm delay (code "AH") delay in maximum temperature alarm (code “AH”) from the conclusion of evaporator fan standstill (12) delay in maximum temperature alarm (code “AH”) following the deactivation of the door switch input (13) differential of A1 and A4 parameters EVAPORATOR FAN evaporator fan activity during normal operation 0 = switched off 1 = switched on; see also F4, F5, i10 and HE2 (14) 2 = in parallel with the compressor; see also F4, F5, i10 and HE2 (15) 3 = depending on F1; see also F4, F5, i10 and HE2 (16) (17) 4 = switched off if the compressor is switched off, depending on F1 if the compressor is switched on; see also F4, F5, i10 and HE2 (16) (18) evaporator temperature above (if r5 = 0) or below (if r5 = 1) which the evaporator fan is switched off (only if F0 = 3 o 4) (6) evaporator fan activity during defrost and dripping 0 = switched off 1 = switched on 2 = depending on F0 duration of evaporator fan standstill (during evaporator fan deactivation the compressor can be switched on, the defrost output will remain deactivated and the evaporator fan will remain switched off) duration of evaporator fan switch off during “energy saving” function; see also F5, i10 and HE2 duration of evaporator fan switch on during “energy saving” function; see also F4, i10 and HE2 DIGITAL INPUTS effect caused by the activation of the digital input 0 = no effect 1 = DOOR SWITCH - DOOR SWITCH INPUT ALARM ACTIVATION (code “id”) - the compressor and the evaporator fan will be switched off (at maximum for time i3 or until the input is deactivated); see also i2 (19) 2 = DOOR SWITCH - DOOR SWITCH INPUT ALARM ACTIVATION (code “id”) - the evaporator fan will be switched off (at maximum for time i3 or until the input is deactivated); see also i2 3 i1 0 1 - - - 0 i2 -1 120 min 30 i3 -1 120 min 15 i10 0 999 min 0 i13 0 240 - - - 180 i14 0 240 min 32 PARAM. HE2 MIN. 0 MAX. 999 U.M. min DEF. 0 HE3 0 240 min 2 PARAM. POF MIN. 0 MAX. 1 U.M. - - - DEF. 1 PAS -99 999 min -19 Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) = MULTIFUNCTION - ACTIVATION OF “ENERGY SAVING” FUNCTION the “energy saving” function will be activated (just with effect on the compressor, until the input is deactivated); see also r4 4 = MULTIFUNCTION - ACTIVATION OF MULTIFUNCTION INPUT ALARM (code “iA”) - the device will continue to operate normally; see also i2 5 = MULTIFUNCTION - ACTIVATION OF THE MAXIMUM PRESSURE SWITCH ALARM (code “iA”) - the compressor will be switched off (until the input is deactivated); see also i2 type of digital input contact 0 = normally open (active input with closed contact) 1 = normally closed (active input with open contact) if i0 = 1 or 2, delay in signalling of door switch input alarm (code “id”) -1 = the alarm will not be signalled if i0 = 4, delay in signalling of multifunction input alarm (code “iA”) -1 = the alarm will not be signalled if i0 = 5, delay in switching on of compressor after the deactivation of the maximum pressure switch alarm (code “iA”) -1 = reserved maximum duration of the effect caused by the activation of the door switch input on the compressor -1 = the effect will last until the input is deactivated time that must pass in absence of door switch input activations (after the room temperature has reached the working setpoint) for the “energy saving” function to be activated; see also r4, F4, F5 and HE2 0 = the function will never be activated due to the effect of this condition number of door switch input activations such as to provoke the defrost activation 0 = defrost will never be activated due to the effect of this condition minimum duration of the door switch input activation such as to provoke the defrost activation 0 = defrost will never be activated due to the effect of this condition ENERGY SAVING maximum duration of the “energy saving” function activated due to the effect of absence of door switch input activation; see also r4, F4, F5 and i10 0 = the function will last until the input is activated time interval with no key strokes, after which the "low consumption" function is activated 0 = the mode shall never be aactivated VARIOUS key activation 1 = YES access password for the configuration parameters 0 = the password need not be set the unit of measurement depends on P2 properly set the parameters corresponding to the regulators after setting P2 parameter if r5 parameter is set at 1, the “energy saving" function and the defrost management will be switched off; see also F1 parameter the parameter has effect even after an interruption in the power supply that occurs while the device is switched on the time set by paramenter C2 is counted also when the device is off the differential of parameter is 2.0°C/4°F if when the device is switched on, the condenser temperature is already above that established in C7 parameter, then C8 parameter will not have effect the value ∆t depends on r12 parameter (r0 if r12 = 0, r0/2 if r12 = 1) the display restores normal operation when, at the end of the dripping phase, room temperature falls below the value that locked the display (or if a temperature alarm is triggered) if P4 parameter is set at 0, 2 or 3, the device will function as if d8 parameter were set at 0 if when defrost is activated, the operating duration of the compressor is less than the time established with d15 parameter, the compressor will remain on for the amount of time necessary to complete defrost, then the defrost shall be activated during defrost, dripping and evaporator fan standstill, the maximum temperature alarm is absent, provided that it was triggered after defrost activation. during activation of the door switch input, the maximum temperature alarm is absent, provided the alarm was signaled after the activation of the input F4 and F5 parameters have effect when the compressor is off F4 and F5 parameters have effect when the compressor is on if P4 parameter is set at 2, the device will function as if F0 parameter were set at 2 F4 and F5 parameters have effect when the evaporator temperature is below the temperature established with F1 parameter F4 and F5 parameters have effect when the compressor is on and the temperature of the evaporator is below the temperature established with F1 parameter the compressor is switched off 10 s after the activation of the input; if the input is activated during defrost or when the evaporator fan is deactivated, the activation will not have any effect on the compressor. This document is exclusive property of EVCO. EVCO does not assume any liability regarding possible errors stated. The customer (manufacturer, installer or final user) assumes all liability regarding configuration of the device. EVCO does not take any responsibility for damages coming by the non-observance of additional information. EVCO reserves the right to make any change without prejudice the basic safety and operating features.