Евротерм 2408 инструкция на русском

2408i Индикатор с 8 тревогами.

Индикатор Eurotherm серии 2408i обеспечивает точное измерение различных переменных технологического процесса и обеспечивает индикацию и сигнализацию в случае возникновения тревоги. Технологические блокировки, включая выход за температурные пределы печи, реализуются с помощью релейных выходов индикатора.

Индикаторы Eurotherm серии 2408i предоставляют возможность выбора одного из девяти типов термопар и термометров сопротивления типа PT100, характеристики которых сохранены во внутренней памяти устройства. Другие характеристики линеаризации могут быть сконфигурированы на заводе по специальному запросу.

Большой и яркий 5-разрядный дисплей, доступный в красном или зеленом цвете, обеспечивает четкую индикацию значения переменных технологического процесса. Дополнительный второй вход процесса позволяет отображать и сигнализировать минимальное или максимальное значение, среднее значение или разницу двух значений.

Индикаторы Eurotherm серии 2408i могут иметь до трех модулей ввода / вывода на выбор из девяти доступных, включая такие модули, как релейные, логические, аналоговые и другие. Широкий выбор модулей обеспечивает возможность применения данных устройств для широкого спектра различных приложений.

  • Большой и яркий 5-ти разрядный дисплей.
  • До двух универсальных входов.
  • Температурные пределы печи.
  • Индикация давления расплава в экструдере.
  • Поддержка Modbus RTU, DeviceNet, Profibus DP.
  • Модульная конструкция.
Основные технические характеристики индикатора 2408i.
Количество аналоговых входов До 2
Количество дискретных входов / выходов До 9 / 9
Количество аварийных сигналов До 8
Количество релейных выходов До 7
Протоколы связи Modbus RTU, DeviceNet, Profibus DP
Типы входных сигналов TC, RTD, мВ, мА, В
Пользовательская калибровка По 15 точкам
Типы тревог По высокому уровню / по низкому уровню / по отклонению от значения / выход из строя датчика / скорость изменения температуры / события
Степень защиты IP65

Page 1: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and operationhandbook





Page 2: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Contents

Issue 10.0 Nov-04 Applies to 2408 and 2404 controller software version 4.0 i



Contents Page

Chapter 1 INSTALLATION ………………………………………………………..1-1

Chapter 2 OPERATION …………………………………………………………….2-1

Chapter 3 ACCESS LEVELS……………………………………………………..3-1

Chapter 4 TUNING……………………………………………………………………4-1

Chapter 5 PROGRAMMER OPERATION ……………………………………5-1

Chapter 6 CONFIGURATION …………………………………………………….6-1

Chapter 7 USER CALIBRATION ………………………………………………..7-1


Appendix B SAFETY and EMC INFORMATION……………………………. B-1




“This product is covered by one or more of the following US Patents:

5,484,206; Additional patents pending.

PDS and INSTANT ACCURACY are trademarks of Eurotherm.”

Issue 10 of this handbook applies to software version 4.

Page 3: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Contents Installation and Operation Handbook

ii Issue 10.0 Nov-04 Applies to 2408 and 2404 controller software version 4.0

Enhancements to Software Version 4

The following enhancements have been added to software versions 4.

• Isolated Single Logic Output Module

• Transducer Power Supply Module to provide 5 or 10Vdc to an external transducer. (Not intended for melt pressure control)

• DeviceNet communications

• Linear over range limits are +5% of high instrument range and –5% of low instrument range for all process input ranges (i.e. 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V)

• Sensor break or input open circuit faults are detected on all analogue inputs (PV1.PV2 and remote input channels)

• PV2 alarm, full scale high and low limits default to maximum and minimum display limits

• Deviation alarms are not inverted when direct acting control is selected. Alarm behaviour when using reverse acting control is unchanged

• The PD track valve positioning parameter (Pd.tr) has been removed

Controllers Affected:-

Standard controllers – which include programmers with up to 4 programs

Version 4.11 or later

Setpoint programming controllers with up to 20 programs

Version 4.61 or later

Profibus controllers – which include programmers with up to 4 programs

Version 4.32 or later

• The 10Amp output relay in module 4 is not available on controllers supplied after Jan 04

Related Information

• DeviceNet Communications Handbook part no. HA027506 which includes the parameter address map.

• Profibus Communications Handbook part no. HA026290 • EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Installation Guide, part no. HA025464 These are available on www. eurotherm.co.uk.

Page 4: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-1


Figure 1-1 2408 1/8 DIN controller

Figure 1-2 2404 1/4 DIN controller

Panel retaining clips


Sleeve Terminal covers


Latching ears Panel sealing gasket

Display screen

Panel retaining clips

Ratchets Sleeve Terminal covers


Latching ears Panel sealing gasket

Display screen

Page 5: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-2 2408 and 2404 Controller

Outline dimensions Model 2408

Outline dimensions Model 2404

The electronic assembly of the controller plugs into a rigid plastic sleeve, which in turn fits into the standard DIN size panel cut-out shown in Figures 1-3 and 1-4.


OP 1 OP2




Figure 1-3 Outline dimensions of Model 2408 controller





96mm 3.78in


5.91in 96mm 3.78in

96mm 3.78in


OP 1 OP2




Panel cut-out

92 x 92 mm

3.62 x 3.62 in

-0 +0.8

-0 +0.03

Panel cut-out

92 x 45mm


-0 +0.8

-0 +0.6

-0 +0.03

-0 +0.02

38mm (1.5in)

10mm (0.4in)

(Not to scale)

Recommended minimum spacing of controllers

Recommended minimum spacing of controllers

38mm (1.5in)

10mm (0.4in)

(Not to scale)

Figure 1-4 Outline dimensions Model 2404 controller

Page 6: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-3


Models 2408 and 2404 are high stability, temperature or process controllers with self and adaptive tuning. They have a modular hardware construction which accepts up to three plug-in Input/Output modules and two interface modules to satisfy a wide range of control requirements. Two digital inputs and an optional alarm relay are included as part of the fixed hardware build. The instruments are available as: • standard controllers — which include a basic 8-segment programmer Models 2408/CC and 2404/CC • setpoint programming controllers: Models 2408/CP, P4, CM and 2404/CP, P4, CM • motorised valve controllers — which include a basic 8-segment programmer Models 2408/VC and 2404/VC • setpoint programming motorised valve controllers: Models 2408/VP, V4, VM and 2404/VP, V4, VM

Before proceeding, please read the chapter called, Safety and EMC Information.

Controller labels

The labels on the sides of the controller identify the ordering code, the serial number, and the wiring connections.

Appendix A, Understanding the Ordering Code, explains the hardware and software configuration of your particular controller. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION To install the controller

1. Prepare the control panel cut-out to the size shown in Figure 1-3, or 1-4.

2. Insert the controller through the panel cut-out.

3. Spring the upper and lower panel retaining clips into place. Secure the controller in position by holding it level and pushing both retaining clips forward.

Note: If the panel retaining clips subsequently need removing, in order to extract the controller from the control panel, they can be unhooked from the side with either your fingers, or a screwdriver. Unplugging and plugging-in the controller

If required, the controller can be unplugged from its sleeve by easing the latching ears outwards and pulling it forward out of the sleeve. When plugging the controller back into its sleeve, ensure that the latching ears click into place in order to secure the IP65 sealing.

Page 7: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-4 2408 and 2404 Controller


From Jan-03 an improved design of 1/8 DIN long sleeve is shipped with all new 2408 controllers and indicators. (The month and year of manufacture are shown in the last two pairs of digits of the instrument serial number).


A new sealing gasket will be fitted onto the instrument bezel !. This gasket replaces the gasket which was moulded into the front of the sleeve of all previous instruments. The gasket previously moulded into the sleeve where it fits behind the panel is now supplied as a separate item «.

Reasons for the Change

This change is to ensure that IP65 sealing is reliably achieved and less physical effort is required to insert the instrument into the new sleeve.


1. An instrument delivered after Jan 03 should be used with the sleeve supplied 2. If the instrument is required to replace one already in use, the existing sleeve should

also be replaced 3. A new instrument can be fitted into an existing sleeve by carefully removing gasket

! but IP65 sealing will not be maintained 4. An existing instrument can be fitted into a new sleeve but IP65 sealing will not be

maintained It is, however, possible to achieve IP65 sealing for 3 and 4 above. A gasket kit is available by quoting Part No SUB24/GAS2408. Then:-

5. To fit a new instrument in an older sleeve carefully remove gasket !. Replace it with the thinner (1.25mm) gasket from the kit

6. To fit an existing instrument into a new sleeve fit the thicker (1.6mm) gasket from the kit between the instrument and the sleeve

The seal » supplied as a separate item with a new instrument, should be placed over the sleeve prior to mounting it through the panel cut out as shown below:-


New Instrument

Sleeve seal » (supplied as a separate item)

Instrument sleeve

New gasket ! fitted onto bezel

Page 8: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-5


This section consists of five topics: • Rear terminal layouts • Fixed connections • Plug-in module connections • Typical wiring diagrams • Motorised valve connections.

WARNING You must ensure that the controller is correctly configured for your application. Incorrect configuration could result in damage to the process being controlled, and/or personal injury. It is your responsibility, as the installer, to ensure that the configuration is correct. The controller may either have been configured when ordered, or may need configuring now. See Chapter 6, Configuration.

Model 2408 rear terminal layout

Figure 1-5 Rear terminal layout − Model 2408 * The ground connection is provided as a return for internal EMC filters. It is not required for safety purposes, but must be connected in order to satisfy EMC requirements.





















M O D U L E 1



M O D U L E 2




C O M M S 2


Input 1

Input 2

85 to 264Vac






AB Alarm relay




C O M M S 1








+ PV −



Note: The plug-in sleeve supplied with high voltage controllers are keyed to prevent a low voltage unit being inserted into them.

20 − 29Vac/dc




Low voltage supply

Page 9: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-6 2408 and 2404 Controller

All electrical connections are made to the screw terminals at the rear of the controller. If you wish to use crimp connectors, the correct size is AMP part number 349262-1. They accept wire sizes from 0.5 to 1.5 mm2 (16 to 22 AWG). The terminals are protected by a clear plastic hinged cover to prevent hands, or metal, making accidental contact with live wires.

Rear terminal layouts

The rear terminal layouts are shown in Figures 1-5 and 1-6. The right-hand column carries the connections to the power supply, digital inputs 1 and 2, alarm relay and sensor input. The second and third columns from the right carry the connections to the plug-in modules. The connections depend upon the type of module installed, if any. To determine which plug-in modules are fitted, refer to the ordering code and wiring data on the controller side labels.

Model 2404 rear terminal layout

Figure 1-6 Rear terminal layout − Model 2404






















M O D U L E 1

M O D U L E 3

M O D U L E 2




C O M M S 1




C O M M S 2


Input 1

Input 2

85 to 264Vac






AB Alarm relay


PV −















20 − 29Vac/dc




Low voltage supply







Page 10: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-7

Sensor input connections

The connections for the various types of sensor input are shown below.

Fig 1-7 Sensor input connections


Module 1, 2 and 3

Module positions 1, 2 and 3 are plug-in modules. They can be either two terminal modules of the types shown in Figure 1-7, or four terminal modules of the types shown in Table 1-1.

The tables show the connections to each module and the functions that they can perform. Module 1 is normally used for heating and module 2 for cooling although the actual functions will depend upon how the controller has been configured.

PDS modes

Table 1-8 refers to PDS modes 1 and 2. PDS stands for ‘Pulse Density Signalling’ Input/Output. This is a proprietary technique for bi-directional transmission of analogue and digital data over a simple 2-wire connection. PDS 1 mode uses a logic output module to control aTE10S solid state relay and provides a load failure alarm. PDS 2 mode uses a logic output module to control a TE10S solid state relay, provide load/SSR failure alarms, and read back the load current for display on the controller.













Thermocouple Resistance thermometer

mA input Volts or mV inputs


— PV

2.49Ω current sense resistor

Page 11: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-8 2408 and 2404 Controller

Two terminal modules Note: Module 1 is connected to terminals 1A and 1B Module 2 is connected to terminals 2A and 2B Module 3 is connected to terminals 3A and 3B.

Terminal identity

Module type A B C D Possible functions

Relay: 2-pin

(2A, 264 Vac max.)

Unused Heating, cooling, alarm, program event, valve raise, or valve lower

Logic — non-isolated

(18Vdc at 20mA)

++++ −−−−

Unused Heating, cooling, PDSIO mode 1, PDSIO mode 2,

program event


(1A, 30 to 264Vac)

Unused Heating, cooling, program event, valve raise, or valve lower

DC output: — non-isolated

(10Vdc, 20mA max.)

++++ − Unused Heating, or cooling, or

retransmission of PV, setpoint, or control output

Table 1-1 Two terminal module connections


The relay and triac modules have an internal 15nF/100Ω ‘snubber’ connected across their output, which is used to prolong contact life and to suppress interference when switching inductive loads, such as mechanical contactors and solenoid valves.

WARNING When the relay contact is open, or the triac is off, the snubber circuit passes 0.6mA at 110Vac and 1.2mA at 240Vac. You must ensure that this current, passing through the snubber, will not hold on low power electrical loads. It is your responsibility as the installer to ensure that this does not happen. If the snubber circuit is not required, it can be removed from the relay module (BUT NOT THE TRIAC) by breaking the PCB track that runs crosswise, adjacent to the edge connectors of the module. This can be done by inserting the blade of a small screwdriver into one of the two slots that bound it, and twisting.

Line Load

Page 12: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-9

Four terminal modules Note: Module 1 is connected to terminals 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D Module 2 is connected to terminals 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D Module 3 is connected to terminals 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D

Module type Terminal identity Possible functions


Relay: changeover (2A, 264 Vac max.)

Heating, cooling, alarm, or program

event output

DC control: Isolated (10V, 20mA max.) ++++ −−−−

Heating, or cooling

24Vdc transmitter supply

+ − To power process inputs

Potentiometer input 100Ω to 15KΩ

+0.5Vdc 0V Motorised Valve Position feedback

DC retransmission + − Retrans. of setpoint, or process value

DC remote input or Process Value 2 (Module 3 only)

0-10Vdc RT source ±100mV 0-20mA

COM Remote Setpoint Second PV

Dual output modules

Dual relay (2A, 264 Vac max.)

Heating + cooling Dual alarms Valve raise &


Dual Triac (1A, 30 to 264Vac)

Heating + cooling

Valve raise & lower

Dual logic + relay (Logic is non-isolated) + −

Heating + cooling

Dual Logic + triac (Logic is non-isolated) + −

Heating + cooling

Triple logic input and output modules — see ratings on the next page

Triple contact input Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Common

Triple logic input Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Common

Triple logic output Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Common Program events


Line Load Line Load

Line Load

Page 13: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-10 2408 and 2404 Controller

Module type Terminal identity Possible functions


Isolated Logic Output

+ — This is a fully isolated module which can be fitted in all three module slots. It may be used for heating, cooling or events outputs up to 18Vdc at 20mA.

Transducer Power Supply

+ — This provides fully isolated 5 or 10Vdc to power external transmitters up to 20mA. It can be fitted in module slots 1 and 2.

Table 1-2 Four terminal module connections

Connections for Process Value 2 in module position 3

The diagrams below show the connections for the various types of input. The input will have been configured in accordance with the ordering code.

Triple Logic Input and output ratings

1. Triple logic input (current sinking) OFF state: −3 to 5Vdc ON state: 10.8 to 30Vdc(max), at 2 to 8mA

2. Triple contact closure or open collector transistor input

Internally generated switching Vdc & mA: 15 to 19Vdc at 10 to 14mA OFF state >28KΩ input resistance OFF state voltage >14Vdc ON state <100Ω resistance ON state voltage <1.0Vdc

3. Triple logic output (current sourcing) OFF state output 0 to 0.7Vdc. ON state output 12 to 13Vdc, at up to 8mA.







Current sense

resistor 2.49Ω

mA input






Resistance thermometer





Volts or mV inputs


0-1.6Vdc High Impedance

or mVdc





10V inputs


0-10Vdc 3B




Page 14: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-11


All 2408 and 2404 controllers can be fitted with up to two plug-in communications modules. Only one of the two modules can be for serial communications and this will normally be installed in position COMMS 1 (although it is possible to install the serial communications module in position COMMS 2. Serial communications may be configured for either Modbus or EI bisynch protocol. It is also possible to fit a PDS module in one or other of these positions. Possible module types are shown in the table below.

Communications module 1 Terminal identity (COMMS 1)

Module type HA HB HC HD HE HF

2-wire EIA-485 serial communications

− − − Common A (+) B (−)

EIA-232 serial communications

− − − Common Rx Tx

4-wire EIA-485 serial communications

− A′ (Rx+)

B′ (Rx−)

Common A (Tx+)

B (Tx−)

PDS Setpoint retransmission − − − − Signal Common

Communications module 2 Terminal identity (COMMS 2)

Module type JD JE JF

PDS Setpoint retransmission − Signal Common

PDS Setpoint input − Signal Common

Table 1-3 Communication modules 1 and 2 connections

Page 15: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-12 2408 and 2404 Controller

Wiring of 2-wire EIA-485 serial communications link


Note:All resistors are 220 ohm 1/4W carbon composition.Local grounds are at equipotential. Where equipotential is not available wire intoseparate zones using a galvanic isolator.Use a repeater (KD845) for more than 32 units.




Eurotherm UniversalCommunications Interface




Up to 32 S2000 controllers orInterface Units maybe included on the network


Com B A









Local Earth

LocalGroundZone 1

LocalGroundZone 2

Area 1 Com









Series 2000Controller




Series 2000Controller

For reasons of safetydo not connect tolocal earth here.









Series 2000Controller


LocalGroundZone 1

LocalGroundZone 1

LocalGroundZone 1

Figure 1-9 EIA-485 wiring

2-wire EIA-485 is a connection which allows up to 32 controllers to be multi-dropped from a single communications link over a distance of up to 1.2Km. To ensure reliable operation of the communications link, (without data corruption due to noise or line reflections) the connections between the controller should be made using a twisted pair of wires inside a screened cable with the connections terminated with resistors in the manner shown in this diagram. This diagram also shows the use of a KD485 converter to connect the EIA-485 link into a standard EIA-232 computer port.

Page 16: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-13


Instruments fitted with software versions 4 onwards can be fitted with DeviceNet communications. The following shows the wiring connections for DeviceNet.

Terminal Reference






HA V+ Red DeviceNet network power positive terminal. Connect the red wire of the DeviceNet cable here. If the DeviceNet network does not supply the power, connect to the positive terminal of an external 11-25 Vdc power supply.

HB CAN_H White DeviceNet CAN_H data bus terminal. Connect the white wire of the DeviceNet cable here.

HC SHIELD None Shield/Drain wire connection. Connect the DeviceNet cable shield here. To prevent ground loops, ground the DeviceNet network in only one location.

HD CAN_L Blue DeviceNet CAN_L data bus terminal. Connect the blue wire of the DeviceNet cable here.

HE V- Black DeviceNet network power negative terminal. Connect the black wire of the DeviceNet cable here. If the DeviceNet network does not supply the power, connect to the negative terminal of an external 11-25 Vdc power supply.

HF Connect to instrument earth

Note: Power taps are recommended to connect the DC power supply to the DeviceNet trunk line. Power taps include:

• A Schottky Diode to connect the power supply V+ and allows for multiple power supplies to be connected.

• 2 fuses or circuit breakers to protect the bus from excessive current which could damage the cable and connectors.

• The earth connection, HF, to be connected to the main supply earth terminal.

Page 17: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-14 2408 and 2404 Controller

Example of Devicenet Wiring

To configure DeviceNet Communications see Chapter 6.







2400 Controller

(SLAVE) Address 11






V+ 5



Drain 3

V- 1





* Fit 121! resistor to last instrument in the


Network Supply

24Vdc ( +1%) 250mV p-p








2400 Controller

(SLAVE) Address N+1


V- V-


Typical Interface Card (MASTER)

Daisy chain to further


121! terminating resistor required if not

fitted internally L







Page 18: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-15

ProfiBus Wiring

Controllers supplied with model numbers 2408f and 2404f are fitted with ProfiBus communications modules fitted in the H slot. Further details of ProfiBus communications is given in Appendix E and the ProfiBus Communications handbook part number HA026290. This handbook can be downloaded from www.eurotherm.co.uk.


Station 1HA







VP (+5Vdc Voltage Potential)

B (Rx/Tx +ve)

A (Rx/Tx -ve)

DGND (Digital ground)

Not connectedB


Last StationHA







VP (+5Vdc Voltage Potential)

B (Rx/Tx +ve)

A (Rx/Tx -ve)

DGND (Digital ground)

Not connected

Intermediate stations

Last station only requiresterminating resistors






2408f or 2404f controller

2408f or 2404f controller



Page 19: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-16 2408 and 2404 Controller


Fig 1-10 Typical wiring diagram, Model 2408 Controller For logic drive capability see following chart:-


















M O D U L E 3




C O M M S 1










Cooling Power Fuse


Heating power fuse (load dependent)

Cooling Solenoid




+ PV —

Logic heating output

Triac cooling output

Line Neutral

Controller Fuse 2A(T)

Solid State Relay *


C O M M S 2




Page 20: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Installation

2408 and 2404 Controller 1-17

Logic Drive Fan Out

The logic outputs from the 2400 series controllers are capable of driving more than one solid state relay (SSR) in series or parallel. The following table shows the number of SSRs which can be driven depending on type of SSR. S = Series; P = Parallel.

Drive mA


Logic DC

Logic DC

Logic DC

Logic 10V

Logic 24V

Logic 20mA

Logic [email protected]

4S 6P 4S 3P 3S 2P 3S 3P 1S 2P 6S 1P

Triple logic

[email protected] 3S 3P 2S 1P 2S 1P 2S 1P 1 4S 1P

450 TC1027

CE TE200S TC2000


A Standard TTL Multi-

drive Logic V Logic

DC Logic DC

Logic DC

Logic 2S 3P 1S2P 6S 1P 3S 3P 3S 3P 3S 1P 4S 2P Triple logic

1 1 4S 1P 2S 1P 2S 1P 0 0

Page 21: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation Installation and Operation Handbook

1-18 2408 and 2404 Controller


Motorised valves will normally be wired either to dual relay, or dual triac, output modules installed in the Module 1 position, or to single channel relay and triac outputs installed in Module positions 1 and 2. In the latter case, the convention is to configure output 1 as the raise output and output 2 as the lower output. Depending on the configuration, control of the valve is achieved in one of three ways: 1. With no position feedback potentiometer. 2. With a feedback potentiometer used to monitor the valve’s position. It does not

influence the control. 3. With a feedback potentiometer, where the valve’s position is controlled in response to the

signal from it.

Fig 1-11 Motorised valve connections


























M O D U L E 2




C O M M S 1




C O M M S 2


Input 1

Input 2

85 to 264Vac






AB Alarm relay

Motor supply

Motorised valve



Dual relay, or

triac, output module





Motor Feedback

Potentiometer (Optional)



Pot Input


Page 22: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2408 and 2404 Controller 2-1


This chapter has nine topics:










Page 23: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2-2 2408 and 2404 Controller



OP 1 OP2




Figure 2-1 Model 2408 front panel layout


OP 1 OP2




Figure 2-2 Model 2404 front panel layout

Output 1

Setpoint 2

Auto/Man button

Auto mode

Manual mode

Page Button

Scroll Button

Down Button

Remote setpoint / comms (flashing)

Output 2


Lower readout

Program running

Program in Hold

Up Button

Remote setpoint/ comms(flashing)

Output 2

Upper readout

Lower readout

Program running

Run/Hold button

Program in Hold

Up Button

Output 1

Setpoint 2

Auto/Man button

Auto mode

Manual mode

Page Button

Scroll Button

Down Button



OP 1 OP 2

OP 1 OP 2




Page 24: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2408 and 2404 Controller 2-3

Button or indicator

Name Explanation


Output 1 When lit, it indicates that the output installed in module position 1 is on. This is normally the heating output on a temperature controller.


Output 2 When lit, it indicates that the output installed in module position 2 is on. This is normally the cooling output on a temperature controller.

SP2 Setpoint 2 When lit, this indicates that setpoint 2, (or a setpoint 3-16) has been selected.

REM Remote setpoint When lit, this indicates that a remote setpoint input has been selected. ‘REM’ will also flash when communications is active.


Auto/Manual button

When pressed, this toggles between automatic and manual mode: • If the controller is in automatic mode the AUTO

light will be lit. • If the controller is in manual mode, the MAN

light will be lit. The Auto/Manual button can be disabled in configuration level.



Run/Hold button

• Press once to start a program (RUN light on.)

• Press again to hold a program (HOLD light on)

• Press again to cancel hold and continue running (HOLD light off and RUN light ON)

• Press and hold in for two seconds to reset a program (RUN and HOLD lights off)

The RUN light will flash at the end of a program. The HOLD light will flash during holdback or when

a PDS retransmission output is open circuit.

Page button Press to select a new list of parameters.

Scroll button Press to select a new parameter in a list.

Down button Press to decrease a value in the lower readout.

Up button Press to increase a value in lower readout.

Figure 2-3 Controller buttons and indicators

Page 25: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2-4 2408 and 2404 Controller


Switch on the power to the controller. It runs through a self-test sequence for about three seconds and then shows the measured temperature, or process value, in the upper readout and the target value, called the setpoint, in the lower readout. This is called the Home display.






Figure 2-4 Home display

You can adjust the setpoint by pressing the or buttons. Two seconds after releasing either button, the display blinks to show that the controller has accepted the new value. OP1 will light whenever output 1 is ON. This is normally the heating output when used as a temperature controller. OP2 will light whenever output 2 is ON. This is normally the cooling output when used as a temperature controller.

Note: You can get back to this display at any time by pressing and together. Alternatively, you will always be returned to this display if no button is pressed for 45 seconds, or whenever the power is turned on.


If the controller detects an alarm condition, it flashes an alarm message in the Home display. For a list of all the alarm messages, their meaning and what to do about them, see Alarms at the end of this chapter.

Measured temperature or process value



OP2 OP1 2404

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2408 and 2404 Controller 2-5


The controller has two basic modes of operation:

• Automatic mode in which the output is automatically adjusted to maintain the temperature or process value at the setpoint.

• Manual mode in which you can adjust the output independently of the setpoint.

You toggle between the modes by pressing the AUTO/MAN button. The displays which appear in each of these modes are explained in this chapter.

Two other modes are also available:

• Remote Setpoint mode, in which the setpoint is generated from an external source. In this mode, the REM light will be on.

• Programmer mode which is explained in Chapter 5, Programmer Operation.

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2-6 2408 and 2404 Controller


You will normally work with the controller in automatic mode. If the MAN light is on, press the AUTO/MAN button to select automatic mode. The AUTO light comes on. Power on

x 2

The Home display

Check that the AUTO light is on. The upper readout shows the measured temperature. The lower readout shows the setpoint. To adjust the setpoint up or down, press or . (Note: If Setpoint Rate Limit has been enabled, then the lower readout will show the active setpoint. If or is pressed, it will change to show and allow adjustment of, the target setpoint.)

Press once.

Display units A single press of will flash the display units for 0.5 seconds, after which you will be returned to the Home display. Flashing of the display units may have been disabled in configuration in which case a single press will take you straight to the display shown below.

Press twice % Output power demand

The % output power demand is displayed in the lower readout. This is a read-only value. You cannot adjust it. Press and together to return to the Home display.


Pressing from the Output Power display may access further parameters. These may be in this scroll list if the ‘Promote’ feature has been used (see Chapter 3, Edit Level). When you reach the end of this scroll list, pressing will return you to the Home display.

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2408 and 2404 Controller 2-7


If the AUTO light is on, press the AUTO/MAN button to select manual mode. The MAN light comes on. Power on

x 2

The Home display

Check that the MAN light is on. The upper readout shows the measured temperature, or process value. The lower readout shows the % output. To adjust the output, press or . (Note: If Output Rate Limit has been enabled, then the lower readout will show the working output. If or is pressed, it will change to show and allow adjustment of, the target output.)

Press once.

Display units A single press of flashes the display units for 0.5 seconds, after which you are returned to the Home display. Flashing of the display units may have been disabled in configuration, in which case a single press will take you straight to the display shown below.

Press twice.


To adjust the setpoint value, press or .

Press .

Pressing from the Output Power display may access further parameters. These may be in this scroll list if the ‘Promote’ feature has been used (see Chapter 3, Edit Level). When you reach the end of this scroll list, pressing will return you to the Home display.

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2-8 2408 and 2404 Controller

PARAMETERS AND HOW TO ACCESS THEM Parameters are settings, within the controller, that determine how the controller will operate. For example, alarm setpoints are parameters that set the points at which alarms will occur. For ease of access, the parameters are arranged in lists as shown in the navigation diagram on Pages 2-10 and 2-11. The lists are: Home list Run list Programming list Alarm list Autotune list

PID list Motor list Setpoint list Input list Output list

Communications list Information list Access list.

Each list has a ‘List Header’ display.

List header displays

Figure 2-5 Typical list header display

A list header can be recognised by the fact that it always shows ‘LiSt’ in the lower readout. The upper readout is the name of the list. In the above example, ‘AL’ indicates that it is the Alarm list header. List header displays are read-only.

To step through the list headers, press . Depending upon how your controller has been configured, a single press may momentarily flash the display units. If this is the case, a double press will be necessary to take you to the first list header. Keep pressing to step through the list headers, eventually returning you to the Home display.

To step through the parameters within a particular list, press . When you reach the end of the list, you will return to the list header. From within a list you can return to the current list header at any time can by pressing . To step to the next list header, press once again.

List name

Always displays ‘LiSt’

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2408 and 2404 Controller 2-9

Parameter names

In the navigation diagram, each box shows the display for a selected parameter. The Operator parameter tables, later in this chapter, list all the parameter names and their meanings. The navigation diagram shows all the parameters that can, potentially, be present in the controller. In practice, a limited number of them appear, as a result of the particular configuration. The shaded boxes in the diagram indicate parameters that are hidden in normal operation. To view all the available parameters, you must select Full access level. For more information about this, see Chapter 3, Access Levels.

Parameter displays

Figure 2-6 Typical parameter display

Parameter displays show the controller’s current settings. The layout of parameter displays is always the same: the upper readout shows the parameter name and the lower readout its value. In the above example, the parameter name is 1FSL (indicating Alarm 1, full scale low), and the parameter value is 10.0.

To change the value of a parameter

First, select the required parameter. To change the value, press either or . During adjustment, single presses change the value by one digit. Keeping the button pressed speeds up the rate of change. Two seconds after releasing either button, the display blinks to show that the controller has accepted the new value.

Parameter name

Parameter value

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2-10 2408 and 2404 Controller

NAVIGATION DIAGRAM (PART A) (The parameters that appear depend upon how the controller has been configured)

Figure 2-7a Navigation diagram (Part A)

Home List

Programmer List(1)

Alarm List

Autotune List

Motor List(3)

Atun LiSt

ProG LiSt


PrG.n 1

Hb V 20

dwL.U Hour

rmP.U Hour

CYC.n 1

tYPE rmP.r

SEG.n 1

tGt 200

SEG.n 2

rAtE 5.0

tYPE dwEl

Pid LiSt

PID List

PrG.t 35.0

out.n OFF

20.0 20.0

OP 100.0

m-A Auto

AmPS 5

rAtE 5.0

run LiSt

dur 1.0

StAt run

PrG 1

PSP 20



SEG.t 1.0

StyP rmP.r

Run List(1)

tGt 200

tYPE End

SEG.n 3


2—2 0

1—2 100

3—2 5

HY 2 1

HY 1 1

HY 3 1

Lb t OFF

HY 4 1

diAG no

4—2 5


tunE OFF

drA.t 0.8

Adc mAn

FF.tr 0

FF.dv 100.0

rEL.2 1.00

FF.Pb 0.0

Lcb2 Auto

Hcb2 Auto

mtr LiSt

tm 30.0

In.t OFF

bAc.t OFF

mp.t Auto

V.br dwn

20.0 oC

FASt no

tYPE dwEl

rES.2 0.0

Pb 5

SEt Pid.1

ti 300

rES 0.0

td 60.0

Hcb Auto

rEL.C 1.00

Lcb Auto

Pb2 10

td.2 50.0

ti.2 300

G.SP 500

SYnc no


C.id 1

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2408 and 2404 Controller 2-11


Figure 2-7b Navigation diagram (Part B)


sp3 to sp16

if configured

Setpoint List

Notes: 1. These lists are present only in controllers with the programming

feature. 2. The last three characters depend upon the type of alarm

configured. 3. This list is only present in motorised valve controllers. 4. Absolute setpoint limits are set in configuration, see Chapter 6.

The shaded boxes are normally hidden in Operator level. To see all the available parameters you must select Full level. See Chapter 3, Access Levels.

L-r Loc


SP 1 20.0

SP 2 0.0

rm.SP 0.0

rmt.t 0.0

SP L4 0.0

rat Off

SP H4 100.0

Loc.t 0

For additional parameters — see tables

iP LiSt

oP LiSt

cmS LiSt

inFo LiSt


Goto OPEr


Input List

Output List

Comms List

Information List

Access List

OP.Lo 0.0




Addr 1

LoG.H 100.0

LoG.L 0.0

LoG.A 50.0

LoG.t 1000

rES. no

LoG. 0.0

mCt 0

hYS.H 1.0

hYS.C 1.0

HC.db 0.0

P OP19

I OP10

d OP1.





CYC.C 5.0

ont.C Auto

di SPStd

w.OP 0.0

FOP 0.0

Sb.OP 100.0

The parameters that follow depend upon the controller configuration.

Refer to the parameter table.

They cover: user calibration & the 2nd PV input fiunctions.


Page 33: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2-12 2408 and 2404 Controller


Home list Home Measured value and Setpoint OPOPOPOP % Output level

SPSPSPSP Target setpoint (if in Manual mode )

mmmm—-AAAA Auto-man select

AmPSAmPSAmPSAmPS Heater current (With PDSIO mode 2)

C.idC.idC.idC.id Customer defined identification number

+ Extra parameters, if the ‘Promote’ feature has been used (see Chapter 3, Edit Level).

runrunrunrun Program run list − Present only in setpoint programming controllers

PrGPrGPrGPrG Active program number (Only on 4, or 20, program versions) StAtStAtStAtStAt Program status (OFF, run, hoLd, HbAc, End)

PSPPSPPSPPSP Programmer setpoint

CYCCYCCYCCYC Number of cycles remaining in the program

SEGSEGSEGSEG Active segment number

StyPStyPStyPStyP Active segment type

SEG.tSEG.tSEG.tSEG.t Segment time remaining in the segment units

tGttGttGttGt Target setpoint

rAtErAtErAtErAtE Ramp rate (if a rate segment)

PrG.tPrG.tPrG.tPrG.t Program time remaining in hours

FAStFAStFAStFASt Fast run through program (no / YES)

out.nout.nout.nout.n Event output states (OFF / on) (not 8-segment programmer)

SYncSYncSYncSYnc Segment synchronisation (no / YES) (not 8-segment programmer)

SEG.dSEG.dSEG.dSEG.d Flash active segment type in the lower readout of the home display (no / YES)

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2408 and 2404 Controller 2-13

Name Description

ProGProGProGProG Program edit list − Present only in setpoint programming controller. For a fuller explanation of these parameters refer to Chapter 5

PrG.nPrG.nPrG.nPrG.n Select program number (Only on 4, or 20, program versions)

HbHbHbHb Holdback type for the program as a whole (if configured)(OFF, Lo, Hi, or bAnd)

HbHbHbHb VVVV Holdback value (in display units)

rmP.UrmP.UrmP.UrmP.U Ramp units (SEc, min, or Hour) [for both rmP.rrmP.rrmP.rrmP.r and rmP.trmP.trmP.trmP.t type segments] dwL.UdwL.UdwL.UdwL.U Dwell units (SEc, min, or Hour) CYC.nCYC.nCYC.nCYC.n Number of program cycles (1 to 999, or ‘cont’) SEG.nSEG.nSEG.nSEG.n Segment number

tYPEtYPEtYPEtYPE Segment type:(EndEndEndEnd) (rmP.rrmP.rrmP.rrmP.r=ramp rate) (rmPrmPrmPrmP.t.t.t.t=ramp time) (dweldweldweldwel) (StEPStEPStEPStEP) (cALLcALLcALLcALL) The following parameters depend on the tYPE selected, as shown below.

End rmP.r rmP.t dwEl StEP cALL

HbHbHbHb Holdback type: OFF, Lo, Hi, or bAnd tGttGttGttGt Target setpoint for a ‘rmP’ or ‘StEP’ segment rAtErAtErAtErAtE Ramp rate for a ‘rmP.r’ segment durdurdurdur ‘dwEl’ time / Time to target for a ‘rmP.t’ segment PrG.nPrG.nPrG.nPrG.n cALLed ProGram number cYc.ncYc.ncYc.ncYc.n No. of cycles of cALLed program outnoutnoutnoutn Event output: OFF/on (not 8-segment programmer) SYncSYncSYncSYnc Segment synchronisation: no/YES (not 8-seg progr)

End.tEnd.tEnd.tEnd.t End of prog − dwEl, RSEt, S OP PwrPwrPwrPwr Power level in end segment

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2-14 2408 and 2404 Controller

Name Description

ALALALAL Alarm list 1111 —- —- —- Alarm 1 setpoint value

2222 —- —- —- Alarm 2 setpoint value

3333 —- —- —- Alarm 3 setpoint value

4444 —- —- —- Alarm 4 setpoint value

In place of dashes, the last three characters indicate the alarm type. See alarm types table:

HYHYHYHY 1111 Alarm 1 Hysteresis (display units)

HYHYHYHY 2222 Alarm 2 Hysteresis (display units)

HYHYHYHY 3333 Alarm 3 Hysteresis (display units)

HYHYHYHY 4444 Alarm 4 Hysteresis (display units)

LbLbLbLb tttt Loop Break Time in minutes

diAGdiAGdiAGdiAG Enable Diagnostic alarms ‘no’ / ‘YES’

Alarm types table

—-FSLFSLFSLFSL PV Full scale low alarm

—-FSHFSHFSHFSH PV Full scale high alarm

—-dEvdEvdEvdEv PV Deviation band alarm

—-dHidHidHidHi PV Deviation high alarm

—-dLodLodLodLo PV Deviation low alarm

—-LCrLCrLCrLCr Load Current low alarm

—-HCrHCrHCrHCr Load Current high alarm

—-FL2FL2FL2FL2 Input 2 Full Scale low alarm

—-FH2FH2FH2FH2 Input 2 Full Scale high alarm

—-LOPLOPLOPLOP Working Output low alarm

—-HOPHOPHOPHOP Working Output high alarm

—-LSPLSPLSPLSP Working Setpoint low alarm

—-HSPHSPHSPHSP Working Setpoint high alarm

4rAt4rAt4rAt4rAt Rate of change alarm (AL 4 only)

AtunAtunAtunAtun Autotune list

tunEtunEtunEtunE One-shot autotune enable

drAdrAdrAdrA Adaptive tune enable

drA.tdrA.tdrA.tdrA.t Adaptive tune trigger level in display units. Range = 1 to 9999

AdcAdcAdcAdc Automatic Droop Compensation (PD control only)

Name Description

PidPidPidPid PID list G.SPG.SPG.SPG.SP If Gain Scheduling has been

enabled (see Chapter 4), this parameter sets the PV below which ‘Pid.1’ is active and above which ‘Pid.2’ is active.

SEtSEtSEtSEt ‘Pid.1’ or ‘Pid.2’ selected

PbPbPbPb Proportional Band (SEt 1) (in display units)

titititi Integral Time in secs (SEt 1)

tdtdtdtd Derivative Time in secs (SEt 1)

rESrESrESrES Manual Reset (%) (SEt 1)

HcbHcbHcbHcb Cutback High (SEt 1)

LcbLcbLcbLcb Cutback Low (SEt 1)

rEL.CrEL.CrEL.CrEL.C Relative Cool Gain (SEt 1)

Pb2Pb2Pb2Pb2 Proportional Band (SEt 2) ti2ti2ti2ti2 Integral Time in secs (SEt 2) td2td2td2td2 Derivative Time in secs (SEt 2) rES.2rES.2rES.2rES.2 Manual Reset (%) (SEt 2) Hcb2Hcb2Hcb2Hcb2 Cutback High (SEt 2) Lcb2Lcb2Lcb2Lcb2 Cutback Low (SEt 2) rEL.2rEL.2rEL.2rEL.2 Relative Cool Gain (SEt 2) The following three parameters are used for cascade control. If this facility is not being used, then they can be ignored. FF.PbFF.PbFF.PbFF.Pb SP, or PV, feedforward propband FF.trFF.trFF.trFF.tr Feedforward trim % FF.dvFF.dvFF.dvFF.dv PID feedforward limits ± %

mtrmtrmtrmtr Motor list — see Table 4-3

tm Valve travel time in seconds

In.t Valve inertia time in secs

bAc.t Valve backlash time in secs

mp.t Minimum ON time of output pulse

U.br Valve sensor break strategy

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2408 and 2404 Controller 2-15

Name Description

SPSPSPSP Setpoint list

SSEL Select SP 1 to SP16, depending on configuration

L-r Local (Loc) or remote (rmt) setpoint select

SP 1 Setpoint one value

SP 2 Setpoint two value

rm.SP Remote setpoint value

rmt.t Remote setpoint trim

rat Ratio setpoint

Loc.t Local setpoint trim

SP L Setpoint 1 low limit

SP H Setpoint 1 high limit

SP2.L Setpoint 2 low limit

SP2.H Setpoint 2 high limit

SPrr Setpoint Rate Limit

Hb.ty Holdback Type for setpoint rate limit (OFF, Lo, Hi, or bAnd)

Hb Holdback Value for setpoint rate limit in display units. (Hb.ty ≠ Off)

iPiPiPiP Input list

FiLt IP1 filter time constant (0.0 — 999.9 seconds).

FLt.2 IP2 filter time constant (0.0 — 999.9 seconds).



Transition of control between ip.1 and ip.2. (if configured) The transition region is set by the values of ‘Lo.Ip’ and ‘Hi.Ip’. PV = ip.1 below ‘Lo.Ip’

PV = ip.2 above ‘Hi.Ip’



Derived function, (if configured) PV = (f.1 x iP1) + (f.2 x iP2). ‘F.1’ and ‘F.2’ are scalars with the range -9.99 to 10.00

PV.ip Selects ‘ip.1’ or ‘ip.2’

Continued in next column

Name Description

iPiPiPiP Input list — continued The next 3 parameters appear if User Calibration has been enabled. (Refer to Chapter 7.) By default they are hidden when in Operator level. To prevent unauthorised adjustment, we recommend that they are only made available in FuLL access level.

CAL ‘FACt’ — reinstates the factory calibration and disables User calibration. Next 2 parameters will not appear.

‘USEr’ — reinstates any previously set User calibration. All parameters below now appear.

CAL.s Selected calibration point − ‘nonE’, ’iP1.L’, ‘ip1.H’, ’iP2.L’, ‘ip2.H’

AdJ * User calibration adjust, if CAL.s = ’iP1.L’, ‘ip1.H’, ’iP2.L’, ‘ip2.H’

OFS.1 IP1 calibration offset

OFS.2 IP2 calibration offset

mV.1 IP1 measured value (at terminals)

mV.2 IP2 measured value (at terminals), if DC input in Module 3 position

CJC.1 IP1 cold junction temp. reading

CJC.2 IP2 cold junction temp. reading

Li.1 IP1 linearised value

Li.2 IP2 linearised value

PV.SL Shows the currently selected PV input — ‘ip.1’ or ‘ip.2’

* Do not make adjustments using the AdJ parameter unless you wish to change the controller calibration.

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2-16 2408 and 2404 Controller

Name Description

oPoPoPoP Output list Does not appear if Motorised Valve control configured. OP.Lo Low power limit (%)

OP.Hi High power limit (%)

OPrr Output Rate Limit (% per sec)

FOP Forced output level (%)

CYC.H Heat cycle time (0.2S to 999.9S)

hYS.H Heat hysteresis (display units)

ont.H Heat output min. on-time (secs) Auto (0.05S), or 0.1 — 999.9S

CYC.C Cool cycle time (0.2S to 999.9S)

hYS.C Cool hysteresis (display units)

ont.C Cool output min. on-time (secs) Auto (0.05S), or 0.1 — 999.9S

HC.db Heat/cool deadband (display units)

Sb.OP Sensor Break Output Power (%)

cmScmScmScmS Comms list

Addr Communications Address

cmScmScmScmS DeviceNet (additional

parameters) Nw.St Indicates network status run Network connected and

operational rdy Network connected but not

operational oFF.L Network not connected

inFoinFoinFoinFo Information list

diSP Configure lower readout of Home display to show: VPoS Valve position Std Standard — display setpoint AmPS Load current in amps OP Output Stat Program status PrG.t Program time remaining in hours Li 2 Process value 2 rAt Ratio setpoint PrG Selected program number rSP Remote setpoint

LoG.L PV minimum

LoG.H PV maximum

LoG.A PV mean value

Log.t Time PV above Threshold level

Log.v PV Threshold for Timer Log Continued in next column

Name Description

inFoinFoinFoinFo Information list — continued

rES.L Logging Reset — ‘YES/no’ The following set of parameters is for diagnostic purposes. w.OP Working output

FF.OP Feedforward component of output

VO PID output to motorised valve


codE Access password

Goto Goto level — OPEr, FuLL, Edit or conF

ConF Configuration password

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2408 and 2404 Controller 2-17


Alarm annunciation Alarms are flashed as messages in the Home display. A new alarm is displayed as a double flash followed by a pause, old (acknowledged) alarms as a single flash followed by a pause. If there is more than one alarm condition, the display cycles through all the relevant alarm messages. Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 list all of the possible alarm messages and their meanings.

Alarm acknowledgement and resetting Pressing both and at the same time will acknowledge any new alarms and reset any latched alarms.

Alarm modes Alarms will have been set up to operate in one of several modes, either: • Non-latching, which means that the alarm will reset automatically when the Process

Value is no longer in the alarm condition. • Latching, which means that the alarm message will continue to flash even if the alarm

condition no longer exists and will only clear when reset. • Blocking, which means that the alarm will only become active after it has first entered a

safe state on power-up.

Alarm types There are two types of alarm: Process alarms and Diagnostic alarms.

Process alarms These warn that there is a problem with the process which the controller is trying to control.

Alarm Display What it means

_FSL* PV Full Scale Low alarm

_FSH* PV Full Scale High alarm

_dEv* PV Deviation Band alarm

_dHi* PV Deviation High alarm

_dLo* PV Deviation Low alarm

_LCr* Load Current Low alarm

_HCr* Load Current High alarm

* In place of the dash, the first character will indicate the alarm number. Table 2-1 Process alarms

Alarm Display What it means

_FL2* Input 2 Full Scale Low alarm

_FH2* Input 2 Full Scale High alarm

_LOP* Working Output Low alarm

_HOP* Working Output High alarm

_LSP* Working Setpoint Low alarm

_HSP* Working Setpoint High alarm

4rAt PV Rate of change alarm Always assigned to Alarm 4

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Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

2-18 2408 and 2404 Controller

Diagnostic alarms

These indicate that a fault exists in either the controller or the connected devices.

Display shows

What it means What to do about it

EE.ErEE.ErEE.ErEE.Er Electrically Erasable Memory Error: The value of an operator, or configuration, parameter has been corrupted.

This fault will automatically take you into Configuration level. Check all of the configuration parameters before returning to Operator level. Once in Operator level, check all of the operator parameters before resuming normal operation. If the fault persists, or occurs frequently, contact your supplier

S.brS.brS.brS.br Sensor Break: Input sensor is unreliable or the input signal is out of range.

Check that the sensor is correctly connected.

L.brL.brL.brL.br Loop Break The feedback loop is open circuit.

Check that the heating and cooling circuits are working properly.

Ld.FLd.FLd.FLd.F Load failure Indication that there is a fault in the heating circuit or the solid state relay.

This is an alarm generated by feedback from a TE10S solid state relay (SSR) operating in PDSIO mode 1 — see Chapter 1, Electrical Installation. It indicates either an open or short circuit SSR, blown fuse, missing supply or open circuit heater.

SSr.FSSr.FSSr.FSSr.F Solid state relay failure Indication that there is a fault in the solid state relay.

This is an alarm generated by feedback from a TE10S solid state relay (SSR) operating in PDSIO mode 2 — see Chapter 1, Electrical Installation. It indicates either an open or short circuit condition in the SSR.

Htr.FHtr.FHtr.FHtr.F Heater failure Indication that there is a fault in heating circuit.

This is an alarm generated by feedback from a TE10S solid state relay (SSR) operating in PDSIO mode 2 — see Chapter 1, Electrical Installation. It indicates either a blown fuse, missing supply, or open circuit heater.

Ct.OPCt.OPCt.OPCt.OP Current Transformer Open Circuit

Indicates that the PDS input is open circuit.

Mode 5 only

Ct.ShCt.ShCt.ShCt.Sh Current Transformer Short Circuit

Indicates that the PDS input is short circuit

Mode 5 only

Hw.ErHw.ErHw.ErHw.Er Hardware error Indication that a module is of the wrong type, missing, or faulty.

Check that the correct modules are fitted.

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2408 and 2404 Controller 2-19

no.iono.iono.iono.io No I/O None of the expected I/O modules is fitted.

This error message normally occurs when pre-configuring a controller without installing any of the required I/O modules.

rmt.Frmt.Frmt.Frmt.F Remote input failure. Either the PDSIO input, or the remote DC input, is open or short circuit

Check for open, or short circuit wiring on the PDSIO, or remote DC, input.

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Out of range low reading Check the value of the input.

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Out of range high reading Check the value of the input.

Err1Err1Err1Err1 Error 1: ROM self-test fail Return the controller for repair.

Err2Err2Err2Err2 Error 2: RAM self-test fail Return the controller for repair.

Err3Err3Err3Err3 Error 3: Watchdog fail Return the controller for repair.

Err4Err4Err4Err4 Error 4: Keyboard failure Stuck button, or a button was pressed during power up.

Switch the power off and then on, without touching any of the controller buttons.

Err5Err5Err5Err5 Error 5: Faulty internal communications.

Check printed circuit board interconnections. If the fault cannot be cleared, return the controller for repair.

Err6Err6Err6Err6 Digital filter chip faulty or loose board inside controller

Return the controller for repair.

Err7Err7Err7Err7 PV id failure/PSU failure Return the controller for repair.

Err8Err8Err8Err8 Module 1 id error Faulty or loose module or may be isolation problem

Err9Err9Err9Err9 Module 2 id error Faulty or loose module or may be isolation problem

ErrAErrAErrAErrA Module 3 id error Faulty or loose module or may be isolation problem

DCFDCFDCFDCF DC output fail Return the controller for repair

Tu.ErTu.ErTu.ErTu.Er Tune error – shown If any one stage of the auto-tuning process exceeds two hours

Check response time of process: check that the sensor has not failed: check that the loop is not broken. Acknowledge by pressing ‘page’ key and ‘scroll’ key together

P.brP.brP.brP.br Potentiometer break Check that the feedback potentiometer is correctly connected or the pot is not open circuit

Table 2-2 Diagnostic alarms

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2-20 2408 and 2404 Controller

Page 42: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Access Levels

2408 and 2404 Controller 3-1


This chapter describes the different levels of access to the operating parameters within the controller. There are three topics:




There are four access levels:

• Operator level, which you will normally use to operate the controller.

• Full level, which is used to commission the controller.

• Edit level, which is used to set up the parameters that you want an operator to be able to see and adjust when in Operator level.

• Configuration level, which is used to set up the fundamental characteristics of the controller.

Access level

Display shows

What you can do Password Protection

Operator OPEr In this level, operators can view and adjust the value of parameters defined in Edit level (see below).


Full FuLL In this level, all the parameters relevant to a particular configuration are visible. All alterable parameters may be adjusted.


Edit Edit In this level, you can determine which parameters an operator is able to view and adjust in Operator level. You can hide, or reveal, complete lists, individual parameters within each list and you can make parameters read-only or alterable. (See Edit level at the end of this chapter).


Configuration conF This special level allows access to set up the fundamental characteristics of the controller.


Figure 3-1 Access levels

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Access to Full, Edit or Configuration levels is protected by a password to prevent unauthorised access. If you need to change the password, see Chapter 6, Configuration.

Access list header

Press until you reach the access list header ‘ACCS’.


Password entry

The password is entered from the ‘codE’ display. Enter the password using or . Once the correct password has been entered, there is a two second delay after which the lower readout will change to show ‘PASS’ indicating that access is now unlocked. The pass number is set to ‘1’ when the controller is shipped from the factory. Note; A special case exists if the password has been set to ‘0’. In this case access will be permanently unlocked and the lower readout will always show ‘PASS’.

Press to proceed to the ‘Goto’ page.

(If an incorrect password has been entered and the controller is still ‘locked’ then pressing returns you to the ‘ACCS’ list header.)

Access to Read-only Configuration

From this display, pressing and together will take you into Read-Only Configuration without entering a password. This will allow you to view all of the configuration parameters, but not adjust them. If no button is pressed for ten seconds, you will be returned to the Home display. Alternatively, pressing and together takes you immediately back to the Home display.

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Level selection

The ‘Goto’ display allows you to select the required access level. Use and to select from the following display codes: OPEr: Operator level FuLL: Full level Edit: Edit level conF: Configuration level


If you selected either ‘OPEr’, ‘FuLL’ or ‘Edit’ level you will be returned to the ‘ACCS’ list header in the level that you chose. If you selected ‘conF’, you will get a display showing ‘ConF’ in the upper readout (see below).

Configuration password

When the ‘ConF’ display appears, you must enter the Configuration password in order to gain access to this level. Do this by repeating the password entry procedure described in the previous section. The configuration password is set to ‘2’ when the controller is shipped from the factory. If you need to change the configuration password, see Chapter 6, Configuration.


Configuration level

The first display of configuration is shown. See Chapter 6, Configuration, for details of the configuration parameters. For instructions on leaving configuration level, see Chapter 6, Configuration.

Returning to Operator Level

To return to operator level from either ‘FuLL’ or ‘Edit’ level, repeat entry of the password and select ‘OPEr’ on the ‘Goto’ display. In ‘Edit’ level, the controller will automatically return to operator level if no button is pressed for 45 seconds.

Alternative path if ‘conF’ selected

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Edit level is used to set which parameters you can view and adjust in Operator level. It also gives access to the ‘Promote’ feature, which allows you to select and add (‘Promote’) up to twelve parameters into the Home display list, thereby giving simple access to commonly used parameters.

Setting operator access to a parameter

First you must select Edit level, as shown on the previous page. Once in Edit level, you select a list, or a parameter within a list, in the same way as you would in Operator, or Full, level − that is to say, you move from list header to list header by pressing , and from parameter to parameter within each list using . However, in Edit level what is displayed is not the value of a selected parameter, but a code representing that parameter’s availability in Operator level. When you have selected the required parameter, use and buttons to set its availability in Operator level.

There are four codes: ALtrALtrALtrALtr Makes a parameter alterable in Operator level. PrOPrOPrOPrO Promotes a parameter into the Home display list. rEAdrEAdrEAdrEAd Makes a parameter, or list header, read-only (it can be viewed but not altered). HIdEHIdEHIdEHIdE Hides a parameter, or list header. For example:

Hiding or revealing a complete list

To hide a complete list of parameters, all you have to do is hide the list header. If a list header is selected, only two selections are available: rEAd and HIdE. (It is not possible to hide the ‘ACCS’ list, which always displays the code: ‘LiSt’.)

Promoting a parameter

Scroll through the lists to the required parameter and choose the ‘PrO’ code. The parameter is then automatically added (promoted) into the Home display list. (The parameter will also be accessible, as normal, from the standard lists.) A maximum of twelve parameters can be promoted. Promoted parameters are automatically ‘alterable’.

Please note, in the ‘PrOG List’, the parameters from segment number (SEG.n) onwards cannot be promoted.

The parameter selected is Alarm 2, Full Scale Low

It will be alterable in Operator level

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2408 and 2404 Controller 4-1

Chapter 4 TUNING Before tuning, please read Chapter 2, Operation, to learn how to select and change a parameter.

This chapter has five topics: • WHAT IS TUNING?





In tuning, you match the characteristics of the controller to those of the process being controlled in order to obtain good control. Good control means: • Stable, ‘straight-line’ control of the temperature at setpoint without fluctuation • No overshoot, or undershoot, of the temperature setpoint • Quick response to deviations from the setpoint caused by external disturbances, thereby

rapidly restoring the temperature to the setpoint value.

Tuning involves calculating and setting the value of the parameters listed in Table 4-1. These parameters appear in the ‘Pid’ list.



Meaning or Function

Proportional band

Pb The bandwidth, in display units, over which the output power is proportioned between minimum and maximum.

Integral time ti Determines the time taken by the controller to remove steady-state error signals.

Derivative time td Determines how strongly the controller will react to the rate-of-change of the measured value.

High Cutback Hcb The number of display units, above setpoint, at which the controller will increase the output power, in order to prevent undershoot on cool down.

Low cutback Lcb The number of display units, below setpoint, at which the controller will cutback the output power, in order to prevent overshoot on heat up.

Relative cool gain

rEL Only present if cooling has been configured and a module is fitted. Sets the cooling proportional band, which equals the Pb value divided by the rEL value.

Table 4-1 Tuning parameters

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Two automatic tuning methods are provided in the 2408 and 2404: • A one-shot tuner, which automatically sets up the initial values of the parameters listed

in Table 4-1 on the previous page. • Adaptive tuning, which continuously monitors the error from setpoint and modifies the

PID values, if necessary.

One-shot Tuning

The ‘one-shot’ tuner works by switching the output on and off to induce an oscillation in the measured value. From the amplitude and period of the oscillation, it calculates the tuning parameter values. If the process cannot tolerate full heating or cooling being applied during tuning, then the level of heating or cooling can be restricted by setting the heating and cooling power limits in the ‘oP’ list. However, the measured value must oscillate to some degree for the tuner to be able to calculate values. A One-shot Tune can be performed at any time, but normally it is performed only once during the initial commissioning of the process. However, if the process under control subsequently becomes unstable (because its characteristics have changed), you can re-tune again for the new conditions. It is best to start tuning with the process at ambient temperature. This allows the tuner to calculate more accurately the low cutback and high cutback values which restrict the amount of overshoot, or undershoot.

How to tune

1. Set the setpoint to the value at which you will normally operate the process. 2. In the ‘Atun’ list, select ‘tunE’ and set it to ‘on’. 3. Press the Page and Scroll buttons together to return to the Home display. The display will

flash ‘tunE’ to indicate that tuning is in progress. 4. The controller induces an oscillation in the temperature by first turning the heating on,

and then off. The first cycle is not complete until the measured value has reached the required setpoint.

5. After two cycles of oscillation the tuning is completed and the tuner switches itself off. 6. The controller then calculates the tuning parameters listed in Table 4-1 and resumes

normal control action. If you want ‘Proportional only’, ‘PD’, or ‘PI’ control, you should set the ‘ti’ or ‘td’ parameters to OFF before commencing the tuning cycle. The tuner will leave them off and will not calculate a value for them.

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Typical automatic tuning cycle

Calculation of the cutback values

Low cutback and High cutback are values that restrict the amount of overshoot, or undershoot, that occurs during large step changes in temperature (for example, under start-up conditions). If either low cutback, or high cutback, is set to ‘Auto’ the values are fixed at three times the proportional band, and are not changed during automatic tuning.

Adaptive tune

Adaptive tuning is a background algorithm, which continuously monitors the error from setpoint and analyses the control response during process disturbances. If the algorithm recognises an oscillatory, or under-damped, response it recalculates the Pb, ti and td values. Adaptive tune is triggered whenever the error from setpoint exceeds a trigger level. This trigger level is set in the parameter ‘drA.t’, which is found in the Autotune list. The value is in display units. It is automatically set by the controller, but can also be manually re-adjusted. Adaptive tune should be used with: 1. Processes whose characteristics change as a result of changes in the load, or setpoint. 2. Processes that cannot tolerate the oscillation induced by a One-shot tune. Adaptive tune should not be used: 1. Where the process is subjected to regular external disturbances that could mislead the

adaptive tuner. 2. On highly interactive multiloop applications. However, moderately interactive loops,

such as multi-zone extruders, should not give a problem.


Setpoint Temperature

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If for any reason automatic tuning gives unsatisfactory results, you can tune the controller manually. There are a number of standard methods for manual tuning. The one described here is the Ziegler-Nichols method. With the process at its normal running temperature: 1. Set the Integral Time ‘ti’ and the Derivative Time ‘td’ to OFF. 2. Set High Cutback and Low Cutback, ‘Hcb’ and ‘Lcb’, to ‘Auto’. 3. Ignore the fact that the temperature may not settle precisely at the setpoint. 4. If the temperature is stable, reduce the proportional band ‘Pb’ so that the temperature just

starts to oscillate. If the temperature is already oscillating, increase the proportional band until it just stops oscillating. Allow enough time between each adjustment for the loop to stabilise. Make a note of the proportional band value ‘B’ and the period of oscillation ‘T’.

5. Set the Pb, ti, td parameter values according to the calculations given in Table 4-2.

Type of control


band ‘Pb’

Integral time ‘ti’

Derivative time


Proportional only




P + I control




P + I + D control




Table 4-2 Tuning values

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Setting the cutback values

The above procedure sets up the parameters for optimum steady state control. If unacceptable levels of overshoot or undershoot occur during start-up, or for large step changes in temperature, then manually set the cutback parameters ‘Lcb’ and ‘Hcb’. Proceed as follows: 1. Set the low and high cutback values to three proportional bandwidths (that is to say, Lcb

= Hcb = 3 x Pb). 2. Note the level of overshoot, or undershoot, that occurs for large temperature changes (see

the diagrams below). In example (a) increase ‘Lcb’ by the overshoot value. In example (b) reduce ‘Lcb’ by the undershoot value. Example (a)

Example (b)

Where the temperature approaches setpoint from above, you can set ‘Hcb’ in a similar manner.






Setpoint Overshoot

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Integral action and manual reset

In a full three-term controller (that is, a PID controller), the integral term ‘ti’ automatically removes steady state errors from the setpoint. If the controller is set up to work in two-term mode (that is, PD mode), the integral term will be set to ‘OFF’. Under these conditions the measured value may not settle precisely at setpoint. When the integral term is set to ‘OFF’ the parameter manual reset (code ‘rES’) appears in the ‘Pid LiSt’ in ‘FuLL’ level. This parameter represents the value of the power output that will be delivered when the error is zero. You must set this value manually in order to remove the steady state error.

Automatic droop compensation (Adc)

The steady state error from the setpoint, which occurs when the integral term is set to ‘OFF’ is sometimes referred to as ‘droop’. ‘Adc’ automatically calculates the manual reset value in order to remove this droop. To use this facility, you must first allow the temperature to stabilise. Then, in the autotune parameter list, you must set ‘Adc’ to ‘cALc’. The controller will then calculate a new value for manual reset, and switch ‘Adc’ to ‘mAn’. ‘Adc’ can be repeated as often as you require, but between each adjustment you must allow time for the temperature to stabilise.

Tune Error

If any one stage of the automatic tuning process is not completed within two hours a diagnostic alarm will occur. The display shows tU.Er — Tune Error. This alarm could occur if: 1. The process to be tuned has a very slow response time 2. The sensor has failed or is incorrectly aligned 3. The loop is broken or not responding correctly

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The 2408 and 2404 can be configured for motorised valve control as an alternative to the standard PID control algorithm. This algorithm is designed specifically for positioning motorised valves. These are ordered pre-configured as Model numbers:

• 2408/VC and 2404/VC motorised valve controllers

• 2408/VP and 2404/VP motorised valve controllers with a single setpoint programmer

• 2408/V4 and 2404/V4 motorised valve controllers storing four setpoint programs.

• 2408/VM and 2404/VM motorised valve controllers storing twenty setpoint programs. Figure 1-11 in Chapter 1 shows how to connect a motorised valve controller. The control is performed by delivering open, or close, pulses in response to the control demand signal. The motorised valve algorithm can operate in one of three ways: 1. The so-called boundless mode, which does not require a position feedback potentiometer

for control purposes; although one can be connected and used purely to display the valve’s position.

2. Bounded, (or position), control mode, which requires a feedback potentiometer. This is closed-loop control determined by the valve’s position.

The desired control mode is selected in the ‘inst’ list in configuration level.

The following parameter list will appear in the navigation diagram shown in Chapter 2, if your controller is configured for motorised valve control.

Name Description Values

mtrmtrmtrmtr Motor list Min Max Default

tm Valve travel time in seconds. This is the time taken for the valve to travel from its fully closed position to its fully open position.

0.1 240.0 30.0

In.t Valve inertia time in seconds. This is the time taken for the valve to stop moving after the output pulse is switched off.

OFF 20.0 OFF

bAc.t Valve backlash time in seconds. This is the minimum on-time required to reverse the direction of the valve. i.e. the time to overcome the mechanical backlash.

OFF 20.0 OFF

mp.t Output pulse minimum on-time, in seconds. Auto 100.0 Auto

U.br Valve sensor break strategy. rESt, uP, dwn rESt

Table 4-3 Motorised valve parameter list

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The commissioning procedure is the same for both bounded and boundless control modes, except in bounded mode you must first calibrate the position feedback potentiometer, as described in the section below. Proceed as follows:

1. Measure the time taken for the valve to be raised from its fully closed to its fully open position and enter this as the value in seconds into the ‘tm’ parameter.

2. Set all the other parameters to the default values shown in Table 4-3.

The controller can then be tuned using any of the automatic, or manual, tuning procedures described earlier in this chapter. As before, the tuning process, either automatic or manual, involves setting the values of the parameters in Table 4-1. The only difference with boundless control is that the derivative term ‘td’, although present, will have no effect.

Adjusting the minimum on-time ‘mp.tmp.tmp.tmp.t’

The default value of 0.2 seconds is satisfactory for most processes. If, however, after tuning the process, the valve activity is excessively high, with constant oscillation between raise and lower pulses, the minimum on-time can be increased. The minimum on-time determines how accurately the valve can be positioned and therefore the control accuracy. The shorter the time, the more precise the control. However, if the time is set too short, process noise will cause an excessively busy valve.

Inertia and backlash settings

The default values are satisfactory for most processes, i.e. ‘OFF’. Inertia is the time taken for the valve to stop after the output pulse is turned off. If this causes a control problem, the inertia time needs to be determined and then entered into the parameter, ‘In.t’. The inertia time is subtracted from the raise and lower output pulse times, so that the valve moves the correct distance for each pulse. Backlash is the output pulse time required to reverse the direction of the valve, i.e. the time taken to overcome the mechanical backlash of the linkages. If the backlash is sufficient to cause a control problem, then the backlash time needs to be determined and then entered into the parameter, ‘bac.t’. The above two values are not part of the automatic tuning procedure and must be entered manually.


Before proceeding with the feedback potentiometer calibration, you should ensure, in configuration level, that module position 2 (2a), or 3 (3a), has its ‘id’ indicating ‘Pot.i’, (meaning Potentiometer Input). Continue to scroll down the module configuration list. ‘func’ should be set to ‘Vpos’, ‘VAL.L’ must be set to ‘0’ and ‘VAL.H’ to ‘100’. Exit from configuration and you are now ready to calibrate the position feedback potentiometer. Proceed as follows. 1. In Operator level, press the AUTO/MAN button to put the controller in Manual mode.

2. Drive the valve to its fully open position using .

3. Press until you get to ‘ip-List’.

4. Press to get to ‘PCAL-OFF’.

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2408 and 2404 Controller 4-9

5. Press or to turn ‘PCAL’ to ‘on’.

6. Press and the upper readout indicates ‘Pot’.

7. Press or to get to ‘Pot-3A.Hi’. (Assuming that the Potentiometer Input Module is in module position 3.)

8. Press to go to ‘GO-no’.

9. Press or to see ‘GO-YES’, which starts the calibration procedure. 10. Calibration is complete when the display returns to ‘GO-no’.

11. Press and together to return directly to the Operator level. 12. The controller should still be in Manual mode.

13. Drive the valve to its fully closed position using .

14. Press until you get to ‘ip-List’.

15. Press to get to ‘PCAL-OFF’.

16. Press or to turn ‘PCAL’ to ‘on’.

17. Press and the upper readout indicates ‘Pot’.

18. Press or to get to ‘Pot-3A.Lo’

19. Press to go to ‘GO-no’.

20. Press or to see ‘GO-YES’, which starts the calibration procedure. 21. Calibration is complete when the display returns to ‘GO-no’.

22. Press and together to return directly to the Operator level. 23. Press the AUTO/MAN button to place the controller in AUTO and the calibration of the

position feedback potentiometer is now complete.

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Gain scheduling is the automatic transfer of control between one set of PID values and another. In the case of the 2408 and 2404 controllers, this is done at a presettable process value. It is used for the more difficult to control processes which exhibit large changes in their response time or sensitivity at, for example, high and low temperatures, or when heating or cooling.

The 2408 and 2404 has two sets of PID values. You can select the active set from either a digital input, or from a parameter in the PID list, or you can transfer automatically in gain scheduling mode. The transfer is bumpless and will not disturb the process being controlled. To use gain scheduling, follow the steps below:

Step1: Enable in configuration level

Gain scheduling must first be enabled in Configuration level. Goto the Inst Conf list, select the parameter Gsch, and set it to YES.

Step 2: Set the transfer point

Once gain scheduling has been enabled, the parameter G.SP will appear at the top of the Pid list in FuLL access level. This sets the value at which transfer occurs. PID1 will be active when the process value is below this setting and PID2 when the process value is above it. The best point of transfer depends on the characteristics of the process. Set a value between the control regions that exhibit the greatest change.

Step 3: Tuning

You must now set up the two sets of PID values. The values can be manually set, or automatically tuned as described earlier in this chapter. When tuning automatically you must tune twice, once above the switching point G.SP and again below the switching point. When tuning, if the process value is below the transfer point G.SP the calculated values will automatically be inserted into PID1 set and if the process value is above G.SP, the calculated values will automatically be inserted into PID2 set.



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Installation and Operation Handbook Programmer Operation

2408 and 2404 Controller 5-1


This chapter deals with the setpoint programming option. All 2408 / 2404 instruments have a basic 8-segment programmer built-in as standard. This facility must be enabled by the user, as explained in the section, Configuring the Programmer.

Other programmer versions are listed below, and have 16-segments in each program.

16-segment programmer with: a single program: Models 2408/CP and 2404/CP. four stored programs: Models 2408/P4 and 2404/P4. twenty stored programs: Models 2408/CM and 2404/CM.

16-segment Motorised Valve programmer with: a single program: Models 2408/VP and 2404/VP. four stored programs: Models 2408/V4 and 2404/V4. twenty stored programs: Models 2408/VM and 2404/VM. The 8-segment programmer differs from the other programmers in that it will not provide event outputs and program synchronisation. Otherwise they all operate in the same way. There are eight topics:








• CREATING A NEW PROGRAM, OR MODIFYING AN EXISTING PROGRAM. To understand how to select and change parameters in this chapter you need to have read Chapter 2, Operation and Chapter 3, Access Levels.

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Many applications need to vary temperature, or process value, with time. Such applications need a controller which varies a setpoint as a function of time; all 2408 and 2404 models can do this. The setpoint is varied by using a setpoint program. Within each 2408 and 2404 controller, there is a software module called the programmer, which stores one, or more, such programs and drives the setpoint according to the selected program. The program is stored as a series of ‘ramp’ and ‘dwell’ segments, as shown below. (If the 8-segment programmer is being used, then the information in the next paragraph does not apply.) In each segment you can define the state of up to eight (8) digital outputs, each of which can be used to trigger external events. These are called event outputs and can drive either relay, logic, or triac outputs, depending on the modules installed. A program is executed either, once, repeated a set number of times, or repeated continuously. If repeated a set number of times, then the number of cycles must be specified as part of the program.

Fig 5-1 Setpoint profile Time


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There are five different types of segment:

Ramp The setpoint ramps linearly, from its current value to a new value, either at a set rate (called ramp-rate programming), or in a set time (called time-to-target programming). You must specify the ramp rate or the ramp time, and the target setpoint, when creating or modifying a program.

Dwell The setpoint remains constant for a specified period.

Step The setpoint steps instantaneously from its current value to a new value.

Call The main program calls another program as a subroutine. The called program then drives the setpoint until it returns control to the main program. This facility is available on those controllers with 4, or 20, stored programs.

End The program either ends in this segment, or repeats. You specify which is the case when you create, or modify, the program (see the final topic in this chapter). When the program ends, the programmer is put into either, a continuous Dwell state with all outputs staying unchanged, or the Reset state, or to a settable power level.

Table 5-1 Segment Types

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The programs have five states: Reset, Run, Hold, Holdback and End.

State Description Indication

Reset In Reset, the programmer is inactive and the controller behaves as a standard controller, with the setpoint determined by the value set in the lower readout.

Both the RUN and HOLD lights are OFF

Run In Run, the programmer varies the setpoint according to the active program.

RUN light on

Hold In Hold, the program is frozen at its current point. In this state you can make temporary changes to any program parameter (for example, a target setpoint, a dwell time, or the time remaining in the current segment). Such changes will only remain effective until the program is reset and run again, when they will be overwritten by the stored program values.

Note: When a program is running, you cannot alter a cALLcALLcALLcALLed program until it becomes active within that program.

HOLD light on

Holdback Holdback indicates that the measured value is lagging the setpoint by more than a preset amount and that the program is in Hold, waiting for the process to catch up. See Holdback in the section on Automatic behaviour later this chapter.

HOLD light flashes

A master controller can re-transmit a setpoint value to a number of slave units using PDSIO setpoint retransmission. Any of the slave units can generate a holdback signal which will also flash the HOLD light. Holdback will also occur if the PDSIO output is open circuit. This can be disabled in configuration by selecting the PdS output as SP.nH — ‘setpoint retransmission without holdback’

HOLD light flashes

End The program is complete. RUN light flashes

Table 5-2 Program States

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The Run List

From the Home display, press until you reach the ‘run’ list header.


Program number

This display only appears on programmers that can store more than one program. Use or to select the required program number, from 1 to 4, or 1 to 20, depending on the particular controller. Alternatively, the program number can be selected remotely, using digital inputs on the rear terminals. See the section on Configuring Digital Inputs to Select a Program Number for information on how this is done.


Status selection

Use or to select: • runrunrunrun: Run program. • hoLdhoLdhoLdhoLd: Hold program. • OFFOFFOFFOFF: Program reset. After two seconds, the lower readout blinks and the chosen state is now active.

To return to the Home display press and together.

Other parameters

To access the other parameters in the ‘run’ list, continue to press . These parameters are shown in the ‘Program run list’ in

Chapter 2, Parameter Tables. They show the current status of the active program.

Temporary changes Temporary changes can be made to the parameters in this ‘run’ list, (for example a setpoint, ramp rate, or an unelapsed time), by first placing the programmer into ‘hoLd’. Such changes remain active only for the duration of the segment; the segment parameters will revert to their original (stored) values whenever the segment is re-executed.

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If you are using a 4, or 20, program version of the controller, you must first select the number of the program that you want to run. Do this in the ‘run’ list − see the previous topic, Running a program from the Run list. Then:



RUN / HOLD button

Press once to run a program (RUN light on) Press again to hold a program (HOLD light on) Press again to cancel hold and continue running (HOLD light off, RUN light on) Press and hold in for two seconds to reset a program (RUN and HOLD lights off).

Note: The RUN/HOLD button can be disabled, either when ordering the controller, or subsequently in configuration. This will force you to operate the programmer from the ‘run’ list all the time. The main advantage of this method is that it will reduce the chance of accidentally changing the state of a program.

AUTOMATIC BEHAVIOUR The preceding topics explain how to operate the programmer manually. The following topics cover aspects of its automatic behaviour: Servo, Holdback and Power Failure. Servo

When a program is RUN, the setpoint can start either from the initial controller setpoint, or from the process value. Whichever it is, the starting point is called the ‘servo’ point and you set it up in configuration. When the program starts, the transition of the setpoint to its starting point is called ‘servoing’.

The normal method is to servo to the process value, because this will produce a smooth and bumpless start to the process. However, if you want to guarantee the time period of the first segment, you should set the controller to servo to its setpoint. Holdback

As the setpoint ramps up, or down (or dwells), the measured value may lag behind, or deviate from, the setpoint by an undesirable amount. ‘Holdback’ is available to freeze the program at its current state, should this occur. The action of Holdback is the same as a deviation alarm. It can be enabled, or disabled. Holdback has two parameters — a value and a type. If the error from the setpoint exceeds the set ‘holdback’ value, then the Holdback feature, if enabled, will automatically freeze the program at its current point and flash the HOLD light. When the error comes within the holdback value, the program will resume normal running.

There are four different Holdback types. The choice of type is made by setting a parameter when creating a program, and may be one of the following:− ‘OFF’ − Disables Holdback − therefore no action is taken.

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‘Lo’ − Deviation Low Holdback holds the program back when the process variable deviates below the setpoint by more than the holdback value.

‘Hi’ − Deviation High Holdback holds the program back when the process variable deviates above the setpoint by more than the holdback value.

‘bAnd’ − Deviation Band Holdback is a combination of the two. It holds the program back when the process variable deviates either above, or below, the setpoint by more than the holdback value.

There is a single Holdback Value which applies to the whole program. However, the Holdback type and whether or not it is enabled, can be applied to the program as a whole, or individually in each segment.

Power failure

If power is lost and then restored, while a program is running, the behaviour of the programmer is determined by the setting of the parameter ‘Pwr.F’ Power fail strategy in Programmer configuration. This can have one of three settings:− cont (Continue), rmP.b (Ramp from PV), or rSEt (Reset).

If ‘cont’ is selected, then when power is restored the program continues from where it was interrupted when power was lost. All parameters, such as the setpoint and time remaining in the active segment, will be restored to their power-down values. For applications that need to bring the measured process value to the setpoint as soon as possible, this is the best strategy.

If ‘rmP.b’ is selected, then when power is restored the setpoint starts at (‘servos to’) the current measured value, and then ramps to the target setpoint of the active segment at the last ramp rate used by the program. This strategy provides a smoother recovery. The two diagrams below illustrate the respective responses, Fig 5-2 if power fails during a dwell segment and Fig 5-3 if it fails during a ramp segment.

Figure 5-2 Continue after a power fail

Figure 5-3 Ramp back after a power fail

If ‘rSEt’ is selected, then when power is restored the program terminates.


Ramp Segment Dwell Segment


t1 t2

Segment dwell time = t1 + t2

Power off Power on


Ramp Segment


Power off

Power on — Servo to new PV level

Target setpoint

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Programmer Operation Installation and Operation Handbook

5-8 2408 and 2404 Controller

CONFIGURING THE PROGRAMMER When first installing a programmer you should check that the configuration conforms to your requirement. Configuration defines: • the number of stored programs (multi-programmer only) • the holdback strategy • the power fail strategy • the servo type • if event outputs are available (not 8-segment programmer) • if program synchronisation is available. (not 8-segment programmer) • selection of program number using digital inputs (multi-programmer only)

To check, or change, the configuration, select Configuration level. See Chapter 6.

Programmer list header

After selecting Configuration mode, press until the PROG ConF header is displayed.


Number of programs

Use or to select: •••• nonE: Disable built-in 8-segment programmer •••• 1: Enable built-in 8-segment programmer

For 16-segment programmers: •••• nonEnonEnonEnonE: no programs •••• 1: One stored program •••• 4: Four stored programs • 20: Twenty stored programs


Holdback Strategy

Use or to select: • SEG: Holdback type to be set in each segment • ProG: Holdback type to be set for the whole program

Press Continued on the next page.

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2408 and 2404 Controller 5-9

Power fail strategy

Use or to select • cont: Continue from last setpoint • rmP.b: Ramp from PV to setpoint at last ramp rate • rSEt: Reset the program.


Servo type

Use or to select: • to.PV: Servo to PV • to.SP: Servo to SP


Event Outputs (not in 8-segment programmer)

Use or to select: • no: Event outputs disabled • YES: Event outputs enabled


Synchronisation (not in 8-segment programmer) Use or to select: • no: Synchronisation disabled • YES: Synchronisation enabled

Press to return the list header.

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5-10 2408 and 2404 Controller


The program number can be selected by external BCD inputs from, for example, a thumbwheel switch. The appropriate number of digital inputs must be installed in the controller and be configured for this function — see Chapter 6, Configuration. To invoke this mode of operation, the parameter ‘bcd’ in ‘inst-Conf’ must be set to ‘PrOg’.



Press until you reach ‘bcd’.

Use the or buttons, to select ‘PrOG’.

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Installation and Operation Handbook Programmer Operation

2408 and 2404 Controller 5-11


The only difference between creating a new program, and modifying an existing one, is that a new program starts with all its segments set to End in the tYPE parameter. The procedure for both consists of setting up the parameters in the PrOG list of the Operator Navigation Diagram shown in Chapter 2. As explained earlier under ‘Programmer states’, temporary changes can be made to these parameters while in the HOLD state but permanent changes (to the stored values) can only be made when the programmer is in the Reset state. So, before modifying a stored program first make sure that it is in Reset and then follow the procedure below.

Program edit list

From the Home display press until you reach the ProG LiSt header.


Program number This display appears only on the multi-program controllers. Use or to select the number of the program which you wish to modify (from 1 to 4, or 1 to 20).

Press Holdback type [Only appears when Holdback has been selected for the whole program.] Use or to select: • OFF: Holdback disabled • Lo: Deviation Low Holdback • Hi: Deviation High Holdback • bAnd: Deviation Band Holdback


Holdback value Note! The value set in this parameter is always for the whole program. Use or to set the value.

Press Continued on the next page.

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Ramp units

Use or to select: • Sec • min • Hour


Dwell units

Use or to select: • Sec • min • Hour


Number of program cycles

Use or to set the number of program cycles required from 1 to 999, or ‘cont’ for continuous cycling.


Segment number

Use or to select the number, from 1 to 16. (1 to 8 in 8-segment programmers) The parameters that follow ‘SEG.n’ set up the characteristics of the individually-selected segment number. By defining the characteristics of each segment of the program, you define the whole program.


Continued on the next page.

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2408 and 2404 Controller 5-13

Segment type

Select the segment type using or : • rmP.r: Ramp to a new setpoint at a set rate • rmP.t: Ramp to a new setpoint in a set time • dwEl: Dwell for a set time • StEP: Step to a new setpoint • cALL: Call another program as a subroutine (only available in multi-program controllers) • End: Make this segment the end of the program.


The parameters that follow ‘tYPE’ depend on the type of segment selected as shown in the table below. The function of each parameters follows the table.

Parameter Segment type selected

rmP.r rmP.t dwEl StEP cALL EndEndEndEnd

Hb ! ! ! ! tGt ! ! !

rAtE !

dur ! !

PrG.n !

cYc.n !

outn ! ! ! ! !

SYnc ! ! ! !

End.t !

Pwr !

Table 5-3 Parameters that follow segment type

Holdback type Only appears when Holdback per segment has been selected. Use or to select: • OFF: Holdback disabled • Lo: Deviation Low Holdback • Hi: Deviation High Holdback • bAnd: Deviation Band Holdback


Target setpoint

Target setpoint for ‘rmP.r’, ‘rmP.t’ or ‘StEP’ segments. Set the target setpoint using or .

Press Continued on the next page.

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5-14 2408 and 2404 Controller

Ramp rate

Ramp rate for ‘rmP.r’ segments Using or , set a value for the ramp rate, ranging from 0.0 to 999.9. The units are the ramp units (rmP.U) set earlier in this sequence.


Duration time

Time for a ‘dwEl’ segment, or time to target for a ‘rmP.t’ segment. Set the time using or . You have set the units earlier in this sequence. [‘dwL.U’ defines the units for ‘dwEl’ segments: ‘rmP.U’ defines the units for ‘rmP.t’ segments.]


Called program number

Only appears for ‘cALL’ segments. (multi-program controllers only) Set a called program number from 1 to 4, or from 1 to 20, using

or .


Number of cycles of the cALLed program

Only appears for ‘cALL’ segments. (multi-program controllers only) Sets the number of cycles of the cALLed program from 1 to 999, using or .


Continued on the next page.

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Installation and Operation Handbook Programmer Operation

2408 and 2404 Controller 5-15

Event output 1 (16-segment programmers only)

Appears in all segments, except ‘cALL’ segments. Use or to set output 1: • OFF: Off in the current segment • on: On the current segment.


Further event outputs (16-segment programmers only)

Up to eight (8) event outputs may appear in this list where ‘n’ = event number. Pressing will step through all the remaining event outputs. Note: If you are not using all of the event outputs, you can step immediately to the next segment number by pressing .


Synchronisation event output (only appears if configured)

Use or to select: • YES: Synchronisation Enabled • no: Synchronisation Disabled

Note: This event output, if used, occupies the position of ‘out8’.


End segment

Use or to select: • dwEl: An indefinite dwell • rSEt: Reset. • S OP: End Segment Output Power Level




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5-16 2408 and 2404 Controller

Power Value [End Segment]

Use or to set the power value in the range ±100.0%. This power level is clipped by the parameters ‘OP.Hi’ and ‘OP.Lo’ before being applied to the process. Note: In programmer/controller software versions 3.56 onwards this parameter has been replaced by a parameter End.PEnd.PEnd.PEnd.P which appears at the end of the Output List, see Chapter 2

Press to return to the ProG-LiSt header.

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Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-1


This chapter consists of six topics:






• CONFIGURATION PARAMETER TABLES. In configuration level you set up the fundamental characteristics of the controller. These are:

• The type of control (e.g. reverse or direct acting)

• The Input type and range

• The Setpoint configuration

• The Alarms configuration

• The Programmer configuration

• The Digital input configuration

• The Alarm Relay configuration

• The Communications configuration

• The Modules 1, 2 & 3 configuration

• Calibration

• The Passwords.

WARNING Configuration is protected by a password and should only be carried out by a qualified person, authorised to do so. Incorrect configuration could result in damage to the process being controlled and/or personal injury. It is the responsibility of the person commissioning the process to ensure that the configuration is correct.

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Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-2 2408 and 2404 Controller


There are two alternative methods of selecting Configuration level: • If you have already powered up, then follow the access instructions given in Chapter 3,

Access levels.

• Alternatively, press and together when powering up the controller. This will take you directly to the ‘ConF’ password display.

Password entry

When the ‘ConF’ display appears, you must enter the Configuration password (which is a number) in order to gain access to Configuration level.

Enter the password using the or buttons. The configuration password is set to ‘2’ when the controller is shipped from the factory. Once the correct password has been entered, there is a two second delay, after which the lower readout will change to ‘PASS’ indicating that access is now unlocked. Note: A special case exists if the password has been set to ‘0’. In this situation, access is permanently unlocked and the lower readout will always show ‘PASS’. Press to enter configuration. (If an incorrect password has been entered and the controller is still ‘locked’ then pressing at this point will take you to the ‘Exit’ display with ‘no’ in the lower readout. Simply press to return to the ‘ConF’ display.) You will obtain the first display of configuration.

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Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-3

LEAVING CONFIGURATION LEVEL To leave the Configuration level and return to Operator level Press until the ‘Exit’ display appears.

Alternatively, pressing and together will take you directly to the ‘Exit’ display.

Use or to select ‘YES’. After a two-second delay, the display will blank and revert to the Home display in Operator level.

SELECTING A CONFIGURATION PARAMETER The configuration parameters are arranged in lists as shown in the navigation diagram in Figure 6.1.

To step through the list headers, press the Page button.

To step through the parameters within a particular list press the Scroll button. When you reach the end of the list you will return to the list header.

You can return directly to the list header at any time by pressing the Page button. Parameter names Each box in the navigation diagram shows the display for a particular parameter. The upper readout shows the name of the parameter and the lower readout its value. For a definition of each parameter, see the Configuration Parameter Tables at the end of this chapter. To change

the value of a selected parameter, use the and buttons. The navigation diagram shows all the lists headers and parameters that can, potentially, be present in the controller. In practice, those actually present will vary according to the particular configuration choices you make.


There are TWO passwords. These are stored in the Password configuration list and can be selected and changed in the same manner as any other configuration parameter. The password names are: ‘ACC.P’ which protects access to Full level and Edit level ‘cnF.P’ which protects access to Configuration level.

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6-4 2408 and 2404 Controller

NAVIGATION DIAGRAM (PART A) Instrument Process Value Input Setpoint Alarms Programmer Logic inputs Config Config Config Config Config Config Config

Fig 6.1a Navigation Diagram (Part A)

m-A diSA

ti.td SEc

CooL Lin

Act rEv

CtrL Pid

inSt ConF

rmt nonE

rmP.U PSEc

Pr.tr OFF

m.tr OFF

rm.tr OFF

nSP 2




Ltch no

bLoc no


Ltch no

bLoc no


Ltch no

bLoc no


Ltch no

bLoc no


PtyP 20

Pwr.F cont

Srvo to.PV

out no

SYnc no

iP ConF

id LoG.i

Func mAn

LA/b ConF

inPt k.tc

CJC Auto

inp.L 0.0

VaL.H 100.0

VaL.L 0.0

inp.H 50.0

imp Auto


unit oC

dEc.P nnnn


rnG.H 1200

rnG.L 0

FOP no

Sbr.t Sb.OP

Pd.tr no

Fwd.t nonE


r-h diSA

GSch no

bcd nonE


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2408 and 2404 Controller 6-5

NAVIGATION DIAGRAM (PART B) Alarm relay Comms 1 Comms 2 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4(2) Custom(3) Config Config Config Config(1) Config(1) Config(1) Config Config

Fig 6.1b Navigation Diagram (Part B)

Note: 1. Additional headers, carrying the suffixes b

and C, will appear if dual-, or triple-, channel modules have been installed. The header denotes the labelling of the terminal to which the output function is connected.

2. Module 4 is the High Current Switch Module. This is only available in the Model 2404 controller on controllers manufactured before Jan-04.

3. 8-point custom linearisation. Only appears when either‘3a or iP-Conf’ has ‘inpt’ = ‘mV.C’, or ‘mA.C’, or ‘V.C’.

4. The navigation diagram shows typical parameters, but is dependant upon the exact configuration of the instrument. The following sheets show the full list of parameters.

See parameter tables

id dC.OP

Func HEAt


VAL.H 100

unit mA

Out.L 4.0

Out.H 20.0


Prty nonE

bAud 9600

Func mod

id cmS

in 1 0.0

UAL.1 0.0

in 2 1.0

UAL.2 200.0

in 3 2..0

VAL.H 100


Func SP.oP

id PdS

id rELy

Func dIG

SEnS nor

2A ConF

1A ConF

3A ConF





See parameter tables

id dC.iP

Func SEL

inpt mU

imp Auto

inp.L 0.0

inp.H 50.0


VAL.H 100

4A ConF

id HCS

Func HEAt


VAL.H 100

Out.L 0.0

Out.H 100.0

UAL.3 350.0

in 8 7.0

UAL.8 800.0

deLY no

SEnS nor

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Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-6 2408 and 2404 Controller

NAVIGATION DIAGRAM (PART C) Calibration Password Config Config

Fig 6.1c Navigation Diagram (Part C)


cnF.P 2

Exit no


cAL nonE


pt1.L 0

pt1.H 0

OF1.L 0.0


OF1.H 0.0

pt2.L 0

pt2.H 0

OF2.L 0.0

OF2.H 0.0

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Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-7


Name Description Values Meaning

inStinStinStinSt Instrument configuration

CtrL Control type Pid PID control On.OF On/off control VP Boundless motorised valve

control — no feedback required VP b Bounded motorised valve

control — feedback required

Act Control action rEv Reverse acting dir Direct acting CooL Type of cooling Lin Linear oiL Oil (50mS minimum on-time) H2O Water (non-linear) FAn Fan (0.5S minimum on-time) on.OF On/off cooling ti.td Integral & derivative SEc Seconds, OFF to 9999 time units min Minutes, OFF to 999.9 dtYP Derivative type pV

Err Operates on rate of change of PV Operates on rate of change of error

m-A Front panel Auto/Man button EnAb Enabled diSA Disabled r-h Front panel Run/Hold button EnAb Enabled diSA Disabled PwrF Power feedback on On OFF Off Fwd.t Feed forward type none None FEEd Normal feed forward SP.FF Setpoint feed forward PV.FF PV feed forward Pd.tr Manual/Auto transfer when no Non-bumpless transfer using PD control YES Bumpless transfer — (Pre-loads

Manual Reset value) Sbr.t Sensor break output Sb.OP Go to pre-set value HoLd Freeze output FOP Forced manual output no Bumpless Auto/Manual transfer trac Returns to the Manual value that

was set when last in Manual mode

Step Steps to forced output level. Value set in ‘FOP’ of ‘op-List’ in Operator Level

bcd BCD input function none prog sp

Not used Select program number Select setpoint number

gsch Gain schedule enable no yes

Disabled Enabled

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6-8 2408 and 2404 Controller

Name Description Values Meaning

pVpVpVpV Process value config unit Instrument units 0C Celsius 0F Fahrenheit 0k

none Kelvin Display units blanked

dec.p Decimal places in the nnnn None displayed value nnn.n

nn.nn One Two

rng.L Range low Low range limit. Also setpoint limit for alarms and programmers

rng.h Range high High range limit. Also setpoint limit for alarms and programmers


1. Pyrometer Emmisivity

Controllers which are specifically supplied for pyrometer inputs (not Exergen K80), have the curve downloaded in the Custom Input. The parameter, EmiS, Pyrometer Emmisivity, appears in the Input List on page 2-15. This parameter is also now correctly adjusted.

2. Range

If a decimal point was configured, negative display and setpoint ranges were limited to -99.9 in previous software versions. The range has been increased to -199.9 by combining the negative sign with the figure one. This allows Setpoints, Process Variables, Alarm Setpoints and Programmers to be set to -199.9.

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2408 and 2404 Controller 6-9

Name Description Values Meaning

iPiPiPiP Input configuration inPt Input type J.tc J thermocouple k.tc K thermocouple L.tc L thermocouple r.tc R thermocouple (Pt/Pt13%Rh) b.tc B thermocouple (Pt30%Rh/Pt6%Rh) n.tc N thermocouple t.tc T thermocouple S.tc S thermocouple (Pt/Pt10%Rh) PL 2 PL 2 thermocouple C.tc Custom downloaded t/c (default = type C) rtd 100Ω platinum resistance thermometer mV Linear millivolt voLt Linear voltage mA Linear milliamps Sr V Square root volts Sr A Square root milliamps * see CUST List. mV.C 8-point millivolt custom linearisation* V.C 8-point Voltage custom linearisation* mA.C 8-point milliamp custom linearisation*

CJC Cold Junction Auto Automatic internal compensation Compensation 0oC 0oC external reference 45oC 45oC external reference 50oC 50oC external reference OFF No cold junction compensation

imp Sensor Break Impedance Off Disabled (applies to any input) Caution: If sensor break is disabled the controller will not detect open circuit faults

Auto Factory set (Default i.e. enabled) Hi Impedance of input > 5KΩ Hi.Hi Impedance of input > 15KΩ Linear Input Scaling − The next 4 parameters only appear if a linear or sq rt input is chosen.

inp.L Input value low

inp.H Input value high

VAL.L Displayed reading low

VAL.H Displayed reading high

inP.H inP.L


Displayed Value

VAL. L Electrical Input

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Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-10 2408 and 2404 Controller

Name Description Values Meaning

SPSPSPSP Setpoint configuration

nSP Number of setpoints 2, 4, 16 Select number of setpoints available

rm.tr Remote Tracking OFF Disable trAc Local setpoint tracks remote setpoint

m.tr Manual Track OFF Disable trAc Local setpoint tracks PV when in manual

Pr.tr Programmer Track OFF Disable trAc Local setpoint tracks programmer SP

rmP.U Setpoint rate limit units PSEc Per second Pmin Per minute PHr Per hour

rmt Remote setpoint configuration nonE Disable SP Remote setpoint Loc.t Remote setpoint + local trim rmt.t Remote trim + local setpoint

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Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-11

ALALALAL Alarm configuration Values

The controller contains four ‘soft’ alarms, which are configured in this list. Once configured, they can be attached to a physical output as described in the alarm relay configuration list, ‘AA Conf’.

AL1 Alarm 1 Type see Table A

Ltch Latching no/YES/Evnt/mAn*

bLoc Blocking no/YES

AL2 Alarm 2 Type see Table A

Ltch Latching no/YES/Evnt/mAn*

bLoc Blocking no/YES

AL3 Alarm 3 Type see Table A

Ltch Latching no/YES/Evnt/mAn*

bLoc Blocking no/YES

AL4 Alarm 4 Type see Table A

Ltch Latching no/YES/Evnt/mAn*

bLoc Blocking (not if ‘AL4’ = ‘rAt’) no/YES

Sbr.t Sensor break trip alarm latching type. Disable = process alarms inhibited when in sensor break Enable = process alarms shown when in sensor break

En Enable

Dis Disable

* Alarm Modes ‘no’ means that the alarm will be non-latching. ‘YES’ means that the alarm will be latched, with automatic resetting. Automatic resetting means that if a reset is actioned before the alarm has cleared, then it will automatically reset when it clears. Evnt’ means that the alarm is used to trip an external event. If this option is selected the front panel alarm message will not appear. ‘mAn’ means that the alarm will be latched, and can only be reset after it has first cleared (called ‘manual reset mode’).

Table A — Alarm types Value Alarm type

OFF No alarm

FSL PV Full scale low

FSH PV Full scale high

dEv PV Deviation band

dHi PV Deviation high

dLo PV Deviation low

LCr Load Current low

HCr Load Current high

FL2 Input 2 Full Scale low

FH2 Input 2 Full Scale high

LOP Working Output low

HOP Working Output high

LSP Working Setpoint low

HSP Working Setpoint high

rAt PV Rate of change AL4 only

Ct.OP CT open circuit

Ct.Sh CT short circuit

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Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-12 2408 and 2404 Controller

The following parameters apply if the standard 8-segment programmer is to be configured.

PROGPROGPROGPROG Programmer configuration Values Meaning

PtyP Programmer type nonE Programmer disabled (factory setting) 1 8-segment programmer enabled

HbAc Holdback SEG


Holdback is individually selectable in each segment. Holdback is applied across the whole Program.

Pwr.F Power fail recovery cont Continue from last setpoint (SP) rmP.b Ramp from PV to SP at last ramp rate rSEt Reset the program

Srvo Starting setpoint of a to.PV From the Process Value (PV) program (Servo point) to.SP From the setpoint

The following parameters apply if a 16-segment programmer is to be configured.

PROGPROGPROGPROG Programmer configuration Values Meaning

PtyP Programmer type nonE Programmer disabled 1 Single program

4 Four programs

20 Twenty programs

HbAc Holdback SEG


Holdback is individually selectable in each segment. Holdback is applied across the whole Program.

Pwr.F Power fail recovery cont Continue from last setpoint (SP) rmP.b Ramp from PV to SP at last ramp rate

rSEt Reset the program

Srvo Starting setpoint of a to.PV From the Process Value (PV) program (Servo point) to.SP From the setpoint

out Programmable event outputs

no YES

Disabled Enabled

SYNC Synchronisation of programs of several programmers

no YES

Disabled Enabled

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Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-13

Name Description Values Meaning

LALBLALBLALBLALB Digital input 1/2 configuration Action on contact closure

id Identity LoG.i Logic input

Func Function of input nonE No function The function is active mAn Manual mode select when the input has a contact rmt Remote setpoint select closure to the common SP.2 Setpoint 2 select terminal — LC Pid.2 PID set 2 select ti H Integral hold tunE One-shot self-tune enable drA Adaptive tune enable Ac.AL Acknowledge alarms AccS Select Full access level Loc.b Keylock uP Simulate pressing of the button dwn Simulate pressing of the button ScrL Simulate pressing of the button PAGE Simulate pressing of the button run Run program HoLd Hold program r-H Run program (closed) / Hold (open) rES

SkiP Reset program Skip to End of Current Segment, without changing the setpoint

HbAc Program holdback enabled These BCD inputs are used to bcd.1 Least significant BCD digit select either a program number bcd.2 2nd BCD digit or the setpoint number bcd.3 3rd BCD digit according to the setting of the bcd.4 4th BCD digit parameter ‘bcd’ in the ‘inSt’ bcd.5 5th BCD digit configuration list bcd.6 Most significant BCD digit rmP.E Setpoint Rate Limit Enable SYnc Program waits at the end of the

current segment rrES Program Run (closed) / Reset (open) rESr Program Reset (closed) / Run (open) Stby Standby — ALL control outputs turned

OFF (alarm Outputs are not affected) PV.SL PV Select:

Closed = PV1 / Open = PV2 AdV Advance to End of Segment and to

Target Setpoint PrGn Program number AmPS Current – LB only

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6-14 2408 and 2404 Controller

Name Description Values Meaning

AAAAAAAA Alarm relay configuration

id Identity rELy Relay output

Func Function nonE No function dIG Digital output

SEnS Digital output sense nor Normal (output energises when TRUE, e.g. program events)

inv Inverted (output de-energises when TRUE, e.g. alarms)

The following digital events appear after ‘SEnS’. Any one, or more, of the events can be combined on to the output (see Fig. 6-2) by selecting ‘YES’ in the lower readout.

1 — — — Alarm 1 active YES / no (- — -) = alarm type (e.g. FSL).

2 — — — Alarm 2 active YES / no If an alarm has not been configured

3 — — — Alarm 3 active YES / no in ‘AL ConF’ list, then display will

4 — — — Alarm 4 active YES / no differ:- e.g. Alarm 1 = ‘AL 1’.

mAn Controller in manual mode YES / no

Sbr Sensor break YES / no

SPAn PV out of range YES / no

Lbr Loop break YES / no

Ld.F Load failure alarm YES / no

tunE Tuning in progress YES / no

dc.F Voltage output open circuit, or mA output open circuit

YES / no

rmt.F PDS module measurement connection or remote input open circuit

YES / no

iP1.F Input 1 failure YES / no

nw.AL New Alarm has occurred YES / no

End End of setpoint rate limit, or end of program

YES / no

SYnc Program Synchronisation active YES / no

PrG.n Programmer event output active, where ‘n’ = event number from 1 to 8. (Not available with 8-segment programmer.)

YES / no

Figure 6-2 Combining several digital events on to one output



inv Output Module

Digital Events


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Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-15

Name Description Values Meaning

HAHAHAHA Comms 1 module config

id Identity of the module installed cmS EIA-232, or 2-wire EIA-485, or 4-wire EIA-485 comms

PDS PDS retransmission PDS.i PDS input dnET DeviceNet

For ‘idididid’ = ‘cms’ (Digital communications) use this parameter table: Func Function mod Modbus protocol EI.bi Bisynch protocol

bAud Baud Rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.20(19,200) 125(K), 250(K), 500(K) for DeviceNet

dELy Delay — quiet period, required by no No delay some comms adaptors YES Delay active — 10mS

The following parameters only appear if the function chosen is Modbus protocol.

Prty Comms Parity nonE No parity EvEn Even parity Odd Odd parity

rES Comms Resolution FuLL Full resolution Int Integer resolution

For ‘idididid’ = ‘pds’ (PDS retransmission output) use this parameter table: Func Function nonE No PDS function i.e. Retransmitted output SP.oP PDS setpoint retransmission PV.oP PDS PV retransmission OP.oP PDS output power retransmission Er.OP PDS error signal retransmission SP.nH PDS setpoint retransmission — no


Output Scaling

VAL.L Retransmitted value low

VAL.H Retransmitted Value High VAL.L

100% 0%


Displayed Value

Retransmitted Output

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Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-16 2408 and 2404 Controller

Name Description Values Meaning

For ‘idididid’ = ‘Pdsi’ (PDS setpoint input) use this parameter table:

Func Function SP.iP PDS setpoint input

VAL.L Setpoint Displayed Value — Low

VAL.H Setpoint Displayed Value — High

Note: Having configured the module function as remote setpoint you must then specify the type of remote setpoint in the SP-conf list

JAJAJAJA Comms 2 module config As per Comms 1 module configuration

VAL.L 100% 0%


Displayed Value

Electrical Input

Page 88: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-17

Name Description Values Meaning

1A1A1A1A/bbbb/CCCC(1) Module 1 configuration

id Identity of module installed nonE Module not fitted

rELy Relay output dC.OP DC output isolated and non-

isolated (1) If a dual-, or triple-, channel LoG Logic/PDS output module is installed then the list LoG.i Logic input headers 1b and 1C also appear SSr Triac output dc.rE DC retransmission (isolated) dc.OP Isolated DC output SG.SU Transducer power supply

For ‘idididid’ = ‘rELy’, ‘LoG’, or ‘SSr’ use this parameter table: Func Function nonE Function disabled

dIG Digital output function

(Only Channels 1A and 1C can be HEAt Heating output

Heating, or Cooling) COOL Cooling output

up Open motorised valve

dwn Close motorised valve

(Only if ‘id’ = ‘LoG’) SSr.1 PDS mode 1 heating

(Only if ‘id’ = ‘LoG’) SSr.2 PDS mode 2 heating

VAL.L % PID demand signal giving minimum output − ‘Out.L’

VAL.H % PID demand signal giving maximum output − ‘Out.H’

Out.L Minimum average power

Out.H Maximum average power

SEnS Sense of output (Only if ‘Func’ = ‘dIG’)

nor Normal (output energises when TRUE, e.g program events)

inv Inverted (output de-energises when TRUE, e.g. alarms)


1. When ‘SEnS’ appears, then further parameters are available. These are identical to those in the ‘AA ConF’ list on Page 6-14.

2. If a Tranducer Power Supply is fitted, the SenS parameter selects the output voltage. nor = 5V, inv = 10V

3. A Transducer Power Supply does not provide any calibration facility and is simply a 5 or 10V power supply.

4. To invert a PID output, the Val. H can be set below the Val.L f

VAL.L Out.H Out.L


PID Demand Signal


Page 89: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-18 2408 and 2404 Controller

Name Description Values Meaning

For ‘idididid’ = ‘dC.OP’, ‘dc.rE’, or ‘dc.OP’ use this parameter table:

Func Function nonE Function disabled HEAt Heating output COOL Cooling output PV Retransmission of PV wSP Retransmission of setpoint Err Retransmission of error signal OP Retransmission of OP power

VAL.L % PID, or Retrans’n Value, giving minimum output

VAL.H % PID, or Retrans’n Value, giving maximum output

unit voLt = Volts, mA = milliamps

Out.L Minimum electrical output

Out.H Maximum electrical output

For ‘idididid’ = ‘LoG.i’ (i.e logic input) use the LALALALA Conf’ list on Page 6-13.

2A2A2A2A/bbbb/CCCC Module 2 configuration

As per module 1 configuration, but excluding the ‘SSr.1’, ‘SSr.2’ functions.

id Identity of module installed. As per module 2 plus: tPSU Transmitter power supply Pot.i Potentiometer input

For ‘idididid’ = ‘Pot.i (i.e. potentiometer input module) use this parameter table:

Func Function nonE Function disabled rSP Remote Setpoint

Fwd.i Feedforward input

rOP.h Remote OP power max.

rOP.L Remote OP power min.

VPoS Motorised valve position

VAL.L Displayed value low equivalent to 0% potentiometer position

VAL.H Displayed value high

equivalent to 100% potentiometer position

VAL.L Out.H Out.L


Electrical Output

%PID, or Retransmission Value

VAL.L 100% 0%


Displayed value

Potentiometer position

Page 90: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-19

3A3A3A3A/bbbb/CCCC Module 3 configuration

As per module 2 configuration, plus ‘id’ = ‘dC.iP’

For ‘idididid’ = ‘dC.iP’ use this parameter table. THIS INCLUDES THE SECOND PV FUNCTIONS

Func Function nonE Function disabled rSP Remote Setpoint

Fwd.i Feedforward input

rOP.h Remote OP power max.

rOP.L Remote OP power min.

Hi PV = The highest of iP.1, or iP.2 Lo PV = The lowest of iP.1, or iP.2 Ftn Derived function, where

PV = (f.1 x iP1) + (f.2 x iP2). ‘F.1’ and ‘F.2’ are scalars which are found in ‘ip-List’ of Operator Level

SEL Select ip.1, or ip.2 via Comms, front panel buttons, or a digital input

trAn Transition of control between ip.1 and ip.2. The transition region is set by the values of ‘Lo.Ip’ and ‘Hi.Ip’, which are found in ‘ip-List’ of Operator Level. PV = ip.1 below ‘Lo.Ip’ PV = ip.2 above ‘Hi.Ip’

inpt Input type Refer to ‘ip Conf’ for all types, + the following:

HiIn High Impedance (range = 0 to 2 volt)

CJC Cold Junction OFF No cold junction compensation Compensation Auto Automatic internal compensation 0oC 0oC external reference 45oC 45oC external reference 50oC 50oC external reference

imp Sensor Break Impedance Off Disabled (applies to any input) Caution: If sensor break is disabled the controller will not detect open circuit faults

Auto Factory set Hi Impedance of input > 15KΩ Hi.Hi Impedance of input > 30KΩ Linear Input Scaling − The next four parameters only appear if a linear input is chosen.

inP.L Input value low

inP.H Input value high

VAL.L Displayed value low

VAL.H Displayed value high VAL.L

inP.H inP.L


Displayed Value

Electrical Input

Page 91: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-20 2408 and 2404 Controller

Name Description Values Meaning

4A4A4A4A Module 4 configuration

Note: This option is not available on controllers from 01 Jan-04

id Identity of module installed HCS High Current Switch

Func Function nonE Function disabled dIG Digital output function

HEAt Heating output

COOL Cooling output

VAL.L % PID demand signal giving minimum output − ‘Out.L’

VAL.H % PID demand signal giving maximum output − ‘Out.H’

Out.L Minimum electrical output

Out.H Maximum electrical output

SEnS Sense of output (Only if ‘Func’ = ‘dIG’)

nor Normal (output energises when TRUE, e.g. program events)

inv Inverted (output de-energises when TRUE, e.g. alarms)

When ‘SEnS’ appears, then further parameters are available.

These are identical to those in the ‘AA ConF’ list on Page 6-14.

Cust 8-point Custom Linearisation (1)

in 1 Custom input 1

VAL.1 Linearisation Value representing in 1

in 8 Custom input 8

VAL.8 Linearisation Value representing in 8


Out.H Out.L


PID Demand Signal


Note: 1. Custom Linearisation is only available when ‘3a-Conf’or iP- ConF list

has ‘inpt’ set to ‘mV.C’, or ‘mA.C’, or ‘V.C’. 2. The values and inputs must be continuously increasing or decreasing


in 8 in 1 in 3


Displayed Value

Electrical Input

Page 92: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-21

Name Description Values Meaning


In this mode you can 1. Calibrate the instrument using a mV source — rcAL or ref source

cal. 2. Offset the calibration to account for errors in actual sensor

measurement and a ref sensor — UCAL or user calibration 3. Return to factory set calibration — FACT or factory set calibration.

rcAL Calibration point

nonE No calibration

PV Calibrate main Process Value input. PV.2 Calibrate DC input, or PV 2. 1A.Hi Calibrate DC output high — Module 1 1A.Lo Calibrate DC output low — Module 1 2A.Hi Calibrate DC output high — Module 2 2A.Lo Calibrate DC output low — Module 2 3A.Hi Calibrate DC output high — Module 3 3A.Lo Calibrate DC output low — Module 3

INPUT CALIBRATION For ‘CAL’ = ‘PV’, or ‘PV.2’, the following parameters apply.

PV PV Calibration Value IdLE Idle

mv.L Select 0mV as the calibration point

mv.H Select 50mV as the calibration point

V 0 Select 0Volt as the calibration point

1. Select calibration value V 10 Select 10V as the calibration point

2. Apply specified input CJC Select 0oC CJC calibration point

3. Press to step to ‘GO’ rtd Select 400Ω as the calibration point

HI 0 High impedance: 0Volt cal’n point

HI 1.0 High impedance: 1.0 Volt cal’n point

See Note below. FACt Restore factory calibration

GO Start calibration no Waiting to calibrate PV point

Select ‘YES’ with or YES Start calibration

Wait for calibration to buSy Busy calibrating complete. donE PV input calibration completed FAIL Calibration failed

Note. When a DC input module is installed for the first time, or there is a requirement to change one, then the microprocessor in the controller needs to read the factory calibration data stored in the module. Select ‘FACt’ as the calibration value. Step to ‘GO’ and start calibration.

Goto User calibration table-See also chapter 7

Go to input Calibation table

Go to DC Output Calibration table

Page 93: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-22 2408 and 2404 Controller

DC Output Calibration The following parameters apply to DC output modules ie for rcAL = 1A.Hi to 3A.Lo cAL.H Output Calibration High 0 0 = Factory set calibration.

Trim value until output = 9V, or 18mA

cAL.L Output Calibration Low 0 0 = Factory set calibration. Trim value until output = 1V, or 2mA

User calibration UCAL User calibration enable Yes/no

pt1.L Low calibration point for Input 1 The factory calibration point at which the low point offset was performed.

pt1.H High calibration point for Input 1 The factory calibration point at which the high point offset was performed.

OF1.L Offset Low for Input 1 Calculated offset, in display units.

OF1.H Offset High for Input 1 Calculated offset, in display units.

pt2.L Low calibration point for Input 2 The factory calibration point at which the low point offset was performed.

pt2.H High calibration point for Input 2 The factory calibration point at which the high point offset was performed.

OF2.L Offset Low for Input 2 Calculated offset, in display units.

OF2.H Offset High for Input 2 Calculated offset, in display units.

Name Description Values Meaning

PASSPASSPASSPASS Password configuration

ACC.P FuLL or Edit level password

cnF.P Configuration level password

Note:- When passwords are changed please make a note of the new numbers

ExitExitExitExit Exit configuration no/YES

Page 94: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-23


Transducer Power Supply To configure the choice of output voltage:-

Do This The Display You Should See

Additional Notes

1. Press as many times as necessary to select the slot position in which the transducer power supply is fitted

The transducer power supply can be fitted in slot positions 1 and 2.

The display will show 1A or 1b accordingly

2. Press to read the identity of the module

This is read only where:

SG.SU = Transducer Power Supply

3. Press (twice) to read ‘Sens’

4. Press and to select ‘inv’ or ‘nor’

inv = 10Vdc nor = 5Vdc

The Transducer Power supply uses existing software written for digital modules. A list of parameters follow which are not applicable to this module.







Page 95: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-24 2408 and 2404 Controller

DeviceNet To configure Function, Baud Rate, Resolution and Node Address:-

Do This The Display You Should See

Additional Notes

1. Press as many times as necessary to select ‘HA’

This is the position in which the DeviceNet module is fitted

2. Press to read ‘id’ If the module is present

id = ‘cms’ (digital communications) or ‘none’ if the module is not present

3. Press to read ‘Func’

If the DeviceNet module is fitted ‘Func’ = ‘dnEt’ and will be read only

4. Press to read ‘bAud’

5. Press and to select the baud rate

Baud rate can be set to 125(K), 250(K) or 500(K)

6. Press to read ‘rES’

7. Press and to select ‘FuLL’ or ‘int’

FuLL — the decimal point position is implied, eg 100.1 is transmitted as 1001.

‘int’ — rounded to the nearest integer value











Page 96: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Configuration

2408 and 2404 Controller 6-25

Node Address is set up in Operator or Full Access level. Select either of these levels, then:-

8. Press as many times as necessary to select ‘cms’

9. Press to read ‘Addr’

10. Press and to select the address

Valid addresses are from 0 — 63

11. Press to read ‘nw.St’

Indicates the network status:-

‘run’ = network connected and operational

‘rdy’ = network connected but not operational

‘OFF.L’ = network not connected







Page 97: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Configuration Installation and Operation Handbook

6-26 2408 and 2404 Controller

Page 98: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook User Calibration

2408 and 2404 Controller 7-1


This chapter has five topics:





• CALIBRATION POINTS AND CALIBRATION OFFSETS To understand how to select and change parameters in this chapter you will need to have read Chapter 2 — Operation, Chapter 3- Access Levels and Chapter 6 — Configuration. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF USER CALIBRATION?

The basic calibration of the controller is highly stable and set for life. User calibration allows you to offset the ‘permanent’ factory calibration to either:

1. Calibrate the controller to the your reference standards.

2. Match the calibration of the controller to that of a particular transducer or sensor input.

3. Calibrate the controller to suit the characteristics of a particular installation.

4. Remove long term drift in the factory set calibration.

User calibration works by introducing a single point, or two-point, offset onto the factory set calibration.

Page 99: Eurotherm 2408 manual

User Calibration Installation and Operation Handbook

7-2 2408 and 2404 Controller


The User calibration facility must first be enabled in configuration level by setting the parameter ‘UCAL’ in the input conf list to ‘YES’. This will make the User calibration parameters visible in Operator ‘FuLL’ level. Select configuration level as shown in Chapter 6, Configuration.


The Calibration Configuration List

Press until you reach the ‘CAL-Conf’ list.

Press until you reach ‘UCAL’.

User Calibration Enable

Use or to select:

• YES: Calibration enable • no: Calibration disabled

Press and together to go to the Exit display.

Exit configuration

Use or to select ‘YES’ to return to Operator level.




Page 100: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook User Calibration

2408 and 2404 Controller 7-3


Offset calibration is used to apply a single fixed offset over the full display range of the controller.

To calibrate, proceed as follows:

1. Connect the input of the controller to the source device to which you wish to calibrate.

2. Set the source to the desired calibration value.

3. The controller will display the current measurement of the value.

4. If the displayed value is correct, then the controller is correctly calibrated and no further action is necessary. If it is incorrect, then follow the steps shown below.

Select ‘FuLL’ access level, as described in Chapter 3.

x 3

Input list header

Press until you reach the input list header.

Press until you reach the ‘CAL’ display.

Calibration type

• FACt: Factory Calibration • USEr: User Calibration

Use or to select ‘FACt’.

Selecting ‘FACt’ reinstates the factory calibration and allows the application of a single fixed offset.


continued on the next page

Displayed Value


Factory Calibration

Fixed Offset



Page 101: Eurotherm 2408 manual

User Calibration Installation and Operation Handbook

7-4 2408 and 2404 Controller

Set Offset 1

Use or to set the offset value of Process Value 1 (PV1). The offset value is in display units.


Set Offset 2

Use or to set the offset value of Process Value 2 (PV2), if configured. The offset value is in display units.

Press The table below shows the parameters which appear after ‘OFS.2’. These are all read only values and are for information.

Press to step through them.

mV.1 IP1 measured value (at terminals)

mV.2 IP2 measured value (at terminals), if DC input in Module 3 position

CJC.1 IP1 Cold Junction Compensation

CJC.2 IP2 Cold Junction Compensation

Li.1 IP1 Linearised Value

Li.2 IP2 Linearised Value

PV.SL Shows the currently selected input

If you do not want to look at these parameters, then press and this returns you to the ‘iP-LiSt’ header.

To protect the calibration against unauthorised adjustment, return to Operator level and make sure that the calibration parameters are hidden. Parameters are hidden using the ‘Edit’ facility described in Chapter 3, Access Levels.



See table on the right for additional




Page 102: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook User Calibration

2408 and 2404 Controller 7-5


The previous section described how to apply a offset, or trim, calibration, which applies a fixed offset over the full display range of the controller. A two-point calibration is used to calibrate the controller at two points and applies a straight line between them. Any readings above, or below, the two calibration points will be an extension of this straight line. For this reason it is best to calibrate with the two points as far apart as possible.

Proceed as follows:

1. Decide upon the low and high points at which you wish to calibrate.

2. Perform a two point calibration in the manner described below.

x 3

Input list header

Press until you reach the input list header, ‘ip LiSt’.

Press until you reach the ‘CAL’ display.

Calibration type • FACt: Factory Calibration • USEr: User Calibration

Use or to select ‘USEr’.

Selecting ‘USEr’ enables two-point calibration. [If two-point calibration is unsatisfactory, select ‘FACt’ to return to the factory set calibration.]




Displayed Value




Factory Calibration

High-point calibration

Low-point calibration

Calibration high-point value

Calibration low-point value

Offset introduced

Offset introduced

User Calibration

Page 103: Eurotherm 2408 manual

User Calibration Installation and Operation Handbook

7-6 2408 and 2404 Controller

Select Low-point Calibration This is the Calibration Status display. This display shows that no input is selected for calibration. • nonE: No selection • ip1.L: Input 1 (PV1) calibration low-point selected • ip1.H: Input 1 (PV1) calibration high-point selected • ip2.L: Input 2 (PV2) calibration low-point selected • ip2.H: Input 2 (PV2) calibration high-point selected

Use / to select the parameter for the Low Calibration point of Input 1, ‘ip1.L’.


Adjust low-point calibration

This is the display for adjusting the Low Calibration point of Input 1. The lower readout is a live reading of the process value, which changes as the input changes. Make sure that the calibration source is connected to the terminals of Input 1, switched on and feeding a signal to the controller. It should be set to the desired low-point calibration value. If the lower readout does not show this value, then use

/ to adjust the reading to the required value.

Press to return to the ‘ip-List’ header. To perform the High-point Calibration, repeat the above procedure, selecting ‘ip1.H’ in the ‘CAL.S’ display for adjustment.

Press three times.

Calibration type ‘USEr’ was selected for the Low-point Calibration, and has remained selected.








x 3

Page 104: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook User Calibration

2408 and 2404 Controller 7-7

Select High-point Calibration

This is the Calibration Status display, again. Use / to select the parameter for the High-point Calibration of Input 1, ‘ip1.H’.


Adjust High-point Calibration

This is the display for adjusting the High Calibration point of Input 1. The lower readout is a live reading of the process value, which changes as the input changes.

Feed the desired high-point calibration signal to the controller, from the calibration source. If the lower readout does not show this value, then use / to adjust the reading to the required value.

Press to return to the ‘ip-List’ header. To protect the calibration against unauthorised adjustment return to Operator level and make sure that the calibration parameters are hidden. Parameters are hidden using the ‘Edit’ facility described in Chapter 3. To perform a User Calibration on Input 2, proceed as with Input 1 above, except that when ‘CAL.S-nonE’ appears, press

/ until ‘CAL.S-iP2.L’ is obtained, then proceed as with Input 1. Repeat the procedure for ‘iP2.H’.





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User Calibration Installation and Operation Handbook

7-8 2408 and 2404 Controller

CALIBRATION POINTS AND CALIBRATION OFFSETS If you wish to see the points at which the User calibration was performed and the value of the offsets introduced, then these are shown in Configuration, in ‘CAL-Conf’. The parameters are:

Name Parameter description Meaning

pt1.L Low calibration point for Input 1 The factory calibration point at which the low point offset was performed.

pt1.H High calibration point for Input 1 The factory calibration point at which the high point offset was performed.

OF1.L Offset Low for Input 1 Calculated offset, in display units.

OF1.H Offset High for Input 1 Calculated offset, in display units.

pt2.L Low calibration point for Input 2 The factory calibration point at which the low point offset was performed.

pt2.H High calibration point for Input 2 The factory calibration point at which the high point offset was performed.

OF2.L Offset Low for Input 2 Calculated offset, in display units.

OF2.H Offset High for Input 2 Calculated offset, in display units.

Note: The value of each of the parameters in the above table may also be altered by using the / buttons.

Page 106: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Understanding The Ordering Code

2408 and 2404 Controller A-1

Appendix A


The 2408 and 2404 controllers have a modular hardware construction, which accepts up to three plug-in Input/Output modules and two communications modules to satisfy a wide range of control requirements. Two digital inputs and an optional alarm relay form part of the fixed hardware build. The ordering code is in two parts. The hardware coding and an optional configuration coding. The hardware coding specifies the basic build of the controller and the plug-in modules that are fitted. Part 1:

Hardware coding

Part 2: Configuration

Basic build

2408 2404

Model Module Comms 1 Display number 1 units Function Module Comms 2 Supply 2 Sensor Logic voltage Module Manual input 1 3 Alarm Range Logic relay min input 2 Range max Options

The controller may have been ordered with just the hardware build specified, or with configuration included. This is indicated by the ordering code on the side of the controller.

Plug-in modules

Plug-in I/O modules

Page 107: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Understanding the Ordering Code Installation and Operation Handbook

A-2 2408 and 2404 Controller

Part 1A: Hardware coding Basic build Plug-in modules

Model number Function Supply voltage Module 1

2408 CC VH LH

Function Standard PID control CC Controller CG 1 x 8 seg prog CP 1 x 16 seg prog P4 4 x 16 seg prog CM 20 x 16 seg prog Note 1 On/Off control NF Controller only NG 1 x 8 seg prog NP 1 x 16 seg prog N4 4 x 16 seg prog NM 20 x 16 seg prog Motorised valve control VC Valve positioner (VP) VG 1 x 8 seg prog VP 1 x 16 seg prog V4 4 x 16 seg prog VM 20 x 16 seg prog Note 1

Supply voltage VH 85 to 264Vac VL 20 to 29Vac/dc

Module 1 XX Not fitted Relay: 2-pin R2 Fitted unconfigured RH PID heating RU Valve raise output Relay: change-over R4 Fitted unconfigured YH PID heating RP Valve raise (note 6) Or Alarm 1: select from table A Logic: (Non-isolated) L2 Fitted unconfigured LH Heating output M1 PDS heater break detect

(note 2) M2 PDS current monitoring

(note3) Logic: (isolated) LO Single logic output Triac T2 Fitted unconfigured TH Heating output TU Valve raise output DC control (isolated) D4 Fitted unconfigured H6 0-20mA PID heating H7 4-20mA PID heating H8 0-5V PID heating H9 1-5V PID heating HZ 0-10V PID heating Digital I/O (unconfigured) TK Triple contact input TL Triple logic input TP Triple logic output Dual relay RR Fitted unconfigured RD PID heat + PID cool RM Valve raise and lower Dual triac TT Fitted unconfigured TD PID heat + PID cool TM Valve raise and lower Logic + relay LR Fitted unconfigured LD PID heat + PID cool QC Mode 2 + cool Logic + triac LT Fitted unconfigured GD PID heat + PID cool QD Mode 2 + cool Transducer P5 G3 5Vdc G5 10Vdc

Table A : Alarm relay functions

FH High alarm FL Low alarm DB Deviation band DL Low dev. alarm DH High dev alarm

Continued next page

Model Number 2408 1/8 DIN Controller 2404 1/4 DIN Controller Profibus units 2408f 1/8 DIN Controller 2404f 1/4 DIN Controller

Table B : DC retransmission

D6 Fitted unconfigured First character V- PV retrans S- Setpoint retrans O- Output retrans Z- Error retrans Second character -1 0-20mA -2 4-20mA -3 0-5V -4 1-5V -5 0-10V

Page 108: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Understanding The Ordering Code

2408 and 2404 Controller A-3

Part 1B: Hardware coding Plug-in modules Plug-in modules

continued Module 2

Module 3

Alarm relay

Comms 1

Comms 2



Module 2 XX Not fitted Relay: 2-pin R2 Fitted unconfigured RC Cooling output RW Valve lower output Relay: change-over R4 Fitted unconfigured YC Cooling Output RL Valve lower (note 6) PO Program event output 1 (note 7) PE Program END segment Or Alarm 2: select from table A Dual relay RR Fitted unconfigured PP Program events 1 & 2

(note 7) Logic (non-isolated) L2 Fitted unconfigured LC PID cooling Logic (isolated) LO Single logic output Triac T2 Fitted unconfigured TC PID cooling TW Valve lower output DC control isolated D4 Fitted unconfigured C6 0-20mA PID cooling C7 4-20mA PID cooling C8 0-5V PID cooling C9 1-5V PID cooling CZ 0-10V PID cooling Digital I/O (unconfigured) TK Triple contact input TL Triple logic input TP Triple logic output Power supply MS 24Vdc transmitter DC retran (isolated) Selct from table B Potentiometer input VU Fitted unconfigured VS Valve position feedback VR Setpoint input Transducer PSU G3 5Vdc G5 10Vdc

Comms 1 XX None 2-wire EIA-485 Y2 Fitted unconfigured YM Modbus protocol YE EI Bisynch protocol

(note 1) RS-232 A2 Fitted unconfigured AM Modbus protocol AE EI Bisynch protocol

(note 1) 4-wire RS-485 F2 Fitted unconfigured FM Modbus protocol FE EI Bisynch protocol

(note 1) PDS output M7 Fitted unconfigured PT PV retransmission TS Setpoint retrans OT Output retrans Profibus module PB High speed RS485 DeviceNet DN DeviceNet

Comms 2

XX Not fitted PDS input M6 Fitted unconfigured RS Setpoint input PDS output M7 Fitted unconfigured PT PV retransmission TS Setpoint retrans OT Output retrans

Module 3 XX Not fitted Relay: 2-pin R2 Fitted unconfigured Relay: change-over R4 Fitted unconfigured PO Program event 4 (note

7) PE Program END output Or Alarm 3 select from table A Logic (non-isolated) L2 Fitted unconfigured Logic (isolated) LO Single logic output Triac T2 Fitted unconfigured Dual relay RR Fitted unconfigured

PP Program event 4 & 5 (note 7)

Digital I/O (unconfigured) TK Triple contact input TL Triple logic input TP Triple logic output Power supply MS 24V transmitter DC remote input D5 Fitted unconfigured W2 4 to 20mA setpoint W5 0 to 10V setpoint WP Second PV input DC retran (isolated) Select from table B Potentiometer input VU Fitted unconfigured VS VP feedback VR Setpoint input Transducer PSU G3 5Vdc G5 10Vdc

Manual XXX No manual ENG English FRA French GER German NED Dutch SPA Spanish SWE Swedish ITA Italian

Alarm relay XX Not fitted Alarm 4 relay RF Fitted unconfigured Table A alarm options plus: RA Rate of change PDS alarms LF Heater break detect HF Current monitor heater brk SF Current monitor SSR fail PO Program event 7 (note 7) PE Program END output

Page 109: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Understanding the Ordering Code Installation and Operation Handbook

A-4 2408 and 2404 Controller

Hardware Part 2: Configuration coding Sensor

input Range

min Range max

Display Units

Continued next page

K 0 1000 C

See note 4

Sensor input Range min &max Standard sensor inputs °C °F

J J thermocouple -210 to 1200 -340 to 2192 K K thermocouple -200 to 1372 -325 to 2500 T T thermocouple -200 to 400 -325 to 750 L L thermocouple -200 to 900 -325 to 650 N N thermocouple -250 to 1300 -418 to 2370 R Type R — Pt13%Ph/Pt -50 to 1768 -58 to 3200 S Type S — Pt10%Rh/Pt -50 to 1768 -58 to 3200 B Type B —

Pt30%Rh/Pt6%Rh 0 to 1820 32 to 3308

P Platinel II 0 to 1369 32 to 2496 Z RTD/PT100 -200 to 850 -325 to 1562 Process inputs F +/- 100mV 0 to 9999 Y 0-20 mA Linear 0 to 9999 A 4-20 mA Linear 0 to 9999 W 0-5V DC Linear 0 to 9999 G 1-5V DC Linear 0 to 9999 V 0-10V DC Linear 0 to 9999 Factory downloaded input C *Type C

W5%Re/W26%Re (Hoskins)*

0 to 2319 32 to 4200

D Type D — W3%Re/W25%Re

0 to 2399 32 to 4350

E E thermocouple -270 to 1000 -450 to 1830 1 Ni/Ni18%Mo 0 to 1399 32 to 2550 2 Pt20%Rh/Pt40%Rh 0 to 1870 32 to 3398 3 W/W26%Re

(Englehard) 0 to 2000 32 to 3632

4 W/W26%Re (Hoskins)

0 to 2010 32 to 3650

5 W5%Re/W26%Re (Englehard)

10 to 2300 50 to 4172

6 W5%Re/W26%Re (Bucose)

0 to 2000 32 to 3632

7 Pt10%Rh/Pt40%Rh 200 to 1800 392 to 3272 8 Exergen K80 I.R.

pyrometer -45 to 650 -50 to 1200

Display Units C Celcius F Fahrenheit K Kelvin X Linear input

Page 110: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Understanding The Ordering Code

2408 and 2404 Controller A-5

Part 2: Configuration continued Digital

input 1 Digital input 2

Control Power feedback

Cooling Buttons Program


The example given in the coding is for 2408 PID controller, 85 to 264 Vac, logic heating, relay cooling, low alarm relay, high alarm relay, RS485 Modbus comms, PDSIO setpoint retransmission, type K thermocouple, 0 to 1000oC, Auto/manual select, second setpoint select, manual button disabled.

Digital inputs 1 & 2 XX Disabled AT Adaptive tune enable AM Manual select FA Select full access level SR Remote setpoint

select RB Simulates UP button

S2 Second setpoint select

LB Simulates DOWN button

EH Integral hold SB Simulates SCROLL button

AC Alarm acknowledge PB Simulates PAGE button RP Setpoint rate limit

enable B1 Least sig. BCD dig.

RN Run program B2 2nd BCD digit HO Hold program B3 3rd BCD digit RE Reset program B4 4th BCD digit RH Run/hold program B5 5th BCD digit KL Keylock B6 Most sig. BCD digit NT Run/Reset program SY Standby — ALL ops OFF TN Reset/Run program SG Skip segment (without

changing SP) HB Prog. holdback

enable SC Program synch.

P2 PID2 select PV Select PV2 ST One-shot tune enable AG Advance to end of

segment (& step to target setpoint)

M5 CTX (mode 5) (input 2 only)

Options Control action XX Reverse acting (standard) DP Direct acting PID control Power feedback XX Enabled on logic, relay &

triac heating PD Feedback disabled Cooling options XX Linear cooling CF Fan cooling CW Water cooling CL Oil cooling CO On/off cooling Front panel buttons XX Enabled MD Auto/man button disabled MR Auto/man & run/hold

disabled RD Run/hold button disabled Programmer time units XX Dwell & ramp in minutes HD Dwell time in hours HR Ramp rate in units/hour

Page 111: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Understanding the Ordering Code Installation and Operation Handbook

A-6 2408 and 2404 Controller


1. Not available with profibus controllers

2. PDS heater break detect will transmit the power demand to a TE10S solid state relay and read back a heater break alarm

3. PDS current monitoring will transmit the power demand signal to a TE10S solid state relay and read back load current and open and short circuit alarms

4. Setpoint limits: include the decimal position required in the displayed value. Up to one for temperature inputs, up to two for process inputs

5. An external 1% current sense resistor is supplied as standard. If greater accuracy is required, a 0.1% 2.49Ω can be ordered as part number SUB2K/249R.1

6. Only available with Profibus controller

7. Not available with 8 segment programmer

• PDS is a proprietary technique for bi-directional transmission of analogue and digital

data between instruments. Mode 1: provides logic heating to a TE10S (fitted with option PDS1) solid state relay with feedback of a general load fault alarm. Mode 2: provides logic heating to a TE10S (fitted with option PDS2) solid state relay with feedback of load current and two alarms: solid state relay failure and heater circuit failure.

• Range min and Range max: Thermocouple and RTD sensor inputs will always display over the full operating range shown in Sensor input table. For these inputs, the values entered here are the low and high setpoint limits. For process inputs, the values are the display scaling. corresponding to the minimum and maximum input values.

Page 112: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Safety Information

2408 and 2404 Controller B-1


Please read this section carefully before installing the controller

This controller is intended for industrial temperature and process control applications when it will meet the requirements of the European Directives on Safety and EMC. Use in other applications, or failure to observe the installation instructions of this handbook may impair the safety or EMC protection provided by the controller. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure the safety and EMC of any particular installation.


This controller complies with the European Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC, by the application of the safety standard EN 61010.

Electromagnetic compatibility

This controller conforms with the essential protection requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC, by the application of a Technical Construction File. This instrument satisfies the general requirements of an industrial environment as described by EN 50081-2 and EN 50082-2. For more information on product compliance refer to the Technical Construction File. SERVICE AND REPAIR

This controller has no user serviceable parts. Contact your nearest Eurotherm Controls agent for repair.

Caution: Charged capacitors

Before removing an instrument from its sleeve, disconnect the supply and wait at least two minutes to allow capacitors to discharge. Failure to observe this precaution will expose capacitors that may be charged with hazardous voltages. In any case, avoid touching the exposed electronics of an instrument when withdrawing it from the sleeve.

Electrostatic discharge precautions

When the controller is removed from its sleeve, some of the exposed electronic components are vulnerable to damage by electrostatic discharge from someone handling the controller. To avoid this, before handling the unplugged controller discharge yourself to ground.


Do not use water or water based products to clean labels or they will become illegible. Isopropyl alcohol may be used to clean labels. A mild soap solution may be used to clean other exterior surfaces of the product.

Page 113: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Safety Information Installation and Operation Handbook

B-2 2408 and 2404 Controller


Safety Symbols

Various symbols are used on the instrument, they have the following meaning:

Caution, (refer to the accompanying documents)

Functional earth (ground) terminal!

The functional earth connection is not required for safety purposes but to ground RFI filters.


Installation must only be carried out by qualified personnel.

Enclosure of live parts

To prevent hands or metal tools touching parts that may be electrically live, the controller must be installed in an enclosure.

Caution: Live sensors

The fixed digital inputs, non-isolated dc, logic and PDSIO outputs and the logic output of dual output modules, are all electrically connected to the main process variable input. If the temperature sensor is connected directly to an electrical heating element then these non-isolated inputs and outputs will also be live. The controller is designed to operate under these conditions. However you must ensure that this will not damage other equipment connected to these inputs and outputs and that service personnel do not touch connections to these i/o while they are live. With a live sensor, all cables, connectors and switches for connecting the sensor and non-isolated inputs and outputs must be mains rated.


It is important to connect the controller in accordance with the wiring data given in this handbook. Take particular care not to connect AC supplies to the low voltage sensor input or other low level inputs and outputs. Only use copper conductors for connections (except thermocouple inputs) and ensure that the wiring of installations comply with all local wiring regulations. For example in the in the UK use the latest version of the IEE wiring regulations, (BS7671). In the USA use NEC Class 1 wiring methods.

Power Isolation

The installation must include a power isolating switch or circuit breaker. This device should be in close proximity to the controller, within easy reach of the operator and marked as the disconnecting device for the instrument.

Earth leakage current

Due to RFI Filtering there is an earth leakage current of less than 0.5mA. This may affect the design of an installation of multiple controllers protected by Residual Current Device, (RCD) or Ground Fault Detector, (GFD) type circuit breakers.

Page 114: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Safety Information

2408 and 2404 Controller B-3

Overcurrent protection

To protect the internal PCB tracking within the controller against excess currents, the AC power supply to the controller and power outputs must be wired through the fuse or circuit breaker specified in the technical specification. Voltage rating

The maximum continuous voltage applied between any of the following terminals must not exceed 264Vac:

• line or neutral to any other connection;

• relay or triac output to logic, dc or sensor connections;

• any connection to ground.

The controller should not be wired to a three phase supply with an unearthed star connection. Under fault conditions such a supply could rise above 264Vac with respect to ground and the product would not be safe.

Voltage transients across the power supply connections, and between the power supply and ground, must not exceed 2.5kV. Where occasional voltage transients over 2.5kV are expected or measured, the power installation to both the instrument supply and load circuits should include a transient limiting device.

These units will typically include gas discharge tubes and metal oxide varistors that limit and control voltage transients on the supply line due to lightning strikes or inductive load switching. Devices are available in a range of energy ratings and should be selected to suit conditions at the installation.

Conductive pollution

Electrically conductive pollution must be excluded from the cabinet in which the controller is mounted. For example, carbon dust is a form of electrically conductive pollution. To secure a suitable atmosphere in conditions of conductive pollution, fit an air filter to the air intake of the cabinet. Where condensation is likely, for example at low temperatures, include a thermostatically controlled heater in the cabinet.

Over-temperature protection

When designing any control system it is essential to consider what will happen if any part of the system should fail. In temperature control applications the primary danger is that the heating will remain constantly on. Apart from spoiling the product, this could damage any process machinery being controlled, or even cause a fire.

Reasons why the heating might remain constantly on include:

• the temperature sensor becoming detached from the process;

• thermocouple wiring becoming short circuit;

• the controller failing with its heating output constantly on;

• an external valve or contactor sticking in the heating condition;

• the controller setpoint set too high.

Where damage or injury is possible, we recommend fitting a separate over-temperature protection unit, with an independent temperature sensor, which will isolate the heating circuit.

Page 115: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Safety Information Installation and Operation Handbook

B-4 2408 and 2404 Controller

Please note that the alarm relays within the controller will not give protection under all failure conditions.

Grounding of the temperature sensor shield

In some installations it is common practice to replace the temperature sensor while the controller is still powered up. Under these conditions, as additional protection against electric shock, we recommend that the shield of the temperature sensor is grounded. Do not rely on grounding through the framework of the machine.


To ensure compliance with the European EMC directive certain installation precautions are necessary as follows:

• For general guidance refer to Eurotherm Controls EMC Installation Guide, HA025464.

• When using relay or triac outputs it may be necessary to fit a filter suitable for suppressing the emissions. The filter requirements will depend on the type of load. For typical applications we recommend Schaffner FN321 or FN612.

• If the unit is used in table top equipment which is plugged into a standard power socket, then it is likely that compliance to the commercial and light industrial emissions standard is required. In this case to meet the conducted emissions requirement, a suitable mains filter should be installed. We recommend Schaffner types FN321 and FN612.

Routing of wires

To minimise the pick-up of electrical noise, the wiring for low voltage dc and particularly the sensor input should be routed away from high-current power cables. Where it is impractical to do this, use shielded cables with the shield grounded at both ends.

Page 116: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Technical Specification

2408 and 2404 Controller C-1


Main Process Value Input and Second DC Input Low level range +100mV High level range 0 to 10Vdc or 0-20mA with external 2.49Ω current shunt. All

configurable between limits Sample Rate 9Hz (110mS) Resolution <2µV for low level range, <0.2mV for high level range Linearity Better than 0.2oC Calibration accuracy The greater of 0.25% of reading or + 1oC or +1LSD User calibration Low and high offsets can be applied Input filter Off to 999.9 secs Thermocouple types Refer to the ordering code sensor input table Cold junction compensation

>30 to 1 rejection of ambient temperature changes in automatic mode. Uses INSTANT ACCURACYTM cold junction sensing technology to eliminate warm up drift and to respond quickly to ambient temperature changes. External references 0, 45, and 50oC

RTD/PT100 input 3-wire, Pt100 DIN43750. Bulb current 0.3mA. Up to 22Ω in each lead without error

Potentiometer input 100 to 15Kohm Analogue input functions

Process value, remote setpoint, setpoint trim, external power limit, feedforward input,, valve position feedback

Second process value input functions

Select min, select max, derived value, transfer to 2nd PV

Digital inputs Isolated except for fixed digital inputs 1 & 2 Contact closure inputs

Open circuit voltage: 24 to 30 Vdc Short circuit current: 24 to 29mA Off state: < 100 ohms input resistance On state: > 28Kohm input resistance

Logic inputs (current sinking)

Off state: -3 to 5Vdc @ <-0.4mA On state: 10.8 to 30Vdc @ 2.5mA

Digital input functions

Refer to the ordering code

Digital Outputs Relay rating Min: 12V, 100mAdc. Max:2A, 264Vac resistive Single logic output 18Vdc, 20mA. This output is not isolated from the main process

value input Triple logic output 12Vdc, 8mA per channel (isolated) Digital o/p functions As per the ordering code High current output 10Amp, 264Vac resistive. This option is not available on controller

from Jan-04 Triac rating 1A, 30 to 264Vac resistive (isolated) Analogue outputs

Page 117: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Technical Specification Installation and Operation Handbook

C-2 2408 and 2404 Controller

Range Scaleable between 0-20mA and 0-10Vdc (isolated) Resolution 1 part in 10,000 for analogue retransmission Analogue output functions

Refer to ordering code

Transmitter supply Rating 20mA, 24Vdc Control functions Control modes On/Off, PID, or motorised valve control, with or without feedback

potentiometer Cooling algorithms Linear, water (non-linear), fan (min on time), oil Tuning One shot (automatic tune of PID and overshoot inhibition

parameters) and continuous adaptive tuning Number of PID sets Two Auto/manual control Bumpless transfer or forced manual output available Setpoint rate limit Display units per second, minutes or hour Alarms Number of alarms Four Alarm types Absolute high or low. Deviation band, deviation high, deviation

low. Rate of change Alarm modes Latching or non-latching. Blocking. Energised or de-energised in

alarm Setpoint programming Number of programs 1, 4 or 20 Segments per program


Event outputs Up to eight Communications (all modules are isolated) Profibus High speed, RS485. Up to 1.5Mb/s Modbus ® RS232,2-wire,RS 485 and 4 wire RS485 modules Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19,200 baud PDS Slave input (isolated) Remote setpoint input with holdback to master Master output Isolated from main PV. Retransmission of setpoint, process value

or output

Page 118: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Technical Specification

2408 and 2404 Controller C-3

General Display Dual, 4 digit x 7 segment LED. Up to two decimal places Supply 85 to 264Vac, 48 to 62 Hz, 10 W max OR

24Vdc or ac -15%, +20%. 10W max Operating ambient 0 to 55oC and 5 to 90% RH non-condensing Storage temperature -10 to +70oC Panel sealing IP65 Dimensions 2408: 48mm wide x 96mm high x 150mm deep

2404: 96mm wide x 96mm high x 150mm deep Weight 250g EMC standards EN61326-1 generic standards for industrial environments Safety standards Meets EN61010, installation category II (voltage transients must not

exceed 2.5kV), pollution degree 2 Atmospheres Not suitable for use above 2000m or in explosive or corrosive

atmospheres. Electrically conductive pollution must be excluded from the cabinet in which this controller is mounted

Page 119: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Technical Specification Installation and Operation Handbook

C-4 2408 and 2404 Controller

Page 120: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics

2408 and 2404 Controller D-1


Current flowing in a system of electrical heating elements (the ‘Load’) can be displayed on the controller by using a Eurotherm TE10 SSR fitted with intelligent current transformer, PDCTX, or an SSR or contactor with an external PDCTX. Load current monitoring and diagnostics may be used with any time proportioned output, fitted in module position 1A, and uses the logic output wires which drive the SSR to return signals back to the controller These signals represent the RMS value of the load current during the ON period, or load related alarm conditions. It is not designed for analogue outputs i.e. phase angle control. It is also designed for single phase operation only. There are three modes of operation:-

1. Mode 1 Detects if there is a break in the heater circuit. This includes heater or SSR open circuit. A single Load Failure alarm message is displayed on the lower readout of the controller.

2. Mode 2 Provides the following:-

Display of true RMS load current On the lower readout of the controller

Displays the true RMS current in the ON state to the load.

Low current alarm Analogous to Partial Load Failure (PLF) supplied in some Eurotherm SSRs

Provides advanced warning of failure of one or more heaters in parallel

High current alarm Activated when the heater exceeds a set limit

Typically used where element bunching may occur

SSR short circuit This will apply full power to the heaters which could result in an over temperature condition. This alarm provides early warning.

Heater failure Indicates open circuit load conditions

3. Mode 5 Provides the same features as mode 2 with two additional alarms. This mode is for use with contactors or other devices which do not use the PDS logic output from the controller as the drive signal. For example, a time proportioning logic, relay or triac output to operate a contactor. Mode 5, therefore, requires an additional input to the controller to display the load conditions. It uses the LB digital input terminals for this, as shown in Figure D.2.

Current Transformer Open Circuit Alarm is shown if the PDS connection to PDCTX or SSR become disconnected

Current Transformer Short Circuit Alarm is shown if the PDS connection from PDCTX or SSR are short circuited

Page 121: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics Installation and Operation Handbook

D-2 2408 and 2404 Controller



Hardware Required 1. Eurotherm SSR type TE10/PDS2 OR 2. Eurotherm intelligent current transformer type PD/CTX + contactor or zero voltage

switching SSR 2408 or 2404 controller configured for PDS mode 2 option using logic output. This module must be fitted in module position 1. (order code M2).

Figure D.1 Connections for Mode 1 & 2


Take care that the controller is correctly wired for the mode of operation which is configured. Failure to do so may be hazardous in some situations.


Heater power fuse

(load dependent)

L N Controller Fuse 2A(T)






1A M O D U L E 1

C O M M S 1

+ —

+ PV —

C O M M S 2

Alternative current regulator arrangements:-

The Eurotherm TE10/PDS2 contains

integral power regulator and intelligent PDCTX

The PDCTX can be supplied separately for use with any SSR or logic thyristor unit as

shown in the diagram below. The output drive capability of the PDCTX is

5V at 7mA maximum

PDCTX Intelligent Current Transformer

Logic input SSR


+ —

To Heater

To L To logic output 1A & 1B

TE10 Solid State Relay


+ —


This represents a single turn through the CT

Page 122: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics

2408 and 2404 Controller D-3


Hardware Required 1. Eurotherm intelligent current transformer type PD/CTX + contactor 2. 2408 or 2404 controller configured for PDS mode 5 option using logic, relay or triac

output. This module must be fitted in module position 1. Digital input LB (order code M5) must be configured to accept PDCTX input as described in the configuration section of this appendix.

The controller will have the order code M5 in the Logic Input position.

Figure D.2 Example Wiring Connections For Contactor Operation (mode 5) WARNING!

Take care that the controller is correctly wired for the mode of operation which is configured. Failure to do so may be hazardous in some situations.

Contactor + PDCTX mode 5

+ —


Heater power fuse (load dependent)


Controller Fuse 2A(T)





1A M O D U L E 1

C O M M S 1

+ PV —

C O M M S 2





Page 123: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics Installation and Operation Handbook

D-4 2408 and 2404 Controller


To Read Load Current (modes 2 and 5 only)

Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

From the ‘InFo’ list

Press until AmPS is shown in the upper display

It will revert to the HOME display after 45 seconds or 10 seconds if an alarm is present

To Display Load Current Continuously in the Lower Readout (modes 2 and 5 only)

Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

From the ‘HOME’ display, Figure 1.4,

Press until diSP is shown in the upper display

Press or until AmPS is displayed in the lower display

Current will be displayed in the lower readout continuously when the controller reverts to the HOME display, see also ‘Display Modes’ below.

Display Modes

SSR RMS On State Current This is the default state when high or low current alarms are configured. The load current displayed is the steady state true rms current measured during the ON period. The minimum on times are:- Mode 2 0.1second Mode 5 3 seconds

Meter Mode Meter mode applies to mode 5 only. If low current alarms are not configured the current displayed is a filtered instantaneous RMS value. This behaves like a damped analogue meter. It may be used in applications where the current sensor is not linked to control, for example, telemetry, indication.

AmPS 5




Current will be displayed in the lower readout. See also ‘Display Modes’ below.

This display will be shown if: I. The controller is unable to resolve the reading II. The controller is obtaining a reading III. The measurement has timed out i.e. current has

not flowed for 15 seconds, in mode 2.

Page 124: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics

2408 and 2404 Controller D-5

How Heater Alarms Are Displayed

Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

If an alarm is present it will flash a four character mnemonic in the lower display

If more than one alarm is active, the display will alternate between the alarm messages and the default parameter in the lower display

The Alarm Messages are:-

Mnemonic Meaning Description

The following two messages are alarms which are produced as a result of failure within the process. In place of dashes the alarm number will appear i.e 1, 2, 3, or 4

-LCr Alarm number — Low Current

Used for partial load failure detection. To avoid nuisance tripping due to supply voltage variations set to a value at least 15% below the minimum normal operating current

-HCr Alarm number — High Current

Used for load overcurrent protection. To avoid nuisance tripping due to supply voltage variations set to a value at least 15% above the maximum normal operating current.

Note: This alarm is not intended to provide instantaneous safety protection from short circuit fault conditions

The following message is a diagnostic alarm which appears for mode 1 operation only.

LdF Load Fail This includes failure of the heater circuit or the SSR

The following four messages are diagnostic alarms produced as a result of failure within the equipment or wiring connections. They appear for modes 2 and 5 operation only. They may be enabled using the diAG parameter in the AL LiSt, see ‘SHORT CIRCUIT SSR ALARM AND HEATER FAIL ALARM’

Htr.F Heater Fail No current is being drawn while the controller output demand signal is on

SSr.F SSR Fail The load is continuously on while the controller output demand signal is off

Ct.OP Current Transformer Open Circuit

Indicates that the PDS input is open circuit.

Mode 5 only

Ct.Sh Current Transformer Short Circuit

Indicates that the PDS input is short circuit

Mode 5 only

Actual Temperature (PV)

HOME Display

20.0 1LCr


Page 125: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics Installation and Operation Handbook

D-6 2408 and 2404 Controller


Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

From the HOME display

press until the AL LiStAL LiStAL LiStAL LiSt is displayed

Press button

until the desired alarm number is displayed

Press or to adjust the alarm trip level

To select the Alarm List header

To select the diagnostic alarm parameter found under the Alarm List header

The alarm trip level is set to 123


These alarms exist as Diagnostic Alarms in the controller. To make the alarm active it is only necessary to turn on the diagnostic alarm feature in the Alarm List in the Operator Level

Do This This Is The Display You Should See Reason

From the HOME

display press button until the AL LiSt is displayed

Press until DiAG is displayed

Press or to select YES

This opens the list which contains the diAG mnemonic This activates the diAG mnemonic to allow Diagnostic Alarms to be displayed in the lower readout of the HOME display


The fixed relay output connected to terminals AA to AC in a 1/8 or 1/4 DIN controller is normally used for alarm purposes. In addition, any plug in module can be used for alarms provided they are not already being used for another purpose , such as control. Any one or more alarms can be attached to an output, which will operate when an alarm occurs. Contacts are rated at 2A 264Vac for operating external beacons or audible devices.




1— 123

1 2 3 or 4 indicates the alarm number; — indicates the alarm type:- e.g. LCr or HCr

Page 126: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics

2408 and 2404 Controller D-7


Configuration of PDS load current diagnostics is in four parts:-

1. Configure the Logic Module for PDS Mode 1 or 2 operation. If the control device is a contactor or standard SSR, configure the LA digital input for mode 5 operation.

2. Configure the Low and High Current trip alarms. 3. Attach the alarms to operate an output relay. 4. Set up the Scaling Factor. First enter Configuration Level. See Chapter 5 TO CONFIGURE THE LOGIC MODULE FOR PDS MODES 1 OR 2

Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

Press until the 1A Conf is displayed

Press to show id

Press to show Func

Press or to show SSr1 or SSr 2 as required.

Press to show VAL.L

Press or to show 0.0

This opens the configuration list associated with module position 1A

This shows the identity of the module

The module identity is logic output

This shows the function of module

The module function is set to PDS mode 1

This is the lower PID demand level

To set the minimum PID signal to 0%

VAL.L 0.0


id Log

Func SSr1

Page 127: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics Installation and Operation Handbook

D-8 2408 and 2404 Controller

Press to show VAL.H)

Press or to show 100.0

Press to show OUT.L

Press or to show 0.0

Press to show OUT.H

Press or

to show 100.0

Press to show SEnS

Press or to show nor

This is the upper PID demand level

To set the maximum PID signal to 100%

This is the minimum output power

To set the min output power to 0

This is the maximum output power

To set the max output power to 100

This sets the output signal to normal for heating control

VAL.H 100.0


OUT.L 0.0

OUT.H 100.0

Warning! If OUT.L is set to any figure other than 0 the minimum output power will be limited to this level. You must ensure that this does not present an unsafe condition for

Page 128: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics

2408 and 2404 Controller D-9


Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

Press button

until the LB Conf

is displayed

Press to show id

Press to show Func

Press or to select AmPs

This identifies the LA input as logic and is read only To configure the input for the PDCTX.

The system is designed to operate in either mode 2 or mode 5 configuration only. Selecting both simultaneously will disable the output. However, mode 1 and mode 5 can be used together.

LB Conf

id LoG.i.i.i.i


Page 129: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics Installation and Operation Handbook

D-10 2408 and 2404 Controller


Alarm 1 will be configured as Load Current Low (Lcr) Alarm 2 will be configured as Load Current High (Hcr)

Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

Press button

until the AL Conf

is displayed

This opens the configuration list which contains the Alarms

Press to show AL1 (alarm 1)

Press or to show LCr

Press until AL2 (alarm 2) appears

Press or to show HCr

To select alarm 1 To make alarm 1 = Low Current To select alarm 2. To make alarm 2 = High Current

Note:- The above alarms are known as SOFT ALARMS because they are indication only.

AL Conf


After 0.5 sec the display will blink to show the alarm type has been accepted


After 0.5 sec the display will blink to show the alarm type has been accepted

Page 130: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics

2408 and 2404 Controller D-11


Any one alarm indicated above may be attached to an output (normally a relay). Alternatively any combination of alarms may be attached to operate a relay using the procedure below:-

Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

Press “PAGE” key

as many times as necessary to AA ConF

Press until 1— is displayed

Press or to select YES or Repeat the above step for every alarm to be attached to the output

To select the output which you want to operate when the alarm condition occurs. You may also choose 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C or 4A depending upon the controller and the number and type of modules fitted yes means that the selected output will activate when an alarm occurs in normal operation no means the output will not activate

aA Conf

1— yes

1—- denotes alarm 1 followed by three letters which denote the alarm type e.g. LCr

Alarms Connected to a Relay Output



inv Output Module

Soft Alarms OR



Page 131: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Load Current Monitoring and Diagnostics Installation and Operation Handbook

D-12 2408 and 2404 Controller


The value of the current displayed on the controller is scaled using the scaling factor. This is found in the inSt ConF list. It is set, by default, to 100 and assumes a single turn through the current transformer. If two turns are made through the current transformer it will be necessary to adjust the scaling factor to 50 to obtain the same reading. Under normal conditions you should not need to change the scaling factor. If, however, you wish to change the sensitivity of the current reading, for example, to read very low currents you may need to change the number of turns through the PDCTX and/or adjust the scaling factor to compensate. See also note 1 below. TO ADJUST THE SCALING FACTOR

Do This This Is The Display You Should See Additional Notes

Press button

until inSt Conf is


Press until LC.Hi is displayed

Press or to change the scaling factor

Note 1:- Minimum Resolvable Current TE10 4A RMS. It is not possible to read currents lower than 4A when using a TE10. PDCTX 4A RMS for a single turn through the PDCTX Should you wish to read currents lower than 4A using a PDCTX it is necessary to increase the number of turns through the PDCTX and adjust the scaling factor to compensate. For example: To read 1.0A wind 4 turns through the PDCTX and adjust the scaling factor to 25 as shown in the table below.

Scalar = 100/N Where N = Turns through PDCTX

N Scalar N Scalar 1 100 5 20 2 50 10 10 4 25

Maximum Resolvable Current TE10 Determined by the maximum range of the SSR PDCTX 100A (or 100 ampere turns) Finally Exit configuration level. See Chapter 5.

inSt Conf

LC.Hi 100

Page 132: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Safety Information

2408 and 2404 Controller E-1

Appendix E: Profibus Communications


The 2408f and 2404f are special versions of the 2408 and 2404 controllers designed for Profibus-DP communications. The ‘standard’ 2408 or 2404 controllers cannot be upgraded to a 2408f or 2404f as the latter uses a different version of the microprocessor board.

Profibus-DP is available with either the 85 to 264Vac or 20-29Vac/dc supply

Apart from the restrictions listed below, the operation, functions and wiring of the 2404f and 2404f are identical to that of the standard 2408 and 2404 controllers.

• Modbus communications may be configured to replace Profibus-DP if required. • This must be installed in module slot H. • EI Bisynch protocol is not supported, therefore the IPSG instrument programming

system cannot be used. • The 20 programmer option is not available. • The PDSIO input and output modules can only be installed in module slot J.

About Profibus-DP

Profibus-DP is an industry standard, open network used to connect simple devices in a machine or manufacturing plant. It is most often used to allow a central Programmable Logic Controller or PC based control system to use external ‘slave’ devices for I/O or specialised functions. One advantage is that these devices may be distributed around a machine, saving on the cost of point to point wiring. The ‘open’ nature of the network permits equipment from different manufacturers to be mixed easily so that best of breed equipment may be used. Additionally, the off-loading of specialised tasks such as PID temperature control lessens the processing load on the central PLC so that its other functions may be carried out more efficiently.

Profibus-DP is described in DIN 19245 Part 3, and is part of EN 50170.

The Profibus-DP network uses a high speed version of the RS485 standard, permitting baud rates of up to 12Mbaud. The 2408f and the 2404f support rates of up to 1.5 MBaud in order to meet electrical isolation standards. A table of network speed against line length is given in the section on wiring below.

Up to 32 Profibus stations (nodes) may be wired to a single network segment. Use of RS485 repeaters allows a total of up to 127 stations.

Other variants of Profibus that exist are Profibus FMS, which is designed to allow higher level communication such as that between PLCs and SCADA systems, and Profibus PA, which has an optional low speed, intrinsically safe, physical medium and is designed for use in the Process Industry. The 2408f and 2404f controllers can be used on a combined DP and FMS network, sharing the same physical medium, but may only be used for PA when the intrinisically safe physical medium is not used.

Page 133: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Safety Information Installation and Operation Handbook

E-2 2408 and 2404 Controller

Profibus-DP is a multimaster, master-slave, token passing network. The 2408f and the 2404f operate as intelligent slave units. More detailed information, including a detailed guide to products available, may be obtained from the various world wide Profibus user organisations. You will find contact information in trade magazines or by reference to http://www.profibus.com on the World Wide Web.

Technical Specification

Physical Medium 2-wire RS485

Network topology Linear bus with active termination of the bus at both ends Stub lines permitted if < 6.6m in length

Protocol Profibus-DP, intelligent slave

Baud rate Up to 1.5Mb/s Number of stations 32 per network segment. Up to 127 with repeaters

Electrical Connections

The diagram below is also shown in Chapter 1.


Station 1 HA







VP (+5Vdc Voltage Potential)

B (Rx/Tx +ve)

A (Rx/Tx -ve)

DGND (Digital ground)

Not connected B


Last Station HA







VP (+5Vdc Voltage Potential)

B (Rx/Tx +ve)

A (Rx/Tx -ve)

DGND (Digital ground)

Not connected

Intermediate stations

Last station only requires terminating resistors






2408f or 2404f controller

2408f or 2404f controller

Twisted pair

Twisted pair

Page 134: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Safety Information

2408 and 2404 Controller E-3

Cable Specifications

Either of the two cable types detailed below can be used. Please note that the cable types A and B, specified below, are NOT related to the wire numbers A and B in the above wiring diagram. Type A is recommended as it allows higher speed and longer cable length.

Type A cable Type B cable

Characteristic Impedance:

135 to 165Ω at a frequency of 3 to 20 MHz.

135 to 165Ω at a frequency of > 100 kHz

Cable capacitance: < 30 pF per Metre typ. < 60 pF per Metre

Core diameter: max. 0.34 mm², corresponds to AWG 22

max. 0.22 mm², corresponds to AWG 24

Cable type: twisted pair cable. 1×2 or 2×2 or 1×4 lines

twisted pair cable. 1×2 or 2×2 or 1×4 lines

Resistance: < 110 Ohm per km —

Shielding: Copper shielding braid or shielding braid and shielding foil

Copper shielding braid or shielding braid and shielding foil

Maximum Line Length per Segment

Baud rate (kbit/sec) 9.6 19.2 93.75 187.5 500 1500

Type A cable 1200m 1200m 1200m 1000m 400m 200m

Type B cable 1200m 1200m 1200m 600m 200m —

Belden B3079A meets cable A specifications, but there are other choices. For more information refer to the ‘Profibus Product Guide’ produced by the Profibus User Group.

Page 135: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Safety Information Installation and Operation Handbook

E-4 2408 and 2404 Controller

Controller Configuration and Node Address

Having connected the controller to the network, it must be configured for Profibus communications and a node address assigned. Configuration

In the HA list set Func = ProF. Note: The baud rate is automatically selected by the master. Assigning a Node Address Refer to the main handbook for instructions on how to select and change parameters.








Comms configuration list — HAHAHAHA Refer to the main handbook for instructions on how to select configuration level and access the HA list

Identity of module This should be a read-only parameter displaying Cms

Resolution FuLL = Full, Int = Integer This is the only other parameter that appears in this list when ProF is selected as the function.

Function Set Func = Prof to select Profibus protocol

cmS LiSt





Comms list From the HOME display, press until you reach the cmS list

Node address Press to display the node address. Press or to set the desired address. 0 -126

Comms Status This is a read-only diagnostic display rdy Ready to run run Comms running

Page 136: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Installation and Operation Handbook Safety Information

2408 and 2404 Controller E-5

Network configuration

Having wired and configured the controller, the PLC or PC based supervisory package must be configured to set-up the parameters that it will be able to read and write to. This is known as ‘network configuration’

The network is configured by importing ‘GSD’ files into your Master Profibus network configuration software: Refer to the network configuration software documentation for details. ‘GSD’ is an acronym of a German phrase meaning ‘Device Database’.

GSD files for the 2408f and 2404f controllers are created using a Windows based configuration tool. This is separately supplied under ordering code PROF-ENG. A Communications Handbook (part number HA026290ENG), supplied with the configurator, gives all the required information

Two standard GSD files, are supplied on the disc:

EURO2400.GSD standard parameter mapping EURD2400.GSD standard parameter mapping with ‘demand data’, which

allows random read/write to any parameter within the controller.

It is possible to edit the above files or create new files using the Windows configurator. Details are given in the communications handbook.

The Master network configuration software uses the GSD files to produce a further file which is downloaded into your master PLC or PC supervisory package. Once the configuration file has been downloaded, you can set the network running. If all is well, the ‘REM’ beacon on the controller will start to flash, indicating that the data exchange is proceeding. The Stat parameter in the cMS list will show run. You may then write to Profibus outputs, and read from Profibus inputs as required by your control strategy.

In case of problems, a troubleshooting section is provided on the next page.

How many parameters can I select?How many parameters can I select?

Click on the tabs at the bottom ofthe device parameter window toselect a parameter page. Then usethe mouse to drag a requiredparameters into either the Profibusinput or output lists.

How do I use it?How do I use it?

Windows configuratorWindows configurator

Windows 3.1, Windows 95, orWindows NT.

What can I run it on?What can I run it on?

Up to 117 per node, total of inputs andoutputs.

What does it do?What does it do?It creates a ‘GSD’ file which definesthe inputs and outputs that the PLC orsupervisory package will be able totalk to. The GSD file is imported intoa Profibus Master configuration toolwhich in-turn produces a file that isdownloaded into the PLC orsupervisory package.

Page 137: Eurotherm 2408 manual

Safety Information Installation and Operation Handbook

E-6 2408 and 2404 Controller

Troubleshooting No Communications: • Check the wiring carefully, paying particular attention to the continuity of the A and B

connections to the Master. Ensure that the correct terminals have been wired to. • Access the HA list in configuration level and check that the function (Func) is set to

Prof. If not, the controller is not configured for Profibus. • Check that the Node Address (Addr) in the cMS list is correct for the network

configuration in use. • Ensure that a Profibus Comms Module is installed in slot H of the 2404/8f. It can be

identified by of the legend on the plug-in module casing, and its distinctive shape: • Ensure that the network is correctly configured and the configuration has been

transmitted correctly to the Profibus master. • Verify the GSD file in use is correct by loading it into the master GSD Configuration

tool. This will check the format. • Verify that the maximum line length for the baud rate in use is not exceeded (see table

above). Note that the 2404/8f is restricted to use at a maximum rate of 1.5 Mbaud. • Ensure that the last device (not necessarily a 2404/8f) in the network segment is

correctly terminated (see wiring diagram). • Ensure that no devices other than those at the end of a segment have termination

networks fitted. • If possible, replace faulty device with a duplicate and retest.

Intermittent failure to communicate. Intermittent flickering of status from rdyrdyrdyrdy to runrunrunrun. Diagnostic status changing but no alarms present in the controller.

• Verify wiring, paying particular attention to screening. • The I/O data length may be too long. Some Profibus DP Master implementations can

accept no more than 32 input and 32 output words per slave device. Verify by reference to documentation of the Master.

• Verify that the maximum line length for the baud rate in use is not exceeded (see cable specifications). Note that the 2404/8f is restricted to use at a maximum rate of 1.5 Mbaud.

• Ensure that the last device (not necessarily a 2404/8) in the network segment is correctly terminated (see wiring diagram).

• Ensure that no devices other than those at the end of a segment have termination networks fitted.

• Verify operation with a duplicate device if possible.

SUB24/PB PROFIBUS Iss No. AH026222 U002 DATE

Page 138: Eurotherm 2408 manual



© Copyright Eurotherm Limited 2004

All rights are strictly reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, modified, or transmitted in any form by anymeans, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system other than for the purpose to act as an aid in operating the equipment towhich the document relates, without the prior written permission of Eurotherm limited.

Eurotherm Limited pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The specifications in this docu-ment may therefore be changed without notice. The information in this document is given in good faith, but is intended forguidance only. Eurotherm Limited will accept no responsibility for any losses arising from errors in this document.



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ED 38

  • Описание
  • Конструктор заказного номера
  • Отправить заявку


Контроллеры температуры серии 2404/2408

– это универсальный контроллер с высокой стабильностью температуры или технологическим процессом, с собственной и адаптивной настройкой в ​​размерах 1/4 DIN и 1/8 DIN. Он поставляется со стандартным 8-сегментным программатором заданных значений, с опциями для одной, четырех или двадцати программ по 16 сегментов каждый.

Он имеет модульную конструкцию, в которой размещается широкий спектр вставных модулей. Он может принимать до трех модулей ввода / вывода и двух коммуникационных модулей. Два цифровых входа и дополнительное реле сигнализации включены как часть фиксированной сборки аппаратного обеспечения. Аппаратное обеспечение конфигурируется для отопления, охлаждения, сигнализации и других функций. Опция источника питания передатчика доступна, как и опция питания преобразователя 5 или 10 В. 2404/2408 полностью настраивается на месте.
Программатор с 16 сегментами может иметь до 8 программируемых выходов, которые могут быть установлены в каждом сегменте для запуска внешних событий. Два цифровых входа могут использоваться для запуска, удержания и сброса программы. Параллельная работа нескольких программистов может быть выполнена с синхронизацией, выбранной в конце любого желаемого сегмента.


  • Высокий контроль стабильности
  • До двадцати программ
  • 16 сегментов
  • Нагревание и охлаждение
  • настраиваемая хирургия
  • Нагреватель дисплей тока
  • Несколько тревог на один выход
  • DC ретрансляция
  • Цифровая связь:
    • Modbus RTU
    • сеть Profibus DP
    • DeviceNet® сети

Точный контроль

Расширенный алгоритм управления ПИД-регулятором обеспечивает стабильное «прямолинейное» управление процессом. Для настройки начальных значений ПИД и вычисления параметров торможения перерегулирования предусмотрен тюнер с одним выстрелом. Кроме того, адаптивный тюнер будет обрабатывать процессы с постоянно меняющимися характеристиками. При нагрузках с электрическим нагревом обратная связь по мощности используется для стабилизации выходной мощности и, следовательно, для контролируемой температуры от колебаний напряжения питания. Выделенные алгоритмы охлаждения обеспечивают оптимальное управление системами вентилятора, воды и масляного охлаждения.

Универсальный вход

Универсальная входная цепь с усовершенствованным аналого-цифровым преобразователем производит выборку входного сигнала на частоте 9 Гц и постоянно корректирует ее для дрейфа. Это дает высокую стабильность и быстрое реагирование на изменения процесса. Высокая помехоустойчивость достигается за счет отказа от приемистости 50/60 Гц и других источников шума. Также предусмотрена диагностика датчиков. Вход будет принимать все стандартные термопары, термометр сопротивления Pt100 и линейные милливольты, миллиамперы или постоянный ток.

Настраиваемая операция

Пользовательский светодиодный дисплей обеспечивает яркое, четкое отображение значения процесса и заданного значения. Тактильные кнопки обеспечивают положительную работу. Выделенные кнопки обеспечивают возможность автоматического / ручного и программного запуска / удержания. Доступ к другим параметрам прост и понятен и может быть настроен для представления только тех параметров, которые необходимо просмотреть или отрегулировать. Все остальные параметры блокируются паролем.

Сигналы тревоги

На один выход могут быть объединены до четырех сигналов тревоги. Они могут быть в полном или малом масштабе, отклонения от заданного значения, скорости изменения или аварийных сигналов отказа нагрузки. Тревожные сообщения мигают на главном дисплее. Аварийные сигналы могут быть сконфигурированы как с фиксацией или без фиксации, так и с сигнализацией типа «блокировка», что означает, что они станут активными только после того, как они впервые вошли в безопасное состояние.

Цифровые коммуникации

Контроллеры 2404/2408 доступны с широким спектром возможностей связи. EIA485 2-проводный, EIA232, EIA422 4-проводный. Доступны модули связи PDS Profibus DP или Eurotherm®, поддерживающие протоколы Modbus RTU, Profibus DP (24xxf), DeviceNet, Eurotherm Bisynch или PDSIO.

Редактор конфигурации iTools

Хотя контроллеры 2404/2408 легко и полностью настраиваются через переднюю панель, программное обеспечение для настройки iTools предлагает простой в использовании инструмент настройки ПК. ITools имеет встроенную возможность сохранять или клонировать конфигурации приборов, обеспечивая полное резервное копирование любых инженерных усилий.

Область OPC

OPC Scope — это отдельная утилита, которая позволяет проводить трендинг, ведение данных и динамический обмен данными (DDE). Это программа OPC explorer, которая может подключаться к любому OPC-серверу, который находится в реестре Windows. Доступны как данные регистрации, так и тенденции, и пользователь может отслеживать и просматривать данные в реальном времени с масштабируемой временной осью от 1 минуты до 1 месяца. Эта утилита также предлагает режим исторического обзора, и данные могут быть записаны на жесткий диск ПК, откуда они могут быть извлечены и проанализированы в электронной таблице Excel.

Конструктор заказного номера (Part Number System)

  • 240#(*)
  • **
  • V*
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • ***
  • Номер модели





  • Функция и комплектность

    Управление PID

    только контроллер
    Управление PID

    1 × 8 сегментов программирования
    Управление PID

    1 × 16 сегментов программирования
    Управление PID

    4 × 16 сегментов программирования
    Управление PID

    20 × 16 сегментов программирования
    Управление включением/выключением

    только контроллер
    Управление включением/выключением

    1 × 8 сегментов программирования
    Управление включением/выключением

    1 × 16 сегментов программирования
    Управление включением/выключением

    4 × 16 сегментов программирования
    Управление включением/выключением

    20 × 16 сегментов программирования
    Управление регулирующим клапаном

    позиционер клапана
    Управление регулирующим клапаном

    1 × 8 сегментов программирования
    Управление регулирующим клапаном

    1 × 16 сегментов программирования
    Управление регулирующим клапаном

    4 × 16 сегментов программирования
    Управление регулирующим клапаном

    20 × 16 сегментов программирования
  • Напряжение питания

    Напряжение питания:

    В перем.
    Напряжение питания:

    В перем. / пост.
  • (-)
    Модуль 1, тип:

    Модуль 1, описание:

    Модуль 1, тип:

    Модуль 1, описание:

    Модуль 1, тип:

    Модуль 1, описание:

    Модуль 1, тип:

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    Модуль 1, тип:

    Модуль 1, описание:

  • (-)

























































  • (-)
  • Alarm relay

  • (-)
  • Comms 2

  • Руководство


Примеры заказа:

Схема изоляции контроллера

Схема изоляции контроллера

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