Faac e045 инструкция на русском

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FAAC E045 — Инструкция по установке и эксплуатации (RU) в формате pdf. Руководства по установке, настройке и эксплуатации оборудования.

Дата добавления: 20.01.2018
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Формат файла: pdf
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FAAC E045 Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

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Summary of Contents for FAAC E045

  • Page 1
    E045 E045…
  • Page 2
    CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY The manufacturer Company name: FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale Address: Via Calari, 10 — 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA — ITALY hereby declares that the following product: Description: control board Model: E045 conforms to the essential safety requirements of the following ECC directives:…
  • Page 3: Warnings For The Installer

    17. FAAC S.p.A. declines all liability as concerns sa- 6. FAAC S.p.A. declines all liability caused by impro- per use or use other than that for which the fety and efficient operation of the automated automated system was intended.

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    7. START-UP ……………………..32 7.1 CHECKING THE LEDs ………………….32 8. SIGNALLING ERRORS AND ALARMS …………….33 8.1 ERRORS ……………………..33 8.2 ALARMS ……………………..34 9. TROUBLESHOOTING ………………….34 10. MANAGING THE CONFIGURATION FILE – J8 USB …………35 11. FUNCTION LOGICS ………………….38 E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 5: Technical Specifications

    Accessories power supply +24V MAX 500 mA BUS-2EASY MAX 500 mA MAX. accessories current LOCK (FAAC) 12 V~ / 24 V » from -20°C to +55°C Operating ambient temperature F1 = F5 A Power supply safety fuses Self-learned through SETUP — (Max 4 min and 10 sec)

  • Page 6: Preparing For Installation

    -/R2 SW1 SW2 SW3 DL10 DL10 DL10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 20 21 PE N L USB-A W.L. LOCK AC MAIN LAMP OP-A OP-B STOP E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 7
    OPEN A Channel 2 — (Partial Opening) OPEN B HOST USB-A for Mass Memories connector » +24V Accessories power supply connector BUS-2EASY Device connector Indicator Light/ Electric Lock output connector Motor and power supply safety fuse E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 8: Electrical Connections

    M2 — COM Common contact motor 2 of motor rotation, (see 6.4 TIME LEAR- NING — SETUP) M2 — OP OP phase motor 2 M2 — CL CL phase motor 2 LAMP Flashing lamp connection (MAX 60 W) E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 9: J3 — Command And Safety Devices Inputs

    To install more than one STOP device, connect the N.C. contacts in series (see related Fig.). If stop devices are NOT connected, jumper terminals STOP and GND. Fig. e.g.: Connecting 2 N.O. contacts in parallel. Fig. e.g.: Connecting 2 N.C. contacts in series. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 10: J9 — Accessories Power Supply

    Electric lock (12 V~ or 24 V » ) position the leaf is in). LOCK operated 2 sec before opening of leaf 1 When BUS-2EASY encoder is enabled, the electric lock is operated before opening, only if the leaf is closed position. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 11: Bus-2Easy Accessories

    Opening safety devices Should use of traditional photocells be required, you must use a BUS Interface Module to be connected to the BUS-2EASY J10 terminal. For further information, refer to the BUS Interface Module instructions. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 12: Address Assignment Of Bus-2Easy Photocells

    OPEN PULSE (1 pair) Connection of BUS-2EASY photocells For connecting you have to use two cables without polarity (see the specific device instructions). DL1 = Alignment DL2 = BUS-2EASY status/ Power supply DS1 = Programming Dip-switches BUS-2EASY E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 13: Bus-2Easy Encoder

    S800 ENC BUS-2EASY BUS-2EASY   M1 : 2 LEDs on M2 : 1 LED on Note: to correct the coupling of the · · encoder with motor M1 or M2, swap both wires on the terminals. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 14: J5 — Xf Module Rapid Connector

    Plug-in rapid connector dedicated to OMNIDEC 2-channel decoding module. ALWAYS cut off power to the board BE- FORE inserting/removing the module. DL11 DL12 DL11 DL12 5V 24V E 24V ERROR 24 E E RR 4V E 4V E ERROR E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 15: Programming


  • Page 16: Basic Programming Functions

    OPEN B inputs will automatically be changed to CLOSE. , if you choose a logic that does not require the use of CLOSE inputs, these inputs will change to OPEN B. For a description of how the logics operate, see the related paragraph. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 17
    SETUP with two motors or by re- turning to one motor. If a SETUP is performed with two motors and later only one is used, the board will not signal an error. Only the motor connected to input M1 will move. E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 18
    Next the value 59, the viewing changes to minutes and tenths of a second (separated by a decimal point) and time is adjusted in 10-second steps up to the maximum value of minutes. e.g.: if the display shows , the time is 1 min and 20 sec E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 19
    ) until the button is held down MOTOR 1 dead-man DRIVE mode +/R1 OPENS (visualising ) until the button is held down -/R2 CLOSES (visualising ) until the button is held down WORK TIME LEARNING (SETUP): See the related paragraph. E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 20
    WARNING If power is lost to the board prior to confirmation (step 2.), all changes made will be lost. You can EXIT programming at any time: press and hold F and then also — to switch directly to -/R2 E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 21: Advanced Programming Functions

    LEAF 2 DECELERATION (visualised only with the function You can adjust the deceleration space as a percentage of the total travel of leaf 2. Adjustable from %, in 1% steps. = no deceleration = minimum deceleration space = maximum deceleration space E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 22
    ADDITIONAL OPERATING TIME (displayed only if function You can add a work time at the end of movement. Adjustable from sec in 1 sec steps. This time is not considered when calculating the deceleration per- centage. E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 23
    WARNING If power is lost to the board prior to confirmation (step 2.), all changes made will be lost. You can EXIT programming at any time: press and hold F and then also — to switch directly to -/R2 E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 24: Bus-2Easy Device Installation

    ON = correctly connected and entered OPEN photocell: ON = entered and engaged Closing photocells: ON = entered and engaged Fig. Visualising the BUS-2EASY status in the function : each segment of the display shows one type of device. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 25: Checking The Securing Devices Entered On The Board

    — That there are no more than one device in the system with the same Rapid blinking (blink every 0.5 sec) address. — Calling error (number > or < the connected BUS devices). — FAIL SAFE error on the BUS device. Board in Sleep mode (if used). E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 26: Time Learning — Setup

    Leaf 2 will stop as soon as it reaches the pulse as soon as leaf 2 reaches the contact contact point. If there is no mechanical point. stop, stop the leaf movement at the de- sired point by sending an OPEN A pulse. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 27: Testing The Automated System

    Once installation and programming is completed, ensure that the system is operating correctly. Be especially careful that the safety devices operate correctly and ensure that the system complies with all current safety regulations. Close the cover in the provided seat with gasket. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 28: Memorising The Radio Code

    Ensure that there are no obstacles (by people or things) during the automated system movement. 5” 5” 2 x 2” > 30 cm 2”  P1 + P2 > 5” +/R1 +/R1 1” 1” DL11 20” 20”     RADIO 1 E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 29: Memorising Lc/Rc Radio Controls (Only 433 Mhz)

    When the 20 sec have elapsed, the LED will turn off, indicating that the procedure has been completed. 4. To add other radio controls, repeat the procedure from point 1. > 30 cm  > 5” +/R1 +/R1 1” DL11 20” 20” 20” 20”  RADIO 1 E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 30: Lc/Rc

    6. To add other radio controls with the same code, set the 12 dip-switches according to the same com- bination as the already memorised radio control. > 30 cm  > 5” +/R1 +/R1 1” DL11 20” 20”   RADIO 1 E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 31: Deleting The Radio Controls

    Once rapid flashing has stopped, LEDs DL11 and DL12 will go on steady, confirming the cancellation of all the radio codes (OPEN A and OPEN B/CLOSE) from the board memory. 2. Release -/R2 . The LEDs will go off, indicating correct cancellation. -/R2 E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 32: Start-Up

    Led ERROR — FLASHING = there is an alarm in progress (situation that does not compromise gate operation) — see “ALARMS”. ON STEADY = there is an error in progress (situation that blocks operation until the cause of the fault has been eliminated). See “ERRORS”. E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 33: Signalling Errors And Alarms

    SETUP Motor 1 encoder fault Check the connections or replace motor 1 encoder Motor 2 encoder fault Check the connections or replace motor 2 encoder Incorrect memory data Repeat BUS-2EASY device entry and/or re-program the board E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 34: Alarms

    • Check that the photocell wiring and alignment is correct • Check that there is no OPEN signal active The gate will not close • Check which function logic has been chosen (automatic or semi-automatic) E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 35: Managing The Configuration File — J8 Usb

    In addition, the names and extensions of the various files must be as follows: • E045SW.cod — The board SOFTWARE update file • E045.prg — The board PROGRAMMING update file • E045.rad — The board RADIO update file These files will be generated, named and placed as shown in fig. in case of transfer from the board to the USB memory.

  • Page 36
    E045.prg RADIO CODE LIST UPGRADE: This function lets you update the radio code list on the board (file E045.rad). If + and — are pressed simultaneously for at least 5 seconds, you will access the board update.
  • Page 37
    USB memory. = Copy: the radio codes file will be saved in the format E045.rad by overwriting any other radio codes file present with the same name, so it can be used to upgrade another system.
  • Page 38: Function Logics

    Logic with two separate An OPEN-A pulse During motion, the (OPEN-B commands: a held during closing opens, photocells reverse inputs become OPEN-A pulse opens; a CLOSE pulse during CLOSE) a held CLOSE pulse opening closes closes E045 732786 — Rev.C…

  • Page 39
    NO EFFECT STOPPED OPPOSITE DIRECTION CLOSES OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE OPEN STOPS ALWAYS CLOSES AFTER STOP DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED SAVES CLOSE  if the cycle began with OPEN-B, opens totally  operation can be modified by programming E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 40
    NO EFFECT NO EFFECT NO EFFECT NO EFFECT OPEN STOPPED CLOSES OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE CLOSE DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED  if the cycle began with OPEN-B, opens totally  operation can be modified by programming E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 41
    NO EFFECT NO EFFECT NO EFFECT NO EFFECT OPEN STOPPED OPENS CLOSES OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE CLOSE DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED  if the cycle began with OPEN-B, opens totally  operation can be modified by programming E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 42
    NO EFFECT NO EFFECT NO EFFECT NO EFFECT OPEN STOPPED OPENS CLOSES OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE CLOSE DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED  if the cycle began with OPEN-B, opens totally  operation can be modified by programming E045 732786 — Rev.C…
  • Page 44
    FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale Via Calari, 10 — 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA — ITALY Tel. +39 051 61724 — Fax +39 051 758518 www.faac.it — www.faacgroup.com E045 732786 — Rev.C…

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  • Faac E045 Плата управления
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  • Доступность: Нет в наличии
  • Описание
  • Характеристики

Плата управления Faac E045 используется для приводов FAAC серий 412, 402, 422, 400. Данное устройство может управлять как одним так и двумя приводами. Рабочее напряжение платы управления 230 В. Плата управления оснащена небольшим дисплеем, благодаря которому процесс программирования упрощается. Faac E045 обладает разъемом BUS 2EASY, разъемом XF для радиоприемников, а также предусматривает USB подключение. Данная модель предусматривает несколько режимов работы: автоматический, полуавтоматический, смешанный с пошаговым, режим «присутствие оператора». Также есть режим частичного открывания, который обеспечивает проход пешеходу, не открывая полностью ворота. 


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-20… +55





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