Faac e124 инструкция на русском

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FAAC E124 — Инструкция по установке и эксплуатации (RU) в формате pdf. Руководства по установке, настройке и эксплуатации оборудования.

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FAAC E124 Original Instructions Manual

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Translation of the original instructions


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Summary of Contents for FAAC E124

  • Page 1
    E124 Translation of the original instructions…
  • Page 2
    Die Kunden dürfen nur für den Eigengebrauch Kopien anfertigen. Dieses Handbuch wurde 2020 veröffentlicht. © Copyright FAAC S.p.A. del 2020. Todos los derechos están reservados. No puede reproducirse, archivarse, distribuirse a terceros ni copiarse de ningún modo, ninguna parte de este manual, con medios mecánicos o mediante fotocopia, sin el permiso previo por escrito de FAAC S.p.A.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Board E124 ……..

  • Page 4: Eu Declaration Of Conformity

    Risks arising from installation and using the product condition of the locations and structures where the have been taken into consideration; these include: product E124 will be installed, prior to commissioning — Risks for the installation/maintenance technician the machine. These activities include the analysis of all…

  • Page 5: Meaning Of The Symbols Used

    SPENT BATTERY HAZARD Risk to the environment and health posed by batteries at the end of their lives due to WIRE STRIPPERS fluid escaping. EXPLOSION HAZARD Risk of explosion due to gas pro- duced by lead batteries building up inside the container (OPTIONAL). E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 6: Safety Recommendations

    The required level of workplace lighting must be equal to at least 200 lux. Operate CE marked machinery and equipment in compli- E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 7: E124

    3 E124 FAAC S.p.A. 1Y 11 03 19 identification code — It is prohibited to use the E124 in the presence of Made in Ireland faults which could compromise safety. update index date of construction…

  • Page 8: Technical Characteristics

    BASIC and ADVANCED. In addition, remote programming from Simply Connect The E124 can control one or two 24 V » brushed mo- provides a larger number of options, including upload- tors, each having a maximum power of 70 W.

  • Page 9: Installation Requirements

    This is man- datory in the case of hold-to-run controls. The hold-to-run controls in the dead-man mode of operation, must comply with standard EN 60947-5-1. 2 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 10: Installation

    Prepare the cable routing holes PREPARE THE CABLE ROUTING HOLES ( 4 ) Open the cable routing holes to a diameter suitable for the diameter if the conduits. Install suit- able cable glands. Ø16/20/25 (open to a suitable diameter) 4 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 11: Fasten The Enclosure

    INSTALL THE COVER (6) Insert the hinges for opening towards the left or right. Reinstall the cover OPENING TO THE RIGHT enclosure cover OPENING TO THE LEFT cover enclosure  6 5 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 12: Components

    CONNECTED. 1. (7) Disconnect the POWER connector and remove the cover of the board. 2. Remove the E124 board. 3. Remove the cover from the power supply. 4. (8) Place the selector switch to 120 V. 5. Put back the parts and insert the POWER connector.

  • Page 13: Board E124

    OUT1 LAMP LOCK MOT1 MOT2 POWER Connector for switching power supply Connector (3 pin) for XF FAAC radio module BATTERY Connector for secondary power supply RADIO Connec tor (5 pin) for RP/DECODER FAAC/MiniDec boards 2EASY Removable terminal board for BUS 2easy…

  • Page 14: Connections

    NO type inputs (normally open) Devices with a NO contact must be connected to NO inputs: the com- mand is activated when the contact closes. Multiple NO contacts on same input must be connected in parallel. E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 15: Gatecoder (Enc)

    — further 8 s of pre-flashing). ELECTRIC LOCK (LOCK/ OUT1, OUT2) Gatecoder 2 E124 controls an electric lock to block the leaf in the closed position. Gatecoder 1 Connect the FAAC electric lock to the LOCK terminal board.

  • Page 16: Xf Module

    5-pin quick insertion connector. Insert it as shown in the figure. If a FAAC RP receiver is used, it is recommended to install the appropriate external antenna in order to obtain a sufficient range (see the device instructions).

  • Page 17: Start-Up

    — the display reverts to the automation status view. (SETUP required). If the SETUP has already been carried out , appears on the display and then the automation status (e.g. For LED and display signals see § Diagnostics. E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 18: Basic Programming Menu

    TYPE OF AUTOMATION Select the type of actuator installed (board loads the relative default configuration). The DEFAULT settings for the type of automation are indicated in the corresponding column (e.g. no FAAC actuator S418 column for S418). 412, 413, 415, 770, 390, 770N…

  • Page 19
    . (point flashing) SLEEP S TAT I O N A RY T H E N CLOSING OPENS PRE-FLASHING and then FAIL- SAFE in progress CLOSES S TAT I O N A RY T H E N CLOSES EMERGENCY OPEN E124 532365 — Rev.A…
  • Page 20: Advanced Programming Menu

    The pre-flashing time is fixed: 3 s. disabled when opening for any movement when the pause time elapses when closing CLOSING PHOTOCELLS Specifies the operation of the closing photocells. reopen when the photocells disengage reopen immediately E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 21
    TIMER programming (from Simply Connect, not modifiable from the board). TIMING OUT2 Displayed if . Sets the duration of output OUT2, if a timed function is programmed. … Adjustment step: 1 min if , 1 s if E124 532365 — Rev.A…
  • Page 22
  • Page 23: Setup

    SETUP has been completed. The board exits from programming mode and the display shows the automation status — closed. The phases are carried out automatically in sequence. * phase NOT carried out in the case of a single leaf automation. E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 24: Configuring Movements And Timing

    — The fourth consecutive obstacle, which is detected indicated by current regulations. in the same direction and position, is defined as the new mechanical stop of the leaf (when the obstacle is removed, the original length of travel is restored automatically). E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 25: Final Checks

    Refer to the actuator instructions for any additional tests that may be required. 6.7 CLOSE THE ENCLOSURE Close the enclosure using the screws on the cover. 10 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 26: Accessories

    Do not use the BUS 2easy line for emergency stop commands. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 BUS 2easy control devices require E124 firmware version 0 0 0 0 0 Open A_1 0 0 0 0 1 Open A_1 Open B_1 FW 3.2 or later.

  • Page 27: Bus 2Easy Photocells, Sensitive Edges

    — note: BUS 2easy registration is also carried out via the SETUP. 2EASY BUS 2easy BUS 2easy BUS 2easy Do not exceed the maximum load of 500 mA. The overall length of the BUS 2easy cables must not exceed 100 m. 13 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 28: Bus 2Easy Encoder

    Correct connections registered, after disconnecting them, repeat the regis- tration (or alternatively the SETUP) procedure.   MOT2 MOT1 MOT1 MOT2 DL2 on = encoder connected to MOT1 DL2 off = encoder connected to MOT2 15 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 29: Relay Photocells

    Connecting 2 pairs of closing or opening photocells Connecting 1 pair of closing photocells and 1 pair of opening and closing photocells IN4 o IN5 IN4 IN5 +24V +24V +24V +24V +24V +24V +24V +24V 16 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 30: Radio Controls — Slh/Slhlr

    2. Press and hold down button P1 and check the LED: it becomes steady. 3. Without releasing the button, position the front of radio control to be added so that it is in contact with 18 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 31: Radio Controls — Rc/Lc

    To add additional radio controls, repeat the procedure from step 1. OPEN B COMMAND Proceed as for OPEN A, using button P2 on the radio control at steps 2 and 3 and checking LED R2 on the board. E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 32: Radio Controls — Ds

    — after 5 s LED (R2 and R1) both start to flash quickly (deletion in progress) — after 5 s both the LEDs come on steadily (deletion complete) 2. Release the button, both LEDs switch off after ap- proximately 10 s. E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 33: Simply Connect

    (SETUP and/or modifications to DL14 operating parameters). CLOCK BATTERY Simply Connect requires E124 firmware version FW PRGRM 4.0 or later. 8.8. When programming is taking place via Simply Connect, programming via the board is inhibited.

  • Page 34: Emergency Batteries

    Use rechargeable lead batteries that can supply: Volt- age 20…28 V » , Current 16 A max. To install, use the BATTERY SUPPORT KIT (see FAAC cata- logue — includes the connection cables). 1. Remove the cover and set up the enclosure: To prevent the risk of explosion due to the build up of gas generated by lead batteries, drill a ∅…

  • Page 35: Diagnostics

     not running ALARM Errors, Warnings error in progress  warning in progress   no warnings   condition with the board powered, the gate at the halfway position and no connected devices active. 2 3 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 36: Firmware Version (Fw)

    (OUT1, OUT2) (see advanced program- ming, functions Closing photocells Encoder 2 Photocells for OPEN A Closing sensitive edge E.g.: 1 or more OPEN A control devices and closing photocells are registered: OPEN A BUS 2easy Closing photocells 24 E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 37: Error Codes, Alarms/Info

    E124. Restore the previous settings or carry out Board thermal pro- Thermal overload protection active. the SETUP procedure. tection Wait for the E124 to cool down. SETUP incorrect or Perform SETUP. Check for overloads. missing Encoder 2 fault…

  • Page 38: Reset

    Battery discharged The charge level of the emergency bat- Control/Accessory The FW of the E124 or one if its ac- tery is too low for the movements to be board update in cessories is being updated via carried out. progress: it is not Simply Connect.

  • Page 39: Maintenance

    Check that the encoders operate correctly when an obstacle The table lists the operations that should be per- is detected. formed on a regular basis on the E124 board in order Control devices Check that the installed control devices and to keep the automation working reliably and safely;…

  • Page 40: Cycle Counter

    — After approximately 10 s, appears on the display and LEDS R1 and R2 light up. 3. Release the buttons. — LEDs R1 and R2 switch off. — After approximately 10 s, flashes on the display (SETUP required). E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 41: Operation

    ■ OBSTACLE DETECTION BY BOARD OR ENCODER closing, causes the gate to reverse and then closes it If an obstacle is detected during opening or closing, immediately. the leaf reverses (ANTI-CRUSHING), then the automa- tion stops. E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Page 42
    Maintained OPEN opens the automation. OPEN if the automation is closed, causes it to Maintained CLOSE closes the automation. open. The automation closes automatically after the If the photocells are triggered, movement is stopped. pause time has elapsed. E124 532365 — Rev.A…
  • Page 44
    FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale Via Calari, 10 — 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA — ITALY Tel. +39 051 61724 — Fax +39 051 09 57 820 www.faac.it — www.faacgroup.com E124 532365 — Rev.A…

  • Faac E124 Блок управления
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  • Доступность: Нет в наличии
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Faac E124 — это блок управления, который используется совместно с приводами FAAC серий 390, 391, 415, 415 L, 770N. Faac E124 может работать совместно с 2 приводами. Данная модель имеет стильный высокопрочный корпус, который защищает устройство от воздействия влаги и пыли. Блок управления оснащен разъемом для энкодера GateCoder, разъемами RP и XF для радиоприемника, а также входы релейных фотоэлементов и Bus2Easy. Faac E124 обладает небольшим дисплеем и светодиодным индикатором, которые отображают состояние работы системы. Данное устройство предусматривает возможность устанавливать один из режимов управления: автоматический, полуавтоматический, индивидуальный и режим «присутствие оператора». Также можно открывать ворота частично, чтобы обеспечить проход пешеходу.


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