Faac e721 инструкция на русском

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FAACЭлектронный блок управления FAAC E721 инструкция по эксплуатации и монтажу на русском языке в формате pdf, размер файла 1.1 Mb. Используйте кнопки «Скачать инструкцию» или «Открыть в новом окне» (документ откроется в новом окне или вкладке браузера). Функция просмотра доступна при наличии плагина Adobe Acrobat в вашем браузере.

FAAC E721 инструкция

Язык: Русский

Размер : 1.1 Mb

Формат файла: pdf

Добавлен: 30.05.2015

Руководство по установке и использованию

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FAAC E721 инструкция по эксплуатации и монтажу

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Блок управления FAAC E720 для привода откатных ворот C721

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FAAC E721 Manual

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Related Manuals for FAAC E721

Summary of Contents for FAAC E721

  • Page 1
    E721 E721 < (1) 2EASY < (2) < OPEN A < GND < OPEN B / CLOSE / SAFE / SAFE RADIO XF / SAFE / SAFE < STOP < FSW OP SETUP < GND < FSW CL < +24…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive Additional note: This product has undergone testing in a typical standard configuration (all products built by FAAC S.p.A. ) Bologna, 01-12-2011 A. Marcellan WARNINGS • Attention! To ensure the safety of people, it is important that you read all the following instructions.

  • Page 3: Warnings

    E721 1 WARNINGS Before attempting any work on the control board (connections, maintenance), always turn off power. Install, upstream of the system, a differential thermal breaker with adequate tripping threshold. Connect the earth lead to the appropriate terminal. Always separate power cables from control and safety cables (push-button, receiver, photocells, etc.).

  • Page 4: Component Description

    FSW OP Device with N.C contact that reverses the motion during gate opening FSW CL Device with N.C contact that reverses the motion during gate closing +24 V= Accessory power supply positive E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 5: Electric Connections

    The microswitch is con- nected to the lever to unlock the motor. When the microswitch is activated the display shows the Fig. 2 status—. E721 E721 C720 C721 Fig. 3 Photocells that operate during CLOSING Photocells that operate during OPENING Photocells that operate during OPENING and CLOSING Fig.

  • Page 6: Bus-2Easy Photocells

    Slow At least one registered photocell engaged or not aligned. flasher Off (flash every BUS-2EASY line short-circuited. 2.5 secs) — BUS-2EASY line disabled (does not supply power) — Battery operation — Unit programmed as a SLAVE E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 7: Traditional Photocells

    If the FAIL-SAFE safety device is used, even the opening/closing photocells unused safety inputs must be connected via a shunt lead to the negative of OUT (see Fig. 6). Connection of a pair of opening photocells Other safety devices Fig. 7 Fig. 10 E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 8: Safe Input Connections

    FSW CL +24V Fig. 14 +24V In case N.C. contact devices are not used (other safety devices) the SAFE input must be jumpered to -OUT with FAIL SAFE enabled or to GND with FAIL SAFE disabled. E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 9: Programming

    Subsequently, display changes to minutes and tens of seconds (separated by a point) and time is adjusted in 10-second steps, up to the maximum value of minutes. E.g. if the display shows , pause time is 2 min. and 50 secs. Parameter not displayed in SLAVE mode E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 10
    = Preflashing then “OPEN” = Stop then “CLOSE” = Preflashing then “CLOSE” = In “PAUSE” = OPEN in Partial Opening = During opening stage = in PAUSE Partial Opening = During closing stage = Motor unlocked E721 532014 — Rev.E…
  • Page 11: Level Programming

    It is necessary to adjust the sensitivity of the «virtual» encoder by varying the time that the board waits for before controlling reversal of motion from a minimum of sec to a maximum sec in one-second steps. = maximum sensitivity = minimum sensitivity E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 12
    It is possible to select the use of the motor lock during battery operation: = the motor lock continues to operate regularly even during battery operation = when the system switches to battery operation, the motor lock remains open. E721 532014 — Rev.E…
  • Page 13: Storing Radio Code

    6. To add other codes other than the one you have re- same channel, finish the learning process cently stored, repeat the procedure from point 1. for each system and then repeat the pro- cedure for another.. Do not connect any radio devices on SLAVE-configured equipment E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 14: Storing Slh Radiocontrols

    • Release both push-buttons. device is free of any obstacle by people This operation is NOT reversible. All the codes or things. of the radiocontrols stored as OPEN A and as OPEN B/CLOSE will be deleted. E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 15: Operational Start-Up

    “+” on the board. Following brief pressure, the LCD1 display shows the state of the automated system for approximately 2 seconds to then go off again. Instead, during normal operation all the diagnostic LEDs and the display state signals become consistent with the state of the automated system (see Fig. 16). E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 16: Positioning Limit Switches

    SQUARE must be used as a CLOSING limit switch. (SEE FIG. 17) When using a system with MASTER/SLAVE configuration, the limit switch magnets must be installed as shown in Fig. 18. Fig. 17 MASTER/SLAVE Fig. 18 E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 17: Master / Slave Configurations

    7.4 MASTER / SLAVE CONFIGURATIONS Should you need to build a system with opposing leaves that must be activated simultaneously for opening and closing the gate, you must connect and configure two E721 devices in Master/Slave mode. The MASTER equipment (parameter…

  • Page 18: Setup

    If alarms occur (conditions that do not impair the opera- E721 configured as MASTER and in particular tion of the gate) or errors (conditions that lock the gate indicate errors present on the SLAVE unit. Should…

  • Page 19: Function Logics

    LOCKED closes the gate closes the gate closes the gate (OPEN/CLOSE inhibited) (OPEN inhibited) (CLOSE inhibited) (OPEN/CLOSE inhibited) (1) During the partial opening cycle, an OPEN A pulse causes total opening E721 532014 — Rev.E…

  • Page 20
    (OPEN i n hi b i t ed) (CLOSE i n hi b i t ed) (OPEN/CLOSE i n hi b i t ed) cl o ses cl o ses (1) During the partial opening cycle, an OPEN A pulse causes total opening E721 532014 — Rev.E…
  • Page 21
    (1) During the partial opening cycle, an OPEN A pulse causes total opening (2) When turned on, the board checks the inputs and if an OPEN A or B command is active, it opens the leaf or gate. Otherwise it closes it. E721 532014 — Rev.E…
  • Page 22
    POLAND Saint Priest, Lyon — France FAAC POLSKA SP.ZO.O tel. +33 4 72218700 Warszawa — Poland www.faac.fr tel. +48 22 8141422 FAAC FRANCE — AGENCE PARIS www.faac.pl Massy, Paris — France RUSSIA tel. +33 1 69191620 FAAC RUSSIA LLC www.faac.fr…

Инструкция для Плат управления E 720 — E 721



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FAAC E720, E721 — Инструкция по установке и эксплуатации (RU) в формате pdf. Руководства по установке, настройке и эксплуатации оборудования.

Дата добавления: 20.01.2018
Размер файла: 1.2 Mb
Формат файла: pdf
Просмотров: 1337
Загрузок: 78

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В инструкции все очень подробно написано. Перепечатывать ее тут не имеет смысла. Если боитесь, вызывайте специалиста.

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