Fubag inmig 200 plus инструкция

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The detailed description, safety rules and all required information necessary for proper operation

and maintenance of FUBAG welding machine are provided below. Keep this instruction manual by

machine and refer to it by any doubts concerning safety operation, maintenance storage and

handling of FUBAG welding machine.

1. Safety peration


It is highly recommended always to follow the safety rules. Wear protective clothes and

special means to avoid injuries to eyes and skins.

Use the welding mask or special protective glasses while working with the welding

machine. Only by viewing through the filter lens on the welding mask your eyes are

secured by your operation.

Prevent the sparks and spatter from harming your body.

Under no circumstance allow any part of your body to touch the welder’s output bipolarity

(torch and work piece).

Do not operate under water or more humid place.

Fumes and gases produced when welding are hazardous to health. Make sure to work in

places where there are exhaust or ventilation facilities to keep fumes or emissions away

from the breathing zone.

Please remember to keep arc rays away from the other nearby people when welding. This

is only due to the interference from arc rays.

There will be high temperature when welding work piece, so please don’t directly touch on it

No touching on the output connection or any other electrification parts while welding.

No touching on the electrification parts after turning on the power. Cut off the power supply

after operation or before leaving the welding site.

No welding in the dangerous site where easily get an electrical shock.

No welding for the container loaded inflammable or explosive materials.

Safe measures should be adoptted while operating in high place to avoid accident.

No entering the welding site for persons not concerned.

Welders possible have electromagnetism and frequency interference, so keep away people

with heart pace or the articles which can be interfered by electromagnetism and frequency.

WARNING. The welder voltage is always higher, so the safety precaution should be taken

before repair to avoid accidental shock. Switch off the power supply before each type of

maintenance work. The untrained people are not allowed to make maintenance of the


— 1 —



Summary of Contents for Fubag INMIG 200 Plus

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Table of Contents for Fubag INMIG 200 Plus:

  • www.fubag.ru Omperator’s anual —10 www.fubag.ru Omperator’s anual Attention: -‘ ’ ‘’. — . — . — . -. — . . а) — . elect protect gas by button , and the indicators at the left part of button will indicate the selection gas The protection indicator light will be on after a long time operation, it shows that the inner temperature is over the permitted data, then the machine should be stopped us

  • 2. Technical Specification The manufacturer reserves himself the right to make the manual’s content or welder’s function change without any preliminary notification of the users. www.fubag.ru Omperator’s anual —3 Description INMIG 200 Plus Input voltage, V 220 Rated input current, А 36 Rated input capacitance, kVA 7,92 No-load voltage, V 65 Мin welding current MIG, А 30 Мax welding current MIG, А 200 Voltage at min welding current MIG, V 1

  • www.fubag.ru Инструкция по эксплуатации —25 8. Сварочные работы ВНИМАНИЕ: Класс защиты данного инверторного аппарата IP21S. Запрещено засовывать в сварочный аппарат руки или круглые стержни размером меньше 12,5 мм (в особенности металличе�

  • 8. Operation ATTENTION: The protection class of MIG Series is IP21S. It is forbidden to put in a finger or insert a round bar less than 12.5 mm (metal bar in particular) into the welder. No heavy force can be employed on the welder. IR www.fubag.ru Omperator’s anual —9 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ; 13. 14. MIG; ArcForce ММА; SPOT 15. E 16. C Control panel VRD digital display MMA & TIG lectrical inductor urrent indicator Mig torch connector Welding cable connector 4. Specification Gas inpu

  • www.fubag.ru Omperator’s anual -5 -1 10. Troubleshooting

  • www.fubag.ru Omperator’s anual —7 Connection between Welder and Power Source High voltage danger from power source! Consult a qualified electrician for proper installation of receptacle at the power source. This welder must be grounded while in use to protect the operator from electrical shock. If you are not sure if your outlet is properly grounded, have it checked by a qualified electrician. Do not cut off the grounding prong or alter the plug in any way and do not use an

  • www.fubag.ru Инструкция по эксплуатации —30 — Необходимо регулярно проверять входные и выходные кабели сварочного аппарата, для того, чтобы гарантировать их правильное и прочное соединение. Проверку необходимо проводить один раз

  • —13 c) The function VRD Function VRD ( low open circuit voltage ) — the ability of the welder to keep downtime low open circuit voltage. Feature is designed to improve electrical welding (MMA welding) when used in wet areas and in areas with high risk (in enclosed or confined spaces, tunnels, wells, reservoirs). Function VRD, keeps a low open circuit voltage prior to ignition of the arc, after includes standard features of the arc. Job function is indicat

  • Omperator’s anual WARNING! BEFORE USING THE WELDING MACHINE READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL CAREFULLY! FOR QUALIFIED AND SPECIALLY TRAINED PERSONS ONLY AFTER PROPER READING OF THIS MANUAL IS ALLOWED TO USE AND TO MAINTAIN THIS WELDING MACHINE. The detailed description, safety rules and all required information necessary for proper operation and maintenance of FUBAG welding machine are provided below. Keep this instruction manual by machine and refer to it by any doubts concerning s

  • www.fubag.ru Инструкция по эксплуатации ВНИМАНИЕ! ПЕРЕД ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ СВАРОЧНОГО АППАРАТА ВНИМАТЕЛЬНО ОЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ С ДАННОЙ ИНСТРУКЦИЕЙ. К использованию и обслуживанию сварочного аппарата допускается только квалифицированный

  • www.fubag.ru Инструкция по эксплуатации —26 Внимание: — Индикатор термозащиты загорится после долгого периода работы, что означает, что внутренняя температура превышает допустимое значение, в таком случае следует остановить работу аппарат на некоторое время и дать ему остыть

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