Garmin echomap plus 93sv инструкция

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AIS 300 инструкции по установке [1.71 Mb]
AIS 600 [1.78 Mb]
Echo 100 150 [0.47 Mb]
Echo 200 300c 500c 550c [0.96 Mb]
Echo инструкции по установке [1.68 Mb]
EchoMAP 2016 4-5-7-9 [4.2 Mb]
EchoMAP Plus 40-60-70-90 OM EN-US [3.87 Mb]
EchoMAP Plus 40 60 70 90 [4.22 Mb]
EchoMAP Plus 40 Installation EN [0.64 Mb]
EchoMAP UHD 62 72 92 [5.0 Mb]
Fishfinder 160C [0.53 Mb]
Fishfinder 201 [1.06 Mb]
Fishfinder 300 [7.62 Mb]
Fishfinder 340C [0.64 Mb]
Fishfinder 400C [39.19 Mb]
Fishfinder 90 140 [0.54 Mb]
GHC 10 TOP [1.08 Mb]
GHC 20 OM 01 [4.88 Mb]
GHP [6.6 Mb]
GHP 10 установка [3.59 Mb]
GHP Reactor Hydraulic установка [2.72 Mb]
GHS 20 установка [2.83 Mb]
GMI 10 TOP [1.24 Mb]
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GMR 18 / 21 / 41 [2.94 Mb]
GMR 18 / 24 xHD установка [1.07 Mb]
GPS 73 rus [0.34 Mb]
GPS echoMAP 5 / 7 [4.18 Mb]
GPS echoMAP 5 / 7 быстрый старт [2.45 Mb]
GPSMAP 40xx / 50xx [4.44 Mb]
GPSMAP 6000 7000 [4.8 Mb]
GPSMAP 1222 / 1242 Touch [5.71 Mb]
GPSMAP 172C [8.76 Mb]
GPSMAP 178C [10.85 Mb]
GPSMAP 196C [0.84 Mb]
GPSMAP 2006 / 2010 [12.41 Mb]
GPSMAP 2106 / 2110 [8.01 Mb]
GPSMAP 3005C [10.77 Mb]
GPSMAP 3006C / 3010C [0.73 Mb]
GPSMAP 400 серия / 500 серия [31.74 Mb]
GPSMAP 420 425 520 525 [37.74 Mb]
GPSMAP 495 [7.18 Mb]
GPSMAP 585 Plus [6.89 Mb]
GPSMAP 700 серия [5.53 Mb]
GPSMAP 700 серия быстрый старт [0.52 Mb]
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Quatix 5 [3.37 Mb]
Quatix [1.42 Mb]
STRIKER Plus 4-5-7-9 [3.07 Mb]
Striker Plus 4 установка [0.46 Mb]
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Page: 1

+ —
Technical Reference
for Garmin®
NMEA 2000®

Page: 2

All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage
medium, for any purpose without the express prior written consent of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual onto a hard drive or
other electronic storage medium to be viewed and to print one copy of this manual or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual must
contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without
obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the Garmin Web site ( for current updates and supplemental
information concerning the use and operation of this and other Garmin products.
, the Garmin logo, and GPSMAP®
are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. GFS™, GWS™, GHP™, GXM™,
GFL™, GBT™, GST™, GMI™, GRA™, GET™, GHC™, Intelliducer™, are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the
express permission of Garmin.
NMEA 2000®
and the NMEA 2000 logo are registered trademarks of the National Maritime Electronics Association.

Page: 3

Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products iii
A NMEA 2000 network consists of connected NMEA 2000 devices that communicate using basic plug-and-play functionality. This technical
reference provides basic NMEA 2000 component identification, basic NMEA 2000 network-building instructions, and a list of NMEA 2000-
specific data used with Garmin NMEA 2000-certified displays and sensors.
• The first section, NMEA 2000 Fundamentals, provides descriptions of the NMEA 2000 connectors and cables sold by Garmin, and the
fundamental concepts of installing a NMEA 2000 network on your boat.
• The second section, General NMEA 2000 Data Type Requirements, provides a table to help you determine which NMEA 2000 sensors
provide the particular data type you want.
• The last two sections provide Parameter Group Number (PGN) information for Garmin chartplotters and marine instruments as well as
configuration and PGN information for Garmin NMEA 2000 sensors. These sections contain PGN and configuration information for the
following products:

4000/5000/6000/7000 Series chartplotters

◦ GPSMAP 700 Series chartplotters

◦ GPSMAP 4×1/5×1/5×6 Series chartplotters

◦ GMI™

◦ GPS 17x

◦ GFS™

◦ GRA™

◦ GET™

◦ GFL™

◦ GBT™

◦ GST™

◦ Intelliducers™

◦ GWS™

◦ GHP™
10 (CCU and GHC™

◦ GXM™

◦ VHF 200/300

◦ AIS 300

◦ AIS 600
Note: PGN information is also included in the installation instructions provided with the Garmin NMEA 2000-certified device. Sensor configuration
information is also included in a Sensor Configuration Guide provided with each Garmin NMEA 2000-certified sensor.
• At the end is a checklist. Use this checklist when installing a NMEA 2000 network to be sure you have correctly followed installation-
critical procedures.
Contact Garmin
If you experience difficulty installing a NMEA 2000 network, or have other questions about NMEA 2000-certified Garmin devices, contact
Garmin Product Support or a certified NMEA 2000 technician. In the USA, go to, or contact Garmin USA by phone
at (913) 397-8200 or (800) 800-1020.
In the UK, contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. by phone at 0808 2380000.
In Europe, go to and click Contact Support for in-country support information, or contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. by
phone at +44 (0) 870.8501241.

Page: 4

iv Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… iii
Contact Garmin……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….iii
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Garmin NMEA 2000 Device Overview………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
Building a NMEA 2000 Network…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Existing NMEA 2000 Installation Considerations………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
NMEA 2000 Glossary.
General NMEA 2000 Data Type Requirements………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
NMEA 2000-Certified Display Device PGN Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor PGN Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
GPS 17x (GPS Antenna)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18
GFS 10 (Garmin Fuel Sensor)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18
GRA 10 (Garmin Rudder Angle Adapter)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18
GET 10 (Garmin Engine Tilt Adapter)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
GFL 10 (Garmin Fluid Level Adapter)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19
GBT 10 (Garmin Bennett Trim Tab Adapter)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
GST 10 (Garmin Water Speed and Temperature Adapter)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19
Intelliducer (Intelligent Depth Transducer–Transom Mount and Thru-Hull)…………………………………………………………………………………………….19
GWS 10 (Garmin Wind Sensor).
GHP 10 (Marine Autopilot System)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..20
GXM 51………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..21
VHF 200……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21
VHF 300……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21
AIS 300………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22
AIS 600………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information.
………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
GPS 17x (GPS Antenna)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23
GFS 10 (Garmin Fuel Sensor)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………24
GRA 10 (Garmin Rudder Angle Adapter)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26
GET 10 (Garmin Engine Tilt Adapter)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….27
GFL 10 (Garmin Fluid Level Adapter)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….29
Restoring Factory Default Settings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..32
GBT 10 (Garmin Bennett Trim Tab Adapter)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32
GST 10 (Garmin Water Speed and Temperature Adapter)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..33
Restoring Factory Default Settings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
Intelliducer (Intelligent Depth Transducer–Transom Mount and Thru-Hull)…………………………………………………………………………………………….36
GWS 10 (Garmin Wind Sensor).
NMEA 2000 Checklist ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………37

Page: 5

Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 1
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
A NMEA 2000 network is made of connected NMEA 2000 devices that communicate using basic plug-and-play functionality.
If your boat already contains a NMEA 2000 network and you would like to add Garmin NMEA 2000 components, see page 8.
For a glossary of commonly used NMEA 2000 terms, see page 8.
After you have installed your NMEA 2000 network, use the checklist on page 37 to verify the installation.
Garmin NMEA 2000 Device Overview
Garmin uses NMEA 2000 micro connectors on units, sensors, and T-connectors that are compatible with other NMEA 2000 micro connectors,
cables, and NMEA 2000-compatible devices. Garmin sensors may be packaged with a drop cable and a T-connector. Garmin displays may also
include additional NMEA 2000 components (such as a power cable). The NMEA 2000 components included with a Garmin sensor or display
are listed in the product documentation. A diagram on the product box shows which NMEA 2000 components are included.
+ —
Sample Box Diagram (GFS 10)
In the sample box diagram, a complete NMEA 2000 network is shown, and the parts included with the sensor are shaded. In this example, a
T-connector is included with a Garmin GFS 10 fuel sensor. A NMEA 2000 power cable, terminators, an additional drop/backbone cable, and
additional T-connectors are not included with a GFS 10 fuel sensor. The GFS 10 fuel sensor, as shown by the shaded components in the box
diagram, is intended to be connected to an existing NMEA 2000 network on your boat. If you do not have a NMEA 2000 network on your boat,
this guide will help you assemble one.

Page: 6

2 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
NMEA 2000 Components
The main components of a NMEA 2000 network are T-connectors, terminators, backbone/drop cables, and a power cable. The following cables,
connectors, and terminators are sold by Garmin, and as of January 2009, they are NMEA 2000 approved. NMEA 2000-approved cables sold by
Garmin feature the NMEA 2000 logo on the tag with the part number.
T-connector Male Terminator Female Terminator In-line Terminator
010-11078-00 (Garmin part number) 010-11080-00 010-11081-00 010-11096-00
Power Cable
010-11079-00 (2 meters [6.5 feet]) (3 A fuse included)
Backbone/Drop Cable
305 millimeters (1 foot) 010-11076-03
2 meters (6.5 feet) 010-11076-00
6 meters (20 feet) 010-11076-01
10 meters (33 feet) (backbone only) 010-11076-02
30 meter spool (98.5 feet) (backbone only) 010-11171-01
Specialty Cable/Connectors
Right-angle drop-cable, 2 meters (6.5 feet) (pictured) 010-11089-00
Field-installable connector — Male* (not pictured) 010-11094-00
Field-installable connector — Female* (not pictured) 010-11095-00
NMEA 2000 network power switch (not pictured) K00-00368-00
NMEA 2000 in-line lightning arrestor** (not pictured) 010-11171-02
* The field-installable connectors are used to create custom-length drop cables and custom-length backbone extension cables. The field-installable connectors can be used to
shorten any Garmin NMEA 2000 drop/backbone cable.
** The gray in-line lightning arrestor is designed to help prevent damage due to nearby lightning strikes, but it is not able to protect against direct lightning strikes. Garmin is
not responsible for lightning-strike related damage.
NOTE: All male/female connections are interchangeable. Ensure that the T-connectors are used properly when constructing your NMEA 2000 network.
See page 4.

Page: 7

Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 3
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
Building a NMEA 2000 Network
The main communication channel of a NMEA 2000 network is a backbone to which your NMEA 2000 devices connect. Each NMEA 2000
device connects to the backbone with a T-connector. The NMEA 2000 backbone must be connected to power, and terminators must be installed
at both ends for the network to function correctly.
When you design a NMEA 2000 network, start by creating a diagram of the network. When creating the diagram, be as detailed as possible:
• Include all of the devices you intend to connect to your network
• Note the approximate location of the backbone and devices on your boat
• Measure the distances between devices and the backbone, as well as the overall length of the backbone
• Note the power consumption of each device (Load Equivalency Number)
Sample NMEA 2000 Network
+ —
Ignition or
in-line switch
Power cable
Battery — 12 Vdc
Backbone extension cable
Drop cable
Intelligent transducer
Fuel sensor Marine instrument
NMEA 2000 backbone
Note: This diagram illustrates the NMEA 2000 data connections to each device or sensor. Some devices or sensors can be powered by the NMEA
2000 network; others may require a separate power connection. Consult the installation instructions for each device you connect to your NMEA 2000
network to be sure you supply power to the device appropriately.
When building a NMEA 2000 network, you must follow certain rules to make sure your NMEA 2000 network functions correctly. Be sure to
understand the following concepts:
• Linear backbone construction (page 4)
• Power connection and distribution (page 5)
• Proper termination (page 7)
• Cable length and device limits (page 8)

Page: 8

4 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
Linear Backbone Construction
Use the NMEA 2000 T-connectors to construct your NMEA 2000 backbone, and extend the backbone with appropriate lengths of backbone
cable if necessary. Use one T-connector per device. Use the sides of the T-connector to construct the backbone of the NMEA 2000 network, and
use the top of the T-connector to attach a NMEA 2000 device. By using only the sides of the T-connectors to construct the backbone, you create
a linear construction to your NMEA 2000 network. T-connectors can be separated by backbone cables or connected directly together.
Although the male and female connectors on the T-connectors and backbone cables will fit on all sides of a T-connector, it is very important to
use the top of the T-connector only to attach NMEA 2000 devices, not to attach other T-connectors or backbone cables.
Correct Linear Backbone Construction
To NMEA 2000 devices
and power
Backbone extension cable
Incorrect Linear Backbone Construction
To NMEA 2000 devices
and power
(also installed
installed incorrectly
Backbone extension cable

Page: 9

Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 5
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
Power Connection and Distribution
Your NMEA 2000 network must be connected to a 12 Vdc power supply. Do not connect your NMEA 2000 network to any other voltage
source, such as a 24 Vdc power supply. Use a NMEA 2000 power cable to connect your NMEA 2000 backbone to the auxiliary power switch
on your boat. If you do not have an auxiliary power switch, or if connecting to the auxiliary power switch causes electrical interference, connect
the NMEA 2000 power cable directly to the battery and install an in-line switch.
caution: If you connect the NMEA 2000 network to your battery without an in-line switch, it may drain your battery.
Be sure to ground the NMEA 2000 power cable. Connect the bare shield-drain wire to the same location as the ground (black) wire.
The Garmin NMEA 2000 power cable connects to a T-connector like other drop cables. Be sure to connect the NMEA 2000 power cable to the
top of a T-connector; never connect the NMEA 2000 power cable to the side of a T-connector. You can connect power either at the end of your
NMEA 2000 network or in the middle. When planning where to place the power cable and the T-connector on your NMEA 2000 network, you
will need to evaluate how the NMEA 2000 devices connected to your network use power. The NMEA 2000 network will work properly when
there is no more than a 3 Vdc drop in the supply voltage between the power source and the NMEA 2000 device located farthest from the power
source on the NMEA 2000 network. To determine the voltage drop in your NMEA 2000 network, use this equation:
Voltage Drop = Cable resistance (ohms/m)* × Distance (from the battery to the farthest device, in meters) × Network Load** × 0.1
* Garmin cable resistance value = 0.053
** Network Load = the sum of Load Equivalent Numbers (LEN) between the battery and the end of the network. The LEN for each device should be visible on
the device, or provided in the documentation for the device.
• If you calculate a voltage drop of 3.0 Vdc or less, then you can connect power to either the end or the middle of your NMEA 2000 network,
and it will function correctly.
• If you calculate a voltage drop of more than 3.0 Vdc, you must connect power to the middle of your NMEA 2000 network. The location will
depend on the network load and distance from the battery. Try to balance the voltage drop equally on both sides of the power connection.
• If a voltage drop of under 3.0 Vdc is not possible on your NMEA 2000 network, contact a professional installer.
The following examples show a correctly designed, end-powered NMEA 2000 network; an incorrectly designed NMEA 2000 network; and a
redesign of the incorrectly designed NMEA 2000 network to correctly balance power on the network.
End-powered NMEA 2000 network, correctly designed:
+ —
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 4
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 5
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 7
Power cable
Length = 2 m
Drop cable
Length = 2 m
Drop cable
Length = 6 m
Backbone cable
Length = 10 m
Backbone cable
Length = 10 m
Drop cable
Length = 6 m
When the voltage-drop formula is applied to this example, we
see that the voltage drop is less than 3.0 Vdc. This NMEA 2000
network will function correctly when powered at the end.
Voltage Drop = 0.053 × (2 + 10 + 10 + 6) × (4 + 5 + 7) × 0.1 = 2.37 Vdc
Distance Network load

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6 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
End-powered NMEA 2000 network, incorrectly designed:
+ —
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 4
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 5
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 7
Power cable
Length = 2 m
Drop cable
Length = 2 m
Drop cable
Length = 6 m
Backbone cable
Length = 20 m
Backbone cable
Length = 10 m
Drop cable
Length = 6 m
When the voltage drop formula is applied to this example, we see
that the voltage drop is greater than 3.0 Vdc, so this NMEA 2000
network will not function correctly when powered at the end.
Voltage Drop = 0.053 × (2 + 20 + 10 + 6) × (4 + 5 + 7) × 0.1 = 3.22 Vdc
Distance Network load
This NMEA 2000 network must be redesigned with the power connected to the center of the network in order to function correctly.
Middle-powered NMEA 2000 network, correctly designed:
+ —
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 4
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 5
NMEA 2000-
compliant device
LEN = 7
Power cable
Length = 2 m
Drop cable
Length = 2 m
Backbone cable
Length = 10 m
Backbone cable
Length = 20 m
Drop cable
Length = 6 m
Drop cable
Length = 6 m
When the NMEA 2000 network is redesigned with the power source in the center, you calculate the voltage drop in both directions. If the
T-connector to which you connect the power source is connected directly to another T-connector (as shown in this example), use the LEN from
that device as part of the calculation for both directions.
Voltage Drop Left = 0.053 × (2 + 20 + 2) × (4 + 5) × 0.1 = 1.145 Vdc
Voltage Drop Right = 0.053 × (2 + 10 + 6) × (5 + 7) × 0.1 = 1.145 Vdc
Distance Network load
When the voltage drop formula is applied to both the left and right
sides of the power source in this example, we see that the voltage drop
is less than 3.0 Vdc on each side, so the NMEA 2000 network will
function correctly.
Note: The equation and examples provide conservative estimates for calculating voltage drop.

Page: 11

Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 7
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
Proper Termination
You must install terminators at the ends of your NMEA 2000 backbone for it to function correctly. You have two options when installing
terminators on your NMEA 2000 network.
1. Typical Terminators
If your NMEA 2000 network is built with correct linear backbone construction, use one female terminator and one male terminator. Install
the terminators at opposite ends of your NMEA 2000 network.
Using Standard Terminators
To NMEA 2000 devices
and power
terminator Backbone extension cable
2. In-line Terminators
If one or both of the NMEA 2000 devices at opposite ends of your NMEA 2000 network are separated from the rest of the NMEA 2000
network by a length of backbone cable, and the typical T-connector/drop cable/terminator combination is not feasible or is too bulky for the
area, use an in-line terminator instead of the final T-connector on the backbone. Connect the final device to the in-line terminator with the
appropriate length of drop cable, or connect the final device directly to the in-line terminator, without a drop cable.
Using an Inline Terminator
To power
2000 device
Inline Termination
Standard Termination
To the final NMEA 2000 device in the
backbone on this end. Connect the in-line
terminator directly to a NMEA 2000 device,
or use a drop cable up to 6 m (20 ft.) long.
Do not connect additional T-connectors or
Caution: Do not use more than two terminators in a NMEA 2000 network.
Note: The in-line terminator connects to the NMEA 2000 backbone with a male connector, and to the final NMEA 2000 device with a female
connector. Because of this, you can only use one in-line terminator on a NMEA 2000 network.

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8 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000 Fundamentals
Cable Length and Device Limits
When building your NMEA 2000 network, keep in mind these limitations:
• The distance between any two points on the NMEA 2000 network must not exceed 100 m (328 ft). To estimate this distance, measure
between the terminators on your backbone and add the length of the drop cable for the devices connected to the T-connectors at the ends of
the network.
• The total length of all drop cables cannot exceed 78 m (256 ft).
• The maximum length of a single drop cable to a NMEA 2000 device is 6 m (20 ft).
• No more than 50 NMEA 2000 devices can be connected to your NMEA 2000 network.
Existing NMEA 2000 Installation Considerations
If your boat has an existing NMEA 2000 installation, and you would like to add Garmin NMEA 2000 equipment, there are a few things to
Cable Type: Garmin uses NMEA 2000 micro connectors for all cables and connectors. Your existing NMEA 2000 network may use NMEA
2000 mini connectors and cables in the backbone. Mini connectors are larger than micro connectors, and you will need to use a converter or
adapter to connect with Garmin NMEA 2000 devices.
Power: Is the existing NMEA 2000 network connected to power? A NMEA 2000 network must be connected to power to function correctly
(page 5). Do not connect the NMEA 2000 network to power at more than one location.
Termination: Are terminators installed on the ends of the existing NMEA 2000 backbone? A NMEA 2000 network must be terminated to
function correctly. Do not add more terminators to a NMEA 2000 network if it is already properly terminated.
If you are unsure of any of these considerations, contact your boat manufacturer or a certified NMEA 2000 technician for assistance.
NMEA 2000 Glossary
T-connector—Three-way connector with one male and two female micro connectors. A T-connector is used to connect a NMEA 2000 device to
the NMEA 2000 backbone.
Terminator—120 ohm resistor located at each end of the NMEA 2000 backbone. Proper termination helps ensure signal integrity across the
entire length of the backbone.
Inline Terminator—Special terminator with male and female connectors, which allows direct connection to the a device at the end of the
NMEA 2000 backbone. The inline terminator simplifies installation by not requiring a T-connector, terminator, and drop cable for the device at
the end of the backbone.
Drop Cable—Cable connecting a NMEA 2000 device to the NMEA 2000 backbone. Drop cables are limited to 6 m (20 ft.) maximum length.
Backbone Cable—In conjunction with T-connectors, the backbone cables create the main communication path of the NMEA 2000 network.
A backbone cable extends the NMEA 2000 backbone to connect NMEA 2000 devices located in different places on the boat. The maximum
backbone cable length is 100 m (328 ft.).
Device—Electronic hardware that connects to the NMEA 2000 network. A device may only receive data transmitted by other devices on the
network, or may both transmit and receive data on the network.
Network Power—12 Vdc power supplied to the NMEA 2000 network. Power should be connected through a switch (instead of directly
connected to the battery) because some devices are always on when NMEA 2000 power is present. NMEA 2000 devices must operate from 9 to
16 Vdc, with a nominal voltage of 12 Vdc.
LEN (Load Equivalency Number)—A number that indicates the amount of current a device draws from the NMEA 2000 network.
1 LEN = 50 mA. Each device should have an LEN specified on the product or in the product documentation.

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 9
General NMEA 2000 Data Type Requirements
General NMEA 2000 Data Type Requirements
Each NMEA 2000-certified sensor provides unique information to the NMEA 2000-certified display devices (such as a GPSMAP 4000/5000
series chartplotter or a GMI 10) on the NMEA 2000 network. The data you can view on your display device depends on the sensors you have
installed and configured. Refer to the following table for a list of data types that you can view on a display device; specific NMEA 2000 PGN
information required to view or calculate that data type; and the NMEA 2000 sensor that typically provides required PGN information. In some
cases, more than one sensor is necessary or a specific combination of sensors may provide more-precise information. For more about PGN
information, see page 18.
Category Data Type PGN Data Required Typical Sender
Engine Information Battery Voltage 127489 — Eng Dynamic NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Fuel Flow Rate 127489 — Eng Dynamic Fuel Flow Sensor
Hours 127489 — Eng Dynamic NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Oil Pressure 127489 — Eng Dynamic NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Engine RPM 127488 — Engine Rapid NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Temperature 127489 — Eng Dynamic NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Coolant Pressure 127489 — Eng Dynamic NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Fuel Pressure 127489 — Eng Dynamic NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Oil Temperature 127489 — Eng Dynamic NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Boost Pressure 127488 — Engine Rapid NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Trim 127488 — Engine Rapid NMEA 2000-compatible engine
Rudder Angle 127245 — Rudder Rudder Angle Sensor
Bow Tabs 130576 — Small Craft Status Trim Tab Sensor
Trim Tabs 130576 — Small Craft Status Trim Tab Sensor
Fuel Information Total Fuel Flow Rate 127489 — Eng Dynamic Fuel Flow Sensor
Total Fuel Onboard 127489 — Eng Dynamic Fuel Flow Sensor
Fuel Economy 127489 — Eng Dynamic (GPS Speed or Water Speed)
Note: The Fuel Economy data type is configurable,
based on the fuel speed source
Fuel Flow Sensor and Speed Sensor
Cruising Range 127489 — Eng Dynamic (GPS Speed or Water Speed) Fuel Flow Sensor and Speed Sensor
Fuel Level 127505 — Fluid Level Fuel Level Sensor
Tank 1 127505 — Fluid Level Fuel Level Sensor
Tank 2 127505 — Fluid Level Fuel Level Sensor
Course Made Good 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029 — GNSS Position,
129284 — Nav Data, 129285 — Route, and
129283 — XTE
Garmin Chartplotter and GPS Antenna
Distance Made Good 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029 — GNSS Position,
129284 — Nav Data, and 129285 — Route
Garmin Chartplotter and GPS Antenna
Waypoint Name 129284 — Nav Data or 129285 — Route Garmin Chartplotter
Bearing to Waypoint 129284 — Nav Data Garmin Chartplotter and GPS Antenna
Distance to Waypoint 129284 — Nav Data Garmin Chartplotter and GPS Antenna
Off Course 129283 — XTE Garmin Chartplotter and GPS Antenna
Desired COG 129284 — Nav Data Garmin Chartplotter and GPS Antenna
Heading 127250 — Vessel Heading Heading Sensor
Course Over Ground 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna

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10 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
General NMEA 2000 Data Type Requirements
Category Data Type PGN Data Required Typical Sender
GPS Speed 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Position 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Turn 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029 — GNSS Position, and
129284 — Nav Data
Garmin Chartplotter and GPS Antenna
Trip Odometer 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Trip Odometer 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Average GPS Speed 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Maximum GPS Speed 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Water Odometer 128259 — Water Speed Water Speed Sensor
Water Trip Odometer 128259 — Water Speed Water Speed Sensor
Average Water Speed 128259 — Water Speed Water Speed Sensor
Maximum Water Speed 128259 — Water Speed Water Speed Sensor
Weather Barometer 130314 — Actual Pressure, 130310 — Envir Param Old,
or 130311 — Envir Param
Barometric Pressure Sensor
Air Temperature 130312 — Temp, 130310 — Envir Param Old,
or 130311 — Envir Param
Air Temperature Sensor
Humidity 130313 — Humidity or 130311 — Envir Param Humidity Sensor
Wind Speed 130306 — Wind Data, 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029
— GNSS Position, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and
128259 — Water Speed
(If a Heading Sensor and Water Speed Sensor are
not present, a less-accurate reading can be calculated
using only the Wind Sensor and GPS antenna
[130306 — Wind Data, 129026 — COG/SOG and
129029 — GNSS Position])
(If a GPS antenna is not present, a less-accurate
reading can be calculated using only the Wind Sensor,
Water Speed Sensor, and Heading Sensor [130306
— Wind Data, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and 128259 —
Water Speed])
• Wind Sensor, a Water Speed
Sensor, a Heading Sensor, and a
GPS Antenna
• Wind Sensor and a GPS Antenna
• Wind Sensor, a Water Speed
Sensor, and a Heading Sensor
Wind Direction 130306 — Wind Data, 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029
— GNSS Position, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and
128259 — Water Speed
(If a Heading Sensor and Water Speed Sensor are
not present, a less-accurate reading can be calculated
using only the Wind Sensor and GPS antenna
[130306 — Wind Data, 129026 — COG/SOG and
129029 — GNSS Position])
(If a GPS antenna is not present, a less-accurate
reading can be calculated using only the Wind Sensor,
Water Speed Sensor, and Heading Sensor [130306
— Wind Data, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and 128259 —
Water Speed])
• Wind Sensor, a Water Speed
Sensor, a Heading Sensor, and a
GPS Antenna
• Wind Sensor and a GPS Antenna
• Wind Sensor, a Water Speed
Sensor, and a Heading Sensor

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 11
General NMEA 2000 Data Type Requirements
Category Data Type PGN Data Required Typical Sender
Cardinal Wind Direction 130306 — Wind Data, 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029
— GNSS Position, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and
128259 — Water Speed
(If a Heading Sensor and Water Speed Sensor are
not present, a less-accurate reading can be calculated
using only the Wind Sensor and GPS antenna
[130306 — Wind Data, 129026 — COG/SOG and
129029 — GNSS Position])
(If a GPS antenna is not present, a less-accurate
reading can be calculated using only the Wind Sensor,
Water Speed Sensor, and Heading Sensor [130306
— Wind Data, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and 128259 —
Water Speed])
• Wind Sensor, a Water Speed
Sensor, a Heading Sensor, and a
GPS Antenna
• Wind Sensor and a GPS Antenna
• Wind Sensor, a Water Speed
Sensor, and a Heading Sensor
Beaufort Scale 130306 — Wind Data, 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029
— GNSS Position, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and
128259 — Water Speed
(If a Heading Sensor and Water Speed Sensor are
not present, a less-accurate reading can be calculated
using only the Wind Sensor and GPS antenna
[130306 — Wind Data, 129026 — COG/SOG and
129029 — GNSS Position])
(If a GPS antenna is not present, a less-accurate
reading can be calculated using only the Wind Sensor,
Water Speed Sensor, and Heading Sensor [130306
— Wind Data, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and 128259 —
Water Speed])
• Wind Sensor, a Water Speed
Sensor, a Heading Sensor, and a
GPS Antenna
• Wind Sensor and a GPS Antenna
• Wind Sensor, a Water Speed
Sensor, and a Heading Sensor
Sunrise/Sunset 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Sailing Apparent Wind Speed 130306 — Wind Data Wind Sensor
Apparent Wind Angle 130306 — Wind Data Wind Sensor
True Wind Speed 130306 — Wind Data and 128259 — Water Speed (If a
Water Speed Sensor is not present, a less-accurate
reading can be calculated using a GPS antenna
instead [129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS
Either a Wind Sensor and Speed Sensor
or a Wind Sensor and a GPS Antenna
True Wind Angle 130306 — Wind Data and 128259 — Water Speed (If a
Water Speed Sensor is not present, a less-accurate
reading can be calculated using a GPS antenna
instead [129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS
Either a Wind Sensor and Speed Sensor
or a Wind Sensor and a GPS Antenna
Wind VMG (Velocity Made Good) 130306 — Wind Data and 128259 — Water Speed (If a
Water Speed Sensor is not present, a less-accurate
reading can be calculated using a GPS antenna
instead [129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS
Either a Wind Sensor and Speed Sensor
or a Wind Sensor and a GPS Antenna
Waypoint VMG 129284 — Nav Data Garmin Chartplotter and GPS Antenna
Maximum Apparent Wind Speed 130306 — Wind Data Wind Sensor
Maximum True Wind Speed 130306 — Wind Data and 128259 — Water Speed (If a
Water Speed Sensor is not present, a less-accurate
reading can be calculated using a GPS antenna
instead [129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS
Either a Wind Sensor, a Heading Sensor,
and Speed Sensor or a Wind Sensor, a
Heading Sensor, and a GPS Antenna
Opposite Tack Heading 130306 — Wind Data, 127250 — Vessel Heading, and
128259 — Water Speed (If a Water Speed Sensor is
not present, a less-accurate reading can be calculated
using a GPS antenna instead [129026 — COG/SOG
and 129029 — GNSS Position])
Either a Wind Sensor, a Heading Sensor,
and Speed Sensor or a Wind Sensor, a
Heading Sensor, and a GPS Antenna

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12 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
General NMEA 2000 Data Type Requirements
Category Data Type PGN Data Required Typical Sender
Water Depth 128267 — Water Depth Depth Transducer
Temperature 130312 — Temp, 130310 — Envir Param Old, or
130311 — Envir Param
Water Temperature Sensor
Speed 128259 — Water Speed Water Speed Sensor
Set 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029 — GNSS Position,
128259 — Water Speed, and 127250 — Vessel Heading
GPS Antenna, Water Speed Sensor, and
Heading Sensor
Drift 129026 — COG/SOG, 129029 — GNSS Position,
128259 — Water Speed, and 127250 — Vessel Heading
GPS Antenna, Water Speed Sensor, and
Heading Sensor
System Time Of Day 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Date 129026 — COG/SOG and 129029 — GNSS Position GPS Antenna
Timer None None
Unit Voltage None None

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 13
NMEA 2000-Compatible Display Device PGN Information
NMEA 2000-Certified Display Device PGN Information
All data transmitted on a NMEA 2000 network are organized into groups. These groups are identified by a Parameter Group Number (PGN)
that describes the type of data contained in the group. All Garmin NMEA 2000 devices use the proprietary PGN numbers 126720 and 61184.
All other PGN numbers follow the NMEA 2000 standard.
The following tables list the non-proprietary PGN information for all Garmin NMEA 2000-certified display devices.
For NMEA 2000 configuration information on every available Garmin NMEA 2000-certified display device, see the owner’s manual for your
display device.
GPSMAP 6000/7000 Series Chartplotters
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 059904 ISO Request
060928 ISO Address Claim 060928 ISO Address Claim
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function
126992 System Time 126996 Product Information
126996 Product Information 127250 Vessel Heading
127250 Vessel Heading 127258 Magnetic Variance
127489 Engine Parameters — Dynamic 128259 Speed — Water Referenced
127488 Engine Parameters — Rapid Update 128267 Water Depth
127493 Transmission Parameters, Dynamic 129025 Position — Rapid Update
127505 Fluid Level 129026 COG & SOG — Rapid Update
128259 Speed — Water Referenced 129029 GNSS Position Data
128267 Water Depth 129283 Cross Track Error
129025 Position — Rapid Update 129284 Navigation Data
129026 COG & SOG — Rapid Update 129285 Navigation Route/Waypoint Info
129029 GNSS Position Data 129540 GNSS Sats in View
129038 AIS Class A Position Report 130306 Wind Data
129039 AIS Class B Position Report 130312 Temperature
129040 AIS Class B Extended position report
129539 GNSS DOPs
129540 GNSS Sats in View
129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data
129808 DSC Call Information
129809 AIS Class B «CS» Static Data Report, Part A
129810 AIS Class B «CS» Static Data Report, Part B
130306 Wind Data
130310 Environmental Parameters
130311 Environmental Parameters
130312 Temperature
130313 Humidity
130314 Actual Pressure

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14 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000-Compatible Display Device PGN Information
GPSMAP 4000/5000 Series Chartplotters
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 059904 ISO Request
060928 ISO Address Claim 060928 ISO Address Claim
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function
126992 System Time 126996 Product Information
126996 Product Information 127250 Vessel Heading
127250 Vessel Heading 127258 Magnetic Variation
127488 Engine Parameters — Rapid Update 128259 Speed — Water Referenced
127489 Engine Parameters — Dynamic 128267 Water Depth
127505 Fluid Level 129025 Position — Rapid Update
128259 Speed — Water Referenced 129026 COG & SOG — Rapid Update
128267 Water Depth 129029 GNSS Position Data
129025 Position — Rapid Update 129540 GNSS Sats in View
129026 COG & SOG — Rapid Update 129283 Cross Track Error
129029 GNSS Position Data 129284 Navigation Data
129539 GNSS DOPs 12985 Navigation — Route/Waypoint Information
129540 GNSS Sats in View 130306 Wind Data
130306 Wind Data 130312 Temperature
130310 Environmental Parameters
130311 Environmental Parameters
130312 Temperature
130313 Humidity
130314 Actual Pressure

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 15
NMEA 2000-Compatible Display Device PGN Information
GPSMAP 700 Series Chartplotters
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 059904 ISO Request
060928 ISO Address Claim 060928 ISO Address Claim
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function
126996 Product Information 126996 Product Information
127245 Rudder 127250 Vessel Heading
127250 Vessel Heading 127258 Magnetic Variance
127488 Engine Parameters — Rapid Update 128259 Speed — Water Referenced
127489 Engine Parameters — Dynamic 128267 Water Depth
127493 Transmission Parameters — Dynamic 129025 Position, Rapid Update
127498 Engine Parameters — Static 129026 COG/SOG Rapid Update
127505 Fluid Level 129029 GNSS — Position Data
128259 Speed — Water Referenced 129283 Cross Track Error
128267 Water Depth 129284 Navigation Data
129038 AIS Class A Position Report 129285 Navigation — Route/WP information
129039 AIS Class B Position Report 129539 GNSS DOPs
129040 AIS Class B Extended Position Report 129540 GNSS Sats in View
129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data 130306 Wind Data
129798 AIS SAR Aircraft position report
129799 Radio Frequency/Mode/Power
129802 AIS Safety Related Broadcast Message
129808 DSC Call Information
130306 Wind Data
130576 Small Craft Status
130310 Environmental Parameters
130311 Environmental Parameters (Obsolete)
130312 Temperature
130313 Humidity
130314 Actual Pressure

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16 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000-Compatible Display Device PGN Information
GPSMAP 4×1/5×1 Series Chartplotters
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 059904 ISO Request
060928 ISO Address Claim 060928 ISO Address Claim
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function
126996 Product Information 126996 Product Information
127250 Vessel Heading 127250 Water Depth
127488 Engine Parameters — Rapid Update 128259 Speed — Water Referenced
127489 Engine Parameters — Dynamic 128267 Water Depth
127505 Fluid Level 129025 Position, Rapid Update
128259 Speed — Water Referenced 129026 COG/SOG Rapid Update
128267 Water Depth 129029 GNSS — Position Data
129038 AIS Class A Position Report 129283 Cross Track Error
129039 AIS Class B Position Report 129284 Navigation Data
129040 AIS Class B Extended Position Report 129285 Navigation — Route/WP information
129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data 129539 GNSS DOPs
129799 Radio Frequency/Mode/Power 129540 GNSS Sats in View
129808 DSC Call Information 130306 Wind Data
130306 Wind Data
130310 Environmental Parameters
130311 Environmental Parameters (Obsolete)
130312 Temperature
130313 Humidity
130314 Actual Pressure

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 17
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor PGN Information
GMI 10
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 059904 ISO Request
060928 ISO Address Claim 060928 ISO Address Claim
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function
126992 System Time 126996 Product Information
126996 Product Information
127250 Vessel Heading
127488 Engine Parameters — Rapid Update
127488 Boost Pressure
127489 Coolant Pressure
127489 Fuel Pressure
127489 Oil Temperature
127489 Engine Parameters — Dynamic
127505 Fluid Level
128259 Speed — Water Referenced
128267 Water Depth
129025 Position — Rapid Update
129026 COG & SOG — Rapid Update
129029 GNSS Position Data
129044 Datum
129283 Cross Track Error
129284 Navigation Data
129285 Navigation — Route/WP information
129539 GNSS DOPs
129540 GNSS Sats in View
130306 Wind Data
130310 Environmental Parameters
130311 Environmental Parameters
130312 Temperature
130313 Humidity
130314 Actual Pressure

Page: 22

18 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor PGN Information
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor PGN Information
The following tables list the non-proprietary PGN information for all Garmin NMEA 2000-certified sensors.
GPS 17x (GPS Antenna)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126992 System Time and Date
126996 Product Information
129025 Position — Rapid Update
129026 COG & SOG — Rapid Update
129029 GNSS Position Data
129539 GNSS DOPs
129540 GNSS Sats in View
GFS 10 (Garmin Fuel Sensor)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgement 059392 ISO Acknowledgement
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA–Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA–Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information 127489 Engine Parameters — Dynamic
127489 Engine Parameters–Dynamic 127497 Trip Parameters, Engine
127497 Trip Parameters, Engine 127505 Fluid Level (when calibrated using a Garmin chartplotter or
marine instrument)
127505 Fluid Level (when calibrated using a Garmin chartplotter
or marine instrument)
GRA 10 (Garmin Rudder Angle Adapter)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information
127245 Rudder
GET 10 (Garmin Engine Tilt Adapter)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 19
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor PGN Information
Transmit Receive
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information
127488 Engine Parameters — Rapid Update
GFL 10 (Garmin Fluid Level Adapter)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information
127505 Fluid Level
GBT 10 (Garmin Bennett Trim Tab Adapter)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information
130576 Small Craft Status
GST 10 (Garmin Water Speed and Temperature Adapter)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information
128259 Speed — Water Referenced
130312 Temperature
Intelliducer (Intelligent Depth Transducer–Transom Mount and Thru-Hull)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgement 059392 ISO Acknowledgement
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA–Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA–Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information
128267 Water Depth
130312 Temperature

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20 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor PGN Information
GWS 10 (Garmin Wind Sensor)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information
130306 Wind Data
130312 Temperature
130314 Actual Pressure
GHP 10 (Marine Autopilot System)
The GHP 10 autopilot system contains two components that utilize NMEA 2000, the CCU and the GHC 10.
Transmit Recieve
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 059904 ISO Request
060928 ISO Address Claim 060928 ISO Address Claim
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function
126996 Product Information 126996 Product Information
127250 Vessel Heading 127258 Magnetic Variation
127488 Engine Parameters — Rapid Update
129025 Position — Rapid Update
129026 COG & SOG — Rapid Update
129283 Cross Track Error
129284 Navigation Data
GHC 10 (Marine Autopilot Control Unit)
Transmit Recieve
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 059904 ISO Request
060928 ISO Address Claim 060928 ISO Address Claim
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function
126996 Product Information 126996 Product Information
129025 Position — Rapid Update 127250 Vessel Heading
129026 COG & SOG — Rapid Update 127488 Engine Parameters — Rapid Update
129029 GNSS Position Data 129025 Position — Rapid Update
129283 Cross Track Error 129029 GNSS Position Data
129284 Navigation Data 129284 Navigation Data
129285 Navigation — Route/WP information 129285 Navigation — Route/WP information
129540 GNSS Sats in View

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 21
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
GXM 51 (XM Weather and Radio — North America Only)
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group
060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information
VHF 200
Transmit Receive
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
060928 ISO Address Claim 059904 ISO Request
126208 NMEA Request/Command/Acknowledge Group
060928 ISO Address Claim
126464 PGN List 126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126996 Product Information 129026 COG (course over ground) and SOG (speed over ground) — Rapid
129799 Radio Frequency/Mode/Power
129808 DSC Call Information 129029 GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Position Data
VHF 300
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 060928 ISO Address Claim
060928 ISO Address Claim 126208 NMEA Request/Command/Acknowledge Group Function
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group
126464 PGN List
129026 COG (course over ground) and SOG (speed over
ground) — Rapid Update
126996 Product Information
129029 GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Position
129038 AIS Class A Position Report
129039 AIS Class B Position Report 129040 AIS Class B Extended Position Report
129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data 129798 AIS SAR Aircraft Position Report
129808 DSC Call Information 129799 Radio Frequency/Mode/Power
129799 Radio Frequency/Mode/Power
129808 DSC Call Information

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22 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
AIS 300
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 060928 ISO Address Claim
060928 ISO Address Claim 126208 NMEA Request/Command/Acknowledge Group Function
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group
126464 PGN List
126992 System Time 126996 Product Information
129038 AIS Class A Position Report
129039 AIS Class B Position Report
129040 AIS Class B Extended Position Report
129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data
129798 AIS SAR Aircraft Position Report
129802 AIS Safety Related Broadcast Message
129809 AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part A
129810 AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part B
AIS 600
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 060928 ISO Address Claim
060928 ISO Address Claim 126208 NMEA Request/Command/Acknowledge Group Function
126208 NMEA — Command/Request/Acknowledge Group
126464 PGN List
126992 System Time 126996 Product Information
129038 AIS Class A Position Report
129039 AIS Class B Position Report
129040 AIS Class B Extended Position Report
129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data
129798 AIS SAR Aircraft Position Report
129802 AIS Safety Related Broadcast Message
129809 AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part A
129810 AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part B

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 23
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
Garmin NMEA 2000-certified sensors each have a Sensor Configuration Guide included in the package. For convenience, this section contains
the configuration information for all Garmin NMEA 2000 sensor. All NMEA 2000 device configuration options are set from the NMEA 2000
configuration menu on your NMEA 2000 display device.
Important: To access the NMEA 2000 configuration menu on your display device, consult the documentation provided with your display
GPS 17x (GPS Antenna)
Enabling and Disabling WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System)/EGNOS (Euro Geostationary
Navigation Overlay Service)
When enabled, WAAS/EGNOS provides more-accurate position information. For more information on WAAS/EGNOS, visit
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 configuration menu, select the GPS 17x device.
2. Select Config > WAAS/EGNOS.
3. On a Garmin chartplotter, select On or Off.
Setting the Speed Filter
The speed filter setting on the GPS 17x can help reduce unnecessary drift alarm triggers as well as potentially sporadic position information.
The speed filter averages the data provided by the GPS 17x to provide smoother position data updates. The speed filter is most helpful when
stationary or in low-speed situations.
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 configuration menu, select the GPS 17x device.
2. Select Config > Speed Filter.
3. Choose from the following options:
• Off—position information from the GPS 17x is provided to the NMEA 2000 network as it is gathered.
• On—position information from the GPS 17x is gathered and averaged before it is provided to the NMEA 2000 network. Select the interval
at which the position information is gathered.
• Auto—the speed filter toggles on in low-speed situations and toggles off in high-speed situations.
Refreshing GPS Satellite Acquisition
In some situations, if you have moved the boat many miles without using the GPS 17x, for example, you can force the GPS 17x to re-initialize
and find your current position.
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 configuration menu, select the GPS 17x device.
2. Select Config > Auto Locate.
3. Wait for the GPS 17x to acquire satellites.
Restoring Factory Default Settings
You can restore factory default settings to the GPS 17x. You will lose all custom configuration settings when you restore factory default
To restore factory default settings:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 configuration menu, select the GPS 17x device.
2. Select Config > Factory Defaults.

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24 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
GFS 10 (Garmin Fuel Sensor)
Caution: The GFS 10 is a sensor that helps you better determine the amount of fuel used on your boat. You should not rely solely on the GFS 10 for
fuel-level information. Carefully compare information displayed on the unit to all available fuel-level instruments and sources.
Using Fuel-Flow Information With a Garmin Chartplotter or Marine Instrument
Caution: The Garmin chartplotter or marine instrument must be powered on to calculate remaining fuel based on the fuel-flow rate.
Important: When using the GFS 10 to calculate remaining fuel based on the fuel-flow rate, you must specify the amount of fuel each time you
add fuel to the tank.
To specify the amount of fuel added:
1. While viewing the fuel page or fuel instrument screen on your NMEA 2000 device, select Menu.
2. Choose from the following options:
• Fill Up Tank—set the fuel level to the maximum capacity.
• Add Fuel to Boat—specify the amount of fuel added.
• Set Total Fuel Onboard—specify the amount of fuel currently available in the fuel tank or tanks.
Changing the Fuel Economy Source
The Garmin chartplotter or marine instrument requires a speed sensor, in addition to the GFS 10, to calculate fuel economy.
To change the fuel economy source:
1. While viewing the fuel page or fuel instrument screen on your NMEA 2000 device, select Menu > Fuel Economy Source.
2. Select either GPS Speed or Water Speed to specify which speed sensor is used to calculate fuel economy.
Using Fuel-Level Information With a Garmin Chartplotter or Marine Instrument
To receive fuel-level information, connect the wiring harness on the GFS 10 to the fuel gauge or fuel-level sensor of your boat according to the
GFS 10 Installation Instructions.
To calibrate fuel-level information from the GFS 10:
1. While in still water, on the NMEA 2000 device configuration menu, select the GFS 10 device that is connected to the fuel tank you want to
Tip: The serial number of each GFS 10 is shown on the NMEA 2000 device configuration screen to help differentiate among multiple GFS 10 devices.
2. Select Config > Level Calibration > Add Calibration Point and enter a calibration point that corresponds to the current fuel level in that
fuel tank.
Entering more calibration points will provide a more-accurate reading. For example, entering five calibration points (empty tank, 1/4 tank, 1/2
tank, 3/4 tank, and full tank) will provide a more-accurate reading than entering two calibration points (empty tank and full tank).
Tip: For a quick calibration, start with an empty tank, and enter calibration points as you fill up the tank.
To reset the fuel-level calibration:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 device configuration menu, select the GFS 10 device that is connected to the fuel tank you want to configure.
2. Select Config > Level Calibration > Reset Calibration.

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 25
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
Configuring Engine and Tank Information
If you have a multi-engine or a multi-tank setup on your boat, specify which engine or tank is associated with each GFS 10.
Tip: The serial number of each GFS 10 is shown on the NMEA 2000 device configuration menu to help differentiate among multiple GFS 10 devices.
To configure tank and engine information for the GFS 10:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 device configuration menu, select the GFS 10 device you want to configure, and select Config.
2. Select from the following options:
• Engine Number—for a multi-engine installation, assign the selected GFS 10 to a specific engine.
• Tank Number—for a multi-tank installation, assign the selected GFS 10 to a specific tank.
• Tank Capacity—define the fuel capacity of the fuel tank that the selected GFS 10 is connected to.
Troubleshooting Fuel Gauge Type
When wired to a fuel gauge, the gauge type defaults to Auto Detect. If the fuel-level reading on your Garmin chartplotter or marine instrument
changes with the engine RPM, the GFS 10 could be detecting the wrong type of gauge.
Note: The fuel level changes with the motion of the boat. Perform this test when the boat is not moving.
To test the gauge-type setting:
1. When the boat is not moving, put the engine in neutral.
2. Use the throttle to increase the engine RPM. If the fuel-level reading changes with the engine RPM, change the gauge type.
To change the gauge-type setting:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 device configuration menu, select the GFS 10 device.
2. Select Config > Gauge Type.
3. Choose 1 Coil or 2 Coil and repeat the gauge-type setting test.
Troubleshooting the Fuel-Flow Reading
If the fuel-flow information received from the GFS 10 appears inaccurate, you can manually adjust the fuel-flow reading.
To adjust the fuel-flow reading:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 device configuration menu, select the GFS 10 device.
2. Select Config > Flow Adjustment.
3. Enter a positive or negative adjustment.
For example, when you set the Flow Adjustment to +10% , a flow reading of 20 gal./hr. (75 L/h) would change to a reading of 22 gal./hr.
(82.5 L/h), because 20 gal. × 110% = 22 gal. (75 L × 110% = 82.5 L).
Restoring Factory Default Settings
You can restore factory default settings to the GFS 10. You will lose all custom configuration and calibration settings when you restore factory
default settings.
To restore factory default settings:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 configuration menu, select the GFS 10 device.
2. Select Config > Factory Defaults.

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26 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
GRA 10 (Garmin Rudder Angle Adapter)
NOTE: This section provides specific configuration information for the GRA 10 adapter using your compatible Garmin display device. To
access the NMEA 2000 configuration menu on your display device, consult the documentation provided with your display device.
Calibrating the Rudder Angle
To use the GRA 10 adapter, you must calibrate the angle of the rudder that the adapter is associated with.
1. Turn the boat ignition key to the On position (not Start).
2. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GRA 10 device.
3. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Rudder Angle Calibration.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Rudder Angle Calibration.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the starboard and port rudder angles.
5. Select OK when the calibration is complete.
Troubleshooting the Gauge Type
When connected to a gauge, the GRA 10 adapter gauge type is set to Auto Detect by default, and the adapter automatically detects the type of
gauge it is connected to. If the rudder-angle reading on a connected Garmin chartplotter or marine instrument changes with the engine RPM, the
adapter may be detecting the wrong type of gauge.
To test the gauge-type setting:
1. When the boat is not moving, put the engine in neutral.
2. Use the throttle to increase the engine RPM. If the rudder-angle reading changes with the engine RPM, change the gauge type.
To change the gauge type:
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GRA 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Gauge Type.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Gauge Type.
3. Select an option:
• To automatically detect the gauge type, select Auto Detect.
• To indicate a one-coil gauge, select 1 Coil.
• To indicate a two-coil gauge, select 2 Coil.
4. Perform the gauge-type setting test.
Configuring the GRA 10 Adapter if the Rudder Angle Calibration and Gauge Type Selections Are Not
Depending on the version of software loaded on your Garmin marine instrument, the specific configuration options may not be displayed on the
configuration screens.
To calibrate the rudder angle if the menu option is not displayed:
To use the GRA 10 adapter, you must calibrate the angle of the rudder that the adapter is associated with.
1. Turn the boat ignition key to the On position (not Start).
2. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GRA 10 device.
3. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
4. Move the rudder fully to starboard and observe the angle of the rudder position, in degrees.
5. Enter the following command: “RUDDERPOS=”

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 27
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
6. After the command, enter the angle of the starboard rudder position as a whole number greater than 0 and less than 180, in degrees,
followed by Done. For example, RUDDERPOS=45Done.
7. Center the rudder.
8. Enter the following command: “RUDDERPOS=0Done”
9. Move the rudder fully to port and observe the angle of the rudder position, in degrees.
10.Enter the following command: “RUDDERPOS=”
11.After the command, enter the angle of the port rudder position as a whole number less than 0 and greater than -180, in degrees, followed by
Done. For example, RUDDERPOS=-45Done.
To configure the gauge type if the menu option is not displayed:
When connected to a gauge, the GRA 10 adapter gauge type is set to Auto Detect by default, and the adapter automatically detects the type
of gauge it is connected to. When you troubleshoot the gauge-type setting, if the rudder-angle reading on a connected Garmin chartplotter or
marine instrument changes with the engine RPM, the adapter may be detecting the wrong type of gauge.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GRA 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “GAUGRAYPE=”
4. After the command, enter one of the following options:
• To automatically detect the gauge type, enter 0, followed by Done. For example, GAUGRAYPE=0Done.
• To indicate a one-coil gauge, enter 1, followed by Done. For example, GAUGRAYPE=1Done.
• To indicate a two-coil gauge, enter 2, followed by Done. For example, GAUGRAYPE=2Done.
Restoring Factory Default Settings
You will lose all custom configuration settings when you restore factory default settings.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GRA 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Select Yes.
GET 10 (Garmin Engine Tilt Adapter)
NOTE: This section provides specific configuration information for the GET 10 adapter using your compatible Garmin display device. To
access the NMEA 2000 configuration menu on your display device, consult the documentation provided with your display device.
Calibrating the Engine Tilt
To use the GET 10 adapter, you must calibrate the tilt of the engine with which the adapter is associated.
1. Turn the boat ignition key to the On position (not Start).
2. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GET 10 device.
3. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Engine Tilt Calibration.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Engine Tilt Calibration.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the engine tilt.
5. Select OK when the calibration is complete.
Configuring the Engine Number
If your boat has multiple engines, you can indicate which engine each GET 10 adapter is associated with.

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28 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000-Certified Sensor Configuration Information
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GET 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Engine Number.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Engine Number.
3. Select the number of the engine that the adapter is associated with.
4. Select Done.
Troubleshooting the Gauge Type
When connected to a gauge, the GET 10 adapter gauge type is set to Auto Detect by default, and the adapter automatically detects the type of
gauge it is connected to. If the engine-tilt reading on a connected Garmin chartplotter or marine instrument changes with the engine RPM, the
adapter may be detecting the wrong type of gauge.
To test the gauge-type setting:
1. When the boat is not moving, put the engine in neutral.
2. Use the throttle to increase the engine RPM. If the engine-tilt reading changes with the engine RPM, change the gauge type.
To change the gauge type:
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GET 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Gauge Type.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Gauge Type.
3. Select an option:
• To automatically detect the gauge type, select Auto Detect.
• To indicate a one-coil gauge, select 1 Coil.
• To indicate a two-coil gauge, select 2 Coil.
4. Perform the gauge-type setting test.
Configuring the GET 10 Adapter if the Engine Tilt Calibration, Engine Number, and Gauge Type
Selections Are Not Displayed
Depending on the version of software loaded on your Garmin marine instrument, the specific configuration options may not be displayed on the
configuration screens.
To calibrate the engine tilt if the menu option is not displayed:
To use the GET 10 adapter, you must calibrate the tilt of the engine that the adapter is associated with.
1. Turn the boat ignition key to the On position (not Start).
2. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GET 10 device.
3. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
4. Set the engine tilt to the full-up position. The engine tilt is at 100%.
5. Enter the following command: “ENGINETILT=100Done”
6. Set the engine tilt to the full-down position. The engine tilt is at 0%.
7. Enter the following command: “ENGINETILT=0Done”
To configure the engine number if the menu option is not displayed:
If your boat has multiple engines, you can indicate which engine each GET 10 adapter is associated with.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GET 10 device.
2. Select an option:

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 29
NMEA 2000 Checklist
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “INSTANCE=”
4. After the command, enter a whole number between 1 and 253, which indicates the engine number, followed by Done. For example,
INSTANCE=2Done indicates that the adapter is associated with engine number 2.
To configure the gauge type if the menu option is not displayed:
When connected to a gauge, the GET 10 adapter gauge type is set to Auto Detect by default, and the adapter automatically detects the type of
gauge it is connected to. When you troubleshoot the gauge-type setting, if the engine-tilt reading on a connected Garmin chartplotter or marine
instrument changes with the engine RPM, the adapter may be detecting the wrong type of gauge.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GET 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “GAUGETYPE=”
4. After the command, enter one of the following options:
• To automatically detect the gauge type, enter 0, followed by Done. For example, GAUGETYPE=0Done.
• To indicate a one-coil gauge, enter 1, followed by Done. For example, GAUGETYPE=1Done.
• To indicate a two-coil gauge, enter 2, followed by Done. For example, GAUGETYPE=2Done.
Restoring Factory Default Settings
You will lose all custom configuration settings when you restore factory default settings.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GET 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Factory Defaults.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Factory Defaults.
3. Select Yes.
GFL 10 (Garmin Fluid Level Adapter)
NOTICE: This section provides specific configuration information for the GFL 10 adapter using your compatible Garmin display device. To
access the NMEA 2000 configuration menu on your display device, consult the documentation provided with your display device.
Configuring the NMEA 2000 Fluid Type
You can indicate the type of fluid that is in the tank with which each GFL 10 adapter is associated.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > N2K Fluid Type.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > N2K Fluid Type.
3. Select a fluid type.
4. Select OK.
Configuring the Tank Number
If your boat has multiple fluid tanks, you can indicate which tank each GFL 10 adapter is associated with.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Tank Number.

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30 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000 Checklist
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Tank Number.
3. Select a tank number.
4. Select OK.
Configuring the NMEA 2000 Tank Capacity
You can indicate the capacity of the fluid tank that the GFL 10 adapter is associated with.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > N2K Tank Capacity.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > N2K Tank Capacity.
3. Select the tank capacity.
4. Select Done.
Calibrating the Fluid Level
To use the GFL 10 adapter, you must calibrate the fluid level of the tank that the adapter is associated with, using a minimum of two calibration
points. The greater the number of fluid calibration points, the greater the accuracy of the reading on the fluid-level gauge.
1. Turn the boat ignition key to the On position (not Start).
2. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
3. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Level Calibration > Add Calibration Point.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Level Calibration > Add Calibration Point.
4. Select the percentage of fluid currently in the tank, based on the total tank capacity.
5. Select Done.
6. Change the level of the fluid in the tank.
7. Select Add Calibration Point.
8. Select the percentage of fluid currently in the tank, based on the total tank capacity.
9. Select Done.
10.Repeat steps 6 through 9 to add additional, optional fluid-level calibration points.
Troubleshooting the Tank Number
If multiple GFL 10 adapters are assigned to the same NMEA 2000 fluid type, each adapter is assigned a unique tank number automatically. If
the “Invalid NMEA 2000 tank configuration” error message appears, you must assign a unique tank number to each adapter.
For example, if two adapters are assigned the NMEA 2000 fluid type value of Live Well and the error message appears, you must assign each
adapter a unique tank number.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Tank Number.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Tank Number.
3. Select a tank number.
4. Select OK.
Troubleshooting the Gauge Type
When connected to a gauge, the GFL 10 adapter gauge type is set to Auto Detect by default, and the adapter automatically detects the type of
gauge it is connected to. If the fluid-level reading on a connected Garmin chartplotter or marine instrument changes with the engine RPM, the
adapter may be detecting the wrong type of gauge.
NOTE: The fluid level changes when the boat is moving. Test the gauge-type setting when the boat is not moving.

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 31
NMEA 2000 Checklist
To test the gauge-type setting:
1. When the boat is not moving, put the engine in neutral.
2. Use the throttle to increase the engine RPM. If the fluid-level reading changes with the engine RPM, change the gauge type.
To change the gauge type:
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Gauge Type.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Gauge Type.
3. Select an option:
• To automatically detect the gauge type, select Auto Detect.
• To indicate a one-coil gauge, select 1 Coil.
• To indicate a two-coil gauge, select 2 Coil.
4. Perform the gauge-type setting test.
Resetting the Fluid Level Calibration
You can reset the fluid-level calibration of the tank that the GFL 10 adapter is associated with.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Level Calibration.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Level Calibration.
3. Select Reset Calibration.
4. Select Yes.
5. Calibrate the fluid level.
Configuring the GFL 10 Adapter if the Tank Number and Fluid Type Selections Are Not Displayed
Depending on the version of software loaded on your Garmin marine instrument, the specific configuration options may not be displayed on the
configuration screens.
To configure the tank number if the menu option is not displayed:
If your boat has multiple fluid tanks, you can indicate which tank each GFL 10 adapter is associated with.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “INSTANCE=”
4. After the command, enter a whole number between 1 and 16, which indicates the tank number, followed by Done.
For example, INSTANCE=2Done indicates that the adapter is associated with tank number 2.
To configure the fluid type if the menu option is not displayed:
You can indicate the type of fluid that is in the tank that each GFL 10 adapter is associated with.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “FLUIDTYPE=”
4. After the command, enter a number between 0 and 5 to indicate the fluid type as defined in the following table, followed by Done.

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32 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000 Checklist
For example, FLUIDTYPE=1Done indicates that the tank contains fresh water.
Fluid Type FLUIDTYPE Value Fluid Type FLUIDTYPE Value
Fuel 0 Live well 3
Fresh water 1 Oil 4
Waste water 2 Black water
Restoring Factory Default Settings
When you restore factory default settings, you will lose all custom configuration settings except fluid-level calibration.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GFL 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Factory Defaults.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Factory Defaults.
3. Select Yes.
GBT 10 (Garmin Bennett Trim Tab Adapter)
NOTE: This section provides specific configuration information for the GBT 10 adapter using your compatible Garmin display device. To
access the NMEA 2000 configuration menu on your display device, consult the documentation provided with your display device.
Calibrating the Trim Tab Position
To use the GBT 10 adapter, you must calibrate the position of the trim tabs the adapter is associated with.
NOTE: If you only adjust your trim tabs within a limited range of motion on a regular basis, calibrate the GBT 10 adapter using your normal
range instead of the full range. Only the calibrated range will be displayed on your chartplotter or marine instrument.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GBT 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Trim Tab Calibration.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Trim Tab Calibration.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the trim tab position.
Configuring the GBT 10 Adapter if the Trim Tab Calibration Selection Is Not Displayed
Depending on the version of software loaded on your Garmin marine instrument, the specific configuration options may not be displayed on the
configuration screens.
To calibrate the trim tab position if the menu option is not displayed:
To use the GBT 10 adapter, you must calibrate the position of the trim tabs that the adapter is associated with. You can enter a minimum of two,
and a maximum of sixteen, trim tab positions. For greater accuracy, enter more trim tab positions.
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 configuration menu, select the GBT 10 device.
2. Select Config > Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “CALIBRATION=1”
4. Move both trim tabs to the highest position. When the trim tabs are in the highest position, they should be at or near 0% of their full range of
5. Enter the following command: “TRIMTABPOS=”
6. After the command, enter the percentage of the highest trim tab position as a whole number between 0 and 100, and select Done. For
example, TRIMTABPOS=0Done.
7. Move both trim tabs to the lowest position. When the trim tabs are in the lowest position, they should be at or near 100% of their full range of

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 33
NMEA 2000 Checklist
8. Enter the following command: “TRIMTABPOS=”
9. After the command, enter the percentage of the lowest trim tab position as a whole number between 0 and 100, and select Done. For
example, TRIMTABPOS=100Done.
10.To enter an additional, optional trim tab position, move both trim tabs to a new position, and observe the trim tab position as a percentage of
the full range of motion of the trim tab.
11.Enter the following command: “TRIMTABPOS=”
12.After the command, enter the percentage of the trim tab position as a whole number between 0 and 100, and select Done. For example,
13.Repeat steps 10 through 12 to enter additional, optional trim tab positions.
Restoring Factory Default Settings
You will lose all custom configuration settings when you restore factory default settings.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GBT 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Factory Defaults.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Factory Defaults.
3. Select Yes.
GST 10 (Garmin Water Speed and Temperature Adapter)
NOTE: This section provides specific configuration information for the GST 10 adapter using your compatible Garmin display device. To
access the NMEA 2000 configuration menu on your display device, consult the documentation provided with your display device.
Calibrating the Water Speed
To use the GST 10 adapter, you must calibrate the water speed.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GST 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Calibrate Water Speed.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Calibrate Water Speed.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the water speed.
Assigning a NMEA 2000 Temperature Source
To use the GST 10 adapter, you must select the source for the temperature data.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GST 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > N2K Temp. Source.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > N2K Temp. Source.
3. Select the location of the temperature sensor.
Configuring the Temperature Offset
If the temperature data displayed on the gauge connected to the GST 10 adapter is not the same as temperature data displayed on other devices,
you can configure the temperature offset to increase or decrease the displayed temperature by a specific amount.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GST 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Temperature Offset.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Temperature Offset.
3. Select the temperature offset as a positive or negative decimal number, in degrees.

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34 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000 Checklist
4. Select Done.
Troubleshooting the Sensor Number
If multiple GST 10 adapters are assigned to the same NMEA 2000 temperature source, each adapter is assigned a unique sensor number
automatically. If the “Invalid NMEA 2000 temperature configuration” error message appears, you must assign a unique sensor number to each
For example, if two adapters are assigned the NMEA 2000 temperature source value of Live Well and the error message appears, you must
assign each adapter a unique number.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GST 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Sensor Number.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Sensor Number.
3. Select a sensor number.
4. Select OK.
Configuring the GST 10 Adapter if the Water Speed, Location, Temperature Offset, and Sensor Number
Selections Are Not Displayed
Depending on the version of software loaded on your Garmin marine instrument, the specific configuration options may not be displayed on the
configuration screens.
To calibrate the water speed if the menu option is not displayed:
To use the GST 10 adapter, you must calibrate the water speed.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GST 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Ensure that the boat is stationary; the engine should be off or idling.
4. Enter the following command: “WATERSPEED=0Done”
5. Accelerate the boat to cruising speed and observe the maximum speed, in miles per hour.
6. Bring the boat to a stop; the engine should be off or idling.
7. Enter the following command: “WATERSPEED=”
8. After the command, enter a positive decimal number that indicates the maximum cruising speed in miles per hour, followed by Done. For
example, WATERSPEED=35.5Done.
To configure the temperature source if the location menu option is not displayed:
To use the GST 10 adapter, you must select the source for the temperature data.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GST 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “TEMPSOURCE=”
4. After the command, enter a number between 0 and 8, or 13, to indicate the source of the temperature data as defined in the following table,
followed by Done.
For example, TEMPSOURCE=6Done indicates that the bait well is the source for the temperature data.

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 35
NMEA 2000 Checklist
Location TEMPSOURCE Value Location TEMPSOURCE Value
Water 0 Live well 5
Air outside 1 Bait well 6
Air inside 2 Refrigeration 7
Engine room 3 Heating system 8
Main cabin 4 Freezer 13
To configure the temperature offset if the menu option is not displayed:
If the temperature data displayed on the gauge connected to the GST 10 adapter is not the same as temperature data displayed on other devices,
you can configure the temperature offset to increase or decrease the displayed temperature by a specific amount.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GST 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “TEMPOFFSET=”
4. After the command, enter a positive or negative decimal number, followed by Done.
For example, TEMPOFFSET=-2.5Done indicates that the temperature readings displayed on the gauge connected to the GST 10 adapter
will be decreased by 2.5 degrees Celsius.
To configure the sensor number if the menu option is not displayed:
If multiple GST 10 adapters are assigned to the same NMEA 2000 temperature source, each adapter is assigned a unique sensor number
automatically. If the “Invalid NMEA 2000 temperature configuration” error message appears, you must assign a unique sensor number to each
For example, if two adapters are assigned the NMEA 2000 temperature source value of Live Well and the error message appears, you must
assign each adapter a unique number.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select one of the GST 10 devices assigned to the same temperature source.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Generic Config.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config >Generic Configuration.
3. Enter the following command: “INSTANCE=”
4. After the command, enter a positive decimal number, followed by Done.
5. Repeat steps 1–4 for each GST 10 device assigned to the same temperature source.
For example, if two GST 10 adapters are assigned the value of Live Well, assigning INSTANCE=1 to the first adapter and assigning
INSTANCE=2 to the second adapter prevents the error message.
Restoring Factory Default Settings
You will lose all custom configuration settings when you restore factory default settings.
1. From the NMEA 2000 Devices list, select the GST 10 device.
2. Select an option:
• For most Garmin chartplotters, select Review > Factory Defaults.
• For other Garmin marine devices, select Config > Factory Defaults.
3. Select Yes.

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36 Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products
NMEA 2000 Checklist
Intelliducer (Intelligent Depth Transducer–Transom Mount and Thru-Hull)
Setting the Keel Offset
Adjust the Keel Offset to display a depth reading from the water line or from the lowest point of the boat (keel) rather than the actual location
of the Intelliducer.
To adjust the keel offset:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 device configuration menu, select a specific Intelliducer and select Config > Keel Offset.
2. Enter the measured distance from the Intelliducer location to the water line or to the keel of the boat.
• If you are measuring down to the keel (Intelliducer installed at the water line), enter a (+) positive number.
• If you are measuring up to the water line (Intelliducer installed on the keel), enter a (-) negative number.
Keel Offset
Enter a (+) positive number
to show depth at the
bottom of the keel.
Intelliducer at the water line
Enter a (-) negative
number to show depth at
the surface.
Intelliducer at the bottom
of the keel
GWS 10 (Garmin Wind Sensor)
Configuring the Wind Angle Offset (Orientation)
When mounting the sensor, you must adjust the angle offset if you did not orient the GWS 10 as described in the GWS 10 Installation
To configure the wind angle offset (orientation):
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 device information, select Config > Wind Angle Offset.
2. Select the angle in degrees to adjust for the difference in orientation.
Tip: The angles are configured clockwise around the mast of the boat. For example, 90 degrees is on the starboard side of the boat, and 270 degrees is
on the port side.
Configuring the Wind Speed Filter
The wind speed filter governs how quickly the NMEA 2000-compatible display device shows a change in the wind speed. A lower filter setting
shows changes in the wind speed more gradually, and may stabilize the display.
To configure the wind speed filter:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 device information, select Config > Wind Speed Filter.
2. Choose from the following options to adjust the filter settings.
• Off—the wind speed data is not filtered.
• On—select a lower number to show a change in the wind speed more gradually, and help the gauge needle or wind speed number to
move or change more steadily.
• Auto—automatically adjusts the filter settings based on wind conditions.

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Technical Reference for Garmin NMEA 2000 Products 37
NMEA 2000 Checklist
Configuring the Wind Angle Filter
The wind angle filter governs how quickly the NMEA 2000-compatible display device shows a change in the wind angle. A lower filter setting
shows changes in the wind angle more gradually, and may stabilize the display.
To configure the wind angle filter:
1. While viewing the NMEA 2000 device information, select Config > Wind Angle Filter.
2. Choose from the following options to adjust the filter settings.
• Off—the wind angle data is not filtered.
• On—select a lower number to update the display device less often, and help the gauge needle or wind angle number to move or change
more steadily.
• Auto—automatically adjusts the filter settings based on wind conditions.
Configuring the GWS 10 if the Filter and Offset Selections Are Not Displayed
Depending on the version of software loaded on your Garmin marine instrument, the specific configuration options may not be displayed on the
configuration screens.
To configure the wind angle offset if the menu option is not displayed:
1. Select Generic Configuration to specify data for the filter and offset settings.
2. Enter the following command: “ANGLEOFFSET=”
3. Follow the command with a number between 0 and 359, in degrees (for example: ANGLEOFFSET=180).
To configure the wind angle filter if the menu option is not displayed:
1. Select Generic Configuration to specify data for the filter and offset settings.
2. Enter the following command: “ANGLEFILTER=”
3. Follow the command with a number between 0 and 254, representing a time constant in increments of 0.25 second, or 255 to represent the
Automatic setting (for example: ANGLEFILTER=12).
To configure the wind speed filter:
1. Select Generic Configuration to specify data for the filter and offset settings.
2. Enter the following command: “SPEEDFILTER=”
3. Follow the command with a number between 0 and 254, representing a time constant in increments of 0.25 second, or 255 to represent the
Automatic setting (for example: SPEEDFILTER=215).

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NMEA 2000 Checklist
Use this checklist to confirm your NMEA 2000 installation.
Is the NMEA 2000 network connected to power, and is the power balanced correctly on the network? (page 5)
Is the NMEA 2000 network power connected through the ignition switch–if not, did you install a switch? (page 5)
Is the NMEA 2000 power cable grounded? Is the bare wire connected to the same ground location? (page 5)
Is the NMEA 2000 network backbone built using linear construction? (page 4)
Are there terminators on both ends of the NMEA 2000 network? (page 7)
Are all drop cables less than 20 ft. (6 m)? (page 8)
For the latest free software updates (excluding map data) throughout the life of your
Garmin products, visit the Garmin Web site at
© 2009–2012 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
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March 2012 Part Number 190-00891-00_0D Printed in Taiwan

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GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя

Важная информация по безопасности

GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - предупреждениеПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ
Предупреждения о продукте и другую важную информацию см. В руководстве «Важная информация о безопасности и продукте» в упаковке продукта.
При подключении кабеля питания не снимайте встроенный патрон предохранителя. Чтобы предотвратить возможность получения травм или повреждения продукта в результате пожара или перегрева, необходимо установить соответствующий предохранитель, как указано в технических характеристиках продукта. Кроме того, подключение кабеля питания без соответствующего предохранителя аннулирует гарантию на продукт.
GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - предупреждениеВНИМАНИЕ!
Всегда надевайте защитные очки, наушники и респиратор при сверлении, резке или шлифовании.

При сверлении или резке всегда проверяйте, что находится на противоположной стороне поверхности. Чтобы добиться максимальной производительности и избежать повреждения лодки, устанавливайте устройство в соответствии с этими инструкциями. Прочтите все инструкции по установке, прежде чем продолжить установку. Если у вас возникнут трудности во время установки, обратитесь в службу поддержки Garmin ®.

Необходимые инструменты

  • Сверлить
  • Сверла
    • Крепление под залог: сверла, подходящие для поверхности и оборудования.
    • Поворотное крепление: сверло на 3 мм (/ 8 дюйма)
    • Установка заподлицо: сверла на 3 мм (1/8 дюйма) и 9.5 мм (3/8 дюйма)
  •  # 2 крестовая отвертка
  • Лобзик или роторный инструмент
  • File и наждачная бумага
  • Морской герметик (по желанию)

Рекомендации по установке
Вы можете установить устройство одним из трех способов. Крепление с подпоркой: вы можете установить устройство, используя размер подпорки, который позволяет наклонять устройство.

Поворотное крепление: Вы можете установить устройство, используя поворотное основание и скобу, которая позволяет поворачивать и наклонять устройство. Недоступно на моделях ECHOMAP UHD 9x.
Скрытый монтаж: Вы можете установить устройство на приборной панели, что обеспечивает более интегрированную установку. Перед окончательной установкой какой-либо части вашего устройства вы должны спланировать установку, определив расположение различных компонентов.

  • Место установки должно обеспечивать четкое view экрана и доступ к клавишам на устройстве.
  • Место установки должно быть достаточно прочным, чтобы выдерживать устройство и крепление.
  • Кабели должны быть достаточно длинными, чтобы можно было подключать компоненты друг к другу и к источнику питания.
  • Чтобы избежать помех для магнитного компаса, не устанавливайте устройство ближе к компасу, чем безопасное для компаса значение расстояния, указанное в технических характеристиках продукта.

Установка устройства с фиксированной дужкой
Если вы устанавливаете кронштейн на стекловолокно с помощью винтов, рекомендуется использовать зенковку для просверливания отверстия только через верхний слой гелькоута. Это поможет избежать растрескивания слоя гелькоута при затягивании шурупов.

  1. Выберите монтажное оборудование, подходящее для вашей монтажной поверхности и для кронштейна для крепления на дужке.
  2. Используя скобу для установки дужки в качестве шаблона, отметьте направляющие отверстия через отверстия для винтов.
  3. Используя сверло, подходящее для монтажного оборудования, просверлите четыре направляющих отверстия.
  4. Используя выбранные монтажные приспособления, прикрепите скобу для крепления дужки к монтажной поверхности.
  5. Установите ручки крепления дужки по бокам подставки.
    GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - рис1
  6. Поместите подставку в кронштейн для крепления на скобу и затяните ручки крепления на скобу.
  7. Подключите каждый кабель к порту на базовой станции, используя фиксирующую скобу или стопорные кольца, чтобы прикрепить кабели к базовой станции (Рекомендации по подключению, стр. 2).

№ ДИЛЕРА: DA0015955 / 08GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - значок 1

GUID-D4F04D40-7D5A-4040-AD3F-27506E0DAFD0 v2

Установка устройства на поворотное основание с помощью поручня
Для крепления поворотного основания следует использовать только крепежные болты с полукруглой головкой или саморезы. Если использовать винты с потайной головкой, можно повредить монтажный кронштейн. В некоторых моделях есть возможность добавить поворотное основание к количеству мяча, чтобы вы могли поворачивать устройство для более широкого диапазона viewуглы.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Модели ECHOMAP UHD 9x не имеют поворотного устройства.

  1. Используя поворотное основание 1 в качестве шаблона, отметьте три направляющих отверстия 2.
    GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без датчика - поворотное основание
  2. Просверлите три пилотных отверстия сверлом на 3 мм (1/8 дюйма).
  3.  С помощью прилагаемых шурупов прикрепите поворотное основание к монтажной поверхности.
  4.  Поместите кронштейн для крепления на дужку на поворотное основание и закрепите его с помощью ручки поворотного крепления.
  5.  Установите ручки крепления дужки по бокам подставки.
  6. Поместите устройство в кронштейн крепления дужки и затяните ручки крепления дужки.
  7.  Подключите каждый кабель к порту на подставке, используя фиксирующую скобу или стопорные кольца, чтобы закрепить кабели на подставке (Рекомендации по подключению, стр. 2) .уголки декоративных колпачков 1, сдвиньте инструмент для монтирования к центру 2 и снимите обрезные колпачки.
    GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без датчика - поворотное основание 1
  8. Убедитесь, что монтажные отверстия на устройстве совпадают с пилотными отверстиями на шаблоне.
  9. Если монтажные отверстия на устройстве не совпадают с пилотными отверстиями на шаблоне, отметьте новые местоположения пилотных отверстий на своем шаблоне.
  10. Просверлите пилотные отверстия сверлом на 3 мм (1/8 дюйма).
  11. Снимите шаблон с монтажной поверхности.
  12. Поместите прибор в подставку.
    ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: При установке устройства заподлицо необходимо использовать подставку и стопорный кронштейн или стопорные кольца.
  13. Если у вас не будет доступа к задней части устройства после его установки, подключите все необходимые кабели к подставке и закрепите кабели с помощью фиксирующего кронштейна или стопорных колец, прежде чем вставлять устройство в вырез (Рекомендации по подключению, стр. 2).
  14. Чтобы предотвратить коррозию металлических контактов, закройте неиспользуемые разъемы защитными колпачками.
  15. Установите резиновые прокладки на заднюю часть устройства. На обратной стороне резиновой прокладки есть клей. Убедитесь, что вы удалили защитную пленку перед установкой на устройство.
    GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без датчика - поворотное основание 2
  16. Подключите каждый кабель к порту на базовой станции, используя фиксирующую скобу или стопорные кольца, чтобы прикрепить кабели к базовой станции (Рекомендации по подключению, стр. 2).
  17. Поместите устройство и подставку в вырез.
  18. Закрепите устройство на монтажной поверхности с помощью прилагаемых винтов.
  19. Установите накладные колпачки, защелкнув их по краям устройства.

Рекомендации по подключению
После подключения кабелей к подставке затяните стопорные кольца, чтобы зафиксировать каждый кабель.
Подключение кабелей к подставке ECHOMAP UHD 6x
Разъемы на кабелях имеют ключ, чтобы подходить только к нужным портам на базовой станции ECHOMAP UHD 6x. Соединительные кабели удерживаются фиксирующим кронштейном.

  1. Сдвиньте фиксирующий кронштейн кабеля снизу вверх и снимите кронштейн с подставки.
  2. Сравните прорези на каждом кабельном разъеме с ключом на каждом порту, чтобы определить, какой кабель соответствует каждому порту.
    GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без датчика - поворотное основание 3
  3. Полностью и надежно вставьте каждый кабель в отверстие в подставке и надежно подключите каждый кабель к порту.
    ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Если кабели не вставлены в подставку достаточно глубоко, разъемы могут ненадежно подключаться к портам, и устройство может потерять питание или сонар или может перестать работать.
  4. Поместите фиксирующий кронштейн на кабели и сдвиньте кронштейн вниз, чтобы зафиксировать кабели на месте.
    GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - рис2При правильной установке фиксирующего кронштейна слышен щелчок.

Подключение кабелей к подставке ECHOMAP UHD 7x / 9x
Разъемы кабелей подходят только к правильным портам базовой станции ECHOMAP UHD 7x / 9x. Соединительные кабели удерживаются стопорными кольцами.

  1. Вставьте каждый кабель в соответствующий порт подставки.
  2. Поверните стопорное кольцо по часовой стрелке, чтобы закрепить кабель на подставке. Кабель питания и передачи данных
    • Жгут проводов соединяет устройство с питанием и устройствами NMEA® 0183. 6-дюймовые устройства также могут использовать эти провода для обмена пользовательскими данными, такими как путевые точки и маршруты.
    • Если вы не подключаете устройства NMEA 0183 или другой картплоттер для обмена данными, не обращайте внимания на синий и коричневый провода.
    • Устройство имеет один внутренний порт NMEA 0183, который используется для подключения к устройствам, совместимым с NMEA 0183.
    • Если необходимо удлинить провода питания и заземления, необходимо использовать провод 0.82 мм (18 AWG) или больше.
    • Если необходимо удлинить провода NMEA 0183 или сигнализации, необходимо использовать провод 33 мм (22 AWG).

GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - кабель передачи данных

Товары Функция провода Цвет провода
Внутренний порт NMEA 0183 Rx (дюйм) Brown
Внутренний порт NMEA 0183 Tx (выход) Синии
Земля (питание и NMEA 0183) Black
Питания Red

Подключение к источнику питания

GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - предупреждение ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ
При подключении кабеля питания не снимайте встроенный патрон предохранителя. Чтобы предотвратить возможность получения травм или повреждения продукта в результате пожара или перегрева, необходимо установить соответствующий предохранитель, как указано в технических характеристиках продукта. Кроме того, подключение кабеля питания без соответствующего предохранителя аннулирует гарантию на продукт.

Вы должны подключить красный провод к той же батарее через замок зажигания или другой ручной выключатель, чтобы включать и выключать устройство.

  1. Проложите кабель питания между источником питания и устройством.
  2. Подключите красный провод питания к замку зажигания или другому ручному переключателю и подключите переключатель к положительной (+) клемме аккумулятора, если необходимо.
  3. Подключите черный провод к отрицательной (-) клемме аккумулятора или к массе.
  4. Подключите кабель питания к устройству и поверните стопорное кольцо по часовой стрелке, чтобы затянуть его.

Подключение устройства к датчику Перейти к или обратитесь к местному дилеру Garmin, чтобы определить подходящий тип датчика для ваших нужд.

  1. Следуйте инструкциям, прилагаемым к датчику, чтобы правильно установить его на лодке.
  2. Проложите кабель датчика к задней части устройства, вдали от источников электрических помех.
  3. Подключите кабель датчика к соответствующему порту на подставке.

Подключение к устройству Garmin для обмена пользовательскими данными
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Эта функция недоступна на устройствах ECHOMAP UHD 7x / 9x. Синий и коричневый провода на этих устройствах можно подключать только к устройствам NMEA 0183. Вы можете подключить устройство ECHOMAP UHD 6x к совместимому устройству Garmin для обмена пользовательскими данными, такими как путевые точки. Если устройства установлены рядом друг с другом, можно подключить синий и коричневый провода. Если устройства установлены слишком далеко друг от друга, и провода не могут дотянуться до них, их можно подключить с помощью кабеля для обмена пользовательскими данными (010-12234-06).

  1. Убедитесь, что оба устройства подключены к одной и той же земле.
  2. Завершите действие:
    • Если устройства установлены рядом друг с другом, подключите синий провод от первого устройства к коричневому проводу второго, а коричневый провод от первого устройства к синему проводу второго.
    • Если устройства не установлены рядом друг с другом, приобретите кабель для обмена пользовательскими данными (010-12234-06) и подключите устройства, следуя инструкциям, прилагаемым к кабелю.
  3. На обоих устройствах выберите Nav Info> Manage Data> User Data Sharing. Пользовательские данные распределяются между подключенными устройствами. Если вы выберете «Очистить данные пользователя», данные будут удалены с обоих подключенных устройств.
    Установка ферритовых шариков на кабели
    В соответствии с нормативными требованиями и для уменьшения шума вы можете установить ферритовые пластины на датчик и сетевые кабели, если ферритовые пластины входят в комплект поставки устройства. Надежно закрепите одну ферритовую полоску вокруг кабеля датчика, а другую — вокруг сетевого кабеля как можно ближе к разъемам.
    Рекомендации по NMEA 2000 ®
    Если вы подключаетесь к существующей сети NMEA 2000, определите кабель питания NMEA 2000. Для правильной работы сети NMEA 2000 требуется только один кабель питания NMEA 2000. Изолятор питания NMEA 2000 (010-11580-00) следует использовать в установках, в которых производитель существующих сетей NMEA 2000 неизвестен. Если вы устанавливаете кабель питания NMEA 2000, вы должны подключить его к выключателю зажигания судна или через другой встроенный выключатель. Устройства NMEA 2000 разряжают аккумулятор, если кабель питания NMEA 2000 подключен к аккумулятору напрямую. Вы можете подключить свое устройство к сети NMEA 2000 на судне для обмена данными с устройств, совместимых с NMEA 2000, таких как датчики или УКВ-радио. Необходимые кабели и разъемы NMEA 2000 продаются отдельно. Если вы не знакомы с NMEA 2000, вам следует прочитать главу «Основы работы с сетью NMEA 2000» Технического справочника по продуктам NMEA 2000. Вы можете найти этот документ, используя ссылку «Руководства» на странице продукта для вашего устройства по адресу Порт с маркировкой NMEA 2000 на базовой станции используется для подключения к стандартной сети NMEA 2000.

GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - рис4

Товары Описание
1 Устройство ECHOMAP UHD
2 Ответвительный кабель NMEA 2000
3 Кабель питания NMEA 2000
4 Зажигание или встроенный выключатель
5 Источник питания 12 В постоянного тока
6 Терминатор NMEA 2000 или магистральный кабель
7 Тройник NMEA 2000
8 Терминатор NMEA 2000 или магистральный кабель

Установка устройства в подставку

После того, как кабели подключены к подставке, вы можете быстро поместить устройство в подставку.

  1. Поместите основание устройства в нижнюю часть подставки.
  2. Наклоните верхнюю часть устройства к подставке, пока она не встанет на место.
    Когда устройство закреплено в подставке, слышен щелчок.

Убедитесь, что устройство надежно закреплено в подставке. Если в модели используется фиксирующий кронштейн, убедитесь, что кронштейн надежно закрыт. При правильной установке устройства или фиксирующего кронштейна слышен щелчок. Если устройство не закреплено надежно, оно может потерять питание. Устройство также может выпасть из подставки и получить повреждения, если оно не будет надежно закреплено.

Снятие устройства с подставки

  1. Нажимайте фиксирующий рычаг на подставке, пока устройство не будет разблокировано.
    GARMIN 010-02342-00 Echomap UHD 93sv без преобразователя - подставка
  2. Наклоните устройство вперед и выньте его из подставки.


Все модели

Материалы Поликарбонатный пластик
Оценка воды IEC 60529 IPX71
Диапазон температур От -15 до 55 ° C (от 5 до 131 ° F)
Входная громкостьtage От 9 до 18 В постоянного тока
взрыватель 3 А, 125 В быстродействующий
Безопасное для компаса расстояние 65 см (25.6 дюйма)
NMEA 2000 LEN @ 9 В постоянного тока2 1
Розыгрыш NMEA 2000 75 мА макс.
Карты памяти 1 слот для карт памяти microSD®; 32 ГБ макс. размер карты

6-дюймовые модели

Размеры (Ш х В х Г) 21.8 х 13.0 х 6.2 см (8.6 х 5.1 х
2.6 дюйма)
Размер дисплея (Ш x В) 13.7 x 7.7 см (5.4 x 3.1 дюймов)
Диагональ 15.2 см (6.2 дюйма)
Расстояние до ближайшего препятствия 8 см (3.1 дюйма)
Вес 0.75 кг (1.6 фунт)
Максимум. потребляемая мощность при 10 В постоянного тока 12 W
Типичное потребление тока при 12 В постоянного тока (RMS) 0.7
Максимум. потребляемый ток при 12 В постоянного тока (RMS) 1.25
Беспроводные частоты и протоколы 2.4 ГГц при 17.2 дБм номинально

7-дюймовые модели

Размеры (Ш х В х Г) 25 x 13.9 x 5.1 см (9.8 x 5.5 x 2.0 дюйма)
Размер дисплея (Ш x В) 15.5 x 8.6 см (6.1 x 3.4 дюймов)
Диагональ 17.8 см (7 дюйма)
Расстояние до ближайшего препятствия 11.5 см (4.5 дюйма)
Вес 0.77 кг (1.7 фунт)
Максимум. потребляемая мощность при 10 В постоянного тока 15 Вт, 9 Вт с преобразователем GT-52
Типичное потребление тока при 12 В постоянного тока (RMS) 0.8

1 Устройство выдерживает случайное воздействие воды на глубину до 1 м в течение 30 мин. Для получения дополнительной информации перейдите на
2 NMEA 2000 доступен на моделях ECHOMAP UHD 7x / 9x.

Максимум. потребляемый ток при 12 В постоянного тока (RMS) 1 1.25
Беспроводные частоты и протоколы 2.4 ГГц при 18.5 дБм номинально

9-дюймовые модели

Размеры (Ш х В х Г) 11.4 ″ x 6.5 ″ x 2.4 ″ (28.2 x 16.4 x 6.0 см)
Размер дисплея (Ш x В) 19.9 x 11.3 см (7.8 x 4.8 дюймов)

Диагональ 22.9 см (9 дюйма)

Расстояние до ближайшего препятствия 11.5 см (4.5 дюйма)
Вес 1 кг (2.3 фунт)
Максимум. потребляемая мощность при 10 В постоянного тока 18 W
Типичное потребление тока при 12 В постоянного тока (RMS) 1
Максимум. потребляемый ток при 12 В постоянного тока (RMS) 1.5
Беспроводные частоты и протоколы 2.4 ГГц при 18.5 дБм номинально

Передача и получение информации NMEA 2000 PGN

Размеры (Ш х В х Г) 11.4 ″ x 6.5 ″ x 2.4 ″ (28.2 x 16.4 x 6.0 см)
Размер дисплея (Ш x В) 19.9 x 11.3 см (7.8 x 4.8 дюймов)

Диагональ 22.9 см (9 дюйма)

Расстояние до ближайшего препятствия 11.5 см (4.5 дюйма)
Вес 1 кг (2.3 фунт)
Максимум. потребляемая мощность при 10 В постоянного тока 18 W
Типичное потребление тока при 12 В постоянного тока (RMS) 1
Максимум. потребляемый ток при 12 В постоянного тока (RMS) 1.5
Беспроводные частоты и протоколы 2.4 ГГц при 18.5 дБм номинально


PGN Описание
126464 Передача и получение групповой функции списка PGN
127258 Магнитная дисперсия
129025 Позиция: быстрое обновление
129026 COG и SOG: быстрое обновление
129029 Данные о местоположении GNSS
129283 Поперечная ошибка
129284 Дата Навигация
129285 Информация о навигационном маршруте и путевой точке
129540 Спутники GNSS в view


PGN Описание
127245 Руль
127250 Курс судна
127488 Параметры двигателя: быстрое обновление
127489 Параметры двигателя: Динамический
127493 Параметры трансмиссии: Динамический
127498 Параметры двигателя: Статический
127505 Уровень жидкости
129038 Отчет о местоположении AIS класса A
129039 Отчет о местоположении AIS класса B
129040 Расширенный отчет о местоположении AIS класса B
129794 Статические данные AIS класса A и данные о рейсе
129798 Отчет о местоположении воздушного судна AIS SAR
PGN Описание
128000 Угол свободного хода
129802 Радиовещательное сообщение AIS, связанное с безопасностью
129808 Информация о вызове DSC
130310 Параметры окружающей среды
130311 Параметры окружающей среды (устарело)
130313 Влажность
130314 Фактическое давление
130576 Статус малых судов

Эти данные относятся только к продуктам, совместимым с NMEA 2000.
Информация NMEA 0183

Предложение Описание
ГПАПБ APB: предложение «B» для диспетчера направления или пути (автопилот)
ГПБОД BOD: пеленг (исходный пункт назначения)
ГПБВК BWC: пеленг и расстояние до путевой точки
GPGGA GGA: данные о фиксации глобальной системы позиционирования
GPGLL GLL: географическое положение (широта и долгота)
ГПССА GSA: GNSS DOP и активные спутники
ГПГСВ GSV: спутники GNSS в view
GPRMB ПКМ: рекомендуемый минимум навигационной информации.
ГПРМС RMC: рекомендуемый минимум конкретных данных GNSS
GPRTE RTE: маршруты
ГПВТГ VTG: Курс относительно земли и путевая скорость
GPWPL WPL: местоположение путевой точки
GPXTE XTE: перекрестная ошибка
ГРМЕ E: расчетная ошибка
ПГРММ M: датум карты
ПГРМЗ Z: высота
СДДБТ DBT: глубина под датчиком
СДДПТ DPT: Глубина
СДМТВ MTW: Температура воды
СДВХВ VHW: скорость и курс относительно воды.


Предложение Описание
ДПТ глубина
DBT Глубина под преобразователем
МТЗ Температура воды
VHW Скорость и направление относительно воды
WPL Расположение путевой точки
DSC Информация о цифровом избирательном вызове
DSE Расширенный цифровой избирательный вызов
HDG Курс, отклонение и вариация
HDM Заголовок, магнитный
ММР Направление и скорость ветра
MDA Метеорологический свод
МВВ Скорость и угол ветра
VDM Сообщение по каналу передачи данных AIS VHF

Вы можете приобрести полную информацию о формате и предложениях Национальной ассоциации морской электроники (NMEA) в NMEA, Seven Riggs Avenue, Severna Park, MD 21146 USA (

© Garmin Ltd. или ее дочерние компании, 2019 г., Garmin®, логотип Garmin и ECHOMAP ™ являются товарными знаками компании Garmin Ltd. или ее подразделений, зарегистрированных в США и других странах. Эти товарные знаки нельзя использовать без явного разрешения компании Garmin.
NMEA®, NMEA 2000® и логотип NMEA 2000 являются зарегистрированными товарными знаками Национальной ассоциации морской электроники. microSD® и логотип microSD являются товарными знаками.
ООО «СД-3С».

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