Garmin forerunner 955 инструкция на русском языке

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Какой вес Garmin Forerunner 955?

У смарт-часов есть функции, которых нет у смартфона?

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Необходим ли интернет для GPS?

Что означает аббревиатура GPS?

Какой размер экрана Garmin Forerunner 955?

Какое разрешение экрана дисплея Garmin Forerunner 955?

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Garmin FORERUNNER 955 Owner's Manual

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Owner’s Manual


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Summary of Contents for Garmin FORERUNNER 955

  • Page 1
    FORERUNNER ® Owner’s Manual…
  • Page 2
    © 2022 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Garmin. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content of this manual without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Go to…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Recording an Indoor Climbing Activity……….14 Golfing……….. 14 Introduction……..1 Playing Golf……..14 Setting Up Your Watch……1 Hole Information……. 15 Overview……….1 Moving the Flag……… 15 GPS Status and Status Icons….2 Viewing Measured Shots….16 Enabling and Disabling the Manually Measuring a Shot..

  • Page 4
    Customizing an Interval Workout..50 Paying for a Purchase Using Your Starting an Interval Workout….. 50 Watch……….41 Stopping an Interval Workout… 50 Adding a Card to Your Garmin Pay Wallet……….42 PacePro Training……..50 Changing Your Garmin Pay Downloading a PacePro Plan from Passcode……..
  • Page 5
    Cadence Sensor……..77 Device……….64 Training with Power Meters….78 Creating a Round-Trip Course..65 Cycling Dynamics……78 Creating a Course on Garmin Using Electronic Shifters…… 78 Connect……….65 Situational Awareness……78 Sending a Course to Your Using the Varia Camera Controls..78 Device……….
  • Page 6
    User Profile……..80 Garmin Connect………89 Using the Garmin Connect App..89 Setting Up Your User Profile….80 Using Garmin Connect on Your Viewing Your Fitness Age….80 Computer……..90 About Heart Rate Zones……. 80 Manually Syncing Data with Garmin Fitness Goals……..81 Connect……….
  • Page 7
    Wearing the Watch……110 Device Care……… 110 Cleaning the Watch……110 Changing the Bands……111 Specifications……..113 Battery Life Information….114 Troubleshooting……114 Product Updates……… 114 Setting Up Garmin Express….. 114 Getting More Information….115 Activity Tracking……… 115 Table of Contents…
  • Page 9: Introduction

    Always consult your physician before you begin or modify any exercise program. Setting Up Your Watch To take full advantage of the Forerunner features, complete these tasks. • Pair the Forerunner watch with your phone using the Garmin Connect (Pairing Your Phone, page 86).

  • Page 10: Gps Status And Status Icons

    DOWN • Press to scroll through the glances, data screens, options, and settings. • Hold to open the music controls (Music, page 83). START · STOP • Press to start and stop the activity timer. • Press to choose an option or to acknowledge a message. BACK •…

  • Page 11: Using The Watch

    (Connect IQ Features, ™ page 90). For more information about activity tracking and fitness metric accuracy, go to Starting an Activity When you start an activity, GPS turns on automatically (if required). 1 Press START. 2 If this is the first time you are starting an activity, select the checkbox next to each activity to add to your…

  • Page 12: Stopping An Activity

    3 Select how you felt during the activity. You can view evaluations in the Garmin Connect app. Outdoor Activities The Forerunner device comes preloaded with outdoor activities, such as running and cycling. GPS is turned on for outdoor activities.

  • Page 13: Going For A Run

    Going for a Run The first fitness activity you record on your watch can be a run, ride, or any outdoor activity. You may need to charge the watch before starting the activity (Charging the Watch, page 109). The device records activity data only while the activity timer is running. 1 Press START, and select an activity.

  • Page 14: Going For A Track Run

    Going for a Track Run Before you go for a track run, make sure you are running on a standard-shape, 400 m track. You can use the track run activity to record your outdoor track data, including distance in meters and lap splits. 1 Stand on the outdoor track.

  • Page 15: Triathlon Training

    Triathlon Training When you participate in a triathlon, you can use the triathlon activity to quickly transition to each sport segment, to time each segment, and to save the activity. 1 Press START. 2 Select Triathlon. 3 Press START to start the activity timer. 4 Press at the beginning and end of each transition.

  • Page 16: Recording A Backcountry Skiing Activity

    Recording a Backcountry Skiing Activity The backcountry skiing activity lets you manually switch between climbing and descending tracking modes so you can accurately track your statistics. 1 Press START. 2 Select Backcountry Ski. 3 Select an option: • If you are starting your activity on a climb, select Climbing. •…

  • Page 17: Swimming

    Swimming NOTICE The device is intended for surface swimming. Scuba diving with the device may damage the product and will void the warranty. NOTE: The watch has wrist-based heart rate enabled for swim activities. The watch is also compatible with the HRM-Pro, HRM-Swim , and HRM-Tri accessories…

  • Page 18: Swim Terminology

    Stroke type identification is available only for pool swimming. Your stroke type is identified at the end of a length. Stroke types appear in your swimming history and in your Garmin Connect account. You can also select stroke type as a custom data field (Customizing the Data Screens, page 98).

  • Page 19: Indoor Activities

    Indoor Activities The watch can be used for training indoors, such as running on an indoor track or using a stationary bike or indoor trainer. GPS is turned off for indoor activities (Activities and App Settings, page 96). When running or walking with GPS turned off, speed and distance are calculated using the accelerometer in the watch.

  • Page 20: Recording A Strength Training Activity

    • Turn on automatic set detection to start and stop your sets. • Save and send your strength training activity to your Garmin Connect account. You can use the tools in your Garmin Connect account to view and edit activity details. Activities and Apps…

  • Page 21: Recording A Hiit Activity

    Recording a HIIT Activity You can use specialized timers to record a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) activity. 1 Press START. 2 Select HIIT. 3 Select an option: • Select Free to record an open, unstructured HIIT activity. • Select HIIT Timers (HIIT Timers, page 13).

  • Page 22: Recording An Indoor Climbing Activity

    Recording an Indoor Climbing Activity You can record routes during an indoor climbing activity. A route is a climbing path along an indoor rock wall. 1 Press START. 2 Select Climb Indoor. The first time you start an activity, you can enable route statistics. 3 Select a grading system.

  • Page 23: Hole Information

    Hole Information The watch calculates the distance to the front and back of the green, and to the selected pin location (Moving the Flag, page 15). Current hole number Distance to the back of the green Distance to the selected pin location Distance to the front of the green Par for the hole Map of the green…

  • Page 24: Viewing Measured Shots

    CT10 golf club sensors. You can use paired club sensors to automatically track your golf shots, including location, distance, and club type. See the owner’s manual for your club sensors for more information ( Keeping Score 1 From the hole information screen, press START.

  • Page 25: Updating A Score

    Updating a Score 1 From the hole information screen, press START. 2 Select Scorecard. 3 Press UP or DOWN to scroll through the holes. 4 Press START to select a hole. 5 Press UP or DOWN to change the score for that hole. Your total score is updated.

  • Page 26: Using The Golf Odometer

    Recording Statistics Before you can record statistics, you must enable statistics tracking (Enabling Statistics Tracking, page 17). 1 From the scorecard, select a hole. 2 Enter the total number of strokes taken, including putts, and press START. 3 Set the number of putts taken, and press START. NOTE: The number of putts taken is used for statistics tracking only and does not increase your score.

  • Page 27: Creating A Custom Activity

    Creating a Custom Activity 1 Press START. 2 Select Add. 3 Select an option: • Select Copy Activity to create your custom activity starting from one of your saved activities. • Select Other to create a new custom activity. 4 If necessary, select an activity type. 5 Select a name or enter a custom name.

  • Page 28: Glances

    Tracks your floors climbed and progress toward your goal. Displays scheduled workouts when you select a Garmin coach adaptive training plan in Garmin coach your Garmin Connect account. The plan adjusts to your current level of fitness, coaching ® and schedule preferences, and race date. Golf Displays golf scores and statistics for your last round.

  • Page 29
    Displays performance measurements that help you track and understand your training Performance activities and race performances (Performance Measurements, page 25). Displays the race event you designate as the primary race in your Garmin Connect Primary race calendar (Race Calendar and Primary Race, page 43).
  • Page 30: Viewing The Glance Loop

    51 to 75 is high reserve energy, and 76 to 100 is very high reserve energy. You can sync your watch with your Garmin Connect account to view your most up-to-date Body Battery level, long-term trends, and additional details (Tips for Improved Body Battery Data, page 23).

  • Page 31: Viewing The Body Battery Glance

    Viewing the Body Battery Glance The Body Battery glance displays your current Body Battery level and a graph of your Body Battery level for the last several hours. 1 Press UP or DOWN to view the Body Battery glance. NOTE: You may need to add the glance to your glance loop (Customizing the Glance Loop, page 22).

  • Page 32: Viewing The Heart Rate Glance

    • Period and fertility predictions • Health and nutrition information NOTE: You can use the Garmin Connect app to add and remove glances. Using the Stress Level Glance The stress level glance displays your current stress level and a graph of your stress level for the last several hours.

  • Page 33: Performance Measurements

    These estimates are provided and supported by Firstbeat Analytics ™ . For more information, go to NOTE: The estimates may seem inaccurate at first. The watch requires you to complete a few activities to learn about your performance. VO2 max.: VO2 max. is the maximum volume of oxygen (in milliliters) you can consume per minute per kilogram of body weight at your maximum performance (About VO2 Max.

  • Page 34: About Vo2 Max. Estimates

    On the device, your VO2 max. estimate appears as a number, description, and position on the color gauge. On your Garmin Connect account, you can view additional details about your VO2 max. estimate, such as where it ranks for your age and gender.

  • Page 35: Viewing Your Predicted Race Times

    The watch analyzes several weeks of your training data to refine the race time estimates. TIP: If you have more than one Garmin device, you can enable the Physio TrueUp ™ feature, which allows your…

  • Page 36: Heart Rate Variability Status

    No color No status No status means that there is insufficient data to generate a seven-day average. You can sync your watch with your Garmin Connect account to view your current heart rate variability status, trends, and educational feedback. Performance Condition…

  • Page 37: Getting Your Ftp Estimate

    Viewing Your Performance Condition This feature requires wrist-based heart rate or a compatible chest heart rate monitor. 1 Add Performance Condition to a data screen (Customizing the Data Screens, page 98). 2 Go for a run or ride. After 6 to 20 minutes, your performance condition appears. 3 Scroll to the data screen to view your performance condition throughout the run or ride.

  • Page 38: Lactate Threshold

    Conducting an FTP Test Before you can conduct a test to determine your functional threshold power (FTP), you must pair a chest heart rate monitor and a power meter with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 73), and you must get your VO2 max.

  • Page 39
    Performing a Guided Test to Determine Your Lactate Threshold This feature requires a Garmin chest heart rate monitor. Before you can perform the guided test, you must put on a heart rate monitor and pair it with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page 73).
  • Page 40: Viewing Your Real-Time Stamina

    You can sync activities and performance measurements from other Garmin devices to your Forerunner watch using your Garmin Connect account. This allows your watch to more accurately reflect your training status and fitness. For example, you can record a ride with an Edge device, and view your activity details and overall ®…

  • Page 41: Turning Off Performance Notifications

    Cycling performance measurements require a heart rate monitor and a power meter. These estimates are provided and supported by Firstbeat Analytics. For more information, go to NOTE: The estimates may seem inaccurate at first. The watch requires you to complete a few activities to learn about your performance.

  • Page 42: Training Status Levels

    Training Status Levels Training status shows you how your training affects your fitness level and performance. Your training status is based on changes to your VO2 max., acute load, and HRV status over an extended time period. You can use your training status to help plan future training and continue improving your fitness level.

  • Page 43
    Training Load Focus In order to maximize performance and fitness gains, training should be distributed across three categories: low aerobic, high aerobic, and anaerobic. Training load focus shows you how much of your training is currently in each category and provides training targets. Training load focus requires at least 7 days of training to determine if your training load is low, optimal, or high.
  • Page 44
    (Training Load Focus, page 35). Each feedback phrase, for example, «Highly Impacting VO2 Max.» has a corresponding description in your Garmin Connect activity details. Aerobic Training Effect uses your heart rate to measure how the accumulated intensity of an exercise affects your aerobic fitness and indicates if the workout had a maintaining or improving effect on your fitness level.
  • Page 45: Training Readiness

    To see your training readiness trends over time, go to your Garmin Connect account. Recovery Time You can use your Garmin device with wrist-based heart rate or a compatible chest heart rate monitor to display how much time remains before you are fully recovered and ready for the next hard workout.

  • Page 46: Heat And Altitude Performance Acclimation

    1 When you want to pause your training status, select an option: • From the training status glance, hold , and select Pause Training Status. • From your Garmin Connect settings, select Performance Stats > Training Status > > Pause Training Status.

  • Page 47: Controls

    Controls The controls menu lets you quickly access watch features and options. You can add, reorder, and remove the options in the controls menu (Customizing the Controls Menu, page 41). From any screen, hold LIGHT. Icon Name Description Select to enable or disable airplane mode to turn off all wireless communica­ Airplane Mode tions.

  • Page 48: Viewing The Controls Menu

    Select to set a countdown timer (Starting the Countdown Timer, page 95). Touch Select to enable or disable touchscreen controls. Select to open your Garmin Pay wallet and pay for purchases with your watch Wallet (Garmin Pay, page 41). Wi-Fi Select to enable or disable Wi‑Fi communications.

  • Page 49: Customizing The Controls Menu

    5 If necessary, select Add New to add an additional shortcut to the controls menu. Garmin Pay The Garmin Pay feature allows you to use your watch to pay for purchases in participating locations using credit or debit cards from a participating financial institution.

  • Page 50: Adding A Card To Your Garmin Pay Wallet

    • To delete the card, select Changing Your Garmin Pay Passcode You must know your current passcode to change it. If you forget your passcode, you must reset the Garmin Pay feature for your Forerunner watch, create a new passcode, and reenter your card information.

  • Page 51: Training

    Race Calendar and Primary Race When you add a race event to your Garmin Connect calendar, you can view the event on your watch by adding the primary race glance (Glances, page 20).

  • Page 52: Auto Goal

    Your watch creates a daily step goal automatically, based on your previous activity levels. As you move during the day, the watch shows your progress toward your daily goal If you choose not to use the auto goal feature, you can set a personalized step goal on your Garmin Connect account.

  • Page 53: Using Do Not Disturb Mode

    NOTE: You can set your normal sleep hours in the user settings on your Garmin Connect account. You can enable the During Sleep option in the system settings to automatically enter do not disturb mode during your…

  • Page 54: Workouts

    During your activity, you can view workout-specific data screens that contain workout step information, such as the workout step distance or average step pace. You can create and find more workouts using Garmin Connect, or select a training plan that has built-in workouts and transfer them to your watch.

  • Page 55: Starting A Workout

    The suggested workout updates automatically to changes in training habits, recovery time, and VO2 max. Turning Daily Suggested Workout Prompts On and Off Daily suggested workouts are recommended based on your previous activities saved to your Garmin Connect account. 1 Press START.

  • Page 56: Following A Pool Swim Workout

    4 Select Training. 5 Select an option: • Select Workouts to do workouts downloaded from Garmin Connect. • Select Critical Swim Speed to record a Critical Swim Speed (CSS) test or enter a CSS value manually (Recording a Critical Swim Speed Test, page 48).

  • Page 57: About The Training Calendar

    Garmin coach glance is added to the glance loop on your Forerunner watch. Starting Today’s Workout After you send a Garmin Coach training plan to your watch, the Garmin Coach glance appears in your glance loop (Customizing the Glance Loop, page 22).

  • Page 58: Customizing An Interval Workout

    You can also create a pace band for a known course to optimize your pace effort based on elevation changes. You can create a PacePro plan using the Garmin Connect app. You can preview the splits and elevation plot before you run the course.

  • Page 59: Downloading A Pacepro Plan From Garmin Connect

    Downloading a PacePro Plan from Garmin Connect Before you can download a PacePro plan from Garmin Connect, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin Connect, page 89). 1 Select an option: • Open the Garmin Connect app, and select •…

  • Page 60: Starting A Pacepro Plan

    Starting a PacePro Plan Before you can start a PacePro plan, you must download a plan from your Garmin Connect account. 1 Press START. 2 Select an outdoor running activity. 3 Hold 4 Select Training > PacePro Plans. 5 Select a plan.

  • Page 61: Creating A Pacepro Plan On Your Watch

    You can download Strava segments to your Forerunner device. Follow Strava segments to compare your performance with your past rides, friends, and pros who have ridden the same segment. To sign up for a Strava membership, go to the segments menu in your Garmin Connect account. For more information, go to

  • Page 62: Racing A Segment

    You can upload your activity data to your Garmin Connect account to view your segment position. NOTE: If your Garmin Connect account and Strava account are linked, your activity is automatically sent to your Strava account so you can review the segment position.

  • Page 63: Setting A Training Target

    5 Select an option: • Select From History to select a previously recorded activity from your device. • Select Downloaded to select an activity you downloaded from your Garmin Connect account. 6 Select the activity. The Virtual Partner screen appears indicating your estimated finish time.

  • Page 64: Using The Metronome

    Enabling Self Evaluation When you save an activity, you can evaluate your perceived effort and how you felt during the activity. Your self evaluation information can be viewed in your Garmin Connect account. 1 Hold 2 Select Activities & Apps.

  • Page 65: Using History

    Using History History contains previous activities you have saved on your watch. The watch has a history glance for quick access to your activity data (Glances, page 20). 1 From the watch face, hold 2 Select History. 3 Select an option: •…

  • Page 66: Restoring A Personal Record

    Restoring a Personal Record You can set each personal record back to the one previously recorded. 1 From the watch face, hold 2 Select History > Records. 3 Select a sport. 4 Select a record to restore. 5 Select Previous > Yes. NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.

  • Page 67: Deleting Files

    4 Press the Delete key on your keyboard. NOTE: Mac operating systems provide limited support for MTP file transfer mode. You must open the Garmin drive on a Windows operating system. You should use the Garmin Express application to remove ™…

  • Page 68: Turning Off The Wrist-Based Heart Rate Monitor

    The watch starts broadcasting your heart rate data. 3 Pair your watch with your compatible device. NOTE: The pairing instructions differ for each Garmin compatible device. See your owner’s manual. 4 Press STOP to stop broadcasting your heart rate data.

  • Page 69: Broadcasting Heart Rate Data During An Activity

    (Starting an Activity, page 7 Pair your Forerunner watch with your Garmin ANT+ compatible device. NOTE: The pairing instructions differ for each Garmin compatible device. See your owner’s manual. TIP: To stop broadcasting your heart rate data, stop the activity…

  • Page 70: Pulse Oximeter

    On the watch, your pulse oximeter reading appears as an oxygen saturation percentage and color on the graph. On your Garmin Connect account, you can view additional details about your pulse oximeter readings, including trends over multiple days. For more information about pulse oximeter accuracy, go to

  • Page 71: Getting Pulse Oximeter Readings

    Getting Pulse Oximeter Readings You can manually begin a pulse oximeter reading by viewing the pulse oximeter glance. The glance displays your most recent blood oxygen saturation percentage, a graph of your hourly average readings for the last 24 hours, and a graph of your elevation for the last 24 hours. NOTE: The first time you view the pulse oximeter glance, the watch must acquire satellite signals to determine your elevation.

  • Page 72: Navigation

    Courses You can send a course from your Garmin Connect account to your device. After it is saved to your device, you can navigate the course on your device. You can follow a saved course simply because it is a good route. For example, you can save and follow a bike friendly commute to work.

  • Page 73: Creating A Round-Trip Course

    • To view a list of ascents in the course, select View Climbs. Creating a Course on Garmin Connect Before you can create a course on the Garmin Connect app, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin Connect, page 89).

  • Page 74: Viewing Or Editing Course Details

    Viewing or Editing Course Details You can view or edit course details before you navigate a course. 1 Press START. 2 Select an activity. 3 Hold 4 Select Navigation > Courses. 5 Press START to select a course. 6 Select an option: •…

  • Page 75: Navigating To A Point Of Interest

    Navigating to a Point of Interest If the map data installed on your watch includes points of interest, you can navigate to them. 1 Press START. 2 Select an activity. 3 Hold 4 Select Navigation > Points of Interest, and select a category. A list of points of interest near your current location appears.

  • Page 76: Marking And Starting Navigation To A Man Overboard Location

    Marking and Starting Navigation to a Man Overboard Location You can save a man overboard (MOB) location, and automatically start navigation back to it. TIP: You can customize the hold function of the keys to access the MOB function (Customizing the Hot Keys, page 107).

  • Page 77: Viewing Route Directions

    • To stop navigation and save your activity, press STOP, and select Save. Your watch can display several types of Garmin map data, including topographical contours, nearby points of interest, ski resort maps, and golf courses. You can use the Map Manager to download additional maps or manage map storage.

  • Page 78: Saving Or Navigating To A Location On The Map

    Saving or Navigating to a Location on the Map You can select any location on the map. You can save the location or start navigating to it. 1 From the map, select an option: • To use the touchscreen, tap the map, tap and drag to position the crosshairs, and press UP or DOWN to zoom in or out.

  • Page 79: Changing The Map Theme

    Changing the Map Theme You can change the map theme to display map data optimized for your activity type. For example, high contrast map themes provide better visibility in challenging environments, and activity-specific map themes display the most important map data at-a-glance. 1 Start an outdoor activity.

  • Page 80: Wireless Sensors

    (Customizing the Data Screens, page 98). If your watch was packaged with a sensor, they are already paired. For information about specific Garmin sensor compatibility, purchasing, or to view the owner’s manual, go to for that sensor. Sensor Type…

  • Page 81: Pairing Your Wireless Sensors

    The first time you connect a wireless sensor to your watch using ANT+ or Bluetooth technology, you must pair the watch and sensor. If the sensor has both ANT+ and Bluetooth technology, Garmin recommends that you pair using ANT+ technology. After they are paired, the watch connects to the sensor automatically when you start an activity and the sensor is active and within range.

  • Page 82: Running Dynamics

    Running Dynamics You can use your compatible Forerunner device paired with the HRM-Pro accessory or other running dynamics accessory to provide real-time feedback about your running form. The running dynamics accessory has an accelerometer that measures torso movement in order to calculate six running metrics.

  • Page 83
    4 Scroll to the running dynamics screens to view your metrics. 5 If necessary, hold UP to edit how the running dynamics data appears. Sensors and Accessories…
  • Page 84: Color Gauges And Running Dynamics Data

    Elite runners tend to have quick and balanced strides. You can watch the gauge or data field during your run or view the summary on your Garmin Connect account after your run. As with the other running dynamics data, ground contact time balance is a quantitative measurement to help you learn about your running form.

  • Page 85: Vertical Oscillation And Vertical Ratio Data

    (3 m) while data downloads. Your heart rate data can be reviewed in the watch history and on your Garmin Connect account. If both wrist-based heart rate and chest heart rate data are available, your watch uses the chest heart rate data.

  • Page 86: Training With Power Meters

    NOTE: You must have a compatible, dual sensing power meter connected using ANT+ technology to use cycling dynamics metrics. For more information, go to Using Electronic Shifters Before you can use compatible electronic shifters, such as Shimano Di2 shifters, you must pair them with your…

  • Page 87: Using The Inreach Remote

    Using the inReach Remote Before you can use the inReach remote function, you must add the inReach glance to the glance loop (Customizing the Glance Loop, page 22). 1 Turn on the inReach device. 2 On your Forerunner watch, press UP or DOWN from the watch face to view the inReach glance. 3 Press START to search for your inReach device.

  • Page 88: Controlling A Virb Action Camera During An Activity

    • To wake the camera from sleep mode, select Wake Camera. User Profile You can update your user profile on your watch or on the Garmin Connect app. Setting Up Your User Profile You can update your gender, date of birth, height, weight, wrist, heart rate zone, power zone, and Critical Swim…

  • Page 89: Fitness Goals

    • Run often with the wrist or chest heart rate monitor. • Try a few heart rate training plans, available from your Garmin Connect account. • View your heart rate trends and time in zones using your Garmin Connect account. User Profile…

  • Page 90: Heart Rate Zone Calculations

    If you know your functional threshold power (FTP) or threshold power (TP) value, you can enter it and allow the software to calculate your power zones automatically. You can manually adjust your zones on the watch or using your Garmin Connect account. 1 Hold 2 Select User Profile >…

  • Page 91: Music

    • Music stored on your phone On a Forerunner 955 watch, you can download audio content to your watch from your computer or from a third- party provider, so you can listen when your phone is not nearby. To listen to audio content stored on your watch, you can connect Bluetooth headphones.

  • Page 92: Disconnecting From A Third-Party Provider

    Connecting Bluetooth Headphones To listen to music loaded onto your Forerunner 955 watch, you must connect Bluetooth headphones. 1 Bring the headphones within 2 m (6.6 ft.) of your watch. 2 Enable pairing mode on the headphones.

  • Page 93: Music Playback Controls

    Controlling Music Playback on a Connected Phone 1 On your phone, start playing a song or playlist. 2 On your Forerunner 955 watch, hold DOWN from any screen to open the music controls. 3 Select Music Providers > Control Phone.

  • Page 94: Connectivity

    , and select Connectivity > Pair Phone. 3 Select an option to add your watch to your account: • If this is the first time you are pairing a device with the Garmin Connect app, follow the on-screen instructions. • If you already paired another device with the Garmin Connect app, from the menu, select Garmin Devices >…

  • Page 95: Receiving An Incoming Phone Call

    ® ® • If you are using an Android phone, from the Garmin Connect app, select Settings > Notifications. Turning Off the Bluetooth Phone Connection You can turn off the Bluetooth phone connection from the controls menu.

  • Page 96: Playing Audio Prompts During An Activity

    Audio prompts play on your connected Bluetooth headphones, if available. Otherwise, audio prompts play on your phone paired through the Garmin Connect app. During an audio prompt, the watch or phone mutes the primary audio to play the announcement.

  • Page 97: Garmin Connect

    Garmin Connect You can connect with your friends on Garmin Connect. Garmin Connect gives you the tools to track, analyze, share, and encourage each other. Record the events of your active lifestyle including runs, walks, rides, swims, hikes, triathlons, and more. To sign up for a free account, you can download the app from the app store on your, or go to

  • Page 98: Using Garmin Connect On Your Computer

    Garmin Express application to upload your activity data to your Garmin Connect account and to send data, such as workouts or training plans, from the Garmin Connect website to your watch. You can also add music to your watch (Downloading Personal Audio Content, page 83).

  • Page 99: Downloading Connect Iq Features Using Your Computer

    3 Follow the on-screen instructions. Adding Contacts You can add up to 50 contacts to the Garmin Connect app. Contact emails can be used with the LiveTrack feature. Three of these contacts can be used as emergency contacts (Adding Emergency Contacts, page 91).

  • Page 100: Turning Incident Detection On And Off

    Spectator messaging is a feature that allows your LiveTrack followers to send you audio and text messages during your run activity. You can set up this feature in the LiveTrack settings of the Garmin Connect app. To receive audio messages, you must have Bluetooth headphones connected to your watch.

  • Page 101: Blocking Spectator Messages

    • Start your activity outside using GPS. • Pair your Forerunner device with your smartphone using Bluetooth technology. • In the Garmin Connect app, from the settings menu, select Connections to update the list of connections for your GroupTrack session.

  • Page 102: Clocks

    Clocks Setting an Alarm You can set multiple alarms. You can set each alarm to sound once or to repeat regularly. 1 From the watch face, hold 2 Select Alarm Clock > Add Alarm. 3 Follow the on-screen instructions to set the time. 4 Select the alarm for more options: •…

  • Page 103: Using The Stopwatch

    Using the Stopwatch 1 From any screen, hold LIGHT. 2 Select Stopwatch. NOTE: You may need to add this item to the controls menu (Customizing the Controls Menu, page 41). 3 Press START to start the timer. 4 Press LAP to restart the lap timer The total stopwatch time continues running.

  • Page 104: Syncing The Time With Gps

    Syncing the Time with GPS Each time you turn on the watch and acquire satellites, the watch automatically detects your time zones and the current time of day. You can also manually sync the time with GPS when you change time zones, and to update for daylight saving time.

  • Page 105
    Vibration Alerts: Enables alerts that notify you to inhale or exhale during a breathwork activity. Workout Videos: Enables instructive workout animations for a strength, cardio, yoga, or Pilates activity. Animations are available for pre-installed workouts and workouts downloaded from your Garmin Connect account.
  • Page 106: Customizing The Data Screens

    Customizing the Data Screens You can show, hide, and change the layout and content of data screens for each activity. 1 Hold 2 Select Activities & Apps. 3 Select the activity to customize. 4 Select the activity settings. 5 Select Data Screens. 6 Select a data screen to customize.

  • Page 107: Activity Alerts

    Activity Alerts You can set alerts for each activity, which can help you to train toward specific goals, to increase your awareness of your environment, and to navigate to your destination. Some alerts are available only for specific activities. There are three types of alerts: event alerts, range alerts, and recurring alerts. Event alert: An event alert notifies you once.

  • Page 108: Setting An Alert

    Activity: Sets an activity for routing. The watch calculates routes optimized for the type of activity you are doing. Popularity Routing: Calculates routes based on the most popular runs and rides from Garmin Connect. Courses: Sets how you navigate courses using the watch. Use the Follow Course option to navigate a course exactly as it appears, without recalculating.

  • Page 109: Using Climbpro

    Using ClimbPro The ClimbPro feature helps you manage your effort for the upcoming climbs on a course. You can view climb details, including gradient, distance, and elevation gain, before or in real time while following a course. Cycling climb categories, based on length and gradient, are indicated by color. 1 Hold 2 Select Activities &…

  • Page 110: Gps Settings

    GPS Settings You can change the GPS settings to customize the satellite systems used for each activity. For more information about satellite systems, go to TIP: The GPS settings can impact battery life (Battery Life Information, page 114). Hold , select Activities &…

  • Page 111: Altimeter Settings

    Altimeter Settings Hold , and select Sensors & Accessories > Altimeter. Calibrate: Allows you to manually calibrate the altimeter sensor. Auto Cal.: Allows the altimeter to self-calibrate each time you use satellite systems. Sensor Mode: Sets the mode for the sensor. The Auto option uses both the altimeter and barometer according to your movement.

  • Page 112: Map Settings

    Map Settings You can customize how the map appears in the map app and data screens. NOTE: If necessary, you can customize the map settings for specific activities instead of using the system settings (Activity Map Settings, page 100). Hold , and select Map.

  • Page 113: Navigation Settings

    Navigation Settings You can customize the map features and appearance when navigating to a destination. Customizing Navigation Data Screens 1 Hold 2 Select Navigation > Data Screens. 3 Select an option: • Select Map > Status to turn on or off the map. •…

  • Page 114: Customizing The Battery Saver Feature

    The Every Second recording option provides more detailed activity recordings, but may not record entire activities that last for longer periods of time. USB Mode: Sets the watch to use MTP (media transfer protocol) or Garmin mode when connected to a computer.

  • Page 115: Time Settings

    About: Displays device, software, license, and regulatory information. Time Settings Hold , and select System > Time. Time Format: Sets the device to show time in a 12-hour, 24-hour, or military format. Set Time: Sets the time zone for the watch. The Auto option sets the time zone automatically based on your GPS position.

  • Page 116: Changing The Units Of Measure

    Changing the Units of Measure You can customize units of measure for distance, pace and speed, elevation, and more. 1 Hold 2 Select System > Format > Units. 3 Select a measurement type. 4 Select a unit of measure. Device Information Viewing Device Information You can view device information, such as the unit ID, software version, regulatory information, and license agreement.

  • Page 117: Charging The Watch

    (Charging the Watch, page 109). You can charge the watch by plugging the USB cable into a Garmin approved AC adapter with a standard wall outlet or a USB port on your computer. Charging a fully depleted battery takes up to two hours.

  • Page 118: Wearing The Watch

    Tips for Erratic Pulse Oximeter Data, page 63 for more information about the pulse oximeter sensor. • For more information about accuracy, go to • For more information about watch wear and care, go to Device Care NOTICE Avoid extreme shock and harsh treatment, because it can degrade the life of the product.

  • Page 119: Changing The Bands

    Changing the Bands You can replace the bands with new Forerunner bands or compatible QuickFit ® 22 bands. 1 Use the pin tool to push in the watch pin. 2 Remove the band from the watch. Device Information…

  • Page 120
    3 Select an option: • To install Forerunner bands, align one side of the new band with the holes on the device, push in the exposed watch pin, and press the band into place. NOTE: Make sure the band is secure. The watch pin should align with the holes on the device. •…
  • Page 121: Specifications

    European Union (EU) wireless frequencies (power) Forerunner 955 Solar: 2.4 GHz @ 17.08 dBm maximum EU SAR values 0.96 W/kg torso, 0.96 W/kg limb The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 50 m. For more information, go to Device Information…

  • Page 122: Battery Life Information

    (System Settings, page 106). On your computer, install Garmin Express ( On your phone, install the Garmin Connect app. This provides easy access to these services for Garmin devices: • Software updates • Map updates • Course updates •…

  • Page 123: Getting More Information

    2 Wait while the device syncs your data. Syncing can take several minutes. NOTE: Refreshing the Garmin Connect app or the Garmin Express application does not sync your data or update your step count. The floors climbed amount does not seem accurate Your watch uses an internal barometer to measure elevation changes as you climb floors.

  • Page 124: Acquiring Satellite Signals

    Delete Data and Reset Settings. NOTE: If you have set up a Garmin Pay wallet, this option deletes the wallet from your watch. If you have music stored on your watch, this option deletes your stored music.

  • Page 125: Maximizing Battery Life

    • Remove your watch from the Garmin Connect app and the Bluetooth settings on your phone to retry the pairing process. • If you bought a new phone, remove your watch from the Garmin Connect app on the phone you intend to stop using.

  • Page 126: The Temperature Reading Is Not Accurate

    Can I use my Bluetooth sensor with my watch? The watch is compatible with some Bluetooth sensors. The first time you connect a sensor to your Garmin watch, you must pair the watch and sensor. After they are paired, the watch connects to the sensor automatically when you start an activity and the sensor is active and within range.

  • Page 127: My Music Cuts Out Or My Headphones Won’t Stay Connected

    • If the signal passes through your body, you may experience signal loss or your headphones may become disconnected. • If you wear your Forerunner 955 watch on your left wrist, you should make sure the headphone’s Bluetooth antenna is on your left ear.

  • Page 128
    Distance Fields Name Description Distance The distance traveled for the current track or activity. Interval Distance The distance traveled for the current interval. Lap Distance The distance traveled for the current lap. Last Lap Distance The distance traveled for the last completed lap. Nautical Distance The distance traveled in nautical meters or nautical feet.
  • Page 129
    Gears Name Description Di2 Battery The remaining battery power of a Di2 sensor. Front The front bike gear from a gear position sensor. Gear Battery The battery status of a gear position sensor. Gear Combo The current gear combination from a gear position sensor. Gears The front and rear bike gears from a gear position sensor.
  • Page 130
    Heart Rate Fields Name Description The percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart % Heart Rate Reserve rate). Aerobic Training Effect The impact of the current activity on your aerobic fitness level. Anaerobic Training Effect The impact of the current activity on your anaerobic fitness level. Average % Heart Rate The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus Reserve…
  • Page 131
    Muscle Oxygen Fields Name Description Muscle O2 Saturation % The estimated muscle oxygen saturation percentage for the current activity. Total Hemoglobin The estimated total hemoglobin concentration in the muscle. Navigation Fields Name Description The direction from your current location to a destination. You must be navigating for this Bearing data to appear.
  • Page 132
    Name Description Vertical Speed to The rate of ascent or descent to a predetermined altitude. You must be navigating for Target this data to appear. Other Fields Name Description Active Calories The calories burned during the activity. Ambient Pressure The uncalibrated environmental pressure. Barometric Pressure The current calibrated environmental pressure.
  • Page 133
    Pace Fields Name Description 500m Pace The current rowing pace per 500 meters. Average 500m Pace The average rowing pace per 500 meters for the current activity. Average Pace The average pace for the current activity. Interval Pace The average pace for the current interval. Lap 500m Pace The average rowing pace per 500 meters for the current lap.
  • Page 134
    Power Fields Name Description % Functional Threshold The current power output as a percentage of functional threshold power. Power 3s Balance The 3-second moving average of the left/right power balance. 3s Power The 3-second moving average of power output. 10s Balance The 10-second moving average of the left/right power balance.
  • Page 135
    Name Description Maximum Lap Power The top power output for the current lap. Maximum Power The top power output for the current activity. Normalized Power The Normalized Power for the current activity. The measurement of how evenly a rider is applying force to the pedals Pedal Smoothness throughout each pedal stroke.
  • Page 136
    Run Dynamics Name Description Average GCT Balance The average ground contact time balance for the current session. Average Ground Contact The average amount of ground contact time for the current activity. Time Average Stride Length The average stride length for the current session. Average Vertical Oscilla­…
  • Page 137
    Stamina Fields Name Description Current The current remaining stamina. Distance Remaining The current stamina distance remaining at the current effort. Potential The remaining potential stamina. Time Remaining The current stamina time remaining at the current effort. Stroke Fields Name Description Average Distance Per Stroke Swimming.
  • Page 138
    Name Description The average number strokes per minute (spm) during the last completed pool Last Length Stroke Rate length. Last Length Strokes The total number of strokes for the last completed pool length. Last Length Stroke Type The stroke type used during the last completed pool length. Stroke Rate Swimming.
  • Page 139: Vo2 Max. Standard Ratings

    Timer Fields Name Description Average Lap Time The average lap time for the current activity. The total time recorded. For example, if you start the activity timer and run for 10 minutes, Elapsed Time then stop the timer for 5 minutes, then start the timer and run for 20 minutes, your elapsed time is 35 minutes.

  • Page 140: Ftp Ratings

    FTP Ratings These tables include classifications for functional threshold power (FTP) estimates by gender. Males Watts per Kilogram (W/kg) Superior 5.05 and greater Excellent From 3.93 to 5.04 Good From 2.79 to 3.92 Fair From 2.23 to 2.78 Untrained Less than 2.23 Females Watts per Kilogram (W/kg) Superior…

  • Page 141: Wheel Size And Circumference

    Wheel Size and Circumference Your speed sensor automatically detects your wheel size. If necessary, you can manually enter your wheel circumference in the speed sensor settings. The tire size is marked on both sides of the tire. This is not a comprehensive list. You can also measure the circumference of your wheel or use one of the calculators available on the internet.

  • Page 142
    Tire Size Wheel Circumference (mm) 27 × 1-1/4 2161 27 × 1-3/8 2169 29 x 2.1 2288 29 x 2.2 2298 29 x 2.3 2326 650 x 20C 1938 650 x 23C 1944 650 × 35A 2090 650 × 38B 2105 650 ×…
  • Page 144
    June 2022 GUID-9D99A9D4-467A-4F1A-A0EA-023184FEA3DD v1…

Изменено: Вт, 24 Янв, 2023 на 12:35 PM

Инструкции на русском языке для навигаторов Garmin представлены в таблице. Выберите название вашего устройства и скачайте инструкцию.

Descent [3.84 Mb]
Descent Mk2 [4.9 Mb]
Epix [5.17 Mb]
Enduro [3.7 Mb]
Enduro 2 [6.5 Mb]
Fenix [1.75 Mb]
Fenix 2 [5.21 Mb]
Fenix 3 [3.23 Mb]
Fenix 5 [2.95 Mb]
Fenix 5x [2.97 Mb]
Fenix 6 [3.2 Mb]
Fenix 6x [3.6 Mb]
fenix 7 [5.5 Mb]
Fenix 2 [5.21 Mb]
Fenix 2 быстрый старт [1.21 Mb]
Fenix 5 Plus серия [3.61 Mb]
Fenix Chronos [3.07 Mb]
Forerunner735XT [5.83 Mb]
Forerunner 10 [0.94 Mb]
Forerunner 110 [0.66 Mb]
Forerunner 15 [1.63 Mb]
Forerunner 205 305 [1.04 Mb]
Forerunner 210 [0.86 Mb]
Forerunner 220 [0.57 Mb]
Forerunner 225 [1.55 Mb]
Forerunner 245 [1.4 Mb]
Forerunner 25 [0.55 Mb]
Forerunner 301 [2.06 Mb]
Forerunner 310 XT [0.44 Mb]
Forerunner 45 [0.9 Mb]
Forerunner 405 [0.81 Mb]
Forerunner 410 [1.07 Mb]
Forerunner 50 [1.04 Mb]
Forerunner 60 [1.3 Mb]
Forerunner 610 [0.84 Mb]
Forerunner 620 [0.66 Mb]
Forerunner 630 [1.06 Mb]
Forerunner 645 [3.05 Mb]
Forerunner 70 [0.93 Mb]
Forerunner 910XT [0.74 Mb]
Forerunner 920XT [8.81 Mb]
Forerunner 920XT быстрый старт [4.38 Mb]
Forerunner 35 [0.65 Mb]
Forerunner 935 [12.14 Mb]
Forerunner 945 [2.1 Mb]
Forerunnner 955 [0.4 Mb]
Forerunner 25 [0.36 Mb]
Forerunner 735XT [2.14 Mb]
Forerunner 745 [1.2 Mb]
Forerunner 230 [0.76 Mb]
Forerunner 630 [0.5 Mb]
Index Scale весы [4.02 Mb]
Instinct [3.8 Mb]
MARQ Athlete [6.8 Mb]
MARQ Expedition [6.7 Mb]
MARQ Driver [6.9 Mb]
MARQ Captain [7.0 Mb]
MARQ Aviator [8.0 Mb]
Swim [2.37 Mb]
tactix Delta [5.6 Mb]
tactix 7 [8.0 Mb]
Vivoactive [3.08 Mb]
Vivoactive 3 Music [2.74 Mb]
Vivoactive 3 [2.33 Mb]
Vivoactive 4 [2.8 Mb]
Vivoactive HR [2.4 Mb]
Vivofit [0.46 Mb]
Vivofit 2 [10.23 Mb]
Vivofit 3 [0.72 Mb]
Vivofit 4 [5.1 Mb]
Vivofit [5.16 Mb]
Vivofit JR [1.8 Mb]
Vivomove HR [1.84 Mb]
Vivosmart 3 [1.63 Mb]
Vivosmart 4 [3.0 Mb]
Vivosmart HR [1.97 Mb]
Vivosmart [1.4 Mb]
Vivosport [1.74 Mb]

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Инструкции на русском языке для навигаторов Garmin представлены в таблице. Выберите название вашего устройства и скачайте инструкцию.

Aera 500 автомобилистам [2.55 Mb] Aera 500 пилотам [7.75 Mb] AIS 300 инструкции по установке [1.71 Mb] AIS 600 [1.78 Mb] Alpha 100 TT [2.4 Mb] Alpha 100 с T5 быстрый старт [5.33 Mb] Alpha 100 c TT15 быстрый старт [5.84 Mb] Alpha 50 [3.33 Mb] Approach S6 [0.43 Mb] Astro 320 web [0.84 Mb] BarkLimiter [0.88 Mb] Barklimiter общая [1.57 Mb] Bike Lights [3.64 Mb] Tanita BC 1000 [2.84 Mb] Colorado [17.17 Mb] Dakota 10 / Dakota 20 [2.04 Mb] Dakota [0.86 Mb] Dash Cam 10 / 20 [2.52 Mb] DashCam 30 / 35 [0.25 Mb] DashCam 45 / 55 / 65w [1.73 Mb] Dash Cam 46 / 56 / 66w [1.9 Mb] Dash Cam 47 / 57 / 67w [2.8 Mb] Dash Cam Mini [1.9 Mb] Dash Cam Mini 2 [2.5 Mb] Dash Cam Tandem Онлайн Delta [3.14 Mb] Delta серия [1.07 Mb] Delta Upland XC [3.78 Mb] Descent [3.84 Mb] Dezl 560 [1.82 Mb] Drive 40-50-60 [1.72 Mb] Drive 51 61 [2.89 Mb] DriveAssist 50 [3.13 Mb] DriveAssist 51 [3.74 Mb] DriveLuxe 50 [2.83 Mb] DriveLuxe 51 [3.04 Mb] DriveSmart 50-60-70 [1.92 Mb] DriveSmart 51 61 [3.12 Mb] Echo 100 150 [0.47 Mb] Echo 200 300c 500c 550c [0.96 Mb] Echo инструкции по установке [1.68 Mb] EchoMAP 2016 4-5-7-9 [4.2 Mb] EchoMAP Plus 40-60-70-90 OM EN-US [3.87 Mb] EchoMAP Plus 40 60 70 90 [4.22 Mb] EchoMAP Plus 40 Installation EN [0.64 Mb] EcoRoute инструкции [0.87 Mb] Edge 1030 [4.16 Mb] Edge 1000 [0.66 Mb] Edge 1000 полное описание [2.39 Mb] Edge 200 [0.56 Mb] Edge 205 / 305 [1.48 Mb] Edge 20 / 25 [2.76 Mb] Edge 500 [1.48 Mb] Edge 510 [0.63 Mb] Edge 520 [2.05 Mb] Edge 605 705 [2.6 Mb] Edge 800 [1.1 Mb] Edge 810 [0.44 Mb] Edge 820 [0.67 Mb] Edge touring [0.69 Mb] Epix [5.17 Mb] Enduro [3.7 Mb] eTrex 10-20-30 [1.16 Mb] eTrex Camo Russian [4.63 Mb] eTrex HC серия [13.85 Mb] eTrex Legend [8.26 Mb] eTrex Summit [2.88 Mb] eTrex Touch 25-35 [2.48 Mb] eTrex Venture [5.19 Mb] eTrex Venture Cx / Legend Cx [1.69 Mb] eTrex Vista [7.88 Mb] eTrex Vista Cx [2.73 Mb] eTrex Vista H / Legend H [1.41 Mb] eTrex Legend HCx [1.24 Mb] Fenix [1.75 Mb] Fenix 2 [5.21 Mb] Fenix 3 [3.23 Mb] Fenix 5 [2.95 Mb] Fenix 5x [2.97 Mb] Fenix 6 [3.2 Mb] Fenix 6x [3.6 Mb] Fenix 2 [5.21 Mb] Fenix 2 быстрый старт [1.21 Mb] Fenix 5 Plus серия [3.61 Mb] Fenix Chronos [3.07 Mb] Fish-hunter-directional-3d-instruction [1.02 Mb] Fish-hunter-pro-instruction [0.69 Mb] Fish-hunter-promo [1.4 Mb] Fishfinder 160C [0.53 Mb] Fishfinder 201 [1.06 Mb] Fishfinder 300 [7.62 Mb] Fishfinder 340C [0.64 Mb] Fishfinder 400C [39.19 Mb] Fishfinder 90 140 [0.54 Mb] Forerunner735XT [5.83 Mb] Forerunner 10 [0.94 Mb] Forerunner 110 [0.66 Mb] Forerunner 15 [1.63 Mb] Forerunner 205 305 [1.04 Mb] Forerunner 210 [0.86 Mb] Forerunner 220 [0.57 Mb] Forerunner 225 [1.55 Mb] Forerunner 25 [0.55 Mb] Forerunner 301 [2.06 Mb] Forerunner 310 XT [0.44 Mb] Forerunner 405 [0.81 Mb] Forerunner 410 [1.07 Mb] Forerunner 50 [1.04 Mb] Forerunner 60 [1.3 Mb] Forerunner 610 [0.84 Mb] Forerunner 620 [0.66 Mb] Forerunner 630 [1.06 Mb] Forerunner 645 [3.05 Mb] Forerunner 70 [0.93 Mb] Forerunner 910XT [0.74 Mb] Forerunner 920XT [8.81 Mb] Forerunner 920XT быстрый старт [4.38 Mb] Foretrex 101 201 [3.8 Mb] Foretrex 301 401 [0.78 Mb] Foretrex 601-701 [1.32 Mb] Forerunner 35 [0.65 Mb] Forerunner 935 [12.14 Mb] Forerunner 945 [2.1 Mb] Forerunner 955 [0.4 Mb] Forerunner 25 [0.36 Mb] Forerunner 735XT [2.14 Mb] Forerunner 230 [0.76 Mb] Forerunner 630 [0.5 Mb] Geko 101 201 [2.02 Mb] GHC 10 TOP [1.08 Mb] GHC 20 OM 01 [4.88 Mb] GHP [6.6 Mb] GHP 10 установка [3.59 Mb] GHP Reactor Hydraulic установка [2.72 Mb] GHS 20 установка [2.83 Mb] GLO [0.31 Mb] GMI 10 TOP [1.24 Mb] GMR 18 / 18HD / 24 / 24HD [3.54 Mb] GMR 18 / 21 / 41 [2.94 Mb] GMR 18 / 24 xHD установка [1.07 Mb] GPS 73 rus [0.34 Mb] GPS 76 [4.49 Mb] GPS echoMAP 5 / 7 [4.18 Mb] GPS echoMAP 5 / 7 быстрый старт [2.45 Mb] GPSMAP 40xx / 50xx [4.44 Mb] GPSMAP 6000 7000 [4.8 Mb] GPSMAP 62 [1.06 Mb] GPSMAP 64 [2.74 Mb] GPSMAP 1222 / 1242 Touch [5.71 Mb] GPSMAP 172C [8.76 Mb] GPSMAP 178C [10.85 Mb] GPSMAP 196C [0.84 Mb] GPSMAP 2006 / 2010 [12.41 Mb] GPSMAP 2106 / 2110 [8.01 Mb] GPSMAP 276C [0.8 Mb] GPSMAP 276Cx [2.28 Mb] GPSMAP 278 [7.6 Mb] GPSMAP 292 298 [3.59 Mb] GPSMAP 296 [1.66 Mb] GPSMAP 3005C [10.77 Mb] GPSMAP 3006C / 3010C [0.73 Mb] GPSMAP 400 серия / 500 серия [31.74 Mb] GPSMAP 420 425 520 525 [37.74 Mb] GPSMAP 495 [7.18 Mb] GPSMAP 585 Plus [6.89 Mb] GPSMAP 60 / 60MP [9.02 Mb] GPSMAP 60Cx / 60CSx [2.94 Mb] GPSMAP 620 [2.37 Mb] GPSMAP 62 [1.06 Mb] GPSMAP 62 быстрый старт [0.74 Mb] GPSMAP 64 [3.99 Mb] GPSMAP 66st/sr [4.00 Mb] GPSMAP 695 696 [41.64 Mb] GPSMAP 700 серия [5.53 Mb] GPSMAP 700 серия быстрый старт [0.52 Mb] GPSMAP 72 / 72 MarinePack [4.39 Mb] GPSMAP 76 / 76S [4.01 Mb] GPSMAP 76Cx / 76CSx [6.55 Mb] GPSMAP 78 [1.12 Mb] GPSMAP 8400-8600 [6.34 Mb] GPSMAP 96 / 96C [5.02 Mb] GSD 22 [0.68 Mb] GTM 12 [0.53 Mb] GTM 21 [0.59 Mb] GTM 25 [0.54 Mb] GVN 52 [0.61 Mb] GWS 10 [5.81 Mb] Index Scale весы [4.02 Mb] InReach [6.31 Mb] InReach mini [5.91 Mb] Tanita BC 1000 [5.95 Mb] ISPI Rec ML [1.12 Mb] Mobile 10 [2.91 Mb] Mobile 20 [0.69 Mb] Montana 610-680 [1.42 Mb] Montana 6XX [1.88 Mb] Montana 6XX быстрый старт [0.84 Mb] Monterra [3.86 Mb] Nuvi 2585 [0.49 Mb] Nuvi 1200 / 1300 / 1400 [1.44 Mb] Nuvi 1200 серия / 1300 серия [24.72 Mb] Nuvi 140 / 150 [3.79 Mb] Nuvi 200 / 250 / 270 [1 Mb] Nuvi 200W / 250W [7.86 Mb] Nuvi 205W / 255W [7.26 Mb] Nuvi 2200 / 2300 [1.26 Mb] Nuvi 2200 быстрый старт [0.68 Mb] Nuvi 22xx / 23xx / 24xx [1.28 Mb] Nuvi 2300 быстрый старт [0.82 Mb] Nuvi 2400 быстрый старт [0.5 Mb] Nuvi 24×7 / 25×7 [3.27 Mb] Nuvi 2585TV [2.01 Mb] Nuvi 25×9 / 26×9 [9.34 Mb] Nuvi 2XX5 [0.57 Mb] Nuvi 300 / 350 [1.66 Mb] Nuvi 30 / 40 / 50 быстрый старт [2.31 Mb] Nuvi 30 / 40 / 50 [1.84 Mb] Nuvi 310 / 360 [1.28 Mb] Nuvi 34xx серия [2.49 Mb] Nuvi 34xx серия быстрый старт [1.43 Mb] Nuvi 3597 [3.12 Mb] Nuvi 35xx [2.44 Mb] Nuvi 35xx быстрый старт [1.58 Mb] Nuvi 37XX серия [27.1 Mb] Nuvi 42 / 52 [1.94 Mb] Nuvi 465 [0.85 Mb] Nuvi 500 [1.62 Mb] Nuvi 5000 [1.53 Mb] Nuvi 500 / 550 / 500M [1.51 Mb] Nuvi 55 / 56 / 65 / 66 [4.83 Mb] Nuvi 57 / 58 / 67 / 68 [4.62 Mb] Nuvi 600 / 650 [1.94 Mb] Nuvi 610 / 660 [1.38 Mb] Nuvi 700 [27.43 Mb] Nuvi 800 [5.97 Mb] Nuvicam [4.58 Mb] NuviCam [4.58 Mb] Oregon серия [17.99 Mb] Oregon 200 / 300 / 400t / 400C / 400i / 550 / 500t [1.98 Mb] Oregon 6xx [3.86 Mb] Oregon 7xx [2.95 Mb] Pro 550 [5.87 Mb] Quatix 3 [3.38 Mb] Quatix 5 [3.37 Mb] Quatix [1.42 Mb] Sport PRO [1.27 Mb] StreetPilot 7200 / 7500 [3.6 Mb] StreetPilot C510 / C550 [0.97 Mb] STRIKER Plus 4-5-7-9 [3.07 Mb] Striker Plus 4 установка [0.46 Mb] Swim [2.37 Mb] Tactix [2.23 Mb] Tactix Bravo [3.2 Mb] Tactix Charlie [3.42 Mb] Tanita HD 386 [2.1 Mb] Varia Radar [3.37 Mb] Varia UT [10.27 Mb] Varia UT [10.12 Mb] Varia Vision [1.22 Mb] Vector [0.5 Mb] Vector 3 [8.43 Mb] Vector 3 [8.22 Mb] VHF 100 / 200 [1.68 Mb] VHF 300 установка [2.37 Mb] VIRB 360 [2.98 Mb] VIRB [3.9 Mb] VIRB быстрый старт [2.59 Mb] VIRB ULTRA 30 [3.17 Mb] Virb X / Virb XE [1.58 Mb] Vivoactive [3.08 Mb] Vivoactive 3 Music [2.74 Mb] Vivoactive 3 [2.33 Mb] Vivoactive 4 [2.8 Mb] Vivoactive HR [2.4 Mb] Vivofit [0.46 Mb] Vivofit 2 [10.23 Mb] Vivofit 3 [0.72 Mb] Vivofit 4 [5.1 Mb] Vivofit [5.16 Mb] Vivofit JR [1.8 Mb] Vivomove HR [1.84 Mb] Vivosmart 3 [1.63 Mb] Vivosmart HR [1.97 Mb] Vivosmart [1.4 Mb] Vivosport [1.74 Mb] Zumo 300 серия [0.47 Mb] Zumo 395 [0.96 Mb] Zumo 3×0 [7.39 Mb] Zumo 400 / 500 / 550 [2.96 Mb] Zumo 590 быстрый старт [0.33 Mb] Zumo 590LM [2.83 Mb] Zumo 660 [1.18 Mb] Zumo XT [3.7

В данной статье дается пошаговая инструкция, показывающая, как настроить часы Garmin, на примере моделей Forerunner 945 и Fenix 6X Pro Solar. Алгоритм применим ко всем моделям с кнопками — например, Instinct.

В статье много иллюстраций, что облегчит понимание каждого этапа персонализации.

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Включение и базовая настройка

Хотя изначально часы имеют какой-то уровень заряда, лучше перед настройкой зарядить их полностью. Процесс связи со спутниками может занять до 10 мин., и нежелательно, чтобы в этот момент гаджет выключился.

Для включения нужно нажать и удерживать кнопку Light. Она же выключает часы, если ее удерживать на протяжении 30 сек.

Сразу после включения необходимо наладить сопряжение с телефоном и выставить базовые параметры:

  • выбрать язык меню;
  • единицы измерения расстояния — км или мили;
  • выбрать 12- или 24-часовой формат времени;
  • указать пол владельца;
  • ввести год рождения, а затем рост и вес пользователя.

Эту информацию часы используют для автоматического расчета спортивной нагрузки и определения допустимых пульсовых зон. Теперь разберем некоторые пункты более подробно.

Выбор языка

При покупке часов Garmin важно обращать внимание на европейскую версию, а не азиатскую APAC. В противном случае кириллицы в меню не будет, максимум — английский.

Европейская версия позволяет среди прочего выбрать русский, украинский, эстонский, литовский и латышский языки. Для прокрутки списка нужно нажимать кнопки «Вверх» и «Вниз», для выбора нужного — кнопку «Пуск/Стоп».

Как выставить время

Тут есть 2 варианта: ручной ввод или синхронизация с GPS для автоматического выставления. Второй вариант предпочтителен, ведь тогда будет учитываться ваш часовой пояс и автоматический переход с летнего времени на зимнее (где это применимо).

Как правило, первая синхронизация с GPS длится 3–10 мин. Процесс можно несколько ускорить, выйдя на открытую местность или хотя бы на балкон.

Сопряжение часов со смартфоном

Сопряжение со смартфоном нужно для появления на часах уведомлений с телефона: новые сообщения, звонки и прочие события. Также благодаря подключению будет удобнее просматривать данные о спортивной активности.

Стоит предостеречь от естественной попытки большинства новичков синхронизировать часы только с помощью Bluetooth. Такое соединение ненадежно и часто будет прерываться.

Для качественного подключения необходимо:

1. Установить на смартфон приложение Garmin Connect и включить Bluetooth.

2. В часах выбрать «Меню» → «Настройка» → «Телефон» → «Состояние» → «Сопряжение телефона». А в программе на смартфоне нажать «Добавить устройство».

3. Подтвердить на телефоне подключение к часам.

4. Ввести в программе телефона PIN-код, отображенный на часах.

5. Выбрать смартфон как основное устройство для синхронизации.

6. Настроить такие параметры как уведомления и учетную запись TrueUp.

После этого можно включить синхронизацию.

Как зарегистрироваться в сервисе Garmin Connect

Регистрация на сайте Garmin Connect нужна для сохранения и последующего отслеживания всех тренировок, походов и прочей активности. Эти облачные данные останутся даже при смене часов или смартфона. Также сервис проводит анализ состояния здоровья на основании изменения пульса, затрат калорий, времени сна и т.д.

На самом сайте в верхнем левом углу нажимаем кнопку «Вход», далее выбираем «Создать учетную запись» и заполняем форму для регистрации.

Синхронизация часов Garmin с ПК

Для этого понадобится кабель USB и программа Garmin Express.

Кабель ускорит загрузку и обновление уже имеющихся карт и позволит добавить дополнительные — например, OpenStreetMap.

Еще с помощью ПК можно добавить музыкальные треки для воспроизведения через наушники или портативную колонку. Для этого нужно подключить беспроводные наушники по Bluetooth к часам Garmin по схеме: «Настройки» → «Датчики и аксессуары» → «Добавить» → «Наушники».

Подключение выносных датчиков

Конечно, часы Garmin уже оборудованы оптическими датчиками HR для измерения пульса. Но специфика работы такова, что они больше подходят для тренировок с небольшой интенсивностью, когда сердце бьется в одном темпе без скачков нагрузки.

Когда происходит резкое увеличение нагрузки, то быстро распознать изменения пульса оптический датчик не способен в силу своего принципа работы, а не неисправности. Поэтому для серьезных занятий спортом есть смысл приобрести выносные датчики, такие как Garmin HRM PRO или Garmin HRM-Run.

Алгоритм подключения очень прост: «Настройки» → «Датчики и аксессуары» → «Добавить» и затем выбрать необходимый датчик. Для облегчения ориентации во всех элементах их можно переименовать при сопряжении.

Как обновить версию прошивки?

Рекомендуется сразу обновить версию прошивки часов, ведь с момента выпуска до приобретения может пройти немало времени.

Узнать версию последней прошивки можно на официальном сайте. Там необходимо указать модель ваших часов Garmin. После чего вы увидите в заглавии темы номер актуальной версии прошивки.

Затем сравните это с текущей версией на ваших часах по такому пути: «Настройки» → «Система» → «Об устройстве».

Само обновление происходит либо через программу Garmin Express на ПК в соответствующем окне, либо через беспроводное подключение Wi-Fi и Bluetooth. Но с помощью ПК это займет меньше времени.

Использование горячих кнопок

Допустим, вы хотите, чтобы секундомер включался продолжительным нажатием всего одной кнопки. Тогда нужно сделать следующие шаги: «Настройки» → «Система» → «Горячие клавиши» → выбрать кнопку, которая станет горячей → выбрать функцию, которую нужно привязать в кнопке.

Установка дополнительных циферблатов и приложений

Для часов Garmin предусмотрен сайт Connect IQ — бесплатный каталог циферблатов, виджетов и приложений. Но стоит помнить, что сторонние данные составляются энтузиастами, поэтому они не всегда до конца оптимизированы и могут, к примеру, увеличивать расход батареи. При выборе дополнительных функций обращайте внимание на рейтинг, совместимость и отзывы о приложении.

Чтобы установить дополнительный циферблат в свои часы, нужно выполнить такие шаги (предварительно подключив гаджет к ПК USB-кабелем):

1. Выбрать понравившийся циферблат в каталоге.

2. Загрузить его.

3. Дождаться синхронизации.

Установка сторонних виджетов и приложений проходит по той же системе.

Установка бесконтактной оплаты Garmin Pay

Большинство современных моделей часов Garmin — например, Forerunner 745, Fenix 6 Pro Solar Edition и MARQ Driver — имеют модуль NFC и могут использоваться для бесконтактной оплаты. Для начала нужно убедиться, что ваш банк поддерживает такой вид оплаты, найдя его на официальном сайте Garmin и установив сопряжение часов с программой Garmin Connect на смартфоне с подключением к интернету.

Далее необходимо выполнить такие шаги:

1. Зайти в меню Garmin Connect и выбрать часы для оплаты.

2. В новом окне нажать Garmin Pay и создать кошелек с данными вашей банковской карты.

3. Принять соглашение пользователя и указать платежные реквизиты.

4. Пройти проверку личности.

Чтобы расплатиться, достаточно зайти в меню часов и выбрать значок кошелька, а затем выбрать карту для списания средств.


Как видно, настройка часов Garmin довольно проста и интуитивно понятна. Советы из этой статьи помогут владельцам практически всех моделей с кнопками — например, Finix, Instinct или Forerunner. Так что долгого вам пользования и отличных тренировок!

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