Газонокосилка viking mb 248 инструкция

Viking MB 248 Instruction Manual

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Summary of Contents for Viking MB 248

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    MB 248.0…
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    0478 111 9916 C. M4,5. I11. Eco. Printed in Germany © 2009 — 2011 VIKING GmbH, A — 6336 Langkampfen / Kufstein…
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    0478 111 9916 C…
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    0478 111 9916 C…
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    0478 111 9916 C…
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    0478 111 9916 C…
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    0478 111 9916 C…
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    0478 111 9916 C…
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    07.05 Attaching and detaching the grass catcher bag 07.06 Central cutting height adjustment 07.07 Fuel and engine oil VIKING is continually striving 08.01 Motorstop lever to further develop its range of products; we therefore reserve the right to make alterations to 10.01 Starting the engine…
  • Page 10
    In addition to descriptions of operating steps, this instruction These safety regulati- This symbol serves to link manual includes text passages ons must be observed the Figs. on the illustration containing important additional Upper handlebar when working with the pages with the correspon- information.
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    • Particular care is required • Due to the physical danger Such symptoms include loss • Only transport the machine during use in public green to the user, the lawn mower of feeling, pain, muscular once the engine has cooled spaces, parks, sports fields, must not be used, for exam- weakness, skin discoloura-…
  • Page 12
    • Carefully inspect the com- • The switch mechanisms in- • If possible, avoid using the • For safety reasons, the ma- plete area on which the ma- stalled in the machine must machine when the ground is chine must not be used on chine is to be used and not be removed or bypas- wet, otherwise, exercise par-…
  • Page 13
    — After hitting a foreign ob- dealer. observe the safety distance ject. Inspect the machine, provided by the handlebar. • VIKING recommends that in particular the cutting you have maintenance ope- • Beware of the work tools unit, for damage and have…
  • Page 14
    VIKING spare parts number, stock of replacement stik- • If the petrol tank overflows, • Petrol must only be stored in by the VIKING logo and, if kers. no attempt must be made to appropriate containers. present, by the VIKING start the engine.
  • Page 15
    • Replace damaged mufflers • If it is necessary to drain the and guard plates. The lawn tank, this must be done out Read the instruction mower may not be used with of doors (e.g. by driving until manual before initial a defective muffler.
  • Page 16
    Fold down the upper handle- bar (A) for space-saving trans- port and storage of the mower. Detach the spark plug socket from the engine. Do not pull the grass catcher When folding it up, hold the bag fabric (4) over the •…
  • Page 17
    • Position the grass catcher Hold the grass catcher bag (K) bag fabric (4) on the retai- by the handle (8) and guide it ning plate (10) of the grass to the discharge chute on the catcher bag frame, bringing lawn mower.
  • Page 18
    • Slowly pull the recoil starter rope (B) to the point of resi- stance. Then pull vigorously and The lawn mower is equipped To switch off the engine, re- Carefully read and observe quickly to arm’s length. with a motorstop device. lease the motorstop lever (L).
  • Page 19
    Carefully read section 04, See engine instruction ma- particularly subsection nual. 04.05, before performing Carefully read and observe any maintenance or Carefully read and observe Observe the operating and the “For your safety” section cleaning operations on the the “For your safety” section maintenance instructions con- lawn mower, and strictly ob- 04.), particularly the…
  • Page 20
    — Check blade for damage be- Note the following points when fore installing. The blade storing the lawn mower for must be replaced if notches long periods (winter break): or cracks are identified, if — Thoroughly lubricate/grease A worn blade may break off the cutting edges have been all moving parts.
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    — Use of the product for spor- parts which are not original ting or competitive events Some parts of the VIKING ma- VIKING parts, Always store an old lawn — Resultant damage due to…
  • Page 22
    Research and Product Deve- Cutting width manufacturer’s lopment Manager Engine output speed 2800 brand: VIKING Cutter bar drive drive type: MB 248.0 Production In accordance with Measured sound power level: identification: 6350 Directive 2000/14/EC: 94,0 dB(A) Guaranteed sound power level L WAd dB(A)
  • Page 23
    — Tighten engine fastening bolts — Engine overheating — Oil level in engine too low — Top up engine oil 07.07 see engine instruction manual If necessary, contact a specialist dealer; VIKING recommends VIKING specialist dealers. 0478 111 9916 C — EN…
  • Page 24
    Provide your VIKING specialist Model: dealer with this instruction manual when you have maintenance opera- tions performed on your VIKING pro- duct. Serial number: Your VIKING specialist dealer will confirm the correct performance of VIKING dealer stamp the required service operations in the “Service schedule”…
  • Page 26
    *04781119916C* 0478 111 9916 C…

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Как часто необходимо скашивать траву?

Можно ли косить газон по мокрой траве?

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Газонокосилка Viking MВ 248.4 [6350-011-3409] — фото 1 / 3

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Газонокосилка Viking MВ 248.4 [6350-011-3409] — фото 4 / 3

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