General mission analysis tool инструкция на русском

GMAT — General Mission Analysis Tool

The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) is the world’s only enterprise, multi-mission, open source software system for space mission design, optimization, and navigation. The system supports missions in flight regimes ranging from low Earth orbit to lunar, libration point, and deep space missions. GMAT is developed by a team of NASA, private industry, public, and private contributors and is used for real-world mission support, engineering studies, as a tool for education, and public engagement.

GMAT Web Site


The build and install process of GMAT on Mac/Linux is both tedious and unclear, this repository aims to ease and detail this process so Mac/Linux users can «effortlessly» enjoy this software.

Therefore this is an unofficial repository of GMAT R2015a. It simply gathers all the necessary files from the official repository, adds a compile-and-install script and details the installation process.

This work is inspired by the work done by @natronics in this repository. However, this previous work has now become outdated thus this newer repository being necessary.

Installation and Run


The following dependencies are needed to build and run GMAT on Mac/Linux:

  • build-essential
  • cmake
  • csh
  • curl
  • dos2unix
  • freeglut3-dev
  • g++
  • libdevil-dev
  • libgl1-mesa-dev
  • libglu1-mesa-dev
  • libgtk2.0-dev
  • libgtk-3-dev

You can manually install them or try running LinuxInstallDependencies as administrator.

Build and Install

To build and install GMAT simply clone this repository

git clone

and run the compile-and-install script



A folder will be created («GMAT-R2015a» by default) with all the necessary files to run GMAT.


To run GMAT simply execute the file <installation_directory>/bin/GMAT.


The application/docs folder contains some documentation. The official site contains both end-user and developer documentation, tutorials and training material.


Apache License v2.0. See License.txt


For bugs, feature requests, comments or advise please fill in an issue here.

General Mission Analysis Tool — это программное обеспечение для анализа космических миссий с открытым исходным кодом, разработанное НАСА и частным сектором. GMAT в настоящее время находится в стадии разработки . Это альтернатива System Tool Kit с открытым исходным кодом .

Подробная информация о программном обеспечении и загрузка. ( Ссылочный номер программного обеспечения: GSC-18094-1, ссылка может быть изменена при обновлении программного обеспечения )

Скачать (SourceForge)

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  • YouTube видео


GMAT 0.3

Free GMAT is a space trajectory optimization and mission analysis system



GMAT Development Team


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Edit program info

Info updated on:
Dec 18, 2021

The General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) is a space trajectory optimization and mission analysis system developed by NASA and private industry in the spirit of the NASA Vision. GMAT contains new technology and is a testbed for future technology development. To satisfy NASA’s mandate and maximize technology transfer, GMAT is an open source software system licensed under the NASA Open Source Agreement.


Mission analysis
Space trajectory
Mission design
Space mission
Space Simulation

General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) — это программное обеспечение для анализа космических миссий с открытым исходным кодом, разработанное НАСА и частным сектором. [2]

Он использовался для нескольких миссий, в том числе LCROSS , Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter , OSIRIS-REx , многомасштабной магнитосферной миссии и миссии Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). [2] [3]

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