Gigabyte ga 970a ud3 инструкция на русском

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Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 инструкция по эксплуатации
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Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 инструкция по эксплуатации
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Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 инструкция по эксплуатации
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Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 инструкция по эксплуатации
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Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 инструкция по эксплуатации
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Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 инструкция по эксплуатации
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Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 инструкция по эксплуатации
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Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 инструкция по эксплуатации
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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

Посмотреть инструкция для Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории материнские платы, 3 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Какая ширина Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3?

Какая толщина Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3?

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В представленном списке руководства для конкретной модели Материнской платы — GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3 (rev. 1.2). Вы можете скачать инструкции к себе на компьютер или просмотреть онлайн на страницах сайта бесплатно или распечатать.

  • Инструкции и файлы
  • Характеристики
  • Основные поломки
  • Сервисы по ремонту

В случае если инструкция на русском не полная или нужна дополнительная информация по этому устройству, если вам нужны
дополнительные файлы: драйвера, дополнительное руководство пользователя (производители зачастую для каждого
продукта делают несколько различных документов технической помощи и руководств), свежая версия прошивки, то
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на ваш запрос и как можно быстрее помочь. Ваше устройство имеет характеристики:Socket: AM3, Поддерживаемые процессоры: AMD Phenom II/Athlon II/FX, Системная шина: HyperTransport, Поддержка многоядерных процессоров: есть, Чипсет: AMD 970, BIOS: Award c возможностью аварийного восстановления, полные характеристики смотрите в следующей вкладке.

Для многих товаров, для работы с GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3 (rev. 1.2) могут понадобиться различные дополнительные файлы: драйвера, патчи, обновления, программы установки. Вы можете скачать онлайн эти файлы для конкретнй модели GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3 (rev. 1.2) или добавить свои для бесплатного скачивания другим посетителями.

Если вы не нашли файлов и документов для этой модели то можете посмотреть интсрукции для похожих товаров и моделей, так как они зачастую отличаются небольшим изменениями и взаимодополняемы.

Обязательно напишите несколько слов о преобретенном вами товаре, чтобы каждый мог ознакомиться с вашим отзывом или вопросом. Проявляйте активность что как можно бльше людей смогли узнать мнение настоящих людей которые уже пользовались GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3 (rev. 1.2).

Основные и самые важные характеристики модели собраны из надежных источников и по характеристикам можно найти похожие модели.

Socket AM3
Поддерживаемые процессоры AMD Phenom II/Athlon II/FX
Системная шина HyperTransport
Поддержка многоядерных процессоров есть
Чипсет AMD 970
BIOS Award c возможностью аварийного восстановления
Поддержка SLI/CrossFire CrossFire
Память DDR3 DIMM, 1066 — 2000 МГц
Количество слотов памяти 4
Поддержка двухканального режима есть
Максимальный объем памяти 32 Гб
Дисковые контроллеры
IDE нет
SATA количество разъемов SATA 6Gb/s: 6, RAID: 0, 1, 5, 10, JBOD на основе AMD SB950
Слоты расширения
Слоты расширения 2xPCI-E x16, 3xPCI-E x1, 2xPCI
Поддержка PCI Express 2.0 есть
Звук 7.1CH, HDA
Ethernet 1000 Мбит/с, на основе Realtek RTL8111E
Наличие интерфейсов 18 USB, из них 4 USB 3.0 (2 на задней панели), 2xFireWire (IEEE1394a), выход S/PDIF, 1xCOM, Ethernet, PS/2 (клавиатура), PS/2 (мышь)
Разъемы на задней панели 10 USB, из них 2 USB 3.0, 1xFireWire (IEEE1394a), оптический выход, Ethernet, PS/2 (клавиатура), PS/2 (мышь)
Основной разъем питания 24-pin
Разъем питания процессора 8-pin
Дополнительные параметры
Форм-фактор ATX
Дополнительная информация 1 слот PCI Express x16 работает в режиме x4

Здесь представлен список самых частых и распространенных поломок и неисправностей у Материнских плат. Если у вас такая поломка то вам повезло, это типовая неисправность для GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3 (rev. 1.2) и вы можете задать вопрос о том как ее устранить и вам быстро ответят или же прочитайте в вопросах и ответах ниже.

Название поломки Описание поломки Действие
Разрыв Печатных Проводников
Обрыв Конденсаторов Или Резисторов
Короткое Замыкание В Электрических Цепях
Разрушение Разъемов И Слотов
Поломка Процессорного Разъема
Выгорание Портов
Микротрещины В Плате
Выход Из Строя Сетевого Адаптера
Перегрев Компонентов
Не Запускается При Включении При Включении Не Загружается. В Биос Не Входит. Пост Код — А3
Какой Компонент Подскажите Марку Траyзистора Q46?
Не Работает Ps/2 Сначала Отвалилась Клавиатура, А Через Некоторое Время 6 Коротких Гудков И Не Запускается
Подключить Переднюю Панель Не Могу Подключить Переднюю Панель
Судя По Всему Отвал Биоса Материнка Стартует Секунд На 5,Кулер Процессора Берет Обороты И Останавливается.и Так-Циклически,Без Остановок.запуск Невозможен.вечером Либо Завтра Буду Пытаться Его Восстановить,Потом Может Дополню
Пропал Звук На Материнке Пропал Звук На Материнке, Отображается Только Nvidia Hdmi. Переустановка Драйверов С Офсайта Не Помогла.
Биос При Старте Звук Через Промежетки Времени Примерно В 1-3 Мин Три Сигнала Потом Стартует Винда , Недавно Вообще Написал Cmos Setting Wrong И C7, Жму Del Меняется На B2 Чтоб Воити В Биос Три Сигнала По Одному Через Промеежутки Времени 1-3 Мин И Черный Экра
Asus M2A-Vm Hdmi Не Запускается Процессор Phenom Ii X4 945 Rev. C3, На Socket-Ам 3, Нет Даже Сигнала, Черный Экран
Не Включается После Замены Конденсаторов С34 И С35 Не Включается
Черный Экран Все Уже Перепробовал И Озу Менял И Переставлял И Ластиком Чистил, И Батарейку Вынимал И Измерял, И Видеокарту С Бп На Заведомо Годную Ставил Исход Один, Черный Экран И Speaker Издает 1 Длинный 2 Коротких, Если Я Не Путаю.
Неправильно Отображается Память При Установленной Памяти 4 Гигабайта В Биосе Отображается 8. Установил Одну Планку 2 Гига — Отображается 4

В нашей базе сейчас зарегестрированно 18 353 сервиса в 513 города России, Беларусии, Казахстана и Украины.




улица Сущевский Вал, д.23





Время работы
Время работы не указано




Волгоградский проспект 28





Время работы
Будни: с 0900 до 1900
Суббота: выходной
Воскресенье: выходной




Ленинградский пр., 62А, ТЦ Галерея





Время работы
Ежедневно: с 1000 до 2100




Шереметьевская ул., 6, ТЦ Райкин Плаза





Время работы
Ежедневно: с 1000 до 2100




Проспект Буденного, дом 53, стр. 2





Время работы
Будни: с 0800 до 0800
Суббота: с 1000 до 1900
Воскресенье: с 1000 до 1900

GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3 (rev. 1.2)

Обзор материнской платы GigaByte GA-970A-UD3 rev1.2



Очень доволен






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  • Страница 1

    GA-970A-UD3 User’s Manual Rev . 1001 12ME-970AUD3-1001R[…]

  • Страница 2

    May 20, 201 1 Motherboard GA-970A-UD3 May 20, 201 1 Motherboard GA-970A-UD3[…]

  • Страница 3

    Copyright © 201 1 GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., L TD. All rights reserved. The trademarks mentioned in this manual are legally registered to their respective owners. Disclaimer Information in this manual is protected by copyright laws and is the property of GIGABYTE. Changes to the specications and features in this manual may be made by GIGABYTE wi[…]

  • Страница 4

    — 4 — T able of Contents Box Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Optional Items ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 GA-970A-UD3 Motherboard Layout …………………………..[…]

  • Страница 5

    — 5 — Chapter 3 Drivers Installation ……………………………………………………………………………. 57 3-1 Installing Chipset Drivers ……………………………………………………………………. 57 3-2 Application Software ……………………………………………………………………….[…]

  • Страница 6

    — 6 — Box Contents GA-970A-UD3 motherboard Motherboard driver disk User’s Manual Quick Installation Guide Four SA T A cables I/O Shield Optional Items 2-port USB 2.0 bracket (Part No. 12CR1-1UB030-5*R) 2-port SA T A power cable (Part No. 12CF1-2SERPW-0*R) COM port cable (Part No. 12CF1-1CM001-3*R) 2-port IEEE 1394a bracket (Part No. 12CF1-1IE0[…]

  • Страница 7

    — 7 — GA-970A-UD3 Motherboard Layout KB_MS_USB CPU_F AN Socket AM3+ PWR_F AN GA-970A-UD3 F_AUDIO AUDIO PCIEX1_1 DDR3_4 DDR3_2 BA T F_P ANEL COMA A TX_12V AMD 970 AMD SB950 PCI2 R_USB30 CODEC PCIEX1_2 Realtek RTL81 1 1E USB_1394 R_USB USB_LAN PCIEX16 M_BIOS CLR_CMOS SA TA3_4 SA TA3_3 SA TA3_1 SA TA3_2 SA TA3_0 DDR3_3 DDR3_1 SPDIF_O F_USB3 F_1394 F_U[…]

  • Страница 8

    — 8 — GA-970A-UD3 Motherboard Block Diagram PS/2 KB/Mouse COM Port Hyper T ransport 3.0 AMD 970 AMD SB950 iTE IT8720 CPU CLK+/- (200 MHz) Dual BIOS LPC Bus Dual Channel Memory Center/Subwoofer Speaker Out Line Out MIC Line In S/PDIF Out Side Speaker Out Surround Speaker Out CODEC PCIe CLK (100 MHz) PCI Bus 2 PCI PCI CLK (33 MHz) LAN DDR3 2000(O.C.)[…]

  • Страница 9

    — 9 — Hardware Installation 1- 1 Installation Precautions Th e m ot her bo ar d c on ta in s n um er ou s d el ic at e e le ct ro ni c c ir cu it s a nd comp one nt s w hi ch can become damaged as a result of electrostatic discharge (ESD). Prior to installation, carefully read the user’s manual and follow these procedures: • Prio r to ins[…]

  • Страница 10

    Hardware Installation — 10 — 1- 2 Product Specications CPU AM3+ Socket:  — AMD AM3+ FX processors — AMD AM3 Phenom ™ II processors/ AMD Athlon ™ II processors (Go to GIGABYTE’s website for the latest CPU support list.) Hyper Transport Bus 520 0 MT/s  Chipset North Bridge: AMD 970  South Bridge: AMD SB950  Memory 4 x 1.5V DDR[…]

  • Страница 11

    — 1 1 — Hardware Installation Internal Connectors 1 x 24-pin A TX main power connector  1 x 8-pin A TX 12V power connector  6 x SA T A 6Gb/s connectors  1 x CPU fan header  2 x system fan headers  1 x powe r fan header  1 x front panel header  1 x front panel audio header  1 x S/PDIF Out header  3 x USB 2.0/1.1 headers ?[…]

  • Страница 12

    Hardware Installation — 12 — Uni que Feat ure s Support for @BIOS  Support for Q-Flash  Support for Xpress BIOS Rescue  Support for Download Center  Support for Xpress Install  Support for Xpress Recovery2  Support for EasyTune  * Available functions in EasyT une may differ by motherboard model. Supp or t for E asy Ener gy S av[…]

  • Страница 13

    — 13 — Hardware Installation 1-3 Installing the CPU and C PU Cooler 1-3 -1 I nst all ing th e CPU A. Locate the pin one (denoted by a small triangle) of the CPU socket and the CPU. Read the following guidelines before you begin to install the CPU: • Make sure that the motherboard supports the CPU. (Go to GIGABYTE’s website for the latest […]

  • Страница 14

    Hardware Installation — 14 — B. Follow the steps below to correctly install the CPU into the motherboard CPU socket. • Before installing the CPU, make sure to turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the power outlet to prevent damage to the CPU. • Do not force the CPU into the CPU socket. The CPU cannot t in if oriented in[…]

  • Страница 15

    — 15 — Hardware Installation Use extreme care when removing the CPU cooler because the thermal grease/tape between the CPU cooler and CPU may adhere to the CPU. Inadequately removing the CPU cooler may damage the CPU. 1-3 -2 I nst all ing th e CPU Cool er Follow the steps below to correctly install the CPU cooler on the CPU. (The following procedur[…]

  • Страница 16

    Hardware Installation — 16 — 1- 4 Installing the Memor y Read the following guidelines before you begin to install the memory: • Make sure that the motherboard supports the memory . It is recommended that memory of the same capacity , brand, speed, and chips be used. (Go to GIGABYTE’s website for the latest supported memory speeds and memory[…]

  • Страница 17

    — 17 — Hardware Installation 1- 4 -2 Inst all ing a M emo r y Notch Before installing a memory module, make sure to turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the power outlet to prevent damage to the memory module. DDR3 and DDR2 DIMMs are not compatible to each other or DDR DIMMs. Be sure to install DDR3 DIMMs on this motherboard. DDR3 D[…]

  • Страница 18

    Hardware Installation — 18 — 1-5 Installing an Expansion Card Read the following guidelines before you begin to install an expansion card: • Make sure the motherboard supports the expansion card. Carefully read the manual that came with your expansion card. • Always turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the power outlet before in[…]

  • Страница 19

    — 19 — Hardware Installation 1-6 Back Panel Con nectors USB 2.0/1.1 Port The USB port supports the USB 2.0/1.1 specication. Use this port for USB devices such as a USB key — board/mouse, USB printer , USB ash drive and etc. PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse Port Use this port to connect a PS/2 mouse or keyboard. Optical S/PDIF Out Connector This connector […]

  • Страница 20

    Hardware Installation — 20 — In addition to the default speak ers settings, the ~ audio jacks can be recongured to perform differe nt fun ctio ns via the au dio so ftwa re. On ly mic roph ones s till M UST be co nnec ted to t he default Mic in jack ( ). Refer to the instructions on setting up a 2/4/5.1/7.1-channel audio con- guration in Chapt[…]

  • Страница 21

    — 21 — Hardware Installation 1- 7 Internal Connec tors Read the following guidelines before connecting external devices: • First make sure your devices are compliant with the connectors you wish to connect. • Befor e ins tall ing th e dev ices, be sur e to tu rn off th e devi ces a nd you r com puter. Unplu g the power cord from the power[…]

  • Страница 22

    Hardware Installation — 22 — DEBUG PO RT G.QBOFM 13 1 24 12 A TX 1/2) A TX_12V/A TX (2×4 12V Power Connector and 2×12 Main Power Connector) W it h th e us e of t he p ow er c on ne ct or, the p ow er s up ply can sup pl y en ou gh s ta bl e po we r to a ll t he components on the moth erboard. Be fore conne cting the p ower conne ctor, rst make s[…]

  • Страница 23

    — 23 — Hardware Installation 3/4/5) CPU_F AN/SYS_F AN1/SYS_F AN2/PWR_F AN (Fan Headers) The motherboard has a 4-pin CPU fan header (CPU_FAN), a 4-pin (SYS_F AN1) and a 3-pin (SYS_FAN2) system fan headers, and a 3-pin power fan header (PWR_FAN). Most fan headers possess a foolproof insertion design. When connecting a fan cable, be sure to connect it[…]

  • Страница 24

    Hardware Installation — 24 — 7) F_P ANEL (Front Panel Header) Co nnect the pow er swi tch, r eset s witch , spea ker, ch assi s intr usion switc h/sen sor an d syst em stat us indicator on the chassis to this header according to the pin assignments below. Note the positive and negative pins before connecting the cables. • PW (Power Switch, Red): […]

  • Страница 25

    — 25 — Hardware Installation 8) F_AUDIO (Front Panel Audio Header) The fron t panel audio header supports Intel Hig h Denition audio (HD) and AC’97 audio. Y o u may connect your chassis front panel audio module to this header. Make sure the wire assignments of the module con — nector match the pin assignments of the motherboard header. Inco[…]

  • Страница 26

    Hardware Installation — 26 — 10) F_USB1/F_USB2/F_USB3 (USB 2.0/1.1 Headers) The headers conform to USB 2.0/1.1 specication. Each USB header can provide two USB ports via an optional USB bracket. For purchasing the optional USB bracket, please contact the local dealer . DEBUG PO RT G.QBOFM 10 9 2 1 Pin No. Denition 1 Power (5V) 2 Power (5V) 3 […]

  • Страница 27

    — 27 — Hardware Installation 12) F_1394 (IEEE 1394a Header) The header conforms to IEEE 1394a specication. The I EEE 1394a header can provide one IEEE 13 94a port via an optional IEEE 1394a bracket. For purchasing the optional IEEE 1394a bracket, please con- tact the local dealer . • Do not plug the USB bracket cable into the IEEE 1394a header[…]

  • Страница 28

    Hardware Installation — 28 — 14) TPM (T rusted Platform Module Header) Y ou may connect a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) to this header . 20 19 2 1 F_USB30 F_AUDIO(H) DB_PORT F_ PA NEL(NH) F_ PA NEL (H61M-D2) TPM w/housing V oltage measurement module(X58A-OC) PCIe power connector (S ATA )(X58A-OC) DIP 1 2 3 DIP 1 2 3 DIP 1 2 3 DIP 12 3 1 1 1 1 BIOS […]

  • Страница 29

    — 29 — Hardware Installation 16) CLR_CMOS (Clearing CMOS Jumper) Use this jumper to clear the CMOS values (e.g. date information and BIOS congurations) and reset the CMOS values to factory defaults. T o clear the CMOS values, place a jumper cap on the two pins to temporarily short the two pins or use a metal object like a screwdriver to touch th[…]

  • Страница 30

    Hardware Installation — 30 -[…]

  • Страница 31

    — 31 — BIOS Setup BIOS (Ba sic Inpu t and Out put Syst em) reco rds hard ware par ameters of the sy stem in t he CMOS o n the motherboard. Its major functions include conducting the Power-On Self-T est (POST) during system startup, saving sy stem param eters and l oading op erating sy stem, etc . BIOS incl udes a BIO S Setup pro gram that allows th[…]

  • Страница 32

    BIOS Setup — 32 — 2-1 Startup Screen The following screens may appear when the computer boots. A. The LOGO Screen (Default) B. The POST Screen Motherboard Model BIOS V ersion Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG Copyright (C) 1984-201 1, Award Software, Inc. GA-970A-UD3 D3a . . . . <DEL>: BIOS Setup <F9>: XpressRecovery2 <F12>: Boot Menu &l[…]

  • Страница 33

    — 33 — BIOS Setup 2-2 The Main Menu Once you enter the BIOS Setup program, the Main Menu (as shown below) appears on the screen. Use ar- row keys to move among the items and press <Enter> to accept or enter a sub-menu. (Sample BIOS V ersion: D3a) Main Menu Help The on-screen description of a highlighted setup option is displayed on the bottom[…]

  • Страница 34

    BIOS Setup — 34 —  The Functions of the <F1 1> and <F12> keys (For the Main Menu Only)  F1 1: Save CMOS to BIOS This function allows you to save the current BIOS settings to a prole. Y ou can create up to 8 proles (Prole 1-8) and name each prole. First enter the prole name (to erase the default prole name, use[…]

  • Страница 35

    — 35 — BIOS Setup 2-3 MB Intelligent T weaker(M.I.T .) • Whether the system will work stably with the overclock/overvoltage settings you made is depen — dent on your overall system congurations. Incorrectly doing overclock/overvoltage may result in damage to CPU, chipset, or memory and reduce the useful life of these components. This page is f[…]

  • Страница 36

    BIOS Setup — 36 — CPU NorthBridge Freq. Allows you to alter the North Bridge controller frequency for the installed CPU. The adjustable range is dependent on the CPU being used. Core Performance Boost (Note) A llo ws yo u to d et erm ine whe the r to e nab le t he Co re P erf orm an ce Bo os t (CP B) t ech nol og y , a C PU performance-boost techno[…]

  • Страница 37

    — 37 — BIOS Setup DRAM Conguration CPU Host Clock Control, CPU Frequency (MHz), Set Memory Clock, Memory Clock The settings under the four items above are synchronous to those under the same items on the MB In- telligent T weaker(M.I.T .) main menu. DCT s Mode Allows you to set memory control mode. Ganged Sets memory contro l mode to single dual[…]

  • Страница 38

    BIOS Setup — 38 — 1T/2T Command Timing Options are: Auto (default), 1T , 2T . CAS# latency Options are: Auto (default), 5T~14T . RAS to CAS R/W Delay Options are: Auto (default), 2T~19T . Row Precharge Time Options are: Auto (default), 2T~19T . Minimum RAS Active T ime Options are: Auto (default), 8T~40T . T wT r Command Delay Options are: Auto (de[…]

  • Страница 39

    — 39 — BIOS Setup ** DCT s Addr/Cmd T iming ** Addr/Cmd Setup Time Options are: Auto (default), 1/2T , 2T . Addr/Cmd Fine Delay Options are: Auto (default), 0/64~31/64. CS/ODT Setup Time Options are: Auto (default), 1/2T , 2T . CS/ODT Fine Delay Options are: Auto (default), 0/64~31/64. CKE Setup Time Options are: Auto (default), 1/2T , 2T . CKE Fin[…]

  • Страница 40

    BIOS Setup — 40 — DRAM V oltage Control Allows you to set memory voltage. Normal Supplies the memory voltage as required. (Default) 1.035V ~ 2.145V The adjustable range is from 1.035V to 2.145V . Note: Increasing memory voltage may result in damage to the memory or reduce the useful life of the memory . DDR VTT V oltage Control Allows you to set th[…]

  • Страница 41

    — 41 — BIOS Setup Date (mm:dd:yy) Sets the system date. The date format is week (read-only), month, date and year . Select the desired eld and use the up arrow or down arrow key to set the date. Time (hh:mm:ss) Sets the system time. For example, 1 p.m. is 13:0:0. Select the desired eld and use the up arrow or down arrow key to set the time. I[…]

  • Страница 42

    BIOS Setup — 42 — Halt On Allows you to determine whether the system will stop for an error during the POST . All Errors Whenever the BIOS detects a non-fatal error the system boot will stop. No Errors The system boot will not stop for any error. All, But Keyboard The system boot will not stop for a keyboard error but stop for all other errors. (De[…]

  • Страница 43

    — 43 — BIOS Setup 2-5 Advanced BIOS Features AMD C1E Support (Note) Enables or disables the C1E CPU power-saving function in system halt state. When enabled, the CPU core frequency and voltage will be reduced during system halt state to decrease power consumption. (Default: Auto) Virtualization Virtualization allows a platform to run multiple opera[…]

  • Страница 44

    BIOS Setup — 44 — Hard Disk Boot Priority Species the sequence of loading the operating system from the installed hard drives. Use the up or down arr ow k ey t o se lect a h ard driv e, t hen pres s th e pl us k ey < +> (or < Page Up>) or the minu s ke y <- > (o r <PageDown>) to move it up or down on the list. Press <E[…]

  • Страница 45

    — 45 — BIOS Setup 2-6 Integrated Peripherals OnChip SA T A Controller (AMD SB950 South Bridge) Enables or disables the SA TA controller integrated in the AMD SB950 South Bridge. (Default: Enabled) OnChip SA T A T ype (AMD SB950 South Bridge, SA T A3_0~SA T A3_3 connectors) Congures the operating mode of the integrated SA TA3_0~SA T A3_3 controll[…]

  • Страница 46

    BIOS Setup — 46 — Port0 as ESP/Port1 as ESP/Port2 as ESP/Port3 as ESP This option is congurable only when OnChip SA TA T ype is set to AHCI . Enabled will speed up the hot plug detection of the connected SA TA device. (Default: Disabled) Port4 as ESP/Port5 as ESP This option is congurable only when OnChip SA TA T ype is set to AHCI and OnChip[…]

  • Страница 47

    BIOS Setup — 47 — SMART LAN (LAN Cable Diagnostic Function) CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2011 A ward Software SMAR T LAN Start detecting at Port….. Part1-2 Status = Open / Length = 0m Part3-6 Status = Open / Length = 0m Part4-5 Status = Open / Length = 0m Part7-8 Status = Open / Length = 0m higf : Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD: V alue F10[…]

  • Страница 48

    BIOS Setup — 48 — Onboard Audio Function Enables or disables the onboard audio function. (Default: Enabled) If you wish to install a 3rd party add-in audio card instead of using the onboard audio, set this item to Disabled . Onboard 1394 Function Enables or disables the onboard IEEE 1394 function. (Default: Enabled) R_USB30 Controller (Etron EJ168 […]

  • Страница 49

    — 49 — BIOS Setup ACPI Suspend T ype Species the ACPI sleep state when the system enters suspend. S1(POS) Enables the system to enter the ACPI S1 (Power on Suspend) sleep state. In S1 sleep state, the system appears suspended and stays in a low power mode. The system can be resumed at any time. S3(STR) Enables the system to enter the ACPI S3 (Su[…]

  • Страница 50

    BIOS Setup — 50 — (Note) Supported on Windows 7/Vista operating system only . HPET Support (Note) Enables or disables High Precision Event Timer (HPET) for Windows 7/Vista operating system. (Default: Enabled) Power On By Mouse Allows the system to be turned on by a PS/2 mouse wake-up event. Note: T o use this function, you need an A TX power supply[…]

  • Страница 51

    — 51 — BIOS Setup Hardware Thermal Control Enables or disables the CPU overheating protection function. When enabled, the CPU core voltage and ratio will be reduced when the CPU is overheated. (Default: Enabled) Reset Case Open Status Keeps or clears the record of previous chassis intrusion status. Enabled clears the record of previous chassis intr[…]

  • Страница 52

    BIOS Setup — 52 — Current V oltage(V) Vcore/DDR3 1.5V/+3.3V/+12V Displays the current system voltages. Current System/CPU T emperature Displays current system/CPU temperature. Current CPU/SYSTEM/POWER F AN Speed (RPM) Displays current CPU/system/power fan speed. CPU Warning T emperature S et s t he wa rn i ng t h re s ho l d fo r C PU t e mp e ra t[…]

  • Страница 53

    — 53 — BIOS Setup Press <Enter> on this item and then press the <Y> key to load the safest BIOS default settings. In case system instability occurs, you may try to load Fail-Safe defaults, which are the safest and most stable BIOS settings for the motherboard. 2-9 Load Fail-Safe Defaults CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2011 A ward[…]

  • Страница 54

    BIOS Setup — 54 — Press <Enter> on this item and type the password with up to 8 characters and then press <Enter>. Y ou will be requested to conrm the password. T ype the password again and press <Enter>. The BIOS Setup program allows you to specify two separate passwords: Supervisor Password When a system password is set and t[…]

  • Страница 55

    — 55 — BIOS Setup Press <Enter> on this item and press the <Y> key . This saves the changes to the CMOS and exits the BIOS Setup program. Press <N> or <Esc> to return to the BIOS Setup Main Menu. 2-12 Save & Exit Setup Press <Enter> on this item and press the <Y> key. This exits the BIOS Setup without saving […]

  • Страница 56

    BIOS Setup — 56 -[…]

  • Страница 57

    — 57 — Drivers Installation 3-1 Installing Chipset Drivers Chapter 3 Drivers Installation • Before installing the drivers, rst install the operating system. • After installing the operating system, insert the motherboard driver disk into your optical drive. The driver Autorun screen is automatically displayed which looks like that show[…]

  • Страница 58

    Drivers Installation — 58 — 3-2 Application Software This page displays all the utilities and applications that GIGABYTE develops and some free software. Y ou can click the Install button on the right of an item to install it. 3-3 T echnical Manuals This page provides GIGABYTE’s application guides, content descriptions for this driver disk, an[…]

  • Страница 59

    — 59 — Drivers Installation 3-4 Contact For the detailed contact information of the GIGABYTE T aiwan headquarter or worldwide branch ofces, click the URL on this page to link to the GIGABYTE website. 3-5 System This page provides the basic system information.[…]

  • Страница 60

    Drivers Installation — 60 — 3-6 Download Center T o update the BIO S, drivers, or applications, click the Download Ce nter button to link to t he GIGABYTE website. The latest version of the BIOS, drivers, or applications will be displayed. 3-7 New Utilities This page provides a quick link to GIGABYTE’s lately developed utilities for users to i[…]

  • Страница 61

    — 61 — Unique Features Chapter 4 Unique Features 4-1 Xpress Recovery2 Xp r es s R e co v er y 2 i s a u ti l it y t h at a l l ow s y ou to q u ic k l y co m p re s s an d back up your system data and perform restoration of it. Supporting NTFS, F A T32, and F A T16 le systems, Xpress Recovery2 can back up data on P A T A and SA T A hard drives a[…]

  • Страница 62

    Unique Features — 62 — Step 3: Wh e n pa r ti t io n in g y o ur h a rd d r i ve , m ak e s ur e t o leave unallocated space (10 GB or more is recom- mended; actual size requirements vary , depending on the amount of data) and begin the installation of the operating system. Step 1: Select BACKUP to start backing up your hard drive data. Step 4: Aft[…]

  • Страница 63

    — 63 — Unique Features D. Using the Restore Function in Xpress Recovery2 E. Removing the Backup F . Exiting Xpress Recovery2 Sel ec t RESTORE to re st or e th e ba ck up t o yo ur h ar d dr ive in case the system breaks down. The RESTORE option will not be present if no backup is created before. Select REBOOT to exit Xpress Recovery2. Step 2: After[…]

  • Страница 64

    Unique Features — 64 — Because BIOS ashing is potentially risky , please do it with caution. Inadequate BIOS ashing may result in system malfunction. 4-2 BIOS Update Utilities GI GA B YT E m ot h er b oa r ds p r ov i de t w o un i qu e B IO S u pd a te t o ol s , Q- F la s h ™ an d @ BI O S ™ . GI G AB Y TE Q-Flash and @BIOS are easy-to-[…]

  • Страница 65

    — 65 — Unique Features Q-Flash Utility v2.23 Flash T ype/Size…………………………… MXIC 25L1605/1606 4M Keep DMI Data Enable Load CMOS Default Enable Update BIOS from Drive Save BIOS to Drive Enter : Run hi :Move ESC:Reset F10:Power Off B. Updating the BIOS When updatin g the BIOS, ch oose the loc ation where t he BIOS le is saved. T[…]

  • Страница 66

    Unique Features — 66 — Step 4: Press <Esc> and then <Enter> to exit Q-Flash and reboot the system. As the system boots, you should see the new BIOS version is present on the POST screen. Step 5: During the POST , press <Delete> to enter BIOS Setup. Select Load Optimized Defaults and press <Enter> to load BIOS defaults. Syste[…]

  • Страница 67

    — 67 — Unique Features 4-2-2 Updating the BIOS with the @BIOS Utility A. Before Y ou Begin 1. In Windows, close all applications and TSR (T erminate and Stay Resident) programs. This helps prevent unexpected failures when performing a BIOS update. 2. Dur ing the B IOS upda te proc ess, ens ure the I nternet connect ion is st able and do NOT inter r[…]

  • Страница 68

    Unique Features — 68 — Available functions in EasyTune 6 may differ by motherboard model. Grayed-out area(s) indicates that the item is not congurable or the function is not supported. Incorrectly doing overclock/overvoltage may result in damage to the hardware components such as CPU, chipset, and memory and reduce the useful life of these compo[…]

  • Страница 69

    — 69 — Unique Features 4-4 Easy Energy Saver GIGABYTE Easy Energy Saver is a revolutionary technology that delivers unparalleled power savings with a click of the button. Featuring an advanced proprietary software design, GIGABYTE Easy Energy Saver is able to provide exceptional power savings and enhanced power efciency without sacricing comp[…]

  • Страница 70

    Unique Features — 70 — C. Stealth Mode In Stealth Mode, the system continues t o work with the user-dened power saving settings, even after the system is restarted. Re-enter the application only if you want to make any changes or completely close the application. (Note 1) Maximize system power saving with Dynamic CPU Frequency Function; system p[…]

  • Страница 71

    — 71 — Unique Features 4-5 Q-Share Q-Share is an easy and convenient data sharing too l. After conguring your LAN connection settings and Q-Share, you are able to share your data with computers on the same network, making full use of Internet resources. Directions for using Q-Share After installing Q-Share from the motherboard driver disk, go to[…]

  • Страница 72

    Unique Features — 72 — 4-6 SMART Recovery With SMART Recovery , users can quickly create backups of changed data les (Note 1) or copy les from a spe — cic backup on P A T A and SA T A hard drives (partitioned on NTFS le system) in Windows 7/Vista. Instructions for copying les/folders from a backup: T o b r ow se t hr ou g h yo ur b a[…]

  • Страница 73

    — 73 — Unique Features 4-7 Auto Green Auto Green is an easy-to-use tool that provides users with simple options to enable system power savings via a Bluetooth cell phone. When the phone is out of the range of the computer’s Bluetooth receiver , the sys- tem will enter the specied power saving mode. Sele cting a sy stem e ner gy s aving mode[…]

  • Страница 74

    Unique Features — 74 — 4-8 Cloud OC Cloud OC (Note 1) is an easy-to-use overclocking utility designed for system overclock- ing via virtually any Internet-conn ected device, such as a smart pho ne, iPhone, note — book PC, etc. By simply connecting to an Internet browser via LAN, wireless LAN, or Bluetooth (Note 2) and logging in to the Cloud OC ser[…]

  • Страница 75

    — 75 — Appendix Chapter 5 Appendix 5-1 Conguring SA T A Hard Drive(s) T o congure SA T A hard drive(s), follow the steps below: A. Install SA T A hard drive(s) in your computer . B. Congure SA T A controller mode in BIOS Setup. C. Congure a RAID array in RAID BIOS. (Note 1) D. Install the SA T A RAID/AHCI driver (Note 2) and operating s[…]

  • Страница 76

    Appendix — 76 — The BIOS Setup menus described in this section may differ from the exact settings for your moth- erboard. The actual BIOS Setup menu options you will see shall depend on the motherboard you have and the BIOS version. B. Conguring SA T A controller mode in BIOS Setup Make sure to congure the SA T A controller mode correctly in […]

  • Страница 77

    — 77 — Appendix C. Conguring RAID set in RAID BIOS Enter the RAID BIOS setup utility to congure a RAID array . Skip this step and proceed with the installation of Windows operating system for a non-RAID conguration. Step 1: After the POST memory test begins and before the operating system boot begins, look for a message which says «Pr[…]

  • Страница 78

    Appendix — 78 — In the LD Dene Menu , use the up or down arrow key to move to an item for further conguration (Figure 5). Figure 4 Figure 5 [ Keys Available ] Option ROM Utility (c) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [LDDeneMenu] [ h ] Up [ i ] Down [PaUp/PaDn] Switch Page [Space] Change Option [Ctrl+Y] Save [ESC] Exit [ Keys Av[…]

  • Страница 79

    — 79 — Appendix In the following procedure, we’ll create RAID 0 as an example. 1. Under the RAID Mode section, press the <SP ACE> key to select RAID 0 . 2. Set the Stripe Block size. 64 KB is the default. 3. Under the Drives Assignments section, press the up or down arrow key to highlight a drive. 4. Press the <SP ACE> key or <Y[…]

  • Страница 80

    Appendix — 80 — Delete an Array The Delete Array menu option allows for deletion of disk array assignments. Deleting an existing disk array could result in loss of data. Record all array information including the array type, the disk members, and stripe block size in case you wish to undo a deletion. 1. T o delete an array , press <3> in the […]

  • Страница 81

    — 81 — Appendix A. Installing Windows 7/Vista (The following instructions use Windows 7 as the example operating system.) 5-1-2 Installing the SA T A RAID/AHCI Driver and Operating System With the correct BIOS settings, you are ready to install Windows 7/Vista/XP . Step 1: Boot from the Windows 7/Vista setup disk and perform standard OS installatio[…]

  • Страница 82

    Appendix — 82 — B. Installing Windows XP Before installing Windows XP , connect a USB oppy disk drive to your computer rst because you need to in — stall the SA T A RAID/AHCI driver from a oppy disk that contains the driver during the OS installation. Without the driver , the hard drive(s) may not be recognized during the Windows setup pro[…]

  • Страница 83

    — 83 — Appendix Step 2: Insert the oppy disk containing the SAT A RAID/AHCI driver and press <Enter>. Then a controller menu simi — lar to that in Figure 3 will appear. Select AMD AHCI Compatible RAID Controller-x86 platform and press <Enter>. Figure 3 Refer to the following for installing the driver during the Windows setup process.[…]

  • Страница 84

    Appendix — 84 — Rebuilding an Array: Rebuilding is the process of restoring data to a hard drive from other drives in the array . Rebuilding applies only to fault-tolerant arrays such as RAID 1, RAID 5, or RAID 10. T o replace the old drive, make sure to use a new drive of equal or greater capacity . The procedures below assume a new drive is added[…]

  • Страница 85

    — 85 — Appendix 5-2-1 Conguring 2/4/5.1/7.1-Channel Audio The motherboard provides six aud io jacks on the back pan el w hi ch s upp or t 2/ 4/ 5.1 /7 .1 -ch an ne l (Note) au dio . The picture to the right shows the default audio jack assignments. The integrated HD (High Definition) audio provides jack retasking capability that allows the user […]

  • Страница 86

    Appendix — 86 — Step 2: Connect an audio device to an audio jack. The The cur- rent connected device is dialog box appears. Select the device according to the type of device you connect. Then click OK . Step 3: On the Speakers s creen, click t he Spe aker Co ngura — tion tab. In the Speaker Conguration list, select Stereo , Quadraphonic , 5.1[…]

  • Страница 87

    — 87 — Appendix (Note) Enter the Digital Output(Optical) screen to congure further settings if you use the S/PDIF Out connector(s) on the back panel for digital audio output or enter the Digital Output screen if you use the internal S/PDIF Out connector (SPDIF_O) for digital audio output. 5-2-2 Conguring S/PDIF Out The S/PDIF Out jack can tra[…]

  • Страница 88

    Appendix — 88 — 5-2-3 Conguring Microphone Recording Step 1: After installing the audio driver , the HD Audio Manager icon will appear in the notication area. Double-click the icon to access the HD Audio Manager . Step 2: Connect your microphone to the Mic in jack (pink) on th e ba c k pa ne l o r th e M ic i n j ac k ( pi nk ) o n th e f ro […]

  • Страница 89

    — 89 — Appendix Step 5: After co mpletin g the set tings a bove, cl ick Start , p oint to All Programs , point to Accessories , and then click Sound Recorder to begin the sound recording. Step 1: Loca te t he i con in th e not ifi cati on a rea a nd ri ght — click on this icon. Select Recording Devices . Step 2: On the Recording tab, ri ght-click o[…]

  • Страница 90

    Appendix — 90 — Step 4: Now you can access the HD Audio Manager to cong — ure Stereo Mix and use Sound Recorder to record the sound. 5-2-4 Using the Sound Recorder A. Recording Sound 1. Make sure you have connected the sound input device (e.g. microphone) to the computer. 2. T o record the audio, click the Start Recording button . 3. T o stop re[…]

  • Страница 91

    — 91 — Appendix 5-3 T roubleshooting 5-3-1 Frequently Asked Questions T o read more F AQs for your motherboard, please go to the Support & DownloadsF AQ page on GIGABYTE’s website. Q: In the BIOS Setup program, why are some BIOS options missing? A: Some advanced options are hidden in the BIOS Setup program. Press <Delete> to enter B[…]

  • Страница 92

    Appendix — 92 — 5-3-2 T roubleshooting Procedure If you encounter any troubles during system startup, follow the troubleshooting procedure below to solve the problem. ST ART A Turn off the power . Remove all peripherals, connecting cables, and power cord etc. Isolate the short circuit. Secure the CPU cooler on the CPU. Connect the CPU cooler power […]

  • Страница 93

    — 93 — Appendix If the procedure above is unable to solve your problem, contact the place of purchase or local deal- er for help. Or go to the Support & DownloadsT echnical Support page to submit your question. Our customer service staff will reply you as soon as possible. The power supply , CPU or CPU socket might fail. The keyboard or keyboa[…]

  • Страница 94

    Appendix — 94 -[…]

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    — 95 — Appendix[…]

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    Appendix — 96 -[…]

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    — 97 — Appendix[…]

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    Appendix — 98 -[…]

  • Страница 99

    — 99 — Appendix Contact Us • GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., L TD. Address: No.6, Bao Chiang Road, Hsin-Tien Dist., New T aipei City 231,T aiwan TEL: +886-2-8912-4000 F AX: +886-2-8912-4003 T ech. and Non-T ech. Support (Sales/Marketing) : WEB address (English): http://www WEB address (Chinese): http://www .gig[…]

  • Страница 100

    Appendix — 100 — • G.B.T . TECHNOLOGY TRADING GMBH — Germany WEB address : http://www • G.B.T . TECH. CO., L TD. — U.K. WEB address : http://www • Giga-Byte T echnology B.V . — The Netherlands WEB address : http://www • GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY FRANCE — France WEB address : http://www • […]

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