H 264 mini dv инструкция


  1. Как подключить вай-фай камеру — подробная инструкция
  2. Что такое Wi-Fi камера, как она работает
  3. Как подключить вай-фай камеру к компьютеру или ноутбук
  4. Настройка Wi-Fi камеры
  5. Настройка IP-камеры
  6. Настройка экшен-камеры
  7. Настройка видеорегистратора и камеры заднего вида
  8. Как подключить камеру к телефону через Wi-Fi
  9. Подключение IP-камеры
  10. Подключение экшен-камеры
  11. Подключение видеорегистратора и камеры заднего вида
  12. Как подключить мини камеру к телефону?
  13. A9 WiFi mini DV
  14. Инструкция.
  15. H.264 -1080P удаленная беспроводная скрытая камера
  16. APP скачать программное обеспечение
  17. Подключение телефона к камере
  18. Настройка камеры
  19. Характеристики камеры А9

Как подключить вай-фай камеру — подробная инструкция

Безопасность и конфиденциальность играют огромную роль в современном мире. Во многом они обеспечиваются цифровыми технологиями и специальными приборами. Одним из них является камера видеонаблюдения, работающая по технологии Wi-Fi. Она представляет собой достаточно мощный инструмент для повышения безопасности офиса, дома, складского помещения или приусадебного участка. Необходимо более подробно разобраться, как настроить IP-камеру через Wi-Fi, что она собой представляет и как ее подключить.

Что такое Wi-Fi камера, как она работает

Прежде чем разобраться с тем, как подключить вай-фай камеру, следует понять, что это вообще такое. Wi-Fi камеры видеонаблюдения — это одна из веток IP-технологии. Они обладают собственным веб-сервером, моментально производят сжатие видео для экономии свободного места, а также обладают все теми же плюсами, что и обычные IP-камеры. Разница между ними заключается только в способе передачи данных и предварительной настройке соединения.

Интернет-наблюдение — удобная вещь

Видеокамеры, которые работают по технологии Wi-Fi, представляют собой обычные беспроводные камеры, поддерживающие передачу снятых данных через Wi-Fi. Преимущество таких устройств очевидно: не нужно протягивать или прокладывать провода или кабеля для передачи сигналов в регистратор, роутер или другие девайсы.

Обратите внимание! Видеокамеру, работающую по вай-фай, устанавливают в тех местах, куда провода протянуть проблематично, или в помещениях с уже готовым и красивым ремонтом.

Необходимо понимать, что эти устройства не полностью автономные, так как они должны получать бесперебойное электрическое питание, чтобы продолжать снимать видео. В любом случае один кабель прокладывают — это шнур от блока питания. Обычно последний используется на 12 В, а вставляется в обычную домашнюю розетку на 220 В.

Wi-Fi камеры могут работать без проводов, подключиться к ним просто

Как подключить вай-фай камеру к компьютеру или ноутбук

Способов подключения Wi-Fi камер существует несколько. Выглядят они следующим образом:

  • автономный режим, когда устройство не подключается ни к чему, а просто производит запись, кодирует, сжимает и отправляет на жесткий диск, SD-карту и т. д.;
  • соединение с беспроводным Wi-Fi видеорегистратором, который принимает ее сигналы и передаваемые данные;
  • использование с персональными компьютерами или ноутбуками. Один из самых распространенный вариантов, который приобрел свою популярность за простоту настройки и универсальность.

Как было сказано, люди часто подключают видеокамеры к персональным компьютерам, обходя стороной видеорегистраторы. Первый способ же является непрактичным, так как не получится в режиме реального времени следить за всем, что попадает в объектив устройства.

К сведению! Самая простая схема подключения основана на использовании телевизора с поддержкой Wi-Fi, но если нужно не только следить, но и производить фиксацию, этого будет мало. Для этого и пользуются ПК или ноутбуком с вместительным жестким диском.

Все, что требуется для подключения беспроводной Wi-Fi камеры — установка специальных драйверов и программного обеспечения прибора на ПК или ноутбук. Далее просто создается соединение между двумя приборами.

Используемый для просмотра и сохранения видеозаписей компьютер должен поддерживать беспроводную передачу данных, то есть иметь встроенный или внешний адаптер Wi-Fi.

У такого вида камер есть свои недостатки, которые заключаются в том, что сигналы и электромагнитные волны, связывающие устройства, могут значительно слабеть из-за прохождения сквозь стены и другие препятствия. При их установке этот факт заранее продумывают. Также по воздуху сигнал идет и обрабатывается медленнее, чем по кабелю, а значит, имеет место быть задержка в воспроизведении потоковой записи.

Набор для подключения интернет-видеокамеры

Настройка Wi-Fi камеры

Процесс конфигурирования айпи-камер и беспроводного видеооборудования обычно не занимает много времени. Благодаря представленным ниже пошаговым инструкциям можно настроить соединение за считанные минуты.

Важно! Единственные трудности могут возникнуть только на этапе подключения к роутеру, так как не каждая камера может им поддерживаться.

Настройка IP-камеры

Как уже стало понятно, отличие IP-камеры от Wi-Fi оборудования заключается в способе подключения. Первый вариант всегда должен быть подсоединен к ПК по специальному кабелю. Настройка осуществляется через специальную программу, которая находится на диске, идущем в комплекте с оборудованием, или через любой браузер, где будет доступен веб-интерфейс. В этом плане видеокамеры похожи на обычные роутеры, которые также имеют адрес настроек, логин и пароль для входа в них.

Просмотр изображения в видеокамеры на ПК

Настройка экшен-камеры

С экшен-камерами также все просто:

  1. Включают девайс, так как в противном случае компьютер попросту не увидит подключение.
  2. Переходят в меню видеокамеры и активируют режим «USB-соединение» или «Mass Storage».
  3. Соединяют два устройства простым USB-кабелем.
  4. Дожидаются распознавания гаджета и автоматической установки нужного ПО.
  5. Открывают хранилище камеры как простой съемный носитель.

Важно! Если требуется осуществить беспроводное подключение, то оба устройства должны поддерживать технологию Wi-Fi.

Просмотр потокового видео, которое снимает экшен-видеокамера, возможен через специальное ПО, часто зависящее от модели и производителя.

Настройка видеорегистратора и камеры заднего вида

Порядок действий при конфигурировании видеорегистратора выглядит следующим образом:

  1. Соединить видеорегистратор и персональный компьютер с помощью патч-корда. В параметрах регистратора задать базовые сетевые настройки: SSID и пароль.
  2. Связать аналогичным патч-кордом камеру с ПК. Перейти в веб-интерфейс видеокамеры и найти раздел, который посвящен беспроводным конфигурациям.
  3. Подключить камеру к вай-фай роутеру. Для этого указывают созданную или старую беспроводную сеть, код доступа от этой сети и режим шифрования. Главное — не забыть активировать параметр «Подключаться автоматически».
  4. Перезагрузить видеокамеру и отключить ее от роутера.
  5. Перейти в регистратор и добавить любое настроенное видеооборудование на нужный канал связи. Как только это будет сделано, на экране сразу же появится картинка.

Способов соединения камер с ПК или телефонами множество

Как подключить камеру к телефону через Wi-Fi

Иногда люди хотят иметь доступ к потоковому видео со своих камер напрямую в телефоне. Это удобно, но требует определенной последовательности действий для подключения. Ниже рассмотрено, как подключить вай-фай или IP-камеру к телефону.

Подключение IP-камеры

В случае использования цифровой беспроводной видеокамеры с наличием облачного сервиса P2P процесс выглядит просто:

  1. Устанавливают приложение облачного сервиса, который используется в видеооборудовании.
  2. Создают в нем новую учетную запись, если старой не имеется.
  3. Проводят синхронизацию устройств и их подключение к одной сети.

Обратите внимание! Если это именно IP-камера, которая проводом подключается к видеорегистратору, то придется, если он не поддерживает вай-фай, подключать к нему еще и роутер. Не факт, что такая связка будет стабильно работать из-за различных проблем с совместимостью.

Облачный сервис для подключения

Подключение экшен-камеры

В первую очередь необходимо скачать и установить на телефон соответствующее программное обеспечение.

Важно! Его поставляет производитель. Если вдруг соединения не происходит, то следует проверить его версию на официальном сайте, а также убедиться в том, что беспроводная сеть достаточно стабильна.

Разные видеокамеры обладают разными приложениями и алгоритмами подключения. В общем случае он выглядит так:

  1. Включить экшен-устройство.
  2. Активировать беспроводной Wi-Fi модуль, через который будет осуществляться взаимодействие. Он также представлен аналоговой кнопкой или специальным пунктом в меню настроек.
  3. Установить на телефон или планшет специальное программное обеспечение от производителя.
  4. Осуществить соединение устройств в одной сети.
  5. Войти в установленное приложение и синхронизироваться с выбранной моделью видеокамеры.

Подключение видеорегистратора и камеры заднего вида

Подобное подключение происходит аналогично случаю для персонального компьютера, описанного выше. Если регистратор поддерживает связь по Wi-Fi, то соединение будет осуществлено напрямую. В противном случае потребуется подключаться через роутер. Естественно, для этого на телефоне должны быть заранее установлены специальные программы.

Потоковое наблюдение с телефона

Подключение Wi-Fi камеры к компьютеру или мобильному телефону — процесс не сложный и достаточно быстрый. Кроме того, неважно, к какому смартфону будет осуществляться подключение: андроиду или айфону.


Как подключить мини камеру к телефону?

Уточните пожалуйста, какая у вас модель мини камеры.

Но алгоритм подключение беспроводной Wi-Fi мини IP камеры примерно такой:

Удаленное подключение через смартфон

На смартфоне под управлением iOS или Android зайдите в AppStore или, соответственно, Google Play Market и установите приложение SanCam.

Установите карту памяти и включите мини камеру, переведя переключатель питания в положение On: будет гореть синий индикатор и медленно мигать розовый, питание мини IP-камеры включено.

Не производите никаких действий и дождитесь полной загрузки мини камеры – это займет примерно 2 минуты.

Примечание. Вы можете подключать беспроводную камеру к зарядному устройству вне зависимости от того, в каком она находится режиме.

Включите на смартфоне Wi-Fi и подключитесь к сети GS**-**** (что соответствует ID-номеру видеокамеры).

Запустите установленное приложении и в появившемся окне нажмите на + и далее Add new online Device -> Search(Lan).

После того, как Ваша видеокамера будет найдена – нажмите на нее для добавления, а затем нажмите кнопку ОК. Мини видеокамера появится на главном экране и будет доступна для просмотра и настройки. Пароль, используемый по умолчанию для доступа к видеокамере: 8888

Примечание. При первом подключении к видеокамере, приложение выводит сообщение: We recommend that you change your default camera access password for security. Нажатие кнопки Change переводит в меню смены пароля, нажатие Skip позволяет игнорировать рекомендацию по смене пароля.


A9 WiFi mini DV

HD Камера — HD запись и просмотр в реальном времени.

Широкий угол обзора — угол 150 градусов, камера обеспечивает широкий охват сцены, не пропустит ничего, что произошло в вашем доме.

Ночное видение — камера обеспечивает отличное ночное видение, вы можете контролировать даже в темноте.

Циклическая запись — в процессе записи после заполнения памяти камера A9 автоматически удаляет предыдущее видео и сохраняет последнее видео.

Датчик движения — видео будет записано при обнаружении движения, что сделает ваш дом или офис более безопасным. Идеально подходит для наблюдения за ребенком, наблюдения за домашними животными и домашней безопасности. Вы можете знать, что происходило, когда вас не было дома.

Мини размер — способы крепления: стоя / магнитная палочка / стена / флип.


H.264 -1080P удаленная беспроводная скрытая камера

Камера A9 использует уникальный ультрапортативный дизайн, ее можно применять в различных областях, она очень удобна, безопасна и приносит красочную жизнь для вас, пожалуйста, правильно установите камеру в соответствии с инструкцией.

Нажмите кнопку ON / OFF для включения, нажмите и удерживайте кнопку ON / OFF в течение 3 секунд, чтобы выключить. (Клавиша MODE — это кнопка сброса. Нажмите и удерживайте в течение 5 секунд в состоянии включения питания, чтобы восстановить заводские настройки после автоматического перезапуска)

Синий свет — индикатор питания.

Зеленый индикатор — индикатор WIFI

Красный — индикатор заряда

APP скачать программное обеспечение

Способ 1: Сканируйте код QR (рисунок 1) напрямую, чтобы перейти к экрану загрузки (рисунок 2). Выберите подходящее программное обеспечение для загрузки в соответствии с вашей системой мобильного телефона. (Примечание: . Этот вид установки доступен только для материкового Китая).

Способ 2. Для телефонов Android найдите приложение Google с названием «HDMiniCam» в Google Play, загрузите и установите его.
Для Iphone, приложение APP под названием «HDMiniCam» в App Store, загрузите и установите его.

Подключение телефона к камере

Введите настройки телефона, где находится сигнал WIFI, найдите сигнал (это уникальный номер UID машины для каждой машины) и подключите. как показано на рисунке

Затем откройте телефон APP (IMINICAM), как показано на рисунке, этот сигнал UID устройства UID каждой машины отличается, даже после нажатия на знак плюс, показанный выше, чтобы добавить в камеру, как показано ниже.

Нажмите, чтобы начать просмотр онлайн камеры.

Настройка камеры

Нажмите на значек . Настройте камеру..

Введите пароль для камеры.

Хорошо, подождите, пока камера перезагрузится, это займет около 40 секунд. Онлайн с камеры отключится, тогда вы сможете получить удаленный доступ, и когда телефон WIFI и камеры в той же сети, которая является локальной сетью, или любой другой телефон, подключенный к сотовому телефону 4G WIFI APP, автоматически переподключат камеру после успешного подключения вы можете посмотреть видео.

1) Загрузите компьютерный клиент, загрузив адрес и установите

2) Нажмите на установку, появится окно, как показано на рисунке. (Смотри ниже)

Введите имя пользователя (admin) Нажмите «Войти» (Примечание: исходное имя пользователя — «admin» без пароля).





Характеристики камеры А9

Соотношение разрешения: 1080P / 720P / 640P / 320P
Формат видео: AVI
Частота кадров: 25
Угол обзора: 150 градусов
Камера обнаружения движения Съемка прямой линии 6 метров
Минимальное освещение: 1LUX
Продолжительность видео: более 1 часа
Сжатый формат: H.264
Потребление: 240 мА / 3,7 В
Температура хранения: -20-80 градусов по Цельсию
Рабочая температура: -10-60 градусов по Цельсию
Рабочая влажность: 15-85% относительной влажности
Тип карты памяти: TF карта
Программное обеспечение плеера: VLCPlayer / SMPlayer
Операционная система компьютера: Windows / Mac OS X
Операционная система мобильного телефона: Android / iOS
Веб-браузер: IE7 и выше, Chrome, Firefox Safari.etc

1. Почему видеозапись не является гладким?
Вы должны выбрать подходящее разрешение для просмотра в соответствии с вашим Интернетом.

2. Почему SD-карта не работает?
SD-карта должна быть отформатирована, если вы используете ее впервые.

3. Почему нет соединения с сетью?
Выберите правильный способ подключения в соответствии с вашей сетью

4. Почему приложение удаленного просмотра видео с SD-карты не является плавным?
Настроить видеооборудование в соответствии с разрешением вашего мобильного телефона.

5. Как сбросить пароль?
Нажать кнопку сброса с 10 секундами и восстановить заводские настройки.

Название устройства P2P UID
Пароль 8888, если вы изменили.

Специальное примечание:
1. Если камера не подключена к маршрутизатору, выполните сброс даже после горячей настройки компьютера.
2. Если камера не читает карту памяти, или мобильный телефон в локальной сети, расширенные настройки в фоновом формате после использования.
3. Сброс выключения: пожалуйста, снова выключите и перезагрузите, когда вы увидите красный свет.



User Manual


This document contains preliminary information and subject to change without notice.


Cautio n














This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of unprotected “Dangerous voltage» within the product’s enclosure that may be strong enough to cause a risk of electric shock.

This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.

This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.

Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European

Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)

This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product shall not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household


Table of Contents


1-1 PACKING __________________________________________________________ 5

1-2 Hard Disk Installation _________________________________________________ 6


2-1 FRONT PANEL CONTROLS____________________________________________________8

2-2 REAR PANEL CONNECTORS _________________________________________ 9


3-1 LIVE Mode ________________________________________________________ 13

3-2 PLAYBACK Mode __________________________________________________ 15

3-3 PTZ Mode ________________________________________________________ 17


4-1 RECORD SETUP __________________________________________________ 19

4-1.1 Quality & Frame Rate Setup _____________________________________ 19

4-2 EVENT SETUP ____________________________________________________ 19

4-2.1 MOTION SETUP ______________________________________________ 20

4-2.1.1 MOTION AREA SETUP______________________________________________ 21

4-2.2 SENSOR SETUP______________________________________________ 22

4-3 SCHEDULE SETUP ________________________________________________ 23

4-3.1 Schedule Record Setup _________________________________________ 23

4-3.2 Holiday Setup ________________________________________________ 24

4-4 CAMERA SETUP ___________________________________________________ 24

4-5 ACCOUNT SETUP__________________________________________________ 25

4-5.1 Permission Setup______________________________________________ 26

4-6 NETWORKING SETUP ______________________________________________ 27

4-6.1 NETWORKING SETUP _________________________________________ 27

4-6.1.1 DHCP _____________________________________________________________ 27

4-6.1.2 LAN ______________________________________________________________ 27

4-6.1.3 ADSL ___________________________________________________________ 27

4-6.2 HTTP Setup_________________________________________________ 28

4-6.3 Mail Setup __________________________________________________ 29

4-7 PTZ & RS485 SETUP _______________________________________________ 30

4-8 SYSTEM SETUP ___________________________________________________ 31

4-8.1 DISPLAY SETUP ______________________________________________ 32

4-8.2 DATE/TIME SETUP ____________________________________________ 33

4-8.2.1 CHANGE DATE & TIME ___________________________________ 33

4-8.2.2 TIME ZONE SETUP ______________________________________ 33

4-8.2.3 INTERNET TIME SETUP __________________________________ 34

4-8.3 BUZZER & RELAY SETUP ______________________________________ 34

4-8.4 SPOT SETUP ________________________________________________ 35

4-9 UTILITY SETUP____________________________________________________ 36

4-10 DIAGNOSTIC_____________________________________________________ 37


5-1 BACKUP SETUP ___________________________________________________ 38

5-2 SEARCH SETUP ___________________________________________________ 39

5-2.1 EVENT SEARCH ______________________________________________ 39

5-2.1.1 CRITERIA SETUP FOR EVENT SEARCH _____________________ 40

5-2.2 TIME SEARCH 41



6-1 AP Software Installation and Setup _____________________________________ 42

6-2 AP Software Operation_______________________________________________ 45



8-1Mobile Application Installation and Operation for Symbian System. _____________ 48

8-1.1 Mobile Application Installation ____________________________________ 48

8-1.2 Mobile Application Operation _____________________________________ 49

8-1.2.1 Add New Login DVR_____________________________________ 49

8-1.2.2 Logging Onto the DVR ___________________________________ 49

8-1.2.3 Modify the Login Information of DVR _______________________ 50

8-1.2.4 Delete the Login Information of DVR _______________________ 50

8-1.3 Live Monitoring Operation _______________________________________ 51

8-1.3.1 Scroll the Image ________________________________________ 51

8-1.3.2 Image Quality Setup _____________________________________ 51

8-1.3.3 Channel Display _________________________________________ 51

8-1.3.4 Size of Image __________________________________________ 52

8-1.3.5 Rotate the image ________________________________________ 52

8-1.3.6 Alarm _________________________________________________ 52

8-2 Mobile Application Installation and Operation for Windows Mobile System _____ 53

8-2.1 Mobile Application Installation ____________________________________ 53

8-2.2 Mobile Application Operation _____________________________________ 54

8-2.3 Operation under the LIVE monitoring. ______________________________ 54

8-2.3.1 Operation uner the LIVE monitoring for Jrviewer ______________ 55

8-2.3.2 Operation under the LIVE monitoring for H264 Pocket _________ 56




2. Quick Start

5. CD

1. DVR

3. IR Remote Control

6. SATA Cord x1

4. Batteries x2

7. Screws x4

8. Power Adaptor

9. Power Cord


ƒ 1-2 Hard Disk Installation

Step 1) Remove the 3 screws from DVR as cycled below.

Step 2) Remove the front cover from DVR as indicated by the arrow.

Step 3) Place the HDD on the HDD plate and connect the power and the

SATA cables.



Step 4) Screw the bottom of the DVR as indicated as cycled.

Step 5) Place the bottom of DVR and screw.



USB 2.0 Port

Port for USB external devices.

LED Display-


DVR Power is on.

LED Display —


LED Display —


Hard disk is in use.

Connected to the internet.

LED Display-


Remote user logged in.

LED Display —


DVR Recording.

LED Display —


IR Sensor

DVR Playing back.

Input sensor for the remote control.




DC 12V

Socket for a DC 12V input.

SPOT monitor

BNC port to display full screen image of all installed cameras in sequence.

BNC port for the main monitor.

MAIN monitor



BNC input ports for cameras, 16 in total.


RCA input port for audio signal.


RCA output for audio signal.


Switch Switch between NTSC and PAL format.


Network port.


VGA port.

EXTERNAL I/O port (see below for pin definition)



3-1 LIVE Mode

You can monitor all the channels, listen to audio signal and have some related operations under

LIVE mode. This paragraph describes the IR remote control, mouse operation and on screen graphical icons under LIVE mode.

Table 3-1.1 Remote control functions under the LIVE mode

Button Description







Start/Stop recording.

Enable/Disable the Keypad function.

Start playing back.

Display search menu.

In AUTO mode, all available channels will be cycled through in full screen.

Start/Stop PTZ control.

Switch to quad display.

Switch to 9-channel display. 4-CH doesn’t support this function.

Switch to 13-channel display. 4-CH doesn’t support this function.

Switch to 16-channel display. 4-CH doesn’t support this function.



Enable/ Disable Menu.

Switch to 1-CH audio out/Turn off live audio.


Display backup menu.


Switch to full screen and quad screen.


Zoom in to double the screen size by keypad or mouse operation.








Zoom out from double screen size.

Enable/ Disable double screen size display.

You can click on the channel name for choosing a specific channel.

Display Status.

Select the channel to monitor in full screen from channel 1 to 4.

Turn on/off screen freeze function.

Turn on picture-in-picture format. Click on the channel name can switch to other channels.

Turn on/off the screen display


Table 3-1.2 Graphical icons that will display after right-clicking your mouse under LIVE mode.

Icon Description

Resting the cursor on this icon will bring up the following four menu icons.

Main menu.

Search menu.

Backup menu.

PTZ mode.

Turn on/off recording.


Resting the cursor on this icon will bring up the following five display icons.


PIP, picture in picture

ZOOM, double the screen size


LOCK, activate the key lock.

Full screen display.

Quad display.


Table 3-1.3 Description of on screen graphical icons in LIVE mode

Icon Description

Recording is on

Live Audio is on

Live Audio is off

Motion detected on the channel

Sensor triggered on the channel

Video loss detected on the channel

USB device detected

Remote user currently logging into DVR

Timer recording is on

Red:Timer is set and recording has been started

White:Timer is set but recording has not yet been started

AUTO-seq is on


2X zoom in is on

Freeze is on, screen is frozen

LOCK is on

PTZ control is on


IR remote signal has been set to 1-8 to correspond to your 1-to-8 remote controller; the standard remote controller can’t control this DVR under this situation. It can only be controlled by1-to-8 remote controller (optional device).



Switch to PLAYBACK mode by pressing “PLAY” under the LIVE mode, the graphical icon will show up on the upper center of the screen and the operation panel ( see below picture) will show up at right lower corner of the screen. You can drag the panel by mouse to place it on any location of your screen.

Table 3-2.1 Remote control functions under the PLAYBACK mode

Button Description



Switch to full screen, quad, 9-channel or 16-channel display.


Turn on/off PAUSE.



Play back at normal speed.

Play back at slower speed. The speed will be slowed to 1/2, 1/4, 1/8,

1/16 by each pressing of the button till the slowest limitation of 1/16 of the normal speed. Current playback speed is shown in the upper center of the screen.



Fast rewind. Each press increases the speed to the next level. There are six speeds: 2x, 4X, 8X, 16x, 32X and 64X.

Fast forward. Each press increases the speed to the next level. There are six speeds: 2x, 4X, 8X, 16x, 32X and 64X.

Stop playback.


Table 3-2.2 The mouse operation under the PLAYBACK mode.

Icon Description

「 / 」Fast rewind

「 / 」Fast forward

PLAY」、「 ▌▌」Play/pause

「▲ / SLOW」slow playback

「▼ / ■」stop playback

Playback channel by channel with snap shot display

Full screen display

Quad display


3-3 PTZ Mode

Switch to the PTZ mode by pressing “PTZ” button under the LIVE mode. The PTZ icon will appear on upper left of the screen but it can be re-located on any place of your screen by dragging the mouse.


Table 3-3.1 Remote Control functions under the PTZ mode




Move PTZ up.


Move PTZ down.



Move PTZ to the left.

Move PTZ to the right.



PTZ zoom-in.

PTZ zoom-out.






PTZ focus-in.

PTZ focus-out.

PTZ iris-open.

PTZ iris-close.

Activate PTZ pre-set tour.

To go to a preset location, press PRESET and a number key. DVR will save the current location.






the current location. the current location.

Set current PTZ location as the start of the line-scan.

Activate line-scan.

Set current PTZ location as the end of the line-scan.


Table 3-3.2 Mouse operation under the PTZ mode



Leave PTZ Mode,back to the LIVE mode

Pre-set number N. (1~64)

Go to pre-set number N.

Set current PTZ location at pre-set number N.

「TOUR」,press to activate pre-set tour

Same as 「PIP」. Set current PTZ location as the start of the line-scan.

Same as 「FREEZE」. Activate line-scan.

Same as 「ZOOM」. Set current PTZ location as the end of the line-scan.

To move PTZ in 360°

PTZ zoom in; PTZ zoom out

PTZ focus in; PTZ focus out.

PTZ IRIS open, PTZ IRIS close.

Below functions need support from specific PTZ. Please check user manual of your PTZ manufacturer for detail.

AUX 1. 「AUTO」+「1」

AUX 2. 「AUTO」+「2」

AUX 3. 「AUTO」+「3」

AUX 4. 「AUTO」+「4」

AUX 5. 「AUTO」+「5」

AUX 6. 「AUTO」+「6」

AUX 7. 「AUTO」+「7」

AUX 8. 「AUTO」+「1」

「Backup」, Customized function。



To enter the main menu and set up DVR, log-in account and user password are required.

The default password of the administrator is “123456”. Please check the “Account Setup” for related setup of other log-in users.

Table 4-0.1 Some definition of virtual keyboard.




Switch between capital and small letters.

Switch between numbers and letters.

Press to cancel the setup, and re-choose the login account.

Delete the last character.

Enter to identify the password. It will enter the set up menu, If the password is verified.


Table 4-0.2 The operation of remote control under the setting menu


Item Description

Switch to different options under one item

Switch to different items

Save setup and back to LIVE mode



Back to Upper level of the menu

Enter the menu, or display virtual keyboard


Item Description


Record Normal

Pre Alarm Record

Audio Record

Record Motion

Record Sensor

Quality & Frame

Rate Setup

Select STOP to stop recording or OVERWRITE to reuse the HDD when HDD is full

Stop」:Stop Recording

Overwrite」:Start to overwrite that begin from the oldest data of

HDD, and continue to record.

Enable/Disable normal recording

Enable/Disable pre-event recording while motion or sensor is triggered but not in the recording mode. This option decides if save the pre-recording time 10 seconds data or not.

Enable/Disable Audio recording.

Enable/Disable recording while Motion is detected

Enable/Disable recording while Sensor is triggered

Setup the quality and frame rate for each channel under normal recording and event recording type.


4-1.1 Quality & Frame Rate Setup

Item Description


Record Type



Choose record resolution from : CIF / HD1(2CIF) / D1.

You can setup quality and FPS separately for record type.

Check/uncheck the box will enable/disable recording of that channel.

Choose from Lowest/ Low/ Normal/ High/ Highest



Choose recording frame rate.

Item Description

Alarm Duration (Seconds)

Set up alarm duration in seconds.

Drag the white bar or press

◀ ▶ to adjust value.

Motion Setup

Sensor Setup

Enter to set up motion detection

Enter to set up sensor detection



Item Description

Motion Detection

Motion Popup


Selected Channel Turn

Object Size

Check the box to Enable/Disable Motion Detection for all channels.

Check the box to Enable/Disable popup screen function for all channels. When motion is detected in LIVE mode, the detected channel image will pop up in full screen display.

You can setup independently for each channel.

Check the box to Enable/Disable motion detection for each channel.

Drag the white bar or press ◀ ▶ to set up Object Size

from value 1 to 15 for each channel. The lower value you set the higher sensitivity it will be.

Drag the white bar or press ◀ ▶ to set up Sensitivity from

value 1 to 15 for each channel. The lower value you set

the higher sensitivity it will be

Enter to setup motion detection area


Motion Area Setup



There are 16×12 partitions in motion detection area. Under initializing status, motion detection area is in entire screen. Red colored area is detected; yet the undetected area is transparent. It is purple while network connected.

Item Description







Press LOCK/ZOOM to select entire screen as detection area.

Press MUTE/PIP to deselect entire screen as detection area.

Switch between “select” and “deselect” for cursor-dragging function

Press to function on the selected area with assigned status

Press to save the setup and leave

Press to cancel the setup and leave



Item Description

Sensor Detection

Check the box to Enable/Disable sensor detection for all channels.

Sensor Popup

Check the box to Enable/Disable popup screen function for all channels. When Sensor is detected in LIVE mode, the detected channel image will pop up in full screen display.

Sensor Polarity

Click or press ▼ to select between HIGH, LOW voltage for triggering sensor detection or OFF to turn off polarity for each channel

Low Polarity:Sensor has not been triggered. When connected, sensor will be turned on..

High Polarity:Sensor has been triggered. When connected, sensor status will be turned off..

Off :Sensor is deactivated, and will not be turned on/off.




Except from starting recording manually, you can also setup the recording time by weeks and schedule including normal, motion detect, and sensor detect recording type.


Item Description

Holiday Setup

Click or press ▼ to select Page. Each page provides 10 schedules for setup. 5 pages in total.

Enter to setup holiday, up to 50 days, other than weekends,.

View Event Setup

View Normal/ Motion / Sensor Setup

4-3.1 Schedule Record Setup

Click on the time on the left side. The setup menu will be displayed. You can have detail setup by dates, Time and event.

4-3.2 Holiday Setup

Since holidays are different by different country and region, you can setup the holiday of your location accordingly.









Item Description


You can setup independently for each channel.

Check the box to Enable/Disable mask function for LIVE mode

Drag the white bar or press ◀ ▶ to adjust Brightness of your camera from value 1 to 255. The default value is 128.

Drag the white bar or press ◀ ▶ to adjust Contrast of your camera from value 1 to 255. The default value is 128.

Drag the white bar or press ◀ ▶ to adjust Saturation of your camera from value 1 to 255. The default value is 128.

Drag the white bar or press ◀ ▶ to adjust Hue of your camera from value 1 to 255. The default value is 128. ( This function doesn’t

support at PAL system)

Set up name of each channel

Select to adjust audio volume for CH1 to CH 4 under LIVE mode and recording mode.



The Account Setup menu is used to provide role-based permission independently setting for each user (maximum of 4 users) to access DVR over network. The default admin account is

「admin」and password is “123456”.

Item Description

Auto Lock




After one minute without any action, the DVR will switch to LIVE mode automatically. Auto lock can function differently according to the setting below.



Key lock

Auto Logout

Key Lock

Key unlock

○ ×


× ×

Check to activate the user’s account.

Enter to set up password for each user. Password can be set up to 8 characters mixed by letters and numbers with case-sensitive.

Enter to set up Permissions for each user。

Change Admin

Enter to change administrator’s password


P.s.1: When logged out automatically, you will have to operate in limited authority such as operations like: Freeze the screen, Picture in picture, Zoom in/ out, switch between channels…etc. If you need to enter the Setup menu, Search menu, backup menu,

Record…etc, user’s account and password are required.

P.s.2: When the key lock automatically, remote control and mouse can’t function before entering verified password.

P.s.3:「○」: Enable the function, 「×」: Disable the function


4-5.1 Permission Setup

The Account Setup is set to provide individual user (maximum of 4 users) role-based permissions, including access to Setup menu, Network operation, PTZ function, Playback,

Utility, Backup and Mask on specific channels while playing back.


Item Description

Connect type

Setup mode for network connection: DHCPLANADSL.

HTTP Setup

DDNS Setup

Mail Setup

Enter to set up HTTP for remote access into DVR.

Enter to Enable/Disable DDNS function and set up.

Enter to enable/disable Email notification and setup.



The DVR supports DHCP, LAN and ADSL accesses for network connection.

4-6.1.1 DHCP

If the DHCP option is used for DVR network connection, an IP address is assigned by the

DHCP server automatically.

4-6.1.2 LAN

Select LAN for network connection, the following information is required.

Item Description

IP Address

Subnet Mask


Enter IP address provided by ISP

Enter IP address of Subnet Mask provided by ISP

Enter IP address of Gate way provided by ISP


Enter DNS address provided by ISP. (Note: The correct DNS address must be entered for DDNS function).

4-6.1.3 ADSL

Select ADSL for network connection, the following information is required.


Item Description

User Name



Enter user name provided by ISP

Enter password provided by ISP

Item Description

Enable HTTP



Check to enable HTTP server. Users can remotely access into the

DVR over the network if the HTTP function is activated.

Enter a valid port value from 1 up to 65000. The default value is 80.


4-6.3 Mail Setup

E-mail can be used as a form of notification when an event occurs (VLOSS, MOTION,


Item Description


SMTP Server

User Name


Sender E-mail

E-mail address

Trigger Event

Enter to set up SMTP Server name.

Enter to set up User Name.

Enter to set up Password.

Enter to set up e-mail address of receivers.

Enter to set up e-mail addresses for up to 10 receivers individually.

Enter to select events to send out E-mail notifications when below circumstances happen: Motion, Sensor and Vloss (Video Loss).


4-7 PTZ & RS485 SETUP

The DVR allows users to control PTZ functions of your camera. To enable PTZ function, the 485 cable should be connected to the RS-485 port of DVR.


Item Description

Enable PTZ


Click the box to Enable/Disable PTZ function for each channel.

Set up the protocol of PTZ cam. The supported protocol are


Click or press

◀ ▶

to set up PTZ ID. The valid ID value is from 1 to 64.

Select Baud Rate for PTZ from 2400、4800、9600

Baud Rate



Item Description

DVR Name

DVR Location

The name of DVR will be shown when users login from remote access.

The location of DVR will be shown when users login from remote access


Click or press ▼ to select OSD language.

Auto-Seq Interval

Click or press

◀ ▶

to set up duration time in seconds for the interval

( Seconds)

between channels under Auto-Seq mode.

Remote ID

The default Remote ID is 0, when DVR is controlled by standard remote controller. To operate DVR by optional 1-to-8 remote controller, the Remote ID from1 to 8 is required for recognition corresponding to 1-8 remote controllers and press DVR-1 button.

Display Setup

Enter to set up Display

Date/Time Setup

Enter to set up Date/Time

Buzzer & Relay

Enter to set up Buzzer & Relay


Spot Setup

Enter to set up Spot



Item Description


DVR Status


Channel Name

Border Set

Turn On / Off OSD display

Turn On / Off DVR illustration and record status display

Turn On / Off date and time display

Turn On / Off channel name display

Set up the color of border in LIVE , PLAYBACK mode.(black、dark grey、light grey、white)



Item Description

Hour Format

Date Format

Date/Time Position

Change Date & Time

Time Zone Setup



Choose the position of Time and Date display

Setup time and date of DVR

Set up GMT and Daylight Saving Time.

Internet Time Setup

Setup automatic synchronization with internet server


Users are allowed to setup date and time of DVR.


In time zone setup, users can change your time zone and activate Daylight Saving Time function according to your DVR location.

Item Description

Select Time Zone

Enter to modify GMT from GMT- 13 to GMT+ 13

Daylight Saving Time

Turn on/ off Daylight Saving Time



Synchronize your DVR time with internet time server.

Item Description



Check to enable DVR automatic synchronization function.

Effective by this option selected, DVR will automatically synchronize the time upon rebooting or by every 24 hours after booting.

Update Now

Effectively, Date and Time show on DVR will immediately correspond with those in internet server.



Item Description


Relay Switch Connection

Enable/Disable keystrokes.

Set relay signal to be Normal Close (N.C.) or Normal Open (N.O.).

Buzzer Duration



Set up the duration from 1~999 seconds.

Enable/Disable buzzer operation when the alarm is triggered for sensor, motion and vloss (Video Loss).

Enable/Disable the signal to be sent to the RELAY OUT blocks when the alarm is triggered for sensor, motion and vloss.


The DVR has two modes of video output; one is main video output, the other is spot video output. SPOT setup is for controlling the order of channels the system cycles through in SPOT mode. User can monitor every channel in the SPOT mode.

Item Description


Channels display in spot for three different modes:

MANUAL: select channels to display manually.

SEQUENCE: Auto-sequence for all channels in order.

EVENT: Display channels with event occurred.

Interval (Seconds)

The duration time in seconds for the interval between channels under

SPOT mode.

Skip Video Loss

Whether to skip channels without video signal.




Item Description

HDD Initialization

Select to enter hard disk initialization menu. Please stop

recording before entering this menu. Enter the menu, system will show all the data (model ,volume ) of HDD that installed in DVR. Check the HDD you’d like to initialize then press “Start”. HDD initialization is successful when the status shows “Succeed”

USB Initialization

Clean up all data on USB. Enter USB initialization and press YES to clean up all data on your USB. The initialization is done when it’s showed “Succeed”.

Restore system default values

System Recovery

Reset System Events

Copy Setup to USB

Reset all the recording events in DVR.

Copy configuration to a USB device. There will be a file named “sdvr.config” on your USB.

Download Setup from USB

Download configuration from a USB device into DVR.


Upgrade DVR through USB.

Please stop recording and backup setup configuration before upgrading.

System will reboot automatically when the upgrade is


Notice! DO NOT TURN OFF POWER OR UNPLUG USB DEVICE DURING THE UPGRADE as it may cause incomplete firmware upgrade and damage to the DVR.





IP Address

MAC Address

HDD Volume

HDD Used Rate

HDD Status

Format Time


The current firmware version of DVR

The connected IP address of DVR. If disconnected from network, the screen will display” NETWORK DISCONNECT”.

MAC Address of DVR

The capacity of HDD

Percentage of space used on HDD.

Shows HDD status.

USING means the HDD is being used for recording now

GOOD/BAD means the HDD has a known/unknown format for the DVR. (Note: Please initialize your newly-installed HDD before using it, otherwise it can be recognized as BAD by DVR.)

The latest format time of HDD




User can backup any segment of recorded data in a specified time frame. To do so, either a CD

R/W or storage device, like USB, must be connected to the DVR. The format of backup file is

IRF file that can be played by “DVRemoteDesktop.exe”

Item Description




Free Space

The start time of backup file

The end time of backup file

Select USB or CD/RW as the backup device

The available space in your backup device



Recalculate the available space of backup device

Calculate the size of backup file


Start backup operation. Be sure to calculate the size of backup file

BEFORE operating backup.

Notice! Do not unplug the USB device or turn off the DVR during the backup process to avoid unrecoverable error.



Item Description

Event Search

Press to enter event search menu

Time Search

Press to enter time search menu


The DVR automatically records events with type, time and channel information included. If there is recording data for an event, a yellow signal will be shown on the left side of time information. Rest your cursor under the line and press “enter”, or left click your mouse to playback the recording data.


Item Description




Event Type

Setup conditions of event search

Convert pages of events

Date/time when event occurred.

Event type, defined as following


Video Loss





Motion Detected

Sensor Detected user log-in over the network user log-out over the network





System Rebooting

System key are locked

System key are unlocked



The channel where event occurred.


The amount of events can be numerous. Therefore, you can facilitate event sorting by setting up “criteria”. Setup “start time” and “end time” for event search, then the search result will be limited to this specific period of time. Only checked events and channels will be sorted in event search as well.



TIME SEARCH can search for the specific time of recording data to playback. Note that dates with recording data are marked with a red square “

“. System will start playing back according to the date you selected. Calendar will be shown by using mouse to click on “year” and “month”.


Click “date” to display recording time of that specific date with time bar. You can change time

(hour/minute/second) or click on a specific time of time bar by mouse then press “YES”. DVR will playback the selected recording data.


AP software:「DVR Remote Desktop」can allow you to remotely access and control the DVR from PC.

ƒ 6-1 AP Software Installation and Setup

Step One:Enter the IP address of DVR in IE browser

Step Two: Below windows will be shown up. Please enter the user name and password. Default user name is admin and password is 123456. Other related setup about user account and password, please check “4-5 Account Setup. “


Step Three: Click on the link to start downloading the AP software.


Step Four: Run or Save our AP software.

Step Five: If you choose to run the software, Start window will be shown up. Please enter information of login DVR: IP, Port, Username and Password, or choose “Play

Recorded File” to open backup files in your PC.

Step Six: You’ve logged into the DVR


ƒ 6-2 AP Software Operation

Open the file “DVRemoteDesktop.exe”; enter the information of DVR “IP address”, “Port”

“Username” and “Password” and click “OK”. You should be able to login DVR successfully and start to use the software. The default username and password is 「admin/ 123456」

After successful login, the operation and interface are the same as local DVR.

Table 6-2.1 describe some operations on your tool bar only for remote users.

Table 6-2.1 Toolbar of AP software

File — Record to Local

File — Play Recorded Files

Record data to your PC, including LIVE and Playback.

Play recorded files “.irf”

File — Exit

/ Alt + F4

Close the AP software.

Edit — Channel Name

/ F2

Edit — Reset Channel Name

View — Hide Caption & Menu

/ F9

View — Disable resizing

/ F10

View — Full screen

/ F11

Help – About

Edit channel name of your DVR including font, size italic, and boldface of characters. .

Reset channel name back to default.

Hide the Caption and

Disable resizing the window.

Switch it to full screen

Show information about software and information




Input Level

1.0 Vp-p±10% Composite, 75

Ω Balanced

Display Speed

Display Resolution

Monitor Output



720(H) X 480(V)

720(H) X 576(V)

2Vp-p Composite, 75

Ω Balanced


Compression Method

Recording Speed

Recording Resolution








Refer to table 7-1

720 X 480, 720 X 240, 352 X 240

720 X 576, 720 X 288, 352 X 288

Independent for

Lowest/ Low/ Normal/ High/ Highest each channel

Setup by “minute” as unit

Manual / Event (Motion, Sensor) / Schedule

By resolution, fps and quality

Setup fps and quality separately for normal and event recording


Capacity Internal Storage 1 HDDs

Type SATA / SATAⅡ compatible


Sensor Input

Alarm Out

Motion Detection



1 Alarm out

Available per each camera/ Multi-detection level

Video Input 4 ports (4CH)

Video Output

Audio Input

Audio Output

USB 2.0

BNC 2 port, VGA 1 port (Optional)



USB memory stick, USB Mouse, USB Touch Panel

Remote 1-to-8 remote control (optional)

External I/O

1 RS-485, 4(4CH) sensor input,

1 Relay Output

1 RJ45 connector, 10/100 Mbps Ethernet


Power Source DC 12V / 4A



Operation Temperature




-5℃ ~ + 40℃

Less than 90%

300(W) x 175(D) x 46(H) mm

Weight 1.3 KG(not including HD)



USB Stick



Searching Method

Video Data, Audio

Video Data, Audio

Searching Method


Monitoring Environment

Max. client



Multi Task Pentaplex

Control Device


Supporting multi-client (5 clients accessible)

PC Viewer

Numbers of event list

Table 7-1

Recording Speed

(Independent setting for each channel)



Compression Method

352 x 240

720 x 240

720 x 480

352 x 288

720 x 288

720 x 576

Embedded Linux

Live、Record、Playback、Network、Data Backup

Remote Control / 1-to-8 Remote Control (Optional)

Virtual Keyboard / Mouse / AP Software

Direct monitoring of DVR’s HDD on PC



120 FPS

60 FPS

30 FPS

100 FPS

50 FPS

25 FPS



You can remotely monitor all channels of DVR through your mobile device. The required mobile application is from DVR manufacturer and it supports mobile OS for both Windows mobile 5.0 above and Symbian.

Please confirm network function of DVR has been activated before mobile connection:

Main menu

Æ Network Setup Æ HTTP Setup Æ Check the “Enable HTTP Server”

8-1 Mobile Application Installation and Operation for Symbian System


Mobile Device: Nokia, SonyEricsson…etc.

System requirement:

GPRS/ 3G must be provided from your telecom service.

Mobile device that support GPRS/ 3G protocol and Java cldc1.0/midp 2.0 environment.

8-1.1 Mobile Application Installation

Please follow the steps cited below to perform the mobile device surveillance function.

Step 1: The mobile application called “DVRH264.jar” need to be installed in your mobile device.

The application can be downloaded directly from the manufacturer’s website to your mobile or; alternatively, it can be transferred to your mobile device from the CD that packed with DVR through Bluetooth or USB cable.

Step 2: Install the application software “DVRH264.jar” in your mobile device. It might be installed automatically after downloading; otherwise, select it from the downloading file for installation.


ƒ 8-1.2 Mobile Application Operation

After the installation, enter the Program Files menu in your mobile device to run a file called

H264 MIDlet”.

Select “Menu” at the right lower corner of your mobile screen, 4 commands, Login Add Modify and Delete, will show up.

8-1.2.1 Add New Login DVR

To log into the DVR, you need to enter the logging-in DVR information. Find “Add” under the

“Menu” then enter logging-in DVR’s IP address, Port number, account name and password.

Press “Add” to save this information after entering.

8-1.2.2 Logging Onto the DVR

Use the Login command to log onto a DVR and monitor live images. If multiple DVRs have been added to the mobile application, they will be listed by name, you can select one to log onto.

A confirmation message might show up for network charge before connection. The fee rate will depend on the telecom company and package fee you go with.

Network connectivity will take some time. It will be affected by networking environment and bandwidth flow.

Live image will show up after a successful connection.

PS. The Live can not be displayed in your mobile

when the recoding is off in local DVR.


ƒ 8-1.2.3 Modify the Login Information of DVR

You can use the “Modify” command to change the login information of DVR. The dialogue is identical to that of the “Add” command.

8-1.2.4 Delete the Login Information of DVR

Delete” command can be used to remove the DVR information if it is no longer useful. Select the DVR on the name list then choose “Delete


8-1.3 Live Monitoring Operation

This paragraph describes some operation under the LIVE monitoring mode in your mobile device.

ƒ 8-1.3.1 Scroll the Image

You can use the keypad on your mobile device to scroll the image if it’s oversized.

Key Action

8-1.3.2 Image Quality Setup

Select “Quality” under the “Menu”

There will be 5 levels for your to choose: Low

NormalMiddleHigh and Highest.

8-1.3.3 Channel Display

Select “Single” under the “Menu”, there will be all channels of your DVR in list for you to choose.

PS. The Live can not be displayed in your mobile

when the recoding is off in local DVR.


ƒ 8-1.3.4 Size of Image

The screen size of different mobile device can be different. You can select “Size” under the “Menu” to choose from “Original” or “Fit Screen” to resize the

display image.

Item Description

Original The image will be shown in original size.

Fit Screen The image will be shown to fit the screen.

ƒ 8-1.3.5 Rotate the image

The Live image can be displayed in normal or rotate to 90 degrees. Select “Rotate” under the “Menu” for this operation.

8-1.3.6 Alarm

This application not only allows you to remotely monitor through mobile device but receive the alarm that has been triggered by events such as Motion Detected, Sensor Triggered and Vloss.

Graphical icons below will be shown on the status:

: Motion detected

: Sensor triggered

: Video loss

Select the “Alarm” under the “Menu” to switch this function on or off.


8-2 Mobile Application Installation and Operation for Windows Mobile System

There are two kinds of applications for Window Mobile OS: JPEG compression and H.264 compression. The one for H.264 compression can transfer both audio and video signal to your mobile device.

System Requirement:

Mobile device OS:Windows mobile system 5.0 and above.

Mobile device need to support internet: GPRS/3G/Wifi… etc.

ƒ 8-2.1 Mobile Application Installation

Please follow the steps cited below to perform the mobile device surveillance function on your mobile device (mobile phone, PDA …etc).

Step 1: The mobile application called “Jrviewer.CAB” and

H264Pocket.CAB” need to be installed in your mobile device. The application can be downloaded directly from the manufacturer’s website to your mobile or; alternatively, it can be transferred to your mobile device from the CD that packed with DVR through Bluetooth or USB cable.

Step 2: Install the application software “Jrviewer.CAB” and

H264Pocket.CAB in your mobile device, two folders named ”Jrviewer” and “H264Pocket” will be created. It might be installed automatically after downloading; otherwise, select it from the downloading file for installation.




8-2.2 Mobile Application Operation

After the installation, enter the Program Files menu in your mobile device to run files named

Jrviewer” and “H264Pocket”.

This application allows you to remotely logon and monitor DVR. Press “OK” to bring up the operation menu, see below chart to further information.

Item Function Description

Add Add login DVR

Enter DVR’s name, IP address, Port, Account user, Password then press “OK

‧Choose the DVR that you’d like to log on , then press “OK

PS. The Live can not be displayed in your mobile




Logon DVR

when the recoding is off.

PS. Network connectivity will be affected by networking

environment and bandwidth flow. The fee rate will depend on the telecom company and package fee

you go with.

Modify Login

Choose DVR, press “Modify”, and press”OK” to save change.


Delete Login

Choose DVR and press ”Delete” to delete the DVR info.


The operation of Jrviewer The operation of H264Pocket

8-2.3 Operation under the LIVE monitoring.

After successful logon the DVR, press “View” to bring up operation menu. You can choose the channel, resize the image, choose the quality, and turn on/off the status bar, alarm, full screen display….etc


8-2.3.1 Operation under the LIVE monitoring for Jrviewer

Item Function

Channel 1~16 Display for CH 1~16


Choose from CH1~16 to display

Original:image size as original

Screen Size of image Stretch:stretch the size as full screen

Quality Quality

Status Bar Status Bar

Fit: resize the image to fit the screen

Change the quality of image. Please note the better quality, the slower data transfer rate.

Graphical icons indicated below will be shown on the status bar if there is event such as motion detected, sensor triggered and video loss to be detected on any channel. You can also uncheck the “Status Bar” to inactivate this function.

Icon Description

Alarm Alarm

Motion Detect

Sensor Trigger


Alarm through your mobile device can be triggered if there is event to be detected. You can also uncheck the “Alarm” under the

“View” to inactivate this function.


8-2.3.2 Operation under the LIVE monitoring for H264 Pocket

Item Function

Choose from CH1~16 to display. CH1~4 can

Channel 1~16 Display for CH 1~16


receive audio signal.

Graphical icons indicated below will be shown on the status bar if there is event such as motion detected, sensor triggered and video

Status Bar Status Bar loss to be detected on any channel. You can also uncheck the “Status Bar” to inactivate this function.

Icon Description

Alarm Alarm

Full Screen Full screen display

Motion Detect

Sensor Trigger


Alarm through your mobile device can be triggered if there is event to be detected. You can also uncheck the “Alarm” under the

“View” to inactivate this function.

You can choose one channel to display in full screen by check this function.


  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. H.264 Manuals
  4. DVR
  5. 4 CH Multiplex DVR
  6. User manual
  • Contents

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Related Manuals for H.264 4CH

Summary of Contents for H.264 4CH

  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    User Manual Table of Contents Date: 08/05/2010 VER: 1.0 ……………………………………………………………….. 4 INSTALLATION SAFEGUARDS Specification ……………………………………………………………….. 5 CHAPTER 1.PREFACE ……………………………………………………………….. 6 1-1.Initial Setup ……………………………………………………………….. 6 ……………………………………………………………….. 8 CHAPTER 2.HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 2-1.FRONT Panel Layout ……………………………………………………………….. 8 2-2.Rare Panel Layout ……………………………………………………………….. 10 2-3.Hard Disk Drive ………………………………………………………………..

  • Page 3
    User Manual ……………………………………………………………….. CHAPTER 7.EVENT 7-1.ALARM ……………………………………………………………….. 7-2.MOTION ……………………………………………………………….. 7-3.VIDEO LOSS ……………………………………………………………….. 7-4.ALARM-OUT ……………………………………………………………….. 7-5.BUZZER ……………………………………………………………….. CHAPTER 8.NETWORK ……………………………………………………………….. 8-1.LAN ……………………………………………………………….. 8-2.NOTIFICATION ……………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………….. CHAPTER 9.SYSTEM 9-1.INFORMATION ……………………………………………………………….. 9-2.DATE/TIME ……………………………………………………………….. 9-3.STORAGE ……………………………………………………………….. 9-4.USER ……………………………………………………………….. 9-5.LOGOUT ……………………………………………………………….. CHAPTER 10.SEARCH & PLAYBACK ………………………………………………………………..
  • Page 4: Installation Safeguards

    User Manual INSTALLATION SAFEGUARDS All the safety and operating instructions should be read before operation. Environment Conditions for Installation 1. To prevent electric shock or other hazard, do not expose this unit to rain, moisture, or dust. 2. Place this unit in a well-ventilated place and do not place heat-generating objects on this unit. 3.

  • Page 5: Specification

    16 CH VIDEO IN / OUT Video Inputs 4 BINC 8 BNC 16 BNC 1 BNC, 1 VGA, 1 Spot(Analog) Video Outputs 4CH Loop outs 8 Loop outs 16 Loop outs Audio Input 1 ch 2 ch 4 ch Audio Output…

  • Page 6: Chapter 1.Preface

    User Manual CHAPTER PREFACE CHAPTER 1. PREFACE 1. Initial Setup As all of the needed connections are made to the DVR unit, follow the instruction provided below to configure Date and Time, Camera, Recording and Network configuration Before powering up Make sure the unit is properly connected with Video Output Device, Cameras and protected by connecting to power surge protector.

  • Page 7
    User Manual Main Menu Icons There are six main menu icons: DISPLAY, RECORD, EVENT, NETWORK, SYSTEM. User must perform «Date and Time Setup», «HDD format», «Factory Default Procedure» and «Reboot» under following circumstances. 1. Operating the DVR unit for the first time. 2.
  • Page 8: Chapter 2.Hardware Configuration

    User Manual HARDWARE CHAPTER CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 1. FRONT Panel Layout [1U CASE] [21U CASE] DVD-R DRIVE For Backup purposes. USB PORT Firmware Updates and USB backup IR Receiver. IR Remote Controller Receiver. POWER LED This LED will illuminate when the system is powered on This LED will illuminate when there is activity on the HDD HDD LED This LED will illuminate when there is a remote connection…

  • Page 9
    User Manual MODE To change the live view screen division To initiate video sequence mode ZOOM To digitally zoom into live video Enable picture in picture MENU To open the «Live View Menu» from the Live View Screen Switch audio channel. AUDIO To show the PTZ control Freeze in full screen or split screen…
  • Page 10: Rear Panel Layout

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 2. Rear Panel Layout 1U&2U — 4CH 1U&2U — 8CH 1U — 16CH 2U — 16CH Page…

  • Page 11
    User Manual RS-485 For connection to PTZ cameras. ALARM OUT For Relay output. ALARM IN 1~16 channel alarm input Connection to a VGA monitor or TFT LCD. Connection to PC or other DVR control devices. RS232 PORT ETHERNET The RJ-45 port is used to connect the DVR to a network MOUSE For PS/2 mouse.
  • Page 12: 2-3.Hard Disk Drive

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 3. Hard Disk Drive CAUTION! Electrostatic discharges (ESD) Any electrostatic charge in contact with hard disk drives or other electronic components in the DVR unit will cause damage permanently. Improper handling could void the warranty of the hard disk. When working with electrostatic sensitive devices such as a hard disk drive or the DVR unit, make sure you perform installation from static free workstation.

  • Page 13: 2-4.Monitor Connections

    User Manual For the single Hard Disk Drive installation, please locate the marked SATA 1 or Primary SATA cables and connector and install the HDD to it. Upon completion of your hard disk drive installation, please perform the following procedures. It is critical that you follow this procedure after hard disk installation.

  • Page 14: 2-5.Camera Connections

    User Manual Analog SPOT The analog SPOT is a SPOT monitor output connection that provides single channel view in sequencing mode. Sequencing interval may be defined to regulate the channel switching time. Analog Spot Out (BNC Twist Lock Type Connector) C A M E R A IN M O N IT O R You can use any display device that supports BNC Twist…

  • Page 15: 2-6.Audio Connections

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 6. Audio Connections The audio connections of DVR are used for both recording and monitoring purposes. You have the option to disable both audio recording and monitoring functions in the “Audio Setup Menu”. Connect RCA/Composite audio compatible cables with compatible RCA/Composite audio connectors.

  • Page 16: 2-8.Rs232 Connections

    User Manual [8 Channel] Explain Explain Explain Explain RS485 D- RS485 D+ RELAY-COM RELAY-NC RELAY-NO ALARM D8 ALARM D7 ALARM D6 ALARM D5 ALARM D4 ALARM D3 ALARM D2 ALARM D1 [16 Channel] Explain Explain Explain Explain RS485 D- RS485 D+ RELAY-COM2 RELAY-NC2 RELAY-NO2…

  • Page 17: 2-9.Ethernet Connections

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 9. Ethernet Connections The RJ-45 port is used to connect the DVR to a network through a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) device such as a switch or router with an integrated switch. To connect the system to a network, please use a standard RJ-45 cable (patch/straight through) and make sure both ends of the cable are securely connected to the proper ports.

  • Page 18: 2-10.Usb Connections

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 10. USB Connections The USB port is located on the front side of the DVR. This port may be used for USB memory stick back up procedures and Firmware Updates. CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 11.

  • Page 19: 2-12.Ir Remote Controller

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 12. IR remote controller Live view function control MODE — 4 split display. ZOOM- To enlarge the display. The selected area can be moved by the direction buttons. FRZ — Freeze the display. SEQ – Automatically change the display channel in sequence. PIP — Picture in Picture.

  • Page 20: Chapter 3.Popup Menu

    User Manual CHAPTER POPUP MENU The operation of the DVR is GUI (Graphical User Interface) based. All menus and configuration settings are made graphically for ease of use and navigation. Specific icons are used to represent a menu, e.g. a Camera icon is used to represent the camera settings menu for the DVR.

  • Page 21: 3-2.Monitioring Popup Menu

    User Manual Display Camera Title for Live and Playback display. Shows recording mode. Alarm record Time record Motion record Panic record Live display Stop record icon Shows current date and time. Shows network connection status. Shows audio channel Overwrite icon. Display current Date/Time and Hard Disk allocation (Live view screen).

  • Page 22
    [ 540(450) FPS @ 240 x 160 (240 x 192) ] 16 split : [ 960(800) FPS @ 180 x 120 (180 x 120) ] For 4ch/8ch DVR, 3X3 and 4X4 split sub-menus will not be available. Previous Page By selecting “PREVIOUS PAGE" option in full screen mode, screen display view will switch screen to lower number channel.
  • Page 23
    User Manual [Virtual Joystick] [PTZ Control Toolbar] BUTTON FUNCTION TELE ZOOM IN WIDE ZOOM OUT NEAR FOCUS NEAR FOCUS FAR OPEN IRIS OPEN CLOSE IRIS CLOSE EXIT Exit PTZ control JOYSTICK PAN/TILT control FREEZE (On / Off) Select“FREEZE"from“MONITORING"popup menu. Note: By pressing button marked“FRZ"on frontal key pad or remote controllers will freeze the screen and press it again to unfreeze.
  • Page 24
    User Manual SEQUENCE To enable sequence mode, click on“SEQUENCE"from“MONITORING"menu and select “ON"to enable sequence mode. (Clicking on “OFF" will disable sequence mode.) You may select sequence mode from single view or 4 split view from live display. To configure sequence interval, from “Monitoring" popup menu select “Setup Menu" you will see setup menu with five large icons .
  • Page 25
    User Manual PANIC (Force recording) selecting“PANIC” from“MONITORING" popup menu . Choosing “ON"to enable Panic record and “OFF"to disable Panic record mode. Panic mode indicator will be shown after Panic mode has been enabled. It will appear on upper left corner of the screen as show on the picture below.
  • Page 26
    User Manual Search The “SEARCH" option is accessible by ADMIN and MANAGER accounts as default only. Regular users may enter search option if authority is given by admin. In the “SEARCH" option, you may enable “CALANDER SEARCH", “EVENT SEARCH" and “BOOKMARK SEARCH".
  • Page 27
    User Manual Setup menu To access the main menu, press the “Menu” button on the frontal keypad or remote controller, or you can right click the mouse from the live view display and click on “SETUP MENU”. Setup Group Indication: Indicates which icon selection is currently selected. User Account Indication: Indicates which user account is currently selected Setup Group icon: There are 5 setup group icons “DISPLAY”, “RECORD”, “EVENT”, “NETWORK”…
  • Page 28: Chapter 4.Dvr Setup

    User Manual CHAPTER DVR SETUP CHAPTER 4. DVR SETUP 1.System login 1) Press right button of mouse or press “MENU" button located on remote controller or frontal keypad, and “MONITORING” popup appears. 2) Click“SETUP MENU” and Login window pops up. 3) Select User type from the scroll box.

  • Page 29: 4-2.Main Menu

    User Manual CHAPTER 4. SETUP MENU 2.Main menu DISPLAY Display, Camera, Audio, Remote control RECORD Setup, Schedule, Pre-event, Backup EVENT Alarm, Motion, Video loss, Alarm-out, Buzzer NETWORK LAN, Notification SYSTEM Information, Date/time, Storage, User, Logout Page…

  • Page 30: 4-3.Menu Tree


  • Page 31: Chapter 5.Display

    User Manual CHAPTER DISPLAY Under the “DISPLAY" option in “MAIN SETUP" screen, you will see four tabs:“OSD", “MAIN", “SPOT" and “VGA". CHAPTER 5. DISPLAY 1.DISPLAY [1]OSD OSD tab in “DISPLAY" window allows you to select what information you wish to display in Live and Playback screen DATE/TIME Display Date/Time on Live screen.

  • Page 32
    The “EVENT POPUP" will enable the event triggered camera to be displayed on single channel view on the live view. SEQUENCE MODE Define layout to sequence between Full 1ch and 4ch split. Set sequence interval to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 seconds.
  • Page 33
    User Manual [3]SPOT SPOT MONITOR Set Spot monitor “ON” or “OFF”. SPOT EVENT TYPE Select Event type among MOTION, ALARM and ALL.. SPOT DWELL Set dwell time between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 seconds. SPOT CHANNEL Invokes “SELECT SPOT CHANNEL”…
  • Page 34: 5-2.Camera

    User Manual CHAPTER 5. DISPLAY 2.CAMERA [1]CAMERA In “CAMERA" tab window, you can set the title and adjust the color, hue, and contrast of each camera. Click the “NO. (Number)” button to show the “COPY SETTINGS” popup menu. TITLE You can change the Title of each camera using the virtual keyboard (Maximum 12 letters) COVERT Select “ON”…

  • Page 35
    User Manual [2]PTZ Configuration for PTZ camera is performed in “PTZ" tab window To open the “Copy” function window, please click on the NO. button (Corresponds with the line number, e.g. NO. 1, NO. 2, etc…). By default, Channel 1 will be selected as the source channel. You can specify which attributes to copy from the selected source channel to the destination channel(s).
  • Page 36: 5-3.Sudio

    User Manual CHAPTER 5. DISPLAY 3.AUDIO The “AUDIO" list option item is selectable from “DISPLAY" group icon. By selecting “AUDIO" list option item, window with “AUDIO" tab appears. RECORD Select appropriate checkbox to record audio. PLAYBACK Select appropriate checkbox to playback audio. AUDIO OUT Select appropriate checkbox to turn on audio in Live mode.

  • Page 37: 5-4.Remote Control

    User Manual CHAPTER 5. DISPLAY 4.REMOTE CONTROL The “REMOTE CONTROL" list option item is selectable from “DISPLAY" group icon. By selecting “REMOTE CONTROL" list option item, window with two tabs appears. (“RS232" tab and “REMOTE CONTROL" tab) [1]RS232 Configuration for RS232 is performed in “RS232" tab window. BAUDRATE Set value among 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

  • Page 38
    User Manual [2]REMOTE CONTROL Configuration for remote controller is performed in “REMOTE CONTROL” tab window. Set Remote Control Type to set configuration for supplied remote controller Set remote Control Type among 7 types: SINGLE, UNIVERSAL-1 ~ UNIVERSAL-6. REMOCON TYPE For multiple DVR control with one remote controller, you need a universal type remote controller.
  • Page 39: Chapter 6.Record

    User Manual CHAPTER RECORD There are three tabs available in “SETUP" list option item in “RECORD" setup group icon. CHANNEL: Set recording for Continuous recording EVENT: Set recording for Alarm and Motion detection PANIC: Set recording for Panic recording CHAPTER 6.RECORD 1.SETUP [1]CHANNEL Set continuous recording quality for each channel.

  • Page 40
    User Manual [2]EVENT Set event recording quality for each channel. (Below is image of an “EVENT" tab window). Click the “NO. (Number)" button to show the “COPY SETTINGS" popup menu. RESOLUTION Set resolution between CIF, H-D1 &D1. QUALITY Set recording quality among Low, Normal, High and Very High. Set frames per second between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7(8), 10(12), 15(25) &…
  • Page 41
    User Manual Below table is created using 500GB hard disk drive to calculate the storage sized used and days estimated. As an example at CIF with Low image quality for 1fps per second will occupy 4.5 GB and will yield 111 days off 500GB Hard disk Drive. This configuration will yield maximum number days. Actual calculation will vary between complexity of patterns and motion change capture by input video.
  • Page 42: 6-2.Schedule

    User Manual CHAPTER 6. RECORD 2.SCHEDULE By clicking the “SCHEDULE" list option item in “RECORD" setup group icon the “SCHEDULE" tab window will appear. set Time and Type of Schedule recording for each channel. TIME : Continuous recording ALARM-IN : Alarm recording RECORD TYPE MOTION : Motion recording OFF : No recording…

  • Page 43: 6-3.Pre-Event

    User Manual CHAPTER 6. RECORD 3.PRE-EVENT The “PRE-EVENT" list option item is selectable from “RECORD" group icon. By selecting “PRE-EVENT" list option item, window with “PRE-EVENT" tab appears. In “PRE-EVENT" tab window, set Quality and recording time for Pre-Event, which will save recorded data before event occurs.

  • Page 44: 6-4.Backup

    User Manual CHAPTER 6. RECORD 4.BACKUP The “BACKUP" list option item is selectable from “RECORD" group icon. By selecting “BACKUP" list option item, window with “CDRW BACKUP" tab and “USB BACKUP" tab appears. [1]CDRW BACKUP FROM — Start time of recorded data on HDD. RECORD VIDEO INFORMATION TO — End time of recorded data on HDD.

  • Page 45
    User Manual [2]USB BACKUP FROM — Start time of recorded data on HDD. RECORD VIDEO INFORMATION TO — End time of recorded data on HDD. MEDIA — Available storage size of the inserted optical media(USB memory stick only). BACKUP FROM — Start time of recorded video data to backup on USB memory media device. INFORMATION TO — End time of recorded video data to backup on USB memory media device.
  • Page 46: Chapter 7.Event

    User Manual CHAPTER EVENT CHAPTER 7. EVENT 1.ALARM The “ALARM" list option item is selectable from “EVENT" group icon. By selecting “ALARM" list option item, “ALARM-IN" tab window appears. [1]ALARM-IN Set sensor On / Off and Dwell time for each channel in case external sensor activates. Click the “NO.

  • Page 47: 7-2.Motion

    User Manual CHAPTER 7. EVENT 2.MOTION The “MOTION" list option item is selectable from “EVENT" group icon. By selecting “MOTION" list option item, window with “SETUP" tab and “ACTION" tab appears. [1]SETUP Set Motion Detection setting for each channel. Click the “NO. (Number)” button to show the “COPY SETTINGS” popup menu. (There are channels 1~4 shown by default) .

  • Page 48
    User Manual [MOTION MASK ZONE SETUP] Deactivates Motion Detection Activates Motion Detection CELL SETUP Click left button on mouse to set Motion Mask Zone by selecting or clearing blocks. Click selected cell and drag it to desired position. All cells within the block will be selected. Select: Deactivate motion detection.
  • Page 49: 7-3.Video Loss

    User Manual [2]ACTION Set Alarm-Out On / Off for each channel in case motion is detected. Click the“Number"button to show the“COPY SETTINGS"popup menu. Set “ON” or “OFF” for sending alarm signal to relay output terminal. ALARM-OUT ※16 channel DVR has 1 and 2 out ports DURATION Set alarm dwell time from 1 to 99 seconds.

  • Page 50: 7-4.Alarm-Out

    User Manual CHAPTER 7. EVENT 4.ALARM-OUT The “ALARM-OUT" list option item is selectable from “EVENT" group icon. By selecting “ALARM-OUT" list option item, window with “SETTING" tab and “SCHEDULE" tab appears. [1]ALARM-OUT Output dwell time for Alarm-Out when triggered by Alarm/Motion/Video-Loss events DURATION configurable between 1 to 99 seconds.

  • Page 51
    User Manual [2]SCHEDULE The Schedule Tab is used to configure when the Alarm-Out function will be enabled. Select day of a week for output selectable by ALL, MONDAY ~ SUNDAY, WEEKDAY and WEEKEND. START TIME Select start time for output. END TIME Select end time for output.
  • Page 52: 7-5.Buzzer

    User Manual CHAPTER 7. EVENT 5.BUZZER The “BUZZER” list option item is selectable from “EVENT” group icon. By selecting “BUZZER” list option item, window with “BUZZER” tab appears. Set “ON” or “OFF” to enable and disable audible beep for mouse, frontal key pad or KEY BEEP remote controller entry.

  • Page 53: Chapter 8.Network

    User Manual CHAPTER NETWORK The“LAN"list option item option is selectable from“NETWORK"group icon. By selecting ”LAN” list option item, window with“ETHERNET” tab,“DDNS” tab and“TRANSMISSION” tab appears CHAPTER 8.NETWORK 1.LAN [1]ETHERNET Set to enable viewing live screen or searching/backup recorded data on HDD remotely over the network. Media Access Control protocol (MAC) address.

  • Page 54
    User Manual [2]DDNS Set DDNS Server Connection. DDNS ON/OFF Select On to enable, Off to disable the DDNS option. Input server domain name address. DDNS SERVER Input server domain name, or select Static IP to input IP address manually Contact your network administrator to enable inbound and outbound port on firewall. PORT Port setup is selectable from 10 to 65000.
  • Page 55: 8-2.Notification

    User Manual CHAPTER 8. NETWORK 2.NOTIFICATION The “NOTIFICATION" list option item is selectable from “NETWORK" group icon. By selecting “NOTIFICATION" list option item, window with “SETTING" tab, “EMAIL" tab and “EVENT" tab appears. [1]SETTING Set notification for both e-mail and event server. RETRY COUNT Number of times of retries (Set from 1~30) SEND INTERVAL…

  • Page 56
    User Manual [2]EMAIL SEND E-MAIL ON/OFF Select ON to enable, OFF to disable SEND SERVER IP Enter the SMTP (out going mail) server IP. Enter the SMTP (out going mail) server port number obtained from your ISP. (in many cases your Internet Service Provider may have special setting requirements or restriction for SMTP settings.
  • Page 57: Chapter 9.System

    User Manual CHAPTER SYSTEM CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 1.INFORMATION Set system language from English, Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, LANGUAGE Dutch, Russian, German, Chinese, Turkish and Polish VERSION Displays current firmware version for the DVR. UPGRADE SW Button used to upgrade current firmware. Copy and apply Setup values from other DVR unit.

  • Page 58
    User Manual [SYSTEM LOG] Click on SYSTEM LOG button to show systems log saved by the DVR unit. Shows list of Start/End time of Panic Recording, Start/End time of Schedule recording, and WHO/WHEN logged in/out. DATE/TIME Date and time of event EVENT INFORMATION Event type (Panic record, start/stop, Schedule record start/stop, HDD full record stop, etc).
  • Page 59: 9-2.Date/Time

    User Manual CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 2.DATE/TIME The “DATE/TIME" list option item is selectable from “SYSTEM" group icon. By selecting “DATE/TIME" list option item, window with “DATE/TIME" tab, “HOLIDAY" tab and “TIME SYNC" tab appears. [1.DATE/TIME] Set Date/Time of the DVR unit. DATE Set Year, Month, Day.

  • Page 60
    User Manual [2.HOLIDAY] Set national holidays or holidays on calendar to record as setting for Sunday in Schedule Record Setup. The “HOLIDAY" setting allows the option to preset all Holidays on the DVR calendar. You can then specify to record with the “HOLIDAY"…
  • Page 61: Time Sync

    User Manual [3.TIME SYNC] AUTOMATIC SYNC Choose between On/Off TIME SERVER Input sync server IP address (SNTP) RETRY COUNT Select from 1 to 30 retries. INTERVAL Automatic Sync Interval (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 24 hours) LAST SYNC-TIME Shows time of Last Sync.

  • Page 62: 9-3.Storage

    User Manual CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 3.STORAGE The “STORAGE" list option item is selectable from “SYSTEM" group icon. By selecting “STORAGE" list option item, window with “INFORMATION" tab appears. [1.INFORMATION] Shows HDD total capacity, start time/end time of recorded data and can format HDD. TOTAL CAPACITY Shows total size of HDD [size of HDD1, size of HDD2] USED SPACE…

  • Page 63
    User Manual [2. S.M.A.R.T] S.M.A.R.T tab window is a function to present the bad sector occurrence message on screen. It displays information for HDD, BAD SECTOR and LIFE TIME for each and TEMPERATURE information for each HDD. ‘ MESSAGE MESSAGE pop-up function set up by switching ON/OFF (1)CURRENT STATUS (Percentage) The CURRENT STATUS shows the status of BAD SECTOR existing in percentage format.
  • Page 64
    User Manual Additional Articles 1)After performing first S.M.A.R.T function, below message is shown when Bad Sector percentage on CURRENT STATUS go over 100% 2)The below Message is shown repeatedly when Bad Sector percentage on CURRENT STATUS go over 100% 3)The below message is shown when user exit out of menu and Bad Sector percentage on CURRENT STATUS go over 100% after Menu operation 4) The below message is shown Bad Sector percentage on CURRENT STATUS go over 100% at playback operation…
  • Page 65: 9-4.User

    User Manual CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 4.USER The “USER" list option item is selectable from “SYSTEM" group icon. By selecting “USER" list option item, window with “USER" tab appears. USER Choose between admin, manager, user 1 ~ user 8. Set password for each user grade. (Maximum 8 characters.

  • Page 66
    User Manual “ ” “ ” If you click EDIT PASSWORD section, CHANGE PASSWORD window pops up. Click Current Password, CURRENT PASSWORD window pops up. Password is from 1 digit to 8 digit number. If you click “EDIT" in “AUTHORITY" section and AUTHORITY SETUP window pops up. Set authority to access for each user type using this method.
  • Page 67: 9-5.Logout

    User Manual CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 5.LOGOUT The “LOGOUT" list option item is selectable from “SYSTEM" group icon. By selecting “LOGOUT" list option item, window with “LOGOUT" warning message box appears. This message box will log out current user account used to access the system. When menu operation or search operation is initiated system will require log in process again for access rights.

  • Page 68: Chapter 10.Search & Playback

    User Manual CHAPTER SEARCH & PLAYBACK It is to search and playback recorded data in various modes (Schedule, Event, Continuous) easily. Searched by Calendar, Event list and Bookmark are available. Pressing right button of mouse will popup MONITORING popup window, and click Search. Or press [SEARCH] button to enter into Search menu.

  • Page 69
    User Manual Days with recorded data will display on the calendar with white numbers. By clicking the number, information of selected date and time appears as below. White dots represent recorded data; Black dots represent no recorded data. Select white dot, or input time in ‘Goto'box, and press Preview / Playback to begin playback. When white dot is selected, Hour/Minute on the ‘Goto”…
  • Page 70: 10-2.Event Search

    User Manual CHAPTER 10. SEARCH & PLAYBACK 2.EVENT SEARCH Recorded data for Event (Motion, Alarm, Loss, Panic) displays in Event Search. The dates with available recorded video data will be shown in White. You can select the date by left clicking it with the mouse.

  • Page 71
    User Manual Click Time of event you wish to see and click PREVIEW or PLAYBACK. Event selection that shows in ALL TYPE is Motion, Alarm, Loss, and Panic. List of selected event will be shown. Click ALL TYPE button and you can choose an event type to be listed from scroll box. ALL TYPE Channel selection showing 1ch~16ch.
  • Page 72: 10-3.Bookmark Search

    User Manual CHAPTER 10. SEARCH & PLAYBACK 3.BOOKMARK SEARCH The Bookmark search screen displays a list of the video associated with bookmark in the playback mode. TIME Shows time of the bookmarked list. LOGIN Shows user grade that bookmarked the list. DELETE CHECK BOX Check box of the list to delete.

  • Page 73: 10-4.Playback

    (4ch DVR – 1, 4 split screen mode, 8ch DVR – 1, 4, 6, 8 split screen mode). In playback mode, place the mouse pointer at the edge of the screen, and the control toolbar appears as below: Goto the first image and begin forward playback.

  • Page 74: Chapter 11.Remote Software

    User Manual CHAPTER REMOTE SOFTWARE See minimum and recommended system requirements below. Contents Min. Spec Recommended Spec Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz Intel Core2Duo 1.8 or higher Main memory 512MB 1GB or Higher Video memory 128MB 512MB or higher 80GB 120GB or higher Network Cable/DSL Fast Ethernet…

  • Page 75: 11-2.Irs Operation

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 2.IRS OPERATION Integrated Application call buttons IRS is suite of application software that has following applications mentioned below. These applications are called up by clicking on the buttons seen below the main IRS screen. VIEWER View live display of DVR.

  • Page 76: 11-3.Irs Setup

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 3.IRS SETUP Register Values of DVR in IP SETUP box to SITE SETUP box. Update Edit Values of DVR in registered on SITE SETUP box. Delete Delete DVR setting on list. Save Save DVR registered on SITE SETUP box Click OK to popup login window.

  • Page 77
    User Manual [SITE SETUP BOX] ADDRESS Input DVR IP addressor DDNS Domain. PORT Input same Port number set on DVR. Location Enter DVR location. User ID Input same ID as in DVR Password Input same Password as in DVR Save setting. Cancel Exit You must configure below settings before proceeding.
  • Page 78: 11-4.Remote Viewer

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 4.REMOTE VIEWER DVR connection setup Input IP address, Port number, ID, Password System Information Displays DVR connection and progress status. Connect: Connect to DVR via network to view live image. Connect/Disconnect Disconnect: Disconnect network connection. Control PTZ cameras connected to DVR.

  • Page 79: 11-5.Remote Search

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 5.REMOTE SEARCH [1.REMOTE SEARCH INTERFACE] DVR connection setup Input IP address, Port number, ID, Password System Information Displays DVR connection and progress status. Connect: Connect to DVR via network. Connect/Disconnect Disconnect: Disconnect network connection. Start / End Displays start time and end time of total recorded data.

  • Page 80
    User Manual [2.PERCENT/DATE SEARCH] Click EVENT button from main Search page. Start / End Displays start time and end time of total recorded data on DVR. Date / Time Search by input date and time. Search bar Search by percentage of recorded data on HDD. Request DVR to search data on set time.
  • Page 81
    User Manual [4.BOOKMARK SEARCH] Every time the user, logged in as Admin or Manager, pressed the [BOOKMARK] button, new time data is created on the list. Select time data and click OK to playback, or just double click the time data. Page…
  • Page 82: 11-6.Remote Backup

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 6.REMOTE BACKUP IP Address: Enter the IP address of DVR. Network Port: Enter the port of DVR. User ID: Enter “Admin”. User Password: Enter Admin password. Save File Path: Set a path to save the backup file (This function is active only when Backup Information the connection is established) Start Backup Time: The start time of file backup (This function is only active under…

  • Page 83
    User Manual [Backup Procedure] 1. Select [Connect Test] to test the status to DVR connection. When network connection is successful, “Success Connect Test!“ message will appear in the message box. 2. Select [Lock] to get the record start/End time of DVR. It will automatically update information every 10 seconds, or click Update button for immediate update.
  • Page 84: 11-7.Backup Player

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 7.BACKUP PLAYER [1.PLAYER] TIME Displays start time, end time, current playback time. SPEED : Set fast playback speed : 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x 32x SPEED/SLOW MOTION SLOW MOTION : Set slow playback speed : 1x, 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x, 1/16x, 1/32x Playback backup file on PC.

  • Page 85
    User Manual [2.EDIT] Edit image in full screen mode. IMAGE SAVE Save full screen freeze image to JPEG file format. IMAGE PRINT Print full screen freeze image. CONTRAST Adjust contrast in full screen mode. BRIGHT Adjust bright in full screen mode. SHARP Adjust sharp in full screen mode.
  • Page 86: 11-8.Remote Setup

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 8.REMOTE SETUP The functions listed below can be changed over network: There are System, Network, Device, Record, Event can modify on remote site. Main menu Each menu is identical to the setup menus of the DVR. Sub menu The submenu of main menu.

  • Page 87: Chapter 12.Web Irs

    User Manual CHAPTER WEB IRS ※ Directly place DDNS server address or DVR IP address on IE address bar for connection. For instance: (1) http://DVR IP : WEB PORT (2) http://DOMAIN.gotoddns.com:WEB PORT Integrated Application call buttons IRS is suite of application software that has following applications mentioned below. These applications are called up by clicking on the buttons seen below the main IRS screen.

  • Page 88: 12-1.Remote Setup

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 1.REMOTE SETUP MANUAL Select to input IP address and Port number manually ADDRESS Locate DVR IP address then enter it in this field box. PORT NUMBER Locate DVR TCP port setting then enter it in this field box. Locate ID assigned to the DVR then enter it in this field box.

  • Page 89: 12-2.Remote Viewer

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 2.REMOTE VIEWER DVR connection setup Input IP address, Port number, ID, Password System Information Displays DVR connection and progress status. Connect: Connect to DVR via network to view live image. Connect/Disconnect Disconnect: Disconnect network connection. Control PTZ cameras connected to DVR.

  • Page 90: 12-3.Search

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 3.SEARCH DVR connection setup Input IP address, Port number, ID, Password System Information Displays DVR connection and progress status. Start / End Displays start time and end time of total recorded data. Connect: Connect to DVR via network. Connect/Disconnect Disconnect: Disconnect network connection.

  • Page 91: 12-4.Backup

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 4.BACKUP [1.PLAYER] TIME Displays start time, end time, current playback time. SPEED : Set fast playback speed : 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x 32x SPEED/SLOW MOTION SLOW MOTION : Set slow playback speed : 1x, 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x, 1/16x, 1/32x Playback backup file on PC.

  • Page 92
    User Manual [2.EDIT] Edit image in full screen mode. IMAGE SAVE Save full screen freeze image to JPEG file format. IMAGE PRINT Print full screen freeze image. CONTRAST Adjust contrast in full screen mode. BRIGHT Adjust bright in full screen mode. SHARP Adjust sharp in full screen mode.
  • Page 93: 12-5.Player

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 5.PLAYER TIME Displays start time, end time, current playback time. SPEED : Set fast playback speed : 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x 32x SPEED/SLOW MOTION SLOWMOTION : Set slow playback speed : 1x, 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x, 1/16x, 1/32x Playback backup file on PC.

  • Page 94: Chapter 13.Iphone Connection

    User Manual CHAPTER IPHONE CONNECTION [1.INSTALL DVRWATCHER] 1. Click APP store 2. Input DVRWATCHER and search. 3. Click Install to begin installing software to your iPhone. 4. Once Installion finished you can find DVRWATCHER icon Page…

  • Page 95
    User Manual [2.RUN DVRWATCHER] Click DVRWATCHER icon to start remote viewer. DVR NAME Display DVR name. Option Setup image size and network type. DVR SETUP Add DVR address. < — Switch to previous DVR. < > > — Switch to next DVR. [3.Option] Scale To Fill — Image Resize…
  • Page 96: Dvr Setup

    User Manual [4.DVR SETUP] Click + to add new DVR. DVR SETUP Back to previous page Save Save DVR setting DVR Model Type DVR model name. Site Name Type Site name IP Address Type DVR IP address or domain name Port Type DVR port number MAC Address…

  • Page 97
    User Manual [4.FILL TO FULL SCREEN] Click channel can switch to full screen. Back Back to Split mode. 1~16 Channel 1~16 Capture Capture a picture in the Album Page…

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