Hanna edge ph метр инструкция

Hanna Instruments edge pH Manual

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Related Manuals for Hanna Instruments edge pH

Summary of Contents for Hanna Instruments edge pH

  • Page 1
    ® Importør: Impex Produkter AS Gamle Drammensvei 107 1363 HØVIK Tel. 22 32 77 20 info@impex.no www.impex.no…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Hanna representative near you at www.hannainst.com. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner, Hanna Instruments Inc., Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 02895 , USA Table of Included ………………………….3…

  • Page 3
    Remove the instrument & accessories from the packaging and verify damage Included has not occurred during shipping. Remove protective lm from meter. Notify your nearest Hanna Customer Service Center if damage is observed. Each instrument is supplied with: edge ® (HI 2002) Bench cradle Wall cradle Electrode holder…
  • Page 4: Description

    Description edge ® enables the user to make fast, accurate measurements of commonly measured laboratory parameters using the Hanna edge ® digital sensors for pH. Each digital sensors has a unique serial numbe. Once connected to the meter, the sensor(s) are ready to measure their parameter along with temperature. The user interface permits you to adapt edge ®…

  • Page 5: Product Diagram

    Product Diagram Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Micro USB device connection for Capacitive Touch Keypad power or PC interface 3 mm jack input for edge ® Standard USB host connection digital probes for data transfer to a USB Top mounted ON/OFF button thumb-drive Diagram…

  • Page 6: Probe Diagram

    Probe Diagram Probe pH Electrode • Probes process signal directly for noise free measurements • Auto sensor recognition • Store calibration speci c data from the last calibration • Are built with materials suitable for use in chemical analysis • Have integrated temperature measurement •…

  • Page 7: Keypad Function

    Keypad Function CAL/MODIFY — Used to enter — Used to scroll through exit calibration mode. SETUP menu. Used change SETUP, used to initiate changes of a selection when modifying con guration setting. parameter in SETUP. GLP/CFM — Used to display GLP RCL (Recall) — Used to view calibration information.

  • Page 8: Guide To Indicators

    Guide to Indicators Mode tags Third LCD line, message area Con rm tag 10. Labels USB connection status 11. Second LCD line, temperature pH electrode diagnostics measurement Probes symbol 12. Temperature units Battery symbol 13. Temp. Compensation status Arrow tags, displayed when they 14.

  • Page 9: Setup/Installation

    The main operating modes of edge ® are setup, calibration, measurement, Setup/ data logging, and data export. Follow this general outline of steps to get you Installation started. The following topics are expanded upon in the sections that follow in this manual.

  • Page 10: Setting Up Edge Ph

    Setting Up Connect the power adapter cable to the edge ® bottom socket of the wall cradle. Connect the other end to the power adapter and plug into line power. Connect the 3mm probe jack to the socket located at the bottom of edge ®.

  • Page 11: General Setup

    General The following General Setup options are displayed regardless of the sensor Setup being used. These settings remain when switching to another probe type or when no probe is attached. Options are tabulated in the table below with choices and default values. Options are accessed by pressing SETUP. Loop through the options by using the pq arrows.

  • Page 12: Basic Mode

    General Option Description Choices Default Basic mode Setup Used to save battery life by automatically turning o when 5, 10, 30, 60 no key press is Set Auto O 10 MIN Available detected for or O time set and meter is not in active logging or calibration mode.

  • Page 13
    edge ® o ers a basic operation mode that streamlines measurement Basic Mode con guration for pH measurements and is useful for many routine applications. Basic pH SETUP reduces parameter selection to the basic set. The meter limits calibration to 5 standard pH bu ers; 6.86, 7.01, 4.01, 9.18 and 10.01 bu ers. All pH measurements will display, log and export with 0.01 pH resolution.
  • Page 14: Logging Function

    Logging In Setup mode, choose log parameter, press MODIFY then use the u arrow to select between Interval, Manual, or Stability. When Interval is displayed, use the Function p and q arrows to select the setting for the timed interval. When Stability is displayed, use the p and q to select the measurement stability setting.

  • Page 15: Viewing Logged Data

    Stability Logging Logging Select Stability and choose measurement stability Function criteria in the SETUP menu. Only Stability Medium is available in Basic mode. To initiate the Stability log, press the LOG key while the instrument is in measurement. The “PLEASE WAIT” screen will be displayed brie y followed by a screen showing the stability tag, “LOG”…

  • Page 16
    Viewing Press CFM to enter inside lot information to view recorded data. Use the ARROW keys to toggle between di erent records. Logged Use u to display GLP data including calibration information, date, time, etc. Data Press CLR then CFM when deleting records or lots. Press RCL to exit the logging type.
  • Page 17
    Select the Manual (Stability) lot and press CLR. Viewing The ”CLEAR” message will be displayed along with Logged ”MANUAL” or “STABILITY” and CFM tag blinking on Data the LCD. Press the CFM key to con rm the deleting of the selected lot (MANUAL or STABILITY) or all records. Press CLR to exit without deleting.
  • Page 18: Pc & Storage Interface

    PC & Storage Logged data on edge ® can be transferred from the meter to a USB ash drive Interface by using the log recall function. The minimum requirement for the drive is USB 2.0. Select the pH record you wish to export and follow the simple steps below. Connect USB ash drive to the USB port, located on the top of the meter.

  • Page 19
    PC & Storage Logged data on the edge ® can be transferred from the meter to a PC by Interface following these simple directions. Suitable operating systems include Windows (Xp minimum), OS X or Linux. Connect edge ® to the PC using the supplied micro USB cable. Turn on edge ®.
  • Page 20: Operational Guide

    Operational For optimum pH measurements, follow these steps: Guide Understand the bene ts and features of Standard and Basic Operation. Set up edge ® meter by con guring preferences. Calibration Measurement The “Standard” pH operation includes up to a 5-point bu er calibration, use Basic vs of custom bu ers, choice of displaying 0.001 pH resolution, use of the full Standard…

  • Page 21: Basic Vs Standard Ph Mode

    edge’s pH meter operation is con gured by using the SETUP key with a pH probe pH Meter connected to the meter. The parameter-speci c options will be seen inserted Con gurations into the menu. If Basic mode is “On”, the pH parameter list will not be displayed. See Basic mode for a description of this operation before choosing how to SETUP the meter.

  • Page 22
    Preparation Pour small quantities of the bu er solutions into clean beakers. If possible, Calibration use plastic to minimize any EMC interferences. For accurate calibration and to minimize cross-contamination, use two beakers for each bu er solution; one for rinsing the electrode and one for calibration. If you are measuring in the acidic range, use pH 7.01 or 6.86 as the rst bu er and pH 4.01 (or 3.00*) as the second bu er.
  • Page 23: Ph Calibration

    Rinse and submerse the pH electrode approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into the second bu er solution and stir gently. If necessary, press the ARROW keys to select a Calibration di erent bu er value. The “ ” along with “STIR” tag will be displayed and “WAIT” will blink on the LCD until the reading is stable.

  • Page 24
    Note: Custom bu er values can be adjusted ±1.00 pH around the set value during calibration. When a custom bu er is displayed, the “C1” or “C2” Calibration tag is displayed. First Calibration Point When performing a new calibration, or adding to an existing one, the user has a choice of how the rst new calibration point will be treated in reference to the existing calibration point.
  • Page 25
    Calibration If the instrument is not calibrated the calibration history has been deleted, or it has been calibrated only at one point, the electrode condition and the electrode response gauges will be empty. For a continuous display of the electrode’s condition and response, daily calibration is necessary.
  • Page 26
    When the reading is stable and close to the selected bu er, the “CFM” tag will blink. Press CFM to con rm Calibration calibration. After con rming the rst calibration point, the calibrated value will be displayed on the rst LCD line and the second expected bu er value on the third LCD line.
  • Page 27: Calibration Messages

    • If the bu er temperature exceeds the temperature limits of the bu er, “WRONG BUFFER TEMPERATURE” will be displayed. Calibration • Press CLR after entering calibration to clear all calibration options. “CLEAR ALL” message will be displayed and the instrument will return to measurement mode displaying “CAL DUE”…

  • Page 28
    Calibration Wrong Old Points Inconsistency “WRONG OLD POINTS INCONSISTENCY” is displayed if Messages the new calibration di ers signi cantly from the last value of that sensor in that bu er. In this case it may be best to clear the previous calibration and attempt a new calibration with fresh bu ers.
  • Page 29: Ph Glp Information

    Calibration Contaminated Bu er Messages “CONTAMINATED BUFFER” appears in order to alert that the bu er could be contaminated. Refresh your bu er and continue the calibration procedure. Broken Temperature Sensor If the temperature sensor should malfunction or break at any time, a temperature of “25.0º C” will blink on the second LCD line and the message “BROKEN TEMPERATURE SENSOR”…

  • Page 30
    Note: If a custom bu er was used in calibration, the “C1” and “C2” tags will be pH GLP displayed. If only the one custom bu er is used in calibration, the tag will be “C1” Information and the value will be displayed. If disabled, “EXPIRATION WARNING DISABLED”…
  • Page 31
    When a pH electrode is connected, the instrument will recognize it and the “REMOVE PROTECTIVE Measurement AND FILLING CAPS” message will be displayed along with “PH”. Press any key to skip the message. The instrument will enter measurement mode. Make sure the electrode has been calibrated before taking measurements.
  • Page 32: Ph Measurement

    Range Speci c Messages Displayed On Third LCD Line During Measurement Measurement All the messages described in General Setup (page 11) are displayed in pH range. Temperature Sensor Problem (if there is one) Cal Due or O set and Slope Value Time Date Battery or Charge Status…

  • Page 33: Relative Mv Glp Information

    If the calculated o set is higher than ± 2000 mV the “MAX LIMIT REACHED“ message will scroll on the third LCD line. Until the error is eliminated the value cannot be con rmed. Press CFM to con rm the relative mV value. The display will show “SAVING“…

  • Page 34
    Relative mV If disabled, “EXPIRATION WARNING DISABLED” is displayed. Information Or if enabled the number of days until the calibration alarm “CAL DUE” will be displayed. (i.e. “CAL EXPIRES IN 2 DAYS”) The number of days since the calibration expired. (i.e. “CAL EXPIRED 2 DAYS AGO”).
  • Page 35: Relative Mv Measurement

    When an ORP electrode is connected, the instrument Relative mV will recognize it and the probe code will be displayed Measurement along with “ORP”. Press any key to skip the message. The instrument will enter measurement mode. Rinse the sensor with water and a sample if possible. Submerse the electrode tip approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into the sample to be tested and stir sample gently.

  • Page 36: Maintenance

    Maintenance pH Probe Maintenance Remove the protective cap of the pH electrode. DO NOT BE ALARMED IF SALT DEPOSITS ARE PRESENT. This is normal with electrodes. They will disappear when rinsed with water. During transport, tiny bubbles of air may form inside the glass bulb a ecting proper functioning of the electrode.

  • Page 37
    pH Probe Replace the solution in the protective cap with a few drops of HI 70300 or Maintenance HI 80300 Storage Solution or, in its absence, Filling Solution (HI 7082 or HI 8082 for double junction electrodes). Follow the preparation procedure before taking measurements. Note: NEVER STORE THE ELECTRODE IN DISTILLED OR DEIONIZED WATER.
  • Page 38
    pH Probe Alkali Error with 1.0 mol/L Na Maintenance 11.5 0.11 0.01 0.46 12.0 0.21 0.06 0.62 12.5 0.32 0.11 0.79 13.0 0.43 0.15 13.5 0.45 0.21 14.0 0.65 0.27 ORP Probe Remove the protective cap o the ORP electrode. Wash o any SALT DEPOSITS.
  • Page 39: Orp Probe Maintenance

    After performing any of the cleaning procedures, rinse the electrode thoroughly ORP Probe with distilled water, and re ll the reference chamber with fresh electrolyte (not Maintenance necessary for gel-filled electrodes) and soak the electrode in HI 70300 or HI 80300 Storage Solution for at least 1 hour before taking measurements. Temperature dependence for ORP sensors The oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) displayed in mV, is the voltage that results from the di erence in potential between the platinum metal surface and…

  • Page 40: Speci Cations

    Speci cations pH, mV in pH, mV in ORP Temperature -2.00 to 16.00 pH -2.000 to 16.000 pH* Range -20.0 to 120.0 ºC ; -4.0 to 248.0 °F** ±1000.0 mV in pH ±2000.0 mV in ORP 0.01 pH 0.001 pH* Resolution 0.1 ºC;…

  • Page 41: Accessories

    Accessories Electrodes/Probes Triple ceramic, single junction, low temperature glass, re llable pH HI 10530 electrode with conical tip and temperature sensor Single ceramic,double junction, high temperature glass, re llable pH HI 10430 electrode with temperature sensor HI 11310 Glass body, double junction, re llable pH/temperature electrode Glass body, double junction, re llable pH/temperature electrode with HI 11311 enhanced diagnostics…

  • Page 42
    Accessories HI 8061L General Cleaning Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL HI 8073L Protein Cleaning Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL HI 8077L Oil & Fat Cleaning Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL ELECTRODE REFILL ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS HI 7082 3.5M KCl Electrolyte, 4×30 mL, for double junction electrodes 3.5M KCl Electrolyte in FDA approved bottle, 4×30 mL, for double junction…
  • Page 43: Warranty

    If the repair is not covered by the warranty, you will be noti ed of the charges incurred. If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna Instruments, rst obtain a Returned Goods Authorization number from the Technical Service department and then send it with shipping costs prepaid.

  • Page 44
    Hanna Instruments reserves the right to modify the design, construction or appearance of its products without advance notice.

This manual is also suitable for:

Hi 2002Edgeph hi 2002


Thank you for choosing a Hanna Instruments product.


Please read this instruction manual carefully before using the instrument.

This manual will provide you with the necessary information for correct use of

the instrument, as well as a precise idea of its versatility.

If you need additional technical information, do not hesitate to e‑mail us at



All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent

of the copyright owner, Hanna Instruments Inc., Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 02895, USA.

or view our worldwide contact list at

  • Page 1
    Instruction Manual Multiparameter Benchtop Meter…
  • Page 2
    Hanna representative near you at www.hannainst.com. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner, Hanna Instruments Inc., Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 02895 , USA…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Product Diagram …………………………… 7-8 Probe Diagram …………………………….9 Keypad Function …………………………….10 Guide to Indicators …………………………..11 Setup/ Installation ………………… 12-26 Setting Up edge™ …………………………..12-14 Electrode & Probe Connections ……………………….14 General Setup …………………………….15-17 Basic Mode ………………………………17 Logging Function …………………………..18-21 Viewing Logged Data …………………………21-24 PC &…

  • Page 4: Included

    Remove the instrument from the packing material and verify damage has not occurred during shipping. Remove protective film from meter. Notify your nearest Hanna Customer Service Center if damage is observed. Each instrument is supplied with: Edge meter Bench cradle Wall cradle Electrode holder…

  • Page 5: Safety Measures

    Safety Before using this product, make sure that it is entirely suitable for your specific application and for the environment in which it is used. Measures Operation of this instrument may cause unacceptable interferences to other electronic equipment, thus requiring the operator to take all necessary steps to correct interferences.

  • Page 6: Description

    Every feature and measurement detail is designed to give you an edge in measurement technology. edge™ is versatile in many ways. The slim meter and probe can be used remotely as a portable device (using its rechargeable battery) or used in its bench or wall cradles (that also power the meter) as a line-powered laboratory instrument.

  • Page 7: Diagram

    Front View Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Micro USB device connection Capacitive Touch Keypad for power or PC interface 3 mm jack input for edge™ Standard USB host connection digital probes for data transfer to a USB Top mounted ON/OFF button…

  • Page 8
    Product Diagram Side & Back View Top & Bottom View • Sleek, clean, intuitive design • Basic mode simplified • Internal clock and date operation • Adjustable resolution for pH • Simplified data transfer to a PC and EC measurements •…
  • Page 9: Probe Diagram

    Probe Diagram Probes pH Electrode EC Electrode DO Electrode • Process measurement signal directly for noise free determinations • Support auto sensor recognition • Store calibration specific data from the last calibration • Are built with materials suitable for use in chemical analysis •…

  • Page 10: Keypad Function

    Keypad Function CAL/MODIFY — Used to enter — Used to scroll through and exit calibration mode. In SETUP SETUP menu. Used to change used to initiate modification of a selection when modifying configuration setting. parameter in SETUP. GLP/CFM — Used to display GLP RCL — Used to view log records calibration information.

  • Page 11: Guide To Indicators

    Guide to Indicators Mode tags 3rd LCD line, message area Confirm tag 10. Labels USB connection status 11. 2nd LCD line, temperature pH electrode diagnostics measurement Probes symbol 12. Temperature units Battery symbol 13. Temperature status Arrow tags, displayed when 14.

  • Page 12: Setup/Installation

    Decide how the meter will be used and set up the wall or bench cradle in a clean area near line power. Turn edge™ on using the ON/OFF button located on the top of the meter. Plug in the probe required for measurement.

  • Page 13
    Connect the power adapter cable to the bottom socket of the wall cradle. Connect the probe connector to the socket located at the bottom of edge™. Slide edge™ into the wall cradle. Verify the battery icon indicates charging when meter is powered.
  • Page 14: Electrode & Probe Connections

    Connect the micro USB connector into edge™ the USB socket on the cradle or into the micro USB socket of edge™. Plug the 5 Vdc adapter into the power supply socket. edge™ can be also powered by connecting with a USB cable directly to a PC.

  • Page 15: General Setup

    Choices Default (EC and pH) *Only seen when cable Select to log connection data on edge™ Log on edge™ of Log on edge™ Available between micro or to export data export to PC USB and PC is to PC made.

  • Page 16
    General Basic mode* Parameter Description Choices Default (EC and pH) Setup Probe Specific Parameters are inserted here in SETUP list. Set Date Press MODIFY YYYY/MM/DD Set date Available key to Set current Date date, displayed in ISO format. Press CFM to save changes.
  • Page 17: Basic Mode

    Note: Parameters that are grayed out are seen under special conditions only. Basic Mode edge™ offers a basic operation mode that streamlines measurement configuration for pH and EC measurements and is useful for many routine applications. Basic pH SETUP reduces parameter selection to the basic set.

  • Page 18: Logging Function

    Manual and Manual medium stability Log on demand are still functional. Logging Note: • If powering edge™ through the micro USB connector to a PC, a SETUP Function parameter will require the choice “LOG ON EDGE”. • 1000 log records can be stored into the Edge memory. This memory…

  • Page 19
    Logging Manual (log on demand) readings are logged each time LOG is pressed. All of the records are stored in a single Manual lot for the measurement type. New Function records made on different days are stored in the same Manual lot. Stability is a log on demand that is made each time LOG is pressed and the stability criterion is reached.
  • Page 20
    Logging Pressing the LOG key again will stop the Interval logging session. The “LOG STOPPED“ message will Function be displayed for a few seconds. If a sensor failure occurs during interval logging, the message “OUT OF FREE SPACE” will alternate with logging information Manual Logging Select Manual in the SETUP menu.
  • Page 21: Viewing Logged Data

    The “LOG” tag will be displayed on all 4 screens. All log records stored on edge™ may be viewed on the meter by pressing the RCL key. The log records are grouped according to measurement (pH, EC, DO).

  • Page 22
    Viewing If no data was logged for the selected measurement range, the instrument displays the following Logged Data messages (ex. for pH range): No Manual Logs No Stability Logs Press CFM to enter inside lot information to view memorized records. Use the ARROW keys to toggle between different records.
  • Page 23
    Viewing To delete individual records (Manual and Stability logs only), enter Manual (Stability) log by pressing CFM when Manual (Stability) is displayed. Use the Logged Data ARROW keys to select the record to be deleted and then press CLR. The instrument will display “CLEAR REC.“ and record number along with “CFM” tag blinking.
  • Page 24
    Viewing Delete All All pH logs, (or all EC, all DO logs) may be deleted in a single clear. This function Logged Data will delete all MANUAL, STABILITY and INTERVAL logs for the measurement type selected. Press the RCL key. The pH, EC, or DO type will be blinking.
  • Page 25: Pc & Storage Interface

    PC & Storage Logged data on edge™ can be transferred from the meter to a USB flash drive by using the log recall function. The minimum requirement for the drive is USB Interface 1.1. Select the pH, EC or DO record you wish to export and follow the simple steps below.

  • Page 26: Setup/ Installation

    PC & Storage Logged data on edge™ can be transferred from the meter to a PC by following these simple directions. The minimum operating system for the PC is Windows Interface Connect the edge™ to the PC using the supplied micro USB cable.

  • Page 27: Operational Guide

    Basic vs For optimum pH measurements, follow these steps: Understand the benefits and features of Standard and Basic Operation. Standard Set up edge™ meter by configuring preferences. pH mode Calibration Measurement The “Standard” pH operation includes up to a 5-point buffer calibration, use of custom buffers, choice of displaying 0.001 pH resolution, use of the full…

  • Page 28
    Basic vs Major differences between Standard and Basic modes are tabulated below. Standard Standard Basic* pH mode 5 points including 2 custom Calibration 3 points buffers Cal Check™ Feature Basic error messages Sensor Check™ Feature Diagnostics GLP basic Error messages Manual Log on demand Manual Log on demand Log types…
  • Page 29: Ph Meter Configurations

    pH Meter pH meter operation is configured by using the SETUP key with a pH probe connected to the meter. The parameter-specific parameters will be seen Configuations inserted into the menu. If Basic mode is configured “On”, the pH parameter list will not be displayed.

  • Page 30: Ph Calibration

    This includes seven standard buffers and two custom ones. Five pH buffers may Calibration be used for calibration. The instrument should be recalibrated whenever: • High accuracy and sensor verification are required.

  • Page 31
    The custom buffers allow the user to calibrate in a buffer solution different from a standard one. Two custom buffers can be set in SETUP menu. See page Calibration 30 for more information about using custom buffers. The instrument will automatically skip the buffer used during calibration and the buffers which are in a ±0.2 pH window, around one of the calibrated buffers.
  • Page 32
    The “ ” along with “STIR” tag will be displayed and “WAIT” will blink on the LCD until the reading is stable. Calibration When the reading is stable and close to the selected buffer, “CFM” tag will blink. Press CFM to confirm calibration. Repeat procedure with additional pH buffers.
  • Page 33
    Working With Custom Buffers If a custom buffer was set in SETUP menu, it can be selected during calibration Calibration by pressing the ARROW keys. The “C1” or “C2” tag will be on once selected. Press u if you want to modify the custom buffer value.
  • Page 34
    INFORMATION. The choice is ON or OFF. Electrode Condition And Electrode Response Time edge™ pH Calibration Check™ feature will assess electrode condition and response time during each calibration and display it for the rest of the day. The condition gauge shows the electrode’s condition that is based on the offset and slope characteristics of the pH electrode at the time of calibration.
  • Page 35
    This information can also be viewed in the GLP data. Junction Condition (HI 11311 And HI 12301 Only) edge™ pH Sensor Check™ feature will assess the health of the pH electrode’s reference junction during each calibration. The junction gauge may be viewed directly in GLP but will also blink a warning on the display if the junction is compromised (not 100%).
  • Page 36
    Procedure Basic mode operation permits up to three-point buffer calibration. Calibration For accurate measurements, at least a two-point calibration is recommended. However, a single point calibration can also be used. The calibration buffers can be selected from the calibration buffer list that includes the standard buffers, pH 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18 and 10.01.
  • Page 37
    The “ ” along with “STIR” tag will be displayed and “WAIT” will blink on the LCD until the reading is stable. When the reading is stable and close to the Calibration selected buffer, the “CFM” tag will blink. Press CFM to confirm calibration. The calibrated value is then displayed on the 1st LCD line and the third expected buffer value on the 3rd LCD line.
  • Page 38: Ph Calibration

    used, or clean the electrode by following the Cleaning Procedure (see page 76). If necessary, change the buffer or the electrode. Calibration • If the buffer temperature exceeds the temperature limits of the buffer, “WRONG BUFFER TEMPERATURE” will be displayed. •…

  • Page 39: Calibration Messages

    Calibration The Calibration Check™ feature may flag diagnostic messages during a calibration. As electrode aging is normally a slow process, substantial changes Messages from previous calibrations are likely due to a temporary problem with the electrode or buffers that can be addressed easily. These messages are seen in Standard and Basic modes.

  • Page 40
    Calibration Clean Electrode This error message indicates poor electrode Messages performance (offset out of accepted window, or slope under the accepted lower limit). Often cleaning the sensor will improve the pH electrodes response. See pH Electrode Conditioning and Maintenance for details.
  • Page 41: Ph Glp Information

    Calibration Contaminated Buffer This warning message appears in order to alert that Messages the buffer could be contaminated. Refresh your buffer and continue the calibration procedure. pH GLP Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) refers to a quality control function used to ensure uniformity of sensor calibrations and measurements.

  • Page 42
    pH GLP The last calibration date (yyyy.mm.dd) together with the current reading. Information Note: For each custom buffer used in calibration, the “C1” and “C2” tags will be displayed. If only the second custom buffer is in calibration the tag will be “C1” and the value will be displayed.
  • Page 43: Ph Measurement

    pH GLP The probe serial number together with the current reading. Information If a buffer is not from the last calibration, the buffer tag will be displayed blinking. In Standard Mode, Condition, Response gauges are visible on the day of calibration (See Electrode Condition And Electrode Response Time page 34).

  • Page 44
    Rinse the pH sensor with water and a sample aliquot if possible. Submerse the electrode tip approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into the sample to be tested and Measurement stir sample gently. Allow time for the electrode to stabilize. The pH is displayed on the 1st LCD line and the temperature on the 2nd LCD line.
  • Page 45
    Range Specific Messages Displayed On Alphanumeric Line During Measurement (3 Lcd Line) Measurement All the messages described in GENERAL section (page 15) are displayed in pH range. Temperature Sensor Problem (if there is one) Cal Due or Offset and Slope Value Time Date Battery or Charge Status…
  • Page 46: Basic Vs Standard Ec Mode

    Take measurements using a EC probe. Measurements Available With The EC Probe The four-ring EC probe may be used for 3 different measurement applications with edge™. • It may be used for temperature compensated or absolute conductivity measurements (with units of μS/cm or mS/cm).

  • Page 47: Ec Meter Configuration

    Basic vs Measurement data can be logged using Manual Log on Demand or Manual Log on Stability or Interval Logging. The measurement logs may be exported to a Standard thumb drive or PC. EC mode Standard Basic Measurement Conductivity, TDS, Salinity Conductivity, TDS Set up Parameters Fully selectable…

  • Page 48
    EC Meter Parameter Description Choices Default Basic mode Configuration T.Coef. (%/ºC) This parameter 0.0 to 6.00 (%/ 1.90 (%/ºC) Not available. is related to the ºC) Note: Setting Close for natural Automatically solution being to 0.00 is the waters or salt set to 1.90%/ºC.
  • Page 49
    Parameter Description Choices Default Basic mode Configuration EC RANGE If AUTO is used, AUTO, AUTO Not available but the edge™ will 29.99 μS/cm, measurement automatically 299.9 μS/cm, autoranges as find the correct 2999 μS/cm, needed. conductivity 29.99 mS/cm, range and 200.0 mS/cm,…
  • Page 50: Ec/Tds Calibration

    EC Meter Parameter Description Choices Default Basic mode Configuration EC SALINITY Three PSU, NaCl%, g/L NaCl% Not available. SCALE measurement scales are available for salinity measurement in Seawater. (Practical Salinity Scale, Percent Scale and Natural Seawater Scale). EC Range (Not Available In Basic Mode) The EC and TDS measurements may be configured in SETUP as AUTO (meaning auto-ranging, the measurement automatically finds the correct conductivity or TDS unit and resolution), or it may be configured with a user-selected…

  • Page 51
    EC/TDS Every time you calibrate the instrument use fresh standard and perform electrode maintenance as required. It is recommended to chose a calibration CALIBRATION standard that is close to the sample. Preparation Pour small quantities of the standard solutions into a beaker. If possible, use a plastic beaker to minimize any EMC interferences.
  • Page 52
    EC/TDS When the reading is stable and close to the selected standard, “CFM” tag will blink and the message CALIBRATION “SOLUTION STANDARD” will scroll. Press CFM to confirm calibration. The Instrument displays “SAVING”, stores the calibration values and returns to measurement mode. Operational Guide…
  • Page 53
    EC/TDS The following table lists the temperature dependence of Hanna EC calibration standards. edge™ uses these values during calibration and their temperature CALIBRATION coefficients. HI7030 HI7031 HI7033 HI7034 HI7035 HI7039 ºC ºF HI8030 HI8031 HI8033 HI8034 HI8035 HI8039 (μS/cm) (μS/cm) (μS/cm)
  • Page 54: Nacl Calibration

    % NaCl PREPARATION Pour a small quantity of the calibration solution into a beaker. If possible, use CALIBRATION a plastic beaker to minimize any EMC interferences. Before pressing CAL verify in SETUP: • Basic mode is off • Salinity Scale is NaCl% Use the RANGE key to select the Salinity measurement.

  • Page 55: Ec/Tds Glp Information

    % NaCl The Instrument displays “SAVING”, stores the calibration values and returns to measurement mode. CALIBRATION Note: If a new EC calibration is performed, the NaCl calibration is automatically cleared. A new NaCl calibration is required. Wrong Standard If the reading is too far from the expected value, the Calibration “WRONG STANDARD”…

  • Page 56
    EC/TDS To view the EC calibration data, press GLP when the instrument is in EC measurement mode. The instrument will display the calibration standard and the temperature of the calibrated standard. Use the ARROW keys to scroll Information through the calibration data displayed on the 3rd LCD line. The cell factor in cm determined from the calibration with the current reading.
  • Page 57
    EC/TDS The last calibration time (hh:mm:ss) together with the current reading. Information The last calibration date (yyyy.mm.dd.) together with the current reading. Calibration Expiration status together with the current reading: If disabled, “EXPIRATION WARNING DISABLED” is displayed If enabled, the number of days until the calibration alarm “CAL DUE”…
  • Page 58
    NaCl% measurement mode. Use the ARROW keys to scroll through the Information calibration data. The instrument will display the calibration temperature and solution. The edge™ will indicate: probe cell constant together with the current reading. The salinity coefficient determined from the calibration together with the current reading.
  • Page 59
    EC/TDS Calibration Expiration status together with the current reading: If disabled, “EXPIRATION WARNING DISABLED” is Information displayed If enabled, the number of days until the calibration alarm “CAL DUE” will be displayed. Or if the number of days the calibration has expired ( I.E.
  • Page 60
    EC/TDS The RANGE key will change measurement from conductivity to TDS to Salinity. Measurements Conductivity Measurements Connect the conductivity probe to the instrument and wait until probe parameters are loaded. The following message is then displayed on the LCD: “Probe Connected” Verify if the probe has been calibrated.
  • Page 61: Ec/Tds Measurements

    EC/TDS No Temperature Compensation (No TC): The temperature value is displayed, but not taken into account. When this option is selected, the “NoTC” tag will Measurements be displayed. The reading displayed on the primary LCD is the uncompensated EC or TDS value. Note: •…

  • Page 62: Salinity Measurements

    Salinity Salinity Measurements (Not Available In Basic Mode) Press the RANGE key twice to switch from conductivity to the configured Measurements Salinity scale. Verify the desired scale is configured in SETUP. The meter supports three salinity scales: Practical Scale 1978, Percent Scale %, and Natural Sea Water 1966, [g/L].

  • Page 63
    Salinity — ratio of sample conductivity to standard conductivity at Temp =(T) CT(sample)-conductivity at T ºC; Measurements C(35,15)=42.914µS/cm — the corresponding of KCI solution containing a mass of 32.4356 g KCl/1 Kg solution — Temperature compensation polynomial = 0.008 = 0.0005 = -0.1692 = -0.0056 = 25.3851…
  • Page 64: Salinity Measurements

    Salinity Natural Sea Water Scale The Natural Sea Water Scale extends from 0 — 80.0 g/L. It determines salinity Measurements based upon a conductivity ratio of sample to “standard seawater” at 15 °C. Where R is the conductivity ratio and salinity is defined by the following equation: S = — 0.08996 + 28.2929729R + 12.80832R…

  • Page 65: Dissolved Oxygen Setup

    Measurements Available Concentration measurements in water, and % oxygen saturated measurements are available using edge™ together with HI 764080 DO probe. Algorithms used for concentration measurements (units of ppm or mg/L) are based upon the oxygen solubility in air-saturated fresh water. Compensation for salinity and altitude are made by configuring SETUP parameters.

  • Page 66
    The cathode area should be free of bubbles. Setup 8. Connect the DO probe to the edge™ meter and turn meter on 9. Allow probe conditioning function to occur. Note: When not in use and during polarization, use the protective transparent cap.
  • Page 67: Do Probe Diagram

    DO Probe Diagram Strain Relief Probe Cap PEI Probe Body Temperature Sensor Threads for Membrane Cap Ag/AgCl Anode and Reference Glass Insulator Platinum Cathode O-Ring 10. Disposable Membrane Cap 11. Oxygen Permeable PTFE Membrane 12. Shipping Tube Operational Guide…

  • Page 68: Do Meter Configuration

    DO Meter DO (Dissolved Oxygen) meter operation is configured using the SETUP key with a DO probe connected to the meter. The parameter-specific parameters Configuration will be seen inserted into the menu. There is no Basic mode for Dissolved Oxygen measurements. Parameter Description Choices…

  • Page 69
    Compensation for temperature-related solubility is done automatically using the built-in temperature sensor within the DO probe and algorithms in the edge meter. When water is measured at an altitude below sea level, oxygen solubility increases, but above sea level the oxygen solubility decreases.
  • Page 70: Do Meter Configuration

    DO Meter When water is fresh containing no sea water, the concentration of oxygen will be at a maximum. The solubility of the oxygen dissolved in water is decreased Configuration when water is brackish or seawater. The solubility of oxygen in water is decreased when measurements are made at elevations above sea level.

  • Page 71: Do Calibration

    When the reading is stable and is within the limits, “CFM” tag starts blinking. Press CFM to confirm the Calibration 100.0 % DO calibration. Press CAL to leave calibration after the first point. The instrument will display “SAVING” message and it will return to measurement mode memorizing the slope calibration data.

  • Page 72: Do Calibration Messages

    Calibration Messages If the reading is outside limits, “WRONG STANDARD“ Calibration message will be displayed. Messages If the temperature goes out of (0.0 — 50.0 ºC) range during calibration, the “WRONG STANDARD TEMPERATURE” message will be displayed and temperature value will blink. DO GLP GLP refers to a quality control function used to ensure uniformity of probe calibrations and measurements.

  • Page 73
    DO GLP The altitude and salinity setting at the moment of calibration together with the current reading. Information The time of the calibration together with the current reading. The date of the calibration together with the current reading Calibration Expiration status together with the current reading: If disabled, “EXPIRATION WARNING DISABLED”…
  • Page 74
    DO GLP The probe serial number together with the current reading Information Make sure that the probe is polarized, calibrated and the protective cap has been removed. Measurements Rinse probe. Submerse the probe in the sample to be tested, make sure temperature probe is also immersed.
  • Page 75: Do Measurements

    any measurement. This can take several minutes. The greater the difference between the temperature at which the probe was stored and the temperature Measurements of the sample, the longer the time will be. Note: • If the temperature is displayed blinking, the temperature is out of range for the probe.

  • Page 76: Maintenance

    pH Probe Maintenance Remove the protective cap of the pH electrode. DO NOT BE ALARMED IF SALT DEPOSITS ARE PRESENT. This is normal with electrodes. They will disappear when rinsed with water. During transport, tiny bubbles of air may form inside the glass bulb affecting proper functioning of the electrode.

  • Page 77
    pH Probe For refillable electrodes: If the filling solution (electrolyte) is more than 2½ cm (1”) below the fill hole, Maintenance add HI 7082 or HI 8082 3.5M KCl Electrolyte Solution for double junction. Unscrew the fill hole cover during measurements so the liquid junction maintains an outward flow of electrolyte.
  • Page 78
    pH Probe Cleaning Procedure Use diagnostic messages to aid pH electrode troubleshooting. Several Maintenance cleaning solutions are available: General – Soak in Hanna HI 7061 or HI 8061 General Cleaning Solution for approximately ½ hour. Protein –Soak in Hanna HI 7073 or HI 8073 Protein Cleaning Solution for 15 minutes.
  • Page 79: Ec Probe Maintenance

    pH Probe Alkaline Error High concentrations of sodium ions interfere with readings in alkaline Maintenance solutions. The pH at which the interference starts to be significant depends upon the composition of the glass. This interference is called alkaline error and causes the pH to be underestimated. Hanna’s glass formulations have the indicated characteristics.

  • Page 80: Do Probe Maintenance

    DO Probe The oxygen probe body is made of PEI. A temperature sensor provides temperature measurements of the sample. Maintenance Use the protective cap when the probe is not in use. To replace the membrane or refill with electrolyte, proceed as follows: Remove the protective shipping tube by gently twisting and pulling it off the body of the probe (see fig.

  • Page 81: Do Probe Maintenance

    DO Probe The platinum cathode (DO Probe Diagram, page 67) should always be bright and untarnished. If it is tarnished or stained, the cathode should be cleaned. Maintenance You can use a clean lint-free cardboard or cloth. Rub the cathode very gently side to side 4-5 times.

  • Page 82: Troubleshooting Guide

    Troubleshooting Symptoms Problems Solution Guide Clean the electrode and then soak Slow response/excessive Dirty pH electrode. the tip in HI 7061 or HI 8061 for 30 drift. minutes. pH: Clogged/dirty Clean the electrode. Refill with fresh junction. Low electrolyte solution (for refillable electrodes only). level (refillable Check cable and connectors.

  • Page 83
    Troubleshooting Symptoms Problems Solution Guide A) Verify the shipping cap has been removed. B) Make sure the sample pH is within If the display shows: Out of range in the mV specified range. “mV” and “-1000” or scale. C) Verify electrolyte level in pH sensor “1000”…
  • Page 84: Specifications

    Specifications Temperature -2.00 to 16.00 pH Range -2.000 to 16.000 pH* -20.0 to 120.0 ºC (-4.0 to 248.0 °F)** ±1000.0 mV 0.01 pH Resolution 0.001 pH* 0.1 ºC 0.1 mV ±0.01pH Accuracy ±0.002 pH* ±0.5 ºC @ 25 °C / 77 °F ±0.2 mV Automatic, up to 3 points (5 points*) calibration, 5 standard (7 pH Calibration…

  • Page 85
    Specifications Salinity 0.00 to 29.99 μS/ cm, 3.00 to 29.99 0.00 to 14.99 ppm μS/cm, 300. to (mg/L), 15.0 to 149.9 2999. μS/cm, ppm (mg/L), 150. to 0.0 to 400.0% NaCl 3.00 to 29.99 1499. ppm (mg/L), 1.50 **, 2.00 to 42.00 Range mS/cm, 30.0 to to 14.99 g/L, 15.0 to…
  • Page 86
    Specifications Conductivity temperature 0.00 to 6.00% / ºC (for EC and TDS only). Default value is 1.90% / ºC coefficient TDS factor 0.40 to 0.80 (default value is 0.50) EC Probe HI 763100 Up to 1000 ** (400) records organized in: Manual log on demand (Max. 200 Log feature logs), Manual log on stability (Max.
  • Page 87
    Specifications 0.00 to 45.00 ppm (mg/L) Range 0.0 to 300.0% -20.0 to 120.0 ºC (-4.0 to 248.0 °F)* 0.01 ppm (mg/L) Resolution 0.1% 0.1 °C Accuracy ±1.5% of reading or ±1 digit @ 25 °C / 77 °F ±0.5 ºC DO Calibration One or two points at 0% (HI 7040) and 100% (water saturated air) Altitude Compensation…
  • Page 88: Accessories

    Accessories Buffer Solutions HI 70004P pH 4.01 Buffer Sachets, 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI 70007P pH 7.01 Buffer Sachets, 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI 70010P pH 10.01 Buffer Sachets, 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI 7001L pH 1.68 Buffer Solution, 500 mL HI 7004L pH 4.01 Buffer Solution, 500 mL HI 7006L…

  • Page 89
    Accessories Conductivity Solutions HI 70030P 12880 μS/cm, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.) HI 70031P 1413 μS/cm, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.) HI 70039P 5000 μS/cm, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.) HI 7030M 12880 μS/cm, 230 mL bottle HI 7031M 1413 μS/cm, 230 mL bottle HI 7033M 84 μS/cm, 230 mL bottle HI 7030M…
  • Page 90: Accessories

    HI 2000WC Wall cradle HI 2000BC Bench cradle Ordering Information HI 2020-01 edge™ instrument with US plug HI 2020-02 edge™ instrument with EU plug HI 11310 Glass body, double junction, pH/temperature electrode Glass body, double junction, pH/temperature electrode with enhanced…

  • Page 91: Warranty

    Technical Service department and then send it with shipping costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument, make sure it is properly packed for complete protection. Hanna Instruments reserves the right to modify the design, construction or appearance of its products without advance notice. Warranty…

  • Page 92
    Notes Warranty…
  • Page 93
    Notes Warranty…
  • Page 94
    Notes Warranty…
  • Page 95
    Notes Warranty…
  • Page 96
    World Hanna Instruments Inc. Highland Industrial Park Headquarters 584 Park East Drive Woonsocket, RI 02895 www.Hannainst.com Local Office Hanna Instruments USA 270 George Washington Highway Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 800.426.6287 Fax: 401.765.7575 e-mail: tech@Hannainst.com…


Описание стационарного рН-метра HI2002-02:

Универсальный многопараметровый анализатор предназначен для использования в качестве портативного переносного устройства, настольного лабораторного инструмента, настенного стационарного измерителя. Модель HI2002-02 разработана на основе технологии edge. Она позволяет использовать прибор для измерения значений pH, проводимости, уровня растворенного кислорода и температуры при помощи подключаемого к анализатору цифрового pH-электрода, зонда EC с четырьмя кольцевыми электродами, полярографического зонда DO. Электроды и зонды, входящие в комплект поставки прибора, имеют встроенный датчик температуры.

Особенности анализатора серии edge:

Прибор оснащен большим жидкокристаллическим экраном, емкостной клавиатурой, разъемом для подключения зондов, разъемом микро USB для подключения источника питания или соединения с компьютером, стандартным USB-разъемом для подключения флешки. HI2002-02 pH-метр серии edge имеет встроенный календарь и часы, поддерживает регулировку разрешения измерений pH и EC, автоматически определяет измеряемые параметры. Способен сохранять работоспособность в течение 8 часов без подключения к стационарному источнику питания. Устройство оснащено перезаряжаемой батареей.
Умеет сохранять данные. Предлагает три способа записи данных: непрерывное протоколирование, ручное сохранение данных, регистрация точных, средних и быстрых параметров. Максимальное количество сохраняемых интервальных записей – не более 100. В ручном журнале или журнале стабильности пользователь сможет сохранить до 200 записей.  

Область применения :

Анализатор применяют в лабораториях, на предприятиях пищевой, химической промышленности, других отраслях производства для определения параметров используемой в работе среды. Прибор используют для проверки питьевой, сточной воды, технических жидкостей на производстве, красок на водной основе, биологических образов.

Управление и индикация :

Панель управления состоит из нескольких кнопок, расположенных в два ряда. Вся информация об измерениях и показания встроенных индикаторов выводятся на широкий дисплей.

Технические характеристики:

Параметр Значение
Диапазон рН От -2,000 до 16,000 рН (расширенный режим); от -2,00 до 16,00 pH (базовый режим)
Разрешение рН 0,001 pH; 0,01 pH
Точность рН (при 25 ° C / 77 ° F) ±0,01 pH; ±0,002 pH
Калибровка pH По 5 точкам (стандартный режим) 1,68; 4,01 (3,00 *); 6,86; 7,01; 9,18; 10,01; 12,45 и два пользовательских буфера. По 3 точкам (базовый режим) 4,01; 6,86; 7,01; 9.18; 10.01
Температурная компенсация рН Автоматическая: от -5,0 до 100.0 C **
Диапазон мВ ± 1000,0 мВ; ± 2000,0 мВ
Разрешение мВ 0,1 мВ
Точность мВ ± 0,2 мВ (± 999,9 мВ); ± 1 мВ (± 2000 мВ)
Относительная калибровка мВ Калибровка по одной точке
Диапазон температур от -20,0 до 120,0 C; от -4,0 до 248,0 °F
Разрешающая способность по температуре 0,1 °C; 0,1 °F
Точность температуры ±0,5 °C; ±0,9 °F
Переключение °C / °F Да
Диагностика рН электрода Диагностика стеклянного корпуса и электрода сравнения (только HI 11311 и HI 12301), вне диапазона калибровки, состояние электрода, время отклика
Журнал событий До 1000*** записей, организованных в режимы: журнал событий по запросу (максимум 200 записей), журнал событий по стабильности (максимум 200 записей), журнал событий по времени *** (максимум 600 образцов; 100 лотов)
Входы 1 микро-USB порт для зарядки и подключения к ПК, 1 USB порт для USB-накопителя
Условия эксплуатации От 0 до 50 ° C, относительная влажность не более 95% без конденсации
Тип батареи/долговечность Встроенная перезаряжаемая батарея, обеспечивающая до 8 часов непрерывной работы
Источник питания Адаптер постоянного тока 5 В (входит в комплект)
Размеры 202 x 140 x 12.7мм 
Вес 250 г 
Информация для заказа Комплект поставки edge® HI2002-02 включает в себя прибор со штативом, настенное крепление, USB кабель, заполняемый стеклянный рН электрод HI11310 со встроенным датчиком температуры, 2 пакетика каждого из буферных растворов рН 4,01; 7,01; 10,01, чистящего раствора и раствора для хранения электрода, адаптер питания постоянного тока 5 В и руководство по эксплуатации.

* Буфер рН 3,00 включается только при использовании специфических рН электродов и заменяет буфер рН 4,01
** Температурные пределы будут снижены до фактических пределов электрода / датчика
*** Только для стандартного режима (журнал событий)

  • HANNA Instruments
  • Производители  HANNA Instruments
  • Код Товара:  HI2002-02

Доступные варианты

Метрологическое обеспечение

Первичная поверка (ФГИС Аршин) +3900.00р.



  • Диапазон мВ± 1000,0 мВ; ± 2000,0 мВ
  • Диапазон рНОт -2,000 до 16,000 рН (расширенный режим); от -2,00 до 16,00 pH (базовый режим)
  • Калибровка pHПо 5 точкам (стандартный режим) 1,68; 4,01 (3,00 *); 6,86; 7,01; 9,18; 10,01; 12,45 и два пользовательских буфера. По 3 точкам (базовый режим) 4,01; 6,86; 7,01; 9.18; 10.01
  • Относительная калибровка мВКалибровка по одной точке
  • Разрешение мВ0,1 мВ
  • Разрешение рН0,001 pH; 0,01 pH
  • Температурная компенсация рНАвтоматическая: от -5,0 до 100.0ºC **
  • Точность мВ± 0,2 мВ (± 999,9 мВ); ± 1 мВ (± 2000 мВ)
  • Точность рН (при 25 ° C / 77 ° F)±0,01 pH; ±0,002 pH


Hanna Instruments с гордостью представляет  инновационный  рН/ОВП метр edge®.

Еdge 2002-02 объединил в себе последние достижения в области рН-метрии и современного дизайна. Это высокоточный прибор со множеством полезных функций в сверхтонком корпусе, толщина которого всего 13 мм. В комплект поставки входит комбинированный электрод, решающий широкий спектр задач, стоящих перед современной лабораторией . Edge является невероятно простым и удобным в использовании прибором, способным с высокой точностью измерять рН и ОВП.

Прибор внесен в государственный реестр средств измерений


Расширенные возможности диагностики рН электродов

Прибор edge обладает возможностью самодиагностики рН электродов, обеспечивающей точность измерений. В диагностику входит функция проверки калибровки CAL Check, предупреждающая пользователей о возможных проблемах во время калибровки, и функция проверки целостности стеклянного корпуса и соединений датчика.

Capacitive Touch

Емкостной сенсор

Прибор edge имеет емкостную сенсорную клавиатуру, что придаёт ему  современный и практичный внешний вид. Клавиатура имеет быстрый отклик и обладает достаточной чувствительностью при работе в лабораторных перчатках. Поскольку клавиатура является частью экрана, на ней нет кнопок, которые могут загрязниться остатками образца.

Clear Full Text Readout

Большой легко читаемый ЖК экран

Прибор edge снабжён 5,5-дюймовым ЖК-дисплеем, на котором показания легко читаются с расстояния более 5 метров. Большой экран и широкий угол обзора (150°) обеспечиваются одним из удобных ЖК-дисплеев в отрасли.

edge pH/ORP Meter In Cradle

Edge® рН/ОВП имеет большое количество функций, обеспечивающих точность измерений и удобство использования.

Digital Electrodes

Цифровые рН электроды

Высокотехнологичные рН электроды для edge имеют встроенный микрочип, в котором хранится информация о калибровке. Информация из микрочипа загружается в память прибора при подключении  электрода. Поскольку информация о калибровке хранится в чипе рН электрода, а не в памяти прибора, то после замены электрода не требуется перекалибровывать прибор. Данная особенность позволяет существенно экономить время и растворы для калибровки при частой замене электродов.

Sensor Check

Фунция CAL Check

Функция проверки калибровки CAL Check анализирует поведение рН электродов в буферных растворах рН во время процесса калибровки и предупреждает пользователя о возможных проблемах. Индикаторы высвечивают надпись «загрязненный буфер» и «очистите электрод». После калибровки индикаторы состояния электрода и времени отклика отображаются на экране. Состояние рН электрода оценивается по характеристикам смещения и наклона.

sensor check

Проверка электрода

При работе с электродами Hanna, оснащенными 3,5 мм разъёмом, прибор edge непрерывно контролирует сопротивление измерительных рН электродов в реальном времени с целью немедленного уведомления в случае возникновения неполадок. Во время калибровки функция проверки датчика также проверяет состояние диафрагмы. Кроме того, состояние диафрагмы сравнения оценивается и отображается на дисплее.

hi2002 edge pH meter wall mount

Edge® универсальный прибор! Его можно использовать и как портативный, и как настольный прибор. 

wall mount

Настенное крепление

Используя каркас для настенного крепления (в комплекте), edge можно закрепить на стене, что позволяет освободить место на лабораторном столе. Каркас имеет встроенный разъем для питания edge и зарядки его аккумуляторов. Настенное крепление предназначено для экономии ценного настольного пространства.


Подставка и держатель электродов

Прибор edge комплектуется настольной подставкой со встроенным разъёмом питания edge, на которую крепится регулируемый поворотный штатив для электродов. Такая конструкция обеспечивает возможность зарядки и надёжной фиксации прибора при оптимальном угле обзора.

edge thin pH meter handheld

Edge® очень тонкий и весит всего 250 г. Время работы от батареи 8 часов. Прибор снабжён двумя разъёмами USB.


Два порта USB

Прибор edge оборудован одним стандартным USB разъёмом для экспорта данных на USB-накопитель и ещё одним микро USB разъёмом для подключения к компьютеру с целью экспорта файлов, а также для зарядки прибора при отсутствии подставки или настенного крепления.

data logging

Журнал данных

Прибор edge позволяет хранить до 1000 записей журнала данных. Каждая из них включает показания, данные стандарта GLP, дату и время.

basic mode

Два режима работы

Прибор edge может использоваться в расширенном или базовом режимах эксплуатации. Расширенный режим предоставляет пользователю все имеющиеся возможности прибора, в то время как базовый режим сокращает количество функций до выполнения очень простых операций. Например, в расширенном режиме, edge предлагает калибровку по 5 точкам с использованием 2 пользовательских буферов, в то время как в основном режиме калибровка может быть выполнена только по 3 точкам и по 5 заранее запрограммированным значениям буферов.

Рекомендуемые товары

Диапазон мВ — ± 1000,0 мВ; ± 2000,0 мВ / Диапазон рН — От -2,000 до 16,000 рН (расширенный режим); от -2,00 до 16,00 pH (базовый режим) / Калибровка pH — По 5 точкам (стандартный режим) 1,68; 4,01 (3,00 *); 6,86; 7,01; 9,18; 10,01; 12,45 и два пользовательских буфера. По 3 точкам (базовый режим) 4,01; 6,86; 7,01; 9.18; 10.01 / Относительная калибровка мВ — Калибровка по одной точке / Разрешение мВ — 0,1 мВ

Диапазон мВ ± 1000,0 мВ; ± 2000,0 мВ
Диапазон рН От -2,000 до 16,000 рН (расширенный режим); от -2,00 до 16,00 pH (базовый режим)
Калибровка pH По 5 точкам (стандартный режим) 1,68; 4,01 (3,00 *); 6,86; 7,01; 9,18; 10,01; 12,45 и два пользовательских буфера. По 3 точкам (базовый режим) 4,01; 6,86; 7,01; 9.18; 10.01
Относительная калибровка мВ Калибровка по одной точке
Разрешение мВ 0,1 мВ
Разрешение рН 0,001 pH; 0,01 pH
Температурная компенсация рН Автоматическая: от -5,0 до 100.0ºC **
Точность мВ ± 0,2 мВ (± 999,9 мВ); ± 1 мВ (± 2000 мВ)
Точность рН (при 25 ° C / 77 ° F) ±0,01 pH; ±0,002 pH

Для покупки товара в нашем интернет-магазине выберите понравившийся товар и добавьте его в корзину. Далее перейдите в Корзину и нажмите на «Оформить заказ» или «Быстрый заказ». Или воспользуйтесь формой «Оставьте заявку».

Когда оформляете быстрый заказ, напишите ФИО, телефон и e-mail. С Вами свяжется менеджер и уточнит условия заказа. По результатам разговора вам придет подтверждение оформления товара на почту.

Наличный расчет

принимается в российских рублях в нашем магазине или курьером при
заказе с доставкой. При получении товара обязательно проверьте его
комплектацию, наличие гарантийного талона и чека.

Безналичный расчет

Для юридических лиц
единственная форма оплаты — перевод на расчетный счет. Данный способ
оплаты возможен при 100% предоплате, оплате 30/70 и постоплате.

подтверждения заказа на e-mail будет выслано уведомление и вложенный
счет на оплату со всеми реквизитами для осуществления перевода,
необходимыми подписями и печатью.

Как только денежные средства
поступят на наш расчетный счет, выбранные вами при создании Заказа
товары будут зарезервированы, и начнется его комплектация.

Оплата картой

Вы можете совершить покупку с помощью банковской карты в нашем центре продаж или на данном сайте.

Оплата происходит через сервис Яндекс.Деньги с использованием Банковских карт следующих платежных систем:

Варианты доставки

  • Доставка курьером до дверей по всей России
  • Доставка до терминала транспортной компании в Вашем городе по всей России
  • Самовывоз из нашего офиса — г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Новолитовская, д.15А, оф. 333

Сроки доставки по России

Сроки доставки зависят от удаленности Вашего региона

Сроки доставки по России

Условия доставки:

Стоимость доставки включается в стоимость товара или оплачивается отдельно транспортной компании.

При получении товара Вам будут предоставлены товарная накладная или УПД и оригинал счёта.

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