Hemorrhoidal suppositories инструкция на русском

Описание основано на официальной инструкции, утверждено компанией-производителем

Описание препарата Натальсид® (суппозитории ректальные, 250 мг) основано на официальной инструкции, утверждено компанией-производителем в 2020 году

Дата согласования: 17.09.2020

Особые отметки:

Отпускается без рецепта


  • Фотографии упаковок
  • Действующее вещество
  • ATX
  • Фармакологическая группа
  • Нозологическая классификация (МКБ-10)
  • Состав
  • Описание лекарственной формы
  • Фармакологическое действие
  • Фармакодинамика
  • Фармакокинетика
  • Показания
  • Противопоказания
  • Применение при беременности и кормлении грудью
  • Способ применения и дозы
  • Побочные действия
  • Взаимодействие
  • Передозировка
  • Особые указания
  • Форма выпуска
  • Производитель
  • Условия отпуска из аптек
  • Условия хранения
  • Срок годности
  • Заказ в аптеках Москвы
  • Отзывы

Фотографии упаковок

Натальсид®: супп. рект. 250 мг, №10 - 5 шт. - уп. контурн. яч. (2)  - пач. картон.


Действующее вещество


Фармакологическая группа


Суппозитории ректальные 1 супп.
действующее вещество:  
натрия алгинат (натрия альгинат) 250 мг
вспомогательные вещества: жир твердый (Витепсол (марка H15, W35), Суппосир (марка NA15, NAS50)  

Описание лекарственной формы

Суппозитории торпедообразной формы белого с коричневатым оттенком, светло-коричневого или светло-серого с коричневатым оттенком цвета, допускается появление налета на поверхности суппозитория и наличие на срезе воздушного стержня и воронкообразного углубления.

Фармакологическое действие

Фармакологическое действие



Действующее вещество препарата — натрия алгинат — природный полисахарид, получаемый из бурых морских водорослей. Оказывает выраженное гемостатическое, противовоспалительное и репаративное действие.


Не описана.


хронические анальные трещины в стадии эпителизации;

хронический кровоточащий геморрой;

проктосигмоидит и воспалительные явления в прямой кишке в послеоперационном периоде.


гиперчувствительность к компонентам препарата;

детский возраст (до 14 лет).

Применение при беременности и кормлении грудью

Препарат Натальсид® не противопоказан при беременности и в период грудного вскармливания.

Способ применения и дозы

Ректально. Перед применением суппозиторий освобождают от контурной упаковки. Суппозиторий вводят в прямую кишку после самопроизвольного опорожнения кишечника или очистительной клизмы.

Взрослым и детям старше 14 лет — по 1 супп. 2 раза в сутки. Длительность курса лечения препаратом Натальсид® — 7–14 дней.

Побочные действия

Возможны аллергические реакции.

Если любые из указанных в описании побочных эффектов усугубляются или пациент заметил любые другие побочные эффекты, не указанные в описании, следует сообщить об этом врачу.


Клинически значимых лекарственных взаимодействий отмечено не было.


Случаи передозировки неизвестны.

При применении препарата в соответствии с описанием передозировка маловероятна.

Особые указания

Влияние на способность управлять транспортными средствами и механизмами. Применение препарата не оказывает влияния на способность к управлению транспортными средствами, работе с механизмами.

Форма выпуска

Суппозитории ректальные, 250 мг. По 5 супп. в контурной ячейковой упаковке из пленки ПВХ, ламинированной ПЭ. 2 контурные ячейковые упаковки в пачке из картона.


Производитель/организация, принимающая претензии: АО «Нижфарм». 603950, Россия, Нижний Новгород, ул. Салганская, 7.

Тел.: (831) 278-80-88; факс: (831) 430-72-28.

e-mail: med@stada.ru

Условия отпуска из аптек

Без рецепта.

Условия хранения

При температуре не выше 25 °C.

Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.

Срок годности

3 года.

Не применять по истечении срока годности, указанного на упаковке.

Дата обновления: 15.11.2022

Заказ в аптеках

Выбор региона:

Представленная информация о ценах на препараты не является предложением о продаже или покупке товара.

Информация предназначена исключительно для сравнения цен в стационарных аптеках, осуществляющих деятельность в
соответствии со статьей 55 Федерального закона «Об обращении лекарственных средств» от 12.04.2010 № 61-ФЗ.


Прочитайте все отзывы и оставьте свой

Действующее вещество

— натрия алгинат (sodium alginate)

Состав и форма выпуска препарата

Суппозитории ректальные белого или почти белого, или белого с коричневатым оттенком, или светло-коричневого, или светло-серого с коричневатым оттенком, или бледно-желтого, или бледно-желтовато-коричневого цвета, торпедообразной формы; допускается появление налета на поверхности суппозитория и наличие на срезе воздушного стержня или воронкообразного углубления у основания.

Вспомогательные вещества: жир твердый — до получения массы суппозитория 2250 мг.

5 шт. — упаковки ячейковые контурные (1) — пачки картонные.
5 шт. — упаковки ячейковые контурные (2) — пачки картонные.
5 шт. — упаковки ячейковые контурные (3) — пачки картонные.

Фармакологическое действие

Гемостатический препарат для местного применения. Представляет собой природный полисахарид, получаемый из бурых морских водорослей. Оказывает выраженное гемостатическое действие, обладает противовоспалительными и репаративными свойствами.


Трещины заднего прохода в стадии эпителизации, хронический кровоточащий геморрой, проктосигмоидит, воспаления прямой кишки в послеоперационном периоде.


Повышенная чувствительность к натрия алгинату.


Применяют ректально 2 раза/сут. Длительность курса лечения составляет 7-14 дней в зависимости от тяжести заболевания.

Побочные действия

Возможно: аллергические реакции.

Беременность и лактация

Возможно ректальное применение при беременности и в период лактации по показаниям.

Описание препарата Геморрекс основано на официально утвержденной инструкции по применению и утверждено компанией–производителем.

Предоставленная информация о ценах на препараты не является предложением о продаже или покупке товара. Информация предназначена исключительно для сравнения цен в стационарных аптеках, осуществляющих деятельность в соответствии со статьей 55 ФЗ «Об обращении лекарственных средств».

Обнаружили ошибку? Выделите ее и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

Состав на 1 суппозиторий:

Действующее вещество:

Хлоргексидина биглюконата раствор 20 % (в пересчете на хлоргексидина биглюконат — 16 мг) — 85,2 мг.

Вспомогательные вещества: макротел-1500 (полиэтиленгликоль 1500) — 2533,3 мг, макрогол-400 (полиэтиленгликоль 400) — 225,2 мг, макрогол-4000 (полиэтиленгликоль 4000) — 56,3 мг.

Суппозитории белого или белого с желтоватым оттенком цвета, торпедообразной формы. Допускается мраморность поверхности.

Антисептическое средство

АТХ G01AX Прочие антисептики и противомикробные препараты для лечения гинекологических заболеваний


Местное антисептическое средство с преимущественно бактерицидным действием в отношении грамположительных и грамотрицательных бактерий, оказывает фунгицидное и вирулицидное действие (в отношении липофильных вирусов). Активен в отношении простейших, грамположительных и грамотрицательных бактерий, вирусов, в том числе Treponema pallidum. Chlamydia spp.. Ureaplasma spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis. Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides fragilis, Herpes simplex 2 типа. К препарату слабочувствительны некоторые штаммы Pseudomonas spp., Proteus spp., а также устойчивы кислотоустойчивые формы бактерий, споры бактерий. Хлоргексидин не нарушает функциональную активность лактобактерий. Сохраняет активность (хотя и несколько пониженную) в присутствии крови, гноя.


Системная абсорбция при интравагинальном применении незначительная.

Лечение бактериального вагиноза, кольпитов (в том числе неспецифических, смешанных, трихомонадных).

Профилактика инфекционно-воспалительных осложнений в акушерстве и гинекологии (перед оперативным лечением гинекологических заболеваний, перед родами и абортом, до и после установки внутриматочной спирали (ВМС), до и после диатермокоагуляции шейки матки, перед внутриматочными исследованиями).

Профилактика инфекций, передаваемых половым путем (хламидиоз, уреаплазмоз, трихомониаз, гонорея, сифилис, генитальный герпес) — применение не позднее 2 ч после полового акта.

Повышенная чувствительность к хлоргексидину и другим компонентам препарата, детский возраст до 18 лет.

При беременности и в период грудного вскармливания применение препарата возможно, если предполагаемая польза для матери преобладает над потенциальным риском для плода и ребенка.

Перед применением препарата, если Вы беременны, или предполагаете, что Вы могли бы быть беременной, или планируете беременность, необходимо проконсультироваться с врачом. Перед применением препарата в период грудного вскармливания необходимо проконсультироваться с врачом.

Интравагинально. Перед применением суппозиторий рекомендуется смочить в воде.

Для лечения: по 1 вагинальному суппозиторию 2 раза в сутки в течение 7-10 дней.

Для профилактики инфекций, передаваемых половым путем: 1 вагинальный суппозиторий не позднее 2 часов после незащищенного полового акта.

Если симптомы заболевания сохраняются более 7 дней, рекомендуется обратиться к врачу. Применяйте препарат только согласно тому способу применения и в тех дозах, которые указаны в инструкции по применению. В случае необходимости, пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с врачом перед применением лекарственного препарата.

Возможны аллергические реакции (сыпь, зуд), жжение. Хлоргексидин
в очень редких случаях (< 0,0001 %) может вызвать реакции повышенной чувствительности, включая тяжелые аллергические реакции и анафилаксию. В отдельных случаях возможно появление сукровичных выделений из влагалища.

Если любые из указанных в инструкции побочных эффектов усугубляются, или Вы заметили любые другие побочные эффекты, не указанные в инструкции, сообщите об этом врачу.

Случаи передозировки неизвестны. При применении препарата в соответствии с инструкцией по применению передозировка маловероятна.

Не рекомендуется одновременное применение с йодом.

Хлоргексидин не совместим с детергентами, содержащими анионную группу (сапонины, натрия лаурилсульфат, натрия карбоксиметилцеллюлоза), и мылами, если они вводятся интравагинально.

Если Вы применяете вышеперечисленные средства или другие лекарственные препараты (в том числе безрецептурные) перед применением препарата проконсультируйтесь с врачом.

Препарат предназначен для интравагинального применения у взрослых. При возникновении неприятных ощущений после введения суппозитория (зуда, жжения) применение препарата следует прекратить. При применении препарата возможно увеличение количества выделений из влагалища. Как правило, при небольшом количестве прозрачных выделений лечение препаратом можно не прерывать. При появлении сукровичных выделений рекомендуется прекратить применение препарата и проконсультироваться с врачом. После контакта с препаратом следует вымыть руки, во избежание возможного попадания хлоргексидина в глаза. Туалет наружных половых органов не влияет на эффективность и переносимость суппозиториев, так как препарат применяется интравагинально.

Применение препарата не оказывает влияния на способность управлять транспортными средствами, механизмами.

Суппозитории вагинальные 16 мг.

По 1, 2 суппозиториев в контурной ячейковой упаковке из пленки из полимерных материалов ПВХ/ПЭ или пленки ПВХ/ПЭ белой комбинированной или из пленки поливинилхлоридной.

По 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 контурных ячейковых упаковок вместе с инструкцией по медицинскому применению препарата помещают в пачку из картона.

По 3 суппозитория в контурной ячейковой упаковке из пленки из полимерных материалов ПВХ/ПЭ или пленки ПВХ/ПЭ белой комбинированной или из пленки поливинилхлоридной.

По 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 контурных ячейковых упаковок вместе с инструкцией по медицинскому применению препарата помещают в пачку из картона.

По 4 суппозитория в контурной ячейковой упаковке из пленки из полимерных материалов ПВХ/ПЭ или пленки ПВХ/ПЭ белой комбинированной или из пленки поливинилхлоридной.

По 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 контурных ячейковых упаковок вместе с инструкцией по медицинскому применению препарата помещают в пачку из картона.

По 5 суппозиториев в контурной ячейковой упаковке из пленки из полимерных материалов ПВХ/ПЭ или пленки ПВХ/ПЭ белой комбинированной или из пленки поливинилхлоридной.

По 1, 2, 3, 4 контурных ячейковых упаковки вместе с инструкцией по медицинскому применению препарата помещают в пачку из картона.

По 6 суппозиториев в контурной ячейковой упаковке из пленки из полимерных материалов ПВХ/ПЭ или пленки ПВХ/ПЭ белой комбинированной или из пленки поливинилхлоридной.

По 1, 2, 3 контурных ячейковых упаковки вместе с инструкцией по медицинскому применению препарата помещают в пачку из картона.

По 7, 8, 9, 10 суппозиториев в контурной ячейковой упаковке из пленки из полимерных материалов ПВХ/ПЭ или пленки ПВХ/ПЭ белой комбинированной или из пленки поливинилхлоридной.

По 1, 2 контурных ячейковых упаковки вместе с инструкцией по медицинскому применению препарата помещают в пачку из картона.

На каждую контурную ячейковую упаковку наносят текст напрямую или наклеивают этикетку.

При температуре не выше 25°С.

Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.

2 года.

Не использовать после истечения срока годности.

Без рецепта

Регистрационный номер


Дата регистрации


Владелец регистрационного удостоверения





Instructions for the use of suppositories from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidal suppositories are most popular among other therapies for this disease, although there are a lot of such drugs in the pharmacy network: creams and gel forms, tablets and capsules. The variety of medical assortment for the treatment of hemorrhoids is impressive — in fact the disease is common, therefore, there are a lot of means for its treatment. However, today we will focus on the most popular and effective dosage form — the rectal suppository (Suppositoria rectalia).

Specifically, which suppository to appoint — decides, of course, a specialist, based on the survey and the necessary analyzes. Do not choose yourself and buy a suppository in the pharmacy, even if in the commercial you are guaranteed a one hundred percent cure for the disease: with the most positive feedback, it just might not suit you. Medicines are selected individually, the patient’s condition and age, neglect and stage of the process, the sensitivity of the organism to the preparations of this pharmacological group and many other parameters are taken into account. After all, hemorrhoids have four degrees of development, and sometimes the application of supposedly very effective remedies can not bring any result. A doctor’s consultation will help you choose the right drug. And we just tell you the necessary information on this topic.

How to enter a suppository against hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoidal suppository is used by the prescription of the doctor-proctologist from 1 to 4 times a day. Before use, hygiene procedures should be performed in the perineal region; The rectal suppository should be removed from the package and used immediately, since the product has a natural oil base and may melt in the hands at the slightest delay.

The introduction of suppositories is carried out with clean hands (you can use medical gloves) deep into the rectum, with a rounded end forward. After the procedure, wash your hands with soap and water. It is recommended to lie down quietly for half an hour after the administration of suppositoria rectalia. The unpleasant sensations that have arisen during the procedure must be fully covered within a few minutes.

After the introduction of the drug in the rectum, the suppository melts and the drug is sucked into the blood. The active substances that make up the candle cover the affected walls of the vessels and the surrounding tissues and soften the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Suppositories from internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids — this is the stage of the disease, in which there is an increase and protrusion of the internal veins of the anus. If treatment is undertaken immediately after the onset of symptoms, the effect can be achieved without the use of surgical intervention.

Among the popular candles that are used to treat internal hemorrhoids, you can name the following:

  • Proctosedil — contain tsinhokain and hydrocortisone, have anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect;
  • Procto-gliwenol — venotonizing agent with an anesthetic effect, promotes visual reduction of venous nodes, tightening of cracks, alleviation of painful sensations;
  • Posterizan — tonic preparation, activates the restoration of affected tissues;
  • Relief — anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, reduces the symptoms of pain and itching;
  • Adrenaline suppositoria rectalia — reduces bleeding, soreness; contraindicated in hypertension;
  • Natalside — a natural rectal agent, can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Suppositories from external hemorrhoids

With external hemorrhoids, the enlarged veins protrude outward: they become visible. Rectal suppository can also be used in this disease course.

  • Gepatrombin G — universal suppository for all forms of hemorrhoids. Acts as a preventive measure against bleeding, accelerates recovery and increases tissue tone;
  • Relief — also used for all types of hemorrhoids, stops bleeding, heals cracks in the anus;
  • Anestezol is an analgesic rectal preparation. It requires caution when applied: causes an increase in blood pressure;
  • Doloproct — relieves the symptoms of pain, burning, swelling;
  • Procto-gliovenol — reduces the permeability of the capillary wall, has a local analgesic effect;
  • Fitoreal suppositoria rectalia — eliminate constipation, tenderness and bleeding of the hemorrhoids;
  • Aurobin — eliminates the negative symptoms of the disease, heals wounds, removes inflammation;
  • Witch hazel — strengthens the vascular walls.

Suppositories from hemorrhoids after childbirth

Rectal drugs after childbirth, as well as suppositories from hemorrhoids during lactation, are an urgent issue for many women who are concerned about rectal vein disease. Hemorrhoids can also form as a result of severe delivery. Prolonged labor can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids in the parturient woman. Many women have hemorrhoids even before the birth, and during them the course of the disease is aggravated.

Touches in the process of delivery, the woman strains, as a result of which increases intra-abdominal pressure, the blood vessels are full. This helps to expand the weak walls of the vessels, which manifests itself in the form of knots and protrusion of veins.

After the birth of the child begins the period of breastfeeding the baby. At this time, the baby, along with the milk, receives all the useful and harmful substances that have got into the mother’s body with food or with the medicines it takes. This can adversely affect the health and condition of the child.

That is why it is important during these periods of a woman’s life to use only natural preparations based on natural ingredients. The choice and use of rectal suppositories after childbirth and during breastfeeding should consult a doctor who will appoint a more appropriate option.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids for men

Hemorrhoids occur frequently in men. This is due to poor work of the intestine, the use of alcoholic beverages, lifting and wearing heavy loads, sedentary office work.

Most of the men go to the doctor only when «really bad», not realizing that the disease in later stages is much worse to treat. A neglected current, moreover, can only be treated surgically.

Effective treatment of male hemorrhoids is possible, it should be determined by the stage of development of the disease and individual characteristics of the body.

A specialist can prescribe an antihemorrhoidal suppository at his own discretion, at the same time it is recommended to change his lifestyle, give up bad habits, monitor food and avoid prolonged sitting position. If such recommendations are not followed, suppositoria rectalia will only have a temporary effect, since the cause of the pathology will remain.

Among men, the most popular are the suppository Relief, Gepatrombin G, Proctoglivenol. They reduce soreness, relieve swelling and inflammatory reaction, dilute blood clots.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids for children

Hemorrhoids in childhood are not so common. Therefore, there are no special children’s suppositories in medical practice. In the treatment of hemorrhoids in children, the usual rectal suppository for adults is used, dividing them into parts in order to reduce the dosage of the active substances of the preparation.

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories for children should be at least safe for the child. The annotation to the use of suppositoria rectalia always indicates whether their use is possible for the treatment of children. Do not use Suppositoria rectalia on your own: only the pediatrician or proctologist can prescribe the dosage and type of medication for the baby.

In childhood, suppositoria rectalia is allowed for use on the basis of homeopathic remedies that contain natural plant components. Contraindications to the use of such drugs can only be allergic manifestations and reactions to the components of candles.

Many suppositories have not been tested at all on the possibility of their use in childhood, so the question of their use should be decided by the doctor.

The names of suppositories from hemorrhoids and a brief description of them

There are quite a few species of rectal antihemorrhoidal suppositories. In order to sort out a little among such drugs, let’s consider the most popular ones.

  • Methyluracil suppositories (posterisan)

Such suppositoria rectalia heal the cracks of the anal opening, dissolve inflammatory infiltrates, promote the restoration of affected tissue sites, reduce painful phenomena.

  • Anti-inflammatory suppositories

These are suppositories containing substances that inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic flora. Such substances can be natural antiseptics (a preparation of propolis, sclavamine), artificial antiseptics (preparations of ichthyol, phenol, bismuth), nonsteroidal drugs (preparations of indomethacin, voltarenes) and steroid agents (hormones of the adrenal cortex).

  • Painkillers Suppositories

Removed one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids — soreness in the anus. This ability is possessed by virtually all antihemorrhoidal suppositories.

  • Glycerin Suppositories

Soften the skin, accelerate the tightening of microcracks, prevent stagnant fecal masses in the rectum, facilitate the emptying of the intestine.

  • Homeopathic suppositories

Special suppositoria rectalia, consisting exclusively of plant components, in certain doses possessing all the necessary properties to treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Gently restore tissue disorders, suitable even for pregnant women and children.

  • Hemostatic suppositories

Contain special substances that increase blood coagulation. In particular, this ability is possessed by a suppository with adrenaline content.

  • Vegetable suppositories

To vegetable suppositories are homeopathic suppositoria rectalia, preparations with bellies, sea buckthorn, calendula, seaweed. These rectal agents are made on the basis of plants: they practically have no side effects and contraindications.

  • Novocain suppositories

Used for considerable painful sensations in the anus, since they contain an anesthetic of local action novocain, which effectively and permanently removes pain.

  • Suppositories with antibiotic

Applied in the treatment of hemorrhoids, complicated by the attachment of infection. Such suppositories inhibit pathogenic microflora, facilitating and accelerating the healing process.

  • Sea-buckthorn suppositories

A natural preparation, used as an analgesic and antipruritic agent, removes irritation of mucous membranes, provides tissue regeneration.

  • Suppositories with propolis

Propolis is a natural source of biologically active elements. It has antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal action, stimulates immunity, relieves pain.

  • Ichthyol suppositories

Ichthiol is produced from resinous substances that are formed during the coking of oil shales. Preparations based on ichthyol favorably affect the affected tissue, remove signs of edema and inflammation, have an antiseptic effect.

  • Suppositories with calendula

Refer to homeopathic suppositories. Natural remedy, has no contraindications.

  • Suppositories from potatoes

People’s method of treating the disease. From raw potatoes an improvised candle is cut out, which is injected into the anus at night for 15-20 days. Potato has enveloping properties, reduces signs of irritation of the mucous membranes, strengthens the walls of the vessels.

  • Suppositories with aloe

Aloe is a well-known resorptive and immunostimulating, regenerative alternative. It is used as a homemade «candle» from a plant, when a part of the leaf is cut from the thorns and inserted into the anus like a standard candle. Use at night the next day for a month.

  • Suppositories with menthol

Such suppositories are suppositoria rectalia «Ichthyol», «Anestezol». Menthol has a cooling and soothing effect, which significantly improves the patient’s condition.

  • Indian suppositories

The anti-hemorrhoids produced by the Indian company Elegant India have proved themselves with a very good side. This is a relatively inexpensive drug, effectively removing all known symptoms of hemorrhoids.

  • Suppositories with chamomile

This is a popular method of treating hemorrhoids. Pour 1 tbsp. L. Dry raw material 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, filter. Infuse pour in a rubber fingertip or medical glove and put in the freezer. The received suppository in the form of a finger is used for the night, inserting into the anus. The remedy is used every other day for a month. The prescription is folk, so before using, you should consult a doctor.

  • Relief

Anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound-healing preparation. Reduces the release of exudate, reduces the phenomenon of puffiness. Applied both with external and internal hemorrhoids.

  • Natalside

Contain sodium alginate, which is produced from seaweed. This substance reduces bleeding and heals even chronic anal fissures.

  • Proctosus

A preparation of bismuth, titanium and lidocaine. Has analgesic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Anusole

The components of the drug are the extract of belladonna, bismuth and zinc sulfate. Suppositories have a disinfectant, antispasmodic, drying properties, increase the tone of the sphincter.

  • Posterizan

It stimulates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, works as a preventive means of attaching a pathogenic infection.

  • Nizhpharm

Nizhpharm is a well-known pharmaceutical company that produces such antihemorrhoidal suppositories as Ichthyol, Anestezol, Analgin, Proctosan, Posterizan, Anuzol, and others.

  • Hepatrombin

They have prednisolone, heparin and polydocanol bases. They prevent thrombosis, remove signs of inflammation, promote sclerosis of varicose-dilated vessels, causing their narrowing and reduction of protrusions.

  • Advance

Relate to the Relief series, produced on the basis of cocoa butter. Have a pronounced immunomodulatory, hemostatic action, contain vitamins and anti-inflammatory substances.

  • Anestezol

They contain bismuth, benzocaine, zinc and menthol. Provide mestnoobesebovayuschee, astringent action, facilitate the act of defecation.

  • Proctos

Natural in composition suppositories, contain extracts yarrow, coriander, licorice, hay. They act as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and laxative.

  • Suppositories with adrenaline

They have analgesic and hemostatic effect. Do not appoint hypertensive people and people prone to increased blood pressure.

  • Proctosedil

Reduces fragility of blood vessels, analgesizes, relieves inflammation and itching, prevents blood clotting.

  • Suppositories of belladonna

Extract belladonna (belladonna) helps with cracks in the anal opening, well anesthetizes and relieves burning sensation.

  • Ultraproject

Contain glucocorticosteroid, derivatives of fluocortolone and cinchocaine, which justifies the analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect of suppositories.

  • Suppositories with papaverine

Papaverine is a known antispasmodic. It relieves spasms of vessels and smooth muscles, produces an anesthetic effect, promotes the acceleration of blood circulation due to the widening of the vascular lumen.

  • Diclofenac

They remove puffiness and pain, relax the smooth muscles, eliminate inflammation. When hemorrhoids are used rarely, as they can cause a burning sensation in the anus, as well as the development of rectal bleeding.

  • Synthomycin candles

This is a levomycetin antibacterial drug, used mainly in gynecology. However, the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the drug makes it possible to use it in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

  • Suppositories with indomethacin

Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent used for arthritis, neuralgia, and prostatitis. Hemorrhoids is a contraindication for the use of the drug because of its aggressive effect on irritated mucous membranes.

  • Suppositories with lidocaine

These suppositories include Procto-Glivenol, they have good therapeutic activity and quickly and permanently relieve pain.

  • Ketonal

Ketonal has a good analgesic effect due to the substance ketoprofen. When hemorrhoids are used mainly after operations on the rectum as an analgesic.

  • Betiol

Suppositories from the extract of belladonna and ichthyol, are used for protrusion and inflammation of veins and painful cracks in the anus.

  • Viferon

Viferon is an antiviral agent, and its use in hemorrhoids is somewhat inexpedient. However, its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties allow the use of the drug for the healing of wounds and cracks in the anus.

  • Kyzyl May

Suppositories contain polyphyte oil, which softens the nodes and has a positive effect on the course of the disease.

  • Gemolol

Contain horse chestnut, chamomile, belladonna, cinquefoil and anesthetic benzocaine, which together have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

  • Witch hazel

Extract from the plant witch hazel, homeopathic remedy on a natural basis. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, contributes to the subsidence of the symptoms of the disease.

  • Buscopan

Buscopan is used for spasmodic pains in the digestive system, as a means of relaxing the smooth muscles of the internal organs. The use of the drug for hemorrhoids has not been studied.

  • Voltaren

Anti-inflammatory suppositories, which, however, are not recommended for use in inflammation of the rectum and anal fissures. Such suppositories can aggravate mucosal irritation.

  • Bezornil

Bezornil consists of many useful substances that have astringent, restoring, analgesic, hemostatic effect.

  • Salofalk

Mesalazine (salofalk) has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be used to treat inflammation in hemorrhoids, as well as rapid relief of symptoms.

Among the huge variety of drugs to choose one is quite difficult. So remember that the best suppository from hemorrhoids are those candles that are right for you. All local drugs are selected individually, and not the fact that the drug that helped your brother, neighbor or friend, will help you. Feedback on the suppositoria rectalia from hemorrhoids can be different, since both organisms are different, and the stages and course of the disease has its own individual characteristics. Consult your doctor, experiment, and you will find «your» drug, which will help get rid of the disease.

Suppositories from hemorrhoids for the face

Antigemorroidalnye suppository for the face — it sounds strange, does not it? Nevertheless, many female experimenters actively use the suppository and ointments from hemorrhoids as a cosmetic for the face.

Especially popular among the fair sex are the medical suppositories Relief with shark fat. According to users, the substances that make up this drug, serve to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, as well as smooth the existing ones. This drug is able to repair fading tissues and perfectly removes puffiness on the face.

How do women use an antihemorrhoidal suppository as a facial skin care product? Very simply: the suppositoria rectalia is softened with a water bath or microwave oven to a creamy consistency, then applied to the skin near the eyes, or to other problem areas of the face.

The candle manufacturer, Health Life, does not indicate in the instructions any other suppository application other than rectal administration. Therefore, it’s up to you whether it is worth using such an alternative method.

Price of suppositories from hemorrhoids

Before choosing these or other candles, the consumer, first of all, looks at both the quality and effectiveness of the drug, and at its price. Given the wide variety of antihemorrhoidal drugs, their cost is also quite diverse. Consider the average price for the most popular drugs.

  • Methyluracil, suppositories rectal №10 — 1-1,5 $
  • Glycerin, suppositories — Nizhpharm — 2,5-4 $
  • Romania Antibiotics — 6-7 $
  • Farmina — $ 2.5
  • Relief (Ultra, Advance) — 6-8 $
  • Sea-buckthorn suppositories №10 — 0,8-1 $
  • Propolis Suppositories Lekkhim №5 — 2 $
  • Suppositories with ichthyol — 1 $
  • Proctosan, Proctozan Neo — 6-8 $
  • Anuzole suppository — 1 $
  • Posterizan, Posterizan Forte — $ 10
  • Hepatrombin Hemofarm — 7-8 $
  • Anestesol Lekhim — 1,2-1,5 $
  • Proctosedil (India) № 20 — 3,3-4,3 $
  • Ultraproject (Italy) № 10 — 9-11 $
  • Betiol Leckhim №10 — 1 $
  • Hemolol (Poland) №12 — 7-9 $
  • Salofalk suppositories 500 mg No. 10 (Germany) — $ 19-25

Hemorrhoids can get in the way of life, causing pain, itching, swelling and discomfort. This condition is caused by constipation and excessive pressure on the rectum which irritates and enlarges blood vessels in and around the anus. It can be an incredibly intrusive condition to have to cope with but it’s also one for which there are many relief remedies available. Hemorrhoidal suppositories are one of these remedies that can calm swelling and pain or tackle the constipation that is causing the hemorrhoids in the first place.

In this guide, we’ll go over the effectiveness of hemorrhoidal suppositories as well as what they can treat and how to use them. We’ll talk about how quickly they work, hemorrhoidal suppositories side effects and drug interactions and how suppositories compare to other hemorrhoid treatments that are available. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be able to decide whether or not hemorrhoidal suppositories are right for you. Let’s jump in and take a look at how suppositories for hemorrhoids work!

What Do Hemorrhoid Suppositories Do?

Hemorrhoidal suppositories are designed to provide temporary relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids. They calm swelling, burning and itching, dull the pain and can make you more comfortable as you go about your day to day business. 

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are typically oblong shaped and inserted directly into the rectum. The medication itself is often coated with a lubricating substance such as cocoa butter. Once the suppository is inserted into the rectum, the medication begins to dissolve and disperse, reaching affected areas inside the anus. 

OTC hemorrhoid suppositories usually contain a medication called phenylephrine. The manufacturer’s recommended hemorrhoidal suppositories dosage of phenylephrine, usually up to four insertions a day, can reduce the swelling in affected blood vessels which, in turn, reduces discomfort, pain, itching and burning.  They may also contain ingredients such as coconut oil that can leave a protective barrier on the affected area, so the hemorrhoids are not exacerbated by bowel movements. . 

How to Use Hemorrhoidal Suppositories

Using suppositories can be uncomfortable but it’s relatively easy when you take your time and read all of the instructions that come with the medication. It’s also important to consult with your physician when you have questions about the use of suppositories and clarify any drug interactions. If you are struggling with the application of hemorrhoidal suppositories, you may wish to ask someone close to you to assist. 

To use a suppository for hemorrhoids, take these steps: 

First, you’ll want to evacuate your bowels. That way, you can give the suppository time to dissolve before you have a bowel movement and potentially lose the suppository, so it’s always a good first step to make sure you’re working with empty bowels. 

Next, wash your hands. It’s always best to ensure any bacteria on your hands is washed away prior to handling the suppository so germs are kept away from the affected area.  

Now, it’s time to remove your clothes. You’ll only need your pants and underwear removed far enough to be able to put one leg up.

If your suppository is wrapped, open it up. Often suppositories will come in individual wrappings which should be discarded. 

At this point, you can apply lubrication to the suppository. Some people prefer to apply a non-petroleum based lubricant to the suppository to make it easier to insert. Petroleum-based lubricants may prevent the suppository from melting, so it’s best to use a different kind of lubricant. 

Now it’s time to get into position. You’ll have to find a position with your leg lifted. You can do this with the use of a chair or toilet seat, or even by lying down on your side. One leg should be straight, while the other is pulled in toward your chest. 

Take a moment to take a deep breath and relax. Relaxed muscles are a lot easier to work with. 

Now, it’s time to insert the suppository. Using the narrower end first, push the suppository into your rectum and keep pushing until it’s fully inside. 

Once you’ve inserted the hemorrhoidal suppository, it’s important to rest for a few minutes. Take a seat or lie down for around fifteen minutes to ensure the suppository begins to melt. 

After your fifteen minutes is up, you’ll want to get dressed and wash your hands. You don’t want to transfer any bacteria picked up during this process to any other surfaces. 

Relief should come soon, but it’s important to try not to have a bowel movement for at least one hour.  Hemorrhoidal suppositories use should be limited to around one week to avoid rash and irritation that can come from prolonged use. 

How Long do Hemorrhoid Suppositories Take to Work?

How long do hemorrhoid suppositories take to work? Usually, the soothing action of hemorrhoidal suppositories will kick in within a few minutes of using the medication. As the suppository dissolves, it will continue to deliver pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory effects. Healing may begin within one week of continued use.

Side Effects of Hemorrhoid Suppositories

What are the possible hemorrhoidal suppositories side effects? Hemorrhoidal suppositories don’t often come with side effects when you use the medication as directed. You may feel some discomfort during the application process, depending on how inflamed and raw the affected tissue is. 

However, if you experience certain symptoms, you should stop using the medication right away and see your doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms include severe headache, irregular heartbeat, nervousness or shakiness, or trouble sleeping. You may also be alert for any signs of allergy to this medication though this type of allergy is incredibly rare. 

Precautions for Using Hemorrhoidal Suppositories

It’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new medication. You can have your doctor or pharmacist check the ingredients of any suppositories you’re intending on using and make sure there is nothing that you are allergic to. They may also want to check for drug interactions. If you have diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure or an enlarged prostate, it’s especially important to seek the advice of your physician before using hemorrhoidal suppositories. Pregnancy may also be a risk factor for some suppositories so ask your doctor which product is best for you. 

Prolonged use of hemorrhoid suppositories can cause irritation and rash. It’s best practice to use this form of medication for no longer than a week to avoid these problems.

Suppositories vs. Creams for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be broken down into two types: internal and external. 

Internal hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels inside of the rectum, while external hemorrhoids form on the outside of the anus. Hemorrhoid suppositories are best used for internal hemorrhoids. If you’re struggling with external hemorrhoids, you may prefer the use of hemorrhoid creams and ointments. 

Topical treatments for hemorrhoids can be over-the-counter or prescription-strength and offer medicinal ingredients that relieve itching, swelling, burning and pain. 

A hemorrhoid suppository will offer longer-lasting relief than a topical cream, because the medication is absorbed slowly by the rectal tissue as it breaks down, but it takes longer to kick in. 

Relief provided by hemorrhoid creams and ointments is often instantaneous, while the relief suppositories provide gradually increases as the medication is absorbed.

At Doctor Butler’s we do not make a suppository because we’ve found that ease and relief of ointment is sufficient for most people.

Other At-Home Remedies

If you’re set on trying a hemorrhoid suppository however, you might prefer a DIY, home made method. While a homemade suppository will not have any of the active ingredients that medicine provides, these alternatives to over-the-counter medicated hemorrhoid suppositories can still give you relief from itching, burning, swelling and pain. 

Coconut Oil Suppositories

Coconut oil suppositories are easy to make and use. Simply cool coconut oil in the shape of a suppository so it can be handled without melting. Popping it in the freezer until it is solid is the best way to achieve this. Then insert it into the rectum just as you would a medicated suppository. The temperature of these homemade suppositories will instantly cool the affected area, providing a calming effect to any swelling, burning or itching. As the oil melts, it provides a protective barrier to the hemorrhoids so that any forthcoming bowel movements will have minimal irritating effects on the area. Coconut oil is also known to be a natural anti-inflammatory which can reduce the swelling, bringing longer-lasting relief from pain and discomfort. Be sure to wash your hands before making the suppository, before inserting it and after you’ve inserted it. 

Mineral Oil

Similarly to the coconut oil suppositories, you can make suppositories that include mineral oil. Mineral oil is one of the most common natural remedies for constipation and will have a mild laxative effect to relieve any constipation that is exacerbating your hemorrhoids. As constipation is often a cause of many cases of hemorrhoids in the first place, this remedy offers added relief. 

Mix a little bit of mineral oil into the coconut oil this time before you freeze it in the shape of a suppository. You may also use other solid oils such as cocoa butter. When the mixture is solid, insert the suppository into your rectum with clean hands and wash your hands afterwards. The coolness provides instant relief, while the mineral oil is absorbed into your body which can help make bowel movements easier.  

Pair this with a high fiber diet and your constipation is bound to ease. 

Final Thoughts on Finding Relief with Hemorrhoidal Suppositories

The best hemorrhoidal suppositories are going to be those that contain phenylephrine to reduce swelling, and a protectant like mineral oil or coconut oil to make bowel movements less painful.

Suppositories are a tried and true method of reducing internal hemorrhoid pain, but with our expertise at Doctor Butler’s, we’ve found that most patients prefer the convenience of an ointment and an applicator.

With ointment, you don’t need to wait to make sure the suppository stays in place after applying before going about your day or heading to bed. Ointment based over-the-counter hemorrhoid topical treatments offer instant relief from the discomfort of internal hemorrhoids, and external hemorrhoids as well.

And, one tube of ointment will last longer than the typical 12 pack of suppositories.

Whether you go with suppositories, ointments, non-medicated methods like sitz bath soaks, or applications of warm witch hazel (like we recommend in our treatment plan here), if your symptoms do not clear up in one to two weeks you should speak to a physician ASAP.

Take a look at Doctor Butler’s catalog of hemorrhoid ointment options, soothing wipes, witch hazel sprays, epsom salts and specially designed cushions for comfort. Don’t wait to find relief for your hemorrhoids. Try these remedies today.

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