Hi981030 ph тестер для почвы инструкция

Care and Maintenance

To obtain the highest accuracy for measurements it is important to follow these tips:

• Fresh buffer should be used for each calibration. Calibration is only as good as the

buffer being used. The pH buffer values change over time once the sachets are opened.

• The probe should be rinsed with purified water each time before placing in buffer or

sample to be tested.

• When the meter is not in use it is important to add several drops of storage solution to

the protective cap to keep the probe hydrated. If storage solution is not available, pH

4.01 or pH 7.01 buffer can be used.

• For improved accuracy it is recommended to calibrate in two buffers.

• It is important to calibrate and measure samples at the same temperature as there

is no temperature compensation. A dramatic change in temperature between buffer

solutions and samples to be tested will give inaccurate readings.

Refilling the Electrode

• If fouled, remove the sleeve and rinse sleeve and sensor tip with purified water.

Turn over the probe, remove the sleeve by carefully rotating it and pull straight

along the axis of the electrode. Use

care as the pH stem is made of glass.

Rinse off any traces of electrolyte gel.

• Soak the sensor tip in HI70061G,

HI700661P, HI700663P or HI700664P

cleaning solution for 20 minutes then

rinse with purified water.

• Refill the reference well with HI9071

Gelled Bridge Electrolyte.

• Replace the reference sleeve: insert and

push the sleeve onto the electrode. Make

sure the black O-ring is fixed inside the

electrode body. Any excess of gel will be

expelled from the end of the electrode through the open junction.

• Rinse any excess gel off with purified water and gently dry off

body with a soft cloth or tissue.

• Soak assembled probe in Electrode storage solution for a

minimum of 30 minutes.

• Rinse probe with purified water.

• Shake the electrode down as you would do with a clinical

thermometer to eliminate any air bubbles inside the glass bulb.

• Calibrate in fresh buffers before using for measurements.


The meter is warranted for a period of one year against defects in workmanship and materials when

used for their intended purpose and maintained according to instructions. This warranty is limited to

repair or replacement free of charge. Damage due to accidents, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed

maintenance is not covered. If service is required, contact your local Hanna Instruments Office. If under

warranty, report the model number, date of purchase, serial number and the nature of the problem. If the

repair is not covered by the warranty, you will be notified of the charges incurred. If the instrument is to

be returned to Hanna Instruments, first obtain a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number from the

Technical Service department and then send it with shipping costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument,

make sure it is properly packaged for complete protection.

All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of

the copyright owner, Hanna Instruments Inc., Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 02895, USA.


From measurement mode, press and hold the

ON/OFF button. The meter will cycle through

«OFF,» «CAL,» then current auto-off setting.

The default setting is 8 minutes («d08»). Press

ON/OFF button to change. «d60» is auto-off after

60 minutes, and «d—» disables the auto-off

feature. Press and hold the button to exit the


Clear Calibration

Place meter in calibration mode. Press and hold

ON/OFF until «CLr» is displayed. The meter will

now be at default calibration.

«Err» Message

In calibration mode, if the meter displays an

«Err» message when in the correct fresh buffer

solution then the probe should be cleaned.

Place the probe in the cleaning solution for

20 minutes. Rinse with purified water and place

in storage solution for a minimum of 30 minutes

before calibrating.

Battery Indicator

The meter features a low battery indicator. When

the battery is running low, the tag will blink on

screen. When the battery has been depleted,

«Erb» will appear on screen and the meter will

turn off.

Recommendations for Users

Before using this product, make sure it is entirely suitable for your specific application and for the

environment in which it is used. Any variation introduced by the user to the supplied equipment may

degrade the meters’ performance. For yours and the meter’s safety do not use or store the meter in

hazardous environments.


All Hanna Instruments conform to the CE European Directives.

Disposal of Electrical & Electronic Equipment. The product should not be treated as household

waste. Instead hand it over to the appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic

equipment which will conserve natural resources.

Disposal of waste batteries. This product contains batteries, do not dispose of them

with other household waste. Hand them over to the appropriate collection point for recycling.

Ensuring proper product and battery disposal prevents potential negative consequences for the

environment and human health. For more information, contact your city, your local household waste

disposal service, the place of purchase or go to www.hannainst.com.

Battery Replacement

To change the CR2032 Li-ion battery, turn the battery cover located on the back of the meter

counterclockwise to unlock. Remove cover and replace the battery with + side facing up.

Note: Batteries should only be replaced in a safe area using the battery

type specified in this instruction manual. Old batteries should be disposed in

accordance with local regulations.


pH Buffer Solution




GroLine pH 4.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)


GroLine pH 7.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)


pH 4.01 & 7.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachets (10 pcs., 5 ea.)

Electrode Cleaning Solutions




GroLine general purpose cleaning solution, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)


General purpose cleaning solution for agriculture, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)


Cleaning solution for soil deposits, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)


Cleaning solution for humus deposits, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)

Electrode Storage Solutions




GroLine electrode storage solution, 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)


GroLine electrode storage solution, 230 mL bottle


Electrode storage solution, 13 mL dropper

Electrode Fill Solution





Gelled Bridge Electrolyte


Other Accessories




Soil auger


Soil preparation solution, 230 mL bottle

IST981030 05/18-1



Soil pH Tester

Улучшенные характеристики для высокоточных измерений
Индикатор стабильности показаний на дисплее существенно облегчает работу, указывая на окончание измерения.
Активируемая функция авто-отключения поможет существенно продлить срок службы батареи, если прибор случайно забыли выключить.

Карманный прибор

Компактный размер тестера делает его идеальным для измерений «в поле». Крупные и яркие цифры на LCD дисплее отчетливо видны даже под углом

Батарейки CR2032 Li-ion, входящей в комплект поставки, хватает на 1000 часов непрерывного использования. Прибор имеет индикатор батареи, если индикатор мигает, значит пришло время сменить батарею.

Для обеспечения точности измерений нужно поддерживать электрод в оптимальном состоянии. Электрод HI981030 разработан специально для проведения прямых измерений в почв.

Уникальная открытая диафрагма со съемным рукавом
Если Вы заметили, что прибор стал работать медленнее, просто снимите пластиковый рукав с электрода, очистите его и замените электролит. Чистый датчик со свежим электролитом повысит точность Ваших измерений и продлит срок службы электрода.

Коническая стеклянная мембрана
Конструкция мембраны позволяет внедрять электрод в толщу почвы или жидкой глины, обеспечивая максимальный контакт измерительной части электрода с образцом.

Корпус из ПЭТФ
Полиэтилентерефталат (ПЭТФ) — это высококачественный надежный пластик, стойкий к действию большинства растворителей и химикатов. ПЭТФ выдерживает дезинфекцию хлоркой (отбеливателем)

Анализ показателя рН почвы – важная мера, позволяющая существенно улучшить процесс выращивания цветов и растений, плодовых и декоративных деревьев, овощных культур и других зелёных насаждений, так как данный показатель позволяет судить о состоянии почвы и её пригодности для эффективного роста и развития конкретных видов растений, необходимости добавлять те или иные удобрения и т. д. Вот почему регулярные исследования грунта практикуют как частные садоводы, так и профессионалы сельскохозяйственной сферы и других аналогичных областей. Проявляя заботу об  упрощении их ежедневного труда, компания Ханна Инструментс создала специализированный портативный электронный рН метр HI981030 для почвы, жидкой глины и других аналогичных образцов, качество исследования и эксплуатационные характеристики которого позволили прибору войти в российский Госреестр средств измерений, включающий в себя лишь самое достойное оборудование. В свою очередь, компания-изготовитель тестера HI981030 предоставляет на него годовую гарантию, что также является убедительным доказательством надёжности модели.

Особенности измерения рН почвы с помощью тестера HI981030 Hanna

С тестером HI981030 Hanna Instruments процедура анализа рН почвы максимально упрощается, во многом благодаря специальной конструкции измерительного электрода модели, которая позволяет проводить исследования, как говорится, прямо «в поле», без необходимости достаточно трудоёмкой предварительной подготовки образца измерений. Кроме того, мобильность исследований обеспечивается независимостью устройства от электросети, так как для его работы достаточно комплекта батарей CR2032, поддерживающих непрерывную работу тестера в режиме измерений в течение 1000 часов. Если на дисплее будет мигать индикатор батареи, значит, необходимо заменить их на свежие, а дополнительную энергоэффективность модели обеспечивает активируемая функция автоотключения питания.

Измерения рН почвы с помощью миниатюрного тестера HI981030 можно производить в диапазоне значений 0-14 рН. При рабочей температуре внешней среды от 0 до 50 °C и максимальной влажности 95% точность исследований составит ±0,05 pH.

Бренд HANNA Instruments
Диапазон измерения от 0 до 14,0 pH
Госреестр Внесен
Относительная влажность RH % RH 95% max
Диапазон рабочих температур, С от 0 до 50 °C
Дисплей LCD
Материал корпуса полиэтилентерефталат (ПЭТФ)
Точность ±0,05 pH при 25 °C
Калибровка автоматическая, по одной или двум точкам
Термокомпенсация автоматическая, от 0 до 50 °C
Разрешение 0,01 pH
Автоотключение 8 минут, 60 минут, или выкл.
Дополнительный функционал индикатор состояния батареи, индикатор стабильности показаний
Питание батарея CR2032 Li-ion
Срок службы батареи приблизительно 1000 ч непрерывного использования
Комплектация тестер HI981030, буферы pH 4,01 и 7,01 (по 2 саше), очищающий раствор от почвенных отложений, раствор для очистки от гумуса, раствор для хранения электрода, пипетка, раствор для заполнения электрода, инструкция по эксплуатации, заводской сертификат
Габариты 51 x 151 x 21 мм
Вес 44 г
Гарантия 12 месяцев

Hanna Instruments HI981030 Owner Manual | Manualzz

Note: Never immerse the tester over the maximum immersion level.
From measurement mode, press and hold the ON/OFF button.
The LCD will show "OFF", "CAL" followed by "d08" (default
setting, 8 minutes). Release the ON/OFF button. A single press
on the ON/OFF button will change the auto-off timer to "d60"
(60 minutes). To disable the auto-off feature press the ON/
OFF button again, LCD will show "d--". Press and hold to exit.
Clear Calibration
To clear the user calibration and restore the tester to factory
default. From calibration mode, press and hold the ON/OFF
button, the LCD will show "CLr".
“Err” Message
In calibration mode, if the probe is in the correct buffer
solution and the "Err" message is displayed, the probe
should be cleaned. Soak the probe in cleaning solution for 20
minutes. Rinse with water and hydrate electrode in storage
solution for a minimum of 30 minutes before calibrating.
Battery Indicator
When the battery level is low, the tag on the LCD will blink.
When the battery is depleted the "Erb" message is displayed
and the tester is powered off.
Care & Maintenance
General Information
Please read the information below, to ensure the highest possible accuracy:
• Fresh buffer should be used for each calibration, once the sachets are opened the
buffer value can change over time.
• For improved accuracy a two-point calibration is recommended.
• If the electrode is slow or sluggish, soak it in cleaning solution for 20 minutes.
Rinse with water and hydrate the electrode in storage solution for a minimum of
30 minutes before calibrating.
• If measurements are taken successively, rinse the probe thoroughly in distilled or
deionized water to eliminate cross-contamination.
• When not in use, add a few drops of storage solution to the protective cap to keep
the glass tip and the junction hydrated. If storage solution is not available, pH 4.01
or pH 7.01 buffer can be used. Never store the probe in distilled or deionized water.
• The outer junction sleeve can be removed and cleaned with purified water. Once
cleaned a small amount of supplied gel electrolyte should be added to refresh the
junction and improve the pH measurement.
Refilling the Electrode
• To remove the electrode sleeve, rotate it carefully and slide it off the probe body, keeping
it parallel to the pH electrode.
Note: Handle the probe with care, the
pH electrode stem is made of glass.
• Rinse off any traces of electrolyte gel
from the sleeve. Soak the tip of the pH
electrode in HI70061 General purpose
cleaning solution (or HI700661,
HI700663, HI700664) for 20 minutes.
Rinse with distilled or deionized water.
• Refill the reference well with HI9071
Gelled bridge electrolyte.
• Replace the sleeve making sure that the black O ring is fixed
inside the electrode.
• Rinse off excess gel with distilled or deionized water.
• Shake the probe down as you would do with a clinical
thermometer to eliminate any trapped air bubbles.
• Soak the probe in HI70300 Electrode storage solution for a
minimum of 30 minutes before calibrating.
pH Buffer Solution
GroLine pH 4.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs.)
GroLine pH 7.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs.)
pH 4.01 & 7.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet (10 pcs., 5 each)
Electrode Cleaning Solution
GroLine general purpose cleaning solution, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs.)
General purpose cleaning solution for agriculture, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs.)
Cleaning solution for soil deposits, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs.)
Cleaning solution for humus deposits, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs.)
Electrode Storage Solution
HI70300G GroLine electrode storage solution, 20 mL sachet (25 pcs.)
HI70300-023 GroLine electrode storage solution, 230 mL
Electrode storage solution, 13 mL dropper
Electrode Fill Solution
Gelled bridge electrolyte
Other Accessories
Soil auger
Soil preparation solution, 230 mL
Battery Replacement
To change the CR2032 lithium-ion battery, turn
the battery cover located on the back of the tester
counterclockwise to unlock. Remove cover and replace
the battery with positive (+) side facing out.
Note: Only use the battery type specified in the
manual. Old batteries should be disposed in
accordance with local regulations.
HI981030 is warranted for a period of one year against defects in workmanship
and materials when used for its intended purpose and maintained according to
instructions. This warranty is limited to repair or replacement free of charge. Damage
due to accidents, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed maintenance is not covered.
If service is required, contact your local Hanna Instruments Office. If under warranty,
report the model number, date of purchase, serial number and the nature of the
problem. If the repair is not covered by the warranty, you will be notified of the
charges incurred. If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna Instruments, first
obtain a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number from the Technical Service
department and then send it with shipping costs prepaid. When shipping any
instrument, make sure it is properly packaged for complete protection.
Recommendations for Users
Before using this product, make sure it is entirely suitable for your specific application
and for the environment in which it is used. Any variation introduced by the user to
the supplied equipment may degrade the tester’s performance. For yours and the
tester’s safety do not use or store the tester in hazardous environments.
All Hanna Instruments conform to the CE European Directives.
Disposal of Electrical & Electronic Equipment. The product should
not be treated as household waste. Instead hand it over to the RoHS
appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and compliant
electronic equipment which will conserve natural resources.
Disposal of waste batteries. This product contains batteries, do not
dispose of them with other household waste. Hand them over to the
appropriate collection point for recycling.
Ensuring proper product and battery disposal prevents potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health. For more information, contact
your city, your local household waste disposal service, the place of purchase or go
to www.hannainst.com.
Hanna Instruments reserves the right to modify the design, construction, or
appearance of its products without advance notice.
All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent
of the copyright owner, Hanna Instruments Inc., Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 02895, USA.
Soil pH Tester
Preliminary Examination
Remove the tester and accessories from the packing material and examine it
carefully. If you require any further information, please contact Hanna Instruments
technical support team at [email protected]
Each HI981030 is delivered in a cardboard box and is supplied with:
• HI70004 pH 4.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet (2 pcs.)
• HI70007 pH 7.01 buffer solution, 20 mL sachet (2 pcs.)
• HI700663 Cleaning solution for soil deposits
• HI700664 Cleaning solution for humus deposits
• HI9072 Electrode storage solution, 13 mL dropper
• HI9071 Gelled bridge electrolyte
• CR2032 3V Lithium-ion battery
• Instrument quality certificate
• Instruction manual
Note: Save all packing material until you are sure that the tester works correctly.
Any damaged or defective item must be returned in its original packing material
with the supplied accessories.
General Description & Intended Use
The HI981030 Soil pH Tester is designed to measure the pH or acidity of the soil
as a key factor in ensuring strong and healthy plant growth. It features a single
button operation system and is easy to use. It has a compact and waterproof casing
and automatic pH calibration at one or two points. All readings are automatically
compensated for temperature variations with a built-in temperature sensor.
Direct Soil Measurement
Direct soil pH testing offers the benefit of not needing to take soil samples, as the pH
is tested right in the ground.
1. Inspect the pH probe to ensure the bridge electrolyte gel has not dried out. Refill
if necessary.
2. Calibrate the pH probe prior to measurement.
3. Using an auger (HI721319) or ruler, make a hole down into the soil (app.
20 cm). The hole needs to be the same depth each time to avoid pH discrepancies.
4. Add some distilled or deionized water to the hole; the soil should be damp but
not saturated.
5. Wash the electrode with tap water and insert into the hole.
6. Allow for the reading to develop or stabilize.
7. After measurement, gently wash off leftover soil (avoid using a cloth or a wipe).
Note: Direct soil pH testing is not recommended if the ground is stony or hardened
as the electrode can be damaged. To prepare the soil prior to measurement, take a
representative soil sample and add HI7051 Soil preparation solution.
Conical Tip: The conical tip allows for easy penetration
into damp soil. If the soil is hardened (or stony) it is best
to use an auger (HI721319 ) to make a hole for the pH
electrode to be inserted into.
Open Junction Reference: The open junction design
consists of a solid gel interface between the soil sample
and the internal Ag/AgCl reference. This interface
prevents silver from entering the sample and makes it
impermeable to clogging, resulting in fast response and
stable reading.
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Body: PVDF is a food-grade plastic that is
resistant to most chemicals and solvents, including sodium hypochlorite, it is also
resistant to fungal growth. It has high abrasion resistance, mechanical strength, and
resistance to ultraviolet.
Removable Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Reference Sleeve: The PVDF
outer junction sleeve can be removed and cleaned. Once cleaned, a small amount
of supplied gel electrolyte is added and the junction is refreshed, improving the
measurement and extending the life of the tester.
Temperature compensation
Battery type
Battery life
0.00 to 12.00 pH
0.01 pH
±0.05 pH
Automatic, one or two-point
Automatic, 0 to 50 °C
Built-in probe for specific application
CR2032 Lithium-ion (included)
Approximately 800 hours of continuous use
8 minutes, 60 minutes or disabled
0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F); RH 95% max
51 x 151 x 21 mm (2 x 5.9 x 0.9“)
46 g (1.62 oz.)
Functional Description & LCD Display
Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD)
immersion level
pH probe
immersion level
• Remove the protective cap. Do not be alarmed if salt deposits are present. Rinse
the probe with water and blot dry.
• If the glass and / or junction are dry soak the electrode (bottom 4 cm / 1.5 “)
in storage solution for a minimum of 30 minutes.Rinse with water and blot dry.
• Calibrate the electrode before using. For best results is recommended to recalibrate
From measurement mode, press and hold the ON/OFF button until “CAL” is
• To ensure a quick response, the glass tip and junction should be kept moist.
• Replace the protective cap with a few drops of storage solution when not in use.
Do not store the electrode in distilled or deionized water.
Press the ON/OFF button to turn the meter
on. The tester displays all LCD segments
for a few seconds. The tester will enter
measurement mode, the current reading and
calibrated buffers will be shown.
When "7.01" is displayed, place
the tip of the electrode in pH 7.01
When the reading is stable, the
stability icon will disappear.
When "4.01" is displayed, follow
the procedure to the right for a
one or two-point calibration.
For one or two-point calibration using pH 7.01 buffer solution, follow
procedure A.
For one-point calibration using pH 4.01 buffer solution, follow
procedure B.
Note: It is recommended to calibrate the electrode with buffers at the
temperature it will be used at.
Low battery
One or Two-Point Calibration with pH 7.01
Thank you for choosing a Hanna Instruments product. Please read this
instruction manual carefully before using the tester.
For more information about Hanna Instruments and our products, visit
www.hannainst.com or e-mail us at [email protected]
For technical support, contact your local Hanna Instruments Office or e-mail us
at [email protected]
Probe Features
Dear Customer,
Press the ON/OFF
button to save
the one-point
"Sto" will be
displayed when
the calibration is
The tester
will return to
mode and the
tag will be
Place the tip of
the electrode in
pH 4.01 buffer.
The buffer is
recognized, the
stability indicator
will blink.
Wait until the
measurement is
stable and the
stability indicator
disappears. "Sto"
will be displayed
when the calibration
is saved.
The tester
will return to
mode and the
tags will be
When the
reading is stable,
the stability
indicator will
will be displayed
when the
calibration is
The tester
will return to
mode and the
tag will be
One-Point Calibration with pH 4.01
When "7.01" is
displayed, place the
tip of the electrode
in pH 4.01 buffer.
The buffer value
will be recognized
automatically and
"4.01" will be

Описание pH-тестера для для почвы HI981030:

HI981030 сконструирован для для упрощения измерений рН в почве путем прямых измерений.

pH-тестер HI981030 способен производить измерения в почвах различного типа, навозе, субстрате, глине и т.п. Благодаря съемной конструкции датчика с коническим наконечником использование измерителя pH почвы делает его идеальным в полевых условиях.

Отличительные особенности:

  • Точность +/-0,2 pH
  • Поставляется в комплекте с батарейками и всеми необходимыми растворами, достаточными на первое время.
  • Специализированный электрод для точечного измерения рН в почве и жидких глинах.

Технические характеристики:

Параметр Значение
Диапазоны рН от 0.00 до 14.00 pH
Разрешение рН 0.1 pH
Точность  +/- 0,2 pH при 25 ° C (77 ° F)
Калибровка pH Автоматически, в одной или двух точках
pH температурная компенсация НЕТ
Автоматическое отключение 8 минут, 60 минут (возможно отключение функции)
Тип батареи/долговечность CR2032 Li-ion / Приблизительно 1000 часов непрерывного использования
Условия использования От 0 до 50 ° C (от 32 до 122 ° F);
Относительная влажность 95%, макс.
Размеры  51 х 151 х 21 мм (2 х 5,9 х 0,9 «)
Вес  44 г

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