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Holux M-1200XX User Manual

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HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver User’s Manual


Bluetooth GPS Receiver

User’s Guide




Technology Inc.

1F, No. 30, R&D Rd. II, HsinChu City 300, Science-based Industrial Park, Taiwan

TEL: 03-6687000 FAX: 03-6687111

Website: www.holux.com

All Right Reserved


Related Manuals for Holux M-1200XX

Summary of Contents for Holux M-1200XX

  • Page 1
    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver User’s Manual M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver User’s Guide 07,2007 Rev.A HOLUX Technology Inc. 1F, No. 30, R&D Rd. II, HsinChu City 300, Science-based Industrial Park, Taiwan TEL: 03-6687000 FAX: 03-6687111 Website: www.holux.com All Right Reserved…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………..2 OVERVIEW ………………….3 PACKING LIST ………………….4 MAIN FEATURES ………………..5 4.1……………….6 ASIC PECIFICATION 4.2………………..6 CQUISITION 4.3……………….6 ECEIVER CCURACY 4.4………………..6 IMITATION 4.5………………..6 OWER UPPLY 4.6.

  • Page 3: Overview

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 1. Overview (Fig.1) The HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver (Fig. 1) is a total solution GPS receiver with Bluetooth, UART interface and built-in rechargeable battery for high sensitivity to tracking signal. M-1200XX design is based on MediaTek Inc.(MTK) GPS solution-MT3318 low power Architecture.

  • Page 4: Packing List

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 2. Packing List Thank you for purchasing the M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver. Before you start, make sure that the following items are included in your package. If any of these items are missing, please contact your original local HOLUX dealer or distributor.

  • Page 5: Main Features

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 3. Main features Built in MTK MT3318 Low power consumption GPS chipset. 32 parallel satellite-tracking channels for fast acquisition and reacquisition. Superior sensitivity up to -159 dBm. Built-in WAAS/EGNOS Demodulator without any additional hardware.

  • Page 6: Basic Specification

    External Voltage: 5V DC +/-5% Batteries: Main Power: Built-in rechargeable Lithium-ion for system power. Working voltage: 40~50mA (Normal mode). 35mA (Power Saving). Auto Power Saving mode. Circuit protection on M-1200XX when over-temperature condition 50 occurs. ℃ 4.6. Output and Interface Output I. Output protocol…

  • Page 7: Physical

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual Data bit: 8 Parity: No Stop bit: 1 II. Format. NMEA0183 V3.01: GPGGA (1time/1 sec), GPGSA (1 time/5 sec.), GPGSV (1time /5 sec.), GPRMC (1time /1 sec.), GPVTG (1 time/1 sec), (GLL, or MTK NMEA Command for optional).

  • Page 8: Getting Started

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 5. Getting Started STEP 1. Charge Battery Please charge battery till LED off for the first time. Power cable plug in Power cable connect to power socket ↓ Charge Battery Battery indicator light: Power too low ———…

  • Page 9: Hardware Description

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 5.1. Hardware Description 1). M-1200XX Body description see Fig. 2: Power switch LED of GPS (Orange) LED of Battery(Red / Green) Bluetooth LED (Blue) (Fig.2)

  • Page 10
    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 2). LED status : SYMBOL COLOR STATUS DESCRIPTION 1 times / 1 sec Search Bluetooth Device Blue Blinking 1 time / 1 sec Standby Mode Bluetooth 1 time / 3 sec Transferring Data Light on…
  • Page 11
    5). Optional accessories, and connector description, see Fig. 4 PC/Notebook USB port USB Cable (GR230-A2) Mini USB (Fig.4) Notics : This data cable is designed by HOLUX specially for G-mouse function, can’t be replaced by common USB cable. The ordinary USB cable can only provide the charging function.
  • Page 12: Bluetooth Device Connection Installation

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 5.2. Bluetooth device connection installation The following is the steps of software installation to setup on PDA, DELL AXIM x51v with Bluetooth Manager. For other PDA or laptop device, the steps might vary. 1. In Pocket PC setting system panel, enable “manage GPS automatically”.

  • Page 13: Installation Of Mini Gps Viewer Program

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 6. Go to the “COM ports” panel to tap “New Outgoing Port”, choose “HOLUX_M-1200XX” device and tap “Next”. → 7. Select the COM port, then tap finish, it will show as right figure, and tap “OK”…

  • Page 14
    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 2) Setup the Baud rate : 38400, then tap “Scan” button to scan your COM Port. Select your COM Port respectively, then tap “Open GPS” button. Check log screen below if the satellite data is receiving correctly.
  • Page 15: Optional Cable Accessory

    II. Connect GR-230-A2 USB data cable to computer. System will search new hardware and install the driver automatically III. Connect M-1200XX GPS receiver with USB data cable. 7.3 Important Verify the COM port to start using your own navigation software.

  • Page 16: Warranty

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 8. Warranty The M-1200XX is warranted to be free from defects in material and functions for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Any failure of this product within this period under normal conditions will be replaced at no charge to the customers.

  • Page 17: Troubleshooting

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual Troubleshooting Problems Possible Reasons Methods Test under open sky at a fix location and run Mini GPS Viewer “Cold start” function. Weak or no GPS signal at the place of M-1200XX No GPS output but…

  • Page 18: Federal Communications Commission (Fcc) Statement

    HOLUX M-1200XX Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.

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на ваш запрос и как можно быстрее помочь. Ваше устройство имеет характеристики:Тип: внешний модуль, Экран: нет, Название чипсета: MediaTek, Число каналов приемника: 32, Точность определения координат: 3 м, Точность определения скорости: 0.1 м/с, полные характеристики смотрите в следующей вкладке.

Для многих товаров, для работы с Holux M1200 могут понадобиться различные дополнительные файлы: драйвера, патчи, обновления, программы установки. Вы можете скачать онлайн эти файлы для конкретнй модели Holux M1200 или добавить свои для бесплатного скачивания другим посетителями.

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2018-05-28 12:40:32

Very good!

Основные и самые важные характеристики модели собраны из надежных источников и по характеристикам можно найти похожие модели.

Тип внешний модуль
Экран нет
Характеристики устройства
Название чипсета MediaTek
Число каналов приемника 32
Точность определения координат 3 м
Точность определения скорости 0.1 м/с
Частота обновления 1 раз/с
Горячий старт 1 с
Теплый старт 33 с
Холодный старт 36 с
Поддержка EGNOS есть
Поддержка WAAS есть
Тип антенны внутренняя
Элементы питания собственный Li-Ion
Количество элементов питания 1
Время работы 15 ч
Емкость аккумулятора 850 мА*час
Возможность зарядки аккумуляторов есть
Подключение USB, Bluetooth
Поддержка стандарта NMEA 0183 есть
Дополнительная информация
Габариты (ШхВхГ) 67x16x23 мм
Вес 30 г

Здесь представлен список самых частых и распространенных поломок и неисправностей у GPS-навигаторов. Если у вас такая поломка то вам повезло, это типовая неисправность для Holux M1200 и вы можете задать вопрос о том как ее устранить и вам быстро ответят или же прочитайте в вопросах и ответах ниже.

Название поломки Описание поломки Действие
Не Включается
Разводы На Экране
Не Работает Без Блоки Питания
Не Работает Без Блоки Питания
Нет Связи Со Спутником
Постоянно Перезагружаеться При Включении Постоянно Перезагружаеться
Слот Микро Sd Для Видеорегистратора При Вводе Карты Микро Sd Она Застряла Не Сработал Лифт И Больше Не Вставляется Видимо Сломался Лифт
Радар-Детектор При Включении На Экране Нету «Спидометра»,Т.е Радара-Детектора
Не Включается С Экрана При Прикосновении К Экрану Ни Каких Эмоции
Не Загружается
Зависает При Подаче Питания Половина Экрана С Заставкой А Остальное-Белые Вертикальные Полосы На Чёрном Фонеполосы
Сбилась Калибровка Экрана Для Того Чтоб Нажать Нужную Кнопку, Нужно Нажать На 2 Сантиметра Правее! Как Произвести Калибровку Экрана
Не Считывает Сим-Карты Новые Сим-Ки (Би Лайн, Мегафон, Теле 2) Пишет-Нет Сим-Карты
Вышел В Оболочку Вылетел В Оболочку Windows, Нет Ни Одной Программы Навигации
Euro Name Xpx — 740 При Включении Навигатора Высвечивается Please Set Gps Path First
Необходимо Подключиться К Телефону С Функцией Blueooth
Нет Связи Со Спутниками При Нажатии На Экране Окошка Навигация Высвечиваются Песочные Часы На Мгновение И Далее Ни Каких Изменений, Хотя Значок Связи Со Спутниками Активен.
Заменить Акб Не Могу Вскрыть
Сложнее Всего Начать Действовать, Все Остальное Зависит Только От Упорства. Https://Helloworld.com:h=299A28A5040D1Cb5Ea1B748D9D681B06:

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HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver User’s Manual                          


Bluetooth GPS Receiver 



Technology Inc.

1F, No. 30, R&D Rd. II, HsinChu City 300, Science-based Industrial Park, Taiwan 

TEL: 03-6687000    FAX: 03-6687111 

Website: www.holux.com 

All Right Reserved 

User’s  Guide 

инструкцияHolux M-1200

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Users Manual


Bluetooth GPS Receiver

07,2007 Rev.A

Technology Inc.

1F, No. 30, R&D Rd. II, HsinChu City 300, Science-based Industrial Park, Taiwan

TEL:886-3-6687000 FAX:886-3-6687111

Website: www.holux.com

All Right Reserved

User’s Guide

Посмотреть инструкция для Holux M-1200 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории навигаторы, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 6.7. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Holux M-1200 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver User’s Manual


Bluetooth GPS Receiver

User’s Guide


HOLUX Technology Inc.
1F, No. 30, R&D Rd. II, HsinChu City 300, Science-based Industrial Park, Taiwan
TEL: 03-6687000 FAX: 03-6687111
Website: www.holux.com

All Right Reserved

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………..2 1. OVERVIEW ………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 2. PACKING LIST …………………………………………………………………………………………..4 3. MAIN FEATURES ………………………………………..

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 1. Overview (Fig.1) The HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver (Fig. 1) is a total solution GPS receiver with Bluetooth, UART interface and built-in rechargeable battery for high sensitivity to tracking signal. M-1200 design is based on MediaTek Inc.(MTK) GPS solution-MT3318 low power Architecture. M-1200 is a dual-function GPS receiver. Not only transmit satellite information through the PDA or Notebook by Bluetooth interfaces but also

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 2. Packing List Thank you for purchasing the M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver. Before you start, make sure that the following items are included in your package. If any of these items are missing, please contact your original local HOLUX dealer or distributor. M-1200 Bluetooth GPS receiver 1 Set Car Cigarette adapter 1 Set User guide and Driver CD 1 Pcs M-1200 Quick Guide 1 Pcs Warranty card 1 Pc

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 3. Main features Built in MTK MT3318 Low power consumption GPS chipset. 32 parallel satellite-tracking channels for fast acquisition and reacquisition. Superior sensitivity up to -159 dBm. Built-in WAAS/EGNOS Demodulator without any additional hardware. Compatible with Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) completely. Low power consumption. Built-in rechargeable and changeable Lithium-ion battery, the working time can last 15 hour

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 4.Technical Specification 4.1. Basic Specification Chipset :MTK MT3318 chipset. Channels : 32 parallel satellite-tracking channels. Frequency : 1575.42 MHz Receiver : L1, C/A code. 4.2. Acquisition Time (refer to MTK chip specification) Reacquisition : 0.1 second. Cold start : < 36 seconds. Warm start :< 33 seconds . Hot start : < 1 second 4.3. Receiver Accuracy Normal : < 3 meters CEP without SA. Enable EGNOS or WAAS

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual Data bit : 8 Parity : No Stop bit : 1 II. Format. NMEA0183 V3.01 : GPGGA (1time/1 sec), GPGSA (1 time/5 sec.), GPGSV (1time /5 sec.), GPRMC (1time /1 sec.), GPVTG (1 time/1 sec), (GLL, or MTK NMEA Command for optional). III. Datum : WGS84. Input/ Output Interface: I. Compatible Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP), Version1.2 and class 2(up to 10 meter range). II. In/Out Port. GPS signal (Out)/Command(In) with CMOS Level 。Mini USB Typ

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 5. Getting Started STEP 1. Charge Battery Please charge battery till LED off for the first time. Power cable plug in Power cable connect to power socket ↓ Charge Battery Battery indicator light: Power too low ——— Red LED Mini USB socket Charging ————— Green LED Full or Not in charging — LED off STEP 2. Turn on the power Bluetooth Status – Turn on M- 1200 power No Searching Bluetooth device Power switch Yes B

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 5.1. Hardware Description 1). M-1200 Body description see Fig. 2: Power switch LED of GPS (Orange) LED of Battery(Red / Green) Bluetooth LED (Blue) (Fig.2) 9

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 2). LED status : SYMBOL COLOR STATUS DESCRIPTION 1 times / 1 sec Search Bluetooth Device Blue Blinking 1 time / 1 sec Standby Mode Bluetooth 1 time / 3 sec Transferring Data Red Light on Power too low Green Light on In charging Battery N/A Light off Battery full or Not in charging Light on Acquiring Satellites Orange Blinking 1 time / 1 sec Position Fixed GPS 3). Power Switch : a. Power on, Orange li

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 5). Optional accessories, and connector description, see Fig. 4 PC/Notebook USB port USB Cable (GR230-A2) Mini USB (Fig.4) Notics : This data cable is designed by HOLUX specially for G-mouse function, can’t be replaced by common USB cable. The ordinary USB cable can only provide the charging function. 11

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 5.2. Bluetooth device connection installation The following is the steps of software installation to setup on PDA, DELL AXIM x51v with Bluetooth Manager. For other PDA or laptop device, the steps might vary. 1. In Pocket PC setting system panel, enable “manage GPS automatically”. Note:The setting may vary in other PocketPC or Smartphone , please check the manual or consult the technical service respectively. 2. Tap the Bluetooth ico

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 6. Go to the “COM ports” panel to tap “New Outgoing Port”, choose “HOLUX_M-1200” device and tap “Next”. → 7. Select the COM port, then tap finish, it will show as right figure, and tap “OK” to finish the Bluetooth setting. Recommand not to use “Secure Connection” which may cause unstable connection. 8. Then you can enable your navigation map program to enjoy GPS function now. 5.3. Installation of Mini GPS Viewer program We p

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 2) Setup the Baud rate : 38400, then tap “Scan” button to scan your COM Port. Select your COM Port respectively, then tap “Open GPS” button. Check log screen below if the satellite data is receiving correctly. (Fig. 6) 3) Select “GPS Status” panel to observe the GPS information status , see Fig. 7. (Fig. 7) 4) In “set

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 6. Optional cable accessory Option cable accessory is provided to meet customers’ need, see table 1. With the data cable connected, it can transmit data with PDA, NoteBook easily as the G-mouse role. Table 1 Item Description Note GR230-A2 HOLUX USB data cable 7. Driver Installation The following is the steps of installation GR230-A2 USB data cable. 7.1 System Requirement CPU: IBM, Pentium II or above, or other compatible PC.

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 8. Warranty The M-1200 is warranted to be free from defects in material and functions for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Any failure of this product within this period under normal conditions will be replaced at no charge to the customers. ˙M-1200 has built Li-battery inside, please avoid closing to high temperature environment or sun shine directly for a long time.

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual 9. Troubleshooting Problems Possible Reasons Methods Test under open sky at a fix location and run Mini GPS Viewer “Cold start” function. Weak or no GPS signal at the place of M-1200 No GPS output but Remove the Battery for 3 seconds and GPS timer is The ephemeris and almanac data re-insert, then power on to test again. counting in GPS memory is no longer valid after no use for a long time. Power On/Off M-1200. Re-Start PDA or PC and

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

HOLUX M-1200 Bluetooth GPS Receiver Manual Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, m

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