Посмотреть инструкция для Infiniti QX50 (2021) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Infiniti QX50 (2021) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Infiniti QX50 (2021).
Как перевести мили в километры?
Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Infiniti?
Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?
Когда транспортному средству Infiniti требуется техническое обслуживание?
Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Infiniti?
В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?
Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?
Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?
Инструкция Infiniti QX50 (2021) доступно в русский?
Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
Need a manual for your Infiniti QX50 (2019)? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.
Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.
Let us know what you think about the Infiniti QX50 (2019) by leaving a product rating. Want to share your experiences with this product or ask a question? Please leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.
My car has a timing chain, what is the replacement interval for it? Verified
With normal use, a timing chain should last the entire lifespan of the car and does not need to be replaced.
This was helpful (2322)
I can’t open one or more of the doors from the inside, why is that? Verified
The child safety lock is probably activated. This can often be deactivated with a mechanism in the door.
This was helpful (723)
How often should I change my oil? Verified
Almost every car has its own exact guideline, but in general it’s wise to change your oil every 10.000 to 15.000 kilometers or once every year. Polluted oil can cause serious damage to the engine over time.
This was helpful (613)
When should the airbag on the side of the passenger seat be switched off? Verified
When driving with a child in a car seat on the passenger seat, the airbag on that side should be switched off. This is also advisable for children up to 12 years old that take place in the passenger seat. This is to prevent injuries in case of an accident.
This was helpful (565)
The car keys won’t unlock the car from a distance anymore, why is that? Verified
Car keys that can unlock from a distance generally work with a battery. When it runs out, the key won’t work anymore. Replace the battery and try again.
This was helpful (539)
Will a lower tire pressure result in more grip when driving in the snow? Verified
No, although the tires will have more surface in contact with the road with a lower pressure, it will nevertheless result in less stability. Always drive with the correct tire pressure!
This was helpful (317)
I filled my car with the wrong fuel, what should I do? Verified
Do not drive! It does not matter wether you put diesel in a gasoline car or gasoline in a diesel car. In both cases it can cause damage to the enige and/or other parts of the car. Contact roadside assistance.
This was helpful (213)
Where can I find the VIN number of my car? Verified
This can vary between brands and models, but on many cars the VIN number can be found on the door jamb, under the hood or on the metal flooring at the front seat.
This was helpful (178)
How often should I replace the blades on my windscreen wipers? Verified
It’s advisable to replace the wiper blades at least once a year. Signs that the blades need to be replaced are streaking, leaving a haze, making noise or the rubber coming off.
This was helpful (157)
How many miles is one kilometer? Verified
One kilometer equals 0,621 mile. Ten kilometers makes 6,21 miles. One mile equals 1,609 kilometer. Ten miles makes 16,09 kilometers.
This was helpful (131)
What is the VIN number? Verified
VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number and is a unique number that every car has. This makes the car indentifyable after for example a crash or in the case of a recall. It also allows a car to be identified in the case the number plates are missing.
This was helpful (130)
Can I use the windscreen wipers while there is ice on the windscreen? Verified
No, this is not advisable. Ice is sharp and can damage the rubber on the wiper blades.
This was helpful (125)
Infiniti QX50 Owners Manual
This information is provided as a Service to our valued customers at no charge.
Please make a selection: | Date Available | |||
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 ITS 2019 (Spanish) |
11/15/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Sonar Switch 2019 (Spanish) |
11/15/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Tire 2019 (Spanish) |
11/15/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Tire 2020 (Spanish) |
11/15/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Autolight 2022 |
11/2/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Autolight 2022 (French) |
11/2/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Autolight 2022 (Spanish) |
11/2/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Autolight 2023 |
11/2/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Autolight 2023 (French) |
11/2/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Autolight 2023 (Spanish) |
11/2/2022 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 OTA Update Software License 2023 |
11/2/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2017 (Spanish) |
10/28/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2019 (Spanish) |
10/27/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2020 (Spanish) |
10/20/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2021 (Spanish) |
10/20/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2022 (Spanish) |
10/12/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2023 (Spanish) |
10/12/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2023 |
9/20/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2023 (French) |
9/20/2022 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2022 |
12/13/2021 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2022 (French) |
12/13/2021 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Maintenance and Schedules 2021 |
9/18/2020 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Maintenance and Schedules 2021 (French) |
9/18/2020 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2021 |
9/18/2020 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2021 (French) |
9/18/2020 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 EPKB 2020 |
9/17/2019 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 EPKB 2020 (French) |
9/17/2019 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Tire 2019 |
9/17/2019 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Tire 2019 (French) |
9/17/2019 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Tire 2020 |
9/17/2019 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Tire 2020 (French) |
9/17/2019 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2020 |
9/17/2019 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2020 (French) |
9/17/2019 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 ITS 2019 |
2/6/2018 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 ITS 2019 (French) |
2/6/2018 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Sonar Switch 2019 |
2/6/2018 |
Addendum — Infiniti QX50 Sonar Switch 2019 (French) |
2/6/2018 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2019 |
2/6/2018 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2019 (French) |
2/6/2018 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2017 |
8/4/2016 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2017 (French) |
8/4/2016 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2016 |
8/25/2015 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2016 (French) |
8/25/2015 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2015 |
5/28/2014 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2015 (French) |
5/28/2014 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2014 |
7/16/2013 |
Owners Manual-Infiniti QX50 2014 (French) |
7/16/2013 |
Посмотреть инструкция для Infiniti QX50 (2020) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Автомобили, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Infiniti QX50 (2020) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Infiniti QX50 (2020).
Как перевести мили в километры?
Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Infiniti?
Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?
Когда транспортному средству Infiniti требуется техническое обслуживание?
Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Infiniti?
В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?
Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?
Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?
Инструкция Infiniti QX50 (2020) доступно в русский?
Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
Перейти к контенту
Посмотреть инструкция для Infiniti QX50 (2019) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Автомобили, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 5.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Infiniti QX50 (2019) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Infiniti QX50 (2019).
Как перевести мили в километры?
Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Infiniti?
Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?
Когда транспортному средству Infiniti требуется техническое обслуживание?
Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Infiniti?
В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?
Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?
Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?
Инструкция Infiniti QX50 (2019) доступно в русский?
Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
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В заключении.
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Всё скачивается, всё работает.
Тот кто напишет в комментариях что-то вроде
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Тот редиска и идёт перечитывать статью заново.
Всех с летом!
Для всех владельцев G25 (К которым отношусь и я).
Отдельного мануала по этой машине нет, НО если взять мануал по G37, то в тех местах где есть отличия, идёт отдельная вставка для G25. ПРОВЕРЕНО.
Infiniti 2014 QX50: Available Instructions
Note for Owners:
Guidesimo.com webproject is not a service center of Infiniti trademark and does not carries out works for diagnosis and repair of faulty Infiniti 2014 QX50 equipment. For quality services, please contact an official service center of Infiniti company. On our website you can read and download documentation for your Infiniti 2014 QX50 device for free and familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of device.
Mercury 2002 Cougar
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Tim/Desktop/carburetor-manual-welcome/index.htm[4/25/2009 11:42:20 AM]www.carburetor-manual.comWould you like some Free Manuals?http://carburetor-manual.com/free-shop-manual-club-t-13.htmlAlso visit http://freeshopmanual.com for more Free ManualsAlso Visit my website for 7 FREE Download Manuals startingwith this one.»The ABC’s of Carburetion»Cli …
2002 Cougar Automobile, 241
Chevrolet CORVETTE
Seats and Restraint Systems………………….. 7Front Seats………………………………………. 8Safety Belts…………………………………….. 16Child Restraints……………………………….. 31Airbag System…………………………………. 50Restraint System Check……………………. 66Features and Controls………………………….. 69Keys……. …
CORVETTE Automobile, 486
Toyota Tacoma 1999
’99 Tacoma (U) 1Part 1OPERATION OFINSTRUMENTS ANDCONTROLS—Chapter 1- 1Overview of instrumentsand controls Instrument panel overview Instrument cluster overview Indicator symbols on the instrument panel …
Tacoma 1999 Automobile, 247
Hyundai i30
OOWWNNEERR»SS MMAANNUUAALLOOppeerraattiioonnMMaaiinntteennaanncceeSSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssAll information in this Owner’s Manual is current at the time of publica-tion. However, HYUNDAI reserves the right to make changes at any timeso that our policy of continual product improvement may be carried out.This manual applies to all models of this vehicle and includes descrip-tions …
i30 Automobile, 659
1Chapter 1Routine maintenance and servicingAir cleaner filter element renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Air conditioning system check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Automatic transmission fluid level check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Automatic transmission fluid renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 …
205 Automobile, 233
Pontiac 2009 Solstice
XM Not Available: If this message does not clearwithin a short period of time, the receiver could have afault. Consult with your dealer/retailer.Bluetooth®Vehicles with a Bluetooth system can use a Bluetoothcapable cell phone with a Hands Free Profile tomake and receive phone calls. The system can be usedwhile the key is in ON/RUN or ACC/ACCESSORYposition. The range of the Bluetooth system can b …
2009 Solstice Car Video System, 11
Honda Civic
2011 CIVIC SEDANOwner’s Manual(Unlinked)This document does not contain hyperlinks and may be formatted for printing instead of web use. This is due to changes in content and specifications of the vehicle that happen throughout the model year. This manual will be replaced with a hyperlinked version at the end of the model year.P/N 00X31-SNA-© 20 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. — All Rights Res …
Civic Automobile, 390
Infiniti Q45
FOREWORDYour INFINITI represents a new way of thinkingabout vehicle design. It integrates advanced engi-neering and superior craftsmanship with a simple,refined aesthetic sensitivity associated with tradi-tional Japanese culture.The result is a different notion of luxury and beauty.The vehicle itself is important, but so also is thesense of harmony that the car evokes in its driver,and the sense o …
Q45 Automobile, 293
Volvo V70
V70/XC70 (Y285/Y381); 9; 3 2008-03-25T08:19:58+01:00; Page 1henrikrosenqvistVOLVO V70 & XC70Owners ManualKdakd8Vg8dgedgVi^dcIE&%%*(:ca^h]!6I%-‘%!Eg^ciZY^cHlZYZc!<iZWdg’%%-!8deng^]i’%%%»‘%%-Kdakd8Vg8dgedgVi^dc …
V70 Automobile, 298
Honda 1998 Accord Sedan
1998 Accord Sedan Online Reference Owner’s Manual Use these links (and links throughout this manual) to navigate through this reference. For a printed owner’s manual, click on authorized manuals or go to www.helminc.com. Contents Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. i A Few …
1998 Accord Sedan Automobile, 317
Popular Automobile User Guides:
Your INFINITI represents a new way of thinking about vehicle design. It integrates advanced engineering and superior craftsmanship with a simple, refined aesthetic sensitivity associated with traditional Japanese culture.
The result is a different notion of luxury and beauty. The car itself is important, but so is the sense of harmony that the vehicle evokes in its driver, and the sense of satisfaction you feel with the INFINITI — from the way it looks and drives to the high level of retailer service.
To ensure that you enjoy your INFINITI to the fullest, we encourage you to read this Owner’s Manual immediately. It explains all of the features, controls and performance characteristics of your INFINITI; it also provides important instructions and safety information.
A separate Warranty Information Booklet is included in your Owner’s literature portfolio. The INFINITI Service and Maintenance Guide explains details about maintaining and servicing your vehicle. Always carry it with you when you take your vehicle to an INFINITI retailer. The Warranty Information Booklet contents provide complete information about all
warranties covering this vehicle, the requirements to keep the warranties in effect as well as the INFINITI Roadside Assistance program.
Additionally, a separate Customer Care and Lemon Law Information Booklet will explain how to resolve any concerns you may have with your vehicle, as well as clarify your rights under your state’s lemon law.
In addition to factory installed options, your vehicle may also be equipped with additional accessories installed by INFINITI or by your INFINITI retailer prior to delivery. It is important that you familiarize yourself with all disclosures, warnings, cautions and instructions concerning proper use of such accessories prior to operating the vehicle and/or accessory. See an INFINITI retailer for details concerning the particular accessories with which your vehicle is equipped.
Before driving your vehicle, read your Owner’s Manual carefully. This will ensure familiarity with controls and maintenance requirements, assisting you in the safe operation of your vehicle.
Follow these important driving rules to help ensure a safe and comfortable trip for you and your passengers!
.NEVER drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
.ALWAYS observe posted speed limits and never drive too fast for conditions.
.ALWAYS give your full attention to driving and avoid using vehicle features or taking other actions that could distract you.
.ALWAYS use your seat belts and appropriate child restraint systems. Pre-teen children should be seated in the rear seat.
.ALWAYS provide information about the proper use of vehicle safety features to all occupants of the vehicle.
.ALWAYS review this Owner’s Manual for important safety information.
This vehicle will handle and maneuver differently from an ordinary passenger car because it has a higher center of gravity. As with other vehicles with features of this type, failure to operate this vehicle correctly may result in loss of control or an accident. Be sure to read “On-pavement and off-road driving precautions”, “Avoiding collision and rollover” and “Driving safety precautions” in the “5. Starting and driving” section of this manual.
This vehicle should not be modified. Modification could affect its performance, safety or durability, and may even violate governmental regulations. In addition, damage or performance problems resulting from modification will not be covered under the INFINITI warranties.
This manual includes information for all features and equipment available on this model. Features and equipment in your vehicle may vary depending on model, trim level, options selected, order, date of production, region or availability. Therefore, you may find information about features or equipment that are not included or installed on your vehicle.
All information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are those in effect at the time of printing. INFINITI reserves the right to change specifications, performance, design or component suppliers without notice and without obligation.
From |
update or |
revise |
with |
the |
currently |
available. Please carefully read and retain with this manual all revision updates sent to you by INFINITI to ensure you have access to accurate and up-to-date information regarding your vehicle. Current versions of vehicle Owner’s Manuals and any updates can also be found in the Owner section of the INFINITI website at https:// owners.infinitiusa.com/owners/navigation/manualsandGuides. If you have questions concerning any information in your Owner’s Manual, contact INFINITI Consumer Affairs. See the INFINITI CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAM page in this Owner’s Manual for contact information.
Both INFINITI and your INFINITI retailer are dedicated to serving all your automotive needs. Your satisfaction with your vehicle and your INFINITI retailer are our primary concerns.Your INFINITI retailer is always available to assist you with all your automobile sales and service needs.
However, if there is something that your INFINITI retailer cannot assist you with or you would like to provide INFINITI directly with comments or questions, please contact our (INFINITI’s) Consumer Affairs Department using our toll-free number:
For U.S. customers 1-800-662-6200
For Canadian customers 1-800-361-4792
The Consumer Affairs Department will ask for the following information:
.Your name, address, and telephone number
.Vehicle identification number (on dash panel)
. Date of purchase
. Current odometer reading
. Your INFINITI retailer’s name
. Your comments or questions OR
You can write to INFINITI with the information on the left at:
For U.S. customers INFINITI Division
Nissan North America, Inc. Consumer Affairs Department P.O. Box 685003
Franklin, TN 37068-5003 or via e-mail at:
nnaconsumeraffairs@nissan-usa. com
For Canadian customers INFINITI Division Nissan Canada Inc. 5290 Orbitor Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4Z5 or via e-mail at:
information.centre@nissancanada. com
If you prefer, visit us at: www.infinitiUSA.com (for U.S. customer) or www.infiniti.ca (for Canadian customers)
We appreciate your interest in INFINITI and thank you for buying a quality INFINITI vehicle.
Illustrated table of contents
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
Instruments and controls
Pre-driving checks and adjustments
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Starting and driving
In case of emergency
Appearance and care
Maintenance and do-it-yourself
Technical and consumer information
0 Illustrated table of contents
Seats, seat belts and Supplemental Restraint |
Instrument panel ………………………………………… |
0-9 |
System (SRS) ……………………………………………… |
0-2 |
Meters and gauges ……………………………………. |
0-10 |
Exterior front ………………………………………………. |
0-3 |
Engine compartment………………………………….. |
0-11 |
Exterior rear ……………………………………………….. |
0-5 |
VQ37VHR engine ………………………………….. |
0-11 |
Passenger compartment ……………………………….. |
0-6 |
Warning and indicator lights ……………………….. |
0-12 |
Cockpit………………………………………………………. |
0-7 |
8.Rear armrest (P.1-7)
9.Rear seats (P.1-4)
— Child restraints (P.1-21)
10.Front seat-mounted side-impact supplemental air bags (P.1-42)
11.Seat belt pretensioner (P.1-53)
12.Occupant classification sensor (pattern sensor) (P.1-47)
13.Front passenger air bag status light (P.1-49)
SSI0417 |
1. |
Rear seat power folding/return switch |
5. |
Roof-mounted curtain side-impact |
(Page 1-4) |
supplemental air bags (P.1-42) |
2. |
Child restraint anchor points (for top |
6. |
Supplemental front-impact air bags |
tether strap child restraint) (P.1-38) |
(P |
3. |
Head restraints (P.1-7) |
7. |
for |
4.Seat belts (P.1-12)
0-2 Illustrated table of contents
1.Front view camera (if so equipped) (P.4-31)
2.Hood (P.3-16)
3.Headlights and turn signal lights (P.2-34)
— Bulb replacement (P.8-27)
— Adaptive Front lighting System (AFS) (if so equipped) (P.2-37)
4.Windshield wiper and washer (P.2-31)
7.Power windows (P.2-51)
8.Outside mirrors (P.3-23)
—Side view camera (if so equipped) (P.4-31)
—Welcome light (P.2-55)
9.Corner sensors (if so equipped)
—Around View® Monitor (if so equipped) (P.4-31)
—Sonar system (if so equipped) (P.5-94)
10.Center sensors (if so equipped)
—Sonar system (if so equipped) (P.5-94)
11.Recovery hook (P.6-14)
12.Daytime running lights (P.2-37)
13.Fog lights (P.2-39)
—Wheel and tires (P.8-29, P.9-8)
—Flat tire (P.6-3)
—Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) (P.2-14, P.5-5)
—Keys (P.3-2)
—Door locks (P.3-4)
—Intelligent Key system (P.3-7)
—Remote keyless entry system
Illustrated table of contents 0-3
16. Side turn signal lights (P.2-39)
0-4 Illustrated table of contents
GUID-22C3CD44-5E1E-4FA8-BA99-B089AFCA0ADD |
— Around View® Monitor (if so |
equipped) (P.4-31) |
— Sonar system (if so equipped) |
(P.5-94) |
8. |
Center sensors (if so equipped) |
— Sonar system (if so equipped) |
(P.5-94) |
9. |
Rear combination lights (bulb replace- |
ment) (P.8-25) |
10. |
Fuel-filler door (P.3-18) |
— Fuel information (P.9-3) |
11. |
Child safety rear door locks (P.3-6) |
1.Rearview camera (P.4-24, P.4-31)
2.Lift gate (P.3-17)
—Intelligent Key system (P.3-7)
—Remote keyless entry system (P.3-13)
3.Rear window defroster (P.2-33)
4.High-mounted stop light (P.8-25)
5.Rear window wiper and washer (P.2-33)
Illustrated table of contents 0-5
GUID-FE9DADD4-463D-4664-925C-6329D4E54F5A |
8. |
Map light (P.2-56) |
9. |
Sunglasses holder (P.2-46) |
10. |
Inside rearview mirror (P.3-22) |
— HomeLink® (if so equipped) |
(P.2-59) |
11. |
Cargo cover (if so equipped) (P.2-49) |
12. |
Rear cup holders (P.2-45) |
13. |
Console box |
— Power outlet (P.2-44) |
— USB memory operation (P.4-83) |
— iPod® player operation (P.4-92) |
14. |
Front cup holders (P.2-45) |
1.Coat hooks (P.2-48)
2.Seat-mounted jacket hanger (if so equipped) (P.2-47)
3.Rear personal light (P.2-57)
4.Power window controls (P.2-51)
0-6 Illustrated table of contents
— Outside mirror remote control switch (P.3-23)
5.Automatic drive positioner switch (if so
1.TRIP/RESET switch for twin trip odometer (P.2-7)
2.Instrument brightness control switch (P.2-38)
3.Headlight, fog light and turn signal switch (P.2-34)
4.Trip computer switch (P.2-26)
5.Windshield wiper and washer switch (P.2-31)
—Forward Collision Warning (FCW) (P.5-77)
—Lane Departure Warning (LDW) (P.5-20)
—Blind Spot Warning (BSW)
7.Hood release handle (P.3-16)
8.Intelligent Key port (P.5-13)
9.Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) OFF switch (P.5-102)
10.Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) off switch (if so equipped) (P.2-42)
11.Electric tilting/telescopic steering wheel lever (if so equipped) (P.3-20)
12.Steering-wheel-mounted controls (Left side)
—For audio system (P.4-96)
—For Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System (with navigation system)
—For Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System (without navigation system) (P.4-110)
—For INFINITI Voice Recognition System (if so equipped) (P.4-124)
13.Manual tilting/telescopic steering wheel lever (if so equipped) (P.3-20)
Illustrated table of contents 0-7
14.Steering wheel
—Horn (P.2-39)
—Driver supplemental air bag (P.1-42)
15.Steering-wheel-mounted controls (right side)
—Cruise control switches (P.5-39)
—Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) switches (if so equipped) (P.5-41)
—Lane Departure Prevention (LDP) switch (if so equipped) (P.5-20)
—Distance Control Assist (DCA) switch (if so equipped) (P.5-63)
16.Center-console-mounted controls
—Heated seat switches (P.2-40)
—Rear seat power return switches (if so equipped) (P.1-4)
—SNOW mode switch (P.2-42)
0-8 Illustrated table of contents
GUID-422CC4D1-5AAE-4B93-824E-764A57BE67BE |
tem (with navigation system) (P.4-99) |
— Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone Sys- |
tem (without navigation system) |
(P.4-110) |
— Around View® Monitor (if so |
equipped) (P.4-31) |
— RearView Monitor (if so equipped) |
(P.4-24) |
8. |
Front passenger supplemental air bag |
(P.1-42) |
9. |
Fuse box cover (P.8-22) |
10. |
Parking brake (P.5-19) |
11. |
Push-button ignition switch (P.5-10) |
12. |
Front passenger air bag status light |
(P.1-47) |
13. |
Power outlet (P.2-44) |
14. |
Rear window defroster switch (P.2-33) |
15. |
Automatic climate control system |
(P.4-53) |
16. |
Audio system (P.4-61) |
SSI0624 |
17. |
Glove box lid release handle (P.2-46) |
1. |
Side ventilator (P.4-53) |
7. Center multi-function control panel |
*: Refer to the separate Navigation System |
2. |
Meters and gauges (P.2-6) |
— N a v i g a t i o n s y s t e m * |
( i f s o |
Owner’s Manual. |
3. |
Center ventilator (P.4-53) |
equipped) |
4. |
Center display (P.4-3) |
— |
setting |
5. |
Clock (P.2-43) |
6. |
Hazard warning flasher switch (P.6-2) |
— |
Sys- |
Illustrated table of contents 0-9
1.Tachometer (P.2-8)
2.Warning/Indicator lights (P.2-10)
3.Speedometer (P.2-7)
4.Engine coolant temperature gauge (P.2-8)
5.Vehicle information display (P.2-20)/
0-10 Illustrated table of contents
Odometer/twin trip odometer (P.2-7)
6.Fuel gauge (P.2-9)
1. Fuse/fusible link holder (P.8-22)
2. Battery (P.8-15)
3. Radiator filler cap (P.8-7)
4. Engine oil dipstick (P.8-9)
5. Engine oil filler cap (P.8-9)
11. Coolant reservoir (P.8-7)
6.Brake fluid reservoir (P.8-13)
7.Window washer fluid reservoir (P.8-14)
8.Power steering fluid reservoir (P.8-12)
Illustrated table of contents 0-11
Warning |
Name |
Page |
light |
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) warning |
2-11 |
light (AWD models) |
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) |
2-11 |
warning light |
Automatic Transmission check |
2-11 |
warning light |
Blind Spot Warning (BSW) sys- |
tem warning light (if so |
2-11 |
equipped) |
Brake warning light |
2-12 |
Charge warning light |
2-12 |
Distance Control Assist (DCA) |
system warning light (orange) |
2-12 |
(if so equipped) |
Engine oil pressure warning |
2-13 |
light |
Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) |
system warning light (orange) |
2-13 |
(if so equipped) |
Intelligent Key warning light |
2-13 |
Lane Departure Warning (LDW) |
indicator light (orange) (if so |
2-13 |
equipped) |
Low tire pressure warning light |
2-14 |
0-12 Illustrated table of contents
Warning |
Name |
Page |
light |
Low washer fluid warning light |
2-15 |
Master warning light |
2-15 |
Preview Function warning light |
2-15 |
(orange) (if so equipped) |
Seat belt warning light |
2-15 |
Supplemental air bag warning |
2-16 |
light |
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) |
2-16 |
warning light |
Adaptive Front lighting System (AFS) indicator light (if so equipped)
Automatic Transmission position indicator light
Exterior light indicator
Front fog light indicator light
Front passenger air bag status light
High beam indicator light
Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) off indicator light (if so equipped)
Lane Departure Prevention (LDP) ON indicator light (green) (if so equipped)
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
Security indicator light
Turn signal/hazard indicator lights
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) off indicator light
1 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
Seats ………………………………………………………… |
1-2 |
Front seats……………………………………………… |
1-3 |
Rear seats………………………………………………. |
1-4 |
Armrest………………………………………………….. |
1-7 |
Head restraints/headrests…………………………….. |
1-7 |
Adjustable head |
restraint/headrest components ………………….. |
1-8 |
Non-adjustable head |
restraint/headrest components ………………….. |
1-8 |
Remove………………………………………………….. |
1-9 |
Install ……………………………………………………. |
1-9 |
Adjust ……………………………………………………. |
1-9 |
Front-seat active head restraint………………… |
1-11 |
Seat belts ………………………………………………… |
1-12 |
Precautions on seat belt usage ………………… |
1-12 |
Pregnant women ……………………………………. |
1-14 |
Injured persons……………………………………… |
1-14 |
Three-point type seat belt ……………………….. |
1-14 |
Seat belt extenders………………………………… |
1-17 |
Seat belt maintenance ……………………………. |
1-18 |
Child safety………………………………………………. |
1-18 |
Infants …………………………………………………. |
1-19 |
Small children……………………………………….. |
Larger children………………………………………. |
Child restraints…………………………………………. |
1-21 |
Precautions on child restraints ……………….. |
1-21 |
Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren |
(LATCH) system…………………………………….. |
1-23 |
Rear-facing child restraint installation |
using LATCH ………………………………………… |
1-26 |
Rear-facing child restraint installation using |
the seat belts ………………………………………. |
1-28 |
Forward-facing child restraint installation |
using LATCH ………………………………………… |
1-31 |
Forward-facing child restraint installation |
using the seat belts………………………………. |
1-34 |
Booster seats ………………………………………. |
1-39 |
Supplemental restraint system…………………….. |
1-42 |
Precautions on supplemental |
restraint system …………………………………… |
1-42 |
INFINITI Advanced Air Bag System |
(front seats)…………………………………………. |
1-47 |
Front seat-mounted side-impact |
supplemental air bag and roof-mounted |
curtain side-impact supplemental air |
bag systems………………………………………… |
1-52 |
Seat belts with pretensioners (front seats)…. |
1-53 |
air bag warning labels……….. |
1-55 |
air bag warning light …………. |
1-55 |
and replacement procedure ………….. |
1-56 |
.Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the seatback is reclined. This can be dangerous. The shoulder belt will not be against your body. In an accident, you could be thrown into it and receive neck or other serious injuries. You could also slide under the lap belt and receive serious internal injuries.
.For the most effective protection when the vehicle is in motion, the seat should be upright. Always sit well back and
upright in the seat with both feet on the floor and adjust the seat properly. See “Precautions on seat belt usage” (P.1-
.After adjustment, gently rock in the seat to make sure it is securely locked.
.Do not leave children unattended inside the vehicle. They could unknowingly activate switches or controls. Unattended children could become involved in serious accidents.
1-2 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
vehicle and/or its systems, do not leave children, people who require the assistance of others or pets unattended in your vehicle. Additionally, the temperature inside a closed vehicle on a warm day can quickly become high enough to cause a significant risk of injury or death to people and pets.
.The seatback should not be reclined further than necessary for comfort. Seat belts are most effective when the passenger sits well back and straight up in the seat. If the seat back is reclined, the risk of sliding under the lap belt and being injured is increased.
Front power seat adjustment
Operating tips:
.The power seat motor has an auto-reset overload protection circuit. If the motor stops during operation, wait 30 seconds, then reactivate the switch.
.Do not operate the power seat switch for a long period of time when the engine is off. This will discharge the battery.
See “Automatic drive positioner” (P.3-25) for the seat position memory function (if so equipped).
When adjusting the seat positions, be sure not to contact any moving parts to avoid possible injuries and/or damages.
Forward and backward:
Moving the switch *1 forward or backward will slide the seat forward or backward to the desired position.
back can be reclined to allow occupants to rest when the vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in the P (Park) position.
Move the recline switch *2 backward until the desired angle is obtained. To bring the seatback forward again, move the switch *2 forward.
The reclining feature allows adjustment of the seatback for occupants of different
sizes |
obtain |
proper |
on |
seat |
seat- |
— Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-3 |
Seat lifter:
Push the front or rear end of the switch up or down to adjust the angle or height of the seat.
Lumbar support (driver’s seat):
The lumbar support feature provides lower back support to the driver.
Type A (if so equipped)
Type A (if so equipped)
Push the front *1 or back *2 end of the switch to adjust the seatback lumbar area.
1-4 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Type B (if so equipped)
Type B (if so equipped)
Move the lever *1 up or down to adjust the seatback lumbar area.
.When folding or returning the seatback
(s)to the upright position, to avoid injury to yourself and others:
—Make sure that the seat path is clear before moving the seat.
.When operating the rear power seatback return, make sure that the vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in the P (Park) position.
.Make sure the lid of the rear seat cup holders is closed before folding the rear seatback.
.Never allow anyone to ride in the cargo area or on the rear seat when it is in the fold-down position. Use of these areas by passengers without proper restraints could result in serious injury in an accident or sudden stop.
.When returning the seatbacks to the upright position, be certain they are completely secured in the latched position. If they are not completely secured, passengers may be injured in an accident or sudden stop.
.Properly secure all cargo to help prevent it from sliding or shifting. Do not place cargo higher than the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or collision, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury.
Type A (if so equipped)
Power folding
Luggage room switch (Type A) (if so equipped):
Push the front side of the switch *1 located on the right side or left side of the luggage room. The corresponding rear seatback will be folded down automatically.
Push and hold the rear side of the switch *2 . The corresponding rear seatback will be returned automatically. A beep sounds
once |
rise up |
while |
sounds |
twice |
in |
— Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-5 |
Type B (if so equipped)
Luggage room switch (Type B) (if so equipped):
Push the front side of the switch *1 located on the right side or left side of the luggage room. The corresponding rear seatback will be folded down automatically.
Center console switch (if so equipped):
Push and hold the switch located on the center console. The corresponding rear seatback will be returned automatically. A beep sounds once and the rear seatback will rise up while holding the switch. A beep sounds twice when the seatback is fully returned in position.
Manual folding
Pull the lever *A located on the right side or left side of the seatback before folding down the corresponding seatback.
Part of the release lever is marked with a red indicator. The red indicator is visible if the seatback is not fully latched.
Return the rear seatback manually until it securely locks in position. Make sure the red indicator on the release lever is not visible when the seats are in the upright and latched position.
1-6 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Rear armrest
Pull the tab and draw the armrest forward until it is horizontal.
Head restraint/headrest supplement the other vehicle safety systems. They may provide additional protection against injury in certain rear end collisions. Adjustable head restraints/headrests must be adjusted properly, as specified in this section. Check the adjustment after someone else uses the seat. Do not attach anything to the head restraint/headrest stalks or remove the head restraint/headrest. Do not use the seat if the head restraint/headrest has been removed. If the head restraint/headrest was removed, reinstall and properly adjust the head restraint/headrest before an occupant uses the seating position. Failure to follow these instructions can reduce the effectiveness of the head restraint/headrest. This may increase the risk of serious injury or death in a collision.
The illustration shows the seating positions equipped with head restraint/headrest.
Indicates the seating position is equipped with a head restraint.
Indicates the seating position is equipped with a headrest.
+ Indicates the seating position is not equipped with a head restraint or headrest (if applicable).
.Your vehicle is equipped with a head restraint/headrest that may be integrated, adjustable or non-adjustable.
— Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-7
.Adjustable head restraints/headrests have multiple notches along the stalk to lock them in a desired adjustment position.
.The non-adjustable head restraints/ headrests have a single locking notch to secure them to the seat frame.
.Proper Adjustment:
—For the adjustable type, align the head restraint/headrest so the center of your ear is approximately level with the center of the head restraint/headrest.
—If your ear position is still higher than the recommended alignment, place the head restraint/headrest at the highest position.
.If the head restraint/headrest has been removed, ensure that it is reinstalled and locked in place before riding in that designated seating position.
SSS0992 JVR0203X
GUID-31E01E3B-6950-4D1F-A175-E1E7090970EE |
GUID-F3BCF8AF-09BA-4CFF-9243-2B91278727A2 |
1. |
Removable head restraint/headrest |
1. |
Removable head restraint/headrest |
2. |
Multiple notches |
2. |
Single notch |
3. |
Lock knob |
3. |
Lock knob |
4. |
Stalks |
4. |
Stalks |
1-8 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Use the following procedure to remove the head restraint/headrest.
1.Pull the head restraint/headrest up to the highest position.
2.Push and hold the lock knob.
3.Remove the head restraint/headrest from the seat.
4.Store the head restraint/headrest properly in a secure place so it is not loose in the vehicle.
5.Reinstall and properly adjust the head restraint/headrest before an occupant uses the seating position.
1.Align the head restraint/headrest stalks with the holes in the seat. Make sure that the head restraint/headrest is facing the correct direction. The stalk
with the adjustment notches *1 must be installed in the hole with the lock knob *2 .
2.Push and hold the lock knob and push the head restraint/headrest down.
3.Properly adjust the head restraint/
For adjustable head restraint/headrest
Adjust the head restraint/headrest so the center is level with the center of your ears. If your ear position is still higher than the recommended alignment, place the head restraint/headrest at the highest position.
— Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-9
For non-adjustable head restraint/headrest
Make sure the head restraint/headrest is positioned so the lock knob is engaged in the notch before riding in that designated seating position.
Type A (if so equipped)
To raise the head restraint/headrest, pull it up.
Type B (if so equipped)
To raise the head restraint, push and hold the lock knob. Then pull it up.
Make sure the head restraint/headrest is positioned so the lock knob is engaged in the notch before riding in that designated seating position.
1-10 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
To lower, push and hold the lock knob and push the head restraint/headrest down.
Make sure the head restraint/headrest is positioned so the lock knob is engaged in the notch before riding in that designated seating position.
Active Head Restraints operate only in certain rear-end collisions. After the collision, the head restraints return to their original positions.
Adjust the Active Head Restraints properly as described earlier in this section.
The Active Head Restraint moves forward utilizing the force that the seatback receives from the occupant in a rear-end collision. The movement of the head restraint helps support the occupant’s head by reducing its backward movement and helping absorb some of the forces that may lead to whiplash-type injuries.
Active Head Restraints are effective for
collisions |
speeds in |
which |
occurs |
most. |
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-11 |
If you are wearing your seat belt properly adjusted, and you are sitting upright and well back in your seat with both feet on the floor, your chances of being injured or killed in an accident and/or the severity of injury may be greatly reduced. INFINITI strongly encourages you and all of your passengers to buckle up every time you drive, even if your seating position includes a supplemental air bag.
Most U.S. states and Canadian provinces
or territories specify that seat belts be SSS0136A worn at all times when a vehicle is being
1-12 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
.Every person who drives or rides in this vehicle should use a seat belt at all times. Children should be properly restrained in the rear seat and, if appropriate, in a child restraint.
.The seat belt should be properly adjusted to a snug fit. Failure to do so may reduce the effectiveness of the entire restraint system and increase the chance or severity of injury in an accident. Serious injury or death can occur if the seat belt is not worn properly.
.Always route the shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. Never put the belt behind your back, under your arm or across your neck. The belt should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off your shoulder.
.Position the lap belt as low and snug as possible AROUND THE HIPS, NOT THE WAIST. A lap belt worn too high could increase the risk of internal injuries in an accident.
.Be sure the seat belt tongue is securely fastened to the proper buckle.
.Do not wear the seat belt inside out or twisted. Doing so may reduce its effectiveness.
.Do not allow more than one person to use the same seat belt.
.Never carry more people in the vehicle than there are seat belts.
.If the seat belt warning light glows continuously while the ignition is turned ON with all doors closed and all seat belts fastened, it may indicate a malfunction in the system. Have the system checked by an INFINITI retailer.
.No changes should be made to the seat belt system. For example, do not modify the seat belt, add material or install devices that may change the seat belt routing or tension. Doing so may affect the operation of the seat belt system. Modifying or tampering with the seat belt system may result in serious personal injury.
.Once a seat belt pretensioner has activated, it cannot be reused and must be replaced together with the retractor. See
an INFINITI retailer.
.All seat belt assemblies, including retractors and attaching hardware, should be inspected after any collision by an INFINITI retailer. INFINITI recommends that all seat belt assemblies in use during a collision be replaced unless the collision was minor and the belts show no damage and continue to operate properly.
Seat belt assemblies not in use during a collision should also be inspected and replaced if either damage or improper operation is noted.
.All child restraints and attaching hardware should be inspected after any collision. Always follow the restraint manufacturer’s inspection instructions and replacement recommendations. The child restraints should be replaced if they are damaged.
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-13
INFINITI recommends that pregnant women use seat belts. The seat belt should be worn snug, and always position the lap belt as low as possible around the hips, not the waist, and place the shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. Never run the lap/shoulder belt over your abdominal area. Contact your doctor for specific recommendations.
GUID-D3A30BB2-C1AB-4477-9B1E-B1196CD7356B |
SSS0016 |
INFINITI recommends that injured persons |
use seat belts, depending on the injury. |
Check with your doctor for specific recom- |
mendations. |
. Every person who drives or rides in this |
vehicle should use a seat belt at all |
times. |
. Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the |
seatback is reclined. This can be danger- |
SSS0014 |
ous |
against |
be |
1-14 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
serious injuries. You could also slide under the lap belt and receive serious internal injuries.
.For the most effective protection when the vehicle is in motion, the seat should be upright. Always sit well back and upright in the seat with both feet on the floor and adjust the seat belt properly.
.Do not allow children to play with the seat belts. Most seating positions are equipped with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode seat belts. If the seat belt becomes wrapped around a child’s neck with the ALR mode activated, the child can be seriously injured or killed if the seat belt retracts and becomes tight. This can occur even if the vehicle is parked. Unbuckle the seat belt to release the child. If the seat belt can not be unbuckled or is already unbuckled, release the child by cutting the seat belt with a suitable tool (such as a knife or scissors) to release the seat belt.
Fastening the seat belts
1.Adjust the seat. (See “Seats” (P.1-2).)
2.Slowly pull the seat belt out of the retractor and insert the tongue into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage.
.The retractor is designed to lock during a sudden stop or on impact. A slow pulling motion permits the belt to move, and allows you some freedom of movement in the seat.
.If the seat belt cannot be pulled from its fully retracted position, firmly pull the belt and release it. Then
smoothly pull the belt out of the retractor.
3.Position the lap belt portion low and snug on the hips as shown.
4.Pull the shoulder belt portion toward the retractor to take up extra slack. Be sure the shoulder belt is routed over your shoulder and across your chest.
The front passenger and rear passenger seating positions’ three-point seat belts have two modes of operation:
. Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)
. Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR)
The Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) mode allows the seat belt to extend and retract to allow the driver and passengers
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-15
some freedom of movement in the seat. The ELR locks the seat belt when the vehicle slows down rapidly or during impacts.
The Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint mode) locks the seat belt for child restraint installation.
When the ALR mode is activated the seat belt cannot be extended again until the seat belt tongue is detached from the buckle and fully retracted. The seat belt returns to the ELR mode after the seat belt fully retracts. For additional information, see “Child restraints” (P.1-21).
The ALR mode should be used only for child restraint installation. During normal seat belt use by a passenger, the ALR mode should not be activated. If it is activated it may cause uncomfortable seat belt tension.
When fastening the seat belts, be certain that seatbacks are completely secured in the latched position. If they are not completely secured, passengers may be injured in an accident or sudden stop.
Unfastening the seat belts
To unfasten the seat belt, push the button on the buckle. The seat belt automatically retracts.
Checking seat belt operation
Seat belt retractors are designed to lock seat belt movement by two separate methods:
.When the belt is pulled quickly from the retractor.
. When the vehicle slows down rapidly.
1-16 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
.Grasp the shoulder belt and pull forward quickly. The retractor should lock and restrict further belt movement.
If the retractor does not lock during this check or if you have any question about seat belt operation, see an INFINITI retailer.
Shoulder belt height adjustment
(for front seats)
The shoulder belt anchor height should be adjusted to the position best for you. (See “Precautions on seat belt usage” (P.1-12).)
To adjust, push the button *A , and then move the shoulder belt anchor to the desired position, so that the belt passes over the center of the shoulder. The belt should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off of your shoulder. Release the adjustment button to lock the shoulder belt anchor into position.
.After adjustment, release the adjustment button and try to move the shoulder belt anchor up and down to make sure it is securely fixed in position.
.The shoulder belt anchor height should be adjusted to the position best for you. Failure to do so may reduce the effectiveness of the entire restraint system and increase the chance or severity of
injury in an accident. |
SSS0671 |
Rear center seat belt
The center seat belt buckle is identified by the CENTER mark. The center seat belt tongue can be fastened only into the center seat belt buckle.
If, because of body size or driving position, it is not possible to properly fit the lapshoulder belt and fasten it, an extender that is compatible with the installed seat belts is available that can be purchased. The extender adds approximately 8 in (200 mm) of length and may be used for either the driver or front passenger seating
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-17
position. See an INFINITI retailer for assistance with purchasing an extender if an extender is required.
.Only INFINITI seat belt extenders, made by the same company which made the original equipment seat belts, should be used with the INFINITI seat belts.
.Adults and children who can use the standard seat belt should not use an extender. Such unnecessary use could result in serious personal injury in the event of an accident.
.Never use seat belt extenders to install child restraints. If the child restraint is not secured properly, the child could be seriously injured in a collision or a sudden stop.
until they are completely dry.
.If dirt builds up in the shoulder belt guide of the seat belt anchors, the seat belts may retract slowly. Wipe the shoulder belt guide with a clean, dry cloth.
.Periodically check to see that the seat belt and the metal components such as buckles, tongues, retractors, flexible wires and anchors work properly. If loose parts, deterioration, cuts or other damage on the webbing is found, the entire seat belt assembly should be replaced.
.To clean the seat belt webbing, apply a mild soap solution or any solution recommended for cleaning upholstery or carpets. Then, wipe with a cloth and allow the seat belts to dry in the shade. Do not allow the seat belts to retract
1-18 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Do not allow children to play with the seat belts. Most seating positions are equipped with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode seat belts. If the seat belt becomes wrapped around a child’s neck with the ALR mode activated, the child can be seriously injured or killed if the seat belt retracts and becomes tight. This can occur even if the vehicle is parked. Unbuckle the seat belt to release the child. If the seat belt can not be unbuckled or is already unbuckled, release the child by cutting the seat belt with a suitable tool (such as a knife or scissors) to release the seat belt.
Children need adults to help protect them. They need to be properly restrained.
In addition to the general information in this manual, child safety information is available from many other sources, including doctors, teachers, government traffic safety offices, and community organizations. Every child is different, so be sure to learn the best way to transport your child.
There are three basic types of child restraint systems:
. Rear-facing child restraint
. Front-facing child restraint
. Booster seat
The proper restraint depends on the child’s size. Generally, infants up to about 1 year and less than 20 lb (9 kg) should be placed in rear-facing child restraints. Front-facing child restraints are available for children who outgrow rear-facing child restraints and are at least 1 year old. Booster seats are used to help position a vehicle lap/ shoulder belt on a child who can no longer use a front-facing child restraint.
Infants and children need special protection. The vehicle’s seat belts may not fit them properly. The shoulder belt may come too close to the face or neck. The lap belt may not fit over their small hip bones. In an accident, an improperly fitting seat belt could cause serious or fatal injury. Always use appropriate child restraints.
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or territories require the use of approved child restraints for infants and small children. (See “Child restraints” (P.1-21).)
Also, there are other types of child restraints available for larger children for additional protection.
INFINITI recommends that all pre-teens and children be restrained in the rear seat. According to accident statistics, children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat.
This is especially important because your vehicle has a supplemental restraint system (air bag system) for the front passenger. (See “Supplemental restraint system” (P.1-42).)
Infants up to at least 1 year old should be placed in a rear-facing child restraint. INFINITI recommends that infants be placed in child restraints that comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. You should choose a child restraint which fits the
and use
Children that are over 1 year old and weigh at least 20 lbs (9 kg) should remain in a rear-facing child restraint as long as possible up to the height or weight limit of the child restraint. Children who outgrow the height or weight limit of the rear-facing child restraint and are at least 1 year old should be secured in a forward-facing child restraint with a harness. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for minimum and maximum weight and height recommendations. INFINITI recommends that small children be placed in child restraints that comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. You should choose a child restraint that fits your vehicle and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use.
Children should remain in a forward-facing child restraint with a harness until they reach the maximum height or weight limit allowed by the child restraint manufacturer.
Once a child outgrows the height or weight limit of the harness-equipped forward-
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-19
facing child restraint, INFINITI recommends that the child be placed in a commercially available booster seat to obtain proper seat belt fit. For a seat belt to fit properly, the booster seat should raise the child so that the shoulder belt is properly positioned across the chest and the top, middle portion of the shoulder. The shoulder belt should not cross the neck or face and should not fall off the shoulder. The lap belt should lie snugly across the lower hips or upper thighs, not the abdomen. A booster seat can only be used in seating positions that have a three-point type seat belt. The booster seat should fit the vehicle seat and have a label certifying that it complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
A booster seat should be used until the child can pass the seat belt fit test below:
.Are the child’s back and hips against the vehicle seatback?
.Is the child able to sit without slouching?
.Do the child’s knees bend easily over the front edge of the seat with feet flat on the floor?
.Can the child safely wear the seat belt (lap belt low and snug across the hips
and shoulder belt across mid-chest and shoulder)?
.Is the child able to use the properly adjusted head restraint/headrest?
.Will the child be able to stay in position for the entire ride?
1-20 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
If you answered no to any of these questions, the child should remain in a booster seat using a three-point type seat belt.
Laws in some communities may follow different guidelines. Check local and state regulations to confirm your child is using the correct restraint system before traveling.
Never let a child stand or kneel on any seat and do not allow a child in the cargo area. The child could be seriously injured or killed in a sudden stop or collision.
. Failure to follow the warnings and instructions for proper use and installation of child restraints could result in serious injury or death of a child or other passengers in a sudden stop or collision:
— The child restraint must be used and
SSS0099 installed properly. Always follow all of the child restraint manufacturer’s
instructions for installation and use.
— Infants and children should never be held on anyone’s lap. Even the strongest adult cannot resist the forces of a collision.
— Do not put a seat belt around both a child and another passenger.
— INFINITI recommends that all child restraints be installed in the rear seat. Studies show that children are safer when properly restrained in the
rear seat than in the front seat. If you SSS0100 must install a forward-facing child
restraint in the front seat, see “For-
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-21
ward-facing child restraint installation using the seat belts” (P.1-34).
—Even with the INFINITI Advanced Air Bag System, never install a rearfacing child restraint in the front seat. An inflating air bag could seriously injure or kill a child. A rear-facing child restraint must only be used in the rear seat.
—Be sure to purchase a child restraint that will fit the child and vehicle. Some child restraints may not fit properly in your vehicle.
—Child restraint anchor points are designed to withstand loads from child restraints that are properly fitted.
—Never use the anchor points for adult seat belts or harnesses.
—A child restraint with a top tether strap should not be used in the front passenger seat.
—Keep seatbacks as upright as possible after fitting the child restraint.
—Infants and children should always be placed in an appropriate child restraint while in the vehicle.
.When the child restraint is not in use, keep it secured with the LATCH system or a seat belt. In a sudden stop or collision, loose objects can injure occupants or damage the vehicle.
A child restraint in a closed vehicle can become very hot. Check the seating surface and buckles before placing a child in the child restraint.
This vehicle is equipped with a universal child restraint anchor system, referred to as the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) system. Some child restraints include rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can be connected to these anchors.
For details, see “Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH) system” (P.1- 23).
If you do not have a LATCH compatible child restraint, can be used.
1-22 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
straints for infants and small children of various sizes. When selecting any child restraint, keep the following points in mind:
.Choose only a restraint with a label certifying that it complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213 or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213.
.Check the child restraint in your vehicle to be sure it is compatible with the vehicle’s seat and seat belt system.
.If the child restraint is compatible with your vehicle, place your child in the child restraint and check the various adjustments to be sure the child restraint is compatible with your child. Choose a child restraint that is designed for your child’s height and weight. Always follow all recommended procedures.
.If the combined weight of the child and child restraint is less than 65 lbs (29.5 kg), you may use either the LATCH anchors or the seat belt to install the child restraint (not both at the same time).
.If the combined weight of the child and child restraint is greater than 65 lbs
(29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint.
.Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or territories require that infants and small children be restrained in an approved child restraint at all times while the vehicle is being operated. Canadian law requires the top tether strap on front-facing child restraints to be secured to the designated anchor point on the vehicle.
LATCH system lower anchor locations
Lower Anchors and Tethers for
Your vehicle is equipped with special anchor points that are used with the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) system compatible child restraints. This system may also be referred to as the ISOFIX or ISOFIX compatible system. With this system, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to secure the child restraint unless the combined weight of
the child |
65 lbs |
(29.5 |
of the |
child |
than 65 |
lbs (29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
The LATCH anchor points are provided to install child restraints in the rear outboard seating positions only.
LATCH lower anchor
Failure to follow the warnings and instructions for proper use and installation of child restraints could result in serious injury or death of a child or other passengers in a sudden stop or collision:
.Attach LATCH system compatible child restraints only at the locations shown in the illustration.
.Do not secure a child restraint in the center rear seating position using the LATCH lower anchors. The child restraint will not be secured properly.
.Inspect the lower anchors by inserting your fingers into the lower anchor area. Feel to make sure there are no obstruc-
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-23
tions over the anchors such as seat belt webbing or seat cushion material. The child restraint will not be secured properly if the lower anchors are obstructed.
Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used to attach adult seat belts, or other items or equipment to the vehicle. Doing so could damage the child restraint anchorages. The child restraint will not be properly installed using the damaged anchorage, and a child could be seriously injured or killed in a collision.
LATCH lower anchor location
LATCH lower anchor point locations
The LATCH lower anchors are located at the rear of the seat cushion near the seatback. A label is attached to the seatback to help you locate the LATCH lower anchors.
1-24 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
LATCH webbing-mounted attachment
Installing child restraint LATCH an-
chor attachments
LATCH compatible child restraints include two rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can be connected to two anchors located at certain seating positions in your vehicle. With this system, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to secure the child restraint. Check your child restraint for a label stating that it is compatible with LATCH. This information may also be in the instructions provided by the child restraint manufacturer.
LATCH rigid-mounted attachment
The child restraint top tether strap must be used when installing the child restraint with the LATCH lower anchor attachments or seat belts.
When installing a child restraint, carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual and those supplied with the child restraint.
Top tether anchor
.Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used to attach adult seat belts, or other items or equipment to the vehicle. Doing so could damage the child restraint anchorages. The child restraint will not be properly
.If the cargo cover (if so equipped) contacts the top tether strap when it is attached to the top tether anchor, remove the cargo cover from the vehicle or secure it on the cargo floor below its attachment location. If the cargo cover is not removed, it may damage the top tether strap during a collision.
.Do not allow cargo to contact the top tether strap when it is attached to the top tether anchor. Properly secure the cargo so it does not contact the top tether strap. Cargo that is not properly secured or cargo that contacts the top tether strap may damage the top tether strap during a collision. Your child could be seriously injured or killed in a collision if the child restraint top tether strap is damaged.
Top tether anchor point locations:
Anchor points are located on the back of each seatback for all three seating positions of the rear seat as shown.
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-25
Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child safety” (P.1-18) and “Child restraints” (P.1-21) before installing a child restraint.
Do not use the lower anchors if the combined weight of the child and the child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg). If the combined weight of the child and the child restraint is greater than 65 lbs (29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
Follow these steps to install a rear-facing child restraint using the LATCH system:
1.Position the child restraint on the seat. Always follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions.
SSS0648 |
SSS0649 |
Rear-facing web-mounted — step 2 |
Rear-facing rigid-mounted — step 2 |
2.Secure the child restraint anchor attachments to the LATCH lower anchors. Check to make sure the LATCH attachment is properly attached to the lower anchors.
1-26 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Rear-facing — step 3
3.For child restraints that are equipped with webbing-mounted attachments, remove any additional slack from the anchor attachments. Press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your hand to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while tightening the webbing of the anchor attachments.
all child restraints fit in all types of vehicles.
5. Check to make sure the child restraint is properly secured prior to each use. If the child restraint is loose, repeat steps 1 through 4.
Rear-facing — step 4
4.After attaching the child restraint, test it before you place the child in it. Push it from side to side while holding the child restraint near the LATCH attachment path. The child restraint should not move more than 1 inch (25 mm), from side to side. Try to tug it forward and check to see if the LATCH attachment holds the restraint in place. If the restraint is not secure, tighten the LATCH attachment as necessary, or put the restraint in another seat and test it
again |
different |
child |
using |
the |
. Not |
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-27 |
air bag and status light” (P.1-49).
The three-point seat belt with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) must be used when installing a child restraint. Failure to use the ALR mode will result in the child restraint not being properly secured. The restraint could tip over or be loose and cause injury to a child in a sudden stop or collision. Also, it can change the operation of the front passenger air bag. See “Front passenger
1-28 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Rear-facing — step 1
Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child safety” (P.1-18) and “Child restraints” (P.1-21) before installing a child restraint.
Do not use the lower anchors if the combined weight of the child and the child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg). If the combined weight of the child and the child restraint is greater than 65 lbs (29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
Follow these steps to install a rear-facing child restraint using the vehicle seat belts in the rear seats:
1.Child restraints for infants must be used in the rear-facing direction and therefore must not be used in the front seat. Position the child restraint on the seat. Always follow the restraint manufacturer’s instructions.
Rear-facing — step 2
2. Route the seat belt tongue through the child restraint and insert it into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for belt routing.
Rear-facing — step 3
3.Pull the shoulder belt until the belt is fully extended. At this time, the seat belt retractor is in the Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint mode). It reverts to the Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) mode when the seat belt is fully retracted.
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-29
Your INFINITI represents a new way of thinking about vehicle design. It integrates advanced engineering and superior craftsmanship with a simple, refined aesthetic sensitivity associated with traditional Japanese culture.
The result is a different notion of luxury and beauty. The car itself is important, but so is the sense of harmony that the vehicle evokes in its driver, and the sense of satisfaction you feel with the INFINITI — from the way it looks and drives to the high level of retailer service.
To ensure that you enjoy your INFINITI to the fullest, we encourage you to read this Owner’s Manual immediately. It explains all of the features, controls and performance characteristics of your INFINITI; it also provides important instructions and safety information.
A separate Warranty Information Booklet is included in your Owner’s literature portfolio. The INFINITI Service and Maintenance Guide explains details about maintaining and servicing your vehicle. Always carry it with you when you take your vehicle to an INFINITI retailer. The Warranty Information Booklet contents provide complete information about all
warranties covering this vehicle, the requirements to keep the warranties in effect as well as the INFINITI Roadside Assistance program.
Additionally, a separate Customer Care and Lemon Law Information Booklet will explain how to resolve any concerns you may have with your vehicle, as well as clarify your rights under your state’s lemon law.
In addition to factory installed options, your vehicle may also be equipped with additional accessories installed by INFINITI or by your INFINITI retailer prior to delivery. It is important that you familiarize yourself with all disclosures, warnings, cautions and instructions concerning proper use of such accessories prior to operating the vehicle and/or accessory. See an INFINITI retailer for details concerning the particular accessories with which your vehicle is equipped.
Before driving your vehicle, read your Owner’s Manual carefully. This will ensure familiarity with controls and maintenance requirements, assisting you in the safe operation of your vehicle.
Follow these important driving rules to help ensure a safe and comfortable trip for you and your passengers!
.NEVER drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
.ALWAYS observe posted speed limits and never drive too fast for conditions.
.ALWAYS give your full attention to driving and avoid using vehicle features or taking other actions that could distract you.
.ALWAYS use your seat belts and appropriate child restraint systems. Pre-teen children should be seated in the rear seat.
.ALWAYS provide information about the proper use of vehicle safety features to all occupants of the vehicle.
.ALWAYS review this Owner’s Manual for important safety information.
This vehicle will handle and maneuver differently from an ordinary passenger car because it has a higher center of gravity. As with other vehicles with features of this type, failure to operate this vehicle correctly may result in loss of control or an accident. Be sure to read “On-pavement and off-road driving precautions”, “Avoiding collision and rollover” and “Driving safety precautions” in the “5. Starting and driving” section of this manual.
This vehicle should not be modified. Modification could affect its performance, safety or durability, and may even violate governmental regulations. In addition, damage or performance problems resulting from modification will not be covered under the INFINITI warranties.
This manual includes information for all features and equipment available on this model. Features and equipment in your vehicle may vary depending on model, trim level, options selected, order, date of production, region or availability. Therefore, you may find information about features or equipment that are not included or installed on your vehicle.
All information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are those in effect at the time of printing. INFINITI reserves the right to change specifications, performance, design or component suppliers without notice and without obligation.
From |
update or |
revise |
with |
the |
currently |
available. Please carefully read and retain with this manual all revision updates sent to you by INFINITI to ensure you have access to accurate and up-to-date information regarding your vehicle. Current versions of vehicle Owner’s Manuals and any updates can also be found in the Owner section of the INFINITI website at https:// owners.infinitiusa.com/owners/navigation/manualsandGuides. If you have questions concerning any information in your Owner’s Manual, contact INFINITI Consumer Affairs. See the INFINITI CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAM page in this Owner’s Manual for contact information.
Both INFINITI and your INFINITI retailer are dedicated to serving all your automotive needs. Your satisfaction with your vehicle and your INFINITI retailer are our primary concerns.Your INFINITI retailer is always available to assist you with all your automobile sales and service needs.
However, if there is something that your INFINITI retailer cannot assist you with or you would like to provide INFINITI directly with comments or questions, please contact our (INFINITI’s) Consumer Affairs Department using our toll-free number:
For U.S. customers 1-800-662-6200
For Canadian customers 1-800-361-4792
The Consumer Affairs Department will ask for the following information:
.Your name, address, and telephone number
.Vehicle identification number (on dash panel)
. Date of purchase
. Current odometer reading
. Your INFINITI retailer’s name
. Your comments or questions OR
You can write to INFINITI with the information on the left at:
For U.S. customers INFINITI Division
Nissan North America, Inc. Consumer Affairs Department P.O. Box 685003
Franklin, TN 37068-5003 or via e-mail at:
nnaconsumeraffairs@nissan-usa. com
For Canadian customers INFINITI Division Nissan Canada Inc. 5290 Orbitor Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4Z5 or via e-mail at:
information.centre@nissancanada. com
If you prefer, visit us at: www.infinitiUSA.com (for U.S. customer) or www.infiniti.ca (for Canadian customers)
We appreciate your interest in INFINITI and thank you for buying a quality INFINITI vehicle.
Illustrated table of contents
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
Instruments and controls
Pre-driving checks and adjustments
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Starting and driving
In case of emergency
Appearance and care
Maintenance and do-it-yourself
Technical and consumer information
0 Illustrated table of contents
Seats, seat belts and Supplemental Restraint |
Instrument panel ………………………………………… |
0-9 |
System (SRS) ……………………………………………… |
0-2 |
Meters and gauges ……………………………………. |
0-10 |
Exterior front ………………………………………………. |
0-3 |
Engine compartment………………………………….. |
0-11 |
Exterior rear ……………………………………………….. |
0-5 |
VQ37VHR engine ………………………………….. |
0-11 |
Passenger compartment ……………………………….. |
0-6 |
Warning and indicator lights ……………………….. |
0-12 |
Cockpit………………………………………………………. |
0-7 |
8.Rear armrest (P.1-7)
9.Rear seats (P.1-4)
— Child restraints (P.1-21)
10.Front seat-mounted side-impact supplemental air bags (P.1-42)
11.Seat belt pretensioner (P.1-53)
12.Occupant classification sensor (pattern sensor) (P.1-47)
13.Front passenger air bag status light (P.1-49)
SSI0417 |
1. |
Rear seat power folding/return switch |
5. |
Roof-mounted curtain side-impact |
(Page 1-4) |
supplemental air bags (P.1-42) |
2. |
Child restraint anchor points (for top |
6. |
Supplemental front-impact air bags |
tether strap child restraint) (P.1-38) |
(P |
3. |
Head restraints (P.1-7) |
7. |
for |
4.Seat belts (P.1-12)
0-2 Illustrated table of contents
1.Front view camera (if so equipped) (P.4-31)
2.Hood (P.3-16)
3.Headlights and turn signal lights (P.2-34)
— Bulb replacement (P.8-27)
— Adaptive Front lighting System (AFS) (if so equipped) (P.2-37)
4.Windshield wiper and washer (P.2-31)
7.Power windows (P.2-51)
8.Outside mirrors (P.3-23)
—Side view camera (if so equipped) (P.4-31)
—Welcome light (P.2-55)
9.Corner sensors (if so equipped)
—Around View® Monitor (if so equipped) (P.4-31)
—Sonar system (if so equipped) (P.5-94)
10.Center sensors (if so equipped)
—Sonar system (if so equipped) (P.5-94)
11.Recovery hook (P.6-14)
12.Daytime running lights (P.2-37)
13.Fog lights (P.2-39)
—Wheel and tires (P.8-29, P.9-8)
—Flat tire (P.6-3)
—Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) (P.2-14, P.5-5)
—Keys (P.3-2)
—Door locks (P.3-4)
—Intelligent Key system (P.3-7)
—Remote keyless entry system
Illustrated table of contents 0-3
16. Side turn signal lights (P.2-39)
0-4 Illustrated table of contents
GUID-22C3CD44-5E1E-4FA8-BA99-B089AFCA0ADD |
— Around View® Monitor (if so |
equipped) (P.4-31) |
— Sonar system (if so equipped) |
(P.5-94) |
8. |
Center sensors (if so equipped) |
— Sonar system (if so equipped) |
(P.5-94) |
9. |
Rear combination lights (bulb replace- |
ment) (P.8-25) |
10. |
Fuel-filler door (P.3-18) |
— Fuel information (P.9-3) |
11. |
Child safety rear door locks (P.3-6) |
1.Rearview camera (P.4-24, P.4-31)
2.Lift gate (P.3-17)
—Intelligent Key system (P.3-7)
—Remote keyless entry system (P.3-13)
3.Rear window defroster (P.2-33)
4.High-mounted stop light (P.8-25)
5.Rear window wiper and washer (P.2-33)
Illustrated table of contents 0-5
GUID-FE9DADD4-463D-4664-925C-6329D4E54F5A |
8. |
Map light (P.2-56) |
9. |
Sunglasses holder (P.2-46) |
10. |
Inside rearview mirror (P.3-22) |
— HomeLink® (if so equipped) |
(P.2-59) |
11. |
Cargo cover (if so equipped) (P.2-49) |
12. |
Rear cup holders (P.2-45) |
13. |
Console box |
— Power outlet (P.2-44) |
— USB memory operation (P.4-83) |
— iPod® player operation (P.4-92) |
14. |
Front cup holders (P.2-45) |
1.Coat hooks (P.2-48)
2.Seat-mounted jacket hanger (if so equipped) (P.2-47)
3.Rear personal light (P.2-57)
4.Power window controls (P.2-51)
0-6 Illustrated table of contents
— Outside mirror remote control switch (P.3-23)
5.Automatic drive positioner switch (if so
1.TRIP/RESET switch for twin trip odometer (P.2-7)
2.Instrument brightness control switch (P.2-38)
3.Headlight, fog light and turn signal switch (P.2-34)
4.Trip computer switch (P.2-26)
5.Windshield wiper and washer switch (P.2-31)
—Forward Collision Warning (FCW) (P.5-77)
—Lane Departure Warning (LDW) (P.5-20)
—Blind Spot Warning (BSW)
7.Hood release handle (P.3-16)
8.Intelligent Key port (P.5-13)
9.Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) OFF switch (P.5-102)
10.Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) off switch (if so equipped) (P.2-42)
11.Electric tilting/telescopic steering wheel lever (if so equipped) (P.3-20)
12.Steering-wheel-mounted controls (Left side)
—For audio system (P.4-96)
—For Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System (with navigation system)
—For Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System (without navigation system) (P.4-110)
—For INFINITI Voice Recognition System (if so equipped) (P.4-124)
13.Manual tilting/telescopic steering wheel lever (if so equipped) (P.3-20)
Illustrated table of contents 0-7
14.Steering wheel
—Horn (P.2-39)
—Driver supplemental air bag (P.1-42)
15.Steering-wheel-mounted controls (right side)
—Cruise control switches (P.5-39)
—Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) switches (if so equipped) (P.5-41)
—Lane Departure Prevention (LDP) switch (if so equipped) (P.5-20)
—Distance Control Assist (DCA) switch (if so equipped) (P.5-63)
16.Center-console-mounted controls
—Heated seat switches (P.2-40)
—Rear seat power return switches (if so equipped) (P.1-4)
—SNOW mode switch (P.2-42)
0-8 Illustrated table of contents
GUID-422CC4D1-5AAE-4B93-824E-764A57BE67BE |
tem (with navigation system) (P.4-99) |
— Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone Sys- |
tem (without navigation system) |
(P.4-110) |
— Around View® Monitor (if so |
equipped) (P.4-31) |
— RearView Monitor (if so equipped) |
(P.4-24) |
8. |
Front passenger supplemental air bag |
(P.1-42) |
9. |
Fuse box cover (P.8-22) |
10. |
Parking brake (P.5-19) |
11. |
Push-button ignition switch (P.5-10) |
12. |
Front passenger air bag status light |
(P.1-47) |
13. |
Power outlet (P.2-44) |
14. |
Rear window defroster switch (P.2-33) |
15. |
Automatic climate control system |
(P.4-53) |
16. |
Audio system (P.4-61) |
SSI0624 |
17. |
Glove box lid release handle (P.2-46) |
1. |
Side ventilator (P.4-53) |
7. Center multi-function control panel |
*: Refer to the separate Navigation System |
2. |
Meters and gauges (P.2-6) |
— N a v i g a t i o n s y s t e m * |
( i f s o |
Owner’s Manual. |
3. |
Center ventilator (P.4-53) |
equipped) |
4. |
Center display (P.4-3) |
— |
setting |
5. |
Clock (P.2-43) |
6. |
Hazard warning flasher switch (P.6-2) |
— |
Sys- |
Illustrated table of contents 0-9
1.Tachometer (P.2-8)
2.Warning/Indicator lights (P.2-10)
3.Speedometer (P.2-7)
4.Engine coolant temperature gauge (P.2-8)
5.Vehicle information display (P.2-20)/
0-10 Illustrated table of contents
Odometer/twin trip odometer (P.2-7)
6.Fuel gauge (P.2-9)
1. Fuse/fusible link holder (P.8-22)
2. Battery (P.8-15)
3. Radiator filler cap (P.8-7)
4. Engine oil dipstick (P.8-9)
5. Engine oil filler cap (P.8-9)
11. Coolant reservoir (P.8-7)
6.Brake fluid reservoir (P.8-13)
7.Window washer fluid reservoir (P.8-14)
8.Power steering fluid reservoir (P.8-12)
Illustrated table of contents 0-11
Warning |
Name |
Page |
light |
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) warning |
2-11 |
light (AWD models) |
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) |
2-11 |
warning light |
Automatic Transmission check |
2-11 |
warning light |
Blind Spot Warning (BSW) sys- |
tem warning light (if so |
2-11 |
equipped) |
Brake warning light |
2-12 |
Charge warning light |
2-12 |
Distance Control Assist (DCA) |
system warning light (orange) |
2-12 |
(if so equipped) |
Engine oil pressure warning |
2-13 |
light |
Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) |
system warning light (orange) |
2-13 |
(if so equipped) |
Intelligent Key warning light |
2-13 |
Lane Departure Warning (LDW) |
indicator light (orange) (if so |
2-13 |
equipped) |
Low tire pressure warning light |
2-14 |
0-12 Illustrated table of contents
Warning |
Name |
Page |
light |
Low washer fluid warning light |
2-15 |
Master warning light |
2-15 |
Preview Function warning light |
2-15 |
(orange) (if so equipped) |
Seat belt warning light |
2-15 |
Supplemental air bag warning |
2-16 |
light |
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) |
2-16 |
warning light |
Adaptive Front lighting System (AFS) indicator light (if so equipped)
Automatic Transmission position indicator light
Exterior light indicator
Front fog light indicator light
Front passenger air bag status light
High beam indicator light
Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) off indicator light (if so equipped)
Lane Departure Prevention (LDP) ON indicator light (green) (if so equipped)
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
Security indicator light
Turn signal/hazard indicator lights
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) off indicator light
1 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
Seats ………………………………………………………… |
1-2 |
Front seats……………………………………………… |
1-3 |
Rear seats………………………………………………. |
1-4 |
Armrest………………………………………………….. |
1-7 |
Head restraints/headrests…………………………….. |
1-7 |
Adjustable head |
restraint/headrest components ………………….. |
1-8 |
Non-adjustable head |
restraint/headrest components ………………….. |
1-8 |
Remove………………………………………………….. |
1-9 |
Install ……………………………………………………. |
1-9 |
Adjust ……………………………………………………. |
1-9 |
Front-seat active head restraint………………… |
1-11 |
Seat belts ………………………………………………… |
1-12 |
Precautions on seat belt usage ………………… |
1-12 |
Pregnant women ……………………………………. |
1-14 |
Injured persons……………………………………… |
1-14 |
Three-point type seat belt ……………………….. |
1-14 |
Seat belt extenders………………………………… |
1-17 |
Seat belt maintenance ……………………………. |
1-18 |
Child safety………………………………………………. |
1-18 |
Infants …………………………………………………. |
1-19 |
Small children……………………………………….. |
Larger children………………………………………. |
Child restraints…………………………………………. |
1-21 |
Precautions on child restraints ……………….. |
1-21 |
Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren |
(LATCH) system…………………………………….. |
1-23 |
Rear-facing child restraint installation |
using LATCH ………………………………………… |
1-26 |
Rear-facing child restraint installation using |
the seat belts ………………………………………. |
1-28 |
Forward-facing child restraint installation |
using LATCH ………………………………………… |
1-31 |
Forward-facing child restraint installation |
using the seat belts………………………………. |
1-34 |
Booster seats ………………………………………. |
1-39 |
Supplemental restraint system…………………….. |
1-42 |
Precautions on supplemental |
restraint system …………………………………… |
1-42 |
INFINITI Advanced Air Bag System |
(front seats)…………………………………………. |
1-47 |
Front seat-mounted side-impact |
supplemental air bag and roof-mounted |
curtain side-impact supplemental air |
bag systems………………………………………… |
1-52 |
Seat belts with pretensioners (front seats)…. |
1-53 |
air bag warning labels……….. |
1-55 |
air bag warning light …………. |
1-55 |
and replacement procedure ………….. |
1-56 |
.Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the seatback is reclined. This can be dangerous. The shoulder belt will not be against your body. In an accident, you could be thrown into it and receive neck or other serious injuries. You could also slide under the lap belt and receive serious internal injuries.
.For the most effective protection when the vehicle is in motion, the seat should be upright. Always sit well back and
upright in the seat with both feet on the floor and adjust the seat properly. See “Precautions on seat belt usage” (P.1-
.After adjustment, gently rock in the seat to make sure it is securely locked.
.Do not leave children unattended inside the vehicle. They could unknowingly activate switches or controls. Unattended children could become involved in serious accidents.
1-2 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
vehicle and/or its systems, do not leave children, people who require the assistance of others or pets unattended in your vehicle. Additionally, the temperature inside a closed vehicle on a warm day can quickly become high enough to cause a significant risk of injury or death to people and pets.
.The seatback should not be reclined further than necessary for comfort. Seat belts are most effective when the passenger sits well back and straight up in the seat. If the seat back is reclined, the risk of sliding under the lap belt and being injured is increased.
Front power seat adjustment
Operating tips:
.The power seat motor has an auto-reset overload protection circuit. If the motor stops during operation, wait 30 seconds, then reactivate the switch.
.Do not operate the power seat switch for a long period of time when the engine is off. This will discharge the battery.
See “Automatic drive positioner” (P.3-25) for the seat position memory function (if so equipped).
When adjusting the seat positions, be sure not to contact any moving parts to avoid possible injuries and/or damages.
Forward and backward:
Moving the switch *1 forward or backward will slide the seat forward or backward to the desired position.
back can be reclined to allow occupants to rest when the vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in the P (Park) position.
Move the recline switch *2 backward until the desired angle is obtained. To bring the seatback forward again, move the switch *2 forward.
The reclining feature allows adjustment of the seatback for occupants of different
sizes |
obtain |
proper |
on |
seat |
seat- |
— Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-3 |
Seat lifter:
Push the front or rear end of the switch up or down to adjust the angle or height of the seat.
Lumbar support (driver’s seat):
The lumbar support feature provides lower back support to the driver.
Type A (if so equipped)
Type A (if so equipped)
Push the front *1 or back *2 end of the switch to adjust the seatback lumbar area.
1-4 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Type B (if so equipped)
Type B (if so equipped)
Move the lever *1 up or down to adjust the seatback lumbar area.
.When folding or returning the seatback
(s)to the upright position, to avoid injury to yourself and others:
—Make sure that the seat path is clear before moving the seat.
.When operating the rear power seatback return, make sure that the vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in the P (Park) position.
.Make sure the lid of the rear seat cup holders is closed before folding the rear seatback.
.Never allow anyone to ride in the cargo area or on the rear seat when it is in the fold-down position. Use of these areas by passengers without proper restraints could result in serious injury in an accident or sudden stop.
.When returning the seatbacks to the upright position, be certain they are completely secured in the latched position. If they are not completely secured, passengers may be injured in an accident or sudden stop.
.Properly secure all cargo to help prevent it from sliding or shifting. Do not place cargo higher than the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or collision, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury.
Type A (if so equipped)
Power folding
Luggage room switch (Type A) (if so equipped):
Push the front side of the switch *1 located on the right side or left side of the luggage room. The corresponding rear seatback will be folded down automatically.
Push and hold the rear side of the switch *2 . The corresponding rear seatback will be returned automatically. A beep sounds
once |
rise up |
while |
sounds |
twice |
in |
— Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-5 |
Type B (if so equipped)
Luggage room switch (Type B) (if so equipped):
Push the front side of the switch *1 located on the right side or left side of the luggage room. The corresponding rear seatback will be folded down automatically.
Center console switch (if so equipped):
Push and hold the switch located on the center console. The corresponding rear seatback will be returned automatically. A beep sounds once and the rear seatback will rise up while holding the switch. A beep sounds twice when the seatback is fully returned in position.
Manual folding
Pull the lever *A located on the right side or left side of the seatback before folding down the corresponding seatback.
Part of the release lever is marked with a red indicator. The red indicator is visible if the seatback is not fully latched.
Return the rear seatback manually until it securely locks in position. Make sure the red indicator on the release lever is not visible when the seats are in the upright and latched position.
1-6 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Rear armrest
Pull the tab and draw the armrest forward until it is horizontal.
Head restraint/headrest supplement the other vehicle safety systems. They may provide additional protection against injury in certain rear end collisions. Adjustable head restraints/headrests must be adjusted properly, as specified in this section. Check the adjustment after someone else uses the seat. Do not attach anything to the head restraint/headrest stalks or remove the head restraint/headrest. Do not use the seat if the head restraint/headrest has been removed. If the head restraint/headrest was removed, reinstall and properly adjust the head restraint/headrest before an occupant uses the seating position. Failure to follow these instructions can reduce the effectiveness of the head restraint/headrest. This may increase the risk of serious injury or death in a collision.
The illustration shows the seating positions equipped with head restraint/headrest.
Indicates the seating position is equipped with a head restraint.
Indicates the seating position is equipped with a headrest.
+ Indicates the seating position is not equipped with a head restraint or headrest (if applicable).
.Your vehicle is equipped with a head restraint/headrest that may be integrated, adjustable or non-adjustable.
— Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-7
.Adjustable head restraints/headrests have multiple notches along the stalk to lock them in a desired adjustment position.
.The non-adjustable head restraints/ headrests have a single locking notch to secure them to the seat frame.
.Proper Adjustment:
—For the adjustable type, align the head restraint/headrest so the center of your ear is approximately level with the center of the head restraint/headrest.
—If your ear position is still higher than the recommended alignment, place the head restraint/headrest at the highest position.
.If the head restraint/headrest has been removed, ensure that it is reinstalled and locked in place before riding in that designated seating position.
SSS0992 JVR0203X
GUID-31E01E3B-6950-4D1F-A175-E1E7090970EE |
GUID-F3BCF8AF-09BA-4CFF-9243-2B91278727A2 |
1. |
Removable head restraint/headrest |
1. |
Removable head restraint/headrest |
2. |
Multiple notches |
2. |
Single notch |
3. |
Lock knob |
3. |
Lock knob |
4. |
Stalks |
4. |
Stalks |
1-8 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Use the following procedure to remove the head restraint/headrest.
1.Pull the head restraint/headrest up to the highest position.
2.Push and hold the lock knob.
3.Remove the head restraint/headrest from the seat.
4.Store the head restraint/headrest properly in a secure place so it is not loose in the vehicle.
5.Reinstall and properly adjust the head restraint/headrest before an occupant uses the seating position.
1.Align the head restraint/headrest stalks with the holes in the seat. Make sure that the head restraint/headrest is facing the correct direction. The stalk
with the adjustment notches *1 must be installed in the hole with the lock knob *2 .
2.Push and hold the lock knob and push the head restraint/headrest down.
3.Properly adjust the head restraint/
For adjustable head restraint/headrest
Adjust the head restraint/headrest so the center is level with the center of your ears. If your ear position is still higher than the recommended alignment, place the head restraint/headrest at the highest position.
— Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-9
For non-adjustable head restraint/headrest
Make sure the head restraint/headrest is positioned so the lock knob is engaged in the notch before riding in that designated seating position.
Type A (if so equipped)
To raise the head restraint/headrest, pull it up.
Type B (if so equipped)
To raise the head restraint, push and hold the lock knob. Then pull it up.
Make sure the head restraint/headrest is positioned so the lock knob is engaged in the notch before riding in that designated seating position.
1-10 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
To lower, push and hold the lock knob and push the head restraint/headrest down.
Make sure the head restraint/headrest is positioned so the lock knob is engaged in the notch before riding in that designated seating position.
Active Head Restraints operate only in certain rear-end collisions. After the collision, the head restraints return to their original positions.
Adjust the Active Head Restraints properly as described earlier in this section.
The Active Head Restraint moves forward utilizing the force that the seatback receives from the occupant in a rear-end collision. The movement of the head restraint helps support the occupant’s head by reducing its backward movement and helping absorb some of the forces that may lead to whiplash-type injuries.
Active Head Restraints are effective for
collisions |
speeds in |
which |
occurs |
most. |
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-11 |
If you are wearing your seat belt properly adjusted, and you are sitting upright and well back in your seat with both feet on the floor, your chances of being injured or killed in an accident and/or the severity of injury may be greatly reduced. INFINITI strongly encourages you and all of your passengers to buckle up every time you drive, even if your seating position includes a supplemental air bag.
Most U.S. states and Canadian provinces
or territories specify that seat belts be SSS0136A worn at all times when a vehicle is being
1-12 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
.Every person who drives or rides in this vehicle should use a seat belt at all times. Children should be properly restrained in the rear seat and, if appropriate, in a child restraint.
.The seat belt should be properly adjusted to a snug fit. Failure to do so may reduce the effectiveness of the entire restraint system and increase the chance or severity of injury in an accident. Serious injury or death can occur if the seat belt is not worn properly.
.Always route the shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. Never put the belt behind your back, under your arm or across your neck. The belt should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off your shoulder.
.Position the lap belt as low and snug as possible AROUND THE HIPS, NOT THE WAIST. A lap belt worn too high could increase the risk of internal injuries in an accident.
.Be sure the seat belt tongue is securely fastened to the proper buckle.
.Do not wear the seat belt inside out or twisted. Doing so may reduce its effectiveness.
.Do not allow more than one person to use the same seat belt.
.Never carry more people in the vehicle than there are seat belts.
.If the seat belt warning light glows continuously while the ignition is turned ON with all doors closed and all seat belts fastened, it may indicate a malfunction in the system. Have the system checked by an INFINITI retailer.
.No changes should be made to the seat belt system. For example, do not modify the seat belt, add material or install devices that may change the seat belt routing or tension. Doing so may affect the operation of the seat belt system. Modifying or tampering with the seat belt system may result in serious personal injury.
.Once a seat belt pretensioner has activated, it cannot be reused and must be replaced together with the retractor. See
an INFINITI retailer.
.All seat belt assemblies, including retractors and attaching hardware, should be inspected after any collision by an INFINITI retailer. INFINITI recommends that all seat belt assemblies in use during a collision be replaced unless the collision was minor and the belts show no damage and continue to operate properly.
Seat belt assemblies not in use during a collision should also be inspected and replaced if either damage or improper operation is noted.
.All child restraints and attaching hardware should be inspected after any collision. Always follow the restraint manufacturer’s inspection instructions and replacement recommendations. The child restraints should be replaced if they are damaged.
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-13
INFINITI recommends that pregnant women use seat belts. The seat belt should be worn snug, and always position the lap belt as low as possible around the hips, not the waist, and place the shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. Never run the lap/shoulder belt over your abdominal area. Contact your doctor for specific recommendations.
GUID-D3A30BB2-C1AB-4477-9B1E-B1196CD7356B |
SSS0016 |
INFINITI recommends that injured persons |
use seat belts, depending on the injury. |
Check with your doctor for specific recom- |
mendations. |
. Every person who drives or rides in this |
vehicle should use a seat belt at all |
times. |
. Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the |
seatback is reclined. This can be danger- |
SSS0014 |
ous |
against |
be |
1-14 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
serious injuries. You could also slide under the lap belt and receive serious internal injuries.
.For the most effective protection when the vehicle is in motion, the seat should be upright. Always sit well back and upright in the seat with both feet on the floor and adjust the seat belt properly.
.Do not allow children to play with the seat belts. Most seating positions are equipped with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode seat belts. If the seat belt becomes wrapped around a child’s neck with the ALR mode activated, the child can be seriously injured or killed if the seat belt retracts and becomes tight. This can occur even if the vehicle is parked. Unbuckle the seat belt to release the child. If the seat belt can not be unbuckled or is already unbuckled, release the child by cutting the seat belt with a suitable tool (such as a knife or scissors) to release the seat belt.
Fastening the seat belts
1.Adjust the seat. (See “Seats” (P.1-2).)
2.Slowly pull the seat belt out of the retractor and insert the tongue into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage.
.The retractor is designed to lock during a sudden stop or on impact. A slow pulling motion permits the belt to move, and allows you some freedom of movement in the seat.
.If the seat belt cannot be pulled from its fully retracted position, firmly pull the belt and release it. Then
smoothly pull the belt out of the retractor.
3.Position the lap belt portion low and snug on the hips as shown.
4.Pull the shoulder belt portion toward the retractor to take up extra slack. Be sure the shoulder belt is routed over your shoulder and across your chest.
The front passenger and rear passenger seating positions’ three-point seat belts have two modes of operation:
. Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)
. Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR)
The Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) mode allows the seat belt to extend and retract to allow the driver and passengers
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-15
some freedom of movement in the seat. The ELR locks the seat belt when the vehicle slows down rapidly or during impacts.
The Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint mode) locks the seat belt for child restraint installation.
When the ALR mode is activated the seat belt cannot be extended again until the seat belt tongue is detached from the buckle and fully retracted. The seat belt returns to the ELR mode after the seat belt fully retracts. For additional information, see “Child restraints” (P.1-21).
The ALR mode should be used only for child restraint installation. During normal seat belt use by a passenger, the ALR mode should not be activated. If it is activated it may cause uncomfortable seat belt tension.
When fastening the seat belts, be certain that seatbacks are completely secured in the latched position. If they are not completely secured, passengers may be injured in an accident or sudden stop.
Unfastening the seat belts
To unfasten the seat belt, push the button on the buckle. The seat belt automatically retracts.
Checking seat belt operation
Seat belt retractors are designed to lock seat belt movement by two separate methods:
.When the belt is pulled quickly from the retractor.
. When the vehicle slows down rapidly.
1-16 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
.Grasp the shoulder belt and pull forward quickly. The retractor should lock and restrict further belt movement.
If the retractor does not lock during this check or if you have any question about seat belt operation, see an INFINITI retailer.
Shoulder belt height adjustment
(for front seats)
The shoulder belt anchor height should be adjusted to the position best for you. (See “Precautions on seat belt usage” (P.1-12).)
To adjust, push the button *A , and then move the shoulder belt anchor to the desired position, so that the belt passes over the center of the shoulder. The belt should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off of your shoulder. Release the adjustment button to lock the shoulder belt anchor into position.
.After adjustment, release the adjustment button and try to move the shoulder belt anchor up and down to make sure it is securely fixed in position.
.The shoulder belt anchor height should be adjusted to the position best for you. Failure to do so may reduce the effectiveness of the entire restraint system and increase the chance or severity of
injury in an accident. |
SSS0671 |
Rear center seat belt
The center seat belt buckle is identified by the CENTER mark. The center seat belt tongue can be fastened only into the center seat belt buckle.
If, because of body size or driving position, it is not possible to properly fit the lapshoulder belt and fasten it, an extender that is compatible with the installed seat belts is available that can be purchased. The extender adds approximately 8 in (200 mm) of length and may be used for either the driver or front passenger seating
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-17
position. See an INFINITI retailer for assistance with purchasing an extender if an extender is required.
.Only INFINITI seat belt extenders, made by the same company which made the original equipment seat belts, should be used with the INFINITI seat belts.
.Adults and children who can use the standard seat belt should not use an extender. Such unnecessary use could result in serious personal injury in the event of an accident.
.Never use seat belt extenders to install child restraints. If the child restraint is not secured properly, the child could be seriously injured in a collision or a sudden stop.
until they are completely dry.
.If dirt builds up in the shoulder belt guide of the seat belt anchors, the seat belts may retract slowly. Wipe the shoulder belt guide with a clean, dry cloth.
.Periodically check to see that the seat belt and the metal components such as buckles, tongues, retractors, flexible wires and anchors work properly. If loose parts, deterioration, cuts or other damage on the webbing is found, the entire seat belt assembly should be replaced.
.To clean the seat belt webbing, apply a mild soap solution or any solution recommended for cleaning upholstery or carpets. Then, wipe with a cloth and allow the seat belts to dry in the shade. Do not allow the seat belts to retract
1-18 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Do not allow children to play with the seat belts. Most seating positions are equipped with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode seat belts. If the seat belt becomes wrapped around a child’s neck with the ALR mode activated, the child can be seriously injured or killed if the seat belt retracts and becomes tight. This can occur even if the vehicle is parked. Unbuckle the seat belt to release the child. If the seat belt can not be unbuckled or is already unbuckled, release the child by cutting the seat belt with a suitable tool (such as a knife or scissors) to release the seat belt.
Children need adults to help protect them. They need to be properly restrained.
In addition to the general information in this manual, child safety information is available from many other sources, including doctors, teachers, government traffic safety offices, and community organizations. Every child is different, so be sure to learn the best way to transport your child.
There are three basic types of child restraint systems:
. Rear-facing child restraint
. Front-facing child restraint
. Booster seat
The proper restraint depends on the child’s size. Generally, infants up to about 1 year and less than 20 lb (9 kg) should be placed in rear-facing child restraints. Front-facing child restraints are available for children who outgrow rear-facing child restraints and are at least 1 year old. Booster seats are used to help position a vehicle lap/ shoulder belt on a child who can no longer use a front-facing child restraint.
Infants and children need special protection. The vehicle’s seat belts may not fit them properly. The shoulder belt may come too close to the face or neck. The lap belt may not fit over their small hip bones. In an accident, an improperly fitting seat belt could cause serious or fatal injury. Always use appropriate child restraints.
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or territories require the use of approved child restraints for infants and small children. (See “Child restraints” (P.1-21).)
Also, there are other types of child restraints available for larger children for additional protection.
INFINITI recommends that all pre-teens and children be restrained in the rear seat. According to accident statistics, children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat.
This is especially important because your vehicle has a supplemental restraint system (air bag system) for the front passenger. (See “Supplemental restraint system” (P.1-42).)
Infants up to at least 1 year old should be placed in a rear-facing child restraint. INFINITI recommends that infants be placed in child restraints that comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. You should choose a child restraint which fits the
and use
Children that are over 1 year old and weigh at least 20 lbs (9 kg) should remain in a rear-facing child restraint as long as possible up to the height or weight limit of the child restraint. Children who outgrow the height or weight limit of the rear-facing child restraint and are at least 1 year old should be secured in a forward-facing child restraint with a harness. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for minimum and maximum weight and height recommendations. INFINITI recommends that small children be placed in child restraints that comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. You should choose a child restraint that fits your vehicle and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use.
Children should remain in a forward-facing child restraint with a harness until they reach the maximum height or weight limit allowed by the child restraint manufacturer.
Once a child outgrows the height or weight limit of the harness-equipped forward-
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-19
facing child restraint, INFINITI recommends that the child be placed in a commercially available booster seat to obtain proper seat belt fit. For a seat belt to fit properly, the booster seat should raise the child so that the shoulder belt is properly positioned across the chest and the top, middle portion of the shoulder. The shoulder belt should not cross the neck or face and should not fall off the shoulder. The lap belt should lie snugly across the lower hips or upper thighs, not the abdomen. A booster seat can only be used in seating positions that have a three-point type seat belt. The booster seat should fit the vehicle seat and have a label certifying that it complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
A booster seat should be used until the child can pass the seat belt fit test below:
.Are the child’s back and hips against the vehicle seatback?
.Is the child able to sit without slouching?
.Do the child’s knees bend easily over the front edge of the seat with feet flat on the floor?
.Can the child safely wear the seat belt (lap belt low and snug across the hips
and shoulder belt across mid-chest and shoulder)?
.Is the child able to use the properly adjusted head restraint/headrest?
.Will the child be able to stay in position for the entire ride?
1-20 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
If you answered no to any of these questions, the child should remain in a booster seat using a three-point type seat belt.
Laws in some communities may follow different guidelines. Check local and state regulations to confirm your child is using the correct restraint system before traveling.
Never let a child stand or kneel on any seat and do not allow a child in the cargo area. The child could be seriously injured or killed in a sudden stop or collision.
. Failure to follow the warnings and instructions for proper use and installation of child restraints could result in serious injury or death of a child or other passengers in a sudden stop or collision:
— The child restraint must be used and
SSS0099 installed properly. Always follow all of the child restraint manufacturer’s
instructions for installation and use.
— Infants and children should never be held on anyone’s lap. Even the strongest adult cannot resist the forces of a collision.
— Do not put a seat belt around both a child and another passenger.
— INFINITI recommends that all child restraints be installed in the rear seat. Studies show that children are safer when properly restrained in the
rear seat than in the front seat. If you SSS0100 must install a forward-facing child
restraint in the front seat, see “For-
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-21
ward-facing child restraint installation using the seat belts” (P.1-34).
—Even with the INFINITI Advanced Air Bag System, never install a rearfacing child restraint in the front seat. An inflating air bag could seriously injure or kill a child. A rear-facing child restraint must only be used in the rear seat.
—Be sure to purchase a child restraint that will fit the child and vehicle. Some child restraints may not fit properly in your vehicle.
—Child restraint anchor points are designed to withstand loads from child restraints that are properly fitted.
—Never use the anchor points for adult seat belts or harnesses.
—A child restraint with a top tether strap should not be used in the front passenger seat.
—Keep seatbacks as upright as possible after fitting the child restraint.
—Infants and children should always be placed in an appropriate child restraint while in the vehicle.
.When the child restraint is not in use, keep it secured with the LATCH system or a seat belt. In a sudden stop or collision, loose objects can injure occupants or damage the vehicle.
A child restraint in a closed vehicle can become very hot. Check the seating surface and buckles before placing a child in the child restraint.
This vehicle is equipped with a universal child restraint anchor system, referred to as the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) system. Some child restraints include rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can be connected to these anchors.
For details, see “Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH) system” (P.1- 23).
If you do not have a LATCH compatible child restraint, can be used.
1-22 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
straints for infants and small children of various sizes. When selecting any child restraint, keep the following points in mind:
.Choose only a restraint with a label certifying that it complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213 or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213.
.Check the child restraint in your vehicle to be sure it is compatible with the vehicle’s seat and seat belt system.
.If the child restraint is compatible with your vehicle, place your child in the child restraint and check the various adjustments to be sure the child restraint is compatible with your child. Choose a child restraint that is designed for your child’s height and weight. Always follow all recommended procedures.
.If the combined weight of the child and child restraint is less than 65 lbs (29.5 kg), you may use either the LATCH anchors or the seat belt to install the child restraint (not both at the same time).
.If the combined weight of the child and child restraint is greater than 65 lbs
(29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint.
.Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or territories require that infants and small children be restrained in an approved child restraint at all times while the vehicle is being operated. Canadian law requires the top tether strap on front-facing child restraints to be secured to the designated anchor point on the vehicle.
LATCH system lower anchor locations
Lower Anchors and Tethers for
Your vehicle is equipped with special anchor points that are used with the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) system compatible child restraints. This system may also be referred to as the ISOFIX or ISOFIX compatible system. With this system, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to secure the child restraint unless the combined weight of
the child |
65 lbs |
(29.5 |
of the |
child |
than 65 |
lbs (29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
The LATCH anchor points are provided to install child restraints in the rear outboard seating positions only.
LATCH lower anchor
Failure to follow the warnings and instructions for proper use and installation of child restraints could result in serious injury or death of a child or other passengers in a sudden stop or collision:
.Attach LATCH system compatible child restraints only at the locations shown in the illustration.
.Do not secure a child restraint in the center rear seating position using the LATCH lower anchors. The child restraint will not be secured properly.
.Inspect the lower anchors by inserting your fingers into the lower anchor area. Feel to make sure there are no obstruc-
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-23
tions over the anchors such as seat belt webbing or seat cushion material. The child restraint will not be secured properly if the lower anchors are obstructed.
Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used to attach adult seat belts, or other items or equipment to the vehicle. Doing so could damage the child restraint anchorages. The child restraint will not be properly installed using the damaged anchorage, and a child could be seriously injured or killed in a collision.
LATCH lower anchor location
LATCH lower anchor point locations
The LATCH lower anchors are located at the rear of the seat cushion near the seatback. A label is attached to the seatback to help you locate the LATCH lower anchors.
1-24 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
LATCH webbing-mounted attachment
Installing child restraint LATCH an-
chor attachments
LATCH compatible child restraints include two rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can be connected to two anchors located at certain seating positions in your vehicle. With this system, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to secure the child restraint. Check your child restraint for a label stating that it is compatible with LATCH. This information may also be in the instructions provided by the child restraint manufacturer.
LATCH rigid-mounted attachment
The child restraint top tether strap must be used when installing the child restraint with the LATCH lower anchor attachments or seat belts.
When installing a child restraint, carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual and those supplied with the child restraint.
Top tether anchor
.Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used to attach adult seat belts, or other items or equipment to the vehicle. Doing so could damage the child restraint anchorages. The child restraint will not be properly
.If the cargo cover (if so equipped) contacts the top tether strap when it is attached to the top tether anchor, remove the cargo cover from the vehicle or secure it on the cargo floor below its attachment location. If the cargo cover is not removed, it may damage the top tether strap during a collision.
.Do not allow cargo to contact the top tether strap when it is attached to the top tether anchor. Properly secure the cargo so it does not contact the top tether strap. Cargo that is not properly secured or cargo that contacts the top tether strap may damage the top tether strap during a collision. Your child could be seriously injured or killed in a collision if the child restraint top tether strap is damaged.
Top tether anchor point locations:
Anchor points are located on the back of each seatback for all three seating positions of the rear seat as shown.
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-25
Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child safety” (P.1-18) and “Child restraints” (P.1-21) before installing a child restraint.
Do not use the lower anchors if the combined weight of the child and the child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg). If the combined weight of the child and the child restraint is greater than 65 lbs (29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
Follow these steps to install a rear-facing child restraint using the LATCH system:
1.Position the child restraint on the seat. Always follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions.
SSS0648 |
SSS0649 |
Rear-facing web-mounted — step 2 |
Rear-facing rigid-mounted — step 2 |
2.Secure the child restraint anchor attachments to the LATCH lower anchors. Check to make sure the LATCH attachment is properly attached to the lower anchors.
1-26 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Rear-facing — step 3
3.For child restraints that are equipped with webbing-mounted attachments, remove any additional slack from the anchor attachments. Press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your hand to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while tightening the webbing of the anchor attachments.
all child restraints fit in all types of vehicles.
5. Check to make sure the child restraint is properly secured prior to each use. If the child restraint is loose, repeat steps 1 through 4.
Rear-facing — step 4
4.After attaching the child restraint, test it before you place the child in it. Push it from side to side while holding the child restraint near the LATCH attachment path. The child restraint should not move more than 1 inch (25 mm), from side to side. Try to tug it forward and check to see if the LATCH attachment holds the restraint in place. If the restraint is not secure, tighten the LATCH attachment as necessary, or put the restraint in another seat and test it
again |
different |
child |
using |
the |
. Not |
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-27 |
air bag and status light” (P.1-49).
The three-point seat belt with Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) must be used when installing a child restraint. Failure to use the ALR mode will result in the child restraint not being properly secured. The restraint could tip over or be loose and cause injury to a child in a sudden stop or collision. Also, it can change the operation of the front passenger air bag. See “Front passenger
1-28 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
Rear-facing — step 1
Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child safety” (P.1-18) and “Child restraints” (P.1-21) before installing a child restraint.
Do not use the lower anchors if the combined weight of the child and the child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg). If the combined weight of the child and the child restraint is greater than 65 lbs (29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
Follow these steps to install a rear-facing child restraint using the vehicle seat belts in the rear seats:
1.Child restraints for infants must be used in the rear-facing direction and therefore must not be used in the front seat. Position the child restraint on the seat. Always follow the restraint manufacturer’s instructions.
Rear-facing — step 2
2. Route the seat belt tongue through the child restraint and insert it into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for belt routing.
Rear-facing — step 3
3.Pull the shoulder belt until the belt is fully extended. At this time, the seat belt retractor is in the Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (child restraint mode). It reverts to the Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) mode when the seat belt is fully retracted.
Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-29
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