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Page 8: Product Introduction
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Page 14: Precautions Before Operation
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Page 20: 4-2.Rear Panel
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Page 22: Operation Method
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Page 24: Dual.channel Operation
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Page 25: Add Operation
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Page 28: S.tim E I D I V Control
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Page 29: Operation
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Page 30: Calibration
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Page 31: Maintenance
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Page 32: Cleaning
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Page 33: Block Diagram
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для пользователя)
!!! Позиционными
переключателями «MODE»,
с особой осторожностью.
имеет 4-е группы органов управления,
объединенных по функциональному
назначению и компактно размещенных в
определенных зонах передней панели
«Включение осциллографа и органы
управление лучом»
под экраном)
POWER – Выключатель
сетевого питания,
– Регулятор
яркости изображения,
среднем положении]
– Регулятор
фокуса изображения.
среднем положении]
управления каналами вертикального
графически выделенные под названием
CH 1 – Вход
канала 1
CH 2 – Вход
канала 2
каждому каналу:
– Переключатель
входов усилителей:
– Вход
усилителя заземлен.
– Регулятор
положения лучей по вертикали,
среднем положении]
переключатель коэффициентов отклонения
– Плавная
регулировка коэффициентов отклонения;
установки номинальных коэффициентов
отклонений, указанных на дискретном
переключателе, ручка плавной регулировки
должна быть установлена в крайнее правое
положение при вращении по часовой
– Увеличение
чувствительности в 5 раз.
управление каналами:
MODE – переключатель
работы вертикальных каналов осциллографа:
CH1 – Включен
1-й канал; на экране наблюдается сигнал
только канала 1,
– Включен
2-й канал; на
экране наблюдается сигнал только канала
два канала; на
экране наблюдаются сигналы обоих
– Режим
алгебраического суммирования; на
экране наблюдается сумма или разность
(при нажатой кнопке CH
2 INV –
инверсия сигнала по 2-му каналу) сигналов
1-го и 2го каналов,
2 INV –
сигнала по 2-му каналу
– Переключатель
режимов коммутатора каналов; в
лабораторных работах находится в отжатом
состоянии. (автоматическая подстройка
режимов коммутации).
управления разверткой»,
графически выделенные под названием
– Регулятор
положения лучей по горизонтали.
среднем положении]
– Дискретный
переключатель коэффициентов развертки
(скорости развертки).
[0,5 мc/Дел]
– Плавное
изменение скорости развертки; для
установки номинальных коэффициентов
развертки, указанных на дискретном
переключателе, ручка плавной регулировки
должна быть установлена в крайнее правое
положение «CAL»
вращении по часовой стрелке.
– Увеличение
скости развертки в 10 раз.
«Органы управления синхронизацией»,
графически выделенные под названием
– Переключатель
режимов запуска развертки:
– Автоколебательный
режим работы генератора развертки,
Ждущий режим работы генератора развертки,
TV-H –
Кадровая и строчная развертка ТВ сигнала;
в лаб. работе не используется
Переключатель режима синхронизации
(источника синхронизации):
– Синхронизация
сигналом 1-го канала,
– Синхронизация
сигналом 2-го канала,
питающей сети,
– Внешняя синхронизация
сигналом, поданным на вход
TRIG IN – Вход
для сигналов внешней синхронизации.
LEVEL – Регулятор
уровня синхронизации (уровня сигнала,
при котором срабатывает блок синхронизации).
[В среднем
Переключатель управляющего фронта
сигнала синхронизации:
+ » –
синхронизация развертки от положительного
перепада сигнала синхронизации
(положительным фронтом),
» –
синхронизация развертки от отрицательного
перепада сигнала синхронизации
(отрицательным фронтом).
IN – Развертка
поочередно синхронизируется сигналами
от 1-го и 2-го каналов. [Отжат]
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
работы осциллографа X
– Y
В этом режиме
обеспечивается возможность раздельного
управления внешними сигналами отклонением
луча осциллографа по оси Х и
оси Y; при этом входом оси
Х является вход «CH 1» канала 1, а входом
оси Y является вход «CH 2»
канала 2.
включения такого режима переключатель
в положение X – Y . Регулировка
чувствительности по осям Х и Y
осуществляется переключателями
коэффициентов отклонения «VOLTS/DIV»
соответственно по каналу 1 и каналу 2.
Такой режим, в частности, может быть
использован для построения фигур
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
включении (POWER)
осциллографа с
рекомендованными выше начальными
установками переключателей на экране
осциллографа должны появиться две (или
одна спаренная) горизонтальные линии.
В случае отсутствия этих линий необходимо
положения лучей
вертикали и
добиться появления этих лучей на экране;
при необходимости увеличить интенсивность
изменить фокусировку (FOCUS)
линии следует сфокусировать (FOCUS)
и установить удобную
для наблюдения яркость(INTER);
установить линии вдоль оси Х (жирная
линия сетки); часто бывает полезным
визуально наблюдать начало развертки,
при этом левый край линий должен немного
отступать от левого края экрана.
дальнейшем переключатели и регуляторы
осциллографа устанавливаются в
необходимые положения в зависимости
от решаемых задач и в соответствии с
назначениями этих органов управления.
(! не забыть снять с заземления
(GND) переключатели
(AC-DC-GND) входов
усилителей используемых в работе
осциллографа выполнен
схемотехнически в виде отдельного
блока, активный выход (CAL)
которого расположен в нижнем левом углу
передней панели (конструктивно выполнен
в виде одного лепестка; «земляной»
провод общий со всей схемой осциллографа).
Выходной сигнал калибратора –
прямоугольные импульсы напряжения
положительной полярности с амплитудой
и частотой 1кГц.
может быть использован для проверки
работоспособности осциллографа. Для
этого поочередно сигнал генератора
подается на входы каналов вертикального
отклонения, используя их входные кабели
(! Обратить внимание, что сигнал подается
через активный, не «земляной» провод;
активным кабелем надо аккуратно коснуться
выходного лепестка генератора). При
установленном режиме каждого канала:
закрытый вход (АС),
отклонения ko
= 0,5
В/Дел, коэффициент развертки kр
= 0,5
мс/Дел, синхронизация от выбранного
канала, на экране должны наблюдаться
прямоугольные импульсы с двойной
амплитудой 4 деления и периодом 2 деления;
обратить внимание при этом на номинальную
(крайнее правое положение) установку
регуляторов (DIV,
плавного изменения соответствующих
коэффициентов. В противном случае
обратиться к преподавателю.
по спецификации осциллографа.
отклонений, коэффициенты развертки и
параметры входов считываются с передней
панели осциллографа.
основной погрешности: коэффициентов
отклонения kо
= 3%,
развертки kр
= 3%;
нелинейность амплитудной характеристики
каналов н
= 5%,
нелинейность развертки р
= 5%;
полоса пропускания: для открытого входа
закрытого входа 10Гц – 10МГц.
В квадратных скобках указаы рекомендованные
состояния переключателей перед
включением осциллографа. Остальные
органы управления устанавливаются в
соответствии с решаемой задачей.
Вольты/деление, Сек./дел – под делениями
понимаются большие деления (см.) на
экране осциллографа.
Органы управления, не отмеченные
полужирным шрифтом, в лабораторных
работах, как правило, не используются.
Соседние файлы в папке Описание приборов
- #
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Specifications:1918/1918942-gos620fg.pdf file (04 Jan 2023) |
Accompanying Data:
GW Instek GOS-620FG Test Equipment PDF Manual (Updated: Wednesday 4th of January 2023 07:53:18 AM)
Rating: 4.6 (rated by 82 users)
Compatible devices: GDS-800 Series, GOS-6112, GUT-6000A, GPT-9801, PEL-2002, GPT-9500 Series, PEL-2000A Series, C-1200.
Recommended Documentation:
Text Version of Manual
(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the GW Instek GOS-620FG Document (Main Content), UPD: 04 January 2023)
24, 5-2.Dual-channel Operation Set the VERT MODE switch to DUAL to display trace in CH2 (The procedure is ‘ same as CHI described in previous section). At this step, the calibrator signal appears in CHI is Square wave, but it appears in CH2 is a straight line as no signal applied to thi…
8, 1. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION 1.1 Description The GOS-620FG oscilloscope + Function Generator is a portable-type, dual-channel oscilloscope with function generator. Its bandwidth of DC is up to 20MHz, and its maximum sensitivity is ImVIDIV. The time base provides a maximum sweep time of 0.2uSIDIV.…
35, GW Instek GOS-620FG Artisan Technology Group — Quality Instrumentation … Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com
… -
14, 3. PRECAUTIONS BEFORE OPERATION 3.1 Unpacking the instrument The product has been fully inspected and tested before shipping from the factory. Upon receiving the instrument, please unpack and inspect it to check if there is any damages caused during transportation. If any sign of damage is f…
28, GW Instek GOS-620FG 5-5.TIMElDIV Control Set the TIMEIDIV switch to display the desired number of cycles of the waveform. If there are too many cycles displayed with good resolution, set to increase the sweep speed. If only a line is displayed, try to slow down the sweep speed. When the sweep speed is faster than the …
18, (27)TRIG.ALT Set VERT MODE switch (14) in DUAL or ADD key, select the SOURCE switch (23) by pressing CHI or CH2, then press TRIG.ALT switch(27), the internal triggering source signal will display alternately from CHI and CH2. LINE Display the triggering signal from AC power line frequency signal. EXT …
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Artisan Technology Group is your source for quality new and certified-used/pre-owned equipment • FAST SHIPPING AND DELIVERY • TENS OF THOUSANDS OF IN-STOCK ITEMS • EQUIPMENT DEMOS • HUNDREDS OF MANUFACTURERS SUPPORTED • LEASING/MONTHLY RENTALS • ITAR CERTIFIED SECURE ASSET SOLUTIONS SERVICE CENTER REPAIRS Experienced engineers and technicians on staff at our full-service, in-house repair center WE BUY USED EQUIPMENT Sell your excess, underutilized, and idle used equipment We also offer credit for buy-backs and trade-ins www.artisantg.com/WeBuyEquipment InstraView REMOTE INSPECTION LOOKING FOR MORE INFORMATION? Visit us on the web at www.artisantg.com for more information on price quotations, drivers, technical specifications, manuals, and documentation SM Remotely inspect equipment before purchasing with our interactive website at www.instraview.com Contact us: (888) 88-SOURCE | [email protected] | www.artisantg.com 20MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope with Function Generator MODEL: GOS-620FG Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com CONTENTS PAGE 1. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1-1 .Description ................................................................................................................ 1-2.Feature ...................................................................................................................... 2 . TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION.................................................................... 3. PRECAUTIONS BEFORE OPERATION......................................................... 3-1.Unpacking the instrument ............................................................................................... 3-2.Checking the Line Voltage .............................................................................................. 3-3.Environment ............................................................................................................... 3-4.Equipment Installation and Operation ............................................................................... 3-5.CRT Intensity .............................................................................................................. 3-6.Withstanding Voltage of Input Terminals ........................................................................... 4 . PANEL INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 4.1.Front Panel ................................................................................................................. 4-2.Rear Panel .................................................................................................................. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com CONTENTS PAGE OPERATION METHOD .............................................................................. 17 S.1.Basic Operation ............................................................................................................ 17 5.2.Dual.channel Operation .................................................................................................19 20 5.3.ADD Operation ............................................................................................................ 22 5.4.Triggering .................................................................................................................. 5.S.TIM E I D I V Control.......................................................................................................23 5.6.Sweep Magnification .....................................................................................................23 24 5.7.X.Y Operation ............................................................................................................ 5.8.Calibration ................................................................................................................. 25 5.9.DC B A L Adjustment ..................................................................................................... 25 5.IO.Function Generator 25 ..................................................................................................... MAINTENANCE..................................................................................... 26 6.1.Fuse Replacement ........................................................................................................ 26 26 6.2.Line Voltage ............................................................................................................... 6.3.Cleaning .................................................................................................................. 27 BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................................................................... 28 Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com SAFETY TERMS AND SYMBOLS These terms may appear in this manual or on the product: WARNING. Warning statements identify condition or practices that could result in injury or loss of life. CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property. The following symbols may appear in this manual or on the product: DANGER ATTENTION Protective Frame or chassis High Voltage refer to Manual Conductor Terminal Terminal Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com FOR UNITED KINGDOM ONLY NOTE This leadlappliance must only be wired by competent persons WARNING THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED IMPORTANT The wires in this lead are coloured in accordance with the following code: Green1 Yellow: Earth Blue: Neutral Brown: Live(Phase) As the colours of the wires in main leads may not correspond with the colours marking identified in your plugiappliance, proceed as follows: The wire which is coloured Green & Yellow must be connected to the Earth terminal @ or coloured Green or Green & marked with the letter E or by the earth symbol Yellow. The wire which is coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured Blue or Black. The wire which is coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal marked with the letter L or P or coloured Brown or Red. If in doubt, consult the instructions provided with the equipment or contact the supplier. This cable/appliance should be protected by a suitably rated and approved HBC mains fuse : refer to the rating information on the equipment andlor user instructions for details. As a guide, cable of 0.75mmz should be protected by a 3A or 5A hse. Larger conductors would normally require 13A types, depending on the connection method used. Any moulded mains connector that requires removal/replacement must be destroyed by removal of any h s e & fuse carrier and disposed immediately, as a plug with bared wires is hazardous if a engaged in live socket. Any re-wiring must be carried out in accordance with the information detailed on this label. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com EC Declaration of Conformity We GOOD WILL INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD. (1) NO. 95 - I I , Pao Chung Rd., Hsin-Tien City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan (2) Plot 522, Lorong Perusahaan Baru 3, Prai Industrial Estate, 13600 Prai, Penang, Malaysia declare, that the below mentioned product GOS-620FG are herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the Law of Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC,92/3 l/E~C,93168/EEC) and Low Voltage Equipment ~irective(73/231E~C). For the evaluation regarding the Electromagnetic Compatibility and Low Voltage Equipment Directive, the following standards were applied: - EN50081-2: Electromagnetic compatibility (1993) Generic emission standard Part 2: industrial Environment Conducted Emission EN 5501 1 class B Radiated Emiss~on (1991) I Low Voltage Equipment Directive 73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive I EN 61010-1 : (1993)+A2:(1995) I Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com I 1. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION 1.1 Description The GOS-620FG oscilloscope + Function Generator is a portable-type, dual-channel oscilloscope with function generator. Its bandwidth of DC is up to 20MHz, and its maximum sensitivity is ImVIDIV. The time base provides a maximum sweep time of 0.2uSIDIV. The sweep speed becomes 100nSIDIV after magnifying 10 times. The oscilloscope uses a 6-inch rectangular type cathode-ray tube with red internal graticule. The Function Generator generates triangle wave, sine wave, and square wave with the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to I MHz. The product is sturdy, easy to operate and exhibits high operational reliability. 1.2 Features 1) High intensity CRT with high acceleration voltage: The CRT is a high beam transmission and high intensity type with a high acceleration voltage of 2kV. It displays readable traces clearly even at high sweep speeds. 2) Wide bandwidth and sensitivity: In addition to wide bandwidth, DC-20MHz (-3dB), the instrument provides high sensitivity of 5mVIDIV (ImVIDIV at X 5 MAG). A 20MHz frequency is obtained with improved triggering synchronization. 3) Alternate triggering: Even with an observation of two different frequency waveforms, each waveform can be triggered stably 4) TV sync triggering: The oscilloscope has a sync separator circuit for TV-V and TV-H signals triggering. 5) CHI Output: A signal from 50Q output terminal of CHI located on rear panel can be applied to frequency counteror other instruments. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 6 ) Z-Axis Input: Intensity modulation capability permits time or frequency markers to be added. Trace blank with positive signal, TTL compatible. 7) X-Y operation: Set the switch to X-Y to operate the instrument as an X-Y oscilloscope. CHI can be applied as a horizontal deflection (X-axis) while CH2 provides vertical deflection (Y-axis). 8) Built-in Function Generator with BNC output of 50 '2. 9) Three kinds of waveforms are available with 50R output. 10)Waveform frequency is up to I MHz. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com GOS-620FG 20MHz OSCILLOSCOPE + FUNCTION GENERATOR PECIFICATIONS ,OSCILLOSCOPE - - 'ERTICAL AXIS - lsensitivitv 1 5 m ~ 5VIDIV. 10 stem in 1-2-5 seauence Sensitivity Accuracy 53% ( x 5 MAG : 55%). Vernier Vertical sensitivity To 112.5 or less of panel-indicated value. DC-20MHz ( x 5MAG: DC-7MHz). Frequency bandwidth AC coupling: Low limit frequency of 10Hz. (With reference to IOOkHz, 8DIV. Frequency response at -3dB). Approx. 17.5nS (x5 MAG: Approx. 50nS). Rise time Approx. 1M ohm 11 Approx. 25pF. Input impedance Square Wave Overshoot : 5 5% ( At IOmVIDIV range). Characteristics Other distortions and other ranges: 5% added to the above value. DC Balance Shift Panel adjustable. < i O . l D I V of amplitude change when waveform of 2 DIV at graticule center is moved vertically. Linearity CHI : CHI single channel. CH2 : CH2 single channel. Vertical modes DUAL : CHI and CH2 are displayed. ALT or CHOP selectable at any sweep rate. ADD : CHI + CH2 algebraic addition. ~ ~ - Frequency Input Coupling Maximum Input Voltage common Mode Ratio Isolation between channels (At 5mVIDIV range) CHI signal output CH2 TNV BAL. - ~ Approx, 2jOkHHz, AC, GND, DC. 300Vpeak (AC: frequency I kHz or lower). . . Set probe switch at 1: 1, the maximum effective readout is 4 W p p (14Vrms at Sine wave). set probe switch at 10: 1, the maximum effective readout is 400Vpp(140Vrms at Sine wave). 50:l br better at 5 6 w z sinusoidal wave. (When sensitivities of CHI and CH2 are set equally). >1000: 1 at 50kHz. >30: 1 at 20MHz. At least 20 mvldiv into a 50Rterminal. Bandwidth is 50Hz to 5MHz at least. Balanced point variation: 51 DIV (Reference at center graticule). - 3 Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com GOS-620FG 20MHz OSCILLOSOPE + FUNCTION GENERATOR 'ECIFICATIONS I /Triggering source Coupling Slope J~ensitivity 'RIGGERING Triggering modes EXT Triggering Signal Input Input Impedance Max. Input Voltage Sweep Time Sweep Time Accuracy Vernier Sweep Time Control IORIZIONAL Sweep Magnification xlOMAG Sweep Time AXIS Accuracv Linearity Position shift caused by I ITV Approx.: 1M ohm I/ approx. 25Pf. 300V (DC+AC peak), AC: Frequency not higher than I kHz. 0.5 Sec/DIV, 20 steps in 1-2-5 sequence. 0 . 2 , ~Sec 1-3%. _<1/2.5of panel-indicated value. 10 times (maximum sweep time 100nSec/DIV). - 4 59'0, (20nSec- 5OnSec are uncalibrated). ?3%, xlOMAG:+5% (20ns and 50ns are uncalibrated). - - -- - -- Within 2 div, at CRT screen center. Sensitivity Frequency Bandwidth Same as vertical axis (X-axis:CHl input signal; Y-axis:CH2 input signal.). DC to at least 500kHz. at DC -50kHz. x . 1 OMAG . LY MODE CHI, CH2, LINE, EXT (CHI and CH2 can be selected only in the DUAL or ADD vertical mode). In ALT mode, if the TRIG. ALT switch is pushed in, it can alternate triggering of two different source. IAC: 20Hz to full bandwidth. I+ I -. 1 2 0 -~ ~2MHz : 0.5 DIV, TRIG-ALT:2 DIV, EXT : 200mV. 12 -- 20MHz : 1.5 DIV, TRIG-ALT:3 DIV, EXT : 8OOrnV. : Sync pulse more than 1 DIV (EXT: 1V). AUTO : Sweeps run in the free mode when no triggering input signal is applied. (Applicable for repetitive signals of frequency 25Hz or over.). NORM : When no triggering signal is applied, the trace is in the ready state, but not displayed. TV-V : This setting is used when observing the entire vertical picture of television signal. TV-H : This setting is used when observing the entire horizontal picture of television signal. (Both TV-V and TV-H synchronize only when the synchronizing signal is negative ) Ix-Y Phase Difference ID' Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com - SPECIFICATION /sensitivity l ~ r e ~ u e n cBandwidth y Input resistance Z AXIS Maximum lnput Voltage Waveform Frequency CALIBRATION Duty Ratio VOLTAGE Output Voltage Output Impedance Type Phosphor Acceleration Voltage CRT Effective Screen Size Graticule Trace Rotation 2.FUNCTION GENERATOR Output Function Range Output Waveform IFreauencv Variable Range Output Voltage GOS-620FG 20MHz 5 Vp-p (Positive-going signal decreases intensity). DC 2MHz. Approx. 4 7 K R . 30V (DC+AC peak, AC frequency51 kHz). Positive-going Square wave. Approx. 1 kHz. Within 48:52. 2 Vp-p . . i2%. Approx. I k R 6-inch rectangular type. internal graticule. P 31. Approx. 2kV. 8 x 10 DIV (I DIV = lOmm (0.39in)). Internal. Provided. - 10 1 Hz - 1 MHz (7 steps) l ~ i n Wave. e Square Wave and Triangle Wabe 110:1 or more. 5 0 R i 10%. W c u i t ) continuous conversion. DC offset possible over 10V when opened. - Square wave Unsymmetry Souare wave RiselFall Time OSCILLOSCOPE + FUNCTION GENERATOR * 1% MaxiloHz 20kHz) ( t 3 % or less ( ~ nI kHz maximum) 150R outuut 1 2 0 n ~or less Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com I GOS-620FG 20MHz OSCILLOSCOPE + FUNCTION GENERATOR SPECIFICATION 3.GENERAL Power Source Power Consumption Operation Environment Storage Temperature & Humidity Accessories 4C115V, 230V k 15% selectable, 50Hz or 6OHz. 4pprox. 45VA, 40W(max.) Indoor use Altitude up to 2000 m Ambient temperature : To satisfy specifications : 10" to 35°C (50' to 95" F) Maximum operating ranges: 0" to 40°C(32 'to 104" F) Relative humidity: 85% RH(max.) non condensing Installation Category I1 Pollution degree 2 - 10" to 70°C. 70%RH(maximum). 'ower cord X l nstruction manual X l 'robes X 2 Dimensions Weight Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 3. PRECAUTIONS BEFORE OPERATION 3.1 Unpacking the instrument The product has been fully inspected and tested before shipping from the factory. Upon receiving the instrument, please unpack and inspect it to check if there is any damages caused during transportation. If any sign of damage is found, notify the bearer andor the dealer immediately. 3.2 Checking the Line Voltage The product can be applied any kind of the line voltage shown in the table below. Before connecting the power plug to an AC line outlet, make sure the voltage selector of the rear panel is set to the correct position corresponding to the line voltage. It might be damaged the instrument if connected to the wrong AC line voltage. A / ! WARNING. To avoid electrical shock, the power cord protective grounding conductor must be connected to ground. The fuse must be changed following after the line voltage shown as below: T 0.63A AC 1 15V 97-1 32V AC 230V 195-250V A T 0.3 15A WARNING. To avoid personal injury, disconnect the power cord before removing the fuse holder. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 0 CNSURE THE POWER IS REMOVED FROM IHE INSTRUMENT BEFORE REPMCING THE FUSE POWER MAX 40 WAIlS, 45VA IEClDlO 25W CAT I1 I I Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 4-1.Front Panel CRT : (6) POWER Main power switch of the instrument. Turn on the switch to light the LED (5). (2).INTEN Control the brightness of the spot or trace. (3) FOCUS Focus the trace to the sharpest image. (4) TRACE ROTATION Semi-fix potentiometer for aligning the horizontal trace in parallel with graticule lines. (33)FILTER The filter is easy for waveform viewing. Vertical Axis: (8) CH 1 (X) input The vertical input terminal of CH 1 is X-axis in X-Y operation, (20)CH 2 (Y) input The vertical input terminal of CH2 is Y-axis in X-Y operation, (1 0) &(I 8)AC-GND-DC Select connection mode between input signal and vertical amplifier. AC AC coupling GND Vertical amplifier input is grounded and input terminals are disconnected. DC DC coupling (7) & (22)VOLTSlDIV Select the vertical axis sensitivity from SmVIDIV to SVJDIV with 10 ranges totally. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com (9) & (2 1)VARIABLE Fine adjustment of sensitivity with a factor of 2112.5 of the indicated value. The sensitivity is calibrated to specific value in the CAL position. When this knob is pulled out (x5 MAG state), it will multiply 5 by the amplifier sensitivity. (13) & (17)CHl & CH2 DC BAL. The knobs are used for adjusting the attenuator balance. See page 20 DC BAL adjustments for details. (I I)&(] 9) * 'POSITION Vertical positioning control of trace or spot. (I4)VERT MODE Select operation modes of CH 1 and CH 2 amplifiers. Operate the oscilloscope as a single-channel instrument by selecting CHI alone. CH I Operate the oscilloscope as a single-channel instrument by selecting CH2 alone. CH 2 Operate the oscilloscope as a dual-channel instrument by selecting CHI and CH2. DUAL The oscilloscope displays the algebraic sum (CHI + CH2) or subtraction (CHI - CH2) of the two signals ADD (the subtraction function effects only when push in CH2 INV(16) button). (12)ALTICHOP When this switch is released in the dual-trace mode, the CHI and CH2 inputs are alternately displayed (normally used at faster sweep speeds). When this switch is depressed in the dual-trace mode, the CHI and CH2 inputs are chopped and displayed simultaneously. (normally used at slower sweep speeds). (16)CH2 INV When press CH2 M V button, it will inverts the CH2 input signal in CH2 and in ADD MODE, the CH2 trigger signal pickoff is also inverted. (23)SOURCE Select the internal triggering source signal, and the EXT TRIG IN input signal. CH 1 Press key DUAL or ADD of VERT MODE (14), select CHI to get internal triggering source signal CH 2 Press key DUAL or ADD of VERT MODE (14), select CH2 to get internal triggering source signal Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com (27)TRIG.ALT Set VERT MODE switch (14) in DUAL or ADD key, select the SOURCE switch (23) by pressing CHI or CH2, then press TRIG.ALT switch(27), the internal triggering source signal will display alternately from CHI and CH2. Display the triggering signal from AC power line frequency signal. LINE Obtain the external triggering source signal by applying external signal to EXT TRIG IN input terminal (24). EXT (26)SLOPE Triggering slope button. "+" Triggering occurs when the trigger signal crosses the trigger level by positive-going course. Triggering occurs when the trigger signal crosses the trigger level by negative-going course (28)LEVEL Display a synchronized stationary waveform and set a start point for the waveform. Toward "+" The trigger level moves upward on the display waveform. Toward "-" The trigger level moves downward on the display waveform. (25)TRIGGER MODE Trigger mode selection. If no trigger signal applied or the trigger signal frequency is less than 25Hz, the sweep will be in the free run AUTO mode. NORM If no trigger signal applied and sweep is in a stand-by state, there will be no trace appear. TV-V Used for observing entire vertical picture of television signal. TV-H Used for observing entire horizontal picture of television signal. (Both TV-V and TV-H synchronize only when the synchronizing signal is negative.) '6- *7 Time Base: (29)TIME/DIV Provide sweep time ranges @om0.2 uS/div to 0.5 Sldiv with 20 steps totally. X-Y Use the instrument as an X-Y oscilloscope by setting to X-Y position. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com (30)s WP.VAR Vernier control knob of the sweep time used when CAL and the sweep time is calibrated to the vh!ue preset in TIMEDIV. The sweep of TIMEBIV can be varied continuously when shaft is not in CAL position. Rotate the control knob to CAL position and the sweep time is calibrated to the preset value of the TIMEDIV. Counterclockwise rotate the control knob to the bottom to delay the sweep by 2.5 time or more. (32) POSITION Adjust the trace or spot in horizontal position. (31)X 10 MAG Magnify 10 by pressing this key. Function Generator: (39)GENERATOR OUTPUT The main output terminal with 50 R output impedance. (40) WAVEFORM SELECTOR The waveform change following after each button pushing in Sine wave, Triangle wave, and Square wave sequence. (4 1)OUTPUT WAVEFORM DISPLAY Display the current output waveform. (42)FREQ RANGE Switch: The frequency range changes following after each button pushing in lM, look, 10k, 1k, 100, 10, and 1 sequence. (43)FREQUENCY RANGE DISPLAY Display the current frequency range. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com (44)FREQUENCY Knob Rotate the knob clockwise to get higher frequency and reverse the rotation of knob to get lower frequency. (45)AMPLITUDEIDC LEVEL Adjustment Knob Rotate outside knob clockwise to get higher amplitude and reverse the rotation of knob to get lower amplitude. The inside knob is for DC Level adjustment, it works only when the knob being pulled up. Pull up the knob and rotate it clockwise to get positive DC Level, and reverse the rotation of knob to get negative DC Level. Others: (1) CAL This terminal delivers the calibration voltage of 2 Vp-p, I kHz, positive square wave. (1 5)GND Ground terminal of oscilloscope mainframe. 4-2.Rear Panel Triggering: (24)EXT TRlG IN Input Terminal lnput Terminal is used for external triggering signal by setting SOURCE switch (23) to the EXT position. (34)Z AXIS INPUT Input terminal for external intensity modulation signal. (35)CH 1 SIGNAL OUTPUT Delivers a voltage of approximately 20mVIDIV from the CHI signal to 50 R terminal for frequency counting. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com AC POWER Input Circuit: (36)AC Power input connector Connect the AC power cord (supplied) to this connector. (37)FUSE & line voltage selector Fuse rating is shown in Page 7 Line voltage selector to select power sources. (3 8)Studs Studs is not only used as a stand for laying the oscilloscope on its back to operate it in the upward posture, also used for winding up the power cord. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 5.0PERATION METHOD 5-1.Basic Operation---Single-channel Operation Before connecting the power cord to an AC line outlet, make sure that the AC line voltage input switch on the rear panel of the instrument is correctly set for the AC line voltage. After ensuring the voltage setting, set the switches and controls of the instrument as shown below: Item No POWER INTEN FOCUS VERT MODE ALTICHOP CH 2 INV A POSITION VOLTS/DIV VARIABLE AC-GND-DC SOURCE (6) (2) (3) (14) (12) (16) (1 1)(19) (7)(22) (9)(21) (10)(18) (23) Setting Disengage position(0FF) Mid-position Mid-position CH 1 Released(ALT) Released Mid-position 0.5V/DIV CAL(c1ockwise position) GND CHI Item SLOPE TRIG. ALT TRIGGER MODE TIME/DIV SWP.VER POSITION ' I No k26) (27j (25) (29) (30) (32) + Setting Released AUTO O.SmSec/DIV CAL position Mid-position Released Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com After setting the switches and control knobs as mentioned, connect the power cord to the AC line outlet, then follow the procedure describes as follows: 1) Press the POWER switch and make sure that the power LED is turned on. In about 20 seconds, a trace will appear on the CRT screen. If no trace appears in about 60 seconds, counter check the switch and control setting. 2) Adjust the trace to an appropriate brightness and image with INTEN and FOCUS control knob respectively. 3) Align the trace with the horizontal central line of the graticule by adjusting the CH1 POSITION control knob and TRACE ROTATION control knob(adjusted with screwdriver). 4) Connect the probe to the CHI INPUT terminal and apply 2Vp-p CALIBRATOR signal to the probe tip. 5) Set the AC-GND-DC switch to AC, a waveform will be displayed on the CRT 0 screen as shown in the figure 5-1. FIG. 5-1 6) Adjust the FOCUS control knob to trace image sharply 7) Display the signal waveform clearly by adjusting the VOLTSIDIV switch and TIMEIDIV switch to appropriate position. ' POSITION control knobs to appropriate 8) Adjust the ' POSITION and position to align the waveform with the graticule, so that voltage (Vp-p) and period (T) can be read conveniently. The descriptions above are the basic operating procedures for CH 1 single-channel operation of oscilloscope. So is CH2 singlechannel operation. For further operation methods will be explained in the subsequent paragraph. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 5-2.Dual-channel Operation Set the VERT MODE switch to DUAL to display trace in CH2 (The procedure is same as CHI described in previous section). At this step, the calibrator signal appears in CHI is Square wave, but it appears in CH2 is a straight line as no signal applied to this channel yet. ' Fig. 5-2 Now, apply the calibrator signal to the vertical input terminal of CH2 through the probe with the same procedure as for CHI. Set the AC-GND-DC switch to AC, and adjust vertical POSITION knobs (I 1) and (l9), the signals will be displayed on both channels as shown in Figure 5-2. S i of CHI Signal of CW When ALTICHOP switch is released (ALT MODE), the input signals which applied respectively to CHland CH2 appears on the screen alternately at each sweep. This setting is used when the sweep time is short in 2-channel observation. When ALTICHOP switch is pressed (CHOP MODE), the input signals which applied to CH land CH2 are chopped and display on the screen at the same time with the frequency of 250kHz. This setting is used for low speed sweep. Set to dual channel operation (DUAL or ADD mode), select CHI or CH2 signal from SOURCE switch to get triggering source signal. If both CHI and CH2 signals are in a synchronized relation, both waveforms will be displayed in stationary states. If not, only a signal stationary waveform will be appeared. If press TRIG. ALT push button, both waveforms can also be displayed in stationary states. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 5-3 ADD Operation An algebraic sum of the CHI and CH2 signals can be displayed on the screen by setting the VERT MODE switch to ADD. POSITION knob The displayed signal will be difference between CHI and CH2 if press CH2 INV push button. Adjust A of CH1 or CH2 can make vertical position, to the advantage of the linearity of the vertical amplifiers, it's better to set A POSITION knob of both channels in middle position. 5-4.Triggering Proper triggering is essential for an efficient operation of the instrument. Users must make themselves familiar with the triggering functions and procedures thoroughly: (1)Functions of MODE switch: AUTO Select automatic sweep operation by setting to AUTO mode, the sweep generator will freely generate a sweep without a trigger signal. However, it will automatically switch to triggering sweep operation if an acceptable trigger source signal is preset. The AUTO mode is handy for observing the waveform when first set up the instrument, as it provides sweep function for waveform observation until properly set to other mode. Once starting to set the control mode, the operation often jumps back to the NORM trigger mode as it is much more sensitive. Automatic sweep must be used for DC measurements and signals with low amplitude in order not to trigger the sweep. NORM The NORM mode provides normal triggering sweep operation. The sweep will not act until the selected trigger source signal crosses the threshold level set by TRIG LEVEL control knob. The triggering generate one sweep which will come to inactivate until another triggering occurs. In the NORM mode, there will be no trace unless an adequate trigger signal is present. In the ALT mode of dual trace operation with NORM sweep selected, there will be no trace unless both CHI and CH2 signals are adequate for triggering. TV-V Set the MODE switch to TV-V mode, select vertical sync pulses for sweep triggering to view composite video waveforms. Select vertical sync pulses as a triggering to view vertical fields and frames of video. A sweep time of 2 msi'div is appropriate for viewing fields of video and 5 ms/div for complete frames (two interlaced fields) of video. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com TV-H Set the MODE switch to TV-H mode and select horizontal sync pulses for sweep triggering to view composite video waveforms. Select horizontal sync pulses as a triggering to view horizontal lines of video. A sweep time of about 10 usldiv is appropriate for displaying lines of video. Display the exact number of desired waveforms by setting SWP VAR control knob. This oscilloscope synchronizes with only (-) polarity, that is, the sync pulses are negative and the video is positive as shown in Fig. 5-3. Fig. 5-3 (2)Functions of SOURCE switch: Apply the displayed signal itself or a trigger signal, which has a time relationship with the displayed signal, to the trigger circuit to display a stationary signal on the CRT screen. The SOURCE switch is used for selecting these trigger sources. CHI CH2 The internal trigger source is used most commonly. The signal applied to the vertical input terminal is branched off away from the preamplifier and is fed to the trigger circuit through the VERT MODE switch. Since the trigger signal is the measured signal itself, a stable waveform can be readily displayed on the CRT screen. When in the DUAL or ADD operation, the selected signal through the SOURCE switch is used as a trigger source signal. LINE The AC power line frequency signal is used as a trigger signal. This method is effective when the measured signal has a relationship with the AC line frequency, especially for measurements of low level AC noise of audio equipment, thyristor circuits, etc. EXT The sweep is triggered by an external signal applied to the external trigger input tenninal. An external signal which has a periodic relationship with the measured signal is used. Because the measured signal is not used as the triggering signal, the waveforms can be displayed more independent than the measured signal. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com (3)Functions of TRIG LEVEL control knob and SLOPE button: A sweep triggering is developed when the trigger source signal crosses a preset threshold level. Rotate TRIG LEVEL control knob to vary the threshold level. In the "+" direction, the trigger threshold shifts to a more positive value, and in the "" direction, the trigger threshold shifts to a more negative value. When set the control knob in the center, the threshold level will be on the average of the signal used as the trigger source. Adjust TRIG LEVEL control knob for the desired start point of sweep on a waveform. On sine wave signals, the phase at which sweep begins is variable. Note that if rotate TRIG LEVEL control knob toward its extreme "+" or "-", no sweep will be developed in the NORM trigger mode because the trigger threshold exceeds the peak amplitude of the sync signal. When set TRIG SLOPE button to the (+) position (up), the sweep is developed form the trigger source waveform as it crosses the threshold level in a positive-going direction. When set TRIG SLOPE button to the (-) position (down), a sweep triggering is developed fiom the trigger source waveform as it crosses the threshold level in a negative-going direction. The slope (polarity) trigger signal as shown in Figure 5-4. Fig. 5-4 (4) Function of TRIG ALT button: The TRIG ALT button is used to select alternate triggering and display the selected DUAL-trace of VERT MODE (the switch control knob CHI. CH2, DUAL and ADD modes). In the alternate trigger mode (when select dual-trace operation), the trigger source alternates between CHI and CH2 with each sweep. This is convenient for checking amplitudes, wave-shape, or waveform period measurements, and even permits simultaneously observing two waveforms which are not related to frequency or period. However, this setting is not suitable for phase or timing comparison measurements. For such measurements, both traces must be triggered by the same sync signal. If press both CHOP and TRIG ALT buttons during dual-trace operation, synchronization of the display is not possible because the chopping signal will be triggered. Use ALT mode itself, or select CH1 or CH2 as trigger source. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 5-5.TIMElDIV Control Set the TIMEIDIV switch to display the desired number of cycles of the waveform. If there are too many cycles displayed with good resolution, set to increase the sweep speed. If only a line is displayed, try to slow down the sweep speed. When the sweep speed is faster than the observed waveform, only pan of it will be displayed, which may appear as a straight line for a Square wave or Pulse waveform. 5-6.Sweep Magnification When a certain part of displayed waveform is needed to be expanded timewise, a faster sweep speed may be used. However, if the required portion is apart from the starting point of the sweep, it may run off the CRT screen. In this case, push the xlOMAG button to expand 10 times the displayed waveform from the right to the left in the center of screen. The sweep time with the magnification operation is as follows: (Value indicated by TIMEIDIV switch) x 1/10 Thus, the unmagnified maximum sweep speed (I nSec/DIV) can be increased with the magnification as follows : 1 pSecIDIV x 1/10 = 100nSec/DIV FIG. 5-5 Any part can be covered by means of POSITION control Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 5-7.X-Y Operation FIG. 5-6 Set the TIMEIDIV switch to X-Y position to operate the instrument as an X-Y oscilloscope. Each input is applied to the instrument as follows X-axis signal (horizontal axis signal ) : CHI INPUT. Y-axis signal (vertical axis signal) : CH2 INPUT. Note: When high frequency signals are displayed in X-Y operation, pay attention to the frequency bandwidth and phase difference between X and Y-axis. Y axis (CH2) X ~Xiy (CHI) I i I I I I The X-Y operation permits the oscilloscope to perform many state-of-the-art measurements which the conventional sweep operation could not make. The CRT display becomes an electronic graph of two instantaneous voltages. The display may be a direct comparison of the two voltages such as a vectorscope display of video color bar patterns. However, the X-Y mode can almost be used in graph of any dynamic characteristic if a transducer is adopted to change the characteristic (frequency, temperature, velocity, etc.) of voltage. One common application is frequency response measurements that the Y-axis corresponds to signal amplitude and the X-axis corresponds to frequency. 1. Set the TIMEIDIV control knob to the X-Y position (fdly counterclockwise), CHI becomes the X-axis input and CH2 becomes the Y-axis input. POSITION control knobs respectively. POSITION and CH2 A 2. Adjust X and Y positions by using the horizontal 3 . Adjust the amount of vertical (Y-axis) deflection by using CH2 VOLTSIDIV and VAR control knobs. 4. Adjust the amount of horizontal (X-axis) deflection by using CH 1 VOLTSIDIV and VAR control knobs. ' Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 5-8.Calibration of Probe As explained previously, the probe makes up a wide range attenuator. Unless phase compensation is properly done, the displayed waveform will be distortion causing measurement errors. Therefore, the probe must be properly compensated before use. Connect 10:l probe BNC to the INPUT terminal of CHI or CH2 and set VOLTSIDIV switch at 50mV. Connect the probe tip to the calibration voltage output terminal and adjust the compensation trimmer on probe for optimum Square wave (minimum overshoot, rounding off and tilt). FIG. 5-7 (a) Correct compensation (b) Over compensation (c) Insufficient compensation 5-9.DC BAL Adjustments The ATT balance of the vertical axis can be adjusted easily. (1)Set the input coupling switches of CHI and CH2 to GND and set the TRIG MODE to AUTO, then position the base line to the center. (2)Adjust the VLOTSmIV switch to 5mV-1 OrnV and fix the line does not move. 5-1O.Function Generator The instrument also provides the basic features of Function Generator to satisfy general demand with simply and intuitional operation method by adjusting the control knobs directly fiom front panel for output waveform, amplitude, DC level and etc. All the control knobs located in front panel are marked with the same color to prevent missetting. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com The following instructions are executed by qualified personnel only. To avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing other than the operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so. 6-1.Fuse Replacement If the fuse blows, the power lamp indicators will not light and the instrument will not start. The fuse holder should not normally be opened unless a problem has been caused to the unit. Try to determine and correct the cause of the blown fuse and replace with a fuse of correct rating and type (see page 7 ) on the rear panel (see fig. 4-2). WARNING. For continued fire protection. Replace fuse only with 250V fuse of the specified type and rating, and disconnect power cord before replacing fuse. 6-2 Line Voltage Conversion The primary winding of the power transformer is tapped to permit operation from 115V, or 230VAC 50160Hz line voltage. Conversion from one line voltage to another is done by changing the line voltage selector switch as shown in Fig. 4-2. The rear panel identifies the line voltage to which the unit was factory set. To convert to a different line voltage, perform the following procedure: (1)Make sure the power cord is unplugged. (2)Adjust the line voltage selector switch to the desired line voltage position. (3)A change in line voltage may also require a corresponding change of fuse value. Install the correct fuse value as listed on rear panel. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 6-3 Cleaning To clean the instrument, use a soft cloth dampened in a solution of mild detergent and water. Do not spray cleaner directly onto the unit because it may leak into the cabinet and cause damage. Do not use chemicals containing benzine, benzene, toluene, xylene, acetone, or similar solvents. Do not use abrasive cleaners on any portion of the oscilloscope. Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com 7.BLOCK DIAGRAM CH1 (X) PRWP X-AXIS S I W L TRIG INP(ITANP CH2 EXT TRIG WRIT EXT - TRIG GENERATOR 1 Am0 C1RCUi-l (A) SWEEP GENERATOR FREE R W SIWL + HORUCUTAL MCHIffi HORUOMAL OUTPUT AMP AC LINE ?LET --POWER SUPPLY SOWRE-WAVE CALIBRATOR Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com SWBO V z Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com Artisan Technology Group is your source for quality new and certified-used/pre-owned equipment • FAST SHIPPING AND DELIVERY • TENS OF THOUSANDS OF IN-STOCK ITEMS • EQUIPMENT DEMOS • HUNDREDS OF MANUFACTURERS SUPPORTED • LEASING/MONTHLY RENTALS • ITAR CERTIFIED SECURE ASSET SOLUTIONS SERVICE CENTER REPAIRS Experienced engineers and technicians on staff at our full-service, in-house repair center WE BUY USED EQUIPMENT Sell your excess, underutilized, and idle used equipment We also offer credit for buy-backs and trade-ins www.artisantg.com/WeBuyEquipment InstraView REMOTE INSPECTION LOOKING FOR MORE INFORMATION? Visit us on the web at www.artisantg.com for more information on price quotations, drivers, technical specifications, manuals, and documentation SM Remotely inspect equipment before purchasing with our interactive website at www.instraview.com Contact us: (888) 88-SOURCE | [email protected] | www.artisantg.com
Table of Contents for GW Instek GOS-620FG:
1. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION 1.1 Description The GOS-620FG oscilloscope + Function Generator is a portable-type, dual-channel oscilloscope with function generator. Its bandwidth of DC is up to 20MHz, and its maximum sensitivity is ImVIDIV. The time base provides a maximum sweep time of 0.2uSIDIV. The sweep speed becomes 100nSIDIV after magnifying 10 times. The oscilloscope uses a 6-inch rectangular type cathode-ray tube with red internal graticule. The Function Generator generates triangle
AC POWER Input Circuit: (36)AC Power input connector Connect the AC power cord (supplied) to this connector. (37)FUSE & line voltage selector Fuse rating is shown in Page 7 Line voltage selector to select power sources. (3 8)Studs Studs is not only used as a stand for laying the oscilloscope on its back to operate it in the upward posture, also used for winding up the power cord. Artisan Technology Group — Quality Instrumentation … Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com
CONTENTS PAGE OPERATION METHOD …………………………………………………………………… 17 S.1.Basic Operation ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 ……………………………………………………………………………………. 5.2.Dual.channel Operation 19 5.3.ADD Operation …………………………..
5.0PERATION METHOD 5-1.Basic Operation—Single-channel Operation Before connecting the power cord to an AC line outlet, make sure that the AC line voltage input switch on the rear panel of the instrument is correctly set for the AC line voltage. After ensuring the voltage setting, set the switches and controls of the instrument as shown below: Setting Disengage position(0FF) Mid-position Mid-position CH
5-2.Dual-channel Operation Set the VERT MODE switch to DUAL to display trace in CH2 (The procedure is ‘ same as CHI described in previous section). At this step, the calibrator signal appears in CHI is Square wave, but it appears in CH2 is a straight line as no signal applied to this channel yet. Now, apply the calibrator signal to the vertical input terminal of CH2 through the probe with the same procedure as
(9) & (2 1)VARIABLE Fine adjustment of sensitivity with a factor of 2112.5 of the indicated value. The sensitivity is calibrated to specific value in the CAL position. When this knob is pulled out (x5 MAG state), it will multiply 5 by the amplifier sensitivity. (13) & (17)CHl & CH2 DC BAL. The knobs are used for adjusting the attenuator balance. See page 20 DC BAL adjustments for details. (I I)&(] 9) * ‘ POSITION Vertical positioning control of trace or spot. (I4)VERT MODE Select operation modes of CH 1 and CH 2
SPECIFICATION /sensitivity l~re~uency Bandwidth GOS-620FG 20MHz OSCILLOSCOPE + FUNCTION GENERATOR 5 Vp-p (Positive-going signal decreases intensity). DC — 2MHz. Z AXIS CALIBRATION VOLTAGE 2.FUNCTION GENERATOR Output Function Range 10 1 Hz — 1 MHz (7 steps) Output Waveform l~ine Wave. Square Wave and Triangle Wabe CRT IFreauencv Variable Range 110: 1 or more. I Input resistance
(30)s WP.VAR Vernier control knob of the sweep time used when CAL and the sweep time is calibrated to the vh!ue preset in TIMEDIV. The sweep of TIMEBIV can be varied continuously when shaft is not in CAL position. Rotate the control knob to CAL position and the sweep time is calibrated to the preset value of the TIMEDIV. Counterclockwise rotate the control knob to the bottom to delay the sweep by 2.5 time or more. (32) POSITION Adjust the trace or spot in horizontal position. (31)X 10 MAG Magnify 10 by pressing this
4-1.Front Panel CRT : (6) POWER Main power switch of the instrument. Turn on the switch to light the LED (5). (2).INTEN Control the brightness of the spot or trace. (3) FOCUS Focus the trace to the sharpest image. (4) TRACE ROTATION Semi-fix potentiometer for aligning the horizontal trace in parallel with graticule lines. (33)FILTER The filter is easy for waveform viewing. Vertical Axis: (8) CH 1 (X) input
(27)TRIG.ALT Set VERT MODE switch (14) in DUAL or ADD key, select the SOURCE switch (23) by pressing CHI or CH2, then press TRIG.ALT switch(27), the internal triggering source signal will display alternately from CHI and CH2. LINE Display the triggering signal from AC power line frequency signal. EXT Obtain the external triggering source signal by applying external signal to EXT TRIG IN input terminal (24). (26
0 CNSURE THE POWER IS REMOVED FROM IHE INSTRUMENT BEFORE REPMCING THE FUSE POWER MAX 40 WAIlS, 45VA IEClDlO 25W CAT I1 I I Artisan Technology Group — Quality Instrumentation … Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com
5-8.Calibration of Probe As explained previously, the probe makes up a wide range attenuator. Unless phase compensation is properly done, the displayed waveform will be distortion causing measurement errors. Therefore, the probe must be properly compensated before use. Connect 10:l probe BNC to the INPUT terminal of CHI or CH2 and set VOLTSIDIV switch at 50mV. Connect the probe tip to the calibration voltage output terminal and adjust the compensation trimmer on probe for optimum Square wave (minimum overshoot, rounding o
FOR UNITED KINGDOM ONLY NOTE This leadlappliance must only be wired by competent persons WARNING THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED IMPORTANT The wires in this lead are coloured in accordance with the following code: Green1 Yellow: Earth Blue: Neutral Brown: Live(Phase) As the colours of the wires in main leads may not correspond with the colours marking identified in your plugiappliance, proceed as follows: The wire which is coloured Green & Yellow must be connected to the Earth terminal marked with the letter E or
‘ECIFICATIONS GOS-620FG 20MHz OSCILLOSOPE + FUNCTION GENERATOR I CHI, CH2, LINE, EXT (CHI and CH2 can be selected only in the DUAL or ADD vertical mode). /Triggering source I In ALT mode, if the TRIG. ALT switch is pushed in, it can alternate triggering of two different source. Coupling IAC: 20Hz to full bandwidth. Slope I+ I -. 120~~ — 2MHz : 0.5 DIV, TRIG-ALT:2 DIV, EXT : 200mV. J~ensitivity 12 — 20MHz : 1.5 DIV, TRIG-ALT:3 DIV, EXT : 8OOrnV. ITV : Sync pulse more than
The following instructions are executed by qualified personnel only. To avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing other than the operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so. 6-1.Fuse Replacement If the fuse blows, the power lamp indicators will not light and the instrument will not start. The fuse holder should not normally be opened unless a problem has been caused to the unit. Try to determine and correct the cause of the blown fuse and replace with a fu
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