Инструкция cute friends smart animals

ID: 303426Артикул: CS-8315B

Старая цена: 2660 руб.

Артикул: CS-8315B

Курьерская доставка:


Радиоуправляемый робот Собачка — 8315B — это умные животные из серии «Милые Друзья» – это игрушка на пульте дистанционного управления (д/у) для детей от 3-х лет. 

Как играть:

  • нажмите на носик и удерживайте более 3-х секунд для включения и выключения игрушки;
  • с помощью пульта д/у управляйте: вперед, назад, влево, вправо
  • поставьте игрушку на задние лапки и вращайте с помощью пульта д/у


  • Глазки светятся синим цветом;
  • Игрушка издает звуки;
  • Размер 20 см;
  • Работает от 3-х батареек типа ААА
  • Пульт управления работает от 2-х батареек типа ААА.


  • Игрушка
  • Пульт дистанционного управления

Необходимо докупить:

  • 5 батареек типа ААА
  • ХарактеристикиХар-ки
  • Доставка
  • Оплата
  • Отзывы (0)
  • Вопросы (0)
Бренд: CS Toys
Категория: Животные, Роботехника
Тип комплекта: RTR
Цвет: Белый

Магазин RC-TODAY.RU осуществляет доставку заказов как собственной курьерской службой, так и различными транспортными компаниями.

Доставка по Москве

Самовывоз из магазина RC-TODAY.RU —БЕСПЛАТНО
Мы находимся:г. Москва, 6-й монетчиковский пер., д. 8с1 (3 минуты пешком от метро Павелецкая)
Время работы: Ежедневно с 09:00 до 21:00
Сделайте заказ любым удобным для Вас способом, наш менеджер свяжется с Вами для согласования даты и времени Вашего приезда.
Как только заказ будет скомплектован, мы Вам позвоним и отправим смс-уведомление.

В пределах МКАД, при заказе от 7000 рублей —Бесплатно, при оплате на сайте
В пределах МКАД, при заказе до 7000 рублей —300 руб.
Если вы находитесь за МКАД, то цена доставки зависит от адреса и рассчитывается в корзине.

Срок доставки — 1-2 дня. В рабочие дни минимальный интервал доставки — 3 часа, в выходные и праздничные дни — 8 часов.
Если Вы находитесь за МКАД, то срок доставки — 1-2 дня, а минимальный интервал доставки — 8 часов.
Просим учесть, что крупногабаритные товары мы доставляем только до подъезда. Подъём до квартиры осуществляется за отдельную плату.

Доставка по России

Оплата заказа возможна наложенным платежом. Срок доставки 2-14 рабочих дней, в зависимости от удалённости города.

EMS-Почта России
Оплата заказа возможна наложенным платежом. Срок доставки 5-14 рабочих дней, в зависимости от удалённости города.

Почта России
Отправка заказа только по полной предоплате. Срок доставки 1-10 рабочих дней, в зависимости от удалённости города.

Деловые линии, Байкал сервис, ПЭК и любые другие ТК
Если Вы знаете транспортную компанию в своём городе, которая устраивает Вас больше, чем предложенные нами, просто сообщите нам об этом, и мы отправим Ваш заказ через неё. Если указанная Вами транспортная компания не предоставляет возможности оплаты заказа при получении, необходимо сделать предоплату за заказ в полном объёме. Доставка, как правило, оплачивается при получении заказа. Сроки доставки зависят от ТК и удалённости региона. При этом забор транспортной компанией с нашего склада оплачивается клиентом вне зависимости от стоимости заказа.

Стоимость доставки зависит от веса и цены товара и рассчитывается оператором при подтверждении заказа.

Самовывоз из пунктов выдачи

Практически в каждом городе у нас есть пункт выдачи заказов от наших партнёров. Уточнить адреса и контакты пункта выдачи Вы можете любым удобным для Вас способом: по телефону, в онлайн чате, а также при оформлении заказа в корзине.

Оплата наличными

Оплата производится наличными средствами курьеру при получении заказа. Если для Вас это самый удобный вариант оплаты, просто выберите «Оплата при доставке» при оформлении заказа или, если Вы оформляете заказ по телефону, сообщите об этом менеджеру. Эта опция доступна не только для жителей Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга, но и для жителей остальных регионов России. Оплачивайте свои заказы по факту получения. Ваш комфорт – наш приоритет.

Оплата через сайт

Вы можете оплатить свой заказ непосредственно при оформлении заказа. Для этого нужно выбрать способ оплаты «Картами Visa, MasterСard» или «WebMoney, Яндекс.Деньги, QIWI». После этого Вы автоматически перейдете на сайт платежной системы и сможете произвести оплату любым удобным для Вас способом. Если вы оформляете заказ по телефону, попросите менеджера отправить Вам ссылку на оплату заказа онлайн на Вашу электронную почту. Перейдя по этой ссылке, Вы попадете на сайт платежной системы, где сможете оплатить заказ. 

Оплата банковским переводом

При оформлении заказа выбираете тип оплаты «Банковский перевод». В форме заказа необходимо заполнить электронную почту – на нее мы отправим Вам ссылку на счет с нашими реквизитами. Если вы оформляете заказ по телефону, попросите менеджера прислать Вам счет на оплату. Оплатить счет Вы можете в любом банке. Пожалуйста, указывайте в комментарии к платежу номер Вашего заказа!

Покупка в кредит

На нашем сайте есть возможность покупки в кредит! Теперь это совсем не сложно — всего 5 шагов и в течение 2-х минут Вам сообщат решение по онлайн кредиту. Или закажите заказ звонка и вам во всем поможет менеджер банка! Кредит от 5000 до 300 000 тысяч рублей. Процентная ставка от 19 до 26%. Все условия кредитования вы можете узнать во вкладке КупитьВкредит.

Хит продаж

Батарейка Duracell AAA 1,5V 1 шт - LR3-MN2400

Батарейка Duracell AAA 1,5V

Защитная маска-респиратор KN95 4 слоя (1 шт)


Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002 — это товар, который поставляется нами из Китая оптом и без посредников. Это делает наши цены необычайно низкими, а условия работы по дропшиппингу и вовсе самыми выгодными в России.

Мы предлагаем индивидуальные условия сотрудничества организаторам совместных покупок. Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002 всегда в наличии на наших складах в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве, что обеспечивает быструю доставку по городу и во все регионы России.



  • Возраст


  • Материал

    ABS пластик

  • Размер упаковки

    25х23х11 см

Доставка по Москве, Санкт-Петербургу и Екатеринбургу

Самовывоз товара из пунктов выдачи:

  • Пункт выдачи в Санкт-Петербурге: Лиговский пр., дом 256, литера «В»
  • Пункт выдачи в Москве: Любой пункт выдачи СДЭК
  • Пункт выдачи в Екатеринбурге: ул. Черняховского, д 92, этаж 1

Курьерская доставка

  • Стоимость доставки курьером — от 350 рублей.

Подробнее об условиях самовывоза, интервалах и стоимости доставки курьеров можно узнать по ссылке.

Доставка по России и в страны СНГ

Доставка осуществляется транспортными компаниями СДЭК, ПЭК или Деловые Линии. Стоимость доставки согласно тарифам ТК. Доставка заказа до терминала ТК — 150 рублей. При заказе более 3000 рублей — бесплатно.Подробнее об условиях доставки по России можно узнать по ссылке.

Порядок оплаты заказов

  • Самовывоз заказа до 3000 рублей стоит 150 рублей, заказ от 3000 рублей — бесплатно
  • При доставке курьером — предоплата или оплата при получении
  • При доставке по России транспортной компанией — 100% предоплата

Способы оплаты заказа

  • наличными при получении
  • на карту банка
  • на расчетный счет
  • QIWI-кошелек
  • через систему WesternUnion

Подробнее об условиях и способах оплаты можно узнать по ссылке.

Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002

Наша комиссия по дропшиппингу

200 рублей за заказ

Ваша переплата за услуги доставки товара

0 рублей

Ваши затраты на содержание склада

0 рублей

Если за месяц вы продали более 100 единиц по одноименному товару, то мы делаем перерасчет по
этим заказам по соотвествующей цене, в данном случае цена как от 100 штук и разницу переводим
вам на счет

Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002


мы рассмотрим вашу заявку и предложим оптимальные условия

Что такое дропшиппинг

Это способ реализации товаров, заключающийся в отправке товаров с нашего склада конечному покупателю, без вложений в закупку. То есть вы продаете товар, фактически не имея его в наличии, тем самым экономя на закупке и вкладывая больше средств в маркетинг. А также вы снимаете с себя заботу о закупках, обеспечении ассортимента, хранении и доставке товара до вашего покупателя. За все это отвечает интернет магазин дропшиппинг товаров — ОптоЛидер. 

Наша комиссия не увеличивается в зависимости от количества товаров в корзине, она может быть только снижена по результатам нашей с вами работы.

Наша услуга будет выгодна как для новичков, кто только пытается найти свою нишу, так и для крупных интернет магазинов с широким ассортиментом. Наша команда заинтересована в долгосрочном и взаимовыгодном сотрудничестве!

Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002

Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002
по дропшипингу:

Быстрый старт бизнеса без вложений!

Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002 — это товар, который поставляется нами из Китая без посредников. Это делает наши цены необычайно низкими, а условия работы по дропшиппингу и вовсе самыми выгодными в России. Не сомневайтесь в заказе, в нашем интернет-магазине собраны только популярные товары с быстрой реализацией.

Все, что вам необходимо — это сделать заказ на сайте и сообщить позвонившему менеджеру о желании работать на наших условиях. Также вы можете сами связаться с нашим менеджером по дропшиппингу. Он проконсультирует вас, ответит на интересующие вопросы, поможет быстро оформить заказ. Продавайте больше и получайте более выгодные условия!

Наш менеджер по дропшиппингу:

Максим Киселев

Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002

Она подходит абсолютно для всех: сайтов одностраничников, интернет-магазинов, всей оффлайн торговли! Мы работаем с первого заказа. Мы не требуем денежных холдов (внесения суммы на счет), у нас нет минимального количества закупок в неделю, нет никаких ограничений!

Для начала работы нужно обсудить с менеджером, по каким товарам планируете работать, чтобы мы сделали бронь на складе и обеспечили наличие. Есть заказ на товар? Звоните, пишите и передавайте данные для отправки. Наши менеджеры ответят на все Ваши вопросы, а также помогут в выборе наиболее популярные товаров, опираясь на свой опыт и текущие тренды.

  • Объем
    Цена за шт
  • от 5 шт 965 р.
  • от 30 шт 903 р.
  • от 100 шт 857 р.
  • от 500 шт 849 р.
  • Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002 оптом

    Цена от:
    965 р.

    Набор мыльных роз с плюшевыми мишками всегда в наличии на наших складах в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве, что обеспечивает быструю отгрузку и доставку во все регионы России. Кроме того, мы предлагаем уникальные условия для организаторов совместных покупок. Мы ценим каждого клиента и предлагаем благоприятные условия для долгосрочного сотрудничества. Заказывайте больше, получайте цены еще ниже!

    Для кого подходит схема работы оптом

    Она подходит абсолютно для всех: сайтов одностраничников, интернет-магазинов, всей оффлайн торговли! Мы работаем с первого заказа. Мы не требуем денежных холдов (внесения суммы на счет), у нас нет минимального количества закупок в неделю, нет никаких ограничений!

    Для начала работы нужно обсудить с менеджером, по каким товарам планируете работать, чтобы мы сделали бронь на складе и обеспечили наличие. Есть заказ на товар? Звоните, пишите и передавайте данные для отправки. Наши менеджеры ответят на все Ваши вопросы, а также помогут в выборе наиболее популярные товаров, опираясь на свой опыт и текущие тренды.

    Наш менеджер по дропшиппингу:

    Максим Киселев

    Семь причин работать с нами:

    1. мы гарантируем низкие оптовые цены;
    2. вам не придется искать продукцию по низким ценам, ведь у нас самый низкий прайс;
    3. можно обменять не подошедшую покупку на другую или вернуть деньги;
    4. вся продукция высокого качества, независимо от вида, назначения и даже стоимости;
    5. наличие товаров на складе, что дает возможность быстрой доставки в конкретный момент;
    6. вам не придется искать товар: заказываете, мы мгновенно привозим;
    7. нет никаких дополнительных условий для сотрудничества, что делает возможность начать работу с нами прямо сейчас.

    Мы не обещаем, а работаем на:

    Достижение эффективного результат

    Предоставление максимально выгодных условий

    Предоставление максимально выгодных условий

    Не ищите условий лучше!

    Вы их просто не найдете. Мы надежны, стабильны и ответсвенны.
    Позвоните и станьте нашим постоянным партнером

    Умная робо-собака — инструкция на русском языке

    Умная робо-собака — инструкция на русском языке - обложка



    6 с иллюстрациями





    Размер файла:

    629 кб

    Умная робо-собака — инструкция на русском языке - страницаУмная робо-собака — инструкция на русском языке - страницаУмная робо-собака — инструкция на русском языке - страница

    Умная робо-собака — это очаровательное домашнее животное, друг, который предназначен для детей старше восьми лет. Эта игрушка разработана инженерами компании, которые работали день и ночь, чтобы объединить в одном изделии инновации и превосходное качество. Результатом конструкторских изысканий стал продукт в духе времени, в котором воплощены самые настоящие человеческие эмоции и множество обучающих функций. Эта умная игрушка обладает отличным соотношением цены и качества.

    Умная робо-собака умеет многое, чем может гордиться ее хозяин. Робо-собака – это талантливый певец и грациозный танцор. На радость хозяину, она может вытворять разные шалости, вызывая множество положительных эмоций. Она великолепно рассказывает истории, поет песни, читает стихи и помогает ребенку получать больше знаний, улучшая его способности к познанию окружающего мира.

    Данная инструкция на русском языке к умной робо-собаке содержит необходимую информацию, в том числе описание игрушки, где указано размещение сенсоров. В инструкции перечислены режимы работы, приведены фразы, которые произносит собака во время игры. Рассказано о том, как следует заряжать устройство. Поскольку в комплект поставки робо-собаки включен пульт управления, руководство содержит описание всех его кнопок управления. Также в инструкции написано, как выполнять замену батареек пульта, а также приведены частые неисправности и способы их устранения.


    • Введение
    • Напоминание
    • Краткое описание
    • Зарядка при помощи кабеля USB
    • Пульт управления и предосторожности
    • Что следует и что не следует делать

    Загрузка Загрузка…

    Всем привет!

    Сегодня я хочу поделится с вами своим впечатлением об интерактивной игрушке Smart Dog умная собачка.

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Этим летом компания Kinder Surprise проводила акцию, нужно было купить их продукцию, зарегистрировать чек на сайте и принять участие в розыгрыше таких вот умных собачек, нам повезло, мы любим Kinder Surprise и удача нам улыбнулась, мы выиграли электронного друга. Доставка приза затянулась и собачку мы получили накануне нового года, так она стала одним из новогодних подарков для нашего сына.

    Собака была упакована в красивую картонную коробку, на коробке вся необходимая информация.

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    В комплекте идет сама собака, пульт управления, USB провод, чтобы заряжать собаку от ноутбука (компьютера), но мы через блок питания заряжаем ее от сети, инструкция на русском языке с рисунками, батареек нет.

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Производитель Китай.

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Собака 28 см в длину и 19 см в высоту, сделана из качественного, прочного пластика, на лапах прорезиненные колесики и резиновый хвост, на пузе располагается динамик и под резиновой заглушкой рычаг включения и 2 USB порта, один для зарядки, второй для обновления программного обеспечения (в инструкции очень просят туда не подключаться, дабы не сбить настройки).

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Уши и язык у собаки на шарнирах, при движении болтаются, язык имеет свойство отваливаться, но так же легко цепляется обратно, глаза при включении загораются желтым светом.

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Минусом является неустойчивая краска, которой производитель нарисовал пятнышки на теле собаки, она стирается и царапается при ударах о мебель.

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Управляется собака при помощи пульта, он работает от 3 батареек, отсек которых завинчивается болтиком (безопасность), на нем так же есть рычаг включения и индикатор включения, горит красная лампочка (возможно он так же показывает заряд батареек, т.к. наши еще не разряжались точно сказать не могу).

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    На пульте 24 кнопки — это 24 команды, которые выполнит собака, их значение можно посмотреть в инструкции. Собака лает, скулит, переворачивается на живот, виляет хвостом, делает вид что писает, ложится, танцует и многое другое.

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    Заряжается собака около часа и непрерывно работает минут 40. При зарядке USB кабель подсвечивает красным цветом, когда зарядится полностью — гаснет.

    Интерактивная игрушка Happy Cow Smart Dog Умная собачка фото

    На коробке стоит ограничение 8+, но наш сын 2,5 года с удовольствием в нее играет, естественно под присмотром взрослых (все же дорогая игрушка, хочется чтобы прослужила дольше), сам управляет ею. По началу сын немного побаивался ее, но теперь это дикий восторг и с ее помощью можно занять ребенка на час. Некоторые игрушки не недолго увлекают нашего непоседу, но smart dog завлек его надолго уже второй месяц собака наш верный друг и помощник в шалостях, не проходит и дня чтобы сын о нем не вспомнил. Такая игрушка порадует не только ребенка, мы с мужем с удовольствием в нее играем и гостей развлекаем.

    Я очень рада что нам досталась такая игрушка, тем более бесплатно.

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    2-in-1 Discovery Table

    Learning is double the fun with the 2-in-1 Discovery Table by VTech! This desk easily converts from a drawing table to an electronic learning center and features a variety of interactive buttons and switches for learning that lasts for hours!

    2-in-1 Discovery Table Manual

    2-in-1 Learn & Zoom Motorbike™

    Zoom around with the 2-in-1 Learn & Zoom Motorbike™. This 2-in-1 bike has handle bars that move like a real bike and easily transforms from a tricycle for unsteady toddlers into a two-wheel bike. The Learn & Zoom Motorbike™ also features an exciting activity panel. Packed with lights, buttons, rollers and gears, the panel builds fine motor skills and introduces objects, colors, shapes and road safety. Playful music and motorcycle sounds triggered by the motion sensor encourage little drivers to ride around. Hit the road with this exciting 2-in-1 toy. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-181700 Learn & Zoom Motorbike Product Manual

    3-in-1 Learning Zebra Scooter

    Push, ride and scoot! The VTech 3-in-1 Learning Zebra Scooter is an educational toy that grows with your child as they learn colors, animals and destinations on the go!

    3-in-1 Learning Zebra Scooter Manual

    3-in-1 Musical Band

    Create your own protege in training with VTech’s new 3-in-1 Musical Band! This electronic learning toy acts as three instruments and a music recorder, guaranteed to keep the whole family rockin’!

    3-in-1 Musical Band Manual

    3-in-1 Step & Roll Motorbike™ (Pink)

    Get revved up and zoom around on the interactive 3-in-1 Step & Roll Motorbike™! With a light-up dashboard and ignition key, this combination ride-on vehicle and push walker captures the imagination of little riders and walkers. Little one learning to walk? Use the motorbike with the handle as a push walker to cruise around and strengthen walking skills. Ready to ride? Start them off with the three-wheeler to keep them steady, then try the two-wheeler to practice balancing. Keep the learning journey going with songs and activities that teach about the community, colors and daily life. Active toddlers can enjoy three ways to use this motorbike and 80+ songs, sounds, melodies and phrases. Kick-start their motor skills with the 3-in-1 Step Up & Roll Motorbike! Intended for ages 12–36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-529450 3-in-1 Step and Roll Motorbike Parent Guide

    3-in-1 Step & Roll Motorbike™

    Get revved up and zoom around on the interactive 3-in-1 Step & Roll Motorbike™! With a light-up dashboard and ignition key, this combination ride-on vehicle and push walker captures the imagination of little riders and walkers. Little one learning to walk? Use the motorbike with the handle as a push walker to cruise around and strengthen walking skills. Ready to ride? Start them off with the three-wheeler to keep them steady, then try the two-wheeler to practice balancing. Keep the learning journey going with songs and activities that teach about the community, colors and daily life. Active toddlers can enjoy three ways to use this motorbike and 80+ songs, sounds, melodies and phrases. Kick-start their motor skills with the 3-in-1 Step Up & Roll Motorbike! Intended for ages 12–36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-529400 3-in-1 Step and Roll Motorbike Parent Guide

    ABC Building Block

    Learning letters, rhyming words and music couldn’t be any more exciting! A plush joystick lets baby control the learning through the light-up top on this colorful jumbo ABC block.

    ABC Building Block Manual

    ABC Learning Apple™

    Pick up the ABC Learning Apple™ for an apple a day of learning and play! Twenty-six easy-to-press letter buttons on this interactive learning toy teach the alphabet sequence, phonics sounds, letter names and spelling, and play melodies and sound effects. Keep children interested and challenged with progressive learning levels. Start in Phonics World to hear letter sounds, then switch to Discovery Time to learn about words and letter order. Follow the light-up buttons to practice spelling with the Spelling Game. Move the worm clock hand around the play clock to explore time concepts, then switch to Feed the Hungry Worm to practice counting. Ready to practice memory skills? Turn on the Dancing Lights game and try to repeat the light-up patterns on the apple. Go to Music Festival when you’re ready to get up and dance! Find out what you’ve learned by quizzing yourself in Eye Spy. This educational apple helps preschoolers get ready for school. Bring this portable toy anywhere for bushels of fun and learning on the go! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-139060 ABC Learning Apple Instruction Manual

    ABC Learning Classroom

    School’s in session with the ABC Learning Classroom from VTech. The teacher and 26 students in this schoolhouse teach your child about letters, phonics, vocabulary and more! You can even personalize their learning toy through additional downloadable content at VTech’s Learning Lodge Navigator!

    ABC Learning Classroom Manual

    ABC Phonics Pals

    Learning to write letters has never been this much fun thanks to ABC Phonics Pals! Through play, skills are developed step-by-step. You can find letters hiding in pictures, discover the letter that’s missing from a series, and make a picture by tracing your way through a maze. And that’s just the beginning.

    ABC Phonics Pals Manual

    ABC Text & Go Motion™ Pink

    Kids can play just like a grown-up with the VTech ABC Text & Go Motion! This handheld electronic learning toy has fun games that teach your preschooler letters, vocabulary, matching and typing.

    ABC Text & Go Motion Pink Manual

    ABC Text & Go Motion™

    Kids can play just like a grown-up with the VTech ABC Text & Go Motion! This handheld electronic learning toy has fun games that teach your preschooler letters, vocabulary, matching and typing.

    ABC Text & Go Motion Manual

    Adora-birdie Activity Rattle™

    Shake, sing and learn with the Adora-Birdie Activity Rattle™ by VTech®. Press the light-up buttons to play fun phrases, sing-along songs and music or shake the lovable bird to hear fun bird sounds. This adorable rattle has an easy-to-grasp handle, crinkly patterned wings and ribbon tags to build motor skills and develop tactile awareness. It also has removable electronics so the plush birdie is machine washable. Your child will love to shake and learn with this adorable birdie.

    185300 Adora-birdie Activity Rattle Manual

    Adventure Learning Globe

    Ready, set , blast-off with the Adventure Learning Globe! Choose from seven flight missions to learn about continents, oceans, animals, foreign languages and more! Plus, the wireless joystick allows control from several feet away, making it easy to explore at their own pace!

    Adventure Learning Globe Manual


    Welcome aboard the Alpha-Boat™ by VTech®! Catch the floating letter fish and put them on the scale to hear letter names, letter sounds and music! Then, your child can play a simple question and answer game that helps quiz them on what they’ve learned.

    Alpha-Boat Manual

    Alphabet Activity Cube With Bonus Blocks Set — Online Exclusive

    A vtechkids.com exclusive item! The Alphabet Activity Cube With Bonus Blocks is one of VTech’s top-rated infant & preschool learning toys. The cube offers your child endless hours of learning fun with five interactive sides. Activities that hit eight developmental stages make the Alphabet Activity Cube a toy that grows with your child.

    Alphabet Activity Cube With Bonus Blocks Set — Online Exclusive Manual

    Alphabet Activity Cube™

    The Alphabet Activity Cube is one of VTech’s top-rated infant & preschool learning toys. The cube offers your child endless hours of learning fun with five interactive sides. Activities that hit eight developmental stages make the Alphabet Activity Cube a toy that grows with your child.

    Alphabet Activity Cube Manual

    Alphabet Apple™

    Take a bite out of learning with the Alphabet Apple™. Eight learning activities for preschoolers teach animals, objects, words, phonics, letters, spelling and time concepts. Press the light-up alphabet buttons to hear 26 cheerful melodies and sound effects. This fun learning toy also features a cute worm that sings songs and interacts with your child and a clock with a movable hand. The leaf-shaped handle makes it easy to take ABC learning on the go. This is one apple that can’t go rotten! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Alphabet Apple Manual

    Alphabet Apple™

    Learning is a bushel of fun with the Alphabet Apple™ from VTech®. This interactive learning apple features 26 light-up buttons with letter-specific animal graphics to introduce letters and animals. A clock with movable hands shaped like a worm introduces time telling skills. The apple includes eight modes of play with progressive learning levels that introduce letters, phonics, words, time concepts, music and more. Switch to the music mode for 26 melodies with blinking lights that promote verbal and visual discovery. Grab the handle for fun learning on the go!

    Alphabet Apple Manual

    Alphabet Classroom

    The first days of school begin at home! Alphabet Classroom puts young children in an interactive classroom setting where fun, talkative characters teach letters, phonics, spelling, numbers and time.

    Alphabet Classroom Manual

    Alphabet Soup

    In the pot, you can store 26 letter blocks. In front of the soup pot, a soup bowl contains 3 slots for letter blocks and 3 LED lights to help guide the player.

    Alphabet Soup Manual

    Alphabet Tap Tap Bus

    Everyone gets a ride on this singing school bus! Spin the blocks for colorful lessons in all 26 letters. Then, switch the play mode and join light-up classmates for fun with phonics, colors or music.

    Alphabet Tap Tap Bus Manual

    Animal Rhymes Music Book™

    The Animal Rhymes Music Book™ has so many twists, turns (and slides) that little ones will have a hard time putting it down! Easy-to-turn pages are beautifully illustrated with cute, colorful animals and include interactive play features that kids can move to keep them engaged and entertained. Each page plays a familiar nursery rhyme set to music so everyone can sing along. The flashing star twinkles along with the sounds. Encourage your child to press the colorful instrument buttons to add guitar, triangle, piano, drum and saxophone sounds to the music. The buttons also introduce new vocabulary with the instrument’s name and the color of the button. Extend playtime by choosing between two modes for playful nursery rhymes or cheerful musical responses. Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-166770 Animal Rhymes Music Book Instruction Manual

    Artificial Intelligence Compact Notebook

    Learning at the computer has never been so easy, or so fun! Kids love having their own laptop to play games and explore school subjects, advancing as the computer adjusts to their skill level.

    Artificial Intelligence Compact Notebook Manual

    Babble & Rattle Microphone™

    Sing along with the Babble & Rattle Microphone™ by VTech®! Just like a real microphone, this interactive microphone amplifies your child’s voice, and the puppy button encourages them to sing along with the songs. Turn the ring to introduce twelve different animals and their sounds or hear playful melodies. Press the instrument buttons to play twelve melodies in either classical or rock ‘n roll style and learn about instruments. When your little one shakes the toy microphone, it will play fun sounds and phrases. Sing and learn with a fun microphone!

    185400 Babble & Rattle Microphone Manual

    Baby Amaze™ 3-in-1 Care & Learn Stroller™

    Take care of your baby doll with the 3-in-1 Care & Learn Stroller™ by VTech®. This interactive stroller has three modes and easily transforms from a stroller to high chair to bassinet. Your child can also listen to fun rhyming stories, explore nutrition and hear baby care reminders for more role-play fun!

    3-in-1 Care & Learn Stroller Manual

    Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise Rose™

    Meet the sweet Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise Rose™ in her garden and transform her from a brave fairy into a flower and back again. Imaginations will blossom in the wonderful world of flower fairies while listening to the confident doll talk about being a rose, going on adventures and more. Push down on Fairy Rose’s head to tuck her unto her flower pot and she’ll bloom into a lovely rose. Press the light-up bow on her pot and she’ll pop up again. Wobble and twirl Fairy Rose in her flower pot of for silly fun. Collect all the Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise dolls for a beautiful bouquet of unique personalities (each sold separately).

    Parent’s Guide

    Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise Sunflower™

    Meet the giggly Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise Sunflower™ in her garden and transform her from a funny fairy into a flower and back again. Imaginations will blossom in the wonderful world of flower fairies while listening to the friendly doll talk about being a sunflower, tell jokes and more. Push down on Fairy Sunflower’s head to tuck her into her flower pot and she’ll bloom into a lovely sunflower. Press the light-up bow on her pot and she’ll pop up again. Wobble and twirl Fairy Sunflower in her flower pot for silly fun. Collect all the Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise dolls for a beautiful bouquet of unique personalities (each sold separately).


    Baby Amaze™ Crawlin’ Cutie Doll™

    Your little one will love crawling and exploring with Baby Amaze™ Crawlin’ Cutie Doll™ by VTech®. This adorable baby doll crawls and encourages children to follow her. Shake the baby doll’s rattle or clap your hands to trigger the doll to start crawling. Your child can crawl along with the baby doll while hearing animal facts, or play the freeze game and stop crawling when the music stops. The doll can also recite nursery rhymes, sweet phrases and encourage kids to race with her. It’s crawling fun for little ones!

    80-190100 Baby Amaze Crawlin’ Cutie

    Baby Amaze™ Happy Healing Doll™

    Your little one can pretend to be a doctor with the Baby Amaze™ Happy Healing Doll™ by VTech®. This nurturing doll will tell children how she feels, and different parts of her body will light-up to show where she needs care. Your little doctor can nurse this adorable doll back to health with helpful accessories like a thermometer, syringe, stethoscope, bandage, medicine bottle and spoon. Each accessory triggers fun phrases and sounds. This interactive doll also gives health tips and says nurturing phrases about the importance of staying healthy and helping others. The Happy Healing Doll™ can also be personalized to learn your child’s name, birthday, special events and more!


    Baby Amaze™ Learn to Talk & Read Baby Doll™

    The more your little one talks to the Baby Amaze™ Learn to Talk & Read Baby Doll™ by VTech®, the more words and phrases the baby doll will learn and repeat! Talk to the baby doll and hear her repeat you, or read from the three included vocabulary books featuring more than 70 words about animals, foods and household objects. The more your little one talks to the baby doll, the more the baby doll will learn. The baby doll also encourages nurturing role play by asking your child for her pacifier, bottle and more. Press the four buttons on the baby doll and put the bottle or pacifier in her mouth to explore all of the fun interactive activities.

    Learn to Talk & Read Baby Doll Manual

    Baby Amaze™ Mealtime Learning Set™

    It’s time to eat with the Baby Amaze™ Mealtime Learning Set™ by VTech®. Your little one will love pretending to feed their baby doll with the fun electronic baby bottle that plays a realistic, drinking sound effect. In learning mode, the bottle introduces numbers, food and plays nursery rhymes. Slide the switch to music mode and the bottle will play melodies and sing-along songs when your little one presses the buttons. This set also includes a bowl that makes a fun mechanical sound when stirred and everything baby dolls need to eat including a spoon, bib, plate and teething cookie. Enhance learning fun with the interactive bottle and accessories!

    80-184400 Baby Amaze Mealtime Learning SEt 9.18.15

    Baby Amaze™ Peek & Learn Doll™

    Play peek-a-boo with the Baby Amaze™ Peek & Learn Doll™ by VTech® for adorable reactions and interactive play. Cover the baby doll’s eyes with its hands to play the classic game. Press the four interactive buttons on the baby doll and your child will learn body parts, counting and nurturing concepts. The baby doll plays a variety of familiar melodies on a timer for up to 15 minutes. Your little one can also use the included baby bottle for role-play fun. Explore and learn with a cute, interactive baby doll!

    Peek & Learn Doll Manual

    Baby Amaze™ Pretend & Discover Bear™

    The Baby Amaze™ Pretend & Discover Bear™ by VTech® loves to dress up as her favorite animal. Press the doll’s tummy and your little one will hear three songs about bears and a mini story. They’ll also learn fun facts about bears and how to count from one to five. Press the doll’s heart button to hear sweet and nurturing phrases, silly sound effects and playful music. Your little one will love caring for this adorable, plush doll. Play, pretend and learn with this huggable doll.

    80-190500 Baby Amaze Pretend & Discover Bear 8.18.16

    Baby Amaze™ Pretend & Discover Bunny™

    The Baby Amaze™ Pretend & Discover Bunny™ by VTech® loves to dress up as her favorite animal. Press the doll’s tummy and your little one will hear three songs about bunnies and a mini story. They’ll also learn fun facts about bunnies and how to count from one to five. Press the doll’s heart button to hear sweet and nurturing phrases, silly sound effects and playful music. Your little one will love caring for this adorable, plush doll. Play, pretend and learn with this huggable doll.

    80-184100 Baby Amaze Pretend & Discover Bunny 8.19.16

    Baby Amaze™ Pretend & Discover Kitty™

    The Baby Amaze™ Pretend & Discover Kitty™ by VTech® is the purr-fect baby doll for your little one. This soft, plush doll is dressed up as a kitty and introduces nurturing concepts and role-play as your child pretends to take care of her. Press the star-shaped button on the kitty’s tummy to learn the days of the week, count from one to five, hear facts about kittens and listen to sing-along songs. Press the light-up heart button to hear sweet phrases about feelings, silly sound effects and short tunes. Whether it’s time to play or time for a catnap, your little one will love cuddling with this adorable kitty.

    80-196400 Baby Amaze Pretend & Discover Kitty 8.16.16

    Baby Amaze™ Sleep & Soothe Lullaby Doll™

    Have fun day or night with the Baby Amaze™ Sleep & Soothe Lullaby Doll™ by VTech®. Press the day button to hear sweet phrases, nursery rhymes and sing-along songs. Press the night button and rock the baby doll to sleep while listening to nature sounds and lullabies. The soft and huggable baby doll encourages nurturing role play and interaction. The baby doll comes with a pacifier that triggers baby sounds and a blanket that’s perfect for drifting off to dreamland. Good night, sleep tight!

    80-196600 Baby Amaze Sleep & Soothe Lullaby

    Baby Beats Monkey Drum™

    Drum up learning fun with the Baby Beats Monkey Drum™ by VTech®. As your little one taps on the drum, the monkey will move and play cool drum effects. The drum pad has two sensors and rewards your baby’s tapping with a variety of drum sounds and tunes. Press the light-up shape buttons to learn about animals, animal sounds and colors, and hear playful sing-along songs. Two modes of play include a learning mode that encourages your little one to interact with the drum by asking them to find animals or colors, or to press the flashing light. The music mode focuses on music play with a variety of fun songs and melodies. Play and learn to the beat of your own drum!

    80-503200 Baby Beats Monkey Drum

    Baby Face

    Every baby knows how to cry…now they’ll know why! Spinning faces display common feelins and use sounds and songs for fun lessons. Big bright object buttons add to baby’s emotional learning.

    Baby Face Manual

    Baby Tunes Music Player

    Color your little one happy, no matter what her mood with the very versatile Baby Tunes Music Player!

    Baby Tunes Music Player Manual

    Baby’s Creativity Collage

    Help your artist get started early with the imaginative learning board of music-making, feeling-filled conversation and word lessons. Bright object buttons, rattles and gears start fingers moving!

    Baby’s Creativity Collage Manual

    Baby’s Learning Laptop Pink

    Bytes for little bits! The Baby’s Learning Laptop Pink by VTech is an electronic learning toy designed just for little ones to introduce them to computer play.

    Baby’s Learning Laptop Pink Manual

    Baby’s Learning Laptop

    Bytes for little bits! The Baby’s Learning Laptop by VTech is an electronic learning toy designed just for little ones to introduce them to computer play.

    Baby’s Learning Laptop Manual

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop Pink

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop™ by VTech® encourages little ones to discover and learn on their very own laptop! Six colorful shape buttons light up the screen, and three learning modes teach letters, numbers, shapes and colors in English and Spanish—plus, baby will love the eight-direction moving mouse!

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop Pink Manual

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop™ by VTech® encourages little ones to discover and learn on their very own laptop! Six colorful shape buttons light up the screen, and three learning modes teach letters, numbers, shapes and colors in English and Spanish—plus, baby will love the eight-direction moving mouse!

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop Manual

    Batter Up & Bowl Sports Arena™

    Hit a home run or bowl a strike with the Batter Up & Bowl Sports Arena™. This electronic sports center features a 2-in-1 play experience that helps build motor skills through imaginative play while introducing numbers, animals and early vocabulary. Swing the bat to hit the baseball and hear encouraging phrases and sounds, or roll the bowling ball to knock down the pins and see the cute peek-a-boo animals pop up. The light-up scoreboard displays the number of pins knocked down to help reinforce number concepts and plays a variety of animations with the voice, sound and musical responses. Press down each peek-a-boo animal to reset the pins or use the handy lever and reset all the pins together. Let’s play ball!


    BB-8™ Smartwatch

    Explore your creativity with the BB-8™ Smartwatch. This durable smartwatch can take pictures and videos and includes Star Wars™-themed photo effects. Padawans will love using the motion sensor to trigger Lightsaber, droid, and space ship sound effects. Challenge your skills with three mini activities that include blasting asteroids, escaping Stormtroopers™ and racing with BB-8™. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose among 30 Star Wars™-themed digital and analog clock faces. A voice recorder provides voice-changing effects so your child can sound like robot, change the pitch of their voice or slow it down. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, the smartwatch also includes a calendar feature and a calculator so your young Jedi can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Children will love exploring the galaxy with their BB-8™ Smartwatch.

    80-194240 Star Wars BB-8 Smartwatch Parent Guide

    Bear’s Baby Laptop™ Pink

    The Bear’s Baby Laptop™ by VTech® encourages little ones to learn about numbers, shapes and more. When pressed, some of the shapes light up and play fun sing-along songs. Open and close the laptop for some peek-a-boo action!

    Bear’s Baby Laptop Pink Manual

    Bear’s Baby Laptop™

    Bear’s Baby Laptop™ by VTech® encourages little ones to learn about numbers, shapes and more. When pressed, shapes light up and play fun sing-along songs. Open and close the laptop for some peek-a-boo action!

    Bear’s Baby Laptop Manual

    Bear’s Dress & Discover Book™

    Guide your toddler away from wearing shorts in the snow with the Bear’s Dress & Discover Book™. This interactive book helps your little one understand what to wear for sunny, snowy and rainy weather. See Bear in three weather scenes—with the right clothes for the weather! Three chunky tabs make it easy for your little one to turn the pages. Here is Bear on a snowy day, wearing everything needed to stay warm. A sunny day at the beach is the right weather for Bear to wear shorts and a T-shirt. Next, find Bear on a rainy day, happily wearing a raincoat and boots. The bear button encourages little hands to press and explore with 50 songs, melodies and phrases about weather and clothing. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Bear’s Dress and Discover Book Instruction Manual


    Baby’s new furry friend isn’t just for cuddling! Bearthoven inspires thought with two creative light shows, one for daytime fun and one for dreaming, both with specially designed music.

    Bearthoven Manual

    Beep & Go Baby Keys™ (Pink)

    Start your learning engines with the Beep & Go Baby Keys™ from VTech®! Colorful textures, buttons and playful sounds stimulate baby’s senses and get them cruising through playtime fun. Shake the rattle, toot the horn and sing with me!

    Beep & Go Baby Keys (Pink) Manual

    Beep & Go Baby Keys™

    Start your learning engines with the Beep & Go Baby Keys™ from VTech®! Colorful textures, buttons and playful sounds stimulate baby’s senses and get them cruising through playtime fun. Shake the rattle, toot the horn and sing with me!

    Beep & Go Baby Keys Manual

    Bizzy the Mix & Move Bot™

    Play pretend with Bizzy the Mix & Move Bot™ by VTech® by mixing and matching his 10 interactive accessories. Place the pirate hat on Bizzy’s head and he’ll pretend to search for treasure. Add the baseball glove to his arm and Bizzy will imagine he’s the best pirate baseball player ever! Bizzy’s 10 accessories combine in more than 90 different ways, triggering lights and silly responses. Put on Bizzy’s legs and press the gears button to see him do a robot dance to the music. Bizzy will also challenge your little learner by asking them to attach different accessories on him. Create a robot symphony by attaching his accessories for a variety of interesting sound effects. With Bizzy around, the fun never stops!

    80-190000 Bizzy the Mix & Move Bot

    Bluey Bluey’s Book of Games

    Let’s play! Turn the pages of Bluey’s Book of Games and pretend with Bluey and Bingo. Playful pups Bluey and Bingo love playing pretend using objects around the house. Fourteen pages encourage discovery and showcase Bluey and Bingo’s pretend-play adventures from the show. Press the large Bluey button to hear her say familiar phrases. Hear Bingo introduce their parents and herself by pressing the Bingo, Dad and Mum buttons. Want to play a game? Choose four different activities to play with Bluey and Bingo. In Story mode, Bluey wants to show you her favorite pretend-play games. Each page features a different game for you to explore together. Help Bluey find the four things needed to play each game in Play Together mode. Music time! Add sound effects to the melodies by pressing the four colorful light-up buttons in Music mode. Let’s play follow the leader. Bluey will ask you to find things in a specific order in Follow the Leader mode. Take the games on the go with the carrying handle. Let’s play together! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-541200 Bluey Book of Games Instruction Manual

    Bluey Ring Ring Phone

    Let’s play and chat with Bluey and Bingo on the Bluey Ring Ring Phone. Play games and activities that feature animations of the characters and popular phrases from the show. Press the buttons with pictures of Bluey, her family and friends to hear phrases about each one. Voice activation lets kids chat with Bluey and Bingo for interactive pretend play. Change the ringtone, brightness and more, just like a real phone. Play four games that feature themes from different episodes. If Bingo is in a bad mood, cheer her up by pressing the number buttons to play music she can dance to. Use the arrow buttons to help Bingo do a handstand. When Bluey pretends to be a fruit bat, press the arrows to help her catch fruit to eat. Help Bluey blow bubbles by blowing into the microphone. Let’s do this! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-554600 Bluey Ring Ring Phone Instruction Manual

    Bluey Wackadoo Watch — Bingo

    Let’s play with Bluey, Bingo and the Wackadoo Watch! This wristwatch for kids featuring Bingo includes eight digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear the voices of Bluey and Bingo guide you through games that include characters from the show. Bandit has wound Bingo up like a wind-up toy! Press the left and right buttons to help Bingo avoid obstacles that appear in the classroom. Bluey wants to play a game of keepy-uppy! Help Bluey keep a balloon off the ground by using the left and right buttons. At Hammerbarn, Bluey wants to buy the same thing as Bingo. Match an object with its shadow to find a matching item. See Bingo hide her plush bunny Floppy into one of three chickenrat eggs and mix them up. Watch carefully and choose the egg where Floppy is hidden. Time tools include a stopwatch, timer and alarm. Wackadoo! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-554560 Bingo Wackadoo Watch Instruction Manual

    Bluey Wackadoo Watch — Bluey

    Let’s play with Bluey, Bingo and the Wackadoo Watch! This wristwatch for kids featuring Bluey includes eight digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear the voices of Bluey and Bingo guide you through games that include characters from the show. Bandit has wound Bingo up like a wind-up toy! Press the left and right buttons to help Bingo avoid obstacles that appear in the classroom. Bluey wants to play a game of keepy-uppy! Help Bluey keep a balloon off the ground by using the left and right buttons. At Hammerbarn, Bluey wants to buy the same thing as Bingo. Match an object with its shadow to find a matching item. See Bingo hide her plush bunny Floppy into one of three chickenrat eggs and mix them up. Watch carefully and choose the egg where Floppy is hidden. Time tools include a stopwatch, timer and alarm. Wackadoo! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-554500 Bluey Wackadoo Watch Instruction Manual

    Bop & Learn Guitar

    Just the right size for tiny fingers and little learners! With each strum, the Bop & Learn Guitar drums in important lessons in numbers, colors, insects and more!

    Bop & Learn Guitar Manual

    Bounce & Discover Llama™

    Hop on the Bounce & Discover Llama™ and give little muscles and minds a mini-workout! This bouncy llama has a sturdy, stable base and an easy-grasp handle. A motion sensor activates songs, sounds and music as your child rides. Up-and-down bouncing and side-to-side turning actions help develop gross motor skills and promote strength and balance. Three learning buttons on the handle introduce colors, shapes and numbers along with playful phrases, lights and music. Pet the llama’s soft fabric ears and watch the beads shake in the dome as you bounce. Ooh-la-llama! Let’s go for a ride! Intended for ages 12–36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-547700 Bounce & Discover Llama Instruction Manual

    Bouncing Colors Turtle

    Ready, set, let’s bounce and learn! With the Bouncing Colors Turtle your child will have a great time, because the more they bounce, the more they learn. From colors to playful melodies, the fun is always bounciful with this adorable turtle learning toy.

    Bouncing Colors Turtle Manual

    Bright Lights Soccer Ball™

    Left or right, up or down, roll the Bright Lights Soccer Ball™ all around to hear music and sounds and listen to the friendly learning ball encourage playtime. Press the happy light-up face button to hear playful phrases and three songs that introduce opposites and numbers. Kick, pass or shake the ball to activate the motion sensor and hear fun sounds and music, or touch the soft crinkly hands and give the ball a hug. The ball is hand washable and ready for fun. Kick up some fun with this lovable and huggable soft soccer ball! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Brilli the Imagination Ball

    Catch, learn, and have a ball with Brilli the Imagination Ball by VTech. This adorable friend is an educational activity ball for kids that helps your child learn about math and words through fun and interactive play.

    Brilli the Imagination Ball Manual

    Brilliant Baby Laptop

    Explore and learn with the Brilliant Baby Laptop™ by VTech®. This travel-ready toy laptop features nine brightly colored shape buttons and a movable mouse that interact with the light-up screen. Choose animal mode to learn about animals and their sounds; shape mode to explore colors and shapes; or music mode to hear a variety of songs, melodies and short tunes. Close the laptop, and it’s ready for on-the-go fun with a chunky carrying handle. Learning fun is a click away!

    User’s Manual

    Brilliant Baby Laptop™ (Pink)

    Explore and learn with the Brilliant Baby Laptop™ by VTech®. This travel-ready toy laptop features nine brightly colored shape buttons and a movable mouse that interact with the light-up screen. Choose animal mode to learn about animals and their sounds; shape mode to explore colors and shapes; or music mode to hear a variety of songs, melodies and short tunes. Close the laptop, and it’s ready for on-the-go fun with a chunky carrying handle. Learning fun is a click away!

    80-191250 Brilliant Baby Laptop Parent Guide

    Brilliant Baby Laptop™ — Pink

    Explore and learn with the Brilliant Baby Laptop™ by VTech®. This travel-ready toy laptop features nine brightly colored shape buttons and a movable mouse that interact with the light-up screen. Choose animal mode to learn about animals and their sounds; shape mode to explore colors and shapes; or music mode to hear a variety of songs, melodies and short tunes. Close the laptop, and it’s ready for on-the-go fun with a chunky carrying handle. Learning fun is a click away!

    80-191259 Brilliant Baby Laptop Parent Guide

    Brilliant Baby Laptop™

    Explore and learn with the Brilliant Baby Laptop™ by VTech®. This travel-ready toy laptop features nine brightly colored shape buttons and a movable mouse that interact with the light-up screen. Choose animal mode to learn about animals and their sounds; shape mode to explore colors and shapes; or music mode to hear a variety of songs, melodies and short tunes. Close the laptop, and it’s ready for on-the-go fun with a chunky carrying handle. Learning fun is a click away!

    80-191200 Brilliant Baby Laptop Parent Guide

    Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook

    Move to the head of the class with the Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook from VTech. This innovative educational toy laptop inspired by the real thing teaches your child essential skills for success.

    Brilliant Creations Advanced Notebook Manual

    Brilliant Creations Beginner Laptop

    Point and click your way to learning fun with the Brilliant Creations Beginner Laptop by VTech. This innovative learning toy looks like the real thing and comes loaded with 80 activities featured on a brilliant color screen to educate your child in essential skills.

    Brilliant Creations Beginner Laptop Manual

    Brilliant Creations Color Touch Tablet

    Your child can build essential skills through tablet play with the VTech Brilliant Creations Color Touch Tablet. This touch tablet for kids has 80 power packed activities that will engage your child as they learn.

    Brilliant Creations Color Touch Tablet Manual

    Bubbles the Learning Whale™

    Make bath time fun time with Bubbles the Learning Whale™ by VTech®! Surrounded by floating bubbles, children will learn about first words, colors, rhyming, sea animals and more. They’ll have a whale of a good time with this playful bath toy as they pop their way to aquatic, learning fun!

    Bubbles the Learning Whale Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book — Mr. Men/Little Miss

    It’s a talent show in Dillydale! The Mr. Men and Little Misses are trying to impress the judges in this silly tale new for Vtech’s Bugsby Reading System. Children will learn beginning reading skills while following the story of their favorite gang of friends.

    Bugsby Reading System Book — Mr. Men/Little Miss Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book — Penguins of Madagascar

    It’s time to move it, move it with the Penguins of Madagascar! New for VTech’s Bugsby Reading System, kids can read along to their favorite penguin character while building early reading skills.

    Bugsby Reading System Book — Penguins of Madagascar Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book — SpongeBob SquarePants: SpongeHenge

    What happens when SpongeBob becomes a musical sponge? You’ll have to read to find out in this new book for the VTech Bugsby Reading System. Either read along or with the interactive Bugsby Pen toy to see what wacky adventures SpongeBob experiences while building early reading skills!

    Bugsby Reading System Book — SpongeBob SquarePants: SpongeHenge Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book — The Little Engine That Could

    The mightly will overcome in this classic tale of The Little Engine That Could — new for VTech’s Bugsby Reading System. Children will learn early reading skills while following along with their favorite locomotive!

    Bugsby Reading System Book — The Little Engine That Could Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Bugsby and the Magical Museum

    Join Bugsby and Melissa on a reading adventure! Read along with Melissa and Bugsby to solve the mysteries of the museum! Practice reading skills like beginning sounds, punctuation, onomatopoeia, consonants, vowels, and adjectives.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Bugsby and the Magical Museum Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Bugsby’s Space Adventure

    Read along with Bugsby and Josh in Bugsby’s Space Adventure. Practice reading skills like rhyming, antonyms, capital & lowercase letters, and recognizing naming words & action words.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Bugsby’s Space Adventure Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Dora The Explorer

    Dora’s grandmother wants to make a photo album of all the seasons. Join Dora and Boots on an adventure through the 4 seasons as they explore and take pictures for Abuela’s new photo album.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Dora The Explorer Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Scooby-Doo

    Join Scooby and friends on a mystery reading adventure! Join your favorite meddling kids in a ghostly adventure that takes them to a haunted mine shaft and beyond.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Scooby-Doo Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Super Why Muddled-Up Fairy Tales

    Whyatt doesn’t have his own Fairy Tale! For use with the VTech Bugsby Reading System, join the Super Readers in finding the answer to Whyatt’s problem by building letter, spelling, phonics, and comprehension skills.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Super Why Muddled-Up Fairy Tales Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Wow Wow Wubbzy

    Join Wubbzy and friends on a reading adventure as they take the Wubbmobile on a journey deep inside the earth where they discover an exotic underground world filled with strange creatures and one elusive sparkle-stone ring.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Wow Wow Wubbzy Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book-Word World Ducks Hiccups

    Oh No! Duck can’t get rid of his hiccups. For use with VTech’s Bugsby Reading System, travel around WordWorld and find Duck’s friends that can help cure him while learning letters, rhyming, and letter sounds.

    Bugsby Reading System Book-Word World Ducks Hiccups Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book-Yo Gabba Gabba

    Shhh…it’s a surprise birthday party for Brobee! For use with VTech’s Bugsby Reading System, read along as the Gabba Gang use balloons, streamers, fun songs, snacks, and a Brobee cake to make this the best birthday party ever!

    Bugsby Reading System Book-Yo Gabba Gabba Manual

    Busy Learners Activity Cube™ — Pink

    Exploration and fun is around every corner with the Busy Learner’s Activity Cube by VTech®. Featuring five sides to explore, this play cube attracts your baby’s attention and encourages imaginative play with music, light-up buttons, colors and more. Shape and animal buttons introduce animal names, animal sounds and shapes. Press and slide musical instrument buttons introduce instrument names, sounds and colors. Sliding, spinning blocks promote interaction and fine motor skill development. This interactive cube also plays fun sounds when it’s moved. Plays 25 sing-along songs and melodies.

    80-150550 Busy Learners Activity Cube Parent Guide

    Busy Learners Activity Cube™- Purple

    Learn and play every day with the VTech® Busy Learners Activity Cube™! With five sides of discovery and 14 manipulative features, this interactive toy stimulates your baby’s senses and encourages them to twist, spin and press their way through fun learning activities.

    Busy Learners Activity Cube Manual

    Busy Learners Activity Cube™

    Learn and play every day with the VTech® Busy Learners Activity Cube™! With five sides of discovery and 14 manipulative features, this interactive toy stimulates your baby’s senses and encourages them to twist, spin and press their way through fun learning activities.

    80-150500 Busy Learners Activity Cube Parent Guide

    Busy Learners Activity Cube™

    Exploration and fun is around every corner with the Busy Learner’s Activity Cube™ by VTech®. Featuring five sides to explore, this play cube attracts your baby’s attention and encourages imaginative play with music, light-up buttons, colors and more. Shape and animal buttons introduce animal names, animal sounds and shapes. Press and slide musical instrument buttons introduce instrument names, sounds and colors. Sliding, spinning blocks promote interaction and fine motor skill development. This interactive cube also plays fun sounds when it’s moved. Plays 25 sing-along songs and melodies.

    User’s Manual

    Buzz & Friends Learning Laptop

    With the help of the Toy Story 3 gang, the Buzz & Friends Learning Laptop teaches children letters, phonics, vocabulary, memory games and more.

    Buzz & Friends Learning Laptop Manual

    Buzz Lightyear Learn & Go

    VTech’s Buzz Lightyear Learn & Go electronic learning toy is almost as good as mom and dad’s smartphone! This device combines fun with skill building in a handy and portable toy!

    Buzz Lightyear Learn & Go Manual

    Buzz Lightyear Star Command Laptop

    The Buzz Lightyear Star Command Laptop is an electronic learning toy that is jam packed with 30 activities that teach children basic reading skills, along with beginner Spanish.

    Buzz Lightyear Star Command Laptop Manual

    Buzz Lightyear Talk & Teach Phone

    VTech’s Buzz Lightyear Talk & Teach Phone is an educational toy that lets kids’ imaginations fly in the world of role-play fun while teaching numbers!

    Buzz Lightyear Talk & Teach Phone Manual

    Chilly Bug Teether™

    Teethe and listen to cheerful music with the Chilly Bug Teether™ by VTech®. This adorable toy caterpillar features two types of teethers to soothe sore gums. One is a soft, textured leaf-shaped teether that massages your little one’s gums. The other is an apple-shaped, water-filled chillable teether that cools and soothes. Both are easily removed for cleaning and sanitizing. Press the light-up music note button to activate playful songs, sounds, phrases and melodies. The caterpillar’s ring design is also perfect for little hands to grab and hold. Munch and have fun with the cute caterpillar.

    185200 Chilly Bug Teether Manual

    Chuggin’ Tunes Boat™

    Set sail in the bath with the Chuggin’ Tunes Boat™ by VTech®! This cute little boat will entertain your child with playful phrases, fun sounds, sing-along songs and cheerful melodies. You can also turn the flag at the back of the boat and spin the wheel round and round!

    Chuggin’ Tunes Boat Manual

    Click Box — Xtreme Ice

    Click, compete and test your virtual athletes skills! Connect online for the ultimate power play and compete against other kids online.

    Click Box — Xtreme Ice Manual

    Click Box — Xtreme Power

    Click, compete and test your virtual athletes skills! Connect online for the ultimate power play and compete against other kids online.

    Click Box — Xtreme Power Manual

    Click Box — Xtreme Racer

    Click, compete and test your virtual athletes skills! Connect online for the ultimate power play and compete against other kids online.

    Click Box — Xtreme Racer Manual

    Click Box — Xtreme Splash

    Click, compete and test your virtual athletes skills! Connect online for the ultimate power play and compete against other kids online.

    Click Box — Xtreme Splash Manual

    CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Cody’s Bus & Track

    The wheels on the bus go round and round with Cody in the driver’s seat! Hop on and head to the first day of school. Hear Cody’s voice and sing-along songs from the show about school and sharing by giving him a pat on the head. How do you spell JJ’s best friend’s name? C-O-D-Y. That spells Cody! Explore cause and effect by driving Cody over the picture on the track piece. This SmartPoint® location lets Cody play more songs, sounds and phrases from the show that immerse little ones in a world of pretend play. Cody’s Bus & Track are part of a closed-track system. Add JJ’s Tractor & Track (sold separately) and play together for fun with family and friends. It’s a special day, hooray! Intended for ages 1.5+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-558000 CoComelon Go! Go! Smart Wheels Cody’s Bus & Track Instruction Manual

    Cody The Smart Cub™

    Cuddle, learn and play with Cody The Smart Cub™ by VTech®! Cody and your child will grow together, learning greetings, listening to bed time music and hearing special holiday and birthday wishes. Personalize Cody through VTech’s Learning Lodge™ with your child’s name, favorite stories and so much more!

    Click to see Cody and Cora the Smart Cubs available names for download

    Cody The Smart Cub™ Manual

    Count & Colors Bouncing Frog

    Bounce, move and learn with the Count & Colors Bouncing Frog™ by VTech®! This playful, rhyming toy teaches children counting and colors with fun phrases, silly sounds and cheerful melodies. As they twist and bounce for active play, they’ll also develop their balance and gross motor skills. Watch your child bounce their way to learning fun!

    Count & Colors Bouncing Frog Manual

    Count & Hug Bug

    The Count & Hug Bug™ by VTech® is sure to keep baby busy! This soft, plush ladybug has six legs and flapping wings, making it easier for little hands to grasp. Equipped with a motion sensor that plays fun sounds, the Count & Hug Bug™ encourages tossing, catching and plenty of learning fun…especially when on-the-fly!

    Count & Hug Bug Manual

    Count & Learn Alphabet Bus™

    The interactive Count & Learn Alphabet Bus™ by VTech® will take your child on a fun learning adventure. Kids can place each of the twenty-six letter blocks and ten number blocks into the yellow school bus and hear the bus respond with letters, phonics, numbers and colors. You can even personalize this friendly alphabet bus to recognize your child’s age and the first letter of their name every time they plug in that number or letter. Fun games keep little learners entertained as they’re introduced to counting, everyday words and more. They’ll also enjoy a musical journey with more than 20 melodies, and the motion sensor triggers fun sounds when the bus is pushed along.

    168900 Count & Learn Bus

    Count & Sing Bakery™

    Stir up the fun with the Count & Sing Bakery™ from VTech®. Pretend to mix ingredients together to make a colorful cake, and then bake it in the toy oven. When the cake is done, place the pieces on the interactive cake stand to learn about numbers, colors and fruit. Spin the cake stand around to hear fun sounds and music. Three cookie buttons play music and introduce shapes and letters. Turn the page of the cookbook and hear fun phrases and songs. The bakery also includes a bowl, spoon, knife and food pieces to encourage imaginative play.


    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs Pink

    Baby can play all day with the VTech Crazy Legs Learning Bugs educational toy! The mama ladybug comes with six shape pieces that your child can sort and pop into the appropriate slots on the bug’s body!

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs Pink Manual

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™

    Baby can play all day with the VTech Crazy Legs Learning Bugs educational toy! The mama ladybug comes with six shape pieces that your child can sort and pop into the appropriate slots on the bug’s body!

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs Manual

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™ (Pink)

    Wobbly surprises await with the Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™ interactive pull toy! Children can sort and pop shapes as they sit on the floor and use the storable cord to pull it when they start to toddle. This adorable bug has four easy-grasp, colorful shape blocks for sorting. Place them in the matching slots on mommy ladybug’s back to learn about shapes, colors, numbers and nature objects. Press down on the baby ladybug on mommy bug’s back to pop blocks out after they’re sorted! Meet two buggy friends and hear playful music and sounds when you press the light-up buttons on the bug’s back. Little nature lovers get a leg up on learning! With 35+ sounds and phrases, children hear about nature, shapes and colors in Learning mode. In Music mode, listen to 15+ songs and melodies such as Flight of the Bumble Bee and Old MacDonald. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Parent’s Guide

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™

    Wobbly surprises await with the Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™ interactive pull toy! Children can sort and pop shapes as they sit on the floor and use the storable cord to pull it when they start to toddle. This adorable bug has four easy-grasp, colorful shape blocks for sorting. Place them in the matching slots on mommy ladybug’s back to learn about shapes, colors, numbers and nature objects. Press down on the baby ladybug on mommy bug’s back to pop blocks out after they’re sorted! Meet two buggy friends and hear playful music and sounds when you press the light-up buttons on the bug’s back. Little nature lovers get a leg up on learning! With 35+ sounds and phrases, children hear about nature, shapes and colors in Learning mode. In Music mode, listen to 15+ songs and melodies such as Flight of the Bumble Bee and Old MacDonald. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Parent’s Guide

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™

    A cute pull-along pair goes with baby everywhere. Six light-up shapes attached to little bug’s noodle legs fit in the big bug’s sorter slots to teach shapes, numbers, colors and music.

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs Manual

    Cuddle & Teethe Bunny™

    Soothe your little one with the Cuddle & Teethe Bunny™ by VTech®. This soft plush bunny features a brightly colored, removable lovey blanket with tags and textured fabric. In play mode, press the carrot button and the bunny will say cute interactive phrases and playful sounds. Switch to soothing mode and the bunny helps relax your baby with calming music. Two teethers on the lovey help soothe sore gums with soft, textured plastic. Snuggle and teethe with the cute bunny!

    80-185700 Cuddle & Teethe Bunny

    Cyber Rocket

    Are you quick? Or will you get beat in a lick? Find out in a flick with the ultimate handheld brain test, Cyber Rocket.

    Cyber Rocket Manual

    Dance & Discover Jam Band™

    Join the monkey’s band with the Dance & Discover Jam Band™ by VTech®. This all-in-one band includes a guitar, drum, keyboard and microphone so your child can play, sing and learn!

    Dance & Discover Jam Band Manual

    DigiArt Color by Lights™

    Let lights guide the way as you create your next masterpiece with DigiArt Color by Lights™. The light-up board identifies each of the 50 included coloring pages and responds by showing what color to use in each section. Click here to download additional coloring pages. Connect the light-up dots to draw shapes, objects and animals. The art board features a dry-erase surface and a stencil card for more creative play, plus a variety of melodies to enjoy while creating your work of art. Color and create with light!

    80-163800 DigiArt Color by Lights Parents Guide

    DigiArt Color by Lights Coloring Pages

    Disney Doc McStuffins Discover & Learn Big Book of Boo-Boos

    The Doc is in, so let’s get learning with the Disney Doc McStuffins Discover & Learn Big Book of Boo-Boos by VTech®. Touch the interactive pages to learn words, beginning letters, health tips and listen to music and sounds with Doc and her friends.

    Disney Doc McStuffins Discover & Learn Big Book of Boo-Boos Manual

    Disney Mickey Mouse Funhouse Explore & Learn Book

    It’s story time! Go on imaginative adventures with the Disney Mickey Mouse Funhouse Explore & Learn Book. Read along and travel with Funny the Funhouse as he takes Mickey Mouse and friends to the desert, the ocean and to meet a dragon. While exploring each exciting location, discover the names of different objects to build vocabulary. Let’s play a game to find the things in the story! Listen to Mickey Mouse list objects from your adventures and find them in the correct order. Play music inspired by the show and get creative by pressing the light-up buttons to add sounds to the melodies. Hear Mickey Mouse’s real voice and listen to him talk about his friends Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy. Take the stories on the go with the handle. Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-554000 Mickey Mouse Funhouse Learning Book Instruction Manual

    Disney Minnie ABC Fashion Purse

    Learn in style with the ABC Fashion Purse™ by VTech®. Move the activity slider to choose one of seven learning games. Minnie Mouse’s voice encourages children while they learn letters, numbers, problem solving and more. Each light-up letter button on the toy purse also plays a different melody, and the ten number buttons play piano notes. This fashionable purse also has a carrying handle so your little fashionista can take learning on the go!

    ABC Fashion Purse Manual

    DJ Beat Boxer™

    Toy of the Year 2022 finalist — Plush category! DJ Beat Boxer™ is a pawsome new musical friend. DJ’s a music-mixing pupper, so scratch her head, boop her nose, shake her paw, press her ear or push the buttons on her headphones. Each interaction adds layers to the music so you and DJ can create a new song together! Press her headphones buttons to start a rhythm and add in backbeats or harmonies. Add more cool sounds like record-scratching sounds by scratching her head or touch her nose for an air horn effect. You can even press DJ’s ear to record a quick phrase to drop into your song. Her head will nod along to the music while her jowls flap to the beat. Give DJ lots of love and she’ll bark, sneeze and more. Cuddle DJ or create a mix that moves you! Intended for ages 3 +Years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-551500 DJ Beat Boxer Instruction Manual

    Doc’s Talk & Trace Clipboard

    The Doc is in, so let’s get learning with the Talk & Trace Clipboard™ by VTech® and ©Disney. This electronic clipboard has 4 learning activities and 15 playful melodies. Three detachable stencils paired with our letter recognition technology teach letters, numbers, early writing skills and health topics. Plus, Doc McStuffins joins the learning fun by providing encouraging messages!

    80-139700 Doc McStuffins Talk & Trace Clipboard Manual 10.14.16

    Dora Alphabet Journey

    The Dora the Explorer™ Alphabet Journey™ by VTech® takes your young adventurer on a journey of discovery with six interactive games, cheerful melodies and sound effects! Your child will explore letters, numbers, basic math skills, colors, shapes, logic and more. Press the Dora character button to interact with the activities. We’re off on an alphabet journey with Dora the Explorer™…¡Vámonos! Let’s go!

    Dora Alphabet Journey Manual

    Dora TV Adventure Globe

    Pictures are missing from Dora’s parents photo album. Travel around the world with Dora and Boots as they try to replace the precious photos!

    Dora TV Adventure Globe Manual

    Drill & Learn Toolbox™

    Fix and play with the Drill & Learn Toolbox™ by VTech! Open this toddler-friendly toolbox and get ready for role-play fun with the included electronic fix-it tray, working toy drill, hammer, wrench, nails and screws. Pressing the light-up buttons on the tray will trigger cheerful songs and introduce your little one to a variety of tools, how they’re used and the sounds they make. Kids will love turning the colorful gears to hear clicking sounds or using the working toy drill to make them spin. Insert the double-sided instruction cards and learn about colors and numbers while pretending to make repairs. Discover tons of fix-it fun with this learning toolbox!

    80-178200 Drill & Learn Toolbox

    Drill & Learn Toolbox™ Deluxe

    Fix, play and create with the Drill & Learn Toolbox™ Deluxe! Open this 34 piece toddler-friendly toolbox and get ready for repair role-play with the included electronic fix-it tray, working toy drill, a variety of tools including a pretend flashlight and walkie-talkie and 14 screw plates for creative play. Press the light-up buttons on the tray to trigger cheerful songs and phrases that introduce tools, how they’re used and the sounds they make. Turn the colorful gears to hear clicking sounds or use the working toy drill to make them spin. Insert the double-sided instruction cards and learn about colors and numbers while pretending to make repairs. Explore creativity by using the screw plates and screws to build cool creations. Discover tons of fix-it fun with this learning toolbox! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-178270 Drill and Learn Toolbox Deluxe Parent Guide

    Drill & Learn Toolbox™ Pro

    Be a super-duper fixer-upper with the Drill & Learn Toolbox™ Pro! Put on your tool belt and get ready for fix-it fun with this toolbox and 10 accessories. Your little DIYer will have all the basics for pretend home repair: toolbox, tool belt, hammer, wrench, plastic nails and screws, and a working toy drill. Place one of the two double-sided project cards into the toolbox to explore colors, numbers and how to fix vehicles and everyday objects. Press the three tool buttons on the toolbox to hear wrench, hammer and drill sounds and songs and to learn about how the tools are used. Drill the screws into the holes on the tool box or make the interlocking gears spin! Explore Free Play, Challenge and Music Fun play modes. When playtime is done, store all the pieces in the toolbox—all ready for the next home project! Intended for ages 2–5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-550900 Drill & Learn Toolbox Pro Instruction Manual

    Explore & Crawl Learning Cub™

    Follow the giggling Explore & Crawl Learning Cub™ by VTech®! This adorable plush bear encourages your little one to crawl after him as he moves across the floor. Press the heart-shaped button and the bear will begin to crawl away while saying fun and encouraging phrases. The crawling bear also introduces colors, shapes and plays songs with the press of four soft buttons. His cheerful ladybug friend attracts babies’ attention and encourages interaction with a flashing light.


    Farm Fun Storybook™

    It’s time to get to work on the farm! Enjoy reading or hearing the story read aloud with the Farm Fun Storybook™. Chunky tabs make it easy to turn and discover five illustrated pages about a farmer completing his chores. Press the light-up face button to hear different responses on each page, or press the music button to play 15 different classic melodies. This cheerful storybook features fun sounds, playful phrases and three sing-along songs. Rise and shine, and play on the farm!


    Fix-It Buddies Toolbox™

    Friendly faces and fun voices make the Fix-It Buddies Toolbox™ a favorite with handy little helpers. The toolbox, hammer, saw and screwdriver each have unique voices and songs. Put a tool in its slot to hear encouraging, playful phrases. Tap the nail with the hammer, cut the wood with the saw, and twist the screw with the screwdriver to learn about colors and tools. When toddlers use the tools, cheerful character cards pop up at the back of the toolbox. Fix-it jobs just got more fun! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use


    Flipsies — Carina’s Mini Golf & Check-Up Table

    Carina dreams of becoming a doctor! Flipsies™ Carina’s Mini Golf & Check-Up Table is a 2-in-1 playset that transforms from a mini golf course where Carina can practice her swing to a doctor’s check-up table. Collect Carina’s friends and they can switch clothes, wigs and accessories for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Carina’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Carina on the MagicPoint™ on her playset or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately) and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Carina’s Mini Golf & Check-Up Table Manual

    Flipsies — Clementine’s Birthday Party & Bakery

    Clementine dreams of becoming a baker! Flipsies™ Clementine’s Birthday Party & Bakery is a 2-in-1 playset that transforms from a birthday party where she can entertain all of her friends to a bakery where she can sell her yummy treats! Collect Clementine’s friends, and they can switch clothes, wigs and accessories for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Clementine’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Clementine on the three MagicPoint™ locations on her playset or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately), and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. When Clementine and one of her friends are on the MagicPoint™ locations by the baked goods counter or the stereo, they will chat with each other. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Clementine’s Birthday Party & Bakery Manual

    Flipsies — Eva & her Bunny

    Flipsies™ Eva & her Bunny is a 2-in-1 doll that magically gets to live out her dream of becoming a veterinarian. Eva has two wigs, two outfits and other accessories that let your child transform Eva from a girl who loves animals into a veterinarian. Collect Eva’s friends and they can switch clothes and wigs for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Eva’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Eva on the MagicPoint™ next to her bunny’s basket or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately) and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Eva & her Bunny Manual

    Flipsies — Jazz’s Convertible & Stage

    Jazz dreams of becoming a rock star! Flipsies™ Jazz’s Convertible & Stage is a 2-in-1 playset that transforms from a convertible that Jazz can drive around to a stage so she can perform. Collect Jazz’s friends and they can switch clothes, wigs and accessories for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Jazz’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Jazz on the three MagicPoint™ locations on her playset or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately) and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Jazz’s Convertible & Stage Manual

    Flipsies — Sandy & her Surfboard

    Flipsies™ Sandy & her Surfboard is a 2-in-1 doll that magically gets to live out her dream of becoming a marine biologist. Sandy has two wigs, two outfits and other accessories that let your child transform Sandy from a girl who loves being in the water into a marine biologist. Collect Sandy’s friends and they can switch clothes and wigs for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Sandy’s necklace to see it light-up to experience her friendly personality. Place Sandy on the MagicPoint™ on her surfboard or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately), and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Sandy & her Surfboard Manual

    Flipsies — Styla’s Salon & Fashion Boutique

    Styla dreams of becoming a fashion designer! Flipsies™ Styla’s Salon & Fashion Boutique is a 2-in-1 playset that transforms from a salon where Styla can chat and style her friend’s hair to a fashion boutique where she can sell her handmade fashions! Collect Styla’s friends and they can switch clothes, wigs and accessories for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Styla’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Styla on the two MagicPoint™ locations on her playset or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately) and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. When Styla and one of her friends are on the MagicPoint™ locations in the salon, they will chat with each other. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Styla’s Salon & Fashion Boutique Manual

    Fun Shapes Jewelry Box

    Keep all your sparkles and perfume together in the VTech Fun Shapes Jewelry Box! This shape sorting box will transport girls into fun role-play adventures while teaching shapes, colors, and numbers.

    Fun Shapes Jewelry Box Manual

    Garden Bugs 2-in-1 Magic Mobile

    Play time is twice as much fun with the VTech Garden Bugs 2-in-1 Magic Mobile™. This 2-in-1 toy easily converts from a portable mobile to a rattle with the greatest of ease!

    Garden Bugs 2-in-1 Magic Mobile Manual

    GearZooz™ GearBuddies Lion & Mouse™

    Go for a friendly spin with the GearZooz™ GearBuddies Lion & Mouse™. Connect the Smart Gear™ mouse and turn the handle to watch the gears spin! Placing the mouse on the lion’s back triggers fun phrases and stories. Turn the handle gear to hear a melody, then turn the handle faster and faster to speed up the melody! Press the light-up button to hear fun stories, or roll the lion to hear playful sing-along songs. Then, mix and match with other GearZooz™ playsets (sold separately) for more gear-rific fun!


    Genius Notebook — Discontinued

    Packed with fun games your little genius will love to play and master, this interactive laptop with forty activities helps kids grow in their learning of math, phonics, a foreign language and more.

    Genius Notebook — Discontinued Manual

    Glowing Lullabies Elephant™- Pink

    Snuggle up with the Glowing Lullabies Elephant™-Pink, a lovable plush toy featuring a soft, glowing tummy with color-changing lights. This sleepytime companion will help soothe your baby when it’s time for sleep. Press its tummy to hear soothing lullabies, loving phrases and relaxing sounds. Listen to the peaceful white noise of a gentle rainfall, birds and heartbeat to block out distracting noises for a relaxing environment. This cuddly elephant also calms little ones with 15 minutes of familiar melodies. Sweet dreams, sleep tight! WARNING: Keep this soft toy out of the sleeping environment for babies under twelve months to avoid suffocation risk

    80-508650_Glowing Lullabies Elephant Product Manual

    Glowing Lullabies Elephant™

    Cuddle up with the Glowing Lullabies Elephant™, a lovable plush toy featuring a soft, glowing tummy with color-changing lights. This cute companion will help soothe your baby if they get fussy. Press its tummy to hear soothing lullabies, loving phrases and relaxing sounds. Listen to the peaceful white noise of a gentle rainfall, birds and heartbeat to block out distracting noises for a relaxing environment. This cuddly elephant also calms little ones with 15 minutes of familiar melodies. Enjoy sweet sounds for your baby! WARNING: Keep this soft toy out of the sleeping environment for babies under twelve months to avoid suffocation risk

    80-508600_Glowing Lullabies Elephant Product Manual

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® SmartPoint® Cory, Friends & Bonus Chrissy

    Hi, I’m Cory Carson! These are my friends Freddie Firetruck, Halle Copter and my little sister Chrissy Carson. You’re going to love going on adventures with us in Bumperton Hills just like in my original series, Go! Go! Cory Carson™! We’ll have so much fun together. Press the light-up and mechanical buttons on Freddie, Halle and me to hear us talk and play music. Pushing us around triggers fun role-play sound effects, too. Kids can place us on a SmartPoint® location on Go! Go! Cory Carson™ playsets to unlock even more phrases, songs and sounds. Place mini Chrissy on a PlayZone™ location on Go! Go! Cory Carson™ playsets and the playset will light up and play phrases, fun sound effects and music from the show. (Playsets sold separately.) Let’s play! Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 6 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-410500 Cory, Friends, and Bonus Chrissy Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® — Gallop & Go Stable

    Train and care for Hanna the horse at the Go! Go! Smart Animals® Gallop & Go Stable™ by VTech®. Explore the interactive stable complete with two stalls, a riding ring and a feeding trough for exciting imaginative play. Roll the SmartPoint® horse over five SmartPoint® locations to hear different phrases, music or fun sound effects. Press the cute toy horse’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “H” and her animal name. Build motor skills by placing Hanna in the riding ring and turning the spinning disc to watch her run around the ring. Place her in the middle of the ring to watch her buck when the disc is turned. Use the seven included track pieces to connect to other Go! Go! Smart Animals® or Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (each sold separately) to encourage creativity.

    Go Go Smart Animals Gallop & Go Stable Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® — Zebra

    Zara is a zippy Go! Go! Smart Animals® Zebra by VTech®. Press her light-up button to hear music, sounds and fun phrases as you play!

    Go! Go! Smart Animals — Zebra Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Furry Labradoodle

    Debbie is a darling furry Go! Go! Smart Animals® Labradoodle by VTech®. Place the cute furry dog on SmartPoint® locations, and she will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (each sold separately). Debbie is fun to cuddle with soft fur and a plush head. Press her light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “D” and her animal name as you play. Push the dog to hear fun sounds and six melodies. While a melody is playing, push her again to add fun sounds on top of the melody. Each Go! Go! Smart Animals® character is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-189100 Go Go Smart Animals Furry Labradoodle Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Furry Rabbit

    Richard is a remarkable furry Go! Go! Smart Animals® Rabbit by VTech®. Place the cute furry rabbit on SmartPoint® locations, and he will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (each sold separately). Richard is fun to cuddle with soft fur and a plush head. Press his light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “R” and his animal name as you play. Push the rabbit to hear fun sounds and six melodies. While a melody is playing, push him again to add fun sounds on top of the melody. Each Go! Go! Smart Animals® character is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-189000 Go Go Smart Animals Furry Rabbit Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Busy Sounds Discovery Home

    Explore the Go! Go! Smart Friends® Busy Sounds Discovery Home™ by VTech® with Miss Norah and her dog! The interactive house features seven MagicPoint™ locations that encourage imaginative play and emphasize cause and effect relationships. Simply place Miss Norah on one of the MagicPoint™ locations to experience her friendly personality, motion, lights and more. Put Miss Norah in the elevator and watch as the elevator magically moves up and down. Activate the MagicChat™ feature in the playroom, and hear Miss Norah and other Go! Go! Smart Friends® characters (sold separately) chat and sing with each other. Miss Norah also responds to other MagicPoint™ locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® accessories and playsets (each sold separately). Press Miss Norah’s light-up button, and she will come to life by introducing herself, sharing the things she likes to do and playing sing-along songs. Inspire the imagination and build an entire world by connecting to other Go! Go! Smart Friends®, Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (sold separately).

    163000 Go! Go! Smart Friends Busy Sounds Discovery Home Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Cruise & Go Convertible

    Take a ride with Jackson in the Go! Go! Smart Friends™ Cruise & Go Convertible™ by VTech®. Friends come to life on the MagicPoint™ location and drive down the open road in this exciting toy convertible.

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Cruise & Go Convertible Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Cruise & Go Convertible

    Take a ride with Kaylee in the Go! Go! Smart Friends™ Cruise & Go Convertible™ by VTech®. Friends come to life on the MagicPoint™ location and drive down the open road in this exciting toy convertible.

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Cruise & Go Convertible Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Dylan & his Skateboard

    Hey, I’m Dylan from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends™ crew. Let’s play together! We can learn the things I like to do, play with my skateboard and more. Woohoo!

    Dylan & his Skateboard Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Jacob & his Scooter

    Hey buddy! It’s Jacob from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends™ crew. Let’s play together! We can learn the things I like to do, play with my scooter and more. Time for fun!

    Jacob & his Scooter Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Learning Wheels School Bus

    Take a ride on the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends™ Learning Wheels School Bus™. Watch friends come to life on MagicPoint™ locations. Put Mr. Gavin in the driver’s seat, and the bus will light up and move forward.

    162900 Go! Go! Smart Friends Learning Wheels School Bus Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Luca & his Bouncy Plane

    Oh, hi! I’m Luca from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends™ crew. Let’s play together! We can learn the things I like to do, play with my bouncy plane and more. Yahoo!

    Luca & his Plane Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Stella & her Bunny

    Introducing Stella & her Bunny from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® crew. Bring Stella to life and encourage imaginative play by putting her on the MagicPoint™ location on her toy bunny to experience her friendly personality and fun melodies. Stella responds to MagicPoint™ locations with different phrases, motion, lights and more on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately). Press Stella’s light-up button and she will come to life by introducing herself, sharing the things she likes to do and singing 2 sing-along songs. Perfectly sized for little hands, Stella is easy to pick up and place on her accessory so she can rock on the toy bunny’s roly-poly base.

    Go Go Smart Friends Stella & her Bunny Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends Doctor Brian & his Medical Rescue Set

    Help people feel better with Doctor Brian & his Medical Rescue Set from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® crew. Encourage imaginative play with Doctor Brian’s medical bag, or bring him to life by putting him on the MagicPoint™ location in his ambulance to experience his friendly personality and fun melodies. Doctor Brian responds to MagicPoint™ locations with different phrases, motion, lights and more on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately). Press Doctor Brian’s light-up button, and he will come to life by introducing himself, talking about his job as a doctor and playing sing-along songs. Perfectly sized for little hands, Doctor Brian is easy for children to pick up and place on his accessory so he can rush to the emergency in his ambulance.

    Go Go Smart Friends Doctor Brian & Medical Rescue Set Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Fairy Misty & her Boat

    Go on a magical adventure with Fairy Misty & her Boat from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® kingdom. Place Misty on the MagicPoint™ location on her boat to experience her friendly personality and fun melodies. Explore Fairy Misty’s realm by placing her on MagicPoint™ locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately) to trigger different phrases, motion, lights and more. Press her light-up button, and she will come to life by introducing herself, talking about what it’s like to live in a kingdom and singing songs. Each Go! Go! Smart Friends® character is unique. Collect them all to create a whole kingdom with princesses, princes, magical creatures and more.

    176800 GGSF Fairy Misty & her Boat Product Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® King Noble & his Coach

    Ride in royal style with King Noble & his Coach from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® kingdom. Place King Noble on the MagicPoint® location on his coach to hear him talk about traveling around the kingdom and hear fun responses, sound effects and more. Explore the realm by placing King Noble on MagicPoint® locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately) to trigger different phrases, motion, lights and more. Press his light-up button, and he will come to life by introducing himself, talking about what it’s like to be a king and singing songs. Each Go! Go! Smart Friends® character is unique. Collect them all to create a whole kingdom featuring princesses, princes, magical creatures and more.

    80-199700 King Noble Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® King Noble

    King Noble from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® kingdom is a kind ruler! Press his light-up button and he will come to life by introducing himself, talking about what it’s like to be a king and singing songs. Explore the realm by placing King Noble on MagicPoint® locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately) to trigger different phrases, motion, lights and more. Each Go! Go! Smart Friends® character is unique. Collect them all to create a whole kingdom featuring princesses, princes, magical creatures and more.


    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Princess Robin

    Princess Robin from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® kingdom is a singer and a dreamer! Press her light-up button and she will come to life by introducing herself, talking about what it’s like to live in a kingdom and singing songs. Explore the realm by placing Princess Robin on MagicPoint™ locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately) to trigger different phrases, motion, lights and more. Each Go! Go! Smart Friends® character is unique. Collect them all to create a whole kingdom featuring princesses, princes, magical creatures and more .

    176760 GGSF Princess Robin Product Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Secret Blossom Cottage™

    Flutter in and have a tea party at the Go! Go! Smart Friends® Secret Blossom Cottage™ by VTech®. This adorable cottage opens up to reveal a cozy home and a fun place to play. While exploring the cottage with Sunny the Garden Fairy, place her on the two MagicPoint™ locations to experience her friendly personality, motion, lights and more. The cottage also features a twirling fountain, spinning gears and a carrying handle for fun on the go. Create a whole kingdom with princesses, princes, magical creatures and more with Go! Go! Smart Friends® characters and playsets (sold separately).

    177300 GGSF Secret Blossom Cottage Product Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Convertible & Camper

    Go on a learning adventure with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Convertible & Camper by VTech®. Perfectly-sized for little hands, the convertible and camper easily connect for role-play fun! The convertible entertains your child with a light-up driver button that triggers music and sounds.


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Garbage Truck

    Help keep the city clean with Gary the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Garbage Truck by VTech®. Place Gary on SmartPoint® locations, and he will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (each sold separately). Press the toy garbage truck’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “G” and his name. Push the garbage truck to hear fun sounds and melodies. While a melody is playing, push him again to add fun sound effects. The back of the garbage truck also opens and closes for even more fun. Each Go! Go! Smart Wheels® vehicle is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-187700 Go Go Smart Wheels Garbage Truck Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels School Bus

    Head off to school with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® School Bus by VTech®! This electronic school bus is perfectly-sized for little hands and entertains your child with a light-up driver button that triggers music and sounds.

    Go Go Smart Wheels School Bus Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Traffic Signal Bridge

    It’s stop and go fun with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Traffic Signal Bridge by VTech®! This electronic, toy traffic light will engage your child with cheerful sing-along songs as they learn about opposites and colors through pretend play.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Traffic Signal Bridge Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Convertible

    Perfectly sized for little hands, this electronic Convertible entertains your child with a light-up button that activates phrases and sounds.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Convertible Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Daisy Duck Convertible

    Cruising around has never been so cool! Have an adventure around town with Daisy Duck and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Daisy Convertible. Ruffle your feathers and ride around Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Daisy Duck say fun phrases as you visit places and friends. Hear about the letter «C» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Waddle in and let’s go for a ride!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Convertible

    Golly! Such a lovely day for a drive. Let’s cruise around with the top down with Mickey Mouse and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Convertible. Go anywhere around Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Mickey Mouse say fun phrases while on adventures. Hear about the letter «C» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Let’s have a magical adventure!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse Convertible

    Oh, boy! It’s always a fine day when you can cruise around town with Minnie Mouse and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Convertible. Go where the sun is shining, the top is down and adventures are abound. You can go anywhere around Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Minnie Mouse say fun phrases while on adventures. Hear about the letter «C» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Let’s go for ride!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ambulance

    Come to the rescue with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ambulance! Andy the Ambulance is just the right size for toddlers’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays phrases, three sing-along songs and six melodies. Toddlers also learn the letter «A» through imaginative play with Andy. A mechanical button opens the ambulance’s two back doors to encourage fine-motor skills with button pressing. Pushing the ambulance around triggers fun role-play sound effects. Take Andy the Ambulance for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he zips along the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ambulance

    Perfectly sized for little hands, this electronic ambulance entertains your child with a light-up button that activates phrases and sounds.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ambulance Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Big Rig Car Carrier™

    Tow and haul like a pro with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Big Rig Car Carrier™! The track at the top of this electronic semi-truck converts to a ramp that lets the included non-electric vehicles zigzag to the bottom. With spinning gears and a light-up windshield, this toy car carrier helps little truckers build fine motor skills. When you place a Go! Go! Smart Wheels SmartPoint® vehicle (sold separately) on one of the two SmartPoint® locations, the vehicles will respond with sound effects, lights and music designed to keep your child engaged. When your child isn’t launching vehicles down the ramp, this interactive car carrier can haul and store up to five vehicles. Hit the road with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Big Rig Car Carrier! Intended for ages 1-5. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries are included for demo purposes only.

    80-521100 Big Rig Car Carrier Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Blast-Off Space Station™

    It’s all systems go for learning with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Blast-Off Space Station™ by VTech®! Your little astronaut will love helping the rocket lift-off from the launch pad for an outer space adventure. They can maneuver down the space ramp, spin the solar system or even pretend to escape from a black hole. This out-of-this-world playset includes a variety of features to strengthen motor skills and teach cause and effect. Along the way, they’ll use the included SmartPoint® rocket ship to zoom past five SmartPoint® locations to hear fun phrases, music and more. Press the toy rocket ship’s light-up button to hear sing-along songs and learn the letter “R”. Collect other SmartPoint® vehicles and connect to other Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) to encourage your child’s creativity.

    80-191700 Go! Go! Smart Wheels Blast Off Space Station Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Bulldozer

    Perfectly sized for little hands, this electronic bulldozer entertains your child with a light-up button that activates phrases and sounds.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Bulldozer Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Bulldozer

    Load up and go with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Bulldozer! Ben the Bulldozer is just the right size for kids’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Learn the letter «B» during imaginative play with Ben. A mechanical button raises and lowers the bucket to encourage fine-motor skills through button pressing. Push the Bulldozer around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Take Ben the Bulldozer for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Point Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Fire Truck & Helicopter

    Sound the alarm or take flight with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Fire Truck & Helicopter! Foster the Fire Truck and Harley the Helicopter are just the right size for little hands. Each feature a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Be a fire fighter or a pilot during imaginative play with Foster and Harley. Move Foster’s ladder up and down or spin Harley’s rotor to encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Fire Truck and Helicopter around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Foster and Harley for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as they drive over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Each require 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Fire Truck

    Sound the alarm for the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Fire Truck! Foster the Fire Truck is just the right size for little hands. He features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Be a fire fighter during imaginative play with Foster. Move the ladder up and down to save the day and encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Fire Truck around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Foster the Fire Truck for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Smart Point Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Gardening Truck & Recycling Truck

    Grow your imagination or reduce, reuse and recycle with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Gardening Truck & Recycling Truck! Gerry the Gardening Truck and Reese the Recycling Truck are just the right size for little hands. Each features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Pretend to be a gardener or pick up recyclables during imaginative play with Gerry and Reese. Move Gerry’s truck bed up and down or open and close Reese’s tailgate to encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Gardening Truck and Recycling Truck around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Gerry and Reese for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as they drive over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Each requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Gardening Truck

    Grow your imagination with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Gardening Truck! Gerry the Gardening Truck is just the right size for little hands. He features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Be a gardener during imaginative play with Gerry. Raise the bed of the truck up and down to pretend to unload dirt and encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Gardening Truck around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Gerry the Gardening Truck for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Helicopter

    Get ready to fly with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Helicopter! Harley the Helicopter is just the right size for little hands. He features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Be a pilot during imaginative play with Harley. Spin the rotor blades to pretend to fly and encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Helicopter around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Harley the Helicopter for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Recycling Truck

    Reduce, reuse and recycle with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Recycling Truck! Reese the Recycling Truck is just the right size for little hands. He features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Pretend to pick up recyclables during imaginative play with Reese. Open and close the tailgate to see the recyclables inside and encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Recycling Truck around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Reese the Recycling Truck for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sound and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Point Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Read & Go Dump Truck Storybook™

    Join David for an exciting day of adventures! Your little one can read or listen to the story David’s Hard Day at Work in the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Read & Go Dump Truck Storybook™ by VTech®. The five illustrated pages play realistic sounds and role-play phrases. Colorful, chunky tabs make it easy to turn the pages. Press the light-up face button to hear songs and fun responses. Press the music button to hear 15 different classic melodies. While a melody is playing, press the light-up face button to add fun sounds. Wheels on the bottom of the book spin for added play.


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® School Bus

    Stop the traffic! Here comes the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® School Bus! Steve the School Bus is just the right size for kids’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays phrases, sing-along songs and six melodies. Toddlers also learn the letter «S» during imaginative play. A mechanical button extends the school bus’s stop sign to encourage fine-motor skills with button pressing. Pushing the school bus around triggers fun role-play sound effects. Take Steve the School Bus for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he rides over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Vehicle Parent Guide

    Grab & Go Koala™

    Get koala-ty hugs any time with the Grab & Go Koala™! Build early language skills with 50+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Easily attach the interactive koala to an infant carrier or stroller bar with the included ring or the hook-and-loop paws for on-the-go fun. Babies love to explore sights and textures, and this take-along toy provides opportunities for discovery with soft plush, fluffy and crinkly ears, an embroidered face, colorful patterns and a textured ring to pull. As your baby grabs and looks into the baby-safe mirror attachment, they begin to develop self-awareness along with motor skills. Grab, cuddle and go! Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-536800 Grab & Go Koala Manual

    Green Means Go Baby Keys™

    Pick up your keys, it’s time to head out with the Green Means Go Baby Keys™! Keep baby engaged with a textured teether toy, songs, music and first words. Hear the puppy count to three and talk about its clean, green electric car. Exploring the slider beads, keys and puppy button strengthens little fingers. The black-and-white patterned sides of the car-shaped key ring are soft and easy for baby to hold. Shake the key ring to hear car sounds. Vroom! Go for a ride with an eco-friendly puppy. The plastic used to make this product is 45% plant-based, which means it’s made from renewable sources! Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 1 AAA battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    Green Means Go Baby Keys Instruction Manual

    Grow Along Bounce & Go Pony™

    We know some days can feel like a toddler rodeo at home, so why not give your kiddo a pony to harness all that energy? This 4-in-1 pony goes from push walker to ride-on to scooter to galloping bouncer. It’ll be a blue-ribbon winner in your child’s playroom! Give a loose rein to their imagination with five pretend places to visit—the beach, the mountains, the park, farm or school. Yee-haw! When your little one’s legs need a rest, there’s plenty to keep their mind and fingers busy. They can explore gears, clacker beads and a roller, or lift the peek-a-boo door to meet an animal friend. Hear about colors, numbers and shapes with the colorful light-up buttons kids love to press. Giddy-up, gallop and go! There’s a whole lot of playtime ahead! Intended for ages 12–36 months. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-519100 Grow Along Bounce & Go Pony Instruction Manual

    InnoTab 2 Baby

    The VTech InnoTab 2 Baby has something to offer your child at every age. For the younger learner, the InnoTab 2 Baby has a bumper that helps protect it from drops and tumbles and comes with fun apps such as sing-along nursery rhyme songs, a Noah’s Ark e-book, and more! As your child grows, they can play with the rotatable camera, video recorder, music player, and other hi-tech apps that will put them on the cutting edge of learning fun!

    InnoTab 2 Baby Manual

    Innotab 2 Blue

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet. With the addition of a rotatable camera that can also take video, your child can capture memories of their friends and themselves! With hundreds of apps to download, your child will have so much fun, they won’t realize they are learning.

    Innotab 2 Blue Manual

    InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet Pink

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet. With the addition of a rotatable camera that can also take video, your child can capture memories of their friends and themselves! With hundreds of apps to download, your child will have so much fun, they won’t realize they are learning.

    InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet Pink Manual

    InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet. With the addition of a rotatable camera that can also take video, your child can capture memories of their friends and themselves! With hundreds of apps to download, your child will have so much fun, they won’t realize they are learning.

    InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 2 Pink

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet. With the addition of a rotatable camera that can also take video, your child can capture memories of their friends and themselves! With hundreds of apps to download, your child will have so much fun, they won’t realize they are learning.

    InnoTab 2 Pink Manual

    InnoTab 2S Pink Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet

    With Wi-Fi and capabilities to have up to 32GB of memory (SD Card expandable), the VTech InnoTab® 2S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet is the perfect learning toy for your on-the-go lifestyle. No more connecting to the computer every time your child wants a new game, e-book, video, or music for his InnoTab 2S! Designed for children ages 3-9, the InnoTab 2S offers 15 ready-to-use apps, including Wish List Maker—and 2 free downloads—for hours of educational fun.

    InnoTab 2S Pink Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 2S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet

    With Wi-Fi and capabilities to have up to 32GB of memory (SD Card expandable), the VTech InnoTab® 2S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet is the perfect learning toy for your on-the-go lifestyle. No more connecting to the computer every time your child wants a new game, e-book, video, or music for his InnoTab 2S! Designed for children ages 3-9, the InnoTab 2S offers 15 ready-to-use apps, including Wish

    InnoTab 2S Wi-Fi Learning App Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3 Baby

    InnoTab® 3 Baby is baby-friendly and designed to grow with your child. This tablet comes filled with activities and videos that teach shapes, numbers, baby sign language and more! It also includes an e-reader that introduces your baby to a short and simple story. The tablet’s easy-to-grab handle and chunky stylus are designed for little hands, and the removable case protects it from drops and tumbles. With so many age-appropriate apps available as your little one grows, this tablet will engage your child for years.

    InnoTab 3 Baby Manual

    InnoTab 3 Plus (Pink) — The Learning Tablet

    The InnoTab® 3 Plus opens up a world of learning fun and offers kids educational topics across a wide variety of subjects. Your child will enjoy playing on this fun learning tablet for kids with 12 included apps and a Rechargeable Power Pack so you can recharge your InnoTab® 3 Plus again and again! Entertaining game play teaches reading, math, social studies, handwriting, science, problem solving, geography and much more. From VTech®, the one-stop learning authority.

    InnoTab 3 Plus (Pink) — The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3 Plus — The Learning Tablet

    The InnoTab® 3 Plus opens up a world of learning fun and offers kids educational topics across a wide variety of subjects. Your child will enjoy playing on this fun learning tablet for kids with 12 included apps and a Rechargeable Power Pack so you can recharge your InnoTab® 3 Plus again and again! Entertaining game play teaches reading, math, social studies, handwriting, science, problem solving, geography and much more. From VTech®, the one-stop learning authority.

    InnoTab 3 Plus — The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3 The Learning Tablet Pink

    Open up a world of learning fun! With a wealth of age-appropriate educational games, apps and more, the InnoTab® 3 expands children’s minds and creativity with its innovation in learning. Your child will play on this fun learning tablet with 16 apps included. Get access to hundreds of software cartridges and downloads via the Learning Lodge™. Try out the new D-Pad for interactive game play, then play your own videos and MP3s! Entertaining game play teaches reading, math, social studies, science and much more. From VTech®, your one-stop learning authority!

    InnoTab 3 The Learning Tablet Pink Manual

    InnoTab 3 The Learning Tablet

    Open up a world of learning fun! With a wealth of age-appropriate educational games, apps and more, the InnoTab 3 expands children’s minds and creativity with its innovation in learning. Your child will play on this fun learning tablet with 16 apps included. Get access to hundreds of software cartridges and downloads via the Learning Lodge. Try out the new D-Pad for interactive game play, then play your own videos and MP3s! Entertaining game play teaches reading, math, social studies, science and much more. From VTech, your one-stop learning authority!

    InnoTab 3 The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3S Plus (Pink) — The Learning Tablet

    Learn, create and connect with the InnoTab® 3S Plus! Open up a world of interactive game play and learning fun. A variety of subjects including reading, math, social studies, science and more are right at your child’s fingertips, plus the can play their own videos and MP3s. With a Wi-Fi connection, your child can explore selected websites and even exchange messages with iPhone® and Android smart phones. From VTech®, the one-stop learning authority.

    InnoTab 3S Plus (Pink) — The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3S Plus — The Learning Tablet

    Learn, create and connect with the InnoTab® 3S Plus! Open up a world of interactive game play and learning fun. A variety of subjects including reading, math, social studies, science and more are right at your child’s fingertips, plus the can play their own videos and MP3s. With a Wi-Fi connection, your child can explore selected websites and even exchange messages with iPhone® and Android smart phones. From VTech®, the one-stop learning authority.

    InnoTab 3S Plus — The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3S The Wi-Fi Learning Tablet Pink

    Learn, create and connect! The InnoTab® 3S, the new Wi-Fi learning app tablet, opens up a world of interactive game play and learning fun! Educational games teach reading, math, social studies, science and much more — but your child will have too much fun to notice they’re learning! Play your own videos and MP3s, and connect to other InnoTab® 3S tablets and smart phones to share messages and more! Equipped with a kid-friendly browser, your child can view pre-approved websites. Connect to the Learning Lodge™ for hundreds of software cartridges and downloads for more learning fun!

    InnoTab 3S The Wi-Fi Learning Tablet Pink Manual

    InnoTab 3S The Wi-Fi Learning Tablet

    Learn, create and connect! The InnoTab® 3S, the new Wi-Fi learning app tablet, opens up a world of interactive game play and learning fun! Educational games teach reading, math, social studies, science and much more — but your child will have too much fun to notice they’re learning! Play your own videos and MP3s, and connect to other InnoTab® 3S tablets and smart phones to share messages and more! Equipped with a kid-friendly browser, your child can view pre-approved websites. Connect to the Learning Lodge™ for hundreds of software cartridges and downloads for more learning fun!

    InnoTab 3S The Wi-Fi Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab Learning App Tablet

    Learning has no limits with the InnoTab Learning App Tablet by VTech! This cutting-edge educational toy adapts the technology of mom and dad’s favorite touchpad devices into a fun learning experience just for kids.

    InnoTab Learning App Tablet Manual

    InnoTab MAX Pink

    InnoTab® MAX is the fastest 7″ kids’ tablet that gives your child the best of both learning worlds with a unique combination of our educator-supported learning library and carefully selected educational Android apps for years of learning fun! VTech’s 4th generation kids’ learning tablet has a variety of great new features including a multi-touch screen with a high-resolution display, kid-friendly Wi-Fi and Android™ operating system. Its adaptable design with a tough, kid-friendly cover can be easily removed for a more grown-up feel. Plus, the InnoTab® MAX has a huge library of expert-supported curricula with more than 650 age-appropriate apps including an ever-expanding selection of hand-picked Android learning apps that are perfect for kids of all ages. Plus, there’s the VTech Kid Connect™ app. In addition to being able to exchange text and voice messages, photos, drawings and fun stickers with smart phones, VTech Kid Connect has been enhanced with new features such as family group chat and family bulletin.*

    InnoTab MAX Pink Manual

    InnoTab MAX

    InnoTab® MAX is the fastest 7″ kids’ tablet that gives your child the best of both learning worlds with a unique combination of our educator-supported learning library and carefully selected educational Android apps for years of learning fun! VTech’s 4th generation kids’ learning tablet has a variety of great new features including a multi-touch screen with a high-resolution display, kid-safe Wi-Fi and Android™ operating system. Its adaptable design with a tough, kid-friendly cover can be easily removed for a more grown-up feel. Plus, the InnoTab® MAX has a huge library of expert-supported curricula with more than 650 age-appropriate apps including an ever-expanding selection of hand-picked Android learning apps that are perfect for kids of all ages. Plus, there’s the VTech Kid Connect™ app. In addition to being able to exchange text and voice messages, photos, drawings and fun stickers with smart phones, VTech Kid Connect has been enhanced with new features such as family group chat and family bulletin.*

    InnoTab Pink Learning App Tablet

    Learning has no limits with the InnoTab Learning App Tablet Pink by VTech! This cutting-edge educational toy adapts the technology of mom and dad’s favorite touchpad devices into a fun learning experience just for kids.

    InnoTab Pink Learning App Tablet Manual

    InnoTab Software — Dora The Explorer

    Join Dora the Explorer, Boots, and all their friends as they go on a learning journey in this new educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet from VTech.

    InnoTab Software — Dora The Explorer Manual

    InnoTab Software — Brave

    Help Merida discover the true meaning of bravery in this Brave software cartridge for VTech’s InnoTab systems. With three learning games, an e-book, and creative activities, your child will have endless ways to play and learn!

    InnoTab Software — Brave Manual

    InnoTab Software — Bubble Guppies

    It’s the Bubble Guppies: Pet Care School Day game for InnoTab®! Gil and the class adopt Bubble Puppy, but the Bubble Guppies have never had a pet before… Dive in with the Bubble Guppies to discover how to take care of Bubble Puppy and other pets, too! Learn about colors, counting, reading, life science, vocabulary and more with the Bubble Guppies. Have fun and learn to care for a pet on this exciting InnoTab® software title!

    InnoTab Software — Bubble Guppies Manual

    InnoTab Software — Cars 2

    Gear up for some learning fun with the characters of Cars 2 in this cartridge containing games, an e-book, and creative activities for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet by VTech!

    InnoTab Software — Cars 2 Manual

    InnoTab Software — Classic Stories

    Classic Stories for VTech’s InnoTab® systems includes The Frog Prince, Pinocchio and The Three Little Pigs. Each story features three different reading levels for progressive learning. You can also record yourself reading the story! Three fun learning games feature classic story characters and introduce writing, rhyming, phonics, reading comprehension and more.

    InnoTab Software — Classic Stories Manual

    InnoTab Software — Dinosaur Train

    Buddy and Tiny are up for fun and adventure in this new Dinosaur Train educational software title for the VTech InnoTab systems. Your child will love interacting with their favorite characters they read, play, create and learn on their favorite tablet!

    InnoTab Software — Dinosaur Train Manual

    InnoTab Software — Disney Fairies

    Join Tinker Bell and her fairy friends in a learning adventure with this new Disney Fairies educational game software title for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet by VTech.

    InnoTab Software — Disney Fairies Manual

    InnoTab Software — Disney Minnie

    Minnie and friends are having a fashion show! Help them decorate for the party and get ready for the fashion show. Test your skills while learning colors, patterns, shapes, sorting and more while having fun in Minnie’s Bow-tique!

    InnoTab Software — Disney Minnie Manual

    InnoTab Software — Disney Planes

    Join Dusty from Disney Planes as he sharpens his skills in eight training exercises designed by his coach, Skipper. With a little practice and a lot of hard work, Dusty will learn how to fly smarter, faster, farther and higher than ever before! Learn counting, directions, logic and more, or have fun with photos and read the e-book, all with Dusty! Have fun on this InnoTab® learning game!

    InnoTab Software — Disney Planes Manual

    InnoTab Software — Disney Princess

    Enter a world of fantasy and fun with the new Disney Princess learning game cartridge exclusively for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet by VTech.

    InnoTab Software — Disney Princess Manual

    InnoTab Software — Doc McStuffins Create & Explore with Doc!

    Join Doc McStuffins and her toy friends as they decorate the backyard in Create & Explore with Doc for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! You can also help Doc give the toys a check-up, look at Doc’s Big Book of Boo-Boos and read an e-Book story about helping Robot Ray.

    InnoTab Software — Doc McStuffins Create & Learn with Doc! Manual

    InnoTab Software — Go! Go! Smart Wheels

    Explore Alphabet Town with Casey, Paul, Frank and Cyrus in the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Busy Day in Alphabet Town game for InnoTab®. Read about their adventure in the e-book or join the residents of Alphabet Town as they build roads, rescue kittens and more in fun learning games. This InnoTab software title features creative activities and four learning games that teach letters, numbers and more.

    InnoTab Software — Go! Go! Smart Wheels Manual

    InnoTab Software — Hello Kitty

    Join the fun and celebrate with Hello Kitty on her birthday in this new educational software title for the VTech’s InnoTab systems. Your child will have fun interacting with Hello Kitty and her friends as they play learning games, read an e-book, and engage in creative activities!

    InnoTab Software — Hello Kitty Manual

    InnoTab Software — I Spy Adventure

    I spy a fun-filled problem-solving adventure in this title for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! In I SPY® Adventure, find, match and sort objects across four action-packed thinking games that build logic, vocabulary and visual discrimination skills. Solve I SPY riddles and games to unlock 50 levels of play in each!

    InnoTab Software — I Spy Adventure Manual

    InnoTab Software — Jake and the Never Land Pirates

    Join Jake, Izzy, Cubby, and Bucky in a learning adventure in this Jake and the Never Land Pirates software cartridge for VTech’s InnoTab systems. With three learning games, an e-book, and creative activities, your child will have endless ways to play as they embark on a pirate adventure!

    InnoTab Software — Jake and the Never Land Pirates Manual

    InnoTab Software — Learn to Write with Cody & Cora

    Experience fun handwriting and learning activities with Learn to Write with Cody & Cora for InnoTab®. Read about Cody and Cora’s adventures in the e-book or play with the Smart Cubs as you explore fun games and activities to help children learn and develop their handwriting skills.

    InnoTab Software — Learn to Write with Cody & Cora Manual

    InnoTab Software — Madagascar 3

    Join the characters of Madagascar 3 in this exciting software cartridge for VTech’s InnoTab systems. Your child will have fun as they play three learning games, an e-book, and creative activities!

    InnoTab Software — Madagascar 3 Manual

    InnoTab Software — Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

    See what fun Mickey Mouse and his friends have in store with the new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet from VTech.

    InnoTab Software — Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Manual

    InnoTab Software — Monsters University

    The Scare Games are the biggest event of the year at Monsters University. Mike and the other Oozma Kappas need to win, or Mike and Sulley will get expelled! Read their story in the e-book, or help Mike and Sulley train for the Scare Games in the learning games. This InnoTab® software title features nine learning games that teach letters, math and more!

    InnoTab Software — Monsters University Manual

    InnoTab Software — Monsters University

    It’s Jumble Day at Royal Prep, and Sofia’s classrooms are all mixed up! Help Princess Sofia get to class in the Sofia the First game for InnoTab. Play games and get creative as you help Sofia and friends through eight learning activities and two creative modes. Read the e-book to learn how Sofia becomes a princess! Discover colors, shapes, problem solving and more. It’s a silly, mixed-up kind of day as you learn to be a princess with Sofia on this fun tablet game for kids!

    InnoTab Software — Monsters University Manual

    InnoTab Software — My First Nursery Rhymes

    Join Cody and Cora on a musical adventure in My First Nursery Rhymes for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! Listen to nursery rhyme songs, play mini learning games, watch playful animations and be introduced to baby sign language. Set the timer for 15 minutes and play a loop of five lullabies. You can also customize characters and create an avatar.

    InnoTab Software — My First Nursery Rhymes Manual

    InnoTab Software — Octonauts

    The Octonauts are researching underwater habitats in this title for VTech’s InnoTab® systems. Join Captain Barnacles, Kwazii and Peso as they explore the sea in the GUP-A, rescue sea creatures and protect the underwater world!

    InnoTab Octonauts Software

    InnoTab Software — Penguins of Madagascar *CLEARANCE*

    Everybody’s favorite zoo creatures are at it again in this new Penguins of Madagascar educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet from VTech. Kids can join their favorite characters as they play and develop essential learning skills.

    InnoTab Software — Penguins of Madagascar *CLEARANCE* Manual

    InnoTab Software — SpongeBob SquarePants

    It’s always an adventure under the sea with SpongeBob SquarePants. In this new educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet by VTech, kids can play games, read an e-book, and create as they build essential learning skills.

    InnoTab Software — SpongeBob SquarePants Manual

    InnoTab Software — Team Umizoomi

    Join Milli, Geo, and Bot for some educational fun in this Team Umizoomi cartridge filled with three learning games, an e-book, and creative activities for VTech’s InnoTab systems.

    InnoTab Software — Team Umizoomi Manual

    InnoTab Software — Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have emerged from their hidden lair in the sewers to meter out some justice in this exciting InnoTab® software title by VTech®! Their friend April learns that Shredder is planning to invade the city, and his ultimate plan will strike very close to home. It’s your job to help! This educational learning game for kids teaches math, science, vocabulary and more. Help the Turtles try and thwart Shredder’s evil plan. Turtle Power!

    InnoTab Software — Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Manual

    InnoTab Software — Thomas & Friends

    Thomas is ready to help your child learn in this Thomas & Friends software cartridge for VTech’s InnoTab systems. With three learning games, an e-book, and creative activities, your child will have endless ways to play and learn!

    InnoTab Software — Thomas & Friends Manual

    InnoTab Software — Toy Story

    Join Woody, Buzz and the whole Toy Story gang for some educational fun in this new cartridge filled with learning games, an e-book, and creative activities for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet from VTech!

    InnoTab Software — Toy Story Manual

    InnoTab Software — Turbo

    Turbo wants to win the Big Race, but he needs to train his skills first. Join Turbo as Tito and his snail friends help train him to be the fastest racer on this InnoTab® game. Learn with seven interactive games, read the e-book and take photos. This exciting tablet game for kids teaches problem solving, letters, memory and more. Ready… set… fun!

    InnoTab Software — Turbo Manual

    InnoTab Software — Winnie the Pooh

    Join Cody and Cora on a musical adventure in My First Nursery Rhymes for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! Listen to nursery rhyme songs, play mini learning games, watch playful animations and be introduced to baby sign language. Set the timer for 15 minutes and play a loop of five lullabies. You can also customize characters and create an avatar.

    InnoTab Software — Winnie the Pooh Manual

    InnoTab Software — Winnie the Pooh

    Winnie the Pooh is always hungry for honey in Winnie the Pooh for VTech’s InnoTab® systems. Help him find his honeypot and learn shapes, colors, opposites and more along the way. You’ll also sing fun songs and learn baby sign language with Roo and Piglet!

    InnoTab Software — Winnie the Pooh Manual

    InnoTab Stereo Speaker System

    Get better stereo sound out of your child’s InnoTab® system with the InnoTab® Stereo Speaker System by VTech®! Working with all InnoTab® models, the system connects to the InnoTab® through an audio cable that plugs into the InnoTab’s earphone jack. With a rotary knob for volume control, your child can enjoy their favorite games, music, e-books and videos with stereo sound!

    InnoTab Stereo Speaker System Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Disney Sofia the First

    It’s Jumble Day at Royal Prep, and Sofia’s classrooms are all mixed up! Help Princess Sofia get to class in the Sofia the First game for InnoTab®. Play games and get creative as you help Sofia and friends through eight learning activities and two creative modes. Read the e-book to learn how Sofia becomes a princess! Discover colors, shapes, problem solving and more. It’s a silly, mixed-up kind of day as you learn to be a princess with Sofia on this fun tablet game for kids!

    InnoTab Software — Disney Sofia the First Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Doc McStuffins

    Disney’s Doc McStuffins loves to play with her toys, and she loves it even more when they’re happy and healthy. Learn reading, vocabulary, math, creativity and more! Help Doc give the toys a check-up, read an e-book or play fun learning games on this girls’ InnoTab® software title from VTech®!

    InnoTab Software — Doc McStuffins Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Dora & Friends

    In InnoTab® Dora and Friends The Search for Mono by VTech® Dora and her friends meet a little boy who has lost his toy monkey Mono on the train. Join them on an exciting adventure as they search the train station. In addition to problem solving, map and memory skills, this learning game also emphasizes social studies themes of good citizenship, teamwork and helping others. Your child will love playing the games in easy or difficult mode based on their age and ability level. Then they can read the e-Book featuring an additional story. Compatible with InnoTab® MAX, InnoTV™ and InnoTab® tablets via the included download code.

    272900 InnoTab Dora & Friends Product Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Frozen

    In InnoTab® Disney Frozen by VTech® join Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Olaf in their quest to unfreeze Arendelle. Hear the character voices of Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Olaf as you help Elsa embrace her true self, make Olaf’s summer dreams come true, guide Kristoff and Anna’s escape from Marshmallow, earn snowflakes to unlock enchanted snow globes and more! In addition to music and problem-solving skills, this learning game also emphasizes language arts skills like spelling and vocabulary. Your child will love playing the games in easy or difficult mode based on their age and ability level. Then they can read the interactive e-Book to find out what happens when Anna and Elsa organize a party. Compatible with InnoTab® MAX, InnoTV™ and InnoTab® tablets via the included download code.

    274500 InnoTab Frozen Product Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Miles from Tomorrowland

    In InnoTab® Miles from Tomorrowland by VTech®, explore outer space with Miles and the rest of the Callisto family! As Miles travels the universe, help him complete exciting missions for the Tomorrowland Transit Authority and learn about planets in our solar system and other science concepts. Your child will love playing seven mini games in easy or difficult mode based on their age and ability level. The difficulty increases as your little learner progresses through each game. Then they can read the e-Book Game On about how Miles saved his family after an encounter with an alien race goes wrong. Compatible with InnoTab® MAX, InnoTV™ and InnoTab® tablets via the included download code.

    274400 InnoTab Miles from Tomorrowland Product Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Paw Patrol

    In PAW Patrol Pups Save a UFO! for VTech’s InnoTab® and InnoTV™ no job is too big, no pup is too small! When a UFO lands in Adventure Bay, the PAW Patrol pups need to get ready to help. Collect energy cubes so the UFO can fly home while solving puzzles, classifying farm animals, finding color patterns and collecting pup treats to unlock special graphics in the Make My Own Badge activity. This learn

    274100 InnoTab Paw Patrol Product Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Pixar Play

    The Pixar Store is open, and it’s time to play! In Pixar Play for VTech’s InnoTab® systems, explore fun games and activities featuring your favorite characters from Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters University and The Incredibles!

    InnoTab Software — Pixar Play Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Ultimate Spider-Man

    Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is now the Ultimate Spider-Man in this title for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! The city is in danger, and Nick Fury calls in Spider-Man to help. Join him on this ultimate adventure as he takes on three of his greatest enemies. It’s going to take both brains and brawn for Spider-Man to save the day!

    InnoTab Software — Ultimate Spider-Man Manual

    Ivy the Bloom Bright Unicorn™

    Make some magic with your new friend, Ivy the Bloom Bright Unicorn™. This robotic unicorn toy spreads her wings and sparkles with light when she talks and sings. Press the butterfly button on Ivy’s magic wand to choose a color and change her eyes, wings, or hair, horn and flower. Wave the wand to change all Ivy’s colors at once. Accessorize Ivy’s tail using her six hair clips to complete her look. Blow Ivy a kiss and watch the flower in her mane bloom and light up. It’s time to party! Play music for Ivy and she’ll dance and glow. Ask Ivy to play a song, then hear her sing eight different tunes. Sing along when you learn the songs! When it’s time to rest, tuck Ivy’s legs under her and boop her nose for cute and cuddly responses. She’ll then share her dreams and ask for a lullaby. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 4 AA and 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-547100 Ivy the Bloom Bright Unicorn Instruction Manual


    Get creative with JotBot™, the smart drawing robot! This friendly robot guides new artists through 280+ drawing, problem-solving and coding activities while playing music and encouraging them to draw along. What shall we draw today? Insert one of the 15 double-sided drawing chips, like the car and see JotBot™ draw it. Where’s the car going? Add to the picture to show the car’s destination. Watch JotBot™ draw while telling a story complete with sound effects. Draw along with the little bot to complete the picture. Kids can also play along with JotBot™ to solve mazes, draw the other half of pictures, connect the dots and more. Find drawing codes in the included Guidebook. Use the codes to program JotBot™ to draw built-in designs like a paw print, flower or dolphin. Program your own drawings too! Use the grids in the Guidebook to design your picture, then code it so JotBot™ can draw your masterpiece. Use the included blank chips to store your designs for next time. A drawing a day is the best way to play! Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    553700_Jot Bot Instruction Manual

    553700_Jot Bot Parents Guide

    Jungle Gym: Ride & Learn Giraffe Bike

    The more your child pedals, the more they learn with the Jungle Gym Ride & Learn Giraffe Bike! Letters and objects appear on the hi-resolution LCD screen!

    Jungle Gym: Ride & Learn Giraffe Bike Manual

    Kidi Secrets Notebook™

    Encourage young writers with the Kidi Secrets Notebook™! This electronic, passcode-protected journal comes with a notebook and marker and includes a hidden compartment for small treasures. When the secret four-digit code is entered correctly, the cover will spring open! With a cover that can be personalized with a photo, this journal gives children the space and privacy to develop their creativity. Kids can record voice entries and apply voice-changing special effects. Ten songs are included so children can listen to music as they draw and write. In Game mode, kids can play the guess-my-number game and practice addition and subtraction. The included notebook can be replaced when it’s full with a standard 4″ x 6″ notebook. Includes a parental passcode override. Intended for ages 6-12 years. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-193000 Kidi Secrets Notebook Parent Guide

    Kidi Star Karaoke Machine™ Black

    Take center stage and sing like a star with the Kidi Star Karaoke Machine™. Grab the microphone and use Music Magic mode to turn down the main vocal track of your favorite songs so you can be the star! Easily connect your MP3 player or mobile devices with the included audio cable and play favorite tunes from your own collection or sing along to the eight original songs. Twist the disco light 180 degrees for colorful light effects that create a great atmosphere for singing and dancing. Add audience sounds like applause, cheering and laughter so it really feels like you’re onstage at a concert! Record yourself for up to five minutes and add fun voice-changing effects, then listen to and enjoy your performance. It’s your time to shine!

    Parent’s Guide

    KidiBeats Drum Set — Pink

    Your child can rock out and learn with the VTech KidiBeats Pink Drum Set! This drum set for kids comes with a pair of drumsticks that can be used to tap the four different electronic learning drums. Your child can drum freestyle or play along to nine pre-set melodies in a variety of musical styles. Or for more structured play, they can follow the lights on the drums as they learn about letters and numbers. With four ways to play and a variety of fun sounds, your child will love learning to the music with this educational toy!

    KidiBeats Drum Set — Pink Manual

    KidiBeats Drum Set™

    Your child can rock out and learn with the KidiBeats Drum Set™! This drum set for kids comes with a pair of drumsticks that can be used to tap the four different electronic learning drums. Your child can drum freestyle or play along to nine pre-set melodies in a variety of musical styles including rock, dance and pop. For more structured play, toddlers can follow the lights on the drums as they learn about letters and numbers. With four ways to play and a variety of fun sounds, your child will love learning to the music with this educational toy! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    KidiBeats Drum Set Manual

    KidiBuzz™ (Pink)

    Connect, share and play with KidiBuzz™, the hand-held smart device for kids! Send texts, voice messages, photos, drawings and animated stickers over Wi-Fi to mom, dad and a parent-approved contact list. Check out popular websites through the kid-friendly web browser or download popular Android™ apps. KidiBuzz™ is also preloaded with more than 40 exciting learning games and awesome apps. Perfect for kids on the go, its bumpers and shatter-safe screen let them take it anywhere. The KidiBuzz™ smart device is made for fun, and made for kids!


    KidiBuzz™ 3 – Purple

    Magnify the fun with the KidiBuzz™ 3 smart device! Message parent-approved contacts, capture and share photos using the new MagLens, play games and more! Built-in safeguards provide peace of mind. Connect with approved contacts to send texts, photos and video clips over Wi-Fi to other KidiBuzz™ devices and iPhone or Android smartphones with the free KidiCom Chat™ app. Take close-up photos and videos with the MagLens on the 5 MP camera, then add live face filters and frames to photos and video clips. Explore kid-friendly websites and 40+ interactive learning games that teach math, science and spelling. Download two free apps from hundreds of learning games in the Learning Lodge®. Access 2000+ games and activities with a free trial subscription to LeapFrog Academy®. Load and play your favorite music and movies for on-the-go entertainment. With parent controls to set daily time limits, this device keeps children engaged and parents at ease. Intended for ages 4–9 years. Includes headphone jack. Lithium-ion battery included. Memory is expandable with microSD card up to 32 GB (card not included). This is not a cellphone and does not work on mobile networks. Wi-Fi connection required for setup and to use KidiCom Chat™.

    80-541150 KidiBuzz 3 Instruction Manual

    KidiBuzz™ 3

    Magnify the fun with the KidiBuzz™ 3 smart device! Message parent-approved contacts, capture and share photos using the new MagLens, play games and more! Built-in safeguards provide peace of mind. Connect with approved contacts to send texts, photos and video clips over Wi-Fi to other KidiBuzz™ devices and iPhone or Android smartphones with the free KidiCom Chat™ app. Take close-up photos and videos with the MagLens on the 5 MP camera, then add live face filters and frames to photos and video clips. Explore kid-friendly websites and 40+ interactive learning games that teach math, science and spelling. Download two free apps from hundreds of learning games in the Learning Lodge®. Access 2000+ games and activities with a free trial subscription to LeapFrog Academy®. Load and play your favorite music and movies for on-the-go entertainment. With parent controls to set daily time limits, this device keeps children engaged and parents at ease. Intended for ages 4–9 years. Includes headphone jack. Lithium-ion battery included. Memory is expandable with microSD card up to 32 GB (card not included). This is not a cellphone and does not work on mobile networks. Wi-Fi connection required for setup and to use KidiCom Chat™.

    80-541100 KidiBuzz 3 Instruction Manual

    KidiBuzz™ G2 (Pink)

    The KidiBuzz™ G2 (Pink) is the Wi-Fi smart device that kids and parents will love. Kids get the messaging, photography, games and music they want—and parents get peace of mind knowing kids can play, connect safely and learn along the way. Pair this device with the free KidiConnect™ app to securely send texts, voice messages, images and to approve your child’s contact list. Parental controls also let you set time limits and add your own list of specifically approved websites. The Wonder Masks app lets kids add movement-responsive face filters to pictures. For augmented reality fun, they can play Creature Detective, which blends AR gaming with learning. The KidiBuzz™ G2 comes with 40+ learning games that cover math, spelling, science, problem-solving, music, Spanish and more. Enjoy access to a free trial of LeapFrog Academy®, an interactive learning program filled with 2,000 engaging games and activities. This device is not a cell phone. Intended for ages 4-9 years. Lithium-ion battery included.

    KidiBuzz G2 Parent Guide

    KidiBuzz™ G2

    The KidiBuzz™ G2 is the Wi-Fi smart device that kids and parents will love. Kids get the messaging, photography, games and music they want—and parents get peace of mind knowing kids can play, connect safely and learn along the way. Pair this device with the free KidiConnect™ app to securely send texts, voice messages, images and to approve your child’s contact list. Parental controls also let you set time limits and add your own list of specifically approved websites. The Wonder Masks app lets kids add movement-responsive face filters to pictures. For augmented reality fun, they can play Creature Detective, which blends AR gaming with learning. The KidiBuzz™ G2 comes with 40+ learning games that cover math, spelling, science, problem-solving, music, Spanish and more. Enjoy access to a free trial of LeapFrog Academy®, an interactive learning program filled with 2,000 engaging games and activities. This device is not a cell phone. Intended for ages 4-9 years. Lithium-ion battery included.

    KidiBuzz G2 Parent Guide


    Connect, share and play with KidiBuzz™, the hand-held smart device for kids! Send texts, photos, drawings and animated stickers over Wi-Fi to mom, dad and a parent-approved contact list using the KidiConnect™ app. They can also push the talk button and send quick voice messages. Check out popular pre-approved websites through the kid-friendly web browser or download popular Android™ apps. It’s also a multimedia player for listening to music and watching favorite videos online. Kids can explore silly stamps, frames and photo effects and use them to capture fun pictures and selfies or make their own videos with the 180 degree rotating camera. KidiBuzz™ is preloaded with more than 40 exciting learning games and awesome apps. Perfect for kids on the go, its bumpers and shatter-safe screen let them take it anywhere. The KidiBuzz™ smart device is made for fun, and made for kids!


    KidiGo™ Basketball Hoop

    It’s game on with the KidiGo™ Basketball Hoop and ball! An interactive scoreboard keeps score and cheers you on, celebrating each basket with lights and sounds. Five game modes offer options to play solo or with up to five players with four built-in games, or make up your own rules in Free Play. Play solo in Color Challenge, timing your shot with the colored scoreboard lights, or make the game-winning basket before time runs out in Time Challenge. Now it’s team time! Gather up to four other players or play solo in Score Challenge, sinking as many shots as you can in one minute. Include friends and family in a Hot Potato game. Quick! Make a basket and pass the ball before the music stops. When play is done, flip up the hoop for easy storage. Backboard attaches over most doors with included padded door hooks, or can be mounted with the backboard holes. Mounting hardware is not included. Intended for ages 5+ years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-541600 VTech KidiGo Basketball Hoop Instruction Manual

    Kidiminiz- KidiBunny Orange

    The VTech Kidiminiz KidiBunny is an adorable electronic pet that your child will love to play with! With its fun personality, customizable face, and interactive games, there is always something new to explore with this little friend! Cute and clever, the KidiBunny is a friend forever!

    Kidiminiz- KidiBunny Orange Manual

    Kidiminiz- KidiBunny Pink

    The VTech Kidiminiz KidiBunny is an adorable electronic pet that your child will love to play with! With its fun personality, customizable face, and interactive games, there is always something new to explore with this little friend! Cute and clever, the KidiBunny is a friend forever!

    Kidiminiz- KidiBunny Pink Manual

    KidiTab Color (Pink)

    The perfect size for little hands, the KidiTab Color™ by VTech® contains 18 different apps with 25 learning activities. This kids’ tablet develops a variety of skills including math, language, creativity and more. Plus, the colorful animated screen engages your child for a fun learning experience.

    KidiTab Color (Pink) Manual

    KidiTab Color™

    The perfect size for little hands, the KidiTab Color™ by VTech® contains 18 different apps with 25 learning activities. This kids’ tablet develops a variety of skills including math, language, creativity and more. Plus, the colorful animated screen engages your child for a fun learning experience.

    KidiTab Color Manual

    KidiZoom Smartwatch — Blue

    More than just a watch, VTech’s KidiZoom® Smartwatch lets your budding photographer take photos, videos, play learning games and tell time for learning fun on the go!

    Kidizoom Smartwatch — Blue Manual

    KidiZoom Smartwatch — Sky Blue

    More than just a watch, VTech’s KidiZoom® Smartwatch lets your budding photographer take photos, videos, play learning games and tell time for learning fun on the go!

    Kidizoom Smartwatch — Sky Blue Manual

    KidiZoom® Action Cam (Yellow/Black)

    The KidiZoom® Action Cam by VTech® lets little videographers capture their adventures with videos and photos! The Action Cam is a great first video camera for kids and is durable enough to handle drops and tumbles. It can go anywhere and do anything kids can do with two included mounts so they can attach it to their bike, skateboard and more. It also comes with a waterproof case so they can take videos and pictures up to 6′ underwater! The Action Cam features a 1.4″ color LCD screen and can take videos and photos in addition to stop-motion videos and time-lapse photos. Your child can also explore their creativity with fun effects, frames and photo filters. They can download their photos and videos to a computer using the included micro USB cable and share them with family and friends. For even more fun, they can also play three exciting learning games.


    KidiZoom® Duo Camera — Blue

    Your child can discover their creativity with the KidiZoom® Duo by VTech®. This real digital camera is great for kids and is durable enough to handle drops and tumbles. The KidiZoom® Duo features a 2.4″ color LCD screen and can take photos and videos in addition to a rear-facing camera that’s perfect for taking selfies. Your child can also get creative using laugh-out-loud photo effects in addition to cartoon and collage effects. They can download their photos and videos to a computer using the included micro USB cable and share them with family and friends. For even more fun, they can also play five included games, including three that are motion-controlled.

    80-170800 KidiZoom Duo Camera Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX — Black

    The VTech® KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX is an even smarter watch for kids with more fun games and activities! Perfect for young photographers, this durable smartwatch has more memory so kids can take tons of pictures and videos. Kids will love using the new motion sensor to explore three action challenges! The Smartwatch DX also includes eight games kids can play using the touch screen as well as the ability to download more from Learning Lodge®. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose between more than fifty 3D digital and analog displays. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, two new tools include a calendar feature and a calculator so your child can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. More than just a watch, it’s the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX.

    Smartwatch DX Manual

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX — Floral Swirl with Bonus Vivid Violet Wristband

    The VTech® KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX is an even smarter watch for kids with more fun games and activities! Perfect for young photographers, this durable smartwatch has more memory so kids can take tons of pictures and videos. Kids will love using the new motion sensor to explore three action challenges! The Smartwatch DX also includes eight games kids can play using the touch screen as well as the ability to download more from Learning Lodge®. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose between more than fifty 3D digital and analog displays. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, two new tools include a calendar feature and a calculator so your child can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Kids can even customize their Smartwatch DX with the included bonus wrist band for a whole new look! More than just a watch, it’s the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX.

    Smartwatch DX Manual

    Kidizoom® Smartwatch DX — Red Flame with Bonus Royal Blue Wristband

    The VTech® KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX is an even smarter watch for kids with more fun games and activities! Perfect for young photographers, this durable smartwatch has more memory so kids can take tons of pictures and videos. Kids will love using the new motion sensor to explore three action challenges! The Smartwatch DX also includes eight games kids can play using the touch screen as well as the ability to download more from Learning Lodge®. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose between more than fifty 3D digital and analog displays. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, two new tools include a calendar feature and a calculator so your child can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Kids can even customize their Smartwatch DX with the included bonus wrist band for a whole new look! More than just a watch, it’s the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX.

    Smartwatch DX Manual

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX — Royal Blue

    The VTech® KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX is an even smarter watch for kids with more fun games and activities! Perfect for young photographers, this durable smartwatch has more memory so kids can take tons of pictures and videos. Kids will love using the new motion sensor to explore three action challenges! The Smartwatch DX also includes eight games kids can play using the touch screen as well as the ability to download more from Learning Lodge®. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose between more than fifty 3D digital and analog displays. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, two new tools include a calendar feature and a calculator so your child can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. More than just a watch, it’s the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX.


    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Black)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Black)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Floral Birds with Bonus Vivid Violet Wristband)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Skateboard Swoosh with Bonus Royal Blue Wristband)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Twist — Blue

    Capture your best selfies with the KidiZoom® Twist, a kid-friendly camera packed with exciting features. Rotate the camera lens to easily snap the perfect selfie or take pictures of your friends and family anywhere. Let your creativity shine with more than 50 photo effects. Play five games, record videos, create your own stop motion animations and more. Use the included USB cord to connect to your PC or Mac computer and transfer files. Smile and take your best shot!

    80-140820 KidiZoom Twist Instruction Manual

    Language Lab Laptop

    Learning a new language has never been so easy, or so fun! This laptop, specially programmed to teach language skills, engages kids with over 100 activities in phonics, reading and writing.

    Language Lab Laptop Manual

    Latches & Doors Busy Board™

    Knock, knock! Who’s behind the doors and windows of the Latches & Doors Busy Board™? Slide, press, twist or turn to unlock and open the doors and windows of the colorful house to build motor skills. Toddlers will find pictures of an adorable family, pets or a birthday party. This activity board reinforces learning by introducing numbers and animals. Three colorful buttons play the Alphabet Song, a number song or a playful song about the house. The busy board also includes a handle for play at home or away. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.


    Learn & Go Tablet

    With a touch of their finger, your child can have fun with the Learn & Go Tablet from VTech. This innovative toy features touch screen technology and a QWERTY keyboard that can be used on 20 different learning activities!

    Learn & Go Tablet Manual

    Letter Sounds Learning Bus

    Hop on board for some educational fun with the Letter Sounds Learning Bus by VTech! This electronic learning toy will help your preschooler master basic phonics skills that are essential building blocks for reading and writing.

    Letter Sounds Learning Bus Manual

    Light & Flight Discovery Globe™

    Ready for takeoff? Discover the world with the Light & Flight Discovery Globe™ by VTech®. Little explorers can grab the joystick to circle the globe and explore different countries, meet new people and visit landmarks and animals. Five exciting activities introduce continents, oceans, famous places and more. As they pretend to travel the world, the globe teaches kids basic geography skills with colorful lights, playful phrases and cool sound effects. They’ll even hear how to say «hello,» «goodbye,» «please» and «thank you» in different languages. Pretend to travel to far-off places with this fun, interactive globe!


    Light & Move Learning Ball — Red

    Move and crawl, let’s have a ball with the Light & Move Learning Ball™ by VTech®. Get your baby moving and learning as the educational ball introduces shapes, numbers, animals and animal sounds. Equipped with a sensor, the ball wobbles and rolls on its own to encourage crawling.

    Light & Move Learning Ball Manual

    Light & Move Learning Ball -Pink

    Move and crawl, let’s have a ball with the Light & Move Learning Ball™ by VTech®. Get your baby moving and learning as the educational ball introduces shapes, numbers, animals and animal sounds. Equipped with a sensor, the ball wobbles and rolls on its own to encourage crawling.

    Light & Move Learning Ball Pink Manual

    Light & Move Learning Ball

    Move and crawl, let’s have a ball with the Light & Move Learning Ball™ by VTech®. Get your baby moving and learning as the educational ball introduces shapes, numbers, animals and animal sounds. Equipped with a sensor, the ball wobbles and rolls on its own to encourage crawling.

    Light & Move Learning Ball Manual

    Light & Spin Tug-a-Bug™

    Pull the ring on the Light & Spin Tug-a-Bug™ to see a colorful light show inside the spinning shell. Press the friendly caterpillar button to hear it sing a song, play music and say playful phrases. The easy-grasp ring attracts your little one’s attention with three rattling beads. Use the link to attach the cute snail to strollers, car seats and diaper bags for fun on-the-go. With two friendly bug voices, colorful lights and a spinning shell, your little one will love playing with their smiley snail friend!


    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™ — Pink

    Learn letters, numbers, shapes and more on the Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™ from VTech®. This tablet encourages imaginative play and includes more than 10 apps and activities for your child to explore. Pressing the eight learning app buttons introduces your child to letters, shapes, counting, numbers, instruments, animals, first words and music. Your child can also explore special apps and open pretend e-mails, take pretend pictures or check the time and weather just like mom and dad. The interactive light-up screen allows your child to use their finger to swipe the screen left, right, up or down to see the previous or next screen. They can also tap on Cody to interact with him and say “hi”! Tap, swipe and learn with Cody The Smart Cub™!

    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet — Pink Manual

    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™- Blue

    Learn letters, numbers, shapes and more on the Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™ from VTech®. This tablet encourages imaginative play and includes more than 10 apps and activities for your child to explore. Pressing the eight learning app buttons introduces your child to letters, shapes, counting, numbers, instruments, animals, first words and music. Your child can also explore special apps and open pretend e-mails, take pretend pictures or check the time and weather just like mom and dad. The interactive light-up screen allows your child to use their finger to swipe the screen left, right, up or down to see the previous or next screen. They can also tap on Cody to interact with him and say “hi”! Tap, swipe and learn with Cody The Smart Cub™!

    Light Up Baby Touch Tablet Parent Guide

    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™- Orange

    Learn letters, numbers, shapes and more on the Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™ from VTech®. This tablet encourages imaginative play and includes more than 10 apps and activities for your child to explore. Pressing the eight learning app buttons introduces your child to letters, shapes, counting, numbers, instruments, animals, first words and music. Your child can also explore special apps and open pretend e-mails, take pretend pictures or check the time and weather just like mom and dad. The interactive light-up screen allows your child to use their finger to swipe the screen left, right, up or down to see the previous or next screen. They can also tap on Cody to interact with him and say “hi”! Tap, swipe and learn with Cody The Smart Cub™!

    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet Manual

    Lights & Lullabies Travel Mobile™

    Send your little one to dreamland at home or on the go with the Lights & Lullabies Travel Mobile™ by VTech®. This compact 4-in-1 mobile easily attaches to cribs, play yards, strollers and infant carriers. The light-up music button plays music, nature sounds and songs. The night light provides a soft glowing light that soothes your baby. In a crib or play yard, the mobile is voice activated and will respond to your little one’s cries with calming music and sounds. Three soft stars featuring colorful animals dangle and spin from the mobile, attracting your baby’s attention. Timer switch lets you play music and sounds for 10, 20 or 30 minutes, and volume buttons let you choose from seven volume levels.

    80-503000 Lights & Lullabies Travel Mobile

    Lights & Stripes Zebra™

    Dance all day with the Lights & Stripes Zebra™. Upbeat music and playful sing-along songs encourage your baby to move and groove. This zippy plush zebra features bold black and white stripes, colorful patterned fabric and a variety of textures to enhance tactile awareness. The friendly zebra’s tummy plays endearing phrases and introduces colors through catchy songs while glowing in five different colors. The plush zebra has a washable surface with removable electronics. This snuggly striped sidekick is perfectly sized for your little one to hug and bring on the go! Intended for birth+. Requires two AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-513500 Lights & Stripes Zebra Parent Guide

    Lil’ Baker Smart Kitchen

    Cook up some learning fun with the Lil’ Baker Smart Kitchen by VTech. This interactive learning toy mimics a real kitchen and teaches your child about food, colors, shapes, numbers, and so much more through role-play activities.

    Lil’ Baker Smart Kitchen Manual

    Lil’ Critters 3-in-1 Baby Basics Gym™

    Discover three fun ways to explore, learn and grow with the Lil’ Critters 3-in-1 Baby Basics Gym™ by VTech®. Start with the baby gym and watch your little one get a workout as they grab the dangling animals that strengthen motor skills while playing fun phrases, sounds and melodies. As they grow, the gym changes into a floor activity panel with play and music modes. Play mode introduces animals, letters, numbers and colors. Music mode plays fun sounds and music. Attach the legs and move the wheels down to transform the gym into a walker with a motion sensor that plays fun sound effects and music when your child pushes it. The 3-in-1 Baby Basics Gym also features a flashing sun that blinks with voice and music responses to enhance visual awareness and a mirror to help develop self-awareness. With three ways to play, every day is a great day to explore!

    Lil’ Critters 3-in-1 Baby Basics Gym Manual

    Lil’ Critters Crib-to-Floor Activity Center

    Discover and learn with the Lil’ Critters Crib-to-Floor Activity Center™ by VTech®! Peek-a-boo surprises, piano keys, and over 30 melodies will keep your baby busy while stimulating their senses with sight, touch and sound. With this fun crib and floor activity center, they’ll learn first words, numbers, colors and more!

    Lil’ Critters Crib-to-Floor Activity Center Manual

    Lil’ Critters Huggable Hippo Teether™

    Soothe sore gums with an adorable hippo friend. The Lil’ Critters Huggable Hippo Teether™ by VTech® is a soft plush hippo with two textured teethers to help soothe and massage gums. Press the light-up heart button to hear more than 30 fun phrases, melodies and sing-along songs. The plush teether features a variety of textures, including crinkle fabric, that provides sensory stimulation. Removable electronics allow the teether to be easily cleaned. The soft hippo is easy to grasp and is perfectly sized for little hands or on-the-go fun.

    80-502500 Lil’ Critters Huggable Hippo Teether Product Manual

    Lil’ Critters Learn & Go Activity Bug

    Get ready to shake, cuddle and sing with the Lil’ Critters Learn & Go Activity Bug™ by VTech®! With a cuddly, detachable ladybug and hanging manipulative features, this toy can be transported anywhere for on-the-go fun!

    Lil’ Critters Learn & Go Activity Bug Manual

    Lil’ Critters Moosical Beads™

    Cuddle and learn with the Lil’ Critters Moosical Beads™ by VTech®. Press the light-up buttons or spin the square bead to hear cheerful songs and phrases that teach shapes, colors, numbers and letters. The plush cow features a variety of fabric textures to develop tactile awareness, and the easy-to-grasp ring strengthens motor skills. Your little one will have a moosical good time.

    166000 Lil’ Critters Moosical Beads Manual

    Lil’ Critters Musical Dreams Mobile

    Calm your baby with the soothing Lil’ Critters Musical Dreams Mobile™ by VTech®. Five cute, plush animals dangle and spin to soft music and sounds. This 2-in-1 mobile is also great for when your baby gets a little older. The mobile portion can be removed leaving a crib light that also plays soothing sounds and music. Soothing melodies are activated when your little dreamer cries and will play for a pre-selected amount of time. You can also choose between sing-along songs, nature sounds and melodies. Set the timer switch for 10, 20 or 30 minutes of music and sounds.


    Lil’ Critters Roll & Discover Ball™

    It’s a circus of fun with the Lil Critters Roll & Discover Ball™ by VTech®. Your little one can toss, shake and roll this bright ball to hear cheerful music and sounds while strengthening their motor skills. Playful animal characters and soft textures will capture your child’s attention and encourage exploration. Pressing the big star button introduces numbers and animals. This soft ball has loads of entertainment for your active baby, all rolled up into one toy.


    Lil’ Critters Roll & Discover Ball™

    It’s a circus of fun with the Lil Critters Roll & Discover Ball™ by VTech®. Your little one can toss, shake and roll this bright ball to hear cheerful music and sounds while strengthening their motor skills. Playful animal characters and soft textures will capture your child’s attention and encourage exploration. Pressing the big star button introduces numbers and animals. This soft ball has loads of entertainment for your active baby, all rolled up into one toy.

    166100 Lil’ Critters Roll & Discover Ball Manual

    Lil’ Critters Roll & Discover Ball™

    It’s a circus of fun with the Lil Critters Roll & Discover Ball™ by VTech®. Your little one can toss, shake and roll this bright ball to hear cheerful music and sounds while strengthening their motor skills. Playful animal characters and soft textures will capture your child’s attention and encourage exploration. Pressing the big star button introduces numbers and animals. This soft ball has loads of entertainment for your active baby, all rolled up into one toy.


    Lil’ Critters Shake & Wobble Busy Ball™

    Get ready to twist, slide and learn with the Lil’ Critters Shake & Wobble Busy Ball™ by VTech®. Six bead tracks, colorful buttons and a friendly cow encourage little ones to develop hand/eye coordination and fine motor skills. Three chunky buttons introduce colors, numbers, animals and vocabulary, as well as play sounds, music and songs. The ball’s motion sensor responds to movement with fun sounds and short tunes. Grab and shake the ball and get busy learning!

    80-502900 Lil’ Critters Shake & Wobble Busy Ball

    Lil’ Critters Soothing Starlight Polar Bear, White

    Sweet dreams are ahead with the Lil’ Critters Soothing Starlight Polar Bear™! This cute polar bear projects a soothing starry night sky onto the ceiling in four different colors to the sounds of peaceful tunes, seven nursery rhymes, nature sounds and lullabies. Colorful rhythmic light effects enhance visual awareness, while the comforting sounds and songs help soothe your baby to sleep. If your baby cries, this polar bear responds with calming music to help your little one learn to self-soothe and settle back to sleep. The parent-friendly volume and timer controls let you choose how loud and long the sounds play. Sleep tight, little one! Intended for ages Birth+. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80506900 Lil Critters Soothing Starlight Polar Bear Instruction Manual

    Little Apps Light-Up Tablet™

    Brighten playtime and discovery with the Little Apps Light-Up Tablet™. Playful animations and sound effects pair with 12 learning activities to engage little learners. Explore apps and play modes that teach letters, words, numbers, counting, puzzles and more. Keep on track with daily routines and weekly activities in the My Calendar app, just like your favorite adults do. Play songs and sound effects in the My Piano app while pressing the piano keys. Have a conversation with the friendly lion in the Talking Pal app. Respond to questions about what you like and try to guess the animal sounds. Choose from four LED screen colors, then watch the tablet glow! Take this tablet on the go to keep playful exploration right at hand. Intended for ages 2–5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-551700 Little Apps Light-Up Tablet Instruction Manual

    Little Apps Tablet™ — Pink

    Join Cora The Smart Cub™ for tons of learning fun with the Little Apps Tablet™ by VTech®! With a color-changing screen, letter buttons and piano keyboard, this role-play, electronic tablet engages your child in imaginative play. The Little Apps Tablet™ teaches letters, counting, number order, matching and so much more!

    Little Apps Tablet — Pink Manual

    Little Apps Tablet™

    The Little Apps Tablet™ encourages children to play like mom or dad with their very own tablet. Cody the Smart Cub™ takes your child on learning adventures with vivid animations, sound effects and a color-changing screen. This fun kids’ learning tablet teaches your child counting, words, letters, basic math and more through eight activities with progressive learning levels. Enhance music skills and create musical tunes with the built-in keyboard. Parent-friendly features like volume control, a durable design and automatic shut off make this role-play, toddler tablet great for portable learning anywhere. Get ready for learning fun with Cody the Smart Cub™! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Little Apps Tablet Manual

    Magic Star Learning Table™ Pink

    The Magic Star Learning Table™ by VTech® features six fun activities in English and Spanish that encourage your child to explore and learn. Turn the steering wheel to drive the bear around the activity table, flip the book page to hear nursery rhymes and turn the gears to strengthen fine motor skills. Press the light-up music buttons to play music and learn about colors. Then, pick up the pretend phone and press the number buttons to call animal friends. Remove the legs, and the table can also be used as a floor play toy.

    Parent Guides

    Magic Star Learning Table™

    The Magic Star Learning Table™ by VTech® features six fun activities in English and Spanish that encourage your child to explore and learn. Turn the steering wheel to drive the bear around the activity table, flip the book page to hear nursery rhymes and turn the gears to strengthen fine motor skills. Press the light-up music buttons to play music and learn about colors. Then, pick up the pretend phone and press the number buttons to call animal friends. Remove the legs, and the table can also be used as a floor play toy.


    Magic Wand Book

    Razzle, dazzle and delight young readers with the storybook that comes alive!

    Magic Wand Book Manual

    Marble Rush® Raceway Set

    Ready, set, RACE marbles down ramps and through obstacles with the Marble Rush® Raceway Set. This 78-piece color-coded building set includes a starting gate that plays a musical light show, crazy 360˚ loop, thrilling tracks, rattling peg maze and bases that all easily connect together. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to advanced, or create your own courses to explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) skills. When construction is complete, drop the five marbles into the starting gate and launch them into action! Watch them race down ramps, around sharp turns and through the peg maze. Compete with family and friends to keep the marbles in motion and bring them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more build ideas by visiting the VTech Kids website. Recipient of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Accreditation Stamp of Approval by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-513900 Marble Rush Raceway Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush Raceway Set Challenge Manual

    Marble Rush® Corkscrew Rush Set™

    Construct thrilling stunts, exciting challenges and watch marbles go for a spin with the Marble Rush® Corkscrew Rush Set™. This 112-piece color-coded building set includes a corkscrew tumbler that plays a musical light show, see-saw track, dizzying vortex, thrilling ramps and bases that all easily connect together. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to advanced, or create your own courses to explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) skills. When construction is complete, dump the 10 marbles out of the barrel and into action! Watch them race down ramps to the corkscrew tumbler, vortex and elevator. Compete with family and friends to keep the marbles in motion and bring them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more build ideas by visiting the VTech Kids website. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-519400 Marble Rush Corkscrew Rush Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush Corkscrew Rush Set Challenge Manual

    Marble Rush® Discovery Starter Set™

    Explore thrilling stunts and exciting challenges with the Marble Rush® Discovery Starter Set™. This 33-piece color-coded building set includes an extreme launcher, fast tracks and bases that all easily connect. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different beginner builds or you can create your own courses. When construction is complete, drop the three marbles into the funnel and press the button to watch them race down ramps. Compete with friends and family using the exciting ramp challenge to keep the marbles in motion. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more builds at vtechkids.com/marblerush. Accredited STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Toy by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Batteries not required.

    80-502200 VTech Marble Rush Discovery Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Launchpad Set™

    Build thrilling stunts, exciting challenges and watch marbles take off with the Marble Rush® Launchpad Set™. This 89-piece color-coded building set includes a musical light-show rocket ship, thrilling ramps, fast tracks, extreme launchers and bases that all easily connect together. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to advanced, or create your own courses. When construction is complete, drop the 10 marbles into action and watch them race down ramps to the launcher and jump challenges. Compete with family and friends using the exciting launchers to keep the marbles in motion and bring them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more builds at vtechkids.com/marblerush. Recipient of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Accreditation Stamp of Approval by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-542200 VTech Marble Rush Launchpad Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Spiral Starter Set™

    Twist and turn through thrilling stunts and exciting challenges with the Marble Rush® Spiral Starter Set™. This 67-piece color-coded building set includes a swirling funnel, dizzying corkscrew, an extreme launcher and bases that all easily connect for sturdy obstacle courses. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to intermediate or you can create your own courses. When construction is complete, drop the five included marbles into action and watch them race down ramps to the launcher challenge. Compete with friends and family using the exciting launcher to keep the marbles in motion and launch them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more builds at vtechkids.com/marblerush. Recipient of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Accreditation Stamp of Approval by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Batteries not required.

    80-503600 Marble Rush Spiral Starter Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Tip & Swirl Set™

    Swirl, tumble and zoom around winding ramps with the Marble Rush® Tip & Swirl Set™. Create three exciting builds by easily connecting 47 color-coded pieces including a swirling funnel, teetering baskets and hairpin turns! Use the easy-to-follow leveled guide or create your own courses to explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) skills. Construct a gravity-fed course, then slide the five colorful marbles into the vortex to watch them race to the end. Which ones will win? The marbles rushing down the sloping tracks or the ones plummeting down the ramps? Gather friends and family to compete. Combine with otherMarble Rush® sets (each sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more build ideas at the VTech Kids website. Intended for ages 4+ years. Batteries not required.

    Marble Rush Tip & Swirl Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Ultimate Set™

    Roll through thrilling stunts and exciting challenges with the Marble Rush® Ultimate Set™. This 145-piece color-coded building set includes a spinning Ferris wheel, a swirling cone that plays a musical light show, thrilling ramps, fast tracks, extreme launchers and bases that all easily connect together. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to advanced, or create your own courses. When construction is complete, drop the 10 marbles into action and watch them race down ramps and swirl through funnels to the basket or ramp challenges. Compete with family and friends using the exciting launchers and non-stop Ferris wheel to keep the marbles in motion and bring them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more builds at vtechkids.com/marblerush. Recipient of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Accreditation Stamp of Approval by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AA and 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-542300 VTech Marble Rush Ultimate Set Instruction Manual

    MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System Pink

    Your child can enjoy on-the-go play with MobiGo 2. This handheld touch learning system is a multi-functional device that provides fun and education in many different ways. Numerous games and apps teach basic learning skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, reading, logic, drawing and more!

    MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System Pink Manual

    MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System

    Your child can enjoy on-the-go play with MobiGo 2. This handheld touch learning system is a multi-functional device that provides fun and education in many different ways. Numerous games and apps teach basic learning skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, reading, logic, drawing and more!

    MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Brave

    In this Brave game for VTech’s MobiGo systems, Merida must discover the meaning of true bravery in order to undo a beastly curse before it’s too late! Children ages 4-7 will learn about shapes, logic, problem-solving and more as they play engaging learning games.

    MobiGo Cartridge — Brave Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Dinosaur Train

    In this new adventure for the MobiGo systems, join Buddy and Tiny as they take the Dinosaur Train to explore exciting places with their friends!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Dinosaur Train Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Disney Minnie

    Minnie, Daisy and Figaro are getting ready for a party! Help them decorate for the party and get ready for the fashion show. Test your skills while learning math, patterns, sorting and more while having fun in Minnie’s bow-tique!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Disney Minnie Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Hello Kitty

    Join Hello Kitty and her friends as they host an exciting birthday party in this new learning game for the MobiGo systems!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Hello Kitty Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Jake and the Never Land Pirates

    Ahoy, mateys! It’s time for an adventure at sea with this Jake and the Never Land Pirates game for VTech’s MobiGo systems. Children ages 3-5 will have a rockin’ good time as they learn about spatial sense, matching, problem solving, counting, and colors. […]

    MobiGo Cartridge — Jake and the Never Land Pirates Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Madagascar 3

    The Zoosters are at it again in this Madagascar 3 game for VTech’s MobiGo systems. This cartridge features your child’s favorite characters and helps build skills in vocabulary, math, logic, and more!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Madagascar 3 Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Team Umizoomi

    Team Umizoomi is ready to help out their friend, Umicar, in this Team Umizoomi game for VTech’s MobiGo systems. Children ages 3-5 will love playing one of four learning games as they build skills in numbers, shapes, counting, and more!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Team Umizoomi Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Thomas & Friends

    Help Thomas be a Really Useful Engine in this Thomas & Friends game for VTech’s MobiGo systems. This title, appropriate for children ages 3-5, will help your child learn about shapes, colors, counting, and more!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Thomas & Friends Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Ultimate Spiderman

    Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is now the Ultimate Spider-Man in this title for VTech’s MobiGo® systems! Doc Ock has built his most powerful weapon yet. Only Spider-Man can stop him, but he can’t do it alone. Join Spider-Man on this ultimate adventure, and help him save the day!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Ultimate Spiderman Manual

    MobiGo Game Storage

    The MobiGo Game Storage cartridge allows you to store all of your favorite downloadable MobiGo learning games.

    MobiGo Game Storage Manual

    MobiGo Software — Bubble Guppies

    The Bubble Guppies are waiting for your arrival as you join them in underwater adventures with this exciting MobiGo® software title! Help them discover how to be healthy with seven games that teach problem solving, life sciences, colors and logic. You can also earn extra collectibles in the bonus shell-swapping game. So get ready to dive in and join the Bubble Guppies in wet and wild adventures!

    MobiGo Software — Bubble Guppies Manual

    MobiGo Software — Disney Planes

    Dusty Crophopper has always dreamed of racing in the Wings Around the Globe Rally, and now you can help his dream come true! Help Dusty survive the elements and overcome the challenges he’ll face along the way. Learn memory, rhyming, counting and more. Does Dusty have what it takes to be a champion? Join him on this MobiGo® handheld game and find out!

    MobiGo Software — Disney Planes Manual

    MobiGo Software — Doc McStuffins

    Join Disney’s Doc McStuffins and her friends Stuffy, Lambie, Hallie and Chilly as they play fun games and learn how to stay healthy. Have fun playing learning and check-up games on this MobiGo® game from VTech®. Learn about health, spelling, shapes, addition and more!

    MobiGo Software — Doc McStuffins Manual

    MobiGo Software — Monsters University

    The Scare Games are the biggest event of the year at Monsters University. Mike and the other Oozma Kappas need to win, or Mike will get expelled! Help Mike find items around campus and set up training games for Don, Squishy, and Sulley. Then, help the OKs win the Scare Games. This MobiGo® software features eleven learning games to teach vocabulary, spelling, math and more!

    MobiGo Software — Monsters University Manual

    MobiGo Software — Sofia the First

    Princess Sofia is getting ready for the royal ball! Help her with the invitations, presents and more as you learn and play through interactive adventures and fun creative activities. Discover problem solving, colors, vocabulary and more as you help Princess Sofia prepare for the ball!

    MobiGo Software — Sofia the First Manual

    MobiGo Software — Turbo

    Turbo and his friends are in the racing circuit on a quest to earn trophies! Help them get all revved up with six interactive games that teach problem solving, colors, shapes, patterns and memory skills. Touch-screen and G-Sensor technology allow your child to play two ways on this Turbo MobiGo® game. Let’s go and race for the cup!

    MobiGo Software — Turbo Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Ben Ten

    The MobiGo Touch Learning System Ben Ten game from VTech is a must have! Kids have fun and help Ben Tennyson fight off enemies using the Utlimatrix, a device helping him change into four different alien heroes, and all with the touch of a finger.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Ben Ten Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Cars 2

    Lightning McQueen, Mater, and the gang from Radiator Springs are back in an all-new adventure for the MobiGoTouch Learning System from VTech. Join these beloved characters in learning games as they engage in top secret missions.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Cars 2 Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Cars

    Get ready for the VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System Cars adventure based on each of the «Mater’s Tall Tales» Cars Toons series. Kids will love the stories of Mater as a matador, rescue squad vehicle and daredevil car jumper with Lightning McQueen standing by for every tale while learning core preschool skills with a touch of a finger on their electronic learning toy.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Cars Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Disney Fairies

    The VTech MobiGo Disney Fairies learning game reunites your child with fairy friends including Tinker Bell, Silvermist, Rosetta, Iridessa and Fawn. Whether water skating, making flowers bloom or feeding the squirrels, the fairies help your child practice preschool skills with the touch of a finger.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Disney Fairies Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Dora

    The Dora the Explorer educational game for the VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System will keep your child entertained for hours. Dora and Perrito head to the Play Park for the Twins Day celebration and need help finding Perrito’s twin. Children will hone their preschool skills all with the touch of a finger while playing with their favorite learning toy!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Dora Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Elmo *CLEARANCE*

    There is always fun and learning on Sesame Street! In this new game for the VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System, join Elmo and Abby as they transform everyday activities into exciting learning games that teach a variety of skills.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Elmo *CLEARANCE* Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Kung Fu Panda 2

    Join Po and the The Furious Five as they defend their livelihoods against the evil villain, Shen, in this new Kung Fu Panda game for the MobiGo Touch Learning System from VTech.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Kung Fu Panda 2 Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

    The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is where learning meets fun! For use on VTech’s MobiGo Touch Learning System, children will help solve the mystery of Pluto’s missing Super-Duper Bouncy Ball while learning numbers, colors, shapes and more!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — NASCAR

    NASCAR: The Champion’s Tour takes your child to the finish line with their MobiGo Touch Learning System from VTech! While using arcade-style racing action on their handheld learning toy, kids will build their core preschool skills — all while racing around the track like a true NASCAR hero!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — NASCAR Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Penguins of Madagascar

    Everybody’s favorite zoo creatures are at it again in the Penguins of Madagascar game for the MobiGoTouch Learning System from VTech! Your child can join the penguins and King Julien on several exciting and laugh-filled adventures while growing skills in logic with this educational game.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Penguins of Madagascar Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Princess

    Learn to be a Princess with the MobiGo Disney Princess game from VTech! Featuring Cinderella and Belle, girls can choose from a variety of activities that teach kindess and helpfulness, as well as core preschool skills while using their favorite electronic learning toy!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Princess Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Scooby-Doo

    Join Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, and the rest of the Mystery Inc. gang as they explore a mysterious town where magical coins can be found in this new learning game for the MobiGo Touch Learning System by VTech.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Scooby-Doo Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Shrek 4

    Regular Price: $19.99

    The VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System Shrek 4 educational game helps your child learn with their favorite Shrek characters! The game takes your child on an adventure through the world of Candy Apple-themed restaurants, Rumpelstiltskin’s palaces, forests and underground caves all while learning core preschool skills with a touch of a finger!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Shrek 4 Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — SpongeBob SquarePants

    It’s always an adventure under the sea with SpongeBob SquarePants! In this new educational game for the VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System, join SpongeBob for learning fun as he defends Krusty Krab’s secret formula for the Krabby Patty!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — SpongeBob SquarePants Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Super Hero Squad

    Marvel Super Heroes are brought to life on the MobiGo Touch Learning System from VTech. Iron Man, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Thor, Wolverine and Hawkeye need children’s help fighting off the villains by competing in educational sports and knowledge games that build core preschool learning skills — all with the touch of a finger!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Super Hero Squad Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Tangled

    A damsel in distress, Rapunzel has been locked in her tower for a very long time! In this new learning game for the MobiGo Touch Learning System by VTech, join Rapunzel and her mischievous friend, Flynn Rider, from Disney’s Tangled as they escape and explore the kingdom together.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Tangled Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Toy Story 3

    Toy Story’s favorite characters make learning fun and familiar on the VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System. Woody, Buzz and the gang help children practice rhyming, counting, simple addition and spelling, all with the touch of a finger on this educational game!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Toy Story 3 Manual

    MobiGo Touch Learning System Pink

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s MobiGo Touch Learning System Pink. Touchscreen technology makes learning fun as kids look, listen, and touch! This touch technology educational toy allows your child to tap, flick, pat, and drag their way to learning and fun! Numerous learning games teach basic skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, logic and categorization.

    MobiGo Touch Learning System Pink Manual

    MobiGo Touch Learning System

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s MobiGo Touch Learning System. Touchscreen technology makes learning fun as kids look, listen, and touch! This touch technology educational toy allows your child to tap, flick, pat, and drag their way to learning and fun! Numerous learning games teach basic skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, logic and categorization.

    MobiGo Touch Learning System Manual

    Monkey Band Music Center™

    Join the animal band and sing along with the Monkey Band Music Center™ by VTech®. Your little one will develop fine motor skills as they play on light-up piano keys or tap the drum. Animal friends introduce themselves, sing songs and teach instrument names on this fun music toy. It’s time to sing and play!

    Monkey Band Music Center Manual

    Musical Bubbles Octopus

    Dive into the tub for a little musical fun with VTech’s Musical Bubbles Octopus! This electronic learning bath toy teaches the names and sounds of instruments and animals. With the switch of a button, your child is surrounded with bubbles for dancing, laughing and twirling bathtime fun!

    Musical Bubbles Octopus Manual

    Musical Rhymes Book™ (Pink)

    Explore classic nursery rhymes with the Musical Rhymes Book™ by VTech®. Your little one will build motor skills by sliding and twisting the fun play pieces while exploring each easy-to-turn page. Then they’ll play piano sounds with the five colorful piano keys that introduce colors and instruments. Two fun modes include learning mode that introduces age-appropriate vocabulary and music mode that plays music and instrument sounds. The interactive storybook provides visual stimulation with brightly colored pages and a light-up star that flashes along with the sounds.

    Musical Rhymes Book™ (Pink) User Manual

    Musical Rhymes Book™

    Explore classic nursery rhymes with the Musical Rhymes Book™ by VTech®. Your little one will build motor skills by sliding and twisting the fun play pieces while exploring each easy-to-turn page. Then they’ll play piano sounds with the five colorful piano keys that introduce colors and instruments. Two fun modes include learning mode that introduces age-appropriate vocabulary and music mode that plays music and instrument sounds. The interactive storybook provides visual stimulation with brightly colored pages and a light-up star that flashes along with the sounds.

    Musical Rhymes Book User Manual

    Musical Rhymes Book™

    Explore classic nursery rhymes with the Musical Rhymes Book™ by VTech®. Your little one will build motor skills by sliding and twisting the fun play pieces while exploring each easy-to-turn page. Then they’ll play piano sounds with the five colorful piano keys that introduce colors and instruments. Two fun modes include learning mode that introduces age-appropriate vocabulary and music mode that plays music and instrument sounds. The interactive storybook provides visual stimulation with brightly colored pages and a light-up star that flashes along with the sounds.

    Musical Rhymes Book User Manual

    Nest & Build Tree Stacker™

    The Nest & Build Tree Stacker™ by VTech® is a stacking toy and more! Stack or nest the ten brightly colored triangle pieces or snap them together to create five small blocks. When your little builder places the cute interactive cat on top of a piece they will learn colors, numbers and objects. The cat will also ask your child questions to encourage interaction. Press the triangle button on the cat’s tummy and it will play four sing-along songs, fifteen melodies and tons of playful sounds and phrases.

    185000 Nest & Build Tree Stacker Manual

    Newborn Necessities Gift Set™ — Neutral

    Give the Newborn Necessities Gift Set™ to start baby off right with a set of four, must-have infant toys. The electronic piano has three light-up keys that introduce colors, shapes, numbers and animals and plays 45+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. The plush hippo is made from soft fabric of various textures and colorful patterns, playfully developing baby’s tactile awareness. The hippo’s soft textured legs are perfect for soothing sore gums. The frog rattle has an easy-grasp handle and clacker rings that slide back and forth, helping baby strengthen gross motor skills. Baby can also play peek-a-boo in the baby-safe flower mirror to develop self-awareness. No more wondering what to give as a first gift! It’s all right here. Intended for ages birth+. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-522060 — Newborn Necessities Gift Set Parent Guide

    Newborn Necessities Gift Set™ — Pink

    Give the Newborn Necessities Gift Set™ to start baby off right with a set of four, must-have infant toys. The electronic piano has three light-up keys that introduce colors, shapes, numbers and animals and plays 45+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. The plush hippo is made from soft fabric of various textures and colorful patterns, playfully developing baby’s tactile awareness. The hippo’s soft textured legs are perfect for soothing sore gums. The frog rattle has an easy-grasp handle and clacker rings that slide back and forth, helping baby strengthen gross motor skills. Baby can also play peek-a-boo in the baby-safe flower mirror to develop self-awareness. No more wondering what to give as a first gift! It’s all right here. Intended for ages birth+. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-522050 — Newborn Necessities Gift Set Parent Guide

    Newborn Necessities Gift Set™

    Give the Newborn Necessities Gift Set™ to start baby off right with a set of four, must-have infant toys. The electronic piano has three light-up keys that introduce colors, shapes, numbers and animals and plays 45+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. The plush hippo is made from soft fabric of various textures and colorful patterns, playfully developing baby’s tactile awareness. The hippo’s soft textured legs are perfect for soothing sore gums. The frog rattle has an easy-grasp handle and clacker rings that slide back and forth, helping baby strengthen gross motor skills. Baby can also play peek-a-boo in the baby-safe flower mirror to develop self-awareness. No more wondering what to give as a first gift! It’s all right here. Intended for ages birth+. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-522000 — Newborn Necessities Gift Set Parent Guide

    Nitro Jams Notebook

    This extraordinary toy helps children find their rhythm and get in tune with their musical talents.

    Nitro Jams Notebook Manual

    Nitro Junior Notebook

    Packed with over 40 activities, the Nitro Jr. Notebook has plenty in store to challenge, excite, and help little minds grow essential language arts, math and music skills.

    Nitro Junior Notebook Manual

    Nitro Notebook Pink

    For budding readers on the go, this hi-tech tutor is specially designed to teach language skills. Kids master reading in two languages as they play games that adapt to their learning needs.

    Nitro Notebook Pink Manual

    Nitro Notebook

    For budding readers on the go, this hi-tech tutor is specially designed to teach language skills. Kids master reading in two languages as they play games that adapt to their learning needs.

    Nitro Notebook Manual

    Nitro Web Notebook

    The Nitro Web Notebook is a high-tech notebook, jam-packed with fun activities! Learn Spanish, Language Arts, Math, Science, Creativity, and Logic!

    Nitro Web Notebook Manual

    On-the-Go Baby Driver™

    Get behind the wheel with the On-the-Go Baby Driver™. Your little one can pretend to drive around town by turning the colorful fabric steering wheel to hear realistic car sound effects and fun responses. The light-up button plays imaginative phrases and songs that encourage language development and sing-along fun. The dashboard features a gear shift, turn signal, ignition key, horn button and side mirror for pretend racing play. The driver can be used as a floor toy or attached to strollers for on-the-go fun. Buckle up and let’s go!


    On-the-Moove Activity Bar™

    The VTech® On-the-Moove Activity Bar™ is a cute farm-themed toy bar for babies on the go! Press the button on the cow, and be rewarded with cheerful phrases and playful songs and melodies. Swing the cow back and forth to activate the motion sensor and hear interesting sounds. The bird holds a textured ring that’s easy to grab, and the ladybug has a baby-safe mirror for peek-a-boo fun! This interactive bar easily attaches to most infant carriers using easy to attach adjustable elastic straps.

    185600 On The Moove Activity Bar Manual

    Panda & Pals Block Puzzle™

    Little ones can complete six different puzzles with Penny in the Panda & Pals Block Puzzle™! This toddler puzzle is an interactive toy that recognizes each block and where they’re placed on Penny the Panda’s tummy. As kids build an animal puzzle, Penny the Panda will help them put the pieces in the correct place. She’ll even encourage them to turn the piece around or put it in a different place. The eject button pops the puzzle pieces out so they can play again. Pressing Penny’s three colorful buttons introduces numbers, animal facts and beginning letters. Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.


    PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Touch & Teach Word Book

    Help the Mighty Pups save the day in the PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Touch & Teach Word Book! A meteor crashed in Adventure Bay, and now the Kitty Catastrophe Crew has superpowers and is up to no good. Join Chase and Ryder on their mission as you read along to the «When Super Kitties Attack» story in this interactive book. Ten touch-sensitive pages bring the story to life with music, sound effects and the voices of Ryder and Chase. Kids can engage with the story through three play modes: Storytime, Exploration and Music. Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-530700 PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Touch & Teach Word Book Parent Guide

    PAW Patrol: The Movie: Learning Tablet

    Go on learning adventures with the PAW Patrol pups with the interactive PAW Patrol: The Movie: Learning Tablet. Character animations, sound effects and the voices of Chase and Skye spark children’s imaginations. Learn as you play at home or on-the-go with six PAW Patrol: The Movie learning activities. Explore letters, phonics and words in the Letter Discovery activity. Help the PAW Patrol escape by typing the letters as fast as you can! Where is Chase? Help match the tire tread marks to the patterns to find him. Now Ryder needs your help. Solve the math equation to help him choose the correct path. Explore a Shapes Maze and choose doors with matching patterns to help Liberty rescue Chase. It’s time to help Adventure City prepare for different weather conditions by selecting the correct image. Learning play is PAWsome with the PAW Patrol pups! Intended for ages 3–6 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-542800 PAW Patrol: The Movie: Learning Tablet Instruction Manual

    PAW Patrol: The Movie: Learning Watch – Liberty

    Time flies when your child is on a roll with the PAW Patrol: The Movie: Learning Watch featuring Liberty on the cover! The voice of Ryder guides children through play. Games and activities help children learn basic math skills, number sequences, matching, memory and hand/eye coordination. Pick from ten PAW Patrol digital clock face designs and three alarm tones, then use the stopwatch to time events with friends. It’s game time! Explore four learning games with the PAW Patrol pups. Find the biggest or smallest number to help Marshall find his way to the city in the Adventure City Awaits game. Next, use Rubble’s wrecking ball to hit the target and rescue Chase. Go on a Train Mission to solve the mystery code to save the passengers on the train! Or join Skye in the Take to the Skies game, avoiding obstacles to stop the Cloud Catcher. Adventure, fun and learning are all packed into a kid-sized Liberty wristwatch you can take on the go! Intended for ages 3–6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    Paw Patrol: The Movie: Learning Watch — Liberty Instruction Manual

    Peek & Play Baby Book™

    The Peek & Play Baby Book™ is a real page turner! The soft book pages introduce adorable animals through bold pictures and fun interactive features. The cover has a cute elephant with crinkly ears, and each page plays sing-along songs, sounds and phrases. Lift the fabric flaps on the pages for fun peek-a-boo surprises. Press the three fabric buttons to meet friendly characters and explore animals, colors, objects and play songs. Take the infant book on the go and attach it to a stroller, diaper bag or carrier using the plastic ring. It’s the perfect first book for your baby!

    80-189300 Peek & Play Baby Book Parent Guide

    Peek & Play Baby Book™

    The Peek & Play Baby Book™ is a real page turner! The soft book pages introduce adorable animals through bold pictures and fun interactive features. The cover has a cute elephant with crinkly ears, and each page plays sing-along songs, sounds and phrases. Lift the fabric flaps on the pages for fun peek-a-boo surprises. Press the three fabric buttons to meet friendly characters and explore animals, colors, objects and play songs. Take the infant book on the go and attach it to a stroller, diaper bag or carrier using the plastic ring. It’s the perfect first book for your baby!

    80-189350 Peek & Play Baby Book Parent Guide

    Peek at Me Bunny Pink

    This electronic learning plush bunny available exclusively from VTech engages baby by stimulating the senses through interactive play involving sound, music, lights and touch!

    Peek at Me Bunny Pink Manual

    Peek at Me Bunny

    This electronic learning plush bunny available exclusively from VTech engages baby by stimulating the senses through interative play involving sound, music, lights, and touch!

    Peek at Me Bunny Manual

    Peek-a-Bear Baby Phone™ (Pink)

    With the Peek-a-Bear Baby Phone™ by VTech®, your little one will have a phone to call their very own. Have fun pretending to make calls by pressing the buttons and hearing playful songs, phrases and music. The colorful buttons introduce colors and numbers, and the heart button lights up. Turn the pink bear’s head for a fun surprise—a hidden baby-safe mirror for peek-a-boo fun! The phone attaches to infant seats, strollers and car seats for on-the-go fun.

    80-502700 Peek-a-Bear Baby Phone Product Manual

    Peek-a-Bear Baby Phone™

    With the Peek-a-Bear Baby Phone™ by VTech®, your little one will have a phone to call their very own. Have fun pretending to make calls by pressing the buttons and hearing playful songs, phrases and music. The colorful buttons introduce colors and numbers, and the heart button lights up. Turn the bear’s head for a fun surprise—a hidden baby-safe mirror for peek-a-boo fun! The phone attaches to infant seats, strollers and car seats for on-the-go fun.

    80-502700 Peek-a-Bear Baby Phone Product Manual

    Peek-A-Boo Garden

    How does baby’s garden grow? With help from cute pop-up animal friends and colorful light-up buttons! Baby will learn fun lessons in numbers, letters, animals and motor skills with lots of silly sounds!

    Peek-A-Boo Garden Manual

    Peppa Pig Learn & Discover Book

    Peppa Pig talks all about her day with family and friends in the Peppa Pig Learn & Discover Book. Hear Peppa read the story with fun sounds and phrases in the real voices of Peppa, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and George. Peppa Pig introduces all the letters of the alphabet with vocabulary words from the story. This 14-page interactive book includes search-and-find games with letters and objects on each page. The Learn & Discover Book is easy to use and encourages a love of reading in young story lovers. Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Peppa Pig Learn & Explore Tablet

    It’s time to play and learn with Peppa Pig, her family and friends on the Peppa Pig Learn & Explore Tablet. Six interactive activities teach language, counting, problem-solving and more with animated characters and character voices from the show Peppa Pig. Help Emily Elephant count the stars, press a letter to see what object Peppa Pig has drawn, or learn about letters, phonics and numbers with Mr. Fox. Time for a music party with Candy Cat! Add playful sound effects to the melodies. Next, play hide-and-seek with favorite Peppa Pig characters. Then help Daddy Pig splash through muddy puddles to get to the family’s picnic spot. The 26-letter keyboard and ten number keys help preschoolers learn about the alphabet, phonics, counting and vocabulary words. Four touch-sensitive character buttons play the characters’ favorite sayings in their own voices. Oinktastic! Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-546600 Peppa Pig Learn & Explore Tablet Manual

    Peppa Pig Learn & Go Alphabet Car

    Ride along on a learning adventure with the Peppa Pig Learn & Go Alphabet Car! Hop in and cruise through the alphabet with Peppa Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig and George Pig with the real character voices from the Peppa Pig show. Four play modes help little ones explore phonics, words, letters and more. Letters and Phonics mode makes a great first stop on the road to learning with 26 letter buttons. In Learning Words mode, find 26 words to go with every letter of the alphabet. Press the Family Car button to hear Peppa Pig talk about safety rules like obeying traffic lights and buckling up your seatbelt. Play a game with Peppa Pig in Search mode and find the letter or word she requests. Press any letter of the alphabet in Music mode to add sounds to popular melodies. Pick up the handle on this portable toy and go on a road trip with Peppa Pig and her family to explore the land of letters! Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-530600 Peppa Pig Learn and Go Alphabet Car Parent Guide

    Peppa Pig Learning Watch (Blue)

    It’s time for number games and more with the Peppa Pig Learning Watch! Peppa Pig makes the learning come alive with a wristwatch that entertains with Peppa Pig’s voice saying her favorite phrases. Eight choices of Peppa Pig clock faces make telling time extra interesting. Little ones explore time concepts and build early habits with a cuckoo alarm, timer and stopwatch. Make «five minutes until dinner» something the kids can measure! This interactive watch includes four engaging leveled-learning games that teach young ones how to count, choose the smaller or greater number, sort and match. Close up the watch with a protective lid featuring Peppa Pig’s smiling face. Keep the learning right at hand! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires one CR2450 lithium battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-526060 Peppa Pig Learning Watch Guide

    Peppa Pig Scribbles & Sounds Doodle Board™

    Practice drawing letters, shapes and Peppa Pig herself with the Peppa Pig Scribbles & Sounds Doodle Board™. Get creative with Peppa and her family using three stencils. Insert the stencils into the doodle board and it will recognize them and give playful responses as kids draw letters, shapes and Peppa Pig characters. Peppa guides little doodlers with ideas about what to draw and what letters to explore. Use the attached stylus to trace letters and shapes on the electronic clipboard, then erase and draw again. Four modes of play explore letters, music and art. Listen to upbeat melodies while you trace and explore with Peppa! Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-198000 Peppa Pig Scribbles & Sounds Doodle Board Parent Guide

    PJ Masks Super Catboy Learning Watch™

    Put on the watch and save the day with the PJ Masks Super Catboy Learning Watch. Pretend to transform into Catboy and play four exciting games that explore shapes and early math skills while trying to defeat Romeo, Luna Girl and the Ninjalinos. The learning watch also includes the voices of PJ Masks and nine different PJ Masks clock faces. An alarm clock with three alarm tones, timer, stopwatch and cuckoo clock add to the experience. It’s time to be a hero! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-175800 PJ Masks Super Catboy Learning Watch Parent Guide

    PJ Masks Time to Be a Hero Learning Tablet™

    Help save the day with the PJ Masks Time to Be a Hero Learning Tablet™. Go on adventures with Catboy, Owlette and Gekko and defend the city from Luna Girl, Romeo and Night Ninja. Play six educational activities that explore letters, vocabulary, phonics, rhyming words, beginner typing and problem-solving skills. Choose doors with matching shapes to help Catboy rescue Owlette and Gekko. Repair the Picture Player with Owlette to reinforce letter and phonics knowledge. Then, help Gekko hide by matching his pattern to the pattern on the wall. Explore these activities and more featuring the real character voices and exciting animations. Into the night to save the day!


    Pop-a-Balls Push & Pop Bulldozer

    Pop, drop and watch your child stroll along with the Pop-a-Balls™ Push & Pop Bulldozer™! This delightful bulldozer encourages movement and motor skills in your little builder when the colorful balls pop up through the smoke stack, into the scoop bucket and back again. Load the balls into the bulldozer, start pushing the handle and watch the bulldozer come to life with poppin’ balls and fun sounds! Your kid can also sit and play with the bulldozer by pressing the four colorful number buttons to learn colors, numbers, construction objects and listen to music. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-506000 Pop-a-Balls Push & Pop Bulldozer Parent’s Guide

    Pop-a-Balls™ Drop & Pop Ball Pit™

    Pop in for ball bouncing fun with Pop-a-Balls™! The Drop & Pop Ball Pit™, lets your little one can climb in and play with 30 bright, multi-colored balls. Packed with slam dunk features like a hoop that counts to ten and an electronic activity panel, this wild ball pit introduces numbers and animals while developing motor skills. Toss the balls through the hoop or roll them down the slides. Kids can even flip the balls out of the reservoir and send them soaring back into the pit. Colorful buttons play cute phrases, animal sounds and cheerful music for imaginative play. Get ready for ball poppin’ fun in the ball pit! Intended for ages 9-36 months. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-506200 Pop-a-Balls Drop & Pop Ball Pit Parent’s Guide

    Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Count Ball Pit™

    Toddlers will have a ball with the Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Count Ball Pit™! With thirty balls and over three feet of space, this colorful, animal-themed ball pit engages little ones in play and learning. Slide the bird, twist the butterfly, and send the balls down the leaf ramps on this tree-themed basketball hoop. Press the ball-popper button to make the balls go poppity-pop! Hear the electronic hoop count the balls 1–10 as they drop through the basket. While toddlers explore all the ways they can play in this kid-sized ball pit, they hear about animals, counting and music with two play modes. Discover numbers and colors in Learning mode and hear about animals in Music mode. The learning panel includes three light-up animal buttons that play 90+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Kids practice motor skills and hand-eye coordination as they pop, press, slide and twist. When playtime is done, store the balls inside the fold-up fabric ball pit. Enjoy instant playtime and easy clean up! Surface washable with removable electronic panel. Intended for ages 9–36 months. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-533600 Pop-a-Balls Pop & Count Ball Pit Instruction Manual

    Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Play Snail™

    Get ready for spinning, popping and learning fun with the Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Play Snail™ by VTech®. Press the adorable snail’s head down and the inside of his shell will spin the balls into motion. Little ones will love watching the colorful balls pop, spin and dance inside the shell. This brightly colored snail also has three buttons that introduce colors, numbers and shapes in addition to playing fun songs, sounds and melodies. The light-up button flashes with the voice, sound and musical responses. The snail also introduces colors by asking kids simple questions.

    80-502400 Pop-a-Balls Pop & Play Snail Parent’s Guide

    Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Surprise Ball Center™

    Colorful balls, twisting slides and cheerful animals make playtime fun with the Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Surprise Ball Center™. The two interactive twisting ball tracks are filled with friendly animals that will stop and start the balls or redirect the rolling. Explore cause and effect relationships by loading the balls into the ball launcher and pressing the big yellow button to send the balls up the tower, where they’ll pop out of three different locations. Press the seesaw to launch the balls onto the slides. The music button introduces colors, animals and plays a variety of melodies. This tower is filled with ball popping fun!


    Pop-a-Balls™ Twirl & Pop Turtle™

    No matter where the balls pop, your little one will have a blast with Pop-a-Balls™ Twirl & Pop Turtle™ by VTech®! Drop the five brightly colored balls into the adorable turtle’s tummy and watch the turtle spin, twirl and pop the balls out of its legs. Two modes of play keep your little one engaged with ball popping fun. Watch the turtle try to pop the balls back into his tummy or watch him spin, sing and pop the balls out into the room. Drop the balls back into the turtle’s tummy to hear counting and fun sounds. Press the buttons to hear songs, melodies, colors and parts of the body. Your little one will have a poppin’ blast during turtle time!

    80-506100 Pop-a-Balls Twirl & Pop Turtle Parent’s Guide

    Princess Fantasy Learning Tablet

    Lead your little princess to her happily ever after learning journey with the Princess Fantasy Learning Tablet™ by VTech®! Join the Disney Princesses on a magical journey full of learning and fun. Hear responses, listen to melodies and play eight learning activities. This toy tablet teaches vocabulary, spelling, patterns and more. Enjoy learning activities, all with the Princesses!

    Princess Fantasy Learning Tablet Manual

    Princess Fantasy Notebook

    Enchantment and wonder await with the Princess Fantasy Notebook from VTech. This magical educational toy laptop helps your child learn about letters, numbers, and more with activities that feature her favorite Disney princesses.

    Princess Fantasy Notebook Manual

    Pull Back Skater Cat™

    Get totally stoked with the Pull Back Skater Cat™! All it takes is a gentle push or pull, and this kitty is ready to roll, skating back and forth all by itself. Inspire your little one to get up and follow this cruising cat. Press the light-up shoes to make the cat twist on its board—that’s a cool trick! Encourage little ones to do the twist just like the kitty. Kids can explore cause and effect as they see how their actions make the kitty move in different ways. Hear about the letters A, B and C and the numbers one, two and three with 50+ phrases, songs and sounds. Push, pull and roll out some rad moves! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Pull Back Skater Cat Instruction Manual

    Quiz Biz – Word Play

    Quiz Biz – Word Play is an eye-popping, mind-exploding, handheld think tank that will get your child learning while in full throttle play!

    Quiz Biz – Word Play Manual

    Race & Learn Tablet™

    Help Lightning McQueen win the big race with the Race & Learn Tablet™ by VTech®! Interact with your favorite Cars 3 characters as they come to life in fun and engaging activities on the LCD screen. Seven exciting games introduce letters, objects, spelling, number order, counting, logic and more. Find letters to help Lightning McQueen gear up for the race, spell out words on road and crowd signs, count objects as you help clean up Doc Hudson’s garage, spell out words to pass other cars in the race and much more! Press the character buttons to meet and interact with Lightning McQueen and his friends. The tablet also introduces beginning typing with a QWERTY keyboard. Get on the fast track to learning with Lightning McQueen!

    80-196900 Race & Learn Tablet Parent’s Guide

    Rechargeable Battery Kit

    Power up your child’s InnoTab, MobiGo, V.Reader or KidiZoom camera with VTech’s Rechargeable Battery Kit.

    Rechargeable Battery Kit Manual

    Record & Learn Photo Album

    Do you see what I see? VTech’s Record & Learn Photo Album keeps you close to your child at all times with seven 4 x 6 photos and an option to record personal messages!

    Record & Learn Photo Album Manual

    Rhyme & Discover Book Pink

    Light up learning time for your little one with the ever so popular Rhyme & Discover Book now available in Pink!!

    Rhyme & Discover Book Pink Manual

    Rhyme & Discover Book

    Light up learning time for your little one with the ever so popular Rhyme & Discover Book!

    Rhyme & Discover Book Manual

    Rock & Bop Music Player™ (Purple)

    Set learning to music with the Rock & Bop Music Player™ by VTech®. Explore ten musical games while listening to kid-friendly songs, dancing around to the music and singing along. This music player introduces letters, numbers, animals, instruments, time and more through a variety of songs. Play songs in different styles, hear animals sing songs and choose from various instruments to experiment with different melodies. Child-safe headphones let your child listen and play on their own while limiting the volume to protect little ears. Get ready to rock out while you learn!

    80-196250 Rock & Bop Music Player Parent Guide

    Rock & Bop Music Player™

    Set learning to music with the Rock & Bop Music Player™ by VTech®. Explore ten musical games while listening to kid-friendly songs, dancing around to the music and singing along. This music player introduces letters, numbers, animals, instruments, time and more through a variety of songs. Play songs in different styles, hear animals sing songs and choose from various instruments to experiment with different melodies. Child-safe headphones let your child listen and play on their own while limiting the volume to protect little ears. Get ready to rock out while you learn!

    80-196200 Rock & Bop Music Player

    Royal Learning Tablet (Sofia)

    A magical learning journey awaits with the Sofia the First™ Royal Learning Tablet™ by VTech®. Explore with Sofia and her animal friends to learn letters, phonics, logic and music as you interact with your favorite princess for imaginative playtime fun!

    Royal Learning Tablet (Sofia) Manual

    See-Touch-Hear Sloth Ball™

    Give little eyes, fingers and ears a sensory feast with the See-Touch-Hear Sloth Ball™! This soft, squishy ball is easy to grab and hold. Fabric sections feature plush, smooth, ridged and bumpy textures and six different patterns and colors. Press the light-up button on top of the ball to hear about sloths and to play nursery rhyme melodies. Toss or roll the ball to trigger the motion sensor and hear silly sounds and phrases. Watch little ones reach, scoot, crawl or walk after the rolling ball! As the ball spins, you’ll catch sight of a mama and baby sloth, spinning inside the ball. Peek-a-boo! Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    See-Touch-Hear Sloth Ball Instruction Manual

    Sing & Soar Butterfly

    Fly away to a world of learning and adventure with the VTech Sing & Soar Butterfly! This little guy invites baby to touch and discover shapes, colors, and numbers through fun sounds and stimulation.

    Sing & Soar Butterfly Manual

    Sing & Squeak Bath Book

    Make bath time reading time with VTech’s® Sing & Squeak Bath Book™. This waterproof floating book plays songs and teaches words, counting and more. Splish, splash fun in the bath!

    Sing & Squeak Bath Book Manual

    Sit, Stand & Ride Baby Walker™

    Learn, walk and ride with the interactive Sit, Stand & Ride Baby Walker™. This 3-in-1 toy keeps your little one engaged at every stage by transforming from an activity panel to a push walker or ride-on. Hop in the driver’s seat and explore the activity panel that includes a steering wheel, gear shifter and light-up buttons that teach letters, sounds and phrases. When transformed into the walker or ride on, the motion sensor activates fun music and sounds to encourage imaginative play. Two speed-control settings help kids move at just the right pace. Intended for ages 9–36 months. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-171001 Sit, Stand & Ride Baby Walker Product Manual

    Sit-to-Stand Alphabet Train

    Make tracks with the Sit-to-Stand Alphabet Train! Enjoy floor play mode, walker mode and ride-on mode while learning about letters, numbers, colors, songs, stories and more. This grow-with-me train features 13 double-sided letter blocks, a six-page book, five colorful number buttons and a chute for sending the blocks from the train to the caboose. Start with floor play, then when kids are ready, use the train as a walker. Motion sensors play train sounds when the train moves. Attach the caboose so kids can sit and scoot to use the train as a ride-on toy. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Sit-to-Stand Alphabet Train Manual

    Sit-to-Stand Learn & Discover Table

    The Sit-to-Stand™ Learn & Discover Table by VTech® is a two-way baby activity table that grows with your child, transforming from a floor toy into an activity table. Using the interactive electric panel with six learning stations, your baby will love making phone calls, turning book pages, playing the piano and more. In addition to encouraging play and discovery, the Learn & Discover Table also helps develop language and fine motor skills. Have fun with sit-to-stand learning play!

    Sit-to-Stand Learn & Discover Table Manual

    Sit-to-Stand Learn & Discover Table™ Pink

    The Sit-to-Stand Learn & Discover Table grows with your child, transforming from a floor toy into a two-way learning table. Your child can grow and develop using the interactive electric panel with six learning stations. Your baby will love pretending to talk on the phone, pressing the light-up piano keys, playing with the interactive book and more. Fun sound effects and light patterns reward your child’s curiosity and encourage discovery. Thirteen playful sing-along songs and melodies add to the fun. The Learn and Discover Table introduces letters, numbers, shapes, colors, greetings and time concepts. Have fun with an activity table that grows with your child! Intended for ages 6+ months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Sit-to-Stand Learn & Discover Table Manual

    Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train™

    Hop aboard the Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train™! This train is designed to grow with your child and can be used for floor play or as a ride-on that also transforms into a push walker. When your little conductor gets older, the caboose converts into a wagon they can fill with toys and pull along to help develop gross motor skills. Play ten activities while learning letters, numbers, colors and more. The train also helps build find motor skills with a variety of manipulative features including a storybook, clock, gears and 13 doubled-sided letter blocks that your little one can plug into the side of the train to learn letters and build their vocabulary. The train also counts the blocks when they’re dropped down the chute! For role-play fun, pick up the walkie-talkie and press the number buttons to pretend to talk to animal friends. Take a ride on the learning express with this ultimate alphabet train! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train Manual

    SkillStarter Notebook

    The SkillStarter Notebook™ is a powerful, computer-styled learning companion for young children who are just beginning school.

    SkillStarter Notebook Manual

    Sleepy Glow Bear™

    Help little ones relax with the Sleepy Glow Bear™, featuring a soft glow and comforting sounds and music. This plush bear features a soothing light that slowly fades in and out with sounds and music. Press the heart button to hear adorable and loving phrases, the music button to hear 40 lullaby melodies or the nature sounds button to hear soothing nature sounds. Choose from two levels of light intensity or turn the light off. Enjoy sweet sounds and lights!

    80-502100 Sleepy Glow Bear Product Manual

    Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector Pink

    Soothe your little one to sleep with the Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector™ by VTech®. This adorable bear projects a colorful image onto the ceiling to calm your baby. Choose between three sound modes that play music, nature sounds or white noise to help block out everyday noises so your baby can fall asleep faster. The bear also features voice activation that plays calming music and a timer switch that turns the bear off after ten or thirty minutes. Lull your baby to sleep with lights and lullabies!

    186250 Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector Manual

    Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector™

    Soothe your little one to sleep with the Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector™ by VTech®. This adorable bear projects a colorful image onto the ceiling to calm your baby. Choose between three sound modes that play music, nature sounds or white noise to help block out everyday noises so your baby can fall asleep faster. The bear also features voice activation that plays calming music and a timer switch that turns the bear off after ten or thirty minutes. Lull your baby to sleep with lights and lullabies!

    186200 Sleep Lullabies Bear Projector Manual

    Sleepy Sounds Baby Bear™

    Enjoy cute cuddles, then sweet sleep with the Sleepy Sounds Baby Bear™! Sleep is at the top of the wish list when there’s a baby or toddler around. Let’s make bedtime easier! Set this soft bear on a dresser or table to play white noise, nature sounds and a reassuring heartbeat to help little ones learn to self-soothe. Soft lights play along with the sounds, providing a soothing night-light. Press the glowing heart to change the music. When your little one wakes up, they’ll want to snuggle with this huggable bear. The removable night-light makes this multi-purpose bear simple to pop in the washing machine. Easy-peasy. This take-along toy fits in a diaper bag to help baby sleep wherever they go! Intended for ages Birth+. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-539800 Sleepy Sounds Baby Bear Instruction Manual

    Sliding Songs Bead Maze

    Scoot, slide, and learn with the Sliding Songs Bead Maze from VTech! This electronic learning toy will engage your toddler as they learn about colors, opposites, and animals through delightful songs and fun sounds.

    Sliding Songs Bead Maze Manual

    Smart Friends Bowling

    Your child will have a ball with Smart Friends Bowling by VTech. This classic game redone in an educational safari theme is perfect for getting little ones moving while they learn about animals, numbers and more!

    Smart Friends Bowling Manual

    Smart Shots Sports Center™(Black & Red)

    Cheer on your little sports star with the Smart Shots Sports Center™ by VTech®. This electronic sports center features a soccer net and basketball hoop for a fun 2-in-1 play experience. Toss the basketball into the hoop and watch as the LED screen counts the number of baskets. Kick the soccer ball into the net, and the sports center will respond with encouraging sounds and phrases. In addition to counting baskets, the LED screen also encourages play with fun animations. Build fine motor skills with a variety of manipulative features. Turn the gears to hear playful sounds and press the shape buttons to learn shapes, numbers and hear fun sounds. Score, learn and win with the Smart Shots Sports Center!

    80-156360 Smart Shots Sports Center Instruction Manual

    Smart Sounds Baby Keys™

    Shake, rattle and go with the Smart Sounds Baby Keys™. These adorable baby keys feature three colorful buttons that play cheerful songs, melodies and cute sound effects. The interactive keys feature textured rollers, rattle beads and a spinning disc that encourage fine motor skills and introduce cause and effect. The bear key teether soothes your baby’s sore gums. Shake the keys or press the colorful buttons to hear playful sounds and phrases that promote first words, then take the keys along for on-the-go play!

    80-505100 Smart Sounds Baby Keys Parent Guide

    Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter (Teal)

    Cuddle up with the Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter for engaging playtime activities, then place it on a shelf near the crib to enjoy soothing sleepytime comfort. This soft, plush bug has eight colorful fabric legs that teach colors, shapes and music notes in Playtime mode and that play lullabies in Sleepytime mode. A soft plastic star button on the bug’s tummy changes colors when it’s pressed and plays cheerful phrases and upbeat songs in Playtime mode. Switch to Sleepytime mode to hear a lullaby and soothing melodies. Little ones love to explore different textures, and the plush body, embroidered face, fabric legs and ribbons on the bug’s head provide a variety of sensations for your baby’s developing sense of touch. Intended for ages 3-24 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter (Teal)

    Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter

    Cuddle up with the Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter for engaging playtime activities, then place it on a shelf near the crib to enjoy soothing sleepytime comfort. This soft, plush bug has eight colorful fabric legs that teach colors, shapes and music notes in Playtime mode and that play lullabies in Sleepytime mode. A soft plastic star button on the bug’s tummy changes colors when it’s pressed and plays cheerful phrases and upbeat songs in Playtime mode. Switch to Sleepytime mode to hear a lullaby and soothing melodies. Little ones love to explore different textures, and the plush body, embroidered face, fabric legs and ribbons on the bug’s head provide a variety of sensations for your baby’s developing sense of touch. Intended for ages 3-24 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Soft and Smart Sensory Cube

    What’s playful, bright and soft all over? The Soft and Smart Sensory Cube is the answer to your baby’s developing need to explore. This grow-with-me toy intrigues babies with its black-and-white patterns and colorful designs while toddlers love the put-and-take play. Three colorful buttons, a motion sensor and an interactive puppy encourage play with learning phrases and upbeat songs. Colorful fabric, ribbons, nubby apples and crinkly wings make this activity cube an adventure in touch, sight and sound. Little ones get to practice face recognition and self-discovery with the baby-safe mirror. As motor skills develop, your growing baby can grasp the handle, apples and puppy’s paws. Toddlers can take the three textured balls out of the cube and put them in again. Put, take, repeat–it’s one of their favorite games! Intended for ages 3–24 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Soft and Smart Sensory Cube Parent Guide

    Soothing Ocean Slumbers Mobile™

    The VTech Soothing Ocean Slumbers Mobile will help your baby sail away to sweet dreams. With its adorable ocean animals, calming music, and soothing light projections, your baby will love being in their crib as they drift off to sleep.

    Soothing Ocean Slumbers Mobile Manual

    Soothing Slumbers Sloth Projector™

    Sleep tight with a calming night light, the Soothing Slumbers Sloth Projector™! The cry-activated sounds and gently projecting lights on this cute sloth will help babies soothe themselves back to sleep, which helps everyone get a better night’s sleep. Choose 15 or 45 minutes on the timer and select the volume. Set it on a shelf or dresser, then let it works its magic! Create an effective bedtime routine with calming melodies, white noise, nature sounds and songs with a rotating lightshow of sweet sloths. You (and your baby) will love this soother so much you’ll want to take it with you to help baby fall asleep on a car trip or vacation. No problem. This lightweight soother tucks in a diaper bag to make life easier for you and your baby wherever you go. Intended for ages Birth+. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-540300 Soothing Slumbers Sloth Projector Instruction Manual

    Soothing Songbirds Travel Mobile

    Help your baby drift off to sleep with the Soothing Songbirds Travel Mobile. This 3-in-1 mobile transforms from a crib mobile and calming night-light to a travel mobile that can be attached to infant carriers and strollers. Three adorable plush songbirds twirl around, mesmerizing your baby and encouraging visual interaction. The voice sensor detects your baby’s cry and responds with soothing melodies to lull your little one back to sleep when in the crib. The mobile plays relaxing music, nature sounds and soothing songs and the timer can be set for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. From sweet dreams to on-the-go play, this mobile will soothe and engage your little one at home or away. Intended for ages birth+. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    Soothing Songbirds Travel Mobile Parent Guide

    Soothing Songs Bear Pink

    The Soothing Songs Bear™ by VTech® is sure to help baby relax and fall asleep. This soft, cuddly bear plays soothing melodies along with comforting sing-along songs to gently lull baby to sleep. The bear’s soft glowing tummy provides added comfort.

    Soothing Songs Bear Pink Manual

    Soothing Songs Bear

    The Soothing Songs Bear™ by VTech® is sure to help baby relax and fall asleep. This soft, cuddly bear plays soothing melodies along with comforting sing-along songs to gently lull baby to sleep. The bear’s soft glowing tummy provides added comfort.

    Soothing Songs Bear Manual

    Soothing Songs Bear™

    The Soothing Songs Bear™ by VTech® is sure to help baby relax and fall asleep. This soft, cuddly bear plays 45 soothing songs, melodies, sounds and phrases including two comforting sing-along songs to gently lull baby to sleep. The soft, glowing tummy and soft fabric provides baby added night-time comfort. Just press the star on the bear’s tummy to start and stop the music. After ten minutes of continuous play, an automatic shut-off feature turns the music off when baby is away or asleep, preserving battery life. With a durable design for long-lasting play, volume control and removable electronics for easy washing, the Soothing Songs Bear™ is a hit with both babies and parents!

    Parent Guides

    Sort & Build Farm™

    It’s learning and sorting fun down on the farm with the Sort & Build Farm™ by VTech®. The playset includes a flower block and four brightly colored shape blocks with different animal pictures on them for building, stacking, sorting and learning. Put one of the shape blocks on the recognition point to hear the animal name, color and shape, or insert the flower block to hear fun phrases. Press the three light-up buttons to learn about how the rooster, tractor and watering can help out on the farm. The non-electronic shape sorter helps build motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Features two modes of play, a learning mode and a discovery mode that encourages imaginative play.

    80-504800 Sort & Build Farm Manual

    Sort & Discover Activity Cube™ (Pink)

    The Sort & Discover Activity Cube™ by VTech® is five sides of fun! Your little one will love exploring seven fun activities and two electronic panels that introduce colors, numbers, animals and more. Turn the book page, twist the spinner and slide the animals to develop fine motor skills. The activity cube also develops hand-eye coordination with the shape sorter and colorful shape blocks.

    80-183450 Sort & Discover Activity Cube Pink Manual

    Sort & Discover Activity Cube™

    The Sort & Discover Activity Cube™ by VTech® is five sides of fun! Your little one will love exploring seven fun activities and two electronic panels that introduce colors, numbers, animals and more. Turn the book page, twist the spinner and slide the animals to develop fine motor skills. The activity cube also develops hand-eye coordination with the shape sorter and colorful shape blocks.

    80-183400 Sort & Discover Activity Cube Manual

    Sort & Discover Activity Cube™

    The Sort & Discover Activity Cube™ by VTech® is five sides of fun! Your little one will love exploring seven fun activities and two electronic panels that introduce colors, numbers, animals and more. Turn the book page, twist the spinner and slide the animals to develop fine motor skills. The activity cube also develops hand-eye coordination with the shape sorter and colorful shape blocks.

    User’s Manual

    Sort & Spin Blender

    Try out this new recipe for learning that blends fruits, shapes, colors and music to create a mixture of imagination and fun!

    Sort & Spin Blender Manual

    Spin & Learn Adventure Globe

    Take an educational adventure around the world with the Spin & Learn Adventure Globe by VTech. This interactive learning toy teaches your child about the world they live in through touch technology.

    Spin & Learn Adventure Globe Manual

    Spin & Learn Ball Tower™

    There’s so much to explore with the Spin & Learn Ball Tower™ by VTech®. Drop the colorful balls into the top of the ball tower and listen as it identifies the color or the animal on the ball. Once the balls are inside, twist the knob and watch as they spin around inside the clear dome. Your little one will then hear fun sounds and phrases as the balls fall onto the track. As the balls spiral down the track, little learners can build motor skills by moving the gates to start and stop balls along the way. Four light-up buttons introduce numbers, colors, insects and playful songs. Drop, spin and learn!


    Spin & Tweet Musical Birdhouse™

    Listen to the sweet music with the Spin & Tweet Musical Birdhouse™. Mommy bird and her trio of sweet baby birds introduce songs, harmonies and musical instruments in a colorful birdhouse. Kids will keep busy putting baby birds in the nest and taking them out again. When a baby bird is placed in the tree trunk and the mommy bird is pulled down, Mommy will greet her chick and identify its color. When babies are placed in the nest, Mommy counts them in Learning mode! In Music mode, the baby birds can sing a song solo, as a duet or as a trio. Baby birds love to hop, and pressing the three colorful buttons makes the babies pop up and down in their nest. Your little ones will enjoy moving the baby birds from nest to tree and back again with 50+ songs, sounds and phrases. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.


    SpongeBob Laptop

    No one makes learning more fun than SpongeBob and the whole gang. Features fun-filled activities and games that also teach essential skills such as spelling, math, memory and more!

    SpongeBob Laptop Manual

    Squishy Lights Learning Tablet™

    Explore textures, colors, sights and sounds with the Squishy Lights Learning Tablet™! This lil’ tablet toy teaches first words for animals, colors and shapes along with music and songs. Baby will love the soft, squishable keys that invite little ones to keep pressing to see what happens next, strengthening their little hands while they play. Four piano keys introduce friendly zoo animals and sing-along songs that will keep baby exploring. The slim handle not only makes this tablet easy to take along, but it features a cute little bee that slides back and forth with a spinning bead. Keep little hands and minds busy at home or on the go! Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Squishy Lights Learning Tablet Instruction Manual

    Stack & Balance Teeter Totter™

    Take stacking to the next level with the Stack & Balance Teeter Totter™. Balance playtime and learning with a stacking toy that toddlers can load with eight colorful rings of different sizes. The scale senses if the loads are not balanced and makes suggestions on how to add rings to each side. Kids hear rewarding phrases when the teeter-totter weights match! Explore colors, numbers, and animal names with Learning and Music modes with 45+ songs, sounds, melodies and phrases. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Star Wars™ First Order Stormtrooper™ Smartwatch (Black)

    Explore your creativity with the First Order Stormtrooper™ Smartwatch. This durable smartwatch can take pictures and videos and includes Star Wars™-themed photo effects. Padawans will love using the motion sensor to trigger Lightsaber, droid, and space ship sound effects. Challenge your skills with three mini activities that include blasting asteroids, escaping Stormtroopers™ and racing with BB-8™. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose among 30 Star Wars™-themed digital and analog clock faces. A voice recorder provides voice-changing effects so your child can sound like robot, change the pitch of their voice or slow it down. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, the smartwatch also includes a calendar feature and a calculator so your young Jedi can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Children will love exploring the galaxy with their First Order Stormtrooper™ Smartwatch.

    80-194220 Star Wars First Order Stormtrooper Smartwatch Parent Guide

    Starshine the Bright Lights Unicorn™

    Go on an enchanted adventure with Starshine the Bright Lights Unicorn™. Place the seven charms on any of the three magic hearts to see her horn light up and hear colors, objects and phrases in English or Spanish. Use the charms to answer quiz questions or add sound effects to create your own special song. Squeeze the unicorn’s tail to see her beautiful wings flap and hear whimsical phrases and sound effects that encourage imaginative play. Starshine’s majestic hooves feature wheels so you can push her as you head off on your next adventure! Intended for ages 1.5-4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Starshine the Bright Lights Unicorn™ Parents Guide

    Strum & Jam KidiBand — Pink

    Your little rock star can jam all day long with the Strum & Jam KidiBand™ by VTech®! Switching between guitar, drums and keyboard, your child will learn about musical creativity and imitative play with 12 different songs and melodies. Your little rocker can play a whole set… and then get ready for an encore!

    Strum & Jam KidiBand — Pink Manual

    Strum & Jam KidiBand™

    Your little rock star can jam all day long with the Strum & Jam KidiBand™ by VTech®! Switching between guitar, drums and keyboard, your child will learn about musical creativity and imitative play with 12 different songs and melodies. Your little rocker can play a whole set… and then get ready for an encore!

    3-in-1 Strum & Jam Kidiband 80-141900

    Submarine Learning Boat

    The VTech Submarine Learning Boat makes bath time fun with games involving colors, numbers, animals, animal sounds and characteristics. The learning toy rewards correct answers with a playful squirt!

    Submarine Learning Boat Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Blister the Velociraptor

    Transform from a combat helicopter to a speedy dinosaur with VTech’s Blister the Velociraptor™! This transforming toy fuses dinosaurs and vehicles into one awesome play experience your child will love!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Blister the Velociraptor Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Brok the Brachiosaurus

    Brok the Brachiosaurus is the one in charge! Brok is a 2-in-1 dinosaur from the Switch & Go Dinos crew by VTech. This electronic toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience that your child will love!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Brok the Brachiosaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Bronco the RC Triceratops

    Bronco the RC Triceratops from VTech’s Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo transforms from a fierce dinosaur to a sleek race car with the push of a button on his remote control! Use the remote control to drive Bronco around. You can even use the turbo charge lever to charge his turbo boosters. Then, press the turbo boost button to give him a burst of speed!

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Bronco the RC Triceratops

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Digger the Woolly Mammoth

    Digger the Woolly Mammoth from VTech’s Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo transforms from a rugged Woolly Mammoth to a rough and tough excavator in just a few simple steps. Charge him up to try and reach maximum power, then push the release button to watch him dash in mammoth mode or launch in excavator mode!

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Digger the Woolly Mammoth Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Triceratops Deluxe Launcher

    The Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo Triceratops Deluxe Launcher by VTech® gets your Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo vehicles racing with a mouth big enough to blast them in either dino or vehicle mode. The faster you charge, the farther it goes! Then see if you can launch your car through the narrow tunnel. If you hit the sides, the volcano explodes!

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Triceratops Deluxe Launcher Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — T-Rex Launcher

    The Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo T-Rex Launcher by VTech® gets your Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo vehicles racing with a mouth big enough to blast them in either dino or vehicle mode. The faster you charge, the farther it goes! Collect them all! (Each sold separately)

    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — T-Rex Launcher Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Dart the Triceratops

    Get in gear with Dart the Triceratops™ from Switch & Go Dinos® by VTech®. Transform from a revved-up race car to a stomping dinosaur in a few easy steps. With a huge three-horned head, this electronic dino is on the lookout and always ready to charge into battle.


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Cruz the Spinosaurus

    Cruz the Spinosaurus™ from Switch & Go Dinos® by VTech® transforms from speedy racer to fierce dinosaur in a few easy steps! Not only is this electronic dino one of the largest dinosaurs, Cruz’s big brain also makes him one of the smartest too! He also has a big mouth! But not for yappin’—it’s for eating and roaring!


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Fray the Ankylosaurus

    Fray the Ankylosaurus™ from Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo by VTech® transforms from a cruiser to bruiser as he goes from a racer to a tank-like dinosaur in a few easy steps! With his rough and tough armored body and super-long swinging clubbed tail, this electronic dino is one mean battle machine!


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Spinner the Stygimoloch

    Spinner the Stygimoloch™ from Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo by VTech® transforms from a speedy race car to a fierce dinosaur in a few easy steps! This hard-headed electronic herbivore packs quite the powerful punch with his rock-hard head!


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Spur the Stegosaurus

    Spur the Stegosaurus™ from Switch & Go Dinos® by VTech® transforms from a speedy race car to a fierce dinosaur in a few easy steps! With big spiky plates along his back and a powerful tail that swings and sways, this electronic dino is always armored and ready for battle.


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Zipp the T-Rex

    Zipp the T-Rex™ from Switch & Go Dinos® by VTech® transforms from a super-sleek race car to a dinosaur with razor-sharp teeth in a few easy steps. This electronic dino is fierce with the biggest bite of the dinosaurs and eyes that see forward and side-to-side. When he transforms into a car he loves to race n’ ride!


    Switch & Go® Scorpion Dune Buggy

    Transform playtime with the Switch & Go® Scorpion Dune Buggy! Burn through the desert with this rugged Dune Buggy, then get ready for battle with one-touch transformation into a scary Scorpion. Stinger up and ready to go! Hear the Scorpion’s voice and cool sound effects with the touch of a button. Creature mode makes the Scorpion come alive with claw-snapping, tail-crashing sound effects. Ready to burn some rubber? Easily transform the Scorpion back into a Dune Buggy in three simple steps. In Vehicle mode, hear the car’s engine roar. Let’s hit the road! Create battle scenes with other Switch & Go® vehicles, then change back into a Scorpion with one touch. Time for a creature clash! Each Switch & Go® vehicle sold separately. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-551100 Switch & Go Scorpion Dune Buggy Instruction Manual

    Switch & Go™ Stegosaurus Buggy

    Stomp into the cool, crazy world of prehistoric creatures that turn into vehicles with the Switch & Go™ Stegosaurus Buggy! Slam the Stegosaurus has a special move that wows all his friends and enemies: tail swipe! His toughness level is 10, so watch out, he’s a rugged rival! Time for a quick getaway? Transform him easily into a hardy off-road buggy. Awesome sound effects bring your dino world to life! Pit Slam against the other Switch & Go dinos for a fearsome match-up. Who is most powerful? Strongest? Toughest? Smartest? Zoom and roar into playtime! Additional Switch & Go™ dinosaurs sold separately. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-192260 Switch & Go Stegosaurus Buggy Parent Guide

    Switch & Go™ Triceratops Bulldozer

    Race and roar into a supercool world where ferocious dinosaurs change into hard-driving vehicles with the Switch & Go™ Triceratops Bulldozer! The tough Triceratops inspires imaginative play with animated LCD eyes and dinosaur sound effects and phrases. Make the dino’s head shoot forward in a fierce charge. Triple horn threat! Then switch up playtime by transforming the dino into a bulldozer with a few simple moves. Watch how the dino eyes on the LCD screen turn into a rugged bulldozer operator and hear how the voice changes, too! Bring your Switch & Go™ world to life with 60+ responses and sound effects in both modes. Challenge the other Switch & Go dinos to a fearsome match-up. Who is most powerful? Strongest? Toughest? Smartest? Dinosaurs rule! Additional Switch & Go™ dinosaurs sold separately. Intended for ages 4–8 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-195160 Switch & Go Triceratops Bulldozer Parent Guide

    Take Me With You Zebra™

    What’s black and white and cute all over? It’s the Take Me With You Zebra™! This cuddly critter invites little ones to explore their senses of touch, sound and sight. The soft plush, crinkly leaf, colorful patterns and ribbon tags encourage kids to explore textures. Give the zebra a shake to hear silly sounds, giggles and tunes. Lift the fabric flap to find three peek-a-boo buttons that teach numbers, colors and sing-along songs. Babies are drawn to black-and-white patterns, and this little zebra is a treat to look at with a striped body, smiling face and flashing light. Who is that baby in the mirror? Kiddos love looking in the mirror even before they know that the face they see is their own. Keep baby entertained with this take-along toy while you take some time for yourself. Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use. Surface washable.

    Take Me With You Zebra Instruction Manual

    Tiny Touch® Tablet

    Your little one will have fun playing and learning with the Tiny Touch® Tablet! This beginner learning tablet for toddlers has nine brightly colored light-up activity buttons that introduce a variety of curriculum to your child including letters, numbers, animals, days of the week, and more! For added fun, your child can roll the ball to activate fun light patterns that they’ll love to follow. Designed especially for little hands, your toddler will want to take this tablet with them everywhere they go! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 1 AA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    User’s Manual

    Tote & Go Laptop Web Connected

    Learning on the go reaches a whole new level with the Tote & Go Laptop Web from VTech. Your child will play just like a grown-up and can familiarize themselves with the structure of a real computer while playing educational games. This electronic learning toy can be further personalized by connecting it to a PC to download additional content.

    Tote & Go Laptop Web Connected Manual

    Tote & Go Laptop- Pink Web Connected

    Learning on the go reaches a whole new level with the Tote & Go Laptop Web Pink from VTech. Your child will play just like a grown-up and can familiarize themselves with the structure of a real computer while playing educational games. This electronic learning toy can be further personalized by connecting it to a computer to download additional content.

    Tote & Go Laptop- Pink Web Connected Manual

    Tote & Trace Drawing Board

    Learning and drawing have never been more fun than with the VTech® Tote & Trace Drawing Board™! Letter stencils and three drawing board activities teach basic writing skills while keeping your child engaged with fun sounds, phrases, music and more!

    Tote & Trace Drawing Board Manual

    Touch & Explore Activity Table™

    Discover six sensory play zones with the sit-to-stand Touch & Explore Activity Table™! Start with floor play, then switch to table play when your child can stand on their own. Activities on the interactive tabletop introduce kids to animals, colors and numbers with 90+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Touch, press and spin to practice fine motor skills. An alligator xylophone helps inspire a love of music and includes an attached mallet. Spin the flower dial to the lion, elephant, turtle and alligator to hear animal fun facts, sounds and music. Stimulate your child’s sense of touch with the soft lion’s mane, bumpy-shelled turtle and the soft, crinkly pages of the fabric book. Three shape sorters help children learn to recognize circle, square and triangle shapes. A detachable play phone helps inspire imaginative play. It’s time to explore and so much more! Includes four removable table legs. Intended for ages 6–36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-540900 Touch & Explore Activity Table Instruction Manual

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Animals, Bugs & Critters

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Animals, Bugs and Critters Expansion Pack. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning science concepts and animal facts and listening to a story about the animals in Noah’s Ark. They can also be creative by making their own music using bird sounds. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; numbers and shapes; preschool and kindergarten readiness; community helpers; reading; and math (each sold separately).

    80-221200 ouch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Animals, Bugs & Critters Product Manual

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Numbers & Shapes

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Numbers & Shapes Expansion Pack. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning about counting, number recognition, shapes and colors. Free and guided exploration allows children to learn math the way that works best for them. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; animals, bugs and critters; preschool and kindergarten readiness; community helpers; reading; and math (each sold separately).

    80-221100 Touch & Learn Activity Desk Deluxe — Numbers & Shapes Product Manual

    Touch & Learn Musical Bee — Pink

    Your little bug’s bound for loads of learning fun with the Touch & Learn Musical Bee. This sweet crib toy puts some punch into playtime teaching basic numbers, shapes and colors. Shake the Touch & Learn Musical Bee to hear upbeat melodies and fun sounds. Or soothe baby to sleep with lullabies and nature sounds. Sound sensor automatically activates the Touch & Learn Musical Bee to put fussy babies back to sleep.

    Parent Guides

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone — Blue

    Introduce your little one to the world of smart phones with the Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech®. With pretend apps, watch them call home, check the weather and organize their day… just like mom and dad! Includes sliding screen for two modes of play: learning and music.

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone Manual

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone — Pink

    Introduce your little one to the world of smart phones with the Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech®. With pretend apps, watch them call home, check the weather and organize their day… just like mom and dad! Includes sliding screen for two modes of play: learning and music.

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone — Pink Manual

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ — Pink

    The Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech® captures your child’s imagination with their very own smartphone for role-play fun! Slide between screens for two modes of play on this educational toy with twelve light-up pretend learning apps or switch to music mode to play fun melodies and sing-along songs. Vivid colors and a touch screen engage your child as they role-play by calling family, friends or even their stuffed animals. The «Home» button feature allows you to record and save your home number for learning. With a pretend calendar, clock and weather apps your baby learns about the day while the touch screen and slider builds hand/eye coordination. Your child will discover and explore with fun sounds and sing-along songs that introduce ABCs, 123s and first words. Its realistic role-play fun and learning on the go!

    User’s Manual

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™

    Introduce your little one to the world of smart phones with the Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech®. With pretend apps, watch them call home, check the weather and organize their day… just like mom and dad! Includes sliding screen for two modes of play: learning and music.

    80-146100 Touch & Swipe Baby Phone Parent Guide

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™

    The Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech® captures your child’s imagination with their very own smartphone for role-play fun! Slide between screens for two modes of play on this educational toy with twelve light-up pretend learning apps or switch to music mode to play fun melodies and sing-along songs. Vivid colors and a touch screen engage your child as they role-play by calling family, friends or even their stuffed animals. The «Home» button feature allows you to record and save your home number for learning. With a pretend calendar, clock and weather apps your baby learns about the day while the touch screen and slider builds hand/eye coordination. Your child will discover and explore with fun sounds and sing-along songs that introduce ABCs, 123s and first words. Its realistic role-play fun and learning on the go!

    80-146109 Touch & Swipe Baby Phone Parent Guide

    Touch & Teach Busy Books

    Animals, letters, colors, sounds and shapes magically come to life with the Touch & Teach Busy Books.

    Touch & Teach Busy Books Manual

    Touch & Teach Word Book — Pink

    The Touch & Teach Word Book™ by VTech® teaches your child letters and more than 100 words! Join Cody The Smart Cub™ and Cora The Smart Cub™ on the learning adventure that teaches your child vocabulary, letters, and music! Explore words with twelve different interactive pages that respond with sound to your child’s touch and develop word association skills. This kids’ word book features topics on home, food, clothes, the zoo and more! Fifteen melodies and more than 90 fun sounds stimulate auditory recognition and musical creativity. It’s interactive learning at your child’s fingertips!

    Touch & Teach Word Book — Pink Manual

    Touch & Teach Word Book™

    Discover the magic of words with the Touch & Teach Word Book™ by VTech®! Cody The Smart Cub™ and Cora The Smart Cub™ teaches letters and more than 100 words in four different activities. Twelve interactive pages come to life with the touch of a finger!

    Touch & Teach Word Book Manual

    Touch ‘n Teach Tablet

    Build baby’s language and discovery skills! Packed with colorful destinations all around town, Touch and Teach Tablet inspires vocabulary lessons enhanced with upbeat music and fun sound effects.

    Touch ‘n Teach Tablet Manual

    Touch Tablet Advanced

    Get in touch with learning with Touch Tablet Advanced! Kids who love games now love learning! A portable tablet and laptop computer in one teaches school-related subject matter, music and art through fun games that recognize skill levels and adapt.

    Touch Tablet Advanced Manual

    Tug & Teach Sailboat

    Come sail away and learn with the electronic Tug & Teach Sailboat by VTech! This interactive learning toy takes a classic bath favorite and adds educational innovations to teach baby about animals, sounds, and shapes.

    Tug & Teach Sailboat Manual

    Tune & Learn Boombox™

    Any time is tune time with the Tune & Learn Boombox™! Learn to the beat about music, numbers, instruments, and animal names and sounds. This cute, carry-along boombox-style learning toy is easy for little ones to operate. Manipulatives encourage fine motor development. Two easy-press buttons play piano and drum sounds. Spin the animal dial to get to know animal friends and learn about animals and numbers. Turn the music disc to hear sounds and music. Play three sing-along songs and 30 pop and country melodies to introduce your child to the world of music. Tune into learning! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-533300 Tune & Learn Boombox Instruction Manual

    Turtle’s Busy Day Soft Book™

    Get your baby’s learning story started with Turtle’s Busy Day Soft Book™! Meet Turtle’s animal friends and find a surprise on every interactive page. Each page offers something for your baby to discover: lift the flap, explore textures and sounds, and find the peek-a-boo mirror and caterpillar finger puppet. The exploration doesn’t stop there—your baby can press the three animal tabs to hear animal sounds, fun facts and words to help develop early language skills. A light-up heart button plays music and sing-along songs. The bright colors and patterns are a visual treat, and multiple textures help develop your baby’s sense of touch with embroidered details, and crinkly and soft materials. Fabric pages are surface washable. The book attaches to a stroller or infant carrier with the included C-ring. Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-536900 Turtle’s Busy Day Soft Book Manual

    Twinkle & Learn Tambourine

    Babies will shake, rattle, and roll to the music with the Twinkle & Learn Tambourine from VTech! This musical rattle teaches children the basics of rhythm, numbers and counting!

    Twinkle & Learn Tambourine Manual

    Twist & Teach Animal Cube™

    There’s more to explore with every twist of the retro-inspired Twist & Teach Animal Cube™. With four animals, four letters and four vehicles, this cube connects the letter A to alligator, B to bear and more. The cube cheers kids on as they find each color on the light-up buttons! Move each animal around so it gets to take a ride in an airplane, a dump truck, a car or a boat. The animal buttons keep kiddos engaged with lights, songs and first words for animals, letters, colors and more. Go ahead and twist! There are no wrong moves with the Twist & Teach Animal Cube™. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-558400 Twist & Teach Animal Cube Instruction Manual

    Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube™ (Pink)

    Get the building blocks of learning with the Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube™ by VTech®. This cube has five interactive sides and includes 13 double-sided letter blocks that provide a variety of developmental benefits for years of play. Insert the blocks into the letter recognition slot and the cube will show the letter on the LED screen and introduce it through a playful song. Drop the letter blocks into the chute and each block will be counted or will play sounds as it drops down the peg maze. Press the ten colorful shape buttons to learn about numbers, colors, shapes, animal names and sounds, and hear simple questions that will keep toddlers engaged. Other sides of the cube feature animals to slide or flip, block-sorter holes, gears and more. The cube also has storage to hold all the blocks when they’re done playing. Your little one will have fun exploring all the ways there are to learn!

    80-505050 Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube Parent Guide

    Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube™

    Get the building blocks of learning with the Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube™ by VTech®. This cube has five interactive sides and includes 13 double-sided letter blocks that provide a variety of developmental benefits for years of play. Insert the blocks into the letter recognition slot and the cube will show the letter on the LED screen and introduce it through a playful song. Drop the letter blocks into the chute and each block will be counted or will play sounds as it drops down the peg maze. Press the ten colorful shape buttons to learn about numbers, colors, shapes, animal names and sounds, and hear simple questions that will keep toddlers engaged. Other sides of the cube feature animals to slide or flip, block-sorter holes, gears and more. The cube also has storage to hold all the blocks when they’re done playing. Your little one will have fun exploring all the ways there are to learn!

    80-505000 Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube Parent Guide

    V.Flash: The Incredibles Mission Incredible

    You’ll gain entry into a secret training base where you can perfect your superpowers while learning science, electricity, states of matter, math skills, measurement, speed, distance and time.

    V.Flash: The Incredibles Mission Incredible Manual

    V.Reader Cartridge — Scooby-Doo

    Kids have a chance to solve a Scooby-Doo Mystery with this new story for the V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System from VTech! Children ages 5-7 will solve the Mummy Mystery while becoming independent readers.

    V.Reader Cartridge — Scooby-Doo Manual

    V.Reader Cartridge — SpongeBob *CLEARANCE*

    There’s always an adventure under the sea! In this new title for the V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System by VTech, join SpongeBob SquarePants on a mission of nautical nonsense as he starts his new job as a sponge model.

    V.Reader Cartridge — SpongeBob *CLEARANCE* Manual

    V.Smile Baby Infant Development System

    With the V.Smile™ Baby Infant Development System, your baby calls the shots by choosing the subjects he wants to watch, learn and interact with!

    V.Smile Baby Infant Development System Manual

    V.Smile Cyber Pocket

    Introducing the latest exciting addition to the V.Smile family — V.Smile Cyber Pocket! Now, kids can have all the video game action and learning of V.Smile, in a sleek, portable toy that goes everywhere they do.

    V.Smile Cyber Pocket Manual

    V.Smile Motion: Disney Fairies Tinker Bell

    Fly with Tinker Bell and her fairy friends through Pixie Hollow and help them prepare for Spring. Through playing with their V.Smile Motion educational toy, your child will make dewdrops, paint ladybugs and make flowers bloom while building key learning skills!

    V.Smile Motion: Disney Fairies Tinker Bell Manual

    V.Smile: Barney’s Land of Make Believe

    Join Barney, BJ and Baby Bop on a fun-filled journey to find the princess in the Land of Make Believe. By following Barney and his friends, preschoolers will learn letters, numbers, animals, problem solving, and much more.

    V.Smile: Barney’s Land of Make Believe Manual

    V.Smile: Blue’s Clues- Blue’s Collections

    Join everyone’s favorite blue dog as she takes you on a very special play date. Find the clues to Blue’s latest mystery by playing exciting activities with number, colors, shape, and logic skills. Blue’s world is chock full of creativity and fun for everyone!

    V.Smile: Blue’s Clues- Blue’s Collections Manual

    V.Smile: Bob the Builder Bob’s Busy Day

    With a child’s help Bob the Builder can lend a hand! From repairing roofs to hunting down tools, preschoolers engage in fun learning adventures that teach letters, counting, patterns, shapes and more.

    V.Smile: Bob the Builder Bob’s Busy Day Manual

    V.Smile: Care Bears A Lesson in Caring

    Discover the true meaning of caring! On this V. Smile smartridge, kids take a journey with the Care Bears through fun games that teach letters, numbers, counting, shapes, colors and more.

    V.Smile: Care Bears A Lesson in Caring Manual

    V.Smile: Disney Fairies Tinker Bell

    Fly with Tinker Bell and her fairy friends through Pixie Hollow. Help prepare for Spring; making dewdrops, painting ladybugs and making flowers bloom!

    V.Smile: Disney Fairies Tinker Bell Manual

    V.Smile: Scooby-Doo Funland Frenzy

    Solving mysteries with Scooby-Doo engages kids in exciting game play. Plus, the fun learning adventures on this V.Smile smartridge teach key skills in math, spelling, logic, matching and vocabulary.

    V.Smile: Scooby-Doo Funland Frenzy Manual

    V.Smile: SpongeBob SquarePants A Day in the Life of a Sponge

    Join SpongeBob and his friends as they wander through a typically wacky day at Bikini Bottom. Help SpongeBob flip patties at the Krusty Krab, surf down Sand Mountain with Sandy, and go jellyfishing in Jellyfish Fields. Can SpongeBob make it through a whole day without destroying anything or otherwise getting into trouble? You be the judge!

    V.Smile: SpongeBob SquarePants A Day in the Life of a Sponge Manual

    V.Smile: The Batman — Gotham City Rescue

    Keeping Gotham City free of crime is a full-time job, and it’s a job that Batman takes very seriously indeed. Join the Caped Crusader on his never-ending mission to keep Gotham City free of danger and villainy.

    V.Smile: The Batman — Gotham City Rescue Manual

    V.Smile: The Lion King Simba’s Big Adventure

    Journey through the Pridelands with Simba! Kids help this beloved lion cub through challenging games and fun adventures that teach animals, numbers, colors, shapes, size comparisons and more.

    V.Smile: The Lion King Simba’s Big Adventure Manual

    V.Smile: Wow Wow Wubbzy

    Help Wubbzy try to stop his pet Fleegle from destroying Wuzzleburg! Play against the game or head-to-head. Whatever you do, bring your skills because you’re going to need them as you encounter numbers, animals, colors, and logic games that need your thinking!

    V.Smile: Wow Wow Wubbzy Manual

    VM312-2 — Video Baby Monitor with Two Cameras and Night Vision

    This product is supported by VTechPhones.com. Select «Available on VTechPhones.com», for more product details, features, manuals and accessories.

    For customer service, please click here to visit VTechPhones.com support.

    VTech Fly and Learn Globe

    Young explorers and adventurers can jump right into the pilot’s seat to get a closer look at our living planet with the Fly & Learn Globe™.

    Fly & Learn Globe Manual

    Wiggle & Crawl Ball™

    Move and crawl with the animal friends on the Wiggle & Crawl Ball™ by VTech®. This interactive ball wiggles and wobbles on its own encouraging your little one to chase after it. Press the dog, cat and bear buttons to hone fine motor skills and learn about animals, colors and numbers through more than 45 playful songs, phrases and sounds. Five flashing lights attract your baby’s attention while spinning, twisting and sliding animals encourage interaction. Play and crawl with the moving ball!

    80-184900 Wiggle & Crawl Ball

    Winnie the Pooh Bounce ‘n Learn Honeypot

    With Winnie the Pooh’s A-to-Z letter blocks, Tigger’s bouncing enthusiasm and six interactive learning activities, your child will discover how to spell and say a honeypot full of new words!

    Winnie the Pooh Bounce ‘n Learn Honeypot Manual

    Winnie the Pooh Light-Up Alphabet Log

    Little minds engage in big challenges as they learn their ABCs with Pooh! Alphabet buttons and a light-up letter screen teach letters, phonics, objects and sounds, and a sing-along adds to the fun.

    Winnie the Pooh Light-Up Alphabet Log Manual

    Winnie the Pooh Press ‘n Play Learning Board

    Come to picnic with Pooh and his friends! This touch-sensitive learning board, with 50 intriguing objects your child will learn to identify, teaches letters, phonics, vocabulary, games and more.

    Winnie the Pooh Press ‘n Play Learning Board Manual

    Winnie the Pooh Slide ‘n Learn Storybook

    This story about Winnie the Pooh and friends speaks for itself. Songs and spoken content guide the way through the interactive teaching pages that engage with sliding, turning and peek-a-boo elements.

    Winnie the Pooh Slide ‘n Learn Storybook Manual

    Winnie the Pooh Slide ‘n Learn Storybook

    This story about Winnie the Pooh and friends speaks for itself. Songs and spoken content guide the way through the interactive teaching pages that engage with sliding, turning and peek-a-boo elements.

    Winnie the Pooh Slide ‘n Learn Storybook Manual

    Workout Buddies Bag™

    Pump up the fun with the Workout Buddies Bag™! Strengthen motor skills with at-home pretend gym equipment designed for little ones. Brightly colored workout gear includes a dumbbell, textured ball, water bottle rattle, crinkly towel and music player. Press the buttons on the music player and work out to three energizing songs, 20 melodies and smart phrases that introduce numbers, objects, colors and more. Put all the accessories inside the fabric gym bag for storage at home or to carry everything on the go. Let’s keep moving! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-548000 Workout Buddies Bag Instruction Manual

    Write & Learn Artboard

    Young artists and writers get a head start on this electronic drawing board. Interactive stencils encourage creative expression while they teach tracing, writing, vocabulary and the alphabet.

    Write & Learn Artboard Manual

    Write & Learn Doctor’s Bag

    Write, draw and learn with Doc! The Write & Learn Doctor’s Bag™ by VTech® is the perfect introduction to early writing and drawing. Your child can use the attached stylus to trace letters, numbers and shapes on the interactive touch screen as they develop early writing and independent play skills. Featuring Doc McStuffins’ voice, this educational toy comes with encouraging phrases, health tips and a «Get Well» card to engage your child with Doc and her friends!


    Write & Learn Letter Book

    Listen, read and write! This activity-filled phonics picture book engages early learners with reading, handwriting, counting and vocabulary-building activities on twenty interactive pages.

    Write & Learn Letter Book Manual

    Write & Learn Lightboard

    With light-up LEDs, stroke-recognition technology and ten exciting learning modes, this electronic writing board teaches children how to write all the letters of the alphabet step by step.

    Write & Learn Lightboard Manual

    Write & Learn Smartboard

    Like the best tutors, this board rewards little writers for their hard work. It magically recognizes the figures a child makes and coaches them through letters, numbers, drawing, music and more!

    Write & Learn Smartboard Manual

    Write & Learn Spellboard Advanced

    Put your child on the write path. She’ll learn to print, write, and spell like a pro with the Write & Learn Spellboard Advanced!

    Write & Learn Spellboard Advanced Manual

    Write & Learn Touch Tablet

    Take a walk on the wild side of learning with VTech’s Write & Learn Touch Tablet. This educational touch screen notepad teaches your child about letters and writing with safari animals and interactive learning games.

    Write & Learn Touch Tablet Manual

    Write & Learn Touch Tablet™

    A fun and easy way to learn writing skills, the Write & Learn Touch Tablet™ by VTech is an interactive tablet for kids that offers a progressive approach to handwriting to make learning fun, interactive and rewarding. Practice makes perfect with this electronic writing tablet.

    Write & Learn Touch Tablet Manual

    ID: 303426Артикул: CS-8315B

    Старая цена: 2660 руб.

    Артикул: CS-8315B

    Курьерская доставка:


    Радиоуправляемый робот Собачка — 8315B — это умные животные из серии «Милые Друзья» – это игрушка на пульте дистанционного управления (д/у) для детей от 3-х лет. 

    Как играть:

    • нажмите на носик и удерживайте более 3-х секунд для включения и выключения игрушки;
    • с помощью пульта д/у управляйте: вперед, назад, влево, вправо
    • поставьте игрушку на задние лапки и вращайте с помощью пульта д/у


    • Глазки светятся синим цветом;
    • Игрушка издает звуки;
    • Размер 20 см;
    • Работает от 3-х батареек типа ААА
    • Пульт управления работает от 2-х батареек типа ААА.


    • Игрушка
    • Пульт дистанционного управления

    Необходимо докупить:

    • 5 батареек типа ААА
    • ХарактеристикиХар-ки
    • Доставка
    • Оплата
    • Отзывы (0)
    • Вопросы (0)
    Бренд: CS Toys
    Категория: Животные, Роботехника
    Тип комплекта: RTR
    Цвет: Белый

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    Батарейка Duracell AAA 1,5V

    Защитная маска-респиратор KN95 4 слоя (1 шт)


    Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002 — это товар, который поставляется нами из Китая оптом и без посредников. Это делает наши цены необычайно низкими, а условия работы по дропшиппингу и вовсе самыми выгодными в России.

    Мы предлагаем индивидуальные условия сотрудничества организаторам совместных покупок. Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002 всегда в наличии на наших складах в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве, что обеспечивает быструю доставку по городу и во все регионы России.



    • Возраст


    • Материал

      ABS пластик

    • Размер упаковки

      25х23х11 см

    Доставка по Москве, Санкт-Петербургу и Екатеринбургу

    Самовывоз товара из пунктов выдачи:

    • Пункт выдачи в Санкт-Петербурге: Лиговский пр., дом 256, литера «В»
    • Пункт выдачи в Москве: Любой пункт выдачи СДЭК
    • Пункт выдачи в Екатеринбурге: ул. Черняховского, д 92, этаж 1

    Курьерская доставка

    • Стоимость доставки курьером — от 350 рублей.

    Подробнее об условиях самовывоза, интервалах и стоимости доставки курьеров можно узнать по ссылке.

    Доставка по России и в страны СНГ

    Доставка осуществляется транспортными компаниями СДЭК, ПЭК или Деловые Линии. Стоимость доставки согласно тарифам ТК. Доставка заказа до терминала ТК — 150 рублей. При заказе более 3000 рублей — бесплатно.Подробнее об условиях доставки по России можно узнать по ссылке.

    Порядок оплаты заказов

    • Самовывоз заказа до 3000 рублей стоит 150 рублей, заказ от 3000 рублей — бесплатно
    • При доставке курьером — предоплата или оплата при получении
    • При доставке по России транспортной компанией — 100% предоплата

    Способы оплаты заказа

    • наличными при получении
    • на карту банка
    • на расчетный счет
    • QIWI-кошелек
    • через систему WesternUnion

    Подробнее об условиях и способах оплаты можно узнать по ссылке.

    Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002

    Наша комиссия по дропшиппингу

    200 рублей за заказ

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    Если за месяц вы продали более 100 единиц по одноименному товару, то мы делаем перерасчет по
    этим заказам по соотвествующей цене, в данном случае цена как от 100 штук и разницу переводим
    вам на счет

    Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002


    мы рассмотрим вашу заявку и предложим оптимальные условия

    Что такое дропшиппинг

    Это способ реализации товаров, заключающийся в отправке товаров с нашего склада конечному покупателю, без вложений в закупку. То есть вы продаете товар, фактически не имея его в наличии, тем самым экономя на закупке и вкладывая больше средств в маркетинг. А также вы снимаете с себя заботу о закупках, обеспечении ассортимента, хранении и доставке товара до вашего покупателя. За все это отвечает интернет магазин дропшиппинг товаров — ОптоЛидер. 

    Наша комиссия не увеличивается в зависимости от количества товаров в корзине, она может быть только снижена по результатам нашей с вами работы.

    Наша услуга будет выгодна как для новичков, кто только пытается найти свою нишу, так и для крупных интернет магазинов с широким ассортиментом. Наша команда заинтересована в долгосрочном и взаимовыгодном сотрудничестве!

    Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002

    Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002
    по дропшипингу:

    Быстрый старт бизнеса без вложений!

    Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002 — это товар, который поставляется нами из Китая без посредников. Это делает наши цены необычайно низкими, а условия работы по дропшиппингу и вовсе самыми выгодными в России. Не сомневайтесь в заказе, в нашем интернет-магазине собраны только популярные товары с быстрой реализацией.

    Все, что вам необходимо — это сделать заказ на сайте и сообщить позвонившему менеджеру о желании работать на наших условиях. Также вы можете сами связаться с нашим менеджером по дропшиппингу. Он проконсультирует вас, ответит на интересующие вопросы, поможет быстро оформить заказ. Продавайте больше и получайте более выгодные условия!

    Наш менеджер по дропшиппингу:

    Максим Киселев

    Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002

    Она подходит абсолютно для всех: сайтов одностраничников, интернет-магазинов, всей оффлайн торговли! Мы работаем с первого заказа. Мы не требуем денежных холдов (внесения суммы на счет), у нас нет минимального количества закупок в неделю, нет никаких ограничений!

    Для начала работы нужно обсудить с менеджером, по каким товарам планируете работать, чтобы мы сделали бронь на складе и обеспечили наличие. Есть заказ на товар? Звоните, пишите и передавайте данные для отправки. Наши менеджеры ответят на все Ваши вопросы, а также помогут в выборе наиболее популярные товаров, опираясь на свой опыт и текущие тренды.

  • Объем
    Цена за шт
  • от 5 шт 965 р.
  • от 30 шт 903 р.
  • от 100 шт 857 р.
  • от 500 шт 849 р.
  • Интерактивная собака-робот Cute friends Smart Puppy D031-H05002 оптом

    Цена от:
    965 р.

    Набор мыльных роз с плюшевыми мишками всегда в наличии на наших складах в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве, что обеспечивает быструю отгрузку и доставку во все регионы России. Кроме того, мы предлагаем уникальные условия для организаторов совместных покупок. Мы ценим каждого клиента и предлагаем благоприятные условия для долгосрочного сотрудничества. Заказывайте больше, получайте цены еще ниже!

    Для кого подходит схема работы оптом

    Она подходит абсолютно для всех: сайтов одностраничников, интернет-магазинов, всей оффлайн торговли! Мы работаем с первого заказа. Мы не требуем денежных холдов (внесения суммы на счет), у нас нет минимального количества закупок в неделю, нет никаких ограничений!

    Для начала работы нужно обсудить с менеджером, по каким товарам планируете работать, чтобы мы сделали бронь на складе и обеспечили наличие. Есть заказ на товар? Звоните, пишите и передавайте данные для отправки. Наши менеджеры ответят на все Ваши вопросы, а также помогут в выборе наиболее популярные товаров, опираясь на свой опыт и текущие тренды.

    Наш менеджер по дропшиппингу:

    Максим Киселев

    Семь причин работать с нами:

    1. мы гарантируем низкие оптовые цены;
    2. вам не придется искать продукцию по низким ценам, ведь у нас самый низкий прайс;
    3. можно обменять не подошедшую покупку на другую или вернуть деньги;
    4. вся продукция высокого качества, независимо от вида, назначения и даже стоимости;
    5. наличие товаров на складе, что дает возможность быстрой доставки в конкретный момент;
    6. вам не придется искать товар: заказываете, мы мгновенно привозим;
    7. нет никаких дополнительных условий для сотрудничества, что делает возможность начать работу с нами прямо сейчас.

    Мы не обещаем, а работаем на:

    Достижение эффективного результат

    Предоставление максимально выгодных условий

    Предоставление максимально выгодных условий

    Не ищите условий лучше!

    Вы их просто не найдете. Мы надежны, стабильны и ответсвенны.
    Позвоните и станьте нашим постоянным партнером

    You can quickly download a product manual from this site. Just enter characters in the text field below to display products beginning with those characters or leave it blank to show all manuals. Adobe Acrobat is required to view and download manuals; if you do not have this program, click here to download the Adobe Reader.

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    754 manual(s) found for


    2-in-1 Roll & Discover Roller Drum™

    Only at Walmart! Drum up discoveries with the 2-in-1 Roll & Discover Roller Drum™. Curious kids can sit and explore five activity areas that introduce animals and numbers with songs and playful phrases. The zebra has black and white stripes! Get little fingers moving with gears to turn, rollers to spin and a slider to slide. Make your own music with different drum sounds, rattling beads and sound effects. Ready to roll? Push the drum and motion-activated sounds and music reward little ones and encourage them to crawl after it. Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    2 in 1 Roll & Discover Roller Drum Manual

    2-in-1 Toddle & Talk Turtle™

    Take a stroll with the 2-in-1 Toddle & Talk Turtle™! Playtime starts with entertaining and enriching floor play. Interactive learning buttons introduce numbers, music and turtle fun facts. Once your little one is walking, attach the handle and encourage them to push the turtle and watch what happens! The turtle bobs its head in and out, while the butterfly resting on the turtle’s back flaps its colorful wings. The faster kids walk, the faster the creatures move! Hear cute responses and playful sounds as your child pushes the toy. Encourage walking and exploration with an adorable, interactive turtle. Intended for ages 12–36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-547600 VTech 2-in-1 Toddle & Talk Turtle Instruction Manual

    3-in-1 Musical Band

    Create your own protege in training with VTech’s new 3-in-1 Musical Band! This electronic learning toy acts as three instruments and a music recorder, guaranteed to keep the whole family rockin’!

    3-in-1 Musical Band Manual

    3-in-1 Snuggle & Cuddle Lovey™

    Cuddle up to the three-in-one soft fawn, lovey blanket and pacifier holder with the 3-in-1 Snuggle & Cuddle Lovey™. With soothing nature sounds and music, this snuggly woodland creature brings comfort to your baby. Unfold the fawn to create a little lovey blanket with an attachment for the included leaf teething toy or a pacifier (not included). As babies reach for the teether toy and bring it to their mouths, they practice fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. The soft plush, embroidered features and textured teething leaf stimulate your baby’s senses. Soft lights and sounds help your baby learn to self-soothe with this cuddly companion. Includes 35+ songs, sounds, phrases and melodies. Machine washable with removable electronic module. Intended for ages Birth+. Requires 3 LR44 batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-536500 3 in 1 Snuggle & Cuddle Lovey Manual

    3-in-1 Tummy Time Roll-a-Pillar™

    Take tummy time play to the next level with the 3-in-1 Tummy Time Roll-a-Pillar™! With three ways to play, this soft caterpillar encourages your baby’s development from tummy time to crawling to rolling play. When your little one enjoys tummy time on the rolled-up caterpillar, neck, shoulder and back muscles are strengthened as they look in the peek-a-boo mirror and reach for the leaf rattle and owl teether toy. Unroll the caterpillar to reveal an attached playmat with soft padded fabric and ribbon tags to explore and crawl on. Roll the caterpillar up again to make an inviting object to reach for, and as your child pushes the caterpillar, it rolls across the floor with sounds and music! Tummy time, crawling and rolling the caterpillar all help your little one develop their gross motor skills. The interactive caterpillar teaches about feelings and animals with endearing phrases, helping develop your infant’s language skills. Let’s get on a roll with learning! Intended for ages Birth+. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-537000 3-in-1 Tummy Time Roll-a-pillar Manual

    3-in-1 Tummy Time to Toddler Piano™

    Take on tummy time with confidence with the 3-in-1 Tummy Time to Toddler Piano™! Help keep babies entertained and engaged while they work on building their tummy and neck muscles. As babies transition to learning to sit up, they can explore this little piano even more, pressing the keys and turning the page in the little book. Hear songs, melodies and first words about colors and animals. Flip the page and peer in the mirror. Babies love to see their own smiling faces! As babies turn into walkers, they can grab hold of the handle and take this piano with them everywhere they toddle. Let’s go! Intended for ages 3+ months. Surface washable. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    3-in-1 Tummy Time to Toddler Piano Instruction Manual

    ABC Building Block

    Learning letters, rhyming words and music couldn’t be any more exciting! A plush joystick lets baby control the learning through the light-up top on this colorful jumbo ABC block.

    ABC Building Block Manual

    Adventure Learning Globe

    Ready, set , blast-off with the Adventure Learning Globe! Choose from seven flight missions to learn about continents, oceans, animals, foreign languages and more! Plus, the wireless joystick allows control from several feet away, making it easy to explore at their own pace!

    Adventure Learning Globe Manual

    Alphabet Activity Cube With Bonus Blocks Set — Online Exclusive

    A vtechkids.com exclusive item! The Alphabet Activity Cube With Bonus Blocks is one of VTech’s top-rated infant & preschool learning toys. The cube offers your child endless hours of learning fun with five interactive sides. Activities that hit eight developmental stages make the Alphabet Activity Cube a toy that grows with your child.

    Alphabet Activity Cube With Bonus Blocks Set — Online Exclusive Manual

    Alphabet Activity Cube™

    The Alphabet Activity Cube is one of VTech’s top-rated infant & preschool learning toys. The cube offers your child endless hours of learning fun with five interactive sides. Activities that hit eight developmental stages make the Alphabet Activity Cube a toy that grows with your child.

    Alphabet Activity Cube Manual

    Alphabet Soup

    In the pot, you can store 26 letter blocks. In front of the soup pot, a soup bowl contains 3 slots for letter blocks and 3 LED lights to help guide the player.

    Alphabet Soup Manual

    Alphabet Tap Tap Bus

    Everyone gets a ride on this singing school bus! Spin the blocks for colorful lessons in all 26 letters. Then, switch the play mode and join light-up classmates for fun with phonics, colors or music.

    Alphabet Tap Tap Bus Manual

    Animal Adventures Ark™

    Get on board the Animal Adventures Ark by VTech®. Press the four light-up buttons to learn weather concepts, colors, and hear fun sing-along songs and classic melodies. The playset includes eight wobbling animals: tiger, hippo, giraffe, monkey, bear, alligator, bird and zebra that all store inside the ark. Drop the animals down the tunnel and the ark will count them to help your little one build counting skills. The ark features a turning starfish, a spinning helm, a peek-a-boo door and more. The pull cord lets your little explorer pull their animal friends around, then tucks away when they’re done. Time to set off on an adventure!

    80-504500 Animal Adventures Ark Parent’s Guide

    Animal Rhymes Music Book™

    The Animal Rhymes Music Book™ has so many twists, turns (and slides) that little ones will have a hard time putting it down! Easy-to-turn pages are beautifully illustrated with cute, colorful animals and include interactive play features that kids can move to keep them engaged and entertained. Each page plays a familiar nursery rhyme set to music so everyone can sing along. The flashing star twinkles along with the sounds. Encourage your child to press the colorful instrument buttons to add guitar, triangle, piano, drum and saxophone sounds to the music. The buttons also introduce new vocabulary with the instrument’s name and the color of the button. Extend playtime by choosing between two modes for playful nursery rhymes or cheerful musical responses. Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-166770 Animal Rhymes Music Book Instruction Manual

    Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise Rose™

    Meet the sweet Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise Rose™ in her garden and transform her from a brave fairy into a flower and back again. Imaginations will blossom in the wonderful world of flower fairies while listening to the confident doll talk about being a rose, going on adventures and more. Push down on Fairy Rose’s head to tuck her unto her flower pot and she’ll bloom into a lovely rose. Press the light-up bow on her pot and she’ll pop up again. Wobble and twirl Fairy Rose in her flower pot of for silly fun. Collect all the Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise dolls for a beautiful bouquet of unique personalities (each sold separately).

    Parent’s Guide

    Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise Sunflower™

    Meet the giggly Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise Sunflower™ in her garden and transform her from a funny fairy into a flower and back again. Imaginations will blossom in the wonderful world of flower fairies while listening to the friendly doll talk about being a sunflower, tell jokes and more. Push down on Fairy Sunflower’s head to tuck her into her flower pot and she’ll bloom into a lovely sunflower. Press the light-up bow on her pot and she’ll pop up again. Wobble and twirl Fairy Sunflower in her flower pot for silly fun. Collect all the Baby Amaze™ Blooming Surprise dolls for a beautiful bouquet of unique personalities (each sold separately).


    Baby Amaze™ Crawlin’ Cutie Doll™

    Your little one will love crawling and exploring with Baby Amaze™ Crawlin’ Cutie Doll™ by VTech®. This adorable baby doll crawls and encourages children to follow her. Shake the baby doll’s rattle or clap your hands to trigger the doll to start crawling. Your child can crawl along with the baby doll while hearing animal facts, or play the freeze game and stop crawling when the music stops. The doll can also recite nursery rhymes, sweet phrases and encourage kids to race with her. It’s crawling fun for little ones!

    80-190100 Baby Amaze Crawlin’ Cutie

    Baby Amaze™ Pretend & Discover Bunny™

    The Baby Amaze™ Pretend & Discover Bunny™ by VTech® loves to dress up as her favorite animal. Press the doll’s tummy and your little one will hear three songs about bunnies and a mini story. They’ll also learn fun facts about bunnies and how to count from one to five. Press the doll’s heart button to hear sweet and nurturing phrases, silly sound effects and playful music. Your little one will love caring for this adorable, plush doll. Play, pretend and learn with this huggable doll.

    80-184100 Baby Amaze Pretend & Discover Bunny 8.19.16

    Baby Amaze™ Sleep & Soothe Lullaby Doll™

    Have fun day or night with the Baby Amaze™ Sleep & Soothe Lullaby Doll™ by VTech®. Press the day button to hear sweet phrases, nursery rhymes and sing-along songs. Press the night button and rock the baby doll to sleep while listening to nature sounds and lullabies. The soft and huggable baby doll encourages nurturing role play and interaction. The baby doll comes with a pacifier that triggers baby sounds and a blanket that’s perfect for drifting off to dreamland. Good night, sleep tight!

    80-196600 Baby Amaze Sleep & Soothe Lullaby

    Baby Beats Monkey Drum™

    Drum up learning fun with the Baby Beats Monkey Drum™ by VTech®. As your little one taps on the drum, the monkey will move and play cool drum effects. The drum pad has two sensors and rewards your baby’s tapping with a variety of drum sounds and tunes. Press the light-up shape buttons to learn about animals, animal sounds and colors, and hear playful sing-along songs. Two modes of play include a learning mode that encourages your little one to interact with the drum by asking them to find animals or colors, or to press the flashing light. The music mode focuses on music play with a variety of fun songs and melodies. Play and learn to the beat of your own drum!

    80-503200 Baby Beats Monkey Drum

    Baby Tunes Music Player

    Color your little one happy, no matter what her mood with the very versatile Baby Tunes Music Player!

    Baby Tunes Music Player Manual

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop Pink

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop™ by VTech® encourages little ones to discover and learn on their very own laptop! Six colorful shape buttons light up the screen, and three learning modes teach letters, numbers, shapes and colors in English and Spanish—plus, baby will love the eight-direction moving mouse!

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop Pink Manual

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop™ by VTech® encourages little ones to discover and learn on their very own laptop! Six colorful shape buttons light up the screen, and three learning modes teach letters, numbers, shapes and colors in English and Spanish—plus, baby will love the eight-direction moving mouse!

    Baby’s Light-Up Laptop Manual

    Batter Up & Bowl Sports Arena™

    Hit a home run or bowl a strike with the Batter Up & Bowl Sports Arena™. This electronic sports center features a 2-in-1 play experience that helps build motor skills through imaginative play while introducing numbers, animals and early vocabulary. Swing the bat to hit the baseball and hear encouraging phrases and sounds, or roll the bowling ball to knock down the pins and see the cute peek-a-boo animals pop up. The light-up scoreboard displays the number of pins knocked down to help reinforce number concepts and plays a variety of animations with the voice, sound and musical responses. Press down each peek-a-boo animal to reset the pins or use the handy lever and reset all the pins together. Let’s play ball!


    Bluey Bluey’s Book of Games

    Let’s play! Turn the pages of Bluey’s Book of Games and pretend with Bluey and Bingo. Playful pups Bluey and Bingo love playing pretend using objects around the house. Fourteen pages encourage discovery and showcase Bluey and Bingo’s pretend-play adventures from the show. Press the large Bluey button to hear her say familiar phrases. Hear Bingo introduce their parents and herself by pressing the Bingo, Dad and Mum buttons. Want to play a game? Choose four different activities to play with Bluey and Bingo. In Story mode, Bluey wants to show you her favorite pretend-play games. Each page features a different game for you to explore together. Help Bluey find the four things needed to play each game in Play Together mode. Music time! Add sound effects to the melodies by pressing the four colorful light-up buttons in Music mode. Let’s play follow the leader. Bluey will ask you to find things in a specific order in Follow the Leader mode. Take the games on the go with the carrying handle. Let’s play together! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-541200 Bluey Book of Games Instruction Manual

    Bluey Ring Ring Phone

    Let’s play and chat with Bluey and Bingo on the Bluey Ring Ring Phone. Play games and activities that feature animations of the characters and popular phrases from the show. Press the buttons with pictures of Bluey, her family and friends to hear phrases about each one. Voice activation lets kids chat with Bluey and Bingo for interactive pretend play. Change the ringtone, brightness and more, just like a real phone. Play four games that feature themes from different episodes. If Bingo is in a bad mood, cheer her up by pressing the number buttons to play music she can dance to. Use the arrow buttons to help Bingo do a handstand. When Bluey pretends to be a fruit bat, press the arrows to help her catch fruit to eat. Help Bluey blow bubbles by blowing into the microphone. Let’s do this! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-554600 Bluey Ring Ring Phone Instruction Manual

    Bluey Wackadoo Watch — Bingo

    Let’s play with Bluey, Bingo and the Wackadoo Watch! This wristwatch for kids featuring Bingo includes eight digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear the voices of Bluey and Bingo guide you through games that include characters from the show. Bandit has wound Bingo up like a wind-up toy! Press the left and right buttons to help Bingo avoid obstacles that appear in the classroom. Bluey wants to play a game of keepy-uppy! Help Bluey keep a balloon off the ground by using the left and right buttons. At Hammerbarn, Bluey wants to buy the same thing as Bingo. Match an object with its shadow to find a matching item. See Bingo hide her plush bunny Floppy into one of three chickenrat eggs and mix them up. Watch carefully and choose the egg where Floppy is hidden. Time tools include a stopwatch, timer and alarm. Wackadoo! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-554560 Bingo Wackadoo Watch Instruction Manual

    Bluey Wackadoo Watch — Bluey

    Let’s play with Bluey, Bingo and the Wackadoo Watch! This wristwatch for kids featuring Bluey includes eight digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear the voices of Bluey and Bingo guide you through games that include characters from the show. Bandit has wound Bingo up like a wind-up toy! Press the left and right buttons to help Bingo avoid obstacles that appear in the classroom. Bluey wants to play a game of keepy-uppy! Help Bluey keep a balloon off the ground by using the left and right buttons. At Hammerbarn, Bluey wants to buy the same thing as Bingo. Match an object with its shadow to find a matching item. See Bingo hide her plush bunny Floppy into one of three chickenrat eggs and mix them up. Watch carefully and choose the egg where Floppy is hidden. Time tools include a stopwatch, timer and alarm. Wackadoo! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-554500 Bluey Wackadoo Watch Instruction Manual

    Bop & Learn Guitar

    Just the right size for tiny fingers and little learners! With each strum, the Bop & Learn Guitar drums in important lessons in numbers, colors, insects and more!

    Bop & Learn Guitar Manual

    Bounce & Discover Llama™

    Hop on the Bounce & Discover Llama™ and give little muscles and minds a mini-workout! This bouncy llama has a sturdy, stable base and an easy-grasp handle. A motion sensor activates songs, sounds and music as your child rides. Up-and-down bouncing and side-to-side turning actions help develop gross motor skills and promote strength and balance. Three learning buttons on the handle introduce colors, shapes and numbers along with playful phrases, lights and music. Pet the llama’s soft fabric ears and watch the beads shake in the dome as you bounce. Ooh-la-llama! Let’s go for a ride! Intended for ages 12–36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-547700 Bounce & Discover Llama Instruction Manual

    Bouncing Colors Turtle

    Ready, set, let’s bounce and learn! With the Bouncing Colors Turtle your child will have a great time, because the more they bounce, the more they learn. From colors to playful melodies, the fun is always bounciful with this adorable turtle learning toy.

    Bouncing Colors Turtle Manual

    Brilliant Creations Color Touch Tablet

    Your child can build essential skills through tablet play with the VTech Brilliant Creations Color Touch Tablet. This touch tablet for kids has 80 power packed activities that will engage your child as they learn.

    Brilliant Creations Color Touch Tablet Manual

    Bubbles the Learning Whale™

    Make bath time fun time with Bubbles the Learning Whale™ by VTech®! Surrounded by floating bubbles, children will learn about first words, colors, rhyming, sea animals and more. They’ll have a whale of a good time with this playful bath toy as they pop their way to aquatic, learning fun!

    Bubbles the Learning Whale Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book — Mr. Men/Little Miss

    It’s a talent show in Dillydale! The Mr. Men and Little Misses are trying to impress the judges in this silly tale new for Vtech’s Bugsby Reading System. Children will learn beginning reading skills while following the story of their favorite gang of friends.

    Bugsby Reading System Book — Mr. Men/Little Miss Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book — Penguins of Madagascar

    It’s time to move it, move it with the Penguins of Madagascar! New for VTech’s Bugsby Reading System, kids can read along to their favorite penguin character while building early reading skills.

    Bugsby Reading System Book — Penguins of Madagascar Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book — SpongeBob SquarePants: SpongeHenge

    What happens when SpongeBob becomes a musical sponge? You’ll have to read to find out in this new book for the VTech Bugsby Reading System. Either read along or with the interactive Bugsby Pen toy to see what wacky adventures SpongeBob experiences while building early reading skills!

    Bugsby Reading System Book — SpongeBob SquarePants: SpongeHenge Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book — The Little Engine That Could

    The mightly will overcome in this classic tale of The Little Engine That Could — new for VTech’s Bugsby Reading System. Children will learn early reading skills while following along with their favorite locomotive!

    Bugsby Reading System Book — The Little Engine That Could Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Bugsby and the Magical Museum

    Join Bugsby and Melissa on a reading adventure! Read along with Melissa and Bugsby to solve the mysteries of the museum! Practice reading skills like beginning sounds, punctuation, onomatopoeia, consonants, vowels, and adjectives.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Bugsby and the Magical Museum Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Bugsby’s Space Adventure

    Read along with Bugsby and Josh in Bugsby’s Space Adventure. Practice reading skills like rhyming, antonyms, capital & lowercase letters, and recognizing naming words & action words.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Bugsby’s Space Adventure Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Dora The Explorer

    Dora’s grandmother wants to make a photo album of all the seasons. Join Dora and Boots on an adventure through the 4 seasons as they explore and take pictures for Abuela’s new photo album.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Dora The Explorer Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Scooby-Doo

    Join Scooby and friends on a mystery reading adventure! Join your favorite meddling kids in a ghostly adventure that takes them to a haunted mine shaft and beyond.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Scooby-Doo Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Super Why Muddled-Up Fairy Tales

    Whyatt doesn’t have his own Fairy Tale! For use with the VTech Bugsby Reading System, join the Super Readers in finding the answer to Whyatt’s problem by building letter, spelling, phonics, and comprehension skills.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Super Why Muddled-Up Fairy Tales Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Wow Wow Wubbzy

    Join Wubbzy and friends on a reading adventure as they take the Wubbmobile on a journey deep inside the earth where they discover an exotic underground world filled with strange creatures and one elusive sparkle-stone ring.

    Bugsby Reading System Book- Wow Wow Wubbzy Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book-Word World Ducks Hiccups

    Oh No! Duck can’t get rid of his hiccups. For use with VTech’s Bugsby Reading System, travel around WordWorld and find Duck’s friends that can help cure him while learning letters, rhyming, and letter sounds.

    Bugsby Reading System Book-Word World Ducks Hiccups Manual

    Bugsby Reading System Book-Yo Gabba Gabba

    Shhh…it’s a surprise birthday party for Brobee! For use with VTech’s Bugsby Reading System, read along as the Gabba Gang use balloons, streamers, fun songs, snacks, and a Brobee cake to make this the best birthday party ever!

    Bugsby Reading System Book-Yo Gabba Gabba Manual

    Busy Learners Activity Cube™ — Pink

    Exploration and fun is around every corner with the Busy Learner’s Activity Cube by VTech®. Featuring five sides to explore, this play cube attracts your baby’s attention and encourages imaginative play with music, light-up buttons, colors and more. Shape and animal buttons introduce animal names, animal sounds and shapes. Press and slide musical instrument buttons introduce instrument names, sounds and colors. Sliding, spinning blocks promote interaction and fine motor skill development. This interactive cube also plays fun sounds when it’s moved. Plays 25 sing-along songs and melodies.

    80-150550 Busy Learners Activity Cube Parent Guide

    Busy Learners Activity Cube™- Purple

    Learn and play every day with the VTech® Busy Learners Activity Cube™! With five sides of discovery and 14 manipulative features, this interactive toy stimulates your baby’s senses and encourages them to twist, spin and press their way through fun learning activities.

    Busy Learners Activity Cube Manual

    Busy Learners Activity Cube™

    Learn and play every day with the VTech® Busy Learners Activity Cube™! With five sides of discovery and 14 manipulative features, this interactive toy stimulates your baby’s senses and encourages them to twist, spin and press their way through fun learning activities.

    80-150500 Busy Learners Activity Cube Parent Guide

    Busy Learners Activity Cube™

    Exploration and fun is around every corner with the Busy Learner’s Activity Cube™ by VTech®. Featuring five sides to explore, this play cube attracts your baby’s attention and encourages imaginative play with music, light-up buttons, colors and more. Shape and animal buttons introduce animal names, animal sounds and shapes. Press and slide musical instrument buttons introduce instrument names, sounds and colors. Sliding, spinning blocks promote interaction and fine motor skill development. This interactive cube also plays fun sounds when it’s moved. Plays 25 sing-along songs and melodies.

    User’s Manual

    Buzz & Friends Learning Laptop

    With the help of the Toy Story 3 gang, the Buzz & Friends Learning Laptop teaches children letters, phonics, vocabulary, memory games and more.

    Buzz & Friends Learning Laptop Manual

    Buzz Lightyear Learn & Go

    VTech’s Buzz Lightyear Learn & Go electronic learning toy is almost as good as mom and dad’s smartphone! This device combines fun with skill building in a handy and portable toy!

    Buzz Lightyear Learn & Go Manual

    Buzz Lightyear Star Command Laptop

    The Buzz Lightyear Star Command Laptop is an electronic learning toy that is jam packed with 30 activities that teach children basic reading skills, along with beginner Spanish.

    Buzz Lightyear Star Command Laptop Manual

    Buzz Lightyear Talk & Teach Phone

    VTech’s Buzz Lightyear Talk & Teach Phone is an educational toy that lets kids’ imaginations fly in the world of role-play fun while teaching numbers!

    Buzz Lightyear Talk & Teach Phone Manual

    Chilly Bug Teether™

    Teethe and listen to cheerful music with the Chilly Bug Teether™ by VTech®. This adorable toy caterpillar features two types of teethers to soothe sore gums. One is a soft, textured leaf-shaped teether that massages your little one’s gums. The other is an apple-shaped, water-filled chillable teether that cools and soothes. Both are easily removed for cleaning and sanitizing. Press the light-up music note button to activate playful songs, sounds, phrases and melodies. The caterpillar’s ring design is also perfect for little hands to grab and hold. Munch and have fun with the cute caterpillar.

    185200 Chilly Bug Teether Manual

    Chomp & Count Dino™

    Feed the Chomp & Count Dino™ a healthy treat! Put the eight brightly colored play pieces in the dino’s mouth, and watch as he eats and recognizes each piece. You can play in either meal mode or counting mode. The dino responds with rewarding sounds and phrases while introducing colors, numbers, shapes and food. Press the question button and answer the dino’s questions to show what you’ve learned. Learn shapes and numbers by pressing any of the dino’s five shape buttons. Pull the dino by the included pull string or push the dino along to strengthen motor skills and hear fun melodies. Spin the disc on the dino’s back to play sing-along songs. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Chomp & Count Dino Manual

    Chuggin’ Tunes Boat™

    Set sail in the bath with the Chuggin’ Tunes Boat™ by VTech®! This cute little boat will entertain your child with playful phrases, fun sounds, sing-along songs and cheerful melodies. You can also turn the flag at the back of the boat and spin the wheel round and round!

    Chuggin’ Tunes Boat Manual

    Chuggington Traintastic Laptop

    All aboard for some learning fun with your friends from Chuggington! The Chuggington Traintastic Laptop from VTech is an educational toy notebook that helps kids build basic skills in language, math, and so much more through a variety of learning games and activities.

    Chuggington Traintastic Laptop Manual

    Click & Count Remote White

    The Click & Count Remote™ by VTech® looks just like mom and dad’s TV remote control! Press the buttons and pretend to change the channel. Listen to music while learning numbers, colors and shapes. It’s infant learning and imitative play at the click of a button!

    Click & Count Remote Manual

    Click & Count Remote™ Pink

    The Click & Count Remote™ by VTech® looks just like mom and dad’s TV remote control! Press the buttons and pretend to change the channel. Listen to music while learning numbers, colors and shapes. It’s infant learning and imitative play at the click of a button!

    Click & Count Remote Pink Manual

    Click & Count Remote™

    The Click & Count Remote™ by VTech® looks just like mom and dad’s TV remote control! Press the buttons and pretend to change the channel. Listen to music while learning numbers, colors and shapes. It’s infant learning and imitative play at the click of a button!

    Click & Count Remote Manual

    CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Cody’s Bus & Track

    The wheels on the bus go round and round with Cody in the driver’s seat! Hop on and head to the first day of school. Hear Cody’s voice and sing-along songs from the show about school and sharing by giving him a pat on the head. How do you spell JJ’s best friend’s name? C-O-D-Y. That spells Cody! Explore cause and effect by driving Cody over the picture on the track piece. This SmartPoint® location lets Cody play more songs, sounds and phrases from the show that immerse little ones in a world of pretend play. Cody’s Bus & Track are part of a closed-track system. Add JJ’s Tractor & Track (sold separately) and play together for fun with family and friends. It’s a special day, hooray! Intended for ages 1.5+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-558000 CoComelon Go! Go! Smart Wheels Cody’s Bus & Track Instruction Manual

    CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® JJ’s House Track Set

    Don’t just watch CoComelon, live it! Get your child’s imagination going with a playhouse that looks like JJ’s home. Hop in the family car with JJ and zoom around the house on the easy-to-connect closed-track system. Attach the wagon to give Bingo and Pickles a ride. Driving around the track set, little ones practice motor skills while triggering cause-and-effect activities. What happens when they drive over the SmartPoint® pictures? Kiddos will hear songs, sounds and phrases that reinforce words they’re learning. Give JJ a pat on the head to hear his voice and sing-along songs from the show, like how to be kind to friends and have good manners. Head back to the house and open the front door to see Mom look out the window. Cody’s there too! Immerse little ones in a world of pretend play! Collect JJ’s Tractor or Cody’s School Bus (sold separately) and play together with family and friends. Have a good day! Intended for ages 1.5+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-557900 CoComelon Go! Go! Smart Wheels JJ’s House Track Set Instruc

    CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® JJ’s Recycling Truck & Track

    Help JJ keep the town clean and beautiful with the CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® JJ’s Recycling Truck & Track. JJ’s job is to collect waste and reuse it! Give him a tap on the head to hear his voice and songs about sorting trash and recycling. Anything recyclable? Explore cause and effect by driving JJ over the SmartPoint® picture on the track piece. This SmartPoint® location lets JJ play more sounds and phrases that immerse little ones in a world of pretend play. JJ’s Recycling Truck & Track are part of a closed-track system. Add other CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® characters and playsets (each sold separately) and play together with family and friends. Let’s help the earth! Intended for ages 1.5+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-561400 CoComelon Go! Go! Smart Wheels JJ’s Recycling Truck & Track Instruction Manual

    CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Nina’s Fire Truck & Track

    Whoop, whoop, it’s time for a fire drill with the CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Nina’s Fire Truck & Track. Put on a shiny, red fire hat and yellow fire coat, then hop into the big red fire truck. Pat Nina on the head to hear her voice and songs from the show CoComelon about the color red and fire trucks. It’s an emergency! Wee-hoo, wee-hoo, here comes the fire truck! Explore cause and effect by driving Nina over the SmartPoint® picture on the track piece. This SmartPoint® location lets Nina play more sounds and phrases that immerse little ones in a world of pretend play. Nina’s Fire Truck & Track are part of a closed-track system. Add other CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® characters and playsets (each sold separately) and play together with family and friends. Nina to the rescue! Intended for ages 1.5+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-561300 CoComelon Go! Go! Smart Wheels Nina’s Fire Truck & Track Instruction Manual

    CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Treehouse Track Set

    Have a tree-mendous time playing with JJ and the CoComelon™ Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Treehouse Track Set. This closed-track system is all you need for a playdate with JJ. Made for vehicles like JJ’s off-roader, this incredible treehouse features a fast ramp—buckle up for safety! Loop around the spiral track up to the treehouse to practice motor skills and wave to JJ’s family and friends. Pat JJ on the head to hear his voice and songs about learning directions like left and right. Experience cause and effect by driving over the SmartPoint® pictures on the tracks. These SmartPoint® locations let JJ play more sounds and phrases from the show CoComelon that reinforce words kids are learning. Use the movable ramp to connect to JJ’s House Track Set (sold separately) for added play for fun times with family and friends. Off-roading makes me happy! Intended for ages 1.5+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    CoComelon Go! Go! Smart Wheels Treehouse Track Set Instruction Manual

    Cody The Smart Cub™

    Cuddle, learn and play with Cody The Smart Cub™ by VTech®! Cody and your child will grow together, learning greetings, listening to bed time music and hearing special holiday and birthday wishes. Personalize Cody through VTech’s Learning Lodge™ with your child’s name, favorite stories and so much more!

    Click to see Cody and Cora the Smart Cubs available names for download

    Cody The Smart Cub™ Manual

    Count & Colors Bouncing Frog

    Bounce, move and learn with the Count & Colors Bouncing Frog™ by VTech®! This playful, rhyming toy teaches children counting and colors with fun phrases, silly sounds and cheerful melodies. As they twist and bounce for active play, they’ll also develop their balance and gross motor skills. Watch your child bounce their way to learning fun!

    Count & Colors Bouncing Frog Manual

    Count & Dive Penguins™

    Waddle and dive into learning fun with the Count & Dive Penguins from VTech! With this electronic learning bath toy, your toddler can learn about numbers in the bath as they play with these polar pals.

    Count & Dive Penguins Manual

    Count & Hug Bug

    The Count & Hug Bug™ by VTech® is sure to keep baby busy! This soft, plush ladybug has six legs and flapping wings, making it easier for little hands to grasp. Equipped with a motion sensor that plays fun sounds, the Count & Hug Bug™ encourages tossing, catching and plenty of learning fun…especially when on-the-fly!

    Count & Hug Bug Manual

    Count & Learn Alphabet Bus™

    The interactive Count & Learn Alphabet Bus™ by VTech® will take your child on a fun learning adventure. Kids can place each of the twenty-six letter blocks and ten number blocks into the yellow school bus and hear the bus respond with letters, phonics, numbers and colors. You can even personalize this friendly alphabet bus to recognize your child’s age and the first letter of their name every time they plug in that number or letter. Fun games keep little learners entertained as they’re introduced to counting, everyday words and more. They’ll also enjoy a musical journey with more than 20 melodies, and the motion sensor triggers fun sounds when the bus is pushed along.

    168900 Count & Learn Bus

    Count & Learn Turtle™

    Encourage early math skills with the Count & Learn Turtle™ by VTech®. Press the light-up number buttons to hear the friendly turtle count and say each number. Choose the addition activity, and the turtle will help your child add two numbers and light up the correct number of buttons. The turtle also features two rollers that introduce shapes, colors and instruments and will add fun sounds into the melodies and sing-along songs in the music activity. For even more learning fun, switch to Spanish mode and the turtle will teach numbers, counting, colors, shapes and instruments in Spanish. Exercise your child’s memory and hand-eye coordination skills by having them watch the buttons light up one by one and then repeating the sequence. Learn early math skills and more with a cute turtle!

    80-178100 Count & Learn Turtle Manual

    Count & Roll Tree

    3-2-1 learning is fun with the Count & Roll Tree™ by VTech®! Colored balls hop, slide and take a ride to teach numbers and counting. Children will love hearing familiar melodies and playful phrases as they learn colors and develop motor skills. Let’s count and roll!

    Count & Roll Tree Manual

    Count & Sing Bakery™

    Stir up the fun with the Count & Sing Bakery™ from VTech®. Pretend to mix ingredients together to make a colorful cake, and then bake it in the toy oven. When the cake is done, place the pieces on the interactive cake stand to learn about numbers, colors and fruit. Spin the cake stand around to hear fun sounds and music. Three cookie buttons play music and introduce shapes and letters. Turn the page of the cookbook and hear fun phrases and songs. The bakery also includes a bowl, spoon, knife and food pieces to encourage imaginative play.


    Count & Win Sports Center™

    Win the learning game with the Count & Win Sports Center™. Toddlers get their muscles moving with a soccer ball to exercise their legs and feet, and a basketball to get little arms and hands working. Make a basket! It’s easy to practice counting with a basket that keeps the score. One, two, three! Pull down the basket for a slam dunk. Score a goal! The friendly goalie will cheer you on with encouraging phrases. The animated LED scoreboard keeps the learning and the energy going. Little fingers get a fine-motor workout, too, with buttons to press, gears that turn and a trophy that slides back and forth. Learn about shapes, colors, numbers and good sportsmanship as you enjoy 65+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Toddlers grow fast, and this sports center grows with them with two adjustable height levels. Get your child a gift they’ll be able to use for months to come. Count on it! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-533500 Count and Win Sports Center Parent Guide193800

    Count with Me Hippo

    1-2-3 toss! VTech’s Count with Me Hippo creates fun with numbers as your toddler plays exciting and colorful number and toss games!

    Count with Me Hippo Manual

    Counting Fun Elephant

    Your infant will have a ball with VTech’s Counting Fun Elephant learning toy featuring an air-fountain that teaches your child the basics of numbers along with sounds and colors!

    Counting Fun Elephant Manual

    Crawl & Cuddle Fire Truck™

    Little ones will love watching the Crawl & Cuddle Fire Truck™ by VTech® wobble and move across the floor. In motor mode, this plush fire truck wiggles, moves forward and plays music to encourage children to crawl. Press the smiling face windshield button or any of the three vehicle buttons to hear letters, sounds, music and phrases about vehicles. This huggable fire truck’s soft exterior makes it fun to cuddle and provides tactile stimulation with two types of fabric. For role-play fun, the truck also has a ladder that can be lifted up. Cuddle, crawl and learn with the adorable fire truck.

    80-188300 Crawl & Cuddle Fire Truck

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs Pink

    Baby can play all day with the VTech Crazy Legs Learning Bugs educational toy! The mama ladybug comes with six shape pieces that your child can sort and pop into the appropriate slots on the bug’s body!

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs Pink Manual

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™

    Baby can play all day with the VTech Crazy Legs Learning Bugs educational toy! The mama ladybug comes with six shape pieces that your child can sort and pop into the appropriate slots on the bug’s body!

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs Manual

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™ (Pink)

    Wobbly surprises await with the Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™ interactive pull toy! Children can sort and pop shapes as they sit on the floor and use the storable cord to pull it when they start to toddle. This adorable bug has four easy-grasp, colorful shape blocks for sorting. Place them in the matching slots on mommy ladybug’s back to learn about shapes, colors, numbers and nature objects. Press down on the baby ladybug on mommy bug’s back to pop blocks out after they’re sorted! Meet two buggy friends and hear playful music and sounds when you press the light-up buttons on the bug’s back. Little nature lovers get a leg up on learning! With 35+ sounds and phrases, children hear about nature, shapes and colors in Learning mode. In Music mode, listen to 15+ songs and melodies such as Flight of the Bumble Bee and Old MacDonald. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Parent’s Guide

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™

    Wobbly surprises await with the Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™ interactive pull toy! Children can sort and pop shapes as they sit on the floor and use the storable cord to pull it when they start to toddle. This adorable bug has four easy-grasp, colorful shape blocks for sorting. Place them in the matching slots on mommy ladybug’s back to learn about shapes, colors, numbers and nature objects. Press down on the baby ladybug on mommy bug’s back to pop blocks out after they’re sorted! Meet two buggy friends and hear playful music and sounds when you press the light-up buttons on the bug’s back. Little nature lovers get a leg up on learning! With 35+ sounds and phrases, children hear about nature, shapes and colors in Learning mode. In Music mode, listen to 15+ songs and melodies such as Flight of the Bumble Bee and Old MacDonald. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Parent’s Guide

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs™

    A cute pull-along pair goes with baby everywhere. Six light-up shapes attached to little bug’s noodle legs fit in the big bug’s sorter slots to teach shapes, numbers, colors and music.

    Crazy Legs Learning Bugs Manual

    Cruise & Learn Car™

    Hop in and learn with the Cruise & Learn Car™ by VTech®. Your child will love exploring multiple learning activities using the LCD screen. These fun, driving-themed games introduce numbers, letters, phonics, road safety and more with fun animations and sounds.

    169100 Cruise & Learn Car Manual

    Crystal Sounds DECT Digital Monitor

    The Crystal Sounds Digital Monitor uses Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication 6.0 (DECT 6.0) technology for clear, interference free sound! Includes one nursery unit and one parent unit.

    Crystal Sounds DECT Digital Monitor Manual

    Cuddle & Sing Cody™

    Cuddle & Sing Cody™ by VTech® is a cute plush toy that encourages learning in so many ways. Press the pocket-shaped buttons and watch them flash while introducing numbers, colors and objects to promote language development. Your little one can also learn new words and songs as Cody sings. Pull on his zipper to develop fine motor skills. Feel his soft fur and interesting textures for tactile stimulation. This cute plush bear can go wherever your child goes with an infant-friendly fastener that easily attaches to a crib or car seat. The snuggles never stop with Cody The Smart Cub®!

    165700 Cuddle & Sing Cody Manual

    Cuddle & Sing Cora™

    Cuddle & Sing Cora™ by VTech® is a cute plush toy that encourages learning in so many ways. Press the pocket-shaped buttons and watch them flash while introducing numbers, colors and objects to promote language development. Your little one can also learn new words and songs as Cora sings. Pull on her zipper to develop fine motor skills. Feel her soft fur and interesting textures for tactile stimulation. This cute plush bear can go wherever your child goes with an infant-friendly fastener that easily attaches to a crib or car seat. The snuggles never stop with Cora The Smart Cub®!

    165750 Cuddle & Sing Cora Manual

    Cuddle & Sing Puppy™ (Pink)

    Snuggle up with the Cuddle & Sing Puppy™. Press the buttons on the friendly puppy to hear sing-along songs, playful melodies and fun phrases. Hear first words for numbers and all about the puppy’s house, toys and bone. The soft puppy features different textures to stimulate the sense of touch. The adorable puppy attaches to strollers, diaper bags and carriers for play at home or on the go.

    80-502300 Cuddle & Sing Puppy Product Manual

    Cuddle & Sing Puppy™

    Snuggle up with the Cuddle & Sing Puppy™. Press the buttons on the friendly puppy to hear sing-along songs, playful melodies and fun phrases. Hear first words for numbers and all about the puppy’s house, toys and bone. The soft puppy features different textures to stimulate the sense of touch. The adorable puppy attaches to strollers, diaper bags and carriers for play at home or on the go.

    80-502300 Cuddle & Sing Puppy Product Manual

    Cuddle & Swing Monkey™

    Playtime is in full swing with the Cuddle & Swing Monkey™. This bright and colorful plush monkey is visually engaging while the variety of materials and textures provide tactile stimulation. Shake this cute and cuddly plush pal to trigger lights and silly sounds. The giggly monkey has a twinkling heart button on his tummy that lights up as it plays endearing phrases, playful songs and cheerful music. The soft banana teether helps soothe teething gums while the baby-safe, apple-shaped mirror is perfect for playing peek-a-boo. The plush monkey features a washable surface with removable electronics. Attach the cute monkey toy to strollers and infant carriers for fun and giggles on the go! Intended for birth+. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-513400 Cuddle and Swing Monkey Parent Guide

    Cuddle & Teethe Bunny™

    Soothe your little one with the Cuddle & Teethe Bunny™ by VTech®. This soft plush bunny features a brightly colored, removable lovey blanket with tags and textured fabric. In play mode, press the carrot button and the bunny will say cute interactive phrases and playful sounds. Switch to soothing mode and the bunny helps relax your baby with calming music. Two teethers on the lovey help soothe sore gums with soft, textured plastic. Snuggle and teethe with the cute bunny!

    80-185700 Cuddle & Teethe Bunny

    Cutie Paws Puppy Stroller™

    Take your adorable plush puppy for a walk with the Cutie Paws Puppy Stroller™. This interactive stroller features an adjustable canopy and a tray to hold the accessories you need to style and care for your furry friend, including a pretty pink bandana, a bowl for food or water, a shampoo bottle, a brush and a hair dryer. Press the light-up buttons to explore counting, colors, objects, phonics and more. Listen to sing-along songs and melodies while you push the puppy in the stroller. With three ways to play, this stroller is packed with puppy love and role-play fun!

    Parent’s Guide

    Dancing Doggie Music Player™

    Press the Dancing Doggie Music Player™ music button and start grooving! This adorable dancing puppy rocks, sings and plays the guitar. Explore the drum, piano and saxophone buttons while listening to 30 melodies in classical, jazz and pop music styles. Then, press the music button to hear three songs. Two colorful lights flash with the music, attracting your little one’s attention. Grab this music player and never miss a chance to dance!


    DigiArt Spirals & Sounds™

    Create unique spiral art designs with DigiArt Spirals & Sounds™. Place a piece of letter size paper (not included) inside the electronic art board, choose an animal stencil, then use one of the five included gears and the marker to make fun and intricate spiral patterns. Place an animal stencil in the board and press the talk button to hear creative encouragement, fun facts and a silly rhyme about the animal. Roll a gear inside the animal stencil to trigger funny sounds. Switch to music mode to hear 20 cheerful melodies while you create. Let your creativity soar with spirals! Includes electronic art board, four animal stencils, five spiral gears, and one marker


    Discovery Nursery Farm

    It’s fun on the farm with VTech! Your infant will be singing and dancing with the Discovery Nursery Farm learning toy where all of their favorite barnyard animals come to life and teach your child music and instruments.

    Discovery Nursery Farm Manual

    Discovery Nursery Farm

    Old MacDonald comes to life! Baby’s farm friends teach the classic nursery rhyme and swing to the music. Interactive learning fun lets baby turn the colorful pages and play the light-up piano keys.

    Discovery Nursery Farm Manual

    Disney Doc McStuffins Discover & Learn Big Book of Boo-Boos

    The Doc is in, so let’s get learning with the Disney Doc McStuffins Discover & Learn Big Book of Boo-Boos by VTech®. Touch the interactive pages to learn words, beginning letters, health tips and listen to music and sounds with Doc and her friends.

    Disney Doc McStuffins Discover & Learn Big Book of Boo-Boos Manual

    Disney Junior Mickey — Mickey Mouse Learning Watch

    It’s time for an adventure with the Disney Junior Mickey — Mickey Mouse Learning Watch! This wristwatch for kids features eight digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse guide you through the games. Ride the Floaty Coaster with Mickey Mouse and friends. Answer basic math questions to send the coaster into the Funhouse Forest. Watch Mickey Mouse and his friends doing stretches and choose the one whose stretches don’t match the others. Minnie Mouse is locked in a maze! Use the arrow buttons to help her find her way out of the maze. Help Minnie Mouse and her friends navigate the funhouse by choosing the correct shape on the doors. Clock faces feature Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Teddy and Funny the Funhouse. Time tools include a stopwatch, timer, alarm and cuckoo clock. Hooray! Intended for ages 3+ years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-554200 Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Learning Watch Instruction Manual

    Disney Junior Minnie — Minnie Mouse Learning Watch

    It’s time for an adventure with the Disney Junior Minnie — Minnie Mouse Learning Watch! This wristwatch for kids features eight digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse guide you through the games. Minnie Mouse is locked in a maze! Use the arrow buttons to help her find her way out of the maze. Help Minnie Mouse and her friends navigate the funhouse by choosing the correct shape on the doors. Ride the Floaty Coaster with Mickey Mouse and friends. Answer basic math questions to send the coaster into the Funhouse Forest. Watch Mickey Mouse and his friends doing stretches and choose the one whose stretches don’t match the others. Clock faces feature Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Teddy and Funny the Funhouse. Time tools include a stopwatch, timer, alarm and cuckoo clock. Hooray! Intended for ages 3+ years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-554260 Disney Junior Minnie Mouse Learning Watch Instruction Manual

    Disney Mickey Mouse Funhouse Explore & Learn Book

    It’s story time! Go on imaginative adventures with the Disney Mickey Mouse Funhouse Explore & Learn Book. Read along and travel with Funny the Funhouse as he takes Mickey Mouse and friends to the desert, the ocean and to meet a dragon. While exploring each exciting location, discover the names of different objects to build vocabulary. Let’s play a game to find the things in the story! Listen to Mickey Mouse list objects from your adventures and find them in the correct order. Play music inspired by the show and get creative by pressing the light-up buttons to add sounds to the melodies. Hear Mickey Mouse’s real voice and listen to him talk about his friends Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy. Take the stories on the go with the handle. Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-554000 Mickey Mouse Funhouse Learning Book Instruction Manual

    Disney Minnie ABC Fashion Purse

    Learn in style with the ABC Fashion Purse™ by VTech®. Move the activity slider to choose one of seven learning games. Minnie Mouse’s voice encourages children while they learn letters, numbers, problem solving and more. Each light-up letter button on the toy purse also plays a different melody, and the ten number buttons play piano notes. This fashionable purse also has a carrying handle so your little fashionista can take learning on the go!

    ABC Fashion Purse Manual

    Dora Alphabet Journey

    The Dora the Explorer™ Alphabet Journey™ by VTech® takes your young adventurer on a journey of discovery with six interactive games, cheerful melodies and sound effects! Your child will explore letters, numbers, basic math skills, colors, shapes, logic and more. Press the Dora character button to interact with the activities. We’re off on an alphabet journey with Dora the Explorer™…¡Vámonos! Let’s go!

    Dora Alphabet Journey Manual

    Dora TV Adventure Globe

    Pictures are missing from Dora’s parents photo album. Travel around the world with Dora and Boots as they try to replace the precious photos!

    Dora TV Adventure Globe Manual

    Drill & Learn Toolbox™ Deluxe

    Fix, play and create with the Drill & Learn Toolbox™ Deluxe! Open this 34 piece toddler-friendly toolbox and get ready for repair role-play with the included electronic fix-it tray, working toy drill, a variety of tools including a pretend flashlight and walkie-talkie and 14 screw plates for creative play. Press the light-up buttons on the tray to trigger cheerful songs and phrases that introduce tools, how they’re used and the sounds they make. Turn the colorful gears to hear clicking sounds or use the working toy drill to make them spin. Insert the double-sided instruction cards and learn about colors and numbers while pretending to make repairs. Explore creativity by using the screw plates and screws to build cool creations. Discover tons of fix-it fun with this learning toolbox! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-178270 Drill and Learn Toolbox Deluxe Parent Guide

    Drop & Go Dump Truck™

    Learning is tons of fun with the Drop & Go Dump Truck™. Drop a colorful rock into the top of this cute toy dump truck, and watch it tumble into the bucket. Your little one will learn numbers as the interactive truck counts each rock. Once the rocks are in the bucket, push or pull the truck along to see the rocks rumble inside. Then, lift the hinged bucket to unload the rocks and start again while developing motor skills. The dump truck also includes 3 colorful buttons that play melodies, phrases and teach tools and colors. Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    166500 Drop & Go Dump Truck Manual

    Explore & Crawl Learning Cub™

    Follow the giggling Explore & Crawl Learning Cub™ by VTech®! This adorable plush bear encourages your little one to crawl after him as he moves across the floor. Press the heart-shaped button and the bear will begin to crawl away while saying fun and encouraging phrases. The crawling bear also introduces colors, shapes and plays songs with the press of four soft buttons. His cheerful ladybug friend attracts babies’ attention and encourages interaction with a flashing light.


    Farm Fun Storybook™

    It’s time to get to work on the farm! Enjoy reading or hearing the story read aloud with the Farm Fun Storybook™. Chunky tabs make it easy to turn and discover five illustrated pages about a farmer completing his chores. Press the light-up face button to hear different responses on each page, or press the music button to play 15 different classic melodies. This cheerful storybook features fun sounds, playful phrases and three sing-along songs. Rise and shine, and play on the farm!


    First Responder Smart Rescue Set™

    Be a helping hero, ready to jump into action with the First Responder Smart Rescue Set™. Kiddos can banish the boo-boos on their family, friends, dolls and stuffed animals with this 15-piece kit—and get comfortable with going to the doctor! Dress up like a first responder, grab your interactive healthcare tablet and let’s go. Explore medical tools, the human body and common sicknesses using the touch points on the tablet. Let’s see how the patient is doing with the check-up button! Find the right tools to check your patient’s symptoms, then see how to help them feel better. Use the play stethoscope to listen to their heart and lungs, then check for a fever with the thermometer. With the otoscope, have a look in your patient’s eyes, ears, nose and throat. When your first responder shift is done, pack up your tools and accessories and place them all in the medic bag, ready for next time. Intended for ages 2–5 years. Require 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-552160 First Responder Smart Rescue Set Instruction Manual

    Fix-It Buddies Toolbox™

    Friendly faces and fun voices make the Fix-It Buddies Toolbox™ a favorite with handy little helpers. The toolbox, hammer, saw and screwdriver each have unique voices and songs. Put a tool in its slot to hear encouraging, playful phrases. Tap the nail with the hammer, cut the wood with the saw, and twist the screw with the screwdriver to learn about colors and tools. When toddlers use the tools, cheerful character cards pop up at the back of the toolbox. Fix-it jobs just got more fun! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use


    Flipsies — Carina’s Mini Golf & Check-Up Table

    Carina dreams of becoming a doctor! Flipsies™ Carina’s Mini Golf & Check-Up Table is a 2-in-1 playset that transforms from a mini golf course where Carina can practice her swing to a doctor’s check-up table. Collect Carina’s friends and they can switch clothes, wigs and accessories for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Carina’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Carina on the MagicPoint™ on her playset or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately) and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Carina’s Mini Golf & Check-Up Table Manual

    Flipsies — Eva & her Bunny

    Flipsies™ Eva & her Bunny is a 2-in-1 doll that magically gets to live out her dream of becoming a veterinarian. Eva has two wigs, two outfits and other accessories that let your child transform Eva from a girl who loves animals into a veterinarian. Collect Eva’s friends and they can switch clothes and wigs for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Eva’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Eva on the MagicPoint™ next to her bunny’s basket or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately) and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Eva & her Bunny Manual

    Flipsies — Eva’s Tree House & Vet Center

    Eva dreams of becoming a veterinarian! Flipsies™ Eva’s Tree House & Vet Center is a 2-in-1 playset that transforms from a tree house where she can hang out with her friends to a vet center where she can take care of her pony Hazel and other animals! Collect Eva’s friends, and they can switch clothes, wigs and accessories for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Eva’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Eva on the two MagicPoint™ locations on her playset or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately) and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Eva’s Tree House & Vet Center Manual

    Flipsies — Jazz & her Drum Set

    Flipsies™ Jazz & her Drum Set is a 2-in-1 doll that magically gets to live out her dream of becoming a rock star. Jazz has two wigs, two outfits and other accessories that let your child transform Jazz from a girl who loves applause into a rock star. Collect Jazz’s friends and they can switch clothes and wigs for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Jazz’s necklace to see it l

    Jazz & her Drumset Manual

    Flipsies — Sandy & her Surfboard

    Flipsies™ Sandy & her Surfboard is a 2-in-1 doll that magically gets to live out her dream of becoming a marine biologist. Sandy has two wigs, two outfits and other accessories that let your child transform Sandy from a girl who loves being in the water into a marine biologist. Collect Sandy’s friends and they can switch clothes and wigs for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Sandy’s necklace to see it light-up to experience her friendly personality. Place Sandy on the MagicPoint™ on her surfboard or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately), and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Sandy & her Surfboard Manual

    Flipsies — Sandy’s House & Ocean Cruiser

    Sandy dreams of becoming a marine biologist! Flipsies™ Sandy’s House & Ocean Cruiser is a 2-in-1 playset that transforms from a beautiful house where she can spend time with her friends to an ocean cruiser that she can use to explore ocean life! Press the charm on Sandy’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Sandy on the eight MagicPoint™ locations on her playset or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately), and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. Collect Sandy’s friends (each sold separately), and they can switch clothes, wigs and accessories for more fun styles. When Sandy and one of her friends are on the MagicPoint™ locations at the dining table, they will chat with each other. Connect the slide and zip line for even more fun! Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Sandy’s House & Ocean Cruiser Manual

    Flipsies — Styla’s Salon & Fashion Boutique

    Styla dreams of becoming a fashion designer! Flipsies™ Styla’s Salon & Fashion Boutique is a 2-in-1 playset that transforms from a salon where Styla can chat and style her friend’s hair to a fashion boutique where she can sell her handmade fashions! Collect Styla’s friends and they can switch clothes, wigs and accessories for more fun styles (each sold separately). Press the charm on Styla’s necklace to see it light-up and to experience her friendly personality. Place Styla on the two MagicPoint™ locations on her playset or other MagicPoint™ locations on Flipsies™ playsets (each sold separately) and she’ll respond with playful phrases unique to her own personality. When Styla and one of her friends are on the MagicPoint™ locations in the salon, they will chat with each other. Let your dreams shine with Flipsies™!

    Styla’s Salon & Fashion Boutique Manual

    Fun Shapes Jewelry Box

    Keep all your sparkles and perfume together in the VTech Fun Shapes Jewelry Box! This shape sorting box will transport girls into fun role-play adventures while teaching shapes, colors, and numbers.

    Fun Shapes Jewelry Box Manual

    Garden Bugs 2-in-1 Magic Mobile

    Play time is twice as much fun with the VTech Garden Bugs 2-in-1 Magic Mobile™. This 2-in-1 toy easily converts from a portable mobile to a rattle with the greatest of ease!

    Garden Bugs 2-in-1 Magic Mobile Manual

    GearZooz™ 2-in-1 Jungle Friends Gear Park™

    Take a spin through the GearZooz™ 2-in-1 Jungle Friends Gear Park™ and jam with the animals. Turn the gears on the 2-in-1 activity center to strengthen fine motor skills and explore cause and effect relationships while listening to music, songs and animal sounds. Place a friendly Smart Gear™ animal on the stage to hear playful melodies and responses while watching an exciting light show. Five play modes keep your little one busy, and colorful piano keys introduce colors, numbers, instruments and more. Turn the table over and use your creativity to connect and twist the gears!


    GearZooz™ GearBuddies Lion & Mouse™

    Go for a friendly spin with the GearZooz™ GearBuddies Lion & Mouse™. Connect the Smart Gear™ mouse and turn the handle to watch the gears spin! Placing the mouse on the lion’s back triggers fun phrases and stories. Turn the handle gear to hear a melody, then turn the handle faster and faster to speed up the melody! Press the light-up button to hear fun stories, or roll the lion to hear playful sing-along songs. Then, mix and match with other GearZooz™ playsets (sold separately) for more gear-rific fun!


    GearZooz™ Spin & Laugh Gearaffe™

    Shift playtime and learning into high gear with the friendly GearZooz™ Spin & Laugh Gearaffe™ by VTech®. Kids can customize the giraffe using the 10 included gears to create cool gear effects and build motor skills. Then roll the giraffe to watch them all spin and experience cause and effect relationships! Three adorable Smart Gear™ animals can catch a ride on the giraffe and add to the fun with silly songs, cheerful phrases and animal sounds. Light-up buttons introduce colors, shapes and beginner Spanish. It’s time to get those creative gears turning!

    80-199100 GearZooz Spin & Laugh Gearaffe Parent Guide

    Genius Notebook — Discontinued

    Packed with fun games your little genius will love to play and master, this interactive laptop with forty activities helps kids grow in their learning of math, phonics, a foreign language and more.

    Genius Notebook — Discontinued Manual

    GGSW Starter Pack (Fire Truck, Police Car & Helicopter)

    Emergency team to the rescue! The Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Starter Pack is ready for action with three rescue vehicles. Hank the Helicopter, Freddy the Fire Truck and Payton the Police Car have friendly, light-up face buttons that play phrases, three sing-along songs and six melodies each. Learn the letters «H,» “F” and “P” through imaginative play with Hank, Freddy and Payton. A mechanical button on each vehicle encourages fine motor skills through button pressing. Push the vehicles around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Take this emergency trio on a rescue mission on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as they race over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Each vehicle requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Vehicle Parent Guide

    Giggle & Grow Jungle Playmat™

    Playtime is full of fun, laughs and discovery with the Giggle & Grow Jungle Playmat™ by VTech®. This playmat features a cute jungle animal design while the plush material is comfortable for your baby to lie down on. An electronic panel features buttons that your little one can press to play fun phrases, animal names, songs and melodies. A flower mirror introduces self-discovery and a rattle provides audio and tactile play. The plush playmat rolls up or folds nicely for easy on-the-go fun. As your child grows, the giraffe growth chart can be hung on the wall to track their height. Watch your baby giggle and grow with this playmat!

    80-505500 Giggle & Grow Jungle Playmat Parent Guide

    Girl Fun PC

    Girls who want to have fun while they learn love Girl Fun PC™. This stylish computer features 40 fun learning games set in a fashion environment, with debit card and magic lipstick stylus.

    Girl Fun PC Manual

    Glam & Go Puppy Salon™

    Style your new pet with the Glam & Go Puppy Salon™! Open up this pet carrier to groom your pup with a built-in salon. Lights and sound effects enrich playtime as you pretend to wash, comb, dry and clip this soft pup. Learn about colors and puppy grooming as you play! The pet salon features three styling stations. Place the puppy in the swivel seat or use the shampoo, hair dryer and shower to activate songs, lights and phrases. Swivel the seat to go from bathing to grooming to styling stations. Wash the puppy with the pretend shower sprayer, then dry the puppy’s fur with the play hair dryer. Press five light-up buttons to hear words about colors, grooming and more. Extend playtime with Learning, Grooming Fun, and Sounds & Music play modes. It’s puppy pampering time! All play pieces store inside the carrier. Not intended for water play. Intended for ages 1.5–4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-541700 Glam & Go Puppy Salon Instruction Manual

    Glowing Lullabies Elephant™- Pink

    Snuggle up with the Glowing Lullabies Elephant™-Pink, a lovable plush toy featuring a soft, glowing tummy with color-changing lights. This sleepytime companion will help soothe your baby when it’s time for sleep. Press its tummy to hear soothing lullabies, loving phrases and relaxing sounds. Listen to the peaceful white noise of a gentle rainfall, birds and heartbeat to block out distracting noises for a relaxing environment. This cuddly elephant also calms little ones with 15 minutes of familiar melodies. Sweet dreams, sleep tight! WARNING: Keep this soft toy out of the sleeping environment for babies under twelve months to avoid suffocation risk

    80-508650_Glowing Lullabies Elephant Product Manual

    Glowing Lullabies Elephant™

    Cuddle up with the Glowing Lullabies Elephant™, a lovable plush toy featuring a soft, glowing tummy with color-changing lights. This cute companion will help soothe your baby if they get fussy. Press its tummy to hear soothing lullabies, loving phrases and relaxing sounds. Listen to the peaceful white noise of a gentle rainfall, birds and heartbeat to block out distracting noises for a relaxing environment. This cuddly elephant also calms little ones with 15 minutes of familiar melodies. Enjoy sweet sounds for your baby! WARNING: Keep this soft toy out of the sleeping environment for babies under twelve months to avoid suffocation risk

    80-508600_Glowing Lullabies Elephant Product Manual

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® 3-in-1 Motorssori Playground™

    Race down the slides with the Go! Go! Cory Carson® 3-in-1 Motorssori Playground™ playset just like in the original animated series, Go! Go! Cory Carson. Build motor skills by rearranging the tracks to create three exciting playgrounds complete with a launcher. Stack the slides on top of each other for stunt slides, place them end to end for a super slide or side by side for dual slides so Cory can race alongside his friends. Lift the launcher and watch Cory zoom down the tracks! Press Cory’s light-up windshield button to hear Cory talk and listen to sound effects and songs from the show. Place SmartPoint® characters (sold separately) on the SmartPoint® location to hear them respond with exciting sounds and phrases. Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-527400 3-in-1 Motorssori Playground Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® Construction Timmy™

    Let’s build something together! I’m Construction Timmy™, and you’re going to love helping me bulldoze and build things just like in the original series, Go! Go! Cory Carson! We’ll have so much fun together. Hear me talk by pressing my light-up windshield button, and I’ll also play sound effects and short tunes. My face lights up and flashes along with my sounds and phrases. Place me on PlayZone™ locations on Go! Go! Cory Carson® playsets to discover more phrases, songs and sounds. Now let’s knock it down! (Playsets sold separately.) Intended for ages 2+ years. Includes 3 LR44 button cell batteries. Batteries are not replaceable.

    Go! Go! Cory Carson Character Chart

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® Fire Rescue Cory™

    Captain Cory is here to save the day! I’m Fire Rescue Cory™, and you’re going to love going on adventures with me in Bumperton Hills just like in the original series Go! Go! Cory Carson! We’ll have so much fun together. For even more role play fun, place the fire hose on my back to hear me talk about firefighter training! Hear more phrases by pressing my light-up windshield button, and I’ll also play sound effects and music. My face will light up with the sounds. Roll me around to trigger role-play sound effects. Who’s ready for some fun!? (Not for use on Go! Go! Cory Carson® playsets.) Intended for ages 2+ years. Includes 3 LR44 button cell batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-545100 Go! Go! Cory Carson Fire Rescue Cory Manual

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® Fire Rescue Freddie™

    Fantastic Freddie to the rescue! I’m Fire Rescue Freddie™, and you’re going to love going on adventures with me in Bumperton Hills just like in the original series Go! Go! Cory Carson! We’ll have so much fun together. For even more role play fun, place the fire extinguisher on my back to hear me talk about firefighter training! Hear more phrases by pressing my light-up windshield button, and I’ll also play sound effects and music. My face will light up with the sounds. Roll me around to trigger role-play sound effects. I’ll keep you safe! (Not for use on Go! Go! Cory Carson® playsets.) Intended for ages 2+ years. Includes 3 LR44 button cell batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Cory Carson Vehicle Comparison Chart

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® Fire Rescue Freddie™

    Fantastic Freddie to the rescue! I’m Fire Rescue Freddie™, and you’re going to love going on adventures with me in Bumperton Hills just like in the original series Go! Go! Cory Carson! We’ll have so much fun together. For even more role play fun, place the fire extinguisher on my back to hear me talk about firefighter training! Hear more phrases by pressing my light-up windshield button, and I’ll also play sound effects and music. My face will light up with the sounds. Roll me around to trigger role-play sound effects. I’ll keep you safe! (Not for use on Go! Go! Cory Carson® playsets.) Intended for ages 2+ years. Includes 3 LR44 button cell batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Vehicle Comparison Chart

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® Freddie’s Firehouse™

    Go on a rescue mission with Freddie Firetruck and Chrissy Carson at the Go! Go! Cory Carson™ Freddie’s Firehouse™ just like in the original series, Go! Go! Cory Carson™! Freddie’s mom Carolyn Firetruck encourages exploration of all the exciting activities the firehouse has to offer with mini characters Freddie and Chrissy. Help Freddie and Chrissy rescue Phil just like in the show. Slide down the spiral ramp to safety while building motor skills, then activate the PlayZone™ location at the bottom to hear each character say unique phrases. Place any SmartPoint® character (sold separately) on the SmartPoint® location at the firehouse door to hear them talk, play music and see them light up. Help save the day! Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-524000 Freddie’s Firehouse Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Cory Carson Vehicle Comparison Chart

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® O’Tool’s Construction Site™

    Let’s build up the fun playing with Cory Carson and his friend Timmy O’Tool at the Go! Go! Cory Carson® O’Tool Construction Site™ just like in the original series, Go! Go! Cory Carson! Explore all the things the O’Tool’s construction site home has to offer with mini characters Cory and Timmy in this 360° playset. Help Cory and Timmy knock down walls, sound the whistle and slide down the ramp while listening to sounds and phrases from the episodes. Place Cory or Timmy on the PlayZone™ location and hear them each say unique phrases. Then, use the characters to smash through the brick wall at this active construction site. Create multiple configurations with four play pieces including a SmartPoint® location. Place any SmartPoint® character (sold separately) on the SmartPoint® location to hear them talk, play music and see them light up. Car-a-bunga! Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-524100 Go! Go! Cory Carson O’Tool’s Construction Site Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Cory Carson Vehicle Comparison Chart

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® SmartPoint® Cory, Friends & Bonus Chrissy

    Hi, I’m Cory Carson! These are my friends Freddie Firetruck, Halle Copter and my little sister Chrissy Carson. You’re going to love going on adventures with us in Bumperton Hills just like in my original series, Go! Go! Cory Carson™! We’ll have so much fun together. Press the light-up and mechanical buttons on Freddie, Halle and me to hear us talk and play music. Pushing us around triggers fun role-play sound effects, too. Kids can place us on a SmartPoint® location on Go! Go! Cory Carson™ playsets to unlock even more phrases, songs and sounds. Place mini Chrissy on a PlayZone™ location on Go! Go! Cory Carson™ playsets and the playset will light up and play phrases, fun sound effects and music from the show. (Playsets sold separately.) Let’s play! Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 6 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-410500 Cory, Friends, and Bonus Chrissy Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® The Carson Playhouse™

    Launch into an exciting play date with the Carsons at the Go! Go! Cory Carson® The Carson Playhouse™ playset just like in the original series Go! Go! Cory Carson! Hear Mama Carson encourage exploration of all the exciting activities the playhouse has to offer with special-edition mini characters Cory and Chrissy. Press the mailbox to open the garage door and launch the characters into the tire swing. Play on the seesaw or with the tire swing for even more role-play fun, then activate the PlayZone™ location in front of the garage front door to hear each character say unique phrases. Are you ready for fun? Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-545400 Go! Go! Cory Carson The Carson Playhouse Manual

    Go! Go! Cory Carson® Two Scoops Eileen Ice Cream Truck™

    Can you hear the ice cream truck? Pick your favorite ice cream treat with Two Scoops Eileen Ice Cream Truck™ just like in the original series Go! Go! Cory Carson! Hear Eileen talk by pressing her light-up windshield button, and watch her cone light up as she plays sound effects and songs from the show. With so many kinds of ice cream, how will Cory and Chrissy choose? Drive the included special-edition mini Cory and mini Chrissy PlayZone™ characters up to the window and press Eileen’s serving counter for more role-play interactions. Eileen’s face lights up with the sounds. Roll Eileen around to see her cone light up and play music. Who wants ice cream? (Ice cream truck not for use on Go! Go! Cory Carson® playsets). Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-545500 Go! Go! Two Scoops Eileen Ice Cream Truck Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Furry Dalmatian

    Dawn is a dutiful furry Go! Go! Smart Animals® Dalmatian by VTech®. Place the cute furry dog on SmartPoint® locations, and she will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (each sold separately). Dawn is fun to cuddle with soft fur and a plush head. Press her light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “D” and her animal name as you play. Push the dog to hear fun sounds and six melodies. While a melody is playing, push her again to add fun sounds on top of the melody. Each Go! Go! Smart Animals® character is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-188900 Go Go Smart Animals Furry Dalmatian Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® — Deluxe Track Set

    The possibilities are endless with the Go! Go! Smart Animals® Deluxe Track Set by VTech®! With 27 interchangeable track pieces, a swing and two accessory pieces, kids can build exciting track combinations or connect to other playsets (each sold separately). Help your child explore their creativity and design their own Go! Go! Smart Animals® world!

    Go! Go! Smart Animals — Deluxe Track Set Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® — Forest Adventure Playset™

    Go on an adventure in the Go! Go! Smart Animals® Forest Adventure Playset™ by VTech®. Explore the woods with Blake the SmartPoint™ bear, visit the butterfly or spin the gear to move the bear around.

    Go! Go! Smart Animals — Forest Adventure Playset Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® — Tree House Hideaway Playset™

    Explore the Go! Go! Smart Animals® Tree House Hideaway Playset™ by VTech®. Learn about animals and more with the SmartPoint™ panda. Ride the basket elevator to the top of the tree house, then take a ride down the slide! Connect to other playsets including Go! Go! Smart Wheels® for even more fun!

    Go! Go! Smart Animals — Tree House Hideaway Playset Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Cat (Furry)

    Caroline is a charming furry Go! Go! Smart Animals® Cat by VTech®. Place the cute furry cat on SmartPoint® locations, and she will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (each sold separately). Caroline is fun to cuddle with soft fur and a plush head. Press her light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “C” and her animal name as you play. Push the cat to hear fun sounds and six melodies. While a melody is playing, push her again to add fun sounds on top of the melody. Each Go! Go! Smart Animals® character is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-188800 Go Go Smart Animals Furry Cat Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Doggie Playhouse™

    Have a howling good time at the Go! Go! Smart Animals® Doggie Playhouse™ by VTech®. Place Danny the SmartPoint® Labrador on the SmartPoint® location on the swing or in the dog house to hear different phrases, music or fun sound effects. Then explore the dog house and build motor skills by sliding the spinning beads, pushing the dog on the swing and searching for buried treasure! When the dog is ready to eat, flip down the wall to use the food bowl. Inspire the imagination and build an entire world by connecting to other Go! Go! Smart Animals®, Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (sold separately).

    80-189200 Go Go Smart Animals Doggie Playhouse Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Furry Labradoodle

    Debbie is a darling furry Go! Go! Smart Animals® Labradoodle by VTech®. Place the cute furry dog on SmartPoint® locations, and she will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (each sold separately). Debbie is fun to cuddle with soft fur and a plush head. Press her light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “D” and her animal name as you play. Push the dog to hear fun sounds and six melodies. While a melody is playing, push her again to add fun sounds on top of the melody. Each Go! Go! Smart Animals® character is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-189100 Go Go Smart Animals Furry Labradoodle Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Furry Rabbit

    Richard is a remarkable furry Go! Go! Smart Animals® Rabbit by VTech®. Place the cute furry rabbit on SmartPoint® locations, and he will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (each sold separately). Richard is fun to cuddle with soft fur and a plush head. Press his light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “R” and his animal name as you play. Push the rabbit to hear fun sounds and six melodies. While a melody is playing, push him again to add fun sounds on top of the melody. Each Go! Go! Smart Animals® character is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-189000 Go Go Smart Animals Furry Rabbit Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Squirrelly Adventure Treehouse™

    Go nuts for learning with the Go! Go! Smart Animals® Squirrelly Adventure Treehouse™ by VTech®. Explore the treehouse with the SmartPoint® squirrel and find the three SmartPoint® locations to hear different phrases, music and fun sound effects. Lift the platform to launch the squirrel down the slide. The treehouse also features a turning telescope, a swinging gate, a sliding ladybug and more that help build fine motor skills. The playset also includes a small squirrel and husky to add to the fun. Connect the tracks to other Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) for even more adventures!

    500700 Go! Go! Smart Animals Squirrelly Adventure Tree House Parent Guide REV

    Go! Go! Smart Animals® Turtle

    Tess is a happy Go! Go! Smart Animals® Turtle by VTech®. Place the cute toy turtle on SmartPoint® locations, and she will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (each sold separately). Press Tess’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “T” and her animal name as you play. Push the turtle to hear fun sounds and six melodies. While a melody is playing, push her again to add fun sounds on top of the melody. Each Go! Go! Smart Animals® character is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-188700 Go Go Smart Animals Turtle Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Busy Sounds Discovery Home

    Explore the Go! Go! Smart Friends® Busy Sounds Discovery Home™ by VTech® with Miss Norah and her dog! The interactive house features seven MagicPoint™ locations that encourage imaginative play and emphasize cause and effect relationships. Simply place Miss Norah on one of the MagicPoint™ locations to experience her friendly personality, motion, lights and more. Put Miss Norah in the elevator and watch as the elevator magically moves up and down. Activate the MagicChat™ feature in the playroom, and hear Miss Norah and other Go! Go! Smart Friends® characters (sold separately) chat and sing with each other. Miss Norah also responds to other MagicPoint™ locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® accessories and playsets (each sold separately). Press Miss Norah’s light-up button, and she will come to life by introducing herself, sharing the things she likes to do and playing sing-along songs. Inspire the imagination and build an entire world by connecting to other Go! Go! Smart Friends®, Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (sold separately).

    163000 Go! Go! Smart Friends Busy Sounds Discovery Home Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Cruise & Go Convertible

    Take a ride with Jackson in the Go! Go! Smart Friends™ Cruise & Go Convertible™ by VTech®. Friends come to life on the MagicPoint™ location and drive down the open road in this exciting toy convertible.

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Cruise & Go Convertible Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Cruise & Go Convertible

    Take a ride with Kaylee in the Go! Go! Smart Friends™ Cruise & Go Convertible™ by VTech®. Friends come to life on the MagicPoint™ location and drive down the open road in this exciting toy convertible.

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Cruise & Go Convertible Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Healthy Friends Check-Up Clinic

    Pretend to be a doctor at the Go! Go! Smart Friends® Healthy Friends Check-Up Clinic™ by VTech®. The toy check-up clinic features three MagicPoint™ locations that bring the clinic to life and emphasize cause and effect relationships. Simply place Dr. Doug on one of the MagicPoint™ locations to experience his friendly personality, lights and more! This cheerful check-up clinic has three exam areas, a reception area, waiting room, consultation office and an elevator you can raise and lower for imaginative play. In the exam rooms, your little one can help the toy doctor examine other Go! Go! Smart Friends® characters (sold separately) while building motor skills with the eye exam machine, giraffe height measurer and bird-themed scale. The clinic includes five track pieces that can connect to other Go! Go! Smart Friends®, Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (sold separately).

    Go Go Smart Friends Healthy Friends Check-up Clinic Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Learning Wheels School Bus

    Take a ride on the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends™ Learning Wheels School Bus™. Watch friends come to life on MagicPoint™ locations. Put Mr. Gavin in the driver’s seat, and the bus will light up and move forward.

    162900 Go! Go! Smart Friends Learning Wheels School Bus Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Luca & his Bouncy Plane

    Oh, hi! I’m Luca from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends™ crew. Let’s play together! We can learn the things I like to do, play with my bouncy plane and more. Yahoo!

    Luca & his Plane Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends — Stella & her Bunny

    Introducing Stella & her Bunny from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® crew. Bring Stella to life and encourage imaginative play by putting her on the MagicPoint™ location on her toy bunny to experience her friendly personality and fun melodies. Stella responds to MagicPoint™ locations with different phrases, motion, lights and more on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately). Press Stella’s light-up button and she will come to life by introducing herself, sharing the things she likes to do and singing 2 sing-along songs. Perfectly sized for little hands, Stella is easy to pick up and place on her accessory so she can rock on the toy bunny’s roly-poly base.

    Go Go Smart Friends Stella & her Bunny Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends Doctor Brian & his Medical Rescue Set

    Help people feel better with Doctor Brian & his Medical Rescue Set from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® crew. Encourage imaginative play with Doctor Brian’s medical bag, or bring him to life by putting him on the MagicPoint™ location in his ambulance to experience his friendly personality and fun melodies. Doctor Brian responds to MagicPoint™ locations with different phrases, motion, lights and more on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately). Press Doctor Brian’s light-up button, and he will come to life by introducing himself, talking about his job as a doctor and playing sing-along songs. Perfectly sized for little hands, Doctor Brian is easy for children to pick up and place on his accessory so he can rush to the emergency in his ambulance.

    Go Go Smart Friends Doctor Brian & Medical Rescue Set Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends Firefighter Aiden & his Fire Rescue Set

    Help put out the fire with Firefighter Aiden & his Fire Rescue Set from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® crew. Encourage imaginative play with Firefighter Aiden’s fire, or bring him to life by putting him on the MagicPoint™ location next to his hydrant to experience his friendly personality and fun melodies. Firefighter Aiden responds to MagicPoint™ locations with different phrases, motion, lights and more on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately). Press Firefighter Aiden’s light-up button, and he will come to life by introducing himself, talking about his job as a firefighter and playing sing-along songs. Perfectly sized for little hands, Firefighter Aiden is easy for children to pick up and place on his accessory so he can fight fires with his hydrant.

    Go Go Smart Friends Firefighter Aiden & Fire Rescue Set Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends Nurse Amy & her Patient Care Set

    Help people feel better with Nurse Amy & her Patient Care Set from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® crew. Encourage imaginative play with Nurse Amy’s medical bag, or bring her to life by putting her on the MagicPoint™ location next to her baby scale to experience her friendly personality and fun melodies. Nurse Amy responds to MagicPoint™ locations with different phrases, motion, lights and more on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately). Press Nurse Amy’s light-up button, and she will come to life by introducing herself, talking about her job as a nurse and playing sing-along songs. Perfectly sized for little hands, Nurse Amy is easy for children to pick up and place on her accessory so she can take care of the baby.

    Go Go Smart Friends Nurse Amy & Patient Care Set Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Magical Journey Unicorn™

    Go for a ride with Princess Addie and her friends with the Go! Go! Smart Friends® Magical Journey Unicorn™ by VTech®. Put the baby unicorn in the wagon and easily connect it to the big unicorn to travel the kingdom. Press Princess Addie’s light-up button, and she’ll introduce herself, play music and sing songs. Place her on the MagicPoint™ location on her unicorn to watch Princess Addie come to life with fun phrases, lights and more. After a long journey, the unicorns love resting near their stable. Create a whole kingdom with princesses, princes, magical creatures and more with Go! Go! Smart Friends® (sold separately).

    177100 GGSF Magical Journey Unicorn Product Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Queen Ava & her Princess

    Meet Queen Ava & her Princess from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® kingdom. Place Queen Ava on the MagicPoint® location next to the bassinet to hear her talk to and about her baby and hear fun responses, sound effects and more. Explore the realm by placing Queen Ava on MagicPoint® locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately) to trigger different phrases, motion, lights and more. Press her light-up button, and she will come to life by introducing herself, talking about what it’s like to be a queen and singing songs. Each Go! Go! Smart Friends® character is unique. Collect them all to create a whole kingdom featuring princesses, princes, magical creatures and more.

    80-199200 Queen Ava Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Queen Ava

    Queen Ava from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® world loves her kingdom! Press her light-up button and she will come to life by introducing herself, talking about what it’s like to be a queen and singing songs. Explore the realm by placing Queen Ava on MagicPoint® locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately) to trigger different phrases, motion, lights and more. Each Go! Go! Smart Friends® character is unique. Collect them all to create a whole kingdom featuring princesses, princes, magical creatures and more.


    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Royal Adventure Horse™

    Go on a quest with Prince Henry and the Go! Go! Smart Friends® Royal Adventure Horse™ by VTech®. Easily connect the catapult to the horse and launch the boulder to come to the rescue and be a hero! Press Prince Henry’s light-up button, and he will introduce himself, play music and sing songs. Place him on the MagicPoint™ location on his horse to watch Prince Henry come to life with fun phrases, lights and more. After a long adventure, the horse loves resting near the stable. Create a whole kingdom with princesses, princes, magical creatures and more with Go! Go! Smart Friends® (sold separately).

    177200 GGSF Royal Adventure Horse Product Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Sweet Surprises Treat Shoppe™

    Get a taste of the sweet life with Lollie at the Sweet Surprises Treat Shoppe™ by VTech®. This adorably fun playset includes Lollie, her best friend Pop the puppy and a chair, table and menu stand to decorate the shop. Your little one will have a delightful time spinning the colorful gears, sliding the cherry topper back and forth and pressing the ice cream button to change the treat of the day while playing at the ice cream parlor with Lollie and Pop. There are two MagicPoint® locations that bring Lollie to life with fun phrases, sounds and lights to engage and enchant your little sweetie. Have a sweet time with Lollie and Pop, because like Lollie says, “The secret ingredient is love!”

    80-199600 Sweet Surprises Treat Shoppe Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Friends® Twinkle the Magical Unicorn™

    Soar with Twinkle the Magical Unicorn™ from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® kingdom. Press the enchanting unicorn’s buttons, and she will walk forward, move her head and flap her wings. Place the included MagicPoint™ character, Fairy Prisma, on one of Twinkle’s two MagicPoint™ locations to trigger delightful responses, sounds, motion and lights. Feed her the golden carrot when she’s hungry. Create a whole kingdom with princesses, princes, magical creatures and more with Go! Go! Smart Friends® characters and playsets (sold separately).

    177400 GGSF Twinkle the Magical Unicorn Product Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Dump Truck

    Drive around the construction site with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Dump Truck by VTech®! Perfectly-sized for little hands, this toy dump truck entertains your child with a light-up driver button that triggers music and sounds. Learn about the name of the vehicle, the letter D and more through pretend play!

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Dump Truck Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Fast Track Launcher

    There’s two times the fun with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Fast Track Launcher by VTech®! Your child will launch the included electronic race car up the ramp or blast through a crash platform for a dramatic finish. Ready, set, learn!

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Fast Track Launcher Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Fire Command Rescue Center

    Deploy the two fire trucks to save lives and put out fires! The Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Fire Command Rescue Center™ by VTech® has lots of manipulative features, including a launcher, spinning fire hydrant, elevator and much more.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Fire Command Rescue Center Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Launch & Go Storage Case

    Get ready to park and go with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Launch & Go Storage Case™ by VTech®! Your child will develop fine motor skills as they place their Go! Go! Smart Wheels® vehicles into the tire-shaped case and launch them out with the press of a button. Case includes one non-electronic race car.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Launch & Go Storage Case Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Park & Learn Deluxe Garage

    Park, play and explore on three stories of interactive learning fun with Tommy and his tow truck at the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Park & Learn Deluxe Garage™ by VTech®. Learn about colors, the rules of the road and play fun sing-along songs and melodies by pressing the three light-up buttons. Roll the SmartPoint® tow truck over nine SmartPoint® locations to hear different phrases, music or fun sound effects. Press the toy tow truck’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “T” and the name of the vehicle. Build motor skills by placing the tow truck in the elevator and turning the helicopter pad to raise the elevator to any floor on the toy garage. The elevator recognizes each floor with fun sounds and phrases. Use the seven included track pieces to connect to other Go! Go! Smart Wheels® or Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (each sold separately) to encourage creativity.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Park & Learn Deluxe Garage

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — SUV & Trailer

    Steve drives a rugged Go! Go! Smart Wheels® SUV & Trailer by VTech®. Roll his SUV over SmartPoint® locations and it will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (each sold separately). Press the toy SUV’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “S”. Push the SUV to hear fun sounds and melodies. While a melody is playing, push the SUV again to add fun sound effects. Connect the trailer to the SUV and place the bundle of wood in the trailer to develop motor skills. The trailer also includes a SmartPoint® location that interacts with SmartPoint® vehicles and animals (sold separately). It’s playtime with miles of learning!™

    Go Go Smart Wheels SUV & Trailer Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Tanker Truck

    Toby is a large Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Tanker Truck by VTech®. Roll Toby over SmartPoint® locations and he will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (each sold separately). Press the toy tanker truck’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “T” and his name. Push the tanker truck to hear fun sounds and melodies. While a melody is playing, push him again to add fun sound effects. Connect the tanker to the truck and spin the drums to develop motor skills.

    Go Go Smart Wheels Tanker Truck Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Ultimate Amazement Park Playset

    Ready, set, learn! Pull the racing flag to launch the race car and zoom around exciting courses with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ultimate Amazement Park Playset™ by VTech®! Develop language and motor skills while navigating obstacles and racing through three incredible features including a 360 degree loop, spiral and ramp. Place the race car in the electronic pit stop and pretend to fill the gas tank and make quick repairs while hearing fun phrases, music and learning colors.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Ultimate Amazement Park Playset Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels 3-in-1 Launch & Play Raceway

    The Go! Go! Smart Wheels® 3-in-1 Launch & Play Raceway™ from VTech® features three exciting race configurations and an electronic race car that responds with sounds and phrases when placed on SmartPoint® locations. Your child can rearrange the tracks to create a dual raceway, stunt track or super raceway!

    80-164700 3 in 1 Launch & Play Raceway Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Construction Playset

    Let your little construction worker discover and explore with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Construction Playset by VTech®! Pick up, sort and dump play pieces into the dump truck with a cool rotating crane that features a working claw. The whistle has blown, and it’s time to get to work!

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Construction Playset Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Deluxe Track Set

    Experience playtime with miles of learning with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Deluxe Track Set by VTech®! Connect 30 interchangeable toy tracks to build your own cool track or combine them with other Go! Go! SmartWheels® playsets. Your child can watch their Go! Go! SmartWheels® SmartPoint™ vehicles (sold separately) race around the track and respond to three SmartPoint™ locations with different phrases, music or fun sound effects!

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Deluxe Track Set Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Garbage Truck

    Help keep the city clean with Gary the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Garbage Truck by VTech®. Place Gary on SmartPoint® locations, and he will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (each sold separately). Press the toy garbage truck’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “G” and his name. Push the garbage truck to hear fun sounds and melodies. While a melody is playing, push him again to add fun sound effects. The back of the garbage truck also opens and closes for even more fun. Each Go! Go! Smart Wheels® vehicle is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    80-187700 Go Go Smart Wheels Garbage Truck Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Learning Zone Construction Site

    Little construction workers will love exploring the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Learning Zone Construction Site™ by VTech®! Roll the SmartPoint® excavator over five SmartPoint® locations to hear different phrases, music or fun sound effects. Press the toy excavator’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “E” and the vehicle name. Build motor skills by turning the handle to raise and lower the basket elevator, raising and lowering the elevator, dropping shape pieces into the shape sorter and turning the crane. For even more fun, drop the shape pieces into the rock sorter and watch them roll to the bottom. Inspire the imagination and build an entire world by connecting to other Go! Go! Smart Wheels®, Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (sold separately). It’s time to get to work!

    Go! Go! Smart Wheel Learning Zone Construction Site Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels School Bus

    Head off to school with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® School Bus by VTech®! This electronic school bus is perfectly-sized for little hands and entertains your child with a light-up driver button that triggers music and sounds.

    Go Go Smart Wheels School Bus Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels SUV

    Drive across rough terrain with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® SUV by VTech®! This electronic SUV is perfectly-sized for little hands and entertains your child with a light-up driver button that triggers music and sounds.

    Go Go Smart Wheels SUV Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ultimate RC Speedway

    Zip around the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ultimate RC Speedway™, and speed through four action zones and over nine SmartPoint® locations. Use the steering wheel-shaped remote control for an exciting interactive experience with the RC SmartPoint® Racer! The speedway is 4.5 feet wide and includes 13.5 feet of interchangeable tracks, a stunt ramp, elevator, movable gears, starting flags and track switches that are all triggered by the RC race car. Ralph and his race car entertain your little one with a light-up driver button that activates playful music and fun sounds. He also teaches the letter «R» and the vehicle’s name. Get another RC SmartPoint® Racer (sold separately) and race a friend! Inspire the imagination and build an entire world by connecting to other Go! Go! Smart Wheels®, Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (sold separately).

    80-180200 Ultimate RC Speedway Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ultimate RC Speedway Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Daisy Duck Convertible

    Cruising around has never been so cool! Have an adventure around town with Daisy Duck and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Daisy Convertible. Ruffle your feathers and ride around Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Daisy Duck say fun phrases as you visit places and friends. Hear about the letter «C» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Waddle in and let’s go for a ride!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Donald Duck SUV

    Ride around tough and tall with Donald Duck and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Donald SUV! Have an adventure as you ride around Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Donald Duck say fun phrases. Hear about the letter «S» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Get going and off-roadin’!


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Goofy Tow Truck

    Helping hands and funny friends are on the way! Give lifts around town with Goofy and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Goofy Tow Truck. Lift up cars as you ride around Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Goofy say fun phrases. Hear about the letter «T» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Trusty friends will always give you a lift!


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Café

    Hot dog, that smells delicious! Deliver something tasty with Mickey Mouse and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Café. Pretend to run your own café with the Mickey Mouse Food Truck. Place the Food Truck on the elevator and raise it to the top level to pick up a to-go order. Then push the truck down the ramp to make a speedy delivery! Build motor skills by opening and closing the drive-thru window and the tunnel door or rolling the Food Truck around the tracks, activating three SmartPoint® locations along the way. Listen to Mickey Mouse say playful phrases and encouraging words for imaginative play with this toddler toy. Let’s drop off some deliveries! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Disney Mickey Mouse Cafe Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Convertible

    Golly! Such a lovely day for a drive. Let’s cruise around with the top down with Mickey Mouse and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Convertible. Go anywhere around Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Mickey Mouse say fun phrases while on adventures. Hear about the letter «C» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Let’s have a magical adventure!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Gas & Go Repair Shop

    It’s time for a tune-up at the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Gas & Go Repair Shop! Explore this full-service gas station with the toy Mickey Mouse Truck. Place the Truck on the role-play repair lift, raise it up and pretend to fix the Truck using the wrench. Give the Truck a good scrub in the car wash, pretend to add a fresh coat of paint and fill it up with gas, activating seven SmartPoint® locations along the way. Listen to Mickey Mouse say playful phrases and encouraging words for imaginative play with this toddler toy. Roll down the twisty ramps for more exciting track play. Let’s go! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires two AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-534800 Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Disney Mickey Mouse Gas and Go Repair Shop Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Helicopter

    Take to the skies with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Helicopter! Press Mickey Mouse to hear him introduce the letter “H” and say playful phrases for imaginative play. Watch his headlights flash while listening to three sing-along songs and six melodies. Push Mickey Mouse around to trigger fun role-play sound effects while building motor skills. Take the Helicopter for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights when he flies onto the SmartPoint® locations. I’m ready for take-off! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Disney Vehicle Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Race Car

    Start your engines with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Race Car! Press Mickey Mouse to hear him introduce the letter “R” and say playful phrases for imaginative play. Watch his headlights flash while listening to three sing-along songs and six melodies. Push Mickey Mouse around to trigger fun role-play sound effects while building motor skills. Take the Race Car for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. On your mark, get set, go! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Disney Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Ramps Fun House

    Ramp up the fun with Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Ramps Fun House. Take Mickey Mouse on an adventure with tracks that can mix and match to form three different play routes, two launch zones and includes two SmartPoint® locations. Watch Mickey Mouse and his Convertible ride around the track and off the ramp to see how far he can go! Spin the flower or the flag to promote motor skills or activate the SmartPoint® locations to listen to Mickey Mouse say fun phrases and encouraging words. Let’s jump to it!


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse Silly Slides Fire Station

    Let’s kick the tires and put out fires with Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Silly Slides Fire Station. Little fire fighters will love to ring the bell, slide down the silly slide and turn the fire hydrant to save the day. Open and close the fire station doors or lift Mickey Mouse and his Fire Truck up the elevator to promote motor skills and encourage imaginative play. Children can also activate three SmartPoint® locations and listen to Mickey Mouse say fun phrases and encouraging words. Get fired up and let’s go to the rescue!


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse SUV

    Bumps in the road are not an issue when you’re riding around with Mickey Mouse and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Mickey Mouse SUV! Have a blast anywhere as you ride around in Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Mickey Mouse say fun phrases. Hear about the letter «S» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Get going off-roadin’!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse Around Town Playset

    Shop ‘til you drop with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse Around Town Playset! Hop in the toy car with Minnie Mouse and roll down the tracks to visit the flower shop, grab something to eat and share a laugh, activating four SmartPoint® locations along the way. After a big day, drive up to Minnie Mouse’s house and press the bow to see Figaro welcome you home. Little ones can also spin the switch track and swing the sign to build motor skills. Listen to Minnie Mouse’s voice say playful phrases and encouraging words for imaginative play with this toy for toddlers and preschoolers. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires two AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    Minnie Mouse Around Town Playset Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse Convertible

    Oh, boy! It’s always a fine day when you can cruise around town with Minnie Mouse and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Convertible. Go where the sun is shining, the top is down and adventures are abound. You can go anywhere around Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and listen to Minnie Mouse say fun phrases while on adventures. Hear about the letter «C» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Let’s go for ride!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse Helicopter

    Take to the skies with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse Helicopter! Press Minnie Mouse to hear her introduce the letter “H” and say playful phrases for imaginative play. Watch her headlights flash while listening to three sing-along songs and six melodies. Push Minnie Mouse around to trigger fun role-play sound effects while building motor skills. Take the Helicopter for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights when she flies onto the SmartPoint® locations. I’m ready for take-off! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Disney Vehicle Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse Ice Cream Parlor

    Little sweeties will have a delightful time creating, exploring and playing with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Ice Cream Parlor. Take a ride with Minnie Mouse and her Ice Cream Truck down the tracks and through the gate, activating three SmartPoint® locations as you go. Drop ice cream shapes into the shape sorter and into Minnie Mouse’s Ice Cream Truck, raise the elevator, spin the gears and move the gate to promote motor skills. Listen to Minnie Mouse’s voice say fun phrases and encourage pretend play. So brush off that sweet tooth and bite into this adventure!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse SUV

    Get ready to go off-road with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Disney Minnie Mouse SUV! Press Minnie Mouse to hear her introduce the letter “S” and say playful phrases for imaginative play. Watch her headlights flash while listening to three sing-along songs and six melodies. Push Minnie Mouse around to trigger fun role-play sound effects while building motor skills. Take the SUV for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as she drives over the SmartPoint® locations. Buckle up! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels — Disney Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® — Truck

    Perfectly sized for little hands, this electronic Truck entertains your child with a light-up button that activates phrases and sounds.


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® 3-in-1 Launch & Go Raceway™

    Race into three ways of play with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® 3-in-1 Launch & Go Raceway™! Build a dual raceway, a super raceway and a stunt raceway to put Rock the Race Car through his paces. Building the tracks and launching the car down the ramps helps develop fine motor skills. Kids also develop problem-solving skills as they make decisions about track layout. Launching Rock the Race Car over the two SmartPoint® locations activates sounds and phrases, helping children understand cause and effect. Rock also has a light-up face button that plays songs and melodies and teaches the letter “R” through imaginative play. Press the action button to make Rock’s spoiler move! Want to extend the fun? Connect to other Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (not included) to build a super Go! Go! Smart Wheels® world! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-527500 Go! Go! Smart Wheels3-in-1 Launch and Go Raceway Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ambulance

    Come to the rescue with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ambulance! Andy the Ambulance is just the right size for toddlers’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays phrases, three sing-along songs and six melodies. Toddlers also learn the letter «A» through imaginative play with Andy. A mechanical button opens the ambulance’s two back doors to encourage fine-motor skills with button pressing. Pushing the ambulance around triggers fun role-play sound effects. Take Andy the Ambulance for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he zips along the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ambulance

    Perfectly sized for little hands, this electronic ambulance entertains your child with a light-up button that activates phrases and sounds.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ambulance Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Bulldozer

    Perfectly sized for little hands, this electronic bulldozer entertains your child with a light-up button that activates phrases and sounds.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Bulldozer Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Bulldozer

    Load up and go with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Bulldozer! Ben the Bulldozer is just the right size for kids’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Learn the letter «B» during imaginative play with Ben. A mechanical button raises and lowers the bucket to encourage fine-motor skills through button pressing. Push the Bulldozer around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Take Ben the Bulldozer for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Point Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Chug & Go Railroad™

    All aboard the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Chug & Go Railroad™ train set by VTech®! The cheerful, electronic train station introduces colors, time concepts and greets your child in English, Spanish, French and German. Your little conductor will love watching the motorized train chug over the playset’s eight SmartPoint® locations and hear fun phrases, music or sound effects. Press the train’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “T” and the vehicle’s name. They’ll also build motor skills by lifting the gates and moving the switch tracks. Inspire the imagination and build an entire world by connecting to other Go! Go! Smart Wheels®, Go! Go! Smart Animals® and Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (sold separately). Ride the rails to fun!

    80-171700 Chug & Go Railroad


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Construction Vehicle Pack

    Get to work playing with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Construction Vehicle Pack. Three construction vehicles include Ben the Bulldozer, Doug the Dump Truck and Tony the Tow Truck. Friendly light-up windshield buttons play phrases, three sing-along songs and six melodies each. Learn about the letters “B”, “D” and “T” through imaginative play with Ben, Doug and Tony. A mechanical button on each vehicle encourages fine motor skills through button pressing. Push the vehicles around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Take this construction trio to a job site on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as they race over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Each vehicle requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Point Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Deluxe Car Carrier™

    The Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Deluxe Car Carrier™ by VTech® is an interactive truck that includes one convertible and can transport and store up to four Go! Go! Smart Wheels® vehicles (sold separately). Place a SmartPoint® vehicle on one of the car carrier’s three SmartPoint® locations and hear fun phrases, music or sound effects. It also includes more than five mechanical features for added pretend play. Spin the gears and exhaust, move the paint sprayer, oil nozzle and lower the ramp to load and unload vehicles. Press the convertible’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “C” and the vehicles name.

    80-189500 Go GoSmart Wheels Deluxe Car Carrier

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Dump Truck

    Transport playtime with the fill-and-dump Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Dump Truck! Doug the Dump Truck is just the right size for toddlers’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Learn the letter «D» during imaginative play with Doug. A mechanical button raises and lowers the truck bed to encourage fine motor skills through button pressing. Push the truck around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Load up Doug the Dump Truck and let him transport your cargo on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately). Discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Fire Truck & Helicopter

    Sound the alarm or take flight with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Fire Truck & Helicopter! Foster the Fire Truck and Harley the Helicopter are just the right size for little hands. Each feature a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Be a fire fighter or a pilot during imaginative play with Foster and Harley. Move Foster’s ladder up and down or spin Harley’s rotor to encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Fire Truck and Helicopter around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Foster and Harley for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as they drive over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Each require 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Fire Truck

    Sound the alarm for the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Fire Truck! Foster the Fire Truck is just the right size for little hands. He features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Be a fire fighter during imaginative play with Foster. Move the ladder up and down to save the day and encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Fire Truck around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Foster the Fire Truck for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Smart Point Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Gardening Truck & Recycling Truck

    Grow your imagination or reduce, reuse and recycle with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Gardening Truck & Recycling Truck! Gerry the Gardening Truck and Reese the Recycling Truck are just the right size for little hands. Each features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Pretend to be a gardener or pick up recyclables during imaginative play with Gerry and Reese. Move Gerry’s truck bed up and down or open and close Reese’s tailgate to encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Gardening Truck and Recycling Truck around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Gerry and Reese for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as they drive over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Each requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Gardening Truck

    Grow your imagination with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Gardening Truck! Gerry the Gardening Truck is just the right size for little hands. He features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Be a gardener during imaginative play with Gerry. Raise the bed of the truck up and down to pretend to unload dirt and encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Gardening Truck around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Gerry the Gardening Truck for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Helicopter

    Get ready to fly with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Helicopter! Harley the Helicopter is just the right size for little hands. He features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Be a pilot during imaginative play with Harley. Spin the rotor blades to pretend to fly and encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Helicopter around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Harley the Helicopter for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Recycling Truck

    Reduce, reuse and recycle with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Earth Buddies™ Recycling Truck! Reese the Recycling Truck is just the right size for little hands. He features a friendly, light-up windshield button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Pretend to pick up recyclables during imaginative play with Reese. Open and close the tailgate to see the recyclables inside and encourage fine-motor skills. Push the Recycling Truck around to trigger role-play sound effects. Take Reese the Recycling Truck for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sound and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. The plastic used to make this product is 85% plant based. Plant-based plastic is made from renewable sources. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Point Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Fire Truck

    Little firefighters come to the rescue with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Fire Truck. Freddy the Fire Truck is just the right size for toddlers’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays phrases, three sing-along songs and six melodies. Putting the vehicle in motion triggers even more sound effects. Preschoolers also learn the letter «F» during imaginative play. A new mechanical button pops up the extension ladder to encourage fine motor play. Discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights with compatible Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets with SmartPoint® track locations (sold separately). Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Fire Truck

    Cruise into the learning zone with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Fire Truck by VTech®! Place the fire truck on SmartPoint® locations, and he will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (each sold separately). Press the toy fire truck’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter «F» and his vehicle name. Push the fire truck to hear fun sounds and melodies. While a melody is playing, push him again to add fun sound effects. Each Go! Go! Smart Wheels® vehicle is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Fire Truck Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Launch & Chase Police Tower™

    Serve and protect with Po the Police Car and the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Launch & Chase Police Tower™. Chase the Getaway Car around the three track levels, launch down one of the two ramps to try and gain some speed or slide the switch to raise the road blocks to slow the Getaway Car down! Your little one will love the switch tracks, hidden trap doors and road barriers that promote motor skills. This cute toy Police Car encourages first words and imaginative play with the five SmartPoint® locations. Press Po’s light-up button to activate fun sounds, playful phrases, three sing-along songs and six melodies. The chase is on!

    80-512900 Launch and Chase Police Tower Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Mickey Mouse Choo-Choo Express

    Little conductors will love to ride the tracks and discover friends with Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Mickey Choo-Choo Express. Take a train ride with Mickey Mouse over the bridge and through the train station, activating five SmartPoint® locations along the way. Reveal the peek-a-boo scene, spin the switch track, move the flag and raise the gate to promote motor skills or listen to Mickey Mouse say fun phrases and encouraging words for imaginative play. Let’s choo-choo choose to have a fun time!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Mickey Mouse Magical Wonderland

    Go where the magic never ends with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Mickey Magical Wonderland! Hop into the car with Mickey Mouse and experience this magical town. Ride on the Ferris wheel, slide down the ramp to push the boat back and forth, spin the gears and open the peek-a-boo windows to promote motor skills. Little drivers can also activate five SmartPoint® locations and listen to Mickey Mouse say fun phrases and encouraging words. It’s a magical place!

    Parent’s Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Monster Truck

    It’s time to jump some cars with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Monster Truck from VTech®. Perfectly sized for little hands, this electronic monster truck entertains your child with a light-up driver button that activates phrases and sounds. The truck also responds to SmartPoint® locations on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets with fun responses, sound effects, lights and music. Your little one will learn the letter «M» and the name of the vehicle through pretend play. Get ready for a crushing good time!

    80-501800 Monster Truck Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ Dump Truck

    Haul debris and make your way to the construction site with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ Dump Truck by VTech®. Press down on the top of the dump truck and release it to watch it take off. The dump truck will respond with fun sounds and phrases when pressed and released. The dump truck also responds to SmartPoint® locations on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and Go! Go! Smart Animals® tracks with unique responses. Press the light-up button on the dump truck to hear sing-along songs, fun phrases and sounds, and learn the letter «D.» While a melody is playing, push it again to add fun sound effects. Press, release and get to work!

    80-500500 Press & Race Dump Truck Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ Fire Truck

    Rush to the scene with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ Fire Truck by VTech®. Press down on the top of the fire truck and release it to watch it take off. The fire truck will respond with fun sounds and phrases when pressed and released. The fire truck also responds to SmartPoint® locations on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets and Go! Go! Smart Animals® tracks with unique responses. Press the light-up button on the fire truck to hear sing-along songs, fun phrases and sounds, and learn the letter «F.» While a melody is playing, push it again to add fun sound effects. Press, release and be on your way to save the day!

    80-500400 Press & Race Fire Truck Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ Monster Truck Rally™

    Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! It’s time for the monster truck rally show with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ Monster Truck Rally™ by VTech®. Race and jump with Mark, the Press & Race™ monster truck, around the rally tracks and off the launch pads while listening to him play fun phrases, sounds and melodies. Then, have a jump competition by launching off the stunt ramp to encourage creative play and discover cause and effect. The spinning flames and more than 30 songs, melodies, sounds and phrases will engage your little speed racer in some monster playtime. Welcome to the monster truck rally, let the show begin!

    80-503700 Monster Truck Rally Parent Guide

    80-503700 Monster Truck Rally Track Configuration

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ Monster Truck

    Fasten your harness and pop a wheelie with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ Monster Truck. Press down on the back of the monster truck and release to send it racing. Martin the Monster Truck is just the right size for kids’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays three sing-along songs and ten melodies. Learn the letter «M» during imaginative play with Martin. A mechanical button makes the engine rock back and forth and to encourage fine-motor skills through button pressing. Push the monster truck around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Take Martin the Monster Truck on an extreme adventure on most Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he rumbles over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Press and Race Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ SUV

    Get rolling with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Press & Race™ SUV. Press down on the back of the SUV and release to send it racing. Sammy the SUV is just the right size for toddlers’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays three sing-along songs and ten melodies. Learn the letter «S» through imaginative play with Sammy. A mechanical button wiggles the SUV’s light rig to encourage fine motor skills through button pressing. Push the SUV around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Take Sammy the SUV on a road trip with most Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he rumbles over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Press and Race Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Push & Discover Fire Chief

    Help save the day with Floyd, the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Push & Discover Fire Chief from VTech®. Press the fire chief’s light-up button to hear fun sounds and phrases. Then, press the helmet or walkie-talkie button to learn words, colors and hear phrases and sounds. Flip the window or rock the megaphone to hear fun sounds. Push the fire chief back and forth to trigger sounds and melodies. If a melody is playing, continue to push the fire truck to add sound effects. Your little one can also build motor skills by spinning the siren on the top of the fire chief, pulling the ladder back or moving the walkie-talkie bead on the side back and forth.


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Race & Play Adventure Park™

    Go for a ride with Gavin the Go-Kart on the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Race & Play Adventure Park™ by VTech®. Launch Gavin to the top of the playset with the catapult launcher and watch as he races down the track and goes around the 360 degree loop and off the jump ramp. Then, crank the Go-Kart up the hill and watch him drive down the track. The park includes a Ferris wheel that spins, a tumble-down carnival game and a swinging gate to strengthen motor skills. Featuring SmartPoint® technology, Gavin responds to all four SmartPoint® locations with fun sounds, phrases, three sing-along songs and six melodies. On your mark, get set, go!

    80-504000 Race & Play Adventure Park Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Racing Runway Airplane™

    Take flight with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Racing Runway Airplane™ by VTech®. The airplane transforms from a cargo plane into a runway ramp that launches the included SmartPoint® airplane. Pretend to fly the electronic plane and land on two SmartPoint® locations to hear fun phrases, music and more. Press the toy airplane’s light-up button to hear sing-along songs and learn the letter “A.” Open the cargo plane’s front cabin and lift the top to reveal a fun ramp. When finished, you can store up to two SmartPoint® vehicles (sold separately) in the cargo plane and carry them around. The airplane features turning gears, folding wings, swinging doors and a sliding bead to strengthen fine motor skills. Collect other SmartPoint® vehicles and connect to other Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) to encourage your child’s creativity.

    80-503100 Racing Runway Airplane Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ramp It Up Dump Truck™

    Ramp up the fun and learning with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ramp It Up Dump Truck™! This 2-in-1 convertible dump truck introduces numbers, cause and effect and motor skills through pretend play with 60+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Hear cool sound effects and fun facts about construction when you press the three light-up buttons. Load up the dump truck with the two included play rocks, then pull the lever to dump them out. Kids experience cause and effect and motor skills improve naturally as preschoolers fill, dump and repeat. Next, flip down the truck bed bucket to transform the dump truck into a cool stunt ramp! Launch the non-electronic car down the ramp and watch it go, go, go! Playset includes one non-electronic car, two play rocks and one SmartPoint® location that plays additional content with SmartPoint® vehicles (sold separately). Intended for ages 1–5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-535100 Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ramp It Up Dump Truck Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Read & Go Dump Truck Storybook™

    Join David for an exciting day of adventures! Your little one can read or listen to the story David’s Hard Day at Work in the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Read & Go Dump Truck Storybook™ by VTech®. The five illustrated pages play realistic sounds and role-play phrases. Colorful, chunky tabs make it easy to turn the pages. Press the light-up face button to hear songs and fun responses. Press the music button to hear 15 different classic melodies. While a melody is playing, press the light-up face button to add fun sounds. Wheels on the bottom of the book spin for added play.


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Rescue Vehicle Pack

    Get ready to save the day with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Rescue Vehicle Pack. Three rescue vehicles include Payton the Police Car, Freddy the Fire Truck and Andy the Ambulance. Friendly light-up windshield buttons play phrases, three sing-along songs and six melodies each. Learn about the letters “P”, “F” and “A” through imaginative play with Payton, Freddy and Andy. A mechanical button on each vehicle encourages fine motor skills through button pressing. Push the vehicles around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Take this rescue trio on a mission on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as they race over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Each vehicle requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Point Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Revved Up Raceway™

    Jump, turn and spin with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Revved Up Raceway™. Place Rocco the Race Car at the starting gate, release the launcher and watch him jump onto the roundabout. Turn the handle to keep Rocco racing around the spinning center. Put the vehicle on the service elevator, get him checked out, then send him back into the race! With a side-by-side double launching ramp, this raceway has room for more Go! Go! Smart Wheels® vehicles (sold separately) to join the raceway fun. Who will win the race? As vehicles drive on the three SmartPoint® locations, listen to fun phrases, music and sound effects. Watch the checkered flag swing back and forth as the racing cars zoom by! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-614500 Revved Up Raceway Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Revved Up Stunt Spiral™

    Rev up your engines and get rolling with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Revved Up Stunt Spiral™ playset! Launch Reggie the Race Car down the ramp, then turn the handle to send him around the 360° loop. Ready to change things up? Switch the convertible track to a roller-coaster hill with a stunt ramp. Connect with any Go! Go! Smart Wheels® track playsets (sold separately) to add to the fun! Learn as you play with 40+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases that teach first words, classic melodies and more. Place Reggie on the SmartPoint® location for even more sound effects and phrases. Buckle up, it’s time to play and learn! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Point Vehicle Parent Guide

    80-534900 Go! Go! Smart Wheels Revved Up Stunt Spiral Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® School Bus

    Stop the traffic! Here comes the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® School Bus! Steve the School Bus is just the right size for kids’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays phrases, sing-along songs and six melodies. Toddlers also learn the letter «S» during imaginative play. A mechanical button extends the school bus’s stop sign to encourage fine-motor skills with button pressing. Pushing the school bus around triggers fun role-play sound effects. Take Steve the School Bus for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he rides over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Supercharged Monster Truck Rally™

    It’s showtime! Rush full-throttle down the tracks of the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Supercharged Monster Truck Rally™ with Miles the Monster Truck. Build an extreme monster truck race course complete with two launchers, a switch track, drawbridge and more. Place Miles the Monster Truck at the top of the two-story track and lift the launcher to watch him race through the course and catch air off the ramp. Use the jump ramp launcher to send Miles soaring over the drawbridge. Push the action button on Miles to move his flag while building fine motor skills. Press his windshield button to learn about the letter “M” and to hear sing-along songs and melodies. Includes four SmartPoint® locations that trigger 50+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases while reinforcing cause-and-effect learning. Hear his engine roar! Additional SmartPoint® vehicles sold separately. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Supercharged Monster Truck Rally Instruction Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Tow Truck

    Get a lift into the play zone with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Tow Truck from VTech®. Perfectly sized for little hands, this electronic vehicle entertains your child with a light-up button that activates phrases and sounds. The tough tow truck responds to SmartPoint® locations on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) with fun responses, sound effects, lights and music. Your little one will hear about the letter «T» and the name of the vehicle through imaginative phrases. Hitch up, and let’s play!

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Tow Truck Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Tow Truck

    Be a community helper with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Tow Truck! Tony the Tow Truck is just the right size for kids’ hands and sports a friendly, light-up face button that plays three sing-along songs and six melodies. Learn the letter «T» during imaginative play with Tony. A mechanical button raises and lowers the tow hook to encourage fine-motor skills through button pressing. Push the tow truck around to trigger fun role-play sound effects. Take Tony the Tow Truck for a ride on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® playsets (sold separately) and discover more phrases, songs, sounds and lights as he drives over the SmartPoint® locations. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Vehicle Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Treasure Mountain Train Adventure™

    It’s a gold rush at the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Treasure Mountain Train Adventure™ by VTech. Turn on the motorized freight train and watch as it chugs around the tracks, through the tunnels and up hills on its own! The freight train responds to the playset’s nine SmartPoint® locations with fun phrases, music and more. The gold mine also includes rotating gears, a crane to move the shape pieces around and a mine shaft where you can pretend to mine for gold. Press the toy freight train’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter “F” and the name of the vehicle.

    80-191900 Go! Go! Smart Wheels Treasure Mountain Train Adventure Manual


    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Truck

    Cruise into the learning zone with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Truck by VTech®! Place the truck on SmartPoint® locations, and he will respond with different phrases and more on Go! Go! Smart Wheels® and Go! Go! Smart Animals® playsets (each sold separately). Press the toy truck’s light-up button to hear three sing-along songs and learn the letter «T» and his vehicle name. Push the truck to hear fun sounds and melodies. While a melody is playing, push him again to add fun sound effects. Each Go! Go! Smart Wheels® vehicle is unique. Collect them all to experience their friendly personalities (each sold separately)!

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels Truck Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ultimate Amazement Park Playset™ (Kohls Exclusive)

    Ready, set, learn! Pull the racing flag to launch the race car and zoom around exciting courses with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ultimate Amazement Park Playset™ by VTech®! Develop language and motor skills while navigating obstacles and racing through three incredible features including a 360 degree loop, spiral and ramp. Place the race car in the electronic pit stop and pretend to fill the gas tank and make quick repairs while hearing fun phrases, music and learning colors. This exclusive version also includes 15 extra track pieces!

    Go Go Smart Wheels Ultimate Amazement Park with Bonus Tracks Manual

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ultimate Corkscrew Tower™

    Race into three feet of fun with the two-in-one Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ultimate Corkscrew Tower™! This versatile playset features two exciting track configurations. Stack tracks one atop the other to form an impressive corkscrew track over three feet high for dizzy downhill fun, or set up the tracks side by side for a dual-track racing experience. Place Rocky the Race Car on the launcher, then push the trophy to send the car zipping down the tracks on a fast-paced ride. The dual-track structure features off-road adventure with diversions down a secret path with a bumpy road, a switch track, trap doors and off-road hazards that will leave opponents stuck. Listen to three songs and six melodies and learn the letter «R» as you play. Get ready to race! Additional SmartPoint® cars are sold separately. Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-535000 Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ultimate Corkscrew Tower Assembly Instructions

    80-535000 Ultimate Corkscrew Tower Parent Guide

    Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ultimate Stunt Raceway™

    It’s playtime in the fast lane! Rocco the Race Car has so many ways to race with the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Ultimate Stunt Raceway™. Take off with Rocco or other Go! Go! Smart Wheels® vehicles (each sold separately) from the twin platform and fly around the roundabout, or head down the dual launcher with stunt jumps to increase the action. Curves are no problem with the included bendable track pieces. Snap this set into multiple configurations and send Rocco over seven SmartPoint® locations to trigger sound effects, phrases and music. Speed into playtime! Intended for ages 1-5 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries are recommended for regular use.

    80-408800 Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ultimate Stunt Raceway Parent Guide

    Grow & Discover Music Studio

    Your baby can learn and jam with the Grow & Discover Music Studio by VTech! The various instruments and musical sounds of this electronic learning toy encourage your infant or toddler to play and dance as they learn about numbers, shapes, instruments, and music!

    Grow & Discover Music Studio Manual

    Grow & Discover Tree House

    Learning is so much fun in the Grow & Discover Tree House™ by VTech®! Your child’s senses will be running wild as they explore and discover ball play, shape sorting, turning gears and so much more. With so many fun activities, your little one will never want to come out from their tree house play tent!

    80-147300 Grow & Discover Tree House Product Manual 5.28.15

    Grow Along Bounce & Go Pony™

    We know some days can feel like a toddler rodeo at home, so why not give your kiddo a pony to harness all that energy? This 4-in-1 pony goes from push walker to ride-on to scooter to galloping bouncer. It’ll be a blue-ribbon winner in your child’s playroom! Give a loose rein to their imagination with five pretend places to visit—the beach, the mountains, the park, farm or school. Yee-haw! When your little one’s legs need a rest, there’s plenty to keep their mind and fingers busy. They can explore gears, clacker beads and a roller, or lift the peek-a-boo door to meet an animal friend. Hear about colors, numbers and shapes with the colorful light-up buttons kids love to press. Giddy-up, gallop and go! There’s a whole lot of playtime ahead! Intended for ages 12–36 months. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-519100 Grow Along Bounce & Go Pony Instruction Manual

    Grow-Along Music Center™

    Show off your singing skills with the Grow-Along Music Center™ by VTech®. Your child can sing along to the music and change the sound of their voice with the fun voice effect selector. They can also play the piano keys and learn about instruments, colors and animals.

    Grow-Along Music Center Manual

    Hammer Fun Learning Truck

    Learn and play with Farmer Brown and his fun singing adventure truck that teaches colors, sounds and comparisons!

    Hammer Fun Learning Truck Manual

    Handy Manny’s Construction Laptop

    Get a jump start on pre-school with your favorite friends from the Handy Manny TV Show! Manny’s Construction Laptop helps teach your child essential preschool skills and Spanish as the voices of «Pat» the hammer and «Felipe» the screwdriver offer up encouragement and fun.

    Handy Manny’s Construction Laptop Manual

    Hope the Healing Husky™

    Hope the Healing Husky™ doesn’t feel well, but you can help! Hold the magic stethoscope to Hope’s chest, and she’ll switch from barks to words to tell you how she’s feeling. Future veterinarians are going to love using the four interactive accessories to check her temperature, give a healing shot, bandage her ouchie and more. Then put on her recovery collar to help her heal. Store all the accessories in the medical bag for quick clean-up. Explore nurturing role-play by interacting with Hope’s seven buttons and sensors that enable her to talk, bark and move. Hope will make different sounds to show if she’s hungry, has a cold or fever, has a hurt leg or feels itchy. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-529760 Hope the Healing Husky Instruction Manual

    Hover Pup™

    Get playtime on a roll with the interactive Hover Pup™ with three ways to play! Learn about numbers and counting with floor play, then get up and dance with this encouraging puppy that turns and rolls along on its hoverboard. Keep the giggles and gross motor skills growing with a game of follow the leader. Motion sensors let the puppy avoid obstacles and keep it moving forward when someone is following it. Ready to rest? Pick up the pup, and it knows it’s time to slow down. Explore two learning buttons, a light-up heart and an interactive paw button to learn about numbers, counting, music and feelings and to hear encouraging phrases. More than 65 songs, melodies, sounds and phrases help children learn vocabulary words along with lively tunes. Three, two, one, it’s time to have some fun! Intended for ages 9–36 months. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-547500 Hover Pup Instruction Manual

    Innotab 2 Blue

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet. With the addition of a rotatable camera that can also take video, your child can capture memories of their friends and themselves! With hundreds of apps to download, your child will have so much fun, they won’t realize they are learning.

    Innotab 2 Blue Manual

    InnoTab 3 Plus (Pink) — The Learning Tablet

    The InnoTab® 3 Plus opens up a world of learning fun and offers kids educational topics across a wide variety of subjects. Your child will enjoy playing on this fun learning tablet for kids with 12 included apps and a Rechargeable Power Pack so you can recharge your InnoTab® 3 Plus again and again! Entertaining game play teaches reading, math, social studies, handwriting, science, problem solving, geography and much more. From VTech®, the one-stop learning authority.

    InnoTab 3 Plus (Pink) — The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3 Plus — The Learning Tablet

    The InnoTab® 3 Plus opens up a world of learning fun and offers kids educational topics across a wide variety of subjects. Your child will enjoy playing on this fun learning tablet for kids with 12 included apps and a Rechargeable Power Pack so you can recharge your InnoTab® 3 Plus again and again! Entertaining game play teaches reading, math, social studies, handwriting, science, problem solving, geography and much more. From VTech®, the one-stop learning authority.

    InnoTab 3 Plus — The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3S Plus (Pink) — The Learning Tablet

    Learn, create and connect with the InnoTab® 3S Plus! Open up a world of interactive game play and learning fun. A variety of subjects including reading, math, social studies, science and more are right at your child’s fingertips, plus the can play their own videos and MP3s. With a Wi-Fi connection, your child can explore selected websites and even exchange messages with iPhone® and Android smart phones. From VTech®, the one-stop learning authority.

    InnoTab 3S Plus (Pink) — The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab 3S Plus — The Learning Tablet

    Learn, create and connect with the InnoTab® 3S Plus! Open up a world of interactive game play and learning fun. A variety of subjects including reading, math, social studies, science and more are right at your child’s fingertips, plus the can play their own videos and MP3s. With a Wi-Fi connection, your child can explore selected websites and even exchange messages with iPhone® and Android smart phones. From VTech®, the one-stop learning authority.

    InnoTab 3S Plus — The Learning Tablet Manual

    InnoTab Software — Bubble Guppies

    It’s the Bubble Guppies: Pet Care School Day game for InnoTab®! Gil and the class adopt Bubble Puppy, but the Bubble Guppies have never had a pet before… Dive in with the Bubble Guppies to discover how to take care of Bubble Puppy and other pets, too! Learn about colors, counting, reading, life science, vocabulary and more with the Bubble Guppies. Have fun and learn to care for a pet on this exciting InnoTab® software title!

    InnoTab Software — Bubble Guppies Manual

    InnoTab Software — Dinosaur Train

    Buddy and Tiny are up for fun and adventure in this new Dinosaur Train educational software title for the VTech InnoTab systems. Your child will love interacting with their favorite characters they read, play, create and learn on their favorite tablet!

    InnoTab Software — Dinosaur Train Manual

    InnoTab Software — Doc McStuffins Create & Explore with Doc!

    Join Doc McStuffins and her toy friends as they decorate the backyard in Create & Explore with Doc for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! You can also help Doc give the toys a check-up, look at Doc’s Big Book of Boo-Boos and read an e-Book story about helping Robot Ray.

    InnoTab Software — Doc McStuffins Create & Learn with Doc! Manual

    InnoTab Software — I Spy Adventure

    I spy a fun-filled problem-solving adventure in this title for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! In I SPY® Adventure, find, match and sort objects across four action-packed thinking games that build logic, vocabulary and visual discrimination skills. Solve I SPY riddles and games to unlock 50 levels of play in each!

    InnoTab Software — I Spy Adventure Manual

    InnoTab Software — Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

    See what fun Mickey Mouse and his friends have in store with the new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet from VTech.

    InnoTab Software — Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Manual

    InnoTab Software — Monsters University

    The Scare Games are the biggest event of the year at Monsters University. Mike and the other Oozma Kappas need to win, or Mike and Sulley will get expelled! Read their story in the e-book, or help Mike and Sulley train for the Scare Games in the learning games. This InnoTab® software title features nine learning games that teach letters, math and more!

    InnoTab Software — Monsters University Manual

    InnoTab Software — Monsters University

    It’s Jumble Day at Royal Prep, and Sofia’s classrooms are all mixed up! Help Princess Sofia get to class in the Sofia the First game for InnoTab. Play games and get creative as you help Sofia and friends through eight learning activities and two creative modes. Read the e-book to learn how Sofia becomes a princess! Discover colors, shapes, problem solving and more. It’s a silly, mixed-up kind of day as you learn to be a princess with Sofia on this fun tablet game for kids!

    InnoTab Software — Monsters University Manual

    InnoTab Software — My First Nursery Rhymes

    Join Cody and Cora on a musical adventure in My First Nursery Rhymes for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! Listen to nursery rhyme songs, play mini learning games, watch playful animations and be introduced to baby sign language. Set the timer for 15 minutes and play a loop of five lullabies. You can also customize characters and create an avatar.

    InnoTab Software — My First Nursery Rhymes Manual

    InnoTab Software — Octonauts

    The Octonauts are researching underwater habitats in this title for VTech’s InnoTab® systems. Join Captain Barnacles, Kwazii and Peso as they explore the sea in the GUP-A, rescue sea creatures and protect the underwater world!

    InnoTab Octonauts Software

    InnoTab Software — Penguins of Madagascar *CLEARANCE*

    Everybody’s favorite zoo creatures are at it again in this new Penguins of Madagascar educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet from VTech. Kids can join their favorite characters as they play and develop essential learning skills.

    InnoTab Software — Penguins of Madagascar *CLEARANCE* Manual

    InnoTab Software — SpongeBob SquarePants

    It’s always an adventure under the sea with SpongeBob SquarePants. In this new educational game cartridge for the InnoTab Learning App Tablet by VTech, kids can play games, read an e-book, and create as they build essential learning skills.

    InnoTab Software — SpongeBob SquarePants Manual

    InnoTab Software — Team Umizoomi

    Join Milli, Geo, and Bot for some educational fun in this Team Umizoomi cartridge filled with three learning games, an e-book, and creative activities for VTech’s InnoTab systems.

    InnoTab Software — Team Umizoomi Manual

    InnoTab Software — Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have emerged from their hidden lair in the sewers to meter out some justice in this exciting InnoTab® software title by VTech®! Their friend April learns that Shredder is planning to invade the city, and his ultimate plan will strike very close to home. It’s your job to help! This educational learning game for kids teaches math, science, vocabulary and more. Help the Turtles try and thwart Shredder’s evil plan. Turtle Power!

    InnoTab Software — Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Manual

    InnoTab Software — Turbo

    Turbo wants to win the Big Race, but he needs to train his skills first. Join Turbo as Tito and his snail friends help train him to be the fastest racer on this InnoTab® game. Learn with seven interactive games, read the e-book and take photos. This exciting tablet game for kids teaches problem solving, letters, memory and more. Ready… set… fun!

    InnoTab Software — Turbo Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Doc McStuffins

    Disney’s Doc McStuffins loves to play with her toys, and she loves it even more when they’re happy and healthy. Learn reading, vocabulary, math, creativity and more! Help Doc give the toys a check-up, read an e-book or play fun learning games on this girls’ InnoTab® software title from VTech®!

    InnoTab Software — Doc McStuffins Manual

    InnoTab® Software — Ultimate Spider-Man

    Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is now the Ultimate Spider-Man in this title for VTech’s InnoTab® systems! The city is in danger, and Nick Fury calls in Spider-Man to help. Join him on this ultimate adventure as he takes on three of his greatest enemies. It’s going to take both brains and brawn for Spider-Man to save the day!

    InnoTab Software — Ultimate Spider-Man Manual

    Ivy the Bloom Bright Unicorn™

    Make some magic with your new friend, Ivy the Bloom Bright Unicorn™. This robotic unicorn toy spreads her wings and sparkles with light when she talks and sings. Press the butterfly button on Ivy’s magic wand to choose a color and change her eyes, wings, or hair, horn and flower. Wave the wand to change all Ivy’s colors at once. Accessorize Ivy’s tail using her six hair clips to complete her look. Blow Ivy a kiss and watch the flower in her mane bloom and light up. It’s time to party! Play music for Ivy and she’ll dance and glow. Ask Ivy to play a song, then hear her sing eight different tunes. Sing along when you learn the songs! When it’s time to rest, tuck Ivy’s legs under her and boop her nose for cute and cuddly responses. She’ll then share her dreams and ask for a lullaby. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 4 AA and 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-547100 Ivy the Bloom Bright Unicorn Instruction Manual

    Jake & The Neverland Pirates Treasure Hunt Learning Laptop

    It’s time for a pirate adventure with the VTech Treasure Hunt Learning Laptop! Featuring Jake and the Never Land Pirates, this laptop for kids has 14 different learning games that will engage your child as they build their language and math skills.

    Jake & The Neverland Pirates Treasure Hunt Learning Laptop Manual

    Jungle Gym: Monkey Moves Smart Seat

    Get ready to monkey around with the Jungle Gym Monkey Moves Smart Seat! This cute little monkey loves to move his arms up and down — the more they move, the more your child learns. Rewards active play with fun melodies, animal sounds and dancing lights.

    Jungle Gym: Monkey Moves Smart Seat Manual

    Jungle Gym: Ride & Learn Giraffe Bike

    The more your child pedals, the more they learn with the Jungle Gym Ride & Learn Giraffe Bike! Letters and objects appear on the hi-resolution LCD screen!

    Jungle Gym: Ride & Learn Giraffe Bike Manual

    Jungle Gym: Step & Count Kangaroo

    Hop on to the Jungle Gym Step & Count KangarooR for some learning fun! Teach your children lessons in numbers and music while keeping them active on the playful kangaroo stepping pads.

    Jungle Gym: Step & Count Kangaroo Manual

    Kidi Secrets Selfie Journal™

    Protect your thoughts and dreams with the Kidi Secrets Selfie Journal™. Make a photo journal, write diary entries or record messages and keep them safe. Facial recognition software unlocks the journal only when it recognizes your face. Features front and rear cameras so you can take selfies and pictures of your friends. A full suite of mini-apps includes games, photo and video filters, music and utilities that give you a variety of activities to play. Create new looks for yourself and your friends, care for a virtual pet, decorate photos and videos, play learning games and more! You’re the key to this diary!

    80-163600 KidiSecrets Selfie Journal Instruction Manual

    Kidi Star Music Magic Microphone™

    Set out on the path to stardom with the Kidi Star Music Magic Microphone™. Be the lead singer with this interactive microphone that features Music Magic mode, which reduces the main vocal track of your favorite songs so your own voice is center stage! Easily connect your MP3 player or mobile device and sing along to favorite tunes from your collection. The microphone is packed with exciting features like four games, four original songs, a voice changer with four effects and an applause button. Record yourself for up to two minutes and enjoy your performance again and again!

    80-194300 KidiStar Music Magic Microphone Parent Guide

    Kidi Super Star™

    Kidi Super Star™ by VTech® lets kids take center stage! Your aspiring star can grab the microphone and sing along to eight built-in songs with super cute animations or plug in an MP3 player. When they’re ready, they can use Music Magic mode to remove or reduce the main vocal track and take the lead. Colorful disco light effects create an exciting atmosphere for your star, while applause and cheering sounds complete the performance! Four funny vocal effects change the sound of their voice and let them express themselves in a fun way. Little singers can use the built-in recorder to record up to five minutes and then listen to their performance. Enjoy six music, rhythm and memory games and sing along with favorite tunes!

    80-178500 Kidi Super Star Parent Guide

    KidiBeats Drum Set — Pink

    Your child can rock out and learn with the VTech KidiBeats Pink Drum Set! This drum set for kids comes with a pair of drumsticks that can be used to tap the four different electronic learning drums. Your child can drum freestyle or play along to nine pre-set melodies in a variety of musical styles. Or for more structured play, they can follow the lights on the drums as they learn about letters and numbers. With four ways to play and a variety of fun sounds, your child will love learning to the music with this educational toy!

    KidiBeats Drum Set — Pink Manual

    KidiBeats Drum Set™

    Your child can rock out and learn with the KidiBeats Drum Set™! This drum set for kids comes with a pair of drumsticks that can be used to tap the four different electronic learning drums. Your child can drum freestyle or play along to nine pre-set melodies in a variety of musical styles including rock, dance and pop. For more structured play, toddlers can follow the lights on the drums as they learn about letters and numbers. With four ways to play and a variety of fun sounds, your child will love learning to the music with this educational toy! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    KidiBeats Drum Set Manual

    KidiBuzz™ (Pink)

    Connect, share and play with KidiBuzz™, the hand-held smart device for kids! Send texts, voice messages, photos, drawings and animated stickers over Wi-Fi to mom, dad and a parent-approved contact list. Check out popular websites through the kid-friendly web browser or download popular Android™ apps. KidiBuzz™ is also preloaded with more than 40 exciting learning games and awesome apps. Perfect for kids on the go, its bumpers and shatter-safe screen let them take it anywhere. The KidiBuzz™ smart device is made for fun, and made for kids!


    KidiBuzz™ 3 – Purple

    Magnify the fun with the KidiBuzz™ 3 smart device! Message parent-approved contacts, capture and share photos using the new MagLens, play games and more! Built-in safeguards provide peace of mind. Connect with approved contacts to send texts, photos and video clips over Wi-Fi to other KidiBuzz™ devices and iPhone or Android smartphones with the free KidiCom Chat™ app. Take close-up photos and videos with the MagLens on the 5 MP camera, then add live face filters and frames to photos and video clips. Explore kid-friendly websites and 40+ interactive learning games that teach math, science and spelling. Download two free apps from hundreds of learning games in the Learning Lodge®. Access 2000+ games and activities with a free trial subscription to LeapFrog Academy®. Load and play your favorite music and movies for on-the-go entertainment. With parent controls to set daily time limits, this device keeps children engaged and parents at ease. Intended for ages 4–9 years. Includes headphone jack. Lithium-ion battery included. Memory is expandable with microSD card up to 32 GB (card not included). This is not a cellphone and does not work on mobile networks. Wi-Fi connection required for setup and to use KidiCom Chat™.

    80-541150 KidiBuzz 3 Instruction Manual

    KidiBuzz™ 3

    Magnify the fun with the KidiBuzz™ 3 smart device! Message parent-approved contacts, capture and share photos using the new MagLens, play games and more! Built-in safeguards provide peace of mind. Connect with approved contacts to send texts, photos and video clips over Wi-Fi to other KidiBuzz™ devices and iPhone or Android smartphones with the free KidiCom Chat™ app. Take close-up photos and videos with the MagLens on the 5 MP camera, then add live face filters and frames to photos and video clips. Explore kid-friendly websites and 40+ interactive learning games that teach math, science and spelling. Download two free apps from hundreds of learning games in the Learning Lodge®. Access 2000+ games and activities with a free trial subscription to LeapFrog Academy®. Load and play your favorite music and movies for on-the-go entertainment. With parent controls to set daily time limits, this device keeps children engaged and parents at ease. Intended for ages 4–9 years. Includes headphone jack. Lithium-ion battery included. Memory is expandable with microSD card up to 32 GB (card not included). This is not a cellphone and does not work on mobile networks. Wi-Fi connection required for setup and to use KidiCom Chat™.

    80-541100 KidiBuzz 3 Instruction Manual

    KidiBuzz™ G2 (Pink)

    The KidiBuzz™ G2 (Pink) is the Wi-Fi smart device that kids and parents will love. Kids get the messaging, photography, games and music they want—and parents get peace of mind knowing kids can play, connect safely and learn along the way. Pair this device with the free KidiConnect™ app to securely send texts, voice messages, images and to approve your child’s contact list. Parental controls also let you set time limits and add your own list of specifically approved websites. The Wonder Masks app lets kids add movement-responsive face filters to pictures. For augmented reality fun, they can play Creature Detective, which blends AR gaming with learning. The KidiBuzz™ G2 comes with 40+ learning games that cover math, spelling, science, problem-solving, music, Spanish and more. Enjoy access to a free trial of LeapFrog Academy®, an interactive learning program filled with 2,000 engaging games and activities. This device is not a cell phone. Intended for ages 4-9 years. Lithium-ion battery included.

    KidiBuzz G2 Parent Guide

    KidiBuzz™ G2

    The KidiBuzz™ G2 is the Wi-Fi smart device that kids and parents will love. Kids get the messaging, photography, games and music they want—and parents get peace of mind knowing kids can play, connect safely and learn along the way. Pair this device with the free KidiConnect™ app to securely send texts, voice messages, images and to approve your child’s contact list. Parental controls also let you set time limits and add your own list of specifically approved websites. The Wonder Masks app lets kids add movement-responsive face filters to pictures. For augmented reality fun, they can play Creature Detective, which blends AR gaming with learning. The KidiBuzz™ G2 comes with 40+ learning games that cover math, spelling, science, problem-solving, music, Spanish and more. Enjoy access to a free trial of LeapFrog Academy®, an interactive learning program filled with 2,000 engaging games and activities. This device is not a cell phone. Intended for ages 4-9 years. Lithium-ion battery included.

    KidiBuzz G2 Parent Guide


    Connect, share and play with KidiBuzz™, the hand-held smart device for kids! Send texts, photos, drawings and animated stickers over Wi-Fi to mom, dad and a parent-approved contact list using the KidiConnect™ app. They can also push the talk button and send quick voice messages. Check out popular pre-approved websites through the kid-friendly web browser or download popular Android™ apps. It’s also a multimedia player for listening to music and watching favorite videos online. Kids can explore silly stamps, frames and photo effects and use them to capture fun pictures and selfies or make their own videos with the 180 degree rotating camera. KidiBuzz™ is preloaded with more than 40 exciting learning games and awesome apps. Perfect for kids on the go, its bumpers and shatter-safe screen let them take it anywhere. The KidiBuzz™ smart device is made for fun, and made for kids!


    Kidiminiz- KidiBunny Orange

    The VTech Kidiminiz KidiBunny is an adorable electronic pet that your child will love to play with! With its fun personality, customizable face, and interactive games, there is always something new to explore with this little friend! Cute and clever, the KidiBunny is a friend forever!

    Kidiminiz- KidiBunny Orange Manual

    Kidiminiz- KidiBunny Pink

    The VTech Kidiminiz KidiBunny is an adorable electronic pet that your child will love to play with! With its fun personality, customizable face, and interactive games, there is always something new to explore with this little friend! Cute and clever, the KidiBunny is a friend forever!

    Kidiminiz- KidiBunny Pink Manual

    Kidiminiz- KidiDog Aqua

    The VTech Kidiminiz KidiDog is an adorable electronic pet that your child will love to play with! With its fun personality, customizable face, and interactive games, there is always something new to explore with this little friend! Cute and clever, the KidiDog is a friend forever!

    Kidiminiz- KidiDog Aqua Manual

    Kidiminiz- KidiDog Purple

    The VTech Kidiminiz KidiDog is an adorable electronic pet that your child will love to play with! With its fun personality, customizable face, and interactive games, there is always something new to explore with this little friend! Cute and clever, the KidiDog is a friend forever!

    Kidiminiz- KidiDog Purple Manual

    KidiZoom Lightning McQueen Digital Camera

    Smile and say «cheese» with the KidiZoom Lightning McQueen Digital Camera from VTech! With three times the fun, this innovative camera will let your preschooler take photos, edit photos, and make movies!

    Kidizoom Lightning McQueen Digital Camera Manual

    KidiZoom Plus Pink

    VTech KidiZoom Plus Camera is a sleek and durable digital camera for children to take photos, edit photos, record digital video movies, and play fun games! The camera also has TV connectability that lets kids view their photos and movies or play games on a TV screen. Find out more on vtechkids.com!

    Kidizoom Plus Pink Manual

    KidiZoom Plus

    VTech KidiZoom Plus is a sleek and durable digital camera for kids to take photos, edit photos, record digital video movies, and play fun games! The camera also has TV connectability that lets kids view their photos and movies or play games on a TV screen. Find out more on vtechkids.com!

    Kidizoom Plus Manual

    KidiZoom Smartwatch — Blue

    More than just a watch, VTech’s KidiZoom® Smartwatch lets your budding photographer take photos, videos, play learning games and tell time for learning fun on the go!

    Kidizoom Smartwatch — Blue Manual

    KidiZoom Smartwatch — Camouflage

    More than just a watch, VTech’s KidiZoom® Smartwatch lets your budding photographer take photos, videos, play learning games and tell time for learning fun on the go!

    80-155770 Kidizoom Smartwatch Product Manual

    KidiZoom Smartwatch — Sky Blue

    More than just a watch, VTech’s KidiZoom® Smartwatch lets your budding photographer take photos, videos, play learning games and tell time for learning fun on the go!

    Kidizoom Smartwatch — Sky Blue Manual

    KidiZoom® Action Cam (Purple)

    The KidiZoom® Action Cam by VTech® lets little videographers capture their adventures with videos and photos! The Action Cam is a great first video camera for kids and is durable enough to handle drops and tumbles. It can go anywhere and do anything kids can do with two included mounts so they can attach it to their bike, skateboard and more. It also comes with a waterproof case so they can take videos and pictures up to 6′ underwater! The Action Cam features a 1.4″ color LCD screen and can take videos and photos in addition to stop-motion videos and time-lapse photos. Your child can also explore their creativity with fun effects, frames and photo filters. They can download their photos and videos to a computer using the included micro USB cable and share them with family and friends. For even more fun, they can also play three exciting learning games.

    170710 Kidizoom Action Cam Product Manual

    KidiZoom® Camera Pix™ Plus — Pink

    Focus on fabulous photos with the KidiZoom® Camera Pix™ Plus! Inspire curiosity with creativity tools and 40+ camera effects on this 2.0 megapixel camera with 4X digital zoom and 1.8″ screen. Create a Talking Photo using your own voice and photo. Apply voice-changing effects, then play it back—your photo appears to talk! In Photo Editor mode, add photo frames, stamps and more. Create a kaleidoscope, a photo collage, or make a video with loads of special effects. Expand your creativity with Panorama mode. Create a panoramic shot by stitching together two to five images. Experiment with Animation Maker and combine up to 100 photos with image overlay technology to create your very own animation. Ready to switch gears? Relax with four built-in games. Have fun with Recycle Rescue, Delivery Dash, Fast Flowers and Gift Tower. This rugged, kid-friendly camera with wrist strap is easy for little photographers to grip and hold. Expand the camera memory up to 32GB, and transfer files to a computer to save them (memory card and USB cable not included). Intended for ages 3–8 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries not included.

    80-548950 KidiZoom Camera Pix Plus Instruction Manual

    KidiZoom® Camera Pix™ Plus

    Focus on fabulous photos with the KidiZoom® Camera Pix™ Plus! Inspire curiosity with creativity tools and 40+ camera effects on this 2.0 megapixel camera with 4X digital zoom and 1.8″ screen. Create a Talking Photo using your own voice and photo. Apply voice-changing effects, then play it back—your photo appears to talk! In Photo Editor mode, add photo frames, stamps and more. Create a kaleidoscope, a photo collage, or make a video with loads of special effects. Expand your creativity with Panorama mode. Create a panoramic shot by stitching together two to five images. Experiment with Animation Maker and combine up to 100 photos with image overlay technology to create your very own animation. Ready to switch gears? Relax with four built-in games. Have fun with Recycle Rescue, Delivery Dash, Fast Flowers and Gift Tower. This rugged, kid-friendly camera with wrist strap is easy for little photographers to grip and hold. Expand the camera memory up to 32GB, and transfer files to a computer to save them (memory card and USB cable not included). Intended for ages 3–8 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries not included.

    80-548900 KidiZoom Pix Plus Instruction Manual

    KidiZoom® Duo Camera — Blue

    Your child can discover their creativity with the KidiZoom® Duo by VTech®. This real digital camera is great for kids and is durable enough to handle drops and tumbles. The KidiZoom® Duo features a 2.4″ color LCD screen and can take photos and videos in addition to a rear-facing camera that’s perfect for taking selfies. Your child can also get creative using laugh-out-loud photo effects in addition to cartoon and collage effects. They can download their photos and videos to a computer using the included micro USB cable and share them with family and friends. For even more fun, they can also play five included games, including three that are motion-controlled.

    80-170800 KidiZoom Duo Camera Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Duo Camera — Camouflage

    Your child can discover their creativity with the KidiZoom® Duo by VTech®. This real digital camera is great for kids and is durable enough to handle drops and tumbles. The KidiZoom® Duo features a 2.4″ color LCD screen and can take photos and videos in addition to a rear-facing camera that’s perfect for taking selfies. Your child can also get creative using laugh-out-loud photo effects in addition to cartoon and collage effects. They can download their photos and videos to a computer using the included micro USB cable and share them with family and friends. For even more fun, they can also play five included games, including three that are motion-controlled.

    80-170860 KidiZoom Duo Camera Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Duo Camera — Pink

    Your child can discover their creativity with the KidiZoom® Duo by VTech®. This real digital camera is great for kids and is durable enough to handle drops and tumbles. The KidiZoom® Duo features a 2.4″ color LCD screen and can take photos and videos in addition to a rear-facing camera that’s perfect for taking selfies. Your child can also get creative using laugh-out-loud photo effects in addition to cartoon and collage effects. They can download their photos and videos to a computer using the included micro USB cable and share them with family and friends. For even more fun, they can also play five included games, including three that are motion-controlled.

    80-170850 KidiZoom Duo Deluxe Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® DUO Deluxe Digital Camera with MP3 Player and Headphones — Pink

    VTech KidiZoom® Duo Deluxe Camera is a fun, durable and easy-to-use digital camera that has an up to 5.0MP front camera and a VGA rear camera for selfies. Take fun photos with special camera effects, film entertaining movies. Explore a wide variety of creative options that allow you to enhance your photos with frames, filters, stamps and wacky effects. You can even play fun games with motion controls or add your favorite songs to the built-in MP3 player! KidiZoom® DUO Deluxe features a Parental game controls setting, it allows parents to limit the play time for the 5 built-in games. You can also disable all games through this setting. Once games are disabled, the game sub-menu will be hidden from the Main Menu. The 256 MB built-in memory (shared with program data), more than 1500 photos, or up to 9 minutes of video. Expandable memory with microSD / microSDHC (each sold separately) capacity from 1 GB to 32 GB. As a reference a 4GB microSD / microSDHC card (each sold separately) can record 41,900 photos or 220 minutes of video. Includes also 1 headphones, 1 wrist strap and 1 USB cable (for file transferring and not for charging). Intended for ages 3 to 9 years. KidiZoom® Duo Deluxe Camera is not of the rechargeable type, it requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only.

    80-501750 KidiZoom Duo Deluxe Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Duo Deluxe

    Your child can discover their creativity with the KidiZoom® Duo Deluxe by VTech®. This real digital camera is great for kids and is durable enough to handle drops and tumbles. It features a 2.4″ color LCD screen and can take photos and videos in addition to a rear-facing camera that’s perfect for taking selfies. Your child can also get creative using 70+ laugh-out-loud photo effects in addition to cartoon and collage effects. They can download their photos and videos to a computer using the included micro USB cable and share them with family and friends. For even more fun, they can listen to MP3s and play five included games, including three that are motion-controlled.

    80-501760 KidiZoom Duo Deluxe Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Duo DX — Pink

    Express yourself in pictures with the KidiZoom® Duo DX dual camera. You can use the high-resolution, 5 megapixel camera to take great shots and the 2 megapixel rear-facing camera for fun selfies. Create photos and videos with live face filters and fun photo effects. Be a pirate, a cat or a dog! Use the auto-portrait mode to focus on faces while you snap your shots. Augmented-reality games take you on a real-time, real-world monster hunt that encourages problem-solving as you use your movements and the camera to catch the monsters. The MP3 player lets you add music to your camera. This camera also lets you create your own animations. The camera can be adjusted for left- or right-handed kids. Parental control settings allow adults to switch off games and set time limits. Intended for ages 3-9 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    KidiZoom Duo DX Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Duo DX

    Express yourself in pictures with the KidiZoom® Duo DX dual camera. You can use the high-resolution, 5 megapixel camera to take great shots and the 2 megapixel rear-facing camera for fun selfies. Create photos and videos with live face filters and fun photo effects. Be a pirate, a cat or a dog! Use the auto-portrait mode to focus on faces while you snap your shots. Augmented-reality games take you on a real-time, real-world monster hunt that encourages problem-solving as you use your movements and the camera to catch the monsters. The MP3 player lets you add music to your camera. This camera also lets you create your own animations. The camera can be adjusted for left- or right-handed kids. Parental control settings allow adults to switch off games and set time limits. Intended for ages 3-9 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-520000 KidiZoom Duo DX Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX — Camouflage

    The VTech® KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX is an even smarter watch for kids with more fun games and activities! Perfect for young photographers, this durable smartwatch has more memory so kids can take tons of pictures and videos. Kids will love using the new motion sensor to explore three action challenges! The Smartwatch DX also includes eight games kids can play using the touch screen as well as the ability to download more from Learning Lodge®. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose between more than fifty 3D digital and analog displays. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, two new tools include a calendar feature and a calculator so your child can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. More than just a watch, it’s the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX.

    Smartwatch DX Manual

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX — Floral Swirl with Bonus Vivid Violet Wristband

    The VTech® KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX is an even smarter watch for kids with more fun games and activities! Perfect for young photographers, this durable smartwatch has more memory so kids can take tons of pictures and videos. Kids will love using the new motion sensor to explore three action challenges! The Smartwatch DX also includes eight games kids can play using the touch screen as well as the ability to download more from Learning Lodge®. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose between more than fifty 3D digital and analog displays. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, two new tools include a calendar feature and a calculator so your child can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Kids can even customize their Smartwatch DX with the included bonus wrist band for a whole new look! More than just a watch, it’s the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX.

    Smartwatch DX Manual

    Kidizoom® Smartwatch DX — Red Flame with Bonus Royal Blue Wristband

    The VTech® KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX is an even smarter watch for kids with more fun games and activities! Perfect for young photographers, this durable smartwatch has more memory so kids can take tons of pictures and videos. Kids will love using the new motion sensor to explore three action challenges! The Smartwatch DX also includes eight games kids can play using the touch screen as well as the ability to download more from Learning Lodge®. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose between more than fifty 3D digital and analog displays. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, two new tools include a calendar feature and a calculator so your child can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Kids can even customize their Smartwatch DX with the included bonus wrist band for a whole new look! More than just a watch, it’s the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX.

    Smartwatch DX Manual

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX — Royal Blue

    The VTech® KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX is an even smarter watch for kids with more fun games and activities! Perfect for young photographers, this durable smartwatch has more memory so kids can take tons of pictures and videos. Kids will love using the new motion sensor to explore three action challenges! The Smartwatch DX also includes eight games kids can play using the touch screen as well as the ability to download more from Learning Lodge®. The watch helps teach kids how to tell time by letting them choose between more than fifty 3D digital and analog displays. In addition to the alarm, timer and stopwatch, two new tools include a calendar feature and a calculator so your child can work out simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. More than just a watch, it’s the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX.


    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Camouflage)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Floral Birds with Bonus Vivid Violet Wristband)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Purple)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Red with Unicorn Pattern)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 (Skateboard Swoosh with Bonus Royal Blue Wristband)

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX2 is the perfect tech for kids. It’s kid-friendly, reliable and lets kids take quality pictures and videos, play games and tell time right out of the box. Featuring a stylish design, the secure and durable watch is sized for kids’ wrists. Two cameras allow kids to capture photos, selfies and action videos that can be customized with funny filters in the Silly Me app and made into watch faces. Choose from 55 digital and analog watch faces that help kids learn to tell time. Includes high-tech games like Monster Detector, which uses the camera and AR to help kids find and capture monsters in the real world. Use the motion sensor for active play challenges or to track steps. Parents can safely share photos and videos at their discretion only by uploading them to a computer using the included micro-USB cable. Free games, watch faces and camera effects are available from Learning Lodge®. This multifunction smartwatch is like Mom and Dad’s, designed just for kids and is available in multiple colors (sold separately). Intended for ages 4+ years. Battery included. Only charge this device using the included Micro-USB cable connected to a computer. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    KidiZoom DX2 Parent Guide

    KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX3 — Purple

    The coolest and best-selling kids’ smartwatch brand is here—the KidiZoom® Smartwatch DX3. The kid-friendly DX3 features dual cameras for pictures, selfies and videos along with one- and two-player games, daily reminders and more. The light on the watch doubles as camera flash and flashlight. Create custom clockfaces from your own photos or swipe through 50+ animated faces to make time-telling exciting. Set Daily Reminders to help you stay on track, and switch to School mode when it’s time to limit the DX3 to a watch only. Play single-player games like Monster Catcher and find 80+ invisible creatures! Challenge yourself with movement games: Racing Run, Crazy Dance and Funky Jump. Pair up with a friend who has a DX3 to share preset messages or play Treasure Hunt, Find the Diamonds and Tic-Tac-Toe. Upcycle the top of the package and use it as a watch storage case! Download more free games, clockfaces and camera effects from Learning Lodge®. Intended for ages 4+ years. Includes built-in, rechargeable lithium ion battery and Micro-USB cable. Do not charge using a third-party adapter.

    80-549010 VTech KidiZoom Smartwatch DX3 Instruction Manual

    KidiZoom® Twist — Blue

    Capture your best selfies with the KidiZoom® Twist, a kid-friendly camera packed with exciting features. Rotate the camera lens to easily snap the perfect selfie or take pictures of your friends and family anywhere. Let your creativity shine with more than 50 photo effects. Play five games, record videos, create your own stop motion animations and more. Use the included USB cord to connect to your PC or Mac computer and transfer files. Smile and take your best shot!

    80-140820 KidiZoom Twist Instruction Manual

    KidiZoom® Twist — Purple

    Capture your best selfies with the KidiZoom® Twist, a kid-friendly camera packed with exciting features. Rotate the camera lens to easily snap the perfect selfie or take pictures of your friends and family anywhere. Let your creativity shine with more than 50 photo effects. Play five games, record videos, create your own stop motion animations and more. Use the included USB cord to connect to your PC or Mac computer and transfer files. Smile and take your best shot!

    80-140830 KidiZoom Twist Instruction Manual

    Language Lab Laptop

    Learning a new language has never been so easy, or so fun! This laptop, specially programmed to teach language skills, engages kids with over 100 activities in phonics, reading and writing.

    Language Lab Laptop Manual

    Latches & Doors Busy Board™

    Knock, knock! Who’s behind the doors and windows of the Latches & Doors Busy Board™? Slide, press, twist or turn to unlock and open the doors and windows of the colorful house to build motor skills. Toddlers will find pictures of an adorable family, pets or a birthday party. This activity board reinforces learning by introducing numbers and animals. Three colorful buttons play the Alphabet Song, a number song or a playful song about the house. The busy board also includes a handle for play at home or away. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.


    Learn & Spin Aquarium™

    Dive into fun with the Learn & Spin Aquarium™. Press the blue water spout and watch it spin, light up and play music. Adorable ocean friends playfully swim and spin in the aquarium while the lights flash. Each time the plunger is pressed you will hear a playful phrase, a fun sound or a short tune. Three colorful buttons introduce animals, colors, numbers and play music. Listen to cheerful songs sung by the crab, fish and starfish. Make a splash with these spinning ocean friends!


    Learn & Spin Aquarium™

    Dive into fun with the Learn & Spin Aquarium™. Press the blue water spout and watch it spin, light up and play music. Adorable ocean friends playfully swim and spin in the aquarium while the lights flash. Each time the plunger is pressed you will hear a playful phrase, a fun sound or a short tune. Three colorful buttons introduce animals, colors, numbers and play music. Listen to cheerful songs sung by the crab, fish and starfish. Make a splash with these spinning ocean friends!


    Learning Lights Sudsy Soap

    Turn handwashing into child’s play (mess free!) with the Learning Lights Sudsy Soap™ toy. This pretend soap dispenser teaches healthy hygiene habits and more in a fun and friendly way. Practice pump-pressing and be rewarded with a musical light projection onto your child’s hand. Good job! Introduce little ones to early number concepts with the Numbers button that teaches counting with playful sounds and phrases. Explore three colors with the Bubbles button. Press the Music button to hear melodies and a catchy 20-second song that teaches the five steps to handwashing—just the right length of time for kids to scrub! The friendly elephant plays fun phrases and sounds with the touch of a button. Washing up has never been more fun! Intended for ages 12–36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-552000 Learning Lights Sudsy Soap Instruction Manual

    Learning Tunes Karaoke

    Kids become rock stars as they jam with VTech’s Learning Tunes Karaoke machine. With 15 songs and a microphone, this educational toy offers plenty of singing and learning fun all day long!

    Learning Tunes Karaoke Manual

    Let’s Go Rescue Pup™

    The Let’s Go Rescue Pup™ is ready to be the newest member of the family. With a detachable leash and puppy care accessories, this pup comes with what your little one needs to care for their new pet. Your little pet-owner-in-training can walk, feed, give water to and play with their new doggy friend. Two play modes enhance puppy playtime by introducing colors and numbers in Learning mode. Hear puppy care tips and play a color game in Nurture mode. The Let’s Go Rescue Pup™ encourages kiddos to get up and move as they walk their dog and hear interactive, motion-triggered responses. Your pup has picked up on the scent! Let’s go! Pat your pup’s head when it needs encouragement or to start a color-finding game. Is your doggo hungry or thirsty? Use the play food and water to care for it, or toss the toy bone to play. Experience the joys of pet ownership without the mess, vet bills or bad-weather walks! Accessories store in hip pouch. Intended for ages 1.5–4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-552500 Let’s Go Rescue Pup Instruction Manual

    Letter Sounds Learning Bus

    Hop on board for some educational fun with the Letter Sounds Learning Bus by VTech! This electronic learning toy will help your preschooler master basic phonics skills that are essential building blocks for reading and writing.

    Letter Sounds Learning Bus Manual

    Level Up Gaming Chair™

    Toy of the Year 2022 finalist — Infant/Toddler category! Serious(ly cute) little gamers get their very own preschool game station with the Level Up Gaming Chair™—with no Wi-Fi and no worries. Be just like the big-kid gamers with a swivel chair, joystick and pretend headphones. The interactive gaming tablet teaches letters, numbers, animals and music with gaming sound effects. Take newbies to the next level of learning with activities that help kids progress from letters and phonics to words and meanings on a tablet that turns gaming time into learning time! The portable tablet easily detaches from the tray, which kids can use for snacks, drawing or story time. Grab a seat, it’s game on! Intended for ages 1.5–4 years. Maximum weight 110 pounds. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-519200 Level Up Gaming Chair Instruction Manual

    Light & Spin Tug-a-Bug™

    Pull the ring on the Light & Spin Tug-a-Bug™ to see a colorful light show inside the spinning shell. Press the friendly caterpillar button to hear it sing a song, play music and say playful phrases. The easy-grasp ring attracts your little one’s attention with three rattling beads. Use the link to attach the cute snail to strollers, car seats and diaper bags for fun on-the-go. With two friendly bug voices, colorful lights and a spinning shell, your little one will love playing with their smiley snail friend!


    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™ — Pink

    Learn letters, numbers, shapes and more on the Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™ from VTech®. This tablet encourages imaginative play and includes more than 10 apps and activities for your child to explore. Pressing the eight learning app buttons introduces your child to letters, shapes, counting, numbers, instruments, animals, first words and music. Your child can also explore special apps and open pretend e-mails, take pretend pictures or check the time and weather just like mom and dad. The interactive light-up screen allows your child to use their finger to swipe the screen left, right, up or down to see the previous or next screen. They can also tap on Cody to interact with him and say “hi”! Tap, swipe and learn with Cody The Smart Cub™!

    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet — Pink Manual

    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™- Blue

    Learn letters, numbers, shapes and more on the Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™ from VTech®. This tablet encourages imaginative play and includes more than 10 apps and activities for your child to explore. Pressing the eight learning app buttons introduces your child to letters, shapes, counting, numbers, instruments, animals, first words and music. Your child can also explore special apps and open pretend e-mails, take pretend pictures or check the time and weather just like mom and dad. The interactive light-up screen allows your child to use their finger to swipe the screen left, right, up or down to see the previous or next screen. They can also tap on Cody to interact with him and say “hi”! Tap, swipe and learn with Cody The Smart Cub™!

    Light Up Baby Touch Tablet Parent Guide

    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™- Orange

    Learn letters, numbers, shapes and more on the Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet™ from VTech®. This tablet encourages imaginative play and includes more than 10 apps and activities for your child to explore. Pressing the eight learning app buttons introduces your child to letters, shapes, counting, numbers, instruments, animals, first words and music. Your child can also explore special apps and open pretend e-mails, take pretend pictures or check the time and weather just like mom and dad. The interactive light-up screen allows your child to use their finger to swipe the screen left, right, up or down to see the previous or next screen. They can also tap on Cody to interact with him and say “hi”! Tap, swipe and learn with Cody The Smart Cub™!

    Light-Up Baby Touch Tablet Manual

    Light-Up Learning Phone

    The Light-Up Learning Phone features a removable handset, fun recording feature and real phone
    sound effects. Teaches numbers and basic number concepts through fun games.

    Light-Up Learning Phone Manual

    Light-up Learning Turtle

    Splish, splash, have fun with a turtle in your bath! Children can sing, scoop and play with this light-up turtle toy sure to make bathtime fun!

    Light-up Learning Turtle Manual

    Lightning McQueen Atlas

    Travel the world with your favorite characters from Cars 2 with the Lightning McQueen Atlas from VTech! This interactive learning toy features a world map with touch-sensitive points that teach your child about various places around the globe!

    Lightning McQueen Atlas Manual

    Lightning McQueen Learn & Go

    Learning is double the fun with the Lightning McQueen Learn & Go from Vtech! This 2-in-1 electronic learning car can be played as a digital racing toy when closed and as a learning center when flipped open.

    Lightning McQueen Learn & Go Manual

    Lightning McQueen Learning Laptop

    Kids, start your engines! The Lightning McQueen Learning Laptop from VTech is an electronic learning toy that features your child’s favorite characters from Cars 2 and teaches them essential preschool skills that will help them race ahead to the top of the class.

    Lightning McQueen Learning Laptop Manual

    Lightning McQueen Learning Phone

    Lightning McQueen now teaches your child numbers and memory skills! As your child plays with the phone, they’ll learn basic pre-school curriculum from the coolest character from the hit movie CARS!

    Lightning McQueen Learning Phone Manual

    Lights & Lullabies Travel Mobile™

    Send your little one to dreamland at home or on the go with the Lights & Lullabies Travel Mobile™ by VTech®. This compact 4-in-1 mobile easily attaches to cribs, play yards, strollers and infant carriers. The light-up music button plays music, nature sounds and songs. The night light provides a soft glowing light that soothes your baby. In a crib or play yard, the mobile is voice activated and will respond to your little one’s cries with calming music and sounds. Three soft stars featuring colorful animals dangle and spin from the mobile, attracting your baby’s attention. Timer switch lets you play music and sounds for 10, 20 or 30 minutes, and volume buttons let you choose from seven volume levels.

    80-503000 Lights & Lullabies Travel Mobile

    Lil’ Critters Huggable Hippo Teether™

    Soothe sore gums with an adorable hippo friend. The Lil’ Critters Huggable Hippo Teether™ by VTech® is a soft plush hippo with two textured teethers to help soothe and massage gums. Press the light-up heart button to hear more than 30 fun phrases, melodies and sing-along songs. The plush teether features a variety of textures, including crinkle fabric, that provides sensory stimulation. Removable electronics allow the teether to be easily cleaned. The soft hippo is easy to grasp and is perfectly sized for little hands or on-the-go fun.

    80-502500 Lil’ Critters Huggable Hippo Teether Product Manual

    Lil’ Critters Learn & Go Activity Bug

    Get ready to shake, cuddle and sing with the Lil’ Critters Learn & Go Activity Bug™ by VTech®! With a cuddly, detachable ladybug and hanging manipulative features, this toy can be transported anywhere for on-the-go fun!

    Lil’ Critters Learn & Go Activity Bug Manual

    Lil’ Critters Musical Dreams Mobile

    Calm your baby with the soothing Lil’ Critters Musical Dreams Mobile™ by VTech®. Five cute, plush animals dangle and spin to soft music and sounds. This 2-in-1 mobile is also great for when your baby gets a little older. The mobile portion can be removed leaving a crib light that also plays soothing sounds and music. Soothing melodies are activated when your little dreamer cries and will play for a pre-selected amount of time. You can also choose between sing-along songs, nature sounds and melodies. Set the timer switch for 10, 20 or 30 minutes of music and sounds.


    Lil’ Critters Musical Glow Gym™

    Play in three ways with the Lil’ Critters Musical Glow Gym™ by VTech. The gym and colorful activity panel adjust to grow with your baby. Laying on their back, your little one will love kicking the piano keys and grabbing the cute dangling characters. Roll them over for tummy-time play and let them explore the colorful play mat and light-up activity panel. Transform the activity panel to an upright piano when your baby is strong enough to sit. Three different electronic modes play music and sounds, age-appropriate vocabulary or ask simple questions. The large tree features four twinkling lights that flash with the voice, music and sounds for visual stimulation in all modes. For added fun, the four dangling characters have a variety of colors and textures and include a self-discovery mirror, teether and rattle. Play and grow with this adorable gym!

    80-190600 Lil’ Critters Musical Glow Gym

    Lil’ Critters Play & Dream Musical Piano™

    Play a variety of fun musical activities with the Lil’ Critters Play & Dream Musical Piano™ by VTech®. Whether on the floor or attached to the crib, this soft piano can encourage play or soothe your child to sleep.

    Lil’ Critters Play & Dream Musical Piano Manual

    Lil’ Critters Shake & Wobble Busy Ball™

    Get ready to twist, slide and learn with the Lil’ Critters Shake & Wobble Busy Ball™ by VTech®. Six bead tracks, colorful buttons and a friendly cow encourage little ones to develop hand/eye coordination and fine motor skills. Three chunky buttons introduce colors, numbers, animals and vocabulary, as well as play sounds, music and songs. The ball’s motion sensor responds to movement with fun sounds and short tunes. Grab and shake the ball and get busy learning!

    80-502900 Lil’ Critters Shake & Wobble Busy Ball

    Lil’ Critters Soothe & Surprise Light™

    Put your little one to sleep with the Lil’ Critters Soothe & Surprise Light™ by VTech®! Gentle nature sounds and music soothe your baby, while calming animal pictures project on the ceiling on this soothing night light. For comfort during the night, a soft crib light creates more than 10 glowing patterns, and when your baby cries, this baby crib light’s built-in sensor activates calming sound and music. Sweet dreams, little one!

    Lil’ Critters Soothe & Surprise Light Manual

    Little Apps Light-Up Tablet™

    Brighten playtime and discovery with the Little Apps Light-Up Tablet™. Playful animations and sound effects pair with 12 learning activities to engage little learners. Explore apps and play modes that teach letters, words, numbers, counting, puzzles and more. Keep on track with daily routines and weekly activities in the My Calendar app, just like your favorite adults do. Play songs and sound effects in the My Piano app while pressing the piano keys. Have a conversation with the friendly lion in the Talking Pal app. Respond to questions about what you like and try to guess the animal sounds. Choose from four LED screen colors, then watch the tablet glow! Take this tablet on the go to keep playful exploration right at hand. Intended for ages 2–5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-551700 Little Apps Light-Up Tablet Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Raceway Set

    Ready, set, RACE marbles down ramps and through obstacles with the Marble Rush® Raceway Set. This 78-piece color-coded building set includes a starting gate that plays a musical light show, crazy 360˚ loop, thrilling tracks, rattling peg maze and bases that all easily connect together. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to advanced, or create your own courses to explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) skills. When construction is complete, drop the five marbles into the starting gate and launch them into action! Watch them race down ramps, around sharp turns and through the peg maze. Compete with family and friends to keep the marbles in motion and bring them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more build ideas by visiting the VTech Kids website. Recipient of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Accreditation Stamp of Approval by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-513900 Marble Rush Raceway Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush Raceway Set Challenge Manual

    Marble Rush® Corkscrew Rush Set™

    Construct thrilling stunts, exciting challenges and watch marbles go for a spin with the Marble Rush® Corkscrew Rush Set™. This 112-piece color-coded building set includes a corkscrew tumbler that plays a musical light show, see-saw track, dizzying vortex, thrilling ramps and bases that all easily connect together. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to advanced, or create your own courses to explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) skills. When construction is complete, dump the 10 marbles out of the barrel and into action! Watch them race down ramps to the corkscrew tumbler, vortex and elevator. Compete with family and friends to keep the marbles in motion and bring them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more build ideas by visiting the VTech Kids website. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-519400 Marble Rush Corkscrew Rush Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush Corkscrew Rush Set Challenge Manual

    Marble Rush® Discovery Starter Set™

    Explore thrilling stunts and exciting challenges with the Marble Rush® Discovery Starter Set™. This 33-piece color-coded building set includes an extreme launcher, fast tracks and bases that all easily connect. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different beginner builds or you can create your own courses. When construction is complete, drop the three marbles into the funnel and press the button to watch them race down ramps. Compete with friends and family using the exciting ramp challenge to keep the marbles in motion. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more builds at vtechkids.com/marblerush. Accredited STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Toy by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Batteries not required.

    80-502200 VTech Marble Rush Discovery Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Launchpad Set™

    Build thrilling stunts, exciting challenges and watch marbles take off with the Marble Rush® Launchpad Set™. This 89-piece color-coded building set includes a musical light-show rocket ship, thrilling ramps, fast tracks, extreme launchers and bases that all easily connect together. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to advanced, or create your own courses. When construction is complete, drop the 10 marbles into action and watch them race down ramps to the launcher and jump challenges. Compete with family and friends using the exciting launchers to keep the marbles in motion and bring them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more builds at vtechkids.com/marblerush. Recipient of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Accreditation Stamp of Approval by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-542200 VTech Marble Rush Launchpad Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Spiral Starter Set™

    Twist and turn through thrilling stunts and exciting challenges with the Marble Rush® Spiral Starter Set™. This 67-piece color-coded building set includes a swirling funnel, dizzying corkscrew, an extreme launcher and bases that all easily connect for sturdy obstacle courses. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to intermediate or you can create your own courses. When construction is complete, drop the five included marbles into action and watch them race down ramps to the launcher challenge. Compete with friends and family using the exciting launcher to keep the marbles in motion and launch them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more builds at vtechkids.com/marblerush. Recipient of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Accreditation Stamp of Approval by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Batteries not required.

    80-503600 Marble Rush Spiral Starter Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Tip & Swirl Set™

    Swirl, tumble and zoom around winding ramps with the Marble Rush® Tip & Swirl Set™. Create three exciting builds by easily connecting 47 color-coded pieces including a swirling funnel, teetering baskets and hairpin turns! Use the easy-to-follow leveled guide or create your own courses to explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) skills. Construct a gravity-fed course, then slide the five colorful marbles into the vortex to watch them race to the end. Which ones will win? The marbles rushing down the sloping tracks or the ones plummeting down the ramps? Gather friends and family to compete. Combine with otherMarble Rush® sets (each sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more build ideas at the VTech Kids website. Intended for ages 4+ years. Batteries not required.

    Marble Rush Tip & Swirl Set Instruction Manual

    Marble Rush® Ultimate Set™

    Roll through thrilling stunts and exciting challenges with the Marble Rush® Ultimate Set™. This 145-piece color-coded building set includes a spinning Ferris wheel, a swirling cone that plays a musical light show, thrilling ramps, fast tracks, extreme launchers and bases that all easily connect together. The easy-to-follow leveled guide includes three different builds from beginner to advanced, or create your own courses. When construction is complete, drop the 10 marbles into action and watch them race down ramps and swirl through funnels to the basket or ramp challenges. Compete with family and friends using the exciting launchers and non-stop Ferris wheel to keep the marbles in motion and bring them back to the beginning. Combine with other Marble Rush® sets (sold separately) to create an extreme playset. Find more builds at vtechkids.com/marblerush. Recipient of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Accreditation Stamp of Approval by the Toy Association™. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AA and 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-542300 VTech Marble Rush Ultimate Set Instruction Manual

    Mini Music Maker

    Just the machine for a maestro! Light up piano keys play melodies and fun phrases and instrument buttons teach real sounds. Baby can grab the plush handle and carry this teacher around.

    Mini Music Maker Manual

    Mix & Match-a-Saurus™- Pink

    Roar, dance and laugh with the innovative Mix & Match-a-Saurus™! This Dino comes with three emotion tiles (happy, angry, sleepy), three music tiles (hip hop, marching, ballet) and three character tiles (dinosaur, robot, monster). Create 27 different combinations of emotions, music styles and characters such as happy hip-hop dino or angry marching monster. Place the colorful tiles on Dino’s back to customize how you want to play with him! Every time a tile is inserted, the dinosaur moves, sings, dances, talks and encourages children to follow along for gross-motor play. Experimenting with the emotion tiles helps kids build social and emotional skills. Angry Dino may stomp around or say, «Let’s practice calming down,» helping kids learn that there are many ways to express feelings. When playtime is done, store the tiles in the dinosaur egg! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Mix & Match-a-Saurus™- Purple

    Roar, dance and laugh with the innovative Mix & Match-a-Saurus™! This Dino comes with three emotion tiles (happy, angry, sleepy), three music tiles (hip hop, marching, ballet) and three character tiles (dinosaur, robot, monster). Create 27 different combinations of emotions, music styles and characters such as happy hip-hop dino or angry marching monster. Place the colorful tiles on Dino’s back to customize how you want to play with him! Every time a tile is inserted, the dinosaur moves, sings, dances, talks and encourages children to follow along for gross-motor play. Experimenting with the emotion tiles helps kids build social and emotional skills. Angry Dino may stomp around or say, «Let’s practice calming down,» helping kids learn that there are many ways to express feelings. When playtime is done, store the tiles in the dinosaur egg! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Mix & Match-a-Saurus™

    Roar, dance and laugh with the innovative Mix & Match-a-Saurus™! This Dino comes with three emotion tiles (happy, angry, sleepy), three music tiles (hip hop, marching, ballet) and three character tiles (dinosaur, robot, monster). Create 27 different combinations of emotions, music styles and characters such as happy hip-hop dino or angry marching monster. Place the colorful tiles on Dino’s back to customize how you want to play with him! Every time a tile is inserted, the dinosaur moves, sings, dances, talks and encourages children to follow along for gross-motor play. Experimenting with the emotion tiles helps kids build social and emotional skills. Angry Dino may stomp around or say, «Let’s practice calming down,» helping kids learn that there are many ways to express feelings. When playtime is done, store the tiles in the dinosaur egg! Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System Pink

    Your child can enjoy on-the-go play with MobiGo 2. This handheld touch learning system is a multi-functional device that provides fun and education in many different ways. Numerous games and apps teach basic learning skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, reading, logic, drawing and more!

    MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System Pink Manual

    MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System

    Your child can enjoy on-the-go play with MobiGo 2. This handheld touch learning system is a multi-functional device that provides fun and education in many different ways. Numerous games and apps teach basic learning skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, reading, logic, drawing and more!

    MobiGo 2 Touch Learning System Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Dinosaur Train

    In this new adventure for the MobiGo systems, join Buddy and Tiny as they take the Dinosaur Train to explore exciting places with their friends!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Dinosaur Train Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Team Umizoomi

    Team Umizoomi is ready to help out their friend, Umicar, in this Team Umizoomi game for VTech’s MobiGo systems. Children ages 3-5 will love playing one of four learning games as they build skills in numbers, shapes, counting, and more!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Team Umizoomi Manual

    MobiGo Cartridge — Ultimate Spiderman

    Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is now the Ultimate Spider-Man in this title for VTech’s MobiGo® systems! Doc Ock has built his most powerful weapon yet. Only Spider-Man can stop him, but he can’t do it alone. Join Spider-Man on this ultimate adventure, and help him save the day!

    MobiGo Cartridge — Ultimate Spiderman Manual

    MobiGo Software — Bubble Guppies

    The Bubble Guppies are waiting for your arrival as you join them in underwater adventures with this exciting MobiGo® software title! Help them discover how to be healthy with seven games that teach problem solving, life sciences, colors and logic. You can also earn extra collectibles in the bonus shell-swapping game. So get ready to dive in and join the Bubble Guppies in wet and wild adventures!

    MobiGo Software — Bubble Guppies Manual

    MobiGo Software — Doc McStuffins

    Join Disney’s Doc McStuffins and her friends Stuffy, Lambie, Hallie and Chilly as they play fun games and learn how to stay healthy. Have fun playing learning and check-up games on this MobiGo® game from VTech®. Learn about health, spelling, shapes, addition and more!

    MobiGo Software — Doc McStuffins Manual

    MobiGo Software — Monsters University

    The Scare Games are the biggest event of the year at Monsters University. Mike and the other Oozma Kappas need to win, or Mike will get expelled! Help Mike find items around campus and set up training games for Don, Squishy, and Sulley. Then, help the OKs win the Scare Games. This MobiGo® software features eleven learning games to teach vocabulary, spelling, math and more!

    MobiGo Software — Monsters University Manual

    MobiGo Software — Turbo

    Turbo and his friends are in the racing circuit on a quest to earn trophies! Help them get all revved up with six interactive games that teach problem solving, colors, shapes, patterns and memory skills. Touch-screen and G-Sensor technology allow your child to play two ways on this Turbo MobiGo® game. Let’s go and race for the cup!

    MobiGo Software — Turbo Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Kung Fu Panda 2

    Join Po and the The Furious Five as they defend their livelihoods against the evil villain, Shen, in this new Kung Fu Panda game for the MobiGo Touch Learning System from VTech.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Kung Fu Panda 2 Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

    The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is where learning meets fun! For use on VTech’s MobiGo Touch Learning System, children will help solve the mystery of Pluto’s missing Super-Duper Bouncy Ball while learning numbers, colors, shapes and more!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Penguins of Madagascar

    Everybody’s favorite zoo creatures are at it again in the Penguins of Madagascar game for the MobiGoTouch Learning System from VTech! Your child can join the penguins and King Julien on several exciting and laugh-filled adventures while growing skills in logic with this educational game.

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Penguins of Madagascar Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — SpongeBob SquarePants

    It’s always an adventure under the sea with SpongeBob SquarePants! In this new educational game for the VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System, join SpongeBob for learning fun as he defends Krusty Krab’s secret formula for the Krabby Patty!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — SpongeBob SquarePants Manual

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Super Hero Squad

    Marvel Super Heroes are brought to life on the MobiGo Touch Learning System from VTech. Iron Man, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Thor, Wolverine and Hawkeye need children’s help fighting off the villains by competing in educational sports and knowledge games that build core preschool learning skills — all with the touch of a finger!

    MobiGo Software Cartridge — Super Hero Squad Manual

    MobiGo Touch Learning System Pink

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s MobiGo Touch Learning System Pink. Touchscreen technology makes learning fun as kids look, listen, and touch! This touch technology educational toy allows your child to tap, flick, pat, and drag their way to learning and fun! Numerous learning games teach basic skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, logic and categorization.

    MobiGo Touch Learning System Pink Manual

    MobiGo Touch Learning System

    Put your kids on the cutting edge with VTech’s MobiGo Touch Learning System. Touchscreen technology makes learning fun as kids look, listen, and touch! This touch technology educational toy allows your child to tap, flick, pat, and drag their way to learning and fun! Numerous learning games teach basic skills including math, vocabulary, spelling, logic and categorization.

    MobiGo Touch Learning System Manual

    Monkey Band Music Center™

    Join the animal band and sing along with the Monkey Band Music Center™ by VTech®. Your little one will develop fine motor skills as they play on light-up piano keys or tap the drum. Animal friends introduce themselves, sing songs and teach instrument names on this fun music toy. It’s time to sing and play!

    Monkey Band Music Center Manual

    Mousekadoer Laptop

    The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gang are here to help your kids have fun while they learn numbers, letters, music and more on this interactive and educational toy laptop! Learn preschool basics such as letters, numbers, logic and more!

    Mousekadoer Laptop Manual

    Musical Bubbles Octopus

    Dive into the tub for a little musical fun with VTech’s Musical Bubbles Octopus! This electronic learning bath toy teaches the names and sounds of instruments and animals. With the switch of a button, your child is surrounded with bubbles for dancing, laughing and twirling bathtime fun!

    Musical Bubbles Octopus Manual

    Musical Fun Choo Choo

    All aboard the Musical Fun Choo Choo! VTech’s colorful train toy takes children on a whimsical ride complete with three animal characters with instruments, music, numbers and shapes!

    Musical Fun Choo Choo Manual

    Musical Mouse Teether™

    Shake, rattle and sing with the Musical Mouse Teether™ by VTech®. Your little one will soothe sore gums by nibbling on the mouse’s cheese teether, which is removable for easy cleaning. Press the light-up heart button on the cute mouse to hear cheerful sounds, melodies, phrases and a cute song. Shake the mouse and build motor skills by holding the easy-to-grasp handle. The two circle beads will rattle together, and a fun song and sounds will play. Shake and have fun with the adorable mouse teether.


    Musical Rhymes Book™ (Pink)

    Explore classic nursery rhymes with the Musical Rhymes Book™ by VTech®. Your little one will build motor skills by sliding and twisting the fun play pieces while exploring each easy-to-turn page. Then they’ll play piano sounds with the five colorful piano keys that introduce colors and instruments. Two fun modes include learning mode that introduces age-appropriate vocabulary and music mode that plays music and instrument sounds. The interactive storybook provides visual stimulation with brightly colored pages and a light-up star that flashes along with the sounds.

    Musical Rhymes Book™ (Pink) User Manual

    Musical Rhymes Book™

    Explore classic nursery rhymes with the Musical Rhymes Book™ by VTech®. Your little one will build motor skills by sliding and twisting the fun play pieces while exploring each easy-to-turn page. Then they’ll play piano sounds with the five colorful piano keys that introduce colors and instruments. Two fun modes include learning mode that introduces age-appropriate vocabulary and music mode that plays music and instrument sounds. The interactive storybook provides visual stimulation with brightly colored pages and a light-up star that flashes along with the sounds.

    Musical Rhymes Book User Manual

    Musical Rhymes Book™

    Explore classic nursery rhymes with the Musical Rhymes Book™ by VTech®. Your little one will build motor skills by sliding and twisting the fun play pieces while exploring each easy-to-turn page. Then they’ll play piano sounds with the five colorful piano keys that introduce colors and instruments. Two fun modes include learning mode that introduces age-appropriate vocabulary and music mode that plays music and instrument sounds. The interactive storybook provides visual stimulation with brightly colored pages and a light-up star that flashes along with the sounds.

    Musical Rhymes Book User Manual

    Myla the Magical Unicorn™

    Light up every day with Myla the Magical Unicorn™! This colorful robotic unicorn toy glitters with lights as she talks and sings. Touch Myla’s magic brush to the butterfly palette to choose a color. Then touch the brush to her eyes, wings and horn to decorate Myla in a variety of colors. Braid Myla’s mane, brush her tail and complete her look by adding her crown and hair clips you can share. Then, sing a rocking duet with Myla and her microphone. When it’s time to go solo, pull the microphone away and Myla will stop singing while continuing to play music. Every day, Myla will give your child a positive message and when they pat her back she’ll say the lucky color. A magical adventure awaits with Myla! Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 4 AA and 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-182500 Myla the Magical Unicorn Parent Guide

    Myla’s Sparkling Friends™ Mia the Unicorn

    Playtime is magical with Myla’s Sparkling Friends™ Mia the Unicorn! This beautiful unicorn toy talks, sings and lights up with a kaleidoscope of colors. Touch Mia’s magical necklace, then touch her horn, eyes and wings to change their color. Mia will respond with more than 100 fun, magical responses about her mood, feelings and lucky colors. Sing a colorful duet with Mia by touching her mouth. Squeeze Mia’s legs to flap her wings and trigger lights and playful responses. Brush her mane and tail using the included comb and add some extra flair with two hair clips for you to share. Collect all of Myla’s Sparkling Friends™ (each sold separately) for more colorful play! Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-530800 Mia the Unicorn Parent Guide

    Myla’s Sparkling Friends™ Riley the Unicorn

    Playtime is magical with Myla’s Sparkling Friends™ Riley the Unicorn! This beautiful unicorn toy talks, sings and lights up with a kaleidoscope of colors. Touch Riley’s magical necklace, then touch her horn, eyes and wings to change their color. Riley will respond with more than 100 fun, magical responses about her mood, feelings and lucky colors. Sing a colorful duet with Riley by touching her mouth. Squeeze Riley’s legs to flap her wings and trigger lights and playful responses. Brush her mane and tail using the included comb and add some extra flair with two hair clips for you to share. Collect all of Myla’s Sparkling Friends™ (each sold separately) for more colorful play! Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-530860 Riley the Unicorn Parent Guide

    Nest & Build Tree Stacker™

    The Nest & Build Tree Stacker™ by VTech® is a stacking toy and more! Stack or nest the ten brightly colored triangle pieces or snap them together to create five small blocks. When your little builder places the cute interactive cat on top of a piece they will learn colors, numbers and objects. The cat will also ask your child questions to encourage interaction. Press the triangle button on the cat’s tummy and it will play four sing-along songs, fifteen melodies and tons of playful sounds and phrases.

    185000 Nest & Build Tree Stacker Manual

    Newborn Necessities Gift Set™ — Neutral

    Give the Newborn Necessities Gift Set™ to start baby off right with a set of four, must-have infant toys. The electronic piano has three light-up keys that introduce colors, shapes, numbers and animals and plays 45+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. The plush hippo is made from soft fabric of various textures and colorful patterns, playfully developing baby’s tactile awareness. The hippo’s soft textured legs are perfect for soothing sore gums. The frog rattle has an easy-grasp handle and clacker rings that slide back and forth, helping baby strengthen gross motor skills. Baby can also play peek-a-boo in the baby-safe flower mirror to develop self-awareness. No more wondering what to give as a first gift! It’s all right here. Intended for ages birth+. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-522060 — Newborn Necessities Gift Set Parent Guide

    Nitro Junior Notebook

    Packed with over 40 activities, the Nitro Jr. Notebook has plenty in store to challenge, excite, and help little minds grow essential language arts, math and music skills.

    Nitro Junior Notebook Manual

    Panda & Pals Block Puzzle™

    Little ones can complete six different puzzles with Penny in the Panda & Pals Block Puzzle™! This toddler puzzle is an interactive toy that recognizes each block and where they’re placed on Penny the Panda’s tummy. As kids build an animal puzzle, Penny the Panda will help them put the pieces in the correct place. She’ll even encourage them to turn the piece around or put it in a different place. The eject button pops the puzzle pieces out so they can play again. Pressing Penny’s three colorful buttons introduces numbers, animal facts and beginning letters. Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.


    PAW Patrol Learning Pup Watch — Chase

    Get on the case with the PAW Patrol Learning Pup Watch! This wearable gadget featuring a 3D Chase on the cover features 12 digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear Ryder call the pups into action and guide you through games to solve puzzles and complete missions. Match badges and gadgets to the correct pups or save Farmer Yumi’s animals by identifying animal tracks to build matching skills. Complete missions by solving math problems to help Ryder find his Pup Pad or help Marshall use an X-ray machine and EMT kit to take care of Jake. Clock faces feature favorite PAW Patrol pups, and time tools include a stopwatch, timer and an alarm with a choice of alarm tones. No job is too big, no pup is too small! Intended for ages 3–6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-551600 PAW Patrol Learning Pup Watches Instruction Manual

    PAW Patrol Learning Pup Watch — Marshall

    Get fired up with the PAW Patrol Learning Pup Watch! This wearable gadget featuring a 3D Marshall on the cover features 12 digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear Ryder call the pups into action and guide you through games to solve puzzles and complete missions. Match badges and gadgets to the correct pups or save Farmer Yumi’s animals by identifying animal tracks to build matching skills. Complete missions by solving math problems to help Ryder find his Pup Pad or help Marshall use an X-ray machine and EMT kit to take care of Jake. Clock faces feature favorite PAW Patrol pups, and time tools include a stopwatch, timer and an alarm with a choice of alarm tones. No job is too big, no pup is too small! Intended for ages 3–6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-551660 PAW Patrol Learning Pup Watch Instruction Manual

    PAW Patrol Learning Pup Watch — Skye

    Take to the sky with the PAW Patrol Learning Pup Watch! This wearable gadget featuring a 3D Skye on the cover features 12 digital clock faces, time tools and four games. Hear Ryder call the pups into action and guide you through games to solve puzzles and complete missions. Match badges and gadgets to the correct pups or save Farmer Yumi’s animals by identifying animal tracks to build matching skills. Complete missions by solving math problems to help Ryder find his Pup Pad or help Marshall use an X-ray machine and EMT kit to take care of Jake. Clock faces feature favorite PAW Patrol pups, and time tools include a stopwatch, timer and an alarm with a choice of alarm tones. No job is too big, no pup is too small! Intended for ages 3–6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 lithium coin battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-551680 PAW Patrol Learning Pup Instruction Manual

    PAW Patrol Marshall’s Read-to-Me Adventure™

    Enjoy exciting tales of action and helping others with PAW Patrol Marshall’s Read-to-Me Adventure™. Choose one of the four included storybooks and hear Marshall read it to your child. The books introduce the PAW Patrol, describe Marshall’s firefighting and paramedic tools, and explore themes of friendship and teamwork. Marshall will also introduce himself, play music, ask questions about the books and say some of his popular catchphrases. Get fired up for reading with this adorable interactive Dalmatian pup!

    Parent’s Guide

    PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Touch & Teach Word Book

    Help the Mighty Pups save the day in the PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Touch & Teach Word Book! A meteor crashed in Adventure Bay, and now the Kitty Catastrophe Crew has superpowers and is up to no good. Join Chase and Ryder on their mission as you read along to the «When Super Kitties Attack» story in this interactive book. Ten touch-sensitive pages bring the story to life with music, sound effects and the voices of Ryder and Chase. Kids can engage with the story through three play modes: Storytime, Exploration and Music. Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-530700 PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Touch & Teach Word Book Parent Guide

    Paw Patrol™ Chase on the Case Cruiser™

    Help Chase rescue animals, brush up on numbers and more with the PAW Patrol™ Chase on the Case Cruiser™ by VTech®. Insert one of the 20 badge-shaped blocks into the slot on the front of the police truck to learn about counting, shapes, super-cool spy gadgets and more. Then, store all the badges inside. Four modes include fun learning modes, a quiz mode to show what your child has learned and a music mode with cheerful children’s songs. Spin the truck’s front wheel for a fun clicking sound, press the horn to hear it beep or press the engine button and feel like you’re on the case with Chase!

    80-190300 PAW Patrol Chase on the Case Cruiser Manual

    Paw Patrol™ Pups to the Rescue Driver™

    Go for a drive on Ryder’s ATV with the PAW Patrol™ Pups to the Rescue Driver™ by VTech®. Just like Ryder’s ATV, this interactive driver also transforms into a snowmobile and a hovercraft for exciting role-play. Turn the handlebars to steer the vehicle to save Mr. Porter’s van and more. Press the pup buttons to hear Ryder introduce all your favorite pups and tell you all about them. Go on exciting rescue missions and use the turn signals, check the rearview mirror and honk the horn to learn numbers, road safety and more. No job is too big, no pup is too small!

    80-190200 PAW Patrol Pups to the Rescue Driver Manual 7.14.16

    Peek at Me Bunny Pink

    This electronic learning plush bunny available exclusively from VTech engages baby by stimulating the senses through interactive play involving sound, music, lights and touch!

    Peek at Me Bunny Pink Manual

    Peek at Me Bunny

    This electronic learning plush bunny available exclusively from VTech engages baby by stimulating the senses through interative play involving sound, music, lights, and touch!

    Peek at Me Bunny Manual

    Peppa Pig Learning Watch (Blue)

    It’s time for number games and more with the Peppa Pig Learning Watch! Peppa Pig makes the learning come alive with a wristwatch that entertains with Peppa Pig’s voice saying her favorite phrases. Eight choices of Peppa Pig clock faces make telling time extra interesting. Little ones explore time concepts and build early habits with a cuckoo alarm, timer and stopwatch. Make «five minutes until dinner» something the kids can measure! This interactive watch includes four engaging leveled-learning games that teach young ones how to count, choose the smaller or greater number, sort and match. Close up the watch with a protective lid featuring Peppa Pig’s smiling face. Keep the learning right at hand! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires one CR2450 lithium battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-526060 Peppa Pig Learning Watch Guide

    Peppa Pig Scribbles & Sounds Doodle Board™

    Practice drawing letters, shapes and Peppa Pig herself with the Peppa Pig Scribbles & Sounds Doodle Board™. Get creative with Peppa and her family using three stencils. Insert the stencils into the doodle board and it will recognize them and give playful responses as kids draw letters, shapes and Peppa Pig characters. Peppa guides little doodlers with ideas about what to draw and what letters to explore. Use the attached stylus to trace letters and shapes on the electronic clipboard, then erase and draw again. Four modes of play explore letters, music and art. Listen to upbeat melodies while you trace and explore with Peppa! Intended for ages 2+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-198000 Peppa Pig Scribbles & Sounds Doodle Board Parent Guide

    PJ Masks Super Catboy Learning Watch™

    Put on the watch and save the day with the PJ Masks Super Catboy Learning Watch. Pretend to transform into Catboy and play four exciting games that explore shapes and early math skills while trying to defeat Romeo, Luna Girl and the Ninjalinos. The learning watch also includes the voices of PJ Masks and nine different PJ Masks clock faces. An alarm clock with three alarm tones, timer, stopwatch and cuckoo clock add to the experience. It’s time to be a hero! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-175800 PJ Masks Super Catboy Learning Watch Parent Guide

    PJ Masks Super Gekko Learning Watch™

    Put on the watch and save the day with the PJ Masks Super Gekko Learning Watch. Pretend to transform into Gekko and play four exciting games that explore shapes and early math skills while trying to defeat Romeo, Luna Girl and the Ninjalinos. The learning watch also includes the voices of PJ Masks and nine different PJ Masks clock faces. An alarm clock with three alarm tones, timer, stopwatch and cuckoo clock add to the experience. It’s time to be a hero! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-175880 PJ Masks Super Gekko Learning Watch Parent Guide

    PJ Masks Super Learning Flashlight

    Turn on the PJ Masks Super Learning Flashlight and shine a light on learning! Play games with Super Learning, Discover and Time to Rhyme modes. Answer questions with projected images from the show and hear the real voices of favorite characters Catboy, Gekko and Owlette. Pretend you are solving a PJ Masks mystery while you explore the alphabet, numbers, colors, rhyming and PJ Masks trivia. When the sun goes down, switch to Flashlight mode to find your way in the dark. Day or night, you can be a hero just like PJ Masks! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-526200 PJ Masks Super Learning Flashlight Parent Guide

    PJ Masks Super Learning Headquarters™

    Join your favorite nighttime hero trio with the PJ Masks Super Learning Headquarters™. Twelve exciting activities introduce science, geography, letters, counting, problem solving and more. Choose the Owl Glider, Gekko-Mobile or Cat-Car, then plug it in to begin an activity. Use the vehicle to navigate in the games as you chase down villains, learn about the butterfly life cycle, match fruits and vegetables, visit famous places around the world, solve mysteries and more. Hear the characters’ voices and popular catchphrases while watching fun animations of the PJ Masks and villains from the show. Get ready to go into the night to save the day!


    PJ Masks Super Learning Phone™

    Save the day with the PJ Masks Super Learning Phone™. With this interactive toy phone, play and chat with Catboy, Gekko and Owlette through educational games, voice-activated conversations and fun voice messages. Call the PJ Masks and answer superhero-related questions, then hear them respond. Practice math skills and more with four interactive learning games. Hear messages from your favorite PJ Masks heroes and villains, and watch animations on the LCD screen. Choose from five different ringtones to customize your phone. It’s time to be a hero! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-199000 PJ Masks Super Learning Phone Parent Guide

    PJ Masks Super Owlette Learning Watch™

    Put on the watch and save the day with the PJ Masks Super Owlette Learning Watch. Pretend to transform into Owlette and play four exciting games that explore shapes and early math skills while trying to defeat Romeo, Luna Girl and the Ninjalinos. The learning watch also includes the voices of PJ Masks and nine different PJ Masks clock faces. An alarm clock with three alarm tones, timer, stopwatch and cuckoo clock add to the experience. It’s time to be a hero! Intended for ages 3-6 years. Requires 1 CR2450 battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-175850 PJ Masks Super Owlette Learning Watch Parent Guide

    Play & Heal Deluxe Medical Kit ™

    Play is the best medicine with the Play & Heal Deluxe Medical Kit™. Use the electronic medical bag and 33 included medical tools to perform checkups, diagnose patients and make them feel better. Press the stethoscope button to see the faces on the stethoscope change from sick to healthy, sleepy to happy and more for a range of emotions! Take the patient’s temperature with the thermometer, check their ears with the otoscope, give them a shot with the syringe and send them home with a bandage and medicine bottle to make them feel better. Explore three fun activities and press the light-up buttons on the doctor’s kit to learn about medical tools, colors and objects. For more role-play fun, the kit includes two patient cards so your little doctor can pretend to treat boo-boos and more. All the accessories store neatly inside for on-the-go play, because you never know when you’ll need to make a house call! Intended for ages 1.5-4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-178370 Play & Heal Deluxe Medical Kit Instruction Manual

    Play & Learn Fun Fair

    Let your little one control the learning at this amusement park. A spin of the joystick and the Ferris wheel turns, the lights flash, the colorful balls take a ride, and the exciting lessons begin!

    Play & Learn Fun Fair Manual

    Play & Move Puppy Tunes™

    Press the Play & Move Puppy Tunes™ music button and start grooving! This adorable dancing puppy rocks, sings and plays the guitar. Explore the drum, piano and saxophone buttons while listening to 30 melodies in classical, jazz and pop music styles. Then, press the music button to hear three songs. Two colorful lights flash with the music, attracting your baby’s attention. Grab this music player and never miss a chance to dance!


    Pop & Count Vacuum

    Your child will want to help clean around the house with the Pop & Count Vacuum from VTech! As your baby pushes this adorable educational toy vacuum cleaner across the floor, it picks up the colored blocks for interactive learning fun.

    Pop & Count Vacuum Manual

    Pop-a-Balls Push & Pop Bulldozer

    Pop, drop and watch your child stroll along with the Pop-a-Balls™ Push & Pop Bulldozer™! This delightful bulldozer encourages movement and motor skills in your little builder when the colorful balls pop up through the smoke stack, into the scoop bucket and back again. Load the balls into the bulldozer, start pushing the handle and watch the bulldozer come to life with poppin’ balls and fun sounds! Your kid can also sit and play with the bulldozer by pressing the four colorful number buttons to learn colors, numbers, construction objects and listen to music. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-506000 Pop-a-Balls Push & Pop Bulldozer Parent’s Guide

    Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Count Ball Pit™

    Toddlers will have a ball with the Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Count Ball Pit™! With thirty balls and over three feet of space, this colorful, animal-themed ball pit engages little ones in play and learning. Slide the bird, twist the butterfly, and send the balls down the leaf ramps on this tree-themed basketball hoop. Press the ball-popper button to make the balls go poppity-pop! Hear the electronic hoop count the balls 1–10 as they drop through the basket. While toddlers explore all the ways they can play in this kid-sized ball pit, they hear about animals, counting and music with two play modes. Discover numbers and colors in Learning mode and hear about animals in Music mode. The learning panel includes three light-up animal buttons that play 90+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Kids practice motor skills and hand-eye coordination as they pop, press, slide and twist. When playtime is done, store the balls inside the fold-up fabric ball pit. Enjoy instant playtime and easy clean up! Surface washable with removable electronic panel. Intended for ages 9–36 months. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-533600 Pop-a-Balls Pop & Count Ball Pit Instruction Manual

    Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Surprise Ball Center™

    Colorful balls, twisting slides and cheerful animals make playtime fun with the Pop-a-Balls™ Pop & Surprise Ball Center™. The two interactive twisting ball tracks are filled with friendly animals that will stop and start the balls or redirect the rolling. Explore cause and effect relationships by loading the balls into the ball launcher and pressing the big yellow button to send the balls up the tower, where they’ll pop out of three different locations. Press the seesaw to launch the balls onto the slides. The music button introduces colors, animals and plays a variety of melodies. This tower is filled with ball popping fun!


    Pop-a-Balls™ Twirl & Pop Turtle™

    No matter where the balls pop, your little one will have a blast with Pop-a-Balls™ Twirl & Pop Turtle™ by VTech®! Drop the five brightly colored balls into the adorable turtle’s tummy and watch the turtle spin, twirl and pop the balls out of its legs. Two modes of play keep your little one engaged with ball popping fun. Watch the turtle try to pop the balls back into his tummy or watch him spin, sing and pop the balls out into the room. Drop the balls back into the turtle’s tummy to hear counting and fun sounds. Press the buttons to hear songs, melodies, colors and parts of the body. Your little one will have a poppin’ blast during turtle time!

    80-506100 Pop-a-Balls Twirl & Pop Turtle Parent’s Guide

    Pour & Float Froggy

    The Pour & Float Froggy by VTech is an innovative bath toy that provides fun with a «splash» of learning for your baby! Bath time has never been so exciting! The waterproof certified Pour & Float Froggy squirts water from its mouth like a fountain when the water sensors are activated. The water sensor recognizes when the frog is in or out of the water. The froggy helps develop motor skills with 3 cups for stacking and nesting on its tummy and a light-up button that activates playful phrases and music. Plays 40+ sing-along songs, melodies, fun sounds and phrases to capture your baby’s attention.

    129500 Pour & Float FroggyProduct Manual

    Prance & Rock Learning Unicorn™

    Go on a magical ride with the Prance & Rock Learning Unicorn™! This grow-with-me unicorn transforms from a rocker to a ride-on in seconds. As toddlers rock and ride, the built-in motion sensors respond with playful music and magical unicorn sounds to encourage gross-motor development and imagination. Pretend to visit castles and fly over rainbows with your new unicorn friend! Encourage fantasy play in Adventure mode with playful phrases and imaginative songs, then switch to Learning mode to introduce colors. Spin the bead wheel to hear fun sounds and short tunes and watch the unicorn’s horn twinkle in response. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Press and Pull Racer

    Rev up playtime with the Press and Pull Racer! This chunky race car is the right size for little hands. Press the bear’s head or pull back on the race car and release it to send the car zooming, encouraging toddlers to chase after it. Pretend to race along with the bear! Practice motor skills while pushing down and pulling back on the car. Twisting the flag back and forth makes a clicking sound, reinforcing fine motor movements. Songs, phrases and melodies teach colors, numbers and vocabulary with flashing lights and buttons to press. On your mark, get set, play! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-528400 Press & Pull Racer Parent Guide

    Pull & Discover Activity Elephant™

    An elephant never forgets and your little one won’t either when they go on new adventures with their Pull & Discover Activity Elephant™ by VTech®! Turn the spinner and your little jungle explorer will learn about the jungle friends, what sounds they make, fun phrases and music. They can also press light-up buttons that encourage motor skills or match the blocks with the shape sorter to discover colors, animals and shapes. When your little adventurer is feeling a bit wild, the elephant is great on the go with a pull string that plays music and fun sounds when the elephant is pulled along. Welcome to the jungle!

    80-505800 Pull & Discover Activity Elephant Parent Guide

    Pull & Learn Alligator™

    The funny Pull & Learn Alligator™ by VTech® is the perfect pal for teaching kids about letters and phonics. He features 26 letter buttons plus a music and help button. In the five play modes, little learners can explore phonics; animals, people and objects; hear silly sentences; or listen to music. Push or pull the interactive gator around to watch his head move, mouth open, tail light-up and play songs and melodies. A silly sentence game lets your little one learn about alliteration through a variety of fun phrases. The alligator also includes a quiz game that reinforces learning. Have awesome alphabet fun with this cute alligator!

    80-178400 Pull & Learn Alligator

    Pull & Learn Lion

    The Pull & Learn Lion makes learning letters and shapes great! There are two modes of play — letters and colors/shapes — for twice the learning and twice the fun!

    Pull & Learn Lion Manual

    Pull & Lights Phone

    Ring up important lessons in numbers, animals, music and roleplay with the Pull & Lights Phone learning toy by VTech.

    Pull & Lights Phone Manual

    Pull & Play Phone

    Pull & Play Phone is full of surprises! Puppy pops up with the receiver when a call comes in and ten chunky buttons teach numbers and counting. Cheerful melodies and a sing-along song add to the fun.

    Pull & Play Phone Manual

    Pull & Pop Airplane™

    Time flies when you’re having fun with the Pull & Pop Airplane™. Three colorful buttons on the nose of the plane introduce numbers, objects in the sky, weather and play music. They also ask simple questions such as, «Can you find the sun?». Press the friendly light-up character button to hear playful and imaginative phrases as the airplane and control tower talk to each other, and see the light flash with the voice and sound responses. Pull the airplane to see the colorful beads bounce and pop, or tuck the cord under the plane when it’s not in use. The motion sensor in the wheels triggers music and fun airplane sounds. It’s a great day to fly!


    Pull & Pop Airplane™

    Time flies when you’re having fun with the Pull & Pop Airplane™. Three colorful buttons on the nose of the plane introduce numbers, objects in the sky, weather and play music. They also ask simple questions such as, «Can you find the sun?». Press the friendly light-up character button to hear playful and imaginative phrases as the airplane and control tower talk to each other, and see the light flash with the voice and sound responses. Pull the airplane to see the colorful beads bounce and pop, or tuck the cord under the plane when it’s not in use. The motion sensor in the wheels triggers music and fun airplane sounds. It’s a great day to fly!

    User’s Manual

    Pull & Sing Kitten™

    This purrfect Pull & Sing Kitten™ by VTech® is a playful interactive kitty that loves to play with the big ball of yarn. As your little one pulls the string, the kitten runs to follow them and encourage imaginative play. Press the colorful buttons and this cute kitten toy will promote language development by teaching letters, colors and playing cheerful songs! Learning’s fun with the Pull & Sing Kitten, so come and play!


    Pull & Sing Puppy™

    Get ready for fun and adventures with the Pull & Sing Puppy™. This playful interactive puppy loves to follow you around. Pull the puppy by its cord to activate music and sounds, see the puppy’s legs move and watch the keys swing. Press the colorful buttons to introduce numbers, colors and parts of the body. The buttons also play songs, playful phrases, melodies and cute puppy sounds. The puppy’s nose flashes along with the sounds and music plays when the puppy rolls. Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    502800 Pull & Sing Puppy Manual

    Pull Back Skater Cat™

    Get totally stoked with the Pull Back Skater Cat™! All it takes is a gentle push or pull, and this kitty is ready to roll, skating back and forth all by itself. Inspire your little one to get up and follow this cruising cat. Press the light-up shoes to make the cat twist on its board—that’s a cool trick! Encourage little ones to do the twist just like the kitty. Kids can explore cause and effect as they see how their actions make the kitty move in different ways. Hear about the letters A, B and C and the numbers one, two and three with 50+ phrases, songs and sounds. Push, pull and roll out some rad moves! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Pull Back Skater Cat Instruction Manual

    Purr & Play Zippy Kitty™

    Get the paw-sitively perfect pet, the Purr & Play Zippy Kitty™! Shake the wand in front of the cat to see her run after it and sit up on her hind legs. This punny, sassy kitten loves to play and talk about how she’s feeling and what she’s learning. When you play with her, she’s feline so happy! Hear her describe colors, numbers and fun facts about cats to bring learning into playtime in Learning mode. Music mode includes songs about feelings and colors. Right meow is the perfect time to play! Intended for ages 1.5–4 years. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-539200 Purr & Play Zippy Kitty Instruction Manual

    Push & Explore Elephant™

    Have tons of fun with the Push & Explore Elephant™, an interactive elephant toy for infants. Easy-to-grab handle is perfect for little hands while encouraging crawling, exploration and motor skill development. Buttons introduce the elephant and his animal friends, shapes and counting, and play sounds, melodies and phrases. Little explorers can push the elephant to activate the motion sensor and hear playful sounds and short phrases. Big textured elephant ears provide tactile stimulation and encourage fine motor skill development. Grab the friendly elephant for unforgettable on-the-go play! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only, new battery recommended for regular use.

    80-513600 Push & Explore Elephant Parent Guide

    Push & Explore Elephant™

    Have tons of fun with the Push & Explore Elephant™, an interactive elephant toy for infants. Easy-to-grab handle is perfect for little hands while encouraging crawling, exploration and motor skill development. Buttons introduce the elephant and his animal friends, shapes and counting, and play sounds, melodies and phrases. Little explorers can push the elephant to activate the motion sensor and hear playful sounds and short phrases. Big textured elephant ears provide tactile stimulation and encourage fine motor skill development. Grab the friendly elephant for unforgettable on-the-go play! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only, new battery recommended for regular use.

    80-513601 Push & Explore Elephant Parent Guide

    Push & Learn Pony

    Giddy up, baby — this Pony is taking off on a learning adventure! VTech’s Push & Learn Pony combines block-play and pull-toy to teach colors, numbers, shapes and so much more.

    Push & Learn Pony Manual

    Quiz Biz – Word Play

    Quiz Biz – Word Play is an eye-popping, mind-exploding, handheld think tank that will get your child learning while in full throttle play!

    Quiz Biz – Word Play Manual

    Race Lightning McQueen™

    Race and trace your way to the finish line! Draw and learn to write letters and numbers with Race Lightning McQueen™ by VTech®. Kids can use the easy-grip stylus to trace upper- and lowercase letters and numbers stroke by stroke. The screen detects their writing and responds with encouraging feedback from Lightning McQueen. Five exciting activities introduce writing, phonics and memory skills. Use the stylus to design a new logo for Rust-Eze, follow the light path to help Lightning McQueen in his training session, catch the lights to keep up with Lightning McQueen as he races around Thomasville and more! Pop the hood and press the 36 letter and number buttons to learn phonics, letters and numbers. Race your way to learning fun!

    80-197000 Race & Trace Lightning McQueen Parent’s Guide

    Rattle & Sing Puppy™

    Shake to the music with the Rattle & Sing Puppy™ by VTech! Your little one will love holding this easy-to-grasp rattle and shaking it to see the puppy’s cheeks light up and hear the colorful beads rattle. Press the music button to hear fun phrases, sounds and songs. The puppy’s colorful, crinkly ears also provide visual and tactile stimulation. The rattle has two textured rings that rattle and turn to build motor skills. Rattle and play with the interactive puppy!

    184700 Rattle & Sing Puppy Manual

    Rattle & Waggle Learning Pup™

    The Rattle & Waggle Learning Pup™ is the perfect puppy for toddlers! With its long soft ears and waggling body, this dachshund doggy will wiggle its way into toddlers’ hearts. Learn cause and effect by rattling the magic dog bone, then watch the dog walk and wag its tail, bark, and run in a circle. The puppy’s movement encourages children to crawl and walk after it. Learn puppy facts and hear simple directions such as «Shake my toy and I will run!» Numbers, colors and shapes are all part of the learning fun. This interactive toy plays songs, phrases and upbeat music for loads of playtime fun. Hook the dog bone onto the pup’s collar for easy storage. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Ready to Race Lightning McQueen™

    Help Lightning McQueen win the race with Ready to Race Lightning McQueen™ by VTech®. With this interactive racing driver, kids can grab the wheel and explore beginning letters, counting, problem solving, logic and memory while playing 15 games with Lightning McQueen and his friends from Cars 3. In 5 different racing games, use problem solving skills to figure out which accessory to attach to Lightning McQueen to boost his speed in the racing games. In Pit Stop Mode, help Cruz Ramirez complete patterns for the simulator, use your memory and concentration to find Jackson Storm, complete words to fix Ms. Fritter’s plates, help Junior Moon clean up by counting car parts and complete Lightning McQueen’s graphics. Meet all of your favorite characters while completing fun puzzles. Cool animations, sound effects and an interactive driving panel add to the racing fun!


    Record & Learn KidiStudio

    The Record & Learn KidiStudio™ by VTech® lets you sing, record and play back your own musical masterpieces. Play along with 20 melodies in four popular music styles using the voice changer, sound effects and instruments. Now your child can perform and record like a rock star!

    Record & Learn KidiStudio Manual

    Record & Learn Photo Album

    Do you see what I see? VTech’s Record & Learn Photo Album keeps you close to your child at all times with seven 4 x 6 photos and an option to record personal messages!

    Record & Learn Photo Album Manual

    Repair & Race Truck™

    Customize a cool race car with the Repair & Race Truck™! Learn about colors, car vocabulary and road safety with the interactive tow truck and race car. The tow truck and car talk to each other like buddies while your child does repairs and customizes the car with 20+ accessories. Pick up the play screwdriver and screws to attach a hood, wheels, an engine, a roof and a spoiler to make a cool race car! Create a custom car in Explore mode or switch gears to follow repair instructions in Challenge mode. The smart toy recognizes your little mechanic’s actions and rewards them with encouraging phrases. When the car is customized and ready to roll, store all the tools and accessories in the tow truck or attach them to the car. Get in the driver’s seat with the combination tool set, truck and car that’s loaded with options. Intended for ages 2-5 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-517600 Repair and Race Truck Parent Guide

    Ring Around the World

    Look who’s talking—in four different languages! Ring Around the World teaches baby words, numbers and greetings in English, Spanish, German and French while he role plays on the telephone.

    Ring Around the World Manual

    Rock & Bop Music Player™ (Purple)

    Set learning to music with the Rock & Bop Music Player™ by VTech®. Explore ten musical games while listening to kid-friendly songs, dancing around to the music and singing along. This music player introduces letters, numbers, animals, instruments, time and more through a variety of songs. Play songs in different styles, hear animals sing songs and choose from various instruments to experiment with different melodies. Child-safe headphones let your child listen and play on their own while limiting the volume to protect little ears. Get ready to rock out while you learn!

    80-196250 Rock & Bop Music Player Parent Guide

    Rock & Bop Music Player™

    Set learning to music with the Rock & Bop Music Player™ by VTech®. Explore ten musical games while listening to kid-friendly songs, dancing around to the music and singing along. This music player introduces letters, numbers, animals, instruments, time and more through a variety of songs. Play songs in different styles, hear animals sing songs and choose from various instruments to experiment with different melodies. Child-safe headphones let your child listen and play on their own while limiting the volume to protect little ears. Get ready to rock out while you learn!

    80-196200 Rock & Bop Music Player

    Rock & Sing Musical Car

    Baby is the leader of the band! Five piano keys and three instrument-playing friends teach baby musical notes and encourage music making. Light-up buttons add lessons in color and emotion.

    Rock & Sing Musical Car Manual

    Roll & Discover Puppy™

    Play and learn with your new puppy friend. The Roll & Discover Puppy™ by VTech® is a playful interactive puppy that loves to be pushed around by your little one. Push the black and white puppy to see the puppy’s legs move and watch the keys swing. Press the colorful buttons to introduce colors, numbers and parts of the body. The buttons also play songs, playful phrases, melodies and cute puppy sounds. The puppy’s nose flashes along with the sounds and music plays when the puppy rolls.

    80-502860Roll & Discover Puppy

    Roll & Learn Activity Suitcase™

    The Roll & Learn Activity Suitcase™ by VTech® lets your child travel around the world! Children learn language as they use their motor skills to explore with imaginative travel play. Pack your bag. It’s time for learning fun… on the road!

    Roll & Learn Activity Suitcase Manual

    Roll & Learn Turtle™

    Your child will surely come out of their shell with the Roll & Learn Turtle™ by VTech®. He’s covered in colorful gears that teach insects, colors, sounds and more. Whether pushing or pulling him your child will roll into learning with the Roll & Learn Turtle™!

    Roll & Learn Turtle Manual

    Roll & Surprise Animal Train™

    All aboard the Roll & Surprise Animal Train™! Join the cute animal friends on an adventure with loads of learning excitement! Your baby will enjoy peek-a-boo play while developing fine motor skills by turning, sliding and pressing mechanical features on the wheels of the train. Pop-up animals introduce animal names, animal sounds and colors. This educational toy also rewards curiosity while teaching cause and effect. The light-up chimney promotes visual awareness as it flashes to 55 songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Little ones can also build gross motor skills by pushing the train along or using the cord to pull it behind them. Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Roll & Surprise Animal Train Manual

    See-Touch-Hear Sloth Ball™

    Give little eyes, fingers and ears a sensory feast with the See-Touch-Hear Sloth Ball™! This soft, squishy ball is easy to grab and hold. Fabric sections feature plush, smooth, ridged and bumpy textures and six different patterns and colors. Press the light-up button on top of the ball to hear about sloths and to play nursery rhyme melodies. Toss or roll the ball to trigger the motion sensor and hear silly sounds and phrases. Watch little ones reach, scoot, crawl or walk after the rolling ball! As the ball spins, you’ll catch sight of a mama and baby sloth, spinning inside the ball. Peek-a-boo! Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    See-Touch-Hear Sloth Ball Instruction Manual

    Shake & Sounds Learning Pup™

    Learn and play with the interactive Shake & Sounds Learning Pup™ by VTech®! Simply shake the bone-shaped rattle and the puppy responds by walking, standing up and turning around while engaging your child with fun phrases, songs and more!

    Shake & Sounds Learning Pup Manual

    Sing & Count Fish

    Splish, splash, sing and learn! Children will sing and count their way to the tub with VTech’s Sing & Count Fish toy featuring sounds, melodies and visuals to keep kids occupied!

    Sing & Count Fish Manual

    Sing & Soar Butterfly

    Fly away to a world of learning and adventure with the VTech Sing & Soar Butterfly! This little guy invites baby to touch and discover shapes, colors, and numbers through fun sounds and stimulation.

    Sing & Soar Butterfly Manual

    Sing & Squeak Bath Book

    Make bath time reading time with VTech’s® Sing & Squeak Bath Book™. This waterproof floating book plays songs and teaches words, counting and more. Splish, splash fun in the bath!

    Sing & Squeak Bath Book Manual

    Sing It Out Karaoke Microphone™

    Take the stage and sing with the Sing It Out Karaoke Microphone™! Let your vocals shine with this kid-size microphone. Sing along to the 15 included songs, then press a button to drop out the vocals when you’re ready to sing alone. Children’s favorites like «Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star» and «One, Two, Buckle My Shoe» make it easy for everyone to sing along to familiar songs. Party lights on the mic add pizzazz to your performance as they change color and flash along to the music. Use BLUETOOTH® wireless technology to play your own music. Ready to mix it up? Hit the voice-changer button and try out five silly voice effects like reverb, echo or robot sounds to impress your audience. Hear the cheers as the microphone adds sounds and encouraging phrases. You are the star of the show! Intended for ages 2–5 years. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use. Music player not included.

    80-551060 Sing It Out Karaoke Microphone Instruction Manual

    Sit-to-Stand Smart Cruiser™

    Cruise into the learning zone on the Sit-to-Stand Smart Cruiser™. This 2-in-1 toy has an interactive steering wheel that includes driving, learning and music modes. Attach the steering wheel activity panel to the cruiser, and it becomes an exciting ride-on toy. Turn on the engine, move the gear shifter or press the horn to hear realistic driving sound effects. Choose one of six places and your child can pretend to drive to fun locations. Press the six animal buttons to be introduced to animals and hear fun melodies. Then, learn the concept of direction and road safety with the arrow buttons. The Sit-to-Stand Cruiser also has a front activity panel with fun manipulative features and under seat storage your child can fill with small toys for more fun on the go! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Sit-to-Stand Smart Cruiser Manual

    Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train™

    Hop aboard the Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train™! This train is designed to grow with your child and can be used for floor play or as a ride-on that also transforms into a push walker. When your little conductor gets older, the caboose converts into a wagon they can fill with toys and pull along to help develop gross motor skills. Play ten activities while learning letters, numbers, colors and more. The train also helps build find motor skills with a variety of manipulative features including a storybook, clock, gears and 13 doubled-sided letter blocks that your little one can plug into the side of the train to learn letters and build their vocabulary. The train also counts the blocks when they’re dropped down the chute! For role-play fun, pick up the walkie-talkie and press the number buttons to pretend to talk to animal friends. Take a ride on the learning express with this ultimate alphabet train! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train Manual

    Skippy the Smart Pup

    With Skippy the Smart Pup, your child not only has a new pet to play with, they have a new way to learn! Featuring an infrared sensor bone, the puppy actually moves in the direction the bone is waved!

    Skippy the Smart Pup Manual

    Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector Pink

    Soothe your little one to sleep with the Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector™ by VTech®. This adorable bear projects a colorful image onto the ceiling to calm your baby. Choose between three sound modes that play music, nature sounds or white noise to help block out everyday noises so your baby can fall asleep faster. The bear also features voice activation that plays calming music and a timer switch that turns the bear off after ten or thirty minutes. Lull your baby to sleep with lights and lullabies!

    186250 Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector Manual

    Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector™

    Soothe your little one to sleep with the Sleepy Lullabies Bear Projector™ by VTech®. This adorable bear projects a colorful image onto the ceiling to calm your baby. Choose between three sound modes that play music, nature sounds or white noise to help block out everyday noises so your baby can fall asleep faster. The bear also features voice activation that plays calming music and a timer switch that turns the bear off after ten or thirty minutes. Lull your baby to sleep with lights and lullabies!

    186200 Sleep Lullabies Bear Projector Manual

    Sleepy Sounds Baby Bear™

    Enjoy cute cuddles, then sweet sleep with the Sleepy Sounds Baby Bear™! Sleep is at the top of the wish list when there’s a baby or toddler around. Let’s make bedtime easier! Set this soft bear on a dresser or table to play white noise, nature sounds and a reassuring heartbeat to help little ones learn to self-soothe. Soft lights play along with the sounds, providing a soothing night-light. Press the glowing heart to change the music. When your little one wakes up, they’ll want to snuggle with this huggable bear. The removable night-light makes this multi-purpose bear simple to pop in the washing machine. Easy-peasy. This take-along toy fits in a diaper bag to help baby sleep wherever they go! Intended for ages Birth+. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-539800 Sleepy Sounds Baby Bear Instruction Manual

    Smart Sounds Baby Keys™

    Shake, rattle and go with the Smart Sounds Baby Keys™. These adorable baby keys feature three colorful buttons that play cheerful songs, melodies and cute sound effects. The interactive keys feature textured rollers, rattle beads and a spinning disc that encourage fine motor skills and introduce cause and effect. The bear key teether soothes your baby’s sore gums. Shake the keys or press the colorful buttons to hear playful sounds and phrases that promote first words, then take the keys along for on-the-go play!

    80-505100 Smart Sounds Baby Keys Parent Guide

    Smart Stunts RC Cruiser™

    Perform exciting tricks with the Smart Stunts RC Cruiser™ by VTech® featuring the loveable Cody The Smart Cub®! Using the simple remote control, your little racer can easily drive Cody around while listening to fun cruising melodies. Press the turbo button and the sporty RC race car gets a boost of speed, the music gets faster and Cody will perform exciting wheelies and spins. Choose from three fun activities and press the colorful shape buttons to learn colors, shapes, simple traffic rules or listen to eight melodies and two sing-along songs.

    161500 Smart Stunts RC Racer Manual

    SmartVille — 1-2-3 Treehouse

    The SmartVille 1-2-3 Treehouse takes fun and learning to a new height with interactive Smart Parts that teach and talk.

    SmartVille — 1-2-3 Treehouse Manual

    Snap & Surprise Camera

    The Snap & Surprise Camera™ by VTech® is sure to make your baby smile! With a pop-up puppy, spinning lens, music and lights, your little one is ready for photo fun! Say cheese!

    Snap & Surprise Camera Manual

    Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter (Teal)

    Cuddle up with the Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter for engaging playtime activities, then place it on a shelf near the crib to enjoy soothing sleepytime comfort. This soft, plush bug has eight colorful fabric legs that teach colors, shapes and music notes in Playtime mode and that play lullabies in Sleepytime mode. A soft plastic star button on the bug’s tummy changes colors when it’s pressed and plays cheerful phrases and upbeat songs in Playtime mode. Switch to Sleepytime mode to hear a lullaby and soothing melodies. Little ones love to explore different textures, and the plush body, embroidered face, fabric legs and ribbons on the bug’s head provide a variety of sensations for your baby’s developing sense of touch. Intended for ages 3-24 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter (Teal)

    Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter

    Cuddle up with the Snug-a-Bug Musical Critter for engaging playtime activities, then place it on a shelf near the crib to enjoy soothing sleepytime comfort. This soft, plush bug has eight colorful fabric legs that teach colors, shapes and music notes in Playtime mode and that play lullabies in Sleepytime mode. A soft plastic star button on the bug’s tummy changes colors when it’s pressed and plays cheerful phrases and upbeat songs in Playtime mode. Switch to Sleepytime mode to hear a lullaby and soothing melodies. Little ones love to explore different textures, and the plush body, embroidered face, fabric legs and ribbons on the bug’s head provide a variety of sensations for your baby’s developing sense of touch. Intended for ages 3-24 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Snuggle & Sleep Musical Sheep™

    The Snuggle & Sleep Musical Sheep™ is a cuddly friend and so much more! This adorable, plush sheep comes with 40 melodies and 5 sing-along songs and can be customized with your child’s name, favorite stories and music from VTech’s Learning Lodge®. You can add your own music using an SD card (not included) and the sheep becomes an adorable plush MP3 player. Parental controls let you set a timer for 15, 30 or 60 minutes, adjust the volume and navigate the music. The sheep can also detect your little one’s cry and plays soothing melodies to help them fall back to sleep with this cuddly friend and MP3 player in one!

    80-136100 Shuggle & Sleep Musical Sheep

    Soft and Smart Sensory Cube

    What’s playful, bright and soft all over? The Soft and Smart Sensory Cube is the answer to your baby’s developing need to explore. This grow-with-me toy intrigues babies with its black-and-white patterns and colorful designs while toddlers love the put-and-take play. Three colorful buttons, a motion sensor and an interactive puppy encourage play with learning phrases and upbeat songs. Colorful fabric, ribbons, nubby apples and crinkly wings make this activity cube an adventure in touch, sight and sound. Little ones get to practice face recognition and self-discovery with the baby-safe mirror. As motor skills develop, your growing baby can grasp the handle, apples and puppy’s paws. Toddlers can take the three textured balls out of the cube and put them in again. Put, take, repeat–it’s one of their favorite games! Intended for ages 3–24 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Soft and Smart Sensory Cube Parent Guide

    Soothe & Surprise Nature Light

    Soothe & Surprise Nature Light is an innovative crib toy that lulls baby to sleep with relaxing sounds and 3D twinkling lights.


    Soothing Ocean Slumbers Mobile™

    The VTech Soothing Ocean Slumbers Mobile will help your baby sail away to sweet dreams. With its adorable ocean animals, calming music, and soothing light projections, your baby will love being in their crib as they drift off to sleep.

    Soothing Ocean Slumbers Mobile Manual

    Soothing Slumbers Sloth Projector™

    Sleep tight with a calming night light, the Soothing Slumbers Sloth Projector™! The cry-activated sounds and gently projecting lights on this cute sloth will help babies soothe themselves back to sleep, which helps everyone get a better night’s sleep. Choose 15 or 45 minutes on the timer and select the volume. Set it on a shelf or dresser, then let it works its magic! Create an effective bedtime routine with calming melodies, white noise, nature sounds and songs with a rotating lightshow of sweet sloths. You (and your baby) will love this soother so much you’ll want to take it with you to help baby fall asleep on a car trip or vacation. No problem. This lightweight soother tucks in a diaper bag to make life easier for you and your baby wherever you go. Intended for ages Birth+. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-540300 Soothing Slumbers Sloth Projector Instruction Manual

    Sort & Build Farm™

    It’s learning and sorting fun down on the farm with the Sort & Build Farm™ by VTech®. The playset includes a flower block and four brightly colored shape blocks with different animal pictures on them for building, stacking, sorting and learning. Put one of the shape blocks on the recognition point to hear the animal name, color and shape, or insert the flower block to hear fun phrases. Press the three light-up buttons to learn about how the rooster, tractor and watering can help out on the farm. The non-electronic shape sorter helps build motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Features two modes of play, a learning mode and a discovery mode that encourages imaginative play.

    80-504800 Sort & Build Farm Manual

    Sort & Discover Activity Cube™ (Pink)

    The Sort & Discover Activity Cube™ by VTech® is five sides of fun! Your little one will love exploring seven fun activities and two electronic panels that introduce colors, numbers, animals and more. Turn the book page, twist the spinner and slide the animals to develop fine motor skills. The activity cube also develops hand-eye coordination with the shape sorter and colorful shape blocks.

    80-183450 Sort & Discover Activity Cube Pink Manual

    Sort & Discover Activity Cube™

    The Sort & Discover Activity Cube™ by VTech® is five sides of fun! Your little one will love exploring seven fun activities and two electronic panels that introduce colors, numbers, animals and more. Turn the book page, twist the spinner and slide the animals to develop fine motor skills. The activity cube also develops hand-eye coordination with the shape sorter and colorful shape blocks.

    80-183400 Sort & Discover Activity Cube Manual

    Sort & Discover Activity Cube™

    The Sort & Discover Activity Cube™ by VTech® is five sides of fun! Your little one will love exploring seven fun activities and two electronic panels that introduce colors, numbers, animals and more. Turn the book page, twist the spinner and slide the animals to develop fine motor skills. The activity cube also develops hand-eye coordination with the shape sorter and colorful shape blocks.

    User’s Manual

    Sort & Discover Drum™

    Drum and learn with the Sort & Discover Drum™. As your little one drops the shape blocks into the magic shape sorter, the drum will recognize the blocks and introduce animals, shapes and numbers. A flashing light on top of the drum will attract your child’s attention as it flashes along with the sounds. Open the top to dump out the blocks and play again. Your little drummer will also enjoy tapping on the drum to play a variety of drum sounds and tunes. Drum up learning fun! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    185100 Sort & Discover Drum Manual

    Sort & Recycle Ride-On Truck™

    When you get the Sort & Recycle Ride-On Truck™, you’re already doing your part to help the earth! This recycling truck is made from plastic that is 90% reclaimed. Using reclaimed plastic means less waste goes into landfills. Beginner recyclers will love hopping on this lean, green recycling machine and driving around while learning about recycling things like plastic and reusing everyday objects. Load up the red heart, yellow hexagon and blue circle play pieces that represent plastic, metal and paper. Sort them into the correct bin, just like at home. Kids can also explore ways to repurpose everyday items or take a quiz to reinforce what they’re learning. Reuse and remix the included melodies by inserting a block in a bin to add sound effects that make each melody sound new. Blocks store inside the truck for easy cleanup. Intended for ages 1.5–3 years. Maximum weight 42 pounds. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-541800 Sort & Recycle Ride-On Truck Instruction Manual

    Spin & Learn Adventure Globe

    Take an educational adventure around the world with the Spin & Learn Adventure Globe by VTech. This interactive learning toy teaches your child about the world they live in through touch technology.

    Spin & Learn Adventure Globe Manual

    Spin & Learn Animal Puzzle™

    The cute animal-shaped pieces on the Spin & Learn Animal Puzzle™ by VTech® will help your little one build fine motor skills. The animal pieces are perfectly sized for little hands, and when placed in the correct spot, they introduce animals and colors through playful phrases and sing-along songs. Your child can also use the arrow to point to the animals for fun responses. The light-up music button in the center triggers a variety of melodies and songs. Play an exciting quiz game and answer the questions by inserting and removing puzzle pieces. Learn and play with the interactive puzzle!

    80-189400 Spin & Learn Animal Puzzle

    Spin & Learn Color Carousel

    Laugh and play with animal friends on the Spin & Learn Color Carousel™ by VTech®. Press the chunky button on the top of the carousel and watch the animals spin. Learn about animals, colors and numbers and hear 65+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. It’s a circus of fun!

    Spin & Learn Color Carousel Manual

    Spin & Learn Color Carousel

    Laugh and play with animal friends on the Spin & Learn Color Carousel™ by VTech®. Press the chunky button on the top of the carousel and watch the animals spin. Learn about animals, colors and numbers and hear 65+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. It’s a circus of fun!

    Spin & Learn Color Carousel Manual

    Spin & Tweet Musical Birdhouse™

    Listen to the sweet music with the Spin & Tweet Musical Birdhouse™. Mommy bird and her trio of sweet baby birds introduce songs, harmonies and musical instruments in a colorful birdhouse. Kids will keep busy putting baby birds in the nest and taking them out again. When a baby bird is placed in the tree trunk and the mommy bird is pulled down, Mommy will greet her chick and identify its color. When babies are placed in the nest, Mommy counts them in Learning mode! In Music mode, the baby birds can sing a song solo, as a duet or as a trio. Baby birds love to hop, and pressing the three colorful buttons makes the babies pop up and down in their nest. Your little ones will enjoy moving the baby birds from nest to tree and back again with 50+ songs, sounds and phrases. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.


    Spinning Tunes Music Player

    Your little one can tune into learning fun with the Spinning Tunes Music Player from VTech! This music player for infants will entertain your child as they learn about animals, instruments, and music!

    Spinning Tunes Music Player Manual

    Splash the Singing Turtle™

    Make bath time fun time with Splash the Singing Turtle™ by VTech®! Place the friendly floating turtle in the bathtub and press the button to hear the water temperature. Little ones will love scooping and pouring water over the water wheel on the baby turtle’s back, spinning the starfish and listening to cheerful music. Splash, sing and play with this interactive bath toy!

    80-186700 Splash the Singing Turtle

    Splashing Songs Ducky™

    Splish splash, this ducky is taking a bath! Classic bath time fun turns educational with the VTech Splashing Songs Ducky as baby plays and learns through sounds, phrases and a sing-along song.

    Splashing Songs Ducky Manual

    Squishy Lights Learning Tablet™

    Explore textures, colors, sights and sounds with the Squishy Lights Learning Tablet™! This lil’ tablet toy teaches first words for animals, colors and shapes along with music and songs. Baby will love the soft, squishable keys that invite little ones to keep pressing to see what happens next, strengthening their little hands while they play. Four piano keys introduce friendly zoo animals and sing-along songs that will keep baby exploring. The slim handle not only makes this tablet easy to take along, but it features a cute little bee that slides back and forth with a spinning bead. Keep little hands and minds busy at home or on the go! Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 3 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Squishy Lights Learning Tablet Instruction Manual

    Stacking Animal Squares

    Build, create, and learn with the Stacking Animal Squares by VTech! With this electronic learning block set, your baby will be able to create and hear a variety of stories featuring their favorite animal friends!

    Stacking Animal Squares Manual

    Starshine the Bright Lights Unicorn™

    Go on an enchanted adventure with Starshine the Bright Lights Unicorn™. Place the seven charms on any of the three magic hearts to see her horn light up and hear colors, objects and phrases in English or Spanish. Use the charms to answer quiz questions or add sound effects to create your own special song. Squeeze the unicorn’s tail to see her beautiful wings flap and hear whimsical phrases and sound effects that encourage imaginative play. Starshine’s majestic hooves feature wheels so you can push her as you head off on your next adventure! Intended for ages 1.5-4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Starshine the Bright Lights Unicorn™ Parents Guide

    Stencil & Learn Studio

    Your child can trace, create, and learn with the VTech® Stencil & Learn Studio. This electronic drawing board for kids offers five different interactive activities that will inspire your child as they learn about letters, numbers, words, and more!

    Stencil & Learn Studio Manual

    Storytime With Sunny™

    Meet a bright, entertaining friend with Storytime With Sunny™! Sunny’s expressive personality engages kiddos as she tells stories with surprising plot twists to keep them hanging on her every word. Sunny invites participation in 300+ activities with four disks and more than five hours of fairy tales, classic songs, guessing games, a poem creator, silly jokes, tongue twisters, daily routines and much more. Her animated face and movements add emotion and expression to jokes, stories and songs, inviting kids to respond as she asks them what they think. Sunny teaches healthy habits, encouraging good manners, brushing teeth and mindfulness exercises. Cleanup time is easy with a dedicated disk rack to store the four disks. When the day is done, take a quiet moment with Sunny as she leads kids in a bedtime routine. Set her gentle alarm, then fall asleep to her softly glowing night-light. Intended for ages 3+ years. Requires 6 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    546200_Storytime with Sunny Instruction Manual

    Strum & Jam KidiBand — Pink

    Your little rock star can jam all day long with the Strum & Jam KidiBand™ by VTech®! Switching between guitar, drums and keyboard, your child will learn about musical creativity and imitative play with 12 different songs and melodies. Your little rocker can play a whole set… and then get ready for an encore!

    Strum & Jam KidiBand — Pink Manual

    Strum & Jam KidiBand™

    Your little rock star can jam all day long with the Strum & Jam KidiBand™ by VTech®! Switching between guitar, drums and keyboard, your child will learn about musical creativity and imitative play with 12 different songs and melodies. Your little rocker can play a whole set… and then get ready for an encore!

    3-in-1 Strum & Jam Kidiband 80-141900

    Style & Glam On Unicorn™

    It’s a magical day when you play with the Style & Glam On Unicorn™. Let’s accessorize! Choose from six glamorous accessories to decorate the unicorn’s horn and tail. The ribbon is purple! Hear the unicorn describe each accessory and explore colors, counting, feelings and more. Coordinate the color of the unicorn’s star by pressing the gem on her necklace. As she plays dazzling sounds, place an accessory on her horn to see her star change color to match. Add music to the colorful dress-up party by pressing the music button. The unicorn will play five- or ten-minute songs and her horn and star will flash to the beat. Flap her wings to help her fly and together you’ll sparkle wherever you go! Intended for ages 1.5-4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Style & Glam On Unicorn User Manual

    Submarine Learning Boat

    The VTech Submarine Learning Boat makes bath time fun with games involving colors, numbers, animals, animal sounds and characteristics. The learning toy rewards correct answers with a playful squirt!

    Submarine Learning Boat Manual

    Sunny Days Activity Spiral™

    Bring the sun with you wherever you go! The Sunny Days Activity Spiral™ packs a smiling sun and four dangling accessories into a portable, bendable electronic toy. Wrap it around the bar of an infant carrier or a stroller to help your baby stay entertained on the go. Push the smiling, light-up sun to hear songs and phrases. Dangling toys encourage little ones to reach, grab, bat and push! When babies pull on the easy-to grasp square handle, they are rewarded with sounds and songs. The soft puppy invites exploration with a spinning rattle, and the soft kitty includes a surprise squeaker inside. Multiple textures, colors and patterns help babies develop their senses of sight and touch. A baby-safe mirror helps little ones along in their journey of self-discovery. Fill every day with sunshine with this take-along activity spiral. Intended for ages birth to 24 months. Requires 1 AA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-522100 VTech Sunny Days Activity Spiral Parent Guide

    Sunny Face Smart Gym

    “Chirp, chirp.” “Buzz, buzz.” Baby is busy as a bee touching and swinging the colorful manipulatives on this visually stimulating baby gym and learning colors, numbers, sounds, music and more.

    Sunny Face Smart Gym Manual

    Super Hero Squad Learning Laptop

    The battle of Iron Man vs. Dr. Doom has shattered the Infinity Sword! Collect all the pieces by completing 12 learning games that help teach letters, numbers, logic, and basic math with the VTech Super Hero Squad Learning Laptop.

    Super Hero Squad Learning Laptop Manual

    SuperSound Karaoke™

    It’s a portable party with the SuperSound Karaoke™ machine! Stream your own music through Bluetooth® wireless technology or tune into the FM radio. Sing along to your favorite songs! Keep the vocals, turn them down, or take them out completely to let your voice shine. Add an echo, create a harmony, or make your voice sound high, low or like a robot. Try some vocal challenges with the Vocal Coach, then pick your song and sing to a cheering crowd. Create an epic party atmosphere with multicolored light projection. Just add a friend to double the fun! There’s a jack for a second mic (not included) with separate voice controls. Turn up the tunes, it’s party time! Intended for ages 14+ years. Requires 6 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-547400 SuperSound Karaoke Instruction Manual

    Swim & Spray Musical Dolphin™

    Dive and play with the Swim & Spray Musical Dolphin™ by VTech®. Pour water over the friendly little dolphin, and he’ll spray water from his snorkel. Water sprays from this bath toy in different patterns and intensities based on the music for fun tactile and visual stimulation. Twist the starfish on his side to build fine motor skills while hearing more than 55 fun sounds, phrases and melodies. The dolphin’s face mask also lights up and flashes with the sounds to attract your little one’s attention. Grab the chunky handle and dive the dolphin in and out of the water while triggering lights and sounds. It’s water spraying and singing fun!

    80-186900 Swim & Spray Musical Dolphin

    Swim & Spray Musical Orca™

    Dive and play with the Swim & Spray Musical Orca™ by VTech®. Pour water over the friendly little whale, and he’ll spray water from his snorkel. Water sprays from this bath toy in different patterns and intensities based on the music for fun tactile and visual stimulation. Twist the starfish on his side to build fine motor skills while hearing more than 55 fun sounds, phrases and melodies. The orca’s face mask also lights up and flashes with the sounds to attract your little one’s attention. Grab the chunky handle and dive the orca in and out of the water while triggering lights and sounds. It’s water spraying and singing fun!

    80-186960 Swim & Spray Musical Orca.

    Swim & Teach Ducks™

    Bath time is a splash with the Swim & Teach Ducks™ from VTech®! Turn the chunky red key to wind-up the ducks, then watch them swim and sing! Press the ABC button to hear fun phrases, songs and melodies, and watch the light flash along to the music.

    Swim & Teach Ducks Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Akuna the Velociraptor

    VTech’s® Akuna the Velociraptor™ is the latest in the line of Switch & Go Dinos. He may be small in stature but he’s also fast and fierce. You never know when this transforming dinosaur toy is going to launch a surprise attack!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Akuna the Velociraptor Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Attila the Ankylosaurus

    Watch out or he’ll knock you out! Attila the Ankylosaurus is a 2-in-1 dinosaur from the Switch & Go Dinos crew by VTech. This electronic toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience that your child will love!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Attila the Ankylosaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Brok the Brachiosaurus

    Brok the Brachiosaurus is the one in charge! Brok is a 2-in-1 dinosaur from the Switch & Go Dinos crew by VTech. This electronic toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience that your child will love!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Brok the Brachiosaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — MC Roar the Giganotosaurus

    Transform from a race car into a cool dinosaur with VTech’s® MC Roar the Giganotosaurus™! With rows of sharp teeth and crazy claws, he’s bringing the thrills. Join him on this mad adventure!

    Switch & Go Dinos — MC Roar the Giganotosaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Quiver the Stygimoloch

    Switch from race car to dinosaur with Quiver the Stygimoloch™ by VTech®! If he’s not cruisin’ he’s bruisin’ with a hard head and spiky horns, so watch out! He’s so fast he’ll make you tremble with excitement!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Quiver the Stygimoloch Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — SkySlicer the Allosaurus

    Transform from a super-cool toy jet plane to a fierce dinosaur with VTech’s SkySlicer the Allosaurus™! This transforming toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience your child will love!

    Switch & Go Dinos — SkySlicer the Allosaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Span the Spinosaurus

    Don’t mess with Span the Spinosaurus! Span is a 2-in-1 dinosaur from the Switch & Go Dinos crew by VTech. This electronic toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience that your child will love!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Span the Spinosaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Stompsalot the Amargasaurus

    Transform from a hot rod vehicle into a cool dinosaur with VTech’s® Sir Stompsalot the Amargasaurus! With a long spiny neck and powerful body, he’s pledged to defend the kingdom. Join him on this formidable adventure!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Stompsalot the Amargasaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Tonn the Stegosaurus

    It’s time to chill out with Tonn the Stegosaurus! This spikey creature is a 2-in-1 dinosaur from the Switch & Go Dinos crew by VTech. This electronic toy fuses two of boys’ favorite things—dinosaurs and vehicles—into one awesome play experience that your child will love!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Tonn the Stegosaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos — Torr the Therizinosaurus

    Transform from an off-road vehicle into a cool dinosaur with VTech’s® Torr the Therizinosaurus! With the longest claws of all the dinos, he can smash and slash his way through the forest. Join him on this razor-sharp adventure!

    Switch & Go Dinos — Torr the Therizinosaurus Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Bronco the RC Triceratops

    Bronco the RC Triceratops from VTech’s Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo transforms from a fierce dinosaur to a sleek race car with the push of a button on his remote control! Use the remote control to drive Bronco around. You can even use the turbo charge lever to charge his turbo boosters. Then, press the turbo boost button to give him a burst of speed!

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Bronco the RC Triceratops

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Digger the Woolly Mammoth

    Digger the Woolly Mammoth from VTech’s Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo transforms from a rugged Woolly Mammoth to a rough and tough excavator in just a few simple steps. Charge him up to try and reach maximum power, then push the release button to watch him dash in mammoth mode or launch in excavator mode!

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Digger the Woolly Mammoth Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Triceratops Deluxe Launcher

    The Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo Triceratops Deluxe Launcher by VTech® gets your Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo vehicles racing with a mouth big enough to blast them in either dino or vehicle mode. The faster you charge, the farther it goes! Then see if you can launch your car through the narrow tunnel. If you hit the sides, the volcano explodes!

    Switch & Go Dinos Turbo — Triceratops Deluxe Launcher Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — T-Rex Launcher

    The Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo T-Rex Launcher by VTech® gets your Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo vehicles racing with a mouth big enough to blast them in either dino or vehicle mode. The faster you charge, the farther it goes! Collect them all! (Each sold separately)

    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — T-Rex Launcher Manual

    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Dart the Triceratops

    Get in gear with Dart the Triceratops™ from Switch & Go Dinos® by VTech®. Transform from a revved-up race car to a stomping dinosaur in a few easy steps. With a huge three-horned head, this electronic dino is on the lookout and always ready to charge into battle.


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Cruz the Spinosaurus

    Cruz the Spinosaurus™ from Switch & Go Dinos® by VTech® transforms from speedy racer to fierce dinosaur in a few easy steps! Not only is this electronic dino one of the largest dinosaurs, Cruz’s big brain also makes him one of the smartest too! He also has a big mouth! But not for yappin’—it’s for eating and roaring!


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Fray the Ankylosaurus

    Fray the Ankylosaurus™ from Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo by VTech® transforms from a cruiser to bruiser as he goes from a racer to a tank-like dinosaur in a few easy steps! With his rough and tough armored body and super-long swinging clubbed tail, this electronic dino is one mean battle machine!


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Spinner the Stygimoloch

    Spinner the Stygimoloch™ from Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo by VTech® transforms from a speedy race car to a fierce dinosaur in a few easy steps! This hard-headed electronic herbivore packs quite the powerful punch with his rock-hard head!


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Spur the Stegosaurus

    Spur the Stegosaurus™ from Switch & Go Dinos® by VTech® transforms from a speedy race car to a fierce dinosaur in a few easy steps! With big spiky plates along his back and a powerful tail that swings and sways, this electronic dino is always armored and ready for battle.


    Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo — Zipp the T-Rex

    Zipp the T-Rex™ from Switch & Go Dinos® by VTech® transforms from a super-sleek race car to a dinosaur with razor-sharp teeth in a few easy steps. This electronic dino is fierce with the biggest bite of the dinosaurs and eyes that see forward and side-to-side. When he transforms into a car he loves to race n’ ride!


    Switch & Go® Gorilla Muscle Car

    Meet the ferocious, transforming Switch & Go® Gorilla Muscle Car! This great ape beats its chest with two strong fists when you press the action button. Silverback smash! See how its LCD-screen eyes change from friendly to fierce when it’s ready for action. A few simple moves turn the gorilla into a mighty muscle car. Engine purring, timer clicking, and it‘s ready to race! Check out the driver on the LCD screen and hear him talk about his ramming speed. Challenge other Switch & Go® vehicles to a race and see who’s the fastest, toughest and coolest! Switch back to a gorilla in a few easy steps. Smash! Gnash! Gorilla thrash! Build a Switch & Go® world. Additional Switch & Go® vehicles sold separately. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-551360 Switch & Go Gorilla Muscle Car Instruction Manual

    Switch & Go® Scorpion Dune Buggy

    Transform playtime with the Switch & Go® Scorpion Dune Buggy! Burn through the desert with this rugged Dune Buggy, then get ready for battle with one-touch transformation into a scary Scorpion. Stinger up and ready to go! Hear the Scorpion’s voice and cool sound effects with the touch of a button. Creature mode makes the Scorpion come alive with claw-snapping, tail-crashing sound effects. Ready to burn some rubber? Easily transform the Scorpion back into a Dune Buggy in three simple steps. In Vehicle mode, hear the car’s engine roar. Let’s hit the road! Create battle scenes with other Switch & Go® vehicles, then change back into a Scorpion with one touch. Time for a creature clash! Each Switch & Go® vehicle sold separately. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-551100 Switch & Go Scorpion Dune Buggy Instruction Manual

    Switch & Go® T-Rex Muscle Car

    Stomp into the cool, crazy world of prehistoric creatures that turn into vehicles with the Switch & Go® T-Rex Muscle Car! This T-Rex breathes fire with awesome light and sound effects. With the strongest bite ever, this predator is super tough. Time for a quick getaway? Transform the dino easily into a tough Muscle Car. Check out its lightning trail! Fiery lights and sound effects bring your Switch & Go® world to life. Pit the T-Rex Muscle Car against the other Switch & Go® dinos for a fearsome match-up. Who is most powerful? Fastest? Toughest? Smartest? Start your engine. Here we go! Additional Switch & Go® dinosaurs sold separately. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 1 AA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-537960 Switch & Go T-Rex Muscle Car Instruction Manual

    Switch & Go™ Spinosaurus Race Car

    Stomp into the cool, crazy world of prehistoric creatures that turn into vehicles with the Switch & Go™ Spinosaurus Race Car! Thunder the Spinosaurus has a special move that wows all his friends and enemies: surprise attack! His power level is 10, so watch out, he’s a mighty monster! Time for a quick getaway? Transform him easily into a blazing fast race car. Awesome sound effects bring your dino world to life! Pit Thunder against the other Switch & Go dinos for a fearsome match-up. Who is most powerful? Strongest? Toughest? Smartest? Zoom and roar into playtime! Additional Switch & Go™ transforming dinosaurs sold separately. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-520860 Switch & Go Spinosaurus Race Car Parent Guide

    Switch & Go™ Spinosaurus Stunt Car

    Race and roar into a supercool world where ferocious dinosaurs change into hard-driving vehicles with the Switch & Go™ Spinosaurus Stunt Car! The tough Spinosaurus inspires imaginative play with animated LCD eyes and dinosaur sound effects and phrases. Make the dino’s claws swipe and its jaws snap. Then switch up playtime by transforming the dino into a stunt car with a few simple moves. Watch how the dino eyes on the LCD screen turn into a driver and hear how the voice changes, too! Bring your Switch & Go™ world to life with 60+ responses and sound effects in both modes. Challenge the other Switch & Go dinos to a fearsome match-up. Who is most powerful? Strongest? Toughest? Smartest? Dinosaurs rule! Additional Switch & Go™ dinosaurs sold separately. Intended for ages 4–8 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-195260 Switch & Go Spinosaurus Stunt Car Parent Guide

    Switch & Go™ Stegosaurus Buggy

    Stomp into the cool, crazy world of prehistoric creatures that turn into vehicles with the Switch & Go™ Stegosaurus Buggy! Slam the Stegosaurus has a special move that wows all his friends and enemies: tail swipe! His toughness level is 10, so watch out, he’s a rugged rival! Time for a quick getaway? Transform him easily into a hardy off-road buggy. Awesome sound effects bring your dino world to life! Pit Slam against the other Switch & Go dinos for a fearsome match-up. Who is most powerful? Strongest? Toughest? Smartest? Zoom and roar into playtime! Additional Switch & Go™ dinosaurs sold separately. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-192260 Switch & Go Stegosaurus Buggy Parent Guide

    Switch & Go™ T-Rex Truck

    Stomp into the cool, crazy world of prehistoric creatures that turn into vehicles with the Switch & Go™ T-Rex Truck! Claw the T-Rex has a special move that wows all his friends and enemies: strongest bite ever! His power level is 10, so watch out for those super-strong jaws! Time for a quick getaway? Transform him easily into a tough off-road truck. Awesome sound effects bring your dino world to life! Pit Claw against the other Switch & Go dinos for a fearsome match-up. Who is most powerful? Strongest? Toughest? Smartest? Zoom and roar into playtime! Additional Switch & Go™ dinosaurs sold separately. Intended for ages 4+ years. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-183160 Switch & Go T-Rex Truck Parent Guide

    Switch & Go™ Triceratops Bulldozer

    Race and roar into a supercool world where ferocious dinosaurs change into hard-driving vehicles with the Switch & Go™ Triceratops Bulldozer! The tough Triceratops inspires imaginative play with animated LCD eyes and dinosaur sound effects and phrases. Make the dino’s head shoot forward in a fierce charge. Triple horn threat! Then switch up playtime by transforming the dino into a bulldozer with a few simple moves. Watch how the dino eyes on the LCD screen turn into a rugged bulldozer operator and hear how the voice changes, too! Bring your Switch & Go™ world to life with 60+ responses and sound effects in both modes. Challenge the other Switch & Go dinos to a fearsome match-up. Who is most powerful? Strongest? Toughest? Smartest? Dinosaurs rule! Additional Switch & Go™ dinosaurs sold separately. Intended for ages 4–8 years. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-195160 Switch & Go Triceratops Bulldozer Parent Guide

    Take Me With You Zebra™

    What’s black and white and cute all over? It’s the Take Me With You Zebra™! This cuddly critter invites little ones to explore their senses of touch, sound and sight. The soft plush, crinkly leaf, colorful patterns and ribbon tags encourage kids to explore textures. Give the zebra a shake to hear silly sounds, giggles and tunes. Lift the fabric flap to find three peek-a-boo buttons that teach numbers, colors and sing-along songs. Babies are drawn to black-and-white patterns, and this little zebra is a treat to look at with a striped body, smiling face and flashing light. Who is that baby in the mirror? Kiddos love looking in the mirror even before they know that the face they see is their own. Keep baby entertained with this take-along toy while you take some time for yourself. Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use. Surface washable.

    Take Me With You Zebra Instruction Manual

    Think & Sort Animal Puzzle

    A cow, a duck, a sheep, a pig and the farmer himself! On the farm, five removable puzzle pieces and a flashing sun teach counting, animal sounds and names, and the Old MacDonald song.

    Think & Sort Animal Puzzle Manual

    Tiny Touch Phone

    Calling all infants! The VTech Tiny Touch Phone learning toy teaches your baby numbers and shapes while they talk to their favorite animal friends.

    Tiny Touch Phone Manual

    Tiny Touch® Tablet

    Your little one will have fun playing and learning with the Tiny Touch® Tablet! This beginner learning tablet for toddlers has nine brightly colored light-up activity buttons that introduce a variety of curriculum to your child including letters, numbers, animals, days of the week, and more! For added fun, your child can roll the ball to activate fun light patterns that they’ll love to follow. Designed especially for little hands, your toddler will want to take this tablet with them everywhere they go! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 1 AA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    User’s Manual

    Toddle & Stroll Musical Elephant Walker™

    Step into learning with the Toddle & Stroll Musical Elephant Walker™, only at Sam’s Club! Help your little one get familiar with learning concepts as they practice their motor skills with this musical walker. Discover learning features on the engaging activity panel. Three colorful buttons introduce colors, shapes and numbers while the light-up drum plays music and drum sounds. Little hands can practice fine motor skills by turning the elephant’s trunk, spinning the maraca, twisting the gear and sliding the saxophone. Play peek-a-boo in the baby-safe mirror! Ready to move? Set a safe walking pace for your baby with adjustable-speed wheels. As little ones take their first steps, the charming elephant cheers them on with playful songs, silly sounds, encouraging phrases and lively music. This elephant walker also comes with a storage compartment for your child’s favorite toy. Set off on a learning safari! Intended for ages 9–36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-523000 Toddle & Stroll Musical Elephant Walker Manual

    Touch & Chat Light-Up Phone™

    Calling all little ones! Pull out the Touch & Chat Light-Up Phone™ and start exploring animals, letters, numbers and words on a toy phone with cell phone-like features to encourage imaginative play with learning. Start in Video Call mode with three emoji graphics and two animals to video-call. Switch to Learning mode to find 12 pretend apps for your toddler to browse. Check the weather, click on a map, send play text messages and listen to music. As your child slides their finger from app to app, they create an on-screen pattern with lights. Keep little ones engaged in play and learning with 70+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-537660 Touch & Chat Light-Up Phone Manual

    Touch & Discover Animal Home

    There’s no place like the Touch & Discover Animal Home for learning where baby will discover colors, numbers, letters, and music! Discoveries await in this wonderful busy box.

    Touch & Discover Animal Home Manual

    Touch & Discover Sensory Turtle™

    When the Touch & Discover Sensory Turtle™ comes out of his shell, he’s sure to entertain your little one! This cuddly plush turtle features a variety of textures, colors and patterns to stimulate your baby’s senses and encourage fine motor skills. Play peek-a-boo with the cute and cuddly turtle by tucking in his head and legs to change him into a soft, wobbly ball for 2-in-1 play. The chunky button on the top of the shell is easy for little ones to press and lights up in a variety of colors as it responds with sounds, music and cute phrases. The shell includes a baby-safe mirror, rattle and ring. There’s plenty to see, touch and explore with this textured tortoise!

    80-501600 Touch & Discover Sensory Turtle Product Manual

    Touch & Explore Activity Table™

    Discover six sensory play zones with the sit-to-stand Touch & Explore Activity Table™! Start with floor play, then switch to table play when your child can stand on their own. Activities on the interactive tabletop introduce kids to animals, colors and numbers with 90+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. Touch, press and spin to practice fine motor skills. An alligator xylophone helps inspire a love of music and includes an attached mallet. Spin the flower dial to the lion, elephant, turtle and alligator to hear animal fun facts, sounds and music. Stimulate your child’s sense of touch with the soft lion’s mane, bumpy-shelled turtle and the soft, crinkly pages of the fabric book. Three shape sorters help children learn to recognize circle, square and triangle shapes. A detachable play phone helps inspire imaginative play. It’s time to explore and so much more! Includes four removable table legs. Intended for ages 6–36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-540900 Touch & Explore Activity Table Instruction Manual

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe (Pink)

    The Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe is a pink, three-in-one desk with interactive activity cards that’s expandable for more fun and discovery! The desk features an interactive desktop and five pages to explore that are filled with engaging content including letters, numbers, music, colors and more. Choose from eight expansion packs (each sold separately) that each focus on a specific curriculum like nursery rhymes, reading skills, animals and numbers. It also transforms from a desk into an easel and chalkboard with plenty of storage space for art supplies to encourage play and discovery. The LED display illustrates letter and number stroke order and how to draw basic shapes. For even more fun, your toddler can play with the toy telephone or listen to fun tunes on the music player. Enjoy hours of fun as you create, discover and learn! Intended for ages 2+ Years. Maximum weight 75 pounds. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-194850 Touch & Learn Activity Desk Deluxe Pink

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Animals, Bugs & Critters

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Animals, Bugs and Critters Expansion Pack. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning science concepts and animal facts and listening to a story about the animals in Noah’s Ark. They can also be creative by making their own music using bird sounds. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; numbers and shapes; preschool and kindergarten readiness; community helpers; reading; and math (each sold separately).

    80-221200 ouch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Animals, Bugs & Critters Product Manual

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Get Ready for Kindergarten

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Get Ready for Kindergarten Expansion Pack. This well-rounded curriculum can help prepare children for kindergarten by introducing them to kindergarten basics. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning numbers, opposites, plants and weather and listening to the story The Tortoise and the Hare. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; numbers and shapes; animals, bugs and critters; preschool readiness; community helpers; reading; and math (each sold separately).

    80-221600 Touch & Learn Activity Desk Deluxe Expansion Pack- Get Ready for Kindergarten

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Get Ready for Preschool

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Get Ready for Preschool Expansion Pack. This basic, well-rounded curriculum can help prepare children for preschool by showing them a typical classroom and common field trips. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning instrument sounds, shapes and animals and listening to the story The Ugly Duckling. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; numbers and shapes; animals, bugs and critters; kindergarten readiness; community helpers; reading; and math (each sold separately).

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Get Ready for Preschool Product Manual

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Get Ready to Read

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Get Ready to Read Expansion Pack. Children can practice early reading skills while exploring the colorful illustrations, learning new vocabulary and listening to the stories Jack and the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood. They can also learn to match uppercase and lowercase letters and letter stroke order. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; numbers and shapes; animals, bugs and critters; preschool and kindergarten readiness; community helpers; and math (each sold separately).

    80-221500Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Get Ready to Ready to Read Product Manual

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Making Math Easy

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Making Math Easy Expansion Pack. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning counting, skip counting, simple addition, measurement and spatial sense. Free and guided exploration allows children to learn math the way they want. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; numbers and shapes; animals, bugs and critters; preschool and kindergarten readiness; community helpers; and reading (each sold separately).

    80-221700 Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Making Math Easy

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Numbers & Shapes

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Numbers & Shapes Expansion Pack. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning about counting, number recognition, shapes and colors. Free and guided exploration allows children to learn math the way that works best for them. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; animals, bugs and critters; preschool and kindergarten readiness; community helpers; reading; and math (each sold separately).

    80-221100 Touch & Learn Activity Desk Deluxe — Numbers & Shapes Product Manual

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — Nursery Rhymes

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Nursery Rhymes Expansion Pack. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning rhyming words, vocabulary and basic comprehension while listening to eight classic nursery rhymes. They can also interact with the songs by pressing buttons and adding instrument sounds. Additional expansion packs feature numbers and shapes; animals, bugs and critters; preschool and kindergarten readiness; community helpers; reading; and math (each sold separately).

    80-221000 Touch & Learn Activity Desk Deluxe — Nursery Rhyme Expansion Pack

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — When I Grow Up

    Add to the fun and learning of the Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the When I Grow Up Expansion Pack. Children can explore the colorful illustrations while learning different careers including doctor, veterinarian, pilot, scientist, artist, chef and firefighter. They can discover a different career on each page while learning vocabulary specific to that job. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; numbers and shapes; animals, bugs and critters; preschool and kindergarten readiness; reading; and math (each sold separately).

    80-221400Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe — When I Grow Up Product Manual

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe Preschool Super Skills

    Extend the playtime and learning of your Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe with the cartridge and four double-sided pages included in the Preschool Super Skills Expansion Pack. This well-rounded curriculum can help prepare children for preschool or help them practice basic preschool skills. Lessons include learning about the five senses, feelings and emotions, things that go, counting to 10, vowel sounds and basic three letter words, the planets, world music and more. The activities provide children with opportunities for pretend play and creativity. Additional expansion packs feature nursery rhymes; numbers and shapes; animals, bugs and critters; preschool and kindergarten readiness; community helpers; math; reading; and phonics fun (each sold separately).


    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe

    The Touch & Learn Activity Desk™ Deluxe by VTech® is a three-in-one desk with interactive activity cards that’s expandable for more fun and discovery! The desk features an interactive desktop and five pages to explore that are filled with engaging content including letters, numbers, music, colors and more. Choose from eight expansion packs (each sold separately) that each focus on a specific curriculum like nursery rhymes, reading skills, animals and numbers. It also transforms from a desk into an easel and chalkboard with plenty of storage space for art supplies to encourage play and discovery. The LED display illustrates letter and number stroke order and how to draw basic shapes. For even more fun, your toddler can play with the toy telephone or listen to fun tunes on the music player. Enjoy hours of fun as you create, discover and learn! Intended for ages 2+ Years. Maximum weight 75 pounds. Requires 4 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-194800 Touch & Learn Activity Desk Deluxe

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk™

    The 3-in-1 Touch & Learn Activity Desk features a kid-size table that transforms into a chalkboard and easel. Four double-sided activity cards provide nine interactive pages with more than 200 touch-and-learn spots. Activity pages introduce children to letters, colors, numbers, time, animals, music and more. An LED screen helps guide children through forming letters and numbers step by step. Check the practice clock on the desk top. Is it time for art? Flip the desktop up to use as a chalkboard to draw or practice writing numbers or letters, freehand. Clip paper on the easel to make your own masterpiece. Tuck the little stool under the desk and store your supplies in the compartments when creative play is done. (Art supplies not included.) What a fun way to get ready for school! Intended for ages 3–6 years. Maximum weight 110 pounds. Requires 3 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Touch & Learn Activity Desk Manual

    Touch & Learn Musical Bee — Pink

    Your little bug’s bound for loads of learning fun with the Touch & Learn Musical Bee. This sweet crib toy puts some punch into playtime teaching basic numbers, shapes and colors. Shake the Touch & Learn Musical Bee to hear upbeat melodies and fun sounds. Or soothe baby to sleep with lullabies and nature sounds. Sound sensor automatically activates the Touch & Learn Musical Bee to put fussy babies back to sleep.

    Parent Guides

    Touch & Learn Storytime

    With four interchangeable story books, story time takes on new meaning with Baby’s First Storybooks! This interactive storybook has touch sensors and a magic pointer to encourage your baby to play and explore words, pictures and sounds!

    Touch & Learn Storytime Manual

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone — Blue

    Introduce your little one to the world of smart phones with the Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech®. With pretend apps, watch them call home, check the weather and organize their day… just like mom and dad! Includes sliding screen for two modes of play: learning and music.

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone Manual

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone — Pink

    Introduce your little one to the world of smart phones with the Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech®. With pretend apps, watch them call home, check the weather and organize their day… just like mom and dad! Includes sliding screen for two modes of play: learning and music.

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone — Pink Manual

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ — Pink

    The Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech® captures your child’s imagination with their very own smartphone for role-play fun! Slide between screens for two modes of play on this educational toy with twelve light-up pretend learning apps or switch to music mode to play fun melodies and sing-along songs. Vivid colors and a touch screen engage your child as they role-play by calling family, friends or even their stuffed animals. The «Home» button feature allows you to record and save your home number for learning. With a pretend calendar, clock and weather apps your baby learns about the day while the touch screen and slider builds hand/eye coordination. Your child will discover and explore with fun sounds and sing-along songs that introduce ABCs, 123s and first words. Its realistic role-play fun and learning on the go!

    User’s Manual

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™

    Introduce your little one to the world of smart phones with the Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech®. With pretend apps, watch them call home, check the weather and organize their day… just like mom and dad! Includes sliding screen for two modes of play: learning and music.

    80-146100 Touch & Swipe Baby Phone Parent Guide

    Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™

    The Touch & Swipe Baby Phone™ by VTech® captures your child’s imagination with their very own smartphone for role-play fun! Slide between screens for two modes of play on this educational toy with twelve light-up pretend learning apps or switch to music mode to play fun melodies and sing-along songs. Vivid colors and a touch screen engage your child as they role-play by calling family, friends or even their stuffed animals. The «Home» button feature allows you to record and save your home number for learning. With a pretend calendar, clock and weather apps your baby learns about the day while the touch screen and slider builds hand/eye coordination. Your child will discover and explore with fun sounds and sing-along songs that introduce ABCs, 123s and first words. Its realistic role-play fun and learning on the go!

    80-146109 Touch & Swipe Baby Phone Parent Guide

    Touch & Teach Busy Books

    Animals, letters, colors, sounds and shapes magically come to life with the Touch & Teach Busy Books.

    Touch & Teach Busy Books Manual

    Touch & Teach Elephant™- Purple

    Go on an adventure with the Touch & Teach Elephant™ by VTech® and learn numbers, letters, first words and more while exploring 16 interactive pages. Press the light-up buttons to interact with the book and hear playful music.

    Touch & Teach Elephant Manual

    Touch & Teach Elephant™

    Read about Elephant’s adventures with the Touch & Teach Elephant™. Explore 16 interactive storybook pages and learn numbers, letters, first words and more. Colorful pictures on double-sided durable pages introduce letters of the alphabet, animals, shapes and music. Press the four light-up buttons to interact with the story or press the eight animal buttons to learn about animals and numbers or hear piano sounds. Press the question mark button on Elephant’s hat, and test your child’s comprehension skills and spark their curiosity. Your child can also spin the roller ball to hear playful sound effects that encourage exploration. This elephant is a ton of learning fun your child won’t forget! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    Touch & Teach Elephant Manual

    Touch & Teach Sea Turtle™

    Dive into early reading with your toddler in the Touch & Teach Sea Turtle™ interactive story book. A holographic cover, bright colors and light-up buttons draw and hold your little one’s attention on eight double-sided book pages. Sea creatures fill this deep-sea story with learning experiences focused on letters, numbers, colors and animals with three learning modes. Press the piano key buttons on each page to hear the names of a variety of sea animals, listen to their sounds and practice counting. Go exploring with four light-up starfish and quiz questions that get little ones thinking and looking. Enjoy a robust 225+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases in this take-along toddler book with carrying handle. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.


    Touch & Teach Word Book — Pink

    The Touch & Teach Word Book™ by VTech® teaches your child letters and more than 100 words! Join Cody The Smart Cub™ and Cora The Smart Cub™ on the learning adventure that teaches your child vocabulary, letters, and music! Explore words with twelve different interactive pages that respond with sound to your child’s touch and develop word association skills. This kids’ word book features topics on home, food, clothes, the zoo and more! Fifteen melodies and more than 90 fun sounds stimulate auditory recognition and musical creativity. It’s interactive learning at your child’s fingertips!

    Touch & Teach Word Book — Pink Manual

    Touch & Teach Word Book™

    Discover the magic of words with the Touch & Teach Word Book™ by VTech®! Cody The Smart Cub™ and Cora The Smart Cub™ teaches letters and more than 100 words in four different activities. Twelve interactive pages come to life with the touch of a finger!

    Touch & Teach Word Book Manual

    Touch & Turn Tunes

    Baby will explore and learn down on the farm! With four animal pals and four oversized knobs, baby can interact and enhance his/her motor skills! Fun sounds and flashing lights reinforce baby’s natural instinct to reach and grasp.

    Touch & Turn Tunes Manual

    Touch ‘n Teach Tablet

    Build baby’s language and discovery skills! Packed with colorful destinations all around town, Touch and Teach Tablet inspires vocabulary lessons enhanced with upbeat music and fun sound effects.

    Touch ‘n Teach Tablet Manual

    Touch Tablet Advanced

    Get in touch with learning with Touch Tablet Advanced! Kids who love games now love learning! A portable tablet and laptop computer in one teaches school-related subject matter, music and art through fun games that recognize skill levels and adapt.

    Touch Tablet Advanced Manual

    Treasure Seekers Pirate Ship™

    Arrr, little mateys! Raise the anchor and search for hidden treasure with the Treasure Seekers Pirate Ship™. Place the captain or sailor on the recognition point to learn about sailing the mighty toy ship. Turn the sails, spin the steering wheel to navigate the high seas or load the cannon to strengthen fine-motor skills. Roll the ship along using the pull cord to build gross motor skills. Discover colors and numbers in Explore mode and hear pirate sounds and phrases in Role-Play mode by pressing the light-up buttons. Little sailors can transform this 2-in-1 playset into a deserted island and find treasure. Keep the treasure away from the octopus and his spinning tentacles, or prepare to walk the plank. Yo-ho-ho and away we go! Intended for ages 1.5-4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.


    Treasure Seekers Pirate Ship™

    Arrr, little mateys! Raise the anchor and search for hidden treasure with the Treasure Seekers Pirate Ship™. Place the captain or sailor on the recognition point to learn about sailing the mighty toy ship. Turn the sails, spin the steering wheel to navigate the high seas or load the cannon to strengthen fine-motor skills. Roll the ship along using the pull cord to build gross motor skills. Discover colors and numbers in Explore mode and hear pirate sounds and phrases in Role-Play mode by pressing the light-up buttons. Little sailors can transform this 2-in-1 playset into a deserted island and find treasure. Keep the treasure away from the octopus and his spinning tentacles, or prepare to walk the plank. Yo-ho-ho and away we go! Intended for ages 1.5-4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only, new batteries recommended for regular use.


    Tug & Teach Sailboat

    Come sail away and learn with the electronic Tug & Teach Sailboat by VTech! This interactive learning toy takes a classic bath favorite and adds educational innovations to teach baby about animals, sounds, and shapes.

    Tug & Teach Sailboat Manual

    Tummy Time Discovery Pillow™

    Get comfy while having fun with the Tummy Time Discovery Pillow™ by VTech®. This soft pillow features a friendly giraffe and provides comfortable support for your baby with three ways to play. The crescent-shaped pillow provides support during tummy time play as your child begins strengthening their neck muscles. It also supports them while they are learning to sit on their own. As your child grows, it is great for take-along play. The pillow has multiple textures, patterns and colors for visual and tactile stimulation. Light-up piano keys on the removable piano introduce numbers, colors, shapes and animals, and play sing-along nursery rhymes, music and short tunes. Plus, the removable baby-safe mirror and rattle are perfect for on the go play.

    80-506800 Tummy Time Discovery Pillow Parent Guide

    Tune & Learn Boombox™

    Any time is tune time with the Tune & Learn Boombox™! Learn to the beat about music, numbers, instruments, and animal names and sounds. This cute, carry-along boombox-style learning toy is easy for little ones to operate. Manipulatives encourage fine motor development. Two easy-press buttons play piano and drum sounds. Spin the animal dial to get to know animal friends and learn about animals and numbers. Turn the music disc to hear sounds and music. Play three sing-along songs and 30 pop and country melodies to introduce your child to the world of music. Tune into learning! Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-533300 Tune & Learn Boombox Instruction Manual

    Turn & Learn Driver™

    Drive into learning fun with the Turn & Learn Driver™. Your little one will love pretending to drive using the steering wheel that causes the cute dog character to move back and forth. Press the five colorful buttons and your child will be introduced to different animals and vehicles. The fun car design encourages imaginative play with a traffic light, a signal lever that triggers fun sounds and music and a gear shifter that pushes and pulls to introduce opposites. The toy car also has three play modes so your little driver can learn in animal, driving and music mode. Intended for ages 6-36 months. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-166600 Turn & Learn Driver Parent Guide

    Turn & Learn Ferris Wheel™

    Little ones can take a spin on the Turn & Learn Ferris Wheel™—no tickets required! Your baby will explore animals, numbers and objects while listening to playful sounds and four sing-along songs. When kids press the friendly yellow lion, black and white zebra and blue elephant buttons they’ll hear the animals introduce themselves, numbers and objects using their own unique voices. See your child light up as they spin the brightly colored wheel around. Each spin plays sounds and songs with three flashing stars to capture their interest. Bring the carnival to town by sticking the suction cup on a highchair tray or any smooth surface. The Ferris wheel will stay put so you don’t have to keep picking it up off the floor and it’ll keep wiggly kids entertained. Round and round, up and down, we’re riding on the Ferris wheel. Intended for ages 6+ months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-165960 Turn & Learn Ferris Wheel Instruction Manual

    Turn & Sing Flower

    It’s 2-in-1 fun with the VTech Turn & Sing Flower! This learning toy can attach to a stroller bar or be used alone as a rattle. With its bright colors, tactile fabrics, and engaging sounds, your baby will love playing with this toy on the go!

    Turn & Sing Flower Manual

    Turn-A-Word Apple

    An apple for a teacher! Nine spinning blocks and three cute bug buttons on this bright red apple teach baby’s first words, while a cheerful caterpillar starts the Alphabet Song sing-along.

    Turn-A-Word Apple Manual

    Turtle’s Busy Day Soft Book™

    Get your baby’s learning story started with Turtle’s Busy Day Soft Book™! Meet Turtle’s animal friends and find a surprise on every interactive page. Each page offers something for your baby to discover: lift the flap, explore textures and sounds, and find the peek-a-boo mirror and caterpillar finger puppet. The exploration doesn’t stop there—your baby can press the three animal tabs to hear animal sounds, fun facts and words to help develop early language skills. A light-up heart button plays music and sing-along songs. The bright colors and patterns are a visual treat, and multiple textures help develop your baby’s sense of touch with embroidered details, and crinkly and soft materials. Fabric pages are surface washable. The book attaches to a stroller or infant carrier with the included C-ring. Intended for ages 3+ months. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only. New battery recommended for regular use.

    80-536900 Turtle’s Busy Day Soft Book Manual

    Twinkle & Learn Tambourine

    Babies will shake, rattle, and roll to the music with the Twinkle & Learn Tambourine from VTech! This musical rattle teaches children the basics of rhythm, numbers and counting!

    Twinkle & Learn Tambourine Manual

    Twist & Hug Koala Rattle™

    Say g’day with the Twist & Hug Koala Rattle™. Twinkling heart button triggers phrases about feelings, fun facts about the koala, silly sounds and entertaining music and songs. When your little one gives the adorable koala toy a shake, it will respond with playful sounds and short tunes. Twisting the koala’s colorful textured ears develop fine motor skills. The textured handle is perfectly sized for little ones to hold, while the sliding rings and koala bead promote tactile stimulation. Shake and play on the go with the cute koala baby rattle! Intended for ages 3-24 months. Requires 1 AAA battery. Battery included for demo purposes only, new battery recommended for regular use.

    80-513200 Twist & Hug Koala Rattle Parent Guide

    Twist & Teach Animal Cube™

    There’s more to explore with every twist of the retro-inspired Twist & Teach Animal Cube™. With four animals, four letters and four vehicles, this cube connects the letter A to alligator, B to bear and more. The cube cheers kids on as they find each color on the light-up buttons! Move each animal around so it gets to take a ride in an airplane, a dump truck, a car or a boat. The animal buttons keep kiddos engaged with lights, songs and first words for animals, letters, colors and more. Go ahead and twist! There are no wrong moves with the Twist & Teach Animal Cube™. Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-558400 Twist & Teach Animal Cube Instruction Manual

    Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube™ (Pink)

    Get the building blocks of learning with the Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube™ by VTech®. This cube has five interactive sides and includes 13 double-sided letter blocks that provide a variety of developmental benefits for years of play. Insert the blocks into the letter recognition slot and the cube will show the letter on the LED screen and introduce it through a playful song. Drop the letter blocks into the chute and each block will be counted or will play sounds as it drops down the peg maze. Press the ten colorful shape buttons to learn about numbers, colors, shapes, animal names and sounds, and hear simple questions that will keep toddlers engaged. Other sides of the cube feature animals to slide or flip, block-sorter holes, gears and more. The cube also has storage to hold all the blocks when they’re done playing. Your little one will have fun exploring all the ways there are to learn!

    80-505050 Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube Parent Guide

    Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube™

    Get the building blocks of learning with the Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube™ by VTech®. This cube has five interactive sides and includes 13 double-sided letter blocks that provide a variety of developmental benefits for years of play. Insert the blocks into the letter recognition slot and the cube will show the letter on the LED screen and introduce it through a playful song. Drop the letter blocks into the chute and each block will be counted or will play sounds as it drops down the peg maze. Press the ten colorful shape buttons to learn about numbers, colors, shapes, animal names and sounds, and hear simple questions that will keep toddlers engaged. Other sides of the cube feature animals to slide or flip, block-sorter holes, gears and more. The cube also has storage to hold all the blocks when they’re done playing. Your little one will have fun exploring all the ways there are to learn!

    80-505000 Ultimate Alphabet Activity Cube Parent Guide

    Ultimate Animal Adventures Ark™

    Get on board the Ultimate Animal Adventures Ark™. Press the four buttons to learn weather concepts, colors, and hear playful sing-along songs and classic melodies. The playset includes five pairs of wobbling animals: giraffe, monkey, pig, cow and elephant that all store inside the ark. Drop the animals down the tunnel and the ark will count them to help your little one build counting skills. The ark features a turning starfish, a spinning helm, a peek-a-boo door and more to help build fine motor skills. The pull cord lets your little explorer pull their animal friends around, then tucks away when they’re done. Time to set off on an adventure!

    Ultimate Animal Adventures Ark™ Parent’s Guide

    V.Reader Cartridge — Dinosaur Train

    It’s time to take a ride on the Dinosaur Train in this new e-book for V.Reader by VTech! In this story, Buddy loses his first tooth and travels to Rexville Station to learn about teeth. As your child enjoys the story, they’ll build core language skills through reading and fun games!

    V.Reader Cartridge — Dinosaur Train Manual

    V.Reader Cartridge — The Little Engine That Could

    All aboard for an adventure with «The Little Engine That Could». With VTech’s V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System, children take a ride with the Little Engine and read about important lessons in life while having fun with colors, letters and more!

    V.Reader Cartridge — The Little Engine That Could Manual

    V.Reader Cartridge- Chuggington *CLEARANCE*

    Calling all Chuggers! Help Chugginton’s Brewster keep some mischievous twins out of trouble in this new e-book for VTech’s V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System.

    V.Reader Cartridge- Chuggington *CLEARANCE* Manual

    V.Reader Cartridge- Kung Fu Panda 2

    Po and his friends, The Furious Five are set for new adventures in this new story for the V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System from VTech. Join the gang from «Kung Fu Panda 2» as they embark on a journey to defeat the evil villain, Shen.

    V.Reader Cartridge- Kung Fu Panda 2 Manual

    V.Reader Cartridge- Penguins of Madagascar

    Join the penguins and King Julien for another exciting learning adventure in this new story for the V.Reader Interactive E-Reading System from VTech! The characters of The Penguins of Madagascar will engage your child as they gain valuable reading skills.

    V.Reader Cartridge- Penguins of Madagascar Manual

    V.Smile Art Studio

    This creative studio connects directly to the V.Smile Learning System™ (sold separately) for fun, creative game play on your home TV! With an interactive drawing stylus, touch-sensitive drawing pad, and over twelve activities, kids can tap into their creativity by creating their own, unique masterpieces!

    V.Smile Art Studio Manual

    V.Smile Motion-Super Why

    New for the VTech V.Smile Motion Learning System. The Super Why characters need help solving «The Beach Day Mystery.» While looking for the buried treasure, kids will practice letters, phonics, spelling, words and more with just a wave of the controller!

    V.Smile Motion-Super Why Manual

    V.Smile Motion: Up!

    Your kids now have a chance to put themselves into one of the newest and most exciting movie adventures! They can join Carl Fredricksen and his companion Russell on their journey to Paradise Falls and their exploration of the surrounding jungle! Put yourself in the adventure and play as characters from the movie.

    V.Smile Motion: Up! Manual

    V.Smile: Blue’s Clues- Blue’s Collections

    Join everyone’s favorite blue dog as she takes you on a very special play date. Find the clues to Blue’s latest mystery by playing exciting activities with number, colors, shape, and logic skills. Blue’s world is chock full of creativity and fun for everyone!

    V.Smile: Blue’s Clues- Blue’s Collections Manual

    V.Smile: Bob the Builder Bob’s Busy Day

    With a child’s help Bob the Builder can lend a hand! From repairing roofs to hunting down tools, preschoolers engage in fun learning adventures that teach letters, counting, patterns, shapes and more.

    V.Smile: Bob the Builder Bob’s Busy Day Manual

    V.Smile: Dora’s Fix It Adventure

    Come on! Help Dora and Boots find the missing parts of the Air-Car-Boat-Mobile for Tico before Swiper the Fox gets them first! Along the way kids will learn about shapes, colors, animals, numbers and logic so they can help Dora and Boots succeed. And of course, they will always learn some Spanish from Dora along the way.

    V.Smile: Dora’s Fix It Adventure Manual

    V.Smile: Mickey Mouse: Mickey’s Magical Adventure

    Help Mickey Mouse find and rescue Pluto! Kids engage in a magical quest through brain-teasing puzzles and skill-sharpening games that teach math, logic, spelling, 3D geometry, memorizing and more.

    V.Smile: Mickey Mouse: Mickey’s Magical Adventure Manual

    V.Smile: Scooby-Doo Funland Frenzy

    Solving mysteries with Scooby-Doo engages kids in exciting game play. Plus, the fun learning adventures on this V.Smile smartridge teach key skills in math, spelling, logic, matching and vocabulary.

    V.Smile: Scooby-Doo Funland Frenzy Manual

    V.Smile: SpongeBob SquarePants A Day in the Life of a Sponge

    Join SpongeBob and his friends as they wander through a typically wacky day at Bikini Bottom. Help SpongeBob flip patties at the Krusty Krab, surf down Sand Mountain with Sandy, and go jellyfishing in Jellyfish Fields. Can SpongeBob make it through a whole day without destroying anything or otherwise getting into trouble? You be the judge!

    V.Smile: SpongeBob SquarePants A Day in the Life of a Sponge Manual

    V.Smile: The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood

    Set out on an adventure in learning! Help Little Red Riding Hood find her way to Grandma’s house and discover new vocabulary, problem-solving and logic skills, spelling activities, and more.

    V.Smile: The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood Manual

    V.Smile: The Batman — Gotham City Rescue

    Keeping Gotham City free of crime is a full-time job, and it’s a job that Batman takes very seriously indeed. Join the Caped Crusader on his never-ending mission to keep Gotham City free of danger and villainy.

    V.Smile: The Batman — Gotham City Rescue Manual

    V.Smile: The Lion King Simba’s Big Adventure

    Journey through the Pridelands with Simba! Kids help this beloved lion cub through challenging games and fun adventures that teach animals, numbers, colors, shapes, size comparisons and more.

    V.Smile: The Lion King Simba’s Big Adventure Manual

    V.Smile: Toy Story 2 Operation: Rescue Woody!

    Help Buzz and the gang find and rescue Woody! Kids develop learning skills as they embark on an exciting rescue adventure that teaches math, vocabulary, logic, spatial skills, map skills and more.

    V.Smile: Toy Story 2 Operation: Rescue Woody! Manual

    V.Smile: Up!

    Join Carl Fredricksen and his companion Russell on their journey to Paradise Falls and their exploration of the surrounding jungle!

    V.Smile: Up! Manual

    V.Smile: Winnie The Pooh The Honey Hunt

    Pooh is on a mission and kids can help! Through the fun learning adventures on this V. Smile smartridge, kids learn the alphabet, numbers, counting, shapes, colors, vocabulary and phonics.

    V.Smile: Winnie The Pooh The Honey Hunt Manual

    V.Smile: Wow Wow Wubbzy

    Help Wubbzy try to stop his pet Fleegle from destroying Wuzzleburg! Play against the game or head-to-head. Whatever you do, bring your skills because you’re going to need them as you encounter numbers, animals, colors, and logic games that need your thinking!

    V.Smile: Wow Wow Wubbzy Manual

    Winnie the Pooh Bounce ‘n Learn Honeypot

    With Winnie the Pooh’s A-to-Z letter blocks, Tigger’s bouncing enthusiasm and six interactive learning activities, your child will discover how to spell and say a honeypot full of new words!

    Winnie the Pooh Bounce ‘n Learn Honeypot Manual

    Winnie the Pooh Light-Up Alphabet Log

    Little minds engage in big challenges as they learn their ABCs with Pooh! Alphabet buttons and a light-up letter screen teach letters, phonics, objects and sounds, and a sing-along adds to the fun.

    Winnie the Pooh Light-Up Alphabet Log Manual

    Winnie the Pooh Musical Learning Center

    Your child is playing keyboards in a band with Pooh and his friends! He’ll love to play notes and melodies, change the tempo, and add fun sound effects to the mix while the 3D figures rock along.

    Winnie the Pooh Musical Learning Center Manual

    Workout Buddies Bag™

    Pump up the fun with the Workout Buddies Bag™! Strengthen motor skills with at-home pretend gym equipment designed for little ones. Brightly colored workout gear includes a dumbbell, textured ball, water bottle rattle, crinkly towel and music player. Press the buttons on the music player and work out to three energizing songs, 20 melodies and smart phrases that introduce numbers, objects, colors and more. Put all the accessories inside the fabric gym bag for storage at home or to carry everything on the go. Let’s keep moving! Intended for ages 12-36 months. Requires 2 AAA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-548000 Workout Buddies Bag Instruction Manual

    Write & Learn Touch Tablet

    Take a walk on the wild side of learning with VTech’s Write & Learn Touch Tablet. This educational touch screen notepad teaches your child about letters and writing with safari animals and interactive learning games.

    Write & Learn Touch Tablet Manual

    Write & Learn Touch Tablet™

    A fun and easy way to learn writing skills, the Write & Learn Touch Tablet™ by VTech is an interactive tablet for kids that offers a progressive approach to handwriting to make learning fun, interactive and rewarding. Practice makes perfect with this electronic writing tablet.

    Write & Learn Touch Tablet Manual

    Zoo Jamz Guitar™

    Rock and learn with the Zoo Jamz Guitar™ by VTech®. Join the animal band and play along with the silly giraffe. The eight light-up buttons and strings allow your little musician to jam to the included music or make their own. The light-up buttons also add funny animal sounds to the melody. Sing along to eight familiar tunes with the giraffe. Turn the dial to choose acoustic, electric or distortion guitar to learn about different types of guitar sounds. Bring the animal band together by pressing the star-shaped button and hear the giraffe sing with the zebra from Zoo Jamz Piano™ and the lion from Zoo Jamz Microphone™ (each sold separately). Be a rock star with this cute giraffe!

    80-179000 Zoo Jamz Guitar

    Zoo Jamz Stompin’ Fun Drums™

    Get ready to rock with the Zoo Jamz Stompin’ Fun Drums™ by VTech®. Encourage your little one to be a star while they enhance creative thinking and motor skills by tapping out beats and creating their own sounds using the included drumsticks! They will enjoy this fresh way to practice counting and develop coordination while following along with the melodies and sing-along songs! Four game modes let your child tap the drums to learn counting, catch the lights, follow the leader or create their own composition. Your mini musician will love sitting on the stool and stepping on the elephant bass pedal to see the elephant trunk move up and down and create a fun bass sound effect. Watch them jam out to the beat of their own drum and create some sweet rockin’ tunes!

    80-196700 Zoo Jamz Stompin’ Fun Drums Product Manual

    Zoo Jamz Tiger Rock Guitar™

    Rock and roar with the Zoo Jamz Tiger Rock Guitar™! Get to know Tiger, Elephant, Parrot, Bear and Frog by pressing the animal buttons to hear sounds and silly songs about each one. Little guitarists can strum their own tune and build motor skills by pressing the eight light-up buttons or moving the string slider to play melodies or chords. Play along to rock, blues and country genres and switch between acoustic, electric and distorted electric guitar sounds by turning the guitar and music style knobs. Pull the whammy bar to add additional guitar sound effects or tiger roars to the music. Rock out in Guitar Fun mode or jam with the animals in Animal Band mode. Are you ready to rock? Intended for ages 1.5-4 years. Requires 2 AA batteries. Batteries included for demo purposes only. New batteries recommended for regular use.

    80-537800 Zoo Jamz Tiger Rock Guitar Instruction Manual

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