Lego Большой набор Поезд — LEGO DUPLO № 5609 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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27/06/2012 12:55 PM
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Детали из конструктора Lego Deluxe Train Set
Название | Количество деталей | Изображение | Цвет |
Duplo Fence 1 x 6 x 2 Railing | 1 | Yellow | |
Duplo Кубик 2 x 10 | 1 | DkRed | |
Duplo Кубик 2 x 6 | 2 | Red | |
Duplo Кубик 2 x 4 | 2 | BtGreen | |
Duplo Кубик 2 x 2 x 2 | 3 | Red | |
Duplo Кубик 2 x 4 x 2 with Curved Top with Shipping Logo Pattern | 1 | Red | |
Duplo Train Base 4 x 8 with Silver Wheels and Swiveling Coupling | 2 | Black | |
Duplo Полоска 4 x 6 with Studs on Edge | 1 | Red | |
Duplo Кубик 2 x 2 | 2 | Black | |
Duplo Кубик 2 x 2 with Wood Box and Two Apples Pattern | 1 | RedBrown | |
Duplo Полоска 2 x 4 | 2 | Blue | |
Duplo Кубик 1 x 2 x 2 Type 2 | 0 | TrBlue | |
Duplo Кубик 1 x 2 x 2 with Octan Logo and Text Pattern | 1 | Yellow | |
Duplo Кубик 1 x 2 x 2 with Wood Grain and FRAGILE Pattern | 1 | RedBrown | |
Duplo Кубик 1 x 2 x 2 with Train Signal and Red Highlighted Pattern | 1 | Red | |
Duplo Vehicle Crane with Black Slender Hook Complete Assembly | 1 | Orange | |
Duplo Winch Drum Narrow with LtStone Rope and Black Slender Hook with Stud Case | 1 | PearlLtGray | |
Duplo Полоска 6 x 12 | 1 | Tan | |
Duplo Support on Полоска 2 x 3 with 2 Top Studs | 2 | Black | |
Duplo Roadsign Triangular 1 x 3 x 2 with Steam Engine Pattern | 1 | Red | |
Duplo Полоска 2 x 8 | 2 | BtGreen | |
Duplo Support 2 x 8 x 6 | 2 | Blue | |
Duplo Полоска 4 x 8 | 2 | DkStone | |
Duplo Figure Lego Ville with Black Legs, Striped Tie, Patch Pockets, Chain, and Red Police Hat | 1 | Blue | |
Duplo Figure Lego Ville with DkTan Legs, Shirt with Reflective Stripes, Blue Patch Pocket, and White Construction Helmet | 1 | Orange | |
Duplo Figure Lego Ville with DkStone Legs, Shirt with Yellow Top and Patch Pockets with Rag, and Red Cap | 1 | BtGreen | |
Duplo Vehicle Cabin 4 x 4 with Hinge and Blue Base and Shipping Logo Pattern | 1 | MdBlue | |
Duplo Loading Pallet 4 x 4 | 3 | PearlLtGray | |
Duplo Container Box 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 with Studs on Corners and Handles on Two Sides and Shipping Logo Pattern | 2 | Blue | |
Duplo Figure Accessory Wrench Box and Open | 1 | PearlLtGray | |
Duplo Vehicle Truck 4 x 8 x 5 with DkStone Base and Six Wheels | 1 | DkStone | |
Duplo Furniture Shower Head on Stand | 1 | PearlLtGray | |
Duplo Train Engine 4 x 8 x 5 with Black Base with Battery Compartment, FlatSilver Wheels, and Open 4 x 6 Platform at Front | 1 | Yellow | |
Duplo Train Compartment 4 x 4 Roof with Windows and Sloped Sides | 1 | BtGreen | |
Duplo Train Compartment 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 with Seat and Red Train Logo, Stripes, and 83578 Pattern | 1 | Yellow | |
Duplo Train Engine Front 4 x 2 x 3 1/2 with Silver Headlight and Diagonal Stripes Pattern | 1 | BtGreen | |
Duplo Conveyor Belt 3 x 12 on Полоска 4 x 4 with Blue Sides and Black Rubber Belt | 1 | DkStone | |
Duplo Tank 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 Bottom with One Stud on Sides | 2 | Red | |
Duplo Tank 4 x 4 x 1 1/2 Top with 2 x 4 Studs and OCTAN Text and Logo on One Side and Red/Green Stripes on Opposite Side | 2 | Yellow | |
Duplo Container Oil Drum with BtGreen Horizontal Stripe Pattern | 1 | White | |
Duplo Train Track Crossing | 1 | DkStone | |
Duplo Train Track Straight 4 x 8 | 9 | DkStone | |
Duplo Train Track Curved 30 Degrees | 20 | DkStone | |
Duplo Train Track Level Crossing | 1 | DkStone | |
Duplo Train Level Crossing Gate Base | 2 | Black | |
Duplo Train Level Crossing Gate Crossbar without Lever with Red Stripes Pattern | 2 | Red | |
Duplo Hose Nozzle with Black Hose 10L | 1 | PearlLtGray | |
Duplo Slope Кубик 45 2 x 2 x 1 1/2 with Joystick and Controls Pattern | 1 | Red | |
Duplo Slope Кубик 45 2 x 2 x 1 1/2 with Octan, Digits, and Gas Gauge Pattern | 1 | Yellow |
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Need building instructions for your Lego set 5609 Duplo Deluxe train set? Below you can view and download the PDF building instructions for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.
There is a Lego brick missing from my set, where can I order a spare one? Verified
Lego has a service where you can order separate bricks or contact them when a brick is missing from your set. Have a look at their website for more information.
This was helpful (4178)
How can I prevent my Lego toys from discolouring? Verified
The two biggest contributers to the discolouring of the plastic of Lego toys are long term exposure to sunlight and cigarette smoke. Try to minimise these when storing your Playmobil.
This was helpful (1407)
What is the best way to clean my Lego bricks? Verified
Lego advises to clean the bricks by hand with some water (no warmer than 40°C) and a mild detergent. Never place the bricks in a washing machine or dishwasher. Let the bricks air-dry afterwards. Electric parts can only be cleaned with dry cloth.
This was helpful (1295)
After I build a new Lego set I always have a few small pieces left. Did I forget to use them? Verified
No, many new Lego sets provide spares for the smaller pieces.
This was helpful (1052)
What is the best way to apply stickers on Lego? Verified
To be able to reposition stickers it’s a good idea to apply some glass cleaner on the location you want to put the sticker. When the sticker is in right spot, let it dry and it will stick.
This was helpful (933)
Where can I find a part list of my Lego set? Verified
Many modern Lego instructions include a part list at the end of the booklet. In the case of multiple booklets the list might be found in the middle of the PDF.
This was helpful (895)
Can Lego and Duplo bricks be used in combination with each other? Verified
Yes, Lego and Duplo bricks are compatible. Lego bricks fit on the Duplo bricks with the hollow studs. Duplo bricks fit best on larger Lego bricks and could come loose form smaller Lego bricks.
This was helpful (817)
From what age is Lego suited to play with? Verified
Most Lego sets are suited to play with from age 4 and up, because of the small parts they include. The special Duplo theme is suited for children aged 1,5 and up. The recommended age is always mentioned on the box.
This was helpful (801)
I can’t find the instructions for my Lego Duplo set, why is that? Verified
A lot of Lego Duplo sets don’t come with actual instructions because the set is too elementary. The best option is to look up an image of the set online and use that to build it.
This was helpful (173)