Инструкция на русском rode videomic pro

Посмотреть инструкция для Rode VideoMic Pro бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории микрофоны, 3 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.6. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Rode VideoMic Pro или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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R DE Микрофоны Руководство пользователя VideoMic


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RØDE VideoMicTM имеет встроенное противоударное крепление на основе технологии Rycote® Lyre®. Изготовленный из цельного куска прочного термопласта, Lyre® обеспечивает превосходную акустическую подвеску по сравнению с традиционными эластичными решениями и никогда не изнашивается, не прогибается и не ломается.


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крупный план устройства

  1.  Пенообразователь
  2. Крепление для башмака камеры
  3. Крышка аккумулятора
  4. Переключатель PAD (внутри батарейного отсека)
  5. Светодиодный индикатор питания
  6. Переключатель питания и HPF
  7. Интегрированная подвеска Rycote® Lyre®
  8. Двойной моно выходной кабель 3.5 мм

Элементы управления микрофоном


Фильтр высоких частот (HPF) — это настройка отсечки низких частот, которую можно использовать для устранения грохота, шума камеры или другого низкочастотного шума во время записи.

установка на камеру

  1. Перед установкой на камеру поверните стопорное кольцо против часовой стрелки, чтобы ослабить соединение башмака камеры.
  2. Вставьте башмак камеры на место в креплении камеры. Когда микрофон встал на место, закрепите его, осторожно затянув кольцо по часовой стрелке.
  3. Подключите аудиовыход VideoMic к разъему «Audio In» или «Mic» камеры и закрепите кабель на месте с помощью встроенных зажимов для кабеля (см. Ниже).

закрепление кабеля

Закрепление кабеля устранит нежелательный шум, вызванный перемещением кабеля.

Кабель можно закрепить в одном из двух положений, в зависимости от расположения гнезда «Аудиовход» камеры.

См. Схему 1 для камер с гнездом для микрофона слева.

См. Диаграмму 2 для камер с гнездом для микрофона справа.



Чтобы заменить аккумулятор, осторожно нажмите и снимите крышку аккумуляторного отсека. Вставьте стандартную батарею 9 В положительным (+) концом вверх.

VideoMic использует стандартную батарею 9 В. С качественной щелочной или литиевой батареей VideoMic проработает до 100 часов непрерывной работы. Мы рекомендуем вынуть аккумулятор, если вы храните VideoMic в течение длительного времени без использования.

Светодиодный индикатор питания рядом с переключателем Вкл. / Выкл. Загорится красным, когда батарея разрядится. Микрофон проработает примерно один час после того, как загорится красный индикатор, но с меньшей производительностью.

Переключатель PAD


VideoMic поставляется с трехпозиционным переключателем PAD, который расположен внутри батарейного отсека.

PAD обеспечивает выбираемое снижение входной чувствительности на 10 или 20 дБ, уменьшая выходной уровень при записи громких источников звука, так что оптимальный уровень может быть достигнут в широком диапазоне ситуаций.

Документы / Ресурсы


  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 1

    V ideoMic Pr o Compac t direc tional on- camera microphone INSTRUCTION MANUAL ENGLISH 1 www .rodemic.com/videomicpr o …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 2

    2 Features Compac t Shotgun Microphone • Compact, lightweight body • Broadcast recording quality • Condenser microphone • Integrated shock mount provides isolation from handling/mechanical noise • Integrated foam windshield • 3.5mm stereo mini jack output (dual mono) • Rugged construction Detailed Control • Two step high-pass filter …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 3

    3 High Qualit y Perfor mance • 9V battery powered – over 70 hours use (alkaline) • Low noise circuitry • Flexible and lightweight cable to minimise handling noise and ensure isolation • Australian designed and manufactured • 10 Year Warranty when you register your microphone (see below) Register your VideoMic Pro now and validate your f …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 4

    Shotgun microphones such as the VideoMic Pro have a narrow pick-up angle or polar response, and so can be used to great effect with cameras for news gathering, weddings or sporting events. The VideoMic Pro can be used in any situation where you want to listen to what’s in the shot, not what’s at the side or out of view. Regular use of the Video …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 5

    5 Polar Response Frequency Response dB re 1 V ./P a 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 20 Hz 100 1000 10 000 20 000 0˚ 90˚ 270˚ 180˚ -2.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 -8.0 -10.0 -12.0 -14.0 -16.0 -18.0 -20.0 -22.0 -24.0 -25.0 dB rel. 1V/Pa +5.0 Frequency: 500 Hz : 1000 Hz : 2000 Hz : 8000 Hz : 14000 Hz : Specifications …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 6

    6 Specifications Acoustic Principle Line Gradient Directional Pattern Super-Cardioid Frequency Range 40Hz ~ 20 000Hz Fre qu en c y Ra ng e (Hi gh Pas s Filter) Selectable HPF @ 80Hz / 12dB / octave Variable Level 3 position switch (-10dB, 0dB, +20dB) Output Impedence 200Ω Signal to Noise Rat io 74dB Equiv alent Noise 20dBA SPL (A-weighted as per …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 7

    Sensitiv ity -38dB re 1V/Pa (12.6mV @ 94 dB SPL) ± 2dB @ 1kHz Dy namic Range 114dB SPL (as per IEC651) Power Requi rements 9V alkaline battery (Current 7.8mA) Output Connection 3.5 Stereo mini jack plug (dual mono) Tip — left channel Ring — right channel Batter y Life > 70 hours Weight ( no batter y) 86g (3oz) Dimension (Wx Lx H) 43mm x 150mm x …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 8

    8 8 Powering the VMP Th e V id eo Mic P ro r u ns o n a st an da r d 9V bat ter y . (ANS1:1604A or IEC:6LR61). We recommend using a high quality lithium or alkaline battery to achieve the + – 9V Installing the battery To install the battery, open the battery cover located on the front of the VideoMic Pro, just under the windshield foam. To remove …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 9

    1 2 Figure 1 — The battery cover opens from the front of the mic. Figure 2 — Replace the cover by inserting the top at an angle then pushing down on the base. Replacing the battery cover To replace the battery cover, insert the top at an angle, hooking it under the lever indicated by the arrow in Fi gur e 2 . Then push down at the base (pushing the …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 10

    10 Mounting on the camera The VideoMic Pro incorporates a standard camera shoe mount on the underside of the shock mount cradle. Designed to reduce handling and mechanical noise being carried through from the camera to the microphone, the camera shoe mount also has a 3/8” thread at the bottom to allow mounting on tripods and boompoles. Some older …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 11

    11 Figure 3 — Slide the camera-shoe into place on the camera mount. …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 12

    12 Connecting to the camera The VideoMic Pro has a small cable clip on the underside of the shock mount to secure the cable in place and prevent any unwanted movement noise. Simply press your cable into the clip / groove until the cable is secured in place. The VideoMic Pro delivers a mic level signal to the video camera via a stereo mini jack audi …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 13

    13 Figure 4 — Be sure to clip the cable onto the mount, to eliminate unwanted cable noise. …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 14

    14 Figure 5 — The controls are located on the end of the mic body. VideoMic Pro Contr ols Level control s (se e p 1 6) O f f | On | HP F …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 15

    15 High Pass Filter The Hi gh P as s F ilt er (H PF ) is a low frequency cut-off setting, which you can use to reduce rumble and other low frequency noise picked up by the microphone while recording. For more information about HPF and when it should be used, see the feature on page 18. To turn on the High Pass Filter, slide the power switch to the …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 16

    16 Level controls The VideoMic Pro features three settings to control the signal output level to your recording device. These are set via the right hand side selector switch on the back of the microphone. The left setting ( -10 ) will reduce or attenuate the signal by 10dB, meaning that loud sound sources will be reduced and be less likely to overl …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 17

    17 This will result in a much lower noise floor and an overall clearer recording when plugging the VideoMic Pro into the typically low quality mic preamps found on most DSLR cameras. The VideoMic Pro has been designed to work best with the camera’s Auto Gain Control switched off. As always we recommend you test your audio first before recording a …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 18

    18 The High Pas s Filter is a low frequency cutoff setting, which you can use to remove rumble, motor noise or other low frequency noise while recording. It will affect the tone slightly but in some situations it is required. For instance, it may be helpful to engage the High Pass Filter to cut out the sound of air conditioning, handling noise whil …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 19

    19 The shock mount bands The shock mount uses four elastomer suspension bands to hold the VideoMic Pro in its shock mount cradle. These bands have been created to be intentionally soft, to minimise the transmission of mechanical and handling noise through this material. If the VideoMic Pro is shaken vigorously or knocked during use, the microphone …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 20

    20 Start by attaching your shock mount bands to the microphone body. The shock mount cradle will then slip easily up under the bands and support the microphone. Consult Fi gur e 7 to determine which band to use on the relevant side of the microphone. There are four bands in total, two of each shape. You will notice the bands have two ends of differ …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 21

    Match the ‘arrow’ shaped ends of the bands to the corresponding notches at the top of the mic (see Fi gur e 7 ), and press each firmly into place until it is secured. Figure 7 — The ‘arrow head’ shaped ends of the bands go into the notches on the top of the mic body. …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 22

    Once the first end is secured, angle the small square end of the band into the corresponding notch underneath the front or back of the mic body and press into place. Repeat for all four bands. Once all four are fitted on the mic body, pull up the shock mount cradle underneath the bands. Please note the correct alignment will have the shoe mount on …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 23

    Figure 9 — Slide the tapered square in the middle of each band into the corresponding notch on the mount. Next, slide the tapered square on the middle of the band into the notch on the shock mount. The circular knob on the inner side of the band will lock into the shock mount notch. Repeat the process for all four bands, and the VideoMic Pro will b …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 24

    24 • When not in use, always keep your VideoMic Pro in a cool, dry place, preferably in a camera bag or equivalent to protect from dust or damage. • When not in use for long periods of time, always remember to remove the battery before storage. • Do not expose the VideoMic Pro to rain or moisture. Windshield We recommend leaving the pre-fitte …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 25

    25 Moisture absorbent crystals Inside the VideoMic Pro box, you will find a sachet of moisture absorbent crystals. Please retain these crystals and store with the VideoMic Pro to keep the microphone in ideal condition. Eventually this pack of crystals will need to be dried. This is indicated by the crystals turning pink in colour. They can easily b …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 26

    26 Support If you experience any problem, or have any questions regarding your RØDE microphone, first contact the dealer who sold it to you. If the microphone requires a factory authorised service, return will be organised by that dealer. We have an extensive distributor/dealer network, but if you have difficulty getting the advice or assistance y …

  • Rode VideoMic Pro — page 27

    27 International 107 Carnarvon Street Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia USA P.O. Box 4189 Santa Barbara, CA 93140-4189 Contact RØDE …

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Подробные сведения об инструкции:

Устройство из раздела: накамерный микрофон

Бренд-производитель: RODE

Наименование модели: RODE VIDEO MIC PRO

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