Инструкция по эксплуатации кадиллак хт4

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Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Cadillac?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Cadillac требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Cadillac?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Cadillac XT4 (2019) доступно в русский?

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Руководство по эксплуатации Cadillac XT2022 4 года.
Кадиллак 2022 XT4



  • Предлагается в комплектациях Luxury, Premium Luxury и Sport.
  • светодиодная головкаampс и хвостamps
  • Стандартная задняя дверь с электроприводом. Работа без помощи рук с программируемой высотой на Premium Luxury и Sport
  • Стандартный доступ без ключа, адаптивный дистанционный запуск, активный
  • Шумоподавление и двухзонный автоматический климат-контроль. Ионизатор воздуха доступен в комплектациях Premium Luxury и Sport.


Инструкции по отображению

  • Cadillac user experience1 с цветным сенсорным экраном с диагональю 8 дюймов и поворотным информационно-развлекательным контроллером входит в стандартную комплектацию. Доступна встроенная навигация2
  • Беспроводная совместимость с Apple CarPlay3 и Android Auto4
  • Встроенная точка доступа Wi-Fi®5
  • Доступна беспроводная зарядка6 Premium Luxury и Sport


Особенности вождения

  • В стандартную комплектацию Cadillac Smart System™ входят: автоматическое экстренное торможение7, предупреждение о прямом столкновении7, торможение перед пешеходом7, сиденье с оповещением о безопасности7, система помощи при парковке сзади7, HD-камера заднего вида7, диагностика автомобиля, функция подросткового водителя и напоминание о заднем сиденье
  • Пакет Enhanced Visibility Package7 доступен для версий Premium Luxury и Sport. Контент включает в себя предупреждение о пешеходах сзади, зеркало заднего вида (и омыватель), HD Surround Vision и автоматическую помощь при парковке с торможением.


  • 2.0 л Турбо И-4 (235 л.с.)
  • 9-ступенчатая автоматическая
  • FWD (стандартная) или AWD (доступно)


10.9 AWD 8.2 AWD


1,384.8 L
(заднее сиденье сложено)

¹Для полной функциональности требуется совместимый Bluetooth и смартфон, а также подключение USB для некоторых устройств. 2На момент публикации подробные карты доступны для большинства крупных городских районов США и некоторых мегаполисов Канады (Ванкувер, Калгари, Эдмонтон, Виннипег, Виндзор, Лондон, Торонто, Оттава, Монреаль, Квебек и Галифакс). . Покрытие значительно ограничено за пределами этих областей. ³Автомобильный пользовательский интерфейс является продуктом Apple®, и к нему применяются его условия и положения о конфиденциальности. Требуется совместимый iPhone® и действуют тарифы на передачу данных. Apple CarPlay является товарным знаком Apple, Inc. Siri, iPhone и Apple Music являются товарными знаками Apple, Inc., зарегистрированными в США и других странах. ⁴Пользовательский интерфейс автомобиля является продуктом Google, и к нему применяются его условия и положения о конфиденциальности. Требуется приложение Android Auto в Google Play и Android-совместимый смартфон под управлением Android™ 6.0 или выше. Действуют тарифы тарифного плана. Android Auto является товарным знаком Google LLC. ⁵ Применяются условия и ограничения. Подробную информацию см. на сайте onstar.ca или у дилера. Услуги зависят от условий и местоположения. Для использования точки доступа Wi-Fi автомобиль должен быть включен или вспомогательное питание должно быть включено. Требуется активный тарифный план, включающий данные или платный тарифный план от AT&T или ее местного поставщика услуг. ⁶Система беспроводным способом заряжает одно совместимое мобильное устройство. Некоторые телефоны имеют встроенную технологию беспроводной зарядки, а для других требуется специальный адаптер/задняя крышка. Чтобы проверить совместимость телефона или другого устройства, см. my.cadillac.com/learnAbout/беспроводная зарядка или обратитесь к своему оператору связи. ⁷ Прочтите руководство пользователя, чтобы узнать о важных ограничениях функций и информации. ⁸Оценки расхода топлива основаны на испытаниях GM в соответствии с методами испытаний, утвержденными правительством Канады. Обратитесь к транспортным средствам. nrcan.gc.ca для деталей. Фактический расход топлива будет отличаться. ⁹Грузоподъемность и грузоподъемность ограничены весом и распределением.



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XT4 (2021)
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Сопутствующие товары Cadillac XT4 (2021)

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    ®2013 NV200 COMPACT CARGOOWNER’S MANUALFor your safety, read carefully and keep in this vehicle.2013 NV200 COMPACT CARGOM20-DPrinting : January 2013 (01)Publication No.: Printed in U.S.A.M20-DOM3E 0M20U0 …

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    1998 Volvo C70 This manual deals with the operation and care of your Volvo. Welcome to the world-wide family of Volvo owners. We trust that you will enjoy many years of safe driving in your Volvo, an automobile designed with your safety and comfort in mind. To help ensure your satisfaction with this vehicle, we enco …

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  • Honda

    1998 Prelude

    1998 Prelude Online Reference Owner’s Manual Use these links (and links throughout this manual) to navigate through this reference. For a printed owner’s manual, click on authorized manuals or go to www.helminc.com. Contents Introduction ……………………………………………………………. …

    1998 Prelude Automobile, 278

Recommended Documentation:


Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

In Brief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 5

Keys, Doors, and Windows . . . . . . . . . 27

Seats and Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Instruments and Controls . . . . . . . . 115

Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

Infotainment System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Climate Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Driving and Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Vehicle Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Service and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 320

Technical Data . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 334

Customer Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Reporting Safety Defects . . . . . . . . . 347

OnStar ….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

Connected Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18



The names, logos, emblems, slogans,
vehicle model names, and vehicle
body designs appearing in this manual
including, but not limited to, GM, the
Emblem, and XT4 are trademarks and/
or service marks of General Motors
LLC, its subsidiaries, affiliates,
or licensors.

For vehicles first sold in Canada,
substitute the name General Motors
of Canada Companyfor Cadillac
Motor Car Division wherever it
appears in this manual.

This manual describes features that
may or may not be on the vehicle
because of optional equipment that
was not purchased on the vehicle,
model variants, country specifications,
features/applications that may not be
available in your region, or changes
subsequent to the printing of this
owners manual.

Refer to the purchase documentation
relating to your specific vehicle to
confirm the features.

Keep this manual in the vehicle for
quick reference.

Canadian Vehicle Owners

A French language manual can be
obtained from your dealer, at
www.helminc.com, or from:

Propriétaires Canadiens

On peut obtenir un exemplaire de ce
guide en français auprès du
concessionnaire ou à l’adresse

Helm, Incorporated
Attention: Customer Service
47911 Halyard Drive
Plymouth, MI 48170

Using this Manual

To quickly locate information about
the vehicle, use the Index in the back
of the manual. It is an alphabetical
list of what is in the manual and the
page number where it can be found.

Litho in U.S.A.
Part No. 23272680 A First Printing


2018 General Motors LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18


About Driving the Vehicle

As with other vehicles of this type,
failure to operate this vehicle correctly
may result in loss of control or a
crash. Be sure to read the driving
guidelines in this manual in the
section called Driving and Operating
and specifically Driver Behavior 0 171,

Driving Environment 0 171, and Vehicle
Design 0 171.

Danger, Warning, and



Warning indicates a hazard that
could result in injury or death.


Caution indicates a hazard that
could result in property or vehicle


Warning messages found on vehicle
labels and in this manual describe
hazards and what to do to avoid or
reduce them.



Danger indicates a hazard with a
high level of risk which will result
in serious injury or death.

A circle with a slash through it is a
safety symbol which means Do Not,
Do not do this,or Do not let this


The vehicle has components and
labels that use symbols instead of
text. Symbols are shown along with
the text describing the operation or
information relating to a specific
component, control, message, gauge,
or indicator.

M : Shown when the owners manual

has additional instructions or

* : Shown when the service manual

has additional instructions or

0 : Shown when there is more

information on another page
see page.

Vehicle Symbol Chart

Here are some additional symbols that
may be found on the vehicle and what
they mean. See the features in this
manual for information.

u : Air Conditioning System
G : Air Conditioning Refrigerant Oil
9 : Airbag Readiness Light

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18


! : Antilock Brake System (ABS)
$ : Brake System Warning Light

9 : Dispose of Used Components


P : Do Not Apply High Pressure


B : Engine Coolant Temperature
_ : Flame/Fire Prohibited
H : Flammable
[ : For ward Collision Alert
R : Fuse Block Cover Lock Location
+ : Fuses
j : ISOFIX/LATCH System Child


~ : Pedestrian Ahead Indicator
O : Power
7 : Rear Cross Traffic Alert
I : Registered Technician

/ : Remote Vehicle Start
> : Seat Belt Reminders
I : Side Blind Zone Alert
h : Stop/Start
7 : Tire Pressure Monitor
d : Traction Control/StabiliTrak/

Electronic Stability Control (ESC)

a : Under Pressure
V : Vehicle Ahead Indicator

Q : Keep Fuse Block Covers Properly


| : Lane Change Alert
@ : Lane Departure Warning
A : Lane Keep Assist

* : Malfunction Indicator Lamp
: : Oil Pressure

X : Park Assist

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18

In Brief

Instrument Panel

Instrument Panel Overview . . . . . . . . . 6

Initial Drive Information

Initial Drive Information . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Stop/Start System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)

System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Remote Vehicle Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Door Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Liftgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Windows . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10
Seat Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Memory Features . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 11
Heated and Ventilated Seats . . . . . . 12
Head Restraint Adjustment . . . . . . . 12
Seat Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Passenger Sensing System . . . . . . . . 13
Mirror Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Steering Wheel Adjustment . . . . . . . 14
Interior Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Exterior Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Windshield Wiper/Washer . … . . . . 16
Climate Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 17

Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……. 19

Vehicle Features

Infotainment System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Steering Wheel Controls . . . . . . . . . . 19
Cruise Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Driver Information

Center (DIC) . . . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . 20

Forward Collision Alert (FCA)

System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Forward Automatic

Braking (FAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Front Pedestrian Braking (FPB)

System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lane Keep Assist (LKA) . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lane Change Alert (LCA) . . . . . . . . . . 21
Surround Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Rear Vision Camera (RVC) . . . . . . . . 21
Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)

System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Park Assist . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Automatic Parking

Assist (APA) . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 22
Reverse Automatic

Braking (RAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Power Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 22
Universal Remote System . . . . . . . . . 23
Sunroof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Performance and Maintenance

Traction Control/Electronic

Stability Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


Tire Pressure Monitor …. . . . . . . . . . 24
Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
E85 or FlexFuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25
Engine Oil Life System . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Driving for Better Fuel

Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………. 26

Roadside Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . …… 26

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18


Instrument Panel

Instrument Panel Overview

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18

1. Air Vents 0 168.

2. Exterior Lamp Controls 0 156.

Turn Signal Lever. See Turn and
Lane-Change Signals 0 159.

IntelliBeam System Button (If
Equipped). See Exterior Lamp
Controls 0 156.

3. Tap Shift Controls. See Manual
Mode 0 196 (If Equipped).

4. Instrument Cluster 0 125.

Driver Information Center (DIC)
Display. See Driver Information
Center (DIC) 0 140.

5. Windshield Wiper/Washer 0 117.

Rear Window Wiper/Washer

0 119.

See Ignition Positions 0 182.

7. Light Sensor. See Automatic
Headlamp System 0 158.

8. Home Button. See the
infotainment manual and
Infotainment 0 163.

9. Dual Automatic Climate Control
System 0 164.

10. Heated and Ventilated Front Seats
0 68 (If Equipped).

11. Lane Keep Assist (LKA) 0 231 (If

12. Power Outlets 0 120.

13. MODE Switch. See Driver Mode
Control 0 202.

14. Stop/Start Disable Switch. See
Stop/Start System 0 184.

15. Traction Control/Electronic
Stability Control 0 201.

16. Hazard Warning Flashers 0 159.

17. USB Port. See the infotainment

Auxiliary Input Jack. See the
infotainment manual.

18. Infotainment Controls. See the
infotainment manual.

19. Shift Lever. See Automatic
Transmission 0 191.


20. Park Assist Button. See

Assistance Systems for Parking or
Backing 0 216.

Automatic Parking Assist (APA)
Button. See Assistance Systems
for Parking or Backing 0 216.

21. Steering Wheel Controls 0 116.

Driver Information Center (DIC)
Controls. See Driver Information
Center (DIC) 0 140.

22. Horn 0 117.

23. Steering Wheel Adjustment 0 116

(Out of View).

24. Cruise Control 0 203.

Adaptive Cruise Control 0 206 (If

Heated Steering Wheel 0 116 (If

Forward Collision Alert (FCA)
System 0 223 (If Equipped).

25. Head-Up Display (HUD) 0 143

(Out of View) (If Equipped).

26. Data Link Connector. See

Malfunction Indicator Lamp (Check
Engine Light) 0 131 (Out of View).

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12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18


27. Instrument Panel Illumination
Control 0 160.

28. Hood Release. See Hood 0 252
(Out of View).

29. Electric Parking Brake 0 198.

Initial Drive Information

This section provides a brief overview
about some of the important features
that may or may not be on your
specific vehicle.

For more detailed information, refer to
each of the features which can be
found later in this owners manual.

Stop/Start System

The Stop/Start system will shut off
the engine to help conserve fuel.
It has components designed for the
increased number of starts.

When the brakes are applied and the
vehicle is at a complete stop, the
engine may turn off. When stopped,
the tachometer displays AUTO STOP.
See Tachometer 0 128. When the brake
pedal is released or the accelerator
pedal is pressed, the engine will
restart. See Stop/Start System 0 184.

The automatic engine Stop/Start
feature can be disabled and enabled

by pressing the switch with the
symbol. Auto Stop is enabled each
time you start the vehicle.


Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) System

The Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
transmitter may be used to lock and
unlock the doors from up to 60 m
(197 ft) away from the vehicle.

Q : Press to lock all doors.
K : Press to unlock the driver door or

all doors depending on the vehicle
personalization settings.

Lock and unlock feedback can be
personalized. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 147.

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12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18


7 : Press and release one time to

initiate vehicle locator.

Press and hold
sound the panic alarm. Press again to

7 for three seconds to

b : Press twice quickly to open or

close the liftgate. Press once to stop
the liftgate from moving.

Press the key release button near the
bottom of the transmitter to remove
the key. Never remove the key without
pressing the button. The key can be
used for the driver door and the
glove box.

See Keys 0 27 and Remote Keyless
Entry (RKE) System Operation 0 28.

Remote Vehicle Start

The engine can be started from
outside of the vehicle.

2. Immediately press and hold
for at least four seconds or until
the turn signal lamps flash.

Start the vehicle normally after

When the vehicle starts, the parking
lamps will turn on.

Remote start can be extended.

Canceling a Remote Start

To cancel a remote start, do one of
the following:


Press and hold
parking lamps turn off.


Turn on the hazard warning


Turn the vehicle on and then off.

See Remote Vehicle Start 0 35.

Starting the Vehicle

1. Press and release Q on the RKE


/ until the


Door Locks

Keyless Access

Press the button on the door handle
and pull the handle when the Remote
Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter is
within range. See Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) System Operation 0 28.

Manual Operation

From outside, use the key in the
driver door. The key cylinder is
covered by a cap. See Door Locks 0 36.

From the inside, pull once on the door
handle to unlock it, and again to
open it.

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18


Power Door Locks

From outside, press Q or K on the
RKE transmitter. See Remote Keyless
Entry (RKE) System Operation 0 28.

From inside, press Q or K on the
power door lock switch. See Power
Door Locks 0 39.


Power Liftgate Operation

The power liftgate switch is on the
driver door. The vehicle must be in
P (Park).

Choose the power liftgate mode by
selecting MAX or 3/4. Press

the driver door. The driver door must
be unlocked. On the RKE transmitter


b twice quickly until the

liftgate starts moving.

Press any liftgate button while the
liftgate is moving to stop it. Pressing
again reverses the direction.

8 on

To close, press
the liftgate next to the pull cup.

To disable the power liftgate function,
select OFF on the liftgate switch. See
Liftgate 0 41.

l on the bottom of


The power windows work when the
ignition is on, in ACC/ACCESSORY,
or when Retained Accessor y Power
(RAP) is active. See Retained Accessory
Power (RAP) 0 187.

Using the window switch, press to
open or pull to close the window.

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The windows may be temporarily
disabled if they are used repeatedly
within a short time.

See Power Windows 0 56

Seat Adjustment


Raise or lower the entire seat by
moving the rear of the control up
or down.

See Power Seat Adjustment 0 63.

Reclining Seatbacks

Power Seats


Tilt the top of the control
rearward to recline.


Move the seat forward or rearward
by sliding the control forward or


Raise or lower the front part of the
seat cushion by moving the front
of the control up or down.


Tilt the top of the control forward
to raise.

See Reclining Seatbacks 0 64.


Memory Features

If equipped, memory seats allow two
drivers to save and recall their unique
seat positions for driving the vehicle,
and a shared exit position for getting
out of the vehicle. Other feature
positions may also be saved, such as
power mirrors and power steering
wheel, if equipped. Memory positions
are linked to RKE transmitter 1 or 2
for automatic memory recalls.

Before saving, adjust all available
memory feature positions. Turn the
ignition on and then press and release
SET; a beep will sound. Then
immediately press and hold 1, 2,

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or B (Exit) until two beeps sound.
To manually recall these positions,

press and hold 1, 2, or
saved position is reached.

When Seat Entry Memor y is enabled
in vehicle personalization, positions
previously saved to memory buttons
1 and 2 are recalled when the ignition
is changed from off to on or ACC/

When Seat Exit Memory is enabled in
vehicle personalization, the feature
automatically recalls the previously
saved exit position when exiting the

Memory adjustments may not be
available upon delivery or after service
until steps in Saving Memory
Positionssection are performed. See
Memory Seats 0 65.

B until the

Heated and Ventilated

Uplevel Buttons Shown, Base Buttons

If equipped, the buttons are near the
climate controls on the center stack.
To operate, the engine must be

J or z to heat the driver or

passenger seat cushion and seatback.

C or { to ventilate the driver

or passenger seat.


Press the button once for the highest
setting. With each press of the button,
the seat will change to the next lower
setting, and then to the off setting.
The indicator lights above the buttons
indicate three for the highest setting
and one for the lowest. If the front
heated seats are on high, the level
may automatically be lowered after
approximately 30 minutes.

See Heated and Ventilated Front Seats
0 68.

Head Restraint Adjustment

Do not drive until the head restraints
for all occupants are installed and
adjusted properly.

To achieve a comfortable seating
position, change the seatback recline
angle as little as necessar y while
keeping the seat and the head
restraint height in the proper position.

See Head Restraints 0 61 and Power
Seat Adjustment 0 63.

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Seat Belts

Refer to the following sections for
important information on how to use
seat belts properly:


Seat Belts 0 72


How to Wear Seat Belts Properly
0 73


Lap-Shoulder Belt 0 75


Lower Anchors and Tethers for
Children (LATCH System) 0 98

Passenger Sensing System

The passenger sensing system turns
off the front outboard passenger
frontal airbag and knee airbag under
certain conditions. No other airbag is
affected by the passenger sensing
system. See Passenger Sensing System
0 86.

The passenger airbag status indicator
will light on the overhead console
when the vehicle is started. See

Passenger Airbag Status Indicator
0 130.

Mirror Adjustment

Exterior Mirror

To adjust a mirror:

1. Press

2. Press the arrows on the control

See Power Mirrors 0 51.

} or | to choose the

driver or passenger mirror.

pad to move each mirror in the
desired direction.

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Interior Mirror

Adjust the rearview mirror for a clear
view of the area behind your vehicle.

Manual Rearview Mirror

If equipped, push the tab forward for
daytime use and pull it rearward for
nighttime use to avoid glare of the
headlamps from behind.

Automatic Dimming Rearview Mirror

If equipped, automatic dimming
reduces the glare of headlamps from
behind. The dimming feature comes
on when the vehicle is started.

Rear Camera Mirror

If equipped, this automatic dimming
rearview mirror provides a wide angle
camera view of the area behind the
vehicle. For ease of use, adjust the
mirror for a clear view of the area
behind the vehicle while the display is
off. See Rear Camera Mirror 0 53.

Steering Wheel Adjustment

Manual Steering Wheel

To adjust the steering wheel:

1. Pull the lever down.

2. Move the steering wheel up
or down.

3. Pull or push the steering wheel
closer or away from you.

4. Pull the lever up to lock the
steering wheel in place.

Do not adjust the steering wheel while

Power Tilt and Telescoping Steering

Press the control to move the tilt and
telescoping steering wheel up and
down or forward and rearward.

Do not adjust the steering wheel while

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Interior Lighting

Dome Lamps

indicator light will turn off. The dome
lamps will come on when doors are

+ ON/OFF : Press to turn the dome
lamps on manually.

Reading Lamps

There are front and rear reading
lamps on the overhead console and
over the rear passenger doors. These
lamps come on automatically when
any door is opened.

To manually turn the reading lamps
on or off:


Press the lamp lenses over the rear
passenger doors.

For more information on interior
lighting, see Instrument Panel
Illumination Control 0 160.

The dome lamp controls are in the
overhead console.

To operate, press the following

j OFF : Press to turn off the dome

lamps when a door is open. An
indicator light on the button will turn
on when the dome lamp override is

activated. Press
deactivate this feature and the

j OFF again to

Press the lamp lenses on the front
reading lamps.

Exterior Lighting

The exterior lamp control is on the
turn signal lever.

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Turn the control to the following

O : Turns the exterior lamps off and

deactivates the AUTO mode. Turn to

O again to reactivate the AUTO mode.

In Canada, the headlamps will
automatically reactivate when the
vehicle is shifted out of P (Park).

AUTO : Automatically turns the
exterior lamps on and off, depending
on outside lighting.

; : Turns on the parking lamps

including all lamps, except the

5 : Turns on the headlamps together

with the parking lamps and
instrument panel lights.



Exterior Lamp Controls 0 156.


Turn and Lane-Change Signals
0 159.

Windshield Wiper/Washer

Windshield Wiper with Rainsense

(AUTO Shown), If Equipped

Windshield Wiper without Rainsense

(INT Shown)

With the ignition on or in ACC/
ACCESSORY, move the lever to select
the wiper speed.

HI : Use for fast wipes.

LO : Use for slow wipes.

AUTO : If equipped with Rainsense,

use this setting for intermittent wipes
when Rainsense is disabled,
or Rainsense wipes when Rainsense is
enabled. For intermittent wipes, move
the windshield wiper lever to AUTO.
Turn the band up for more frequent
wipes or down for less frequent wipes.

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When Rainsense is enabled, move the
windshield wiper lever to AUTO. Turn
the band to adjust the sensitivity to
moisture to the desired level.


Turn the band up for more
sensitivity to moisture.


Turn the band down for less
sensitivity to moisture.


Move the windshield wiper lever
out of the AUTO position to
deactivate Rainsense.

To turn the Rainsense feature on or
off, see Rain Sense Wipersunder
Vehicle Personalization 0 147.

INT : If equipped with Intermittent
wipers only, move the windshield
wiper lever to INT. Turn the band up
for more frequent wipes or down for
less frequent wipes.

OFF : Use to turn the wipers off.

1X : For a single wipe, briefly move

the lever down. For several wipes, hold
the lever down.

f : Pull the lever toward you to

spray windshield washer f luid and
activate the wipers.

See Windshield Wiper/Washer 0 117
and Rear Window Wiper/Washer 0 119.


Climate Controls

The climate control buttons on the
center stack and on the climate
control display are used to adjust the
heating, cooling, and ventilation.

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2. AUTO (Automatic Operation)

3. Air Delivery Mode Controls

4. Driver Temperature Control

5. Fan Control

6. Passenger Temperature Control

7. A/C (Air Conditioning)

8. Recirculation

9. SYNC (Synchronized

10. Defrost

11. Rear Window Defogger

1. Driver and Passenger
Temperature Display

2. Fan Control

3. Driver and Passenger
Temperature Controls

4. Sync (Synchronized

5. Recirculation

6. Air Delivery Mode Controls

7. Auto (Automatic Operation)

8. A/C (Air Conditioning)

9. On/Off

See Dual Automatic Climate Control
System 0 164.

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Tap Shift

If equipped, Tap Shift allows you to
shift an automatic transmission
similar to a manual transmission. To
use the Tap Shift feature:

1. When in D (Drive), pull back on
the shift lever to enter
M (Manual Mode).

2. Use Tap Shift to manually shift
the automatic transmission.

3. To exit, pull back on the shift
lever a second time.

See Manual Mode 0 196.

Vehicle Features

Infotainment System

See the infotainment manual for
information on the radio, audio
players, phone, navigation system, and
voice or speech recognition. It also
includes information on settings.

Steering Wheel Controls

The infotainment system can be
operated by using the steering wheel
controls. See «Steering Wheel
Controls» in the infotainment manual.

Cruise Control

J : Press to turn the system on and

off. A white indicator appears in the
instrument cluster when turned on.

RES+ : If there is a set speed in
memory, push up briefly to resume to
that speed or press and hold to
accelerate. If the cruise control is
already active, use to increase vehicle
speed. To increase speed by 1 km/h
(1 mph), push RES+ up to the first
detent. To increase speed to the next
5 km/h (5 mph) mark on the
speedometer, push RES+ up to the
second detent.

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SET: Push down briefly to set the
speed and activate cruise control.
If the cruise control is already active,
use to decrease vehicle speed. To
decrease speed by 1 km/h (1 mph),
push SETdown to the first detent.
To decrease speed to the next 5 km/h
(5 mph) mark on the speedometer,
push SETdown to the second detent.

* : Press to disengage cruise control

without erasing the set speed from

See Cruise Control 0 203 or Adaptive
Cruise Control 0 206 (if equipped).

Driver Information
Center (DIC)

The DIC display is in the instrument
cluster. It shows the status of many
vehicle systems.

S or T : Press to move between the

interactive display zones in the
cluster. Press

previous menu.

S to go back to the

y or z : Use the thumbwheel to

scroll to the previous or next

V : Press the thumbwheel to select.

See Driver Information Center (DIC)
0 140.

Forward Collision Alert
(FCA) System

If equipped, FCA may help avoid or
reduce the harm caused by front-end
crashes. FCA provides a green

detected ahead. This indicator
displays amber when following a
vehicle much too closely. When
approaching a vehicle ahead too
quickly, FCA provides a flashing red
alert on the windshield and rapidly
beeps or pulses the driver seat.

See Forward Collision Alert (FCA)
System 0 223.

V, when a vehicle is

Forward Automatic
Braking (FAB)

If the vehicle has For ward Collision
Alert (FCA), it also has FAB, which
includes Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA).
When the system detects a vehicle
ahead in your path that is traveling in
the same direction that you may be
about to crash into, it can provide a
boost to braking or automatically

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brake the vehicle. This can help avoid
or lessen the severity of crashes when
driving in a forward gear.

See Forward Automatic Braking (FAB)
0 226.

Front Pedestrian Braking
(FPB) System

If equipped, the FPB system may help
avoid or reduce the harm caused by
front-end crashes with nearby
pedestrians when driving in a for ward
gear. FPB displays an amber indicator,

~, when a nearby pedestrian is

detected directly ahead. When
approaching a detected pedestrian too
quickly, FPB provides a red flashing
alert on the windshield and rapidly
beeps or pulses the driver seat. FPB
can provide a boost to braking or
automatically brake the vehicle.

See Front Pedestrian Braking (FPB)
System 0 227.

Lane Keep Assist (LKA)

If equipped, LKA may help avoid
crashes due to unintentional lane
departures. It may assist by gently

turning the steering wheel if the
vehicle approaches a detected lane
marking without using a turn signal in
that direction. It may also provide a
Lane Departure Warning (LDW) alert
as the lane marking is crossed. The
system will not assist or alert if it
detects that you are actively steering.
Override LKA by turning the steering
wheel. LKA uses a camera to detect
lane markings between 60 km/h (37
mph) and 180 km/h (112 mph).

See Lane Departure Warning (LDW)

0 231 and Lane Keep Assist (LKA)
0 231.

Lane Change Alert (LCA)

If equipped, the LCA system is a
lane-changing aid that assists drivers
with avoiding lane change crashes
that occur with moving vehicles in the
side blind zone (or spot) areas or with
vehicles rapidly approaching these
areas from behind. The LCA warning
display will light up in the
corresponding outside mirror and will
flash if the turn signal is on. The Side
Blind Zone Alert (SBZA) system is
included as part of the LCA system.


See Side Blind Zone Alert (SBZA) 0 229
and Lane Change Alert (LCA) 0 229.

Surround Vision

If equipped, views around the vehicle
appear in the infotainment display to
aid with parking and low-speed

See Surround Visionunder

Assistance Systems for Parking or
Backing 0 216.

Front Vision Camera

If equipped, a view of the area in front
of the vehicle appears on the
infotainment display to aid with
parking and low-speed maneuvers.

See Front Vision Cameraunder

Assistance Systems for Parking or
Backing 0 216.

Rear Vision Camera (RVC)

If equipped, RVC shows a view of the
area behind the vehicle on the
infotainment display when the vehicle
is shifted into R (Reverse) to aid with
parking and low-speed backing

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See Assistance Systems for Parking or
Backing 0 216.

Rear Cross Traffic Alert

The vehicle may also have the Front
Park Assist system.

See Assistance Systems for Parking or
Backing 0 216.

(RCTA) System

If equipped, the RCTA system shows a
triangle with an arrow on the
infotainment display to warn of traffic
behind your vehicle that may cross
your vehicle’s path while in
R (Reverse). In addition, beeps will
sound, or the driver seat will pulse.

See Assistance Systems for Parking or
Backing 0 216.

Park Assist

If equipped, Rear Park Assist (RPA)
uses sensors on the rear bumper to
assist with parking and avoiding
objects while in R (Reverse).
It operates at speeds less than 8 km/h
(5 mph). RPA may show a warning
triangle on the infotainment display
and a graphic on the instrument
cluster to provide the object distance.
In addition, multiple beeps or seat
pulses may occur if very close to an

Automatic Parking
Assist (APA)

If equipped, the APA system helps to
search for and maneuver the vehicle
into parallel or perpendicular parking
spots using automatic steering, DIC
displays, and beeps. When the vehicle
speed is below 30 km/h (18 mph),


O to enable the system.

See Automatic Parking Assist (APA)
under Assistance Systems for Parking
or Backing 0 216.

Reverse Automatic
Braking (RAB)

If the vehicle has Adaptive Cruise
Control (ACC) it also has the RAB
system, which is designed to help
avoid or reduce the harm caused by
backing crashes when the vehicle is
shifted into R (Reverse). If the system
detects the vehicle is backing too fast

to avoid a crash with a detected object
behind your vehicle in your path, it
may automatically brake hard to
a stop.

See Assistance Systems for Parking or
Backing 0 216.

Power Outlets

The accessory power outlets can be
used to plug in electrical equipment,
such as a cell phone or MP3 player.

The vehicle has three accessory power
outlets: one at the front of the center
console, one under the armrest, and
one in the rear cargo area.

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See Power Outlets 0 120.

Universal Remote System

If equipped, this system provides a
way to replace up to three remote
control transmitters used to activate
devices such as garage door openers,
security systems, and home
automation devices.

Read the instructions completely
before attempting to program the
Universal Remote system. Because of
the steps involved, it may be helpful
to have another person available to
assist with programming the Universal
Remote system.

See Universal Remote System 0 152.


If equipped, the ignition must be on
or in ACC/ACCESSORY, or Retained
Accessory Power (RAP) must be active
to operate the sunroof.
See Ignition Positions 0 182 and
Retained Accessory Power (RAP) 0 187.

1. Sunroof Switch

2. Sunshade Switch


Sunroof Express Operation : Press
and release

release again to move to the partially
opened comfort stop position. Press
and release again to express-open to
the fully opened position. Press and

movement. Press and release

to express-close. Press and release

e (1) to vent. Press and

e (1) at any time to stop

g (1)

g (1) at any time to stop


Sunroof Manual Operation : The
sunroof can change to manual mode

by holding
sunroof will now open as long as
(1) is held. Press and release e (1)

again to change back to express

Power Sunshade Express
Operation : Press and release

to express-open the sunshade. Press
and release
movement. Press and release

to express-close the sunshade. Press
and release

stop movement.

e (1) while opening. The


C (2)

C (2) at any time to stop

Q (2)

Q (2) at any time to

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Power Sunshade Manual
Operation : The sunshade can change

to manual mode by holding
while opening. The sunshade will now

open as long as
and release

back to express operation.

The sunroof cannot be opened or
closed if the vehicle has an electrical

The sunroof and power sunshade are
equipped with an automatic reversal
system. See Sunroof 0 58.

C (2) is held. Press

C (2) again to change

C (2)

Performance and

Traction Control/Electronic
Stability Control

The Traction Control System (TCS)
limits wheel spin. The system turns
on automatically every time the
vehicle is started.

The StabiliTrak/Electronic Stability
Control (ESC) system assists with
directional control of the vehicle in
difficult driving conditions. The
system also turns on automatically
every time the vehicle is started.


To turn off TCS, press and release

g on the center console behind

the shift lever.
instrument cluster and a Driver
Information Center (DIC) message
may display.


To turn off both TCS and
StabiliTrak/ESC, press and hold
until i and g come on in the

instrument cluster and a DIC
message may display.

i comes on in the


Press and release
on both systems.

See Traction Control/Electronic Stability
Control 0 201.

Tire Pressure Monitor

This vehicle may have a Tire Pressure
Monitor System (TPMS).

The low tire pressure warning light
alerts to a significant loss in pressure
of one of the vehicle’s tires. If the
warning light comes on, stop as soon
as possible and inf late the tires to the
recommended pressure shown on the
Tire and Loading Information label.
See Vehicle Load Limits 0 178. The
warning light will remain on until the
tire pressure is corrected.


The low tire pressure warning light
may come on in cool weather when
the vehicle is first started, and then

g again to turn

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turn off as the vehicle is driven. This
may be an early indicator that the tire
pressures are getting low and the tires
need to be inf lated to the proper

The TPMS does not replace normal
monthly tire maintenance. Maintain
the correct tire pressures.

See Tire Pressure Monitor System
0 287.

Tire Fill Alert (If Equipped)

This feature provides visual and
audible alerts outside the vehicle to
help when inflating an underinflated
tire to the recommended cold tire
pressure. See Tire Fill Alert (If
Equipped)under Tire Pressure Monitor
Operation 0 288.


Premium Recommended

Use premium 93 octane (R+M)/2
unleaded gasoline in your vehicle. TOP
TIER Detergent Gasoline is
recommended. Unleaded gasoline with
an octane rating as low as 87 may be
used, but it will reduce performance
and fuel economy. See Recommended
Fuel 0 234.

E85 or FlexFuel

No E85 or FlexFuel

Gasoline-ethanol fuel blends greater
than E15 (15% ethanol by volume),
such as E85, cannot be used in this

Engine Oil Life System

The engine oil life system calculates
engine oil life based on vehicle use
and displays the CHANGE ENGINE


OIL SOON message when it is time to
change the engine oil and filter. The
oil life system should be reset to 100%
only following an oil change.

Resetting the Oil Life System

1. Using the DIC controls on the
right side of the steering wheel,
the DIC. See Driver Information
Center (DIC) 0 140. When
remaining oil life is low, the
message will appear on the

2. Press

See Engine Oil Life System 0 256.

V on the DIC controls and

hold down for a few seconds to
SOON message and reset the oil
life at 100%.

Be careful not to reset the oil life
display accidentally at any time
other than after the oil is
changed. It cannot be reset
accurately until the next oil

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Driving for Better Fuel

Driving habits can affect fuel mileage.
Here are some driving tips to get the
best fuel economy possible.


Set the climate controls to the
desired temperature after the
engine is started, or turn them off
when not required.


On AWD vehicles, use Tour Mode
when conditions permit.


Avoid fast starts and accelerate


Brake gradually and avoid abrupt


Avoid idling the engine for long
periods of time.


When road and weather
conditions are appropriate, use
cruise control.


Always follow posted speed limits
or drive more slowly when
conditions require.


Keep vehicle tires properly

Combine several trips into a
single trip.


Replace the vehicle’s tires with the
same TPC Spec number molded
into the tire’s sidewall near
the size.


Follow recommended scheduled

Roadside Service

U.S.: 1-800-224-1400

Canada: 1-800-882-1112

TTY Users (U.S. Only): 1-888-889-2438

New Cadillac owners are automatically
enrolled in the Roadside Service

See Roadside Service 0 341.

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Keys, Doors, and

Keys and Locks

Keys . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)

System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)

System Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Remote Vehicle Start . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 35
Door Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 36
Power Door Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Delayed Locking . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 39
Automatic Door Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Lockout Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Safety Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Folding Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Heated Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Automatic Dimming Mirror . . . . . . . 53
Reverse Tilt Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Interior Mirrors

Interior Rearview Mirrors . . . . . . . . . 53
Manual Rearview Mirror . . . . . . . . . . 53
Automatic Dimming Rearview

Mirror . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53

Rear Camera Mirror .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


Windows . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . 56
Power Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Sun Visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58


Sunroof . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58


Liftgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . 41

Vehicle Security

Vehicle Security .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49
Vehicle Alarm System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Immobilizer .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . 50
Immobilizer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Exterior Mirrors

Convex Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Power Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


Keys and Locks




Leaving children in a vehicle with a
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
transmitter is dangerous and
children or others could be
seriously injured or killed. They
could operate the power windows
or other controls or make the
vehicle move. The windows will
function with the RKE transmitter
in the vehicle, and children or
others could be caught in the path
of a closing window. Do not leave
children in a vehicle with an RKE

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To remove the key, press the button
near the bottom of the transmitter,
and pull the key out. Never pull the
key out without pressing the button.

If it becomes difficult to turn the key,
inspect the key blade for debris.

See your dealer if a new key is needed.

Contact Roadside Service if locked out
of the vehicle. See Roadside Service
0 341.

The key inside the Remote Keyless
Entry (RKE) transmitter is used for
the driver door and glove box.

With an active OnStar or connected
service plan, an OnStar Advisor may
remotely unlock the vehicle. See
OnStar Overview 0 351.

Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) System

See Radio Frequency Statement 0 347.

If there is a decrease in the Remote
Keyless Entry (RKE) operating range:


Check the distance. The
transmitter may be too far from
the vehicle.


Check the location. Other vehicles
or objects may be blocking the


Check the transmitter’s battery.
See Battery Replacementlater in
this section.


If the transmitter is still not
working correctly, see your dealer
or a qualified technician for

Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) System Operation

The Keyless Access system allows for
vehicle entry when the transmitter is
within 1 m (3 ft). See Keyless Access

The RKE transmitter functions may
work up to 60 m (197 ft) away from
the vehicle.

Other conditions can impact the
performance of the transmitter. See

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
0 28.

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If equipped with remote folding
mirrors, press and hold

one second to remotely fold the
mirrors, if enabled. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 147.

K : Press to unlock the driver door.


K again within five seconds to

unlock all doors. The RKE transmitter
can be programmed to unlock all
doors on the first button press. See
Vehicle Personalization 0 147.

With Power Liftgate Shown, Without


Q : Press to lock all doors. The turn

signal indicators may flash and/or the
horn may sound on the first press to
indicate locking. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 147.

If the driver door is open when
pressed, all doors will lock and the
driver door will immediately unlock,
if Open Door Anti-Lockout is enabled.
See Vehicle Personalization 0 147.

If the passenger door is open when
is pressed, all doors lock.

system. See Vehicle Alarm System 0 49.

Q may also arm the alarm

Q is

The turn signal indicators may flash
to indicate unlocking. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 147. When remotely
unlocking the vehicle at night, the
lights come on brief ly to light your
approach to the vehicle.

system. See Vehicle Alarm System 0 49.

If equipped with remote folding
mirrors, press and hold

one second to remotely unfold the
mirrors, if enabled. See Vehicle


Personalization 0 147.

K will disarm the alarm

Q for

K for


Press and hold
fully open. Windows will not operate
unless remote window operation is
enabled. See Vehicle Personalization
0 147.

K until the windows

/ : Press and release Q and then

immediately press and hold
least four seconds to start the engine
from outside the vehicle using the
RKE transmitter. See Remote Vehicle
Start 0 35.

/ for at

7 : Press and release one time to

initiate vehicle locator. The exterior
lamps flash and the horn chirps three

times. Press and hold
three seconds to sound the panic
alarm. The horn sounds and the turn
signal lamps flash for 30 seconds,

or until
vehicle is started.

7 is pressed again or the

7 for

b : If equipped, press twice quickly

to open or close the liftgate.

Press once to stop the liftgate from

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Keyless Access Operation

With the Keyless Access system, you
can lock and unlock the doors and
access the liftgate without removing
the RKE transmitter from your pocket,
purse, briefcase, etc. The RKE
transmitter should be within 1 m (3 ft)
of the liftgate or door being opened.

Keyless Access can be programmed to
unlock all doors on the first lock/
unlock press from the driver door. See
Vehicle Personalization 0 147.

If equipped with memory seats, RKE
transmitters 1 and 2 are linked to
seating positions of memory 1 or 2.
See Memory Seats 0 65.

Keyless Unlocking/Locking from the
Driver Door

When the doors are locked and the
RKE transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) of
the driver door handle, pressing the
lock/unlock button on the driver door
handle will unlock the driver door.
If the lock/unlock button is pressed
again within five seconds, all
passenger doors will unlock.

Driver Shown, Passenger Similar

Pressing the lock/unlock button will
cause all doors to lock if any of the
following occur:


It has been more than five seconds
since the first lock/unlock button


Two lock/unlock button presses
were used to unlock all doors.


Any vehicle door has opened and
all doors are now closed.

Keyless Unlocking/Locking from
Passenger Doors

When the doors are locked and the
RKE transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) of
the door handle, pressing the lock/
unlock button on that door handle
will unlock all doors. Pressing the
lock/unlock button will cause all doors
to lock if either of the following


The lock/unlock button was used
to unlock all doors.


Any vehicle door has opened and
all doors are now closed.

Disable/Enable Keyless Unlocking of
Exterior Door Handles and Liftgate

If equipped, keyless unlocking of the
exterior door handles and liftgate can
be disabled and enabled.

Disabling Keyless Unlocking:

With the vehicle off, press and hold
and K on the RKE transmitter at the

same time for approximately
three seconds. The turn signal lamps
will flash four times quickly to
indicate access is disabled. Using any


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exterior handle to unlock the doors or
open the liftgate will cause the turn
signal lamps to f lash four times
quickly, indicating access is disabled.
If disabled, disarm the alarm system
before starting the vehicle.

Enabling Keyless Unlocking:

With the vehicle off, press and hold
and K on the RKE transmitter at the

same time for approximately
three seconds. The turn signal lamps
will flash twice quickly to indicate
access is enabled.

Passive Locking

With Keyless Access this vehicle will
lock several seconds after all doors are
closed if the vehicle is off and at least
one RKE transmitter has been
removed or none remain in the

If other electronic devices interfere
with the RKE transmitter signal, the
vehicle may not detect the RKE
transmitter inside the vehicle.
If passive locking is enabled, the doors
may lock with the RKE transmitter


inside the vehicle. Do not leave the
RKE transmitter in an unattended

To customize the doors to
automatically lock when exiting the
vehicle, see Vehicle Personalization
0 147.

Temporary Disable of Passive

Temporarily disable passive locking by
pressing and holding

interior door switch with a door open
for at least four seconds, or until three
chimes are heard. Passive locking will

then remain disabled until
interior door is pressed, or until the
vehicle is turned on.

Remote Left in Vehicle Alert

When the vehicle is turned off and an
RKE transmitter is left in the vehicle,
the horn will chirp three times after
all doors are closed. To turn on or off,
see Vehicle Personalization 0 147.

K on the

Q on the


Remote No Longer in Vehicle Alert

If the vehicle is on, with a door open,
and then all doors are closed, the
vehicle will check for RKE
transmitter(s) inside. If an RKE
transmitter is not detected, the Driver
Information Center (DIC) will display
will chirp three times.

This occurs only once each time the
vehicle is driven.

To turn on or off, see Vehicle
Personalization 0 147.

Keyless Liftgate Opening

Press the touch pad on the liftgate
handle to open the liftgate if the RKE
transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft).

Key Access

To access a vehicle with a weak
transmitter battery, see Door Locks
0 36.

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Programming Transmitters to
the Vehicle

Only RKE transmitters programmed to
the vehicle will work. If a transmitter
is lost or stolen, a replacement can be
purchased and programmed through
your dealer.

The vehicle can be reprogrammed so
that lost or stolen transmitters no
longer work. Each vehicle can have up
to seven transmitters matched to it.

Programming with Recognized

A new transmitter can be programmed
to the vehicle when there are two
recognized transmitters.

To program, the vehicle must be off
and all of the transmitters, both
currently recognized and new, must
be with you.

1. Place the two recognized
transmitters into the front

2. Remove the key lock cylinder cap
on the driver door handle. See
Door Locks 0 36. Inser t the
vehicle key of the transmitter

into the key lock cylinder on the
driver door and turn the key
counterclockwise, to the unlock
position, five times within
10 seconds.

The DIC displays READY FOR
REMOTE #2, 3, 4, ETC.

3. Place the new transmitter into
the front cupholder.

When the transmitter is learned
the DIC display will show that it
is ready to program the next

5. Remove the transmitter from the
front cupholder. and press the


To program additional
transmitters, repeat Steps 3–5.

When all additional transmitters
are programmed, press and hold
12 seconds to exit
programming mode.

6. Return the key back into the

7. Replace the key lock cylinder
cap. See Door Locks 0 36.

Programming without Recognized

If two currently recognized
transmitters are not available, follow
this procedure to program up to eight
transmitters. This feature is not
available in Canada. This procedure
will take approximately 30 minutes to
complete. The vehicle must be off and
all of the transmitters you wish to
program must be with you.

K or Q button.

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1. Remove the key lock cylinder cap
on the driver door handle. See
Door Locks 0 36. Inser t the
vehicle key of the transmitter
into the key lock cylinder on the
driver door handle and turn the
key counterclockwise, to the
unlock position, five times within
10 seconds.

The DIC displays REMOTE

2. Wait for 10 minutes until the
then press ENGINE

The DIC display will again show

3. Repeat Step 2 two additional
times. After the third time all
previously known transmitters
will no longer work with the
vehicle. Remaining transmitters
can be relearned during the next

The DIC display should now

4. Place the new transmitter into
the front cupholder.

When the transmitter is learned
the DIC display will show that it
is ready to program the next

6. Remove the transmitter from the
front cupholder. and press the


To program additional
transmitters, repeat Steps 4–6.


When all additional transmitters
are programmed, press and hold
12 seconds to exit
programming mode.

7. Return the key back into the

8. Replace the key lock cylinder
cap. See Door Locks 0 36.

Starting the Vehicle with a Low
Transmitter Battery

When the vehicle is started, if the
transmitter battery is weak, the DIC
VEHICLE. The DIC may also display

To start the vehicle:

K or Q button.

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Replace the battery if the DIC displays

1. Place the transmitter in the front

2. With the vehicle in P (Park) or
N (Neutral), press the brake pedal

Replace the transmitter battery
as soon as possible.

1. Press the button on the side of
the RKE transmitter near the
bottom and pull the key out.
Never pull the key out without
pressing the button.

Battery Replacement


When replacing the battery, do not
touch any of the circuitry on the
transmitter. Static from your body
could damage the transmitter.

2. Separate the two halves of the
transmitter using a flat tool
inserted into the bottom center
of the transmitter. Do not use
the key slot.

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/ : This button is on the RKE

transmitter for remote start.

The climate control system will use
the previous settings during a remote
start. The rear defog may come on
during remote start based on cold
ambient conditions. The rear fog
indicator light does not come on
during remote start.

If the vehicle has auto heated or
ventilated seats they may come on

3. Remove the old battery. Do not
use a metal object.

4. Insert the new battery on the
back housing, positive side facing
down. Replace with a CR2032 or
equivalent battery.

5. Align the front and back housing
then snap the transmitter

6. Reinsert the key.

Remote Vehicle Start

This feature allows the engine to be
started from outside of the vehicle.

during a remote start. See Heated and
Ventilated Front Seats 0 68.

Laws in some local communities may
restrict the use of remote starters. For
example, some laws may require a
person using remote start to have the
vehicle in view. Check local
regulations for any requirements.

Do not use remote start if the vehicle
is low on fuel. The vehicle may run
out of fuel.

Other conditions can affect the
performance of the transmitter. See

Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
0 28.


Starting the Engine Using Remote

1. Press and release

2. Immediately press and hold
for at least four seconds or until
the turn signal lamps flash. The
turn signal lamps f lashing
confirms the request to remote
start the vehicle has been

During the remote start the
doors will be locked and the
parking lamps will remain on as
long as the engine is running.

The engine will shut off after
15 minutes unless a time
extension is done or the ignition
is turned on.

3. With the RKE transmitter in the
vehicle, press the brake pedal
and start the vehicle to drive.

Extending Engine Run Time

The engine run time can also be
extended by another 15 minutes,
if during the first 15 minutes

Q on the RKE


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Steps 1 and 2 are repeated while the
engine is still running. An extension
can be requested 30 seconds after
starting. This provides a total of
30 minutes.

The remote start can only be
extended once.

When the remote start is extended,
the second 15-minute period is added
on to the first 15 minutes for a total
of 30 minutes.

A maximum of two remote starts, or a
remote start with an extension, are
allowed between ignition cycles.

The ignition must be turned on and
then off before the remote start
procedure can be used again.

Canceling a Remote Start

To cancel a remote start, do any of
the following:


Press and hold
parking lamps turn off.


Turn on the hazard warning


Turn the vehicle on and then off.

/ until the

Conditions in Which Remote Start
Will Not Work

The remote start will not operate if
any of the following occur:


The RKE transmitter is in the


The hood is not closed.


The hazard warning flashers
are on.


There is an emission control
system malfunction.


The engine coolant temperature is
too high.


The oil pressure is low.


Two remote vehicle starts or a
start with an extension have
already been used.


The vehicle is not in P (Park).

Door Locks



Unlocked doors can be dangerous.


Passengers, especially
children, can easily open the
doors and fall out of a moving
vehicle. The doors can be
unlocked and opened while
the vehicle is moving. The
chance of being thrown out of
the vehicle in a crash is
increased if the doors are not
locked. So, all passengers
should wear seat belts
properly and the doors should
be locked whenever the
vehicle is driven.


Young children who get into
unlocked vehicles may be
unable to get out. A child can
be overcome by extreme heat
and can suffer permanent
injuries or even death from
heat stroke. Always lock the
vehicle whenever leaving it.


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Warning (Continued)


Outsiders can easily enter
through an unlocked door
when you slow down or stop
the vehicle. Locking the doors
can help prevent this from

To lock/unlock the doors from outside
the vehicle:



Q or K on the Remote

Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter.
See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
System Operation 0 28.


Use the key in the key lock
cylinder in the driver door. The
key lock cylinder is covered with
a cap.

To lock/unlock the doors from inside
the vehicle:



Q or K on the power door

lock switch. See Power Door Locks
0 39.


Pull once on the door handle to
unlock the door and again to open
the door.


On the rear doors, push down on
the door lock knob to lock the
door manually.

Keyless Access

The RKE transmitter must be within
1 m (3 ft) of the liftgate or door being


To lock or unlock the vehicle from the
driver door:


Press the button on the driver
door handle once to unlock the
driver door only.


Press the button again within
five seconds to unlock all doors.


Press the button a third time to
lock all doors.

When leaving the vehicle, press the
button on any door handle to lock all
doors. Auto Door Lock can be enabled
or disabled. See Vehicle Personalization
0 147.

To lock or unlock the vehicle from any
passenger door:


Press the button on the passenger
door handle. This will lock or
unlock all doors.

See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System
Operation 0 28.

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Driver Door Key Lock Cylinder
Access (In Case of Dead Battery)

To access the driver door key lock

1. Pull the door handle (1) to the
open position and hold it open
until the cap removal is

2. Insert the key into the slot (3) on
the bottom of the cap (2) and lift
the key upward.

3. Move the cap (2) rearward and

4. Use the key in the cylinder.

To replace the cap:

1. Pull the door handle (1) to the
open position and hold it open
until the cap installation is

2. Insert the two tabs (6) at the
back of the cap between the
seal (5) and the metal base (4).

3. Slide the cap forward and press
the forward edge to install the
cap in place.

4. Release the door handle.

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5. Check that the cap is secure.

Free-Turning Locks

The door key lock cylinder turns freely
when either the wrong key is used,
or the correct key is not fully inserted.
The free-turning door lock feature
prevents the lock from being forced
open. To reset the lock, turn it to the
vertical position with the correct key
fully inserted. Remove the key and
insert it again. If this does not reset
the lock, turn the key halfway around
in the cylinder and repeat the reset

Power Door Locks

Q : Press to lock the doors. The

indicator light in the switch will
illuminate when activated.

K : Press to unlock the doors.

Delayed Locking

This feature delays the locking of the
doors until five seconds after all doors
are closed.

Delayed locking can only be turned on
when Open Door Anti-Lockout has
been turned off.


Q is pressed on the power door

lock switch while the door is open, a
chime will sound three times
indicating delayed locking is active.

The doors will lock automatically
five seconds after all doors are closed.
If a door is reopened before that time,
the five-second timer will reset when
all doors are closed again.

Q on the door lock switch again

or press

lock the doors immediately.

This feature can also be programmed.
See Vehicle Personalization 0 147.

Q on the RKE transmitter to

Automatic Door Locks

The doors will lock automatically
when all doors are closed, the ignition
is on, and the vehicle is shifted out of
P (Park).

If a vehicle door is unlocked and then
opened and closed, the doors will lock
either when your foot is removed from
the brake or the vehicle speed
becomes faster than 13 km/h (8 mph).

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To unlock the doors:



K on the power door lock



Shift the transmission into
P (Park).

Automatic door locking cannot be
disabled. Automatic door unlocking
can be programmed. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 147.

Lockout Protection

If the ignition is on or in ACC/
ACCESSORY and the power door lock
switch is pressed with the driver door
open, all the doors will lock and only
the driver door will unlock.

If the vehicle is off and locking is
requested while a door is open, when
all doors are closed the vehicle will
check for RKE transmitters inside.
If an RKE transmitter is detected and
the number of RKE transmitters inside
has not reduced, the driver door will
unlock and the horn will chirp three

Lockout Protection can be manually
overridden with the driver door open

by pressing and holding
power door lock switch.

Open Door Anti-Lockout

If Open Door Anti-Lockout is turned
on and the vehicle is off, the driver
door is open, and locking is requested,
all the doors will lock and the driver
door will remain open. Press the
button again to lock the driver door.
The Open Door Anti-Lockout feature
can be turned on or off. See Vehicle
Personalization 0 147.

Safety Locks

The rear door safety locks prevent
passengers from opening the rear
doors from inside the vehicle.

Q on the

Manual Safety Locks

The safety lock is on the inside edge
of the rear doors. To use the
safety lock:

1. Move the lever toward the right.

2. Close the door.

3. Repeat for the other rear door.

To open a rear door when the safety
lock is on:

1. Press

2. Open the door from the outside.

K on the power door lock

switch or the Remote Keyless
Entry (RKE) transmitter.

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When the safety lock is enabled,
adults and older children will not be
able to open the rear door from the
inside. Cancel the safety locks to
enable the doors to open from the

To cancel the safety lock:

1. Unlock the door and open it
from the outside.

2. Move the lever toward the left to
unlock. Repeat for the
other door.





Exhaust gases can enter the vehicle
if it is driven with the liftgate or
trunk/hatch open, or with any
objects that pass through the seal
between the body and the trunk/
hatch or liftgate. Engine exhaust
contains carbon monoxide (CO)
which cannot be seen or smelled.
It can cause unconsciousness and
even death.

If the vehicle must be driven with
the liftgate or trunk/hatch open:


Close all of the windows.


Fully open the air outlets on
or under the instrument


Adjust the climate control
system to a setting that
brings in only outside air and



Warning (Continued)

set the fan speed to the
highest setting. See Climate
Control Systemsin the Index.


If the vehicle is equipped with
a power liftgate, disable the
power liftgate function.

See Engine Exhaust 0 190.


To avoid damage to the liftgate or
liftgate glass, make sure the area
above and behind the liftgate is
clear before opening it.

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Manual Liftgate

To open the liftgate, press K on the
power door lock switch or press

the RKE transmitter twice to unlock
all doors. Press the touch pad on the
underside of the liftgate handle and
lift up.

Use the pull cup to lower and close
the liftgate. Do not press the touch
pad while closing the liftgate. This will
cause the liftgate to be unlatched.

K on

For Keyless Access, the RKE
transmitter must be within 1 m (3 ft)
of the liftgate to automatically unlock
it. See Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
System Operation 0 28.

The liftgate has an electric latch.
If the battery is disconnected or has
low voltage, the liftgate will not open.
The liftgate will resume operation
when the battery is reconnected and

Always close the liftgate before

Power Liftgate Operation



You or others could be injured if
caught in the path of the power
liftgate. Make sure there is no one
in the way of the liftgate as it is
opening and closing.


Driving with an open and
unsecured liftgate may result in
damage to the power liftgate

The power liftgate switch is on the
driver door. The vehicle must be in
P (Park).

The modes are:

MAX : Opens to maximum height.

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3/4 : Opens to a reduced height that
can be set from 3/4 to fully open. Use
to prevent the liftgate from opening
into overhead obstructions such as a
garage door or roof-mounted cargo.
The liftgate can be manually opened
all the way.

OFF : Opens manually only.

To power open or close the liftgate,
select MAX or 3/4 mode.




b twice quickly on the RKE

transmitter until the liftgate

8 on the driver door. The

driver door must either be
unlocked or locked without the
security armed.

Press the touch pad on the
underside of the liftgate handle
after unlocking all doors. A locked
vehicle can be opened if the RKE
transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) of
the touch pad.


Press any liftgate button, or the touch
pad, or

while the liftgate is moving to stop it.
Pressing any liftgate button again or

transmitter restarts the operation in
the reverse direction. Pressing the
touch pad on the liftgate handle will
restart the motion, but only in the
opening direction.

l on the bottom of the

liftgate next to the pull cup to

b on the RKE transmitter

b twice quickly on the RKE



Manually forcing the liftgate to
open or close during a power cycle
can damage the vehicle. Allow the
power cycle to complete.

The power liftgate may be temporarily
disabled under extreme low
temperatures, or after repeated power
cycling over a short period of time.
If this occurs, the liftgate can still be
operated manually.

If the vehicle is shifted out of P (Park)
while the power function is in
progress, the liftgate will continue to
completion. If the vehicle is
accelerated before the liftgate has
completed moving, the liftgate may
stop or reverse direction. Check for
Driver Information Center (DIC)
messages and make sure the liftgate is
closed and latched before driving.

Falling Liftgate Detection

If the power liftgate automatically
closes after a power opening cycle, it
indicates that the system is reacting

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to excess weight on the liftgate or a
possible support strut failure.
A repetitive chime will sound while
the falling liftgate detection feature is
operating. Remove any excess weight.
If the liftgate continues to
automatically close after opening, see
your dealer for service before using
the power liftgate.

Interfering with the power liftgate
motion or manually closing the
liftgate too quickly after power
opening may resemble a support strut
failure. This could also activate the
falling liftgate detection feature. Allow
the liftgate to complete its operation
and wait a few seconds before
manually closing the liftgate.

Obstacle Detection Features

If the liftgate encounters an obstacle
during a power open or close cycle,
the liftgate will automatically reverse
direction and move a short distance
away from the obstacle. After
removing the obstruction, the power
liftgate operation can be used again.
If the liftgate encounters multiple
obstacles on the same power cycle,

the power function will deactivate.
After removing the obstructions,
manually close the liftgate. This will
allow normal power operation
functions to resume.

If the vehicle is locked while the
liftgate is closing, and an obstacle is
encountered that prevents the liftgate
from completely closing, the horn will
sound as an alert that the liftgate did
not close.

Pinch sensors are on the side edges of
the liftgate. If an object is caught
between the liftgate and the vehicle
and presses against a sensor, the
liftgate will reverse direction and open
fully. The liftgate will remain open
until it is activated again or closed

Setting the 3/4 Mode

To change the position the liftgate
stops at when opening:

1. Select MAX or 3/4 mode and
power open the liftgate.

2. Stop the liftgate movement at
the desired height by pressing
any liftgate button. Manually
adjust the liftgate position if

3. Press and hold
pull cup on the bottom of the
liftgate until the turn signals
flash and a beep sounds. This
indicates the setting has been

The liftgate cannot be set below a
minimum programmable height.
If there is no light flash or sound,
then the height adjustment may be
too low.

l next to the

Manual Operation

Select OFF to manually operate the
liftgate. See Manual Liftgateat the
beginning of this section.


Attempting to move the liftgate too
quickly and with excessive force
may result in damage to the

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18

Operate the liftgate manually with a
smooth motion and moderate speed.
The system includes a feature which
limits the manual closing speed to
protect the components.

Hands-Free Operation

If equipped, the liftgate may be
operated with a kicking motion under
the left corner of the rear bumper at
the location of the projected logo.

The RKE transmitter must be within
1 m (3 ft) of the rear bumper to
operate the power liftgate hands-free.

The hands-free feature will not work
while the liftgate is moving. To stop
the liftgate while in motion use one of
the liftgate switches.

Length of Kick Zone

Kick Zone Direction


To operate, kick your foot straight up
in one swift motion under the left
corner of the rear bumper at the
location of the projected logo, then
pull it back.


Splashing water may cause the
liftgate to open. Keep the RKE
transmitter away from the rear
bumper detection area or turn the
liftgate mode to OFF when cleaning
or working near the rear bumper to
avoid accidental opening.


Do not sweep your foot side
to side.


Do not keep your foot under the
bumper; the liftgate will not


Do not touch the liftgate until it
has stopped moving.

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18



This feature may be temporarily
disabled under some conditions.
If the liftgate does not respond to
the kick, open or close the liftgate
by another method or start the
vehicle. The feature will be

When closing the liftgate using this
feature, there will be a short delay.
The taillamps will f lash and a chime
will sound. Step away from the liftgate
before it starts moving.

Projected Logo

If equipped with this feature, a vehicle
logo will be projected for one minute
onto the ground near the rear bumper
when an RKE transmitter is detected
within approximately 2 m (6 ft). The
projected logo may not be visible
under brighter daytime conditions.

1. 1 m (3 ft) Hands-Free
Operation Detection Zone

2. 2 m (6 ft) Projected Logo
Detection Zone

The projected logo shows where the
kicking motion is to take place.

The projected logo will only be
available for this RKE transmitter after
it has been out of range for at least
20 seconds.

If an RKE transmitter is again
detected within approximately 2 m
(6 ft) of the liftgate, or another
hands-free operation has been
detected, the one-minute timer will be

The projected logo will not work
under these conditions:


The vehicle battery is low.


The transmission is not in
P (Park).


Hands Free Liftgate Control is set
to Off in vehicle personalization.
See Vehicle Personalization 0 147.


The power liftgate is turned off.


The vehicle remains parked for
72 hours or more, with no RKE
transmitter use or Keyless Access
operation. To re-enable, press any
button on the RKE transmitter or
open and close a vehicle door.

The projected logo will not work for a
single RKE transmitter when a


Has been left within
approximately 5 m (15 ft) of the
liftgate for several minutes.


Has been left inside the vehicle
and all vehicle doors are closed.


Has approached the area outside
of the liftgate five times within
10 minutes.

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18

Lens Cleaning

Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the
recessed lens.


Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18


Hands-Free Liftgate and Projected Logo Availability

Action Hands-Free Liftgate Projected Logo

RKE transmitter entering projected logo
detection zone

RKE transmitter left inside projected
logo detection zone for minimum of
10 minutes

RKE transmitter brought in and out of
projected logo detection zone five times
or more within 10 minutes

Vehicle remains parked for more than
72 hours

Vehicle battery is low Non-operative Off

Transmission is not in P (Park) Non-operative Off

Power liftgate is turned off Non-operative Off

Hands-free liftgate is disabled in
vehicle personalization

Operative On for one minute

Operative Off until RKE transmitter button press

or a door is opened and closed

Operative Off for one hour or until RKE

transmitter button press or a door is
opened and closed

Operative Off until RKE transmitter button press

or a door is opened and closed

Non-operative Off

Cadillac XT4 Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-

12017481) 2019 crc 7/9/18

Vehicle Security

This vehicle has theft-deterrent
features; however, they do not make
the vehicle impossible to steal.

Fast Flash : Vehicle is unsecured.
A door, the hood, or the liftgate
is open.

Slow Flash : Alarm system is armed.

Arming the Alarm System

Vehicle Alarm System

This vehicle has an anti-theft alarm

The indicator light, on the instrument
panel near the windshield, indicates
the status of the system.

Off : Alarm system is disarmed.

On Solid : Vehicle is secured during

the delay to arm the system.

1. Close the liftgate and the hood.
Turn off the vehicle.

2. Lock the vehicle in one of
three ways:


Use the RKE transmitter.


Use the Keyless Access


With a door open, press the

3. After 30 seconds the alarm
system will arm, and the
indicator light will begin to
slowly flash indicating the alarm

system is operating. Pressing
on the RKE transmitter a second
time will bypass the 30-second
delay and immediately arm the
alarm system.

The vehicle alarm system will not arm
if the doors are locked with the key.



If the driver door is opened without
first unlocking with the RKE
transmitter, the horn will chirp and
the lights will f lash to indicate
pre-alarm. If the vehicle is not started,
or the door is not unlocked by

during the 10-second pre-alarm, the
alarm will be activated.

The alarm will also be activated if a
passenger door, the liftgate, or the
hood is opened without first
disarming the system. When the
alarm is activated, the turn signals
flash and the horn sounds for about
30 seconds. The alarm system will
then re-arm to monitor for the next
unauthorized event.

Disarming the Alarm System

To disarm the alarm system or turn


off the alarm if it has been activated:




K on the RKE transmitter


K on the RKE transmitter.

Unlock the vehicle using the
Keyless Access system.

Start the vehicle.


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