Ipmux 24 инструкция на русском

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TDM circuit emulation

over packet-switched



TDM Pseudowire Access Gateway

Comprehensive support for pseudowire/circuit emulation standards including


Industry-leading adaptive clock recovery mechanism suitable for cellular

backhaul over packet-based networks

Carrier-class/environmentally hardened device

Extensive OAM and performance monitoring capabilities

Three auto-detecting Gigabit or Fast Ethernet SFP- or UTP-based ports, and

one, two or four TDM service ports

IPmux®-24 provides legacy services over

packet networks. The device converts the

data stream from its user E1/T1 ports into

packets for transmission over the

network. These packets are transmitted

via the IPmux 24 Ethernet network port to

the PSN. A remote pseudowire device

converts the packets back to their original


Data Sheet


The ASIC-based architecture provides a

robust and high performance pseudowire

solution with minimal processing delay.

The Access Company


Summary of Contents for TDM IPmux-24

Многофункциональный шлюз RAD IPmux-24 принадлежит к новому поколению решений для псевдопроводного доступа и предназначен для псевдопроводной передачи трафика Gigabit Ethernet. Его основные особенности — возможность объединённой коммутации трафика Fast Ethernet и Gigabit Ethernet и поддержка нескольких отраслевых стандартов псевдопроводного доступа. Шлюз поддерживает всех режимы эмуляции TDM, включая TDMoIP, CESoPSN и SAToP-RFC 4553.

Благодаря новой прикладной специализированной интегральной схеме, шлюз IPmux-24 передает трафик в сетях IP, Ethernet и MPLS, используя любую стандартную технологию эмуляции TDM. При передаче обеспечиваются минимальные задержки и высокоточная синхронизация.

Усовершенствованный механизм адаптивного восстановления синхронизации

Предоставление услуг TDM операторского класса требует использования сложных методов восстановления тактовой синхронизации. Расширенный механизм адаптивного восстановления синхронизации, примененный в шлюзе IPmux-24, соответствует стандарту G.823, использует сценарии стандарта G.8261 и обеспечивает точность 16•частей на миллиард. Для тактовой частоты предусмотрены возможности резервирования (при условии использования резервного генератора) и вывода на внешние периферийные устройства через дополнительный порт синхронизации.

Шлюз IPmux-24 обеспечивает высокоточное восстановление тактовой частоты отдельно для каждого порта (эта функция необходима для синхронизации нескольких клиентов), поддерживает внутриполосные шлейфы для проверки клиентских каналов независимо от провайдера и обеспечивает режим моста в режимах «VLAN-aware» и «VLAN-unaware» с ограничением скорости на входах/выходах для регулирования полосы пропускания.

Для реализации технологии адаптивного восстановления тактовой синхронизации не требуется расширение полосы пропускания и поддержка дополнительных протоколов, поскольку синхросигналы восстанавливаются из исходных сигналов, переданных от исходного псевдопроводного устройства. Эта особенность обеспечивает взаимозаменяемость шлюза IPmux-24 с другими решениями для псевдопроводной передачи данных, осуществляющими восстановление тактовой синхронизации. Кроме того, шлюз полностью управляем и поддерживает все функции служб ОАМ.

Способы применения

Шлюз IPmux-24 подходит для использования в качестве устройства разграничения трафика Ethernet при работе с такими сервисами передачи данных, как 4G WiMAX, поскольку он может выполнять функции гибкого Ethernet-моста с поддержкой сетей 802.1D и 802.1Q, Q-in-Q и ограничения скорости с одновременным обеспечением приоритезации и качества услуг TDM.

Использование шлюзов IPmux-24 сможет помочь поставщикам услуг передачи сотового трафика соответствовать особым требованиям, которые предъявляются операторами сотовой связи. Поскольку такие поставщики услуг работают сразу с несколькими операторами, они обязаны обеспечить поддержку всех задействованных технологий передачи данных: от CDMA и EVDO, для которых критична задержка в линии, до GSM и UMTS, для которых особенно важна синхронизация. IPmux-24 — это одноблочное решение, оптимальное для поставщиков, обслуживающих сразу несколько операторов.

Шлюз IPmux-24 также может использоваться для замены дорогостоящих выделенных линий путем передачи трафика TDM через более дешевые в обслуживании сети Fast Ethernet и Gigabit Ethernet.

Наименование Цена с НДС Кол-во Наличие
Шлюзы IP-Mux для формирования потоков TDM over IP


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231 963 руб.

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Шлюз псевдопроводного доступа TDM IPmux-24 прозрачно передает потоки структурированного и неструктурированного трафика E1 или T1, данных HDLC и пользовательский трафик ЛВС по сетям с коммутацией пакетов через медные или оптические сетевые интерфейсы Fast Ethernet или Gigabit Ethernet. Компактный дизайн IPmux-24, простота установки и развитые средства управления трафиком позволяют операторам расширить услуги традиционных магистральных сетей по новым пакетным сетям, не заменяя оборудование у заказчика и не нарушая его обслуживание. Устройство позволяет операторам добавить традиционные услуги выделенных и частных линий к своему портфелю услуг, а корпоративным пользователям – снизить расходы на связь между отделениями. Кроме того, оно поддерживает переход сотовых операторов к экономичному подключению базовых станций по пакетным сетям.

  • Передача услуг TDM, HDLC и Ethernet по сетям пакетной коммутации

  • До 4 пользовательских портов E1/T1

  • 3 медных или оптических интерфейса Fast/Gigabit Ethernet на основе SFP

  • Микросхема с поддержкой всех стандартов псевдопроводной передачи TDM: TDMoIP, CESoPSN, HDLCoPSN, CESoEth, SAToP

  • Восстановление за 50 мс по технологии RAD Ethernet-кольца

  • Tочное восстановление синхронизации для сотового трафика 2G/3G в сетях PSN

  • Прозрачная передача всех протоколов сигнализации

  • Поддержка QoS согласно 802.1p, ToS/DSCP, EXP

  • Резервирование линии Ethernet и псевдопроводной передачи

  • Сертификация MEF-9, MEF-14 для услуг EPL

Развитые функции псевдопроводной передачи

IPmux-24 включает новейшую процессорную микросхему RAD и производит обработку псевдопроводного трафика с минимальной задержкой, включая все стандартные псевдопроводные форматы: TDMoIP, CESoPSN, SAToP, HDLCoPSN и CESoEth (MEF-8). IPmux-24 может осуществлять псевдопроводную передачу до 64 каналов, при этом каждому временному интервалу назначается отдельно конфигурируемое псевдопроводное соединение. Таким образом одновременно поддерживается псевдопроводной трафик различных типов. Обрабатывая связанные группы DS0, устройство повышает эффективность использования дорогостоящих портов TDM.

Восстановление синхроимпульсов и синхронизация

IPmux-24 обеспечивает точную передачу синхоимпульсов на всем протяжении недетерминированных пакетных сетей.

Адаптивное восстановление синхронизации (ACR) осуществляется на каждом порту, и удаленное устройство IPmux-24 в состоянии восстановить оригинальные синхроимпульсы при разной сетевой нагрузке. IPmux-24 соответствует спецификациям ITU-T G.823 и G.824 для синхронизации трафика и интерфейсов и сценариям, описанным G.8261, что дает низкие задержки и слабые вариации задержек и устойчивое обслуживание. Такие точные параметры синхронизации обеспечивают уровень относительной нестабильности частоты в 16 частей на миллиард, что гарантирует нормальную работу оборудования 3G и 2G по пакетным сетям.

Ethernet OAM и виртуальные локальные сети

IPmux-24 содержит встроенный мост Ethernet, работающий с поддержкой ВЛВС или без нее. Он поддерживает теги и каскадирование ВЛВС (Q-in-Q) согласно IEEE 802.1Q, что позволяет осуществлять разделение трафика различных пользователей или услуг. IPmux-24 поддерживает услуги частных линий Ethernet (EPL) и осуществляет формирование трафика и ограничение скорости CIR/ CBS, позволяя таким образом наращивать пропускную способность согласно потребности. Соблюдение SLA и обеспечение QoS связаны с 4 строгими приоритетными очередями, отмеченными тегами ВЛВС, битами порта 802.1p, IP Precedence или битами ToS/DCSP.

OAM и диагностика

IPmux-24 содержит механизм псевдопроводных ОАМ, позволяющий осуществлять мониторинг псевдопроводной линии, проверку связности и измерения круговых задержек, а также предотвращать ошибки конфигурации. Диагностические кольцевые проверки могут включаться удаленно. Статистика состояний сети для уровней IP и локальной сети также собирается и сохраняется в устройстве. Параметры мониторинга производительности включают потерю пакетов, ошибки доставки пакетов и вариацию задержки пакетов.

Управление с помощью сервисного центра и защита

IPmux-24 обладает гибкими возможностями управления, включая локальное через ASCII терминал (RS-232). Удаленное управление может осуществляться внутриполосно или внеполосно, через сетевой или пользовательский порт, или выделенный порт управления, с использованием отдельных ВЛВС для служебного и пользовательского трафика. Развитые средства FCAPS и диагностики предоставляются приложением сетевого управления RADview –SC/TDMoIP через пользовательский интерфейс на основе SNMP. IPmux-24 поддерживает различные типы доступа для конфигурирования: Telnet, SNMP, веб и TFTP. Встроенные средства защиты включают SSH и SSL, SNMPv3 и RADIUS.
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RAD Псевдопроводная передача TDM

Download or browse on-line these Installation And Operation Manual for RAD IPmux-24 Gateway.

Summary of Contents:

[Page 1] RAD IPmux-24

IPmux-24 TDM Pseudowire Access Gateway Version 3.5 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL

[Page 2] RAD IPmux-24

[Page 3] RAD IPmux-24

IPmux-24 TDM Pseudowire Access Gateway Version 3.5 Installation and Operation Manual Notice This manual contains information that is proprietary to RAD Data Communications Ltd. («RAD»). No part of this publication may be reproduce…

[Page 4] RAD IPmux-24

Front Matter Installation and Operation Manual ii IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Limited Warranty RAD warrants to DISTRIBUTOR that the hardware in the IPmux-24 to be delivered hereunder shall be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use a…

[Page 5] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Front Matter IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 iii General Safety Instructions The following instructions serve as a general guide for the safe installation and operation of telecommunications products. Additional instructions…

[Page 6] RAD IPmux-24

Front Matter Installation and Operation Manual iv IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Handling Energized Products General Safety Practices Do not touch or tamper with the power supply when the power cord is connected. Line voltages may be present inside certain…

[Page 7] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Front Matter IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 v The maximum permissible current capability of the branch distribution circuit that supplies power to the product is 16A (20A for USA and Canada). The circuit breaker in the build…

[Page 8] RAD IPmux-24

Front Matter Installation and Operation Manual vi IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 When using shielded or coaxial cables, verify that there is a good ground connection at both ends. The grounding and bonding of the ground connections should comply with the loc…

[Page 9] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Front Matter IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 vii FCC-15 User Information This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of the Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits ar…

[Page 10] RAD IPmux-24

Front Matter Installation and Operation Manual viii IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Français Mise au rebut du produit Afin de faciliter la réutilisation, le recyclage ainsi que d’autres formes de récupération d’équipement mis au rebut dans le…

[Page 11] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Front Matter IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 ix Français Certains produits peuvent être équipés d’une diode laser. Dans de tels cas, une étiquette indiquant la classe laser ainsi que d’autres avertissements,…

[Page 12] RAD IPmux-24

Front Matter Installation and Operation Manual x IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Français Connexion au courant du secteur Assurez-vous que l’installation électrique est conforme à la réglementation locale. Branchez toujours la fiche de secteur à u…

[Page 13] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Front Matter IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 xi Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer’s Name: RAD Data Communications Ltd. Manufacturer’s Address: 24 Raoul Wallenberg St. Tel Aviv 69719 Israel Decl…

[Page 14] RAD IPmux-24

Front Matter Installation and Operation Manual xii IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Glossary Address A coded representation of the origin or destination of data. Attenuation Signal power loss through equipment, lines or other transmission devices. Meas…

[Page 15] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Front Matter IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 xiii Diagnostics The detection and isolation of a malfunction or mistake in a communications device, network or system. Encapsulation Encapsulating data is a technique used …

[Page 16] RAD IPmux-24

Front Matter Installation and Operation Manual xiv IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 IP Address Also known as an Internet address. A unique string of numbers that identifies a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. The format of an IP address is a 32-bit n…

[Page 17] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Front Matter IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 xv Pseudowire Point-to-point connections set up to emulate (typically Layer 2) native services like ATM, Frame Relay, Ethernet, TDM, or SONET/SDH over an underlying common pack…

[Page 18] RAD IPmux-24

Front Matter Installation and Operation Manual xvi IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5

[Page 19] RAD IPmux-24

IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuring the Unit 1 Quick Start Guide Installation of IPmux-24 should be carried out only by an experienced technician. If you are familiar with IPmux-24, use this guide to prepare the unit for operation. 1. Installing t…

[Page 20] RAD IPmux-24

Quick Start Guide Installation and Operation Manual 2 Configuring the Unit IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Starting a Terminal Session for the First Time  To start a terminal session: 1. Connect a terminal to the CONTROL connector of IPmux-24. 2. Tur…

[Page 21] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Quick Start Guide IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuring the Unit 3  To configure a PW host: • From the PW Host IP menu (Configuration > Connection > PW host IP), define IP parameters of PW host. It is an…

[Page 22] RAD IPmux-24

Quick Start Guide Installation and Operation Manual 4 Configuring the Unit IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5

[Page 23] RAD IPmux-24

IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 i Contents Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Overview ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-1 Product Options ………………………….

[Page 24] RAD IPmux-24

Table of Contents Installation and Operation Manual ii IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Multiple Hosts …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-22 Proprietary Ethernet Ring …………

[Page 25] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Table of Contents IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 iii Web Browser Requirements ……………………………………………………………………………. 3-16 General Web Browsers Operating Procedures ………..

[Page 26] RAD IPmux-24

Table of Contents Installation and Operation Manual iv IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuring Quality of Service (QoS) …………………………………………………………………….. 4-68 Configuring the Traffic Priority ……………..

[Page 27] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Table of Contents IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 v Running 802.1ag Tests ………………………………………………………………………………………. 5-29 Performing OAM Loopback ………………….

[Page 28] RAD IPmux-24

Table of Contents Installation and Operation Manual vi IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuring the Management Host …………………………………………………………………… 7-23 Setting the TDM Physical Layer Parameters ……………

[Page 29] RAD IPmux-24

IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Overview 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview IPmux-24 offers a pseudowire (PW) solution for extending traditional E1/T1 services transparently over packet switched networks (PSNs) such as Ethernet, MPLS and IP networks…

[Page 30] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-2 Overview IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Applications Figure 1-1 illustrates an IPmux-24 application in which it provides a 2G/3G cellular backhaul over an Ethernet ring. FE/ GbE N x E1 /…

[Page 31] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Overview 1-3 System clock ensures a single clock source for all TDM links. The system clock uses master and fallback timing sources for clock redundancy. IPmux-24 prov…

[Page 32] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-4 Overview IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 • TDMoIP • CESoPSN • SAToP • HDLCoPSN. TDMoIP TDMoIP (TDM over IP) payload encapsulation is implemented according to IETF RFC 5087 and IT…

[Page 33] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Overview 1-5 higher priority to IPmux-24 TDMoIP traffic for delay-sensitive and secure applications. IPmux-24 allows you to configure the WHOLE ToS byte field, since …

[Page 34] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-6 Overview IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 customers receive the contracted SLA. Fault monitoring and performance measurement include Frame Delay, Frame Delay Variation, Frame Loss, and Frame Avai…

[Page 35] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-7 1.2 Physical Description IPmux-24 is a compact, easy-to-install standalone unit. Figure 1-2 shows a 3D view of an IPmux-24 unit. Fi…

[Page 36] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-8 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Service Type This section describes the IPmux-24 operation modes, which are: • Unframed E1/T1 • Fractional E1/T1 • Fractional E…

[Page 37] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-9 Testing Diagnostic capabilities include E1/T1 local and remote loopback tests for rapid localization of faults. The E1/T1 traffic can be lo…

[Page 38] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-10 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 External Network Timing When the edges of the network are synchronized by an external network clock source, all the IPmux-24 units should …

[Page 39] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-11 Adaptive Timing When a common clock is not available on all the ends of the network, one of the IPmux-24 devices is configured to work in …

[Page 40] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-12 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Table 1-1. UDP/IP Frame Structure Field Length (Bytes) Field 7 Preamble 1 SFD 6 Destination MAC Address 6 Source MAC Addre…

[Page 41] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-13 The UDP Source Port value calculation depends on the selected TDMoIP version (1 or 2): • TDMoIP version 2: The UDP Source Port value…

[Page 42] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-14 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 MPLS Encapsulation (Ethernet and MPLS Networks) Figure 1-15 and Table 1-3 illustrate MPLS frame structure. MAC ETH Type VLA…

[Page 43] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-15 Ethernet (MEF 8) Encapsulation Table 1-4. Ethernet Frame Structure Field Length (Bytes) Field 7 Preamble 1 SFD 6 Destinatio…

[Page 44] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-16 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Non P-Format AAL 1 Cell TDM Payload (Voice/CAS) TDMoIP Payload up to 30 AAL1 Cells Control Word L2/L3 Header Ethernet Packet CRC P-Format A…

[Page 45] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-17 4 25 254 254 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame N Frame 1 4 25 4 25 4 25 Frame 2 Frame N L2/L3 Header Control Word CRC Ethernet Packet TDM Payload FRG b…

[Page 46] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-18 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 PDVT (Jitter) Buffer IPmux-24 is equipped with a Packet DVT (Delay Variation Tolerance) buffer. The PDVT buffer or jitter buffer is filled…

[Page 47] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-19 For a bundle that contains a few timeslots (i.e. 1 to 3), the recommended number of TDM bytes/frame is 48 in order to prevent excessive P…

[Page 48] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-20 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 The frame overhead does not include: • Preamble field: 7 bytes • SFD field: 1 byte • Interframe gap: 12 bytes • VLAN fiel…

[Page 49] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-21 Trail-Extended Mode To enhance fault condition reporting capabilities, remote IPmux-24 transfers RDI, LOS, LOF and AIS conditions received…

[Page 50] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-22 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Table 1-6. VLAN Check for Packets Sent by IPmux-24 Packet Type VLAN Support Management As configured for the manager TDM over IP…

[Page 51] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-23 ring keep the ring open by disconnecting an arbitrary ring segment, thereby preventing frames from making a full round trip. Figure 1-…

[Page 52] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-24 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 The fast redundancy protection available to the PW traffic within the ring can be extended to other equipment: such equipment is connected …

[Page 53] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-25 IPmux-24 10GbE Ring MSC Switch IPmux-24 IPmux-24 IPmux-24 IPmux-24 BTS Switch GbEGbE Figure 1-20. G.8032 Ethernet Ring Ethernet Por…

[Page 54] RAD IPmux-24

Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-26 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Network Network/User Network Network / User IPmux-24 IPmux -24 PSN Switch Switch Figure 1-21. Link Aggregation Redundancy Mode Usin…

[Page 55] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-27 • Non-revertive mode –IPmux-24 does not automatically flip back after the failed port returns to normal operation, but only when the c…

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Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-28 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 • 1:1 – Only one bundle transmits and receives pseudowire traffic while the secondary bundle is kept on hold. This mode does not affec…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-29 In order to capture the multipoint-to-multipoint nature of Ethernet, MEs are grouped into ME groups (MEGs, referred to as Maintenance Assoc…

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Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-30 Functional Description IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Connectivity Fault Management Protocols Ethernet CFM comprises three protocols that work together to help administrators debug Ethernet ne…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Functional Description 1-31 IEEE link-layer OAM operates purely at the Ethernet layer, and so (unlike SNMP or ping) does not require an IP address. This means that Eth…

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Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-32 Technical Specifications IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Syslog The Syslog protocol is used by IPmux-24 to generate and transport event notification messages over IP networks to the central Sys…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Technical Specifications 1-33 Signaling CAS, CCS (transparent) Line Impedance Balanced: 120Ω; unbalanced: 75Ω Signal Levels Receive: 0 to -36 dB L…

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Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-34 Technical Specifications IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Fiber Optic Specifications See the SFP Transceivers data sheet Timing Transmit Internal External input or output via dedicated…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 1 Introduction IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Technical Specifications 1-35 Alarm Relay Dry Contact Via pin 6, pin 7 and pin 8 of the EXT CLK connector (RJ-45) Indicators General PWR (green) – Power …

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Chapter 1 Introduction Installation and Operation Manual 1-36 Technical Specifications IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5

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IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Package Contents 2-1 Chapter 2 Installation and Setup 2.1 Introduction This chapter describes installation and setup procedures for the IPmux-24 unit. After installing the unit, refer to Chapter 3 for the operating instr…

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Chapter 2 Installation and Setup Installation and Operation Manual 2-2 Mounting the Unit IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 • CBL-DB9F-DB9M-STR control port cable (if ordered) • RM-35/P1 rack mount kit for mounting one IPmux-24 unit (if ordered) • …

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Installation and Setup IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Installing SFP Modules 2-3 Refer to the clearance and temperature requirements in Site Requirements and Prerequisites . 2.6 Installing SFP Modules IPmux-…

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Chapter 2 Installation and Setup Installation and Operation Manual 2-4 Connecting to E1/T1 Devices IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Do not remove the SFP while the fiber optic cables are still connected. This may result in physical damage (such as a chipp…

[Page 69] RAD IPmux-24

Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Installation and Setup IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Connecting to ASCII Terminal 2-5 RESTORE DEFAULT CONTROL DCE GbE/100Fx NET 1 NET/USER 2 USER 3 10/100BASE-T 1 SYNC 2 3 4 SYNC SYNC SYNC E1/T1 Figure 2-…

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Chapter 2 Installation and Setup Installation and Operation Manual 2-6 Connecting to Power IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 2.10 Connecting to External Clock Source If your IPmux-24 features an external clock mechanism, connect the unit to the external cl…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 2 Installation and Setup IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Connecting to Power 2-7 Refer also to the sections describing connections of AC and DC mains at the beginning of the manual. Connecting to AC Power AC …

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Chapter 2 Installation and Setup Installation and Operation Manual 2-8 Connecting to Power IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5

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IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Indicators 3-1 Chapter 3 Operation This chapter: • Provides a detailed description of the front panel controls and indicators and their functions • Explains power-on and power-off procedures • Provides instructi…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-2 Indicators IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 RESTORE DEFAULT CONTROL DCE GbE /100 Fx NET 1 NET/ USER 2 USER 3 10/ 100BASE — T 1 SYNC 2 3 4 SYNC SYNC SYNC E 1/ T 1 EXT. CLK Figure 3-2. Rear Pan…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Default Settings 3-3 3.3 Default Settings The following table lists the default settings of the IPmux-24 parameters. Table 3-2. Default Settings Parameter Defaul…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-4 Default Settings IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Parameter Default Value Menu Path Manual Section CCI Enabled True Configuration > System > OAM > CFM > Maintenance Domains &g…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Default Settings 3-5 Parameter Default Value Menu Path Manual Section Destination IP address – Configuration > Connection > Bundle connection Configu…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-6 Default Settings IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Parameter Default Value Menu Path Manual Section IP address – Configuration > Connection > PW host IP Configuring Bundle Connect…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Default Settings 3-7 Parameter Default Value Menu Path Manual Section Number of Retries 1 Configuration > System > Management > Management Access >…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-8 Default Settings IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Parameter Default Value Menu Path Manual Section Payload format V2 Configuration > Connection > Bundle connection Configuring Bund…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Default Settings 3-9 Parameter Default Value Menu Path Manual Section Recovery Revertive Configuration > System > Protection > Bundle Protection Con…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-10 Default Settings IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Parameter Default Value Menu Path Manual Section connection Set Active Port None Configuration > System > Protection > Dual Hom…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuration and Management Alternatives 3-11 Parameter Default Value Menu Path Manual Section Trail mode Termination Configuration > Physical layer > T…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-12 Configuration and Management Alternatives IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 • Third-party SNMP-based management systems. Detailed configuration procedures are given in Chapter 4 . The following …

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuration and Management Alternatives 3-13 Figure 4. Connect To Dialog Box 5. Select a PC COM port to be used to communicate with IPmux-24. The COM Properties di…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-14 Configuration and Management Alternatives IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Figure 6. Main HyperTerminal Window 7. Set the terminal emulation to ANSI VT100 (Properties> Settings). 8. Set th…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuration and Management Alternatives 3-15  To enter as a technician: 1. Enter tech for user name. 2. Enter 1234 for password. Choosing Options  How t…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-16 Configuration and Management Alternatives IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5  Type the line number corresponding to the desired value, and then press <Enter>  To enter a value which req…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuration and Management Alternatives 3-17 • Netscape Communicator 8.1 and up, running on Windows™, HPOV or Linux • Firefox and up, running on Windows…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-18 Configuration and Management Alternatives IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 RADview-SC/TDMoIP provides a dedicated graphical user interface (GUI) for monitoring RAD products via their SNMP agents. RA…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuration and Management Alternatives 3-19 Main Men u SystemConfiguration Syslog System Clock Control Port Inventory Configuration Monitoring Diagnostics Utilities Ma…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-20 Configuration and Management Alternatives IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuration Physical Layer TDM (E1) Or TDM (T1) ETH Configuration LAG Link OAM Link OAM Descriptors Link OAM Parameters S…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuration and Management Alternatives 3-21 Connection Bundle Connection PW Host IP Bundle ID Connection mode PSN type DS0 bundle Bundle connection Destination IP Addr…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-22 Configuration and Management Alternatives IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Connection Bundle Connection PW Host IP Bundle ID Connection mode PSN type DS0 bundle Bundle connection Destination IP Addr…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 3 Operation IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuration and Management Alternatives 3-23 Connection Bundle Connection PW Host IP Bundle ID Connection mode PSN type DS0 bundle Bundle connection Destination IP Addr…

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Chapter 3 Operation Installation and Operation Manual 3-24 Turning IPmux-24 Off IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Monitoring Statistics OAM Status Physical Ports Protection SFP Event Log Managers Statistics Status Event log Managers TDM physical layer Connec…

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IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuring for Management 4-1 Chapter 4 Configuration This chapter illustrates the configuration IPmux-24 screens and explains their parameters. Menu trees of the IPmux-24 management software are shown in Chapter 3 . 4…

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Chapter 4 Configuration Installation and Operation Manual 4-2 Configuring for Management IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Managing IP Parameters of the IPmux-24 Host IPmux-24 allows entering IP parameters manually or using parameters acquired from the DHCP…

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Installation and Operation Manual Chapter 4 Configuration IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Configuring for Management 4-3 Defining Read, Write and Trap Communities You have to assign names for the read, write and trap communities.  To define read, wri…

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Chapter 4 Configuration Installation and Operation Manual 4-4 Configuring for Management IPmux-24 Ver. 3.5 Assigning a Name to the Unit and Its Location The IPmux-24 management software allows you to assign a name to the unit and its locatio…

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Configuring the IPmux-24

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you refer to the IPmux-24 manual, “IPmux-24 TDM
Pseudowire Access Gateway Installation and Operation Manual”, when configuring the LE300-IP
Line Extender. All the configuration parameters are explained in the IPmux-24 manual. The
information below is simply a quick start guide and includes only the basic operating parameters.

GAI-Tronics pre-configures the IPmux-24 to default management and operating parameters during testing
of the LE300-IP Line Extender. The default settings allow the IPmux-24 to be managed using a PC
running a Web browsing application connected to one of the user LAN ports. Refer to “Accessing the
Web Page” section below.

If replacing an IPmux-24 with a new unit directly from the manufacturer (RAD), initial configuration of
the management parameters must be performed using an ASCII terminal connected to the rear panel
CONTROL port. Once the IPmux-24 host IP parameters are set, it is possible to access the unit via Telnet
or a Web browsing application connected to one of the user LAN ports.

The following is a summary of the steps necessary to configure an IPmux-24 for management. Refer to
the IPmux-24 manual for details.

1. Connect an ASCII terminal to the RS-232 control port of IPmux-24.

2. Log in as Superuser (su).

3. Enable or disable the IPmux-24 DHCP client.

4. Assign a Host IP address to the IPmux-24 for management of the device.

5. Assign a subnet mask and a default gateway.

6. Configure the SNMP communities.

Make sure that you save your settings at each configuration screen.

Note on Terminal Emulation Software: In Windows 7 you will no longer find the HyperTerminal
program. There are several alternatives to HyperTerminal such as:

HyperTerminal Private Edition – This is a commercial terminal emulation program that you can use

to communicate with serial COM ports, dial-up modems, and TCP/IP networks.

Putty – A free Telnet and SSH implementation for Windows. It also is an xterm terminal emulator.

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