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Руководство пользователя Braava jet™ m6 3
Вид снизу
Вид сверху
Удобная ручка для
Кнопка SPOT Clean
Датчик инфракрасного
Задний датчик
возвращения на
Кнопка HOME
Защелка крышки
Доступ в резервуар
Док-станция Home Base для зарядки
Кнопка CLEAN
Кнопка извлечения
Складная ручка
Место для хранения
Окно ИК-датчика
Датчики распознавания
перепада высоты
Направляющие для
Устройство распознавания
перепада высоты
Сведения о моющем роботе Braava jet™ m6
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С какой частотой необходимо пылесосить помещения?
Какой вес iRobot Braava Jet m6?
Какая высота iRobot Braava Jet m6?
Какая ширина iRobot Braava Jet m6?
Какая толщина iRobot Braava Jet m6?
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iRobot Braava Jet M6 Robot Mop Manual
About your Braava jet® m6 Robot Mop
Top View
Bottom View
Accessing the Tank
Home Base Charging Station
Getting started
- Fill the tank
Remove the tank from the robot.Add Braava jet ® Hard Floor Cleaning Solution (if using).
Then fill to top with water.
Cleaning Solution
When wet mopping, you may add Braava jet Hard Floor Cleaning Solution to the tank before adding water. This product is a concentrate that is suitable for all wellsealed hard floors.
Braava jet ® Hard Floor Cleaning Solution is the only solution that can be safely used in your robot mop. Please do not use other cleaning solutions.
Sample size
(Included in box)
Retail: Full size
(Sold separately)
Using Your Braava jet® m6 Robot Mop
Use your robot frequently to maintain well-conditioned floors.
Just Press CLEAN
Tap to Start / Pause / Resume
Hold for 3 seconds to end a job and put the robot to sleep
Hold for 10 seconds to reboot
Tips for Optimizing Performance
- Your robot works best when used with the iRobot HOME App.
- For optimal mopping performance, we recommend that you vacuum first to pick up large dirt and debris before running Braava jet ®.
- Your robot will only run with Braava jet ® m Series pads, which are made specifically for Braava jet ® m Series robots.
- Use a new pad for each cleaning job, and do not pre-wet the pads prior to use.
- Keep your charging station plugged in and the area around it clear of clutter.
- You can use a Dual Mode Virtual Wall ® Barrier to help keep your robot in places you want to be cleaned, and out of the ones you don’t. (Sold separately)
- Within the iRobot HOME App, you can adjust cleaning preferences to modify cleaning power, speed, and coverage.
- Slide your robot onto the charging station contacts to activate the battery.
Note: Your robot comes with a partial charge, but we recommend that you charge the robot for 3 hours prior to starting the first cleaning job. - The light ring indicator will show the current charging status. This will turn off after 1 minute to save power, but can be shown again if you press CLEAN. This can also been seen in the iRobot HOME App.
(Light Ring While Charging
Solid: fully charged
Pulsing: charging) - Your robot uses a small amount of power whenever it is on the charging station. You can put the robot in a further-reduced power state when not in use. For instructions and more details on this Reduced Power Standby Mode, refer to the iRobot HOME App.
- For long-term storage, turn off your robot by removing it from the charging station and holding down
(home) for 10 seconds. Store your robot in a cool, dry place.
Lithium Ion Battery
For best results, only use the iRobot Lithium Ion Battery that comes with your Braava jet m6. ®
Lithium ion batteries and products that contain lithium ion batteries are subject to stringent transportation regulations. If you need to ship this product (with the battery included) for service, travel or any other reason, you MUST follow these shipping instructions.
- Battery MUST be turned off before shipping.
- Turn off the battery by removing the robot from the charging station and holding down
(home) for 10 seconds. All indicators will turn off.
- Package the product in its original packaging.
- Ship via ground transportation only (no air shipping).
- If you need further assistance, contact our Customer Care team.
- Your robot will tell you something is wrong by playing an audio alert and turning the light ring indicator red. Press CLEAN for details. Further support and instructional videos are available in the iRobot HOME App.
- After 90 minutes of inactivity off the charging station, your robot will automatically end its cleaning job.
Care and Maintenance
Cleaning the Sensors and Pad Reader
Clean sensors on the bottom of your robot with a damp cloth.
Do not spray cleaning solution or water onto the sensors or sensor openings.
Cleaning the Wheels
Pull off any visible debris or hair that gathers around the wheels.
Cleaning the Body of the Robot
Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
Cleaning the Tank
If you notice an odor from the tank
- Remove the tank from your robot mop.
- Fill the tank with warm water. Do not use boiling water.
- Close cap and lightly shake the tank.
- Rinse the tank and repeat as necessary.
Cleaning the Drip Tray
- Remove the robot from the charging station.
- Separate the drip tray by lifting it up from charging station.
- Clean the drip tray with a damp cloth or with warm water in sink.
- Dry thoroughly before reattaching the drip tray to the charging station.
- Put your robot mop back onto the charging station.
Caring for Washable Cleaning Pads
Note: You can clean your washable pads two ways: either by hand washing, or in a washing machine.
Hand Washing
Thoroughly wash the pad with warm water.
Machine Washing
Wash using the warm cycle, then air dry. Do not put in dryer. Do not wash with delicates.
iRobot Customer Care
USA & Canada
If you have questions or comments about your Braava jet® robot mop, please contact iRobot before contacting a retailer.
You can start by visiting www.irobot.com for support tips, frequently asked questions and information about accessories. This information can also be found in the iRobot HOME App. If you need further assistance, call our Customer Care team at (877) 855-8593.
iRobot Customer Care Hours
- Monday to Friday, 9AM – 9PM Eastern Time
- Saturday and Sunday 9AM – 6PM Eastern Time
Outside USA & Canada
Visit www.global.irobot.com to:
- Learn more about iRobot in your country.
- Get hints and tips to improve your Braava jet robot mop’s performance.
- Get answers to questions.
- Contact your local support center.
For more information, visit global.irobot.com
iRobot Braava Jet M6 Demo Video
Documents / Resources
Download manual
Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.
Download iRobot Braava Jet M6 Robot Mop Manual
Retail: Full size
(Sold separately)