Introduction: LEGO Desert Eagle .50
Step 1: Introduction
Here is a Desert Eagle .50 made out of LEGOs almost in its entirety. It has Rainbow Loom rubber bands so that the slide works. LEGO brand bands were too tight, and no black bands fit.
The model is almost a 1:1 scale, but it’s nearly impossible to make the comparison because the model is bricks and the real one is metal (obviously).
The gun had 3 main parts:
The grip
The «barrel»
The slide
These next steps will show you the basics of how to build them.
Step 2: The Grip
In my opinion, the grip is the hardest to make for LEGO guns. It has to be ergonomic, and that is hard to do with plastic building blocks. Especially when you don’t have a lot of inverted 3 x 1 slants. This grip, though, is fairly easy to produce, because it doesn’t use a lot of special bricks. If you have a decent collection of bricks, this part shouldn’t be hard for you.
Pic1: the grip as a whole
Pic2: top view of the grip
Pic3: bottom view of the grip
Pic4: the trigger housing
Pic5: the slot that the barrel fits into. Make sure that the smooth 1 x 4 pieces are there, they are essential for the slide action.
Step 3: The «Barrel»
The barrel is the simplest part in my opinion. Sure, it has to correspond with the type of gun you want to build, but it’s always a long, rectangular beam for the most part. For this particular barrel, make sure that there is a two brick plus one flat brick space between the
2 x 2 portion and the 4 x 4 portion (there is a labeled picture with what needs to be done).
Pic1: the barrel in its entirety
Pic2: top view of the barrel
Pic3: bottom view of the barrel
Pic4: slot that the barrel connects with the grip
Pic5 & Pic6: slide slot
Step 4: The Slide
The slide is the smallest part of the gun, meaning it uses the least pieces and takes up the least space. But it adds a lot of realistic feeling to the gun. Pulling the slide back and letting it click into place is definitely a cool and fun thing to do. The most important thing here is the smooth pieces. They allow the action to happen.
Pic1: the slide in its entirety
Pic2: make two of these
Pic3: the connecting piece for the slide
Pic4: add the pegs
Step 5: Putting It Together
Now that all of the main parts are completed, the gun will be assembled. It is really quite simple. The pictures will tell mostly everything.
One more piece needs to be built first, though. Pic1 shows it.
Pic1: slide holder
Pic2 & Pic3: putting the slide on the barrel
Pic4: putting the slide holder under the slide
Pic5: attaching everything to the handle
Pic6: attaching rubber bands so the slide works
Pic7: a reflex sight (optional)
Step 6: Done!
We’re done! Have fun with you’re LEGO Desert Eagle .50!
Don’t run around with it in public. I’m not responsible for any legal trouble that comes out of it if you do. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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Introduction: LEGO Desert Eagle .50
Step 1: Introduction
Here is a Desert Eagle .50 made out of LEGOs almost in its entirety. It has Rainbow Loom rubber bands so that the slide works. LEGO brand bands were too tight, and no black bands fit.
The model is almost a 1:1 scale, but it’s nearly impossible to make the comparison because the model is bricks and the real one is metal (obviously).
The gun had 3 main parts:
The grip
The «barrel»
The slide
These next steps will show you the basics of how to build them.
Step 2: The Grip
In my opinion, the grip is the hardest to make for LEGO guns. It has to be ergonomic, and that is hard to do with plastic building blocks. Especially when you don’t have a lot of inverted 3 x 1 slants. This grip, though, is fairly easy to produce, because it doesn’t use a lot of special bricks. If you have a decent collection of bricks, this part shouldn’t be hard for you.
Pic1: the grip as a whole
Pic2: top view of the grip
Pic3: bottom view of the grip
Pic4: the trigger housing
Pic5: the slot that the barrel fits into. Make sure that the smooth 1 x 4 pieces are there, they are essential for the slide action.
Step 3: The «Barrel»
The barrel is the simplest part in my opinion. Sure, it has to correspond with the type of gun you want to build, but it’s always a long, rectangular beam for the most part. For this particular barrel, make sure that there is a two brick plus one flat brick space between the
2 x 2 portion and the 4 x 4 portion (there is a labeled picture with what needs to be done).
Pic1: the barrel in its entirety
Pic2: top view of the barrel
Pic3: bottom view of the barrel
Pic4: slot that the barrel connects with the grip
Pic5 & Pic6: slide slot
Step 4: The Slide
The slide is the smallest part of the gun, meaning it uses the least pieces and takes up the least space. But it adds a lot of realistic feeling to the gun. Pulling the slide back and letting it click into place is definitely a cool and fun thing to do. The most important thing here is the smooth pieces. They allow the action to happen.
Pic1: the slide in its entirety
Pic2: make two of these
Pic3: the connecting piece for the slide
Pic4: add the pegs
Step 5: Putting It Together
Now that all of the main parts are completed, the gun will be assembled. It is really quite simple. The pictures will tell mostly everything.
One more piece needs to be built first, though. Pic1 shows it.
Pic1: slide holder
Pic2 & Pic3: putting the slide on the barrel
Pic4: putting the slide holder under the slide
Pic5: attaching everything to the handle
Pic6: attaching rubber bands so the slide works
Pic7: a reflex sight (optional)
Step 6: Done!
We’re done! Have fun with you’re LEGO Desert Eagle .50!
Don’t run around with it in public. I’m not responsible for any legal trouble that comes out of it if you do. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Introduction: Lego Desert Eagle and M9 Redone
I built these a long time ago but an admin told me to redo them…… I did… they are………..none if them shoot (they are models)……..the first time I made them it took me 3 days to build the m9 and about 4 hours to build the Deagle
Step 1: Deagle
This is pretty easy to build just by looking at the pics
Step 2: M9
I took some internal pics so it makes it easier to make the barrel
Be the First to Share
They’re really cool, although super thin. It’d be beastly if there were slide actions too!
cool dude ! I made one out of legos with a removable mag, and hammer that you can pull back
Nice dude!
Thx man
War Pig, all that’s left now is to explain more about the gun, and then you can contact mikeasaurus via private message about this gun again, and wham! You’ve gotten yourself featured!
These look really nice! Unfortunately, I don’t have the exact lego pieces to build them.
And seriously!!! One view??? AM I SERIOUSLY THE ONLY GUY TO HAVE SEEN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No amount of exclamation marks can show my anger towards this subject… :-I
Just for that, I’m giving this a favorite; you will now have a one hundred percent view to favorite ratio. Congrats. :3
Перед вами копия Beretta 92, собранная целиком и полностью из конструктора LEGO. Впечатляет, правда? Впрочем вы можете собрать точно такой же. Внизу инструкция
В книге Джеффа Боена «Оружие из конструктора» описано, как собрать в полноразмерном виде такие модели, как 1911, BG22 с магазином, Desert Eagle, MAC-11 и 92FS.
Боен создал популярный вебсайт, который знаменит среди фанатов LEGO за невероятно точные копии оружия. Для Боена, Beretta 92 — любимое творение, ведь он действительно как настоящий.
Джефф Боенсоздатель сайта
Решив собрать первый пистолет из конструктора, мне было интересно, сможет ли у меня получиться хотя бы что-то отдаленно напоминающее классический 92. Однажды я решил добавить подвижные детали, хотя я и не представлял, как это может получиться. Никогда бы не подумал, что мое хобби сделает меня знаменитым
Выше вы можете сравнить настоящий 92, пистолет, который появлялся в огромном количестве видеоигр, и его копию из конструктора. А вот инструкция по сборке:
1 сентября, 2013 — 19:24 ~ Александр_Москва ~ Умеренная конструктивная критика приветствуется
Поделка из конструктора Поделки для мальчиков Моделирование конструирование Desert Eagle из лего Конструктор
Собственно начнем. Вот макет моего пистолета.
Пистолет достаточно длинный и высокий (старался сделать в настоящую величину, вот и получилось).
Вот так выглядит обойма от нашего пистолета.
Обойма и пистолет вместе.
Также мы можем вставить обойму. Пистолет без обоймы ну как то не ложиться.
Вот наш пистолет с обоймой, можно прям на войну идти )) .
Вот так выглядит механизм затвора.
У нашего пистолета затвор можно ставить на предохранитель.
Механизм за счет которого мы можем отодвигать затвор у пистолета.
Вот так пистолет надо перезаряжать , а то если просто вставлять обойму то это как то не реалистично.
Привет всем! Давно я не выкладывал подделки, и вот решил выложить. Как вы видите на картинках я решил сделать макет всем известной диглы (Desert Egle). Кто не знает это крупнокалиберный пистолет (50мм). Сделал я свой пистолет из конструктора лего. Делал я пистолет 5 часов, так что не надо рассчитывать на 5мин. Если возникнуть вопросы — пишите, постараюсь помочь )
- Блог Александр_Москва
- Сообщить о нарушении
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А як приложения называется я твой подпищик скажи пж пж
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Привет оставь в описании сайт где делал по
а то быстро собираешь !
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хороший desert eagle получился мне нравится правда не смогу его сделать мне детали надо с отверстиями заказать))))
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