Как стать той самой that girl инструкция

11 августа 2021 года

В современном мире мире социальные сети имеют огромную популярность, поэтому неудивительно что и там есть свои иконы. К их мнению прислушиваются, их приглашают на различные мероприятия и они приходят на вечеринки в компании крутых друзей. Про них говорят: «Они знамениты тем, что они знамениты». Для этого необязательно иметь актерские навыки или потрясающий голос. Но что же тогда нужно делать чтобы стать «Той самой девушкой»?

Потрясающий лук

Как бы ни были удобны толстовки и обычные кеды, пора это менять. Поэтому не стоит копировать других, стараясь быть такой же модной, ведь в итоге ты просто будешь «одной из многих». Вместо этого постарайся внести что-то свое в эту массу разноцветных одежек.
Если тебе нравятся мрачноватые цвета, то не бойся вносить их в свой лук, ведь то как ты выглядишь свидетельствует о твоей уникальности.
Помимо этого, опрятный и стильный лук привлекает положительное внимание, а еще может в будущем открыть тебе двери в мир брендов, дизайнеров и самое сердце моды.

Ухоженная внешность

Так как «те самые девушки» пользуются огромной популярностью, то это не удивительно что к ним постоянно приковано чужое внимание, а это значит что им всегда нужно выглядеть на пятерку с плюсом, так как же этого добиться?
Здоровый образ жизни с дополнением в виде правильного питания и регулярных тренировок будет просто идеально помогать тебе достичь твоего идеала, но не переусердствуй. Чистые волосы и аккуратный маникюр это то что хоть и кажется нам полным пустяком, но на деле играет огромную роль. И не забывай про свое обаяние, используй его!

Личное время

У кого-то его слишком много, а у кого-то его почти нет, но есть простые правила которые помогут тебе провести его с пользой для себя. Постоянная работа и стремление добиться идеала во всем бывают очень изнурительны, поэтому ты можешь иногда позволять себе просто поделать то что тебе нравиться, например громко попеть песню дома, или отоспаться утром. И второе — читай. Каждого из нас с детства приучали к этому, но на самом деле книги не только помогают тебе запастись новыми выражениями, но и помогут грамотно выражать свои мысли, что очень высоко цениться в любом обществе.

Знакомства и связи

С первого взгляда можно подумать что тех самых девушек зовут на мероприятия только потому что они просто популярны, но это не так. Тут важны знакомства и связи. Поэтому вот тебе совет — не стесняйся заводить себе друзей и знакомых из кругов общества. Будь везде и сразу, это не только поможет тебе стать популярной но и облегчит повседневную жизнь. Поверь, не деньги, а только правильные связи помогут тебе покорить этот мир.

Твоя история

У каждого из нас есть свое прошлое — своя история, которой мы можем поделиться. Именно она и сделала из нас тех кто мы есть. Как бы это ни было, но всем нам интересно иногда узнать «А как же тогда живут другие?». Поэтому вот тебе еще совет — используй это. Расскажи им свою историю. Где-то приукрась, что-то подчеркни, но не забывай что это история именно о тебе и твоей жизни. Твоя история поможет тебе в создании твоего образа, потому помни что это очень важно.

Социальные сети

Как мы уже говорили, в современном мире огромную роль играют социальные сети, но и здесь ты можешь показать себя. Будь активна: снимай сторис, выставляй новые посты, придумывай цитаты на день, веди прямые эфиры и снимай прикольные видео. Здесь ты можешь создать свой мир, которым будут интересоваться и другие. Главное найди то что интересно не только тебе, но и людям. Это могут быть путешествия, готовка, музыка и другое. Современный мир дает кучу возможностей добиться того чего ты хочешь и тебе главное уцепиться за эту возможность.

Любовь к себе и другим

Даже если ты богата и красива это еще не все. Ты не сможешь людей насильно заставить влюбиться в себя, поэтому будь открытой и позитивной. Если тебе нравиться как одет человек, то не стесняйся сделать ему комплимент. Успешные девушки не стесняются показать себя и свой мир другим, ведь как же иначе вдохновлять и вести за собой? Люби себя, ведь как же сделать что-то хорошее для себя, если придираешься и осуждаешь себя без повода? Если ты позитивна, то успех уже у тебя в кармане.

Не гонись за популярностью

Не бегай за фотографами на вечеринках, работай над собой и они будут бегать за тобой. Ты никогда не станешь успешной если будешь это делать для того чтобы просто стать популярной. Ты должна сама хотеть поделиться своими радостями и переживаниями. Гордись собой и своими успехами. Тогда твоя популярность не будет зависеть от последнего писка моды или от другого человека. Ты будешь знаменита благодаря своей личности, а не из за того что покрасила волосы в синий или начала встречаться с «тем парнем»

Не стесняйся

Нет ничего постыдного в том чтобы испытывать то или иное чувство. «Та самая девушка» не будет стесняться выставить утреннее селфи без косметики или признаться в том что даже расплакалась, пересматривая «короля льва». Она не стесняется своих недостатков, так как они есть у каждого. Если у тебя есть лишний вес то ты можешь или сбросить его или превратить в твою вишенку на торте. Тут уж тебе решать. Ты должна знать что в тебе есть нечто особенное, тебе просто нужно уметь этим воспользоваться, поэтому включай свое обаяние и вперед покорять сердца!

Найди свое вдохновение

Если у тебя есть то что тебе действительно нравиться, то уделяй этому больше времени. Было ли у тебя хобби которое тебе действительно нравилось? Может это рисование или танцы, но это должно действительно нравиться тебе. Например, если тебе нравиться рисовать и ты хороша в этом, то не стесняйся делиться этим с людьми. Выкладывай в сторис процесс рисования и устраивай интересные опросы. Ведь сама задумайся, много ли людей могут рисовать так же красиво как ты? Ты и сама знаешь ответ)

 И помни, что ты уникальна. Эти правила и советы не сделают из тебя другого человека, они лишь помогут тебе подчеркнуть твои достоинства)

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You know «that girl». She’s the one who is not over-showy, always leaves an after-image of her presence, and is the kind of girl they write songs about. She’s pretty, unique, and friendly – all without being fake or too sweet. If you’re interested in being this sort of girl, consider adapting the characteristics described here.

Things You Should Know

  • Get a new hairstyle that flatters your face and shakes up your look. Also, take care of your skin with lotions, and wear subtle, natural makeup.
  • Revamp your wardrobe to keep up-to-date with the latest trends. Go for quality over quantity.
  • Ask yourself what the best parts of your personality are, and focus on showcasing them around other people.
  1. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 1


    Select a suitable hairstyle. Choose a haircut you know will flatter you and that you feel confident in. To make a good choice, look up celebrities with a similar face shape as yours. Ask close friends and family if they think the haircut would look good on you, and get advice from the hair stylist as well. Bring a picture of that celeb or photos of your friend’s hair-do next time you get your hair cut. Ask to get a similar cut while also seeking the stylist’s input. Consider the effectiveness of having subtle highlights rather than bold streaks which look dated. Most hair colors could use a little warmth, so ask for a richer, subtle tone. That girl always has a brush to touch up her hair during the day, and for girls with straight hair with flyaways, consider putting hair wax on like Bella Hadid to control those pesky flyaways.

  2. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 2


    Care for your skin. It is essential to create a near-flawless canvas – bad skin is every girl’s worst nightmare. Ask your dermatologist for advice on products to try. Never go to bed with dirty skin and never apply makeup on dirty skin. Some good starting basics are a gentle bar soap to wash your face, micellar water as a makeup remover, and a face towel to wash your face with. Ask your parents to splurge on a clay mask with good reviews! Remember to look at reviews always, and seek out products that help with your particular skin problems (acne, hyperpigmentation, etc.) Don’t worry if you’re a teen or young adult with bad skin, your hormones may be acting up and it will pass with time and gentle care.


  3. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 3


    Wear just a little make-up. The best tip is to buy the Sephora Beauty Guide and look up beauty influencers who have a similar skin tone. Remember — less is more. Some essentials of «that girl» makeup are liquid blush, glowy skin makeup (BB cream or sheer liquid foundation), highlight, bronzer, and nude lip color. You don’t need expensive makeup to have good makeup, it takes a lot of practice so ask your mom, sister, or cousin to help you. If you’re just starting with makeup, don’t immediately dive into colorful eyeshadow and loud lip colors. Work on your basic 10-minute daily makeup routine. Natural blondes/redheads should stick to brown mascara unless their eyebrows are brunette.

  4. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 4


    Select quality clothes. Start by building a wardrobe with staple pieces that you wear often. Search on Pinterest girls with your body type and see what works with them. You only need three pairs of jeans (black, medium wash, and light wash), a pair of black slacks, and cream or white linen pants. You need four pairs of shoes: white sneakers, comfy sneakers in a neutral color, black booties, and skin-tone flats. After, go shopping at an actual in-person store and try on blouses in every color of the rainbow they have in your size, as well as different styles. Take note of the colors that flatter you and those that don’t. Then, try to buy blouses in colors that compliment you. Please don’t be stuck in wearing the color black just because it’s a comfortable and easy color to wear. We also suggest going through your closet and trying everything on, and getting rid of clothes that don’t fit you or you don’t see yourself wearing, by donating them. Once all the clothes in your closet are things you’d feel pretty wearing, you’ll be so much more confident getting dressed in the morning.

  5. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 5


    Work on the best parts of your personality. This is key. Be confident, but not in a «look-at-me» way. Don’t put yourself down a lot as some girls do. If someone compliments you, say «thank you.» No need to compliment them back or deny it, as that is considered rude. Be polite to everyone, even people you don’t like. «That girl» is an amazing friend and is the one who messages you «happy birthday!» at midnight. Surround yourself with people you genuinely like that don’t bully others or use you for homework. A good tip is to never talk ill of others to try and gain popularity, as this will backfire eventually. Instead, speak well of others behind their back, and people will like and trust you more. Something small like «Amanda is sooo nice, she did my hair for soccer practice.»

  6. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 6


    Be happy. Look at every day as a bright, shiny new day. «That girl» is a morning person who gets excited that she has another day to do the things she loves. When you wake up, avoid looking at your phone for 15 minutes while you do a nice morning routine. If you lay out your clothes and shoes the night before, you’ll have a much smoother morning. People gravitate towards happy people instead of miserable people who can’t stop talking about how their life is so hard. Instead of venting to your friends, try listening to them or talking to them about your relationship or a funny TikTok.

  7. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 7


    Imagine you look like your favorite celebrity and watch things with them a lot. You’ll start to unconsciously imitate some of their gestures.

  8. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 8


    Flirt. When you flirt, do it genuinely and work at least one compliment into every long conversation, but not too many. Guys love being flattered, as do girls! If you ask a guy out and he turns you down, keep your poise and remember he’s not worth it.

  9. Image titled Be "That Girl" Step 9


    Enjoy life. This is a cliché, but life is short. Live a little, carpe diem. Someone asks you to do something fun but you’re sulking, go do it. Otherwise, you’ll just sit feeling sorry for yourself. Always take that opportunity and do it.

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  • Question

    Is there still a way to turn into that girl if I get bullied?

    Community Answer

    Yes. One has nothing to do with the other, and if you’re being bullied, let a trusted adult know about it.

  • Question

    What do I do if don’t want to completely turn into a different person, but still want to be «that girl»?

    Community Answer

    You don’t change your personality, you just enhance it. Show off your good qualities, and work on improving your bad ones.

  • Question

    What should I do if I love to wear boy’s clothing and act like a tomboy?

    Community Answer

    Then go ahead! You should always be you and never change for anyone else. You should still be nice to everyone you meet, though.

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  • Don’t be afraid to admit you’re wrong.

  • Jewelry is a staple but should be simple. Dainty necklaces with small pendants, simple stud earrings, and small hoop earrings are a good start.

  • Don’t be snobbish about your clothes and makeup.

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  • Don’t be fake about this. That’s awful.


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Wondering how to become That girl? You need a lot of patience and discipline, but let me teach you how to achieve a “that girl” routine as a former That Girl in a healthier and simpler way.

how to become that girl

I can not go a day without finding the That Girl aesthetic on my TikTok’s FYP or in my Pinterest feed. I realized over this past summer that I was a That Girl for the last two years of college. When I began my self love journey, I had a tight schedule, then it eventually progressed to eating better and being my most productive self.

I honestly love it. It suited me best. I adjusted my schedule to fit this lifestyle and my goals. I didn’t fit the perfect That Girl trend either. I woke up late and I was late to class no matter how early I woke up. I’m writing this blog post to bring a more realistic yet relatable version of this TikTok trend.

But as a former That Girl, let me give you tips on you can mimic the That Girl morning routine trend, but more laid-back and less intense:

What Is That Girl on TikTok?

First up, if you are completely lost or still don’t have a full grasp on the “That Girl” trend, let me tell you about this enticing trend. That Girl is basically a girl who has her life together (or pretends she does). She wakes up earlier than everyone else, stretches, journals, meditates, eats healthy, drinks water and green smoothies, schedules her day out, and gets things done. But she’s also all about the aesthetic. Always posting her breakfast, workouts, etc. on Instagram or any social media platform or maybe she doesn’t use any social media. She also finds time to schedule in self care. She’s essentially a walking Pinterest account.

Here is a collage to give you an idea:

that girl aesthetic

What Does Becoming ‘That Girl’ Mean?

From what I grasp about this trend is that everyone tries to embody a girl who sticks to a routine and a healthy diet and lifestyle. Becoming that girl entails planning, waking up early, and prioritizing your health. The That Girl trend also emphasizes focusing on your wellbeing and goals. 

What Do I Need To Become That Girl?

I have all things you need to become that girl in my latest blog post! It’s best to read it after reading this blog post and downloading my freebie!

Things You Need To Become That Girl

19 Must Have Items To Have on Your That Girl Amazon List

Step 1: Figure out if you can handle That Girl’s aesthetic & lifestyle.

One thing that I kinda dislike about this trend is 1.) everyone is romanticizing how easy it is and 2.) it’s purely aesthetics. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% a Pinterest girl and love having a schedule because of my Type A personality, but this trend really doesn’t mention how difficult it is to maintain a habit let alone a brand new schedule. I also was living this life before it was a trend, and it took weeks to fully get used to. 

I recommend those who are interested to figure out if you really want to change your lifestyle for YOU. Not to gain followers but to improve yourself. However, I do like how this trend encourages people to improve themselves and be productive but it’s not as easy as it looks. It’s also not for everyone. I need to be organized and plan everything out and it works for me, but I also know when to give myself grace and be easier on myself. 

If you are a beginner, take baby steps. Also, this trend also works better if you already have a daily schedule that is the same every day (e.g. working a 9 to 5 or having a class schedule that rarely changes.)

Step 2: Find abundance & figure out where you can start.

It may sound weird, but before you get started with you getting your aesthetic down, you need to see evaluate what you already have.

For example, if you want to do get better grades, you do not need to spend tons of money on a new laptop, notebooks, highlighters, etc. Look around and see what you already have. Be grateful you have it.

You might have healthy food in your fridge that you never thought about making into a healthy meal. For example, I never knew spinach can be used to make green smoothies.

Another example: Since I now have a full-time job, I can set up a daily self care morning routine that benefits me now and continue a few of the habits I had in my college That Girl routine, such as showering in the morning, doing beginner yoga, and eating breakfast. 

Step 3: Brainstorm your schedule.

Luckily for you, I have created a freebie for you to plan out a That Girl Morning Routine Guide. Starting off your morning on the right foot is vital. The That Girl trend is all about routine, especially the morning routine.

Also in this freebie, I repeat that it’s okay that you don’t complete everything. It’s okay to wake up late and not do an activity. Most of the time, I woke up late and was late to class/work. Don’t be hard on yourself, especially at first. Ease yourself in a morning routine. If you hate waking up at 5:30 AM then don’t. I know I don’t anymore. I used to wake up at 9 AM for my internship after graduating college. I wake up at 7:00 AM for my day job. It all depends on your needs. 

Related: 10 Simple Activities to Include in Your Daily Morning Self Care Routine

Step 4: Start small, realistic goals.

Before you start changing everything in your life, begin small. Plan one day of activities or try to study with a Podomoro Timer. Find your most productive time of the day. This is why I recommend just starting with a morning routine first because it’s kinda easier to maintain (in my opinion), than a whole day schedule. This works also best for someone who already has a daily schedule and can handle a tight schedule. 

Step 5: Eat healthier, balanced meals.

Before we begin, I must break this That Girl trend stereotype, I hate avocados (yes, boo me) and green smoothies are okay. This is coming from a girl who loves spinach. 

Anyway, one thing about the That Girl trend is that these girls eat healthy. But I recommend slowly learning how to replace an unhealthy meal with a healthier one. They eat avocados for sure and smoothies. I also have seen salads, sushi, and various proteins. Honestly, I recommend going to a dietitian or doctor to get a sense of what you can do to change your eating habits.

I have to admit that it’s not easy changing your diet. This was the hardest part for me because I was a broke college student and couldn’t afford just buying everything organic.

To give you all a realistic eating habit change:

I still have a ton of changes to still make to my diet.

One of the biggest things I need to change for my health is that I am always tired. I love cookies and anything sweet. I also need to actually eat more because of my fast metabolism and I’m underweight. So I started eating more fruit and always had pretzels or tortilla chips near me for snacks and ate more protein such as chicken and protein bars. I also tried to cut out pizza because it always made me sleepy.

2023 Update: Sugar. I had cavities and horrible breakouts due to my sugar intake. At the beginning of 2022, I started to reduce the amount of sugar I was eating. I no longer have those Little Debbie cakes as snacks or I barely eat anything with high sugar. If I do want to eat something super sweet, I’ll do it on the weekends. And if I do get cravings, I usually have a low sugar snack like Pocky (aka the only sweet snack I really have nowadays). My skin has improved after a year! I barely crave sugar anymore and can’t tolerate process snacks anymore.

My ‘healthy” eating will be totally different from yours. It’s the effort of trying to eat healthier that counts, imo.

Step 6: Move and take care of your body.

Almost every That Girl video, I’ve seen is a girl working out or doing yoga. I recommend starting small and slow. Do not work out for a whole hour of a super hard cardio workout. Build a habit. Look up beginner workouts on YouTube and work your way up. 

Some of my favorite workout YouTube channels are:

Bailey Brown: She had TONS of 5-10 minute workouts which I did almost every weekday. Her workouts are quick and effective.

Shona Vertue: I’m upset that I found her channel so late. She’s honestly one of the BEST yoga instructors on YouTube. Her routines are a little bit more advanced but totally effective, especially her back one.

Yoga With Adrienne: Adrienne is the G.O.A.T of YouTube Yoga. Her routines are great for beginners and I recommend anyone to check her out because she has a routine for everything.

MadFit: I needed something more advanced for my glutes and abs over the past year. I always saw Maddy’s videos in my YouTube feed but was intimidated, but she’s right on my level of fitness. I love her vibe and workouts!

Related: Beginner Yoga Equipment You Need Before Your First Session

Step 7: Start journaling and meditating.  

Journaling and meditating were part of my That Girl morning routine. After I worked out, I meditated to clear my mind for the day. Then I’d write a gratitude list. At the beginning of my self love journey, I used to write down a whole page of things I liked about myself. I also did affirmations.

I really recommend doing either because it really helps with clearing your mind and affirmations really helped my confidence.

Step 8: Get a planner.

how to be that girl

Buy on bando.com!

I was really that girl with a planner all throughout college. One of the main things about being That Girl is having a plan and getting a planner will help remind you.

I love Ban.do planners because they have stickers but not just because of that. I’ve had them since I was a junior in high school and still use it as a post-grad. I recommend this one because this planner includes 16 months of planning and enough space to write everything. You can also get 10% off one of their planners by signing up for their newsletter on your first purchase on their website. 

Related: The Best Planner For College Students & How To Organize It 

Step 9: Dress the part & take care of your skin.

The way I learned that I was an accidental That Girl was realizing my style was similar to the trend. I wore fitness clothing a lot and also dress super comfortably. I mainly shop at Aerie because of their positive message about accepting yourself.

Makeup wise, I see most That Girl aesthetic photos and videos focused on light, natural makeup. But skincare is a huge part of this trend. Buy face masks and learn what works for your skin. Again, I recommend going to a professional if you can, such as a dermatologist, to help you out. 

Personally, for me, I don’t have that clear skin you see everywhere on this trend. I have acne scars and hyperpigmentation. But I have a complete skincare routine and make sure to exfoliate and do a face mask once a week. My favorite face masks are by TonyMoly, especially their face sheet masks. 

that girl routine ideas

Buy on Ulta.com!

I also recommend getting this lemon exfoliator because it gets all the dead skin off your face. I love it. I use it every time I wipe my makeup off and wash my face. 

that girl routine ideas

how to become that girl tips

Honestly, you can wear whatever you want as That Girl as long as you feel and look great in it. However, That Girl fashion includes athleisure and neutral colors.

Related: That Girl Fashion: What To Wear To Be That Girl

Step 10: Change your mindset and read a lot of uplifting, motivational quotes.

One thing you’ll realize with my That Girl Morning Routine Freebie is that I wake up listening to motivational speakers. I also listen to self-improvement podcasts while getting ready. This has honestly changed my mindset. I recommend finding someone who is around your age and is relatable with their advice. I also look up specific motivational speakers that some of my favorite YouTubers recommend.

My favorite motivational speakers/self-improvement YouTubers are:

Isabel Palacios: She’s really helped me a lot and I’ve been following her for a few years now.

Gary Vee: Since I work in social media, I listen to Gary Vee a lot. He honestly is known for his extreme hustle culture speeches BUT he has tons of advice for 20 years and teens that are more toned down. Also, he swears a lot that turns people away, btw. But he is great for practical optimism. He is not everyone’s cup of tea, but he has a few good videos. 

BTS: Okay, I know they’re not Youtubers…but BTS’s songs and speeches helped me the most after graduating. Their 2020 speech was amazing because I was always rushing and felt like Jin’s & SUGA’s speech really helped me.

Related: 12 BTS Songs About Self Love That Remind Me To Love & Accept Myself

Step 11: Make self care a priority.

Making self-care a priority is one of the most important steps that you need in a That Girl routine. Self care is one of the biggest things I’m prioritizing right now in my life because college and job hunting wore me out. But lucky for you, this whole blog has a category dedicated to self care, lol. 

Some That Girl ideas that you can try related to self care include:

  • Face masks
  • Taking a long bath or shower
  • Reading
  • Go to bed early or just resting
  • Spend some time organizing your room
  • Practicing yoga
  • Listen to your favorite songs

Related: 75 5 Minute Self Care Ideas That You Can Do With a Busy Schedule

Step 12: Be your full self.

Finally, to become that girl you should be yourself. This tip is one of the most important that I want to mention because I feel like a lot of people think that the That Girl trend means that you have to change your whole self. I think that you should take elements of this trend and implement them into your life. I know I did. I did not like green smoothies at first, lemon water, or fit into the typical That Girl look.

Being yourself is the main thing you should do. Even if you aren’t sure who you are, then journal about it. Learn about your likes or dislikes. Eat your favorite foods. Work out once a week and stretch or go to the gym. Learn how to love yourself.  Most importantly, do what you like and try to create healthy habits. Improve yourself for you.

Final FAQ’s:

Q: Is the That Girl trend toxic?

Honestly, it inherently can be. I honestly can see how anything can become toxic if we take it too far. The That Girl trend is cousins with the glo up trend (which I hate because of its superficiality) where people feel the need to change their entire selves. I believe that the That Girl trend works for certain people. I don’t recommend it to everyone. Half of my friends see my daily calendar and gasp. You have to be able to live a very structured, scheduled life. You have to plan everything and be okay with that. I would not recommend this trend to people who get easily overwhelmed with plans and do not like doing the same thing every day.  

I know that some people say that it promotes diet culture and even Eurocentric beauty standards. It also can promote hustle culture and toxic productivity, which it can. Personally, I’ve never realized that until I saw a video a few weeks ago discussing it. 

I really think that in my case, I didn’t force myself to eat anything; just try. If I didn’t want it, I didn’t do it. Most mornings I woke up late. I ate absolute garbage. I was late for almost every activity I planned. This is also a trend. It’ll fall out like others. Focus on you and your needs, goals, and improvement. It’s okay if you don’t want to do it.

Q: What does a That Girl eat?

From my research, a That Girl is always eating some kind of vegetable or fruit and proteins. They also are hitting all the food groups. I also see that they drink a LOT OF water and tea, especially matcha tea. Again, I hate avocados and those damn green smoothies. Half the time I was eating a salad then some chicken nuggets. I try to eat healthier and tell myself that my effort is enough.

Q: How to get the That Girl aesthetic?

The color green is common with this aesthetic. Wear athleisure wear and neutral colors. They also embrace wearing basics and pairing them with staple pieces. Read tons of self improvement books and other books. Also, have tons of mugs for tea and coffee.

This blog post gave you all the information you need on how to become That Girl!

Don’t forget to pin this post to your Pinterest board:

that girl aesthetic

Before you go, check out these blog posts:

  • 75 5 Minute Self Care Ideas You Can Do With a Busy Schedule

  • How To Start a Self Love Journey

  • How To Use Your Love Language for Self Love & Self Care

Whether you’re a frequent scroller on Instagram or TikTok or you’re only on social media to stalk your exes or brag to your family about your amazing adventures, you’ve probably heard about “that girl” by now. I’m sure you’ve seen 30-second reels of “that girl” waking up early, making her bed, and drinking green juice, all before strapping on ankle weights to take a Hot Girl Walk. But “that girl” is not necessarily a person (or a list of wellness trends)—it’s more like a feeling: She puts herself first and is relentlessly focused on self-improvement and being her best self. “That girl” is not a TikTok star who posts about salmon and rice bowls or the wellness influencer whose tips are supposed to inspire you but actually make you feel stressed out. “That girl” embodies living your best life and prioritizing your best self. If you’re working on becoming your best self, here are eight easy ways you too can be “that girl.” 

1. Find an extra hour in your day

TikToks may make you believe that “that girl” loves waking up early in the morning, but if a 6 a.m. wake-up call isn’t your vibe, don’t worry. The goal is to carve out time in your day to focus on yourself and complete some of the other to-dos on this list, but you can reap the benefits of one hour of me-time any time of day. For some, this might mean an in-depth morning or evening routine, while others might use their lunch break for some meditation, going for a walk, or getting chores done. Whenever and however you can fit it in, make time for yourself every day.  

2. Check in with yourself

Checking in with yourself is one of those to-do list items that “that girl” gets done during her extra hour in the day. Whether you’re using gratitude, manifestation prompts, or just writing whatever comes to mind, journaling is a great way to help uncover subconscious thoughts and feelings or to help acknowledge how you’re feeling in the moment. If writing every day feels overwhelming or if you’re short on time, try a quick meditation instead. This will also help you make a mind-body connection and is a great way to kick off or reset your day. 

3. Move your body every day 

Whether it’s a walk around your neighborhood, a quick yoga or stretch sesh, or an intense HIIT workout, try to move your body for at least 30 minutes every day. The CDC reports that 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week is linked to multiple health benefits, and consistent exercise has been shown to improve mood, boost energy, help you sleep, and increase longevity (all benefits that are crucial to living the “that girl” lifestyle). But most importantly? These long-lasting benefits will keep you feeling your best even after the “that girl” trend has passed.  

4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate 

Drink more water. It’s easier said than done, but we can all benefit from more hydration in our daily lives (there’s a reason “that girl” TikToks always start with a lemon water or green juice). Optimal hydration helps keep our energy levels high, our skin glowing, and our bodies performing at their best. While the amount needed varies from person to person, there are a few recommendations you can try: eight 8-ounce glasses, 1 gallon, 2 liters, or half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. If you’re struggling to meet your water intake goals, try these additives to spice things up. 

5. Nourish your body 

Healthy women focus on what to eat rather than what not to eat; they focus on eating whole foods that make them feel good and nourish their bodies. You can too by adding more natural, unprocessed foods into your diet and making sure more of your meals include some veggies. This will give your body the nutrients and fuel it truly needs to feel its best. That doesn’t mean you have to kiss pizza goodbye forever (is that even possible?), but it does mean changing the way you think about foods that benefit your body versus foods that might taste good but leave you feeling sick (looking at you, ice cream). 

6. Wear what makes you feel good 

If there’s anything we learned from Legally Blonde, it’s that you can accomplish anything with a good outfit. Elle Woods and “that girl” (perhaps one in the same) both know that the right clothes have the power to help you feel your best and get sh*t done. What makes you feel your best will look different for everyone. Whether it’s cargo pants and a graphic tee or power trousers and a blazer, focus on wearing what makes you feel good and ready to tackle the day. 

7. Make time for self-improvement

“That girl” knows that being your best self is a lifelong pursuit, and she loves learning and growing. If you want in on the action, check out a self-improvement book on a topic you’re interested in to help you feel more motivated and inspired to make healthy changes. Or try subbing your favorite T. Swift albums on repeat with a wellness podcast to learn trade secrets from the experts. The goal is to fit time for self-improvement into your normal routine so that bettering yourself actually becomes a hobby.

8. Pamper yourself regularly

While everything on this list could be considered self-care, you deserve an entire routine dedicated to pampering yourself. But PSA to all my other “that girls” out there: Pampering is not just about a clear complexion or on-fleek manicure (although those are welcomed side effects), and it does not have to be at-home facials or booking regular massages. Spending time to pamper and care for yourself however that looks like to you can also help improve body image, strengthen your body’s response to stress, and help you feel more positive overall. But the #1 key to becoming “that girl” is not just taking care of yourself, but also knowing you deserve to.

If you’re not living under a rock, you’ll have definitely come across the Tiktok trend on how to become “that girl”. But let’s face it, what exactly is “that girl”?! 

Is there a definition? 

Who made it up?

Honestly, we need answers and tbh there doesn’t seem to be a straight answer. It’s a concept which you can interpret in any way you want, and we kind of love the idea of it.

Common elements focus on waking up early and seizing the day from the moment your eyes open. 

If you want to hop on the trend, we’ve got the ultimate “that girl” guide coming your way (don’t say we don’t treat you…). 

We’ve made it so they’re healthy habits to implement into your daily life, and not impossible! Meaning you don’t have to be living in a high rise, NY apartment with a well-off job to succeed, you can be as normal as the everyday gal and still absolutely smash it.

Fancy knowing more? Grab a cuppa, your fave notebook and begin writing down some of our tips for becoming “that girl”! You don’t want to miss this…

1. Revolutionise Your Diet

delicious food to achieve that girl guide

@healthj.ourney – Instagram

A healthy outside ALWAYS starts with a healthy inside!! That’s why we feel to become “that girl”, you need to begin by revolutionising your diet and swapping out the takeaways for nutritious treats.

Find foods which inspire you to cook from scratch, and try to eat a full and balanced diet every single day. 

Within typical Tiktoks, you’ll frequently see Avocados on Sourdough bread and Baked Oats with toppings galore. It’s rare for plain foods to make an appearance, as aesthetics is important to those who want to be “that girl”. 

2. Focus On Your Morning Routine

implement a morning routine

@lifestyle_change_02 – Instagram

Morning routines are crucial if you’re attempting to become “that girl”. 

Waking up early will give you extra time within the day to do things for you, which otherwise you wouldn’t have had if you’d have stayed sleeping in bed. 

They say from the moment your alarm goes off, you’re to get out of bed straight away (so, stop repressing the snooze button!!).

Test it for a week and try waking up an hour earlier than you usually would. Use that hour to do things for you, such as baking breakfast, putting makeup on, making your bed or even reading your favourite book. 

3. Keep Fit

keep fit for mental health

@bodybybates_ – Instagram

Implement fitness into your daily routine and we promise you’ll see a positive change in your mindset. 

Moving your body and getting exercise outside is super important and it should be a daily part of your life anyway without this trend. But, don’t force yourself to do anything you really don’t want to do! 

If you don’t like the gym, don’t go. Take yourself on a long walk instead and get those steps in. It still fits in with the aesthetic you’re trying to achieve, so what have you got to lose?

4. Organisation Is Key

aesthetic diary planning to become that girl

@25trailsdesigns – Instagram

Keeping organised with planners and to do lists will ultimately help you plan your days easier and achieve this perfect lifestyle. Being more productive is never a bad thing, and we urge you to invest in diaries, pens and utensils to aid you in becoming a better version of yourself!

5. Drink Water 

water drinking aesthetic

@hydrofella – Instagram

Stay hydrated and drink as much water as you can! Well, not too much, but around 3-4 litres a day is the perfect amount.

Keeping hydrated has so many short and long term benefits which you will thank yourself for in the future. 

If you fancy it, why not get yourself an aesthetic bottle to make it a little easier to drink? There’s some adorable ones here!

6. Educate Yourself

that girl guide

@nephilim_reads – Instagram

Invest your free time in educating yourself, maybe through a new skill or reading a book.

There’s so many books you can read, why not check them out now?

7. Self Care Is Super Important

the ultimate that girl guide for self care

@selfcaresocialau – Instagram

Spend time laying that face mask on, waxing and tinting your eyebrows, and lathering fake tan on. You deserve it, and making the most of these small moments will enrich your life one step at a time. 

The “that girl” guide is all about investing in yourself, and self care can have a positive effect on how you react to other things in your life. If you feel good on the outside, you’re going to feel better on the inside and have a more positive outlook on life. 

8. Journaling

a diary full of your thoughts and feelings

@eversoplanned – Instagram

Journaling can help you organise and achieve the small goals you’ve set for yourself. It’s simply writing down your thoughts to understand them more clearly and if you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety, keeping a journal can be a great idea.

If you don’t feel like journaling is for you, why not spend five minutes in the morning, and 5 minutes in the evening just doodling down some notes of gratitude and reflecting on the day? Then you don’t have to feel like an artist and are still taking care of yourself. 

How The “That Girl” Trend Can Have A Negative Impact?

quotes to live by in 2022

@thenoirespace – Instagram

There’s nothing wrong with trying to improve your life with healthy habits, but the popular Tiktok trend has given girls an idealistic life which isn’t the everyday reality. These girls may look like they have the picture perfect life, but this most likely ISN’T the case. They don’t bother writing, or even videoing the bad times, which can allude to the idea that they never have any. Seriously, we can’t think of one person who hasn’t had bumps in the road and lows in life – it’s natural!

Being a girl in the day and age of social media, it can be super difficult to not compare your life to anyone else’s and this is the perfect example of where it can be an issue. If you give yourself these unrealistic expectations of being “that girl”, you’re going to get down when you don’t achieve it. 

Within this guide, we’ve taken the stand that you don’t have to be the skinniest, healthiest, 4am morning girl to smash this trend. We want to focus on healthy habits so you can choose to become a better version of yourself, because you’re already amazing

And that’s a wrap on becoming “that girl” guide! What do you think? Let us know on our socials if there’s any ideas we’ve mentioned that you’re going to implement into your life. We can’t wait to test them out.

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