Какая утилита ms sql server позволяет вводить инструкции transact sql

Обычно утилита sqlcmd не так часто используется, если сравнивать с SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). У меня есть коллеги, которые даже не знают о ее существовании. Причина в том, что SSMS весьма сильный инструмент, который является предпочтительным выбором для ежедневной работы, но есть случаи, когда sqlcmd оказывается наилучшим вариантом.

Особенно, когда вы работаете с SQL Server на Linux. Обычно больше компании держат серверы критических баз данных в демилитаризованных зонах (DMZ), поэтому маловероятно, чтобы вы могли подключиться к этим серверам с помощью SSMS с вашей рабочей станции. Другими словами, вам может потребоваться доступ к серверу с помощью клиента ssh и либо выполнять то, что вам нужно с помощью sqlcmd, либо устанавливать туннель и подключаться с помощью SSMS.

Что такое sqlcmd?

Sqlcmd — это утилита, которая устанавливается с клиентским инструментарием при установке SQL Server. Этот инструмент позволяет выполнять операторы Transact-SQL, хранимые процедуры и файлы скриптов из консоли. Он также позволяет использовать предопределенные системные переменные и переменные, определенные пользователем. Как вы можете догадаться, то, что sqlcmd позволяет выполнять хранимые процедуры, делает возможным выполнять задания SQL Server Agent.

Другим замечательным свойством sqlcmd является возможность подключения к любой версии SQL Server, чего вы не всегда можете сделать с помощью SSMS. Причина в том, что sqlcmd использует драйвер ODBC, а не .NET System.Data.SqlClient Namespace, которое является частью ADO.NET, используемой SSMS.

Подключение sqlcmd к экземпляру по умолчанию SQL Server

Если вы подключаетесь к локальному серверу, используя Windows Authentication (проверка подлинности Windows), и текущий пользователь имеет права доступа, то вы можете просто вызвать sqlcmd в командной строке, как показано ниже, и вы подключитесь к экземпляру по умолчанию.


Если вам даны подходящие разрешения, вы увидите приглашение sqlcmd, как на скриншоте ниже.

1> означает номер строки, который будет возрастать всякий раз, когда вы нажимаете клавишу ENTER и сбрасываться в 1, когда вы введете разделитель пакетов GO, как показано ниже.

На рисунке выше видно, что номер строк возрастает, пока не будет введена инструкция GO, после чего приглашение sqlcmd вернется к строке 1 после выполнения кода.

Подключение sqlcmd к экземпляру SQL Server, используя проверку подлинности Windows

Если ваша организация использует Active Directory, вы можете использовать Trusted Authentication (доверительная аутентификация) для подключения к удаленному или локальному серверу. Вам просто нужно указать сервер и имя экземпляра с помощью параметра -S и -E для использования Trusted Authentication. Тем, кто не знает, что такое Trusted Authentication, скажу, что это способ, с помощью которого Microsoft ссылается на использование аккаунта учетной записи Windows для аутентификации пользователя в разных приложениях.

Вот как можно подключиться к экземпляру. Подставьте имя своего сервера и имя экземпляра, который вам нужен.


Подключение sqlcmd к экземпляру SQL Server, используя аутентификацию SQL Server

Если вам нужно подключиться с помощью аутентификации SQL Server, укажите также параметр -U с именем пользователя и параметр -P с паролем пользователя, как показано ниже. Опять таки, подставьте свои значения этих параметров.

sqlcmd -S [SERVERNAMEINSTANCE] –U [username] –P [password]

На следующем скриншоте можно увидеть, что я подключился к удаленному экземпляру SQL Server, работающему на Linux с помощью аутентификации SQL Server.

Подключение sqlcmd к экземпляру SQL Server с помощью выделенного подключения администратора (DAC)

Бывают обстоятельства, когда вы не можете подключиться к SQL Server, например, из-за нехватки ресурсов. SQL Server имеет планировщик, предназначенный для обеспечения доступа только одному подключению во всех случаях. Это и есть выделенное подключение администратора (DAC). Вы не можете подключиться к DAC, как вы делаете это обычно с помощью SQL Server Management Studio, поскольку SSMS использует два подключения — одно для браузера объектов, а другое для окна запросов. В подобных случаях sqlcmd является одним из лучших вариантов для подключения к экземпляру SQL Server и выполнения необходимых действий, чтобы вернуть экземпляр в нормальное состояние.

Для подключения к экземпляру SQL Server с помощью DAC в sqlcmd, вам потребуется добавить параметр -A.

Если вы подключаетесь с логином Windows, то вызов sqlcmd будет таким:


Если вы хотите использовать логин SQL Server, то вы должны вызывать sqlcmd так:

sqlcmd -S [SERVERNAMEINSTANCE] –U [username] –P [password] -A

Приветствую Вас на сайте Info-Comp.ru! Сегодня мы с Вами подробно рассмотрим функционал одного очень популярного инструмента для работы с Microsoft SQL Server — графической среды SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Обзор функционала SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

Заметка! Обзор инструментов для работы с Microsoft SQL Server.


  1. Что такое SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Основной функционал SQL Server Management Studio
  3. Подключение к службам SQL Server
  4. Обозреватель объектов
  5. Обозреватель шаблонов
  6. Редактор SQL кода
  7. Просмотр плана выполнения запроса
  8. Обозреватель решений
  9. Конструктор таблиц
  10. Конструктор баз данных (Диаграммы баз данных)
  11. Конструктор запросов и представлений
  12. Просмотр свойств объектов
  13. Мастер создания скриптов
  14. Управление безопасностью SQL Server
  15. Присоединение и отсоединение баз данных
  16. Создание резервных копий баз данных и восстановление баз данных из архива
  17. Создание связанных серверов (Linked Server)
  18. Монитор активности SQL Server
  19. Настройка репликации баз данных
  20. Профилировщик XEvent

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) – это бесплатная графическая среда, включающая набор инструментов для разработки сценариев на T-SQL и управления инфраструктурой Microsoft SQL Server.

Среда SQL Server Management Studio – это основной, стандартный и полнофункциональный инструмент для работы с Microsoft SQL Server, разработанный компанией Microsoft, который предназначен как для разработчиков, так и для администраторов SQL Server.

С помощью SSMS Вы можете разрабатывать базы данных, выполнять инструкции T-SQL, а также администрировать Microsoft SQL Server.

Если в Ваши задачи входит полное сопровождение Microsoft SQL Server, начиная от создания баз данных, написания SQL запросов, создания хранимых процедур и функций, и заканчивая администрированием SQL Server, включая управление безопасностью, то основным Вашим инструментом будет как раз среда SQL Server Management Studio.

Среда SQL Server Management Studio реализована только под Windows, поэтому если Вам нужен инструмент для работы с Microsoft SQL Server, который будет работать на других платформах, например, на Linux или macOS, то Вам следует использовать инструмент Azure Data Studio, который также является официальным инструментом, разработанным компанией Microsoft.

Заметка! Сравнение Azure Data Studio с SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Основной функционал SQL Server Management Studio

Теперь давайте рассмотрим функционал и возможности среды SQL Server Management Studio, иными словами, какие именно действия и операции мы можем выполнять, используя данный инструмент.

Сначала давайте посмотрим на общий перечень возможностей, которые нам предоставляет среда SQL Server Management Studio, а затем более подробно рассмотрим каждый пункт из этого перечня.

Подключение к службам SQL Server

Обозреватель объектов

Обозреватель шаблонов

Редактор SQL кода

Просмотр плана выполнения запроса

Обозреватель решений

Конструктор таблиц

Конструктор баз данных (Диаграммы баз данных)

Конструктор запросов и представлений

Просмотр свойств объектов

Мастер создания скриптов

Управление безопасностью SQL Server

Присоединение и отсоединение баз данных

Создание резервных копий баз данных и восстановление баз данных из архива

Создание связанных серверов (Linked Server)

Монитор активности SQL Server

Настройка репликации баз данных

Профилировщик XEvent

Заметка! Список и расшифровка версий Microsoft SQL Server.

Подключение к службам SQL Server

С помощью SQL Server Management Studio мы можем подключаться не только к ядру СУБД, но и к другим компонентам SQL Server, например, к службам Analysis Services (SSAS), Integration Services (SSIS) и Reporting Services (SSRS).

Скриншот 1

Таким образом, мы можем управлять объектами служб Analysis Services, например, выполнять их резервное копирование и обработку, создавать скрипты для служб Analysis Services и выполнять другие операции.

Также используя Management Studio мы можем управлять пакетами SSIS, например, выполнять импорт и экспорт пакетов.

Кроме этого SSMS позволяет администрировать службы Reporting Services, т.е. управлять ролями, заданиями и так далее.

Заметка! Не удается подключиться к Microsoft SQL Server по сети.

Обозреватель объектов

Обозреватель объектов среды SQL Server Management Studio – это графический пользовательский интерфейс для просмотра и управления объектами в каждом экземпляре SQL Server.

Обозреватель объектов Management Studio предоставляет интерфейс, в котором структура объектов сервера представлена в очень удобном иерархическом виде, напоминает что-то вроде файловой системы Windows, т.е. папки, подпапки, файлы и т.д.

Скриншот 2

В случае если «Обозреватель объектов» скрыт или Вы его случайно закрыли, то для того, чтобы его отобразить, можно использовать меню «Вид -> Обозреватель объектов», хотя по умолчанию он отображен, так как это, наверное, основной компонент среды SQL Server Management Studio.

Скриншот 3

Таким образом, с помощью обозревателя объектов мы легко можем посмотреть, какие базы данных, таблицы, функции, хранимые процедуры и другие объекты есть на SQL Server, включая пользователей, связанные серверы и так далее.

Заметка! Чем отличаются функции от хранимых процедур в Microsoft SQL Server.

Обозреватель шаблонов

Шаблоны в SQL Server Management Studio – это файлы, содержащие стандартный SQL код, который предназначен для создания объектов на SQL Server.

Иными словами, это готовые SQL скрипты, содержащие заголовки SQL инструкций, в которые всего лишь необходимо подставить свои данные, например, имена объектов, чтобы создать тот или иной объект на SQL Server.

Обозреватель шаблонов Management Studio позволяет просматривать и использовать доступные шаблоны.

Открыть «Обозреватель шаблонов» можно из меню «Вид -> Браузер шаблонов».

Скриншот 4

Таким образом, мы можем использовать шаблоны для создания или изменения таких объектов как:

  • Базы данных
  • Таблицы
  • Представления
  • Индексы
  • Функции
  • Хранимые процедуры
  • Триггеры
  • И другие объекты SQL Server

Кроме этого, для часто выполняемых задач мы можем создать свои собственные пользовательские шаблоны, для случаев когда нет подходящего встроенного шаблона, и тем самым упростить и ускорить выполнение таких задач.

Редактор SQL кода

Основное назначение среды SQL Server Management Studio – это, конечно же, разработка, выполнение и отладка кода на T-SQL, иными словами, написание и выполнение SQL запросов и инструкций. Поэтому SSMS обладает современным и продвинутым редактором SQL кода, который поддерживает технологию IntelliSense, т.е. автодополнение, например, Вы начинаете писать первые буквы объекта, а редактор сам дописывает его, точнее, показывает возможные варианты окончания.

Кроме этого у редактора есть подсветка синтаксиса и другие полезные возможности.

Заметка! Как включить нумерацию строк кода в SQL Server Management Studio.

Чтобы открыть редактор SQL кода в среде Management Studio, необходимо на панели инструментов нажать на кнопку «Создать запрос». Именно здесь пишутся и выполняются все SQL запросы и инструкции к базам данных.

Скриншот 5

Просмотр плана выполнения запроса

План выполнения запроса – это последовательность операций, выполняемых внутри SQL Server, которые необходимы для получения результата SQL запроса.

Прежде чем выполнить SQL запрос SQL Server должен проанализировать инструкции и определить наиболее эффективный способ доступа к данным.

Этот анализ выполняется компонентом, который называется «Оптимизатор запросов». Входные данные оптимизатора запросов как раз и являются планом выполнения запроса.

SQL Server Management Studio позволяет просматривать план выполнения запроса и тем самым выявлять наиболее ресурсоемкие операции в запросе с целью оптимизации скорости выполнения этого запроса.

Чтобы показать план выполнения запроса, необходимо на панели нажать на иконку «Показать предлагаемый план выполнения».

Скриншот 6

Заметка! Visual Studio Code (VS Code) для разработки на Transact-SQL.

Обозреватель решений

Решение в SQL Server Management Studio – это набор из одного или нескольких взаимосвязанных проектов.

Проекты в SQL Server Management Studio – это контейнеры для организации взаимосвязанных файлов, например, файлов с SQL инструкциями, которые используются при разработке того или иного функционала в базах данных.

Обозреватель решений в Management Studio создан как раз для того, чтобы управлять всеми решениями и проектами.

Открыть «Обозреватель решений» можно из меню «Вид -> Обозреватель решений».

Скриншот 7

Таким образом, с помощью «Обозревателя решений» мы можем все свои SQL скрипты сгруппировать в проект, тем самым систематизировать все файлы и иметь к ним более удобный доступ.

Конструктор таблиц

Конструктор таблиц – это визуальный инструмент для разработки таблиц в базах данных.

С помощью конструктора таблиц SQL Server Management Studio можно создавать, редактировать и удалять:

Курс по SQL для начинающих

  • Таблицы
  • Столбцы
  • Ключи
  • Индексы
  • Связи
  • Ограничения

Чтобы запустить «Конструктор таблиц», необходимо щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по контейнеру «Таблицы» в обозревателе объектов, и выбрать пункт «Создать -> Таблица».

Скриншот 8

Таким образом, благодаря функционалу конструктора таблиц мы может создавать и редактировать таблицы базы данных, при этом даже не используя язык SQL.

Конструктор баз данных (Диаграммы баз данных)

Конструктор баз данных — это визуальный инструмент для разработки баз данных, который позволяет конструировать и визуализировать базу данных, с которой установлено соединение.

Конструктор баз данных можно использовать для создания, редактирования и удаления таблиц, столбцов, ключей, индексов, связей и ограничений.

Кроме этого конструктор позволяет визуализировать базу данных, т.е. создать ER-диаграмму базы данных. Можно создать как одну, так и несколько диаграмм, иллюстрирующих некоторые или все имеющиеся в ней таблицы, столбцы, ключи и связи.

Чтобы запустить конструктор баз данных и создать диаграмму базы данных, необходимо в обозревателе объектов щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по контейнеру «Диаграммы баз данных» и выбрать пункт «Создать диаграмму базы данных».

Скриншот 9

Заметка! Нормализация баз данных простыми словами.

Конструктор запросов и представлений

Конструктор запросов и представлений – это визуальный инструмент для разработки запросов и представлений.

В данном конструкторе доступно 4 панели:

  • Панель диаграмм – на ней в графическом виде представлен запрос, т.е. какие таблицы и столбцы задействованы в запросе;
  • Панель критериев – на ней Вы задаете параметры запроса, например, указываете, какие столбцы будут задействованы в запросе, как отфильтровать данные, как упорядочивать результаты и т.д;
  • Панель SQL – здесь запрос отображается в виде SQL инструкций, где Вы можете в случае необходимости внести изменения на языке SQL;
  • Панель результатов – она показывает результаты выполнения запроса.

Таким образом, с помощью данного конструктора можно конструировать запросы к базе данных, при этом используя только мышку.

Чтобы открыть конструктор запросов, необходимо в редакторе запросов щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши в любом месте и выбрать пункт «Создать запрос в редакторе», кстати, можно выделить существующий SQL запрос, если он есть, и точно также создать запрос в редакторе, в этом случае конструктор автоматически визуализирует данный SQL запрос.

Чтобы открыть конструктор представлений, необходимо в обозревателе щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по нужному представлению и выбрать пункт «Разработка».

Скриншот 10

Заметка! Как установить SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) и что это такое.

Просмотр свойств объектов

Среда SQL Server Management Studio позволяет просматривать и изменять свойства объектов SQL Server в обозревателе объектов.

Практически у каждого объекта на SQL Server есть свойства, которые как раз и можно изменить с помощью графических инструментов среды SQL Server Management Studio или просто посмотреть.

Например, для редактирования свойств базы данных необходимо в обозревателе объектов выбрать базу, щелкнуть по ней правой кнопкой мыши и выбрать «Свойства».

Скриншот 11

Заметка! Знакомство с Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) – что это такое?

Мастер создания скриптов

В SQL Server Management Studio есть очень полезный функционал, который позволяет сгенерировать скрипт создания объектов базы данных, чтобы, например, использовать этот скрипт на другом экземпляре SQL Server для создания точно таких же объектов.

SQL скрипт объекта базы данных – это SQL инструкция, с помощью которой создается этот объект, сохраненная в текстовом файле.

С помощью данного мастера мы можем очень легко сгенерировать SQL скрипт создания практически любого объекта на SQL Server.

Скриншот 12

Такой скрипт может включать:

  • Инструкции создания таблиц (CREATE);
  • Инструкции добавления данных (INSERT);
  • Определение представлений, функций, хранимых процедур, триггеров;
  • Определение ограничений и индексов;
  • И другие SQL инструкции.

Такие SQL скрипты могут быть очень полезны администраторам или разработчикам, например, для того, чтобы в случае необходимости иметь возможность быстро восстановить объекты базы данных с помощью этих скриптов, или для того, чтобы передать эти SQL скрипты другому администратору, разработчику или заказчику, чтобы он создал подобные объекты на своем экземпляре SQL Server.

Таким образом, с помощью данного мастера мы можем создать некий дамп базы данных, содержащий SQL скрипты создания объектов этой базы данных и наполнения их данными.

Заметка! Как сгенерировать SQL скрипт создания объектов и данных в Microsoft SQL Server?

Управление безопасностью SQL Server

Среда SQL Server Management Studio позволяет не только разрабатывать и выполнять T-SQL код, но управлять SQL сервером, в частности управлять безопасностью сервера.

С помощью SSMS можно создавать имена входа на сервер, пользователей баз данных, а также настраивать доступ к объектам сервера.

Для управления безопасностью на уровне сервера необходимо зайти в контейнер «Безопасность», для управления безопасностью базы данных необходимо зайти в одноимённый контейнер на уровне базы данных.

Скриншот 13

Присоединение и отсоединение баз данных

В среде SQL Server Management Studio есть визуальный инструмент для отсоединения и присоединения баз данных (detach, attach). Таким образом, если у Вас возникла необходимость, например, отсоединить базу данных и перенести ее на другой сервер, то это можно очень легко сделать с помощью SSMS.

Чтобы отсоединить базу данных, необходимо щелкнуть правой кнопкой по нужной базе данных и выбрать пункт «Задачи -> Отсоединить».

Чтобы присоединить базу данных, необходимо вызвать контекстное меню у контейнера «Базы данных» и выбрать пункт «Присоединить».

Заметка! Отсоединение и присоединение баз данных в Microsoft SQL Server (Detach и Attach).

Создание резервных копий баз данных и восстановление баз данных из архива

С помощью SQL Server Management Studio можно, используя графический интерфейс, создавать резервные копии баз данных, а также восстанавливать базы из этих резервных копий.

Чтобы создать резервную копию базы данных, нужно кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши по необходимой базе данных и в меню выбрать «Задачи -> Создать резервную копию», для восстановления базы данных из резервной копии — пункт «Задачи -> Восстановить».

Создание связанных серверов (Linked Server)

В SQL Server Management Studio кроме всего прочего есть графические инструменты для создания связанных серверов.

Монитор активности SQL Server

Монитор активности – это инструмент, который отображает сведения о текущих процессах в SQL Server.

С помощью данного монитора мы можем отслеживать активность на сервере, например, мы можем видеть, какие SQL запросы и инструкции в данный момент выполняются, какие пользователи подключены к SQL Server и так далее.

Для запуска монитора активности необходимо щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по серверу в обозревателе объектов и выбрать пункт «Монитор активности» или кликнуть на иконку на панели инструментов.

Скриншот 14

Монитор активности представляет собой окно с развертываемыми панелями, которые отображают: общие сведения в виде графиков, процессы, ожидающие ресурсы, ввод-вывод в файл данных, последние ресурсоемкие запросы и активные ресурсоемкие запросы.

Заметка! Установка SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) на Windows 10.

Настройка репликации баз данных

В среде SQL Server Management Studio есть графический инструмент для настройки репликации баз данных.

В обозревателе объектов контейнер так и называется «Репликация».

Скриншот 15

Профилировщик XEvent

Профилировщик XEvent – это компонент SQL Server Management Studio, который отображает динамическое окно просмотра расширенных событий.

Профилировщик позволяет получить быстрый доступ к динамическому потоковому представлению диагностических событий в SQL Server, например, с целью выявления различных проблем.

Заметка! Курсы по Transact-SQL для начинающих.

Вот мы с Вами и рассмотрели основные возможности и функционал среды SQL Server Management Studio, конечно же, есть и другой полезный функционал, однако уместить все в одной статье не получится, поэтому на сегодня это все, надеюсь, материал был Вам интересен и полезен, пока!

Полезные платные и бесплатные утилиты, инструменты для Microsoft SQL Server — полный список из 395 инструментов

Основное предназначение инструмента, в фигурных скобках указано текущее количество утилит данного типа:

  • [B]: Работа с бэкапами {17}
  • [BI]: Business Intelligence Solutions {4}
  • [D]: Средства по созданию документации {8}
  • [DA]: Проектирование баз данных {20}
  • [DC]: Инструменты по сравнению данных {15}
  • [ETL]: ETL Инструменты {9}
  • [I]: Встроенные инструменты SQL Server utilities (например, bcp) {15}
  • [IDX]: Управление индексами {3}
  • [G]: Генерация тестовых данных {4}
  • [J]: Управление заданиями (Job) {4}
  • [M]: Средства мониторинга и оповощений {27}
  • [MG]: Инструменты для миграции {31}
  • [MS]: Аналоги SSMS {33}
  • [REC]: Утилиты восстановления {13}
  • [S]: Поисковые утилиты {7}
  • [SC]: Инструменты по сравнению структуры базы данных {21}
  • [ST]: Утлитиы для работы со статистикой {3}
  • [ST]: Работа со статистикой {3}
  • [T]: Инструменты тестирования {7}
  • [?]: Пока еще не классифицированы{156}
Название/Описание Другие базы данных ОС Назначение Официальная страница Дата релиза Разработчик Лицензия Бесплатная версия Цена
SSMS No No [MS] SSMS 2020-10-27 Microsoft Freeware Yes No
Azure Data Studio PostgreSQL Linux,Mac [MS] Azure Data Studio 2020-11-12 Microsoft MIT Open Source No
bcp Utility No No [I] bcp Utility 2012-02-11 Microsoft Yes No
sqlcmd Utility No No [I] sqlcmd Utility 2016-08-23 Microsoft Yes No
mssql-cli No Linux,Mac [?] mssql-cli 2020-05-01 Microsoft BSD-3 Open Source No
RML Utilities for SQL Server No No [T] RML Utilities for SQL Server 2014-12-12 Microsoft Yes No
GraphView No No [?] GraphView 2016-02-23 Microsoft Yes No
Baseline Security Analyze No No [SEC] Baseline Security Analyze 2015-01-09 Microsoft Yes No
tablediff Utility No No [I] tablediff Utility Microsoft Yes No
Microsoft Log Parser No No [?] Microsoft Log Parser Microsoft Yes No
Log Parser Lizard GUI Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MS] Log Parser Lizard GUI 2017-06-01 Lizard Labs Yes $59
Diskspd No No [T] Diskspd 2015-12-14 Microsoft Yes No
HammerDB No No [T] HammerDB 2015-05-04 Open Source Yes No
Exchange Server Error Code Look-up No No [?] Exchange Server Error Code Look-up 2004-05-10 Microsoft Yes No
LINQPad No No [?] LINQPad 2016-01-02 Joseph Albahari Non-commercial $45
SqlDynamite No No [S] SqlDynamite 2016-04-06 Anatoly Sova Yes No
SQL Server Data Tools No No [MS] SQL Server Data Tools 2018-04-10 Microsoft Yes No
Database Health Monitor No No [M] Database Health Monitor 2019-12-01 Steve Stedman Yes No
SchemaDrift No No [SC] SchemaDrift 2016-02-28 Steve Stedman Yes No
Dbeaver Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] Dbeaver 2020-11-29 Open Source Yes No
HeidiSQL MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MS] HeidiSQL 2020-11-02 Open Source Yes No
SQLExecStats No No [ST] SQLExecStats 2016-02-08 Joe Chang Yes No
ExpressProfiler No No [?] ExpressProfiler 2016-02-15 Chris Moore Yes No
Data Migration Assistant No No [MG] Data Migration Assistant 2020-04-23 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Sybase No No [MG] Migration Assistant for Sybase 2017-02-17 Microsoft Yes No
dta Utility No No [I] dta Utility Microsoft Yes No
osql Utility No No [I] osql Utility Microsoft Yes No
sqldiag Utility No No [I] sqldiag Utility Microsoft Yes No
sqldumper Utility No No [I] sqldumper Utility Microsoft Yes No
SqlLocalDB Utility No No [I] SqlLocalDB Utility Microsoft Yes No
sqllogship Utility No No [I] sqllogship Utility Microsoft Yes No
sqlservr Application No No [I] sqlservr Application Microsoft Yes No
sqlps Utility No No [I] sqlps Utility Microsoft Yes No
sqlmaint Utility No No [I] sqlmaint Utility Microsoft Yes No
SSMS Utility No No [I] SSMS Utility Microsoft Yes No
dtexec Utility No No [I] dtexec Utility Microsoft Yes No
adutil Utility No Linux [I] adutil Utility 2020-10-30 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server 2016 Report Builder No No [?] SQL Server 2016 Report Builder 2016-09-16 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer No No [?] BPA 2005 2008-08-13 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server 2000 Best Practices Analyzer No No [?] BPA 2000 2010-04-26 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server 2008 R2 Best Practices Analyzer No No [?] BPA 2008 2010-06-18 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server 2012 Best Practices Analyzer No No [?] BPA 2012 2012-06-04 Microsoft Yes No
Elastic database tools No No [?] Elastic database tools ? Microsoft Yes No
Microsoft Sync Framework No No [?] Microsoft Sync Framework 2020-04-22 Microsoft Yes No
Query Performance Insight for Azure SQL Database No No [?] Query Performance Insight for Azure SQL Database ? Microsoft Yes No
Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit No No [MG] Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit 2020-05-26 Microsoft Yes No
DLM Dashboard No No [M] DLM Dashboard 2016-04-27 Red Gate Yes No
Red Gate SQL Compare No No [DC] Red Gate SQL Compare 2016-10-31 Red Gate No $495
Red Gate SQL Data Compare No No [SC] Red Gate SQL Data Compare 2016-05-09 Red Gate No $495
Red Gate SQL Monitor No No [M] Red Gate SQL Monitor 2015-10-15 Red Gate No $1495
Red Gate SQL Backup Pro No No [B] Red Gate SQL Backup Pro 2014-07-08 Red Gate No $995
Red Gate SQL Doc No No [D] Red Gate SQL Doc 2016-04-26 Red Gate No $369
Red Gate SQL Data Generator No No [G] Red Gate SQL Data Generator 2016-04-26 Red Gate No $369
Red Gate SQL Dependency Tracker No No [?] Red Gate SQL Dependency Tracker 2016-04-26 Red Gate No $369
Red Gate SQL Multi Script No No [?] Red Gate SQL Multi Script 2016-04-15 Red Gate No $245
Red Gate SQL Index Manager No No [IDX] Red Gate SQL Index Manager ? Red Gate No $149
Red Gate SQL Comparison SDK No No [DC],[SC] Red Gate SQL Comparison SDK 2016-02-22 Red Gate No $895
Red Gate SQL Clone No No [?] Red Gate SQL Clone 2017-02-27 Red Gate No $6955
Red Gate SQL Provision No No [?] Red Gate SQL Provision 2018-02-26 Red Gate No $2955
Red Gate Data Masker Oracle No [?] Red Gate SQL Data Masker 2018-02-26 Red Gate No $2395
DLM Automation No No [?] DLM Automation ? Red Gate No ?
ReadyRoll No No [?] ReadyRoll 2016-01-03 Red Gate No $345
Rapid Database Extractor Oracle No [?] Rapid Database Extractor 2016-11-03 Idera Yes No
SQL XEvent Profiler No No [?] SQL XEvent Profiler 2014-03-14 Idera Yes No
SQL Check No No [?] SQL Check 2015-09-24 Idera Yes No
SQL Fragmentation Analyzer No No [?] SQL Fragmentation Analyzer 2012-11-16 Idera Yes No
SQL Heat Map No No [?] SQL Heat Map 2016-01-27 Idera Yes No
SQL Hekaton Memory Check No No [?] SQL Hekaton Memory Check 2015-06-10 Idera Yes No
SQL Page Viewer No No [?] SQL Page Viewer 2014-08-25 Idera Yes No
SQL Update Statistics No No [ST] SQL Update Statistics 2015-12-14 Idera Yes No
SQL Statistics Aggregator No No [ST] SQL Statistics Aggregator 2015-05-18 Idera Yes No
SQL Backup Status Reporter No No [B] SQL Backup Status Reporter 2015-08-07 Idera Yes No
SQL Integrity Check No No [?] SQL Integrity Check 2013-08-26 Idera Yes No
SQL Job Manager No No [J] SQL Job Manager 2012-03-19 Idera Yes No
Azure SQL Database Backup No No [B] Azure SQL Database Backup 2012-10-02 Idera Yes No
SQL Column Search No No [S] SQL Column Search 2015-11-17 Idera Yes No
SQL Permissions Extractor No No [?] SQL Permissions Extractor 2015-08-07 Idera Yes No
SQL BI Check No No [BI] SQL BI Check 2016-04-13 Idera Yes No
SQL Inventory Check No No [?] SQL Inventory Check 2016-03-24 Idera Yes No
SQL Diagnostic Manager No No [?] SQL Diagnostic Manager ? Idera No $1747
SQL Safe Backup No No [B] SQL Safe Backup 2016-09-08 Idera No $907
SQL Compliance Manager No No [?] SQL Compliance Manager 2015-09-08 Idera No $2657
SQL Inventory Manager No No [?] SQL Inventory Manager 2016-04-22 Idera No $3195
SQL Virtual Database No No [?] SQL Virtual Database 2016-03-24 Idera No $625
SQL Secure No No [?] SQL Secure 2016-04-19 Idera No $907
SQL Doctor No No [?] SQL Doctor 2015-12-17 Idera No $625
SQL Admin Toolset No No [?] SQL Admin Toolset 2016-01-13 Idera No $395
SQL Defrag Manager No No [?] SQL Defrag Manager 2016-03-10 Idera No $1495
DBArtisan No No [?] DBArtisan ? Idera No $3122
SQL BI Manager No No [BI] SQL BI Manager 2015-09-08 Idera No $697
SQL Enterprise Job Manager No No [J] SQL Enterprise Job Manager 2015-09-08 Idera No $697
DB Optimizer No No [?] DB Optimizer ? Idera No $1420
SQL Query Store Optimizer No No [?] SQL Query Store Optimizer 2016-07-01 Idera Yes No
Rapid SQL Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MS] Rapid SQL ? Idera No $710
SQL Comparison Toolset No No [DC],[SC] SQL Comparison Toolset ? Idera No $745
ER/Studio Data Architect Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DA] ER/Studio Data Architect Idera No $1287
DB Change Manager Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [SC] DB Change Manager ? Idera No $1420
Uptime Infrastructure Monitor No Linux [?] Uptime Infrastructure Monitor ? Idera No ?
Powershell Scripts No No [?] Powershell Scripts ? Idera No ?
SQL Data Profiler No No [?] SQL Data Profiler ? Idera No ?
SQL Instance Check No No [M] SQL Instance Check ? Idera Yes ?
dbForge Schema Compare No No [SC] dbForge Schema Compare 2019-10-10 Devart Shareware No $150
dbForge Data Compare No No [DC] dbForge Data Compare 2019-10-10 Devart Shareware No $150
dbForge Data Generator No No [G] dbForge Data Generator 2019-10-10 Devart Shareware No $250
dbForge Query Builder No No [?] dbForge Query Builder 2019-10-10 Devart Shareware No $100
dbForge Event Profiler No No [M] dbForge Event Profiler 2019-10-10 Devart Freeware Yes No
dbForge SQL Decryptor No No [SEC] dbForge SQL Decryptor 2017-09-19 Devart Freeware Yes No
dbForge Studio No No [MS] dbForge Studio 2019-10-10 Devart Shareware Yes $250
dbForge Fusion No No [?] dbForge Fusion 2019-11-08 Devart Shareware No $150
dbForge Documenter No No [D] dbForge Documenter 2020-04-23 Devart Shareware No $150
dbForge SSIS Data Flow Components Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [?] dbForge SSIS Data Flow Components 2020-03-31 Devart Shareware No $500
dbForge DevOps Automation for SQL Server No No [?] dbForge DevOps Automation for SQL Server 2020-01-27 Devart Shareware No $900
dbForge Complete No No [?] dbForge Complete 2020-09-01 Devart Shareware No $199
dbForge SQL Azure Backup No No [B] dbForge SQL Azure Backup 2013-04-18 Devart Freeware Yes No
Devart Transaction Log No No [B] Devart Transaction Log 2020-10-19 Devart Freeware No $600
Devart Excel Add-in for SQL Server No No [?] Devart Excel Add-in for SQL Server 2020-04-13 Devart Shareware No $250
dbMonitor Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [M] dbMonitor 2012-11-01 Devart Freeware Yes No
SQL Server Compression Estimator No No [?] SQL Server Compression Estimator 2011-06-02 Bob Tavlor Yes No
ClearTrace No No [M] ClearTrace 2016-07-07 Bill Graziano Yes No
ClearTraceXE No No [M] ClearTraceXE 2019-09-04 Bill Graziano Yes No
Security Explorer No No [SEC] Security Explorer 2015-06-25 Quest Software No $850
LiteSpeed for SQL Server No No [?] LiteSpeed for SQL Server 2015-07-31 Quest Software No ?
Toad for SQL Server No No [MS] Toad for SQL Server 2015-05-12 Quest Software No ?
Quest Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise No No [?] Quest Spotlight 2016-03-10 Quest Software No $2561
Quest Foglight Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [?] Quest Foglight 2019-08-29 Quest Software No $8203
Quest Enterprise Reporter No No [?] Quest Enterprise Reporter ? Quest Software No $511
SQL Scripter No No [?] SQL Scripter 2013-02-24 Thomas Hinsenkamp No €99
Simple Dynamic Scheduler No No [?] Simple Dynamic Scheduler 2016-05-02 Miljan Radovic Yes No
ApexSQL Audit No No [?] ApexSQL Audit 2017-07-11 ApexSQL No $1699
ApexSQL Backup No No [B] ApexSQL Backup 2017-10-12 ApexSQL No $499
ApexSQL Defrag No No [IDX] ApexSQL Defrag 2017-06-29 ApexSQL No $499
ApexSQL Log No No [?] ApexSQL Log 2017-05-24 ApexSQL No $1999
ApexSQL Monitor No No [M] ApexSQL Monitor 2017-10-05 ApexSQL No $499
ApexSQL Plan No No [?] ApexSQL Plan 2019-12-02 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Propagate No No [?] ApexSQL Propagate 2020-02-19 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Recover No No [REC] ApexSQL Recover 2017-10-26 ApexSQL No $1999
ApexSQL Build No No [?] ApexSQL Build 2017-05-15 ApexSQL No $399
ApexSQL Clean No No [?] ApexSQL Clean 2017-09-28 ApexSQL No $399
ApexSQL Data Diff No No [DC] ApexSQL Data Diff 2017-10-26 ApexSQL No $399
ApexSQL Decrypt No No [SEC] ApexSQL Decrypt 2020-03-12 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Diff No No [SC] ApexSQL Diff 2017-10-26 ApexSQL No $399
ApexSQL Doc No No [D] ApexSQL Doc 2017-09-06 ApexSQL No $299
ApexSQL Generate No No [G] ApexSQL Generate 2017-07-13 ApexSQL No $499
ApexSQL Script No No [?] ApexSQL Script 2016-05-10 ApexSQL No $249
ApexSQL Trigger No No [?] ApexSQL Trigger 2017-06-01 ApexSQL No $1999
ApexSQL Trigger Veiwer No No [?] ApexSQL Trigger Viewer 2017-06-01 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Snapshot Utility No No [?] ApexSQL Snapshot Utility 2016-01-12 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Model No No [DA] ApexSQL Model 2019-05-22 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Analyze No No [?] ApexSQL Analyze 2017-12-13 ApexSQL No $299
ApexSQL BI Monitor No No [BI],[M] ApexSQL BI Monitor 2018-05-18 ApexSQL No $499
ApexSQL VM Monitor No No [M] ApexSQL VM Monitor 2018-05-09 ApexSQL No $999
ApexSQL Job No No [J] ApexSQL Job 2018-03-29 ApexSQL No $499
ApexSQL Enforce No No [?] ApexSQL Enforce 2018-07-19 ApexSQL No $299
ApexSQL CI/CD toolkit No No [?] ApexSQL CI/CD toolkit 2020-05-21 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Compare No No [?] ApexSQL Compare 2020-03-17 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Complete No No [?] ApexSQL Complete 2020-05-28 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Refactor No No [?] ApexSQL Refactor 2020-06-09 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Search No No [S] ApexSQL Search 2020-07-30 ApexSQL Yes No
ApexSQL Source Control No No [?] ApexSQL Source Control 2020-01-20 ApexSQL No $299
DBBest T-SQL Analyzer No No [?] DBBest T-SQL Analyzer 2015-03-13 DBBest No $89
DBBest Database Compare Suite No No [SC],[DC] DBBest Database Compare Suite 2015-09-04 DBBest No $349
Advanced Query Tool No No [?] Advanced Query Tool 2015-03-18 Cardett Associates No $180
SqlDiffFramework No No [SC] SqlDiffFramework 2012-04-17 Michael Sorens Yes No
DataGrip Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] DataGrip 2017-02-21 Jet Brains No $89
Pssdiag and Sqldiag Manager No No [?] Pssdiag and Sqldiag Manager 2017-01-06 Jack Li Yes No
SQL Nexus Tool No No [?] SQL Nexus Tool 2016-11-20 Jack Li Yes No
DBSophic Qure Profiler No No [?] DBSophic Qure Profiler ? DBSophic No $300
DBSophic Qure Optimizer No No [?] DBSophic Qure Optimizer ? DBSophic No ?
RestoreChecker No No [?] RestoreChecker 2015-01-15 SQLServerUtilities No $99
SQLScripter No No [?] SQLScripter 2009-08-24 SQLServerUtilities No $99
SQLC No No [DC],[SC] SQLC 2017-11-19 David Ingleton Yes No
Database Performance Analyzer Oracle, MySQL, Other Linux [M] Database Performance Analyzer ? SolarWinds No $1995
Database Performance Analyzer for MSSQL No No [M] Database Performance Analyzer for MSSQL ? SolarWinds No $1995
SQL Enlight No No [MS] SQL Enlight 2016-04-25 UbitSoft No $295
Aireforge Studio No No [MG],[SC] Aireforge Studio 2019-08-08 AireForge Yes $299
HexaTier No No [?] HexaTier ? HexaTier No ?
SoftTree SQL Assistant Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MS] SoftTree SQL Assistant 2017-12-17 SoftTree No $215
DB Audit and Security 360 Oracle,MySQL,Other No [SEC] DB Audit and Security 360 2015-02-07 SoftTree No $499
EMS SQL Management Studio No No [MS] EMS SQL Management Studio 2016-05-26 EMS No $257
EMS SQL Backup No No [B] EMS SQL Backup 2016-04-13 EMS Yes $82
EMS SQL Administrator No No [?] EMS SQL Administrator 2015-04-14 EMS Yes $135
EMS SQL Manager No No [?] EMS SQL Manager 2016-05-26 EMS Yes $135
EMS Data Export No No [?] EMS Data Export 2016-04-29 EMS No $47
EMS Data Import No No [?] EMS Data Import 2016-04-14 EMS No $47
EMS Data Pump No No [?] EMS Data Pump 2016-11-03 EMS No $47
EMS Data Generator No No [G] EMS Data Generator 2010-07-10 EMS No $47
EMS DB Comparer No No [SC] EMS DB Comparer 2015-07-24 EMS No $47
EMS DB Extract No No [?] EMS DB Extract 2008-10-16 EMS No $47
EMS SQL Query No No [?] EMS SQL Query 2012-03-29 EMS No $47
EMS Data Comparer No No [DC] EMS Data Comparer 2012-11-16 EMS No $47
NitroAccelerator No No [?] NitroAccelerator 2016-07-10 Nitrosphere No $1265
ERwin Data Modeler Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DA] ERwin Data Modeler 2016-06-03 ERwin No $810
Toad Data Point Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [?] Toad Data Point 2016-06-16 Quest Software No ?
SQL Power Architect Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [DA] SQL Power Architect 2016-02-11 SQLPower Yes $995
DbWrench Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [DA] DbWrench 2019-09-17 Nizana Systems No $99
Navicat Data Modeler Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [DA] Navicat Data Modeler 2016-08-01 PremiumSoft No $199
DeZign for Databases Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DA] DeZign for Databases 2019-04-01 Datanamic No €29/mo
ERDesigner NG Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [DA] ERDesigner NG 2013-04-10 Mirko Sertic Open Source No
Vertabelo Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Online [DA] Vertabelo ? Vertabelo No $948
dbDiffo Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Online [DA] dbDiffo ? Contenet Ltd Yes No
SQL DXP Oracle,MySQL No [DC],[SC] SQL DXP 2016-06-20 SQL Delta No $530
Aqua Data Studio Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] Aqua Data Studio 2016-07-06 AquaFold No $499
RazorSQL Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] RazorSQL 2019-09-26 Richardson Software No $100
SQL Pretty Printer No No [?] SQL Pretty Printer 2016-02-19 Gudu Software No $50
Database .NET Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MS],[SC] Database .NET 2018-08-20 fish’s dotNET Non-commercial $69
dbMigration .NET Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DC],[SC] dbMigration .NET 2018-08-20 fish’s dotNET Non-commercial $49
Is It SQL No No [M] Is It SQL 2017-04-06 Bill Graziano Non-commercial No
Database Experimentation Assistant No No [T] Database Experimentation Assistant 2020-03-20 Microsoft Yes No
Data Platform Studio No No [MG] Data Platform Studio ? Red Gate Software Yes ?
Flyway Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MG] Flyway 2018-01-30 boxfuse Apache Open Source $950
Liquibase Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MG] Liquibase 2018-04-11 Liquibase Apache Open Source No
My Batis Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MG] My Batis 2018-03-20 My Batis Apache Open Source No
SentryOne Plan Explorer No No [?] SentryOne Plan Explorer 2017-05-25 SentryOne Yes No
SQL Sentry No No [M] SQL Sentry 2016-12-07 SentryOne No ?
DBmaestro TeamWork Oracle No [?] DBmaestro TeamWork ? DBmaestro No ?
xSQL Schema Compare No No [SC] xSQL Schema Compare 2017-03-01 xSQL Software Shareware Yes $399
xSQL Data Compare No No [DK] xSQL Data Compare 2017-06-26 xSQL Software Shareware Yes $399
xSQL Script Executor MySQL,DB2,SQL Server CE No [?] xSQL Script Executor 2015-02-25 xSQL Software Freeware Yes $249
xSQL Builder No No [?] xSQL Builder 2017-03-15 xSQL Software Shareware No $799
xSQL Documenter Oracle,MySQL,SQLite,Other No [D] xSQL Documenter 2017-01-04 xSQL Software Shareware No $199
xSQL Profiler No No [?] xSQL Profiler 2017-06-28 xSQL Software Shareware Yes $999
xSQL Schema Compare SDK No No [SC] xSQL Schema Compare SDK 2017-10-25 xSQL Software Shareware No $1499
xSQL RSS Reporter No No [D] xSQL RSS Reporter 2014-11-25 xSQL Software Shareware No $169
xSQL Database Searcher No No [S] xSQL Database Searcher 2017-05-09 xSQL Software Freeware Yes No
Cloud-based DB Monitoring Platform No Mobile [M] Cloud-based DB Monitoring Platform ? SQLTreeo No €180
SchemaCrawler Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Yes [D],[SC] SchemaCrawler 2017-02-27 Sualeh Fatehi Open Source No
SA MaaS Microsoft SQL Server No No [M] SA MaaS Microsoft SQL Server ? SENTINELAGENT No ?
SSIS Framework No No [ETL] SSIS Framework 2017-01-07 Andy Leonard Yes ?
SSIS Catalog Browser No No [ETL] SSIS Catalog Browser 2019-04-23 Andy Leonard Yes No
BimlExpress Metadata Framework No No [?] BimlExpress Metadata Framework 2017-01-06 Andy Leonard Yes No
MS Kerberos Configuration Manager No No [?] MS Kerberos Configuration Manager 2017-01-31 Microsoft Yes No
Spotlight No No [M] Spotlight ? Quest Software Yes ?
DBConvert Studio Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MG] DBConvert Studio 2020-05-11 Slotix No $499
DbDefence No No [?] DbDefence 2017-03-01 ActiveCrypt Software Yes $698
SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL MySQL No [MG] SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL 2017-02-17 Microsoft Yes No
sqlcmd for Mac and Linux No Linux,Mac [?] sqlcmd for Mac and Linux 2017-01-26 Soheil Rashidi Open Source No
SQL Migrator No No [MG] SQL Migrator ? Datamate Technology ? ?
MS FoxPro to MS SQL Migration and Sync No No [MG] MS FoxPro to MS SQL Migration and Sync 2019-04-25 Slotix No $149
MySQL to MS SQL Migration and Sync No No [MG] MySQL to MS SQL Migration and Sync 2018-10-03 Slotix No $149
Oracle to MS SQL Migration and Sync No No [MG] Oracle to MS SQL Migration and Sync 2020-02-12 Slotix No $149
PostgreSQL to MS SQL Migration and Sync No No [MG] PostgreSQL to MS SQL Migration and Sync 2019-10-24 Slotix No $149
MS Excel to MS SQL Migration No No [MG] MS Excel to MS SQL Migration 2018-02-23 Slotix No $149
SQLite to MS SQL Migration and Sync No No [MG] SQLite to MS SQL Migration and Sync 2016-08-18 Slotix No $149
IBM DB2 to MS SQL Migration and Sync No No [MG] IBM DB2 to MS SQL Migration and Sync 2019-07-09 Slotix No $149
MS Access to MS SQL Migration and Sync No No [MG] MS Access to MS SQL Migration and Sync 2020-01-15 Slotix No $149
Firebird to MS SQL Migration and Sync No No [MG] Firebird to MS SQL Migration and Sync 2016-08-18 Slotix No $149
SQLines SQL Converter No No [MG] SQLines SQL Converter ? Dmtolpeko Open Source No
SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox No No [?] SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox ? ErikEJ Open Source No
SqlPad Postgres,MySQL,Crate,Vertica No [MS] SqlPad ? Rickbergfalk Open Source No
Html-query-plan No No [?] Html-query-plan ? JustinPealing Open Source No
SqlQueryStress No No [?] SqlQueryStress ? Adam Machanic Open Source No
SQL Server Migration Assistant for DB2 DB2 No [MG] SQL Server Migration Assistant for DB2 2017-02-17 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle Oracle No [MG] SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle 2017-02-17 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access Access No [MG] SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access 2017-02-17 Microsoft Yes No
SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP ASE SAP ASE No [MG] SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP ASE 2020-06-29 Microsoft Yes No
mssql for Visual Studio Code No Linux,Mac [MS] mssql for Visual Studio Code 2017-05-02 Microsoft Open Source No
mssql-scripter No Linux,Mac [?] mssql-scripter ? Microsoft Open Source No
DBFS No Linux [M] DBFS ? Microsoft Open Source No
comparator Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DC] comparator 2017-06-06 Pumpet LGPL-3.0 Open Source No
Navicat for SQL Server No Mac [MS] Navicat for SQL Server 2017-06-14 PremiumSoft No $699
Navicat Premium Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Mac [MS] Navicat Premium 2017-06-14 PremiumSoft No $1299
DbVisualizer Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS],[DA] DbVisualizer 2017-08-22 DbVis Software AB. Yes $197
DbSchema Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [DA] DbSchema 2017-06-19 Wise Coders Solutions Yes $127
DBGhost No No [?] DBGhost 2017-01-31 Innovartis Ltd No £430
SQLAutomate Oracle,MySQL,Other No [?] SQLAutomate 2017-06-19 OnLine ToolWorks     No $99
BimlExpress No No [?] BimlExpress ? Varigence   No No
BI Developer Extensions No No [?] BI Developer Extensions 2019-04-29 Microsoft   Open Source No
Azure Data Warehouse Migration Utility No No [MG] Azure Data Warehouse Migration Utility ? Microsoft ? ?
Benchmark Factory Oracle,MySQL,Other No [T] Benchmark Factory ? Quest Software No $4413
manduka Oracle Linux,Mac [?] manduka 2017-03-08 Virtusa Corporation Yes No
PowerBI Desktop Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [BI] PowerBI Desktop 2017-07-11 Microsoft Yes ?
Stellar Phoenix SQL Database Repair No No [REC] Stellar Phoenix SQL Database Repair 2017-07-05 Stellar Technology No $349
DataNumen SQL Recovery No No [REC] DataNumen SQL Recovery 2017-03-20 DataNumen No $500
Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server No No [REC] Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server ? Recovery Toolbox Shareware No $99
SQL MDF Viewer No No [?] SQL MDF Viewer ? SysTools Shareware No $129
SQL MDF Recovery Tool No No [REC] SQL MDF Recovery Tool ? SysTools Shareware No $129
SQL Passord Recovery No No [REC] SQL Passord Recovery ? SysTools Shareware No $69
SQL Decryptor No No [SEC] SQL Decryptor ? SysTools Shareware No $69
SQL Backup Database Recovery No No [REC] SQL Backup Database Recovery ? SysTools Shareware No $149
SQL Log File Viewer No No [?] SQL Log File Viewer ? SysTools Shareware No $999
DAX Studio No No [?] DAX Studio ? Sqlbi Freeware Yes No
SQL Cop No No [?] SQL Cop ? LessThanDot Freeware Yes No
Dataedo Oracle,MySQL No [D] Dataedo 2017-09-15 Logic Systems Shareware Yes $239
Azure Database Migration Service Oracle,MySQL, Other Online [MG] Azure Database Migration Service 2017-12-01 Microsoft Yes No
FlowHeater Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [ETL] FlowHeater 2017-10-02 FlowHeater GmbH Shareware No $79
EDIS No No [ETL] EDIS ? SQL ETL Shareware Yes $599
SchemaSpy Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [D] SchemaSpy 2018-08-05 Rafal Kasa MIT Open Source No
Adminer Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] Adminer 2019-08-27 Jakub Vrána Apache Open Source No
Full Convert Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MG] Full Convert 2018-08-20 Spectral Core Shareware Yes $699
Replicator Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DC] Replicator 2018-08-20 Spectral Core Shareware Yes $699
JackDB Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Online [MS] JackDB ? JackDB No $48
SQL Workbench Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] SQL Workbench 2018-08-20 Thomas Kellerer Yes No
Valentina Studio MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] Valentina Studio 2018-09-24 Paradigma Software Yes $200
SQL Plus Dot Net No No [?] SQL Plus Dot Net ? SQL+.NET No ?
SQLIndexManager No No [IDX] SQLIndexManager 2019-05-19 Sergey Syrovatchenko Open Source No
JAMS Enterprise Job Scheduling No No [J] JAMS Enterprise Job Scheduling 2019-08-20 HelpSystems No ?
Stitch Data Loader Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Online [ETL] Stitch Data Loader 2019-09-20 Talend No ?
Talend Data Integration Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Mac [ETL] Talend Data Integration 2019-06-20 Talend Apache Yes ?
Talend Data Preparation Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Mac [ETL] Talend Data Preparation 2018-06-05 Talend Apache Yes ?
Pentaho Data Integration Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [ETL] Pentaho Data Integration 2019-06-20 Hitachi Vantara Shareware No ?
Studio3T Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MG] Studio3T 2019-09-19 Studio 3T Shareware No $150
SQLGrease No Online [M] SQLGrease 2019-09-20 SQLGrease Shareware No $948
QuickDBD Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Online [DA] QuickDBD ? Dovetail Technologies Yes $95
DB Designer Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Online [DA] DB Designer ? DB Designer Yes $180
ESF Database Migration Toolkit Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MG] ESF Database Migration Toolkit 2019-10-23 DBSofts Inc Shareware No $322
MS SQL Migration Toolkit Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MG] MS SQL Migration Toolkit 2019-04-22 Intelligent Converters Shareware No $99
DatabasesSpy Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MS] DatabaseSpy 2019-10-09 Altova Shareware No €109
DiffDog Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DC],[SC] DiffDog 2019-10-09 Altova Shareware No €109
ERBuilder data modeler Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DA] ERBuilder data modeler 2019-11-14 Softbuilder Yes $99
SQLDatabaseStudio No No [MS] SQLDatabaseStudio 2017-05-10 Jan Pivarcek Yes $215
Enterprise Architect Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Online [DA] Enterprise Architect 2019-10-31 Sparx Systems Pty Ltd Shareware No $225
MogwaiERDesignerNG Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL No [DA] MogwaiERDesignerNG 2019-08-22 Mirko Sertic LGPL-3.0 Open Source No
Xcase Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DA] Xcase 2018-06-19 Resolution Software Shareware No $799
Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [DA] [Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler] 2019-08-01 Oracle Shareware Yes No
Exportizer Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MG] Exportizer 2019-11-17 Vitaliy Levchenko Shareware No $29
Reportizer Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [?] Reportizer 2019-09-10 Vitaliy Levchenko Shareware No $39
Database Tour Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MS] Database Tour 2019-11-20 Vitaliy Levchenko Shareware No $49
Ispirer MnMATK Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [MG] Ispirer MnMATK ? Ispirer Systems Shareware No ?
SQL Database Recovery No No [REC] SQL Database Recovery 2019-09-10 KernelApps Private Shareware No $399
SysTools SQL Log Analyzer No No [M][REC] SysTools SQL Log Analyzer 2019-01-01 SysTools Shareware No $999
SysTools SQL Server Recovery Manager No No [REC] SysTools SQL Log Analyzer 2017-01-01 SysTools Shareware No $1499
SysTools SQL Recovery No No [REC] SysTools SQL Recovery 2019-01-01 SysTools Shareware No $249
SQL Backup Recovery No No [REC] SQL Backup Recovery 2018-01-01 SysTools Shareware No $149
SysTools SQL Password Recovery No No [REC] SysTools SQL Password Recovery 2018-01-01 SysTools Shareware No $69
SysTools SQL Decryptor No No [SEC] SysTools SQL Decryptor 2019-01-01 SysTools Shareware No $69
SysTools SQL Server Database Migrator No No [MG] SysTools SQL Server Database Migrator 2018-01-01 SysTools Shareware No $249
SQL Server to Azure Database Migrator No No [MG] SQL Server to Azure Database Migrator 2018-01-01 SysTools Shareware No $169
Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [B] Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery 2019-12-31 Commvault Shareware No ?
Veeam Backup & Replication Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [B] Veeam Backup & Replication 2019-12-31 Veeam Shareware No $600
Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SQL Server ? ? [B] Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SQL Server ? Veeam Shareware No ?
Database Modeling Excel Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [DA] Database Modeling Excel ? Yang Ning (Steven) BSD-3 Open Source No
DBAchecks No No [?] DBAchecks ? sqlcollaborative MIT Open Source No
DBComparer No No [DC],[SC] DBComparer ? DBComparer Yes No
DbViewSharp No No [MS] DbViewSharp 2014-08-08 David Moore MIT Yes No
DTSQL Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [?] DTSQL 2017-08-18 DigerTech Inc Shareware Yes $69
MSKerberos Configuration Manager No No [DC],[SC] MSKerberos Configuration Manager 2020-02-25 Microsoft Yes No
Partition Management No No [?] Partition Management ? ? Open Source No
PSDatabaseClone No No [?] PSDatabaseClone 2018-07-27 Sander Stad Open Source No
Pssdiag&Sqldiag Manager No No [?] Pssdiag&Sqldiag Manager 2020-05-04 Jack Li Open Source No
SQuirreL SQL Client Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] SQuirreL SQL Client 2020-04-30 Colin Bell Yes No
Data Synchronisation Studio No No [?] Data Synchronisation Studio 2020-05-26 Simego Ltd No $999
SQL Converter No No [?] SQL Converter 2015-12-15 Alaa Ben Fatma Yes No
SQLDBSearch No No [S] SQLDBSearch ? Mohamed Bouarroudj Yes No
SQLDBSize No No [?] SQLDBSize ? Mohamed Bouarroudj Yes No
SQLines Data Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux [MG],[ETL] SQLines Data 2019-05-29 SQLines Open Source No
SqlDbAid No No [?] SqlDbAid 2018-02-10 Miken Yes No
sqlectron Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [?] sqlectron 2018-09-06 sqlectron Open Source No
SQL ExecStats No No [?] SQL ExecStats ? Elemental Inc Yes No
SQL-FineBuild No No [?] SQL-FineBuild 2017-10-28 Edward Vassie Open Source No
SQL Health Monitor No No [M] SQL Health Monitor ? ManageEngine Yes No
SQLPRep No No [?] SQLPRep ? Consequential Solutions Yes No
SQL Server Monitoring No No [M] SQL Server Monitoring ? Spiceworks Yes No
SQL Server Storage manager No No [M] SQL Server Storage manager ? Lepide Software Yes No
SysKit Pulse No No [M] SysKit Pulse ? SysKit Ltd Yes No
WhatsUp SQL Server Monitor No No [M] WhatsUp SQL Server Monitor ? Ipswitch Yes No
POPSQL Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Online [MS] POPSQL 2020-08-01 PopSQL Yes $10
Azure Blob Studio 2011 No No [?] Azure Blob Studio 2011 2010-12-25 Alessandro Del Sole Yes No
Azure Explorer No No [?] Azure Explorer ? Monza Cloud Yes No
Azure SQL Agent No No [?] Azure SQL Agent ? ? MIT Open Source No
Azure SQL Database DTU Calculator No No [?] Azure SQL Database DTU Calculator ? Justin Henriksen MIT Open Source No
Azure SQL Database Stress Test Tool No No [T] Azure SQL Database Stress Test Tool ? Kiyoaki Tsurutani MIT Open Source No
Azure SQL Dev Cloner No No [?] Azure SQL Dev Cloner ? ? MIT Open Source No
Azure User Management Console No No [?] Azure User Management Console ? ? Apache Open Source No
CloudMonix SQL Azure Database Management No No [?] CloudMonix SQL Azure Database Management ? CloudMonix No $15
DB Ghost Change Manager Professional No No [?] DB Ghost Change Manager Professional ? Innovartis Ltd No £430
MSSQL-Maestro No No [MS] MSSQL-Maestro 2017-06-29 SQL Maestro Group No $229
MSSQLMerge No No [?] MSSQLMerge ? Konstantin Semenenkov Yes $50
SQL Backup and FTP MySQL,PostgreSQL Linux [B] SQL Backup and FTP ? Pranas.NET Yes $129
SQL Bak MySQL,PostgreSQL Linux [B] SQL Bak ? Pranas.NET Yes $9
SQL Bulk Tools No No [?] SQL Bulk Tools ? Greg Taylor MIT Open Source No
SQL Data Examiner Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL No [?] SQL Data Examiner ? Intelligent Database Solutions No $400
SQL Examiner Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL No [?] SQL Examiner ? Intelligent Database Solutions No $400
SQL Database Backup No No [B] SQL Database Backup ? Richard Astbury MIT Open Source No
SQL Database Copy No No [MG] SQL Database Copy 2017-07-25 ryanovic MIT Open Source No
SQL Delta Duo for SQL Server No No [?] SQL Delta Duo for SQL Server ? The Australian Software Company No $370
SQL Trace Replay No No [?] SQL Trace Replay ? Mikhail Shilkov MIT Open Source No
SQL Workload Profiler No No [?] [SQL Workload Profiler] 2014-10-01 Chris Bailiss Yes No
SQLDBdiff No Linux [?] [SQLDBdiff] ? SQLDBtools Yes $60
SQL Backup Master No No [B] SQL Backup Master ? Key Metric Software Yes $49
Handy Backup Server Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux [B] Handy Backup Server 2019-03-11 Novosoft No $39
EaseUS Todo Backup Server No No [B] EaseUS Todo Backup Server ? EaseUS No $39
SqlBackupFree No No [B] SqlBackupFree ? pranas.net Yes No
ERDPlus No No [?] ERDPlus 2020-05-24 ERDPlus ? ?
SentryOne Test No No [T] SentryOne Test ? SQL Sentry No $828
Code Quality and Security for T-SQL No No [?] Code Quality and Security for T-SQL ? SonarSource No €120
DBBALANCE Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other No [?] DBBALANCE ? DBBalance No ?
Convert SQL to Excel No No [?] Convert SQL to Excel 2015-10-09 MSSQL.TOOLS Yes No
Search string in Schema No No [S] Search string in Schema 2015-10-09 MSSQL.TOOLS Yes No
Search string in SQL No No [S] Search string in SQL 2015-10-09 MSSQL.TOOLS Yes No
SQL Table Scripter No No [?] SQL Table Scripter 2015-10-09 MSSQL.TOOLS Yes No
SQLCLR Util No No [?] SQLCLR Util 2015-10-09 MSSQL.TOOLS Yes No
Image To SQL No No [?] Image To SQL 2015-10-09 MSSQL.TOOLS Yes No
dbdiagram No No [?] dbdiagram ? holistics.io Yes $9/mo
Beekeeper Studio MySQL,PostgreSQL,Other Linux,Mac [MS] Beekeeper Studio 2020-11-21 Beekeeper Studio MIT Yes No
Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL No Online [?] Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL 2020-12-01 Amazon Apache Open Source No


Download page: SSMS
Release date: 2020-10-27
Support Version: 2005-2019/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an integrated environment for accessing, configuring, managing, administering, and developing all components of SQL Server.
SSMS combines a broad group of graphical tools with a number of rich script editors to provide developers and administrators of all skill levels access to SQL Server.
This release features improved compatibility with previous versions of SQL Server, a stand-alone web installer, and toast notifications within SSMS when new releases become available.

Azure Data Studio

Download page: Azure Data Studio
Release date: 2020-11-12
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Azure Data Studio (previously SQL Operations Studio) is a data management tool that enables working with SQL Server, Azure SQL DB and SQL DW from Windows, macOS and Linux.

Azure Data Studio List of Extensions

  • Cross-Platform DB management for Windows, macOS and Linux with simple XCopy deployment
  • SQL Server Connection Management with Connection Dialog, Server Groups, and Registered Servers
  • Object Explorer supporting schema browsing and contextual command execution
  • T-SQL Query Editor with advanced coding features such as autosuggestions, error diagnostics, tooltips, formatting and peek definition
  • Query Results Viewer with advanced data grid supporting large result sets, export to JSONCSVExcel, query plan and charting
  • Management Dashboard supporting customizable widgets with drill-through actionable insights
  • Visual Data Editor that enables direct row insertion, update and deletion into tables
  • Backup and Restore dialogs that enables advanced customization and remote filesystem browsing, configured tasks can be executed or scripted
  • Task History window to view current task execution status, completion results with error messages and task T-SQL scripting
  • Scripting support to generate CREATE, SELECT and DROP statements for database objects
  • Workspaces with full Git integration and Find In Files support to managing T-SQL script libraries
  • Modern light-weight shell with theming, user settings, full screen support, integrated terminal and numerous other features

bcp Utility

Download page: bcp Utility
Release date: 2012-02-11
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The bcp utility bulk copies data between an instance of MicrosoftSQL Server and a data file in a user-specified format.
The bcp utility can be used to import large numbers of new rows into SQL Server tables or to export data out of tables into data files.
Except when used with the queryout option, the utility requires no knowledge of Transact-SQL.
To import data into a table, you must either use a format file created for that table or understand the structure of the table and the types of data that are valid for its columns.

sqlcmd Utility

Download page: sqlcmd Utility
Release date: 2016-08-23
Support Version: 2008-2017/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The SQLCMD utility allows users to connect to, send Transact-SQL batches from, and output rowset information from SQL Server instances.
The bcp utility bulk copies data between an instance of Microsoft SQL Server and a data file in a user-specified format.
The bcp utility can be used to import large numbers of new rows into SQL Server tables or to export data out of tables into data files.


Download page: mssql-cli
Release date: 2020-01-05
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

Interactive command line query tool for SQL Server.

  • Auto-completion
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Query history
  • Configuration file support
  • Multi-line queries

RML Utilities for SQL Server

Download page: RML Utilities for SQL Server
Release date: 2014-12-12
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The RML utilities allow you to process SQL Server trace files and view reports showing how SQL Server is performing. For example, you can quickly see:

  • Which application, database or login is using the most resources, and which queries are responsible for that
  • Whether there were any plan changes for a batch during the time when the trace was captured and how each of those plans performed
  • What queries are running slower in todays data compared to a previous set of data


Download page: GraphView
Release date: 2016-02-23
Support Version: —
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

GraphView is a DLL library that enables users to use SQL Server or Azure SQL Database to manage graphs.
It connects to a SQL database locally or in the cloud, stores graph data in tables and queries graphs through a SQL-extended language.

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyze

Download page: Baseline Security Analyze
Release date: 2015-01-09
Support Version: —
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No
Instruction: http://www.sqlshack.com/how-to-install-and-use-microsoft-baseline-security-analyzer-mbsa/

The Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer provides a streamlined method to identify missing security updates and common security misconfigurations.
MBSA 2.3 release adds support for Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2012. Windows 2000 will no longer be supported with this release.

tablediff Utility

Download page: tablediff Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005-2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No
Instruction: SQL Server tablediff utility by Robert Sheldon

The tablediff utility is used to compare the data in two tables for non-convergence, and is particularly useful for troubleshooting non-convergence in a replication topology.
This utility can be used from the command prompt or in a batch file to perform the following tasks:

  • A row by row comparison between a source table in an instance of SQL Server acting as a replication Publisher and the destination table at one or more instances
  • Perform a fast comparison by only comparing row counts and schema.
  • Perform column-level comparisons.
  • Generate a Transact-SQL script to fix discrepancies at the destination server to bring the source and destination tables into convergence.
  • Log results to an output file or into a table in the destination database.

Microsoft Log Parser

Download page: Microsoft Log Parser
Release date: —
Support Version: —
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No
Instruction: Microsoft Log Parser Utility: Swell ETL by Robert Sheldon

Log parser is a powerful, versatile tool that provides universal query access to text-based data such as log files,
XML files and CSV files, as well as key data sources on the Windows operating system such as the Event Log, the Registry, the file system, and Active Directory.

Log Parser Lizard GUI

Download page: Log Parser Lizard GUI
Release date: 2017-06-01
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Lizard Labs
Free version: Yes
Price: $59

Log Parser Lizard is a GUI for Microsoft Logparser, definitely the best one available on the market today.
Log Parser is a very powerful and versatile query software tool that provides universal query access (using SQL) to text-based data, such as log files, XML files, and TSV/CSV text files, as well as key data sources on the Microsoft Windows operating system, such as the Windows Event Log, IIS log, the registry, the File System, the Active Directory services and much more.


Download page: Diskspd
Release date: 2015-12-14
Support Version: —
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes

DISKSPD is a storage load generator / performance test tool from the Windows/Windows Server and Cloud Server Infrastructure Engineering teams.
Compilation is supported with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Express. Use the Visual Studio solution file inside the diskspd_vs2013 directory.


Download page: HammerDB
Release date: 2015-05-04
Support Version: —
Author: Open Source
Free version: Yes
Price: No

HammerDB is an open source database load testing and benchmarking tool for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, TimesTen, PostgreSQL, Greenplum,
Postgres Plus Advanced Server, MySQL, Redis and Trafodion SQL on Hadoop.

Microsoft Exchange Server Error Code Look-up

Download page: Exchange Server Error Code Look-up
Release date: 2004-05-10
Support Version: —
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Useful link: http://www.sqlshack.com/how-to-install-and-use-microsoft-baseline-security-analyzer-mbsa/

Determine error values from decimal and hexadecimal error codes in Microsoft Windows operating systems.


Download page: LINQPad
Release date: 2016-02-01
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Joseph Albahari
Free version: Yes
Price: $45

Instantly test any C#/F#/VB snippet or program, Query databases in LINQ (or SQL) — SQL/CE/Azure, Oracle, SQLite & MySQL. Standard edition free, with no expiry.
Enjoy rich output formatting, optional autocompletion and integrated debugging, Script and automate in your favorite .NET language,
Super lightweight — single 15MB executable!
SQL Server query execution plan visualizer for LINQPad http://bit.ly/QueryPlanVisualizer


Download page: SqlDynamite
Release date: 2016-04-06
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Anatoly Sova
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Easy text search in stored procedures, functions, tables, views and triggers.
Supports MSSQL, Oracle, SAP, Firebird, Mysql, PostgreSQL, DB2, Informix, SQLite, Ingres, SQL Azure, Interbase.

SQL Server Data Tools

Download page: SQL Server Data Tools
Release date: 2018-04-10
Support Version: 2008-2017/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is a modern development tool that you can download for free to build SQL Server relational databases,
Azure SQL databases, Integration Services packages, Analysis Services data models, and Reporting Services reports.
With SSDT, you can design and deploy any SQL Server content type with the same ease as you would develop an application in Visual Studio.

Database Health Monitor

Download page: Database Health Monitor
Release date: 2019-12-01
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Steve Stedman
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Database Health Monitor is a powerful performance monitoring and diagnostics solution that alerts administrators to server health,
performance or availability problems within their SQL Server environment, all from a central console.


Download page: SchemaDrift
Release date: 2016-02-28
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: Steve Stedman
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SchemaDrift is a SQL Server database comparison tool that allows you to compare the schema, the tables, indexes, stored procedures, functions, and much more between SQL Server databases


Download page: DBeaver
Release date: 2020-11-29
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: Open Source
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Free multi-platform database tool for developers, database administrators, analysts and all people who need to work with databases.
Supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, MS Access, Teradata, Firebird, Apache Hive, Phoenix, Presto, etc.


Download page: HeidiSQL
Release date: 2020-11-02
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: Open Source
Free version: Yes
Price: No

HeidiSQL is a useful and reliable tool designed for web developers using the popular MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
It enables you to browse and edit data, create and edit tables, views, procedures, triggers and scheduled events.
Also, you can export structure and data either to SQL file, clipboard or to other servers.


Download page: SQLExecStats
Release date: 2016-02-08
Support Version: 2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Joe Chang
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Automate collection of key DMVs for query tuning.
  • Collates query exec stats with execution plan details.
  • Cross reference index usage by execution plan, what plans reference infrequently used indexes.
  • Saves XML plan for top queries.
  • Save information directly to Microsoft Excel 2003 file format and in binary.


Download page: ExpressProfiler
Release date: 2016-02-15
Support Version: 2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Chris Moore
Free version: Yes
Price: No

ExpressProfiler (aka SqlExpress Profiler) is a simple and fast replacement for SQL Server Profiler with basic GUI and integration with Red Gate Ecosystem project.

Data Migration Assistant

Download page: Data Migration Assistant
Release date: 2020-04-23
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Data Migration Assistant (DMA) enables you to upgrade to a modern data platform by detecting compatibility issues that can impact database functionality on your new version of SQL Server.
It recommends performance and reliability improvements for your target environment.
It allows you to not only move your schema and data, but also uncontained objects from your source server to your target server.

SQL Server Migration Assistant for Sybase

Download page: Migration Assistant for Sybase
Release date: 2017-02-17
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Sybase is a tool to automate migration from MySQL database(s) to SQL Server and Azure SQL DB.

dta Utility

Download page: dta Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Capture performance and usage data about your Microsoft SQL Server 2005+ databases to inform insights and improve troubleshooting.
Key real-time metrics provide an overview of your databases and detailed measurements about memory usage, connections, network I/O, and file I/O.

osql Utility

Download page: osql Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The osql utility allows you to enter Transact-SQL statements, system procedures, and script files.
This utility uses ODBC to communicate with the server.

sqldiag Utility

Download page: sqldiag Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The SQLdiag utility is a general purpose diagnostics collection utility that can be run as a console application or as a service.
You can use SQLdiag to collect logs and data files from SQL Server and other types of servers, and use it to monitor your servers over time
or troubleshoot specific problems with your servers.
SQLdiag is intended to expedite and simplify diagnostic information gathering for Microsoft Customer Support Services.

sqldumper Utility

Download page: sqldumper Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

You can use the Sqldumper.exe utility to generate a dump file on demand for any Microsoft Windows application.
For example, you can generate a dump file for debugging an application problem when a computer that is running SQL Server 2005,
Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, or Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is not responding to user requests.
A dump file can be a mini-dump file, a full dump file, or a filtered dump file.

SqlLocalDB Utility

Download page: SqlLocalDB Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SqlLocalDB lets you create, delete, start, stop, and perform a number of other related tasks on an instance of SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB,
an execution mode of SQL Server Express that’s targeted at developers. A LocalDB instance uses a minimal set of files to start the database engine.

sqllogship Utility

Download page: sqllogship Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The sqllogship application performs a backup, copy, or restore operation and associated clean-up tasks for a log shipping configuration.
The operation is performed on a specific instance of Microsoft SQL Server for a specific database.

sqlservr Application

Download page: sqlservr Application
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The sqlservr application starts, stops, pauses, and continues an instance of Microsoft SQL Server from a command prompt.

sqlps Utility

Download page: sqlps Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The sqlps utility starts a Windows PowerShell 2.0 session with the SQL Server PowerShell provider and cmdlets loaded and registered.
You can enter PowerShell commands or scripts that use the SQL Server PowerShell components to work with instances of SQL Server and their objects.
This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server.
Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use the sqlps PowerShell module instead.

sqlmaint Utility

Download page: sqlmaint Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The sqlmaint utility performs a specified set of maintenance operations on one or more databases.
Use sqlmaint to run DBCC checks, back up a database and its transaction log, update statistics, and rebuild indexes.
All database maintenance activities generate a report that can be sent to a designated text file, HTML file, or e-mail account.
sqlmaint executes database maintenance plans created with previous versions of SQL Server.
To run SQL Server maintenance plans from the command prompt, use the dtexec Utility.
This feature will be removed in the next version of Microsoft SQL Server.
Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use SQL Server maintenance plan feature instead.

Ssms Utility

Download page: SSMS Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The SSMS utility opens SQL Server Management Studio.
If specified, Ssms also establishes a connection to a server, and opens queries, scripts, files, projects, and solutions.
You can specify files that contain queries, projects, or solutions.
Files that contain queries are automatically connected to a server if connection information is provided and the file type is associated with that type of server.
For instance, .sql files will open a SQL Query Editor window in SQL Server Management Studio, and .mdx files will open an MDX Query Editor window
in SQL Server Management Studio. SQL Server Solutions and Projects will open in SQL Server Management Studio.

dtexec Utility

Download page: dtexec Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The dtexec command prompt utility is used to configure and execute SQL Server Integration Services packages.
The dtexec utility provides access to all the package configuration and execution features, such as parameters, connections, properties, variables, logging, and progress indicators.
The dtexec utility lets you load packages from these sources: the Integration Services server, an .ispac project file, a Microsoft SQL Server database, the SSIS Package Store, and the file system.

adutil Utility

Download page: adutil Utility
Release date: —
Support Version: 2017-2019
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Configure Active Directory authentication with SQL Server on Linux.

SQL Server 2016 Report Builder

Download page: SQL Server 2016 Report Builder
Release date: 2016-09-16
Support Version: 2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Report Builder provides a productive report-authoring environment for IT professionals and power users. The download provides a stand-alone installer for Report Builder.

Report Builder provides data visualizations that include charts, maps, sparklines, and data bars that can help produce new insights well beyond what can be achieved with standard tables and charts.
Use Report Builder to create reports and shared datasets.
Publish report parts, and then browse the Report Part Gallery to reuse existing report parts as building blocks for creating new reports quickly with a “grab and go” experience.

SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer

Download page: BPA 2005
Release date: 2008-08-13
Support Version: 2005
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer (BPA) gathers data from Microsoft Windows and SQL Server configuration settings.
BPA uses a predefined list of SQL Server 2005 recommendations and best practices to determine if there are potential issues in the database environment.

SQL Server 2000 Best Practices Analyzer

Download page: BPA 2000
Release date: 2010-04-26
Support Version: 2000
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Server 2000 Best Practices Analyzer is a database management tool that lets you verify the implementation of common Best Practices on your servers.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Best Practices Analyzer

Download page: BPA 2008
Release date: 2010-06-18
Support Version: 2008/2008R2
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 BPA is a diagnostic tool that performs the following functions:

  • Gathers information about a Server and a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2008 R2 instance installed on that Server
  • Determines if the configurations are set according to the recommended best practices
  • Reports on all configurations, indicating settings that differ from recommendations
  • Indicates potential problems in the installed instance of SQL Server
  • Recommends solutions to potential problems

SQL Server 2012 Best Practices Analyzer

Download page: BPA 2012
Release date: 2012-04-06
Support Version: 2012
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The Microsoft SQL Server 2012 BPA is a diagnostic tool that performs the following functions:

  • Gathers information about a Server and a Microsoft SQL Server 2012 instance installed on that Server
  • Determines if the configurations are set according to the recommended best practices
  • Reports on all configurations, indicating settings that differ from recommendations
  • Indicates potential problems in the installed instance of SQL Server
  • Recommends solutions to potential problems

DLM Dashboard

Download page: DLM Dashboard
Release date: 2016-04-27
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: Yes
Price: No

DLM Dashboard tracks your database schemas and alerts you when they change.
DLM Dashboard monitors up to 50 of your databases, and sends you an email alert as soon as your databases start to drift,
or change from their expected state. On the web dashboard, you can see exactly what changed, who made the changes, and when.

Red Gate SQL Compare

Download page: Red Gate SQL Compare
Release date: 2016-10-31
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $495

Compares and synchronizes SQL Server database schemas

Red Gate SQL Data Compare

Download page: Red Gate SQL Data Compare
Release date: 2016-05-09
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $495

SQL Data Compare is the industry-standard tool for comparing and deploying SQL Server database contents

Red Gate SQL Monitor

Download page: Red Gate SQL Monitor
Release date: 2015-10-15
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $1495

Real-time SQL Server performance monitoring, with alerts and diagnostics

Red Gate SQL Backup Pro

Download page: Red Gate SQL Backup Pro
Release date: 2014-07-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $995

Compress, verify, and encrypt SQL Server backups

Red Gate SQL Doc

Download page: Red Gate SQL Doc
Release date: 2016-04-26
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $369

Document your databases automatically, create documents as HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word or Compiled HTML Help files

Red Gate SQL Data Generator

Download page: Red Gate SQL Data Generator
Release date: 2016-04-26
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $369

Generate realistic test data fast

Red Gate SQL Dependency Tracker

Download page: Red Gate SQL Dependency Tracker
Release date: 2016-04-26
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $369

Visualize complex databases simply

Red Gate SQL Multi Script

Download page: Red Gate SQL Dependency Tracker
Release date: 2016-04-15
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $245

Deploy multiple scripts to multiple servers with just one click

Red Gate SQL Index Manager

Download page: Red Gate SQL Index Manager
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $149

Analyze, manage, and fix database index fragmentation

Red Gate SQL Comparison SDK

Download page: Red Gate SQL Comparison SDK
Release date: 2016-02-22
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $895

Compare and synchronize automatically database schemas and data

Red Gate SQL Clone

Download page: Red Gate SQL Clone
Release date: 2017-02-27
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $6955

  • SQL Clone is a database provisioning tool that lets you create full copies of SQL Server databases and backups in seconds, using around 40MB of disk space per clone.
  • Instead of spending hours provisioning copies of your database for development, testing, or diagnostics, SQL Clone creates one data image of a SQL Server database or backup, which you use as the source for clones.
  • Clones work just like normal databases. You can connect to them and edit them using any program. SQL Clone’s web app provides an easy central place to create and manage clones.
  • With SQL Clone, your team can work locally on up-to-date, isolated copies of the database to speed up development, accurately test code, and fix issues faster.

Red Gate SQL Provision

Download page: Red Gate SQL Provision
Release date: 2018-02-26
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $2955

Create, protect, and manage SQL Server database copies for compliant DevOps

Red Gate SQL Data Masker

Download page: Red Gate SQL Data Masker
Release date: 2018-02-26
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $2355

Replace sensitive data with realistic, anonymized, test data

  • Multiple methods to sanitize sensitive information
  • Use templates to remain consistent with existing data formats
  • Replacement data sets included, such as Names, Zip Codes, Emails
  • Populate test data as well as sanitize existing information
  • Simple, repeatable, fast, and easy to use
  • Supports SQL Server and Oracle databases

DLM Automation

Download page: DLM Automation
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: ?

Automate your database changes with continuous integration and automated deployment


Download page: ReadyRoll
Release date: 2016-03-01
Support Version: 2012/2014
Author: Red Gate
Free version: No
Price: $345

It generates numerically ordered SQL migration scripts that sit inside your project and take your schema from one version to the next.
You can add them to version control, use them to build and release, and automate database and application deployments, all in one process.

Rapid Database Extractor

Download page: Rapid Database Extractor
Release date: 2016-11-03
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016/Azure
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Manage SQL Server and Oracle data sources
  • Manipulate database objects
  • Interactively edit SQL code
  • Selectively execute SQL queries to retrieve data
  • Export data to common file formats
  • Connect to cloud and run in cloud (provisional)

SQL XEvent Profiler

Download page: SQL XEvent Profiler
Release date: 2014-03-14
Support Version: 2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Idera’s SQL XEvent Profiler emulates the functionality and simplicity of SQL Server Profiler, letting you quickly view data from SQL events
and see whats happening on the server. Plus, it leverages SQL Extended Events (XEvents) as the backing technology — making it more efficient than SQL Trace.

SQL Check

Download page: SQL Check
Release date: 2015-09-24
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Check out what happens in batches, compilations, recompilations, and transactions throughout the SQL Server environment
  • Monitor some of the most important metrics in SQL Server including wait stats, reads, writes, session details, and cache hits
  • See SQL operations as they occur for the latest information; consider it a heart rate monitor for your SQL Server environment
  • Install easily without agents

SQL Fragmentation Analyzer

Download page: SQL Fragmentation Analyzer
Release date: 2012-11-16
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Analyze fragmentation by one table or an entire database
  • Identify databases in need of defragmentation
  • Set fragmentation thresholds: normal, warning, critical

SQL Heat Map

Download page: SQL Heat Map
Release date: 2016-01-27
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Get one visual view of storage in all tables of a database
  • See storage allocation, utilization, and type of data
  • Quickly locate tables and indexes that need more allocated storage

SQL Hekaton Memory Check

Download page: SQL Hekaton Memory Check
Release date: 2015-06-10
Support Version: 2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Monitor the impact of memory optimized tables on server memory
  • Identify high memory utilizing tables
  • Assess server memory capacity
  • Simulate moving to In-Memory OLTP

SQL Page Viewer

Download page: SQL Page Viewer
Release date: 2014-08-25
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Displays page level data summary and detail information
  • Has elegant GUI design for fast access in 1 click
  • Can select any SQL server and database table
  • Can navigate to any page data quickly in a tree view
  • Can launch directly within SSMS for optimal usability

SQL Update Statistics

Download page: SQL Update Statistics
Release date: 2015-12-14
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Launch directly within SSMS for optimal usability
  • Identify out-of-date SQL Server table and index statistics
  • View and change database statistics options
  • Create graphical histograms for each column’s statistics

SQL Statistics Aggregator

Download page: SQL Statistics Aggregator
Release date: 2015-05-18
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Aggregate IO statistics to identify problem tables
  • Correlate disk activity with query plan nodes
  • Compare runs of a query over time
  • Export and import results for easy collaboration

SQL Backup Status Reporter

Download page: SQL Backup Status Reporter
Release date: 2015-08-07
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Quickly identify databases which have not had backups
  • View backup history including the backup date and type
  • Have simplified grid view for easy sorting and navigation
  • Identify full and differential backups for many databases

SQL Integrity Check

Download page: SQL Integrity Check
Release date: 2013-08-26
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Easily run a CHECKDB for any database on-demand
  • View integrity check results to identify corruption
  • Routinely verifies when last check was performed
  • Receive alerts when databases are due for checks
  • Do not need to write and maintain scripts

SQL Job Manager

Download page: SQL Job Manager
Release date: 2012-03-19
Support Version: ?
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Have management console to easily view past and current jobs
  • Can identify and correct job contention
  • Can drag and drop jobs across servers to level workloads
  • Can «at a glance» view to see failed or runaway jobs
  • Have customizable calendar view

Azure SQL Database Backup

Download page: Azure SQL Database Backup
Release date: 2012-10-02
Support Version: ?
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Save time and storage space with up to 95% compression
  • Backup on-premise or to Azure BLOB storage
  • Central data storage to prevent data loss
  • View historical backup and restore operations
  • Restore with transaction consistency to and from the cloud

SQL Column Search

Download page: SQL Column Search
Release date: 2015-11-17
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Find potentially sensitive data
  • Search an entire instance or a specific table
  • Export results to CSV format for easy analysis and reporting

SQL Permissions Extractor

Download page: SQL Permissions Extractor
Release date: 2015-08-07
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Generate T-SQL scripts for copying of user permissions
  • Edit, save, and execute permissions scripts
  • Include object level permissions for selected databases
  • Copy, extract, modify and apply changes in four steps

SQL BI Check

Download page: SQL BI Check
Release date: 2016-04-13
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Real-time performance monitoring for SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
  • See physical server metrics for CPU, disk, and storage
  • View analysis metrics for SSAS processing, memory, and cache
  • Get up and running in minutes, no agents required

SQL Inventory Check

Download page: SQL Inventory Check
Release date: 2016-03-24
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Discover unknown and forgotten instances posing security and performance risks
  • Track SQL Servers to manage license and support costs
  • Stay on top of important SQL Server updates and patches

SQL Diagnostic Manager

Download page: SQL Diagnostic Manager
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $1747

  • Performance monitoring for physical and virtual environments
  • Query plan monitoring to see the causes of blocks and deadlocks
  • Integrated SQL Doctor expert recommendations
  • Easy integration with Microsoft SCOM
  • Predictive alerting with settings to avoid false alerts
  • Web-based dashboard with at-a-glance views of top issues and alert

SQL Safe Backup

Download page: SQL Safe Backup
Release date: 2016-03-24
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $907

  • Backup faster than native SQL and save space with dynamic compression
  • Reduce failures due to network problems
  • Automate full, differential, and transaction log backups
  • Integrated cloud backup support for Amazon S3
  • Instant Restore provides immediate access to backup data
  • Web-based dashboard provides at-a-glance views of top issues and alerts

SQL Compliance Manager

Download page: SQL Compliance Manager
Release date: 2015-09-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $2657

  • Audit Sensitive Data — see who did what, when, where, and how
  • Track and Detect — monitor and alert on suspicious activity
  • Satisfy Audits — for PCI, HIPAA, FERPA and SOX requirements
  • Generate Reports — 25 built-in reports to validate SQL Server audit trails
  • Minimize Overhead — light data collection agent minimizes server imp

SQL Inventory Manager

Download page: SQL Inventory Manager
Release date: 2016-04-22
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $3195

  • View your SQL Server inventory — know what you have where & who owns it
  • Auto-discover any new servers installed, to better manage server sprawl
  • Get alerts when a server goes down, or space is running low
  • Set tags to better organize servers and databases across the enterprise
  • Quickly deploy and access from anywhere via web-based and agentless UI

SQL Virtual Database

Download page: SQL Virtual Database
Release date: 2016-03-24
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $625

  • Immediate access — get data from backup files instantly
  • Acts like a real database — Use 3rd party and native tools
  • OLR replacement — better solution to object level recovery
  • Multiple Uses — reporting, data extraction, analysis, etc.
  • Read/Write support — inserts, updates, DBCC commands

SQL Secure

Download page: SQL Secure
Release date: 2016-04-19
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $907

  • Identify existing vulnerabilities in your SQL Servers
  • Harden security policies across SQL Servers
  • Rank security levels with the security report card
  • Analyze and report user permissions across SQL Servers
  • Customizable templates for PCI, HIPAA and more

SQL Doctor

Download page: SQL Doctor
Release date: 2015-12-17
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $625

  • New and enhanced Expert Recommendations to help improve performance
  • Dashboard exposes performance metrics in real-time
  • «Quick Findings» instantly locates SQL performance issues
  • Executable scripts are generated to optimize performance
  • Stored history of analysis recommendations for trending

SQL Admin Toolset

Download page: SQL Admin Toolset
Release date: 2016-01-13
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $325

  • 24 essential desktop tools for your everyday SQL Server needs
  • Run every day diagnostics across multiple SQL servers
  • Complete administrative tasks in minutes, not hours
  • Perform analysis on your SQL data

SQL Defrag Manager

Download page: SQL Defrag Manager
Release date: 2016-03-10
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $1495

  • Automate identification of index fragmentation «hot spots»
  • Schedule index defragmentation jobs
  • Avoid database contention with system resource pre-checks
  • Reduce page splits with index fill factor settings control
  • Centrally manage, report and notify instantly


Download page: DBArtisan
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $3122

  • Manage multiple platforms (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase) from one UI
  • Proactively manage space, data and performance with built-in analytics
  • Easily find and fix performance issues using intelligent diagnostics
  • Move schema and table data across different platforms with ease
  • Protect data security with view, grant and revoke of permissions

SQL BI Manager

Download page: SQL BI Manager
Release date: 2015-09-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $697

  • Monitor SSAS, SSRS, & SSIS health with agentless monitoring
  • View active sessions, workload, and report generation performance
  • Identify issues with access to data including cube size and resource utilization
  • Set up alerts with configurable thresholds
  • Log in from anywhere for at-a-glance views of top issues and alerts

SQL Enterprise Job Manager

Download page: SQL Enterprise Job Manager
Release date: 2015-09-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $697

  • Monitor SQL Server agent jobs across the enterprise
  • Easily view job status and details with familiar calendar layout
  • Chain jobs together and build automated workflows
  • Configure and manage jobs that run over multiple instances
  • Set alerts to be notified of potential issues
  • Web-based architecture simplifies deployment

DB Optimizer

Download page: DB Optimizer
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $1420

  • Streamline tuning of SQL code on major DBMSs from one interface
  • Tune SQL like a pro with automated performance optimization suggestions
  • Tackle complex SQL queries with visual SQL tuning diagrams
  • Pinpoint problem SQL with database profiling of wait-time analysis
  • Load test alternative SQL queries in simulated production environment

SQL Query Store Optimizer

Download page: SQL Query Store Optimizer
Release date: 2016-07-01
Support Version: 2016
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Improve SQL Server 2016 Query Store performance
  • See all Query Store properties in single summary table
  • Execute predefined actions that modify Query Store properties and contents
  • Edit all modifiable Query Store properties in single overview panel
  • Get up and running in minutes with no agents

Rapid SQL

Download page: Rapid SQL
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $710

  • Create high-performing SQL code on major DBMSs from one interface
  • Easily build complex SQL statements with visual query builder
  • Quickly construct, analyze and execute SQL code with code analyst
  • Simplify debugging SQL code, functions, and stored procedures
  • Collaborate effectively across development teams with version control

SQL Comparison Toolset

Download page: SQL Comparison Toolset
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $745

  • Compare and synchronize SQL Server data and schema objects
  • Easy navigation of user interface improves efficiency
  • Automate comparison and synchronization operations
  • Customize schema compare and synchronization sessions
  • Generate ready-to-use database synchronization scripts

ER/Studio Data Architect

Download page: ER/Studio Data Architect
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $1287

  • Create effective models to build a business-driven data architecture
  • Document and enhance existing databases to reduce redundancy
  • Implement naming standards to improve data consistency and quality
  • Effectively share and communicate models across the enterprise
  • Map data sources and trace origins to enhance data lineage

DB Change Manager

Download page: DB Change Manager
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: $1420

  • Quickly roll out and reconcile database changes
  • Reveal, track, and report on database changes
  • Comply with database audit and reporting requirements
  • Protect data privacy within the database environment
  • Track changes from multiple major database platforms

Uptime Infrastructure Monitor

Download page: Uptime Infrastructure Monitor
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: ?

  • Monitor servers, VMs, network devices, and applications from a unified dashboard
  • Use historic data to plan for future server capacity needs
  • Track service-level performance trends for SLA compliance and reporting
  • Monitor virtually anything via a multitude of pre-built plug-ins or custom scripts
  • Streamline incident management with native ServiceNow integration

SQL Data Profiler

Download page: SQL Data Profiler
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Idera
Free version: No
Price: ?

  • Profile data in SQL Server tables
  • Analyze subsets of data types at a time
  • Adjust profiling thresholds to customize the analysis
  • Display summary of data in selected table and its columns
  • Receive recommendations based on data per column
  • View summary of value distribution per column
  • Export results to plain text file format

dbForge Schema Compare

Download page: dbForge Schema Compare
Release date: 2019-10-10
Support Version: 2005-2019/Amazon/Azure
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $150

dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server is a reliable tool that will save you time and effort when you need to compare databases on SQL Server.
The relentlessly tested compare tool allows working with live SQL Server databases, database snapshots, and backups.
You can compare your SQL Server databases, analyze differences and synchronize your schemas using generated SQL script in a well-designed user interface quickly and without errors.

dbForge Data Compare

Download page: dbForge Data Compare
Release date: 2019-10-10
Support Version: 2005-2019/Amazon/Azure
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $149

dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server is a powerful, fast and easy to use SQL comparison tool, capable of using native SQL Server backups as metadata source.
With dbForge Data Compare you can tune your SQL database comparison, quickly analyze differences in a well-designed user interface
and effortlessly synchronize data via a convenient wizard with additional options.

dbForge Data Generator

Download page: dbForge Data Generator
Release date: 2019-10-10
Support Version: 2005-2019/Amazon/Azure
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $249

dbForge Data Generator for SQL Server is a powerful GUI tool for fast generation of meaningful test data.
The tool includes 190+ predefined generators with sensible configuration options, that allow emulating column-intelligent real-world data.
dbForge Data Generator for SQL Server can save your time and effort by populating SQL Server tables with millions of rows of test data that looks just like real data.

dbForge Query Builder

Download page: dbForge Query Builder
Release date: 2019-10-10
Support Version: 2005-2019/Amazon/Azure
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $99

dbForge Query Builder for SQL Server allows users to build complex SQL queries via an intuitive visual query building interface easily and without manual code writing.
This SQL query designer will be useful to those, who often create queries to databases.
Visual features to create queries, usage of graphical SQL query creator to interactively build queries, would be most appreciated by users who have no experience in writing queries manually.
But even experienced users can save a lot of time on routine work.

dbForge Event Profiler

Download page: dbForge Event Profiler
Release date: 2019-10-10
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: Devart
Free version: Yes
Price: No

dbForge Event Profiler for SQL Server is a FREE tool that allows you to capture and analyze SQL Server events.
The events and data columns are stored in a physical trace file for later examination.
You can use this information to identify and troubleshoot many SQL Server-related problems.

dbForge SQL Decryptor

Download page: dbForge SQL Decryptor
Release date: 2017-09-19
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: Devart
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Decrypt SQL Server Procedures, Functions, Triggers, and Views

dbForge Studio

Download page: dbForge Studio
Release date: 2019-10-10
Support Version: 2005-2019/Amazon/Azure
Author: Devart
Free version: Yes
Price: $249

  • Code completion — to create whole SQL statement in a few keystrokes
  • SQL formatting — to follow common coding style (standard)
  • SQL snippets — to save time storing and reusing repeated code fragments
  • Quick object information — to show hints with info on database objects
  • Code navigation — quick jump by F12 to variable declaration, object editor, etc.

dbForge Fusion

Download page: dbForge Fusion
Release date: 2019-11-08
Support Version: 2005-2019/Amazon/Azure
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $149

dbForge Fusion for SQL Server is a powerful Visual Fusion plugin designed to simplify SQL database development and enhance data management capabilities.
When you integrate dbForge Fusion for SQL Server into Microsoft Visual Fusion, all database development and administration tasks become available from your IDE.
It provides an easier way to explore and maintain existing databases, design compound SQL statements and queries, and manipulate data in different way.

dbForge Documenter

Download page: dbForge Documenter
Release date: 2020-04-23
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $149

dbForge Documenter for SQL Server is a big time saver when it comes to documentation of SQL Server databases.
This tool automatically generates documentation of an entire SQL Server database in a few clicks.
The tool includes a wide range of options to customize the generated documentation to meet your specific requirements.

dbForge SSIS Data Flow Components

Download page: dbForge SSIS Data Flow Components
Release date: 2020-03-31
Support Version: 2014-2019
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $500

Devart SSIS Data Flow Components provide easy to set up cost-effective data integration using SSIS ETL engine.
They provide high performance data loading, convenient component editors, SQL support for cloud data sources and lots of data source specific features.

dbForge DevOps Automation for SQL Server

Download page: dbForge DevOps Automation for SQL Server
Release date: 2020-04-13
Support Version: 2014-2019
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $900

dbForge DevOps Automation for SQL Server is a cutting-edge solution that takes conventional database development and deployment to a whole new level.

Devart Excel Add-in for SQL Server

Download page: Devart Excel Add-in for SQL Server
Release date: 2019-12-11
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $250

Devart Excel Add-ins allow you to work with database and cloud data in Microsoft Excel as with usual Excel spreadsheets.

SQL Server Compression Estimator

Download page: SQL Server Compression Estimator
Release date: 2011-06-02
Support Version: 2008/2008R2/2012
Author: Bob Tavlor
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Server Compression Estimator (SSCE) will allow you to estimate the best compression for your objects.
It will estimate both ROW and PAGE compression, and will optionally report the Index Maintenance Ratio
(a ratio that indicates how often an index is updated versus how often it is used to satisfy queries).
You can then use that information to perhaps choose a less aggresive compression algorithm for heavily updated indexes.


Download page: ClearTrace
Release date: 2016-07-07
Support Version: 2000-2017
Author: Bill Graziano
Free version: Yes
Price: No

ClearTrace imports SQL Server 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2005, 2000 trace and Profiler files into SQL Server and displays summary performance information.

  • Summarize SQL Server Query Performance
  • Enhance SQL Server Performance Tuning


Download page: ClearTraceXE
Release date: 2019-09-04
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Bill Graziano
Free version: Yes
Price: No

ClearTrace for Extended Events imports extended event files from SQL Server 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008.

  • Summarize SQL Server Query Performance
  • Enhance SQL Server Performance Tuning

Security Explorer

Download page: Security Explorer
Release date: 2008-2017
Support Version: 2019-08-29
Author: Quest Software
Free version: No
Price: $850

This single toolset maximizes productivity through extensive automation, intuitive workflows and built-in expertise.
Plus, it complements Microsoft tools by solving key SQL Server challenges, so you can proactively manage large numbers of databases.
It also makes it easy to manage change, resolve issues quickly and promote the highest levels of code quality, performance and maintainability.

LiteSpeed for SQL Server

Download page: LiteSpeed for SQL Server
Release date: 2019-08-29
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Quest Software
Free version: No
Price: ?

Dramatically reduce backup and restore times and minimize storage costs while increasing the reliability of SQL Server data protection
operations across the entire enterprise. Easily manage and monitor SQL Server protection while delivering a wide array of recovery capabilities.
With LiteSpeed, a complete workbench of SQL Server recovery tools are at your fingertips so you can get data back online — fast.

Toad for SQL Server

Download page: Toad for SQL Server
Release date: 2019-08-29
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Quest Software
Free version: No
Price: ?

Use a single console to manage access controls, permissions and security across Microsoft platforms that span multiple servers.
Security Explorer provides an array of security enhancements, including the ability to identify who has rights to resources across the entire organization.
You can also grant, revoke, clone, modify and overwrite permissions quickly and from a central location.
Unlike native tools, Security Explorer provides the ability to back up and restore permissions only, ensuring the integrity of data.
Security Explorer provides on-the-fly reports to help meet auditing requirements.

Quest Spotlight

Download page: Quest Spotlight
Release date: 2019-08-29
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Quest Software
Free version: No
Price: $2561

When you can diagnose SQL Server performance issues quickly and accurately, ensuring a healthy database infrastructure is not just possible, but easy.
Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise delivers simplicity without compromise by providing unmatched monitoring,
diagnosis and optimization of your SQL Server environments, ensuring peak performance around the clock.
With intuitive overviews of enterprise health and performance, automated alerts and actions,
an integrated Xpert tuning module and mobile device support,
Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise makes it easier than ever to obtain the data you need to ensure the health of your SQL Server databases.

Quest Foglight

Download page: Quest Foglight
Release date: 2019-08-29
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Quest Software
Free version: No
Price: ?

Ensure optimal database performance with comprehensive database, storage and virtualization monitoring and advanced workload analytics.
Foglight for Databases enables you to consolidate and standardize database performance management across your diverse
multi-platform environments – even when you use native or third-party tools — to promote collaboration, improve service levels and reduce costs.
Get a wealth of information at a fraction of the impact of conventional collection methods.

Quest Enterprise Reporter

Download page: Quest Enterprise Reporter
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Quest Software
Free version: No
Price: $511

Quest Enterprise Reporter for SQL Server provides ad-hoc reporting for visibility database security configuration, including users and logins, roles and database permissions.

SQL Scripter

Download page: SQL Scripter
Release date: 2013-02-24
Support Version: ?
Author: Thomas Hinsenkamp
Free version: No
Price: €99

SQL Scripter is a powerful tool for Microsoft SQL Server database administrators and developers to generate data scripts in a readable and executable T-SQL format.

Simple Dynamic Scheduler

Download page: Simple Dynamic Scheduler
Release date: 2016-05-02
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: Miljan Radovic
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Simple Dynamic Scheduler is alternative scheduling utility which uses SQL Server to store all configurations and logic.

  • Simple — Easy to manage (once you finish reading this page)
  • Dynamic — Not static
  • Purely T-SQL — says it all
  • Open source — Adoptable code to suit your business needs
  • Light-weight — Provides only decision machanism (Run or Hold) without actually executing anything

ApexSQL Audit

Download page: ApexSQL Audit
Release date: 2017-07-11
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $1699

  • Audit all SQL database and security activities
  • Meet compliance requirements e.g. HIPAA, PCI
  • Out-of-the-box and custom Win and Web reporting
  • Securely store audit data in a tamper-evident repository
  • Fully customize all auditing, alerts, and reporting
  • Who, what, where, and when type auditing
  • Deploy on SQL Server Failover Clusters
  • Easily manage auditing on multiple servers

ApexSQL Backup

Download page: ApexSQL Backup
Release date: 2017-10-12
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $499

  • Manage SQL backups across multiple servers
  • Configure SQL backup plans with advanced scheduling
  • Increase productivity with backup templates
  • Automatic SQL backup naming using variables
  • Restore to a point in time directly from timeline
  • Schedule and execute index maintenance tasks
  • Log shipping to multiple destinations
  • Cleanup SQL backup and restore history

ApexSQL Defrag

Download page: ApexSQL Defrag
Release date: 2017-06-29
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $499

  • Index fragmentation analysis
  • Index defragmentation
  • Custom policies: Use custom policies to automate database index maintenance
  • Set thresholds for reorganizing and rebuilding jobs

ApexSQL Log

Download page: ApexSQL Log
Release date: 2017-05-24
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $1999

  • Audit data, schema, and permission changes
  • Gain full visibility into your transaction logs
  • Rollback or replay any database transaction
  • Forensically investigate who changed what and when
  • Implement before and after auditing
  • View a complete history of row changes
  • Reverse inadvertent or malicious database transactions
  • Avoid performance overhead and data storage

ApexSQL Monitor

Download page: ApexSQL Monitor
Release date: 2017-10-05
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $499

  • Monitor multiple SQL Server instances
  • View system performance metrics
  • Identify performance issues and deadlocks
  • Use comprehensive dashboard for viewing metrics
  • Analyze query waits
  • Review query execution plans
  • Calculate baselines and thresholds
  • Visualize data with logarithmic scaling

ApexSQL Plan

Download page: ApexSQL Plan
Release date: 2019-12-02
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Analyze and optimize SQL query execution plans
  • Identify query performance issues and deadlocks
  • Understand query performance characteristics
  • Analyze query waits & review query execution plans
  • Customize graphical query execution plan view
  • See the actual relative cost of each plan operator
  • Analyze query live performance statistics
  • Compare estimated and actual query execution plans

ApexSQL Propagate

Download page: ApexSQL Propagate
Release date: 2020-02-19
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Execute scripts on saved list of servers/databases
  • Parse SQL scripts prior to execution
  • Create SQL scripts directly in the application
  • Manage lists of SQL scripts and SQL databases
  • Set order of SQL scripts execution
  • Export execution results into TXT or CSV file
  • Preview exaction results by databases or by scripts
  • Edit SQL scripts in a built-in IDE prior to execution

ApexSQL Build

Download page: ApexSQL Build
Release date: 2017-05-15
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $399

  • Create executable installation packages
  • Deploy databases directly from SQL source control
  • Consolidate multiple SQL scripts
  • Build databases from scripts, source control, etc
  • Ensure error free deployments
  • Preview the script impact by action or SQL object

ApexSQL Clean

Download page: ApexSQL Clean
Release date: 2017-09-28
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $399

  • View and analyze SQL and client code dependencies
  • Perform impact analysis on potential changes
  • Remove unwanted objects risk free
  • Map dependencies down to the column level
  • Analyze external databases for dependencies
  • View object dependencies graphically
  • Design the appearance of the dependency diagram
  • Create and export reports from object dependencies

ApexSQL Data Diff

Download page: ApexSQL Data Diff
Release date: 2017-10-03
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $599

  • Compare data in live DBs, backups and SC projects
  • Perform row level recovery without restoring
  • Community, Standard, and Professional editions
  • Compare huge databases quickly and without errors
  • Automate and schedule data migrations
  • Initiate database compares directly from SSMS
  • Export results to HTML, CSV and Excel
  • Create executable installation packages
  • Integrate with all popular SC systems e.g. Git, SVN
  • Deploy data changes directly from a source control label

ApexSQL Decrypt

Download page: ApexSQL Decrypt
Release date: 2020-03-12
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Decrypt SQL procedures, functions, triggers and views
  • Initiate decryption directly from SSMS
  • Decrypt objects with a single click
  • Filter encrypted objects
  • View original DDL script
  • Export encrypted objects into a SQL script
  • Decrypt databases from multiple servers
  • Decrypt wizard with built-in IDE

ApexSQL Diff

Download page: ApexSQL Diff
Release date: 2017-10-26
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $599

  • Compare live DBs, backups, scripts and SC projects
  • Deploy a database directly from source control
  • Integrate with all popular SC systems e.g. Git, SVN
  • Automate and schedule database synchronizations
  • Initiate database compares directly from SSMS
  • Report results to HTML, XML and Excel
  • Create executable .NET packages

ApexSQL Doc

Download page: ApexSQL Doc
Release date: 2017-09-06
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $699

  • Document SQL Server databases and SSIS packages
  • Generate documentation in CHM, HTML, Word and PDF
  • Automate and schedule the documenting process
  • Display graphical relationship diagrams
  • Document SSAS Multidimensional and Tabular models
  • Document SSIS Control flow and Data flow diagrams
  • Fully customize the documentation output
  • Include Data model diagrams

ApexSQL Generate

Download page: ApexSQL Generate
Release date: 2017-07-13
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $499

  • Generate SQL test data for specified tables
  • Export test data to SQL, XML, CSV, JSON, Excel
  • Generate millions of rows quickly
  • Customize test data plan with detailed options
  • Support a full range of SQL data types
  • Choose from multiple generators (Random List etc)
  • Retain data consistency with foreign key support
  • Emulate real-world test data

ApexSQL Script

Download page: ApexSQL Script
Release date: 2017-05-08
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $399

  • Script both SQL database objects and data
  • Create executable .NET packages
  • Script objects directly to Source Control
  • Automate SQL database scripting and migrations
  • Integrate with popular source control systems
  • Script an entire server down to individual columns
  • Save customized scripting profiles as projects
  • Easily decrypt some/all encrypted database objects

ApexSQL Trigger

Download page: ApexSQL Trigger
Release date: 2017-06-01
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $1299

  • Track data / DML changes in SQL Server databases
  • Integrate royalty free auditing into your apps
  • Translate data into information with lookups
  • Create reports and exports from audited data
  • Customize trigger templates with a built-in IDE
  • Add additional data to audit trail with watches
  • Track schema / DDL changes in audited database
  • Audit who, what, and when for all changes

ApexSQL Trigger Viewer

Download page: ApexSQL Trigger Viewer
Release date: 2017-06-01
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Read-only auditing reports for end users

ApexSQL Snapshot Utility

Download page: ApexSQL Snapshot Utility
Release date: 2016-01-12
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Utility to create a lightweight ‘snapshot’ of a database schema, that can be used by ApexSQL Diff as a datasource

ApexSQL Model

Download page: ApexSQL Model
Release date: 2019-05-22
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: No

Create database model diagrams and synchronize changes with existing databases.

  • Forward and reverse engineer
  • Customize the appearance of models
  • Create new or modify existing object groups
  • Navigate through model history
  • Export database models as imagesCustomize print output

ApexSQL Analyze

Download page: ApexSQL Analyze
Release date: 2017-12-13
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $299

Database dependency analysis

  • View and analyze SQL dependencies
  • Customize the appearance of dependency diagrams
  • Map dependencies down to the column level
  • Visualize object dependencies graphically
  • Export diagrams as image files
  • Perform impact analysis on potential object deletions

ApexSQL BI Monitor

Download page: ApexSQL BI Monitor
Release date: 2018-09-18
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $499

  • Monitor SSAS, SSIS and SSRS performance
  • Add custom performance counters
  • Track system performanceUse baselines to customize alert thresholds
  • View real-time and historical data
  • Set up various alert actions for each counter
  • Generate built-in and custom reportsTrack user activity

ApexSQL VM Monitor

Download page: ApexSQL VM Monitor
Release date: 2018-05-09
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $999

Virtualization performance monitoring

  • Monitor multiple hypervisors — Hyper-V and ESXi
  • View system performance metrics of monitored hosts
  • Monitor virtual machines performance
  • Monitor performance of host devices
  • Use comprehensive dashboards for viewing metrics
  • Calculate baselines and thresholds
  • View top 5 loaded virtual machines for specific hosts
  • Create and export comprehensive performance reports

ApexSQL VM Job

Download page: ApexSQL Job
Release date: 2018-03-29
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $499

  • Manage SQL Server Agent jobs across multiple servers
  • Get a detailed job history overview
  • Manage SQL Server services on managed servers
  • Export job details to PDF, HTML, XML or CSV format
  • Manage SQL Server schedulesControl the status of SQL Server Agent services
  • Define and manage SQL Server alertsMonitor SQL Server Agent logs

ApexSQL Enforce

Download page: ApexSQL Enforce
Release date: 2018-07-19
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $299

  • Review databases and individual SQL scripts
  • Import and export rulesProcess unattended via the CLI
  • Seamlessly integrate into your CI/CD processLeverage a library of 100+ pre-written rules
  • Create custom rules with a built in IDE
  • Write custom rules in C# or VB.NETCreate HTML reports and XML exports
  • Integrate with SSMS and Visual Studio
  • Generate SQL to fix violations

ApexSQL CI/CD toolkit

Download page: ApexSQL CI/CD toolkit
Release date: 2020-05-21
Support Version: 2005-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Build from source control
  • Include static data in builds
  • Generate synthetic test data
  • Automatically run SQL unit tests
  • Add a data change audit trail
  • Document and report on changes
  • Create a data sync script
  • Create a schema sync script
  • Plug into popular build servers
  • Enforce SQL coding standards
  • Work with all popular SC systems
  • Trigger manually or automatically

ApexSQL Compare

Download page: ApexSQL Compare
Release date: 2020-03-17
Support Version: 2005-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Two-way SQL code compare
  • SSMS and Visual Studio integration
  • Char-by-char compare
  • Windows Explorer integration
  • Line-by-line compare
  • File and folder compare
  • Block-by-block compare
  • Database object compare
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Ignore script options
  • HTML results report
  • Automation and scheduling

ApexSQL Complete

Download page: ApexSQL Complete
Release date: 2020-05-28
Support Version: 2005-2017
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Automatically complete SQL statements
  • Review an object’s script and description
  • Improve productivity with snippets
  • Identify the structure of complex SQL queries
  • Keep track of all your tabs
  • Log every executed query
  • Easily navigate to SQL objects
  • Check queries in test mode
  • Color query tabs by environment
  • Search and export query results
  • Create CRUD procedures
  • Guard against queries that may damage data

ApexSQL Refactor

Download page: ApexSQL Refactor
Release date: 2020-06-09
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • SQL formatter with over 160 options
  • Qualify objects and expand wildcards
  • Encapsulate SQL into procedures
  • Add surrogate keys
  • Replace one-to-many relationships
  • Change procedure parameters
  • Safely rename SQL objects
  • Locate & highlight unused variables
  • Format SQL objects
  • Obfuscate SQL

DBBest T-SQL Analyzer

Download page: DBBest T-SQL Analyzer
Release date: 2015-03-13
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: DBBest
Free version: No
Price: $89

T-SQL Analyzer is a code analyzing tool for finding problematic spots in your Transact-SQL code in SQL Server.
The tool analyzes stored procedures and user-defined functions in your SQL Server database against a predefined set of best practice rules.

DBBest Database Compare Suite

Download page: DBBest Database Compare Suite
Release date: 2015-09-04
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: DBBest
Free version: No
Price: $349

Comparing two production databases for migrating or upgrading

Advanced Query Tool

Download page: Advanced Query Tool
Release date: 2015-03-18
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: DBBest
Free version: No
Price: $180

AQT provides a simple and easy-to-use interface to your many different databases:
Oracle, DB2 for LUW, DB2 for z/OS, DB2 for iSeries, Sybase ASE, SQL Server, Informix, MySQL, MS Access, SQLite, Other.


Download page: SqlDiffFramework
Release date: 2012-04-17
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Michael Sorens
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SqlDiffFramework compares two data sources and highlights both row and column differences for just the columns you want.

  • Compare the same data over time (either current data vs. prior data or two snapshots of prior data)
  • Compare the same data on two different servers
  • Compare data from different systems (e.g. SQL Server vs. Oracle)
  • Verify two systems have synchronized data


Download page: DataGrip
Release date: 2018-02-21
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Jet Brains
Free version: No
Price: $89

  • Exploring your databases
  • Intelligent coding assistance
  • Executing queries
  • Among other things, DataGrip comes with user parameters support, CSV editor, diagram builder, version control support and many other features

Pssdiag and Sqldiag Manager

Download page: Pssdiag and Sqldiag Manager
Release date: 2015-04-17
Support Version: 2012/2014
Author: Jack Li
Free version: Yes
Price: No

PSSDIAG is a diagnostics utility used to collect profiler trace, perfmon data for SQL Server. PSSDAIG was created to troubleshoot SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 issues.
It was evolved and shipped with SQL Server 2005 and beyond. But the shipped product only has a data collector engine called sqldiag.exe.
Microsoft Product support continues to maintain a configuration tool that allows engineers to dynamically configure on what to collect.

SQL Nexus Tool

Download page: SQL Nexus Tool
Release date: 2016-11-20
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Jack Li
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Nexus is a tool that helps you identify the root cause of SQL Server performance issues.
It loads and analyzes performance data collected by SQLDiag and PSSDiag and Sqldiag Manager.
It can dramatically reduce the amount of time you spend manually analyzing data

  • Fast, easy data loading: You can quickly and easily load SQL Trace files;
  • Visualize loaded data via reports
  • Executing queries
  • Among other things, DataGrip comes with user parameters support, CSV editor, diagram builder, version control support and many other features

DBSophic Qure Profiler

Download page: DBSophic Qure Profiler
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008/2012
Author: DBSophic
Free version: No
Price: $300

SQL server trace analysis tool

  • View SQL activity in real-time
  • Group, sort and export batches
  • Real time index recommendations
  • Compare SQL traces
  • No limitations on the number of SQL servers, databases, processors etc.

DBSophic Qure Optimizer

Download page: DBSophic Qure Optimizer
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008/2012
Author: DBSophic
Free version: No
Price: ?

The workload tuning solution that automatically optimizes millions of queries in one go


Download page: RestoreChecker
Release date: 2015-01-15
Support Version: ?
Author: SQLServerUtilities
Free version: No
Price: $99

RestoreChecker is a utility that restores SQL Server backup files in order to verify that the backup files can be successfully restored
and in addition perform data integrity checks on the backups restored while offloading the intensive IO activity from your production servers.


Download page: SQLScripter
Release date: 2009-08-24
Support Version: ?
Author: SQLServerUtilities
Free version: No
Price: $99

SQLScripter is a powerful command line utility that scripts SQL Server objects.
The utility is designed to automate the process of schema generation.


Download page: SQLC
Release date: 2017-11-19
Support Version: ?
Author: David Ingleton
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQLC is a software tool for comparing two SQL Server databases.
With SQLC you can perform Object comparison (Database schema) as well as Data comparison (Table data)

Database Performance Analyzer

Download page: Database Performance Analyzer
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2017/Azure/Amazon
Author: SolarWinds
Free version: No
Price: $1995

Monitor across your entire environment: physical servers, virtualized, and in the Cloud

Database Performance Analyzer for MSSQL

Download page: Database Performance Analyzer for MSSQL
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2017/Azure/Amazon
Author: SolarWinds
Free version: No
Price: $1995

Optimize and tune SQL Server deployed anywhere — physical, virtual, or cloud based.
Includes Azure SQL database, Azure virtual machines, and Amazon RDS.

SQL Enlight

Download page: SQL Enlight
Release date: 2016-04-25
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: UbitSoft
Free version: No
Price: $295

  • Advanced static analysis
  • T-SQL code formatting
  • Statements history
  • Validate T-SQL code for syntax errors
  • Script Summary
  • Refactoring
  • Continuous integration support

Aireforge Studio

Download page: Aireforge Studio
Release date: 2019-08-08
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure
Author: AireForge
Free version: Yes
Price: $299

Aireforge Studio contains a growing suite of tools that help administrators to stabilize, optimize & secure multiple database instances with ease.
Be it, keeping two instances in sync for recovery purposes or synchronizing the settings of over 200 replication subscribers; our tools will help.


Download page: HexaTier
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: HexaTier
Free version: No
Price: ?

Providing an all-in-one solution to protect your data from internal and external attacks with four key elements, including:
Database Security, Discovery of Sensitive Data. Dynamic Data Masking, and Database Activity Monitoring to comply with regulatory requirements.

SoftTree SQL Assistant

Download page: SoftTree SQL Assistant
Release date: 2017-12-17
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016/2017
Author: SoftTree
Free version: No
Price: $215

  • Triples SQL developer productivity
  • Improves code quality and accuracy
  • Provides unmatched intelligent SQL code intellisense features
  • Provides interactive SQL reference and SQL code assistance systems
  • Provides advanced SQL code formatters and beautifiers; SQL syntax validation, code structure views for fast code navigation, and more…

DB Audit and Security 360

Download page: DB Audit and Security 360
Release date: 2015-02-07
Support Version: 2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014/2016
Author: SoftTree
Free version: No
Price: $499

DB Audit and Security 360 is a professional all-in-one database security and auditing solution for Oracle, Sybase, DB2, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
DB Audit and Security 360 enables database and system administrators, security administrators, auditors and operators to track and analyze any database activity
including database security, access and usage, data creation, change or deletion.
What makes this solution really unique is its built-in support for multiple auditing methods giving you the flexibility to choose the best fit for your database security requirements.

EMS SQL Management Studio

Download page: EMS SQL Management Studio
Release date: 2016-05-26
Support Version: 2000/2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $257

EMS SQL Management Studio for SQL Server is a complete solution for Microsoft SQL Server database administration and development.
With components that focus on all critical MS SQL Server database management tasks, SQL Studio is a single workbench that provides
you with must-have tools for administering SQL Server databases, managing database schema and objects as well as for SQL Server database design, migration, extraction, SQL Server query building, data import, export and database comparison. SQL Studio unites these database tools for MSSQL Server in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. Whether you are a database or application developer, DBA or business analyst, SQL Studio for SQL Server offers all essential SQL Server tools to make you more productive than ever before!

EMS SQL Backup

Download page: EMS SQL Backup
Release date: 2016-04-13
Support Version: 2000/2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: EMS
Free version: Yes
Price: $82

EMS SQL Backup for SQL Server is an effective tool for automating backup, restore and log shipping tasks on all SQL Servers in your company.
In addition, SQL Backup allows you to update statistics, perform re-indexing, truncate database, check database integrity and perform many other tasks that can be united into policies and deployed to SQL Servers in a few clicks. SQL Backup monitors the maintenance task execution, quickly investigates and resolves issues.

EMS SQL Administrator

Download page: EMS SQL Administrator
Release date: 2015-04-14
Support Version: 2000/2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: EMS
Free version: Yes
Price: $135

EMS SQL Administrator for SQL Server is a toolset for efficient SQL Server administration.
It provides a complete and easy-to-use set of tools for administering SQL Server.
SQL Administrator is designed specifically for database administrators and allows you to perform administrative tasks in the fastest, easiest and most efficient way.

EMS SQL Manager

Download page: EMS SQL Manager
Release date: 2016-05-26
Support Version: 2000/2005/2008/2008R2/2012/2014
Author: EMS
Free version: Yes
Price: $135

EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server is a high performance graphical tool for Microsoft SQL Server database development and administration.
It makes creating and editing MS SQL Server database objects easy and fast, and allows you to run SQL scripts, manage SQL server users and their privileges, build SQL queries visually, work with metadata, export and import SQL Server database data and much more.

EMS Data Export

Download page: EMS Data Export
Release date: 2016-04-29
Support Version: —
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $47

EMS Data Export for SQL Server is a powerful tool to export SQL Server database data quickly to any of 20 available formats,
including MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word, RTF, HTML, TXT, ODF and more.
Data Export for SQL Server has a friendly wizard, which allows you to set various options of SQL Server export process visually and a command-line utility to automate your SQL Server export jobs using the configuration file.

EMS Data Import

Download page: EMS Data Import
Release date: 2016-04-14
Support Version: —
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $47

EMS Data Import for SQL Server is a powerful tool to import data to SQL Server tables from MS Excel 97-2007, MS Access, DBF, TXT, CSV, MS Word, RTF, ODF and HTML files. This utility allows you to quickly import data to one or several SQL Server tables or views at once, save all SQL Server import parameters set on current wizard session, use special batch insert mode to import SQL Server data at the maximum possible speed and much more.

EMS Data Pump

Download page: EMS Data Pump
Release date: 2016-11-03
Support Version: —
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $47

EMS Data Pump for SQL Server is an excellent migration tool for converting databases and importing table data from an ADO-compatible source (e.g. MS Access, MySQL or any other database with ADO support) to SQL Server databases. Database conversion and migration become as easy as possible with Data Pump for SQL Server!

EMS Data Generator

Download page: EMS Data Generator
Release date: 2010-07-10
Support Version: —
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $47

EMS Data Generator for SQL Server is an impressive tool for generating test data to SQL Server database tables.
The utility can help you to simulate the database production environment and allows you to populate several SQL Server database tables with test data simultaneously, define tables for generating data, set value ranges, control a wide variety of generation parameters for each field type and much more. It has plenty of powerful functionalities to generate SQL Server test data in a simple and direct way.

EMS DB Comparer

Download page: EMS DB Comparer
Release date: 2015-07-24
Support Version: —
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $47

EMS DB Comparer for SQL Server is an excellent tool for comparing SQL Server database schemas and discovering differences in their structures.
You can view all the differences in compared database objects and execute an automatically generated script to synchronize structure of SQL Server databases and eliminate these differences. Define comparison parameters and many other features make your work with our tool for SQL Server database synchronization easy and fast.

EMS DB Extract

Download page: EMS DB Extract
Release date: 2008-10-16
Support Version: —
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $47

EMS DB Extract for SQL Server is an impressive and easy-to-use tool for creating SQL Server database backups in a form of SQL scripts.
This database script utility allows you to save metadata of all SQL Server database objects as well as SQL Server table data as database snapshots.
Flexible customization of the extract process enables you to select objects and data tables for SQL Server database dump and tune many other extract options.


Download page: EMS SQL Query
Release date: 2012-03-29
Support Version: —
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $47

EMS SQL Query for SQL Server is a useful tool that lets you quickly and simply build SQL queries to SQL Server databases. Visual SQL Server query building as well as direct editing of a query text is available. User-friendly graphical interface allows you to connect to SQL Server databases, select tables and fields for a query to SQL Server, set the selection criteria and many more.

EMS Data Comparer

Download page: EMS Data Comparer
Release date: 2012-11-16
Support Version: —
Author: EMS
Free version: No
Price: $47

EMS Data Comparer for SQL Server is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for SQL Server data comparison and synchronization.
Using this utility you can view all the differences in compared SQL Server tables and execute an automatically generated script to eliminate these differences. Data Comparer for SQL Server provides a wide range of configuration parameters for fast and effective data comparison and synchronization of SQL Server databases.


Download page: NitroAccelerator
Release date: 2016-07-10
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Nitrosphere
Free version: No
Price: $1265

Accelerates and Secures SQL Server network traffic resulting in orders of magnitude performance improvement while securing the data across the network.

ERwin Data Modeler

Download page: ERwin Data Modeler
Release date: 2016-06-03
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: ERwin
Free version: No
Price: $810

ERwin Data Modeler is an industry-leading data modeling solution that provides a simple, visual interface to manage your complex data environment

Toad Data Point

Download page: Toad Data Point
Release date: 2016-06-16
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Quest Software
Free version: No
Price: ?

Query and Reporting Software Tool for Data Analysts

SQL Power Architect

Download page: SQL Power Architect
Release date: 2016-02-11
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: SQLPower
Free version: Yes
Price: $995

The SQL Power Architect data modeling tool was created by data warehouse designers and has many unique features geared specifically for the data warehouse architect.
It allows users to reverse-engineer existing databases, perform data profiling on source databases, and auto-generate ETL metadata.


Download page: DbWrench
Release date: 2019-09-17
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Nizana Systems
Free version: No
Price: $99

  • makes creating and modifying databases quicker and easier
  • streamlines many common database tasks
  • supports many operating systems and databases in a single license

Navicat Data Modeler

Download page: Navicat Data Modeler
Release date: 2016-08-01
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: PremiumSoft
Free version: No
Price: $199

Navicat Data Modeler is a powerful and cost-effective database design tool which helps you build high-quality conceptual, logical and physical data models.
It allows you to visually design database structures, perform reverse/forward engineering processes, import models from ODBC data sources, generate complex SQL/DDL, print models to files, and much more.

DeZign for Databases

Download page: DeZign for Databases
Release date: 2019-04-01
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Datanamic
Free version: No
Price: €29/month

DeZign for Databases is an intuitive database design and modeling tool for developers and DBA’s that can help you model, create and maintain databases.
The software uses entity relationship diagrams (ERDs, data models) to graphically design databases and automatically generates the most popular SQL and desktop database.

ERDesigner NG

Download page: ERDesigner NG
Release date: 2013-04-10
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: Mirko Sertic
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

The Mogwai ERDesigner is an entity relationship modeling/design tool(ERD) such as ERWin and co. The only difference is that it is Open Source and does not cost anything.
It was designed to make database modeling as easy as it can be and to support the developer in the whole development process, from database design to schema and code generation.


Download page: Vertabelo
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2012
Author: Vertabelo
Free version: No
Price: $948

Design your database online but very expensive


Download page: dbDiffo
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Contenet Ltd
Free version: Yes
Price: No

dbDiffo — The free online database schema designer


Download page: SQL DXP
Release date: 2016-06-20
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/Azure
Author: SQL Delte
Free version: No
Price: $530

SQL DXP compares databases on different server platforms and can generate scripts to make the source database generally the same as the target database regardless of platform.

Aqua Data Studio

Download page: Aqua Data Studio
Release date: 2016-07-06
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014
Author: AquaFold
Free version: No
Price: $499

Aqua Data Studio is productivity software for Database Developers, DBAs, and Analysts.
It allows you to develop, access, manage, and visually analyze data.
Whether you are working with relational, nosql or cloud databases, your data is easily and quickly accessible with Aqua Data Studio.
It supports all major database vendors, works on all major operating systems and is localized to 9 languages.


Download page: RazorSQL
Release date: 2019-09-26
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Richardson Software
Free version: No
Price: $100

The MS SQL Server database query tool features provided by RazorSQL include a custom MS SQL Server database browser tailored to SQL Server,
a Transact-SQL SQL editor with Transact SQL and SQL Server specific features and syntax highlighting, custom SQL Server visual tools,
and SQL Server specific database administration tools.

SQL Pretty Printer

Download page: SQL Pretty Printer
Release date: 2016-02-19
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Gudu Software
Free version: No
Price: $50

SQL Pretty Printer Desktop Version allows you to format your SQL wherever you are regardless of your Internet connection.
It generates various output formats, including text, colorful html (Used in web, blog, wiki, forums) and RTF.
Batch mode enables you to clean up SQL in multifiles under a nested directory.
While sitting in the tray, you can format SQL in any editor like Microsoft Query Analyzer, UltraEditor or notepad with just one hotkey.

Database .NET

Download page: Database .NET
Release date: 2018-08-20
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: fish’s dotNET
Free version: Non-commercial
Price: $69

Database .NET is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool.
You can browse/grant objects, design tables, edit rows, run queries, generate scripts, analyze/monitor SQL and import/export/migrate/sync data with a consistent interface.

dbMigration .NET

Download page: dbMigration .NET
Release date: 2018-08-20
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: fish’s dotNET
Free version: Non-commercial
Price: $49

dbMigration .NET is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and sync tool.
With it you can easily migrate schema and data between different databases without complicated procedures.


Download page: Is It SQL
Release date: 2017-04-06
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Bill Graziano
Free version: Non-commercial
Price: No

  • Supports SQL Server 2005 through SQL Server 2016
  • Monitor CPU usage for SQL Server and non-SQL Server tasks
  • Capture batch requests per second
  • Monitor Disk I/onsite
  • Monitor waits
  • Show actively running queries
  • Capture basic demographic information including version, start time, database sizes, etc.
  • Can run with no installation or it can be run as a service

Database Experimentation Assistant

Download page: Database Experimentation Assistant
Release date: 2020-03-20
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Database Experimentation Assistant is the new A/B testing solution for SQL Server upgrades, enables customers to gather performance
insights for upgrades by conducting experiments across two SQL Server versions using production workloads enabling customers to conduct
experiments on database workloads across two versions of SQL Server.

Data Platform Studio

Download page: Data Platform Studio
Release date: ?
Support Version: SQL Server, SQL Azure
Author: Red Gate Software
Free version: Yes
Price: ?

Simplify the process of migrating data from your on-premise SQL Server to Azure SQL Data Warehouse with the Data Platform Studio importer.
Automatically, and in far less time than it takes to handle migrations manually, it:

  • Makes schema compatibility fixes to prepare your Azure SQL Data Warehouse for your database
  • Compresses your data so it uploads to Azure efficiently
  • Utilizes the MPP power of Azure SQL Data Warehouse to ingest the data quickly


Download page: Data Platform Studio
Release date: 2018-01-30
Support Version: Oracle, SQL Server, SQL Azure, MySQL, Other
Author: boxfuse
Free version: Open Source
Price: $950

Flyway is an open-source database migration tool. It strongly favors simplicity and convention over configuration.
It is based around just 6 basic commands: Migrate, Clean, Info, Validate, Baseline and Repair.
Migrations can be written in SQL (database-specific syntax (such as PL/SQL, T-SQL, …) is supported) or Java (for advanced data transformations or dealing with LOBs).
It has a Command-line client. If you are on the JVM, we recommend using the Java API (also works on Android) for migrating the database on application startup. Alternatively, you can also use the Maven plugin, Gradle plugin, SBT plugin or the Ant tasks.


Download page: Liquibase
Release date: 2018-04-11
Support Version: Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Other
Author: Liquibase
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

Liquibase is an open source database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.
It was started in 2006 to allow easier tracking of database changes, especially in an agile software development environment.

All changes to the database are stored in text files (XML, YAML, JSON or SQL) and identified by a combination of an «id» and «author» tag as well as the name of the file itself.
A list of all applied changes is stored in each database which is consulted on all database updates to determine what new changes need to be applied.
As a result, there is no database version number but this approach allows it to work in environments with multiple developers and code branches.
Liquibase automatically creates DatabaseChangeLog Table and DatabaseChangeLogLock Table when you first execute a changeLog File.

My Batis

Download page: My Batis
Release date: 2018-03-20
Support Version: Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Other
Author: My Batis
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

MyBatis Schema Migration System (or MyBatis Migrations for short) seeks to:

  • Work with any database, new or existing
  • Leverage the source control system (e.g. Subversion)
  • Enable concurrent developers or teams to work independently
  • Allow conflicts very visible and easily manageable
  • Allow for forward and backward migration (evolve, devolve respectively)
  • Make the current status of the database easily accessible and comprehensible
  • Enable migrations despite access privileges or bureaucracy
  • Work with any methodology
  • Encourages good, consistent practices

SentryOne Plan Explorer

Download page: SentryOne Plan Explorer
Release date: 2017-05-25
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: SentryOne
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Index Analysis: Discover a new, easy way to gauge the impact of potential index changes.
  • Statistics Analysis with Histogram
  • Query Performance Profiling and Playback
  • Actual Plan Recosting
  • Plan Diagram
  • Management Studio Add-In
  • Tuning History and Comments
  • Multiple Documents

SQL Sentry

Download page: SQL Sentry
Release date: 2016-12-07
Support Version: ?
Author: SentryOne
Free version: No
Price: ?

Get the most complete coverage for SQL Server and Windows. Simplify performance tuning by visualizing where problems exist for faster resolution. Streamline your defragmentation process and query tuning all in one place.
We have combined all the great SQL Sentry tools into a single unified solution to help you monitor and optimize the Microsoft data platform.
Everything you need for: SQL Server and Windows Performance Monitoring, Event Management, Index Defragmentation and Query Plan Analysis, with Desktop, Web, and Mobile UIs.


Download page: dbMonitor
Release date: 2012-11-01
Support Version: ?
Author: Devart
Free version: Yes
Price: No

To extend monitoring capabilities of our data access products there is an additional tool called dbMonitor. It is easy-to-use tool to provide visual monitoring of your database applications.
dbMonitor performs per-component tracing of database events such as commit, rollback, SQL statement execute, creating and destroying components, connection pooling events etc.

DBmaestro TeamWork

Download page: DBmaestro TeamWork
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: DBmaestro
Free version: No
Price: ?

DBmaestro is bringing the agility of Automation and DevOps, with an innovative solution for evolutionary database development, safe build automation, and failsafe continuous delivery in any environment.

  • Database Release Automation
  • Database Merge and Build Automation
  • Database Enforced Source Control
  • Database Enhanced Security and Regulatory Compliance

xSQL Schema Compare

Download page: xSQL Schema Compare
Release date: 2017-03-01
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016, Azure
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: Yes
Price: $399

Compare the schemas of two SQL Server databases, review differences, generate synchronization script and execute it.

xSQL Data Compare

Download page: xSQL Data Compare
Release date: 2017-06-26
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016, Azure
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: Yes
Price: $399

Data Compare for SQL Server is a tool for comparing and synchronizing the data in two SQL Server databases.
You can use it for data migration, auditing, replication verification, populating development databases with production data etc.

xSQL Script Executor

Download page: xSQL Script Executor
Release date: 2015-02-25
Support Version: 2000 and higher
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: Yes
Price: $249

Script Executor is a professional grade database tool that allows you to deploy multiple Sql scripts on one or more target servers with a click of a button.
Scripts can be deployed directly from the GUI, from the command line or they can be wrapped into an executable.

xSQL Builder

Download page: xSQL Builder
Release date: 2017-03-15
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016, Azure
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: No
Price: $799

xSQL Builder is a SQL Server tool that allows for automating the deployment of SQL Server based solutions.
It generates executable packages that contain all the information and logic required to deploy the database to the clients’ environments regardless of whether it is a first time deployment or an upgrade from a previous version.

xSQL Documenter

Download page: xSQL Documenter
Release date: 2017-01-04
Support Version: 2000 to 2016
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: No
Price: $199

Comprehensive, uniform, and easily navigable database documentation in HTML and compiled CHM format.

xSQL Profiler

Download page: xSQL Profiler
Release date: 2017-06-28
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016, Azure
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: Yes
Price: $999

xSQL Profiler is a SQL tracing tool that provides for monitoring multiple SQL Servers from one central location.
Traces can be customized and scheduled to run on certain servers at certain times and all trace data is automatically collected into the central repository.

xSQL Schema Compare SDK

Download page: xSQL Schema Compare SDK
Release date: 2017-10-25
Support Version: 2000 to 2016
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: No
Price: $1499

Schema Compare SDK is a set of class libraries that allows you to perform schema comparison and synchronization for SQL Server databases in your .NET or ASP.NET applications.

xSQL RSS Reporter

Download page: xSQL RSS Reporter
Release date: 2014-11-25
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: No
Price: $169

RSS Reporter is a tool that generates standard Atom or RSS feeds for:

  • SQL Server job execution history
  • SQL Server job definition
  • The output of any T-SQL query
  • Database size and space usage

xSQL Database Searcher

Download page: xSQL Database Searcher
Release date: 2017-05-09
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016, Azure
Author: xSQL Software
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Database Searcher, previously known as «xSQL Object Search», is a free tool that allows you to search the schema of SQL Server databases.

Cloud-based DB Monitoring Platform

Download page: Cloud-based DB Monitoring Platform
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: SQLTreeo
Free version: No
Price: €180

  • Charts-on-charts technology, 24/7/365.
  • Alerting via Windows, Android and iOS.
  • Drill down into detailed history charts.
  • Send instant messages within your secured network.


Download page: SchemaCrawler
Release date: 2017-02-27
Support Version: Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Other
Author: Sualeh Fatehi
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

SchemaCrawler is a free database schema discovery and comprehension tool. SchemaCrawler has a good mix of useful features for data governance.
You can search for database schema objects using regular expressions, and output the schema and data in a readable text format. The output serves for
database documentation, and is designed to be diff-ed against other database schemas. SchemaCrawler also generates schema diagrams. You can execute scripts in any standard scripting language against your database. You can find potential schema design issues with lint.
SchemaCrawler supports almost any database that has a JDBC driver, but for convenience is bundled with drivers for some commonly used RDBMS systems. SchemaCrawler works with any operating system that supports Java SE 8, Compact Profile 2 or better.

SA MaaS Microsoft SQL Server

Download page: SA MaaS Microsoft SQL Server
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Free version: No
Price: ?

SA MaaS Microsoft SQL Server for on-premise and virtual Microsoft SQL servers gathers, stores and analyzes raw Microsoft recommended health & performance
diagnostics to help network admins and DBAs keep SQL servers running at peak performance and find the logs they need.

SSIS Framework

Download page: SSIS Framework
Release date: 2019-01-07
Support Version: ?
Author: Andy Leonard
Free version: Yes
Price: ?

  • Orchestrate SSIS Applications
  • Execute SSIS Applications with a single command
  • SSIS Catalog-integrated execution
  • Works with SSMS Catalog Reporting
  • Works with DILM Suite Catalog Reports
  • SSIS Catalog-integrated logging
  • SSIS Framework Reporting
  • Restart SSIS Applications at Failed Application Package
  • Application Package Parameter Support
  • Metadata-Driven Data Tap Support
  • Application Package Environment (References) Support
  • Application Package Property Override Support
  • Execute SSIS Applications / Packages on Different / Several Servers
  • Support for “Enterprise Data Integration Farm” SSIS Scale-Out
  • Enterprise Data Integration Reporting

BimlExpress Metadata Framework

Download page: BimlExpress Metadata Framework
Release date: 2017-01-06
Support Version: ?
Author: Andy Leonard
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The BimlExpress Metadata Framework version 2 uses Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) to:

  • Read metadata stored in a SQL Server database.
  • Build SSIS projects that create the target database, schemas, and tables.
  • Build an SSIS project that contains one SSIS package per table, plus a Controller package that executes each table-package.

MS Kerberos Configuration Manager

Download page: MS Kerberos Configuration Manager
Release date: 2017-01-31
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Microsoft Kerberos Configuration Manager for SQL Server is a diagnostic tool that helps troubleshoot Kerberos related connectivity issues with SQL Server, SQL Server Reporting Services, and SQL Server Analysis Services.


Download page: [Spotligh]
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Quest Software
Free version: Yes
Price: ?

Can diagnose SQL Server performance issues quickly and accurately, ensuring a healthy database infrastructure.

DBConvert Studio

Download page: DBConvert Studio
Release date: 2020-05-11
Support Version: 1.7.5
Author: Slotix
Free version: Yes
Price: $499

DBConvert Studio Software combines familiar and powerful features from the mature DBConvert and DBSync product series along with a redesigned and improved UI.
The following scenarios are available:

  • Simple master to slave migration
  • One-way Synchronization
  • Bidirectional synchronization
  • Data distribution (data flows from one source database to multiple destinations)


Download page: DbDefence
Release date: 2017-03-01
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: ActiveCrypt Software
Free version: Yes
Price: $698

DbDefence for Microsoft SQL Server implements server-side encryption and additional level of protection for databases.
With DbDefence you can hide table structure and data from prying eyes, even from DBA. Free version for databases less than 200 MB.

SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL

Download page: SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL
Release date: 2017-02-17
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for MySQL is a tool to automate migration from MySQL database(s) to SQL Server and Azure SQL DB.

sqlcmd for Mac and Linux

Download page: sqlcmd for Mac and Linux
Release date: 2017-01-26
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016/Azure
Author: Soheil Rashidi
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

sqlcmd utility for Mac and Linux

SQL Migrator

Download page: SQL Migrator
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Datamate Technology
Free version: ?
Price: ?

Automatically upgrade objects within a SQL Server Instance from lower to higher versions or just refresh Objects between the same Versions

MS FoxPro to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Download page: MS FoxPro to MS SQL Migration and Sync
Release date: 2013-10-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

Our software helps to migrate and synchronize MS Visual FoxPro databases .DBC or MS Visual FoxPro free tables .DBF to MS SQL Server.
It combines an easy-to-use interface with bunch of customization options, so your migration and replication of data can be fulfilled smoothly and rapidly.

Approximately 1 Million of records from FoxPro to MSSQL Server with «Bulk» option activated can be converted in 8 minutes.

MySQL to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Download page: MySQL to MS SQL Migration and Sync
Release date: 2013-10-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

Our software automates conversion and synchronization of your databases from MySQL to MS SQL Server.
Transfer the entire database or select only needed dataset at customization stage in easy-to-use wizard style GUI.

Views migration between MS SQL and MySQL in both directions is available. You don’t need to know any differences in SQL syntax.
Every view will be converted from source db to target automatically.

Integrated Data Types Mapping feature helps to find and map similar data types between MySQL and MS SQL Server to make cross database conversion more flexible.

Oracle to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Download page: Oracle to MS SQL Migration and Sync
Release date: 2013-10-09
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

Convert and synchronize databases from Oracle to MS SQL Server efficiently and fast.
Automatic views conversion from Oracle to MS SQL is easily performed with our software even with no any knowledge in differences between SQL dialects.
Besides, any server access restrictions may be overcome by creating dump files instead of direct connection to a target database.

Our tool easily handles huge databases and tables. A clear easy-to-use wizard interface helps you to move the whole database or only selected tables, indexes and foreign keys effortlessly.

PostgreSQL to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Download page: PostgreSQL to MS SQL Migration and Sync
Release date: 2013-10-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

Convert and synchronize your databases from PostgreSQL to MS SQL server or to SQL Azure databases using our powerful software.
Wizard style interface will guide you through several steps performing migration and replication jobs easily and effectively.

In case you have any server restrictions, you can stuff MS SQL Dump file with all data out of the PostgreSQL database.

Our software will save you hours of learning SQL commands as any large PostgreSQL db can be converted and synchronized approximately in 5-10 min.

MS Excel to MS SQL Migration

Download page: MS Excel to MS SQL Migration
Release date: 2013-09-23
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

Ability to create tables from MS Excel file with Integrated Data Selector
Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher 2003/2007/2010
Views conversion from MS SQL to MySQL and Oracle and back support
Bi-directional synchronization between MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL
Saving data into a MS SQL Dump for export to MS SQL database

SQLite to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Download page: SQLite to MS SQL Migration and Sync
Release date: 2014-05-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

Conversion Tool for data migration and synchronization between SQLite and MS SQL databases in both directions.
One of the main benefit of this converter is the range of effective features that help you to transfer all database objects together or each individually,
skipping unnecessary tables, fields, indexes, foreign keys and constrains; change data types for various fields; rename each database element and many other options.

If you have any restrictions on direct access to MS SQL server our product provides you with the opportunity to create Dump files for further data uploading to MS SQL server.

IBM DB2 to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Download page: IBM DB2 to MS SQL Migration and Sync
Release date: 2013-09-09
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

Our robust and cost-effective solution is a key for successful conversion and synchronization from IBM DB2 to MS SQL server.
Software is able to connect to source and destination databases directly without any other additional software installed.
Optionally target SQL Dump file may be generated if you haven’t a direct access to the MS SQL server.

MS Access to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Download page: IBM DB2 to MS SQL Migration and Sync
Release date: 2013-10-08
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

Powerful cross database software that will upsize and synchronize Access data into MS SQL database.

The program allows migrating MS Access queries to MSSQL views automatically with no need to know about the differences between SQL dialects.

Firebird to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Download page: Firebird to MS SQL Migration and Sync
Release date: 2013-09-11
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/Azure
Author: Slotix
Free version: No
Price: $149

All Firebird / InterBase versions support
Saving data into a Firebird Dump
Views conversion from MS SQL to MySQL and Oracle and back support
Bi-directional synchronization between MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL

SQLines SQL Converter

Download page: SQLines SQL Converter
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Dmtolpeko
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

SQLines SQL Converter is an open source tool (Apache License 2.0) that allows you to convert database schema (DDL),
queries and DML statements, views, stored procedures, packages, functions and triggers between Microsoft SQL Server,
Oracle, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Sybase, Informix, Teradata, Greenplum and Netezza.

SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox

Download page: SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: ErikEJ
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

Visual Studio & SSMS 2016 extension, standalone app and command line tools, for managing all aspects of your SQL Server Compact/SQLite database files’ data and schema, including generation of code, database diagrams and database documentation.


Download page: SqlPad
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Rickbergfalk
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

A web app for writing and running SQL queries and visualizing the results. Supports Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, Crate, Vertica, and Presto. Written in Node.js.


Download page: Html-query-plan
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: JustinPealing
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

Html-query-plan is a JavaScript library for showing Microsoft SQL Server execution plans in HTML.


Download page: SqlQueryStress
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Adam Machanic
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

SQL query stress simulator created by Adam Machanic http://sqlblog.com/blogs/adam_machanic/archive/2016/01/04/sqlquerystress-the-source-code.aspx

SQL Server Migration Assistant for DB2

Download page: SQL Server Migration Assistant for DB2
Release date: 2017-02-17
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for DB2 is a tool to automate migration from DB2 database(s) to SQL Server and Azure SQL DB.

SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle

Download page: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle
Release date: 2017-02-17
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle is a tool to automate migration from Oracle database(s) to SQL Server and Azure SQL DB.

SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access

Download page: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access
Release date: 2017-02-17
Support Version: 2005/2008/2012/2014/2016/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Access is a tool to automate migration from Access database(s) to SQL Server and Azure SQL DB.

SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP ASE

Download page: SQL Server Migration Assistant for SAP ASE
Release date: 2020-06-29
Support Version: 2012/2014/2016/2019/Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for SAP ASE is a tool to automate migration from SAP ASE database(s) to SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.
SSMA for SAP ASE is designed to support migration from SAP ASE version 11.9 and higher.

mssql for Visual Studio Code

Download page: mssql for Visual Studio Code
Release date: 2017-02-02
Support Version: ?
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

mssql for Visual Studio Code an extension for developing Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse everywhere with a rich set of functionalities, including:

  • Connect to Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouses
  • Create and manage connection profiles and most recently used connections
  • Write T-SQL script with IntelliSense, Go to Definition, T-SQL snippets, syntax colorizations, T-SQL error validations and GO batch separator
  • Execute your scripts and view results in a simple to use grid
  • Save the result to json or csv file format and view in the editor
  • Customizable extension options including command shortcuts and more

Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit

Download page: Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit
Release date: 2020-05-26
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit makes it easy to assess your current IT infrastructure for a variety of technology migration projects.
This Solution Accelerator provides a powerful inventory, assessment, and reporting tool to simplify the migration planning process.

Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit Wiki


Download page: mssql-scripter
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

mssql-scripter is the multiplatform command line equivalent of the widely used Generate Scripts Wizard experience in SSMS.
You can use mssql-scripter on Linux, macOS, and Windows to generate data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) T-SQL scripts for database objects in SQL Server running anywhere, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.


Download page: DBFS
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

DBFS uses FUSE to mount MS SQL Server DMVs as a virtual file system.
This gives you the ability to explore information about your database (Dynamic Management Views) using native bash commands.


Download page: Comparator
Release date: 2017-06-06
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Pumpet
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

Simple application for compare data

Navicat for SQL Server

Download page: Navicat for SQL Server
Release date: 2017-06-14
Support Version: 2008-2017/Azure/AmazonRDS
Author: PremiumSoft
Free version: No
Price: $699

Navicat for SQL Server gives you a fully graphical approach to database management and development.
Quickly and easily create, edit, and delete all database objects, or execute SQL queries and scripts.
Connect to any local/remote SQL Server, and compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS and SQL Azure.

Navicat Premium

Download page: Navicat Premium
Release date: 2017-06-14
Support Version: 2008-2017/Azure/AmazonRDS
Author: PremiumSoft
Free version: No
Price: $1299

Navicat Premium is a database development tool that allows you to simultaneously connect to MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases from a single application.
Compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, SQL Azure, Oracle Cloud and Google Cloud.
You can quickly and easily build, manage and maintain your databases.


Download page: DbVisualizer
Release date: 2017-08-22
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: DbVis Software AB.
Free version: Yes
Price: $197

DbVisualizer is the universal database tool for developers, DBAs and analysts.
It is the perfect solution since the same tool can be used on all major operating systems accessing a wide range of databases.


Download page: DbSchema
Release date: 2017-06-19
Support Version: 2008-2017/Azure/Amazon
Author: Wise Coders Solutions
Free version: No
Price: $127

  • DbSchema is a diagram-oriented database designer with integrated data and query tools
  • DbSchema is build for large diagrams and schemes. No database experience required — the tool is visual.
  • For deployment of the schema on multiple databases, management of multiple versions of the schema and migration scripts, work in a team on the design project.
    This are possible as DbSchema is using its own image of the schema and saves it to XML file.


Download page: DBGhost
Release date: 2017-01-31
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Innovartis Ltd
Free version: No
Price: £430

The Change Manager gives you all the tools to implement the full DB Ghost Process enabling you to script out your databases into individual DROP/CREATE scripts, place those scripts under source control, modify them there and then build and deploy from those scripts.


Download page: SQLAutomate
Release date: 2017-06-19
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: OnLine ToolWorks
Free version: No
Price: $99

SQLAutomate is an advanced database automation solution for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2 or other advanced database management system.
It provides the ability to manage the necessary repetitive DBMS maintenance to help keep your databases efficient over time.
SQLAutomate makes it easy to manage a single database server instance, hundreds or even thousands of instances.


Download page: BimlExpress
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Varigence
Free version: No
Price: No

BimlExpress Visual Studio Add-in built specifically to work with SQL Server 2016.

  • Generate packages within Visual Studio and avoid slow, repetitive, «drag ‘n drop» workflow.
  • Write Biml code with syntax highlighting, making it easier to read and write Biml.
  • Updates are released more rapidly to work with the most current versions of SQL Server.

BI Developer Extensions

Download page: BI Developer Extensions
Release date: 2019-04-29
Support Version: ?
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

A Visual Studio add-in that enhances development functionality in Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) and SQL Server Data Tools (SSDTBI).

Azure Data Warehouse Migration Utility

Download page: Azure Data Warehouse Migration Utility
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Microsoft
Free version: ?
Price: ?

The Data Warehouse Migration Utility is a tool designed to migrate schema and data from SQL Server and Azure SQL Database to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
During schema migration, the tool automatically maps the corresponding schema from source to destination.
After the schema has been migrated, the tools provides the option to move data with automatically generated scripts.

Benchmark Factory

Download page: Benchmark Factory
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016/Azure
Author: Quest Software
Free version: No
Price: $4413

  • database workload generation
  • database code scalability testing
  • industry-standard benchmark testing
  • virtual user and transaction load simulation


Download page: manduka
Release date: 2017-03-08
Support Version: ?
Author: Virtusa Corporation
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The Free Static code analyzer

  • PL-SQL & T-SQL
  • Support for more than 50 violation rules
  • Light weight & fast
  • Easy to install & use
  • XML reports


Download page: PowerBI Desktop
Release date: 2017-07-11
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: ?

Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights.
Monitor your business and get answers quickly with rich dashboards available on every device.

Stellar Phoenix SQL Database Repair

Download page: Stellar Phoenix SQL Database Repair
Release date: 2017-07-05
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: Stellar Information Technology
Free version: No
Price: $349

  • Repairs corrupt MDF and NDF file of SQL Server database
  • Recovers tables, triggers, indexes, keys, rules and defaults
  • Perform deleted records recovery from MS SQL Server database
  • Saves Scan result of SQL Server database file automatically
  • Allows to search and recover specific database objects
  • Allows saving the repaired file in MS SQL, HTML, XLS & CSV formats
  • Supports MS SQL Server 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 and all lower versions

DataNumen SQL Recovery

Download page: DataNumen SQL Recovery
Release date: 2017-03-20
Support Version: 2008/2012/2014/2016
Author: DataNumen
Free version: No
Price: $500

Recovery rate is the most important criterion of a SQL recovery product.
Based on our comprehensive tests, DataNumen SQL Recovery has the best recovery rate, much more better than any other competitors in the market!

Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server

Download page: Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server
Release date: ?
Support Version: 7/2000/2005/2008/2008 R2/2012/2014
Author: Recovery Toolbox
Free version: No
Price: $99

Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server is a comprehensive recovery solution for damaged MS SQL Server database files.

SQL MDF Viewer

Download page: SQL MDF Viewer
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2000-2016
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $129

Read and open MDF database file along with its related elements

  • Preview all tables, indexes, triggers of the MDF file
  • Auto detects the SQL Server version
  • Save scanned MDF file data in .str file format

SQL MDF Recovery Tool

Download page: SQL MDF Recovery Tool
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2014 and all lower versions
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $129

Repair corrupt MDF file data with ease and accuracy

  • Recover tables, function, stored procedure, triggers, etc
  • Performs Quick and Advance Scan to repair MDF & NDF file
  • Export selective file with Schema or Schema and Data

SQL Passord Recovery

Download page: SQL Passord Recovery
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008 & all below versions
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $69

Tool to Reset SQL Server Database Password

  • Recover passwords of multiple SQL Server databases
  • Reset both unknown and empty SQL DB passwords
  • Remove and reset passwords of all SQL Server users

SQL Decryptor

Download page: SQL Decryptor
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2014 & all below versions
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $69

User Friendly Solution to Remove Encryption From SQL Database

  • Remove encryption from batch SQL objects
  • Display complete preview of MS SQL database
  • Export data to SQL Server and compatible script

SQL Backup Database Recovery

Download page: SQL Backup Database Recovery
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $149

Recover Corrupt SQL Backup File with .bak Repair Tool

  • Repair corrupt SQL Server backup file with confidence
  • Fix all SQL backup error messages quickly
  • Advanced and affordable solution to recover SQL BAK file
  • Simple and nifty graphical user interface

SQL Log File Viewer

Download page: SQL Log File Viewer
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2016/2014/2012/2008 and all below versions
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $999

Read SQL Server database transaction log file with SQL log analysis tool

  • Analyze and view SQL Server LDF file transactions
  • View all the transactions, i.e. insert, update, delete etc.
  • Export log file into SQL Server, SQL script or as CSV file

DAX Studio

Download page: DAX Studio
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Sqlbi
Free version: Yes
Price: No

DAX Studio is a tool to write, execute, and analyze DAX queries in Power BI Designer, Power Pivot for Excel, and Analysis Services Tabular.


Download page: SQL Cop
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: LessThanDot
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Cop is a static code analysis tool to automatically detect issues with your database.


Download page: Dataedo
Release date: 2017-09-15
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Sqlbi
Free version: Yes
Price: $239

Document SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL databases

Azure Database Migration Service

Download page: Dataedo
Release date: 2017-12-01
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Reduce the complexity of your cloud migration by using a single comprehensive service instead of multiple tools.
The public preview release of Azure Database Migration Service is designed as a seamless, end-to-end solution for moving on-premises SQL Server databases to the cloud.


Download page: flowheater
Release date: 2017-10-02
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: FlowHeater GmbH
Free version: No
Price: $79

The FlowHeater functionality closely resembles the concept of a continuous-flow water heater. A wide variety of data sources can be interconnected with FlowHeater and by making use of exchangeable adapters, there is no restriction to the data flow.


Download page: EDIS
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: SQL ETL
Free version: Yes
Price: $599

EDIS is an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) application for Microsoft SQL Server.
No 3rd Party Language, No Packages, Just SQL.


Download page: SchemaSpy
Release date: 2018-08-05
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Rafal Kasa
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

Document your database simply and easily.
SchemaSpy is a Java-based tool (requires Java 8 or higher) that analyzes the metadata of a schema in a database and generates a visual representation of it in a browser-displayable format.
It lets you click through the hierarchy of database tables via child and parent table relationships as represented by both HTML links and entity-relationship diagrams.
It’s also designed to help resolve the obtuse errors that a database sometimes gives related to failures due to constraints.
It is free software that is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.


Download page: Adminer
Release date: 2019-08-27
Support Version: 2005-2017
Author: Adminer
Free version: Open Source
Price: No

Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server.
Adminer is available for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB.

Full Convert Enterprise

Download page: Full Convert
Release date: 2018-08-20
Support Version: 2005-2017
Author: Spectral Core
Free version: No
Price: $699

Full Convert allows easy copying of tables and data between 40 or so supported databases. It will create all the tables, copy all of your data, then create indexes and foreign keys.
It has powerful mapping and customization features and uses optimal copying mode for each table separately to achieve the best possible throughput.

Replicator Pro

Download page: Replicator
Release date: 2018-08-20
Support Version: 2005-2017
Author: Spectral Core
Free version: No
Price: $799

Replicator allows table data comparison and sync — even with heterogeneous databases. It is unique in the fact it can replicate changes only even if source is non-relational (CSV, DBF, Excel documents, Paradox…).
Replicator has a built-in scheduler for easy periodic change replication.


Download page: JackDB
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2017/Azure
Author: JackDB
Free version: No
Price: $49

JackDB is a modern database client. Collaborate with data securely across your entire organization.

SQL Workbench

Download page: SQL Workbench
Release date: 2018-08-20
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Thomas Kellerer
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Workbench/J is a free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL query tool. It is written in Java and should run on any operating system that provides a Java Runtime Environment.
Its main focus is on running SQL scripts (either interactively or as a batch) and export/import features.
Graphical query building or more advanced DBA tasks are not the focus and are not planned.

Valentina Studio

Download page: Valentina Studio
Release date: 2018-09-24
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Paradigma Software
Free version: Yes
Price: $200

Valentina Studio is your universal database management tool for working with MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Valentina DB databases.
Valentina Studio lets you connect with all major databases, run queries and generate diagrams to better understand your mission critical business data — and that is the free version of Valentina Studio.

SQL Plus Dot Net

Download page: SQL Plus Dot Net
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: SQL+.NET
Free version: No
Price: ?

SQL+ is a tool that generates a class library from stored procedures by utilizing a tagging system in the form of comments.
Does all the ADO stuff like setting up parameters and converting result sets into objects.


Download page: SQLIndexManager
Release date: 2019-05-19
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure
Author: Sergey Syrovatchenko
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Analyze and fix index fragmentation for SQL Server / Azure

JAMS Enterprise Job Scheduling

Download page: JAMS Enterprise Job Scheduling
Release date: 2019-08-20
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: HelpSystems
Free version: No
Price: ?

Take control of SQL Agent sprawl. Automate smarter with JAMS and regain control over your critical SQL Server batch processes.

  • Monitor SQL Server Job Progress
  • Customize SQL Job Schedules (Dates, times, triggers, dependencies and more)
  • Send Alerts

Stitch Data Loader

Download page: Stitch Data Loader
Release date: 2019-09-20
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure
Author: Talend
Free version: No
Price: ?

Stitch makes it simple to load data from dozens of cloud sources into cloud data warehouses and data lakes in minutes.

Talend Data Integration

Download page: Talend Data Integration
Release date: 2019-06-20
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure
Author: Talend
Free version: Yes
Price: ?

Talend Data Integration an enterprise data integration software to connect, access, and transform any data across the cloud or on-premises.

Talend Data Preparation

Download page: Talend Data Preparation
Release date: 2018-06-05
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure
Author: Talend
Free version: Yes
Price: ?

Talend Data Preparation empowers anyone to quickly prepare data for trusted insights throughout the organization.

Pentaho Data Integration

Download page: Talend Data Integration
Release date: 2019-06-20
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure
Author: Hitachi Vantara
Free version: No
Price: ?

This end-to-end platform meets all data integration challenges. Its intuitive drag-and-drop graphical interface simplifies the creation of self-documented data pipelines.
For data transformation, easily use push-down processing to scale out compute platforms, such as Apache Hadoop.


Download page: Studio3T
Release date: 2019-09-19
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Studio 3T
Free version: No
Price: $149

Speed up tasks like query building, data exploration, import/export, code generation, and more – with or without the knowledge of the MongoDB query language.
MongoDB from and to migrations with many RDBMS.


Download page: SQLGrease
Release date: 2019-09-20
Support Version: 2008-2019/Azure/RDS
Author: SQLGrease
Free version: No
Price: $948

SQLGrease was built from the ground up specifically for monitoring SQL Server.
Using the newest monitoring features in SQL Server, SQLGrease collects detailed information with extremely low overhead.


Download page: QuickDBD
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Dovetail Technologies Ltd
Free version: Yes
Price: $95

Draw databases diagrams by typing online and collaborating.

DB Designer

Download page: DB Designer
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: DB Designer
Free version: Yes
Price: $180

All The Features You Need For Database Design – Simple But Powerful.

ESF Database Migration Toolkit

Download page: ESF Database Migration Toolkit
Release date: 2019-10-23
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: DBSofts Inc
Free version: No
Price: $322

ESF Database Migration Toolkit is the most popular toolkit to help people migrate data across various database formats, supporting Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, IBM Informix, InterSystems Caché, Teradata, Visual Foxpro, SQLite, FireBird, InterBase, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Paradox, Lotus, dBase, CSV/Text and so on.

MS SQL Migration Toolkit

Download page: MS SQL Migration Toolkit
Release date: 2019-04-22
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Intelligent Converters
Free version: No
Price: $99

MS SQL Migration Toolkit is a software pack to convert any data source to Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL and vice versa. The product has high performance because it does not use ODBC or any other middleware software.
Command line support allows to script, automate and schedule the conversion.


Download page: DatabaseSpy
Release date: 2019-10-09
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Altova
Free version: No
Price: €109

Altova DatabaseSpy is the unique multi-database query and design tool that even generates elegant charts directly from query results.


Download page: DatabaseSpy
Release date: 2019-10-09
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Altova
Free version: No
Price: €109

Altova DiffDog® 2020 is a powerful diff/merge tool for files, folders, and databases.
This easy-to-use synchronization tool quickly compares and merges text or source code files, Microsoft Word documents, directories, CSV files, databases, and XML Schemas via its intuitive visual interface.
It indicates differences, intelligently merges content, and creates XSLT to convert XML data.

ERBuilder data modeler

Download page: ERBuilder data modeler
Release date: 2019-11-14
Support Version: 2008-2019/AzureSQL
Author: Softbuilder
Free version: Yes
Price: $99

ERBuilder Data Modeler allows developers to graphically design databases by using entity relationship diagrams, and automatically generates the most popular SQL databases.
It also allows developers to easily deploy databases by offering a sophisticated visual data modeling environment.


Download page: SQLDatabaseStudio
Release date: 2017-05-10
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Jan Pivarcek
Free version: Yes
Price: $215

  • Attention to the details is what makes SQL Database Studio (SDS) perfect. SDS automates repetitive tasks such as filtering, sorting, searching and much more. You can stay focused on problem you are solving and be more productive.
  • Start Up in No Time
  • Smart and Modern IDE

Enterprise Architect

Download page: Enterprise Architect
Release date: 2019-10-31
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Sparx Systems Pty Ltd
Free version: No
Price: $225

Integrated modeling platform.
Enterprise Architect, t’s built-in Data Modeling tools and profiles extend UML to provide an intuitive mapping from the database concepts of tables and relationships onto the UML concepts of classes and associations. These extensions also enable you to model database keys, triggers, constraints, RI and other relational database features.
Enterprise Architect supports modeling of database schema and automatic generation of DDL scripts for eleven DBMS targets out-of-the-box: DB2, Firebird, MS Access, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL


Download page: MogwaiERDesignerNG
Release date: 2019-08-22
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Mirko Sertic
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Java 2D & 3D visual entity relationship design & modeling (ERD,SQL) for Oracle, MSSQL, Postgres and MySQL.

The Mogwai ERDesigner is an entity relationship modeling/design tool(ERD) such as ERWin and co.
The only difference is that it is Open Source and does not cost anything.
It was designed to make database modeling as easy as it can be and to support the developer in the whole development process, from database design to schema and code generation.


Download page: Xcase
Release date: 2018-06-19
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Resolution Software Ltd
Free version: No
Price: $799

Xcase is a complete database design tool engineered to help you accomplish all your database-related tasks – from database design to modeling to daily modifications – with greater speed, higher quality, and better adherence to best practices. Its powerful automation and graphics features quickly and accurately complete tasks throughout the entire life cycle of your database, freeing you to focus on database strategy.

Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

Download page: [Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler]
Release date: 2019-08-01
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Oracle
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler is a free graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies data modeling tasks.
Using Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler users can create, browse and edit, logical, relational, physical, multi-dimensional, and data type models.
The Data Modeler provides forward and reverse engineering capabilities and supports collaborative development through integrated source code control.
The Data Modeler can be used in both traditional and in Cloud environments.


Download page: Exportizer
Release date: 2019-11-17
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Vitaliy Levchenko
Free version: No
Price: $29

You can export dbf to txt, csv to dbf, Paradox to xls, and make several other data conversions.
Beside that, in Exportizer Pro or Exportizer Enterprise, it is possible to export DB2 to xlsx, SQLite to dBase, Access to HTML, Excel to Access, migrate Interbase to SQL Server, FDB to Excel, Oracle to PostgreSQL, and much more.


Download page: Reportizer
Release date: 2019-09-10
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Vitaliy Levchenko
Free version: No
Price: $39

Reportizer is a software tool to create database and file reports.
With Reportizer, you can create professional reports in a couple of minutes!

Database Tour

Download page: Database Tour
Release date: 2019-11-20
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Vitaliy Levchenko
Free version: No
Price: $49

Database Tour is a multi-functional database tool for Windows.
In addition, Database Tour Pro provides powerful command line and reporting functionality.

Ispirer MnMATK

Download page: Ispirer MnMATK
Release date: 2019-10-23
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Ispirer Systems
Free version: No
Price: ?

Ispirer Migration and Modernization Assessment Toolkit (Ispirer MnMATK) is designed to collect statistical information about your database or application, as well as better realize the size of a migration project.
The software provides a full report on the number of tables, the amount of data, the number of database objects, and the number of lines of code in each type of database object.
The toolkit consists of Migration Assessment Wizard designed to collect and evaluate information about the database, and Migration Assessment Studio designed to collect and evaluate information about the application.

SQL Database Recovery

Download page: SQL Database Recovery
Release date: 2019-09-10
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: KernelApps Private
Free version: No
Price: $399

Repair corrupt and damaged MS SQL database files.

SysTools SQL Log Analyzer

Download page: SysTools SQL Log Analyzer
Release date: 2019-01-01
Support Version: 2000-2019
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $999

SysTools SQL Log Analyzer — To Read & Analyze SQL Server Log File (.ldf) Transactions

  • Complete analyses of SQL transaction Log (.ldf) file to identify critical changes in record
  • Open, Read & Analyze all Microsoft SQL transactions: Insert, Update & Delete
  • SQL LDF File Recovery to restore the modified database back into SQL Server
  • Forensic Investigator can track who modified SQL table records with details provide by Log Analyzer
  • Quick Scan to deeply examine log file & provide full visibility to database records
  • Open & Analyze all operation of a transaction(LDF) file Without MS SQL Server application
  • SQL Log Analyzer works on both Online & Offline SQL Database Environment
  • Support to fetch & view records from Live SQL database environment
  • Support For Advance SQL Data Type : Datetime2, datetimeoffset, sql_variant, hierarchyid, geometry & geography data types
  • Dynamic Filters to export only Selective transaction records after complete analyses
  • Display LDF information in SQL Scripts, CSV file or directly export to any SQL Server database
  • Auto-locate MDF to read database schema of scanned Log File while opting Offline DB Option
  • Provide support to Unicode (Collation) property after exporting database

SysTools SQL Server Recovery Manager

Download page: SysTools SQL Server Recovery Manager
Release date: 2017-01-01
Support Version: 2000-2016
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $1499

  • Recover & Export SQL Database: Primary (MDF) and Secondary (NDF)
  • Analyze SQL Server LOG database transactions
  • Scan, recover & Export database from corrupt SQL Server Backup File
  • Recover & Reset SQL User Password from master.mdf file
  • Decrypt Encryption of SQL Server Scripts & Database from Live Environ
  • Recover Data from all Database Files : master.mdf/.ndf/.bak/.ldf etc.

SysTools SQL Recovery

Download page: SysTools SQL Recovery
Release date: 2019-01-01
Support Version: 2000-2019
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $249

  • Quick & Advanced Scan To Repair SQL Database : Both Primary & Secondary
  • SQL Recovery Software will Recover Deleted SQL Server Database Table’s Data
  • Scan & Recover Multiple NDF Files (Secondary Database)
  • Scan & Recover Triggers, Rules, Functions, Tables, Stored Procedures
  • Export File into SQL Server Database or as SQL Server Compatible Scripts Using SQL Database Repair Tool
  • Auto Fetches SQL Server Name while Exporting to SQL Server Database
  • Desired Items Selection to Save File with Schema or Schema & Data Both
  • Option to preview deleted records in red colour
  • Support ASCII and Unicode XML datatype
  • Recover data from Wallet Ransomware affected .mdf files.

SysTools SQL Recovery

Download page: SysTools SQL Recovery
Release date: 2018-01-01
Support Version: 2000-2017
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $149

  • Recover & Preview Tables, Views, Procedures, Triggers, Functions, Columns
  • Supports to repair corrupt SQL Backup file without any modification
  • Recover MDF & NDF files Saved within SQL Backup File
  • Option of Auto-Detect to detect the version of SQL .bak file
  • 2 Export Options: SQL Server Database or SQL Server Compatible Script
  • Supports XML Data type in MS SQL server 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008
  • No File Size Limitation: Tested with 1.4 TB of SQL .bak file

SysTools SQL Password Recovery

Download page: SysTools SQL Password Recovery
Release date: 2018-01-01
Support Version: 2000-2017
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $149

  • Reset both Individual User & SA passwords from SQL master.mdf file
  • Installation of MS SQL Server is not mandatory to reset SA password
  • SQL Server services should be stopped while loading master.mdf file
  • Recover & Reset SQL password of any length or type without any fail
  • Provide facility to set new password for User Login within a software
  • Capable to recover Multilingual Password of MDF Files successfully
  • SQL Server SA Password Recovery can install on Windows OS

SysTools SQL Decryptor

Download page: SysTools SQL Decryptor
Release date: 2019-01-01
Support Version: 2000-2019
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $69

  • Remove encryption from complete MS SQL database
  • Supports Dual Login Mode : Windows & SQL Server Authentication
  • SQL Server credentials required to decrypt SQL database file
  • Option Export SQL database: SQL Server & Compatible Scripts
  • Able to Decrypt SQL Stored Procedure, Triggers, Functions, Views.
  • SQL Server should be installed on machine for decryption
  • Dedicated Admin Connection (DAC) is required to run the utility

SysTools SQL Server Database Migrator

Download page: SysTools SQL Server Database Migrator
Release date: 2018-01-01
Support Version: 2000-2017
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $249

  • Migrate Corrupted SQL Server Database from SQL Server 2008 to 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017
  • Move Tables, Functions, SPs etc from One database to Another In all SQL Server
  • Migrate Database Objects (Tables, Functions, Stored Procedures etc) from One Server to Another
  • Creates .sql Script File of All Database Objects of an MDF File One by One
  • Migrate SQL Database Objects from One Server to Another With Only Schema
  • Copy SQL Server Database from One Server to Another With Schema & Data
  • Move & Export SQL Server Database on an Existing Database or as a New Database.

SQL Server to Azure Database Migrator

Download page: SQL Server to Azure Database Migrator
Release date: 2018-01-01
Support Version: 2000-2017
Author: SysTools
Free version: No
Price: $169

  • Able to Move all SQL database objects : Tables, Triggers, Stored Procedures etc.
  • Migrate corrupted / inaccessible SQL database to Azure Database
  • Preview all database components before migrating SQL Database to Azure
  • Auto-detect SQL Server version while migrating data to Azure SQL database
  • Allows to migrate selected data items ‘With Schema’ or ‘With Schema & Data’ option
  • Provides facility to Migrate NDF file data to Azure SQL database
  • Allows to Migrate deleted records to SQL Azure cloud database

Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery

Download page: Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery
Release date: 2019-12-31
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Commvault
Free version: No
Price: ?

Complete coverage starts and ends here. Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery is a single, powerful solution for data protection – wherever your data lives.
Supported Technologies

Veeam Backup & Recovery

Download page: Veeam Backup & Replication
Release date: 2019-12-31
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Veeam
Free version: No
Price: $600

Veeam Backup & Replication™ delivers Intelligent Data Management for ALL your virtual, physical and cloud-based workloads.
Through a single management console, you can manage fast, flexible and reliable backup, recovery and replication of all your applications and data to eliminate legacy backup solutions forever.

Database Modeling Excel

Download page: Database Modeling Excel
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Yang Ning (Steven)
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

The database modeling utility is a Microsoft Office Excel workbook which can help you to design databases.
It supports DB2, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite and SQL Server.
In the workbook, you can define database, generate DDL scripts, and import database definition from existing databases.


Download page: DBAchecks
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: sqlcollaborative
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

This open source module allows us to crowd-source our checklists using Pester tests. Such checks include:

  • Backups are being performed
  • Identity columns are not about to max out
  • Servers have access to backup paths
  • Database integrity checks are being performed and corruption does not exist
  • Disk space is not about to run out
  • All enabled jobs have succeeded


Download page: DBComparer
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005-2008
Author: DBComparer
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • Automate compare database
  • Compare all database objects or selected ones only
  • Compare database by all or selected properties of objects only
  • A wide variety of options for comparison
  • Compare databases using all or selected object properties
  • Advanced visual build tree interface for an intuitive visual representation of any differences
  • Built-in text differences control with SQL syntax highlighting


Download page: DbViewSharp
Release date: 2014-08-08
Support Version: 2005 – 2014
Author: David Moore
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

DbViewSharp is a very useful application that is designed to provide you with a means of exploring and managing SQL databases.


Download page: DTSQL
Release date: 2017-08-18
Support Version: ?
Author: DigerTech Inc
Free version: Yes
Prise: $69

DtSQL is an universal database tool for developers and database administrators to Query, Edit, Browse, and Manage database objects.
It can access most databases and can be used on all major operating systems.

MSKerberos Configuration Manager

Download page: MSKerberos Configuration Manager
Release date: 2020-02-25
Support Version: 2008 – 2019
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

Microsoft Kerberos Configuration Manager for SQL Server is a diagnostic tool that helps troubleshoot Kerberos related connectivity issues with SQL Server, SQL Server Reporting Services, and SQL Server Analysis Services.

Partition Management

Download page: Partition Management
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: ?
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • Remove all the data from one partition by switching it out to a staging table. It creates the required staging table.
  • Create a staging table for loading data into a partition. The staging table can be created with or without indexes — if created without indexes this utility provides a separate command to create appropriate indexes on the staging table, before SWITCHing it into the partitioned table.

Powershell Scripts

Download page: Powershell Scripts
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2017
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • 147 sample PowerShell scripts to manage SQL Server and Azure SQL Database
  • Scripts to initialize PowerShell modules
  • Scripts for Database Engine, and for Analysis, Integration and Reporting Services
  • Support for SQL Server 2016 and 2017, and Windows Server 2016
  • 15 New scripts for Azure SQL Database


Download page: PSDatabaseClone
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Sander Stad
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

PSDatabaseClone is a PowerShell module dedicated to the provisioning of databases using virtual disk technology.

Pssdiag&Sqldiag Manager

Download page: Pssdiag&Sqldiag Manager
Release date: 2020-05-04
Support Version: ?
Author: Jack Li
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

Pssdiag/Sqldiag Manager is a graphic interface that provides customization capabilities to collect data for SQL Server using sqldiag collector engine. The data collected can be used by SQL Nexus tool which help you troubleshoot SQL Server performance problems. This is the same tool Microsoft SQL Server support engineers use to for data collection to troubleshoot customer’s performance problems.

SQuirreL SQL Client

Download page: SQuirreL SQL Client
Release date: 2020-04-30
Support Version: ?
Author: Colin Bell, Gerd Wagner
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

SQuirreL SQL Client is a JAVA-based database administration tool for JDBC compliant databases. It allows you to view the database structure and issue SQL commands. It provides an editor that offers code completion and syntax highlighting for standard SQL.

Data Synchronisation Studio

Download page: Data Synchronisation Studio
Release date: 2020-05-26
Support Version: SQL Server 2014 or higher
Author: Simego Ltd
Free version: No
Prise: $999

The complete package for data integration and automation for SQL.

  • Import + Export
  • Data Reconciliation
  • Data Preview
  • Transformation
  • Lookups
  • Connection Library
  • Schedule

SQL Converter

Download page: SQL Converter
Release date: 2015-12-15
Support Version: ?
Author: Alaa Ben Fatma
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

SQL Converter is the utility, allowing one to extract information from source servers selectively and save it to a variety of formats.


Download page: SQLDBSearch
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2000-2019
Author: Mohamed Bouarroudj
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

SQLDBSearch is a SQL Server tool that lets you easily and quickly search for database objects or SQL statements across your databases.


Download page: SQLDBSize
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2000-2019
Author: Mohamed Bouarroudj
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

SQLDBSize is a SQL Server tool that allows you to display graphically the size used or reserved by tables, indexes, databases, transaction logs and physical files.

SQLines Data

Download page: SQLines Data
Release date: 2019-05-29
Support Version: ?
Author: SQLines
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

SQLines Data is an open source, scalable, parallel high performance data transfer and schema conversion tool that you can use for database migrations and ETL processes.


Download page: SqlDbAid
Release date: 2018-02-10
Support Version: 2005+
Author: Miken
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • Text search inside code definition with highlitghting
  • DBA reports (missing indexes, missing foreign key indexes, indexes status, top queries, table MBytes)
  • One file per object or single file scripts (tables, views, triggers, procedures, functions, indexes…)
  • Select, Insert and Update scripts
  • Table data insert script creation
  • Table/View data export
  • Offline database compare tool


Download page: sqlectron
Release date: 2018-09-06
Support Version: ?
Author: sqlectron
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

A simple and lightweight SQL client with cross database and platform support.

SQL ExecStats

Download page: SQL ExecStats
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Elemental Inc
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

ExecStats started out with a focus on execution plan analysis with cross-referencing index usage to the SQL. Formerly separate programs for performance monitoring and server system architecture discovery via WMI have now been integrated into ExecStats.


Download page: SQL-FineBuild
Release date: 2017-10-28
Support Version: 2005-2017
Author: Edward Vassie
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

SQL FineBuild provides 1-click install and best-practice configuration on Windows of SQL Server 2017 down to SQL Server 2005.

SQL Health Monitor

Download page: SQL Health Monitor
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2000-2014
Author: Edward Vassie
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • Keep a tab on the performance parameters of both default and named instances
  • Get a dashboard view of system resources used & MS SQL performance parameters
  • Fetch the status of Winodws services related to your MS SQL Server
  • Keep an eye on buffer, memory, lock and latch details of your MS SQL Server
  • Generate real time performance reports in PDF format and Email it from the tool

SQL Instance Check

Download page: SQL Instance Check
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Idera
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • Monitor 20 key performance metrics
  • See throughput of varying types
  • See «heartbeat» statistics at different intervals
  • Up and running in minutes with easy installation wizard
  • No agents required
  • Connect to cloud and run in cloud (provisional)


Download page: SQLPRep
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Consequential Solutions
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

SQLPRep 2015 aka SQL Performance Report is our newest software product that takes any TSQL and produces a concise, readable, highlighted performance report allowing you to greatly reduce your time spent in developing, debugging, optimising, testing and reviewing TSQL.

SQL Server Monitoring

Download page: SQL Server Monitoring
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005 and higher
Author: Spiceworks
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • Auto collect data about the server
  • Instantly access health info on the data
  • Create multiple widgets to monitor what you want
  • Monitor SQL Server size, connection, speed & more

SQL Server Storage manager

Download page: SQL Server Storage manager
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Lepide Software
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • Removes the need to writing complex SQL Servers and stored procedures
  • Provides real time alerts based on easy to configure criteria
  • Provides a centralized platform to create consolidated reports of all SQL resources
  • Provides simple graphical displays showing all elements of your SQL servers

SysKit Pulse

Download page: SysKit Pulse
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: SysKit Ltd
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

  • Track servers via interactive live dashboards.
  • Server Auto-Discover Wizard
  • Performance Counters Check
  • A simplified way of looking at your servers.

WhatsUp SQL Server Monitor

Download page: WhatsUp SQL Server Monitor
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Ipswitch
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

The WhatsUp SQL Server Monitor is a free tool that shows off Ipswitch monitoring technology you can use to catch problems before they begin to affect users.


Download page: [YourSqlDba]
Release date: 2020-05-05
Support Version: ?
Author: Maurice Pelchat
Free version: Yes
Prise: No

YourSqlDba script creates a database named YourSqlDba packed with T-SQL modules (function, stored procedures, and views) on the server where it is run.
You don’t need to be concerned by all of them, albeit some of them are interesting tools for exceptional day-to-day DBA tasks, out of regular maintenance tasks.


Download page: POPSQL
Release date: 2020-08-01
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: POPSQL
Free version: Yes
Prise: $10

Collaborative SQL editor for your team.
Write queries, visualize data, and share your results.

ApexSQL Search

Download page: ApexSQL Search
Release date: 2020-07-30
Support Version: SQL Server 2005 and higher
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Search for SQL objects
  • Quickly find data in SQL tables
  • Edit extended properties
  • Easily navigate to result objects
  • Rename SQL objects safely
  • Export results to HTML, CSV and Excel

ApexSQL Source Control

Download page: ApexSQL Source Control
Release date: 2020-01-20
Support Version: SQL Server 2005 and higher
Author: ApexSQL
Free version: No
Price: $299

  • Integrate SQL source control directly into SSMS
  • Use dedicated or shared development models
  • View conflicts and resolve directly in the UI
  • View a detailed history of changes
  • Lock objects to prevent overwrites
  • Set team policies for check outs and locks
  • Apply changes with dependency aware scripts
  • Create and apply labels from source control
  • Create branch or merge branches directly from SSMS
  • Associate a changeset with a TFS work item

Azure Blob Studio 2011

Download page: Azure Blob Studio 2011
Release date: 2010-12-25
Support Version: ?
Author: Alessandro Del Sole
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Azure Blob Studio is a tool for managing files in the Windows Azure’s Blob Storage
You can:

  • Work with both the developer and on-line accounts
  • Create containers (folders)
  • Upload multiple blobs (files)
  • Remove containers
  • Remove multiple blobs
  • Retrieve URI for each blob
  • Copy the blob’s URI to the clipboard right-clicking the Blob’s name
  • Retrieve metadata
  • Open blobs via URI

Azure Explorer

Download page: Azure Explorer
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Monza Cloud
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Manage Azure blobs like local files
  • Support for common blob operations
  • Built for users with thousands of blob containers
  • Designed for Microsoft Azure

Azure SQL Agent

Download page: Azure SQL Agent
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: ?
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Command line agent to automatically add your current public IP address to the Azure SQL firewall

Azure SQL Database DTU Calculator

Download page: Azure SQL Database DTU Calculator
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Justin Henriksen
Free version: Yes
Price: No

This calculator will help you determine the number of DTUs for your existing SQL Server database(s) as well as a recommendation of the minimum performance level and service tier that you need before you migrate to Azure SQL Database.

Azure SQL Database Stress Test Tool

Download page: Azure SQL Database Stress Test Tool
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Kiyoaki Tsurutani
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Azure SQL Database Stress Test Tool

Azure SQL Dev Cloner

Download page: Azure SQL Dev Cloner
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: ?
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Command line tool for cloning an Azure SQL Database from website instance to another. It optionally allows the target to be a Deployment Slot.

Azure User Management Console

Download page: Azure User Management Console
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: ?
Free version: Yes
Price: No

AUMC is a User Graphic Interface (GUI) that manages the users and logins of an Azure SQL database. The tool is simply convertin

CloudMonix SQL Azure Database Management

Download page: CloudMonix SQL Azure Database Management
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: CloudMonix
Free version: No
Price: $15

CloudMonix monitors Azure SQL Databases by tracking their key performance indicators retrieved from Azure Management API and Dynamic Management Views. In addition, CloudMonix allows to automate maintenance tasks and automatically scale the database performance tier according to load.

DB Ghost Change Manager Professional

Download page: DB Ghost Change Manager Professional
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2000-2019, Azure
Author: Innovartis Ltd
Free version: No
Price: £430

  • Scripts all object types into individual DROP/CREATE scripts, ready for check in to source control.
  • Scripts data into boilerplate INSERT scripts.
  • Builds databases from individual object scripts.
  • Highlights syntax, dependency and data errors.
  • Creates a single script for the database build that can be reused.
  • Can synchronize two databases making them match precisely.
  • Can synchronize an existing database to a set of base schema creation scripts in your Source Management System. This means that your Source Management System itself provides a complete audit trail.
  • Can insert custom scripts at the end of the build, before and after the synch process.
  • Creates a script of the differences between two databases or base schema scripts and a target database.
  • Handles all types of database object and all complex interactions.
  • Intuitive, straightforward wizard based interface.
  • SessionSave facility lets you save your wizard answers for later reuse.

dbForge Complete

Download page: dbForge Complete
Release date: 2020-09-01
Support Version: 2000-2019, Azure
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $199

  • Speed up SQL query writing with IntelliSense-style SQL code completion
  • Beautify T-SQL code and unify code standards with smart SQL Formatter
  • Get the essential information on DB objects while you are writing a code
  • Format your SQL query right in Management Studio or Visual Studio
  • Use rich SQL code snippet collection, manage and modify the existing snippets or create your own templates
  • Navigate through the SQL document easily and synchronize it with the code
  • Rename tables, columns, procedures, and functions safely with automatic correction of references to the renamed objects
  • Boost your productivity significantly with convenient tabs and windows, as well as intuitive SQL statements management

dbForge SQL Azure Backup

Download page: dbForge SQL Azure Backup
Release date: 2013-04-18
Support Version: ?
Author: Devart
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Create a copy of your SQL Azure database on local SQL Server
  • Make an archive copy on your local hard drive
  • Restore SQL Azure database from archive
  • Schedule periodic backups to your Azure Blob storage

Devart Transaction Log

Download page: Devart Transaction Log
Release date: 2020-10-16
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Devart
Free version: No
Price: $600

dbForge Transaction Log for SQL Server is a powerful transaction log reader tool and .ldf file viewer.
With its help, you can view and analyze SQL Server transaction logs and recover data from them.
The tool provides detailed information about all data changes in your database and gives you the ability to revert unwanted transactions on different levels depending on your current needs.

Elastic database tools

Download page: Elastic database tools
Release date: ?
Support Version: Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

The elastic database client library helping you run a sample app. The sample app creates a simple sharded application and explores key capabilities of the Elastic Database Tools feature of Azure SQL Database. It focuses on use cases for shard map management, data-dependent routing, and multi-shard querying. The client library is available for .NET as well as Java.

Microsoft Sync Framework

Download page: Microsoft Sync Framework
Release date: 2020-04-22
Support Version: Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Microsoft Sync Framework is a comprehensive synchronization platform that enables collaboration and offline scenarios for applications, services, and devices.
Sync Framework 2.1 introduces new features that let you synchronize a SQL Server or SQL Server Compact database on your computer with a SQL Azure database. This release also introduces parameter-based filtering, the ability to remove synchronization scopes and templates from a database, and performance enhancements to make synchronization faster and easier.


Download page: MSSQL-Maestro
Release date: 2017-06-29
Support Version: from 7.0 to 2019, Azure 11 and 12
Author: SQL Maestro Group
Free version: No
Price: $229

Complete and powerful database management, admin and development tool for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database.


Download page: MSSQLMerge
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2008-2019, Azure
Author: Konstantin Semenenkov
Free version: Yes
Price: $50

MssqlMerge is an easy to use diff & merge tool for Microsoft SQL Server databases. This tool allows users to compare and import/export the most common database programming objects and the data between any two databases.

SQL Backup and FTP

Download page: SQL Backup and FTP
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Pranas.NET
Free version: Yes
Price: $129

SQLBackupAndFTP is SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL backup software that runs scheduled backups (full, differential or transaction log) of SQL Server or SQL Server Express databases (any version), runs file/folder backup, zips and encrypts the backups, stores them on a network or on an FTP server or in the cloud (Amazon S3 and others we’re constantly adding more), removes old backups, and sends an e-mail confirmation on the job’s success or failure.


Download page: SQL Bak
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Pranas.NET
Free version: Yes
Price: $9

  • Schedule and restore sql backup from any web browser on any device
  • Send backups to a folder, FTP, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon S3 and more
  • Monitor database performance and receive email alerts
  • Install our app on Windows or Linux, connect to sqlbak.com, then manage backups via the web

SQL Bulk Tools

Download page: SQL Bulk Tools
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Greg Taylor
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Data Examiner

Download page: SQL Data Examiner
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Intelligent Database Solutions
Free version: No
Price: $400

  • Migrate data between database servers
  • Verify data migration success
  • Consolidate data from slave databases to a master database
  • Perform one-way master-slave or slave-master replication

SQL Examiner

Download page: SQL Examiner
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Intelligent Database Solutions
Free version: No
Price: $400

  • Speed up the deployment of schema updates
  • Eliminate a chance of a human error
  • Quickly compare databases and find all the differences
  • Work with MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • Keep your database schema under Source Control
  • Set up a scheduled comparison and synchronization
  • Performs cross-platform comparison and synchronization

SQL Database Backup

Download page: SQL Database Backup
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Richard Astbury
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Windows Azure SQL Database Backup Utility.
This utility will take a copy of your SQL Database, and once the copy has completed, will make a backup of the database to blob storage using the bacpac format.

SQL Database Copy

Download page: SQL Database Copy
Release date: 2017-07-25
Support Version: ?
Author: ryanovic
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Simple console tool uses SMO scripting capabilities and SqlBulkCopy for schema and data migration between different instances.
Available options:

  • SQL Server database to Azure SQL database
  • SQL Server database to SQL Server database

SQL Delta Duo for SQL Server

Download page: SQL Delta Duo for SQL Server
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: The Australian Software Company
Free version: No
Price: $370

Compare and Sync Schema and Data for SQL Server databases.

SQL Trace Replay

Download page: SQL Trace Replay
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Mikhail Shilkov
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Tool to capture and replay traces between SQL Server instances (and to Azure SQL Database in particular)

SQL Workload Profiler

Download page: [SQL Workload Profiler]
Release date: 2014-10-01
Support Version: 2008+, Azure
Author: Chris Bailiss
Free version: Yes
Price: No

SQL Workload Profiler is a free tool for capturing and logging workload performance information from SQL Server. Performance statistics can be captured minute-by-minute (or more frequently if you want, up to every ten seconds, depending on the type/size of workload). Data can be analysed as it is being collected and/or saved for later analysis. Workload Profiler supports both (on-premise) SQL Server and Azure SQL Database.


Download page: [SQLDBdiff]
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005-2019, Azure
Author: SQLDBtools
Free version: No
Price: $60

  • Tables and columns (with the possibility to respect or not columns order);
  • Views (including their indexes and triggers);
  • Stored procedures;
  • User defined functions;
  • Triggers;
  • PK and Indexes (with the possibility to include or not statistic indexes);
  • Relationships (FK);
  • CHECK Constraints;
  • Default Constraints;
  • User Defined Data Type & User Defined Table Type
  • DDL Triggers;
  • Synonyms;
  • In-Memory table
  • System versioning (Temporal type)
  • Permissions;
  • User and Roles;
  • Database properties;
  • SQL Server properties.

SQL Backup Master

Download page: SQL Backup Master
Release date: ?
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: Key Metric Software
Free version: Yes
Price: $49

  • Supports full, differential, and transaction log backups
  • Simple yet powerful backup job scheduling
  • Built-in email notifications for backup job successes, failures, and warnings
  • Back up to local folders, network folders, or attached storage devices
  • Back up to FTP servers with first-class FTP, SFTP, & FTPS support
  • Back up to Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Amazon S3, OneDrive, & Azure

Handy Backup Server

Download page: Handy Backup Server
Release date: 2019-03-11
Support Version: 2005-2019
Author: Novosoft
Free version: Yes
Price: $39

  • Automating All Operations
  • Native and Generic Database Backup
  • Other Server Data Backup
  • Saving Snapshots of Virtual Machines
  • Using Modern Local and Online Data Storages
  • Dealing with OS older than Windows Server 2019 or other

Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SQL Server

Download page: Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SQL Server
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: Veeam
Free version: No
Price: ?

  • Full database and table level recovery
  • Perform quick point-in-time restore
  • Delegate restore tasks to SQL DBAs
  • Part of Veeam Backup & Replication
  • Recover one or multiple databases simultaneously from a single-pass image level backup
  • Restore entire Microsoft SQL databases down to the table level
  • Microsoft SQL log backup provides transaction log replay to restore to a specific point in time

EaseUS Todo Backup Server

Download page: EaseUS Todo Backup Server
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: EaseUS
Free version: No
Price: $39

  • Add new backup tasks on disk, partition, system, mail and other data
  • Select a source system/disk/partition, target a location to store copies and clone fast
  • Create a bootable WinPE/Linux bootable USB/DVD/CD to restart the system from it
  • Check backup logs, replicate backup issues, and restore data from exact backup files
  • P2V copy, P2V recovery, P2V conversion. Clone, restore, and convert backup to the virtual machine


Download page: SqlBackupFree
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: pranas.net
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Schedule SQL Server Database Backups. Full backups
  • Compress (zip) the backups
  • Send backups to FTP, local, network folder or HDD drive
  • Send e-mail confirmation on job success or failure


Download page: ERDPlus
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: ERDPlus
Free version: ?
Price: ?

A database modeling tool for creating Entity Relationship Diagrams, Relational Schemas, Star Schemas, and SQL DDL statements.

SentryOne Test

Download page: SentryOne Test
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: SQL Sentry
Free version: No
Price: $828

  • Quickly build tests with wizards
  • Simplify unit testing
  • Build tests within Visual Studio
  • Create custom testing modules
  • Reconcile and verify data
  • Conduct BI testing

Query Performance Insight for Azure SQL Database

Download page: Query Performance Insight for Azure SQL Database
Release date: ?
Support Version: Azure
Author: Microsoft
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Deeper insight into your databases resource (DTU) consumption
  • Details on top database queries by CPU, duration, and execution count (potential tuning candidates for performance improvements)
  • The ability to drill down into details of a query, to view the query text and history of resource utilization
  • Annotations that show performance recommendations from database advisors

Code Quality and Security for T-SQL

Download page: Code Quality and Security for T-SQL
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: SonarSource
Free version: Yes
Price: €120

SonarSource provides static code analysis for T-SQL projects. Based on our own T-SQL compiler front-end, it uses the most advanced techniques (pattern matching, program flow analysis) to analyze code and find Code Smells, Bugs, and Security Vulnerabilities. As with everything we develop at SonarSource, it was built on the principles of depth, accuracy, and speed.


Download page: DBBALANCE
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: DBBalance
Free version: No
Price: ?

  • Data and Schema Synchronization
  • Data and Schema Comparison
  • Database Migration
  • Database Development

Convert SQL to Excel

Download page: Convert SQL to Excel
Release date: 2015-10-09
Support Version: 2000-2014
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Easy way to convert SQL table or a subset of table to Excel. No programming.
  • Convert / export a SQL Table to Excel file (.xlsx or .xls format)
  • Convert multiple tables (multiple query results) to multiple Excel worksheets.
  • Allow flexible TSQL query which can have multiple SELECT statements or other complex query statements.
  • Supports command line execution (unattended mode). Useful for periodical scheduling.
  • Allow user defined Excel worksheet names.

Search string in Schema

Download page: Search string in Schema
Release date: 2015-10-09
Support Version: 2005-2012
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • This tool searches tables, columns, views, stored procedures, XPs, functions, triggers, constraints and SQL Agent Jobs in a database to find a given string.
  • Simply input target server, target database, search keyword and you will get fast search results!
  • Supports filterng by object type or schema user
  • Supports easy switch between multiple SQL Servers.
  • Supports SQL Agent Jobs search.

Search string in SQL

Download page: Search string in SQL
Release date: 2015-10-09
Support Version: 2005-2008
Free version: Yes
Price: No

This tool helps you to search all columns of all tables in a database for a string keyword. In order to increase performance, it examines string type columns only in all tables to search for a given keyword.

SQL Table Scripter

Download page: SQL Table Scripter
Release date: 2015-10-09
Support Version: 2005, 2008
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Generates a CREATE SQL script for a table.
  • Script can include all DRI (declarative referential integrity) such as Foreign Key, Constraints for the table.
  • Script can include Indexes for the table.
  • Generates INSERT SQL scripts for table data (optionally).


Download page: SQLCLR Util
Release date: 2015-10-09
Support Version: 2005-2019r
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • generates DLL file from SQL CLR assembly in the SQL Server. When creating SQL CLR assembly with its DLL file, SQL Server saves the DLL binary into SQL Server system table. This tool help you to recreate DLL file easily from the SQL Server system table.
  • generates CREATE ASSEMBLY script from a DLL file. Once CREATE script is generated, one can run the script without physical .DLL file. This method will be useful when one has no permission to access physical disk on the server because there is no need to copy the file to server.

Image To SQL

Download page: Image To SQL
Release date: 2015-10-09
Support Version: 2005,2008 or later
Free version: Yes
Price: No

  • Save any image file such as .JPG, .PNG, .BMP, .GIF to SQL Server table.
  • Image file is saved to any varbinary column (or image column)
  • User can specify input image file and table/column target in easy UI.
  • User can specify where to save image file by setting primary key value(s) of the user table in easy UI.


Download page: dbdiagram
Release date: ?
Support Version: ?
Author: holistics.io
Free version: Yes
Price: $9/mo

A free, simple tool to draw ER diagrams by just writing code. Designed for developers and data analysts.

  • Generate SQL statements
  • Export to Images and PDFs
  • One Click Sharing
  • Integrate with your SQL Databases
  • Integrate with Popular Web Frameworks

Beekeeper Studio

Download page: Beekeeper Studio
Release date: 2020-10-19
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Beekeeper Studio
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

  • Autocomplete SQL query editor with syntax highlighting
  • Tabbed interface, so you can multitask
  • Sort and filter table data to find just what you need
  • Sensible keyboard-shortcuts
  • Save queries for later
  • Query run-history, so you can find that one query you got working 3 days ago
  • Default dark theme

Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL

Download page: Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL
Release date: 2020-12-01
Support Version: 2008-2019
Author: Amazon
Free version: Yes
Price: No

Babelfish is a new translation layer for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL that enables Aurora to understand commands from applications written for Microsoft SQL Server.

Sqlcmd makes many SQL Server tasks, such as automating test runs and maintenance tasks, easier and quicker. The sqlcmd command-line utility is valuable to any database developer or DBA as the prime means of executing batches of SQL Statements to SQL servers, and saving results to file. Rob Sheldon gives you the basic facts about this great utility

The sqlcmd utility in SQL Server is a command-line tool that lets you submit T-SQL statements or batches to local and remote instances of SQL Server. The utility is extremely useful for repetitive database tasks such as batch processing or unit testing. It also provides an easy way of simulating load to a database under development.

To help you develop and test sqlcmd scripts, the query window in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) supports SQLCMD Mode, which lets you run most sqlcmd ‘colon’ directives as well as T-SQL statements. You can submit commands from within Windows script files (such as .bat), via sp_cmdshell, or through SQL Server Agent CmdExec jobs. You can also run sqlcmd within PowerShell. In addition, PowerShell includes, via SQLPS, a version of sqlcmd called invoke-sqlcmd that runs many, but not all, of the directives. This has the advantage of returning results as PowerShell objects.

In this article, I introduce you to the basics of the sqlcmd utility and discuss how to create scripts from within SSMS and at a Windows command prompt and how to run or schedule these scripts. Once you know how to use the utility within these environments, you’ll be able to create commands that you can add to your Windows script files, SQL Server Agent jobs, and PowerShell SQLPS applications.

The article includes a number of examples that demonstrate how to use sqlcmd. I developed these examples against a local instance of SQL Server 2012, with the AdventureWorks2012 database installed. However, you can use sqlcmd with any accessible SQL Server instance, from version 2005 on, and against any accessible database. Simply substitute the connection and database information in the examples, as appropriate, and you should have no problem following along.

NOTE: The sqlcmd utility replaces the osql utility in earlier versions of SQL Server. Although the utility is still supported in SQL Server 2012, Microsoft plans to remove osql in a future version of SQL Server and recommends that you avoid using it for current development.

Running sqlcmd in SQL Server Management Studio

If you’re already using SSMS regularly, as are most SQL Server developers and DBAs, you’ll find the SSMS query window a good place to start learning about sqlcmd. To run sqlcmd statements, you must change the query window to SQLCMD Mode by clicking the SQLCMD Mode option on the Query menu.

NOTE: You can also click the SQLCMD Mode button on the toolbar if the button is there. If it’s not, you’ll have to manually add it by customizing your toolbar. The exact method for doing so varies from one SQL Server version to the next, so refer to SQL Server Books Online for details specific to your version.

SSMS in SQLCMD Mode provides a handy environment for creating and testing your sqlcmd statements. Editing commands, for example, is much easier in SSMS than at a Windows command prompt. To get started in SSMS, connect to a SQL Server instance, open a query window, and switch to SQLCMD Mode. Then start typing.

When working in SQLCMD Mode, you can enter two types of statements: sqlcmd directives and T-SQL statements. The sqlcmd directives are a set of special commands you can use in conjunction with the T-SQL statements. Let’s look at an example to better understand how they work. The following set of statements delete the PersonData.txt file if it exists, connects to a local instance of SQL Server, retrieves data from the Person table in the AdventureWorks2012 database, and saves the output to a new copy of the PersonData.txt file:

:!!if exist C:DataFilesPersonData.txt del C:DataFilesPersonData.txt

:connect localhostsqlsrv2012

:out C:DataFilesPersonData.txt

USE AdventureWorks2012;

SELECT FirstName, LastName

FROM Person.Person

WHERE PersonType = ’em’

AND LastName = ‘smith’;

We’ll go through this code line-by-line shortly, but first take a look at Figure 1. Notice that the sqlcmd directives are automatically highlighted in gray when you work in SQLCMD Mode. The T-SQL statements appear as they would in regular query mode.


Figure 1: Running command in SQLCMD Mode in SSMS

As you can see in Figure 1, a colon (:) precedes the sqlcmd directives. The colon is required for most of these commands. For a few of them, however, such as quit and exit, you can omit the colon. (This was done to support backward compatibility with the osql utility.) For details about this and other command-related issues, see the topic “sqlcmd Utility” in SQL Server Books Online. In the meantime, let’s look at the commands used in our example. The first one begins with double exclamation points (!!):

:!!if exist C:DataFilesPersonData.txt del C:DataFilesPersonData.txt

The exclamation points let you run a Windows operating system command, such as those you’d run directly at a command prompt. In this case, the command first uses if exists to verify the existence of the PersonData.txt file and then uses del to remove the file if it exists. (Note that each sqlcmd directive must run on its own line.)

The second line in our example uses the connect command to specify a connection to a SQL Server instance:

:connect localhostsqlsrv2012

Although this example is specific to a local SQL Server instance, you can connect to any available instance for which you’ve been granted access. If that instance is the default one, you need only provide the server name. In addition, when you specify the server and, optionally, the instance name, sqlcmd uses Windows authentication to connect to SQL Server with your current account. However, you can also specify a username and password when connecting to an instance. To specify a username, add the -U switch followed by the username. To include a password, add the -P switch followed by the password. If you enter the username option without the password option, you’ll be prompted for a password.

The next sqlcmd directive in our example is out:

:out C:DataFilesPersonData.txt

The command specifies that all query results should be redirected to an output file, in this case, the PersonData.txt file. If the file already exists when you run this commend, the file will be truncated. For this reason, you might not need to run a Windows command to first delete the file, as we do in the first line. It all depends on your specific needs.

Next in our example are the T-SQL statements that change the database context to AdventureWorks2012 and retrieve data from the Person table:

USE AdventureWorks2012;

SELECT FirstName, LastName

FROM Person.Person

WHERE PersonType = ’em’

AND LastName = ‘smith’;

The two statements are both straightforward T-SQL. You simply include them along with your sqlcmd directives. When you run a block of code such as the one in our example, your commands and T-SQL statements are executed in the specified order. For this reason, after the connect command runs, you’ll see the following results in the output pane of the query window:

Connecting to localhostsqlsrv2012...

However, after the out command runs, query output is saved to the PersonData.txt file. The following results show what you’ll find in the file:

FirstName           LastName

—————- ————-

Denise                Smith

Samantha             Smith

(2 row(s) affected)

Disconnecting connection from localhostsqlsrv2012...

Of course, you don’t have to redirect your output to a file, but if you don’t, the results will appear in the output pane of the query window.

Running sqlcmd in Interactive Mode

As mentioned earlier, using SQLCMD Mode in SSMS can be useful for developing and testing your sqlcmd code. However, you can then run your commands at a Windows command prompt by using sqlcmd in interactive mode. To work in interactive mode, open a command prompt window and enter sqlcmd at the command prompt. The prompt’s drive letter will be replaced by a 1, which represents the first line where you start entering your commands. The lines are numbered sequentially until all the commands are submitted, and then the numbering starts again.

When you use sqlcmd to switch to interactive mode, the utility establishes a connection to the default instance of SQL Server. If your system includes only named instances or you want to connect to a specific instance, you must specify the instance by adding the –S switch and instance name, as shown in the following command:

In this case, I’ve used a period to represent the local computer, and I’m connecting to an instance named SqlSrv2012. But you can connect to any accessible instance.

Once you’ve entered interactive mode, you can type in your T-SQL statements. To add a line break after a statement or part of a statement, press Enter. The sqlcmd utility does not submit your T-SQL statements to SQL Server until you run the GO command. For example, suppose you enter the following statements at the sqlcmd command prompt:

USE AdventureWorks2012;

SELECT FirstName, LastName

FROM Person.Person

WHERE PersonType = ’em’

AND LastName = ‘smith’;


The USE statement will change the database context to the AdventureWorks2012 database, and the SELECT statement will retrieve data from the database. However, these statements are not submitted to SQL Server until you type GO and then press Enter. The utility then submits the statements and returns the results to the command prompt window.

NOTE:  The GO command is a client-side ‘batch delimiter’ directive that is common to sqlcmd and SSMS. It is not a Transact SQL statement. it can be followed on the same line by the number of times you wish to run the preceding batch. Unless you specify this, it is just run once.

Figure 2 shows what the command prompt window looked like on my system after I switched to interactive mode and submitted the statements. Notice that with each line of code, the line numbers are incremented, but after the GO command runs, the command prompt returns to 1.


Figure 2: Running a sqlcmd query in interactive mode

In the examples we’ve looked at so far, our T-SQL has consisted primarily of data manipulation language (DML) statements. However, you’re not limited to DML when issuing T-SQL statements. You can run data definition language (DDL) statements, execute stored procedures and perform database maintenance. For example, you can just as easily run the following SELECT...INTO statement:

USE AdventureWorks2012;

SELECT FirstName, LastName

INTO dbo.Employees

FROM Person.Person

WHERE PersonType = ’em’;


Once again, you enter each line and then submit the statements by using GO. Figure 3 shows what the command prompt window looked like on my system after adding the next set of commands.


Figure 3: Using sqlcmd in interactive mode to create a table

In this case, I typed nothing at the first line and simply pressed Enter to add space to my commands. Then I typed the T-SQL statements and entered GO. The results show that I changed the database context and that 273 rows were affected. If I had wanted, I could have then run a query against the new table to verify that it had been created correctly.

When using sqlcmd in interactive mode, you can also include sqlcmd directives, as we did in SSMS in SQLCMD Mode. For example, the following set of statements includes several sqlcmd directives:

:connect localhostsqlsrv2012

:out C:DataFilesPersonData.txt

USE AdventureWorks2012;

SELECT FirstName, LastName

FROM Person.Person

WHERE PersonType = ’em’

AND LastName = ‘smith’;



The connect command establishes a connection to a SQL Server instance, and the out command specifies that any query results should be outputted to the PersonData.txt file. Next come the T-SQL statements, followed by the GO command. After all this, we issue an exit command, which tells sqlcmd to quit interactive mode and return the command prompt window to its normal state.

Running sqlcmd in Command Mode

Interactive mode is useful when you want to run ad hoc queries at a command prompt. However, where you’re likely to gain the most benefit from the sqlcmd utility is by creating complete commands that you can run at a command prompt (in what I refer to as command mode), add to your Windows script files, run as part of SQL Server Agent jobs, or use in other ways.

The best way to learn how to create these types of commands is to return once again to the command prompt window. However, rather than switch to interactive mode, we can simply run our commands at the default prompt. For example, the following command retrieves data from the AdventureWorks2012 database on a local named instance of SQL Server:

sqlcmd S localhostsqlsrv2012 d AdventureWorks2012 Q «SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person WHERE BusinessEntityID = 240«

The first issue worth pointing out is that the command, as shown here, might appear on multiple lines when you view it. In reality, this is a single-line command that is wrapping across multiple lines here because of margin limitations. However, you do not press Enter until you’ve entered the entire command.

The command itself starts with sqlcmd to launch the utility and then uses the -S switch to specify the SQL Server instance, as we sometimes do when entering interactive mode. Next, we use the -d switch to specify the database. (Note that switch names are case-sensitive.) Finally, we use the -Q switch to define our T-SQL statement, enclosed in double quotes. In this case, we use an uppercase Q to run the statement and immediately exit the sqlcmd environment. If we use a lowercase q, we’d end up in interactive mode. Figure 4 shows what the command prompt window looks like after I ran the command.


Figure 4: Running sqlcmd in command mode in the Windows console

Rather than returning the results to the command window, we can instead use the -o switch to output the data to a text file, as shown in the following example:

sqlcmd S localhostsqlsrv2012 d AdventureWorks2012 Q «SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person WHERE PersonType = ’em’ ORDER BY LastName, FirstName« o C:DataFilesEmployees.txt

This time, we’re returning a list of employees from the Person table and ordering the data by name. When we run the command, the sqlcmd utility adds the employee names to the file, without returning results to the command prompt.

The sqlcmd utility also lets us run script files that contain the statements we want to execute. For example, suppose we create a script file that contains the following SELECT statement:

SELECT FirstName, LastName

FROM Person.Person

WHERE PersonType = ’em’

ORDER BY LastName, FirstName

In this case, I’ve named the file EmployeeQuery.sql and saved it to the C:DataFiles folder. To run the statement, I create a command that uses the -i switch to call the EmployeeQuery.sql file, as shown in the following example:

sqlcmd S localhostsqlsrv2012 d AdventureWorks2012 i C:DataFilesEmployeeQuery.sql o C:DataFilesEmployees.txt

Once again, the results are outputted to the Employees.txt file.

At times, you might want to create a script file that you can use in multiple situations, in which case you might want to be able to pass in variable values when calling the file. To do so, you add placeholders to your script file that let you pass in the values.

For example, suppose you want to be able to specify the person type and last name when querying the Person table. You can create a script file that contains a T-SQL statement similar to the following:

SELECT FirstName, LastName

FROM Person.Person

WHERE PersonType = ‘$(type)’

AND LastName = ‘$(name)’

Notice that, to specify the PersonType value in the WHERE clause, I use $(type). The type value serves as the variable name, which can be referenced when calling the file. To use it as a variable, I’ve enclosed it in parentheses, preceded those with a dollar sign, and enclosed the entire thing in single quotes. I then follow the same convention for the name variable.

I saved the file as EmployeeQuery2.sql. Now, when I call the file within my command, I also include the -v switch and specify values for the type and name variables, as shown in the following example:

sqlcmd S localhostsqlsrv2012 d AdventureWorks2012 i C:DataFilesEmployeeQuery2.sql v type=«em« id=«smith«» o C:DataFilesEmployees2.txt

Notice that I use a single -v argument and specify a value enclosed in double quotes for each variable. Once again, the command returns data about two employees whose last name is Smith. The query results are outputted to the Employees2.txt file.

Working with the sqlcmd Utility

Not surprisingly, the sqlcmd utility can do a lot more than what I’ve demonstrated here. As mentioned earlier, the utility supports a number of sqlcmd directives in addition to those we’ve covered. The utility also supports many more switches than what we’ve used in the examples. Again, refer to the topic “sqlcmd Utility” in SQL Server Books Online for more details about commands and switches. You’ll also find plenty of useful information in the Simple-Talk workbench “The SQLCMD workbench,” written by Robyn Page and Phil Factor. What you’re likely to find is that the more you dig into the sqlcmd utility, the better you’ll appreciate what a valuable tool it can be, especially if you want to automate and schedule tasks related to local and remote instances of SQL Server.

Daniel Calbimonte


Sqlcmd allows executing queries, T-SQL sentences and SQL Server scripts using the command line.

In the previous article How to work with the command line and Azure to automate tasks, we worked with the sqlcmd in Azure.

In this new chapter, we will show the following examples in a local SQL Server using sqlcmd:

  1. Working with sqlcmd interactive mode including how to
    1. connect to SQL Server
    2. check the current database
    3. list databases
    4. check if the SQL Server is case sensitive
    5. check the SQL Server edition
    6. check the SQL Server Authentication
    7. list the variables set
  2. Running sqlcmd in command mode including how to
    1. back up a database
    2. run a T-SQL script and receive the output in a file
    3. work with variables
    4. list the table names of a database
    5. list the column names of a database
    6. check all the commands
    7. exit if the command fails
    8. display error messages according to the error level
    9. accept user input
  3. Working in SSMS in sqlcmd mode including how to
    1. run sqlcmd in SSMS
    2. set the sqlcmd mode by default in SSMS
  4. Working with PowerShell including how to
    1. invoke sqlcmd using PowerShell
    2. run scripts in SQL PowerShell (check table fragmentation)
    3. output verbose results
  5. DAC
    1. How to work with a Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC)
  6. When to use sqlcmd mode, interactive mode, DAC, SSMS, PowerShell


  1. Sqlcmd installed in a Windows Machine (Linux supports sqlcmd, but it is slightly different).

Getting Started

  1. Working with sqlcmd interactive mode

    In interactive mode, you can write the input and interact using the command line.

    1. How to connect to SQL Server using sqlcmd

      To connect to your local machine, specify the SQL Instance name and the credentials:


      The –S value is to specify the SQL Server name of the instance and -E is to specify a trusted connection. If you do not specify the SQL Server name, it will try to connect to the local machine.

      When you connect, you will see the number 1>:

      The number 1> means that it is connected and ready to receive sentences to execute.

      If you enabled SQL Server Authentication, you will need to specify a user name and a user password (I am assuming that the user is already created). Note that you will need to EXIT of sqlcmd to login with this credential.

      sqlcmd -S DESKTOP-5K4TURFSQLEXPRESS -U jsmith

      The command line will ask you the password. You can optionally specify the password (not recommended, but sometimes is the only way to work):

      sqlcmd -S DESKTOP-5K4TURFSQLEXPRESS -U jsmith -P

    2. How to check the current database in sqlcmd

      When a SQL Server Login is created, you can define the default database you want to log in. If it is not specified, the master database is the default one.

    3. How to list the databases in sqlcmd

      The following sentences will list the databases in the SQL Instance:

      select name from sys.databases


      In the sys.databases table, you have all the database information:

      You can also use the sp_databases stored procedure:

    4. How to check if the SQL Server is case sensitive in sqlcmd

      The following T-SQL Sentences are used to detect the collation information including if the machine is case sensitive or not:



      The information displayed will be as follows:

      Modern_spanish is the collation, CI means case insensitive and CS is case sensitive. AS means Accent Sensitive and AI is Accent Insensitive.

      You can also check the information, with the sp_helpsort procedure:

      The information displayed is the following:

      Modern-Spanish, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive

    5. How to check the SQL Server edition in SQL

      You can check the SQL Server Edition, using the following T-SQL sentences:



      The result is the following:

    6. How to check the SQL Server Authentication in sqlcmd

      Before Azure, there were two options to Authenticate to SQL Server:

      1. Windows Authentication where you can use an Active directory account or a local Windows account.
      2. Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication where you can also authenticate using an account created in SQL Server.

      To detect the authentication, you can use the following sentences:

      SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(‘IsIntegratedSecurityOnly’)


      The result displayed is the following:

      If the result is 0, it means that both authentications are enabled. If it is 1, only Windows Authentication is enabled.

    7. How to list the variables set

      In order to list all the variables set, run the following command in sqlcmd:


      It will show all the variables set:

  2. Running sqlcmd in command mode

    You can run sqlcmd as commands. You can run scripts in command mode.

    1. How to run a T-SQL script and receive the output in a file in sqlcmd

      In the next example, we will show how to run a script using sqlcmd and show the results in another file.

      We will first create a script file named columns.sql with the following sentences:

      select * from adventureworks2014.information_schema.columns

      In the cmd, run the following command to invoke sqlcmd:

      sqlcmd -S DESKTOP-5K4TURFSQLEXPRESS -E -i c:sqlcolumns.sql -o c:sqlexit.txt

      -i is used to specify the input. You specify the script file with the queries.
      -o is used to show the results of the input in a file.

      The exit.txt file will be created:

      If we open the file, we will see the output results:

    2. How to back up in sqlcmd

      We will first create a script to back up the database named backup.sql:

      BACKUP DATABASE [AdventureWorks2014] TO  DISK = N‘C:SQLbackup.bak’


      In the cmd run the following command:

      sqlcmd -S DESKTOP-5K4TURFSQLEXPRESS -E -i c:sqlbackup.sql -o

      The output will be similar to this one:

      The commands will create a backup in a file named backup.sql in the c:sql folder:

    3. How to work with variables in sqlcmd

      You can work with variables in sqlcmd. The following example will set the variable DATABASENAME with the value adventureworks2014 and then we change the context to the database specified:

      :SETVAR DATABASENAME «adventureworks2014»



      The result displayed is the following:

      As you can see, SETVAR is used to specify the value of the variable. Then you need to use $() for the variable.

      Another example is to set the variable CONTACTTYPEID to 3 and use it in the where clause to find a contact type ID according to the value of the variable:


      SELECT [ContactTypeID]



        FROM [Person].[ContactType]

      where contacttypeid=$(CONTACTTYPEID)


      The result displayed is the following:

    4. How to list the table names of a database in sqlcmd

      You can list the tables of the database using the information_schema.tables view. We will first create a script named tables.sql. This script contains the tables and views:

      Script name: tables.sql

      select table_name from adventureworks2014.information_schema.tables


      Next, we will invoke sqlcmd to execute the script.

      sqlcmd -E -i c:sqltables.sql -o c:sqloutput.txt -S DESKTOP-


      The result displayed are the following in the output.txt file:

    5. How to list the column names of a database in sqlcmd

      The following sentences will list the table names and the column names of a database in a script named columns.sql:

      Filename columns.sql

      select table_name, column_name from adventureworks2014.information_schema.columns


      In the cmd run this command:

      sqlcmd -E -i c:sqlcolumns.sql -o c:sqloutput.txt -S DESKTOP-


      The result of the output.txt is the following:

    6. How to check all the commands

      You can check all the sqlcmd commands using this command:

      Sqlcmd -?

      This command will list all the commands available:

    7. How to exit if the command fails

      The following command will exit if it fails using the –b parameter:

      sqlcmd -E -q “create table adventureworks” –b -S DESKTOP-


      The command will exit if there is an error:

    8. How to display error messages according to the error level

      If there is an error, the error is displayed. However, according to the error level, you can stop this behavior by default using the -m option.

      Here it is an example about this:

      The following command shows an error message:

      However, if you add the –m 16, the error will no longer be displayed because the error has the level of 15:

      sqlcmd -E -q “create table adventureworks” -m 16 -S


      -m 16 will show only the errors higher than 16. As you can see the error message is no longer displayed

    9. How to accept user input

      The following example will run a SQL script with one variable. The example will create a database specified by the user.

      We will first create a script named createdb.sql with the following content:

      file createdb.sql



      Next, in the cmd we will run the database specifying the database name:

      sqlcmd -E -v DATABASENAME=”Userinput” -i


      The command will create a database named Userinput.

      In sqlcmd you can run the sp_databases stored procedure:

      And you will be able to see the database created:

  3. Working in SSMS in sqlcmd mode
    1. How to run sqlcmd in SSMS

      Yes, in SSMS, click on your query and select Query>SQLCMD Mode:

      The following example will create a database named sales in SSMS.


      create database $(DATABASENAME);


      If everything is OK, a database named sales will be created:

    2. How can we set the sqlcmd mode by default in SSMS?

      Yes, to do this, go to Tools>Options in SSMS and check the By default, open new queries in SQLCMD mode.

  4. Working with PowerShell
    1. How to invoke sqlcmd using PowerShell

      PowerShell can be used to invoke sqlcmd. To open PowerShell for SQL Server, go to the Windows Search and write sqlps:

      In sqlps, write these cmdlets to run the sp_who stored procedure:

      invoke-sqlcmd -query “sp_who”

      Note that if you have SSMS 17 or later, SQL PowerShell is installed separately. For more information about installing SQL PowerShell, refer to our link:

      • What is new in SSMS 17; PowerShell and DAX
    2. How to run scripts in SQL PowerShell (check table fragmentation)

      It is possible to run SQL Server scripts with PowerShell. The following example will show the fragmentation of the table of the table Person.Address in the Adventureworks database.

      We will first create a script named fragmentation.sql:

      DECLARE @db_id SMALLINT=DB_ID(‘AdventureWorks’);  

      DECLARE @object_id INT=OBJECT_ID(N‘AdventureWorks.Person.Address’);

      SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@db_id,

      @object_id, NULL, NULL , ‘LIMITED’);  


      In PowerShell for SQL Server, run this script:

      Invoke-sqlcmd –inputfile “c: sqlfragmentation.sql” | Out-File

      -filePath “C:sqloutps.txt”

      The output of the outps.txt file will be the following:

    3. How to use verbose output

      Verbose is used to display information that is not displayed by default. For example, the command print is not displayed by default. Let’s take a look to an example.

      In sqlps, run this cmdlet:

      Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query “PRINT ‘HELLO SQLSHACK’”

      The cmdlet will not return any value. However, if you run with the parameter verbose, the output can be displayed:

      Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query “PRINT ‘HELLO SQLSHACK’”


  5. DAC
    1. How to work with a Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC) in sqlcmd

      If SQL Server fails to connect in SSMS or other tools, it is possible to try a DAC connection. This connection is connection allows to diagnostic and verify the problems of the Database Server. When the SQL Server is corrupt and it is not possible to connect to it, DAC connection usually works.

      The following example shows how to connect to a SQL Server database:

      sqlcmd -S DESKTOP-5K4TURF -E -A -d master

      -A is used to specify a DAC connection and -d is used to specify the database to connect.

      A DAC connection requires the SQL Browser service to be started and enabled. To enable the SQL Browser service, if it is disabled, you can use the following commands:

      sc config sqlbrowser start=demand

      If it is enabled, the message will be the following:

      To start the service, you can use the following commands:

      net start sqlbrowser

  6. When to use sqlcmd mode, interactive mode, DAC, SSMS, PowerShell

    Use interactive mode when you need to run multiple queries and administrative tasks. The sqlcmd command line mode is used when you have specific tasks like a backup. Use it when you have a specific task in mind. DAC is used for disaster recovery (for example when the master database is damaged and you cannot access to SQL Server using SSMS or other conventional tools). SSMS in sqlcmd mode can be used to create scripts. It is great to debug and program large scripts to be used later in the command line mode.

    Use PowerShell if you have other PowerShell scripts and you need to integrate some sqlcmd invocations to it.


    Sqlcmd is a very powerful feature that can help us to automate tasks in SQL Server. You can run scripts and save the results of your queries in a text file.

    Previous article in this series:

    • How to work with the command line and Azure to automate tasks
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    Daniel Calbimonte

    Daniel Calbimonte is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Microsoft Certified IT Professional for SQL Server. He is an accomplished SSIS author, teacher at IT Academies and has over 13 years of experience working with different databases.

    He has worked for the government, oil companies, web sites, magazines and universities around the world. Daniel also regularly speaks at SQL Servers conferences and blogs. He writes SQL Server training materials for certification exams.

    He also helps with translating SQLShack articles to Spanish

    View all posts by Daniel Calbimonte

    Daniel Calbimonte

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