Geco 20X-P00 Контроллер для холодильных систем три реле, два датчика, цифровой вход. Используется для холодильного оборудования с активным охлаждением (вентилятор испарителя). |
Geco 201 Контроллер для холодильных систем одно или два реле (зависит от комплектации), два датчика. |
Geco G-201-P07 Geco G-201-P07 микропроцессорный контроллер, состоящий из двух независимых логических каналов. Каждый из этих каналов можно запрограммировать на управление нагревом либо на управление холодильной установкой. Контроллер может управлять нагревающе- холодильным процессом. В зависимости от конкретного применения к G-201-P07 можно подключать один либо два датчика температуры. Термоконтроллер имеет два выхода к которым можно подключать нагрузку работающую под напряжэением 230 В. G-201-P07 контроллер имеет возможность отдельно для каждого канала программировать функции управления нагрузками, что значительно расширяет спектр его применения. |
Geco G-202-P00 Geco G-202-P00 контроллер предназничен для управления простыми низкотемпературными и среднетемпературными холодлильными установками, выполнен в двухмодульном исполнении. G-202-P00 стабилизирует температуру и управляет процессом автоматического размораживания, параметры которого можно приспособить к специфическим условиям данной окружающей среды. Имеется кнопка для ручного запуска процесса размораживания. Контроллер имеет два датчика температуры и четыре релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно подключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В. |
Geco G-202-P04 Контроллер Geco G-202-P04 предназничен для управления простыми низкотемпературными и среднетемпературными холодлильными установками, а особенно удобен для использования в холодильных шкафах с дополнотельной подсвечиваемой рекламой выполнен в двухмодульном исполнении. Контроллер имеет два датчика температуры и два релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно прдключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В. |
Geco G-202-P05 Контроллер Geco G-202-P05 предназничен для управления простыми низкотемпературными и среднетемпературными холодлильными установками, выполнен в двухмодульном исполнении. Geco G-202-P05 стабилизирует температуру и управляет процессом автоматического размораживания, параметры которого можно приспособить к специфическим условиям данной окружающей среды. Контроллер имеет два датчика температуры и два релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно прдключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В. |
Geco G-203-P00 Контроллер Geco G-203-P00 предназничен для управления простыми низкотемпературным и среднетемпературными холодлильными установками и камерами, выполнен в двухмодульном исполнении. Контроллер имеет два датчика температуры и два релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно подключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В. |
Geco G-203-P01 Контроллер Geco G-203-P01 предназничен для управления низкотемпературными холодильными установками, выполнен в двухмодульном исполнении. Предназначен для применения в холодильных установках с тэном оттайки размещенном в испарителе – замораживающие установки. Контроллер имеет три датчика температуры и четыре релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно подключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В. |
Geco G-203-P02 Контроллер Geco G-203-P02 контроллер предназничен для управления низкотемпературными и холодлильными установками, c тэном подогрева поддона либо дренажного желоба, выполнен в двухмодульном исполнении. Контроллер имеет три датчика температуры и в зависимости от версии, три, либо четыре релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно подключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В. |
Geco G-203-P07 Контроллер Geco G-203-P07 — микропроцессорный контроллер, состоящий из двух независимых логических каналов. Каждый из этих каналов можно запрограммировать на управление нагревом либо на управление холодильной установкой. Контроллер может управлять нагревающе-холодильным процессом. В зависимости от конкретного применения к G-203-P07 можно подключать один либо два датчика температуры. |
Geco G-204-P00 Контроллер Geco G-204-P00 предназничен для управления простыми низкотемпературными и среднетемпературными холодлильными установками и камерами, выполнен в одномодульном, щитовом исполнении. Контроллер имеет два датчика температуры и два релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно подключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В. |
Geco G-204-P09 Контроллер Geco G-204-P09 разработан специально для применения в больших конденсаторных системах. Позволяет реализовать охлаждение конденсатора при помощи каскада вентиляторов. Контроллер имеет встроенный термостат температуры масла в поддоне и датчик перегрева поршневой группы компрессора. В зависимости от схемы холодильной установки, можно управлять одним до четырех вентиляторов. |
Geco G-205-P00 Контроллер Geco G-205-P00 предназничен для управления простыми низкотемпературными и среднетемпературными холодлильными шкафами, выполнен в двухмодульном исполнении. Контроллер имеет два датчика температуры и три релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно подключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В. |
Инструкция по эксплуатации для контроллеров Geсo представляет из себя ценный материал, позволяющий обеспечить правильное и эффективной функционирование установке. Если Вы впервые столкнулись с установкой и работой данного технического оборудования, инструкция — Ваша настольная книга на ближайшие несколько дней.
Мануал можно скачать бесплатно, без регистраций и прочих не нужных процедур, которые оттягивают момент получения желаемого. Весь материал предоставляется на русском языке. Специалисты пытались максимально просто донести информацию, чтобы потребитель, который никогда не имел дела с данной установкой понял о чем идет речь.
Geco G-202-P00 контроллер предназничен для управления простыми низкотемпературными и среднетемпературными холодлильными установками, выполнен в двухмодульном исполнении. G-202-P00 стабилизирует температуру и управляет процессом автоматического размораживания, параметры которого можно приспособить к специфическим условиям данной окружающей среды. Имеется кнопка для ручного запуска процесса размораживания. Контроллер имеет два датчика температуры и четыре релейных выхода к которым можно непосредственно подключить исполняющие устройства, работающие под напряжением 230В.
Устройство имеет компьютерный интерфейс, при помощи которого можно организовать мониторинг температуры на работающем холодильном оборудовании, а так же процесс автоматизированого программирования системных параметров на этапе продукции ХО. Програмное обеспечение на русском языке.
G-202-P00 был запроектирован, как универсальный холодильный контроллер для широкого применения в самых разнообразных холодильных установках: простые торговые холодильные витрины, шкафы, простые холодильные камеры.
G202-P00 Стабилизирует температуру внутри камеры путем включения и выключения подключенных к контроллеру электрических исполняющих устройств (компрессор, вентилятор, и т. П.) Алгоритм имеет функцию исключающую частое включение и выключение компрессора.
Раз на какое то время устройство автоматически управляет режимом оттайки испарителя. В зависимости от того как ранее была зпрогаммирована функция втотрого реле, пероцесс оттайки будет проходить разными путями. G-202-P00 имеет кнопку для ручного включения режима оттайки. Ручное включение режима оттайки значительно облегчает работу холодильной установки в тяжелых, теплых климатических условиях. Имеется главный выключатель. В режиме «Выключено» все нагрузки обесточены. Имеется кнопка выключения освещения, действующим независимо от главного выключателя. Котроллер индицирует температуру измеренную камерным датчиком. Имеется возможность просмотра температуры испарительного датчика.
В случае аварии камерного датчика температуры, контроллер выводит на дисплей код аварии, и продолжает работу в часовом режиме. В случае аварии испарительного датчика датчика температуры, контроллер выводит на дисплей код аварии. Выключается режим автиматического размораживания, а ручное размораживание реализируется по времени.
Имеется компьютерный интерфейс, позволяющий программировать системные параметры, и реализировать мониторинг температуры на работающем оборудовании.
P1– компрессор; P2 – освещение; P3 – вентилятор; P4 – тэн/клапан.
13.04.2011, 23:40
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Инструкция контороллер geco 202!
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13.04.2011, 23:43
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P.P.U.H. „Geco” spółka z o. o. 112A Zarzecze Street, 30-134 Cracow, Poland tel. +48 (12) 6369811,6361290 fax. +48 (12) 6362002 e-mail: [email protected] http://www G-202-P00… G-203-P00… SELF-CONTAINED CONTROL BLOCK MAINTENANCE MANUAL (S.C.C.B.) REFRIGERATION UNITS ORIENTED VERSION For Programme Version 01 We kindly request that you study this manual carefully PRIOR to connecting and starting up any of our equipment. Should you have any queries or doubts, please contact us between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Any comments e-mailed will be appreciated. Note !!! The date of the last update is given at the bottom of the consecutive pages, while information regarding the consecutive changes in the programme version and operation method are given at the end of page XVI. Please, use only the most recent version of our manual. You will receive this version free, by post, after prior order. Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, Page 2 I. SCCB TYPE G-202 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS NOTE: Due to the fact that this manual refers to two similar types of thermostats, the more developed G-202 thermostat will be referred to in further parts of this manual. The self-contained control block, hereafter called G-202, constitutes a modern, convenient and easyto-use equipment and has been made using microprocessor techniques with the application of automatic surface assembly process. Owing to the twin part case and revolutionary technical design, the G-202 can be applied to any refrigerated counters or refrigeration chambers. The safe voltage operated control panel (5 V) may be installed in any place, without the necessity of cutting any additional openings or running a number of power supply cables far away from the equipment being controlled. The G-202 has been equipped with two temperature sensors, which provides for the capability of connecting doors opening sensors to the control panel or to the actuating module, which are safe voltage operated (5 V), as well as four outputs allowing direct connecting of the 230 V operated equipment, with loading ability as summarized in table 1. At the special request of the Customer, the G-202 may also be equipped with an additional evaporator frosting detection system, connected to the thermostat, causing the unit to automatically enter the defrosting mode. If the G-202 is used in refrigeration chambers, it stabilizes the temperature, as well as controls automatic defrosting, the period of which may be adjusted to specific surrounding parameters; it is also equipped with a pushbutton for activating manual defrosting. As distinct from G-18-2, the G-202 has also been equipped with lighting system switch over that operates independently of the main circuit breaker (main isolator). No special maintenance measures are required for these thermostats; the keyboard has been made from the special kind of oil, high temperatures resistant as well as resistant to most chemicals. However, cleaning this oil with sharp objects is not allowed. Instead, use the damp cloth and clean the front panel with it from time to time. II. DENOTATION METHOD AND TECHNICAL DATA Table 1 - Denotation method for GECO controllers. Geco G2 0X -P 00 K Denotation Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 X X -M XXXX X 7 8 9 10 11 Nr Description Denotation 1 Thermostat. G “Geco” 2 Range of operation. 2 3 Case type: Refrigeration systems. 02-Minipanel; 03- Big keyboard (also with potentiometer) 0X Meaning P (Keyboard) 5 The beginning of denotation that refers to the panel configuration Software version. 00 00 universal, operating like G21 6 Type input user temperature: K К- keyboard, P-Potentiometer 7 Equipped with light button X L – yes, 0 – not. 8 Sound Beep - buzzer: X В – yes, 0 – not 4 PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page3 9 10 Start denotation that refers to the executive module configuration Which relays are installed. M XXXX Detailed description below.* D- mechanical or magnetic door sensor; 11 Door open sensor X Y – optical door sensor; 0 –no possibility to connect door sensor; * Additional information concerning relays denotation Digits means existence of the relay, 0 – no relay 1 – compressor relay (must exist) 2 – light relay, 3 – fan relay 4 - heater/valve relay The simplest thermostats are equipped with the following: • 1000 – compressor • 1200 - compressor and lighting system While the mostly developed ones are equipped with the following: • 1034 - compressor, fan, heater, • 1234 - compressor, lighting system, fan, heater, Another examples: • 1030 - compressor and fan • 1004 - compressor and heater • 1230 - compressor, lighting system, and fan • 1204 - compressor, lighting system and heater Operating Voltage Ambient Temperature Relative humidity Protection degree - 230V +10% -15% +5°C to +40°C 20% to 80% IP65 on the front side of the control panel Table 1 – Relays Denotation and Outputs Loads Output Load P1 – compressor 8A 2HP 1500W P2 – lighting system 4A 750W P3 – fan 4A 1HP 750W P4 – heater/valve 8A 1500W Note !!! • Currents as specified in the Table are currents consumed by particular equipment during normal operation and include starting currents of this equipment !!! • III. The aggregate current consumed simultaneously may not exceed 10A !!! ORDERING METHOD The following parameters need to be given in the order, namely: Page 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. IV. Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, SCCB TYPE G-202 Controller type, e.g. G-20X-P00 Relays to be installed 1 2 3 4 If the terminal in the executive module is to be connected to the door opening sensor – Letter D after the four digits If the buzzer is to be installed – Letter B at the end of the description The length of tape linking the actuating module and keyboard panel Temperature sensors lengths Length of the cable leading to the door opening sensor - if it is to be connected to the control panel (keyboard) Also, door opening sensors can be ordered, operating fully without contact: • magnetic sensor with the range of 1 to 2 cm. • optical sensor with the range 1-2 cm. DELIVERY, INSTALLATION AND HOOKUP 1. In the appropriate place within the unit cut a hole of 20x30mm in size, however if masking frame of the panel is not used the size of the hole should be 58x109mm. 2. Mount the actuator on the rail and latch it. For store equipment the SCCB actuator module MUST be fixed to the floor!!! 3. Any metal elements, through which the G-202 or its cables are run should be ground or protected otherwise. Fitting G-202 to enable direct action of water on it (e.g. water condensating on the bottom cover of the shop window), touching the outlet pipe from the evaporator etc. and changing considerably its temperature in relation to the ambient temperature (e.g. fitting in the immediate proximity of the compressor and its accessories, cooled and heated elements) is not allowed. 4. Cut the ribbon connecting the panel with the actuator into the desired length plus 2-3cm. Then, after running it through all penetrations, cut it once more by cutting its ends at right-angle and clip the plugs on it so that the end of the ribbon be hidden to approx. 0.5mm. The ribbon must be introduced perpendicular to the plug and clipped so as to make its twisting or non-parallel layout impossible. Connecting the ribbon to the connectors see figure at the end of the instructions. 5. After fastening the G-202, connect the power cables according to the description provided on the actuator wall. Depending on the G-202 version some outputs may be not used - on the label with the description they will not be described and the type symbol in the corresponding places will contain zeroes - do not connect any conductors to these outputs!!! 6. The applied connectors are certified for continuous load of 16A!!! They incorporate fine thread and special lamellae, which prevent the wires from being cut, therefore only light tightening ensures maximum good contact and the use of greater force may lead to stripping out of the thread. In the result this may lead to the socket melting and short-circuit !!! 7. Any cable surplus should be cut down or winded up and clamped using special plastic bands. The cables must be firmly secured on its entire length and must not get in contact with the compressor and its equipment 8. After connecting the unit to the power source there can be voltage across the lighting cable regardless of switching on or off the unit with the button therefore the starter or the fluorescent lamp should be replaced only with the power cord disconnected from the plug!!! THE SAME APPLIES WHEN CARRYING OUT ANY OTHER REPAIRS !!! 9. If heaters are used, their power must be fitted correctly, which means that during failure of the G-202 or of the external contactor and switching them on for good, there were no possibility of fire or the device damage. PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page5 If great power heaters are used then the safety thermostat must be absolutely applied on the evaporator. This thermostat must operate on the different principle, for instance: mechanical thermostat. V. 1. 2. 3. 4. VI. THE PRINCIPLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SENSORS, TYPES OF PROTECTIVE CASES For each type of the manufactured equipment a place for securing the sensors and the SCCB settings should be determined experimentally. Absolutely do not change the fastening location nor the way the sensors are secured nor modify SCCB settings without prior carrying out new tests relating to temperature stabilization and equipment defrosting cycle !!! Fastening of the chamber sensor must be done in such a way so that it does not get in contact with food products and is not exposed to damage when cleaning the equipment. The sensor can be fixed using a special plastic bracket. This solution causes fast (on/off time delays see VI p. and 6 and 7) response of the sensor and the entire thermostat to the change in the air temperature in the unit. When desired or necessary to slow down and "smooth" the time of sensor response to the temperature changes we recommend to fix it to the metal part of the unit. Fasten the evaporator sensor in the way to ensure maximum and good contact with the evaporator lamella and in place where ice remains for the longest time during defrosting. Its fastening should prevent it from being pushed out by the growing ice. The sensors, wherever possible, should be fixed vertically so that the cable exits from the bottom of the sensor. Sensor cables can be shortened or extended in any way, however with respect to the following rules: - do not cut the sensor cable at a section smaller than 0.5 m. From the case - it is not recommended to extend the sensor cable to more than 20 m. - THE SENSOR CABLES CAN BE CONNECTED TO THE TERMINALS OF THE ACTUATOR SENSORS IN ANY WAY!!! (in the same way as you connect the plug to the ~230V outlet) - for cable extension we recommend using OMY 2x0.5 mm type conductor - connect the extended cables with great care, by soldering each pair of cores and put thermally shrinkable jackets on them. Then apply water-proof silicone on the joint and clamp one more thermally shrinkable jacket on it. - whiten the ends of the conductors connected to SCCB with tin OPERATION METHOD Page 6 Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, SCCB TYPE G-202 A - General Information 1. Having turned the equipment on, the three-second starting procedure is activated, during which the display will show two dashes, for the period of two seconds, and then for the period of one second, the version of the controller program will be displayed, as well as two to dashes. No activation of the equipment under control takes place then. 2. Following the completion of the starting procedure, two horizontal dashes signalling the energizing status will light up on the central segments of the display - if the unit has not been in “on” mode before!!!. The unit will be activated after pressing the pushbutton temperature value of the chamber sensor. . The display will show the 3. Having pressed and held down the pushbutton for the period of a half second, the display will start blinking and showing the evaporator temperature, while after the consecutive five seconds, the G-202 will automatically re-enter the chamber temperature readout mode. Note!!! This function is also activated during the defrosting time, when the display shows the „dF” symbol. The temperature of the 4. 5. 6. 7. chamber sensor can also be seen by pressing for 0,5 second, which will make the display show the chamber temperature (without blinking) to automatically re-enter the displaying of the „dF” symbol mode after the consecutive five seconds. The compressor activation is signalled by the small red diode in the right, bottom corner of the display showing the temperature. This allows easier check of possible damage and mall functions to the system. If the compressor should have turned on, but the compressor has not been turned on due to the activation of any of the protection systems (see points 6, 7, 10 and 11), the dot signalling the compressor's operation will be blinking. When the protection system preset time preset elapses, the daughter will stop blinking and will be lit permanently, while the compressor will be activated . The delay in turning the compressor on after its activation temperature is reached (user set temperature minus bottom value of the hysteresis) is equal to 30 seconds. If the temperature drops again during this time. The condition of exceeding 30 seconds will be verified again. This is designed to protect the compressor against unnecessary activation due to e.g. articles placement, droughts, etc. After every reaching of the preset temperature (user set temperature minus bottom value of the hysteresis), as well as following any power failure or voltage drops below 175 volts, the G-202 will make impossible for the compressor to be activated for the period as specified by the ‘c2’ parameter. If, however, ‘c2’=0min, the protection time will last 60 seconds following any power failure. pushbutton, the 5-second delay will appear in the 8. Having turned the equipment on using the compressor activation. This is to cancel the power failure protection from point 7 – this will also pertain to the time specified by the ‘c2’ parameter, following the compressor’s prior deactivation. This allows faster compressor operation check. 9. The controller has been equipped with alarm features, providing information regarding sensor’s damage. Depending on the sensor(s)’ status, the controller performance will be different. • The mall function to the chamber temperature sensor will make the display show the A1 symbol. The controller will activate the compressor in the time cycle (clock-based control) in accordance with times specified in ‘c8’ i ‘c9’ parameters. The defrosting process will function as usual. • If the evaporator sensor is damaged, the display will show the A2 symbol. The manual and automatic defrosting is blocked then!!! The only possibility of defrosting the unit is to press the pushbutton in order to turn off the unit, and then wait for the ice to thaw. • If the sensors have been damaged, only the A1 symbol will be displayed. Having repaired the chamber sensor, the A2 symbol will start to be displayed. 10. If the buzzer has been installed in the controller – see p. II, the buzzer will signal any pressing of any button. If the controller is turned off (two horizontal dashes on the display are seen then), the buzzer will signal only if the following pushbuttons are pressed, namely: and . PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page7 11. The lighting system activation and deactivation will take place after pressing the pushbutton. This will be signalled by the green LED. If the door opening is reason for lighting system activation, the green LED will not light up. The button will operate independently of the thermostat current switch over - . B - Defrosting 1. If the necessity for the additional defrosting occurs, due to difficult operating conditions, press the pushbutton. This will make the green LED light constantly on the pushbutton, while the „dF” symbol will appear on the display, rather than temperature measurement symbol, and this is where the unit will enter the defrosting cycle. 2. If the defrosting occurs, and the temperature on the evaporator is higher than set in the ‘d2’ parameter, the unit, after some 10 seconds, will enter the defrosting exiting mode, to resume the operation when the said mode terminates. 3. If the defrosting occurs, and the temperature on the evaporator is lower than set in the ‘d2’ parameter, the G-202 will activate the defrosting process, and after reaching the temperature as specified in the ‘d2’ parameter, the unit will enter the defrosting exiting mode (this status is signalled by the green LED, which blinks on the pushbutton). The heaters version will then enter the defrosting exiting mode, comprising two consecutive Phases: • Thawing Phase – where the compressor and fans are turned off for the period as specified by the‘c3’ parameter; • Evaporator Freezing Phase – where only the compressor is operated, in order to lower the temperature of the evaporator to the temperature as specified by the ‘c4’ parameter, prior to reactivating the fans. The maximal freezing time can not be exceeded, regardless of whether the evaporator has achieved the temperature of ‘d4’, specified by the ‘c4’ parameter. 4. The procedure of exiting the defrosting mode is terminated with the activation of fans, turning off the 5. 6. 7. 8. „dF” symbol on the display and turning off the green LED blinking on the pushbutton . Should the fans be absent or not connected to the S.C.C.B. system, the unit will act as if they are installed. The defrosting process will be terminated following the achieving of the evaporator temperature as preset in the ‘d2’ parameters, or if the time preset by the ‘c1’ parameter has been exceeded. Having turned off the „dF” symbol and terminated the defrosting process, the display will show the temperature as stored right before the defrosting commencement, for the period of time as specified by the ‘c7’ parameter – this is intended for preventing claims with respect to “violent temperature fluctuations in the unit”. The unit performance is the same as in the case of manual and automatic defrosting. C – The Door Opening Sensor Operation Principle 1. If the door has been opened, the fan will be stopped immediately. In addition to the above, depending on the ‘r7’ parameter setting, the light may be turned on in the G-202 unit. The display shows the temperature. 2. If the door has not been closed, after 30 seconds, the “dr” symbol will be constantly lit on the display. If the buzzer is installed in the controller, the short lasting sound signal will be repeated every 30 seconds. 3. If the door continues to be open after the time as specified in the ‘r8’ parameter, the alarm will be activated, which will be signalled by the display blinking with “dr” symbol, and with the sound signal if the buzzer is installed. This is when the compressor will be turned off. 4. If the R8 = 0 the alarm will be activated immediately after opening the door. 5. The alarm may be silenced through pressing any pushbutton. Closing the door deactivates the alarm and normal operation is resumed. Page 8 Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, SCCB TYPE G-202 6. The controller allows connecting both the door opening mechanical sensor (R6=01), and the mechanical or magnetic sensor, disconnected in the course of door opening (R6=02). Hysteresis When programming the‘d0’ i ‘d1’ parameters (the minimal and maximal user preset temperature) attention should be paid to the fact that the ‘d3’ hysteresis value causes additional shifting of the temperature to higher or lower values with relation to the user preset temperature level. This is particularly significant with regard to the so-called “plus” equipment which should always be operated at the temperatures above 0oC. As the Manufacturer of the refrigeration unit (refrigerated counter) (temperatures above 0oC), we require the unit to allow the operation within the temperature range that does not exceed the values specified below: Deactivation min: 2ºC. Activation max: 10ºC Symmetric hysteresis for ‘d3’ even values Symmetric hysteresis for ‘d3’ odd values Example No. 1. The ‘d3’ hysteresis it set at, for example 2ºC For this hysteresis value, the parameters should be set as follows: ‘d0’ at 3ºC and‘d1’ at 9ºC Example No. 2. The ‘d3’ hysteresis it set at, for example 4ºC For this hysteresis value, the parameters should be set as follows: ‘d0’ at 4ºC and ‘d1’ at 8ºC Example No. 3. The ‘d3’ hysteresis it set at, for example 3ºC For this hysteresis value, the parameters should be set as follows: ‘d0’ at 3ºC and‘d1’ at 8ºC Example No. 4. The ‘d3’ hysteresis it set at, for example 5ºC For this hysteresis value, the parameters should be set as follows: ‘d0’ at 4ºC and ‘d1’ at 7ºC Deact. Temp. ½‘d3’ ‘d3’ User Preset Temp. ½‘d3’+0.5ºC ‘d3 ½‘d3’- ½‘d3’ Activation Temp. PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page9 VII. UNIT PARTICULAR COMPONENTS ACTIVATION GRAPHS A thick line denotes activation, while the dashed one means deactivation of the particular equipment. The defrosting exiting mode comprises two Phases – see Chapter V p.3. The “Stop” field denotes deactivation, while the “Operation” field denotes the compressor’s activation due to exceeding the preset temperature, taking account of the “d3’ preset hysteresis value. The heater on the figure 1 is intended for heating the tray and/or the water discharge hose from the evaporator. The heater on figure 4 is intended only for heating the water discharge hose from the evaporator. ª IF ERRONEOUS PARAMETERS ARE SET, THE UNIT WILL FAIL TO OPERATE PROPERLY !!! 1. Defrosting through the compressor stop, ‘r1’=01, fans operate only together with the compressor, ‘r2’=00 t= 0 (c3 a n d c4 im m a ter ia l) CO M PRESSO R TRAY HEATER FA N S to p O p er a tio n D E F R O S T IN G D E F R O S T IN G E X IT T IN G O p er a t. S to p 2. Defrosting through the heater, ‘r1’=02, fans operate only together with the compressor ‘r2’=00 t= c3 t= c4 CO M PRESO R HEATER FA N S to p O p er a tio n D E F R O S T IN G D E F R O S T IN G E X IT IN G O p er a tio n S to p 3. Warm vapour defrosting ‘r1’=03, fans operate only together with the compressor ‘r2’=00 t= c3 t= c4 CO M PRESO R VALVE FA N S to p O p er a tio n D E F R O S T IN G D E F R O S T IN G E X IT IN G O p er a tio n S to p 4. Warm vapour defrosting ‘r1’=03, fans operate permanently after turning on the unit, ‘r2’=01 t= c3 t= c4 CO M PRESO R VALVE FA N S to p O p er a tio n D E F R O S T IN G D E F R O S T IN G E X IT IN G O p er a tio n S to p 5. Defrosting through the compressor stop ‘r1’=01, fans operate permanently after turning on the unit ‘r2’=01 t= 0 (c3 i c4 b ez z n a cz en ia ) CO M PRESO R O UTFL. HEA TER FA N S to p O p er a tio n D E F R O S T IN G D E F R O S T IN G E X IT IN G O p er a tio n S to p 6. Defrosting through the heater, ‘r1’=02, fans operate permanently after turning on the unit ‘r2’=01 t= c3 t= c4 CO M PRESO R HEATER FA N S to p O p er a tio n D E F R O S T IN G D E F R O S T IN G E X IT IN G O p er a tio n S to p Page 10 Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, SCCB TYPE G-202 VIII. SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING Having activated and checked the unit operation (standard settings are factory set), start entering system parameters to the G-202 unit. For this purpose, turn off the unit by pressing the pushbutton. Then press the buttons and , depress and hold, at the same time press the pushbutton. All the three pushbuttons need to be depressed and held for at least the period of 3 seconds. If any of these buttons has been released during the said time, the unit will abandon the programming mode. When the unit has assumed the programming mode, the LEDs on the and pushbuttons will start to blink, while the display will show the ‘c0’ per one second. Then, the value of this parameter most recently programmed will be shown. Enter the required settings, using the pushbuttons, any longer pushbutton holding time causing the data “fast rewinding/forwarding”. Then press , in order to approve the data entered and start entering the next parameter. Partial entering of the settings is also possible. If any alteration of the particular setting is not required, simply press the pushbutton and the G-202 unit will assume the next parameter setting mode. Note !!! The refrigeration unit Manufacturer may block access to a portion of or even to all parameters available from the keyboard, by means of the computer programming unit. If this is the case, and the alteration of any of the blocked parameters is attempted, the display will show the ‘bL’ symbol for the period of 1 second. Remarks on SCCB programming. 1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MANUFACTURER OF THE REFRIGERATING UNIT AND THE SERVICE ENGINEER TO ENTER NEW SETTINGS REQUIRED FOR NORMAL FUNCTIONING OF THE UNIT !!! 2. Do the programming carefully, preferably writing down earlier the values of the particular parameters on a sheet of paper. Remember that any error made when programming some parameters will have very serious consequences including damage of the product and the refrigerating unit. 3. Having programmed and started the unit check it for proper operation and recheck if the settings of the system parameters are correct. 4. Transfer of the Service Instructions or any information regarding the mode of programming the SCCB system parameters to the end user is absolutely not allowed. The end user should receive only and exclusively a copy of the section IX of these instructions. PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page11 Table 2: Parameters Denotation ParaMete r Description Min c0 Max Step Factory setting 24 1h 6h 99 1min 30min 15 15 25 1min 1min 1min 3min 2min 10min 99 1min 40min 99 1min 10min The defrosting frequency. Note!!! If this parameter is set to 0 “0”only manual defrosting will be available, while any automatic defrosting will be unavailable!!! If this parameter is set to”-01”, -01 neither manual nor automatic defrosting will be available!!! c1 Maximal defrosting time if the evaporator has net reached the 10 preset temperature (d2 parameter) Note!!! If this parameter is set -01 to „-01” no time limit will be available c2 Minimal compressor stopping time 0 c3 Evaporator thawing time 0 c4 Evaporator freezing time, after which the fans will start to operate 1 regardless of whether the evaporator has reached the temperature as set in ‘d5’ setting c5 Maximal compressor operation time 0 0 – denotes the absence of test c6 Compressor stopping time following the activation of the 0 protection system as set by the ‘c5’ parameter c7 Time for which the temperature measured directly prior to the 0 defrosting commencement will be shown after the defrosting completion (‘c4’ parameter). c8 Compressor operation time if controlling sensor has been damaged 1 c9 Compressor stopping time if controlling sensor has been damaged 1 60 1min 5min 99 60 1min 1min 25min 5min d0 User set minimal temperature -40 20 1°C 1°C d1 User set maximal temperature d0+1 40 1°C 10°C d2 Evaporator temperature at which the defrosting terminates 0 40 1°C 5°C d3 Hysteresis value 1 10 1°C 2°C d4 Chamber sensor rescaling with relation to actually measured -10 temperature 10 1°C 0°C d5 Evaporator temperature at which fans will start their operation after -30 the defrosting process completion. 10 1°C -5°C Page 12 Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, SCCB TYPE G-202 r1 Evaporator defrosting method, the parameter set as follows: 01 – defrosting through the compressor stop 02 – heater assisted defrosting 03 – warm vapour defrosting (reversed cycle) 01 03 1 02 r2 Evaporator fans operation method, the parameter set as follows: 00 – fans operate only together with the compressor 01 – fans operate permanently after activating the power supply NOTE!!! This parameter does not affect the cycle and method of evaporator defrosting 00 01 1 01 r3 Temperature control method, the parameter set as follows: 00 – normal control 01 – the temperature is controlled in accordance with the evaporator sensor measurements; the programmed temperature and D0, D1, D2 i D3 parameters pertain to the evaporator sensor and the chamber sensor measurements are displayed. 00 01 1 00 r5 Defrosting activation conditions during the unit start. 00 – operation commencement without defrosting 01 – if the power failure has occurred during defrosting, the defrosting process will be activated 02 – defrosting after each power supply activation. 00 02 1 00 r6 Door opening sensor option. 00 00 – no door opening sensor present 01 – door opening sensor available, connected when door is open 02 – door opening sensor available, disconnected when door is open 02 1 01 r7 Lighting system activation method 01 – only door sensor assisted lighting system control 02 – only pushbutton assisted lighting system control 03 –door sensor and pushbutton assisted lighting system control 01 03 1 03 r8 Time from the door opening to the alarm activation. The dr” symbol will be displayed 30 seconds after opening of the door. If the controller has been equipped with a buzzer, a short sound signal is emitted, repeated every 30 seconds. When the time as specified by the R8 parameter has elapsed, the alarm will be activated and signalled through the dr” symbol blinking on the display, and, if the buzzer is present in the controller, the sound signal will be emitted. The compressor will be stopped. 0 – denotes the immediate alarm activation 0 10 1min 1min r9 Place where the door opening sensor is installed: 01 – sensor connected to the module accommodating relays 00 – sensor connected to the control module –Note: A special cable with a plug should be ordered !!! 00 01 1 01 PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page13 IX. G-202 MAINTENANCE – USER PART 1. Having turned the equipment on, the display will show two dots, for the period of one second, and then the version of the controller program will be displayed as well as dots for the period of one second. Following the completion of the starting procedure, two horizontal dashes signaling the energizing status will light up on the central segments of the display. The unit will be activated after pressing the pushbutton . The display will show the temperature value in the device (temperature readings from the cold room sensor) 2. Setting of the user temperature of the stabilization in the counter. • To change settings press the button. The LED green diode lights on the button and recently entered value of the temperature is displayed. • Buttons: are used to set the temperature. Each longer holding of the button causes faster “changes” of the temperature settings. • After setting desired temperature one should press the button again. After that the green LED diode on the button will light off, and the G-202 will exit the programming mode and start operating using a new program. • If the button is not pressed the G-202 will automatically exit the programming mode after 5 seconds from the last button press. The temperature value will not be stored in that case. 3. Turning on/off the lighting system. The lighting system activation and deactivation will take place after pressing the will be signaled by the green LED diode. The button current switch pushbutton. This operate independently from the thermostat . IMPORTANT !!! . The green LED If extra defrosting is necessary due to severe operating conditions then press button will light up on the button, and "dF" will appear on the display instead of the temperature measurement and the unit will enter the defrosting cycle. Defrosting will end automatically after the preset time elapses or on reaching the factory preset temperature. Carrying out any repairs on one own causes loss of warranty and may bring to en electric shock and other threat. Therefore all kinds of repairs should be carried out by authorized and qualified personnel!!! X. TROUBLESHOOTING Page 14 Failure symptoms 1. The display is off even if G-202 is connected to the power supply Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, SCCB TYPE G-202 Check Check: - if 220V voltage is present on the power supply terminals L and N - correct connection of the actuator to the control panel - remove and reinsert the ribbon sockets - connect another ribbon 2. The compressor Check: will not start despite - 220V voltage presence on terminals K and N - If present, then check its power-on the compressor signaling - if not, then check correct connection of the actuator with the control - red LED panel - connect another ribbon 3. Defrosting heater Check: does not switch on - if there is voltage 230V on clamps as described on the casing of the controller - if there is, check the heater - if not then check the connection of the executive module with a control panel - connect another ribbon 5. Wrong Check: temperature - connections of the sensors to the connectors indications - value of the parameter ‘d4’ - correct fastening of the sensor - condition of the sensor cable – the cable can not show any damages - carefully the appearance of the external surface of the sensor case for any signs of mechanical damages. 6. The desired Check: temperature cannot value of the parameter ‘d0’ and ‘d1’ (d0<d1) be set 7. Blinking of dots Check : on the display, - power supply voltage value cannot be turned - condition of the power supply connectors off - tightening of the power supply connectors - correct connection of the actuator to the control panel - connect another ribbon 8. ‘Abnormal’, Check: PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page15 - if 230V voltage is present on the power supply terminals L and N - condition of the power supply connectors - grounding of the refrigerating unit - condition of the electrical installation and number of the units connected to one phase - if you have the type of thermostat (label with output scheme) designed for your unit - if the control panel, actuator or the ribbon plugs have been exposed to water or any other liquid - if the control panel, actuator or ribbon plugs are exposed to moisture or rapid temperature fluctuations - correct connection of the actuator to the control panel - connect another ribbon 9. Problems Check: with defrosting - value of the parameter ‘d2’ and ‘c0’, ‘c1’ the unit - value of the parameter ‘c1’. This is the maximum unit defrosting time, whether the evaporator has reached the programmed temperature of the end of defrosting, or not (parameter ‘d2’). If this time is too short complete defrosting of the unit will not be possible - correct fastening of the sensor to the evaporator lamella. IT MUST BE FIXED SECURELY AND ADHERE CLOSELY TO THE LAMELLA!!! - if the evaporator sensor is fixed in place, where the ice remains for the longest time, if not, check the temperature on the sensor at the moment, when the last ice lumps fall off the evaporator. THIS IS THE TEMPERATURE WHICH SHOULD BE ENTERED AS PARAMETER ‘d2’ 10. The unit Check: does not - the temperature programmed by the user reach the - value of the individual parameters, and in particular 'c2', 'c5', 'd0', 'd1' preset - section 9 - Problems with defrosting the unit. If unit defrosting is not temperature complete, the unit will not be able to reach the programmed temperature and does not !!! ‘refrigerate’ - the way and place of securing the chamber sensor - if any side panes have been fitted in the rack or sliding panes in the glass case - IF THE UNIT IS LEFT IN THE DRAFT OR IN THE SUN !!! - if there are no fans or air conditioning units installed on the ceiling or nearby - if condenser is clean - temperature in the store (each manufacturer specifies max. working temperature of the unit) - gas volume, fans, evaporator heater, hose draining water from the evaporator 11. Wrong Check: operation of - ‘r6’ and ‘r7’, ‘r9’ parameter value the door open - sensor connection correctness sensor - if the sensor is connected to the actuator then check the connection between executive module with the control panel - connect another tape ‘strange’ behavior of the unit. Page 16 XI. Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, SCCB TYPE G-202 RETURNS FOR REPAIR In case of failure and returning SCCB for repair, it is absolutely required to completely fill in the replacement application form enclosed at the end of this instructions. We suggest making a Xerox copy of the form rather than cutting it. PPUH ‘GECO’ reserves the right to refuse a free repair of the unit, if there is no form, the form is not filled in completely or the seals are broken !!! P.P.U.H. ‘Geco’ Sp. z o. o. is not responsible for loses and damages resulting from provision of information on the method of making changes in the system data of G-201 by the producer or its service to the final client, incorrect or nonprofessional assembly and for loses caused by defective operation of the appliance. PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page17 XII. SCHEME OF CONNECTIONS. ACTUATOR (EXECUTIVE MODULE) VIEW. THE METHOD OF CONNECTION OF THE EXECUTIVE MODULE WITH A CONTROL PANEL USING THE TAPE. Un = 230V 50Hz P1 P2 P3 P4 - COMPRESSOR LIGHT FAN HEATER Imax = 10A 8A 2HP 1500W 4A 750W 4A 1HP 750W 8A 1500W 90 mm P-P Evaporator Sensor - Gray K-K Cold Room Sensor - White D-D Open Door Sensor TEMPERATURE SENSORS DOOR SENSOR Tape Connection 106 mm T H E D I A G R A M S H O W S TA P E CONNECTIONS FROM THE INPUT HOLES VIEW. DIAGRAM SHOWS ALSO THEIRS PLACEMENT BETWEEN EACH OTHER, AND ALSO AFTER CORRECT REALIZATION OF THE CONNECTION. G 203 CONTROL PANEL FRONT VIEW G 202 CONTROL PANEL FRONT VIEW Page 18 Fa ilure: Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, PANEL SCCB TYPE G-202 AC TUATOR . V PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24 Page19 Page 20 Fa ilure: Maintenance Manual for Manufacturers, PANEL SCCB TYPE G-202 AC TUATOR . V PPUH „GECO”, G-202-P00 and G-203-P00 Program version 01 PRINTOUT DATED 2003-03-24